#Brooke Winchester
acircusfullofdemons · 3 months
Finally got around to making one of these! I choose my Crossfire Gang bc they're ... probably not the most chaotic of the bunch, but definitely the funniest imo. Also this could be 100% canon ngl. I kind of wish it was bc the discourse & drama they'd start would be hilarious.
Learn more about Crossfire here.
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🏴‍☠️ davvyy-jones Follow
Good day everyone today I will be assigning you a pirate to kin. 
🏴‍☠️ davvyy-jones Follow
@/riverbunny: ur jake from jake and the neverland pirates.
🐇 riverbunny Follow
🏴‍☠️ davvyy-jones Follow
@/kingwolfe you’re Connor Kenway from Assassin’s Creed: Black Flag
🦷 kingwolfe Follow
is t because od m name
🏴‍☠️ davvyy-jones Follow
@/thedevilisrich is Jack Sparrow from potc
💸 thedevilisrich ☑️ Follow
Thanks kiddo!
🏴‍☠️ davvyy-jones Follow
@/run-and-hyde is foxy from fnaf
🐇 riverbunny Follow
Wait, he’s not a real pirate
🪡 run-and-hyde Follow
🐇 riverbunny Follow
🪡 run-and-hyde Follow
#fuckin dumbass #also ur breaking my dni btw 🖕
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🗝 divinityspeaks Follow
Please stop calling @/kingwolfe a dog. It’s demeaning.
🦷 kingwolfe Follow
its. true tough.
🪡 run-and-hyde Follow
but he peed on the carpet????
🗝 divinityspeaks Follow
He did WHAT
🦷 kingwolfe Follow
lol yeah yor care. smells like piss. 
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🦷 kingwolfe Follow
hey. @/divinityspeaks why arjje the kods burning vegges.
🗝 divinityspeaks Follow
Uriel made them watch VeggieTales for the entire month. They’ve been like this for two hours now. 
🪡 run-and-hyde Follow
🏴‍☠️ davvyy-jones Follow
👻 paperwildflower Follow
I hate broccoli >:(
🐇 riverbunny Follow
ok but I actually need to feed my rabbits so please don’t like. burn ALL the vegetables
🐇 riverbunny Follow
but FUCK bannanas
#tastes disgusting 🤮
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🐇 riverbunny Follow
I know I seem very easy to anger but tbh it takes a LOT to piss me off. I’m usually very chill guys I swear!
🪡 run-and-hyde Follow
bunnies aren’t even that cute
🐇 riverbunny Follow
I’m feeding you to connor
#i thought i was on your dni 🤔 #hhmmm #suspicious
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📣 cheerycherri Follow
@/riverbunny @/run-and-hyde sometimes I think you guys genuinely hate me :(
🐇 riverbunny Follow
📣 cheerycherri Follow
but wwhhyyyyy???
🪡 run-and-hyde Follow
GIRL u accused me of MURDER 🙄🤚
📣 cheerycherri Follow
k but like…you did tho 😐
🪡 run-and-hyde Follow
no tf i didn’t that was @/kingwolfe I killed someone else
📣 cheerycherri Follow
#HELLO??? #ON A PUBLIC PLATFORM NO LESS????? #i feel so unsafe omg
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🏴‍☠️ davvyy-jones Follow
am I gay?
👻 paperwildflower Follow
What makes you think that?
🏴‍☠️ davvyy-jones Follow
because I’m a pirate and Pirates are inherently gay
🗝 divinityspeaks Follow
Who told you that?
🏴‍☠️ davvyy-jones Follow
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🐇 riverbunny Follow
Uriel said I broke all 10 Commandments. Yewh, even adultery. Which is weird, because I'm not even dating anyone!
#no vin doesnt count #please stop asking about him
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🪡 run-and-hyde Follow
yes I make bad decisions that put me in a lot of danger
🗝 divinityspeaks Follow
🪡 run-and-hyde Follow
no that's it
#can someone pick me up #im in quinns basement #...again :( #it STINKS
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🐇 riverbunny Follow
we all have our demons. I just choose to feed mine.
🪡 run-and-hyde Follow
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soulc-hilde · 3 months
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Day she/her pan '02 liner
sleep-deprived + depressed + cigarette coded men-centric / stubborn + bubbly + lovesick coded women-centric / blog contains sfw with slight nsfw work
black woman writer = black woman characters
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01 rules
02 m.list
03 w.i.p
my asks are always open
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schizosamwincester · 3 months
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"The Sonnet-Ballad" by Gwendolyn Brooks // Dean and John Winchester
For @spnyuri's John Winchester Week 2024, Day 3: Cheating. Metaphorical cheating, in this case. I love how Gwendolyn Brooks discusses a lover dying in war as infidelity in this poem, and given how much I like johndean, this was a perfect fit. Not that this is explicitly johndean, per se. Dean can also just metaphorically be John's widow. Read it how you like.
As ever, mostly I make webweaves just so that I can make everyone read a poem that I really, really love. God, I love "The Sonnet-Ballad." And for once, I used the whole text of the poem, so I don't even need to link to it.
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dannyo000 · 1 year
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nicnotnicotine · 7 months
help they're showing supernatural at lunchtime in this restaurant. Hi Garth.
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noxentra · 25 days
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katin-biscuit · 2 months
Used to be under the impression that I was not a boykisser, but unfortunately I am not immune to men with beautiful brown eyes
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myinfinitevariety · 2 years
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and then what were our names
did you love me or did i misunderstand
is it terrible
— The Night Where You No Longer Live by Meghan O’Rourke
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willbbg · 1 day
Jensen Ackles is the Brooke Shields of men
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mlobsters · 3 months
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supernatural s1e10 asylum (w. richard hatem)
(this is a rewatch, so spoilers abound)
search up, as my kids would say, what to do when your fixation takes a left turn. spn is definitely still my main thing, but i also just completely lost interest in trying to watch it again. i thought having the project of doing my little writeups for the eps i hadn't done would carry me along, like it did through the episodes/season i struggled with, but alas. not so much
lot of the little xfiles sound effect being used in this teaser bit with the cops searching the building. ps i've learned a lot about the history of abuse against disabled folks including the history of them being placed in institutions like this from imani barbarin (crutches and spice) and current disability advocacy etc; give her a follow.
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dude that's a sweet little car, wonder if that's someone on the cast/crew's. in a different life i would have been down to mod my car too (i have a little 2006 black acura rsx that i love dearly)
the coloring and darkness i can't tell if that drip out of the ghostly possessed cop is blood or the black goo lol
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such a pretty shot i love it and it's got that @dappermouth gothic americana vibe in spades and i kinda wanna paint it somehow. juxtaposed with the most bland boring font in the title screen lol
DEAN Caleb hasn't heard from him? SAM Nope. And neither has Jefferson or Pastor Jim. What about the journal? Anything leads in there?
thanks for the links to the characters from the transcript, wiki! trying to pay attention to what all the boys know about other hunters etc. also kind of creepy note in the caleb wiki entry: According to Jo's Journal, Jo was forced by her mother to refer to Caleb as "Uncle Caleb."
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SAM After all that happened back in Kansas, I mean...he should've been there, Dean. You said so yourself. You tried to call him and...nothing. DEAN I know! (He rummages through his duffel) Where the hell is my cellphone? SAM You know, he could be dead for all we know. DEAN Don't say that! He's not dead! He's – he's... SAM He's what? He's hiding? He's busy?
the sass on the "he's busy?" made me laugh out loud
SAM (snorts) This is a job... Dad wants us to work a job. DEAN Well, maybe we'll meet up with him? Maybe he's there? SAM Maybe he's not? I mean, he could be sending us there, by ourselves, to hunt this thing. DEAN Who cares! If he wants us there, it's good enough for me! SAM This doesn't strike you as weird? The texting? The coordinates? DEAN Sam! Dad's tellin' us to go somewhere, we're goin'.
(little crispy R on weird)
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SAM makes a bitchface and sighs.
okay transcriber 😂 dean's so relieved to get some orders
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psst dean i think you're supposed to act at least a little mad or somethin after getting thrown around by fake-mad sam
i was trying to find a gif of dean spider monkey'ing over the chainlink fence but instead ended up in the tags of a gifset of that scene with sam shoving dean and apparently some people read this as dean was hurt (emotionally) by sam being too rough with him because he's mad about other stuff? which is 100% not what i got from his reaction. if that's what he was going for, i did not pick it up
DEAN Shoved me kinda hard in there, buddy boy.
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i'd expect a "look" to be like, wtf bro? not kind of... dazed and almost smiling
well. i can't find a gif of what i was looking for and i am reminded of why i don't search for spn stuff across the site vs just a blog that i know rb's lots of gifsets. i think that's enough for tonight
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i just made the gifs instead 🧍‍♂️🤸‍♂️🧍‍♂️
also realizing why watching these first season episodes is especially exhausting, there's so much backstory and and character establishing going on that i have Thoughts about damned near every scene when they're talking, so it's just a lot of me prattling on and on. it's like a book report for every episode. because if i'm gonna talk about the episode, i'm gonna Talk About the Episode.
DEAN Let me know if you see any dead people, Haley Joel. SAM Dude, enough. DEAN I'm serious. You gotta be careful, all right? Ghosts are attracted to that whole ESP thing you got going on. SAM I told you, it's not ESP! I just have strange vibes sometimes. Weird dreams. DEAN Yeah, whatever. Don't ask, don't tell.
a) you see dead people too, dean b) ->
Pride Program offers personal perspective on ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ era
By Stefanie Hauck DLA Land and Maritime Public Affairs
When Jason Guthrie was in the Navy, he thrived for the first time in his life, garnering many accolades, challenging assignments and promotions. But one moment brought his upward trajectory to a screeching halt, resulting in his discharge in 1996 after four years of service. Guthrie, who served during the “don’t ask, don’t tell” era, spoke about his experiences as a gay man trying to find his way in an unaccepting world, during the 2024 Defense Logistics Agency Land and Maritime Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Pride Month program June 5 at the DLA Land and Maritime Operations Center Auditorium on Defense Supply Center Columbus. “Don’t ask, don’t tell” stipulated that gay service members were not required to disclose their sexual orientation, but could still be dishonorably discharged if they were discovered to be gay.  Thousands of service members – including Guthrie - were drummed out of the service under the law until its repeal in late 2010.
... His early interactions with other closeted gay military members around him, eventually led to his acceptance that he was gay at a time when “don’t ask, don’t tell” was the new law of the land. Guthrie said at the time it all seemed so straight forward. “You don’t ask me, I don’t tell you,” he said about the law. “It seemed to make perfect sense to me but many of my fellow closeted service members did not agree with that compromise. So, we all did the best we could to live our lives and pursue our military careers.” He focused on his work and was determined to be the best sailor that he could be. And by keeping social distractions to a minimum, he thrived in his early Navy career being promoted often and receiving many awards while working in strategy and policy for the chief of Naval Operations at the the Pentagon. ... After a tour in Bahrain, where he worked as an awards writer for the commander of U.S. Naval Forces Central Command, he arrived at his last duty station in 1996 at a low point after ending his first serious relationship prior to rotating back to the United States. “I was in the U.S. military and in the closet,” he said, “I knew I would need to transfer again, and he would not be able to join me.” What would be his last assignment was challenging for him in many ways. He had a roommate again after living independently for a while, and the people he worked with resented his rapid rise in rank and his previous ‘cushy’ assignments. “I was in a low mental state and had a hard time connecting with people,” he said.  This is where he said he made the biggest mistake of his military life by inviting someone into his room while his roommate was away at work. He thought it would be OK to do so because his roommate who was a flight mechanic was on a different shift. However, his roommate did show up while he had that individual in his room. “That’s when I heard a sound I’ll never forget. A key entering the door lock,” Guthrie said. His roommate did not say a word, went about his business and left while Guthrie and the individual were hiding under the bed covers. “I went to work the next day thanking God I dodged that bullet,” he said, “But my relief was soon replaced with fear when I was called into the command master chief’s office a few days later.” That conversation revolved around working out the issue with his roommate, but the impasse was so great it was reported to the unit’s legal office, resulting in several rounds of questioning until Guthrie admitted that there was another man in his room and that he was gay.   The next four months were torturous for Guthrie, while he went through the process of getting discharged from the Navy.
i was gonna include some history of DADT but i think this story is more important. the policy only ended in 2011. i know don't ask don't tell was a common punchline for many years, i'm the same age as them, i get it. i also think it's gross. it's that casual homophobia of the time period where people are sort of more openly chill about queer people theoretically, but they're still a joke. and the joke here i guess is sam's psychic stuff is freaking dean out and he doesn't want to hear it? but he's the one that brought it up. whatever, man.
(wikipedia) After the policy was introduced in 1993, the military discharged over 13,000 troops from the military under DADT.[111][231][232] ... In September 2021, on the 10th anniversary of the Don't Ask, Don't Tell repeal, President Joe Biden announced that the Veterans Administration would start providing benefits for service members who received other-than-honorable discharges (before DADT was enacted and while it was in effect) because of their sexual orientation.[215]
anyway. sigh.
DEAN Hey Sam, who do you think is the hotter psychic: Patricia Arquette, Jennifer Love Hewitt, or you? SAM pushes DEAN, who laughs.
so we gotta round it out with a little bit of calling sam a girl, of course. people call this flirting, i call it teasing with sort of a rotten core of a joke. i have a tag for it, as i go through the rewatch - the more overt (to me) things about masculinity/gender policing in the show. i think i miss some of that stuff. hey fellas, is it girly to have psychic powers
DEAN Man. Electro-shock. Lobotomies. They did some twisted stuff to these people. Kinda like my man Jack in Cuckoo's Nest. (makes crazy eyes and grins at SAM)
at least his impression bombed :p (my mental check: jack nicholson is the actor, jack nicklaus is the golfer; showing my age, natch)
i don't mean to pick on dean. just unfortunately the writers saddled him with most of the ~problematic~ lines. this is another case where i tend to zoom out and blame the writing and mentally keep it a little separated from the character. which isn't fair but it allows me to continue liking him :p and i'll even give that okay, so he was more homophobic as a character at this age in this time period and he grew past it. which he did, mostly. but then they'll have something like the 8x23 thing and then i squarely blame the writers (and honestly probably jackles too) and keep it separate from dean entirely because it's inconsistent to him at that point and nonsensical.
woof. shut up, bro.
SAM Dean. When are we going to talk about it? DEAN Talk about what? SAM About the fact Dad's not here. DEAN Oh. I see. How ’bout...never. SAM I'm being serious, man. He sent us here... DEAN So am I, Sam. Look, he sent us here, he obviously wants us here. We'll pick up the search later. SAM It doesn't matter what he wants. DEAN See. That attitude? Right there? That is why I always get the extra cookie. SAM Dad could be in trouble, we should be looking for him. We deserve some answers, Dean. I mean, this is our family we're talking about. DEAN I understand that, Sam, but he's given us an order. SAM So what, we gotta always follow Dad's orders? DEAN Of course we do.
i know you'll come around, dean, but let that simmer for a second. that's fucked up.
laughing at the idea that you could get a same day/next day appointment with a psychiatrist even in 2005
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not in his usual little sneakers. kinda look like hush puppies or the like. but then his boots were slip ons too, once he moved to those. and jared still wears some of his old spn boots lol, mentioned at a con recently
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huh! another actual brand. men's health magazine and that looks like.. damon from tvd? on the cover? oh, funny, it's seann william scott (the only way i dredged that one up after finding a picture was thinking he might have been with kutcher in dude, where's my car? [he was])
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our generation (myself included) loves a long sleeve under short sleeve shirt
ELLICOTT You. Now I'll make you a deal. I'll tell you all about the Roosevelt riot, if you tell me something honest about yourself. Like, uh, this brother you're road tripping with. How do you feel about him? DEAN Dude! You were in there forever. What the hell were you talking about?
to be a fly on that wall. that said, i have faith in sam's abilities to bullshit well enough that doctor man buys his story. or maybe he took the opportunity to rant consequence-free, who knows!
hey sammy's got the camcorder out at the hospital, like they used in bloody mary? i thought that was a one and done (they may have used it since and i didn't notice/think about it too)
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SAM This place is orbing like crazy.
IT'S ORBIN' TIME! haha also apparently only mentioned in this episode. but it did get a wiki entry because it was in the official website definition thing
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KAT And Dean? He's your boss? SAM No.
partners, baby
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brooke nevin / sydney sweeney
she reminds me of sydney sweeney a bit. pretty, blonde hair, with big eyes and similarly shaped mouth. apparently brooke nevin was one of the kids in the animorphs tv show? i didn't read those books, they were after my time. i got one or two for my kids but my oldest was very meh so i haven't gotten any others
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nicholas d'agosto / tom welling in smallville
and the boy (nicholas d'agosto) who i, for whatever reason, think he looks like smallville version clark kent in this episode (having literally never watched smallville and only seen commercials) was harvey dent in the gotham tv show. which i also didn't watch! i don't watch many things. LOL which i conflated with the show misha was on. gotham... knights? haha. oh, and misha was harvey dent. that's even funnier
KAT My dad took me skeet shooting a couple times.
girl, me too! and my brother worked at the trap and skeet range in high school in az. iirc he was working in the little house that launches the clay targets
DEAN Yeah. They were rioting against Dr. Ellicott. Dr. Feelgood was working on some sort of, like, extreme rage therapy. He thought that if he could get his patients to vent their anger then they would be cured of it. Instead it only made them worse and worse and angrier and angrier. So I'm thinking, what if his spirit is doing the same thing? To the cop? To the kids in the seventies, making them so angry they become homicidal.... Come on, we gotta find his bones and torch ’em.
okay, i had forgotten this was the explanation to why sam says what he says in a minute. 📝
so i guess it was just drippy nose blood from the cop at the start, since it's not possession it's.... whatever brain zappy mind meld the evil doctor ghost man did. gotta have some indicator that sammy's under the influence too
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DEAN We gotta burn Ellicott's bones and all this will be over, and you'll be back to normal. SAM I am normal. I'm just telling the truth for the first time. I mean, why are we even here? ’Cause you're following Dad's orders like a good little solider? Because you always do what he says without question? Are you that desperate for his approval? DEAN This isn't you talking, Sam. SAM That's the difference between you and me. I have a mind of my own. I'm not pathetic, like you. DEAN So what are you gonna do, huh? Are you gonna kill me? SAM You know what, I am sick of doing what you tell me to do. We're no closer to finding Dad today than we were six months ago. DEAN Well, then here. Let me make it easier for you. Come on. Take it. Real bullets are gonna work a hell of a lot better than rock salt. Take it!! DEAN You hate me that much? You think you could kill your own brother? Then go ahead. Pull the trigger. Do it! DEAN Man, I'm not going to give you a loaded pistol!
just thinking about how the premise is basically taking existing anger and ramping it up to the nth degree, and what the implications are of that in this. we know sam is independent and doesn't like being told what to do (relatable), and is very frustrated with dean's willingness to follow dad's orders instead of defying them in a more concentrated effort to track him down. playing dad's game of him sending them on hunts through the most ridiculous methods possible. i'd be pretty damned frustrated too. and i also understand, but have a harder time relating to, where dean's coming from. he was raised in a way that he understood from a way too young age that following orders was a matter of life or death, and that he had to keep sam safe, he had the burden and responsibility laid on his little kid shoulders. i can only imagine how hard it would be to break away from that lifetime of conditioning.
so that said, just thinking about how dean would reconcile this. trying to think about it without considering what we know about how dean feels and what he's worried about later, and just what we know at this point. but it's hard to think about it without considering the conversation in 1x16 where he lets his guard down and pretty much begs sam to stay with him and dad instead of going back to school when it's all over. in the pilot, he says he can't do it alone - which sam says yes he can - but dean says he doesn't want to. so we know he missed sam and wants them to be a family and partners. but at this point sam still is scrabbling for normalcy and independence and for this to be a short term situation.
so i guess my question to myself is, do i think this planted more seeds of doubt for dean that sam doesn't care about him the same way dean does. but we've got 1x12 faith coming up soon, which should tell dean something about sam's commitment to him. not enough to soothe his concerns, obviously, and even if sam's ready to trade someone else's life for dean's without a moment of concern, he still doesn't want to stay hunting long term with dean at that point. tough situation. when staying with your person means also having to do this horrible life-risking job with virtually no option for settling down, having a family, stability, safety and comfort.
(at which point i think about how they do eventually get most of that, but then dean dies and sam has to go on without him for so long and i get incredibly sad again. when the happy ending makes you cry every time you think about it for more than 5 seconds... i've gotten a lot out of fixating on this show but occasionally i wish i hadn't)
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gives him a pat and apologizes for knocking him out
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dean boot update: still not the logger boots
and for inexplicable reasons, evil doctor ghost man turns into a statue and breaks apart on the floor when his bones are burned lol as opposed to the standard ghost burning up sitch
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crawled over to take refuge/(literally) protect sam's ass from crumbling ghost statue haha
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SAM I'm sorry, man. I said some awful things back there. DEAN You remember all that? SAM Yeah. It's like I couldn't control it. But I didn't mean it, any of it. DEAN You didn't, huh? SAM No, of course not. Do we need to talk about this? DEAN No. I'm not really in the sharing and caring kinda mood. I just wanna get some sleep.
i mean, yes, you need to talk about it. and it kind of breaks my heart. dean is a mess. he only has had two points of stability in life, and sam left for 4 years and then john ghosted him. so he's twisting in the wind, trying to hold on to sam who is looking to leave as soon as possible, and the uncertainty of what's going to happen with john... it's just all so miserable.
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so for the second time we get sam on the brink of freaking out over the nonsense of the no contact/cryptic contact from john and then john comes through with something. a message before, a phone call now. iirc jdm too was frustrated over what an ass he was being dodging the kids constantly
Throughout the season, Morgan became frustrated at times due to his character's avoidance of his sons, stating, "It pissed off everybody, it pissed off us as actors, it pissed off the audience watching, because none of us really knew where we were gonna go." However, he reasoned that John's motivation for his actions was due to having knowledge that nobody else had.[25]
you'd think i was getting paid by the letter to write these damned things. good grief.
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acircusfullofdemons · 10 months
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Ref Sheets 2/?: Crossfire Edition!
Crossfire is about a young man named Jake, who recently got amnesia and is trying to regain his memories. In reality, he's actually an Angel that got cast out of Heaven and put into a Human body as a form of "time out", which is also technically part of a bet some other Angels have going on. Tldr this is the angel/demon story lol.
I wasn't able to draw a lot more characters this time, mainly because they come in later in the story and tbh I'm not 100% sure on their roles n shit yet. Except for Daniel, he appears early on and SHOULD be here but. alas.
You can view their toyhouse profiles here.
🏷 : @burningivy @shrimpnymph
( 👻 ) Paige "Willow" Murphy (she/her): Ghost who lost her memories, Davy's best friend.
( 🍂 ) Brooke Winchester (she/her): Annoying ass cheerleader that framed Nox for murder once.
( 🔮 ) Nox Hyde (he/they): Reboot!Shadow/Shadow reincarnated. Has their own sideplot where their dad — aka Life/Vitalis — is tryna kill them for being happy basically.
( 🐇 ) Jake Rivers (he/him): Angel who lost his memories after getting put in the worst time out possible (stuck in a human body until he Learns his Lesson).
( 🗝 ) Veronica Devlin (she/her): Angel that lowkey helped start a cult.
( 🥩 ) Connor Wolfe (he/it): That Thing in The Woods. Cannibalistic werewolf that somehow adopted Willow after she died. idk either man.
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loveofstelena · 5 days
Multirelationships • Find Your Way
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sammysnaughtygirl · 1 year
i was made for loving you
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a fanfic coming soon :
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dannyo000 · 1 year
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prettywhenibleed · 2 years
𝖂𝖍𝖊𝖓 𝖂𝖔𝖗𝖑𝖉𝖘 𝕮𝖔𝖑𝖑𝖎𝖉𝖊 (When Worlds Collide)
Pt 2 Supernatural/The Lost Boys Crossover  FemHunter!OC x Poly! Lost Boys
TW: Some language, mentions of killing/death Okay, so here is part 2.
Word count: About 5k
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About another 5 months has passed with me being in this world and I could not be happier. Now that there were no secrets between all of us, everything was so much better. We were all lounging around the cave, I was laying against Paul on the couch, when he brought up a question. “Hey, sugar?” He asked as he played with my hair. “Hmm?” I answered, my eyes closed and my body relaxed, almost falling asleep from the soothing feeling of Paul’s fingers in my hair. “Do you think you’ll want to turn? Y’know, so you can be with us forever.” His question causes my eyes to open and me to slightly sit up. It wasn’t like I hadn’t thought about it before. Of course I wanted to spend an eternity with them. I loved them and I would be lying if I said that it wasn’t tempting, but it was a difficult decision for me to make. I was raised as a hunter. I was raised to kill monsters, not become one of them. But I guess I wasn't exactly raised to date four of them either. “Well, I want to be with all of you forever, I really do. But you have to understand that it’s not an easy decision for me to make. I was raised as a hunter. Having said that, my answer isn’t no.” I explained to them and they were surprisingly understanding, even David. They were just happy that it was something that I was thinking about and that my answer wasn’t no. The next night I told them that I was heading up top to go and get some fresh air. “Are you okay, doll?” David asked me from his wheelchair. “Yeah I’m fine. I won’t be long.” I assured him and left up the steps and out of the cave. Once I was up there, I sat down at the edge of the cliff and just stared out at the ocean, thinking. Paul’s question last night really got me thinking more about turning. While yes, it was a hard decision, I realized that I was going to be here permanently. There was no going back home, so why not just commit and be with my boys forever? I loved them with all of my heart and I knew that they loved me just as much. My thoughts were cut off by a sound. A sound that was all too familiar to me. It was the flutter of wings. I quickly stood up and turned around. “Cas.” I breathed out. I stood there in shock as I stared at the angel in front of me. I never thought that I would see him again, but here he was, standing right in front of me. I hadn’t seen him, or anyone from my old life, in almost 2 years. Cas walked towards me and, to my surprise, enveloped me in a tight hug. “Mia. I’ve finally found you. We’ve been searching everywhere for you. It’s good to see you.” He said, pulling back to look at me with a smile on his face. I smiled back at him. Tears now collecting in my eyes. I let out a light chuckle. “It’s good to see you too Cas. I’ve missed you, all of you.” I told him, quickly pulling him back in for another hug. “Well, everything will be okay now. I’m here to take you home.” He said, lifting his hand to my head and placing his fingers to my forehead. My eyes widened in horror as I realized what was about to happen. Before I could utter a single word, I had been zapped back home to the bunker.
I swayed and almost collapsed when Cas and I had made it back. I was immediately swarmed by my brothers. “Mia!” They both yelled as they rushed to me, bringing me into tight hugs while Cas and Jack stood slightly awkwardly behind them. “Are you okay?” “What happened?” “I’m so happy you’re safe.” Dean and Sam were so happy to have me back and to have me back safe. In all of their excitement, it took them a minute to realize that I wasn't returning their hugs. I was stood there, frozen in place with the beginning of tears in my eyes. My heart felt like it was breaking. I was happy to see Cas, Jack and my brothers again, but the feeling of my heart breaking was too much to bear. I was taken away from my mates and I may never see them again. They will never know why I left. They will never know what happened to me. Would they think that I had just abandoned them? Or that I had died? I was shaken out of my trance by Dean. “Mia, Mia!” Dean shouted as he shook me. It’s not like I wasn't happy to see everyone again, I truly was. But the second I was back in the bunker, back in my universe, it was like something inside of me had been broken and it hurt. It physically hurt. I finally looked at Dean, his eyes softened when I did. “Are you okay?” Sam asked from beside Dean. I didn’t answer, I just turned to Cas and demanded that he take me back. I needed to go back. “Please. Just do your stupid angel zappy thing and take me back!” I begged him. “Wait a minute. You want to go back? Why the hell would you want to do that?” Dean argued with me. He was beyond confused and even a bit angry with me. In their eyes, they had just saved me and my thanks was to demand for Cas to take me back? “Dean, just- just calm down, okay.” Sam said to Dean. He then turned to me. “Mia. Did something happen? Why do you want to go back?” He asked me calmly. I looked at them through tears. “I-. I’m happy to see you all again. I really am. But I have people back there. People that are going to be wondering where I am.” I tried to explain, but while Sam was at least listening, Dean was just not having it. “You have people here! You have us, Cas, Jack! We’re your family, not some random people in another universe!” Dean was now fully shouting at me. Sam then spoke up. “He’s right, Mia. We’re your family.”
“Look, I know you are my family, but I was gone for almost two years! I tried everything I could to get back to you but nothing worked. I had to accept the fact that I would be there forever, which I did and a part of that was moving on and finding people to spend my life with. I found that and it hurts being apart from them.” I felt horrible for being so harsh to my brothers, but it was true. I was so sure that I would never find a way back to them, so I moved on. “I can’t believe what I’m hearing.” Dean said in disbelief as he ran a hand over his face. “Dean. I hate to say it, but she has a point. You both do.” Sam admitted. As much as he hated it, he knew that I did have a point. “You want to leave us?” Jack suddenly asked. I looked over at him and saw the sad and confused look on his face. “It’s not that I want to it’s-. I. It’s hard to explain, Jack.” I tried to tell him but it was difficult to explain. Eventually, everyone split off and went their own ways. I spent most of my time now, in my room in bed. As the days went by, it felt as though I was getting weaker and weaker and the pain that I was feeling only grew. I heard a knock on my door. “Come in.” I called out, sitting up and resting my back against the headboard. The door opened to reveal Dean. He slowly walked over to my bed and sat down on it, placing a hand on my blanket covered leg. “Look, Mia. I’m sorry about everything, okay. I didn’t mean to go off on you like that, it’s just. We looked for you for almost two years, terrified that we would either never find you, or when we did, we would be too late.” Dean told me. I sat forward and pulled him into a hug, him immediately returning it. After a few moments, we pulled away, both of us with tears in our eyes. “I know, Dean and I’m sorry too. I know I didn’t act the way that you had probably thought that I would when Cas brought me back here. It’s just that, when I got zapped there, I tried for months to get back you guys but nothing ever seemed to work. Eventually, I just stopped trying. It wasn’t until I had been there for about a year that I met those people and they took me in. I was sleeping in my car, Dean and they took me into their home and kept me safe. I-.” I hesitated for a moment. This would be hard to tell him. Me being in love with four guys, four vampire guys. Maybe I can leave the vampire part out for now. “I love them Dean. All four of them. They make me feel safe, protected and loved and while you guys make me feel that way too, it’s different, y’know.” I tried my best to explain to my brother. Dean had stayed silent this whole time. I had no idea what was going on in his head. Suddenly, I heard someone at the door. “You’re in love with them.” Sam said. I hadn’t realized, but he had been there listening to everything this whole time. I looked over at him and nodded. “Yeah. I am. And being so far away from them, it’s physically hurting me.” I told them. Dean looked up at me. “Maybe we can bring them here?” He suggested, causing Sam to nod in agreement. The suggestion immediately sent panic through my body. They wouldn’t be safe here. They would constantly be in danger. I didn’t know what the hunter situation was like there, but I knew that here, they wouldn’t last long. “No, they can’t I-” I didn’t know what to say, what excuse to use.
They both gave me looks but ignored it. “Well, I don’t want to send you back there. We just got you back.” Dean said, standing up from the bed and walking over to Sam. Sam shot me an apologetic look. “I agree with Dean on this one, Mia. We can’t send you back there. I know that you said you have people there, but you’re our sister and you belong here in this world with us.” He told me. My eyes brimming with tears and I could feel my heart breaking even more. “Please leave.” I told them quietly as I laid back down and turned away from them. “Mia- '' Sam tried to say, but I cut him off. “Please. Just leave me alone.” I told them. I thought maybe I could reason with them, maybe they would understand where I was coming from, but I guess I was wrong. The next few days were uneventful. Sam and Dean went off on a hunt, one that wasn’t too far away from the bunker, and left Jack and Cas to make sure I was okay. Cas not being able to stay the whole time, but he did pop in every now and then to check up on me. I heard a soft knock on my door and the muffled voice of Jack, asking if he could come in. I sat up and called out. “Come in, Jack.” Opening the door and closing it behind him, Jack walked over to my bed and sat down, a smile on his face. “How are you feeling?” He asked. I gave him a weak smile. Jack was always so sweet. We had become pretty good friends over the time that he had been living in the bunker. “I’m okay. Just a bit tired.” I told him. I didn’t want Jack to worry too much. “You seem to be tired a lot.” He said, almost in a ‘thinking out loud’ way. I moved the blanket off of myself and sat next to him on the edge of my bed. “I’m okay, Jack. Promise.” I told him. He looked at me and smiled again. “Okay, that’s good.” He said and looked like he was thinking for a moment before speaking again. “Mia, would you like to watch a movie with me?” He asked and I told that I would. So that’s what Jack and I did for the rest of that day. He went off to go get some movies, snacks and drinks for us and brought them back to my room. It did take my mind off of things for a while, but as always, my mind and thoughts drifted back to David, Dwayne, Paul and Marko. I wonder what they are doing right now. Do they think that I just abandoned them? Are they looking for me? Are they even worried? Sad? My thoughts started to spiral.
As the weeks went by, my condition only got worse. It had gotten to the point that most of the time, I was barely even conscious. Dean and Sam had talked to Cas, trying to figure out what was wrong with me. At first, they just thought that I was only upset about things, but as time went on, they grew more and more worried. “Come on, Cas, man. You gotta be able to do something.” Dean pleaded. “Yeah, can’t you do something similar to what you did with me when I didn’t have a soul?” Sam added on. Both of them were desperate to try and not only figure out what was wrong with me, but also find a solution. “Sam. That’s a very painful procedure and it’s not guaranteed that it will tell me what is wrong with her.” Cas warned him. Both Sam and Dean knew the risks, but there was no other option that they could see. “Just do it. Please, Cas.” Sam said, begging him. Cas looked at Sam then to Dean, who gave Cas a nod to show that he agreed with Sam. “Okay. I’ll do it, but you will both have to stay out here.” He told them to which they hesitantly agreed. Cas went into my room and sat on the edge of my bed. He looked down at me for a moment. “I’m sorry, Mia.” He apologized before he proceeded. The pain was unlike any other I had ever felt before. Even though I was unconscious, I was screaming out in pain, causing my brothers to cringe at the sound. Suddenly, the screams stopped and Cas walked out of my room. Sam and Dean looked at him hopefully. “So?” Dean questioned. “I found out what is wrong with Mia.” Cas told them as he closed the door. “Well? What’s wrong?” Sam asked, desperate to know what the problem was and how they could fix it. Cas gave them both a solemn look. “I’m afraid it’s not good news. Mia, she found her mates in the other universe and when you meet your mate, you need to be with them or.” Cas told them and explained that the mating bond was strong and being separated like this was very bad but hesitated to continue. “Or what?” Dean pushed. “Mates need to stay together or they will die. Mia being separated from her mates like this, it’s killing her.” Cas finally told them. The three of them just stood there, not knowing what to say or what to do. Sam and Dean were just told that I was dying. Their baby sister was dying. “There’s got to be something that we can do, right?” Sam asked desperately. Cas sighed. He knew that there was only one thing that they could do. “There’s only one thing that can save her, but you’re not going to like it.” Cas warned them. Sam and Dean looked at Cas, waiting for him to continue. “Well?” Dean asked, getting impatient. “I would have to take her back.” Cas told them. “What? No, absolutely not.” Dean responded immediately. He didn’t want to have to send me back there, even though deep down, he knew that that may be the only option they had. For the next couple of weeks, Sam, Dean, Cas and even Jack all searched for a way to help save me without having to send me back there. They even tried to see if they could sever the bond between me and the boys.                          
Though, they soon realized that there wasn’t any other option. Sam came to my room and gently woke me up. Today was the first day in almost three days that I had been conscious. “Hey.” He said softly, a sad smile on his face. “We uhh. We’re going to send you back, Mia.” He told me. It took me a few moments to register what he had said. I felt a surge of energy and excitement at the possibility of seeing David, Dwayne, Paul and Marko again. I sat up and Sam pulled me into a hug. “Thank you, Sam.” I whispered to him as we hugged. We all spent the next couple weeks spending as much time together as possible before I left, because this time, I wasn’t coming back. This will be the last time that I see them all. They could all tell that I was getting weaker and weaker, meaning that we couldn’t hold this off much longer. When the day that I would be leaving finally came, Dean came over to me and handed me a duffle bag. I took a look inside to find it full with weapons, books and some things to remember them all by. I looked back up at Dean and smiled at him. Dean returned my smile and pulled me into a quick hug. “Just some stuff to keep you safe.” He told me and then pulled away again. “Also some stuff in there so you don’t forget us.” He said in a joking manner. “I could never forget you idiots.” I quipped back, pulling a laugh out of him. As Jack wasn’t going to be able to come with us, I said my goodbyes to him. Giving him a tight hug and telling him how good of a friend he has been to me and that no matter what, he will always be my family, my brother. Cas then walked into the main room of the bunker where we all were. “Is everybody ready?” He asked us all. Everyone nodded. Cas zapped us all back to Santa Carla and back to where he had taken me from. The second that I was back, I could feel myself growing stronger. Like all the energy that had been drained from me was suddenly pouring back into my body. I took in a deep breath, smelling the ocean air, a smile gracing my face. We all looked around at each other, making sure we all made it okay. I walked to Cas and placed a hand on his arm. “You okay, Cas?” I asked him, knowing that bringing this many people back took a lot out of him. He simply nodded. It was still a little before sunset, so I knew that my boys would still be asleep. Through all of this, I still hadn’t told anyone about them being vampires, so I thought that now was probably as good a time as any. Turning to my brothers, I spoke up. “So uhh. I have something to tell you. I know I should have said something sooner, but I knew that you wouldn’t exactly react well to it.” I started. They both looked at me, seeing the look I was giving them and instantly knowing what that look was. “Mia. What did you do?” Dean asked, already knowing that it wasn’t going to be good. “Well, the thing is-” I then explained to them that the guys that I was in love with, living with here, they weren’t exactly human. They were vampires to be exact. “WHAT?!” They both yelled at the same time. After a lot of explaining, a lot of questions on their end, and Cas helping me out a bit, they were finally a little more okay with it, though they still weren’t too happy about it. As it would be night soon, I led them all down into the cave where we would wait until the boys woke up.
The second the boys woke up, they smelt me. They came flying out of their nest and into the main lobby area of the cave, only to be greeted not only by me but also three other people who they didn’t know. Still, they rushed over to me and swarmed me with hugs. My brothers and Cas stood there awkwardly as I was covered in kisses and hugs. They were so overwhelmed, and were asking a million questions at once. “Are you okay?” What happened to you?” “Are you hurt?” “Who are these guys?” “You’re okay, right?” “God, we missed you so much.” After I got them to calm down slightly, I told them who they were. I had told them about my brothers and Cas before, so they at least knew of them. Upon hearing who they were, they relaxed a bit. “What happened? Where did you go? We looked everywhere for you.” David asked me, his fingers brushing against my cheek as he looked into my eyes. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to leave. My brothers and Cas, they were all looking for me and when Cas finally found me, he took me back home.” I explained to them, making them shoot Cas dirty looks, Cas giving them an apologetic one in return. I assured them that it wasn’t Cas’s fault. He was just doing what he thought was right. He thought he was saving me. After we all spent the night getting to know each other, Sam and Dean asking the boys a million questions and threatening them that if they didn’t take care of me, they would find a way back and gank their sorry asses and the boys asking Cas a million questions about being an angel,  it was finally time for us to all say goodbye. It was all very emotional and very difficult to say goodbye to them forever, but it was the only way. Dean was the first to come say goodbye. He had pulled you into a tight hug. “I love you, Mia. Remember that, okay?” Dean told me, pulling back and I could see  tears falling from his green eyes. Green eyes that I would never see again. With one last hug, he pulled away completely. “I love you too, Dean.” Tears gathering in my own eyes now. It was now Sam’s turn. Practically slamming into me with a hug. “Don’t forget about us now. I love you.” He said, forcing a small chuckle as he too shed his own tears. God I would miss hugging this giant. “How could I ever forget you guys, huh?” I laughed out. “I love you too, Sammy.” I told him. After pulling away, I looked over to Cas. I gave him a smile and walked over to him with open arms. “Come here, Cas. You’re getting in on this too.” I told him with a laugh. He laughed in response and accepted my hug. “I will miss you, Mia. You are one of the best humans I have ever met and I will always cherish our friendship.” He said, tears in his eyes. I looked at him for a moment before responding. “I will miss you too, Cas. Don’t be so hard on yourself, okay? Just remember that, no matter the outcome, as long as you were doing it for the right reasons, it’s okay.” I told him, him giving me an appreciative smile and nodding.
I watched as they vanished, a few more tears making their way down my cheeks. After a few moments of staring at the empty spot where Sam, Dean and Cas once were, I turned back and looked at my boys. David, Dwayne, Paul and Marko all stood there, smiles on their faces as they quickly came over to me and all wrapped me in a big group hug. “I’m so glad you’re back, sugar.” I heard Paul say. “Yeah, we all are.” Marko piped up. “We all missed you so much, princess.” Dwayne added. “Come on, let’s show our little mate just how much we all missed her.” David said, a smirk on his face, but one filled with love. We all spent the rest of the night in each other's arms. Home. I was home. I wasn’t exactly the normal, apple pie life that I had always dreamt of, no. It was so much better than that.
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colonel--sarge · 2 years
jensen ackles really took "dean is mary-coded" and just fuckin ran with it, huh? and i love him for that
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