#bucky barnes x woc
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disclaimer: this is to makeup for part 2, so kinda like the second half to part two. it's kinda short, i hope u enjoy it 🫰🏿.
the next morning, Tiara was woken up by the sound of people talking.
"i gotta go." a feminine voice giggled.
"mmmbut i don't want you to."
she moaned turning on her side rubbing her feet together. she slowly peaked one eye opened seeing Barnes and Leah back at the lovey dovey crap, all giggly and kissing. groaning she rolled her eyes flipping on to her stomach, burrowing her head in the pillow of the couch.
"sorry, didn't mean to wake you," Leah said apologetically.
she blindly shot them a thumb ups.
"baby, i really have to go." Leah said once more, ending with the sound of a kiss.
"want me to walk you down?" Barnes offered.
"no, i got it." her voice sounded more distant "love you." the sound of footsteps running away
when everything was quite, she began drifting back to sleep. she was mere seconds from passing out when she was jolted awake once again by the ringing of his phone. she sighed in annoyance stuffing her head back under the pillows.
"hey, baby." he said into the phone.
Leah's voice came from the speaker. "hey, i just got down to the car."
she tried buried her head deeper into the pillows to no avail. she briefly contemplated stick it between the couch cushions, but went against it.
"ok, drive safe. you’re carrying precious cargo." Barnes said as that was the most clever thing on the planet.
corny. she thought to herself rolling her eyes
“ok.” Leah giggled “i love you.” she said with, what sounded like, a wide smile.
"love you." he finally hanging up the phone.
"mm, but we just meet." Renee said after a yawn.
Tiara pulled her head from under the pillow and looked over at her friend. she was laid on the floor with wide smile, in a crop top and panties.
"Renee." she called to her with a warning tone.
Renee gasped and quickly covered back up with her blanket looking over to her with a barely noticeable smirk. “what?”
she shook her head looking over at him. he wore a mixture of emotions. he looked intrigued, appalled and titillated. she furrowed her eyebrows and shook her head.
"i'm letting you know again, he has a girlfriend. if anything go down between y'all, that's between y'all and Leah." she stood from the couch, heading to her room.
"um, nothing's gonna happened between us." Barnes followed close behind her to her room.
"none of my business. both y'all know you dating somebody. if Leah come and beat both y'all heads in, that ain't got nothing to do with me." she walked in her room closing the door behind her, but he caught it before it shut.
"i swear, i'm not interested." he took a few steps in.
"ok." she shrugged going in the bathroom closing the door.
after relieving herself she washed her hands and did her morning routine.
stepping out of her bathroom, she saw her guest had migrated to her room.
"i'm glad i'm cover up." she made her way to her closet, to properly dry off.
"one day you're going to find somebody who doesn't give a fuck, and they're going to run your ass over." Kayla's voice rang out from the room pulling a chuckle from Tiara.
she began ear hustling as she rummaged her clothes, looking for something to wear.
"if they're into me it's not my fault." Renee retorted
"if you put it on a platter and serve it to them, it is!" Kayla shot back with frustration evident in her tone.
"i didn't make the commitment they did.” Tiara rolled her eyes as she pulled on a pair of joggers. she loved Renee like a sister, but their this is the one topic that always split them. to Tiara, the idea that it was okay to hook up with someone in a relationship because you weren't committed was bogus. it was just a cop-out for being labeled a home wrecker.
"fair." Bri chimed in.
"you saying that now, but when you walk in on her fucking your man, you gonna be singing a different tune," Kayla warned.
she finished getting dressed, pulling one of her old Syracuse shirts.
"i would never do that to my girl," Renee said confidently .
she grabbed a pair of slippers, exiting the closet. she stepped out of the closet to see all three of them sitting on her bed. Renee had Bri in a side hug while Kayla sat with a distasteful look on her face.
"i’m finna make breakfast" she announced tossing her shoes onto the floor and stepping into them. "put on some pants." she pointed at Renee before leaving the room.
in the kitchen, Tiara connected her phone to the speakers and played her morning playlist on shuffle. she looked in the fridge to see what she could whip up. she grabbed the left over chicken tenders and put them on the counter. she preheated the oven before going to grab some pancake mix.
baby we can go North, South, East, West Coast
she took the last waffle off the iron before going to take the tenders out the oven. she plated the food and poured up glasses of orange juice.
she paused the music and walked to the front go the hall calling out to everyone, “breakfaaassssttt!”
returning to the kitchen, she went and grabbed some syrup from the pantry setting it on the counter.
"yeah, baby, imma call you back. Tiara just made us breakfast." Kayla was the first one in the kitchen on FaceTime.
"lemme see my girl." Eric said from the phone.
Kayla went over to T propping the phone up against the syrup bottle.
"AYYYY, TI-ARI-ANAAAA" he yelled at the screen.
"hey, Eric." she smiled waving at the camera.
they met in college. they both majored in Sports Science and had most of the same classes and seemed to always bump into each other. one day they both happened to be in the library at the same time and he random came up to her asking if she was stalking him.
she tossed the allegations back on him. they argued for five minutes straight about who was stalking who and eventually they were both asked to leave. that didn't stop the arguing. they went back and forward until he crack a stupid that made her laugh.
that broke the wall leading them to become study partners and eventually friends. they grew closer and closer and they became inseparable.
she introduced him to her family and friends. he just so happened to hit it off with Kayla. he went from being stuck to Tiara side to being attached to Kayla's. she was a bit jealous at first, she thought her aunt was trying to steal her best friend from her; but when she found out her aunt was trying to make him her uncle, she got over it.
"ever since you became a lil super hero you forgot about me." he tossed a fake pout at the screen.
"i saw you last week."
"when you came to pick up Kayla. we don't kick it no more."
"you don't hit me up no more." she reverse the blame on to him.
"because i never know if you here or in Vatican City" he exaggerated like the drama queen he is.
"all you gotta do is check twitter and if you don't see the Go Go Power Rangers trending; she probably free." Bri went over planting on her cheek.
she bumped her with her shoulder.
"hey, Ricky." Bri waved to the camera.
"i'm not talking to you." he flipped the camera off.
"you still mad over that little bitty shit?" she scoffed at him grabbing a plate.
"what happened?" T asked, wanting to be messy.
"i molly whooped his ass in Mario Kart, now he mad." Bri took a bite of a chicken tender.
"because you fucking cheated." he thumped the camera.
"no you just fucking suck."
"whatever, get the fuck off my phone." he rolled his eyes at her "bye, T.D. love you, imma hit you up. bye, baby. i love you, imma call you later."
"bye, Ricky. love you." Bri grinned waving, knowing what buttons she was pushing.
"suck my dick." he flipped her off again before adding a quick love you too.
"bye, baby. i love you." Kayla blew a kiss, hanging up the phone.
they grabbed their plates and sat around the island to begin doing what they came over for, complain about their week. before they could start Barnes came barreling in the room with Renee on his trails.
"i don't think my girlfriend would be okay with that." Barnes went straight to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water.
one thing about the girl, she is persistent.
"leave that man alone and come eat!" she called out to her friend.
with a huff, Renee took a seat at the island. once everyone was settled, the ranting began.
Ja'Briana complained about how the patients at her hospital didn’t treat her like a real person. Ma'Kayla ranted about patrons at the bank blaming her for their monthly fees. Renee expressed her frustration with parents at her school who blamed her for their children's failures.
"what about you?" Bri asked, taking a sip of her orange juice.
"nothing really. the week was pretty chill, just one mission. the only thing bothering me is Barn-someone moved in unexpectedly." they looked over at Barnes, who was obliviously digging into another waffle.
"don’t all your coworkers live here?" Kayla asked.
"yeah, but I usually have the place to myself on weekends. now I don't." she replied, side eyeing James.
“aww, am i inconveniencing you?” he asked tossing a faux pout at the end.
“shut it, Barnes.” she shot back sharply.
he wore a smirk standing up to rinsed his dishes.
“so, Bucky, what are you doing today?” Renee asked eyeing him intensely.
“um…” he looked to Tiariana for help.
she considered leaving him out to dry but decided to be the bigger person and asked her feral friend to calm down.
“i’m only asking, 'cause if you free you can kick it with us.” she extended an invitation.
“no he can’t.” T quickly interjected.
“that’s not a word.”
“yes, it is.”
“use it in a sentence.”
“i’m finna go upside your head if you don’t give me my 8 points.”
Barnes did in fact join them, just in spite of Tiara. they were in the den playing Scrabble; he was on double duty. he was playing and the score keep, which was a problem because he continued to challenge all of her words.
right now they were arguing over if finna was a word. she —of course— knew it was a word, and he argued her down that it wasn’t.
“it’s a slang word.” he argued.
“slang is still words.” she shot back
“no, it’s slang.”
“yes, it it. it's in Merriam dictionary!”
"no it's not!"
"look it up." she challenged gesturing to his phone.
“fine.” he typed away on his phone.
"and when you see it run me my points."
thirty seconds later he huffed tossing the phone behind him onto the couch, and added her eight points to her score.
“yeah, that’s what i thought.” she gloated take five more tiles from the bag.
"okay, okay. my turn. astro-n-o-m-i-c-a-l." Bri added to the word astro. "astronomical, that'd be 17 points." she boasted taking seven more tiles from the bag.
Barnes sighed adding seventeen points to her score, putting her far ahead.
“aint nobody seeing me in this scrabble shit.” she gently pumped her chest.
“whatever.” Renee gritted her teeth taking her turn “t-e-m-p-e-r. temper, that’s 10 points.”
he tallied her score before taking his turn.
“temper-a-t-u-r-e. temperature. 15 points.” he jotted down his score.
“no, fucking way!” Renee shot up from the floor, getting a course of groans and sighs from the girls in response. “y’all cheating me! you passed like three times and now you can pull a word outta your ass.” she yelled down at him.
“girl ain’t nobody cheating you.” Kayla rolled her eyes putting down another word on the board. “astronomical-l-y. astronomically. 22 points.”
he went to write down the score, but Renee took the pencil and pad tossing them across the room. she grumbled to herself flopping on the couch pouting.
“while she have her lil hissy fit, i’m finna go take a shower.” Kayla stood up.
“imma order some food, what y’all want?” Tiara asked grabbed her phone.
“i’m good with anything.” Kayla said as she walked out towards her bedroom.
“i want Wingstop.” Bri laid out on the floor scrolling on her phone.
“y’all good with Wingstop?” she asked the other two occupants.
“never had it.” Barnes answered and Renee sat there still pouting.
she opened the app and began placing their usual orders and hand the phone over to him letting him pick something he think he'd like. while he did that, she grabbed the remote—leaning back against the couch—and opened the spotify app shuffle playing her music.
"so how's the whole Keem thing going?" Bri asked still on her phone.
"zmm, zmm." she hushed her, shaking her head.
"what?" she asked, looking up from the screen confused.
she cut her eyes to the bonus person in the room still looking at her phone.
"he doesn't know?" Bri whispered, scrunched her brows.
"don't nobody know, outside y'all."
"my bad." she went back to her screen.
"here you go." Barnes handed her phone back over.
she took it going to the check out, placing the order.
"it'll be here in 20 to 35 minutes." she locked the phone tossing it to the side.
for a brief five minute they sat in silence. they were on their phone while she sat there enjoying the music.
"so, you and Super-Fly?" Barnes randomly asked
"oh my gosh." she rolled her eyes.
"i'm just asking." he defended "i didn't know, but it kinda makes sense. you guys are together—like, you never leave each others' side—you're alway giggling together, you share beds." he listed off everything her and Joaquin did.
and she felt like everything froze. she knew what was coming once that last piece of information left his mouth.
"Y'ALL SHARE BEDS! SINCE FUCKING WHEN?" Bri sat up, setting her phone on the coffee table.
in a split second both girls were at her side. they bombarded her with questions. for the next twelve minutes they continued probing for details of things that never happened.
Tiara and Joaquin only shared beds on long missions, and twice on team camping trip Sam made them go on for 'team building'. that's where it stopped. nothing further happened. she explained that them but they didn't believe her and kept needling her.
Kayla stepped back in the room with a smile on her face and a complementary comment about the shower pressure.
"bump that, your niece been hunching Joaquin." Bri told their aunt as soon as she sat down.
"Tiariana-Destiny Ann Smith." she used her full name, looking at her shocked.
Tiara began explain to her aunt what she had been explaining to the other two, but she joined in on the harassment. while everything went on James was nowhere to be seen. he started this whole thing and he jetted when everything intensified.
as if God had mercy on her her phone dinged with a notification from DoorDash telling her that the food was here.
“the food is here.” she grabbed the keys from the coffee table and sprinted down to the car.
she got in the driver’s seat and drove down to the delivery driver was sat with their food. she greeted them grabbing the bags and drinks. she placed the bags in the passenger seat. she slowly drove back up to the complex not wanting to go back to the interrogation.
they have always been nosey and childish so she was used to it but the whole Joaquin thing was kinda a sensitive subject for her. she never really had trouble flirting with people and even getting who she wanted; but for some reason with him it was so difficult for her. she couldn’t flirt with him for shit, she always acted like a big dork around him. when ever he’d flirt with her she got the flutters and didn’t know how to react but to giggle. her struggles made her feel a stupid and dopey and she hated talking about it—ironically she loved to talk about him.
she sighed pulling up to the garage. looking over at the bags and drinks she knew she was gonna need some assistance but really didn’t wanna ask any of the girls and was stuck with the only other option.
“yes, Tiariana?” he answered clearly annoyed.
she should be the one with the attitude.
“can you come down and help me with the food?” she asked
“you can’t bring it up yourself?”
“no, imma waste everything.”
“ask one of your friends.”
“be a gentleman.”
“you’re always rude to me and i'm suppose to be a gentleman to you.” he asked as if she was borderline insane.
she sighed at his stubbornness “please?”
the line went quite for a few seconds, the only sound was rustling in the background. then there was a sound of footsteps. a minute and a half later he was down at the car.
he couldn’t’ve just answered the question.
she rolled her eyes opening the door, handing him the bag of food. she reached back over picking up the drinks.
they were walking back to the complex, her slower than him. she really didn’t wanna go back in and continue to get hassled. she intentionally stayed at least five paces behind him, kicking a stray pinecone on the ground.
“i know you can move faster than that.” he glanced back at her.
“don’t want to.” she simply said keeping the steady slow pace.
“hm.” he continued walking
“and f*ck you by the way.” she shot at him.
it was his fault that all this was going on.
“me?” he stopped, turning around to face her.
“yes, you’ve got them pressing me over Keem.” she took ten steps forward stopping in front of him.
“i didn’t think it’d be a big deal, that people who dating share a bed.”
“we aren’t dating.” she soughed at the reality of that statement.
“really?” he sounded surprised.
“you guys are always together and your friend asked how everything was going with you two.”
“yeah, she meant something else.” she stepped around him over this humiliating situation.
she walked away at a normal pace this time leaving him a few paces behind this time.
while she was walking ahead, he suddenly spoke up with what sounded like a stupid grin. "wait, you have the hots for Torres."
her entire person warmed up and ears rang. she wanted to deny it, but she sucked at lying. instead of denying she tried picking an argument.
"the hots? ew, you really are old." she poked at him with no avail.
"yeah, ancient. but you fancy Torres." he held the door opened for them.
"fancy? you British now?" she tried again.
“no, but you wanna get french with Super-Fly.” he would let it go.
“ugh.” she groaned giving up on trying to pick a fight with and focused on not spilling the drinks as she climbed the stairs.
he walked behind her carrying on with the teasing. they went to the kitchen, where her guests were already sat, setting everything on the island. she thought it would stop here, but he just kept going.
everyone in this house was irritating her. she grabbed her drink and food from the bags going straight to her room.
she took a seat on the floor and began eating and thinking about what she didn't want to—her relationship with Joaquin. the lack there of actually.
she wanted to convince herself that it was just a small little crush on a guy she found attractive, but she was borderline in love with one of her close friends. her close friend who may or may not feel the same.
he could very well just be joking around and kidding with her and she could be reading far into things. that was a possibility that she didn't wanna consider, but she had to face reality and understand that there was a high likelihood that that was the case. she is a fully grown woman who had to face the truth, even if it was something she didn't want to be.
she was half way done with her food when her cousin came in her room.
"we was waiting for you to come back in there." Ja'Briana sat at the ottoman at the foot of her bed.
"y'all can eat." she said taking a bite of her voodoo fries.
"what's wrong with you?"
she shook her head taking another bite of her food.
"so you pouting in here for nothing?" she wasn't looking at her but she could feel her looking at her, with undoubtedly unimpressed expression.
"i'm not pouting, i'm..." she took a second to find the right word "recollecting."
"mhmm, and what are you recollecting from."
"yall." Tiara grabbed her drink taking a sip.
"the fuck i do?" Bri asked in a calmly offended tone.
"you and them other people out there hounding me about Keem."
"girl! you know we was just playing." she bumped her with her knee.
"yeah, but the jokes were going on too long. now it's not funny; it's annoying." she finally looked over at her.
"it's that deep?" she looked back at her confused.
"yeah." she folded her arms.
"alright we'll dead it."
"now, grab your food and stop being a hermit." Bri stood up helping from the floor.
she groaned as her joints popped.
"oh, Lord. you already got the old lady sounds."
"girl, i'm old." she grabbed her meal.
"no, because if you old then i'm old."
"got some bad news for ya." she winced
"fuck you." she chuckled lightly pushing her.
#bucky barnes x black!reader#bucky barnes x black!oc#bucky barnes x woc#bucky barnes fics#sebastian stan
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There was this Bucky smut fic where the reader was like Sam’s roommate and she and Bucky were banging and snap the table I can’t remember the name of it for the life of me but I wanna reread it so bad 😭😭
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Me, devouring this fic!
Bloody hell!
⛓kinktober 2021- predator/prey⛓
—so i think we should run, run, run...
Characters: alpha!Soldat x woc!reader
Summary: You know there's no escape, the wolf will always find his kitten...and still you run.
Word Count: 4k+
Warnings: a/b/o, stalking, pet names (kitten), non/dubcon due to a/b/o dynamics, forced heat (false), predator/prey (hunting the reader down), chasing, mentions of murder, mentions of blood, readers conflicting emotions due to a/b/o dynamics, choking, unprotected sex (p in v), rough sex, outdoor sex, big ass beefy soldat, a couple of google translations (very minor), i think that's everything???
A/N: I don't even know where to start except for this has been sitting in my brain for months and kinktober seemed like the perfect excuse to give yall this nastiness. Anyways here’s my first a/b/o thing. Hopefully it ain't trash. This is a dark plot please be mindful of the warnings. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR OWN MEDIA CONSUMPTION. If there’s any errors or typos my bad, I gave it a look over before posting but I probably missed something knowing me.. The divider is by @firefly-graphics
translations: Бежать котенок = run kitten / котенок = kitten
DO NOT repost or translate my work anywhere. Reblogs are always welcome, and let me know that you enjoy my fics.
He’s here, how is he here? He can’t be here! Your mind races, eyes wide in shock as you eye the alpha in front of you. You’d seen him on the streets earlier, and you’d gone through extra lengths to evade him before slipping away to your hideout. You were sure that you’d shaken him off your trail, and in your false sense of security you had led him right to you. The empty mansion you’ve been squatting in suddenly seems massive and claustrophobic at the same time. The walls all seem to be pressing in on you while the doors all seem too far away. He takes one heavy step forward, and you swear the sound of his boots on the marble tile sounds like thunder.
You flinch back a step, body coiled and tense as if you’re about to bolt away from him like you have so many times before. “God damnit, why won’t you just leave me alone!” You shout, more irritated than afraid despite knowing just how easily the alpha in front of you can end your life. The mask covers the bottom half of his face, but the way his skin crinkles around his steel blue gaze let’s you know that he’s smiling under it. You know what he wants from you, and he knows what you’re about to do.
“Бежать котенок.” The soldier gives you nothing more than that, just the simple command that you can barely make out or understand in the midst of the fear and excitement that’s gripping you.
It doesn’t even register to you that you’re already running until a moment later when your brain finally catches up with your body’s flight or fight response. Your legs are pumping under you, carrying you as far and as fast as they can away from the menacing soldier. It’s been a while since you’ve run like this, and you can already feel the way your heart is pounding in your chest at the exertion, but you keep moving, you keep running.
You can’t stop, not with the Winter Soldier stalking after you.
Your first instinct is to go for the back door, if you can make it out of the overly large house then you have a chance. You can see the door that leads outside and you just need to reach it. Just as you do though a knife flies past you and buries itself into the door. You scream, turning away and running in the opposite direction in an instant, you bolt up the stairs as soon as you reach them. Taking them as fast as you can before ducking into a room. Of course it won’t be that easy, he wants a chase. He wants you terrified, and he wants you begging for mercy that he won’t grant you once he decides to put an end to the game.
He’s already tracked you through the city, cruelly letting you think that you’ve evaded him just for him to spring from the shadows like some phantom, and now he stalks after you with one goal in mind. The Soldat intends to claim you, and bond you. Your mating gland throbs at the thought of it, of how two years of running from the Winter Soldier have led to this moment. He’s the one alpha you’ve never been able to shake off your trail. He’s been persistent, and patient like a wolf stalking its prey. You know he’s never been too far behind, that he’s only let you think you’ve escaped him. It’s all been a game of wills between you two, the alpha in him wants nothing more than to tame the willful omega in you, and you’ve gone through great lengths to avoid that very thing. You’ve gone from state to state, continent to continent. For all intents and purposes you’re off the grid, no social media, no cell phone, no internet history for him to have tracked, yet he still always managed to find you. You want to scream in frustration but you know that will just give him a better idea of where you are.
You take a quiet breath, stealing your nerves as you look around the room that you’ve darted into. There’s no weapon to defend yourself in sight, but you do spy a vanity full of perfumes and cologne. You already know that the Soldat will be able to find you easily enough by scent, so you think fast as you grab up all the bottles you can and think of a plan. It’s not the best, but it’s what you have at such short notice and you know you don’t have long before he’s stalking into the room.
“Where are you, kitten? Come out, come out wherever you are.” You can hear him just down the hall, his voice muffled by the mask.
You panic a little, dropping the bottles onto the bed in the room before quickly grabbing them one by one and twisting off the tops to pour the liquid out onto the comforter. It’s all you can do to keep yourself from retching at the strong odors as they mix and create a hellish scent that burns its way up your nostrils. But you know it’ll be worse for the soldier. The super soldier serum coursing through his veins makes his senses stronger, and it’s a blessing. You also reckon that it can be a curse as you rip the perfume and cologne soaked cover from the bed and rush to hide by the door.
You won’t have a lot of time when he opens it and steps through, so the second that he does you spring into action and throw the perfume drenched cover over him before sprinting away. You don’t stop to look and see if your hasty plan is successful, but you can hear the sound of his coughing and cursing as he rips the covers, along with his mask, off of his face with a growl.
The soldier has to give it to you, it’s clever what you’ve just done. By using his enhanced senses against him you’ve rendered him temporarily unable to scent you, and it gives you a mild advantage. He tries to inhale and there’s no hint of you that he can detect, frustration has him putting a metal fist through the wall before he’s stalking out of the bedroom to try and track you by sound now.
“Clever, little kitten. But I can still hear you. Your heart is pounding for me.” He taunts, and as if you can stop your heart from beating as fast as it is, you press a hand to your chest to try and calm it. It’s easier said than done, and you know you need to do something quick before he tracks you down because of the traitorous organ beating wildly in your chest. You dart across the hall, thankful that he isn’t close to the sitting room so you can rush to the stereo system and turn on the loudest most blaring radio station you can find.
Something above you crashes, you know it’s the soldier reacting to yet another one of your dirty tricks. You allow yourself half a second to smirk, knowing that he’s likely never had to work this hard to catch his prey before. Though if the curses in Russian that he’s bellowing out are anything to go by you know you need to get out of the large house and to safety. You know he can’t easily hear you, so you don’t bother trying to be quiet as you go for the kitchen door. Stopping only to yank the knife he'd thrown at you earlier from the door before you rip it open and step out into the cool night air. You have only moments to decide between trying to run along the road in the unlikely hope that someone will be driving by and willing to stop to help you, or try your luck in the woods that sit just beyond the backyard. At least in the woods you’ll be able to hide easier than you would running straight down the side of the road. You’re a harder target, you rationalize while your feet quickly carry you towards the tree line as you break into a run just as you hear the sound of the loud metal music come to an abrupt end. You can only assume the soldier has shot out the stereo, though you clearly have no intentions of finding out for sure.
You run, and you run, deeper into the woods and never drawing a straight path as you try to carefully avoid leaving too obvious a trail. You’ve been doing this for two years, evading him and constantly slipping out of his grasp. You know you’re the hardest hunt he’s ever chased, and you know that the challenge you present to the alpha in him makes him want you just that much more. The thought of what might happen if you slip up just enough to let him truly capture you sends a shiver down your spine and shamefully slick coats your sex at how primal and raw this all is. You hate that as much as the Soldat frightens you he excites you as well, and you wonder if it’s much the same for him with how you refuse to simply give him what he wants.
“I will have you, kitten.” He calls out, inhaling deeply and letting out a satisfied sigh as his sense of smell comes back to him. Everything rushes in at once and it staggers him for a moment as he sorts through the smell of the fresh air, the grass, and dirt, the trees, and then there’s you. God he can smell you again and he can smell how your body craves him. It makes his cock stiffen beneath the fabric of the tactical pants he wears. “Smells like you want me to have you, котенок.” He taunts, smirking as he licks his suddenly dry lips, sniffing the air to find the direction that your scent is strongest in and then he’s off.
The fact that you can hear his words as he calls out into the night only tells you that he’s too close, and you’re almost tempted to simply break out into a desperate run. You take a breath to steady yourself, the hand around the hilt of the knife grips tighter and you carefully make your way through the woods. You try your best to leave as little of a trail for him to track you with, he can already smell you and there’s no need to make things easier. You use rocks and fallen logs to traverse the woods mindful of any noises that you might make as you near the main road. All you need is to flag down a car and then you’re home free, in fact you can see headlights just ahead through a break in the trees and you can feel your heart swelling with hope as you sprint towards freedom.
“There you are, kitten.” The voice is unnervingly even coming from behind you, and you whip around with the knife still in hand. You know you don’t stand a chance in hell at beating him, his smirk tells you that he knows it as well but he’s inviting you to try.
Don’t fight him, give in. Give in! Your primal side screams, wanting nothing more than for you to get on all fours and present yourself to him. You ignore it, trying desperately to not give into that baser side of yourself that wants to end this chase. “I’m not your fucking kitten!” You snap, holding the knife out in front of you as you attempt to ward the persistent alpha off. He steps forward with a mocking grin, and you take off again but this time he doesn’t let you get far. You feel the iron grip around your waist and you twist in his hold with a wild swing of your arm with every intention of slashing at him with the knife, but easily deflects your attempt. It’s like you thought, you don’t stand a chance in a fight with him but he seems to appreciate the effort regardless when he knocks the kitchen knife from your grasp and pulls you into his chest. The fights over before it even starts, and your primal side of you purrs at the strong alpha as his scent envelops and saturates your senses.
It leaves you lightheaded, and dizzy with the smell of him. He’s woodsy, like cedar, citrus and leather. But there’s a hint of whiskey and blood to him that sets you on edge and reminds you that he’s a killer. You should try to break free of him, you know you should but your head is swimming, and the only thoughts you can think are for him. He sets you on edge, but thrills you at the same time, and his scent makes your mouth water. It has your every instinct to give him flaring up like a forest fire as warmth floods your core and you know a fresh wave of slick is soaking into your jeans. Your fists clench into the leather of his jacket, and you try to shake your head clear of him realizing far too late just what it is he’s doing to you until you feel that strong, almost painful, pang of need deep inside you.
“Fuck! Stop-st...stop it!” You hiss, groaning as a twinge of pain registers in your lower belly. The bastard is pumping pheromones into the air and it’s forcing your body into a false heat and you know it. There’s just nothing you can do about it, and he knows it when another stronger, and more painful pang of need hits you and on instinct you bury your face into the warm leather covering his chest and let out a half sob. “Why?”
“Because you’re mine, kitten. Always have been, and now I’m going to make sure you and the rest of the world knows it.” If you could think straight you wouldn’t allow yourself to feel even an inkling of desire at his words, but he’s not giving you much choice in the matter as he let’s his scent and pheromones permeate the air around you and tricking your body into a false heat that has you needing him more than you’ve needed anything in your life prior. His hands drop to rip the fabric of your jeans down the seam, clearly not intending to waste time with ordering you to undress, the soldier knows you well enough by now to know that even in the needy haze he’s pushing you into you’ll still try to resist. He knows he can simply command you but that’s not what he wants. He wants you begging and pleading for his knot, and then he wants you to take everything he has to give you until you’re a whimpering and incoherent mess for him and only him. Your shirt follows swiftly, and he shows the same lack of care for your undergarments as he reduces them to scraps with no effort at all. It all happens so fast, and you barely have time to process it before you’re falling back against leaves and dirt as your body lands with a soft thud.
You have no time to gather yourself and scramble away before the Soldat is on top of you, pressing you into the soft earth as he claims your lips in a demanding and possessive kiss that steals the breath from your lungs. You want to push him away, but your hands grip tightly against his broad shoulders and you don’t break away until you feel the dull cramp that has you hissing in pain. You know that if this was a true heat the pain would be worse, but that does little to make you want to resist the alpha that’s slotted himself between your spread thighs.
“Stop fighting me, котенок.” He lifts one of your wrists to his lips, letting his teeth scrape over the sensitive flesh there and it has you whining and squirming under him. He simply smirks, scenting you then, letting his and yours mingle. From the first moment he’s caught your scent he’s been obsessed, it’s a scent that is distinctly warm cinnamon, vanilla, and something sweet that he can’t place but he knows it uniquely you. He wants to possess it, wants to possess you in every way he can and he won’t rest until he does.
“Pl-please I—” It’s a stronger cramp of pain that cuts you off and makes you want to curl into the fetal position. Briefly it makes you wonder if this isn’t a false heat after all despite your mind telling you otherwise.
“Shh, I know, kitten. I know, you need me don’t you? It hurts more and more when you try to deny me.” He coos, and you know that’s not entirely true, but it’s just true enough that you nod as tears finally spring free and you break. You hate this feeling, and you want it to stop. You want the relief that only he can give you even if you know that the price he’ll demand for it will bond you to him. It’s a dirty and cruel trick, but the Winter Soldier has never played fair, and he’s had his sights set on you for far too long. His fingers dance along your slick folds, and just his touch alone causes the smallest bit of relief in you. It doesn’t last long, and soon he has exactly what he wants from you as you plead with him to make the discomfort and pain you’re feeling go away. He chuckles under his breath, his hand leaving you just long enough for him to undo his pants, and work the tactical gear half way down his thighs.
You can’t help but glance down, eyes wide and suddenly you’re all too aware of what’s happening and that you should be trying to get away. You try to push yourself up enough so you can scramble away, but he’s faster than you and forces you back with one hand while the other hitches your leg against his hip. “Where you going, huh? ‘m not even in you yet and you’re running from my dick.” He taunts you, and you want to tell him that there’s no way he’ll fit but the hand that he places around your throat silences your protests. “Maybe if you hadn’t put up so much of a fight I’d have stretched you out first, but don’t worry kitten…” He leans in, close enough that you can feel his breath tickling against your mating gland while his other hand lines him up with your entrance. “I’ll make it fit.”
He pushes forward then, the swollen tip of his cock breaching your entrance and making you cry out loud enough that he feels the need to apply enough pressure to your throat to cut off the sound. He doesn’t need someone hearing your screams and coming to investigate, not that he isn't prepared to deal with it if they do. The soldier ruts into you, his pace rough and you know it’s his way of getting you back for the dirty tricks you pulled in the house when you were trying to evade him. Tears spill down your cheeks, it’s a mixture of defeat, relief, and pleasure that’s making them fall. You want to hate him for doing this, but even as his thick cock is splitting you open almost painfully around his girth, you know that with anyone else, you’d never feel anything close to what he’s making you feel in this moment. It hurts but it’s the type of hurt that you like, and you can feel your walls gripping around him so tight that it has him hissing out a string of curses and praise at how he knew all this time that you would feel good wrapped around him.
You feel like he's trying to fuck you into the earth itself, each thrust hard and brutal as he claims you for the first time. You'd scream if it weren't for him fucking you so hard that your voice has given out temporarily. Your nails claw at him through the leather jacket he still wears, scrambling over him until they meet the bare skin of his ass and they sink in and drag harshly over him. The soldier hisses through clenched teeth, growling in your face when you do it again and find yourself lifting your hips to meet his rough rhythm. "I hate you." You moan, the words choked out through the grip he has on your throat.
“Fuck, kitten. You might, but your body doesn't." He taunts, a toothy grin on his lips as he ruts into you harder and for a moment your vision whites out as slick gushes from you. "Keep grippin’ me just like that.” He grunts, with a slight shift in the angle of his hips that has you seeing stars when the tip of his cock finds that spongy spot inside you. You scream, and the sound is ruined by the hand that he has squeezing around your throat. Still he knows he's found that sweet spot, and he zeroes in on it with each thrust. His thrusts become harder, his cock practically spearing into you as he picks up pace and sends you spiraling over the edge of blissful ecstasy faster than you can process. Your body clamps down around him, and it does nothing to stop his frantic thrusting. He only hauls you up with him as he leans back onto his haunches and settles you astride his lap. The shift causes him to sink deeper and all you can manage to do is cling to him as your whimpering cries muffle into the side of the alpha’s neck.
“You’re mine, ‘mega.” He declares, and you purr in pleasure, unable to fend off that primal instinct of yours to agree. “Say it.” He demands, and even though it’s not an alpha command you still feel compelled to give him what he wants.
You wish you can say you were stronger than your most primal urges and that you really did hate him like you claimed just moments prior. You can't though, and your resistance to given in finally dies with a keening whine of needy pleasure. “Yours, alpha.” It’s said with a moan, and you can feel the rumble in his chest as he growls out his approval at your submission. Hearing you acknowledge him by designation only making him feel near feral and his possessiveness of you grows tenfold that he can’t stop himself from yanking your head to the side to further expose your mating gland. You have all of a second before you can feel his teeth biting down, and breaking the skin there as he marks you as his and bonds you to him. You gasp, crying out as your body goes taut against him and the act that he’s just committed forces you over the edge again as a fresh wave of slick seeps from you.
The bond is wide open, and fresh and it’s overwhelming as you feel his emotions and feelings come rushing in. There’s hunger, and possessiveness, and undercurrent of anger and while you recognize that it isn’t at you it still frightens you. There’s also want, and need. A desire to protect you, and provide for you. Most surprisingly you can just detect something else buried under all that and everything else that’s flooding in. There’s a sliver of fear and it has you feeling confused for a moment before the moment shatters with the sound of the Soldat's voice.
“Now you really are.” He growls, and you can smell the coppery tang of your blood in the air as he laps at the mark he’s left. You’ll be sore once the endorphins wear off, the bite he’s left behind is deep and shows the certainty of the alpha that it belongs to. There’s no mistaking that you’ve been claimed or that you belong to him now.
A moment later you can feel him inside you, his knot swelling and making you see stars again as his hot seed is shot deep into you. You squirm at the sensation, gasping at the feeling of fullness when you try to move. Carefully the soldier maneuvers himself into a proper sitting position with you still straddling him and filled with his cock as the swell of his knot remains. You know that sooner rather than later the blissful high will wear off and you’ll be left to grapple with your new reality, but for now you happily bury your face into the crook of his neck and try not to think of the fact that two years of running has been brought to an end.
#bucky barnes x woc!reader#bucky barnes x black!reader#bucky barnes x reader#bucky barnes x you#bucky barnes reader#bucky barnes x woc#bucky barnes fanfic#bucky barnes fanfiction#bucky barnes fic#soldat x reader#lates fic recs#late to the queue
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Indecent Exposure Pt. I: Bye Bye, Daddy
Summary: You get more than you bargained for when your father decides to leave you in the care of his four best friends, your fake Uncles, while he's on away on tour for the summer. Read Part Two!
Warnings: Mature Themes, Bucky Being A Menace, Brat!Reader, Unwanted Touching, Dad's Best Friend Themes, Older Men/Younger Women Themes, Brief Discussions of Voyeurism, Brief Mentions of Mouth Soaping, Brief Reference to Spanking and Discipline, Cursing, Minors DNI
A/N: Please heed all warnings. Part of my Indecent Exposure Series. If you'd like to be added to the tag list, please let me know.
"But Daaaad.” You whine, drawing out the word as you follow your father into the kitchen. Shoulders slumped, you can’t seem to stop yourself from pouting.
While you’d initially made peace with the prospect of being left alone for the practically the entire summer before you planned to start your freshman year at NYU, you positively balked at the idea being left in the care of a fucking babysitter.
Four of them, actually.
“No buts, pumpkin.” Your father drops his carry-on bag next to the door, on top of his other luggage. “It’s not good for you to be stuck in this big old house all by your lonesome. You even said as much just the other week.”
“Yeah, well…” You trail off, pissed at the fact that you’d essentially brought this on yourself. “That was back when you weren’t even sure if you were going.”
At first, your old man had been rather skeptical at going on tour with his former bandmates. They’d had a couple hits back in the day, but nothing major. Even still, they’d somehow managed to amass a bit of a cult following.
And so when he was offered the opportunity to open for a much larger classic rock band, he just couldn’t pass it up. And you hadn’t had the heart to make him either. Dreams like this seldom came true for anybody, let alone a mild-mannered pharmacist who was pushing fifty.
“Why can’t you at least take me with you?”
He turns to you then, heaving a sigh before pulling you into his arms. "Life on the road is no place for my little girl. Which is why I’ve asked your Uncles to check-in on you.” He presses a gentle kiss on your mop of curly hair, giving you one last squeeze before releasing you.
“And this is where I’d like to point out that I’m 18 years old, which makes me a full-fledged adult.“ Wrapping your arms around your middle, you try to play it off like you don’t care about him leaving so soon after your birthday.
But you do. While your birthday had only been last week, you two hadn't even had the chance to embark on your annual fishing trip yet.
“I know that. Of course I know that.” He’s quick to reassure you. “And as a newly minted adult I’m sure you’ll be on your own some nights – the ones when Bucky can’t stay and none of your other uncles are available.”
“Ugh! Can you please stop calling them that?”
Little did he know that you were mere seconds away from covering your ears and letting out a frustrated scream.
“Well, that’s what they are. They may not be blood, but it still counts.” Your father just shakes his head. Apparently he hadn’t expected you to put up this much of a fight before his departure. “And while it might be true that it’s been a while since you’ve seen your uncles, each one has assured me that they would be more than delighted to keep an eye out for their favorite niece.”
“Dad, I don’t even know them like that! At least not anymore...”
You’re rewarded with yet another weary sigh. “Then it looks like you’ll have the whole summer to get reacquainted with them then, won’t you?” His hands go to grip your shoulders, all but forcing you to look him in the eyes. “Besides, Buck’ll be around. I’m sure he’ll help ease you into everything.”
It’s impossible to stop the derisive snort that escapes the back of your throat.
“Sweetheart, my ride is going to be here any minute now…” He tells you, making it clear that neither one of you has time for the tantrum you seem so keen on throwing. “You’ve gotta know that I only want what’s best for–”
The two of you are interrupted by the sound of a vehicle pulling into your driveway. And while you don’t recognize it, you’re almost certain that it’s too sleek and expensive to belong to any Lyft driver.
“Speak of the devil!” Your father suddenly exclaims before throwing open the door and rushing down the steps. Which is fine, except for the part when he decided to drag you along with him. “Bucky fuckin’ Barnes – just in the knick of time too!”
Well, there went Plan A. So much for locking up the house after your Dad was gone and refusing to answer the fucking door for anyone except the pizza delivery guy.
However, in spite of your annoyance and frustration, you can’t help the tiny jolt of electricity that hums along your skin as you watch the dark haired man peel himself out of the driver’s seat so that he can properly greet you both.
“Get a look at you, old man!” Bucky chuckles as he enthusiastically brings your Dad in for a hug, lightly thumping his back as he does. “Can’t believe somebody actually fucked up and told you you got to be a rockstar!”
Your uncle’s smile only broadens when he finally lays eyes on you. But it’s the way he’s looking at you that catches your attention – it’s not quite a leer – but his blatant perusal is enough to make you feel the slightest bit uncomfortable.
“I know!” Comes your Dad’s eager response. “That’s why I’m trying to get out of here before whoever signed off on this sobers up and realizes his mistake.” Both men are grinning from ear to ear when they finally take a step back.
And that’s when all eyes turn to you.
“And who’s this gorgeous young lady?” Bucky inquires, his pearly white teeth sinking into his bottom lip as he makes a quiet show of looking you over once again, this time allowing his gaze to linger just a fraction too long on your cutoff denim shorts.
“Oh, come on now.” Good ol’ Dad reaches over to grab your wrist, pulling you even closer. Which is the absolute last thing you want. “Don’t tell me you don’t recognize your niece.”
“Is that my sweet, little Clover?” Bucky pretends to rub exaggeratedly rub his eyes while evoking your childhood nickname. “I guess it is. Except now she’s all grown up.” Your Dad drops your wrist in time for the other man to grab your hand so that he can give you a little twirl. "Just turned 18, in fact."
“I heard. So pretty.” He hums, although the words are spoken just low enough so that only you can hear them. “You’ve got yourself a knockout for a daughter, Dale.” You resist the urge to squirm when you feel the roughened pad of his thumb lightly stroke along the ridges of your knuckles. “I wouldn’t be surprised if you kept a shotgun by the door.”
While you suspect that his words are meant in jest, the only person that laughs is the man who raised you.
“I actually keep it in the front closet. Which reminds me…” You father turns to you then, pinning you with a knowing look. “Now pumpkin, I know you're not super excited about the current arrangement and all that, but I’d appreciate it if you’d, uh, refrain from having any boys over at the house while I’m gone.”
You swiftly open your mouth to protest, only to be surprised when Bucky beats you to the punch.
“Roger that.” He grins down at you, the dimple in his left cheek on full display. “Your Daddy said no boys allowed, little Clover. Do we have your promise you’re gonna respect his wishes?”
Tugging your hand out his grasp, you turn your attention to your Dad, offering up a sugary sweet smile. “But what about Peter? You actually like him, remember? Besides, he’s pretty much my best friend.”
Because you couldn’t fathom the idea of a summer without him. And you just know he’s going to relent and make an exception. That is, until Bucky decides to go and open up his mouth.
“You heard your Daddy, sweetheart.” He gently admonishes you, a hint of mockery in his tone. “Besides, I don’t think any of your uncles want to have to deal with strange boys wandering around the house.”
“Good man.” Your father agrees, clapping the other man on his shoulder. “And speaking of Andy, Ari, and Steve, this one here is a little nervous about seeing them again. I don’t know why. I mean it’s been a while since everyone’s gotten together…”
“Aww, bug.” He coos, wrapping a brawny arm around your much smaller waist. “Are you worried we don’t love you anymore?” You find yourself gritting your teeth to keep from elbowing him in the kidney.
Why the hell did he have to make that sound so…suggestive? And how come your father didn't seem to notice?
“No.” You grunt, hating the man for having the nerve to smell so damned good – like spiced vanilla and cedar.
“Because we most certainly do. You know, Andy was just looking at your senior picture the other day.” His large, warm hand settles just above the curve of your hip. “He actually sent it to the group chat and none of us could believe just how much our little Clover had blossomed. Right under our noses.”
“A–awesome.” You mumble, wishing he would stop touching you so much. It did funny things to your belly, which you did not appreciate.
“I’m sure he’ll tell you all about it when he gets here.”
Shock has your mouth falling open, briefly leaving you almost too stunned to make a sound. And to make matters worse, your father’s Lyft picks that very moment to pull up behind Bucky’s sports car.
“What?” You eventually croak. Not that you receive much of a response, what with both men choosing to abandon you in favor of grabbing luggage and loading it into the driver’s trunk.
“Alright, pumpkin.” Your Dad calls out once they’ve got everything secured. “I’ll call you from the road. I left instructions on the fridge and with Bucky. You need anything you call me, okay?”
Seconds later you find yourself pulled into a bear hug. And, because you don’t know when you’ll see him again, you choose not to argue or struggle. You can only hug him back as if your life depends on it.
“Be good.” He mumbles in your hair. “Listen to your uncles. It may not seem like it, but they know what's best. And you have my word that they care about you just as much as I do.”
“Okay.” Is all you can muster as you fight back tears. “I–I love you.”
“You know it.” He holds you even tighter. “To the moon and back, plus the galaxy and beyond.” Smiling when he releases you, you watch him climb into the waiting car before giving him one last wave.
And then he’s gone. You watch unmoving as the car backs out of the driveway and takes off down the road in the direction of the airport. It takes a moment for you to remember that you’re alone now.
Left to your own devices for the entire fucking summer.
“Save those pretty tears, Clover.” You jump when you feel a hand press against the small of your back. “You’ve got us – me, Andy, Ari, and Steve – and won’t let anything bad happen to you.” Bucky whispers, his mouth hovering just above your ear.
“I don’t need a fucking babysitter.” You growl, stomping towards the front door.
“Fair warning, sweetheart.” He calls after you, his voice tinged with laughter as he goes to follow you inside. “Your Uncle Steve doesn’t like that kind of language. And I’m afraid Uncle Andy isn’t the type to put up with that attitude either.”
“Then tell them they should keep their asses home!” You snap as you reach the stairs, taking them two at a time all the while silently praying that he doesn’t follow.
“All I’m saying is that I’d hate to see Stevie have to wash out that pretty little mouth out with soap.” He calls from the bottom of the stairs, no longer bothering to hide his laughter.
The fucking pervy bastard was enjoying this!
You slam your door with a flourish, briefly reveling in the sound it makes as it shakes the entire frame. If Bucky, or any of your so-called uncles thought you were still that same, sweet little girl you used to then they were in for one hell of a rude awakening.
Fuck! You’re so busy fuming over your current situation that you have no idea what’s taking place quite literally beneath your feet. For tonight, you decide that ignorance is bliss. If you got hungry later you’d just have to find something on DoorDash.
You throw yourself on your bed with a huff, punching your pillow over and again until you feel some of the rage leave your body. This summer was going to fucking blow unless you found a way to stay busy away from the house.
Meanwhile, Bucky has taken a seat at the bottom of the stairs. Pulling out his phone he opens the group chat he has with his buddies and proceeds to start typing. Call it intuition, but he had a feeling that he and his friends getting reacquainted with their precious little Clover was going to make for one hell of summer.
Oh yes, this was going to make for one hell of a summer indeed.
Unofficial Taglist:
#Indecent Exposure Series#Chris Evans imagines#Ari levinson imagines#Andy barber imagines#Bucky Barnes imagines#Steve Rogers imagines#Andy barber fanfiction#Andy barber smut#Ari levinson fanfiction#Ari levinson smut#steve Rogers fanfiction#Steve Rogers smut#Bucky Barnes fanfiction#Bucky Barnes smut#Ari levinson x reader#Bucky Barnes x reader#andy barber x reader#Steve Rogers x reader#ari levinson x black!reader#steve rogers x black!reader#bucky barnes x black!reader#Andy barber x black!reader#Andy barber x woc!reader#steve rogers x woc!reader#bucky barnes x woc!reader#Ari levinson x woc!reader#Steve Rogers x brat!reader#bucky barnes x brat!reader#Ari levinson x brat!reader#Andy barber x brat!reader
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Riding Bucky
Woke up to the new photos and all I have are thots about beefy Bucky 🫠
18+ below! Minors DNI!
Bucky Barnes x female reader
Imagine riding Bucky's dick and feeling his chest hair 🫠
Imagine him being tied to the bed just for fun without any domination. It was actually his idea to do this, to be tied up and to see how much you want to take control
You both are already naked and there he is in all his glory, gorgeous and with that amazing chest hair that drives you insane
You are wet from just looking at him and when you sink down on him, the sounds coming out of you are unreal. You feel him, vein by vein and inch by inch. He feels so damn good.
You start slow, your hands on his chest, you touch his hair, feel him in you, with you.
As you start riding him, there is a sinister smile on his face. You both know he wants to hold you, take control but you both want to see how well you want to be in control this time. See how long it lasts until he snaps.
As you ride him, you get louder, more electric. You feel your orgasm building. Normally you love being edged but this time, you want to come again and again. You want to be ruined and ruin him.
When you come, you cry out loud, creaming his cock and nibbling on his neck, feeling his scent and him.
You both never felt so good before.
And afterwards? He DOES snap, ties you up this time and makes sure you come for him again and again.
#personal ideas#personal thots#beefy bucky#bucky barnes smut#bucky barnes imagine#bucky barnes drabble#beefy!bucky x reader#bucky barnes#bucky barnes x female!reader#bucky barnes x woc!reader#bucky barnes x y/n#bucky barnes x you
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A Barnes Birthday
Summary - You are celebrating baby barnes' birthday, which is on the same day as your husband's birthday.
Pairings - Bucky Barnes x wife!Reader
W/C - 1.3k
Warnings - fluff, little cussing...i think, no use of y/n, your baby's name is not mentioned, neither is there any description of you or the baby. let me know if i missed anything. Happy reading<3
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At around 4 am you awoke, bursting with excitement. It was your baby's first birthday. And also, one of your husband's. It was difficult for you to fall asleep in the first place, so you thought you might as well get up from your light, restless sleep and get things ready for the day.
Knowing Bucky, he would most likely be knocked out asleep by now and wouldn't wake up till around 8:30 - 9 am. Normally your husband tends to be a light sleeper, but off late he has been sleeping like a log and you hope that carries on to tonight as well. You prayed to the universe he would not wake up when you silently moved out of bed.
First things first you freshened up, ate a quick meal and started decorating the house. Thankfully earlier in the day your baby managed to exhaust himself to a point where he would sleep the whole night without waking up once. You got streamers and balloons out of a box. Some easy to clean up confetti. You gritted your teeth as you tried to move the heavy couch around. You strong husband would have been useful here if this wasn't for his birthday.
You gave up on trying to blow the balloons and decided to bake the cake to get rid of some steam. Figuring out what Bucky would like was not that hard. Ever since Oreo came out, he has absolutely loved it. And with oreo having so many variations now-a-days than just biscuits, it's been the only thing Bucky eats when he wants a snack. Not the healthiest option but the man likes it and needs to eat.
You found a very simple oreo cake that you could make. You got started on making it. Flour, milk, butter, oreo biscuits obviously. By around 6 am the cake was in the oven getting ready. With nothing left to do, you got back to decorating. But there was an issue. You still needed to move the couch to another location.
At that exact moment your phone started ringing loudly. You ran to the kitchen and answered it, mentally kicking yourself for putting in on vibrate. You just hoped Bucky had not woken up. Thankfully he had not. Putting the phone to your ear you whispered-yelled into it, "What?!"
"I get it that you forgot to put your phone on silent?" Sam chuckled on the other side of the line. You blew an irritated breath out as you rolled your eyes. "Yes, I did. You need something Sam, cuz I'm kinda busy with trying to move my heavy ass couch."
"How about you open the door first and then we can figure out if I need something."
You moved from the kitchen to the front door and opened it to reveal a smirking Sam Wilson on the other side. You lowered the phone from your ear, cutting the call. "You son of a-" you say shaking your head a bit, a smile making it way onto your face. You both go in for a quick hug and you invite him inside. Not that he needed the invitation. He practically lived there at this point.
"What are you doing here at this ridiculous hour in the morning?"
"Helping you prepare for a double-birthday party." You didn't know how any man could be as generous as Sam Wilson. It was just a little past 6 in the morning and here he was in your house ready to lend a helping hand in getting your home ready for a birthday party. You smiled a grateful smile and told him about the couch and where you needed help in moving it. He hung his jacket on the coat hanger and got to helping you with whatever you needed.
You left in the middle to bring the cake out of the oven and let it cool. By that time the couch was moved along with some more furniture, balloons were hung and so were some streamers. With the extra help you were able to have the house decorated by 7 am with snacks and everything else ready. That was when you heard some cries coming from the bedroom. Realising that your son was awake, you quickly headed to the room to sooth him before Bucky woke up with the sound.
Bucky was dead asleep. A small part of you was worried with how deep his sleep was, but you knew it meant he was sleeping peacefully. "Hi my baby!" you greeted your son with a soft voice. "You're awake, yes. It's your first birthday." you said while cuddling him. He needed that after he woke up. His cries died down; he was wide awake and cheery. "Yes, its papa's birthday too. We'll wish him later, first let's get you ready for this double birthday."
You got to work bathing him and dressing him up in some adorable but comfortable clothes which would be easy to clean. Sam had headed back to his place to freshen up a bit before your son woke up. It was now past 8 am and you were getting dangerously close to when Bucky would wake up. You took 20 minutes for yourself to look presentable since there would be photos.
Bucky woke up just as you finished changing your clothes. "Doll?" he called out when you weren't found in his sight. "Coming." you replied and walked out of the closet he had built for you. Before fatherhood, Bucky had a big passion for construction. It kept him busy, allowed him do something for you and learn some new skills in the process.
"Happy birthday honey." you say with a smile. "How old are you turning today?" you joke, tilting your head to the side. He opened his arms and pulled you in for a hug. "Ha ha very funny. But thank you." saying the first part with mock annoyance, he pulled away and just stared at you for a good 10 seconds before he asked, "Where's the little one?" You said nothing and just smiled, gesturing him to follow you.
You jogged out of the room making him chase after you. You pick up your son who was waiting with Sam in the living room and stood there waiting for your husband. He walked in and Sam set off a confetti popper in his face which surprised for a second but then he hugged Sam. Bucky pulled back, looked around and then at you holding your son. You took the baby out of your arms and kissed him all over his tiny adorable face.
Bucky wasn't a man of many words and preferred to show his gratitude in actions rather than words. He pulled you close and just kissed the top of your head. You left his side when Sam came closer, "Happy birthday man, and happy birthday little man!" You then came out of the kitchen with the cake and lit candles and set it down on the table. In the moment Bucky couldn't be any more grateful for his little family. You, his son and Sam. They were his motivation for everything he did.
The candles were blown out and the cake was cut and fed to everyone. Your son got to devourer whatever cake was left on an already dirty towel laid on the floor. Sam played the role of a photographer for free, only because it was his nephew's birthday.
"it's been a year already." you say.
"Time flies fast, no?" he held you by his side as you both watch lovingly as Sam plays with your son. Bucky still remembers the time when you were pregnant with him, the random cravings you would have and the mood swings from time to time. There were a few hellish moments, but they were all worth it. Reminiscing about the past only made you more appreciate the present moments even more and anticipate the future.
"Happy birthday once again J."
Bucky didn't reply. But he did kiss you deeply.
A/N - this has been sitting in my drafts since 2022😐 I wanted to get this out. It started as a random idea which took me forever to write. Hope you enjoyed reading.
If you want to find out more about me or my works, you can head to my navigation.
#itsprashimusic#a barnes birthday fic#bucky barnes x reader#bucky barnes x wife!reader#bucky barnes x y/n#bucky barnes x woc!reader#bucky barnes x desi!reader#sam wilson x reader#bucky barnes#bucky barnes fanfic#bucky barnes imagine#bucky barnes oneshot#bucky barnes fluff
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Requests open for Daemon Targaryen, Feyd-Rautha, and IWTV. Asks open for all listed and Doctor Who.
✧︎ Interview with the Vampire ✧︎ Feyd-Rautha ✧︎ Daemon ✧︎ Aemond ✧︎ Other ✧︎ WIP Masterlist ✧︎ HotD Headcanon ✧︎
Fangtober 2024 Prompt List - follow the tag ‘Fangtober 2024’ or check out my IWTV masterlist
Fangtober Day 5 - Impact play - Lestat x fem!reader
New Fangtober Day 4 - Bondage - Armand x fem!reader
Fangtober Day 3 - Ejaculation - Rockstar!Lestat x fem!reader
Fangtober Day 2 - Body mod - Lestat x gn!reader
Fangtober Day 1 - Blood - Lestat x fem!reader
New A Quiet Night In - Armand x Benji x Sybelle x gn!reader (fluff)
Armand N$FW Alphabet
cross posting from Lady_Phasma on AO3
Doctor Who asks and stuff masterlist
Side blogs: @elaenya-targaryen: for my HotD oc and House Velaryon aesthetics @uncledaddy-mattsmith: for Matt Smith confessions @the-five-oh-deuce for MotA, Band of Brothers, and The Pacific @asteria-and-oneiros for all other random fandom stuff
#masterlist#masterlists#feyd rautha harkonnen#feyd rautha#dune part two#house of the dragon#hotd#aemond targaryen#daemon targaryen#matt smith#ewan mitchell#austin butler#x reader#x fem!reader#x gn reader#x gn!reader#x poc reader#x woc reader#morpheus#the sandman fanfiction#bucky barnes fanfiction#daryl dixon#the mandalorian fanfiction#din dijarin fanfiction#din djarin#the punisher#frank castle#interview with the vampire#amc iwtv#the vampire armand
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Need me
Chapter 2
A/N: Reader is female. No physical descriptors used. Let me know if i fucked up and not do that. Chat me up i don't bite! Thank you
Summary: Stripper just wants to work to support herself, but her bad life choices come back to bite her in the ass.
Warning: Adult content only! 18+ only please. Dark! There is potentially triggering stories ahead. non-consensual sex/ dubious consent, self loathing
Dark Mafia Bucky x Reader (stripper), Mafia AU ( mentions of past relations with Tony Stark)
Bucky POV
Bucky sat behind the massive wooden desk, his gaze fixing on the ledger before him, but his thoughts were elsewhere. You dance around in his mind, tauntingly, stoking the anger that licks at his thoughts. The feeling has been there ever since you’d struck him, bold and defiant. From that moment you hadn’t just bruised his pride. No, you’d ignited something far deeper, something primal that clawed at him with a ferocity he couldn’t silence.
The guys watching your daughter said you hadn’t been back in days. Fine. You’d made him patient, each day feeding his twisted satisfaction as he crafted new punishments just for you. The thought of you bent, begging, sobbing under his unrelenting hand brought a cruel curl to his lips.
A soft knock at the door tore through his thoughts, his gaze snapping up as Steve’s broad figure filled the doorway, entering without waiting for permission.
“Hey, Buck. Still grumpy about your missing kitten?” Steve teases, a smirk tugging at his lips as he closes the door behind him.
“Is that what you came here for?” Bucky grumbles , rolling his eyes as he turned back to the ledger. Nick’s books were a mess, a black hole of debts and mismanagement that needed more than his cursory attention.
“No,” Steve replies, snatching the ledger from the desk, squinting at the numbers before tossing it aside with a chuckle. “I’m here because my friend is in desperate need of some fun. You’re bringing everyone down. We should be celebrating—new territory, new club, new girls. Why don’t I send one of them down here to help you unwind?”
The suggestion lingers, a temptation that might have been enough for another man—a distraction to pass the time. But not for Bucky. He wasn’t looking for something fleeting or shallow. He needed more. He needed you.
You had started something, a blaze that smoldered in him, and he would let it burn until there was nothing left. Until it consumed him. Until it consumed you.
Reader POV
You groan loudly as you stretch uncomfortably in the front seat of the sedan. Your back nags with the stiffness of your posture, protesting after another night spent twisted awkwardly in the driver’s seat. The air in the garage feels thick, stale—pressing against your skin like a damp sheet. It’s the best cover you could do, given the lack of finances.
The car feels smaller than it did last night, its silence gnawing at the edges of your nerves. You’d driven until the lines on the highway blurred, until every exit looked the same. No destination, no plan, just the desperate hope of outrunning the weight pressing on your chest.
Your eyes flick to the gas meter. The needle hovers perilously close to empty. You can’t stay here, not like this. With a sigh, you dig into the center console, your fingers scraping against old receipts and tangled wires. Nothing useful.
Leaning over, you wince as your spine protests the movement, a sharp crack echoing through the cramped space. Your hand brushes the latch of the glove box, and when it opens, something cold and heavy slides free.
The gun lands barrel-first in your direction. You pick it up gingerly and for a moment you just stare it. Its weight is heavy and unsettling. Loaded. It has to be and you don’t want to test the theory.
Your thoughts wander to the car’s owner—what he might do if he finds you. Your gut twists. But the thought doesn’t linger; you shove it down, force it away. There’s no time for that now.
You turn the gun over in your hands, the cold metal biting into your skin. Pawn it. You don’t know the name of the town or city you’re in, but pawn shops are everywhere. Digging into the blazer pocket, you find a burner phone. It’s cheap, but it’ll do to find what you need.
It’s something, at least. A plan. A small flicker of hope against the quiet panic that thrums in your veins.
The pawnshop door groans as you shove it open, the bell above clanging sharply—a sound that feels too cheerful, too mocking. You step out, the thick with the sour stench of garbage and oil pooling in air as your shoe stomp over the cracks of the pavement. You clench your jaw, muttering a curse under your breath. They’d smelled the desperation on you the second you walked in—but it’s not like you hid it well.
The wad of cash in your pocket is laughably thin. One fifty. It wont get you much clothes, food, gas… shelter can wait the car will do.
The sidewalk stretches out ahead, chipped and uneven, strewn with crushed cans and sun-bleached cigarette butts. A small group of men loiters near a graffitied wall, their murmured conversation breaking into sharp laughs. One of them glances your way, then another. You shove your hands deeper into the oversized blazer pockets and keep walking, not fast enough to draw attention but brisk enough to put distance between you.
The car waits a few feet away, but with the looming stars on your back it feels like a mile. A siren wails in the distance, growing softer as you enter the sedan, it best to not stay longer than you need to.
Sliding in, you pull the door shut, locking it in one fluid motion. The engine hums to life, but your foot hovers over the gas as your eyes catch on a flickering neon sign ahead. Its vulgar glow is half-hidden behind an overgrown tree. A gentlemen's club. The lettering dull, some lights dead, but the meaning is clear—a strip club.
You drive closer observing the small lot. It’s a far cry from your old place of employment. The exterior battered, the windows boarded, yet there are still quite a few cars in the lot for this time of day.
The plan forms as you stare at the sign. If you’re lucky, you can get hired, work a few nights, and get enough money to run a little more.
Your thumb brushes over the thin stack of cash in your pocket as you chew the inside of your cheek. At least you still have your shoes—thank God for that. Dance shoes cost more than you want to think about. Clothes, though—that’s a problem, your outfit needs a wash and you don't have the time. But where there’s a club, there’s usually a shop nearby—one of those little “exotic” stores that’ll have what you need. For makeup, you could hit the drugstore, wash up in their restroom, and pull together something barely passable. It’s a gamble and you don’t have enough capital to lose.
Your reflection stares back at you from the rear-view mirror. Tired eyes, a face that looking older than it should, and a body long out of practice. The kind of gamble no one bets on.
The stale stench of alcohol mixed with cigar smoke stings your nose, and you fight the urge to wrinkle it. The boy who led you to the booth—Jonny, looks too young to even be in a place like this. But it’s not your club, and truthfully, you don’t care.
You haven’t auditioned in years. The thought doesn’t rattle you, like it would've before. Just play dumb, act cute, and maybe they’ll give you a chance.
Your eyes drift to the swinging door in the distance, catching the faint motion of Jonny returning, flanked by two men. Their suits are sharp, their strides confident, but in the dim glow of the neon, their faces are hard to make out.
You rise as they approach, forcing a pleasant smile onto your lips.
“This her?” the man in the center asks, his accent thick, unfamiliar—something you’ve only ever heard on TV.
“Yeah,” Jonny replies, glancing at you with disinterest. “She says she can start now.”
The three of them size you up in silence, their gazes heavy and clinical. You keep the smile plastered on your face, even as the muscles in your cheeks begin to ache.
The tallest one gestures for you to turn. No words, just a motion, and you comply. You spin on your heels, your skimpy outfit bouncing with you, your stomach pulled tight in an effort to look better than you were. You feel like a fool, but you'll play the part. You have to.
When you stop, the three of them huddle briefly, their voices too low to catch. You step back and clasp your hands, the ache in your cheeks spreading to your chest as you pray they’ll say yes.
And then, you catch it—those icy blue eyes. They lock on you for a fraction too long, and your smile falters, just for a moment. Not him, you remind yourself. He’s not here. But the way this man carries himself—his presence, his air—it stirs the same cold dread deep in your gut.
“Alright, Arthur, your call. I’ve got other business,” the tall one says, stepping away with an air of dismissal.
You exhale, the weight on your shoulders lifting slightly as he leaves. You know he isn’t him—you can see that—but the echo of something familiar still lingers. Enough to make your pulse quicken, enough to remind you why you ran in the first place.
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THUSRDAY: MAY 23, 2024
on the Quinjet back to the compound Tiariana kicked off her shoes and let her braids out the bun and into a ponytail. it was a long day. they were at battle for two hours at least and she just wanted to get back and go to sleep.
she took her sock off and immediately looked for her slippers she always kept on there. looking she saw them by the door.
she got up going over and sliding them on.
“every time i look up yo toes out.” Sam said from the seat from her's
“stop looking.” she shot back taking her seat.
“even if i don’t look, i can smell them.” he pinched his nose.
she grabbed her socks and tossed them in his direction.
“ewww.” he said in a nasally voice earning a smirk from her.
she truly loves Sam, he was like the big brother she always wanted. when she needed someone to talk to or just to hangout with he was the fourth person she’d call–right behind Ja'Briana, MaKayla and Renee.
Ja'Briana is her older cousin and one of the people she closest to. Tiara was the only girl and navigating growing into a woman was difficult and confusing so Bri took her under her wings and helped her come to herself.
MaKayla is their aunt. she a year older than Tiara and two younger than Bri. they grew up together. she always had her back.
Renee is her best friend. they met in pre-k. they had matching light up shoes and they had been besties ever since.
“you ok?” Joaquin came out the restroom in a different outfit, sitting next to her.
“i’m good. you?”
“bit banged up, but i’m ok.” he stretched out “what’re you doing tonight?”
she felt her heart rate increase, excited.
Joaquin was a very attractive guy and she had developed a bit of a crush on him.
they had joined around the same time and they were both new to the whole hero thing so they kinda leaned on each other for comfort and encouragement. they became work buddies and training partners. they slowly became friends, not besties but still friends. they had a bit of a flirty relationship that never lead anywhere.
“same ole, same ole. why?”
“curious.” he shrugged "you need to change it up, do something to relax."
“how bout you can give me a foot massage.” she leaned back in her seat, kicking her shoes off putting her feet on his lap.
“or i can give you a back massage, let that play out.” he grinned tickling her feet.
“stop!” she quickly took her feet off him, putting her Slippers back on.
"you 'on't like that?" he stood up
"Keem, move" she got up moving away from him.
"or what?" he grabbed her.
"KEEM! CHILL!" she squealed.
"gosh, you guys are alway loud." Cassie complained, letting her hair down.
"sorry." Joaquin apologized, taking them back to their seats.
the ride back was quiet. unbearably quiet. it was intense. the only sound was the occasional hum of the jet's engines.
after two hours, which felt like an eternity, the jet landed. they all filed off, and she accidentally bumped him.
“watch it.” he simply said
“watch it.” she mocked under her breath kicking the slippers off at the exit, walking to the complex bare foot.
was being barefooted unsanitary? maybe, but she was a bit country. being from Beaumont, TX, she couldn't help it. she was used to being outside shoeless and she couldn't seem to break the habit.
as her feet hit the cool floors of the compound, she sighed. her feet were so tired, it hurt to walk.
eager to get out the nasty clothes, she sped to her room. she peeled off the sweat-soaked spandex suit. rummaging around her drawers, she pulled out a pair of well-worn sweats and an old Nike sweatshirt.
dressed, she went to the kitchen where she saw Kate and Yelena stocking up on snacks before leaving.
"see ya, Speed." Kate bid a goodbye leaving with her friend.
"bye, KB; bye Yelena."
"byeee." she waved over her shoulder.
she grabbed a bottle of wine and a glass taking a seat at the island. once she got the bottle opened Sam and Keem came walking in. they were always the last to leave.
“bye, T.” Sam hugged her from the back.
“bye, Cap.” she smiled
“see ya, Speed.” Joaquin kissed her on top of her head.
“bye, Keem.”
and with them gone the compound was cleared out she went to her room and turned on the shower. while the water warmed up she went over to the sink and grabbed her toothbrush. she took care of her oral health and skin care before actually getting in the shower.
after that much needed shower she trudged to living room with her phone and Nintendo Switch flopping on the couch. she opened DoorDash and ordered some chinese takeout.
connecting her phone to the speakers around the compound and played her 'chill' playlist. she grabbed her switch loading up a game of Zelda.
she was stuck to the game for 15 minutes when she lost.
"com'n Link!" she yelled at the screen as she used her last heart.
she tossed the console to the side. her phone pang with a notification from DoorDash saying her takeout was here. she ran down the stairs and went to meet the dasher at the gate.
"um, hi?" he handed the bag over
"hey." she smiled handing over the ten dollar tip.
"thanks. have a nice meal Tiariana."
"you too." she ran off before she realized what she said.
you too? what the heck?
she was back at the den. she sat down and flipped around the streaming services before landing on Living Single. she began to eat and binge.
'we are living single. in a 90s kinda world i'm glad i got my girls.' she sang while blindly eating.
when the show started she heard people talking and giggling.
“and this is the family room- that’s not supposed to be occupied” Bucky said walking in with a lady. "Tiara what are you doing here?"
“Tiariana? ohmygosh! hi, i’m Leah” she grinned holding her hand out heading towards her
“um, hi” she got up and shook her hand "nice to meet you."
she nodded, looking back to Barnes “she’s so cool”
“yeah, um, Tiara can we talk in the kitchen” he left the room.
sighing she got up and following him.
“i thought you weren’t gonna be here.” he said as soon as she stepped foot in the kitchen.
“i live here.” she grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge.
“don’t you have an apartment?” he folded his arms.
"don't you?" she retorted, her eyebrow arched in challenge.
"if you must know, my place is under new management and the rent has spiked. so, i'm here for the foreseeable future," he explained, a hint of frustration in his voice.
"hm." she hummed, taking a long, deliberate sip of her water.
"look, is there any chance you could stay at your place for a while? just until i sort things out?" he asked, trying to sound casual but failing to hide the urgency in his tone.
her nonchalanceness was clearly grating on his nerves.
"don't have a place." she replied with a shrug.
"really? you’re like 25?" he said nearly sounding offend.
"I'm 30." she corrected him.
"that's... unfortunate." he said, earning an eye roll from her.
"your opinions are as outdated as you are" she shot back
"very funny," he replied dryly.
"why does it even matter to you? this compound is like a thousand acres" she pointed out.
"ugh," he scoffed in exasperation.
"oh, i'm sorry, is my presence here bothering you that much?" her voice dripping with sarcasm
"kinda, yeah" he admitted, not bothering to soften the blow.
"aw" she responded with a mock pout.
annoyed, he turned on his heel and walked away without another word.
"Leah?" he called out.
he collected her and head to his room.
she went back to the living room and settled back onto the couch continued watching TV. after two episode she found herself slowly drifting off until she KO'd.
#bucky barnes x black!oc#bucky barnes x woc#bucky barnes x black!reader#bucky barnes fics#sebastian stan
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Steve: I lost the bet.
You: Which bet?
Bucky: Well this punk bet that Thor wouldn't know what a 'home run' meant.
You: Why?!
Steve: Tony was going on and on calling me an '100 Year Old Virgin'-
You: We all know that's not true! Bucky and I saw to that. For hours I might add!
Steve: He kept calling me that when I had some trouble understanding Quantum Computing.
Bucky: This is why you need to get better with comebacks.
You: This from the guy who thought living on $10K for a week was a cruel punishment!
Steve: Damn-
Bucky: Language, punk!
Steve: Sorry.
You: So how does Thor fit into any of this?
Steve: Yeah. I was thinking of anything to get Tony off my back when Thor walked into the kitchen.
You: That's when you made the bet, huh?
Steve: Turns out he and Selvig watched sports together.
You: So what did you lose?
Steve: Well...
Steve: I can't believe I'm doing this!
Bucky: How're the shorts?
Steve: WAY too tight.
You: Yeah they are!
Sam: Why does your tank top say 'I'm a Bi Brooklyn Bitch'?
Bucky and You: Tony.
Sam: Figures.
Steve: I have to wear this all over Midtown.
You: At least you don't have to hide it anymore.
Nat: The Press is gonna have a field day.
#bucky barnes x reader#steve rogers fic#stucky fanfiction#stucky#stucky x reader#bucky barnes#steve rogers#steve rogers x reader#bucky x reader#steve x reader#stucky x plus size reader#stucky x black!reader#steve rogers x black!reader#bucky barnes x black!reader#stucky x woc!reader#steve rogers x bucky barnes
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Indecent Exposure Pt. III: Poolside Promises
Summary: You convince Ari to finally let you have a little fun this summer. But at what cost? Check out Part One!
Warnings: Mature Themes, Ari Being A Menace, Brat!Reader, Dad's Best Friend Themes, Older Men/Younger Women Themes, Brief Allusion to Oral Sex, Cursing, Minors DNI
A/N: Please heed all warnings. Part of my Indecent Exposure Series. If you'd like to be added to the tag list, please let me know.
Almost Two Weeks After Your Father's Departure...
You glide through the water effortlessly, seeking a brief relief from the summer heat. While the news had promised you and everyone else that today’s weather would be one for the books, the warnings still hadn’t been enough to prepare you for the heat that assailed you the moment you’d stepped out the back door.
However, it’s not until you allow your head to break through the surface that you realize you were no longer alone. You had company. And he was also staring at you.
Again. It was something he had a habit of doing.
“Can I help you?” It’s a flatly delivered question.
The man only shrugs, dragging a hand through his shaggy, chestnut brown locks. Frankly, he looked so much like his brother you were almost surprised that you’d never really noticed just how many similarities they actually shared.
Same striking blue eyes. Same massive build. Same chiseled jaw that looked great with or without a beard. But where Steve always possessed an aura or control, Ari emanated something a little more raw and untamed.
You found found that it sometimes did funny things to those annoying butterflies that had seemingly taken up residence in your belly these days.
“Did you need something?” You try as you continue to tread water in the middle of the pool.
“Nothing you're quite prepared to give, sweet Clover.” Ari responds cryptically, his head cocking to the side as he continues to survey you.
“Then why the hell do you keep staring at me?”
That was another thing you’d recently come to learn about Ari over the last couple of days. He didn’t seem to care whenever you decided to take a spicy tone with him – a fact you’d discovered when you’d found him sitting in your father’s study just the other morning.
You’d been so happy until that moment, especially since you’d previously been granted three days free of Bucky, Steve, and Andy. Your time alone had been glorious, even if it had proved to be short lived.
You watch the older man closely, fascinated by the increasingly pronounced tick in his jaw. Hell, if he was allowed to stare then so would you. However, the question was, who would blink first?
Turns out, that award belonged to Ari.
Humming a tune under his breath, he proceeds to grab a lawn chair before pulling it closer to the edge of the pool. Neither one of you says a word as he takes a seat, his sinewy muscles bunching and flexing beneath the thin fabric of his light gray t-shirt.
“Just came out here to check on you.” He reaches up to scratch at his beard. “See how you were managing in this heat.”
“I’m managing by planning to spend all afternoon in the pool, like any other sane person would.”
“Ya know, I’m pretty sure Bucky and the boys made it clear that they don’t appreciate your little penchant for snark.” He muses, leaning forward to rest his elbows on his knees.
Probably. You inwardly concede. It definitely hasn't been winning you any favors. Which is why you often preferred to play the part of a mute. Whenever they allowed you to, that is.
“Doesn’t seem to bother you.” You respond honestly before closing your eyes and flipping your body so that you can float on your back, giving Ari a glimpse of your peaches and cream-colored bikini.
“That’s cuz’ not too much bothers me. I don’t allow it.”
“Hmm…” You spread your arms, silently wishing you could simply float away from this conversation entirely. “Maybe you should talk to the others about that. Seems like I find a new way to piss them off every time I open my mouth.”
“Nah.” Ari shrugs away your words as he continues to appear unbothered by the heat. “Something tells me they don’t quite know just what to do with a pretty little thing like you.”
“Oh. And you do?” Well, you could safely say that you hadn’t been expecting that answer.
“I’d certainly like to think so.”
His statement hangs in the air as you both fall silent. While you weren’t quite sure what your would-be caretaker was talking about, it was definitely enough to make you think. And it’s at that moment that you decide to change tactics. Instead of floating here annoyed, perhaps it was time to use Ari’s seemingly indulgent personality to your benefit.
A friend of yours was throwing a party tonight. And you wanted to go.
When you’d previously brought it up to Bucky and Steve, they’d both hemmed and hawed over the subject – asking you all kinds of questions and refusing to give you anything more than a non-committal “we’ll have to see” or "we'll have to sit down and talk about it". And when you’d tried to play the ultimate trump card by calling your father, he’d sided with them.
“I’m not there, pumpkin.” Your Dad had said while you’d been holed-up pouting in your room. “I asked your Uncles to watch over you, which means I’m gonna have to defer to them in situations like this one."
And, as luck would have it, you hadn’t been able to get your answer before they’d just up and disappeared on you like the overbearing assholes they were proving themselves to be.
“Yeah, well, I’m not sure I trust the judgment of anyone who’s crazy enough to sit out here in this heat and roast – not when there’s a perfectly good pool, like, right in front of them.”
“Not sure that pool of yours is big enough for the both of us.” Ari mutters, scrubbing a hand over his jaw. Although you get the feeling he’s talking more to himself than you.
“It’s plenty big.” You eagerly reassure him, adjusting your position so that you can float closer to where your pseudo-guardian is sitting. “See? There’s aaall this space.”
For a second Ari appears unsure. And the closer you get, there’s no denying the fact that he was finally showing signs of feeling the heat. It’s hard to miss the thin line of sweat dotting along his brow.
“C’mon…” You urge, playfully splashing him. “Don’t be such a hard ass, Uncle Ari.” You decide to tack on the last bit for his benefit, all the while trying hard to keep the edge out of your tone. But if he notices, he thankfully doesn’t comment.
“Fine. Melt.” You heave an exasperated sigh when he still doesn’t move. Climbing onto a nearby pool raft, you turn your attention back to your companion. “Jesus, you guys are always so serious, like all of the time. I mean, what’s wrong with having a little fun?”
“Alright.” That’s all you get before he reaches to pull his shirt over his head, revealing the sculpted body hiding beneath.
You scarcely have the chance to appreciate the sight before you’re treated to the sound of a splash. You let out a squeal as water goes splashing everywhere, rewetting your already rapidly drying body. Seconds later, Ari’s head breaks through the water.
“Happy now, princess?” He disappears again, only to reappear closer to where you’re currently lounging.
“On?” He asks, seemingly content to tread water alongside you. You’d be lying to yourself if you didn’t at least admit that the man was kind of attractive.
Or, as your friends had put it, sexy as hell. Yeah, you weren’t quite sure how you felt about that one.
“Well…” You hedge, giggling when he splashes you to encourage you to hurry up.
“Out with it, Clover. A closed mouth doesn’t get fed.” Or fucked. He silently adds.
“There’s this party I kinda wanted to go to tonight. All my friends will be there and I haven't really had the chance to celebrate my birthday with them yet.” You finish, your teeth going to worry your bottom lip.
Ari studies you for a moment as he tries to figure out the best way to respond. “What did Uncle Steve and the others say?” He already knew that you'd asked them, and he wanted to make it clear that he’s not one to be so easily manipulated. “I’m assuming you asked them first.”
“They said “maybe”. Well, two of them did anyway. But then they left without ever giving me a real answer.”
“I see.” He offers you a cheeky grin while pausing to swat at a wayward fly. “Maybe we should call them. See if they’ve finally made up their minds–.”
“No!” You shoot straight up on your perch, accidently flipping the raft and sending you tumbling back into the icy cool water. You come up sputtering and coughing, and while you can’t quite tell, you’re also fairly certain that Ari is laughing at you.
“You all good?”
“Yeah.” You gag, hating the taste of chlorine.
Ari nods before moving to retrieve your float. He’s even kind enough to hold it still long enough for you to climb back on it again. Only once he’s satisfied that you’re secure does he seem interested in continuing the conversation.
“So…it sounds like you really wanna go to this party. Don’t you, Clover?”
“Yes.” You breathe, refusing to say anything more than that just in case he was actually considering it. You’re so desperate that you don’t even balk when he begins swimming towards the edge of the pool, dragging you along with him. He doesn’t speak again until he’s reached his destination.
“Tell me, will there be any drinking at this party?”
“Now’s not the time to lie to me, princess. Will people be drinking at this party?” He reaches up to cup your chin, his brilliant blue eyes boring into yours as if he's attempting to unravel all of your secrets.
One by one.
“I swear! Grace’s parents would positively kill her if they found out she threw that kind of party.”
Ari quietly mulls over your answer before deeming it to be honest enough for his liking. “How about boys?”
Fuck. While you couldn’t be honest, you also didn’t want to lie. Not when you were this close to getting what you wanted. Which was freedom.
“Her little brother will be there. He’s a couple grades below us. But it's not like she can kick him out or anything.”
“Just her little brother, huh?” You could tell he was feeling more than a little skeptical. However, you’re surprised when he seemingly lets it slide. Releasing his grip on your chin, he gives you a little push, content to let you float away.
“I swear. We can’t do anything too crazy with him around – he’d rat us out sooo fast.”
Please believe me. Please believe me. Please believe me.
Holding your breath, you watch as he climbs out of the water. He makes a beeline for your towel, patting himself dry to the best of his ability before draping it over his shoulder.
“Okay, sweetheart. I might be willing to make an executive decision on this one, provided you’re willing to do something for me in return. Something that’ll keep at least some of the heat off of me when it comes to dealing with Steve and the boys.”
What you didn't know was that they had already discussed your desire to attend this party – him, Bucky, Andy, and Steve – and they'd decided that the answer was "no". But since you'd gone the last couple days without throwing a tantrum, Ari felt inclined to give you what you wanted. It also helped that he found your bratty ways to be rather endearing.
So long as you weren't outrightly disrespectful.
“Anything.” The word flies out of your mouth before you can catch it. And just like that, that damn tick in his jaw is back.
“The only way I feel comfortable enough letting you go is if you promise to text me every 30 minutes. Doesn’t have to be long. Just a message to let me and the other guys know you’re okay.”
What the hell?
You open your mouth to protest before deciding you’re better off not. Right now, you’d take the win and try to renegotiate the rest later.
“Take it or leave it, princess.”
“I’ll take it!” You reply, albeit probably a little too enthusiastically. “Thank you so much!”
Ari doesn’t even crack a smile. Instead that damned tick of his only seems to grow even more pronounced. “Alright.” With that, he turns and begins striding towards the door. “I’ll, uh…I’ll get you another towel.” He pauses once he reaches his destination, turning to face you once more.
“And Clover?”
“Yeah?” You call back, feeling happier than you have in almost two whole weeks.
“Don’t make me regret this." Ari rumbles, allowing you to get a good, long look at his muscled, hair covered chest. "I'd hate for my kindness to come back and bite me in the ass. It would be a shame to start the summer off on such a bad note.”
His words leave you so speechless that you can only watch as Ari proceeds to waltz through the sliding door, leaving you outside all alone once more. But not before reiterating his promise to bring you another towel so that you can get ready for lunch.
“Well, fuck…” Is all you can muster before rolling yourself off your float and into the cooling expanse of the water. You swim down to the bottom, touching the floor with both hands as you work to center yourself.
You hold your breath for as long as you’re able before the need for oxygen forces you to resurface. As you greedily gulp air into your burning lungs you tell yourself not to give a fuck about Ari and his bullshit. Instead, you decide to focus on the most important aspect of tonight, namely…
Just what in the hell were you going to wear?
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Redwood Oak’s
Mafia!au x Steve Rogers
CHAPTERS: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
summary: your escape to Brooklyn was harboured by secrets and a harrowed past, left abused and betrayed, you accepted your destiny of being swallowed by the crowd. Until the King of New York showed up in front of you and wanted a piece of you for himself.
divider by @firefly-graphics !
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Steve's words echo loudly in your skull like a ball being knocked around your head, turning your brain to mush. The warmth of Steve's breath that had gripped you like a vice had dissipated the second the both of you had entered the expansive room of Steve's Office.
You don't see it, but Steve clenches his jaw in tight restraint to stop himself from putting a hole in Rumlow’s head and instead envelopes himself into the stone-faced demeanor he had learnt to form the moment he stepped up to the throne destined for him.
But god, did that horrified look on yourself tear Steve from the inside out. What had he done to you? It screamed betrayal in Steve's mind, that you not only had been hurt but by one of his own men. The man who had sworn to protect you had lied. And for Steve, his word was as good as its weight in fucking gold.
Steve had to play it level headed, the heavy weight of his father's presence was always near, but it seemed to cloud his vision at this moment,
“Don’t do nuthin stupid, think, just stop for a second and think”
Steve didn't want to think, he wanted to delve deep into the darkened desire within him that preened at the idea of Rumlows blood dripping between his clenched fists. Steve’s desire for violence shocked him a little, he could feel his fist shaking under his grip, like they had a mind of their own.
Steve wasn't a violent man, he was sensible, it didn’t matter if the entire city of New York believed he was cruel, because he knew every action had a means, it wasn't just to spill blood and crack skin. Steve’s entire enterprise was never built on appearances, despite the world it lives in, nothing Steve did didn't have an objective reason. He thought that would be a light of mercy before the spray of blood would coat his button-up.
But now, there didn't seem to be any reason to wait and sit, in the end, it all seemed sensible. Any threat of danger to your life needed to be eliminated, and returned with such a display of cruelty that no one would try it again. There was a gnawing feeling, however, at the recesses and edges of Steve's mind, the kind that screamed at him to see what was truly happening.
“Look”, and Steve learnt to listen.
There was something more to Rumlow than just scaring you, something more sinister, it echoed deep within Steve and the reminder of the cruel world beneath the gravel ground was as clear as ever. Steve had to find out because now he felt that your safety was his responsibility, an obligation he felt every bone within him scream to fulfil.
“Bucky” Steve calls the brown-haired man dressed down in a black suit, the outline of a holster poking through the waist of his jacket.
Bucky murmurs something into Sam's ear, before making his way towards Steve, his gaze shifting between you and the tall blonde standing a few spaces behind you.
“Need something from me, Steve?” Bucky says, making an effort to keep his gaze towards Steve, despite Steve's gaze being situated on you.
“Take our friend here to get something to eat, and then use one of my cars to get her home”. Steve murmurs, almost discreetly so only the three of you can hear.
You noticeably fidget at the mention of going home, it wasn't that you didn't want to, you did, by all accounts, but you didn't know what you would open the door to when you did end up back at the decrepit apartment complex you loved. Your apartment wasn't necessarily known for being the most well-secured, but you figured your neighbours would at least tell you if someone had broken in and trashed the place.
Steve moves towards Bucky, turning his body to face away from your wandering gaze
“Take one of my unmarked cars, it seems we’ve got a fuckin rat in our very own house” Steve whispered into Bucky’s ear, causing Bucky to turn his head to face Steve. A look passes between the both of them, their eyes conversing in a way words never could, in a way that told you they had been brothers long before this entire world fell upon their shoulders.
“Well go on then” Steve’s deep voice whispers into your ear, you can taste the heat of his hand pressing onto your waist, as you feel the outline of his revolver press into the small of your back.
“Don’t think I won’t hurt my men to protect you, I’ll kill him if I have to” Steve murmurs, he doesn’t have to say his name, but your mind has been repeating it enough to know who he's talking about, and your heart skips a beat in surprise, air catches your lungs and you have to swallow back the strange feeling brewing in your stomach before following Bucky’s pointed gaze out the office doors, several dozen eyes watching your every step.
The squeak of Bucky’s dress shoes and the click of your pump loafers follow each other down the carpet and painting-lined hallways. You sneak glances through half-open doors and you're met with similar pictures, women and men dressed in black and white staff uniform cleaning and dusting away priceless antiques, ruffling pillows and beds that were never going to be slept in, and folding the endless crisp white shirts Steve wore.
You pass a hallway that looks different to the rest, darker somehow like it was sacred. You don't see any of the endless staff coming out of any of the rooms too, and the millions of questions it springs forth have your eyes squinting to see past the 2 main opening doors.
Bucky turns a corner quickly, and without realising you bump into his back, the rock-hard muscle acting like a brick to cushion your fall. You can’t help but let out a loud yelp, before Bucky turns and catches you from falling flat on your face.
You look up at him clearly flustered, and Bucky gazes down at you in interest, he begins to murmur something but thinks better of it, and slowly lets go of his grip on your waist.
Coughing, he straightens his suit, before motioning forward
“We’re here”
“Hmh? Where is here-” You say
You look towards the expansive dining room, fitted with leather couches surrounding a cast stone fireplace connected to a brick stone kitchen, an iridescent chandelier hangs from the tall ceilings, looking as if diamonds were dripping from above, and the halo of a sparkle glints over the both of you and you can't help but gaze in awe.
“Gorgeous isn't it?” Bucky says, and you glance at him watching the way the chandelier cuts the sunlight so it breaks across the dining room.
It was beautiful, despite being in a room that was in a house of violence, it was the most beautiful thing you've ever seen.
“Bucky? I thought you already emptied out my kitchen” Calls a voice from the kitchen
Bucky turns towards the voice, a smile for the first time appears on his face and he walks up with you trailing behind.
“You’re still here? I thought Steve gave you the rest of the week off?” Bucky says, and as you walk past the expansive dining room you see a woman dressed in a dirty apron, wiping down a pristine marble countertop that Bucky leans on.
Pots and pans hang from high above the centre block, glinting in a perfect steel arrangement, long panned windows filter light in from the manicured lawns and an array of shelves and creme cabinets line the kitchen. A double burner oven is situated against a grey stone wall, and low-hanging lantern lights are hung from above. David would have loved cooking in this kitchen, that is all you can fathom as you gaze across the opulent space.
You are too fazed to take notice of the conversation happening beside you, until the kind woman looks towards you, cocking her head, her hazel eyes gaze you up and down, taking notice of your strange attire.
“And who is this?”
“One of Steve’s friends came here to get her something to eat but if you're leaving, just know your kitchen is in great hands” Bucky smirks towards the woman, who shakes her head reverently.
“Oh absolutely not, he burnt soup once, goddamn soup!” The woman scolds, a frightened expression taking over her face as she widens her eyes at you.
You can't help but let out a giggle, she was nice, this woman, dark auburn hair braided into a fishtail cascades down her back, her cheeks full as her big brown eyes smile at you.
“Hey!, it was one of those artisan ones alright, screw me for trying to follow a recipe online” Bucky replies, rolling his eyes at the woman as he tries to argue his side to you
“It’s soup Bucky, you put it in a pot and let it heat up” You reply, shaking your head, the woman looks up at you swiftly, a look comes over her face and she nods.
“By your clothing, I can see you are a curator of the kitchen as well?” The woman replies
You look up at her surprised, “Oh no, I’m,-I’m just a waitress”
“Well does the waitress have a name?” She replies
You hadn't had to introduce yourself for much of your life, your name and entire identity stolen and curated by your husband until he was the one introducing you, and now, the sound of your voice feels foreign on your tongue.
“A pretty name for a pretty lady, my name’s Katerina, but just because you're a friend of a friend you can call me Kat. So what would ya like darling?” She says
“Oh, no” You take notice of the recently wiped down and cleaned tabletops
“It’s alright, you've already cleaned up everything and I'm not that hungry, besides Bucky promised to show me around the Manor '' You reply, wiping a hand down to iron out the wrinkles in your work shirt.
“I did?” Bucky replies, and you turn your head, pleading with him to go along with it
“Oh yeah, um, I’ve got to get my Vitamin D you know” Bucky coughs, wincing as he digs his hands into his dress pants.
Kat looks between the both of you, a knowing smile on her face as she nods,
“Oh, I know you'll be here a while.'' She replies, before you both bid your goodbyes and head out through the French doors and onto the stone steps of the entryway of the Manor.
“You really made me lie in front of Kat? What do you think this is? You know I don’t answer to you, and Steve told me to make sure you eat something, especially since last night-” Bucky scolds, before cutting himself off at the mention of your embarrassing
“You know about last night?” You mumble, the burn of embarrassment crawls up your chest as Bucky shifts his gaze to you in guilt
“Parts alright? It was late at night when Steve found you at that bar and it was getting..I just knew I had never seen Steve so, so..” Bucky trails over, shifting his gaze from your eyes.
“So what?” You reply, Bucky was about to tell you something about Steve, specifically last night and every inch of you wanted to know what it was.
“Forget about it” Bucky replies, and you shake your head defiantly.
“No, no I won’t, ever since that day Steve walked into my diner, I’ve been doing this blindfolded dance, spinning around the truth but never being told anything” You reply, challenging Bucky.
Bucky pulls his tongue from his cheek, eyes trailing the manicured garden of the front lawn before looking down at you.
“He was silent. He didn’t say anything the entire ride back, just motionless. And I know Steve has that stone face going on, but honestly? It was like he was thinking, plotting something in that mind of his, and he didn't stop until you were taken to your room and tucked in, hell he didn't stop until we both walked into those office doors”.
You look down at your hands, twirling the old copper band around your index. Thinking? Thinking? You didn't have a clue how to read Steve, let alone know what he could be thinking of all things.
“What does that even mean?” You reply
“It means Steve is deeper in this than he thinks he is,” Bucky replies.
You catch your tongue before you reply with what automatically pops into your head,
If Steve was in this knee-deep, you were entirely swallowed.
Your eyes catch a light shining from the corner of your peripheral vision, over the wall overgrown with ivy.
“I wasn’t lying before,” You say
“Hmph?” Bucky asks, clocking his eyebrow
“Take me there” You reply, pointing towards the wall towards the back of the Manor.
“You mean the abandoned garden?” Bucky scoffs, shaking his head
“If it’s abandoned then no one will know we’re there, right?” You argue
Bucky narrows his eyes, but reluctantly agrees, walking down the steps in long strides as you run after him to catch up.
You both walk along the expansive gravel driveway, the piercing gaze of Steve from the office window above follows the both of you as you venture through the spiny trail that leads to the garden hidden beyond the large hanging evergreen trees that grew along all over the grounds.
Almost losing your balance once or twice, you finally make it through the overgrown foliage, following the stone trail that soon crumbled into the dark dirt floor. Bucky steps over a broken step, before unlatching some kind of bolt and shoving a rotten gate open, breaking the vines that had once grown on the wood.
You walk through the opened gate, Bucky following close behind, and the shrubbery opens up to a clearing. Large evergreen trees like the ones near the Manor surround the open land, however, a different kind of tree stands sky high, and you can’t stop yourself from walking up to one, and feeling the maroon bark rough against your fingers.
You close your eyes and it comes to you,
Redwood oaks.
Times when you would think hard enough, the silhouette of skyscraping trunks, and deep green leaves would cloud your vision, and when you lean your head forward you can almost smell your past. It is beautiful and strange and it hurts just as much. You can’t find yourself anymore, you've resigned yourself to that, but these thousand-year-old trees make you feel more connected than ever.
You want to climb into it and let it consume you. Sleep until you woke up and you knew who you were. It’s strange, the tree reminds you of Steve somehow, like you've been here with him before and it's hitting you like deja vu.
Something has gifted between the both of you, between you and Bucky too, you noticed it today when he spoke to you rather than through you. He didn't have that unsure expression anymore like he didn't fully trust you, and you don't know whether it was because of Steve or because of last night.
The clearing is almost a hill, and you can see fields of honey-coloured wheat and grass cascade into hills as you look beyond the tall trees. You can make out the backbones of where some sort of wooden shelter or structure once stood, now all that was left was a pile of rotting wood and leaves.
“Why is this place abandoned,” You say, it was gorgeous and let in the sun in just the right way for it to be reflected from the trees and shower the clearing with a honey glow, but it was hidden. And all hidden things were hidden for a reason.
“Don't know, it's been in Steve's family for generations, rented out to a couple people and then sold to a family in the mafia. Until Steve bought it back, it seems like this used to be where some sort of sheltered seating area once stood” Bucky replies, digging his shoe into the dirt.
“Yeah well it seems like someone’s put it to good use” You reply, noticing a small hardwood sculpting table fitted next to a workbench, a small but well-built wooden gazebo shelters the workspace, and you want to step forward but something tells you that place is sacred.
A sound comes out of Bucky and when you turn your head, he looks towards the gazebo like he knows who it belongs to. It hits you that he probably does, being the eyes that see all in the place anyway.
“This place yours or something?” You reply, and Bucky looks towards you in surprise like he forget you were there.
“Hmp? No, not me necessarily, but I think I know who” Bucky murmurs, his eyes trailing back to Manor fixating on Steve's office and you have to swallow the laugh that erupts at the assumption.
“Steve? If Steve was to have a hideout behind his Manor it would be for a guillotine, not an easel” You reply.
You look towards the Manor and even though your vision only catches the pitched roof peeking through the dark pine trees you don’t doubt by the feeling crawling up your arm that Steve is watching you too.
“Steve, he's done something but, he's- he's a good man” Bucky replies, turning a rock onto its smooth side between his hands
“Oh yeah? Just like my husband is? I’m starting to figure out good men don’t need to say they're good men” You retort
Bucky shakes his head, turning the rock between his hands before tossing it into the shrubbery.
“You’re husband, he's done things you can't even imagine, he is the farthest from Steve, he's the farthest that Steve could ever be” Bucky replies with a heated tone.
For some reason that statement sent a burn down your stomach, in some sick way, you felt it was your responsibility to protect your husband's honour and name in front of Bucky, but it disappears when you realise you're the one who had run across the country to escape the very man Bucky loathes.
“I know the things he's done alright? I’m not that oblivious”
“I’m sure you aren't, Steve wouldn't go through all this trouble for someone who isn't..smart. But what you know about your husband is only what he's allowed you to see, in this life, there's so much that goes between looks and eyes,”
“Steve, it's this life that's changed him, changed all of us, swallowed him up until we couldn't even recognise each other. God I wish you could have seen him before, he was so carefree, ran like the wind couldn't even catch him. Your husband, evil like that is born in you, encoded into your DNA until you know nothing else" Bucky replies
“How do you expect me to believe that about him if you leave me in the dark all this time? You say Steve is a good man, well then tell me how” You reply
Bucky grinds his teeth, his jaw working as he weighs the metaphorical pros and cons of letting you in, and telling you things you he doesn't doubt Steve hasn’t. It was strange, Bucky felt it was wrong for you to be in this agreement with Steve so blindly, Steve had told him he wanted to protect you, but how can he say that when you don't even know what he's protecting you from?
With a gruff sigh, Bucky turns his neck to face you, delving into one of the main, if not the entire reason Steve is the way he is, and of course it had to be connected to you.
“About a decade or so ago, Steve was in love with a woman, she was everything to him, his breath, his bones, his love, she owned it all. Now it was about the time when Steve was ordained to take over from his father, it was a tradition since the Rogers planted their foot in the underworld, and it was once Steve's father did not take it lightly. Taking over meant your entire life would be dedicated to this throne, you would live, breathe and eat business, and for Steve, what he lived for was her.” Bucky shifts so that his gaze moves from the Manor. And like he's ashamed to be telling you this, to let the stark demeanour of Steve crack.
Bucky chuckles in the sort of way that wasn’t out of humour, your eyes strain as you peer at him, watching him scratch his jaw and tussle his brown locs free from their curls.
“Steve’s father could sense his weakness before it even started, I guess he thought Steve would realise what was at stake, the responsibilities that he had to honour as part of this family. That week before his coronation, Steve refused his father in front of an entire dining room of men. He refused to let go of her in exchange for his marriage to the throne. Told all of them that he was going to marry her and run off. And I still don't know if it was a show of discipline or plain evil, but Steve never got that chance” Bucky says.
“What do you mean?” You reply, your confused expression turning grim as you notice the bleak look on Bucky's face.
“She was- she was murdered that very next morning” Bucky replies, his eyes returning to you, as you whip your head back to stare at him in horror.
“Your husband, was paid by Steve’s father to murder his fiance” Bucky replies after a beat, your breath leaves your chest as you stare at him in disbelief, hands grasping the edges of your apron as you wait for the punchline, and Bucky stares at you in anguish as you realise there isn't.
You don't know what sounds leave your mouth, just the look of Bucky’s face tears you away from his gaze and the tears glide down your neck. You don’t bother to wipe them, you don't doubt there is more anguish to come, more revelations that will have your head spinning, more secrets that were kept from you.
“Hey, hey, look at me” Bucky replies
“I can’t, I didn’t tell you this for nothing alright? I can’t have you leaving here teary-eyed, you told me you were strong yeah? So be strong. Your husband is a murdering psychopath, he has been since he was a teenager, this mercenary job was done to get his foot in this business, and now you're all muddled up in it too. And Steve, he doesn’t want what happened to her to happen to you” Bucky replies, squeezing your arm to shake you back to the present.
“But why? Why would Steve’s father do that?” You reply
Bucky stares off into the curving hills of wheat and grass, shaking his head before replying
“It was Steve’s obligation, it had been since he was conceived, Steve's father thought he gave him a life free of responsibilities while growing up in that town, he didn't think that recklessness would follow him to Brooklyn”.
“Town? What town” You ask, and this time Bucky avoids your gaze, whispering incoherent obscenities under his breath
“That is something only Steve can tell you, me and Steve grew up together in Brooklyn during our teenage years. That place was something from before even that, before even me”. Bucky replies
You nod as you stare at the river that swirled across the Manor grounds, the shock of your husband's role in Steve’s becoming the invisible stone-faced don he was now didn't fully hit you yet. It was like you were numb, forced to put on a brave face in front of Bucky, who had trusted you enough to tell you about Steve.
The man who you had believed conned his way into your life, and tricked you into a deal you didn't agree to now seemed different to you, you can’t fathom how a man like that, a man so instilled in the traditions of this world once defied it. Steve had once been so in love he was ready to disown his father's own expectations of him, and yet in the end it had gotten her killed, and it had left him seated on the very throne he despised.
“We should probably head back, lord knows what Steve would say if he knew you were still here” Bucky replies, pulling out a cigarette from his suit breast pocket, and flicking open a metallic silver lighter encrusted with the Rogers family heirloom.
The amber light that ignites the bud elicits a strange feeling that litters goosebumps across your body, it reminds you of a burning photograph, left to ashes and soot. You can smell the stench of it too, and Bucky watches you carefully as he clasps the lighter back into his pocket, nodding to the trail you had just come from.
Your mind is too preoccupied to remember walking back to the Manor, or even sliding into the car door Bucky had opened for you. Your mind circled back and forth between the answers Bucky had muttered under the sweet wisp of the morning breeze and the millions of questions that were met with the same silence and face of neutrality that Steve wore.
There was so much that you didn’t know, it hadn't hit you before, but it was so frighteningly obvious now. You were still the same foolishly naive girl that you had been 10 years ago, except this time, if Bucky had been right, you weren't being robbed of your entire autonomy.
You couldn't deny that since you had arrived in Brooklyn, you felt a strange pull that led you to Steve, you felt it the first time he walked into the diner, and although it was crowded by fear then, you can feel it in all its entirety now. For some strange reason, you hoped what Rumlow had said was just another thread of lies he had made you unravel, you hoped to god for Steve’s sake that all it was, was a childish attempt at getting out of babysitting.
You had steered your mind clear from falling down the rabbit hole of what else it could be, and the sinking feeling that begins to unfurl in your stomach now has you pinching yourself awake, and forcing yourself to stare through the tinted car windows. You watch the blur of the pine trees crowding the curving roads and Bucky’s incessant tapping of the steering wheel over-stimulate your senses, resting your head on the window.
Perhaps Steve knew a thing or two about betrayal, and from the same man that had made you run halfway across the country.
#james bucky barnes#steve rogers x reader#steve rogers fic#steve rogers imagine#steve rogers#mafia!au#mafia!steve rogers x female reader#mafia!steve rogers#mob steve rogers#mob!steve rogers x woc!reader#mob!steve rogers x fem!reader#steve rogers x fem!reader#steve rogers x black female reader#steve rogers x black!reader#mafia!steve rogers x black!reader#mafia!bucky barnes#mafia!sam wilson#mafia!avengers#innocent!reader#neonovember#neo writes#mafia!steve rogers x woc!reader#mob!steve rogers x black!reader#tapttd#series#mafia!steve rogers series#mob!bucky x reader#mafia!bucky#mob!steve rogers x innocent!reader#steve rogers x innocent!reader
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Figuring it out.
jake jensen x f!reader, bucky barnes x f!reader
A/N: LOOK WHAT Y/N’S MESSY ASS DID NOW🤣🤣 she’s all over the place.. lordt. but in her defence, she is in a vulnerable state, things will be normal for her soon. & don’t be afraid to hit up that ask box 💋
Warning: intentional lower case, not in y/n’s pov, angst?, silly little pet names 🙃 ( doll, dollface, baby ), kissing, SMUT ( p in v, praise, no aftercare 😓 ), awkwardness :/
Summary: babygirl is all over the place ( i am bad at summaries ) 🤕. can be read as a standalone but ⬂
pt1 pt2
the morning after your… unfortunate date with ransom, your alarm wakes you up earlier than usual. the jarring sound of that familiar ringtone reminded you of the obstacle you had to face today.
you were finally going back to work after your - much needed - mental health break.
being in a relationship with syd was hard in itself, but when he finally upped and left, that took a huge toll on your life. you were already affected mentally by the way he treated you when you were together but regardless you stuck around, so when he chose to leave, it just made you feel like shit.
when he noticed the effect of the break-up, jake suggested that you take some time off work to focus on yourself and try to recover, and so you did. but now that time was up.
jake was startled awake by the sounds of you rushing around to get ready, he was going to have to get used to you being awake at this time again.
you hear the floorboards creak as jake slowly steps out of his room, you peek your head out your door to see him in nothing but pajama shorts… who needs boundaries?
“you’re up early, y/n/n…” he points out, rubbing the tiredness from his eyes.
“yeah, jay, i’m back to work today.”
he tries to hide his concern knowing you wouldn’t want him worrying about you but he can’t help the way his eyes widen at your statement. “ah. i remember.”
“so i gotta go jake, love you, i would hug you but you’re basically naked,” he frowns as you kiss him on the cheek, and with a deep breath, you’re out the door.
when you arrive at work, you make a bee-line straight to your little cubicle, not wanting anybody to ask too many questions about your whereabouts or your mental state.
when you thought you’d made it safe, you sunk into your chair and let out a deep breath. this is not so bad, you thought. until you heard a voice that was all too familiar to you. shit.
“well whaddaya know!” he practically bellowed at your cubicles entrance, “long time no see, dollface.”
luckily there was virtually no one in your vicinity so he didn’t draw to much attention. you let it slide.
you swivelled on your chair to face him, “barnes.”
bucky barnes, though you acted like you hated him, might have been the best part of your days at work. he was always cracking jokes and trying to make you laugh but you could never let him know you really found him amusing or he’d get too cocky.
“so, you were gone… and now you’re back.” he tilted his head with a grin. did he even know where he was going with this conversation? “what’s up with that?”
“yeah, i was. do you need something, barney? i wasn’t even gone that long.” you sighed.
“i missed you calling me that.”
“i didn’t miss your flirting.”
“oh, shit, yeah you have that boyfriend right?” he smirked and you internally groaned, screwing your eyes shut. really barnes?
the two of you stew in awkwardness before you break the silence.
“yeahhh, no. i don’t fuck with him anymore. we broke up.”
bucky’s face dropped. “ohh…” he just stood and scratched the back of his head, “damn.” and you huff out an annoyed sigh, resting your head in your hands on your desk until this idiot pipes up again.
“what happened? if you don’t mind me asking.” he came and sat on your desk.
“he treated me badly pretty much throughout the relationship and then he just dumped me. pretty much out of nowhere.” you just sighed.
“fuck, that’s awful. i’m sorry that happened to you…”
“yeah, thanks.”
“well, do you want a hug.. or something?” he trailed off, expecting to get shot down but;
you had to stand up slightly on your tippy toes to wrap your arms around his neck and you rested your head on his warm chest. his big hands smoothed over your back, rubbing up and down to comfort you. you practically melted into his embrace, had you ever even hugged bucky before? shit felt good as fuck.
when you pull away, his hands linger on your waist and your mind starts to wander. why was he being so sweet and comforting? why did he seem genuinely concerned for me? does he actually care about me?
his steel blue eyes looked down at you through droopy lids. is he..?
he pressed a chaste kiss to your forehead. innocent enough. friendly enough.
he stared for a moment,
and then he ducked his head down to swipe his lips over yours. gently and barely, he kissed you.
“hm, i’m sorry, i shouldn’t-“
you decided to kiss him again, of course, to shut him up, no other reason. you figured you wouldn’t be able to handle the awkwardness that would follow his apology.
‘i’m sorry i kissed you, you’re going through a hard time, i overstepped’ etc, ugh no. if you were going to ruin the current dynamic of this friendship, you were going to get some fun out of it.
to avoid drawing attention, you whispered, “hm, it’s like three minutes till our lunch break and i think i want you to take me to the storage closet...”
if anything could evoke an instant boner from bucky barnes, it would be that sentence right there.
“and what would we do in there?” he smirked raising a brow.
“just shut up and let’s go.”
the two of you subtly made your way round to the storage room and briefly checked your surroundings before going inside. thank fuck there were no cameras around here.
when you had both made your way in, bucky immediately pushed you gently against the wall and started to kiss you again. his desperation was evident in the kiss, you could tell he’d wanted this for a really long time..
“i’ve wanted this for a really long time.” he whispered while trailing wet kisses down the nape of your neck.
all you can do is moan in response because, have you? you weren’t to sure.
he quickly gets to work and bunching your skirt up to your hips and moving your underpants to the side. at a tormentingly slow pace, he begins to rub circles on your clit eliciting a strained whine from you.
“that feel good?” you can practically hear the smirk is evident in his tone, as he dips his middle finger down to your hole to collect your slick, “fuck you’re wet.”
“well, that probably means you should hurry up and fuck me. you know, before we get caught.” you whispered to him.
he chuckles lowly, unbuckling and taking down his pants but his laughter comes to a halt as you begin to push his tip against your clit, silently begging him to get on with it. he smoothed his hands down the backs of your thighs, lifting you up so that you were just about hovering over the head of his dick and resting on the shelf behind you.
“you ready for me, doll?” he pressed a sloppy kiss to the side of your mouth. you nodded, ‘mhm’, and that was all the confirmation he needed to slowly lower you down onto his length, sharply sucking in air.
“awh fuck,” he groaned into your ear as he thrusted upwards into your cunt. “feel so fucking good around me, angel.”
the way he was moaning and whispering praises in your ear had you so wet to the point where he was effortlessly slipping in and out of you. his speed was causing the shelf you were rested on to rattle and shake which was making you both laugh slightly. you could feel him panting hot breath against your neck as he quickly rutted into you and you bit your lip to stifle your moans.
bucky admired you slightly sweaty, half-lidded form, “you’re so beautiful, y/n/n. can you feel what you do to me?”
getting praised and complimented like this was a stark contrast to your relationship with syd. sex with him was always pretty rough and there was never much love there. this felt different. in a good way.
the position that you were in mean that your clit was rubbing right up against his pelvis making it almost impossible to stay quiet.
to avoid finishing to quickly - you assume - he began to slow his pace, meaning he was now grinding into you with slow deep strokes that drove you crazy. you couldn’t help but let out quiet whimpers as you gripped his shoulder.
“you getting close?” he started to kiss on your neck.
“awh shit, bucky, i’m gonna-”
“come on, baby, come on this dick.” he grunted, his thrusts beginning to speed up again, indicating that he was also close. “can feel you squeezing me, just let go.”
“fuck!” you whisper-yelled as you reached your climax.
bucky pulled out of you and finished with a moan shooting his spend onto your inner thigh. breathlessly, he rested his head on your shoulder for a moment. you tapped his bicep,
“come on barney, don’t fall asleep on me now, i got places to be,” you checked your watch, “still got 8 minutes of lunch left.”
he picked you up off the shelf and gently placed you back down on your wobbly feet.
you turned to get a kleenex from the shelf to wipe away his jizz from your thigh and pulled your skirt back down.
“‘kay, fine, bossy. you go out first and i’ll come out five minutes later.” you could hear him redoing his belt buckle.
“okay cool.” you chirped, “um, thanks for… cheering me up, barnes. you are sweet.” you gave him a brief hug before slipping out of the moderately spacious big storage closet.
you inwardly sighed. what the fuckk.
the rest of your afternoon at work was not very eventful. just the usual shit. answering the occasional phone call, writing emails, counting down the minutes to go home… you didn’t really see much of bucky for the rest of that day but the thought of him didn’t leave your head. you just couldn’t really comprehend what you ( and him ) had done.
you let the flirty fuckboy at work hit it, real classy y/n. what is jake gonna think? you had to tell him, you two told each other everything so it would be wrong to keep this from him. it’s not like he’d be that bothered anyway. why would he care?
“YOU WHAT??” who were you trying to kid, you knew he wouldn’t take it well.
you were sat on the living room couch whilst he was frantically pacing living room.
“with that guy? ‘cause i don’t really know about him..,” he paused, “why?”
“hm, i was really horny i guess.” you rubbed your temples, “don’t know what’s wrong with me.”
“oh no, hey, there’s nothing wrong with you.” he came and sat by you on the couch, “‘m not judging you. just confused. did you want to sleep with him?”
“i’m not sure jake. i just, i opened up to him a little about syd and, he comforted me and he gave a hug, but it was a weird hug and-“
“hey, hey,” he pulled you into his side and rested his head on top of yours. “i guess you don’t have to know right now. you’ll figure it out at some point.”
you just hummed in response.
“so how was your day, jake?”
he scoffed, “not as eventful as yours.” earning him a playful punch in his arm.
“whatever man.”
“you wanna watch adventure time?”
“yeah, jay.”
a/n: gollllyyy. i was tired when i wrote this so it’s not that great & im also pretty bad at endings but the middle wasn’t too bad…🤷🏾♀️ anyways what do we think. i dont see her going back to bucky and this was her seeking comfort in perhaps the wrong form but, what can you do?
#fem!reader#jake jensen smut#jake jensen x reader#jake jensen x you#bucky barnes#bucky barnes x reader#bucky x reader#bucky barnes x you#chris evans x y/n#chris evans x you#chris evans fluff#chris evans x reader#sebastian stan x reader#sebastian stan#chris evans x black reader#sebastian stan x black reader#black!reader#poc!reader#woc!reader
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Welcome to my Blog !

HEY BABES ! All of my Official Master lists can be found below. Likes, re-blogs, comments, REQS and etc, are all welcomed.
(~~ is an idicator for smut / mature themes. ) ( ** is an indicator for sensitive topic/ angst.)
Down the valley: After a traumatizing experience on a case, Valley takes 2 years off to focus on her baby girl. When she returns, she finds that the team has a new recruit, Spencer Reid. She grows fond of him, but is given the impression its strictly one sided. She has to not let the past case define her when reminders constantly surface, dragging her back into trauma she had endured. She struggled to balance her determination to excel in her work with the need to confront her own fears and anxieties, while trying to handle the new feelings she has for spencer. (SERIES)
Between Heart Beats: after falling in love with spencer reid, you navigate the challenges that come with your relationship. While you cherish your moments together, the rough patches can be hard to ignore. One day, in an effort to find clarity, you go shopping and unexpectedly discover something world shattering. But before you can share the news with Spencer, he comes home with a shocking revelation that could change everything between you. **~~
wine pon you: for spencers birthday, you want him to unwind and relax, and as his best friend its your job to make sure he has the best time off his life, by the end of the evening, you surprise Spencer with a little present, leaving the night with a special memory.
lessons in the lift: you're a teacher whose putting in the work for summer school students, you wake up late one day and even though it seemed like the most inconvenient thing ever, it worked out in your favor after all.
#spencer reid#woc writer#alfred enoch fanfic#bucky barnes x black!reader#chris evans x black!reader#wes gibbins#smut#writing#idk how to tag this#fanfics
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The Mate: Chapter 6 is finished!!!
I know it's been WAYYYYY too long and I sincerely apologize.
The next chapter of The Mate is completed. As always, it ends in a bit of a cliffhanger.
You'll see. I sent it to my Beta reader for review. Once I get it back, I will do some editing and post it here with a link to AO3.
Since it has been so long, please let me know if you want to be tagged so I can make sure to update my tag list.
I appreciate you all so much.
#bucky barnes#bucky fanfic#bucky x reader#bucky x woc reader#bucky x plus size reader#bucky x black reader#bucky x reader x steve#avengers#marvel fanfic#steve x reader#steve rogers fanfic#steve rogers#sebastian stan#the mate fan fic#the mate
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x black!OC CW: enemies to friends to loves; forced proximity; slow burn; explicit language; smut; 18+ (minors DNI); THIS IS WRITTEN FOR AND CATERED TO BLACK WOMEN Main Characters: Tiariana Smith James "Bucky" Barnes Chapters: 1 | 2 | 2.5
#bucky barnes x black!oc#bucky barnes x woc#bucky barnes x black!reader#bucky barnes fics#sebastian stan
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