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ottstergaming · 4 months ago
When your bae outsmarts you for $500 😂 #CoupleGoals #TrickMaster #BrainOverBrawn
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franciscoarayapizarro · 7 months ago
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En el año 3476, la humanidad había conquistado no solo las estrellas sino también las profundidades de la mente, estaba adportas de su siguiente evolución como especie; había desarrollado una nueva mutación, el “Neo Homo Psi-piens”. Mientras esto pasaba, planetas distantes se habían convertido en hogar para colonias florecientes, las tecnologías avanzadas permitían a las personas comunicarse, trabajar y luchar desarrollando el poder de sus mentes. Sin embargo, este progreso atrajo la atención de una misteriosa entidad alienígena, conocida como "Los Psi`s".
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Miles Starr, un agente de élite con habilidades psíquicas excepcionales, se encontraba en la estación orbital de Titán cuando recibió la llamada urgente. La colonia en el remoto planeta Psion había sido atacada. La comunicación con los colonos era confusa y fragmentada, dominada por imágenes de pesadillas y voces ininteligibles. Los Intrusos Psi, seres capaces de infiltrarse en las mentes humanas y manipular la realidad a su voluntad, habían llegado.
Elena Arlis, una investigadora brillante con habilidades telepáticas, y Kadden Vosh, un guerrero con una conexión innata con la energía psíquica, se unieron a Starr en la sala de reuniones: "Nuestra misión es clara", dijo Starr, con una voz firme que no admitía dudas. "Debemos rastrear el origen de estos intrusos y detenerlos, solo ellos saben qué planes tienen…".
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El viaje a Psion fue tenso. El equipo discutió estrategias y revisó los escasos datos disponibles sobre los Intrusos Psi. Al llegar, encontraron la colonia en un estado mentalmente caótico, la colonia parecía un hospital psiquiátrico. Los colonos vagaban como sonámbulos, sus mentes atrapadas en ilusiones impuestas por los Intrusos. El primer contacto fue abrupto. Mientras exploraban el centro de mando, una ola psíquica los golpeó. Strarr sintió que su percepción de la realidad se distorsionaba, pero su entrenamiento le permitió resistirlo. Les dijo a su equipo: "¡Formen una barrera mental!" gritó a sus compañeros. Elena y Kadden respondieron al unísono, creando una barrera psíquica conjunta que bloqueó el ataque.
"Nos observan y nos están probando", murmuró Elena, sus ojos brillando con intensidad. "Saben que estamos aquí".
Luego de esta intensa prueba, recuperaron datos del centro de mando y estos revelaron un sorprendente descubrimiento: los Intrusos Psi estaban vinculados a una antigua civilización extinta, los Althani, que una vez dominaron la galaxia con su poder mental. La investigación de Elena mostró que los Althani habían desarrollado una entidad llamada "La Conciencia", un ser de energía pura creado para unificar sus mentes.
"Si los Intrusos están tratando de reactivar a La Conciencia, podríamos estar enfrentándonos a una amenaza que va más allá de lo que imaginamos", dijo Kadden, con una expresión sombría.
"Debemos encontrar las ruinas de los Althani en este planeta, ahí puede haber muros tallados con inscripciones, tabletas de arcillas, información general…", declaró Starr. "Ahí encontraremos las respuestas".
Adentrándose en los parajes alienígenas del mundo Psion, el equipo descubrió las ruinas de una ciudad antigua, habitada en el pasado por los Althani. Monumentos colosales y estructuras laberínticas se alzaban ante ellos, cubiertas de inscripciones en una lengua olvidada. Las paredes parecían vibrar con la energía psíquica residual de sus antiguos habitantes. Elena, utilizando sus habilidades empáticas para conectar con la piedra tallada, logró descifrar parte de las inscripciones. "Estos hablan de un ritual que realizaban para contener a La Conciencia", dijo: "Los Althani la sellaron para proteger a la galaxia de su influencia".
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Mientras avanzaban, los ataques psíquicos se intensificaron. Los Intrusos Psi emergieron, en sus formas, fluctuando entre lo tangible y lo etéreo. Starr junto a su equipo para aunar sus habilidades de combate psíquico, la unión hace la fuerza para mantenerlos a raya. En el corazón de las ruinas, encontraron una cámara central que albergaba un gran artefacto: el Psíquion; una esfera flotante de energía pura, pulsando con una luz inquietante. La Conciencia estaba atrapada dentro de ella, pero su influencia se extendía, alcanzando a los Intrusos y, a través de ellos, a los colonos humanos.
"Debemos acabar con esto", dijo Starr, "pero con ello, liberarían a La Conciencia ".
"Eso es un riesgo que debemos correr", respondió Kadden. "No podemos permitir que los Intrusos usen semejante poder".
El equipo se preparó para la tarea monumental de neutralizar el Núcleo. Sabían que los Intrusos Psi no se quedarían de brazos cruzados. Cada uno se concentró, utilizando sus habilidades psíquicas en su máximo esfuerzo para protegerse y realizar la tarea. En un momento, y aparentemente, todos lograron neutralizar el Núcleo, fue un proceso complejo. Elena trabajaba frenéticamente para descifrar los controles Althani mientras Starr y Kadden se defendían. Los Intrusos Psi atacaban sin cesar, lanzando oleadas de energía psíquica que distorsionaban la realidad, tratando de comprometer la cordura del equipo. Pero, llegado un instante y sin percibirlo, la batalla se trasladó al plano mental. Strarr y sus compañeros se encontraron en un paisaje onírico; un campo de batalla moldeado por las fuerzas psíquicas en conflicto. Starr luchaba contra manifestaciones de los Intrusos, cada uno representando un aspecto diferente de algún convencionalismo humano: elementos o personas que representaban el miedo, la duda, la desesperación.
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"¡No dejen que los dominen!" gritó Strarr, bloqueando los embates con una barrera mental. "Recuerden quiénes son... ¡son telépatas!".
Elena y Kadden luchan a su lado, poniendo un máximo esfuerzo psíquico, enfrentándose a sus propios demonios internos. Cada victoria los fortalecía a ellos mismos y su conexión, y cuando empezaban a ser doblegados, estarían siendo derrotados. Pero juntos, encontraron la fuerza para resistir y contraatacar. Después de minutos en una resistencia juntos, lograron acceder al núcleo del artefacto. La Conciencia sabía que estaba a las puertas de una inminente derrota e hizo un último intento por prevalecer, eso era el mismo instinto de vida tratando de superar a la muerte. Una voz resonó en la mente de Starr, prometiendo poder ilimitado si aceptaba unirse a ella.
"Podrías ser un dios entre los hombres", susurró la entidad.
"Starr respondió con voz firme. "Soy humano, y es nuestra diversidad lo que nos hace fuertes".
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Con un esfuerzo monumental, el equipo neutralizó el Núcleo, pero no sin antes cobrarse un alto precio. Kadden, utilizando sus últimas fuerzas, le empezó a salir sangre de narices y desmayo, había sucumbido a un derrame cerebral. Ese esfuerzo extra, esa milla extra que realizó Kadden junto con sus compañeros, era el sacrificio para asegurar que La Conciencia quedara contenida para siempre. Su forma se desvaneció, dejando atrás una sensación de paz y gratitud. Con la amenaza de La Conciencia neutralizada y los Intrusos Psi disueltos, la colonia de Psion comenzó a recuperarse. Los colonos, liberados de la influencia psíquica, volvieron a retomar sus vidas.
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"No olvidaremos a Kadden", dijo Elena, colocando una placa conmemorativa en la colina cercana a la colonia, donde lo sepultaron. "Su sacrificio salvó a la galaxia".
Starr, aunque agotado, sabía que la lucha por proteger a la humanidad era interminable. Mientras miraba las estrellas desde la superficie de Pasión, Starr reflexionó sobre los desafíos que aún quedaban por delante. Sabía que la humanidad siempre estaría en riesgo mientras explorara sus límites. Pero también sabía que la capacidad de adaptarse, resistir y unirse frente a la adversidad era lo que verdaderamente definía a la especie. Así, en un rincón lejano del cosmos, en un planeta llamado Psion, la humanidad continuó su aventura hacia las estrellas, llevando consigo el legado de aquellos que habían dado todo para proteger el frágil equilibrio entre la luz y la oscuridad en la vasta inmensidad del universo. 
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caseycombo210 · 3 years ago
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WORKOUT 12/27/2021 - Back In Action Leg Press (180 lbs) ???? (25 lbs) Tricep Pressdown (70 lbs) BB Bicep Curl (85 lbs) Lat Pulldown (270 lbs) #workingout #workoutpartner #backonmygrind #backinaction #starwarsfan #legpress #triceppressdown #legday #barbell #latpulldown #newbalanceshoes #blackandwhiteoutfit #bodybuilding #bodybuilders #fitness #strongertogether #stayingpositive #stayingstrong #brainoverbrawn #physicaltraining #strongnotskinny #stillworking #neverstoping #ilovefitness #iloveworkingout #ilovebodybuilding #autismacceptance #aspergers https://www.instagram.com/p/CYAc9jyOart/?utm_medium=tumblr
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kingofpuffstyle · 7 years ago
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Concept sketch of Arthur the Dragon Scholar. #sketch #sketchbook #drawing #doodle #art #illustration #artist #artistoninstagram #concept #conceptart #pencil #pen #ink #sharpie #dragon #monster #creature #mutant #old #scholar #treechair #owl #owlclock #brainoverbrawn #humansandhellions #hellions #dc__d #kingofpuffstyle
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ad003 · 7 years ago
I realized I don’t have to apologize for the way I feel. That everything I feel is completely valid for the sole reason that I am experiencing it.
 thoughts from a messy mind
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coachtwitty · 7 years ago
They want to get better💪🏽🏀 They want to be challenged 💪🏽🏀 They want to be correctly informed. 🏀 🏀 @kayreynallc - Christian @notcomedyday is the #absolute definition of #HARDWORKLIVESHERE - working on the #yugostep 🏀 🏀 You gotta go and get it! Nobody is going to give it to you!!! - C.T.B. 🏀 🏀  #Information is more #powerful than any #drill .  How to #transfer information in an order where #students can #process information into #actionable #Results is a #Skill - #coachtwittybasketball #iambasketballtraining 🏀 🏀 VISIT: www.CoachTwitty.com - #bring your #mind and let's discuss #gettingresults #fitspo ##brainoverbrawn #basketball #fundamentals (at Honolulu, Hawaii)
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thejeremyclark · 8 years ago
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This is what #good looks like #mlk #equality #fight #equalrights #dream #weareallhuman #onelove #standup #stophate #spreadlove #brainoverbrawn #words #power #peace #love #inspire #bethechange #mrpositivity (at Los Angeles, California)
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cinedicted-blog · 7 years ago
Raid Review - Ajay Devgn Finally Uses Brain Not Brawn To Defeat His Enemies
#Raid Review - #AjayDevgn Finally Uses Brain Not Brawn To Defeat His Enemies @ajaydevgn #BrainOverBrawn @DevgnFanHouse @RaidTheFilm @saurabhshukla_s ‏@Ileana_Official ‏@rajkumar_rkg
Raj Kumar Gupta’s Drama Makes for an Interesting Watch, but becomes Repetitive after a point – Raid Review
Raid Review [yasr_overall_rating]
Ajay Devgn has been beating the crap out of people (in movies) since his partnership with Rohit Shetty took off (Singham, Action Jackson, Singham Returns etc). Barring Drishyam, there have been few movies where he allowed himself to use his intellect instead…
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zatchz · 8 years ago
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Brains ova body #brainoverbrawn #study #dailycollegedoodles #ucsc #dormlife #requiem #scared
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caseycombo210 · 4 years ago
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WORKOUT 3/28/2021 - SUNDAY FUNDAY DB Bench Press Shoulder Press Bicep Curl #sundayworkout #sundayfunday #workingoutismytherapy #workingoutismyhobby #autisticstrongman #autisticadult #fitnessislife #fitnessisfun #fitat27 #tallandstrong #strongnotskinny #iwanttobeafitnessmodel #iworkoutforme #justforfun #brainoverbrawn #shoulderpress #shoulderworkout #bicepsworkout #bicepcurlmachine #betterlatethannever #iloveworkingout #icandothis #autisticstrong #aspergers #workout #workingout #gymlife #fitnessmotivation (at Wellbridge Athletic Club & Spa - Clayton) https://www.instagram.com/p/CM-W1MGrDiM/?igshid=c9m3e4hratbz
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mcwar · 9 years ago
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@JAY_BALLA Vs @Sinsity Official Undercard for Keith Murray Vs Fredro Starr brought to you by @ahattv @od702 streaming live on @allhiphopcom #MCWAR @MILKRIVER Sunday October 4th Get those tickets now!! #Brooklyn #newyork #90shiphop #Goldenerahiphop #sportofspitting #brainoverbrawn #Nyc #BattleRap #classicish #BoomBap (at Milk River Restaurant)
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oliveoilrocks-blog · 11 years ago
Brick By Brick
The Buildings Of Ancient Greece That Still have an Impact
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One way a civilization can showcase their greatness physically,  is thought the structures the create.  The bigger the better, said the Egyptians, but the more detailed the more divine, said the Greeks.  Throughout Greek history, detail is almost a constant, whether it be in their sculpture, myths or through their unique architecture.  Sitting among the rolling hills of Greece, perfectly placed and crafted, are structures known as Acropolis.  The word Acropolis translates into“Upper City”, or “City on the Edge”- the Greek word for high or upper is across and city is polis.1  Upper City is fitting, as the unmistakable structures are perfectly placed on the hilltops of Greece, sitting sea side, and looking over the cities the buzz beneath them.
The Acropolis has been a symbol of Greece for centuries, it is because the architectural and artistic complexity of these limestone structures, left a lasting memory in the minds of others.  The Greeks were on top of the world, following their victory of the Persians, and their famous invention of democracy.2 Their new ideas and thoughts about government and law itself, changed the world we know today.  Every civilizations that came after the Greeks, added to and made the original ideas of democracy their own.  Not only did the Great Grecian civilization leave an intellectual legacy, full of philosophers and big ideas, but they put themselves on the same level as other civilizations of their time.  The rocky hill line of Athens, in the second half of the fifth century, was transformed; art was booming and the important and extraordinary monuments put Athens on the map.3
Athens has been a centre of destruction from war, natural disaster and even water erosion from the surrounding sea.  Despite all the destruction, there are still monuments and evidence from the past civilization keeping the world interested. The Acropolis of Athens is the best known Acropolis around the world, but there are several of these architectural beauties within Greece4; like the cities of Mycena and Tyris.   The Acropolis is a magnificent rock, cutting through the Attica plateau  that is part of the Late Cretaceous limestone ridge.5 The hillside of Athens is an architectural gold mine, supporting several temples and flat top limestone structures with intricate female carved figures, indicating the Acropolis was associated with female power6.  This idea of female power goes along with the Goddess of Athena; whom the city of Athens is named after.  
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There are prehistoric architectural signs that in the Neolithic Era, around the Acropolis rock, there were small caves that humans once inhabited, (3000-2800 BCE).7 However, Mycenaean Kings can be traced as the first to have inhabited and create eight feet tall walls on the rock.  They also built their palaces in this location in the 14th century BCE, but there is very little evidence of this great time. The Temple of Athena stands were once a Mycenaean palace was. The temple of Athena, the most famous of the temples, was built as a symbol of the appreciation for the patron goddess Athena.8  The Golden Ages of Athens (460 BC-430 BC), was the time period which all the temples were built around the Acropolis9, even despite the many Roman invasions it managed to stay intact. If it had not been preserved the world may have never know the beauty it holds.  The carved limestone monument overcame many things over the years, but now as Christianity was introduced, the Acropolis was once again a setting for worship; but now only one God was being worshiped rather than the Greek Gods and Goddesses.10  
The Acropolis of Athens is a beautiful balance of the natural wonder of the hillsides of Athens; this alone sets it apart from other monuments of the fifth century BC.  The iconic monuments and architectural masterpieces influenced the Mediterranean world.  The Acropolis was something more than just a unique thing to look at; it is a unique testimony to the religion of ancient Greece.  It was a fortress that was a place for worship and a sacred temple where legends about the city sprung up.11
Temple of Athena; an example of a temple used to worship Gods
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The southwest slope of the Acropolis of Athens is a place that a community could come together, and take part not only religious but  in artistic activities.  The theater of Dionysos, thrived in the golden age where Greeks, as well as Romans, used the for entertainment, announcements and ceremonies.12  Behind this grand theater, stand two columns of the iconic Temple of Thrasyllos13.  Another structure to take note of, is the Theater of Herodes Atticus, built by a Roman named Herodes Atticus, who built this great building in memory of his wife14 (a theater still used today during Athens festivals).
The Acropolis of Athens displays the many sides of Greece and all the people of this three dimensional society.  The building themselves have intricate designs on the columns as well as the structures, show an architectural design that is iconic to the Greeks; this shows an artistic and creativity that Greeks are known for.  This architecture has also been copied many times, showing up in American Political buildings (such as the White House) and historically in ancient Rome (such as the Pantheons).  Just as the Egyptians had their amazing Pyramids, that seed to have so much thought behind them, so did the architecture of the many Greek temples; these temples did not exactly align with the stars but embody the Greek mathematical sensibility that underlined Greek cosmology and astronomy.15 These temples were placed using the stars above them, confirming  that the idea of the Gods and a systematic way of life.  An idea that the Greeks took great pride in and paid close attention to; since the Gods and Goddesses did rule the universe.
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  The temples on the Acropolis dedicated to the Greek gods and goddess, especially Athena, show that the Greeks were every spiritual people, and how important their beliefs are to them when these sacred places turned into churches and cathedrals.  The Parthenon which is dedicated to Athena, was carved with columns that are slightly smaller in the middle, to give a more dramatic and appealing look, and made with the golden ratio in mind.16   The Golden Ratio, is a system of mathematics that show up in every aspect of Greek art and architecture, and one still used in modern times; it has changed the way buildings are constructed.  This ratio can be described and a ratio that makes the most pleasing and beautiful shape; no wonder the Greeks for frequently used it.   It goes to show how intellectual and inventive the Greek civilization was.  The Greeks were a dramatic people, who liked to put their best work forward; the always wanted to steal the show wit all the detail they put into things.
The Golden Ratio
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  The findings of the Acropolis tells the story of Athens, the civilizations that shaped the city, and its culture.  Athens is a city full of unforgettable art, intellect and spirituality.  The Greeks are a civilization made of Great warriors, inventors and artists; leading great wars and creating great diversions - such as the Trojan Horse, creating amazing inventions - such as democracy and understanding of astronomy, not to mention the great architecture of the building within Greece.  Great Philosophers and minds also came out of the Grecian civilization; the great Plato, Aristotle and Socrates.  Greece is a great civilization that has made jewels that set them apart and made them a unique force to be reckoned with; some civilizations are known for the great battles they won, artist and inventors they produced, and intellectual minds - Greece can be noted for all of these factors.  Along with all these wonderful ideas, The Acropolis is for sure a symbol of the Greeks and a testament to their greatness.
The many buildings that made up this historical spectacle were full of theaters, churches and places where the community could come together.  Family and a feeling of community are very important in Greek culture and these places only helped keep the community closely knit.  Meetings and announcements could also be given out to the whole community; it is not surprising that the inventors of democracy were such a close group of people.  A culture does not only thrive and set a civilization apart because of the great inventions or religious improvements, but music and art are also a big part of this as well.  The many buildings held great performances that allowed music and theater to thrive and the building themselves are a work of art.  The Greece civilization was a well-developed and diverse culture that many civilizations after used and took their inventions and ideas as their own.  The Acropolis is a multidimensional rock essentially, and what a better symbol of one of the world’s most dimensional civilizations; a rock that glows at night and buzzes with tourist by day.  This important structure has helped archeologist piece together the untold stories of the past and bring forth a voice to those who lived in this location throughout the years.  Underneath it all, the beauty of the Acropolis is much more than just a beautiful sight line – the Acropolis has greater meaning and symbolism.  The brain power and artistry that was put into the many Acropolis’ that grace over the Greek hillsides, show that to any Grecian, details did mattered.  The details that would forever influence architecture, and set Greece apart from other civilizations.    
1.      ‘‘History of Acropolis‘‘Ancient-Greece.org, 2014, accessed on February 18th 2014 http://www.ancient-greece.org/history/acropolis.html 2.      ‘‘The Athenian Acropolis Greece‘‘, Professor Christopher, Witcombe Sacred Places ,Witcombe ,  Sweet Briar Collage, Virginia USA, 1998, accessed  on February 17th 2014  http://witcombe.sbc.edu/sacredplaces/acropolis.html   3.      ‘‘Acropolis‘‘Ancient Greece,University Press, 2012, acceded on February 17th 2014 http://www.ancientgreece.com 4.   Witcombe, p.1 5.  ‘‘Acropolis, Athens‘‘, UNESCO World Heritage Center, 2014, accessed on February 18th 2014 http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/404 6.   Ibid; p.1     7.      ibib; p.1 8.      Witcombe, p.1 9.      University Press,p.1 10.   ibid; p.2 11.   ‘‘Unlocking Mysteries of the Parthenon‘‘, Even Hadingham, Smithsonian.com, Smithsonian Magazine, February 2008, accessed on February 17th 2014 http://www.smithsonianmag.com/history-unlocking -stories -of-parthenon 12.   Ibid;3 13.   Ibid;3 14.   ‘‘The Acropolis‘‘, Kevin, Glowacki, The Ancient City Of Athens, Glowacki, assessed February 17th 2014, www.stoa.org-athens-sites-acropolis 15.   Brayn, Perpase, The Power of The Stars: How Celestial Observations Have Shaped Civilization,(New York: Springer Science+Business Media, 2011), 221 16.   Perpase,221 
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coachtwitty · 7 years ago
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#Goals are very #obtainable #Information is more #powerful than any #drill .  How to #transfer information in an order where #students can #process information into #actionable #Results is a #Skill 💪🏽🏀  #COACHTWITTYBASKETBALL #IAMBASKETBALLTRAINING 🏀🏀 #HARDWORKLIVESHERE! - WE Focus on you!  Not where you are right now, but where you're going 💪🏽🏀 🤾🏾 🏀 www.CoachTwitty.com - #bring your #mind and let's discuss #gettingresults #fitspo ##brainoverbrawn #basketball #fundamentals (at Honolulu, Hawaii)
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skinnybitchwishes-blog · 11 years ago
Fuck school.
riiiiiiiiiight tho 
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itszero2hero · 11 years ago
I crave conversations that require to think deeply. I feel like that is one of the best measures of character, when one can talk for hours and not realize it. When you can touch on pop culture, religion, sexuality and travel all with relative ease. To laugh, and smile. To cry and become vulnerable. It's a drug. It's addicting. I'm addicted.
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veiledscars · 11 years ago
brainoverbrawn said: "I… what?! No I don’t!"
"Are you sure Armin? I mean, I don't believe you'd cry, but, maybe something else, like whine. Some rumours do hold some truth in them." Marco teased lightly
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