#Briar Lance
randomminty · 1 year
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uhh hello hi
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babygirlhaljordan · 2 months
pspsps wanted to let u know i’m going to india and the wifi doesn’t work there… so if u have any fic recommendations for me to read. art for me to redraw, or prompts, you want me to write while i’m away! lmk! i got u
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cyroverr · 2 months
why everytime I start or catch up to any manga the siscon mf ends up in my top five 💀
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ofgravitation-moved · 2 years
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while yor works for the pro hero safety commission in secret doing their dirty work. i've also mentioned that she moonlights as a vigilante. and that's in no one's eyes but hers, and the civilians she saves. if on her way home from a mission she spots someone in danger or a store being robbed, the thorn princess won't hesitate to step in. as she works in the shadows to begin with, small acts of heroism like this are very unlikely to be noticed by the public's eyes / social media. typically she'll tie the culprits up, call the authorities anonymously and flee the scene. but every now and then there's chatter of a woman in red and black saving the day when the heroes are too preoccupied with larger scale attacks.
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dark-frosted-heart · 2 months
Roger Barel Main Route - Chapter 15
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As usual, can’t guarantee 100% accuracy on this. I’m doing this for archiving purposes and you can probably find a better translation out there.
Ale ran around the lawn of Crown Castle’s gardens, his fluffy fur similar to freshly-baked sponge cake flowing with his movement.
Kate: The weather is nice and it’s fun running around with Ale.
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Ellis: Hehe, it is fun. Kate’s happy face is cute.
Liam: Since Kate and Ale came, we’ve had more time for stuff like this.
Ellis: Yeah, you’re right.
(Ever since I’ve started helping out with looking after Ale, I’ve naturally been able to spend more time with everyone outside of missions)
When I squinted at the bright sunlight, I caught a figure through a window.
(Ah, Roger!)
When our eyes met, I waved at him in his room.
(...I hope I’m not making some kind of face. Am I smile naturally?)
(Ah, but he could hear my heartbeat from there if he wanted to…Calm down, calm down)
I acted as if everything was the same as usual, but my mind was full of memories from last night.
~~ Flashback ~~
Kate: If I were to fall in love, then I’d want us to fall together.
Because of that, I won’t ever confess that I like you until you believe that love exists.
~~ End flashback ~~
(I did pretty much just admit that I liked Roger)
By the time I noticed how the drug named Roger made its way into my body, it was already too late.
However…it didn’t matter how much I liked Roger if it was unrequited.
(Yeah. I want Roger to like me back)
Kate: …Looks like I’m more selfish than I thought.
Liam: Hehe, you’re talking out loud. Is it about Roger?
Kate: …How did you know?
Liam: If anyone didn’t, then they’re seriously ill. They should be sent to a hospital for being so clueless.
(I guess it’s that obvious…)
I looked away in embarrassment and Liam smiled beautifully like a rose.
Kate: I boasted that I’d be able to teach him about romantic love, but ended up falling for him…I’m so frustrated and embarrassed.
I don’t know why I can freely admit my feelings to anyone but Roger himself.
Liam: It can’t be helped. The human heart’s the most unpredictable thing in the world. It’d be so much easier if your heart followed your brain.
Liam’s eyes were downcast as he smiled. It felt like he wanted to abandon everything, like he was touching death’s fingers.
~~ Flashback ~~
Roger: Would it be good or evil to make curses disappear from this world?
You don’t have to answer me now. When it comes to you, let me know.
~~ End flashback ~~
(...The more I learned about the Cursed, the less I was able to answer the question)
Alec and Roger’s past, Lance’s death, Ellis who was next handed the Briar Bushes curse, and Liam before me.
(Values change so rapidly that it’s puzzling)
(But I shouldn’t stop thinking about it)
Liam: I’d like to see it. Roger being so smitten with you, I mean.
I’d like to see it too.
I hope it happens.
I’ll do my best. +4 +4
Kate: Then I’ll do my best!
Liam: Yeah, that’s the spirit. Unlike me, Roger’s a rational one. That’s why it’d be interesting to see someone like him be madly in love.
Kate: Hehe, was that a wicked look just now?
Liam: I’m cursed with being led by my own curiosity. So you’ll have to excuse my wicked interest.
(I don’t know if you can make curses disappear)
(I wonder if that’s a good thing. However…)
Kate: I promise when Roger’s smitten with me, I’ll let you know.
Sometimes it’s the small promises that are important to live for.
Liam: I’m looking forward to it.
As I smiled back at Liam, Ale and Ellis came back from playing.
(Ah, that’s right)
Kate: Um, do you know a place where I can get some beautiful flowers? I thought you two would be familiar with what’s popular.
Liam: Of course, but are they a present for someone?
Kate: You heard about how a Cursed One named Lance died the other day, right? I heard he was buried at a public cemetery and wanted to go leave some flowers.
(Lance won’t ever come back…so I hope he can rest peacefully)
Ellis: Then how about sharing the flowers from Victor’s garden? He grows flowers as a hobby. I saw him walking around with flowers this morning and I’m sure he’ll share them if you ask.
Kate: Hehe, I wasn’t aware. I’ll go ask him then.
Liam: That’s fine, but I’m worried about you going to the cemetery all by yourself. Lately, young people have been getting attacked or going missing.
Ellis: Do you mean the incidents Victor and Will are investigating?
(I do remember the barkeep saying something like that)
Unfortunately these incidents weren’t uncommon in Britain given its large population.
There is as much darkness as there are people.
(It could be related to how the girl Lance liked was killed)
Liam: I wish I could go with you but I have rehearsal…
Ellis: Sorry. I have work at Jude’s company.
Liam: Ah, Harrison might be free this afternoon.
Kate: I can’t be a bother to everyone! I’ll be fine going alone. I’ll just take Crown’s carriage to the cemetery and come back before it gets dark.
Liam: Oh? Then I guess we don’t need to worry too much.
Ale: Arf arf.
Kate: Ah, seems like Ale will be coming with me.
Ellis: Then take care of Kate, Ale.
Ale: Woof.
Victor had gladly shared his flowers with me and now Ale and I were being rocked around in a carriage.
When I glanced out the window, the carriage stopped not too far from the cemetery.
(Huh? But the cemetery’s still a bit of a ways down)
The coachman got off his seat, opened the door, and signed to me.
(“The road ahead…is too narrow for a carriage to take to the cemetery…”)
I somehow managed to read the sign language that I had just recently learned and tore a page out of my notebook to write a reply.
“Thank you. Please wait here, I’ll be back soon.”
I passed the paper to the coachman and alighted the carriage.
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The sky started turning red as dusk approached.
(The cemetery’s really close. I’ll be in and out in no time)
We walked down the path leading to the cemetery.
For a while, the only sound was the grass being blown by the wind until— 
Ale: Arf arf arf.
Ale, who was walking ahead of me, suddenly turned and started barking.
Kate: Ale, what’s…
The bouquet fell from my arms.
I felt a cloth smelling like chemicals press against my nose and lost consciousness— 
Elbert: …
Elbert wandered around the castle looking for something, his face paler than ever.
Roger: Yo, El. Have you seen the ‘lil lady around? I wanted to get her to do some work for me, but haven’t seen her for a while.
Having found who he was looking for, Elbert rushed over to Roger.
Elbert: Roger. Listen to me calmly. It’s possible that Kate was kidnapped.
Roger: Kate? What do you mean?
Ellis: What you just said, is it true…?
They turned around and saw Jude and Ellis who had just come back from work.
Jude: The princess got kidnapped? By who?
Elbert: I’m not sure. Earlier in the garden, a coachman came up to me looking terribly disturbed. He said that he dropped Kate off not far from the cemetery, but no matter how long he waited, she never came back. He went to go look for her, but only found Ale. Here, he gave me this.
He handed Roger a piece of paper with “I’ll be back soon” written in Kate’s handwriting.
Roger: …
Ellis: Kate wanted to go leave flowers on the grave of the Cursed One who passed a few days ago. She said she’d take a carriage and be back before sundown, so she’d be fine.
Jude: That’s Saint Cemetery. Got a road so narrow that carriages pass through. Somethin’ must’ve the moment she got out.
Elbert: We don’t know what happened, but we can’t waste any time. What do we do, Roger?
Roger: …
There was nothing reflected in Roger’s eyes.
Elbert: …Roger?
Elbert waved his hand in front of Roger’s face and the latter blinked in surprise.
Roger: …
Ellis: Roger, are you okay?
Roger: Yeah…sorry. Just…a little shaken.
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Elbert and Ellis: …(°ロ°)
Roger took a deep breath as if to calm himself, eyes now focused.
Roger: This likely has something to do with the recent incidents. Let’s tell Victor first and then gather the rest of Crown.
When news of Kate’s disappearance broke, all of Crown assembled.
Victor: Her Majesty gathers information from the masses. If Kate was kidnapped, then it’s believed to be related to the incidents.
Ellis: …So it is related to the incidents targeting young people. But why?
Jude: Human traffickin’, kidnappin’, murder for fun, there’s all sorts of reasons.
Victor: As you’re aware, Will and I have been looking into the culprit. Unfortunately, we haven’t been able to identify them yet. However, based on where the victims have gone missing, we’ve been able to identify possible bases.
He spread a map of London out on the table.
Four areas were circled in red—
Victor: If Kate was kidnapped, she could be in any of these locations.
Roger: …
Victor: We don’t have time to waste. Crown will split into four teams and search each location.
Jude: I’ll be collectin’ a huge reward when I find the princess.
Jude: You’re up, ya dumb dog. Lead us to our dumb Fairytale Keeper.
Roger: Ale, I’m counting on you.
Ale: Woof.
A team of Roger, Jude, and Ale boarded a carriage and were now passing through a dense forest.
— Suddenly, the piercing sound of horses neighing was heard and the carriage screeched to a stop.
Roger: What the…?
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Nica: Wie geht es dir (How do you do), Crown? Pardon me.
There was a polite knock on the carriage door and one of “Vogel’s” twins boarded the carriage.
Roger: You…
Nica: I just saw the Queen’s aide looking pale*. I heard Robin has gone missing?
Roger: If you already know, then get out. We don’t have time for you.
Nica: Don’t want to. Did the good doctor forget that we’re here to deepen our friendship? I’m telling you I’ll help you. I might be of some use?
Jude: …Oi, quack. We gotta move.
Roger: If you don’t wanna get kicked out then behave, older twin.
Nica: Allerdings (Of course), I’ll behave.
The carriage started moving again— 
Only Nica was happily petting Ale in his lap, as if he were on his way to a holiday resort.
*Alternatively, red with anger. 血相を変えた was used, which in a literal sense, means ‘to change facial expression or color’. It’s contextual and in this case, Victor could be either.
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epicbuddieficrecs · 8 months
Throwback Rec!
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I've mentioned this when I first started the blog, but unlike with my previous rec blogs, there was quite a long period of time between the time when I started reading buddie fics and when I started this blog (live, five-ish months). Consequently, there's a lot of fics I've read during that period that I've never recced! So I thought I'd try to do a "Throwback" rec once in a while to rec these fics. Enjoy!
this must be the place by euadnes/ @kananjarus (Canon Divergent, Post-Shooting | 75K | Teen): Every life altering event is often led up to with a series of other important events. In this case, there were at least three: An unstoppable fire. An afternoon spent underneath a blanket of California blue sky. But firstly, and maybe the most important of all: There was the impeccable aiming of an ex-sharpshooter. *** Or, the Buck is also shot by the sniper AU that no one asked for.
🔥 Benign Fatality by EtoileGarden/ @etoilegarden (Time Loop AU, Season 2-4 | 23K | Teen): Buck repeats days until he doesn't die in them, has an underdeveloped sense of self worth, and Eddie is the one who wants to step in with him.
must be some kind of twist, I could get used to this by soyxunxperdedor/ @messyhairdiaz (Post-S4, Accidental Marriage | 38K | Explicit): He doesn’t remember much from last night, even less after the fourth or fifth tequila shot. So he certainly doesn’t remember bringing someone back to his room. He steels himself for the lancing pain and cracks his eyes open. Oh. Oh no. This is either really bad or… Well, not really good, but just. Not really bad, and that’s probably all Buck can ask for it to be. Because Eddie is in his bed, Eddie’s arm is wrapped around his waist, Eddie’s legs are tangled with his. And he has no idea why.
🔥 in the night we trust by glorious_spoon/ @glorious-spoon (Canon Divergent, Pre-S4 | 29K | Explicit): Eddie and Buck start sleeping together when they're all stuck at Buck's place during lockdown. It still takes them almost three years to notice that they're in love.
🔥 Didn't think you meant it by EtoileGarden/ @etoilegarden (Friends to Fiancés to Lovers, Post-S5 | 33K | Explicit): “I want - I want to get to - to have some sort of - of promise that I’m… loved. And. And worthy. And that I get to always go to bed knowing I’m - I’m fully, like, mentally, physically, legally committed to this person who - who’ll always have my back, who’ll always - always be there when I need them. But I guess,” Buck shook his head. “I guess I’m starting to really - really believe that maybe I’m not actually built for that. For - for someone actually wanting to commit to me, to marry me. So I - I think seeing the wedding today just kinda cemented in my brain that no one would want to marry me.”  “I’d marry you,” Eddie said, patted his knee. 
🔥 standing on the brink of emptiness by woodchoc_magnum/ @woodchoc-magnum (Post-Shooting | 71K | Mature): In which Eddie is struggling in the aftermath of being shot, learning how to take care of himself and realising he's in love with Buck; and Buck is dating Taylor, taking care of Eddie and Christopher and trying to figure out why he's so goddamn confused about everything.
🔥 Muscle Memory by Daisies_and_Briars/ @cal-daisies-and-briars (Amnesia AU | 40K | Teen): After a disappointment in his personal life, Buck wakes up one morning to find everyone he loves has forgotten him completely. No memories. No recognition. Almost like he was never really there.
oh, my dream (never quite as it seems) by woodchoc_magnum/ @woodchoc-magnum (S6, Friends with Benefits | 44K | Explicit): In which Buck and Eddie are trying out a friends-with-benefits thing (that's rapidly turning into more) when the world comes crashing down on them. As Buck hovers somewhere between life and death, Eddie has to deal with their friends, family and the Buckley parents.
It’s Not the Roaring Dream, It’s the Silent Lightning by giselleslash (Coma AU | 15K | Mature): Buck gets struck by lightning and wakes up in another life where he has everything he’s ever wanted, but soon that life starts to crumble around him and the painful pull back into reality nearly breaks his heart. (or the one where Buck is married to Eddie in a coma dream and he doesn’t want to let the dream go.)
found a park bench for a throne by withoutthetiger / @rewritetheending (Post-S6 | 23K | Teen): Set in S7, when Buck goes back to therapy and Eddie is there to comfort him after each session, much like Buck did for him in 5x14. They're friends, of course, but Eddie can only soothe Buck for so long before it becomes impossible to deny that they're also so much more.
I love the way you spoil me, baby by rosebuddiekin/ @giddyupbuck (Sugar Daddy Buck AU | 33K | Explicit): Buck is a sugar daddy who wants to spoil Eddie rotten and take care of everything for him. Eddie has never had that sort of relationship but is willing to give it a try. There is plenty of adventure along the way.
🔥 In the Gray You are Golden by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels (Zombie Apocalypse AU | 26K | Explicit): When the world fell apart, Eddie did his best to keep his son safe. But now winter's coming on, their supplies are dwindling, and Christopher needs medical attention, so Eddie takes the chance to move them across the country to the west coast, where the rumored 118 Safezone takes in all survivors. Buck's proud to be a member of the 118's search and rescue teams, but he can't shake the conviction that his lost sister is still alive in the wasteland. When he sneaks out to find her, he runs into Eddie and Chris instead, and vows to get them to the 118 safely. But the wasteland has many ways of tearing people apart, and the undead are just one trick up its sleeve...
🔥 you and me by woodchoc_magnum/ @woodchoc-magnum (S6 Fix-It | 55K | Mature): An alternate ending to Season 6, where Buck realises that what he's been searching for has been right in front of him the whole time.
🔥 The Education of Eddie Diaz by mansikka (Pre-S4, Friends With Benefits | 32K | Explicit): Eddie doesn't really know how it happened. One moment the 118 are drunk in a bar after a hard shift, confessions slipping from his mouth as he playfully kisses Buck on the cheek. The next he is on Buck's couch, taking up Buck's offer of an education that could be asking for trouble. But it's just sex, and they're just friends; it doesn't mean anything to either of them. So why is his time alone with Buck the highlight of his week?
🔥 i see you in my sheets (i see you in my sleep) by elless (Post-S6A, Friends with Benefits | 25K | Explicit): Buck and Eddie are FWB, act like boyfriends, and are suuuuper dumb and oblivious about everything.
🔥 a bleeding sun on a silver screen by rarakiplin (gmontys)/ @hoediaz (Actors AU, Friends With Benefits | 130K | Mature): One day, Buck will tell an interviewer that he would be happy to make movies with Eddie Diaz until the day he dies. But first, years before that, he sees Eddie for the first time on the set of Chimney’s fifth movie.
handle me with care by woodchoc_magnum/ @woodchoc-magnum (Canon to S6E9, Getting Together | 42K | Mature): In which Eddie tries dating again, and slowly comes to terms with his feelings for Buck.
Your Kiss Might Kill Me (So Won't You Kill Me) by morganofthefairies (PWP, BDSM | 9K | Explicit): Buck hadn’t been a virgin by the time he’d hit Peru – not even close. He still considered Peru a critical point in his sexual history, though, because Peru had brought him Fiona, and he was pretty sure he could credit her with like 80% of his sexual knowledge. None of that was the point, though. The point was that, six years later, when Eddie called for the jaws to get to a woman pinned in her car while responding to an 8-car pileup, and absentmindedly called him a good boy as Buck handed them over, he had a totally normal reaction to it.
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tacticalspider · 1 month
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drugs, gimme drugs, gimme druuugs ;)
image descriptions under the cut - too long for alt
[Image number 1 shows a redraw of the poster for the DC movie Birds of Prey, in which the characters are all replaced by members of the Killjoys from My Chemical Romance's fourth album.
In the center, taking up most of the picture is Party Poison, dressed in part as Harley Quinn. They have pale skin and bright red hair, which is styled in two small space buns on the top of their head with several strands hanging down around their face. They have a bright yellow mask across the top half of their face, which has dark diamond shapes across the eye holes and a blue gem on either end of the mask, as well as one on the forehead portion. Just below the bottom edge of the mask, we can see a small heart on their left cheek. The beginning letters of "PARTY" are written on their neck, dissappearing into the collar of their jacket, which is a dark blue-purple, with white stripes around the chest and red, white, and blue stripes on the arms, along with a small red and white patch on the left breast, the details of which aren't visible. Party's jean shorts are dark blue with black stripes going up and down the center part and red stars on the sides. There are several tattoos on their thighs, including a row of black and red diamonds, Party Poison's symbol of a pill with an X below it, a heart, and the words "poison + ghoul," all of which are upside-down, indicating that party did them themself while looking down at their own legs. In their right hand, Party holds a bright yellow gun by the muzzle and is propping it up on their shoulder.
In their left hand hand is a chain, connecting to the neck of Bob Briar, MCR's drummer, who is taking the place of Harley's pet hyena. He has red hair swept over one eye in the iconic emo bangs, the beginnings of a red mustache and beard, messy black eyeliner, a cursive necklace that says "Hyena," a black t-shirt, and blue jeans. He is on his hands and knees. Behind him is The Girl, taking the place of Cassandra Cain. She is a child with medium-brown skin and curly brown hair. She's wearing a black helmet with a small red stop sign on the front, red flowery sleeves and a black top underneath a blue collared vest with red and yellow cap sleeves. The Girl also has a funky red and blue layered belt made of a bunch of little circles over black pants and boots. She's got one arm pulled to her chest and the other is punching outwards towards the viewer. To her right and on the far left side of the page is Fun Ghoul, taking the place of Reneé Montoya. He's got light skin, short black hair with one buzzed side dyed red, though it kind of looks like blood o be honest, and tattoos on his hands. He's wearing a long-sleeved yellow shirt with a patch on the left shoulder under a dull green cargo vest. He's got a bright green ray gun in a brown holster which is slung across his body like a messenger bag, grey-green pants, and dark brown shoes. He looks sort of angry, has bent knees, and is holding his hands to his chest, like he's about to bare-knuckle box with someone. Very small and flying above the Girl's head is the Kobra Kid, taking the place of Huntress, aka Helena Bertinelli. He's got a red jacket over a yellow shirt with black squiggles on it and grey pants. Also, I thought it would be funny to make him look like Mikey from around 2004, so he's got loose brown hair and rectangular nerd glasses. His left arm is up and bent in half, while his right arm is extend and is aiming a red ray gun at something off of the page.
Finally, on Party's left and the far right of the page is Jet Star, taking the place of the Black Canary, aka Dinah Lance. He's got a curly brown afro, medium brown skin and a determined expression on his face. He's wearing a black jacket with the edges of an American flag on the back, though I appear to have forgotten which direction it's supposed to go in when I was drawing it, and dark grey pants with black shoes. Both hands are wrapped around the handle of a dark blue ray gun, which is being pointed at something off of the page. Above his head in blue pen, is written "can they keep The Girl safe?" and below his feet "tactical spider" is written as a signature. Along the bottom of the page, DANGER DAYS is written in large, light pink block letters. The letters are stylized in the same rounded way as those on the Birds of Prey poster and, instead of having holes where it is normal to have holes in letters, there are a variety of symbols on the letters, including the black Danger Days spider, Fun Ghoul's green ghoul face symbol, the letters P J F K, Kobra's red snake face symbol, Party's pill symbol., and Jet's blue star symbol. In smaller blue block letters, MCR is written above the letters. Below, in black letters, it reads "THE TRUE LIVES OF THE FABULOUS KILLJOYS" with way too many lines on the E's, little sparkle diamond symbols on either side, a heart over one of the I's and an extra long tail on the final S. Behind the characters are colorful fireworks and at the very top, the names of all the real life people are listed: Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro, Frank Iero, Grace Jeanette, and Bob Briar. This was drawn on white paper. End ID]
[Image number 2 is just the regular Birds of Prey poster, not redrawn or anything. It's there as visual reference for sighted folks and if you used the first image description, then you've already got all of the necessary information. All of the normal Birds of Prey characters are spread out in the same formation - the only difference is that things are professionally photographed and edited, instead of being hand-drawn by a nineteen year old. End ID]
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briar-ffxiv · 16 days
FFXIV Write #07 - Morsel
FFXIV Write 2024 Master Post
Prompt #7 - Morsel
TW: There is an injured animal, but no additional harm comes and Briar is actually trying to help her! Some mention of blood, not not extensive.
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Briar stood frozen for several moments in a mixture of sympathy and distress. He bit his lip, afraid to move since the unicorn before him had reacted so badly to him as soon as she'd spotted him. He couldn't blame her. The injuries she had and the trouble she was in were caused by men. To her, he must appear no different than the poachers that had been relentlessly hunting her for weeks.
Staying still, worried green eyes ran over the slim equine's body. She was thin, almost gaunt-looking, clearly having been run ragged in her efforts to escape the hunters. Her pearl-coloured coat was near grey now with sweat and dirt. Numerous scratches and gashes showed in ugly reds on the unicorn's side, some obviously swollen with infection. The worst was a deep wound on her left shoulder that looked to be from a lance. Even her left foreleg was puffy and lifted to avoid pressure on it. To make matters even worse, rough ropes were around her neck and horn, keeping her in place so tangled they were around the unicorn and some nearby bushes. The mare was wounded and trapped, unable to escape the hunters who were no doubt tracking her now.
The young half-Elezen bit his lip, hands squeezing the handle of his woven basket. It was mere luck that he'd found the unicorn. He'd been intending to search for berries, not a near-mythical creature. Briar had been lucky enough to catch a few glimpses of her over the last months, but she always fled his presence quickly. Which he could understand, although seeing her had always filled him with awe.
It had been at least a moon since he saw her last so he had hoped she had escaped deeper into the Black Shroud, leaving the hunters far behind. Judging by her appearance, the unicorn had either spent it fleeing …or captured.
"Is that what happened?" Briar asked in a whisper. "Did they finally catch you?"
The unicorn tossed her head as best she could, neck twisted uncomfortably to watch him warily as she snorted. She tapped her injured leg on the ground a few times, trying to find a comfortable stance. Each time she winced and jerked it up, wobbling on three legs. With a sudden squeal, she threw herself upward, trying to rear, straining violently against the ropes. Her horn swung, but the tight ropes kept her from severing them and freeing herself.
Briar flinched at the sudden panicked fury the unicorn displayed, feeling a terrible helplessness. Even tangled as she was, getting close to her was dangerous. A swing of her horn could still harm him greatly. One kick could break bones. The unicorn was trapped and wild and that was a risk.
But how could he leave her there?
Taking a deep breath, the Shroudborn set down his basket slowly. Reaching up, he twisted his red curls into a knot at his nape, wanting to make sure they didn't end up tangled in the bushes or worse. "Okay," he said softly, taking another breath and blowing it out. "Okay."
He started to ease closer to the unicorn, keeping his movements slow and smooth. He didn't try and sneak, not wanting her to think he was yet another hunter. Still, as wild and nervous as those dark eyes were, he didn't want to approach too quickly. He didn't stare at her, keeping his eyes angled a bit down, but watching for her reactions. "Easy," he whispered. "Easy now. I'm not g-going to hurt you. I just want to help, I promise."
Briar tried as hard as he could to will the unicorn to understand. Perhaps it was his imagination, but she froze, ears flicking as she watched him closely. It could have been simple exhaustion or saving what strength she had, but the unicorn stood still, quivering as Briar took step after step closer. "That's it," he whispered. "Steady now." He reached a hand out slowly, flinching when she snorted but after a moment, touching her sweat-drenched neck. "Good girl. That's it. Just let me--"
He made the mistake of moving his other hand to his waist, moving to draw his knife. It was a small curved blade, honestly not used as a weapon by Briar. He used it to cut branches or reeds, or even to help dig up roots. Nonetheless, the moment it cleared the sheath, the unicorn shrilled, eyes rolling white as she jerked and bucked, thrashing against the ropes.
"No, no! It's not-- I-I wasn't--" Briar said, stumbling as he was bumped. "I--" Yet again, he froze for a helpless movement before shaking his head and darting closer again. He pressed closer to her side, trying to avoid the cloven hooves churning the ground into muck as she tried to spin or flee. Worry for the unicorn's safety overrode Briar's concerns for himself and he gripped a rope, pulling it away from her neck enough to slip the blade beneath the hemp. He grimaced as the unicorn wailed again, teeth bared, snapping at him in a panic. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" he gasped in chant as he sawed frantically at the rope.
In a few moments, it came free with a snap and the unicorn rose high on her backlegs. She lashed out with her forelegs, spiral horn slashing through the air. Briar stumbled back a few steps but grabbed another rope around her midsection. Clinging to it despite the mare's plunging and bucking, he worked the knife through it as well. When that one came apart, the unicorn lunged forward, breaking free of the rest of the ropes.
As close as he was, the mare's hip caught him and sent Briar to the ground. He curled up instinctively, arms over his head, half-expecting sharp hooves to come down on him. For a few moments, he could hear the unicorn kicking and twisting, shaking off the last of the ropes. Then there were several loud snorts and the pounding of hooves away from him. Briar opened his eyes and turned his head, just in time to see the limping unicorn slip into the bushes.
Shaking and bruised, he pushed to his feet, looking around. The clearing was a mess, but worst of all, there was a clear red-splattered trail showing where the unicorn went. A trail that would lead the poachers right toward her. Briar frowned, looking around before nodding to himself. Picking up the dropped knife, he headed toward the bushes and went to work.
It took nearly an hour, but by the time Briar was done, the unicorn's trail was brushed clean and covered. He'd even dragged the leaves of a branch through the blood and smeared it in another direction, up to the edge of a creek. By chance, he even saw the tracks of a bear. Perhaps the poachers might think the bear had made a meal of their would-be quarry. He'd rubbed out his footprints and the mare's hoof marks, trying not too obvious about it. With any luck, it would at least hide the trail enough to keep the mare safe.
That done, Briar gathered his basket and headed into the woods. He almost went home, but worry tugged at the corners of his mind. He glanced in the direction the unicorn had gone, chewing his lip before following. While he'd hidden her trail as best he could close to the clearing, her pace was slow enough and he knew the direction so finding it again wasn't too difficult. He followed it, carefully, hoping he wouldn't spook her.
Still, it was at least another hour before he managed to catch a glimpse of the unicorn's pale shape again. She was standing in a creek, sides heaving, head hanging. She wasn't drinking, just swaying, eyes half-closed. Still, as Briar moved closer, she lifted her head, snorting and tensing.
"No, no, please don't run," Briar said, trying once again to will the unicorn to understand him. "I didn't mean to scare you before. Here. Look. See?" He set his basket down and eased the knife out. The mare tensed, gaze flicking between the blade and the half-Elezen. She watched, nostrils flaring as he set it on the grass and stepped away.
"See?" Briar said, tone soft and pleading. "I don't want to hurt you. I j-just wanted to help." He looked around, eyes going to the basket. He leaned down to reach in, finding a handful of blackberries. "Here. S-see? I'm a friend. Well, I'm trying to b-be one."
Slowly and carefully, Briar walked forward once more, ignoring the cool water spilling over his feet as he stepped into the creek. The bottom of soft under his bare feet as he took another step closer, offering the unicorn his hand, palm up and full of ripe blackberries.
The unicorn mare snorted and shifted, leaning back a bit, but not moving. She stared as Briar stopped, just holding out the berries. Pawing a little with her sore leg, the mare tossed her head and swung her horn a bit, ears working. Her dark eyes were bright and fearful, but there was intelligence there as she considered the half-Elezen.
Finally, she stretched her neck out, sniffing at the blackberries. She gave a little quiver, lip wiggling a bit in longing. She glanced at Briar and then back at the offering, giving a few nervous grunts. A single step brought her close enough to just reach, lips reaching to snatch up a morsel before she jumped back, teeth crunching up the berry.
When Briar stayed still, she did it again, taking a step closer this time. Briar released the breath he'd been holding, swallowing and giving a little smile. "There you go. That's it." He moved his fingers slowly, brushing against her velvety muzzle. The unicorn huffed and tossed her head briefly, but went back to grab the last of the berries. "I'm Briar. I don't suppose you have a name?"
To his surprise, the unicorn took another step toward him, lipping his fingers. Ears swivelling toward him, she gave a soft whinny. Briar gave a little laugh before covering his mouth with his other hand as the unicorn spooked for a moment. "S-sorry. Is that your name?" he asked, aware he was possibly being a little silly but smiling at the mare. "Winnie is about as close as I can get."
His fingers brushed gently against her chin, cupping it a moment. The mare nickered at him again, expression softening a bit. Briar slowly took a step toward her, hand smoothing over the unicorn's jaw and down her neck. "Winnie it is then."
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izvmimi · 2 years
cw: post-NRC Malleus, palace intrigue.
Malleus arrives late, as usual.
It’s been years since his time at Night Raven College, long enough that he’s settled into the ebbs and flows of being the acting King of Briar Valley, but this habit remains unchanged.
Dozens of high fae stand in attendance, some of which look anxiously at the clock, however avert their gazes as the at once young and ancient dragon fae makes his way through the pews and to the very front. He glances at Sebek who stands at the right side of the throne, and Lilia who is seated on the far left end of the hall. For once, Lilia has a frown on his face, and Malleus knows immediately that this is a bad omen. When Malleus sits, letting out a sigh as though he is slightly inconvenienced, Lilia stands, while the remainder of the audience sits. 
Lilia announces the first speaker - an elderly looking fae, with frog-like features, large dull eyes, bushy white eyebrows and bushy beard, who rises slowly and approaches, scroll in hand.
It takes him a few minutes to make his way down the hall and Malleus tries very hard not to lose his patience, smile on his face. It’s been harder recently to remain as peaceful as he has previously been, the urge to throw a tantrum rising to the surface and more difficult to suppress every time. They say absolute power corrupts absolutely; this is similar and yet something else entirely. He’s always had power in some way - what this is is not power, but excessive responsibility. 
The old fae opens the piece of parchment and it unfurls, dropping to the ground, nearly thousands of signatures visible in dark, almost glistening ink. 
Malleus does not like this one bit, and shifts in his seat. He’s never liked this particular fae, leading the counsel with words but mostly in opposition to any ideas he comes up with, citing tradition as his cause. Bullshit.
The speaker clears his throat.
“Your Highness, in light of recent tensions, I think it might be high time to exile the remaining humans from the kingdom and I have taken the time to cite the names of all those who agree with this proposal.”
There is a very brief silence, where both Lilia and Sebek stand completely still, as though they were turned to marble. A sudden hush falls over the crowd as well in response to the immediately palpable tension in the air. 
Malleus’ eyes grow dark, and nothing is said for the next few moments. Even breathing appears to stop. 
Lilia wonders if there is something he needs to say. Sebek’s hands are clearly twitching around his lance, held parallel to his body at rest, and his rage is clearly evident. But Malleus is icy cool. In fact, his smile widens and the green of his eyes seems to intensify in emerald now, despite the dark look of just moments earlier.
Lilia notices the glimpse of claws that reveal themselves for a split second as Malleus reaches out his palm, requesting the scroll. He wonders if the rest of the court sees it too. Perhaps they do, because as the old fae hands over the scroll, his hand is tremulous, and that tremor seems different from that of age.
Malleus smiles and holds the document with the tips of his fingers. His eyes scan the list and he makes mental note of every name involved for further management later.
“This must have taken you a moment to get together,” he says, chuckling even. Sebek gives him a look of confusion and then glances at Lilia, who says with his eyes that he has no idea what Malleus is thinking.
The counsel attempts to answer, and Malleus cuts him off.
“Court is adjourned.”
Malleus leans forward and smiles wider still, enough that the gleam of his fangs is visible. For a split second, the elderly man envisions a wolf’s jaw snapping around a lamb’s neck, and then wonders if this was a thought or a planted vision.
The fae, except for Lilia and Sebek, file out of the room, clear out of the room, not unlike cockroaches, the shuffle of shoes and quiet murmurings following them. Malleus still holds the scroll in his hand and Sebek takes a step forward.
The scroll burns up in a green blaze, disappearing into ashes so quickly one could wonder if it were ever truly there.
Sebek grimaces.
“Malleus, are you sure you should have done that?”
Malleus turns to Lilia rigidly. “Don’t worry, I remember the names of those who signed.”
He rises and starts walking and Lilia and Sebek follow quickly.
“Your Highness, what is your plan?” Sebek asks. He too is still stung by the idea of exiling his own father, but he knows Malleus would never allow it, especially when the one he loves is…
“I promise not to execute anyone,” he replies simply.
“That wasn’t the question,” Lilia replies sharply. 
“No one is being exiled,” Malleus decides matter-of-factly. 
“You can’t just burn up things you don’t like,” Lilia admonishes. Malleus stops walking and turns quickly towards him, anger now finally evident in his features.
“I didn’t, did I? He left in one piece, did he not?”
Lilia pauses, slightly taken aback, but then smiles. His hand rests gently on the young king’s shoulders.
“You’re right. You did your best.”
Malleus lets out a breath he barely realized he was holding.
“What do I do?” he finally asks. He bites his lower lip. “They… they’ll never accept her.” He’s hidden you away for long enough, and wonders if he’ll have to hide your human nature, forever.
Sebek looks away as he thinks of his own love, tears pricking at his eyes.
Lilia whispers, “give it time.”
There’s nothing else to do but wait.
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Hi! My name is Lance, a 19 year old fictosexual and selfshipper. I have loads of f/o's but the ones I will list (for now) are:
Mitsuru Kirijo (Persona 3)
Makoto Niijima (Persona 5)
Aqua (Kingdom Hearts)
Nami (One Piece)
Nico Robin (One Piece)
Seonhee (Yakuza/Like A Dragon)
Palutena (Kid Icarus)
Byleth Eisner (Female) (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
Yor Briar (Spy X Family)
Dorothea Arnault (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
Lightning Farron (Final Fantasy 13)
Tashigi (One Piece)
Tsubasa Oribe (Tokyo Mirage Sessions)
Android 21 (Dragon Ball)
Oerba Dia Vanille (Final Fantasy 13)
Oerba Yun Fang (Final Fantasy 13)
Nefertari Vivi (One Piece)
Lisa Minci (Genshin Impact)
Chitose Fujinomiya (Like A Dragon)
Beidou (Genshin Impact)
Noelle (Genshin Impact)
Himeharu Fujimori (Original Character)
Ningguang (Genshin Impact)
Apologies for sitting on it for so long, but I am a non sharer
Nori (Kingdom Hearts OC)
Unlike the romantic ones, I am fine with sharing Familial F/O's, but you'll need to ask first
Ichiban Kasuga (Yakuza/Like A Dragon)
Aina Uchiyama (Yakuza/Like A Dragon OC)
With platonic F/O's, I am perfectly fine sharing them. If you selfship romantically with them, I'd like to hear about your selfship.
In addition, I am an EX-Anti. I used to be an Anti before I opened my eyes to the fact that I was on the wrong side. One of the reasons being that I faced some massive backlash for shipping Nami and Robin together, and that I wasn't serious because I had one f/o too many. Yes, Nami/Robin is one of the "problematic" headcanons I have, because it is apparently that offensive to ship them together. I now come here as a proshipper.
It also goes without saying, but ANTIS DNI!
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Best Character Named X Poll
I'm doing a series of "Best Character Named X" polls where all the characters have the same first name but are from completely different media, feel free to send in name/charcacter suggestions, I'm posting one poll a day. New polls scheduled for 1:30PM BST everyday.
If your favourite character is not included in the poll very sorry i have either never heard of them or actively chose not to include them as theres only 6 characters per poll. Characters will only count of that is their first name, surnames do not count. Official characters in canon only, please do not submit OCs.
Round 320: Camille
Round 321: Olaf
Round 322: Dana
Round 323: Tim
Round 324: Daisy
Round 325: Quentin
Round 326: Flora
Past Polls
Poll Ideas under the cut
Names that I have a complete list for*
Rebecca, Steve, Victoria, Katherine, George, Diana, Andy, Nora, Angel, Judy, Jo, Miranda, Pearl, Malcolm, Jamie, Tam, Klaus, Luna, Delilah, Claudia, Juliet, Jonas, Celia, Katya, Cynthia, Corey, Minerva, Ebony, Miriam, Percy, Bianca, Amara, Cleo, Cecil, Mabel, May, August, Francis, Matilda, Deborah, Jared, Kendra, Ophelia, Liesel, Fitz, Aurora, Ramona, Orion, Kala, Madeline, Anastasia, Kit, Marian, Lena, Polly, Cora, Leah, Jules, Irene, Laurie, Laurel, Hilda, Valentine, Joe, Monty, Skye, Walter, Marissa, Hope, Oberon, Lorna, Ace, Calvin, Bridget, Ulrich, Roger, Stella, Lenore, Wanda, Winona, Hannibal, Newt, Aiden, Oscar, Dorian, Dorothy, Una, Marnie, Mirabel, Dora, Olympia, Toby, Chip, Fearne, Axel, Gil, Bo, Rue, Leslie, Isabelle, Agnes, Luther, Sally, Delia, Richter, Scarlet, Bernard, Ray, Nigel, Selina, Harley, Blue, Missy, Perry, Paige, Duke, Tao, Gemma, Cornelius, Wendy, Apollo, Celeste, Clyde, Summer, Esther, Cole, Kieran, Melody, Vivian, Haley, Prudence, Ralph, Azrael, Lauren, Molly, Pauline, Athena, Darcy, Stan, Dana, Lee, Red, Stuart, Cliff, Gabriel, Octavia, Tsukasa, Anita, Esme, Ella, Heather, Riley, Pyrrha, Rupert, Ada, Orlando, Blair, Parker, Ike, Yukari, Tanya, Briar, Amber, Akira, Irma, Marlene, Trixie, Harriet, Letitia, Koichi, Katrina, Echo, Annette, Nami, Dale, Rod, Nina, Carina, Wade, Alucard, Rosemary, Lance, Yuki, Elena, Donatello, Puck, Callie, Moe, Hunter, Poppy, Titania, Fox, Melinda, Terry, Jackson, Melanie, Sunny, Dee, Clive, Freya, Randall, Caeser, Marina, Sasha, Dawn, Zain, Ron, Edith, Candy, Carlos, Raiden, Tara
Names I have an incomplete list for (welcome to send character suggestions)
Richter, Yasmin, Chase, Tina, Rudolf, Melvin, Melissa, Adele, Adeline, Jem, Dolores, Jude, Ginger, Bellamy, Jacob, Reese, Nemo, Addison, Adelaide, Candace, Abraham, Ragnar, Destiny, Hero, Drew, Raphael, Wallace, Jean (feminine), Cheryl, Shane, Tegan, Matthias, Liam, Ellis, Dennis, Josie, Mike, Bailey, Eden, Giselle, Suki, Keith, Wilfred, Blaine, Pam, Brianna, Sabine, Roman, Kalina, Mindy, Monet, Zara, Marcus, Elias, Mira, Glen, Farah, Faith, Enid, Ross, Antoinette, Elodie, Mallory, Kay, Renee, Willow, Albert, Howard, Oswald, Clem, Jace, Howell, Rowan, José, Christian, Ravi, Dev, Valerie, Norma, Tristan, Jolene, Yumi, Sakura, Carol, Carrie, Casper, Septimus, Rosalind, Rosamund, Rosie, Rosa, Gerald, Geraldine, Gerard, Ariel, Ariadne, Anya, Ida, Rocky, Mal, Solomon, Sol, Vera, Vincent, Nolan, Sage, Jojo, Calliope, Roxy, Roxanne, Silver, Noel, Noelle, Stacy, Lloyd, Alba, Virginia, Eva, Amos, Petra, Marla, Dante, Gretchen, Rhydian, Russ, Tate, Tatum, Morris, Ambrose, Doug, Grant, Graham, Aaron, Ivan, Paris, Doris, Rain, Sora, Wayne, Helga, Garth, Constantine, Sonny, Courtney, Jamal, Niall
Feel free to send more suggestions
*subject to change, you can still submit a character if there is no strikethrough if you think theres a character that its an absolute crime i dont add. Please don't suggest anything for the names with a strikethrough as they are polls that are already in my queue waiting to be published.
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j4mees · 9 days
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mood board for my IT oc Lance Briar
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pokemanix · 3 months
Welcome to POKEMANIX
Enjoy your stay. I like reblogging pkmn stuff of all kinds! That includes fanart and official stuff
I also post pkmn card posts for every pkmn character. If your favourite isn't up yet, they either don't have a card or theyre in the queue.
Official Pokemon Trainer Cards Easy List;
Gen 1
Red, Blue, Green, Leaf, Ash Ketchum, Mom, Professor Oak, Imposter Professor Oak, Daisy Oak, Bill, Celio, Mr. Fuji, Copycat, Giovanni, Jessie and James, Butch and Cassidy, Sird, Team Rocket Grunts, Brock, Misty, Lt. Surge, Erika, Koga, Sabrina, Blaine, Lorelei, Bruno, Agatha, Lance
Gen 2
Ethan, Kris, Lyra, Mom, Professor Elm, Silver, Eusine, Mary, Mr. Pokemon, Kurt, Buena, Archer, Ariana, Proton, Petrel, Falkner, Bugsy, Whitney, Morty, Chuck, Jasmine, Pryce, Clair, Janine, Will, Karen
Gen 3
Brendan, May, Mom, Professor Birch, Wally, Zinnia, Scott, Mr. Briney, Mr. Stone, Gabby and Ty, Lanette, Brigette, Professor Cozmo, Captain Stern, Aarune, Lisia, Archie, Matt, Shelly, Maxie, Tabitha, Courtney, Team Aqua Grunts, Team Magma Grunts, Roxanne, Brawly, Wattson, Flannery, Norman, Winona, Tate, Liza, Wallace, Juan, Sidney, Phoebe, Glacia, Drake, Steven Stone, Noland, Greta, Tucker, Lucy, Spenser, Brandon, Anabel
Gen 4
Lucas, Dawn, Johanna (Mom), Professor Rowan, Barry, Felicity, Looker, Roxy and Oli, Cheryl, Riley, Mira, Buck, Marley, Bebe, Roseanne, Cyrus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Team Galactic Grunts, Charon, Roark, Gardenia, Maylene, Crasher Wake, Fantina, Byron, Candice, Volkner, Aaron, Bertha, Flint, Lucian, Cynthia, Palmer, Thorton, Dahlia, Darach, Argenta
Gen 5
Hilbert, Hilda, Nate, Rosa, Mom (BW), Mom (B2W2), Professor Juniper, Cedric Juniper, Fennel, Cheren, Bianca, Hugh, N, Colress, Ghetsis, Zinzolin, Gorm, Bronius, Giallo, Ryoku, Rood, Anthea, Concordia, Shadow Triad, Team Plasma Grunts, Cilan, Chili, Cress, Lenora, Burgh, Elesa, Clay, Skyla, Brycen, Drayden, Iris, Roxie, Marlon, Shauntal, Marshal, Grimsley, Caitlin, Alder, Benga, Ingo, Emmet
Gen 6
Calem, Serena, Grace (Mom), Professor Augustine Sycamore, Shauna, Tierno, Trevor, Alexa, Cassius, Inver, Sina, Dexio, Gurkinn, Bonnie, Emma, AZ, Lysandre, Chalmers, Aliana, Bryony, Celosia, Marie, Xerosic, Team Flare Grunts, Viola, Grant, Korrina, Ramos, Clemont, Valerie, Olympia, Wulfric, Malva, Siebold, Wikstrom, Drasna, Diantha, Dana, Evelyn, Morgan, Nita, Kali, Katherine
Gen 7
Elio, Selene, Mom, Professor Kukui, Professor Burnet, Lillie, Hau, Samson Oak, Guzma, Plumeria, Gladion, Team Skull Grunts, Lusamine, Wicke, Faba, Aether Paradise Employees, Phyco, Dulse, Soliera, Zossie, Ilima, Lana, Kiawe, Mallow, Sophocles, Acerola, Mina, Hala, Olivia, Nanu, Hapu, Kahili, Molayne, Mohn, Ryuki
Gen 8
Victor, Gloria, Mum, Professor Magnolia, Sonia, Hop, Bede, Marnie, Sordward, Shielbert, Ball Guy, Team Yell Grunts, Rose, Oleana, Milo, Nessa, Kabu, Bea, Allister, Opal, Gordie, Melony, Piers, Raihan, Leon, Cara Liss, Jack, Dan, Mustard, Klara, Avery, Honey, Hyde, Peony, Peonia, Digging Duo, Koko
Rei, Akari, Professor Laventon, Kamado, Cyllene, Zisu, Pesselle, Tao Hua, Sanqua, Colza, Beni, Ress, Rye, Cogita, Choy, Anthe, Charm, Clover, Coin, Vessa, Adaman, Mai, Arezu, Iscan, Melli, Sabi, Irida, Lian, Calaba, Palina, Gaeric, Pearl Clan Members, Diamond Clan Members, Ginter, Volo, Tuli, Mani
Gen 9
Florian, Juliana, Professor Sada, Professor Turo, Nemona, Arven, Penny, Clavell, Jacq, Dendra, Miriam, Raifort, Saguaro, Salvatore, Tyme, Katy, Brassius, Iono, Kofu, Larry, Ryme, Tulip, Grusha, Rika, Poppy, Hassel, Geeta, Giacomo, Mela, Atticus, Ortega, Eri, Carmen, Youssef, Team Star Grunts, Carmine, Kieran, Perrin, Kitakami Caretaker, Billy and O'Nare, Briar, Cyrano, Drayton, Lacey, Crispin, Amarys, Liko, Roy, Friede, Dot
Professor Willow, Candela, Blanche, Spark
Imakuni?, Holon, Trainer Classes (1, 2, 3, 4, 5), Pokemon Center Ladies, NPCs (1, 2, 3, 4)
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A poll for characters that never got together during their series or have little to no chance of happening at the time of posting this poll. All characters will be aged up. Reblog for a larger samples size.
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rosietrace · 5 months
「 “Princess” 」
Central Character ; 『 Davidson Novellion, “Atlas’ Prodigy” 』
Others (Central) ; 『 Ellis Clawthorne 』 |『 Lancelot Novellion, “The Second Son” 』
Mentioned ; Roya Callistis | Gwendolyn Schnee | Malleus Draconia | Marina Baleen
Pairing(s) ; Ellis & Davis | Ellis & Malleus | Roya & Gwen | Lance & Marina (Implied)
【 All Ocs belong to their respective owners and will be credited at the end. 】
Synopsis: “Ellis has a great day, everyday; But Davis only has a good day if Ellis looks at him.”
Warning(s): Low-key possessive Davis, potentially ooc, jealousy (over MallEllis), Ellis being Davis' personal eyesore, pining (up to interpretation if Ellis reciprocates), Davis being very “silly”, Lance getting dragged into his brother's bullshit /j, 0% angst, can Davis just be a warning /j /j
[ Apologies for any out of character moments ]
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Davis liked watching Ellis when she wasn't looking.
To Lance, it felt creepy on Davis' part, but he didn't see it that way. He found it romantic, a testament to the yearning, the infatuation he'd developed for this one girl he just happened to meet during a joint event between Night Raven and Royal Sword.
He tried, genuinely— he tried to hold off on whatever he began to feel for Ellis. He cursed himself in the mirror every morning for every failed attempt to lose sight of those… feelings.
Davis hated that he loved Ellis. But what he hated more was how oblivious Ellis seemed to be for the feelings that harbored his cold, black heart.
After yet another attempt at forgetting the feelings he felt for Ellis by sparring with Roya — and losing — Davis slumped his shoulders, sitting with Lance during their lunch break and lazily chewing on his french fries with ink black ketchup.
Lance's nose wrinkled at the sight, but didn't comment further. Instead, what he chose to comment on was, “you should really channel your romantic feelings into actually pursuing Miss Clawthorne, instead of…”
He made a vague gesture to Roya, who was acting disgustingly lovesick while writing one of the many, many, many letters he's been sending to some ‘Gwendolyn Schnee’ for the past 2 weeks. Whoever that was.
Davis scoffed, eyes rolling back. “I don't like Ellis.”
“I have many reasons to doubt that,” Lance grumbled, taking one of Davis' fries and tossing them into his mouth. “You aren't exactly subtle.”
“And you are as horrible at flirting as Roya,” Davis snapped, then a beat passed before he added, “... Possibly worse.”
Lance didn't bother to comment on that, either. Coward.
“I'm just saying, shouldn't you at least… give courting her a shot?”
“And why,” Davis' amber hues stared daggers at the boy he calls little brother, “would I do that?”
“You definitely seem to like her a great deal.”
“I do not.”
That got him Lance's most exaggerated eye roll, and a click of his tongue. “Why must you put your pride before everything else…”
“What was that, little brother?” Davis sent him a sharp-edged smile, a warning.
Lance knew the man his older brother was. Stubborn as he may be, if he sees potential competition for something… someone he seems his, he'll play the role of the competitor.
The only thing that put Lance out of his bored, frankly tired state of mind was the text he received from a certain siren he held near and dear to his heart.
It was a bit of (not a bit of) a controversial topic for Davis to admit, so he never actually voiced his thoughts aloud… but if he was being completely honest with himself, he did not like Malleus Draconia.
He already had a number of reasons to dislike the crown prince of Briar Valley; it seemed to hurt Davis' pride at the obvious revelation that in a world like Twisted Wonderland, there will always be someone more gifted, more powerful than he could even fathom.
He didn't see the point in Malleus wanting to study amongst the ‘lowly mortals’ of Night Raven College when, by Davis' account, Malleus was more gifted than most of the entire academy. If it were him, he wouldn't have attended an arcane academy to begin with, if he had even a sliver of the power that emitted from Malleus’ being.
But now, as of recently, Davis had now discovered a new reason to dislike the soon-to-be ruler of the abyss— his closeness in relation to Ellis.
How petty, below my station, Davis thought, biting his tongue before one of his snarky opinions let loose and wreaked havoc while he and the rest of RSA were paying a visit to Night Raven College.
He watched Ellis and Malleus share some small talk, most of which consisted of Malleus making some mundane joke Davis couldn't hear from this distance, and Ellis laughing along with him.
Whether or not she was doing it out of pity or not, Davis didn't know. And he pretended that he didn't care.
Oh, but seeing the smiles they gave one another… the playfulness in which their conversation seemed to shift back and forth in an endless cesspool of affectionate filth…
To say Davis wanted to punch a hole through Draconia’s chest was an understatement.
So, one could say with utmost confidence that when Malleus most unfortunately had to leave Ellis to her own devices, that Davis automatically stole her away at the quickest opportunity.
If it was an understatement for Davis wanting to punch through Malleus' chest, it was just as, if not even more of an understatement when Lance decided to give his older brother the good-old-fashioned stink eye.
“It appears you are alone,” Davis said with an intonation that clearly suggested that his intentions were far from friendly.
Ellis hummed. “You're in a cheerier mood since the last time we talked…”
He chuckled at her skepticism. “What, is it wrong for me to smile every once in a while?”
“No,” Ellis quickly deflected that assumption with a flick of her wrist, “but it's definitely not something I'd see everyday… then again, I don't really see you everyday, either.”
“Why?” Davis began to tease, “do you wish to see me more often?”
Ellis deadpanned. “That isn't what I said.”
“Well, it sounded like it.”
“But just because it did, doesn't mean I meant it.”
“Oh, you wound me dearly, Princess…” Davis sent her a pout. “Do you truly detest being in my company that much?”
“What I detest,”— she said with crossed arms, her voice mimicking, mocking the intonation of arrogance that dripped from Davis—“is being in the vicinity of someone who so clearly doesn't have any good intentions, whatsoever.”
Davis scoffed melodramatically loudly. “Oh, how quaint! The representative of the common folk is speaking up against a man of higher station.”
“So it would seem.” Ellis harrumphed, turning her heel and making her way further from Davis.
“I guess I was right to guess your status was at the level of your high horse!”
Davis sighed to himself as she walked further and further away from his line of sight, then childishly stomped on his foot at how dreamily he'd done it.
He turned a corner, his eyes darting about the room until he caught sight of his little brother having idle chitchat with… some girl.
He heard Lance clear his throat, uttering the words, “you smell like saltwater,” and making Davis — and Marina — grimace at how… questionable Lance's choice of words were.
Then again, Davis thought, striding towards Lance, my baby brother was never a man of many words.
“I… smell like saltwater,” Marina repeated, blinking more than once to try and process that she definitely heard him right. That she wasn't hallucinating.
Lance seemed to realize at how poorly he'd chosen his words and was ready to try and explain himself, when all of a sudden Davis had strode past him and Marina, held a tight grip on Lance's forearm, and dragging him to one of the darker corners of the room.
“Wha-” Lance yanked his arm from his brother's grasp. “What are you doing-?”
“That thing.” Well, that didn't seem to narrow it down.
Lance narrowed his eyes. “What thing?”
“That thing you mentioned to me, the other day.”
“The- The courtship…?”
Davis snapped his fingers to shut him up, which suggested that that was, in fact, what Davis meant.
“By the Seven…” it was impossible for Lance to hide his exasperation for his brother's antics.
“Please don't tell me you're going to treat it like a competition.”
“Pffft-” Davis held in his chortle. “Oh please, even if it were, I'd win.”
“Ellis isn't a prize to be won.”
“You think I don't know that?”
“If you do know that, you wouldn't be treating her like some trophy you'll get after- What, pursuing her??”
With a flick of his fingers to Lance's forehead, Davis released a huff. “Oh, worry not about such dilly-dallying nonsense, dearest little brother of mine.”
“It can't be that hard, can it?”
It was, in fact, harder than he'd originally anticipated.
With the vastness of the Lucretius family's wealth, Davis could spend as much of it as possible and he could get away with it… as long as he does it under the guise of an important investment.
He wasn't too worried about trying to figure out what Ellis wanted. With the circumstances of her living situation, at first, Davis had thought about buying her some essentials so she could live less like a street rat living in a hobo hut.
… Until he saw the various ideas Roya had come up with for this “Gwendolyn Schnee” girl, and just went off of that.
And now, he was here; standing before Ellis, who sat on a bench in the main street of NRC, reading yet another one of her pretty little books.
Only this time, his attention was solely on her. Not the scenery, not her book— her.
Ellis looked up from her book, up at the man obscuring the light that allowed her to actually see what she was reading.
“To what do I owe this dubious honor?”
Davis snorted at her tone. “Owe it to the man calling himself your admirer.”
“You?” Ellis tilted her head, putting a bookmark on the page she was reading and setting her book down on her lap.
Davis flinched, grimacing. Well shit-
“No! God- No,” he said, laughing it off with a smug little smile on his face. “I am… simply relaying what he requested me to give you.”
Ellis blinked. “Really.”
“I never pegged you to be all that benevolent…”
“Wha-! I can be nice when I want to be!”
“So, you choose to have a stick up your…” Ellis trailed off, giving him her most dubious side eye.
… Cute, Davis admitted in the back of his mind.
After a moment of silence, Ellis sighed and extended her hand to Davis. “Well, I guess my curiosity's getting the best of me, once again. Bring in the ‘gift’, Davidson Novellion.”
There. He gave it to her. A keychain of a bouquet of pink roses, with her initials engraved in the back.
Quietly, there was some part of Davis that fretted over whether that gift was the right choice, or not. A part of him asked himself if this was even worth it.
But seeing that small, yet unexpected smile on Ellis' face seemed to be enough of an answer for him. A light shone over his darkness, glistening, glimmering in all its elysian glory; a safeness Davis hadn't felt around… anyone in a long time.
It made him smile, as well. And Ellis was quick enough to catch it, but didn't comment on. Better to accept this gift from an ‘anonymous’ admirer than to wound Davis Novellion’s pride.
“... I like it,” Ellis said, endearment cursing Davis' name. “Feel free to tell my secret admirer that I appreciate the sentiment.”
“I like keychains, so… it means a lot that they chose one for me. Even if it probably doesn't seem like much.”
Davis wanted to scoff at her, hold her by her chin and tell her that a keychain like that cost a lot. Platinum and an equally skilled artisan, to be exact.
With a clear throat, Davis replied. “Very well. I'm sure they'll be in high spirits knowing you liked such a gift.”
He very much was, in fact, in high spirits; quite possibly already thinking ahead of the different gifts he could give to her in the near future.
The two of them barely exchanged any words other than that, with Davis giving Ellis an uncharacteristic pat on the head, and walking off without another word… other than the defensive responses he began giving Lance after dragging him away from Marina.
And yet again, Ellis smiled. Bigger, brighter.
And it wasn't because of the keychain.
【 Taglist / Credits 】
↳ In order of OC appearances/mentions
Ellis Clawthorne — @starry-night-rose 🩷
Lancelot Novellion — Me! 😈
Roya Callistis — Me! 😈
Gwendolyn Schnee — @/starry-night-rose 🩷
Marina Baleen — @/starry-night-rose 🩷
@jasdiary | @authoruio | @fumikomiyasaki | @nem0-nee | @sakuramidnight15 | @geminiiviolets | @twsted-princess | @mystery-skulls-ghost | @abyss-wonderer | @absolutelyobsessedkiya / @twistedsongstressofstarz | @terrovaniadorm / @hallowed-delights | @valse-a-mille-temps |
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a-thought-daughter · 10 months
Vivi-Design EAH Fancast 2.0 (Pt. 1)
So a couple of months ago I made this: https://www.tumblr.com/childofmattel/711008760788877312/eah-fancast-part-1
I fancasted @vivi-designs EAH and I'm pretty sure it was my most viewed post. Anyways I've decided to do a little recast of my fancast. Some of them haven't changed but I tried to make it more accurate to Vivi-Design's EAH and I also tried to fancast more actors as the characters so this recast has a little more knowledge than the other. Anyways, enough talking here's my new fancast.
Part 2: https://www.tumblr.com/childofmattel/735638317217021952/vivi-design-eah-fancast-20-pt2
Part 3: https://www.tumblr.com/childofmattel/739329240523227137/eah-recast-pt3
Part 4: https://www.tumblr.com/childofmattel/739542620483747840/vivi-design-eah-fancast-20-pt4
Part 5: https://www.tumblr.com/childofmattel/739611898471923712/vivi-design-eah-fancast-20-pt5
Morgan Lily as Apple White
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She's still a curvier Apple White but I just made her a little younger. I also think Morgan Lily matches the pinterest Vivi-Design's made of Apple White more than my original one.
Abigale Corrigan as Raven Queen
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If you haven't watched Harlan Coben's Shelter you def should, it's a great show (so sad it got cancelled). Anyways I think Ema is alot like Raven Queen, like a lot like Raven Queen. Also Abigale Corrigan has that emo vibe that Vivi's Raven has and I'm glad I found a FC that fits that.
Maitreyi Ramakrishnan as Briar Beauty
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Keeping Maitreyi Ramakrishnan as Briar Beauty because I love her and I truly think she'd be a perfect Briar Beauty. I was trying to find someone with brown hair but I don't really think it matters that much and I truly think that if Maitreyi Ramakrishnan was Briar Beauty it'd be 👨‍🍳 💋
Jada Jones as Faybelle Thorne
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According to the Google Slides, vivi's Faybelle is Blasian and so is Jada Jones. This picture of her really gave me Faybelle vibes and although she has black hair idc. I feel like this is a good FC for Vivi's Faybelle especially.
Willow Allen as Ashlynn Ella
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I really do wish there was more Inuit celebrities in the industry but I stumbled across Willow Allen and I think she's honestly a beautiful Ashlynn Ella. I do like Anna Lambe as Ashlynn Ella aswell but I decided to use her again in Ever After High for another character. Anyways I think Willow Allen would be a great Ashlynn Ella.
Laya DeLeon Hayes as Farrah Goodfairy
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I don’t think I can recast her. Everytime I think of Farrah I think of Laya
Tyler DiChiara as Hunter Huntsman
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I know him from Gotham Knights (I know it got a lot of hate but it was actually so good) and when watching it I kept thinking how he'd definitely make a good hunter. Bonus point because's he's actually trans and Vivi's hunter is aswell. #TransHunterHuntsman
I've decided to keep my fancast of the Charmings the same. (Sorry the pictures are so small, they looked bigger before posting) So
Leo.wz = Daring
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Lance Lim = Dexter
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Minnie Mills = Darling
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I think this fancast is probably my favorite ones. Even though they don't play the characters as there is no live-action EAH I think that if these people were to play them they'd be amazing. Although Minnie Mills doesn't have the same hair color as Darling, she could lowkey just wear a wig and it'd be fine to me but it's not that big of a deal because it's not like Daring's whole character is the color of her hair.
Briana Roy as Madeline Hatter
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At first my recast was going to be Malia Baker but then I found her and I was like "This is my new Maddie Fancast" I still think Malia could play a good Maddie but something about this actor screams Maddie to me. She doesn’t look a lot like the one of Vivi's Pinterest but I totally think she could.
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