#Bri needs to get herself together
weemsfreak · 1 year
Larissa Weems x fReader
Larissa hasn't been herself lately, and to make things worse, she's nearing 50.
Happy ending, ~3.9k words
Warnings: Suicidal ideation, depressed and tired Larissa
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You knocked on the large wooden doors to the principals office, awaiting the sound of a voice that would bless your ears. It was the middle of the school day, she had to be here. When no response came, you decided you'd try the handle, and you walked in unexpectedly being greeted by nobody.
You made your way cautiously to the desk, which held nothing on its surface- except for a calendar.
December 2023
Tuesday - 'Rogers birthday'
Friday -'My birthday'
You weren't surprised that Larissa was keeping track of birthdays, she was in charge of planning them, after all. When a staff member at Nevermore had a birthday, Larissa would plan a social for the end of the work day. Like today for instance, you would soon be heading for cake, a little gift for roger, and perhaps a few drinks with the other teachers. Oddly enough though, you hadn't heard mention of a social on Friday. You focused on the calendar slot where Larissa had written 'My birthday'. December 8th, you committed to memory, that was her birthday.
Rogers party was enjoyable. The cake was rather yummy, and the staff had a few laughs together. "So, any more birthdays coming up soon? I could go for another cake" Roger joked after thanking Larissa for the party. Larissa tilted her head in thought, "Um, no. Not until next month." Some teachers let out a sarcastic huff of disappointment, but you took in the woman before you, confused.
Her face told you otherwise, it told you that she had lied, rather well, but not well enough.
Her face told a story, that maybe only you could read, of sadness, rejection, and loneliness. Perhaps Larissa didn't like the attention, or perhaps she didn't like parties. Perhaps she was scared of getting older, many people were.
You have only recently, about four months ago, became part of the Nevermore family, but you were quick to feel accepted and become enamoured with the woman. You and Larissa weren't very close, but that was likely because you were far too shy around her. Still, you thought that Larissa deserved to celebrate, she deserved to celebrate herself.
When the social came to an end, you pulled Vlad aside and asked if he had ever attended a celebration for Larissa's birthday, to which he shook his head no, and said that he was sure it was in the summer, because nobody had ever mentioned it.
That night you did a little digging. Probably, most likely, definitely too much digging. Did you go too far with things? Sometimes. But this was important, this was important to you.
You called your friend who worked for the United States government. "You want to know someone's birthday, huh? What are you doing, planning a party?" You laughed, why else would you want to know someone's birthday? "Larissa Marie Weems. Yes, I found it. Born in England, came to the United States in 1989-" "Okay Bri, I don't need her whole history" you interrupted. "Sorry, sorry. Her birthday is December 8th, 1973. Well, according to her file, anyway" she chuckled. You thanked your friend before hanging up and getting to work.
Larissa had not been herself lately. Weather it was due to her slow recovery, the betrayal of a supposed friend last year, the school being in shambles until some months ago, or her blatant loneliness, she didn’t know. Perhaps it was everything. She had not been herself since, well, since when? Who was she, exactly?
The headmistress of Nevermore, the girl who stayed in the same place mentally, and also physically, most of her life? The girl who loved, and lost, but was never loved back, was never lost in return. The girl who studied, excelled, travelled, and then came back. The girl who stayed, she was always the girl who stayed.
And now she was a woman, nearing 50, who still stayed. She stayed in her mind, full of trauma, deaths, and, you guessed it, more trauma. She stayed in her school, in her home, which was starting to feel, unsafe? Unlike a home, unlike her. She stayed in her thoughts, which were heartbreakingly also starting to feel unsafe.
Ah yes, she was nearing 50. And after all of these years, so, so many years, she thought that she may have a friend by now. A real friend, perhaps a partner. Someone who didn't abandon her willingly, or die on her unwillingly. Someone who wouldn't try to kill her for their own benefit.
She didn't know, had no clue actually, what she would do, what she could do, to get someone to like her. What was so wrong with her, she thought. What was so wrong with her that nobody liked her? She wasn't ugly, although she could be insecure. She could be scary, mean, authoritative, it was her job, her demeanour. But, she could also be sweet, loving, kind, caring, helpful, she knew that she was all of those things.
Deep down, she knew. Deep, deep down, she knew she wanted to love, she had SO much love to give. Alas, it seemed nobody wanted to give it back. So, she spent her years taking care of the younger generation, hoping and praying that none of them would turn out like she had. Depressed, lonely, full of defeat, trauma, self hatred and, love. She spent her time trying to bury her thoughts in work, in late nights, in wine, under a façade, but deep, deep down, she wanted out. She no longer wanted to be the one who stayed.
She stared at the calendar which was now on her coffee table, haunting her as she downed another glass of red. December 8th, a day that her mother had brought her into this world, this nasty, cruel, unforgiving, hateful world. This beautiful, tearjerking, progressive, lovely world. December 8th, the day that her family rarely celebrated. December 8th, the day that she rarely celebrated. God she loved that day, and at the same time, she absolutely resented it. She really, really dreaded that day, for it was a day that Morticia had ignored and belittled.
December 6th, 1990
"Happy Birthday Tish!" Larissa smiled, greeting Morticia in the quad at lunch. "Thank you Issa" Morticia replied, wrapping her arms around the taller girl. Larissa held a small box out to Morticia, "I got you something." Morticia took the box and sat down, Larissa sat across from her. Morticia opened the box and found a small black bracelet that Larissa had made especially for her. The beads were made of obsidian and onyx, with an 'M' placed in the middle. Morticia slipped it on and took Larissa's hand, "Thank you Issa" she said, as she blew her a kiss. Morticia then turned her attention to Gomez and a few other girls at the table. "So, I was thinking Saturday, we invite everyone to my room and then down to the quad for my birthday celebration!" Gomez agreed, and the other girls quickly followed up with fun things that they could do to celebrate. "Tish?" Larissa spoke quietly. "Cara Mia?" Morticia replied. "My birthday is Saturday, remember?" Morticia's eyebrows furrowed before she faked an expression of surprise. "Oh, right. Well, can you celebrate Sunday? Or another day?" Larissa looked down to her lap and fidgeted with her hands as she pondered Morticia's words. Another day? But her birthday was actually on Saturday, Morticia's wasn't. "Well, can't you celebrate yours tonight?" Morticia laughed, "No Larissa, Thursday isn't a good day for a party." Larissa nodded in agreement, although she didn't actually agree. Larissa smiled as she came up with a great idea. "Well, can we merge our parties on Saturday? We can celebrate together!" Morticia frowned at this idea, why would she want to share her party? "I think we should celebrate separate love, we can have two parties. Mine will be Saturday, and yours can be Sunday." Morticia went back to planning her party with the others as Larissa sat there in silence and defeat. She knew that nobody would want to celebrate on Sunday after having a big party on Saturday, she knew that nobody would come, not for her.
As it was, Saturday Larissa celebrated Morticia in their dorm, but rejected following them down into the quad. Some people wished Larissa a happy birthday, but Morticia, did not. Larissa celebrated that night, alone in her room with a hot chocolate and a pastry. "Happy birthday to me" she whispered, as she blew out a candle and let smoke fill the empty room.
Yes, December 8th was a day for Larissa, and perhaps that's why she felt dread. She was nearing 50, in 3 days, to be precise, and all she wished for was, well, was to die.
She wished that her mother never had her, she wished that she had not lived through everything she had, alone, so utterly alone. She wished that it wasn't a day that she could resent, she wished that it wasn't a day that Morticia could make her hate. She wished that it wasn't a day at all, for maybe it didn't have to be.
Oh how ironic it would be, to perish the same day on which you were born. Like Shakespeare, letting every word she had said become nothing, and every word she had never spoken become something. It would send a message, but to whom? To whom did Larissa have to send a message? And so close to Christmas, at that.
Larissa loved Christmas, well, she used to. It was so warm, so cozy, so breathtaking, so…heartbreaking. She didn't have a family, but perhaps if she did, she might actually come to like her birthday, the winter, the holidays. She might drink hot chocolate and sit by the fire and feel safe, she might feel okay, she might feel loved. She might not sit at the Weathervane alone, as everyone went back home for the holidays. She might not sit in her office by the fire, downing red and eating cookies that she baked herself, by herself. She might not walk through the snowy filled streets and let the glow of the artificial lights wash over her with tears in her eyes and nobody by her side. She might not stare down at the snow and see herself as a child, building a snowman and smashing her friend in the face with a snowball. She might not loathe the fact that she was who she was, and the fact that she was born on December 8th. Because when it all came down to it, her birthday, Christmas, and every single other day of the year, time was time. Time was fake, time was long, time was tears, and time was wrong. Time meant nothing, if she allowed it to mean nothing.
Yet she didn't, she allowed it to mean something. She let it mean something. She let it make her wish that she hadn't been here, that she wasn't here now.
That night she pondered over life, and death, and she came to the conclusion that she wasn't who she once was, nor was she who people were led to believe. She came to the conclusion that Nevermore would suffer without her, without their headmistress. But, she had one wish, one birthday wish.
Let it, she thought, let it suffer, for she has suffered enough for everyone. ___________________________________________________________________________________
When Friday, December 8th came, Larissa awoke with a heavy heart. She sat up in her bed as tears fell like bricks into her lap, and her hands trembled as she knew what they would soon be capable of.
Still, she went throughout her day as Principal, one last time. She greeted the students in the hallways, one last time. She made sure that her affairs and the schools affairs were in order, one last time. She shapeshifted and walked through the school, taking in everything that she could, one last time. And, she cried over Morticia's photo, one last time.
She settled down in front of the fire with a glass of wine in her hand and a hot chocolate, indulging one last time. It was only 4 in the afternoon, but she was tired, she was so incredibly tired.
She closed her eyes and laid her head back on the sofa as she thought about her birthday. Nobody had wished her happy birthday, nobody knew it was her birthday, nobody except you. But she didn't know that you knew, and as she thought about dying on the same date that she was born, she smiled, for nobody would know.
"Larissa!" you almost screamed, barging into her office frantically. Her eyes opened in a panic as she shot her wide gaze to you. You almost lost your act as you took her in, sitting on the sofa with wine and hot chocolate. Her office was clean, cleaner than usual, and she looked so tired, had she been crying? It was only quarter after 4, what was she doing?
"We have a problem, follow me!" you said in a hurry, ushering her up and out of her office. Larissa followed behind you as your pace quickened, and she rolled her eyes at the thought of having to deal with one of Nevermore's problems, one last time.
As she followed you through the halls, she watched your pace slow and your worry fade. You ended up walking beside her, and taking her hand in yours. Part of your brain told you that she might not follow, that she might know that there was no problem and run away. Part of your brain told you that maybe she didn’t at all want to celebrate, and that she would reject the surprise party and leave in tears.
Still, you held her hand as you stared up at her, your panicked act fading into a large smile. Larissa was so confused as to why you were holding her hand, and smiling at her? She looked down at your no longer panicked face and her eyes met yours, they were, admiring? You looked happy, joyful, loving, and maybe, maybe you were hiding something.
As you both neared the staff room Larissa stopped dead in her tracks. "What is the problem?" she asked, furrowing her eyebrows at you. "It’s in here, come" you said, slowly opening the door to the staff room. You walked in slightly, enough to be able to turn on the lights, and Larissa stepped beside you. "I don't see a-" "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!"
Everyone shouted and jumped up as you flicked the lights on, and you winced when you watched Larissa jump back in surprise. Larissa's mouth dropped open as she scanned the room, her eyes wide in shock. As you looked up at her expression your heart sunk a bit, for she didn’t look grateful, she didn't look like anything. Surprised, she was, but not happy surprised. "Larissa?" you whispered, and she whipped her head around and bent down to you, putting on a faceless expression. "Is this okay?" you asked hesitantly. Larissa blinked a few times before she turned to the room of people. Her staff were staring at her expectantly with smiles on their faces. She noticed a cake on the middle table, decorations, and a birthday sign that said 'Happy 30th!'
She began to walk slowly into the room, taking you with her. Once she got to the middle table, Larissa slowly but surely smiled. She took a deep breath and looked down at you, before looking around to all of her staff. "Thank you all" she said, bringing her other hand to her chest and laying it on her heart. Teachers then walked to her one by one and gave her a hug, saying happy birthday to her personally. You took that time to reach into your bag and dig out a birthday sash that read 'Birthday Queen'. You walked up to her and she laughed when she saw the sash, bending down to your level so you could slip it over her head and onto her body.
The party kicked off with everyone singing happy birthday to her, and then she blew out many candles on a chocolate cake that read 'Happy Birthday Larissa!'. You pulled out a bottle of her favorite red, which you knew she had already been drinking, and poured her a glass to go with her cake. When everyone finished eating, they socialized and played a few games that you had set out, and you took this time to finish her card.
You sat her down again and presented her with it. When she opened the card, it was full of small messages and signatures of everyone on the staff. Larissa scanned all the names before deciding that she would read the messages later tonight. You watched as a tear escaped her eye, but she was smiling. Your heartbeat quickened before it rested, happy tears, you thought. She looked around at everyone as she wiped at her eyes. "Thank you all so much. I haven't celebrated my birthday in so long."
“We didn't know when your birthday was Larissa, I thought it was in the summer" Vlad chuckled. Larissa giggled and sighed, "I know, I kept it a secret." Larissa then furrowed her brows and looked around at her staff, "Wait, how did you all find out?" Roger instantly gestured to you and smiled, "Y/N found out." Larissa looked down at you and tilted her head in question as a blush spread on your cheeks. "Y/N planned the whole party" Vlad added. The woman pouted her lip as she took your hand in hers. She smiled and squeezed your hand as her eyes watered, "Thank you darling."
The party went on and your heart clenched at the sight of Larissa enjoying herself with the others. You didn't know if she resented you for telling everyone about her birthday, but you were glad that she was celebrating herself. You were relieved, in awe really, you hoped that your digging and planning meant something to her.
When the party was over and most people left, you started cleaning up the room. Larissa stayed with you and started to clear the tables. "Larissa don't worry about the mess, I got it" you smiled.  She waved a hand at you dismissively, "Nonsense darling, let me help you." After everything had been cleaned up, you turned to her nervously. "Happy birthday Larissa, I hope it was enjoyable." Larissa smiled down at you and whispered a thank you. She then paused, "Come with me, will you?" You nodded and followed along.
She led you to her office where she gestured for you to sit on the sofa. You placed your bag on the floor and turned to her. "How did you find out that my birthday was today?" she asked. You chuckled in embarrassment, "I saw it written in your calendar."
Larissa's expression turned to one of joy as she laughed and shook her head, "Sneaky girl" she mused. You reached into your bag and pulled out a small box with her name on it. Larissa looked at you in shock as you held it out to her. "I didn't know if you liked celebrating, or if you even liked your birthday at all after you said that there were no more staff birthdays this month" you chuckled. "But, I thought that you were worth celebrating Larissa, so I got you something."
You held the box out to the woman as she stared down at you in awe. Her breathing was rapid and her eyes were teary once again, and you thought that she might not take it. You reached for her hand and placed the box into her delicate palm, "It’s not much, sorry" you smiled.
Larissa looked down at the box and slowly began to open it. Inside she found a bracelet, made with beads of Moonstone and Lapis Lazuli, a birthstone for the month of December, and the color of Larissa's eyes, you noted. In the middle of the bracelet there was a bead with the letter 'L'.
Larissa brought her hand to cover her gasp when she realized that you had made it yourself, all for her. As tears spilled from her eyes, you had no idea what was happening. You also had no time to say anything before the blonde woman wrapped her arms around you and pulled you tight against her. You felt her sniffle and cry into you, and you nuzzled your head into her as you began to stroke her hair. You didn't know why she was reacting like this, but no matter, you'd comfort her any day, you'd do anything for her, any day.
You let Larissa cry into your shoulder for a few minutes before you pulled back, and your eyes met her mascara stained face. "I love it" she whispered. You smiled and nodded. "I usually resent my birthday Y/N. Nobody ever celebrates with me and I, I have some bad memories." Larissa sniffled as she pressed her forehead to yours. "I'm sorry Larissa, I just thought you deserved to be celebrated." Larissa furrowed her brows, "Really?" You cupped her face in your hands, "Yes, really" you whispered.
Larissa stared into your eyes, perhaps she was trying to read you. She paused, and then she gave in. "I haven't been doing too well, darling. This time of year is lonely, and it's always hard for me, and I-" Larissa didn't get to finish her sentence because her voice wavered and tears fell again. You wiped them from her cheeks with your thumbs as she tried to told them back and her gaze fell to the floor. "Look at me Larissa" you whispered. Larissa again met your eyes hesitantly, and it was confirmed, you were right. She was sad, she was lonely, and she wasn't herself, but "I'm here for you. I will be here for you Larissa, please allow me to help you." Larissa let out a sob as she pulled you into her again and found comfort in your neck. You kissed her on the cheek and breathed in her being, as you felt tears fall from your own eyes. "I wanted to celebrate today Larissa, because, I'm so glad that you were born, I'm so happy that you're here. I'm so grateful for you, beautiful. I'm so, so proud of you."
Later that night, Larissa sat in her quarters, reading the messages that her friends had written. She pulled you tight next to her as she smiled at the bracelet on her arm, the bracelet that you had made her. Larissa realized that she did have people who loved her, in one way or another. She realized that she did want to live, she just didn't want to live alone. She came to the conclusion that you had saved her from herself that day. Such a simple gesture from you, a woman that hadn't known her that long, your observation and attention, and your thoughtfulness and love, had saved her.
You kissed her forehead and pulled her face closer to yours, winking. “Happy Birthday Larissa, 50 looks good on you." Larissa smiled and scoffed playfully as she returned the kiss to your nose.
Perhaps December 8th didn't need to mean anything, anything bad or traumatic, at least. Perhaps time didn’t mean anything, perhaps it didn't need to, if she didn't allow it. Perhaps she was the one that stayed, and perhaps you would be too.
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alexusonfire · 1 year
Tolerance (but barely)
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Larissa Weems x Captain Phasma
Smutember Prompt: Formal Wear
A/n: @daydream-cement and I are doing a mini Smutember! We will be posting fics every Saturday of this month, each with a different prompt and Gwen character (or two 😉). This fic was inspired by Daydream and @bri-sonat's Road Trip fic (who doesn't love a good hate fuck?), and dedicated to my dear sweet @yourlocaldisneyvillain for a fic swap 🧡 They/them pronouns for Phasma. Phasma is Mean™️, smut, strap, packing, Larissa receiving.
You can find Daydream's fic here!
The party thrummed around Larissa, the clinking of glasses and jumbled murmur of several conversations at once making her wince. She was never one for large gatherings, especially when she knew so few people; even her "date" for the evening had been so caught up in socializing she hadn't seen them in more than an hour.
"What a waste of a dress" she thought to herself, taking a moment to mourn the swishy silvery fabric draped across her curves. Turning back towards the bar, she placed down the empty wine glass (the third of the night), and made to order another when a smooth voice sounded behind her.
"They're getting rather lazy with the guest lists I see."
Larissa froze momentarily, instantly recognizing the arrogant tone and wishing she were anywhere but here.
"I don't have the energy for you this evening." Larissa said, her voice clipped and curt.
"Really? I would have thought a woman with your stamina-"
"Careful Captain," Larissa cut in, ever aware of prying ears around them; she turned to glare at the woman behind her, trying to ignore the swoop low in her belly when she met Phasma's piercing gaze, "that almost sounded like the start of compliment."
Phasma chuckled and clunked down their own glass, currently half-filled with a smooth amber liquid that would surely make Larissa's insides churn. Larissa gave them a quick once-over, ruefully noting that Phasma had actually managed to look well put together this evening; black dress pants, matching button up, and slicked back hair had the Captain looking rather... handsome, the only word Larissa could think of. Lost momemtarily in her thoughts, she hardly noticed Phasma moving to crowd her against the bar, effectively pinning her to it so they could whisper in her ear.
"Only you would find being able to fuck like a whore a compliment."
Larissa hated how the close proximity and low tone made her body feel, particularly the tingling in her lower abdomen. She shoved Phasma off her and sneered, the brief baring of her teeth only spurring them on. They chuckled again, the brief, arrogant sound making Larissa burn with rage.
"You're disgusting. Now if you'll excuse me I'd like to keep some civilized company."
Larissa huffed and stormed off, ignoring the chesire grin Phasma had plastered all over their face. She stomped outside, the dark alleyway an instant reprieve from the loud chatter and stuffy air. Peeking around to make sure she was alone, she slipped her hand into her small clutch and pulled out a single cigarette, lighting and inhaling in the same breath. It was a habit she'd picked up in college, and even then only in moments of stress. The clanging of the door behind her caused her to tense and clutch the cigarette tighter, and she nearly groaned out loud when she saw who it was.
"You're worse than a dog, Captain. Next time do I need to tell you to sit and stay?"
Something flashed in Phasma's eyes, and Larissa didn't miss the way their hands flexed in their pockets. They stopped just in front of her, watching her intently as she smothered the cigarette beneath her pointed shoe. There was a moment of silence, Phasma seeming to consider their words before speaking.
"The only dog in this alleyway is the bitch in heat standing in front of me."
The slap sounded off the pavement, and before Larissa could process what she'd done, she was pinned to the brick, Phasma growling in her ear.
"You really shouldn't have done that."
Larissa attempted to wiggle out, her breathing quickening when she realized she could barely move an inch.
"And what are you going to do about it?" she taunted, setting her shoulders back. Phasma didn't answer, but instead simply pulled back for a moment to spin Larissa to face the wall; after effectively pinning her once more, their fingers circled around her wrists, Phasma pushed their hips into Larissa's, the bulge between their legs making Larissa gasp and moan. Phasma smirked; she could be so... easy sometimes.
"What would you like me to do about it? I'm all ears princess."
Larissa hated that nickname, so snarky and condescending. Her fists clenched as she spat out her response, ignoring how her hips pushed back into Phasma's seemingly of their own accord.
"You can do what you do best and stick that fake little cock of yours in anything with a pulse."
For a brief moment, Phasma let go of one of Larissa's wrists and brought two fingers to her neck; Larissa didn't even have to look to know that fucking chesire grin was back on their face.
"With pleasure."
Phasma wasted no time in bringing their free hand down between Larissa's legs, delighted to find her sex bare and already soaked. Some comment lingered on the tip of their tongue, but the small, clamped up moan Larissa let out diverted their attention.
"Ah ah, you know the rules. I want to hear you. I want the whole fucking block to hear you."
Hate hate hate. Hated their stupid grin and arrogant attitude and ridiculous swagger they always put on, hated everything about them-
Especially how good their fingers felt at the moment. Hated it. Loathed it.
Craved it.
Larissa appeased them, too far gone at this point to object as they toyed with her cunt. Phasma took their sweet time, teasing around her clit and sliding their fingers in her painfully slow, barely hitting any of the sweet spots. Larissa grunt and shifted, her one leg pushed forward to grant more access.
"Didn't think you'd be all talk this evening Captain. Have we grown shy of our abilities?"
It came out breathier than she would have liked, but she got the reaction she was looking for when Phasma snarled behind her and quickly unzipped their trousers. She'd barely been given a moments notice before they sheathed the strap fully inside her, only giving her a few seconds to adjust to the stretch before pounding into her. Her moans and cries echoed through the dark alley, the lazy circles Phasma was drawing around her clit making her reach her peak quicker than she would have liked.
"I'm- I'm going to-"
Phasma let go of Larissa's other wrist and brought it down to smack across her thigh, the sudden sting making her squeal in surprise.
"And what do you say, princess?" Phasma panted, their own voice betraying how close they were themselves. Larissa bared her teeth once more as she ground out a barely legible "please", and moments later came with a sharp cry. Phasma pumped into her a few more times before they shuddered, the pressure of the strap against their clit stimulating them just enough for their own release.
Larissa came two more times before Phasma let up, her thighs and calves cramping in her heels. Her knees wobbled dangerously as she straightened up, quickly righting her dress and hair as Phasma tucked the strap back into their trousers.
"You look a mess." Was all Phasma said before sauntering back inside, leaving Larissa to glower at them as they walked away. She waitied until the door was securely shut behind them before collapsing back against the wall, attempting to catch her breath and steady herself.
She cringed as she felt a little trickle down her inner thigh.
@weemssapphic @h-doodles @rosieathena @pro-weems-places @renravens @ness029 @oddball21 @saturnnnnl
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elsaellaelys · 1 year
Heyyy what’s up?
Can I make a request for JJ Maybank where Kiara is in love with him and he’s in a relationship with the reader? Kie tries to get JJ away from the reader and all and to make her realize that he is hers the reader sucks him off in the Chateau’s living room with the door open so that everyone else, including Kiara, hears. And then some more smut?
Just a reminder of whom he belongs to
pairing: JJ Maybank x fem!reader
1.085 words
WARNINGS: 18+, sex content.
a/n: Oh my God! I'm so happy my first request is such a good one, I loved it! Hope you enjoy.
It started in the Pogueland.
JJ asked Y/N to come fishing with him, she hesitated, caught up in helping Sarah braid some coconut tree leaves, then Kiara gladly accept something that wasn't offered to her. JJ went to fish, leaving his girlfriend with a kiss on the cheek, they came back some time later happy with a Manta Ray, Kiara hugged JJ for too long and Y/N found it weird, wasn't Kiara the type of affective neglectful person?
She noticed the girl's long looks to her blonde boy, her boy, always finding a reason to walk alone in the beach with him, flipping Y/N out of any conversation, creating internal jokes that she didn't wanted to explain. Of course when they all were  around the fire JJ would instinctively sitted next to his girl, putting a arm around her, smelling the sea in her hair, Y/N couldn't hold herself from kissing him deeply every time she caught Kie staring, fidgeting his shark tooth necklace, hands running down his abs, holding tight the waist of his shorts, just to make sure she knew who he belonged to.
That wasn't enough to keep her away though, especially when they were back to OBX.
This night the pogues decided to have a little bit of peace in the hot tub, the seven of them trying to fit together, Y/N staying in her boyfriend's lap. He got up to grab more beers, complaining about being the one to do it, Kiara squeezed Y/N into Cleo's side, JJ came back, setted the beers in the ice bucket, looked around the tub and took the free place beside Kiara without saying a thing. The water was hot in her legs, but JJ was the one keeping her shoulders warm with his arms, her jaw clenched lightly. Talk floated in the time, Y/N didn't felt like participating though, cause her boyfriend was in the funniest flirty conversation with their friend, the ultimate limit was when Kiara leaned on his shoulder, hands rounding his arms, holding a little too tight, and Y/N had enough. Brutally getting off the hot tub she stood behind JJ pocking his shoulder, he untangled himself from Kiara to turn around.
"Are you busy?" she questioned and with clear exasperation in her ton completed. "It seems like you are."
JJ furrowed his eyebrows confused. "No, I'm not. What you're talking about?"
"Can you come inside with me?"
The silence was screaming between the friends as he got up and followed her, they were probably going to say something like "He's fucked." or "Dead ass." if Kiara wasn't the reason and if she wasn't right there watching Y/N walk JJ like a little dog.
The couple were inside the Chateau, but their talk could be plainly heard trought the open door.
"What the fuck was that?" Y/N asked shoving his shoulder.
"That what?"
"You! And Kiara! Fucking cuddling in the fucking tub!"
"We weren't cuddling!"
"I'm fucking full of this shit! Kiara is being all over you since the Pogueland and you're pretending nothing is wrong! She tasted John B., Pope and now she's wanting a piece of you. No, better saying, she wants you all for her!"
JJ didn't got time to defend himself cause Y/N was angrily shouting at him cornering he towards the couch. "But she can't..." he tried to say, but she cutted him. "Yes! She can't! Cause you're all mine. Do you want me to show that to you? Because it looks like you need a reminder."
Y/N pushed JJ to the couch, taking his swim shorts down his legs grabing his cock so fast he didn't even realized until she pumping it, bringing it up too quickly cause he was already half turn on by her anger. His eyes fluttered shut when he felt her spit slip down his length, the feel of her tongue running on him making his dick rock hard.
"Fuck Y/N." he whispered.
"I know, moan for me, I want everybody to hear how good I make you feel." Her voice wasn't angry anymore, it was sweet and sexy but dominative, he could just groan in answer.
"Do you like this? Do you want me to put you in my mouth?"
"Yes! Shit! Oh fuck!" he cursed over and over, his tip was now hitting the back of her throat.
"Uhmm... You're so tasty." she pleased as she pulled back. He moan again, loving the amazing blowjob and dirty talk he knew just Y/N could give him.
"You wanna fuck my mouth, baby?" His eyes begged, in ecstasy with the offer, hands going to her hair to hold her mouth in the place, his hips bucking into her, he felt the warmth grow in his balls.
He gave up the sensation as it was starting to feel too much, Y/N notice it, softly stroking his dick, the other hand cupping his balls. "Does it feels too much, baby? Do you wanna cum already?"
"Then beg for it. I might let you cum inside my mouth, and you know I'll swallow."
He almost cummed at the thought of his seed down his pretty girlfriend's throat. "Please Y/N, please, let me cum. I'll be good, I promise."
She smirked with his cock between her lips, JJ loved this view, he sure wanted she to know that he wasn't giving her up for anything in the world.
"Fuck, babe, I'm cumming." he warned, she opened her mouth, tongue hold out, just the way she knew he liked, cumshots landing on it. She sucked his dick one more time before swallowing his cum, trying to milk every drop, he whined out of overstimulation.
"Thought you were going to be good for me, good boys don't whine, J." She said, going up and down with her mouth around him, he cried in pleasure, her hand was bumping him, her tongue swiping and he couldn't hold, falling apart inside her mouth again.
She pulled back, JJ tried to reach her for a kiss but she didn't accepted.
"Lay down, I wanna sit in your face. You're gonna get so pussy drunk that you're going to forget everything but my name."
Outside, Sarah putted her hands over her ears. "Oh my God, can someone please play some music?!" Kiara just wanted to drow in the tub.
"Totally." Pope agreed reaching for his phone looking around for a speaker. "Oh fuck, I think the speaker is inside."
Bonus (because I had to write it):
Imagine the next morning, JJ comes out of the room, hair all messy, looking so satisfied. For the first time he goes for a glass of water instead of his usual beer. "Thirsty?" John B. mockingly asks. JJ just shrugs going to lay on the couch besides Y/N, putting her into his lap. "Not anymore, John B." Y/N answered. "Not anymore."
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sashkapi · 5 months
Do you have any headcanons about those chaotic siblings? Because Man your headcanons are so awesome
Thmanksks <3
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1. Because of their frequent physical fights Brianna is considered pretty strong when compared to other girls her age.  Buttowski brothers are for equality They'll fight their sister all the same <3
2. Speaking of Brianna: in my au(I guess it's an au atp) she is the reason for the slight wardrobe change of her brothers. They didn't really complain especially because Bri kinda gets their preferred styles. 
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3. All of them were forced to play piano at some point. It stuck the most with Brad.
4. Musically speaking, Brad is the most "musically gifted" out of the three. Not really actually. He just thought girls like music and started learning how to make music until it actually stuck and became his consistent hobby and he improved.  Bri still plays piano for talent shows but not for herself. You have to throw Kick off a cliff with an instrument if you want him to play it. (Almost like there's an episode based on this whoa)
5. If you force them to pick an instrument to play then their picks are: Brad - guitar (chicks like it and he likes playing it) Bri - piano (she can only play it and has no interest in learning any new instrument) Kick - keytar (played both piano and guitar before so he would be curious about this amalgamation)
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6. They all have "bits" of each other talents, mostly because they live together  Brad and Kick actually know how to put on make up (Brad paints his nails sometimes and Kick sometimes masks his scar if needed) Brad and Brianna somewhat good at acrobatics  Kick and Brianna have some knowledge of music making
7. Kick isn't the only one who hides his natural hair color. Brianna does it too. Her natural hair color is brown but girl likes Teena Sometimes so much that she dyes her hair blonde.
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8. While I draw Kick and Brad with eye bags because "Ha ha, funny scissor seven reference" they also both suffer from insomnia. Brad frequently loses track of time and sometimes goes to sleep at 4 am. Kick physically can't fall asleep at a reasonable time. (There is an actual reason why but I'm saving it for another day).
They also learned how to fight quietly because parents are asleep but THERE IS NO OTHER WAY TO DECIDE WHO GETS THE LAST BIT OF ICE CREAM IN THE BOTTOM FREEZER AT 3:42 AM.
9. When it comes to each other love lives: Brianna will be all over her brothers to get all the information. It's prime gossip material. Especially with brothers like hers. Of course she would want to know what type of person would date a pathetic pig pen or adrenaline maniac. Kick cares a tid bit below surface level. He would just make sure that his siblings are in a "normal" relationship and intervene only if there's a potential "Kelly situation". Other than that, he doesn't really care. Brad pretends he doesn't care. He does. His sibling better not dare getting partners before he does. 
10. Silly one but if not "dillweed" Brad and Brianna sometimes call Kick "Brick".  Now all the siblings' names start with "Br" :)
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suckerforcate · 2 years
love ur writing! was wondering if you could do one where brienne gets jealous? idk feel free to do whatever you want with it !
Pairing: Brienne of Tarth x Reader
Word Count: 702
Warning: NSFW, 18+, jealousy, eating out, overstimulation
A/n: I made Brienne a little more dominant here, a little different from my usual stories of her. Hope you like it!<3
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The evening had been wonderful, you had fun and loved spending time with Brienne. It was hard getting her to open up, but it felt like you were making progress.
It had been warm inside the tavern, so you were desperate for some fresh air and Brienne accompanied you. Together you walked along the river, where it was quiet and no one would interrupt you.
You had your arms intertwined with one another, and you side was pressed to hers. She was unusually quiet, but you ignored that.
"I had such a fun evening!" You beamed at Brienne, but she looked straight ahead.
"I could see that." Her voice was colder, more distant.
"I would have really loved to dance with you, but I respect your wish not to." Brienne shook you off her arm, physically distancing herself from you.
"Well, it seemed the young man you danced with was a perfect fit." Her voice sounded hurt, was she jealous? You stopped walking and looked at her, surprised of her behaviour.
"Brienne, are you jealous?" She stopped and slowly turned to look at you. She opened her mouth, just to close it again.
"It's alright, love. It's cute. But I want you to know that there is no reason to be jealous. The man I danced with was funny, but that's all. It was one dance, I'll probably never think about him again. I don't even know his name. I just have eyes for you." She slightly smiled at that.
"I know, still I don't like people touching what's mine." She got bolder and bolder with every day the two of you were together. At the beginning she was so very shy, always blushing at anything you did or said. With time, she learned to be a little more open, more dominant and sometimes even take the lead. You felt it came with trust, the more she trusted you, the more she opened up.
Playfully anger and lust flickered through her eyes. Roughly she picked you up and carried you back home. Her eyes never leaving your body, wandering over it, to your lips your eyes and back to your breasts. The moment the door of your room closed behind her, she hungrily kissed you dropping you onto the bed.
Her hands, undressed you with ease. She licked her lips, ready to make you moan out her name. Slowly she started kissing down your chest.
"This," she stopped to kiss you left nipple, "and this," she kissed your right nipple, "is all mine. You understand that?" She looked up at you, waiting for an answer.
"Yes, Brienne. I'm yours." She grinned at that, moving down to your stomach and then even further down. Spreading your lips a bit she placed herself between them. With her fingers she ran through your folds, collecting all of your juices. Gently she started rubbing your clit making you moan out at first contact. She placed her other hand on top your lower stomach, as to hold you in place. Desperate for release, which you knew would come fast, you started moving your hips against her fingers.
"Brienne, my love. Please, I need more." You panted between strangled breaths. Her fingers started to move faster, circling your throbbing centre, eager to make you scream. You were close, very close. Brienne knew that, she heard it in your moans.
"Please, I'm coming-" screaming her name and holding onto her hand, you stumbled over the edge. Gasping for air, you tried to come down from your high, as you felt Brienne's soft lips touch your clit.
"Brienne, oh- I can't..." she didn't stop, licking over your bundle of nerves.
"Yes, you can." She squeezed your hand, and moved her tongue faster, starting to suck as well. It was getting too much, you felt the next orgasm roll over you. Your legs started to tremble, and your moans came out strangled.
"Ah, Bri- please- ohh." Gently she licked you clean and crawled up to you. Giving you a light kiss on the forehead, she smirked at you.
"Learned your lesson?" You couldn't say anything, so you just nodded at her. Pulling her closer, you nuzzled into her side, calming down.
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dilemmaontwolegs · 1 year
Running from the Flames {25}
Pairing: Pierre Gasly x OFC Warnings: 18+ only, fluff - this is a work of fiction and the events are not based on reality. Previous Chapter - Next Chapter
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I was going crazy. I had to be.
Pierre had disappeared first, then Granny had excused herself with Matthew before Grandad skipped along after with a feeble excuse of wanting to get to know her new husband and make sure he was treating her well. Then Otmar said he needed to find Esteban but he had walked off in the opposite direction to where you could see his dark head of hair two tables over.
As I sat alone at the table, wondering what had happened to everyone, I looked around for a familiar face but instead I heard a giggle that I knew well. I spun around at the sound and froze as I found everyone that had gone missing and then some.
Pierre stood in front of all of our family that had flown in for the final race, Addie grinning from his arms.
Everyone was dressed in to the nines and they looked like they belonged on the red carpet they would have walked to enter the event. I had never seen my mum in a ball gown but she looked absolutely gorgeous, just like Pierre’s mother, the two women linking their arms together as they smiled at me.
My eyes were drawn back to Pierre as he stepped forward and carried Addie with him, her excitement making her clap her hands. My heart started beating erratically with each step and I rose to my feet to meet him face to face.
“Pierre…” I whispered as he kissed Addie’s temple and placed her feet on the ground.
“I have spent hours planning what to say, but when I look at you, I can barely remember how to breathe. I thought my life had purpose until the day you and Addie walked into my garage. You turned my world upside down and I will forever be grateful for finding the parts of me that were missing.” Pierre gracefully dropped to one knee and took Addie’s hand. “You make me want to be the best version of myself, to be a father that makes his little girl proud…and a husband that spends every day showing his wife she is loved. I can’t do that without you, Bri. Will you marry me?”
I knew then why Granny had insisted on waterproof makeup as I tried to blink away the tears so nothing would blur the image of Addie handing Pierre a small white box. Pierre thanked her sweetly before peering up at me, his eyes shimmering with unshed tears while his fingers trembled as they opened the box.
I wasn’t the only one that gasped as the three gemstones caught the lights. It was a beautiful ring; a large sapphire set between two diamonds that sparkled like the many shorelines we had walked hand in hand.
I had no words but I didn’t need them. He knew me better than I knew myself and his smile widened as my bottom lip trembled and I nodded as more tears fell. My hand shook more than his as he slipped the ring onto my finger and kissed it before standing up, scooping Addie up with him. His arm curled around my waist and my feet were swept off the floor as he spun around to the cheers of our families and friends.
Our kiss held the hint of salt from our tears that united on our cheeks until Addie pushed her hand between us and we pulled away with a laugh.
“I can’t believe you hid this from me.”
Pierre rested his forehead against mine and sighed. “I never want to do anything like this again, I felt ill trying to keep this a surprise.”
“Well, that’s a good start,” I teased, “it would raise a red flag if you wanted to propose again.”
He chuckled and dipped his lips to my ears. “That’s not what I meant.”
I pulled away with a smile and waved my mum over. “I’ve actually got my own surprise. I was going to wait until tomorrow but since everyone is here…Mum?”
“Right here, honey,” she said as she pulled the folded papers out of her clutch. “Been carrying these around all day just in case.”
Pierre wet his dry lips with his tongue as he wondered what she was handing me. I let him take Addie’s weight as I used both hands to unfold the documents that had been six months in the making.
The crowd around us had grown substantially and most of the drivers were amongst our families with their principals as well. Everyone here knew my story, they knew my history, and they had been there to support Pierre and I with the aftermath of it becoming public news.
“To everyone here you are already Addie’s dad,” I said as I straightened out the kinks in the pages, “and there is no one I know that is a more patient, caring man deserving of the title than you.”
Addie smooshed Pierre’s cheeks together and grinned at him, his own smile widening in response as she cooed, “My daddy.”
“That’s right, ma fille.”
I handed him the papers and he took them with one hand.
“You’ve already promised her that she can take the Gasly name when she turns eighteen but what if I said she didn’t have to wait?”
“How?” he asked with astonishment as he shifted Addie to his hip so he could flip through the papers, pausing at the page where four signatures were already inked, penned beside yesterday's date.
“I know a good lawyer,” I said with a grateful smile to my mum.
I had feared the day Erik was released from prison and tried to get back into my life through Addie. After quite a bit of digging, mum had found out Erik and Trent were only working together for the money they knew would come by blackmailing my family. Erik never wanted a relationship with Addie, and I had never been more relieved. He had happily signed away his parental rights with his lawyer and a witness and I had accepted it with mine.
“What is that?” Jean-Jacques asked when a tear slipped over Pierre’s lashes.
Pierre smiled at his dad. “The best gift ever. Does anyone have a pen?”
Lewis was ready with one that he carried around to sign autographs with and he grinned as he saw the letterhead of the document when he handed it over. “Congratulations, man.”
Without Erik being able to interfere it was going to be a relatively simple process for Pierre to adopt Addie like he had once wished when we were out one night and saw a shooting star. It had seemed like a far-fetched idea at the time but I couldn’t shake the image of hope on his face as he talked about being a family in every sense of the word, a family that would one day grow.
Charles pushed forward and peeked over Pierre’s shoulder as he signed the forms that would begin the process and he gasped. “Adoption Order? No way! That’s like the best news of the night, ah, well, equally best news, of course, since I’m going to finally be your best man. So when is the wedding?”
“Bro, we just got engaged,” Pierre laughed as he handed the signed papers over to my mum to take care of and pulled me back into his arms.
“Yeah, but you made a ten year plan the second you met her.” Charles looked around the drivers and pointed to Daniel. “We even held a little funeral for you at the Monaco afterparty, didn’t we?”
Daniel tipped his head back with a roaring laugh that was contagious. “Another bachelor gone but not forgotten.”
“Haha, really funny,” Pierre said with a roll of his eyes but he couldn’t contain his own laughter. “I’ll remember this when you assholes finally settle down.”
“Daddy, that’s a naughty word,” Addie tutted, encouraging another round of laughs from his colleagues.
“I’m sorry, but they deserve it.” Pierre looked around the gathering and saw even the investors had joined the crowd. “Now, I think I have rubbed enough elbows for the evening that no one will protest if I go and celebrate with my family.”
Pierre laced his fingers with mine, lifting my hand to admire the ring that fit perfectly upon it with a beaming smile. His nose grazed along my jawline, his lips softly trailing until he reached my ear and whispered, “You have made me the happiest man, my beautiful fiancée.”
“I promise I’ll spend the rest of my life trying to keep you that way.” I tugged on the bowtie he hated to wear and unbuttoned the top of his dress shirt so he could relax a little bit in the formal attire. “It’s a shame we aren’t in Vegas anymore.”
“My mum would probably kill me if we eloped.”
I giggled and nodded, knowing my own wouldn’t be happy with the idea either. “And my mum would probably get her off the charges. So a big wedding?”
“Go big or go home.”
“Alright, alright, enough whispering sweet nothings among lovers,” Charles teased as he approached. “Let’s go, I’m starving.”
“Oh, sorry, Leclerc, Alpine family only,” Otmar chimed in as he swiped his suit jacket from the back of his chair. “Unless you’re looking for a new team next season?”
I rolled my eyes and nudged the crestfallen Ferrari driver. “Tonight’s an exception, right Uncle?”
Otmar narrowed his eyes at the term I hardly used once I grew older. “She’s playing dirty. Fine, you can come but I know it’s only because you hate these events as much as Pierre.”
“I’m not going to deny that,” Charles said with a grin to his friend.
“Don’t stay out too late,” Frederic reminded his driver before making his way back to Ferrari’s table, a final piece of advice cast over his shoulder with a wave. “You can drink as much as you want tomorrow night.”
I turned to Pierre. “Why didn’t you wait until tomorrow?”
“Do you want me to hold onto it another day?” he asked with a cheeky grin as he reached for my ring and I pulled it back.
“No, I was just curious.”
His smile faded as he turned thoughtful. “Because we never know what will happen out there and I knew I would regret missing this moment if I didn’t.”
He saw how his words affected me and passed Addie over to Charles so he could pull me fully into his arms. “I wish I could promise you everything will be okay.”
“I prefer your honesty,” I replied softly as my lips hovered over his. “No regrets.”
Click here for chapter twenty six.
Tagging: @my-only-way-tocooperatewithlife @prrttysposts @alwaysclassyeagle @dr3lover
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pariskylar · 1 month
THUSRDAY: MAY 23, 2024
on the Quinjet back to the compound Tiariana kicked off her shoes and let her braids out the bun and into a ponytail. it was a long day. they were at battle for two hours at least and she just wanted to get back and go to sleep.
she took her sock off and immediately looked for her slippers she always kept on there. looking she saw them by the door.
she got up going over and sliding them on.
“every time i look up yo toes out.” Sam said from the seat from her's
“stop looking.” she shot back taking her seat.
“even if i don’t look, i can smell them.” he pinched his nose.
she grabbed her socks and tossed them in his direction.
“ewww.” he said in a nasally voice earning a smirk from her.
she truly loves Sam, he was like the big brother she always wanted. when she needed someone to talk to or just to hangout with he was the fourth person she’d call–right behind Ja'Briana, MaKayla and Renee.
Ja'Briana is her older cousin and one of the people she closest to. Tiara was the only girl and navigating growing into a woman was difficult and confusing so Bri took her under her wings and helped her come to herself.
MaKayla is their aunt. she a year older than Tiara and two younger than Bri. they grew up together. she always had her back.
Renee is her best friend. they met in pre-k. they had matching light up shoes and they had been besties ever since.
“you ok?” Joaquin came out the restroom in a different outfit, sitting next to her.
“i’m good. you?”
“bit banged up, but i’m ok.” he stretched out “what’re you doing tonight?”
she felt her heart rate increase, excited.
Joaquin was a very attractive guy and she had developed a bit of a crush on him.
they had joined around the same time and they were both new to the whole hero thing so they kinda leaned on each other for comfort and encouragement. they became work buddies, they trained together and often. they slowly became friends, not besties but still friends. they had a bit of a flirty relationship that never lead anywhere.
“same ole, same ole. why?”
“curious.” he shrugged "you need to change it up, do something to relax."
“how bout you can give me a foot massage.” she leaned back in her seat, kicking her shoes off putting her feet on his lap.
“or i can give you a back massage, let that play out.” he grinned tickling her feet.
“stop!” she quickly took her feet off him, putting her Slippers back on.
"you 'on't like that?" he stood up
"Quin, move" she got up moving away from him.
"or what?" he grabbed her.
"QUIN! CHILL!" she squealed.
"gosh, you guys are alway loud." Cassie complained, letting her hair down.
"sorry." Joaquin apologized, taking them back to their seats.
the ride back was quiet. unbearably quiet. it was intense. the only sound was the occasional hum of the jet's engines.
after two hours, which felt like an eternity, the jet landed. they all filed off, and she accidentally bumped him.
“watch it.” he simply said
“watch it.” she mocked under her breath kicking the slippers off at the exit, walking to the towers bare foot.
was being barefooted unsanitary? maybe, but she was a bit country. being from Beaumont, TX, she couldn't help it. she was used to being outside shoeless and she couldn't seem to break the habit.
as her feet hit the cool floors of the compound, she sighed. her feet were so tired, it hurt to walk.
eager to get out the nasty clothes, she sped to her room. she peeled off the sweat-soaked spandex suit. rummaging around her drawers, she pulled out a pair of well-worn sweats and an old Nike sweatshirt.
dressed, she went to the kitchen where she saw Kate and Yelena stocking up on snacks before leaving.
"see ya, Speed." Kate bid a goodbye leaving with her friend.
"bye, KB; bye Yelena."
"byeee." she waved over her shoulder.
she grabbed a bottle of wine and a glass taking a seat at the island. once she got the bottle opened Sam and Quin came walking in. they were always the last to leave.
“bye, T.” Sam hugged her over the couch.
“bye, Cap.” she smiled
“see ya, Speed.” Joaquin kissed her on top of her head.
“bye, Quin.”
and with them gone the compound was cleared out she went to her room and turned on the shower. while the water warmed up she went over to the sink and grabbed her toothbrush. she took care of her oral health and skin care before actually getting in the shower.
after that much needed shower she trudged to living room with her phone and Nintendo Switch flopping on the couch. she opened DoorDash and ordered some chinese takeout.
connecting her phone to the speakers around the compound and played her 'chill' playlist. she grabbed her switch loading up a game of Zelda.
she was stuck to the game for 15 minutes when she lost.
"com'n Link!" she yelled at the screen as she used her last heart.
she tossed the console to the side. her phone pang with a notification from DoorDash saying her takeout was here. she ran down the stairs and went to meet the dasher at the gate.
"um, hi?" he handed the bag over
"hey." she smiled handing over the ten dollar tip.
"thanks. have a nice meal Tiariana."
"you too." she ran off before she realized what she said.
you too? what the heck?
she was back at the den. she sat down and flipped around the streaming services before landing on Living Single. she began to eat and binge.
'we are living single. in a 90s kinda world i'm glad i got my girls.' she sang while blindly eating.
when the show started she heard people talking and giggling.
“and this is the family room- that’s not supposed to be occupied” Bucky said walking in with a lady. "Tiara what are you doing here?"
“Tiariana? ohmygosh! hi, i’m Leah” she grinned holding her hand out heading towards her
“um, hi” she got up and shook her hand "nice to meet you."
she nodded, looking back to Barnes “she’s so cool”
“yeah, um, Tiara can we talk in the kitchen” he left the room.
sighing she got up and following him.
“i thought you weren’t gonna be here.” he said as soon as she stepped foot in the kitchen.
“i live here.” she grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge.
“don’t you have an apartment?” he folded his arms.
"don't you?" she retorted, her eyebrow arched in challenge.
"if you must know, my place is under new management and the rent has spiked. so, i'm here for the foreseeable future," he explained, a hint of frustration in his voice.
"hm." she hummed, taking a long, deliberate sip of her water.
"look, is there any chance you could stay at your place for a while? just until i sort things out?" he asked, trying to sound casual but failing to hide the urgency in his tone.
her nonchalanceness was clearly grating on his nerves.
"don't have a place." she replied with a shrug.
"really? you’re like 25?" he said nearly sounding offend.
"I'm 30." she corrected him.
"that's... unfortunate." he said, earning an eye roll from her.
"your opinions are as outdated as you are" she shot back
"very funny," he replied dryly.
"why does it even matter to you? this compound is like a thousand acres" she pointed out.
"ugh," he scoffed in exasperation.
"oh, i'm sorry, is my presence here bothering you that much?" her voice dripping with sarcasm
"kinda, yeah" he admitted, not bothering to soften the blow.
"aw" she responded with a mock pout.
annoyed, he turned on his heel and walked away without another word.
"Leah?" he called out.
he collected her and head to his room.
she went back to the living room and settled back onto the couch continued watching TV. after two episode she found herself slowly drifting off until she KO'd.
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daydream-cement · 1 year
ohhhh for the nsfw ask thingie ⛓️😺🎤🤪🎇 for larissa AND ALSO for brienne whooop
larissa's are written by me and @bri-sonat wrote brienne's.
if yall see any brienne content from me, it is 1000% written by @bri-sonat. when we write together, they write all of brienne's actions and words.
⛓️kinky headcanon:
larissa: tie her up and tie her down, baby. with long term/trusted partners, larissa would be happily tied up in the bedroom. at the end of the day, she wants to relinquish control and be taken care of.
brienne: praise praise praise!!! very light degradation and she must be praised when degraded. she has been called similar things too many times. so “my good little slut,” or “my sweet little thing, you’re doing so well.”
😺how they eat the pussy:
larissa: it truly depends on the mood and the moment. i think larissa would want to be all slow and tantalizing, but as soon as her partner starts moaning, she loses control. she gets frantic quickly, her only thought being her partner's orgasm. she doesn't quite know when to stop either. she typically keeps going and going until she is stopped.
brienne: brienne is like, the lesbian of lesbians. once she gets a taste of pussy, she can’t stop craving it. this means that she will be slow in her tongue movements, wanting to savor as much of her partner’s taste as possible. but she’s also very driven, wanting to give her partner the pleasure and release so at the same time that she is slow and savors, she also makes sure to be deliberate and determined enough to bring her partner to the edge relatively fast whilst also satiating her need for pussy.
🎤how loud they are:
larissa: she is never silent. she is always sighing or humming fro the pleasure, but as the sexual experience increases in intensity, so does she. she won't get too loud though. larissa would be mortified to hear the students of Nevermore may have heard her being pleasured.
brienne: brienne is very shy and this transfers to her sex life as well. she is very quiet and the only sounds she’ll make that will show that it feels good is soft moans and quiet whimpers. sometimes if a spot is hit during oral or penetrating that feels insanely good, she will lose herself for a second and release a cry of pleasure or a loud moan, but will pull herself together after she realizes how loud she was. if her partner tells her that they want to hear her or if she’s very comfortable with the person she is with, she will allow herself to let go and be a little bit more vocal.
🤪silly sex headcanon:
larissa: larissa is a huge proponent of making sure there are lighthearted moments in the bedroom. she is very serious in her work, so having moments of lighthearted sex is a must for her. i think after she has VERY intense orgasms, she may start laughing with her partner as she regains control of herself.
brienne: at first she takes sex so incredibly serious so if anything silly happened, she’d be mortified. but as time passes and she has more sex with her partner, she’d be more comfortable with something going wrong. like for example, her bumping her head or being clumsy. if that would’ve happened in the beginning she’d be so embarrassed but after a while, she’d be able to laugh about it and realize that sex is supposed to be fun, not to be taken so very serious.
🎇orgasm headcanon:
larissa: larissa is one that can have many orgasms rather than one really big one. just expect her to be writhing and tugging at the sheets as she gets wetter and wetter. she typically loves very long sexual encounters as her orgasms build in intensity, becoming more pleasurable as sex keeps going.
brienne: brienne’s orgasms are explosive. like after not having sex for so many years and not having a single orgasm, her first orgasm nearly makes her pass out from the pleasure she has never felt before. the ones after that are a bit more mild.
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emptystove · 8 months
The Long Con - Ch 5
One Piece Fanfic (Romance/Drama/Suspense)
Pairing: Nami x Law
Rating: EXPLICIT, 18+ ONLY
Chapter Summary: Law and Nami wait for their next move.
Posted to AO3, FanFiction, and Wattpad under HortyCord.
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Chapter 5 - Waiting
Ichiji led Nami inside the front entrance of the manor. He briefly checked his pocket watch before offering to give her a proper tour. It was something she had previously hoped for, although with a different guide. It was easy to pull a con when she could read her mark. Unfortunately, Ichiji was the one Vinsmoke that showed her nothing. She was desperate to understand his intentions so she could plan for whatever was to come. That ended up causing her to struggle with dividing her attention between mentally mapping the layout and trying to get a read on Ichiji.
Conversation didn't flow as easily as with his brothers. With Niji and Yonji, she would let them regale her with stories of their "heroism" and would easily feign interest, or she could laugh at their shallow attempts at jokes. Ichiji seemed reluctant to speak freely. When she wasn't looking at him, she could feel his gaze boring into her. With every step, she had to work harder to temper her fear. Did he know who she was? Was he simply getting her away from the others so he could confront her? Kill her? She hadn't used a fake name but was careful to hide her tattoo. She had no weapon on her to fight back and no way to signal to law if she needed help. She did not bring her baby den den mushi because they planned to be together during the celebration. All of the servants or soldiers who would normally be inside were out at the games. They were alone, and she prayed her wits were enough to get her through whatever he had planned.
They reached the top floor and he led her down the wide hallway, pointing out the bedrooms of the Vinsmoke siblings as well as some guest accommodations. They didn't enter any of these rooms, and he gave her a look that pushed her forward without touching her when she lingered too long in a doorway. She wouldn't be able to map out the rooms in detail, but she could tell the basic layout and size based on what she saw from the outside and the floors below. At the end of the hallway, he stopped to motion to a set of large, wooden double doors. "After you."
She hesitated but pushed back her thoughts of dread as it seemed the tour was ending and he would subject her to whatever torment was involved in his chosen favor.
As the doors opened, she had to blink a few times to adjust to the lighting. The sun was beginning to set as a sea of soft pinks, oranges, and blues scattered across the horizon. The sunset was reflected in the ocean beneath as well as in the flowers covering all sides of the moderately sized balcony. She let out a small gasp at the sight, and she heard Ichiji let out a short huff of air behind her. She walked to the edge and took in the full landscape. Her eyes drifted from the sea to the rooftops of the town and ended on the lawn with the concluding games. She all but forgot herself until she glanced down to see a dark figure under a tree, a white ball of fluff in his arms, returning her gaze with unwavering golden eyes.
She held his gaze even as she heard the door behind her close, sensed footsteps approach, and felt the heat of the man standing directly behind her.
It felt like ages waiting for her to return. Law cursed himself for not forcing her to bring the baby den den mushi. He cursed himself for allowing her to talk him out of bringing his sword. He cursed himself for letting the situation get so far out of his control. He knew his time would be better served questioning Niji and Yonji, but he did not trust how thin his temper was at the moment. Stroking the hair of the now sleeping mink cub was all he could do to keep from going insane.
Ichiji seemed utterly uninterested in Nami by everything she had told him. The oldest brother seemed to be the cleverest, although based on his brief experience with the Vinsmokes, Law doubted any of them were all that bright. She focused on manipulating the other two, and he worried what Ichiji may have seen in her while her attention was elsewhere.
Movement caught his eye on one of the balconies. He had been watching the outside of the manor religiously, looking for any sense of what was inside.
His heart lifted slightly as he watched the redhead gaze over the island, seemingly unharmed. She was safe. She was calm. She was looking back at him.
As quickly as it had lifted, Law's heart dropped back down into his stomach as he watched the prince slowly approach the balcony's edge, stopping closely behind her. He couldn't tell from this angle if he was touching her or what he might be whispering in her ear. Had he done something to her already? Was the favor complete? Why had she done this to herself? Law knew he didn't deserve any act of kindness from her. His anxiety was almost too much to contain as she looked away from him, following Ichiji back inside.
To Law's surprise, it was only a few minutes before they exited the manor and walked directly toward him. He was ready to make up an excuse to leave immediately but was surprised again when Ichiji did it for him, insisting they take their leave with the mink to get him acclimated to his new masters.
As they walked away, Law could feel Ichiji's eyes on their backs. He was all but driven mad by Nami's reluctance to immediately tell him what had happened, but he held his tongue until they returned to their apartment where they were safe from unwanted eyes and ears.
As soon as the door shut behind them, he set down the bear and rushed to Nami to begin looking her over. His eyes and hands moved quickly over her hair, face, neck, and shoulders.
"Law! What the hell are you doing?!" She squealed as his hands turned over her arms, searching for any sign of unwanted touch. He reached to spin her by her shoulders, but she slapped his hand away.
"Tell me what happened," he demanded.
For a brief moment, she looked like she was going to clobber him but after meeting his eyes, she stopped herself. She let out an annoyed sigh, "He didn't touch me."
Law released a deep breath he didn't realize he was holding. He looked away, realizing just how tense his body had been. Stay calm. Stay in control. He turned to lift the mink in his arms and took a seat on the small couch.
"Tell me everything" he demanded again, though calmly this time.
Nami sighed again and walked over to the breakfast table, grabbing some blank paper to begin drafting.
"A please wouldn't kill you," she mumbled under her breath.
"Alright already, geez! I'll tell you everything, but let me do this while it's fresh in my mind. When Ichiji took me inside, I finally got the tour of the manor I've been wanting."
"Why would he do that?" Law wondered out loud. He expected Yonji or Niji to take her on the tour in an effort to seduce her. It was painfully obvious how they took any opportunity to touch her, even more so when there was a pang in Law's chest when she allowed it. He swore it was because he'd be to blame if anything happened to her on Germa and success in this mission was vital to his own. No one there had expected the flippant, brooding brother to return with the bear less than him. That made the pang in his chest move to his stomach as he realized his mistake. He had been watching Niji and Yonji like a hawk, so much so that he neglected to assess Ichiji as another threat, another player in this game, another element of the puzzle to be dealt with. Ichiji had tricked both his brothers and Law into underestimating him. His intentions were a mystery, making things that much harder to plan for. Another element out of his control. He felt the tension in his muscles rising again.
"I have my theories, but he's harder to read than the other two." She continued sketching quickly. She would get the rough drafts completed first and add the finer details in later. "But I think he was trying to kill time before he took me on the balcony."
Law furrowed his brow. The cub began snoring in his lap as he absent-mindedly stroked behind his ears. He needed a plan for the mink, but that had to wait until he got answers.
"I got the basics of the main 3 floors. In addition to the security post at the entrance to the grounds, there's a security room on the second floor with several monitors. I couldn't get a good look at what they were showing, but there weren't any surveillance den den mushi that I could see anywhere he showed me." She set aside the paper and grabbed another to sketch out the next floor. "And based on the amount of emergency generators hidden in the back garden, I'd bet my wardrobe there's more than just an infirmary in the basement."
"Makes sense," Law hummed. He had assumed they had something to do with their technology hidden in the manor, but he wasn't expecting more than a small medical bay after Nami mentioned that is where Yonji went after his arm was broken. The Vinsmokes owned the whole island, including several businesses and production plants, so it wasn't necessary to have such a large facility underground. "I'm impressed. I hadn't clocked the generators."
Nami paused to glance at him over her shoulder with a sly smile. "I'm not surprised," she teased. "From what I saw from the balcony, you were too busy clocking me."
Law gently pushed the cub off his lap and onto the couch. He walked to the table as she retreated to her drafts, starting on the final of the 3 floors. Resting a hand on the back of her chair, he leaned over her to view her progress. He wanted to argue, but she was right. He should have seen that. He was off his game. "What favor did he ask of you?"
She paused her sketching before answering. "He didn't."
"I- That doesn't make sense. Why would he buy time leading you on this tour if it didn't involve the favor? He's hardly spoken two words to you before today. He wouldn't just decline the favor he went out of his way to get." He was worried. There were too many variables. He needed more information. When she didn't answer him immediately, he took Nami's hands in his own, knelt beside her, and turned her to look at him. "Nami-ya. What happened on that balcony?"
Nami thoughtfully stared back at him with big brown eyes. "Hardly anything, honestly. Before we walked out there, I was worried he was taking me somewhere to question me. That he was stalling with the tour to torture me or size me up. But when I opened the doors to the balcony, I realized he was waiting for the right view. For the sunset."
Law looked at her quizzically, but he waited in silence for her to continue.
"It was breathtaking." He couldn't help but frown as she continued. "It was weird though. He just stood behind me quietly while I took it all in. I almost forgot he was there." She half chuckled. "When he did speak, he told me he wouldn't ask me for the favor today. He gave me a den den mushi and said he'd be in touch within the week but gave no other information." She paused in thought. "When I saw the sunset I assumed he was interested in me the way his brothers are, but he never touched me. It should've been romantic but he just stood there like a statue... and I caught him frowning at my dress. It was the closest thing to an emotion he displayed the whole time."
Law hummed in thought but waited to speak in case there was anything else she would add.
"That was it. The sunset was quickly fading, and he told me we should get home before dark."
Law released her hands with another hum. He took the seat across from her and removed his hat, running his fingers through his hair. "I don't like it."
"Welcome to the club," she mused.
He looked up at her. The hanging pendent light above the breakfast table cast shadows across her eyes underneath her bangs. She gazed thoughtfully over the maps as she bit her lip. Law dragged his own gaze from her lips and stared intently at the maps.
Collecting his thoughts, he spoke again, "I don't know exactly what the Vinsmokes' enhancements entail, but it is safe to say whatever chemicals involved have an affect on the skeletomuscular, neuroendocrine, and autonomic nervous systems. Increased speed, reaction time, strength; any enhancement like this would have to affect these in some way."
Nami looked up at him, waiting for him to explain what was clearly gibberish to her.
"These systems do a lot of things within the human body, including triggering bodily responses to emotional changes. They allow us to see how someone is feeling based on how they look. You might feel a lump in your throat and swallow hard, feel the flush of your cheeks when you blush, or clench your fists when you are angry. We know all three Vinsmoke brothers have been subjected to these enhancements. If Ichiji's ability to show or have normal emotions has been altered by their technology, it's curious that it doesn't seem to affect Niji or Yonji the same way." He paused to glance at Nami. "It's a theory. It would explain why he's not as emotive or predictable as his brothers. It's not uncommon for patients to react differently to the same treatment, even when the patients are siblings. There's also the possibility that Ichiji was given something more concentrated or maybe additional doses. When we can get a look at their research, we'll find out if our theory was correct."
"It's also possible that he just has a wet blanket for a personality," she added.
"Potentially," Law considered.
"If not though, if there are other side effects we didn't anticipate..." Nami trailed off.
Law looked at her again. She was starting to look as worried as he felt. He pulled out a den den mushi and started making a call.
After a few rings the black eyes opened, surrounded in white fur. A soft male voice answered, "Captain?"
Law watched Nami as he responded to the voice on the phone. "Bepo, it's good to hear your voice." Nami's eyes widened as she realized who he was talking to. She looked up and smiled. A lazy grin grew across his face. "We need your help."
Nami struggled to sleep the next two nights. She was tired of waiting already. Bepo would take about three days to make the voyage to Germa, possibly longer if they had problems docking discreetly.
She received no call from Ichiji either. She wondered if this was actually the torture he had in store for her.
After Saturday, they agreed they needed to be more careful about what they leave lying around the apartment. The Vinsmokes had their address and moving locations wasn't an option. They weren't sure if it was in their heads, but both of them mentioned feeling a tingle down their spine as if they were being watched. Nami swore she saw the same black car that picked them up a few times and wondered just how many idling cars the Vinsmokes had on the island.
It was well after midnight as Nami stared up at the ceiling above her bed. Convinced sleep was out of the cards for a while, she peeked out of her room to see Law lounging on the couch with his eyes closed. The sleeping cub was curled up on his chest. It had taken them a while to coax it out of him, but the bear took to Law quickly and trusted him with his real name, Oso. She smiled at the sight. It reassured her that her decision was worth everything she might endure over the next week.
Nami silently crept behind the couch to the breakfast table. The maps she had created since coming to the island were safely hidden, but a few blank pages and pencils were left out. She lit a small candle, glancing back to make sure she hadn't woken either of them. When she was satisfied, she started sketching. It didn't take her long, even as she took slow, quiet strokes with her pencil. She had done this a thousand times. She traced the coast, the village, and finally the mikan grove that was the only real home she ever knew.
"What are you drawing?" His voice was barely above a whisper.
Nami looked up to see golden eyes watching her over the back of the couch.
"I didn't mean to wake you. It's nothing important." She smiled softly.
Law carefully shifted the bear onto a pillow next to where his chest had been before sitting by her at the table. She continued sketching as he silently watched.
He took a few minutes to study her work. His voice was low as he leaned in to whisper in her ear. "It may not be relevant to our mission, but it's obviously important." She relaxed a little despite his closeness.
"What makes you think that?" She whispered back.
"You've drawn this before. Many times I'd guess. Your strokes are soft but intentional, almost like a signature. Nothing like anything else I've seen you do."
She stopped to look at him but didn't respond.
"Nami-ya, why did you save Oso?" He asked suddenly, just as softly and quietly as before.
"I don't know," she lied. She fought hard to rein in the tears forming in her eyes as she looked away. An overwhelming loneliness tugged at her chest.
He slid his hand over hers on the table. Her brain told her to pull away, but the warmth of his skin was magnetic. His other hand caressed her cheek as he brushed away a fallen tear.
"I'm sorry," he whispered. "I shouldn't have told you about Bepo. That wasn't part of the plan."
She looked at him and saw the genuine remorse in his eyes. "Don't be." Her voice shook slightly, but it steadied as she went on. "I don't regret anything. I'm glad you told me. It's just..."
She looked back at the map. Her desperate heart was winning out over her mind, and she resolved to shed some of the weight she forced herself to carry.
"This is Cocoyashi Village." She set down her pencil to place her free hand on the page. She pointed to the coast. "This was where we used to watch ships in the bay." Her hand traced along sections of the map as she continued to describe the different areas. "This was where I stole my first book. I thought Mayor Genzo was going to throw me in a cell." A sad smile tugged at the corners of her lips. "This was Nako's office. He was the village doctor. We could barely even afford to eat, so we never went there except to try to sell him mikans."
She continued to speak. The more she described each location the lighter she felt. After going through the village buildings, she told him about the mikan grove and the small home she lived in. "This is where my mother saved our lives from Arlong." Her hand trailed to a sketch of a large tree at the edge of a cliff side. "And this is where my sister and I buried her."
Her hand was shaking over the map. "Her name was Bellemere." Silent tears began to fall again. "I just... I miss her." Nami struggled to get the words out. In an instant, she felt Law release her hand and pull her against his chest with one arm around her shoulders and the other cradling the back of her head. She leant into him, gripping tightly to the front of his shirt as she cried warm tears onto his clothing.
Nami knew he left his home at a young age but didn't know the circumstances. She took a risk sharing this with him, but she knew by the way he held her that he understood. He shared her pain.
After several minutes, she stopped crying and pulled away to collect herself. Law didn't speak but he remained close, watching her as he ran his fingers through her hair.
She sighed softly to herself. "Drawing this usually makes me feel better... Reminds me what I'm doing this for... so I never forget."
Law finally spoke, "You're trying to save your village?"
Nami stared hard at the map, taking in every detail. "No," she said so softly he almost didn't hear it. "Cocoyashi Village is a ghost town. There is only one person there who remains."
She knew Law was waiting for her to continue, but she had said all she was willing to say. She looked at him and put a hand on his shoulder, silently thanking him.
"You know, I think I'm ready to sleep after all." Her smile was slight but genuine. She folded the map a few times until it was small enough to fit in her hand. Law remained silent at the table as she retreated to her room. She slid the map inside her pillow case and laid down, finally finding the rest she desperately needed.
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bbrissonn · 2 years
𝐃𝐔𝐌𝐁 𝐃𝐄𝐂𝐈𝐒𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒 - 𝐤𝐲𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐦𝐛𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞 (𝟒)
he fell first but she fell harder
two young adults become neighbors in the most romantic city in the world
pairing: kylian mbappé x fem!oc (brielle healy)
chapters 16-20
warning: nsfw content, read at your own risk
wc: 5.3k
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- July 1 2019 - 
"𝐈𝐌 𝐒𝐎𝐑𝐑𝐘 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐖𝐇𝐀𝐓 I said and how I acted earlier. What I said, about us not working out, I didn't mean it. I want us to work out, so much, Kyky, but when you started yelling and everything I just-- I freaked out. I hurt you, and hurting you is the last thing I want to do to you." Brielle said once the two of them were standing inside the boy's apartment. Kylian let out a small sigh before both of his hands reached up to cup her cheeks, making her look at him.
"I'm sorry too, chérie. I shouldn't of had yelled, but I just needed you to understand how I felt about this." Kylian whispered as he leaned his forehead on hers, making the girl nod a bit.
"Don't be sorry, Ky, this is my fault, okay? You were right, it wasn't fair for me to tell Kenzie about everything but then not want your friend to know, I'm so fucking sorry, Kylian." She whispered back, closing her eyes so tears didn't started falling from her eyes as the image of the hurt behind Kylian's eyes popped back into her head. The boy let out another sigh before leaning in and pressing his lips softly against hers, making her hum.
"It's okay, Bri. We're okay." The Paris native mumbled as the two of them parted a bit, before leaning back in and connecting their lips once again, this time with more passion and aggression. Brielle's arms made their way around his neck, her hands holding on to the back of his head as one of Kylian's hand dropped to her waist, the other staying on her cheek.
Soon, the Healy girl found herself being pushed against the wall, Kylian's body trapping her against it as their tongues met in between their lips. Her hands left the back of his head, moving up and down his chest, coming back to her neck every now and then. A soft moan left her mouth as his lips moved down to her neck, leaving small love bits here and there before he moved back up to her lips.
Just as her hands were about to lift his shirt over his head, a loud knock came from the door right next to them making the both of the jump.
"Kyks, bro, I forgot my keys!" Neymar yelled out from the other side of the door, making Kylian let out a frustrated groan before opening the door. The Brazilian native was about to say something, before his mouth shut closed and his brows furred together as he looked between the two young adults. The way Kylian's shirt wasn't properly placed, their pair of lips swollen, Brielle's messy hair and the small red marks on her neck making him smirk.
"Were you guys about to have sex?" He asked with a teasing tone, making Kylian roll his eyes.
"Oh my, God. Just get your stupid keys and leave, dude." The Mbappé boy sassed him, making Neymar chuckle a bit at the way his best friend was acting.
"Fucking asshole." Kylian mumbled as he closed the door behind his best friend, who had quickly collected his key on the kitchen counter before leaving the place, still laughing.
"Kyky, just breath." Brielle said, placing a hand on his shoulder as she tried to hold back her laugh at how he was acting.
"No! He left them on purpose, Bri!" He exclaimed as his hands moved in the air, making the Healy girl bit her lip so she wouldn't laugh at him.
"You're cut when you're angry." The girl mumbled as she wrapped her arms around his neck, making the boy stop his movement, all his focus going on her, and Neymar completely leaving his mind.
"Am I not cute when I'm not angry?"
"You're always cute, you're just even more cute when you're angry." She whispered before leaning in a connecting their lips, making Kylian hum in happiness as their lips moved together.
"𝐒𝐎, 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐁𝐑𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑, you're really close?" Brielle asked she took a bit out of the pancakes the two of them had just made together. Well, it was mainly her making them and Kylian just being a child while she did everything.
"Yeah, even though he's eight years younger than me, he's my best friend. I used to wear number 29 because of him, it's his birthday. And my celebration, he used to do that when he would beat in FIFA and I one game I just did it and it's just my thing now." Kylian explained with a big smile on his face, making the girl look at him in aw.
"What about you? Got any siblings?"
"Older brother, his name's Griffin, we used to be very close when we were kids, we still are, but it's just not the same. He's doing his thing and I'm doing mine, we don't really talk that often because when I'm free, he's busy, and when he's free, I'm busy, so." The Healy girl answered before taking the last piece of her pancake in her mouth, looking over at the boy after.
"Do I need to be scared of him?" Kylian asked jokingly, making the girl laugh a bit.
"Definitely not, he's a big teddy bear and he loves everyone, nothing to be scared of." Brielle answered with a laugh as Kylian placed his hand on top of hers, making the girl send him a shy smile.
"Do you wanna go on a date with me?" He asked randomly, making the girl bit her lower lip so a giant smile wouldn't appear on her face.
"Yeah, yeah, I'd like that."
"Great. Tonight?"
- July 1 2019 - 
Paris' new famous resident, Brielle Healy, seemed to have waisted no time making herself familiar with the city, and the people living there. Recently, Healy and France's new football star, Kylian Mbappé, had a photoshoot together, and from the looks of it, the two young adults have already made themselves pretty comfortable with each other. Rumors have it the two happen the be neighbors, as they've both been seen walking in and out the same apartment building multiples time, at different moments.
The comments left by Mbappé on Healy's newest Instagram post, a black heart and white heart, along with some previous comments on other posts of Healy had lead multiple fans to believe the two twenty years old could possibly be linked romantically. Healy has only been in Paris for a week, but by her looks, it's not surprise that she might of already found a partner in the city. Will the two of them speak out on their current relationship? Will they ever become more than friends publicly? Or could this possibly be a publicity stunt arranged by their managers? Subscribe to thelocal.fr to stay up to date with the couple.
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Healy and Mbappé on the girl's most recent Instagram post on July 1, 2019
"𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐈𝐒 𝐒𝐎 𝐒𝐓𝐔𝐏𝐈𝐃! A publicity stunt?" Brielle exclaimed with frustration as she closed her phone and dropped it into her lap, before looking over at Kylian, whose eyes were staring at the exact same article that the girl had just finished reading.
"Bri, calm down."
"No! Kyky, this is so stupid! How'd they even find out were neighbors?" Brielle asked, anger laced in her voice as Kylian's eyes kept reading the text over and over again. The two of them were currently sitting in the backseat of Kylian's fancy car, who was driven by not him since the boy still didn't had his license. At first, Brielle was a little unsure of letting some random man drive her around, but after Kylian spent almost 10 minutes explaining to her that he had been his driver for almost six months, the Healy girl slowly made her way into the car.
"Don't worry 'bout that, Bri. The important thing is that we look fucking good in those pictures." The Mbappé boy said, his eyes stuck on the pictures of the two of them, making Brielle roll her eyes.
"Wow, I just feel so much better now." The girl said, her voice full of sarcasm, making Kylian sigh before closing his phone and reaching for both of her hands.
"Chérie, stop worrying about it, okay? Let's just enjoy our night together and I'll get my manager to deal with it tomorrow morning. Sounds good?" The boy spoke in a calm voice as his thumbs rubbed small circles on her hands, making her let out a shaky breath before nodding her head slightly.
"Yeah, yeah, that sounds good." She answered with a soft smile as the two of them locked eyes, Kylian bringing one of her hand up to his mouth, pressing a light kiss on it before looking out the window, one of his hand still holding on to hers.
"This is cute." Brielle spoke as the two of them walked into a small restaurant in Kylian's hometown, Bondy. The two of them were holding hands as the boy greeted who looked like to be the manager of the place, Brielle sending him a small smile as he walked the two of them over to a both in the far corner.
"That's Christian, he's one of my dad's best friend." The Paris native spoke in the girl's ear as he pulled her chair out for her to sit, before making his way over to his seat.
For the next three hours, the two young adults spent their time laughing and talking about everything and nothing, just enjoying their time together. Kylian had forced the girl to try some escargot, a loud laughing leaving his mouth as he clapped his hands together as her face turned in a funny way as she bit down on it.
"Oh my, God." Kylian said as his eyes grew big, making the girl a little worried.
"What? What's going on, Kyky?"
"My brother's are here. Eth is supposed to be asleep it's like eleven!" The boy whined as an older looking man, with a younger one walked up to their table.
"Kyky!" The younger one yelled, throwing his arms around Kylian's neck, making the boy groan a bit.
"Salut, Ethan." [Hi, Ethan.]
"Tu m'as manqué!" The younger boy said as he finally let go of his older brother's neck, but keeping his body close to him. [I missed you!]
"Tu m'as manqué aussi, petit." Kylian spoke with a soft smile on his face as he messed up the little boy's hair. [I miss you too, little one.]
"Pourquoi tu viens plus à la maison?" Ethan asked with a sad smile on his face, making Kylian frown a bit, as their older brother walked away from the table, after doing his handshake with Kylian, and going to talk with Christian. [Why don't you come home anymore?]
"Je suis très occupé, tu le sais." Kylian answered, and Ethan looked over at Brielle, who sent him a small smile and wave. [I'm very busy, you know that.]
"Est-ce que c'est à cause d'elle?" The boy asked lowly, as the two twenty years old made eyes contact for a slight moment, before the boy looked back over to his younger brother. [Is it because of her?]
"Un peu. Écoute, j'te promet j'vais venir demain, okay? Maintenant, il faut que t'aille te coucher, il est tard." [A little bit. Listen, I promise I'll come tomorrow, okay? Now, you need to go to sleep, it's late.]
"Okay, bonne nuit Kyky. Je t'aime." [Okay, good night Kyky. I love you.]
"Je t'aime aussi." Kylian said to his brother before pressing a kiss to his forehead. [I love you, too.]
"Elle est très belle, en passant. Maman dit qu'elle a hâte de la rancontrer." Ethan added before walking away, sending a small wave to Brielle, who waved back with a small laugh as the little boy skipped over to his much older brother. [She's very pretty, by the way. Mom says she's excited to meet her.]
"He's adorable." The girl stated as she watched Kylian's brother exit the restaurant, Ethan telling his brother about who knows what. When she looked back at Kylian, the boy was already staring at her, making her blush slightly.
"Nothing." The boy shrugged off the question with a smile on his face, making the Healy girl bit her lips as she looked down at her lap, before looking back at him.
"So, do I get to know what that little conversation was about?" She asked with a smirk on her face, making Kylian tap his chin with his index finger, pretending to think about the answered, before answering her.
"No." He said with a proud smirk as a pout formed on the girl's face, a whine leaving her mouth.
"Kyky, come on! Please, I wanna know!" She whined, only making Kylian's smirk grow bigger and bigger by the second.
"No." He dragged out, making the girl cross her arms over her chest, like a little kid would, making Kylian laugh a bit.
"I'll tell you when we get home, alright?" The boy said softly as he got up from his seat, walking over to the girl and holding his hand out for her.
"Kyky, we can't just leave, we have to pay!" The girl said after she had stood up and the boy started walking her towards the exit, one of his hand on her lower back, guiding her.
"Don't worry about it, love. Chris said tonight was on the house." Kylian spoke as the two of them stood outside the restaurant, waiting for Kylian's driver to come pick them up.
"I'm cold." Brielle sated, her eyes staring at Kylian's jacket making him shake his head a bit at how obvious she was. But, he still placed his jacket on her shoulder, placing his arm over her shoulder and bringing her into his chest, leaving a small kiss on the top of her head.
"Better?" He asked as the girl wrapped her arms around his chest, making the girl nod a bit. Kylian snapped a quick selfie of them, before wrapping both of his arms around her, keeping her close to his body. Soon, Kylian's driver came and the two of them were finally able to just go home and lay in the bed until dosing off to sleep.
But, unknowingly to them, the two lovers had been caught by a paparazzi outside of the restaurant, taking pictures of two of them over and over again.
- July 2 2019 -
"𝐊𝐘𝐋𝐈𝐀𝐍! 𝐎𝐏𝐄𝐍 𝐔𝐏!" 𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐄 yelled softly through the door, as her hand pounded on the door, multiple of their neighbors opened their doors to see what all the noise was about, but the girl didn't spare them a glance as her eyes stayed locked on her phone. The two of them had slept in their own bed for the first time in almost a week since Kylian had to get up early for some training he had, and he didn't want to wake her up.
"Bri, calm down!" The boy whisper-shouted as he opened his door and pulled her in by the forearm, making her let out a little yelp.
"Calm down? How do you expect me to be calm about this, Kylian?" Brielle exclaimed, waving her arms around like a maniac, making the boy let out a small sigh before grabbing her arms, stopping her movement.
"My manager's taking care of it, okay?" Kylian whispered softly in her ear as he leaned his forehead on hers, pressing a small kiss to it before. The girl sigh a bit before closing her eyes and nodding her head slowly, making the boy press yet another kiss to her forehead.
"How'd you even find it?"
"Ney sent it to me." Kylian admitted as the two of them stay stood up right in front of his front door.
"Is he like obsessed with them or something? First the one about me, and now this?" Brielle chuckled as the words fell from her mouth, making Kylian laugh a bit as well.
"Have you ate yet?" He asked after a couple of seconds, making the girl shake her head slightly.
"I have some left over from earlier if you want. Come on." The boy said before guiding the girl over to his kitchen island as he prepared a plate of the left over eggs he had made for himself.
Barely hours after we posted out previous post about these two, they were seen exiting a restaurant in Bondy, Mbappé's childhood town, hand in hand. The two truly seem to be quite comfortable with one another, and not just when cameras are around. Mbappé was seen leaving a kiss on Healy's forehead as he placed his jacket on her shoulders, as well as taking a picture of the two together.
Only minutes before the two young adults exited the place, both of Mbappé's siblings were seen leaving the same restaurant. Could this mean that the model as already met the footballer's family? Have the two of them known each other for longer than they let on? Subscribe to thelocal.fr to stay updated !
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Mbappé, 20, and Healy, 20, seen leaving a restaurant on July 1, 2019
"𝐒𝐎, 𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐍'𝐒 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐍𝐄𝐗𝐓 phoot?" Kylian asked as he threw his arm around the girl's shoulder, the two of them were currently sitting on the boy's couch, some random show playing on the TV. Brielle had finished eating only minutes ago, and the two waisted no time getting comfortable together, the Healy girl placing her legs over his lap, her head resting on his chest.
"Tomorrow. You should come."
"Need my help again?" He asked with a smirk on his face, making Brielle roll her eyes at his words.
"No, but I don't know, it was fun having you around last time." The girl shrugged, blushing a bit at her own words as a soft smile grew on Kylian's face. He pressed his lips against the top of her head before answering her.
"I'll be there, but I have one condition."
"What?" The girl asked softly, lifting her head to look at him.
"I want you to come with me to dinner with my parents tonight." He answered seriously as they stared at each other, making Brielle gulp.
"Kyky, I-I don't know. It's a bit early and--"
"As my friend, for right now." He cut her off, a pleading smile on his face, making the girl sigh as she rolled her eyes. There was no way on earth she'd even be able to say no to that face.
"Fine, but as your friend and your friend only. That means no kissing, no cuddling, no holding hands, no putting your hand on my thigh while we're eating, no whispering in my ear and no flirting."
"Yep, totally! Thank you!" He gushed before pulling her even closer to him, pressing his lips to hers, making her groan. There was no way he'd be able to go one full night without doing any of the thing she had mentioned, but what's the worst that could happen... right?
- July 2 2019 - 
"𝐖𝐇𝐀𝐓'𝐒 𝐖𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐆, 𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐔𝐑?" Kylian asked from behind Brielle, his hands on her hips as she finished applying her makeup, letting out a sigh as she placed her eyeshadow brush down.
"Nothing, I'm just... nervous, I guess?" She questioned herself as their eyes met in the bathroom mirror, the boy sent her a small smile before pressing a kiss to her exposed shoulder.
"You have nothing to be nervous about. You're just meeting my parents as my friend, that's all, Bri."
"Kyky, my French knowledge is zero. All I can say is bonjour, oui, merci, baguette and croissant. That's it. My dictionary is literally 5 words, how am I supposed to talk with your family all night if I don't even speak the same language as them?" She exclaimed, waving her arms around, making the boy chuckle a bit.
"They speak English a bit, plus you have me, I'll be your amazing translator." He whispered in her ear, sending shivers down her spin as she leaned her head backwards on his shoulder, a sigh slipping past her lips.
"You know, sometimes I don't even understand half of the words you're saying. It's cute though." She said as she closed her eyes, her hands landing on his as his arms wrapped around her waist.
"Hey, at least I'm trying, not like you--"
"You said you were gonna teach me, and you've thought me nothing but swear words, Kylian." Brielle cut him off quickly, making the boy scoff a bit.
"That's not true, now you also know cute pet names to call me--"
"I can't just go up to your parents and say 'Bonjour, mon amour' Ky." She sassed him, making the boy laugh a bit at her words. His laugh send shivers down her spin, making her let out a content sigh.
"Chérie, it's gonna be okay. You have nothing to worry about, my parents already love you." He whispered in her ear, pressing his lips to her shoulder after.
"You talk to them about me?"
"Sometimes. Not too many details, though. Still gotta keep some sort of privacy." He answered before leaning down and connecting her lips with hers, making Brielle hum against his lips, one of her hands reaching up for the back of his neck, keeping him closer to her.
"𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐊𝐍𝐎𝐖, 𝐇𝐄 𝐍𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 spent much time at his apartment before." Melissa, Kylian's older brother's girlfriend, said as she sat down next to Brielle on the couch, making the Healy girl look away from Kylian, who was currently playing around with Ethan, his nephew and his niece.
"Yeah, he was here pretty much everyday, and then when he met you, he started spending more time over there." The older woman added in a broken English, wiggling her eyebrows a bit as she spoke, hinting to the younger one about Kylian having feelings for her. A small tint of red took over Brielle's cheek as she looked back over at Kylian, a small growing on her face at the sight of him being attacked by the younger kids.
"And by the look on your face, I'd say there's a pretty good reason why he's always over there. Oh, and let's not forget that nice little photoshoot you guys had, or the two of you going out together, but most importantly the fact that he's always talking about you." The Healy girl bit her lip before looking around, making sure no one could hear them.
"We've kissed a couple of times." She admitted in a low voice, making Melissa's eyes grow big in excitement.
"I knew it! It was so obvious! He's never introduced a girl to his parents or any of us, this is so exciting!"
"What are you two talking about?" Kylian asked as he walked over to the two girls, sitting down right next to Brielle, making Melissa send a look to the girl, making her bit her lip as she looked down at her lap.
"Just... girl things, you know." The Los Angeles native responded as she looked over at Kylian, who had a big smile on his face. The boy was about to answer when his little brother walked towards them, followed by his niece and nephew.
"Kyky! Pourquoi t'es parti?" Ethan asked as he patted his brother on the knee, the two younger kids focusing on their mom. [Kyky! Why did you leave?]
"Ethan, j'ai besoin d'une petit pause, okay? J'vais revenir bientôt." Kylian answered as he ruffled the boy's hair, making him push his large hand away before looking over at Bri and sitting down between the two of them.
"J'aime ton habit." The smaller Mbappé spoke as he looked at Brielle with a big smile on his. The girl answered with one of her before looking over him to his brother.
"He said he likes your outfit." Kylian translated for her, something he had been doing ever since the two of them walked in almost three hours ago already.
"Merci." The Healy girl answered as she looked at Ethan, who's smile only grew wider.
"Kyky, tu devrais l'invité plus souvent, je l'aime bien." He spoke to his brother as their parents walked back into the room, having finished doing the dishes. Brielle had insisted on helping them, but they were quick to deny her request. [Kyky, you should invite her more often, I like her.]
"Je suis d'accord avec lui. Bon, Ethan, dit bonne nuit à tous le monde, c'est le temps du dodo." His mom said as she walked over to the couch where everyone was at. [I agree with him. Alright, Ethan, say good night to everyone, it's time to sleep.]
The small boy went around telling everyone good night and hugging them, only when he arrived to Bri, he froze for a couple of seconds before hugging her.
"Bonne nuit!"
"Good night, little one."
- July 3 2019 - 
𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐄 𝐋𝐄𝐓 𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐀 groan as she slowly opened her eyes, the sun shining brightly through her curtains. Kylian's breath against the back of her neck, as one of his arm was thrown over her waist loosely, making a soft smile grow on her face as the boy's small snores echoed in the room.  The girl was careful not to wake him up as she moved herself around, so the two of them were laying face to face, one of her hands coming up to cup his cheek.
Her thumb rubbed the skin under his eyes softly, her eyes breaking down all the little details about his face with a smile still plastered on her face. Before she even realized she was moving, she leaned forwards, pressing a kiss to his lips and slowly pulling away, leaning her forehead against his.
"Morning." The boy mumbled after a couple of minutes, slowly opening his puffy eyes. Their eyes quickly met as Kylian sent her a loopy smile, still trying to fully wake up. Brielle was about to answer him when he leaned forward, pressing his lips to hers. The Healy girl hummed into his mouth as their lips moved together, one of her sliding to the back of his neck, keeping him close as one of his hand found its way to her waist and the other to the side of her neck.
Soon, their tongues met in the middle, a small moan leaving the girl's mouth as Kylian's hand slid down from her waist to her thigh, pulling it over his own waist, bringing her even closer to him. Brielle's free hand roomed around his boxer's waistband, before making it's way under his shirt and moving up and down his chest, making him let out a loud groan at the feeling of her fingertips grazing over his skin.
Kylian's hips soon started to grin against her core, making her let out a moan as their lips separated, but they soon met again. Soon enough, he flipped her into her back, both of her thighs resting on top of his as both of his forearms landed right next to her head, trapping her underneath his body. Kylian's shirt soon flew across the room, landing in a corner, and Brielle's shirt was quick to follow. They were now both bare chested as his mouth wrapped around one of her nipple, making her back arch off the bed as she let out a breathy moan.
"Kyky!" She exclaimed in a high pitched voice as one of his hand paid attention to her other breast, pulling and twisting her other nipple. Then, his mouth started moving down to her lower stomach, both of his hands now playing with her breasts as her hands found the back of his neck and the top of his head.
Brielle let out a shaky breath as Kylian started pulling down her sweatpants, their eyes locked together as he pressed open mouthed kiss over the skin he was exposing inch by inch. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head as he finally pulled her pants off, his breath against her core.
"Kylian, please." She begged in a low voice as she bucked her his upwards, desperate to get some kind of pleasure. The Paris native smirked at her before pressing a kiss to her clit over her pair of underwear, making a whine leave her mouth. Just as Brielle though he was finally going to give her some sort of pleasure, after removing her panties, his body moved back up, his lips connecting with hers.
Their kiss was quick but intense before the boy pulled away, pulling his boxers off, letting his hard cock fall right against her clit, making her let out a moan. Brielle quickly reached over to her nightstand, opening the drawer and taking out an unopened box of condoms her best friend had forced her to bring. She made a mental note to thank Mackenzie once she finally had the chance to speak with her.
Kylian wasted no time grabbing it out of her hands, opening the pack and slipping it on himself. Just as he lined himself up with her entrance, his movement paused and looked up at her, his eyes asked for permission.
"Please. I need to you, Ky." Brielle begged as she clenched against his tip, making him let out a groan before he slowly slipped himself inside of her, a loud moan leaving both of their mouths before their lips connected together.
"𝐘𝐎𝐔'𝐑𝐄 𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓, 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐊𝐍𝐎𝐖 that?" Kylian asked as he wrapped his arms around Brielle's waist from behind, making her lean her head against his shoulder. The two of them now stood in her kitchen right in front of her over, Kylian wearing only his boxers as Brielle had his shirt and a pair of new underwear on. The two twenty year old had spent almost a full hour just laying in bed together naked, kisses being exchanged every once in a while after they had been done.
The boy had begged the girl let him give her one or two hickeys, since she had practically made his low neck and upped chest look like a crime screen, but the girl was quick to deny him before of the shoot she had later that day. Kylian had whined a lot at her refusal, but that didn't stop him from leaving a small one right under her ear that could easily be covered up by her hair, something the Healy girl wasn't pleased about.
"You're not too bad yourself." She answered with a smile as he pressed a kiss to her cheek as she moved the eggs around the pan, checking to see if they were cooked enough yet. One of her hands reached for the back of his neck as he leaned his chin on her shoulder, making her let out a content sigh.
"My parents want you to come over for dinner again tomorrow." Kylian told her as she let go of his neck, taking once of the plates in her hand and placing half of the eggs on it and placing it on the counter.
"I think I'm slowly becoming their favourite, Ky." She said with a with as she picked up the other plate and placed the rest of the eggs, making the boy chuckle in her ear a bit before grabbing the plate on the counter and walking over to the stool in front of her kitchen island. Brielle soon sat down next to him, her head reaching for the cup of coffee she had made herself, a smile forming on her lips once she took a sip of it.
The boy watched in aw at how happy she was about her coffee, something he quickly learn she needed every morning or else she'd be grumpy all day long. Her leaned towards her, pressing a soft kiss to her lips before starting to eat his breakfast, thanking her for the food once they were both done with their plate.
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Between the Needleclaw or Rootspring ship, to put a random hat in the ring since I forgor to vote (I still have yet to update my tumblr app to add polls… )I really enjoy the idea of with Bristlefrost always saving Rootspring that their relationship remains platonic, something, something, saving someone’s life and caring about them does not equal romantic love. And the two have a good bond, while Bristlefrost falls in love with Needleclaw
And not really arguing either way with this next point but, also good to see how the characters respective arcs would have the ship work best
Ie: Bristlefrost- what life theoretically would allow her to not be as people pleasing
Rootspring- what life would have him being true to himself and not just what is expected of him.
Needleclaw- i am unsure of the exact themes and arcs it takes other than the mention of her intense warrior training since she doesn’t wanna be a hunter.
And really all these themes can be taken narratively but also meta narratively. (Okay back on NeedleBristle again) but it would be expected that Rootspring being saved by Bristleforst and him helping her would HAVE to create a romance,, they’re meant for each other, so them not getting together if his arc also almost breaking the fourth wall for those who know those sort of tropes.. and it being neat with both getting bond moments that Bristlefrost maybe falls for simpler moments with Needleclaw.
Another thing, that is quite fun, but dependent on the arcs but there there could be a brief ultimately failed attempt at a romance between one of the two that isn’t the ‘final pair”, Bristlefrost’s people pleasing briefly trying to make a romance work that is not a good fit for them.
I cannot remember how the Bristle and Root meet but if it is her saving him (and even with most) there could be a dichotomy with Root and Bristle’s first meeting being chaotic, while Bristle and Needle’s would be more chill.
Woag it would fit in with her arc, and the connection of a chaotic life not being inherently bad but ultimately not being what she needs.
Uhh hope this makes some sense, some exact details escape me since I haven’t read the books themselves in ages,
I wanna address several things you said because this ask is a Sunday Roast and I am hungry./pos
1. HOW OUTDATED IS YOUR APP?! We've had polls for so long now, my jaw hit the floor with that! Mind you I'm just as bad with some apps like YouTube and Spotify (And my NewPipe YouTube mod) but woah nelly, your Tumblr app has grown a beard!
2. Bristlefrost risking her life to save Root, only to later on fall in love with his cute, sassy sister? Is a very funny thought! Poor girl has isolated herself (Bramblefake did not do her any favors either) and doesn't have many friends, so being incredibly close friends with Root and Shadow would be very good for her. It also keeps the "povs aren't dating" thing I've had going unintentionally since TNP. I can see Rootspring having a crush on Bris, because she is quite kind and easy to love, but it fading out into a proper friendship.
3. Their Arcs and Themes. You're completely correct on that one! Rootspring learning to calm down and not live up to expectations, while also learning to enjoy the life he's got, Bristlefrost learning to stand on her own feet and not be desperate for approval, and while Needleclaw's wasn't the most mentioned, it amounts to:
"You're not a bad person for not having an end goal, but only ever living in the present is going to leave you unprepared when the future comes."
WCR!Needleclaw is going to learn a lesson I had to learn. Live for the present, but plan for the future.
Also, communicate when people hurt your feelings, you do not have to be the 'chill cool girl' 24/7 you silly lesbian.
Her intense training is out of desperate desire to be seen as different, she knows that battle is a risk for a deaf cat, if a retreat is verbally called, she won't hear it, she'll need assistance. While she has no insecurities about BEING deaf, she wants to "prove" herself as worthy of being a strong warrior like grandpa Hawkwing.
It doesn't help that 3 family members were members of the Kin. Daddy Tree, Mama Zelda, and great grandpa Sharpclaw were all Kin members at one point, and the Clans still feel the pain. Tree having been a loner before, then being part of the Sisters, is especially not helping. Sure, majority of Skyclan is accepting out outsiders, but Kite and Turtle can be quite mean. Times are changing.
4. The 4th wall is getting also HEAVILY leaned on in TBC. Like... HEAVY. (Btw yes that is how they met!) This arc ends up being quite "meta" in retrospect, especially with the other 3 arcs, Dark Times, and Beyond The Stars Sunlight/Moonlight.
I'm gonna put Bristlefrost's Ending "storyboard" below a spoiler cut. But first...
Yeah, her meeting Rootpaw is in a split second decision of heroism and chaos, life and death stakes! It gave them BOTH a small cold, and I imagine that is their initial bond... Warming up in the Medicine Den together and sneezing in sync. (Also Rootpaw making a self discovery in between wiping her nose and laughing at Briarlight's silly antics.)
Then she meets Needle and shares a bowl of Clan Soup with her while Needlepaw scratches Glyphs into the ground to tell Bristlepaw that she hopes she passes her test soon while Mistystar announces Curlfeather's babies having just been born.
Bristlefrost is a character who means a lot to me, and left me wanting more. Her final scene in Alitm brings prickling tears to my eyes, even worse when Rootspring can still feel her there, the memory of what was supposed to be... There's a reason I have her theme set to No Surprises by Radiohead (and it's even gentler done cover by Juliana Chahayed). She deserves a very quiet, settled life after the trauma of being Bramblefake's deputy and part of the Thunder Rebellion, same as Violetshine and Dovewing tee bee aych.
Anyways... The thing about her disappearance.
Bristlefrost notices that Ashfur has survived what should have been a killing blow from Squilf.
He looks at her, and winks as he stalks off into the shadows, near the growing lake of dark water that the author hasn't given an alternate spooOOOooky name to yet.
Anyways, she gathers up all the strength I'm her back legs, and pounces at him. She slams full-force into Ashfur, the two of them tumbling into the black lake...
She pushes him down, biting and kicking her back legs into him. She feels him fade away between her paws, and feels a cold, heavy weight...
She flips over, and can vaguely hear shouting from above... Are they arguing? Why? She did the right thing, didn't she? She sees her mothers faces, the two look horrified. She hears Rootspring and Needleclaw screaming for her, the other Lights in the Mist are all calling out for her but... She's so tired...
She hears a swirl of water.
Looking to her right is... Another version of her? She looks... Different. More like Fernsong. Her fur is pure gray, her eyes a different shade but... That's Her. The Other Her is beginning to drown, and panic.
Using her strength, Bristlefrost swims over to the other one, holding her from behind.
"You're safe. You're fine. You're home with everyone you love." She thinks as hard as she can, mouthing it against her own ear. "The one you love, loves you back. You have a family together. You die old, and loved by all."
Feeling her oxygen running out, Bristlefrost holds The Other Her tighter, the cat beginning to relax.
"Everyone is safe now. You're going to die at peace. Not scared and cold... Only Warmth. Only Love."
The other Bristlefrost fades away... A shining light overtakes this Bristlefrost, deeper down at the bottom of the lake... Calling her even deeper. Her air runs out.
She swims towards the light.
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ambercast · 11 months
In the Interim . . .
((below the cut you’ll find what everyone has been up to in the 13 days since the earthquake))
Cassie cleaned up the farm, took stock of damages and what needs to be fixed. Felix moved in with her and together they’ve worked on rebuilding.
Claire brought chicken noodle soup to all the Romeros and checked in with them, but concentrated her efforts on visiting Duck to cook for him and help nurse him back to health.
Conrad stopped drinking atm so he could keep a better eye on Mason and Pru in the aftermath (esp Pru since Minnie was her friend). He offered for Pru to come spend the night at his and Mason’s whenever she needed.
Declan is helping with the rebuilding efforts as best and much as he can, considering his limitations. His hand tremors pop up more often than not but he’s kept a smile on his face and is doing his best to keep things light.
Jamie made meals for displaced people and those working on the rebuilding efforts during his time off from the diner (with Nick’s help). He’s since moved in to Clara’s place and has a meal ready for her when she gets home or brings her dinner when she has to stay at the ranger station. He’s doing his best to keep busy so he doesn’t worry too much, especially since anxiety can trigger his PTSD episodes.
Lucy and Roman made things official before she moved back into the commune. Roman tried to talk her out of it but they compromised with having a walkie on their persons to keep in touch despite the distance.
Natalie came out to the family as Briana’s daughter and has been visiting Bri during her recovery.
Nico is devastated at the loss of Minnie. It’s the first time he’s lost a family member and he’s not handling it well. He’s been spending most nights drinking and having sex with whoever will have him. He hasn’t been seen at the Commune since the earthquake except to check on Scout and let Xander know he’s still alive.
Quinn has been keeping an eye on potential followers and has been talking to Raziel in dark corners and behind closed doors.
Raziel moved into the commune and is helping Sandra as her second, quite magnanimously (while also keeping an eye on Sin and sexually teasing him at any chance they get).
Rose has been staying with Avery while they both recover from their injuries. She put Finch in charge of the Commune garden while she’s gone.
Saffron has been looking after Val as best they can and checking in with Roman more often than before. She’s doing her best to stay busy so she doesn’t have to think. They don’t regret their confession to Halley but is still kinda freaked out about it.
Star has been numbing herself as much as she can in the aftermath of Minnie’s death and had OD’d twice already. Despite being in no shape to do so, she’s been spending a lot of time with Spencer, attempting to help them out as best they can.
Will has been going between Eagan and Mila to look after them both as best he can, picking up extra clients so he can give the extra ration cards to Eagan while she’s unable to work herself.
Yuri has been helping where she can around town and just recently came across her brother, so now she’s gotta look out for him too.
Zoë is dead. Her belongings were given to Zain, including her laptop which has her notes, video, and interviews compiled for her documentary on Huntsville. What happens to all this research is up to Zain . . .
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dropout-if · 1 year
Prompt for Statler: Working part-time as ghost or clown mascots together at some kind of Halloween horror festival for while babysitting kids at the same time
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“Oh, [Name]— Love...” Statler groans—hides the entertained smile threatening to spill “I look so bad…”
It’s Halloween, and Statler and you stand in a makeshift tent, adorned in the costumes mandatory for the day. The organization had assigned you a box with a grotesquely obnoxious clown costume, which immediately triggered Statler’s sacrifice as they swapped their costume—a demon they joked didn’t fit your personality—with yours.
In terms of your attire, you look quite normal. Statler can’t pride themself in saying the same.
You rub their back soothingly, “It’s not so bad— I promise.”
They lamely adjust their wig, eyes overanalyzing a distant future.
“I’m never gonna live this down,” Statler mumbles. They turn to you, look you up and down—and sigh dramatically, “And I don’t get to be the only one who sees you like this…”
“I thought you were excited for this,” you point out—it’s strange to see Statler being anything remotely close to a wet blanket, “Come on, it’s for the kids. They love this stuff.”
They seem to have found their cool, though, as their eyes remain locked on you. Statler mumbles, self-deprecating, “The amount of humiliating things I’ve done ‘for the kiss’,” they speak a tad louder, “I’m going to traumatize my sister, is all.”
Knowing Brianna, she’s a reason worth being traumatized, not the other way around. But you’re not about to say that to her older sibling who loves her like she’s the sun.
Instead, you nudge Statler playfully, “She’s tougher than you think. And you look amazing.”
Statler releases a little dreamy sigh. With the natural flair of someone commenting on the weather, they breathe out a quiet, “I love you, y’know?”
“You do mention it quite often,” you tease, “Love you too, Statler. Don’t— Don’t worry about Bri, okay?”
They give you a look—‘easier said than done’—but Statler doesn’t protest as you hold their hand, gently guide them outside—they even look happy, despite their unflattering attire.
Brianna sees Statler, she doesn’t even let a second expire before she throws herself into her big sister’s/brother’s arms.
“You look dumb,” she informs you—Statler seems to find that hilarious, judging by the way they’re struggling to keep their laughter polite.
At least they’re having fun. Your reprimanding glare is soft—yet Statler still takes a deep, deep breath.
“Now— Bri. That’s not nice,” they frown with a little pout, “[Name] and I— We need to take care of everyone here. And you have to behave, okay? Can you do that?”
Brianna nods immediately, “Of course.”
The next two hours pass you by as a very important question settles in your mind:
‘How the hell can a person dressed like a clown—literally—have charmed a crowd of pre-schoolers?’ When you ask later on, once the makeup and the wig come off, Statler simply laughs and kisses your temple.
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lunarsvertigo · 11 months
Random Asahna Headcanons and Facts
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(but since it’s an oc it’s actually canon :P)
As a Padawan:
She has up pictures of Anakin, Obi Wan, and Madeline (my friend bri’s oc) on her walls and has definitely talked off Ahsoka’s ear asking about what it’s like to be Anakin’s padawan.
Especially during the Clone Wars, I feel like padawans are much more rowdy and rebellious, so I’m definitely leaning into that with Asahna, especially with her best friend (if you make out with your friends) being Caleb Dume.
She and Cal met during one of her studious phases when she fell asleep in the library and Cal lightly nudges her awake. She immediately becomes fascinated with this shy, fiery haired boy. She hunts him down soon after and follows him around quite a bit, before introducing him to Caleb. She basically pleads with Caleb if “they could keep him”.
As mentioned above, while nothing is specifically lined out in terms of romance, Asahna and Caleb sneak around in have kissing sessions throughout the temple. This all started when they ended up on their second mission together (after meeting on their first one) and they were the last two around the fire and just looking at stars. Asahna initiated it…
The little trio loves to sit by the fountain and read or relax once they have gotten back from their missions.
Asahna absolutely has a fascination with bugs which mostly dies out after the Geonsian brain worms. She still occasionally ventures to the nature area of the temple and likes to watch little beetles crawl up the trees.
Even at 15, she likes to hang around with younglings and teach them what Yoda allows. She has so much love for the future jedi, which is what leads her to meeting a 4 yr old Leysha.
Although she is a very rebellious padawan, she deeply respects her master and those who have helped raise her into who she is. She often goes and meditates with Yoda and seeks his counsel.
As a fugitive (about the next decade after Order 66):
She absolutely loves hot chocolate! She loves to brew up some for her and Leysha (the youngling she saved) while they sit on her bunk curled up with a soft blanket and a holonet show on. She loves to drink it late at night and first thing in the morning (a very tired asah below).
Asah makes sure that Leysha stays on the ship whenever she has to work a job. Whether that is meeting up with an informant or dropping off some smuggled weapons. This also means that she has stocked up on toys and things for Ley to do while she is left alone.
As much as Asahna claims that their mosswa (original creature, inspo down below), Gigi, is for Ley, she can’t deny how much love she has for the mossy mammal when it curls up on her shoulder when it’s late at night and she is alone in the cockpit, piloting the DawnShredder (YT-2400) to a new planet.
Even though there are about 4 crew rooms on the DS and they each technically have their own rooms, Leysha and Asahna sleep in the same room and most nights, on the same bunk. Mostly due to Asahna wanting to be able to comfort Ley after nightmares.
She is certainly guarded and a much more hardened version of herself but for Leysha’s sake, she puts on a smile and makes sure to be what she had needed in the last 10 years for Ley.
As a rebel:
She meets up with an informant who happeneds to be Hera. Out of the two existing Ghost crew, she finds Hera more attractive in the beginning. The jet juice certainly makes Kanan look better.
She has the exact same coping skills as Kanan, aka being an alcoholic and a slut. Which is exactly how she meets Kanan… by getting drunk and hooking up with him.
That doesn’t stop her from stealing weapons from the Ghost (Kanan took her back to his cause she never brings men to the DS because she doesn’t want to disturb Ley).
Asahna and Kanan do not recognize each other and will not for a couple years.
Zeb is the first person that Asahna genuinely connects with. It was mostly due to the fact of trauma bonding and having to deal with watching your people die (she was at the temple during 66).
She constantly fights with Chopper as a way to release stress. Sure her and Kanan hook up to do that too but what’s more fun than yelling back and forth with a droid that happens to be a war criminal.
Asah never gives up the DawnShredder. It sits on lothal and from time to time, her and Ley sleep on it as a form of sleepovers. Which means that her and Ley bunk together on the Ghost which is alright because they had practically been doing that before joining the Ghost crew.
so yeah that’s the list i have for right now !! most of this came up on a whim cause i had like 3 but all of them really suit her lol
(references below, found the moss ferret on pinterest, if you know the artists user or @ pls let me know! and asahna was done by little_joy_15 on instagram!!)
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jezmmart · 1 year
Chamomile Comic Trivia #25
#129 - List
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A bit of a convoluted setup, but I wanted to do something a little less directly halloweeny for October’s comics in 2019 and came up with this idea - I always have been a big fan of the ghostly-voices-heard-in-a-recording trope.
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It’s only barely visible in the earlier panels with a speech bubble covering it in the one shown above here, but Cammie’s hair clamp from #117 is resting next to her bedside table.
#130 - Ghosts
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For story arcs, I’ve always tried to make every single Chamomile Comic’s context possible to piece together even if someone hasn’t read the ones that came before it as best I can, but in this case the previous comic was so particular and unusual that Cammie would literally need to describe the entire scene that late readers will have just read, so I made a joke out of it instead, almost serving as a marker where I made the decision to not get hung up on it anymore when it’s too hard, lol.
#131 - Whispers
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I didn’t choose Layla at random, it’s an important note that she’s the one who bought into Cammie’s nonsense here. It’s never really been the subject of any focus or story arc but I do think Cammie and Layla’s friendship has an unspoken flavour to it that feels a bit different from Cammie and Brianna’s, even though Cam and Bri are besties.
Having said that it presented me with the decision of whether to depict her without her hijab, and at this point in time I leaned away from the idea. Being brutally honest, I kind of expected people to make a big deal out of seeing her without it - it’s sort of an unfortunate but understandable downside of also being a femme-focused pin-up artist, having a cast of women, and drawing it all in a cute art style. A lot of people are here who admire cute feminine character art and I’d be a hypocrite to say there’s anything inherently wrong with that when that’s literally what half my art is! I think I was right with this judgement too, because I definitely did get a comment or two from folks who were all “aww I thought we were gonna get to see her hair”. I know there’s tons of people who like me would shift their mindset to think nothing of it, but I know the folks who don’t would kind of bug me, so I think it’s easier to just not.
Having said all of this, I can’t deny it was a really fun artistic challenge to come up with a way to hide her lack of hijab in the nighttime scene without it feeling intentionally like an Austin Powers prop censorship gag - at least that was my hope!
Realistically I don’t think she would be wearing a cap around Cammie in the morning scene - in more recent comics of course we had another scene where Cammie and Layla shared a room, and I decided to go for a middleground where the point of her hijab is still kept for the audience but I was a little more relaxed about it, since I’ve read threads from folks who wear hijabs who feel it’s misrepresentational to depict them being worn 24/7.
#132 - Accent
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Not much to say here.  I swear there was a story or inspiration behind the gag of Cammie’s sleeptalking, but it’s gone forever now! I did enjoy deciding that the pure and innocent Cammie has horrifically unsettling dreams that she thinks nothing of.
#133 - Cereal
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This was just a one-off gag I had in the idea bank for a while that I never quite knew how to do. The punchline of “all these cereals have expired” was always there and this could have just been a Cammie at home talking to herself strip, but somehow said punchline didn’t feel as funny talking to herself as it did to another character, no idea why. This arc was a perfect opportunity to finally use it even though it doesn’t tie into the actual story of the arc whatsoever (which is fine of course, it’s November by now).
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Cammie’s cereals are:
Sugar Crunch (with added Vitamin), a broad parody of sweet cereal Moist Nuts, which is just some funny words Frog Flakes, with regular JezMM mascot Frogy of course Mostly Bran, a parody of All-Bran Wheated Bix, a parody of Weetabix Corny Puns, both a parody of Corn Flakes and one of many silly cereal names that showed up in my old comic Phantasm Dyad, in the episode where they were tracking down the cause of a gaggle of inanimate object ghosts found on the beach - a Cereal Killer.
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Funnily enough, another cereal in that comic was “Corned Flakes”, which is basically the same joke as Wheated Bix. Mr. Burns saying “I am enjoying this Iced Cream” in The Simpsons was one of those humour-defining moments for me as a kid I think.
#134 - Dark
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Just complaining through my characters here.  I hate when the clocks go back and would always rather have more light in the afternoon than the morning.  Having the daylight end at 4pm is so depressing, but waking up in the dark and having it get light as your day begins is sort of romantic to me.
I do like how this one has sort of unique lighting - very few comics that take place exactly at dusk like this and I tried to capture that vibe even though it’s just a standard blurry background.
[More Chamomile Comic Trivia] (Above link may not work correctly on tumblr app)    
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daydream-cement · 1 year
The Road Trip Ch. 4
The fun begins. The house isn't as it seems to be. Twists and turns, hidden doors, and our headmistress, knight, constable, and captain are stuck in the thick of it.
this was written in collaboration with @bri-sonat. this is most definitely my favorite part of the story. the twists and turns were a delight to write with you <3
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“Good morning, all.” Lucifer turned the corner, entering the kitchen, pleasantly surprised to see all of the women eating breakfast together, even if it was in silence, “Glad to see you all out and about this fine day.”
“And where have you been?” Larissa inquired, dropping her spoon down into her yogurt bowl and frowning up at the lightbringer. The shapeshifter believed if they had been there to mediate yesterday, much of the group's issues would have spiraled out of control as they had. Rather than acknowledge Larissa’s attitude, Lucifer elected to ignore her, their eyes searching around the breakfast table for anyone else willing to contribute to the conversation.
Phasma didn’t even bother to look up at the lightbringer, frustrated at them for having the ability to leave and reappear whenever they wished. The captain just wished they would take her with them the next time, she could do with some time away from the fools she had found herself cohabitating with. If she had to pick one that got on her nerves the least, it would have to be Brienne, but even the knight seemed to have gotten sucked into the purgatory that was fraternization. 
None of the women at the table seemed eager to interact with Lucifer, but one of them had to speak up sooner or later. One had to ‘take one for the team,’ even if the team part was questionable.
“Lively bunch... Well, I’m sure you are wondering why you have all been forced to cohabitate with one another.” Lucifer grew tired of waiting, preferring to get straight to the point over staring blankly at the group of women, “I brought you all here for my own selfish interest. The tournaments down in Hell just don’t do it for me anymore, I needed some fresh entertainment.”
This was not liked by any one of the residents, but the one that was first to voice her displeasure was Phasma, “What the fuck! I could kill you right now.” The captain rose from her chair, ready to march right up to Lucifer and smite them where they stood, but Brienne snatched the trooper’s arm, holding it in a bruising grip. After sitting down, not without struggling to rip out of the knight’s steadfast grasp, she was staring at the Morningstar, her wrath fuming and steaming. “So. You are saying that we are your personal little guinea pigs brought here for your entertainment, and now you expect us to dance for you like good little puppets? In your fucking dreams.”
Lucifer remained unphased at Phasma’s outburst, hands clasped in front of them with their habitual elegance, an intrusive calmness radiating from their person, “Yes. That is exactly what I am saying, you connected the pieces real swiftly, didn’t expect it to be you.”
Larissa snorted at Lucifer’s subtle roast, not being able to hold it in from the pure shock of the lightbringer’s statement. She felt the captain’s burning gaze on her but ignored it, deciding to stay silent, invested in the developments and the exposing of the ruler’s plans.
Miranda’s brow was furrowed, eyes focused down on the kitchen table as she spoke, “So what exactly do you have planned for us to do?”
“You’ll find out soon enough. Once you’re finished with breakfast, you can open the envelope and get started.” Lucifer glanced down at their robes, smoothing them down calmly before making eye contact with each of the women, “Even if you don’t see me... I’ll be watching.”
“Aw, fuck you and your cryptic ass sentences!” Phasma was having none of this bullshit, this was not the vacation she had signed up for, “‘Even if you don’t see me I’ll be watching,’ what the hell does that even mean? Oh, I hate them! I really do!”
Brienne’s grip on Phasma’s arm never faltered, knowing that if she loosened it even a tiny bit, the captain would take the opportunity to remove herself from the grasp and attack Lucifer, “Yeah, yeah. I know you do.” The knight sighed tiredly, she hadn’t even been awake twenty minutes and this day was already being set up to be longer than the one before.
Larissa reached out for the envelope, not willing to cause as much of a fuss as Phasma, more so out of pride than lack of concern for her own personal safety. She pried open the metal of the manilla envelope, turning to ask a question, but the being had already left the women to their own devices. 
“And now the Ruler of Teleportation is gone again! Unbelievable…” Phasma kept muttering under her breath about how she would kill Lucifer and ‘when I get my hands on them….’ Brienne being the one having to hear every single word spoken considering her proximity. “Lord Brienne, you can let me go now, Major Fuckface is gone.” The knight released the captain’s arm and they were both sure it would leave a bruise.
Pulling two pages from the envelope, Larissa scanned the tops of both pages, one was addressed to Phasma and Brienne, and the other to Larissa and Miranda, “It looks like we are being split up into teams. Lord Commander and the Captain together and Miranda and I together.” Passing the one sheet over the table to the captain and knight, Larissa held out the leftover sheet to Miranda for her to take. 
Miranda began scanning the page she was handed, reading over the words quickly as she held out the document far enough for Larissa to lean over and read along. They were being asked to see their way down to the basement where the clue to escaping can be ‘found beneath all that has been lost.’ The constable tilted her hand and wrinkled her nose, muttering softly enough so only Larissa could hear, “What does that even mean?”
Phasma cringed as she read over her note, “Is this- Is this team building? Am I being forced to work with people to be able to leave? Oh. Oh, I am going to throw up.”
Brienne rolled her eyes at Phasma’s theatrics, “Stop being such a drama queen. Be glad you’re with me and not Headmistress Weems.” The captain looked to the knight with a puzzled countenance, “Miranda told me about the spout you two had last night, she didn’t go into details, though. Only that you had a ‘knock-down, drag-out fight,’ whatever that connotes.”
The captain sighed, almost relieved that she was with Brienne out of all the potential choices, she would never admit this, of course, or that she found the knight tolerable. The Lord Commander stood up, reading the note Phasma was currently over the trooper’s shoulder, softly mumbling to herself as she did.
“Larissa... I don’t want to go down to the basement.” Miranda turned to the shapeshifter, shaking her head at the thought of descending to the basement that she had already envisioned to be a creepy and dangerous place. 
The shapeshifter pushed her chair back and stood, placing a hand on her hip as she stared down at the constable, “Well, it doesn’t seem like we have a choice, do we?” With that Larissa stepped away from the table and pushed her chair in, pausing momentarily to see if Miranda was following her. 
“No...” Miranda murmured, getting up from her own chair and following Larissa. She wasn’t sure if the shapeshifter knew exactly where the basement was. 
Brienne watched as the shapeshifter and constable left the kitchen to find, and eventually make their way to, the basement door, still standing behind a sitting Phasma, “Are we supposed to follow them, or is this like a two-at-a-time thing?”
Phasma, who was losing every grain of the small amount of patience left in her body at Lucifer’s new source of amusement that involved torturing her and her hermit self, responded after reading the oracular riddle again to find an answer for the blonde knight, “I don’t fuckin’ know.”
The knight furrowed her brow, reading the words on the note over and over, drawing the conclusion that if she didn’t say anything, they could sit here all day. Phasma sure as hell wouldn’t willingly join the team activity, “I say we follow them, Captain. Two more sets of eyes couldn’t hurt.”
The captain groaned, standing up from her chair and folding up the paper once again before stuffing it in one of her pockets on her trousers, “Fine. After you, Lord Brienne.” Phasma was on the edge of another outburst and used extreme solemnity to abstain from murdering everyone and everything, even if the idea was tempting. She had no interest in breaking rules when she valued them so much herself.
Jogging to catch up to Larissa, Miranda silently assisted the focused headmistress by prying open doors on the left side of the hallway while Larissa checked the right. After five combined unsuccessful tries, they finally opened a door containing the stairs leading down to the basement.
Brienne and Phasma, who had followed Larissa and Miranda’s path, caught up just as the two women opened the basement door, deciding to stay a few feet away so as to not eavesdrop or have the other team hear them speak, it was two for two after all.
Descending the stairs, Larissa led the way, heels clicking against each of the wood stairs. A light cord was barely visible halfway down the flight and Miranda reached an arm over Larissa’s shoulder to illuminate the staircase. Miranda took in the unfinished basement, seeing that it was mostly used for storage, “Creepy, isn’t it?”
The shapeshifter continued down the staircase, a little slower this time, unsure of what they would find, “It certainly is…”
Once the shapeshifter and constable had reached the bottom of the stairs, the knight and captain followed, the wood creaking under their feet and they almost regretted not wearing warmer socks as the steps were cold, “Gods, it’s cold down here.” Brienne was the first of the two to comment on it, feeling an intense urge to run up to her room and collect her slippers.
“You’re telling me… It’s almost as cold as Hoth down here…” Phasma mumbled behind Brienne, deciding to make an effort to converse with the knight, considering they’d probably be stuck together for a while.
“Hoth?” The knight questioned the captain’s simile, pleasantly surprised at Phasma’s contribution to the dialogue.
“Snowy planet,” Phasma explained as they reached the end of the steps. She took a look around the dim cellar and decided to search the opposite side of Larissa and Miranda’s direction when she saw the route they opted with.
The knight hummed at the captain’s response, following after her as the trooper approached a storage rack. Phasma pulled out a box from one of the metal shelves, sliding it Brienne’s way before taking one out to search for herself, “You search this one, I’ll do this one. Let me know if you find anything.”
There was silence as they both scoured their respective boxes until the knight broke it, “How’s your arm?” Brienne stopped looking in her storage container to check in on Phasma, she underestimated her own strength a lot of times and that led to her hurting people, even when she didn’t intend to. “I hope I didn’t harm you.”
Phasma looked up from what she was searching, almost offended at Brienne’s query and that the knight thought she could hurt her, “It’s fine. I have been hurt far worse you know.”
“I do not doubt it. I still wanted to ask, it’s in my nature.” Something Brienne quickly noticed after spending some time alone with the captain was that they were opposites of each other. They clashed in almost everything: their morals, ethics, code, and personality. The one thing they did seem to have in common was their warrior side, the will to fight for what they deemed right.
Phasma pulled up the riddle to read it once again before putting her first box back and pulling out a new one. Her brows had been permanently furrowed since she read it for the first time and she could not for the life of her figure out what ‘all that has been lost’ could be, it was driving her even madder than the road trip had.
Brienne had finished with her first box and was now onto her second, sneaking occasional glances over at Larissa and Miranda who had gotten quite far in their search as well, feeling a surge of stress once seeing how many boxes they had discarded. “Can I see the parchment again, Captain?”
The captain handed the paper to Brienne wordlessly, emerging in her so-far fruitless search. She was growing more and more irritated with each unrelated item she pulled up and looked over, this was not her cup of tea, she did not have the required endurance for something this mind-numbing.
Reading over the riddle again, Brienne mumbled, mostly to herself, but also so Phasma could chime in with anything if any of the knight’s words triggered something in the captain’s mind, “Beneath all that is lost… I haven’t lost anything recently… At least nothing I can remember, guess that’s what losing something entails.” Deciding to speak clearer for her teammate to hear, the Lord Commander directed her next utterance towards her, “Have you lost anything?”
Phasma kept up with her sifting, not looking up when responding to Brienne, “I can’t remember anything past the age of sixteen, and I own nothing. So I wouldn’t know.”
This lit a light in the knight’s mind, “Oh! Maybe it’s your memory that has been lost.” At this, Phasma snapped her head up to look at the Lord Commander, “Perhaps we are searching for something reminiscent. Something from your childhood, before you joined the first order.” Brienne met the captain’s eyes, returning the letter to her.
“I think you might be onto something,” Phasma smirked at Brienne’s intellect, impressed at the knight, there was more to her than muscles and mystery. “Aren’t you a smart one… Clever girl…”
Whilst Phasma went back to scouring, Brienne was left with heated cheeks for a reason unknown to her, deciding to tilt her head down to hide her deep blush from the captain, disguising it as rummaging.
Miranda and Larissa stuck close together when they realized the others had been sent down to the basement as well. The headmistress felt more than prepared to undertake the task of solving the riddle as Nevermore was filled with hidden passageways requiring a certain level of intelligence to solve the riddle.
“Okay, Mir. Read that clue to me once more.” Larissa asked, rifling through a bookshelf for anything out of the ordinary. She expected one to be hollowed out, have a clue stuck between pages, or show a secret passageway, but each of the books seemed perfectly normal.
Miranda paused her search of the basement to read off the white page she had shoved into her pocket. Unfolding it, the constable began reading slowly, “The path to escaping can be found beneath all that has been lost.” 
Larissa began speaking her thoughts aloud, pushing away from the bookshelf when she found it to be fruitless. Next, she moved on to a pile of boxes, ready to rifle through each to find a clue, “Lost? Have you lost anything? I don’t… I don’t think I have lost anything. Maybe it's referring to humanity or something larger.” The headmistress began thinking of all the things humanity has lost. Mid-thought she glanced over to Phasma attempting to solve the clue herself. The snarky comment left her mouth before she could stop it, “Perhaps sanity is what has been lost.”
Miranda chose not to acknowledge the comment about Phasma, changing the topic entirely as she took a seat on the ground and pulled a box between her legs, “You think we win something if we escape quicker than the other women?” She began taking out each of the objects to glance at it before setting it to the side.
“Bragging rights, probably…” Larissa mumbled angrily as this is not the prize she was wishing for. Bent over her box, Larissa continued pulling out miscellaneous objects: old trophies, children’s clothes, and sports equipment. Nothing pulled up any memories for her that pertained to something she or someone else had lost.
Another half hour went by before Larissa or Miranda spoke up again. This time it was Miranda who frantically tried to get the shapeshifter’s attention, “Rissa! Come! Look at this! The girl in the picture looks just like you!”
Brienne and Phasma turned their head towards the two women at Miranda’s exclamation, discreetly observing the scene unfolding on the other side of the cold cellar to see if the constable’s excitement was warranted.
Dropping a stuffed bear and old calendar back into their box, Larissa straightened herself upright and smoothed out her dress, and circled the pile of boxes to get to Miranda. Ducking her face over the constable’s shoulder, lo-and-behold the woman was holding a picture of Larissa and her old roommate, Morticia Addams. This must have been the clue they were searching for: a lost friendship. Grasping at Miranda’s shoulder, Larissa spoke quickly, “Take out the picture to see if there is a clue behind it.”
Miranda flipped over the picture frame and undid the backing, tossing it and the frame aside. Pulling the photo loose, the constable flipped it over, reading the text written into the back of the photo: ‘Time to face your fears.’
“Now what in the hell does that mean?” Larissa stood up straight once more, a hand landing on her hip as she let out an exasperated huff. What horror movie crap did Lucifer have planned for them? The headmistress plucked the photo from Miranda’s hands, rereading the five words over and over again. 
The constable picked up the leftover frame, checking it once over for any additional clues: a fruitless search, “Maybe I have to face my fears because you found what you had lost?” When Miranda glanced up once more, Larissa was no longer behind her. Whipping her head around, Miranda searched to find Larissa, but she was nowhere to be found, nor were the other two women. Miranda was now left completely alone. 
“Where did she go?” Larissa nearly jumped out of her skin when she realized the constable was now missing. The shapeshifter only gazed up at Brienne and Phasma, her heart beginning to race at the fear of herself going missing as well. While she didn’t know any of these women well, in a setting where she was completely unsure of what was to come, she would rather rely on safety in numbers. 
Brienne sprung off from the floor she was sitting on, sprinting over to where the cop had sat, not caring that Larissa was over there. Her new friend seemed to have disappeared into thin air, and the knight’s mind was running a mile a minute, trying to sort through all the possible reasons and circumstances as to why Miranda had seemed to be erased from existence. The Lord Commander’s protective side was baring its grisly teeth as her panic only seemed to rise for every second the constable was missing, “Hilmarson? Miranda!”
Phasma only watched Brienne and her reaction with a roll of her piercing eyes, not really understanding the big deal. She instead put away her final box with a growl, aggravation finally fully taking over after not finding anything for the past hour, “Oh suck it up, I’m sure she’ll be fine. Maybe she can play a travel game or something…” She grumbled the last part, but the knight heard it.
Brienne snapped her head towards Phasma, weighing her options in her mind. Starting a fight wouldn’t contribute to anything and would only make the situation worse if that was even possible at this point, but she couldn’t let the captain get away with her cruel comment. Not about Miranda, “You should watch your mouth, Captain.” The knight’s fiery eyes stared at the captain, letting the trooper know that she would not hesitate if the situation called for it.
Larissa glanced back and forth between the two women, eyes settling angrily on Phasma due to her uncaring statement, “Do you really have to be so callous all of the time? Miranda missing will impact all of us.” The shapeshifter folded her arms over her chest, mind reeling at the possibilities of where Miranda could be. She knew her location was most likely related to the clue: Miranda was facing her fears.
Phasma stood up, strolling defiantly up to the knight, getting up into her face, “Or what? What will the Lord Commander do, huh?” The captain took Brienne’s tensed form in, her brows furrowed and her breathing heavy. Next, she shifted her eyes to Larissa, huffing before answering, “I don’t see how Constable Enthusiasm Galore missing would impact me. The Lord Commander here, that I could see considering her reaction just now. But me? No.”
The shapeshifter put a hand on her hip, lip curling as she stared down the captain, “Perhaps you shouldn’t isolate yourself. I imagine Lucifer has some insidious plan for each of us. You may need our help at some point.” Larissa was growing furious with the obstinate attitude of Phasma, but she kept her tone level, not wanting the situation to escalate more than necessary.
Phasma shook her head, amused. Taking a step out of the knight’s space, she returned to her side, ready to resume her search, “I am already living my greatest fear. This is my waking nightmare. Team bonding. Your ‘help’ would only make it worse.” Almost like the word was rotten, she gagged when saying ‘team bonding.’
“Oh, but I thought the great Captain Phasma wasn’t scared of anything?” Larissa took a step closer to the captain, a smile gracing her red lips, ready to begin a new task of fighting with Phasma once more. 
The captain sighed, unable to understand why the shapeshifter would start this again. Needing to protect her reputation, and satisfy her need for a tussle, she decided to play along. Keeping her hands busy with random framed photos, she looked at Larissa, madness hiding behind her stony gaze, “I’m not. This is just as close as I could get to my own personal torment, so I am making the executive decision of calling this my greatest fear. Don’t try to start something you know you can’t finish. After last time I hadn’t thought you’d want another go.” Phasma had a triumphant and proud smile on her scarred lips, knowing the headmistress couldn’t end what she had begun the previous evening.
Brienne looked in between Phasma and Larissa, in the middle of one of the ‘knock-out drag-out fights’ Miranda had mentioned, and she did not like it one bit. 
“I don’t tire easily.” The headmistress purred, a diplomatic smile spreading across her face. If there was one thing Larissa couldn’t turn down, it was the opportunity to win, “For someone so concrete in the idea that she is best in everything, you surely show no skills around being a team player in any capacity. Do you think any of us want to be stuck here in this situation? Miranda is stuck somewhere, probably alone, Brienne must tolerate us bickering, and I’m tormented by the thought of being stuck alone with you for any amount of time. News flash: the world doesn’t revolve around you, space ranger.” 
The bitterness of not finding a single clue and Larissa’s unabating need to rile Phasma up was getting to her, her fists clenching, teeth gritting. She was on the verge of another outburst and this time, she wouldn’t let Brienne stop her, “I have no interest in being a ‘team player.’ I am not a team player, in fact, I am the farthest thing from it and this is a well-known fact. I am a hermit, I enjoy my solitude and my alone time and this is quite the opposite. The world doesn’t revolve around me, but it seems to be terrified of me, and I’m sure time alone with me wouldn’t be so bad, considering you have been wanting to jump my bones since yesterday.” The captain left her current activity to walk up to the headmistress, purring her next words, “And I might just let you, I like my fucktoys feisty…”
It took everything in Larissa not to react to Phasma’s words. The only indication the words had affected her was the clench of her jaw that the captain noticed, a smug smile landing on her lips. If Larissa was any less prideful, she would have considered taking Phasma up on her offer. With a sigh, Larissa stared straight into the captain’s eyes, “I just bet you do… Sadly for you, I prefer a moral compass on those I let fuck me.”
Phasma hummed condescendingly, “Such a shame. I have been told I am planet-blow- Oh, sorry, mind-blowingly good in bed.” The captain chuckled, her slip-up intentional to taunt the headmistress even more by bringing up the topic of their heated discussion from last night.
Taking one final look at the captain, Larissa dragged her eyes up Phasma’s body, wanting the other woman to feel every bit of her gaze. When she met the captain’s eyes, she licked her lips, “I’m sure you are.” With that, the headmistress turned on her heels, wishing to search for any additional clues to where the constable could have been taken to.
Brienne was frozen in place, watching as the two women went back to their business as if nothing happened. She was flabbergasted, the tension could surely be cut by a butter knife and the knight felt like she couldn’t breathe; like she was suffocating. Phasma noticed how the Lord Commander seemed as if turned to stone and she decided to throw something at her to snap her out of it.
An old tennis ball hit Brienne’s leg, hard, and she yelped from the suddenness of it, looking over in the direction it came from, narrowing her eyes when she saw Phasma looking at her anticipatingly. “Don’t just stand there and gawk, come and help.”
Brienne bent down to collect the ball rolling on the floor, not wanting anyone to trip on it and hurt themselves. She tossed it in a discarded box once she had and moved to sit down in her previous spot on the floor opposite Phasma, “I don’t think there’s anything left to check, I mean, we have looked everywhere.” The knight was defeated, worried about Miranda, and exhausted from finding nothing.
Meandering around the basement, Larissa checked the perimeter of the room, curious if there were any hidden doors or passageways. Wishful thinking, but still worth a shot. Every so often, Larissa would glance over where the two women sat, thinking back on her sexual tension-filled exchange with Phasma from earlier. She found her way into a small opening beneath the stairs, the hinges of a door visible about two feet off the floor. The headmistress spoke up, hand reaching out in hopes of finding a handle to open the door, “I think I may have found something...”
Brienne turned her head to look at what had been discovered, thankful for any sort of new information or reprieve. Squinting her eyes to make out whatever it was in the dimly illuminated basement, the knight stood up, moving carefully towards the shapeshifter’s silhouette, Phasma following her.
The captain looked over Brienne’s shoulder, watching Larissa’s fingers trace the area around the hinges, trying to find where a potential handle could be by following the gaps in the wall, “What is it? Cliché secret door? Right up Bitchifer’s alley…” Phasma nodded to herself, proud of yet another nickname for the lightbringer who had yet to show their face since breakfast.
Larissa found a small handle, gave it a jerk and the door opened with a loud popping noise. She couldn’t help her disgusted expression when a cloud of dust wafted her way, causing her to let out a few coughs, “Horrid... Who wants to go first?” Pushing herself up on her elbows, Larissa glanced back at the other two women, desperately hoping they wouldn’t choose her.
Phasma pushed past Brienne, looking down into the opening, not being able to see a thing, “I’ll go.” The captain turned to look at all the discarded storage crates, “Did anyone happen to find a flashlight in any of those?”
“There is one in the box by Brienne’s leg.” Larissa gazed up at Phasma, who was far too close for comfort. Her gaze turned away quickly, looking back to Brienne and pointing to the cardboard box nearest to Brienne’s left leg. 
Brienne moved her eyes to the box Larissa had pointed at, squatting down to grab it before returning to her full height. She handed it to Phasma who took it without a single word, an acknowledgment would’ve been appreciated but the knight knew to not expect anything from the captain by now. Flashlight in hand, the trooper turned it on before shining it down the dark hallway, “Follow me.”
Brienne looked down into the same box the flashlight had been in again, seeing something she couldn’t quite make out. Deciding to take a closer look, she returned to a squat, pulling out a framed photo of what looked to be a young Phasma. This was it. “Hold on just one second. Captain, is this you?” She held up the picture for the captain to see and the trooper in turn didn’t even swivel her head to look, not wanting to see anything having to do with her life before the Empire. If she didn’t know about it, she couldn’t miss it.
“I don’t know, and I don’t care.” Stepping one foot over the threshold, Phasma looked back at Brienne who was entranced, staring at the newfound clue, “Are you coming, or what?”
Larissa ducked through the entrance, grasping Phasma’s forearm without her consent to help herself up. As soon as she was upright, the headmistress retracted her hand, moving both of her hands down to dust off and straighten her dress. This day was becoming much more arduous than expected. 
The knight waved her hand as if shooing them away, eyes fixated on young, innocent Phasma, “Uh yeah, one sec.” Turning the frame, Brienne started to remove the back to see if anything was on it like it had been on Miranda’s. 
Phasma had now fully stepped inside the dark hallway, waiting for Brienne to join her and Larissa by the door, “Can you hurry it up?”
The photo was now out of the frame and instead of immediately reading it, Brienne stood up to join the other two by the door. With her eyes on the back of the image, she didn’t seem to notice when the shapeshifter entered the darkened hallway, or when the door slammed shut. Only that she had walked into the now closed door, the words almost uttering themselves: ‘Time to face your fears.’
All of a sudden, the cellar room was empty, the Lord Commander vanishing just as Miranda had.
Larissa huffed, her eyes glancing up at her new companion for the foreseeable future, “You have to be kidding me.”
“What a shame, sugarplum.” Phasma shone the flashlight in Larissa’s face, causing the shapeshifter to squint. “Looks like you’re stuck with me, Little Miss Mommy Issues.”
“Ugh,” Larissa groaned, planting her shoulder into Phasma’s as she passed her by, wanting her frustration with the other woman to be known. The shapeshifter began scanning the walls of the hallway; they were lined with milestone moments of both Phasma and Larissa, such as graduations and promotions. 
The Morningstar was mildly impressed with how quickly the women had managed to move on to the next phase of the game, expecting the first clue to be far more challenging, “Perhaps I have underestimated them. I say we challenge them a bit more, hm?”  Lucifer then turned their attention to the constable, a glimmer in their eyes at how pleased they were with the fear Miranda felt. 
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