#Boy did i just create new headcanons for the church out of this?
pixieimp · 22 days
So adding more context after this post about my now very much headcanon because at this point I want to see more about whatever movie my brain is creating
How Logan’s new friends and family advised him to ask Kurt out:
The first person to notice Logan’s interest on the cute church boy is actually Wade, because of course it was him. His first advice to his friend however was to kidnap Kurt and to threaten him with killing his cat or mother if he doesn’t have a cat, whatever, if he doesn’t agree to date him… Logan punched him claws first in the head only by suggesting something like that.
Blind Al and Vanessa actually only told him to grow a pair and talk with Kurt instead of grunting like a beaten dog. Logan actually has been trying for a while to talk a bit more with Kurt but all their conversation were quite short as Kurt is always busy doing something for the church.
Laura awkwardly told him to offer a present, to which Yukio very much agreed that it would be a very sweet gesture, like a small token which would remind him of Logan, Negasonic, rolled her eyes in exasperation but Logan saw the grumpy teenager touch a bright pink wristband hiding under rougher black leather.
Of course, Peter also offered an advice, to purchase something more thoughtful, a present which would show the interest Logan had in Kurt, a romantic novel for example or a book of poems.
Dopinder told him to follows the fire of his heart and lavish Kurt with love songs and to fight for his honor, to be his knight in shining white armor!
What Logan actually did:
He dropped by the church a late evening when he knew Kurt was about to wrap up with his group session for “special people”.
He waited patiently by the door while Kurt gave farewells and a couple of last moment advances. Logan’s heart beating so fast in his chest that he was starting to consider the possibility to have a heart attack, at his +200 years old it could be a possibility.
Kurt face lighted up as he approached Logan, his usual merry smile on his face which made Logan give a small smile of his own in return.
When Kurt was close enough, Logan just shrugged and pointed with his thumb to the big wooden doors indicating the world outside the small church. “Do you wanna get a beer Elf or what?”
Definitely not what Logan had intended to say or at least not just like that but Kurt just laughed and nodded. “How could I possibly reject such a lovely invitation?”
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nico-di-genova · 1 year
Trans Jaime Headcanons:
Wears hoodies and baggy clothes out of habit now. But he spent like the entirety of high school wearing hoodies, even when it was 90+ degrees outside because dysphoria is a bitch.
He got top surgery during college. It was paid for by the schools LGBTQ club using a fund that Bruce Wayne created (one of his adopted kids, Dick Grayson, is trans, so it’s a cause he’s super passionate about).
Also started T in college, but he has to ask someone to do the shot for him because he’s scared of needles. Usually it’s Bart.
When Khaji finally figures out what the conflicting data they’re receiving from his body means they offer to alter his body so it produces testosterone naturally. It’s one of the few changes he’s cool with.
First time he cut his hair was in elementary school. He did it himself, standing in front of the mirror with safety scissors and hacked at it until there were chunks in the sink. His dad was the first person to see him afterword and simply took him to the barbershop to get it cleaned up.
The second someone at church tried to say something, his mom shut that shit down. “This is mi’ hijo, Jaime. He has always been Jaime.”
The first person he tells is Uncle Rudy. This trend continues when Milagro comes out to Rudy first and he’s just like “do I give a queer vibe?”
He lets Rudy paint his nails sometimes, black on every other finger. He figures if Rudy can do it, then he can too.
They all expect nana to be a little confused at first, but surprisingly she’s the quickest to adapt to his new pronouns. She also makes him his first binder.
Jaime’s got the trans flag in his room along with the Mexican flag.
He’s so excited when he gets to shop in the boys section for the first time. Back to school shopping actually becomes fun, and he begs his mom for light-up dinosaur sketchers until she finally caves. They don’t really have the money, but Jaime had looked so freaking happy running around the store with them on, so obviously she couldn’t say no.
Alberto deadnames him exactly One time, because he’s been at the auto shop all day and he’s tired and not thinking. Jaime’s playing Pokémon in the living room and it’s just bordering on too loud so he tells him to turn it down before he’s realized the wrong name has slipped out. The hurt look on Jaime’s face is enough to ensure he never does it again.
Milagro was young enough when he first started going by Jaime that she doesn’t even remember his deadname. Someone at church asks her how (deadname) is doing one time and Milagro is like ??? Who tf???? I do not know them.
His family tries to be so supportive at first that it becomes kind of comedic. They buy him every blue thing they come across. Bed sheets? Blue. Socks? Blue. Folders for school? Blue. Snacks for his lunch? Blue packaging. Jaime feels like the Mexican Percy Jackson sometimes.
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nightklok · 4 years
Kiss prompt (if you are still doing them!) Lavonna/Nathan - #75 Kisses Meant To Distract The Other Person From Whatever They Were Intently Doing
76 Kiss Prompts  [Open]
Oh of course, these sort of prompts are always open! :O And I’m sorry for this taking so long, I’m just now getting through to these prompts I owe! And I realize that this may not have filled the prompt but i hope you enjoy it either way!
75. Kisses Meant to Distract the Other Person from Whatever They Were Intently Doing
Lavona placed an ice pack over her head as she looked at the other members standing before her.  They had a look of defeat on their faces as those uninjured tended to the injured. There had been quite a lot of losses from their side and their deaths were sadly in vain as they hadn’t won. It felt selfish to say they had to continue on. Well...the manager seemed to no longer be in the picture so perhaps they could try again. They were running out of ideas, however and the member size was dwindling.
She set the ice pack aside, trying to get the attention of her members, “This has been a day of failure for all but we can’t lose the purpose of our mission, our destiny-“
And then her phone rang and once she checked, she saw that it was a text message: Hey  so I was thinking the other day and ur kinda hot so im fine with 4getting wat happened that day so uh wanna go out?
Followed by another text.
It’s Nathan btw
And another.
From Dethklok
Well, seemed like she had a plan now.
Her triumphant smile easily outshines the worn looks of her members, “looks like we have a good chance of getting him.”
The arcade lights of the Dave and Busters were bright, a little too bright for her, but it was what he had picked. Well, it was her fault for saying he could pick whatever he wanted. And that she should’ve listened to that gossip magazine saying Nathan preferred amusement parks/arcades as first dates in a ‘Which Dethklok member should you date?’ quiz. Who knew they were fairly accurate?
Nathan wasn’t wearing his signature black shirt. Well, it was black but it looked more like a polo shirt and he threw on a leather jacket as well. If it weren’t for the fact he was already a tall and intimidating looking guy, he would’ve definitely appeared more nervous than he already must’ve been, “So I hope that this is okay.”
“It’s fine,” She answered as she looked around. There was no one around except for a few klokateers that were near the exits, and in random areas for the room. Most likely the place was bought out for the night for security reasons. She would’ve panicked that it would destroy her plan but it was a plan that didn’t require her members to be put into anymore peril. She glanced around the various arcade games and crane machines, some familiar but others not as it had been years since she last went to one, “What do we do now?”
“Oh uh well, you can pick. We can eat first or play some games, it’s your call.”
“We can play some games,” She answered as she looked around. Surely there must be some game that would let them be alone to be able to take things further? She tried looking but couldn’t find any or didn’t see from her angle. It was a good idea to at least try and play some games, gain his trust and maybe a little flirting here and there wouldn’t hurt. She looked at a crane machine that was full of, ironically, Dethklok themed teddy bears, “I wanna try that one.”
“Oh, crane machines, huh? Nice choice,” Nathan answered. He offered his hand and she took it. Holy shit, his hand was huge and warm and surprisingly soft.
The crane machine was themed around Dethklok unsurprsingly enough. It was with black with blood splatter and an 8 bit version of their songs playing, thankfully not the same song in a loop. A klokateer quickly handed them each a cup full of coins and Nathan inserted a few into the game. The game changed songs and a timer was shown next to the joy stick.
Nathan had given quick instructions on how to effectively strategize. She look around the sides, did mental calculations, and she had the bear in the claw’s grasp only for it to fall completely. She cursed to herself at losing at such a childish game.
“Guess it’s really rigged. I can get a-”
“No, I’ll just try again,” Lavona said quickly. She inserted as many coins as the game would allow her before trying again.
It took about five tries before Lavona realized that Nathan was right; the game was rigged.
Before any of them could even say a word to each other, they both punched through the glass. An alarm quickly sounded from the machine but was quickly shut off from one of the attendants. They picked a bear that wasn’t covered in glass and handed it to each other with a simple ‘thanks’.
Though in all honesty, the sentiment of breaking glass using their bare hands was rather touching. Nathan really didn’t need to do that and probably could’ve had a klokateer smash it for him an attendant un-rig the game. Maybe it was impulse or him trying to make her feel better; but it was the same result of him giving her a bear regardless. It gave a feeling that she hadn’t quite felt in years.
“How about we try some other games?” She asked once klokateers finished bandaging her hands.
“Oh, you still wanna continue? I mean, I understand if you wanna call it a night or something. Sorry about your hand,” Nathan said sheepishly. He took a sip of the cheap beer that was given to them.
“I’ve been through worst dates, Nathan,” She answered, “Besides, it’s been only thirty minutes. There’s still time.”
“Oh yeah, that’s true. Then maybe games that don’t have claw machines?”
“Deal. What other games are there?”
As Nathan began talking about the type of games there are to play, Lavona noticed a klokateer grow limp near the exit and be dragged out. The klokateer, or rather one of her members dressed in their clothes quickly replaced them. The member gave a thumbs up though Lavona tried to tell them to leave. That wasn’t part of the plan!
As Nathan finished talking about one of the arcade games, he noticed that Lavona seemed distracted. Then she noticed that he had stopped talking asked him to continue on talking and he obliged though he did seem a bit wary of what she was looking at.
Suddenly, there was a shout from a klokateer and before Nathan could react, she pulled him down by the shirt collar to kiss him. It was as warm as the first time they kissed among the flames. This time, there was no urgency or even fear or adrenaline. Just a kiss and that was all. Maybe a spark but that was beside the point. She couldn’t just...fall in love with her target-that was completely unethical!
There was silence thankfully though she had a feeling her plan was ruined. And for some reason? She didn’t seem to mind. She took his hand afterwords and they went over to a shooting game.
Aside from whatever the heck happened in the beginning, the date went on without a problem. They played games, won prizes, and ate. There was something she felt when she spent more time with him. It wasn’t the sexual attraction she had always felt with him but rather something more. It felt like being some teenager again and falling in love with the cute guy in math class or something. Felt innocent, almost.
Maybe she could’ve been able to fulfill her plan successfully. After all, Nathan and her relaxed quite a ton thanks to the conversations and beer by the end of the night. But for some reason, she had a feeling that he wasn’t the type to want to go further on a first date and she didn’t mind the delay. 
At the end of the night, when they had only smashed two crane machines and won a ton of prizes, the dethlimo pulled up to Lavona’s house.
“I had a great time. Thank you for asking me out, Nathan,” Lavona smiled at Nathan.
“It’s not really a problem. Thanks for accepting. I had a great time,” Nathan answered with a smile of his own. It was slightly creepy but cute and she liked it.
They kissed and Lavona pulled apart. A klokateer opened the door for her, another bringing out the stuffed animals to carry for her. Once the klokateer dropped off the stuffed animals in her living room couch, they returned and Nathan waved before the limo drove off.
One of the members greeted Lavona though paused when they saw her hand was bandaged, “What happened? Did you get hurt by him?”
“Not at all,” She answered but refused to tell what really happened, “It’s fine, the date went well.”
“So you seduced him?!”
“No, I’m afraid not. It seems like...I’ll have to try again for another date.”
Another member had heard the conversation and went over to them with a sigh, “Nathan seems like the kind of guy who would want to take things slow. It might take weeks, months even! Are you sure this is the most effective plan?”
The idea of getting to spend months with Nathan made her face flush though she tried to downplay her excitement, “Well, whatever is needed for the church, right?”
"So did you figure out who she is?” Pickles asked when Nathan went to the living room. The rest of the guys were there as well, watching whatever disturbing horror movie Toki had picked.
“I-uh-yes and no. I know who she is but not what she’s doing exactly,” Nathan answered.
“I knew you couldn’t do it! We shoulda had me ask her on a date!” Murderface said.
“Looks at yous. I thinks she’d justs dies of embarrassments if yous dids.” Skwisgaar didn’t hide his disgust at all.
“Look, I have a plan for this. And it’s just gonna take a while, okay?”
“How longs?” Toki asked suspiciously.
“Uhh..a week...maybe a few months?”
“Are you sure just...asking her is not an option? To save us the time?” Pickles asked.
“Uh, no. Has to totally be my plan. If we wanna figure out what really happened that night, my plan is the only option if we wanna actually..y’know, live.. Anyway, gonna go to bed I’m tired. Good night,” Nathan quickly left before the others could object.
He could ask. He knew that. She would most likely tell him everything. But his mind went back to that kiss and the fun time he had with her. Besides, if she enjoyed destroying crane machines as much as him, maybe it wouldn’t be a bad idea to delay the plan as much as possible.
Before he went to bed, he went to his phone to send only one text to Lavona.
Had fun 2nite. Wanna go out again?
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dailytatsu · 3 years
Hello! I saw request were open so i was wondering if i could request some headcanons of the Archons and/or the Adepti meeting a God reader who is the God of Chaos and destruction. The reader is not a Archon tho and travels all over Teyvat cuz small bits of destruction were ever they go. They're pretty mischievous and somewhat smug but despite how they act they're actually a good person. They dont mean to cause problems(most of the time anyways) chaos follows them were ever they go. Idk if you have a character limit but if you do please tell me so i wont make a mistake again. And if there is you can just do Zhongli and Xiao. Optionally could you make them a dendro user, there not a lot of dendro content and if not thats fine. I understand. Could you make the reader Gn or Non-binary they/them pronouns please? If not male reader is totally fine. Im so sorry for the long post and I hope you have a good day/night!
Ohmy, it’s my first time just writing headcanons! I’m use to write a lot, so let’s hope I did it right (^ ^' )7
Thanks for the request! ✨
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[HC] God of Chaos! Reader and the Archons + Xiao
Characters: Zhongli, Xiao, Venti, Shogun Raiden (Ei).
Gn! Reader
I tried doing it with everyone but I’m no still that confident to try writing with some characters _| ̄|○
Sorry for any mistakes!
Request are open!
Genshin Masterlist
Second part ->
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To be honest, he didn't notice your presence at first. He had other concerns on his mind that day to perceive the chaotic (and slightly threatening) aura that Mondstadt was infected with that day.
Barbatos is a person of habit, so he couldn't help but be curious when the crowd in front of him began to look a little agitated instead of seeming to enjoy his lyre and his songs.
But then a series of domino events appeared in front of his very eyes.
The purity of the chaos was such that he felt overwhelmed, even without the white-haired boy around, if it wasn’t Bennett fault, then how was it possible for everything to be ruined in such a short time?
His patience ended when, out of nowhere, the strings of his lyre jumped close to his face as they snapped. Making that awful noise that couldn’t mean nothing good.
Okay, enough, who is messing around in here? No more joking in his nation!
He concentrated a little, a faint but unique presence kept his nerves on edge, as if he was being watched from afar. He moved away from the busy areas and then chased that ephemeral energy to the highest point of the church, where the bells were ringing in an irregular and stressful way.
Then he found you. Snoozing against one of the columns, somewhat tired because the trip you made to reach Mondstadt.
Surprisingly, Barbatos understood you since the first exchange of words. A god of chaos who was also a free spirit, you followed no rules ever written in Teyvat, and you had no plans to apologize for the mess you made.
Both of you were Zhongli’s worst nightmare, but that’s another story.
He managed to through your arrogance and your teasing nature that you, in fact, were a lonely spirit that liked to witness the life from above of everyone.
The difference between teasing someone accidentally and committing a crime was really visible, but he still couldn't help but feel like he should scold you after your mere presence messed up with the guild's baskets full of fish.
But hey! He also enjoy the company! Venti tried to teach you how to enjoy the calm and the whisper of wind, music can also contain chaos, feelings, old stories waiting to be told again, expressions and desire united, in a wonderful piece of-
As you yawned his lyre broke up again. Making clear the message.
Okay, not even God of Freedom and Wind can control chaos. Anyways, what a tragedy, but there’s nothing a simple bard can do, smh.
“Do you like kids, don’t you?” He said once, after a nice day of hearing him sing before your chaos reached his little concert. Again watching everyone from above on the hands of the statue, with your attention caught by some kids playing tag.
“… I don’t know what do you mean.” Once discovered you had no choice but to remain defensive, pretending to be disinterested.
“Heh, you aren’t a good liar.” It may not be the wisest thing to make fun of someone who could destroy the place where you were resting, but Venti was confident that he knew you well enough to know that you were not so explosive. “You know!, I just have some pieces, but I think it’s because they are little walking concentrations of pure and innocent chaos, am I wrong?”
He wasn’t, no at all. But you would never confess something that embarrassing.
This guy wrote a ballad about the days when Mondstadt got immerse with that strike of bad luck. Kind of an apology of not being able to handle the situation.
Now there’s the rumor that says that, every time somebody sings that song, something unlucky will happen in front of you.
The song is cursed.
One night when the moon was shining on the Cider Lake his well tuned ears distinguished a melody that was broken from time to time by the accidents of his performer, distracting him of his way to look for you.
It could be painful to listen to, but Venti could certainly feel the dedication of the one who was playing the imperfect song.
The ballad of the god of chaos, hummed like a lullaby that instead of making you sleep makes you question the events of the day. Wishing for the slightest thing to be different after an exhaustive week of peace and tranquility.
A lonely spirits cursing their existence, sitting in the highest point of a stranger’s palace, where you can reach the sky by only rising your hand.
The next day, Barbatos invited you to drink some wine, this time near Windrise to avoid accidents in the city.
As he almost dropped the bottle when a lot of slimes were attracted by your presence, he confirmed the theory about that the way to spend time with you would not be his personal definition of hanging out.
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Okay, there’s only two scenarios that could happened when you set a foot in Liyue.
Old man has a soft spot for you for being a relative young deity.
Or he’s always lecturing you for not having control of your aura and powers.
How u dare bringing chaos to the nation of order? It’s that a death wish?
Jokes aside, you’re not really a threat. And he could sense that after he saw how you tried to avoid having direct contact with the city. Rex Lapis found your silhouette jumping and crossing through the mountains until reaching the fairest point that allowed you to enjoy the view of the streets that were filled with life and light as the sunsets.
He even noticed how you sighed in frustration when a storm started out of nowhere. A rain dedicated just for the arriving of the God of Chaos. Not even bothering of getting shield, you stayed in your place to look at all the people who were getting back to their places.
The rain seemed to stop over your head, for a second was enough to stop you from being cruelly swamped by the very weather you had created. An elegant umbrella covered you, the long awaited surprise you expected from someone as outdated as Morax.
You looked up, and found his expression calm and attentive, watching you. As if he had made a great discovery that he could not believe
“May I have a moment of your time to keep you company? Letting out your sorrows in the middle of a torrential storm is not what I would recommend as way to spend a good day.”
“… What are you talking about? Get in your own business, old man.”
“Well, you should know that a sorrow shared is a sorrow halved.”
Next time you knew was that he was helping you to dry your hair with a towel once you let him guide you to his place.
Zhongli picked you up like a abandoned cat that day. Even if having you near meant to deal with new the roof leaks.
Also kept you away from Hu Tao, if you two ever get along for being partners in crime he would seal himself underground-
For all the time you spend exploring Liyue, there he was. Like a little kid showing his treasures. But also like a worried father looking after his child for them not to stumble making their first steps.
Look at you! Almost crushing those Treasure Hoarders when a bunch of rocks fell down after you jumped at the edge of the cliff.
Wait, no- come back here! You should verify the surroundings and be aware of the weight of your power if you’re going to explore in that bold way. You, chaotic brat.
Another one who believed fervently that your mood was to blame for the constant chaos you caused. He also tried to show you the wonders of peace and calm, teaching you how to prepare tea while listening to the storyteller (also both being a little far away from the rest of them, just in case).
He couldn’t help but sigh when the teapot arm broke as soon as you tried to serve the tea. What a waste, he thought.
You apologized to him, kind of stressed with yourself after you took all the pieces with your bare hands to run away with them. Leaving a confused Zhongli behind.
Next day you were back, with the teapot repaired and just like new.
He let out a lot of thankful words, some flattering and a lot more cheesy things that you never had received before.
With that unexpected affection you couldn’t help but react flustered; then a cat that was chasing a bird jumped through a lot of decorations and merchandise, almost starting a fire as the chained events kept going.
Yeah,, uh, Zhongli got some useful mental notes about you and your chaos that day.
Hey, before you go, want to make a contract? You won’t regret it!
But as the wandering spirit you were you had no problems in reject his offer, but also promising that you would visit Liyue if he wanted you to.
Of course he wanted! But.. maybe next time you should stay in Huaguang Stone Forest instead of roaming near the city,,
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Tried to kill you.
I mean, your aura is threatening and full of a destructive energy, how is possible that you weren’t a demon to eradicate??
Sorry, but he had a point.
Your first met was on your way to reach Huaguang Stone Forest along with Zhongli for introduce you with the Adeptus.
Xiao, in the other side, thought that you were about to attack Morax from behind, so he just struck against you. With his polearm near to go through your chest, just stopped because you felt him before.
Lifting your hand at his direction, summoning chaos, this time, on purpose. The wind gained a wrathful nature and the biggest roots that were hiding under his feet rose to caught him.
And when you were about to hit each other Zhongli’s shield appeared just in time to separate both of you. Preventing a real catastrophic event.
Now stop fighting and introduce to each other.
Nice(n’t) to meet u.
What if you tried to awake Azhdaha to bring chaos and destruction to Liyue? What if you wanted to summoned Osial? What if… ?
Zhongli had to confirm and promise to him that those cruel possibilities won’t be a near future for respecting the real reason of your travel.
No matter if he wasn’t comfortable with your presence, it wasn’t his decision to allow you to roam freely, so he had to get use to it.
He immediately knew after hearing about your nature that was your fault that lately there were a lot more demons and monsters. Even his karma was getting more painful than usual.
(If you ever meet Hu Tao, please think twice before doing Xiao a prank)
You both didn’t interact a lot, and being honest, it was better that way.
He hadn’t a single intention of talking with you again until the day you were practicing the song that your Anemo friend taught you. By the other hand, Xiao noticed that the melody had the same nature as the one he once heard before being consumed by the karma.
It wasn’t a flute, but a worn lyre that was still in one piece after weeks of being repaired again and again.
“That song… ”
“Do you know it?” Xiao just nodded, staying in silence, being your very first audience even if you still have a lot to learn about playing a lyre.
It wasn’t as effective as the original, but was still… nice, kind of nostalgic.
Next morning, the Yaksha called for you. Made you stay still in the middle of a plain and then he disappeared of your sight.
He abandoned y- wait, what’s that? Why those monsters has that weird dark aura?
You were about to defend yourself until Xiao appeared back just in time to defeat them.
That day you became his personal bait for demons and monsters. Naturally you attracted chaos, so anyway you were, there will be also something to fight.
I guess this is your way to pay for all the troubles you made for him and his duty, so no complaining about it.
If you ask for a unexpected experience to Ganyu she would said that once she found both of you fighting along against the catastrophe, looking after each other’s back and almost having a perfect synchrony.
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Also tried to kill you.
Well, the puppet tried to.
And then Ei tried when you had the opportunity of facing her.
But since killing a god just mean the releasing of a lot, pure, energy she couldn’t afford that risk, much less considering your “speciality”.
Who knows what would happen to Inazuma if your vital energy burst across the nation. Just like that old story about Sal Terrae and their goddess.
She just defeated you. Letting you rest and recovering in the midst of the plane of her reality within her mind. Your inert body in the middle of the battlefield as she kept meditating.
When you woke up she ignored your presence, but also denying your complaints about letting you go out back.
In her words, you were a burden, another enemy of eternity. Something as unpredictable as you and your “accidents” couldn’t get along with her utopia.
Ei could banish you from Inazuma, but she knows your type. Stubborn and not accepting the most simple orders to obey.
She knew that you would found a way to be back.
It’s better like this.
And in the hypothetical case of you being freed when she trapped the traveler (kicking you out) and then having a chance to see her again after the end of the war, then things would be somewhat different.
There’s not that much of civilization on some islands, so she allowed you to explore as much as your heart wanted. But if something serious happen, she promised that would end her work in the middle of the sea so your remains never be found.
Okay, message clear. Just do chaos near monsters and bandits, got it,,
Even if she wanted to spend some time with you and telling you some stories about Inazuma and other gods she couldn’t found the right time to call you at her presence.
As the current ruler of Inazuma she was busier than the rest of Archons you have meet. Maybe just some letters now and then like a way to keep a logbook, but not really a face to face talk.
Until she got the opportunity of a day off, just to found you messing around near some ruins. Trying to solve a puzzle before your speciality strikes in. The structure fell down after your fingertips reached the stone.
When the dust dissipated, you discovered her figure judging you from the other side of the remain ruins.
Give her a good reason for not errase you from the map, I dare u.
You felt the worst was about to come when Ei ordered you to follow her after a long sigh. Crossing her arms and starting to walk away from the bunch of old and worn rock.
Plot Twist, she actually invited you to rest under a tree, asking in her serene voice the reason for your journey and your origin. In such a direct way that it seemed more like a sentence than a talk to get to know each other better.
You answered what you could remember and then the silence stayed like the only way of interaction between you two.
Ohno, you know this pattern. Something’s about to happen-
“There is some strange beauty in the chaos, it may be the calm after the storm, but the catastrophe itself is seen as a necessary evil to appreciate the stillness. How much it would last until the lighting hit the valley?”
“So I arrived to keep order between the humans?”
Well yes, but actually no.
“… You see, if there is nothing but order and a lack of problems, mortals are likely to create them on their own. Their minds feels the need to be tested, to prove their worth, so I guess some of your chaos may be part of the history.”
“… then shall we take a walk in Inazuma?” You did not know if you were right, but you thought you saw a faint smile through his lips in the same way that lightning can be seen in the sky.
“I’ll allow it.” She said.
Her only condition was for you not to approach the huge boxes of fireworks down the street.
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mypoisonedvine · 4 years
Can u pls write something like dark!reader x steve rogers high school AU , where R is rich spoil brat & she always had a crush on steve but she always bully him by calling him skinny and all and Then yrs later, time changes her family discarded her from will and she becomes poor and need job, got hired for PA by dark ceo!steve rogers who she bullied her all school lifee😈😈
okay this is a lot for a headcanon but I don’t have time to do a whole oneshot BUT I also really like it so we’re gonna just make a longass headcanon here we gooooo
warnings for heavy dub con, choking, slapping, degradation (by steve), bullying (by the reader), abortion mention, brief mention of/implied assault.
“heyo pipsqueak” you called out to get steve’s attention, laughing when he frowned.  “looks like you grew a whole inch over summer, be sure to have your mom draw a line in pencil on the doorframe.”
he just rolled his eyes and got back to chatting with his friend.  not friends, friend, cause he only had one: bucky, who snarled at you as well.
“pick on someone your own size, if you can find somebody with as big a head as you,” bucky shot back, making you scoff.
“you know, it’s a shame you hang out with this deformed freak, you could’ve been popular.  you’ve got the looks for it.”
“I’d rather keep my brains, thanks,” bucky explained as you walked away with your posse of fellow popular kids.
you didn’t used to be so mean to steve.  it was sort of a comedy of errors, really.  you two had been friends in elementary school-- you, him, and bucky were the rambunctious trio up until middle school.  
things change for boys and girls in middle school.  guys just get along with each other and don’t think about it much.  girls, though... girls need to be sharp.  it’s eat or be eaten.  and you wanted to eat.
you were lucky that you developed early.  it meant that girls respected you and boys feared you-- not just for your attractive features but for the fact that you loomed a foot over most of them.
you started to take advantage of it.  and by the time you realized you had feelings for your best friend steve, it was already too late-- he was at the bottom of the food chain and you were at the top.  
you told your new girl friends that you wanted to take steve to the sadie hawkins.  they laughed at you.  for a moment, you felt what it was like to be outcast and you never wanted to feel it again.  so, you told steve and bucky that you’d grown apart.  and you were happy to just be former friends...
it was steve that started it.  he called you out.  he told you that you were nothing like who he used to know-- you had become vapid and cold and narcissistic.
“you’re so busy worrying about what other people think, you never take the time to think for yourself.”  that was what he said.  and it fucking hurt.
“saw you talking to your boyfriend steve the dweeb,” your friend tanya announced at lunch just a few minutes after that conversation.  and you were angry, and hurt, and truly friendless despite being surrounded by other popular girls.  so you said some things you could never take back.
“steve?  as if.  did you know he still sleeps with a security blanket?  and he has his friend bucky fight for him every week cause if he took a punch he’d crumble to dust?”
and so, mortal enemies were formed.  it only got worse in high school, as you fought to secure your title at the top while steve and bucky’s presence filled your heart with guilt and your gut with anger.
if only you’d known how quickly you could fall from your high horse.
it started when you dated tanya’s ex, brock.  she was made so she spread a rumor that you would fuck any guy on the football team, even all of them at once.
apparently, a lot of people believed it since tanya had been your sidekick since 6th grade.
two football players believed it.  and when you wouldn’t follow through on it, you got yourself a black eye.
that meant you missed school for a week because you couldn’t possibly show up looking like that.  tanya told everyone it was because you got grounded and sent away to church camp after your parents caught you in bed with one of the neighbors.  so now your reputation was ‘sleeps with football players and old men.’
only brock had been there for you.... but it turned out he had motives of his own.  you had originally planned to wait until college, but brock was clearly wanting something in return for putting up with dating pariah #1... so you let him take your virginity.
the condom broke.  when you dashed to the trash can to hurl in the middle of history class, you knew something was wrong.  (and lost that many more social points in the process.)
brock dumped you the second he found out you were pregnant.  didn’t even help you pay for the abortion.  he got back together with tanya and told her the real reason for your ‘medical absence’.  and that was the last straw for the former homecoming queen.
the humiliation drove you to some.... poor choices, for the next few years.  you tried not to think about them now, but it was hard not to when their consequences were staring you right in the face: no money, no job, nearly homeless, and desperate.
over a hundred job applications later, only one had called you back and scheduled an interview.  and you only needed one.
so there you were, waiting in the chilly lobby area while the receptionist typed away and chomped her gum, tapping your toes and glancing out the window occasionally.
you were surprised when you had been told your interview would be on the 51st floor.  you sort of assumed it would just be some random manager interviewing you, not somebody important enough to have a waiting room like this, or a view like this.
when a man stepped out from the nearby hallway, your eyes went wide.  he was tall, and handsome, and obviously muscular underneath the exquisite suit.  you suddenly felt underdressed in your hand-me-down business clothes.
then he called your name.  and you realized he was going to interview you.
you stood up and nodded.  “you can follow me to my office,” he instructed with a smile, leading you down the hall to the corner office.  you were in awe of the grandiosity of it all.  you were dumbfounded when you saw CEO on the door.
“there must have been a mistake,” you explained as he shut the door behind you.  “I... I’m just interviewing for an entry-level position.”
“no, there’s no mistake,” he shook his head, “I have you exactly where I want you.  take a seat.”
he circled his desk and sat on the other side of it, resting his elbows on the desk and giving you an oddly smug smile.  an awkward silence was finally broken when he realized, “you must not remember me.”
“I... have we met?” 
“I don’t blame you, I look pretty different,” he shrugged.  “I must’ve grown a whole inch this summer.”
you gave him a confused look before realization dawned on you, along with shame, and fear.
“oh... oh my god, Steve?!” you squawked.  he just grinned.  “you look... you look...”
“you look great!” you said aloud instead.
“yeah,” he agreed, “wish I could say the same for you.”
you swallowed dryly.  “so that’s what you want,” you sighed, “to get back at me.  I understand.  I deserve it...”
“I don’t want revenge,” he denied.  “I’m just sorry to see you haven’t been... thriving, since high school.  your job history--” he scanned your resume briefly-- “well, you don’t have one.  have you been slumming it all this time?”
“without my parents’ money?  yeah,” you admitted.  
“surprised you applied here, instead of turning tricks on 5th and Columbus.”
your back straightened and your eyes went wide at that comment.
“I mean, you’re already dressed for it,” he smirked.
you stood up and crossed your arms.  “if you’re just going to insult me, then I’ll leave now.  I’m sorry for everything I did to you, steve,” you announced, voice shaky with oncoming tears.
“can you really afford to leave?” he pressed.  “if you have a chance at a job?”
that, unfortunately, got your attention.  “you... you might actually offer me something?”
“I will offer you something,” he corrected, “if you just sit down and listen.”
you relented, returning to your seat.  you could stand a lot more insults if there was money on the line.
“to be honest, there’s no way I can hire you for the position you applied for,” he sighed.  “you’re just underqualified.  but I think I can create a position for you.”
you liked the sound of that.  “what kind of position?”
“well, that’s tricky, seeing as you don’t have any skills,” he frowned, “except one.  so that’s the one I plan on using.”
the look in his eyes made it all too clear what he was referring to, but as you shrunk into the leather chair he went ahead and clarified.
“I’ll pay you whatever salary you saw in the ad.  but you won’t be doing data analysis or office management or anything like that.  all you’ll be doing is spreading your legs for me whenever I fucking want.”
fear shot up your spine; his eyes were devouring you, pinning you to the chair, and you tried to process that.  “I--”
“before you say anything,” he interrupted immediately, “let’s just be perfectly clear that this might be your only shot at a real job.  what I’m offering has better pay than stripping, and better benefits than hooking.  and unless you have any education or experience I don’t know about, you’re totally fucked.”
“seems like I’m fucked either way,” you mumbled, making him laugh.
“see, you’ve still got that sharp tongue,” he grinned.  “can’t wait to put it to better use.”
maybe it was just desperation for cash.  maybe it was because he was good-looking and you could do a lot worse.  maybe it was because, on some level, you felt like you deserved his punishment after how horribly you’d treated him.
“I’ll do it,” you sighed.  “when do I start?”
he stood up and reached across the desk to grab your neck, glaring at you.  “right now.”
his free hand was already fumbling with his belt, the one on your throat guiding you downwards.  “on your knees,” he instructed, and you slipped out of the chair and onto the floor.
he let go of your neck and you figured he was going to come to you, but instead he stood still and demanded: “crawl.”
debasing as it was, you crawled on your knees to his side of the desk, and he laughed at you bitterly.  when you reached his feet and popped back up, you gasped at the sight of his hard cock right in front of your face. it was bigger than your face.  and it was dripping precum.
“don’t get so bug-eyed, you can handle it,” he grinned.  “if your mouth’s as big as I remember...”
you didn’t want to hear any more.  you just wanted to get this over with, so you quickly took his head between your lips and started to suck.  you were shocked when he slapped you, hard enough to knock his length from your mouth and to make you reach up and clutch your stinging cheek.
“fucking whore,” he grimaced, “did I say you could put it in your mouth?  god, you’re so fucking desperate.  just open your fucking mouth and I’ll show you what I want, okay?”
you nodded and stammered an apology, looking up at him with watery eyes and an open mouth.  he swiped the latest drop of precum on your tongue before gliding his cock over it, grabbing your hair to keep you steady as he pushed himself to the back of your throat.
“fuck, that’s better,” he sighed.  “so much better when you just do what you’re told.  I remember how you used to be so cruel with this mouth.  now you’re being so welcoming...”
you just sat there and let him use your mouth, trying not to gag when he hit your throat.
“look up at me,” he instructed, “yeah, that’s it.  can’t have you forgetting who’s doing this to you, now can we?”
that went on for a bit longer until mascara-stained tears streaked your face, which he seemed rather proud of.
“damn, wouldn’t mind having you swallow my come right now,” he admitted, “but I have bigger plans.  get up, bend over my desk.”
you coughed briefly when he pulled out, but did as you were told.  he instantly yanked your skirt up over your ass and spanked you several times roughly, making you sob and whine.
“wanna see this ass all bruised up in the shape of my hand,” he explained.  “so we can both remember how hard I fucked you.”
he tore your panties like they were paper, chuckling when he found you already wet.
“dripping already, just from choking on my cock?  poor baby...”
you spread your legs slightly, though you were sure nothing was going to adequately prepare you for his size.
“you figured out how to use birth control since graduating, right?” he asked, and you nodded quickly.  “good.  cause I’m not using a condom,” he continued as he let his cock glide over your folds, groaning slightly, “and there’s no way in hell I’m pulling out.”
he pushed forward in one brutal stroke, making you cry out loudly.  you really hoped these rooms were mostly soundproof.
“shit, you’re tight,” he hissed, already pulling back and thrusting back in.  “clearly you recovered from your years of slutting it up in high school.”
“that-- that wasn’t true,” you defended.
“oh, just shut up,” he growled.
he fucked you fast and deep, his hips pushing yours into the edge of his desk with each thrust.  his hands pinned you down at your shoulders, another reminder that you were entirely at his mercy.
“fuck, this is just what you needed... somebody to put you in your place.  makes sense that it should be me, since you hated me so much.”
“I didn’t h-hate you,” you hiccuped. 
“yeah, you wanted me, didn’t you?”
“always,” you admitted.
“wanted my fat fuckin’ cock to tear up your pussy?  is that it?”
“yes,” you moaned, “yes, steve, wanted to be yours.”
“even when I was skinny and short?”
“even when you hated me,” you added.
he growled slightly and you felt your walls tighten around him suddenly.  he chuckled, clearly aware that you were enjoying this.
“you want more, baby?  want me to fuck you harder?”
“whatever you want,” you answered instead.  “just use me however you want.”
he moaned and leaned down to cage your body in with his.  “fuck, baby... you’re taking this better than I thought you would.  such a good girl for me, huh?  such a good little slut.  want me to use you, baby?  take all my anger out on you?”
“yes,” you whispered, sobbing when he began to fuck you more brutally than you thought possible.  but it felt good.  so good that your legs were shaking, so good that you felt even better when he tugged your hair.
“yeah, gonna come on my cock, aren’t you?” 
you nodded and bit your lip.
“m’ close too,” he admitted, “you’re gonna be so full of my come, it’s gonna be dripping down your legs when you walk out of here...”
your orgasm made your body shake and your eyes roll back.
“fuck, I can feel you coming,” he groaned, “fuck, just like that-- fuck!”
you felt his warmth fill you as his cock flexed against your walls.  you were busy trying to catch your breath when he slumped down on top of you and pushed the air from your lungs.
“damn... didn’t think I was gonna come that fast,” he sighed.  “see what you do to me?  fuck, I knew this was a good idea.”
sure, it felt good, but you were sure he was only going to get rougher and meaner the longer this went on.  you couldn’t imagine how you were going to get out of here without somebody noticing your wrinkled clothes, messed-up hair and, as he’d pointed out himself, come all over your thighs.
“guess I’ll see you at 8am tomorrow, huh?” he chuckled, giving you an unexpected peck on the cheek.  you couldn’t answer, though, interrupted by the phone on his desk ringing.  “oh, sorry, gotta get this.”
he reached for the phone and picked it up, bringing to his ear all without pulling out of you or even lifting his body from on top of yours.
“bucky, hey,” steve grinned as he spoke into the phone, looking down at you and stroking your hair, “you’re not gonna believe who I ran into today...”
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gb-patch · 3 years
Ask Answers: April 13th, 2021
And we’re back again with more replies so soon, haha. Thank you for the asks!
Your game literally saved me this hell ass year. Thank you so much for the most perfect piece of art I've ever laid eyes on 😫 ... Do you guys have a rough idea when step 3 DLC will be released? I hope I'm not coming off as rude. I just really really love your game.
I’m sorry for the late reply on this! You might’ve already seen the answer by now, but the Step 3 DLC is coming out on the 16th. We’re almost there :D
This may be a silly question but did Jeremy's parents ever find out that Pran had lied about his age and if so, when/how? :3
Pran came clean to them after a couple of years, when he felt secure enough that it wouldn’t ruin the relationship. The Kings were a little embarrassed, the dad more than the mom, but they’re quite good at brushing past those kind of mistakes so it was all water under the bridge pretty fast.
hi! i know you’ve answered a question about alterations in the our life moments by playing them in different orders, but i was wondering if there was a canon order that the moments for each step happen in? i figure with such a customizable game the “canon” timeline for the moments is whatever order the player completes them in, for example in step 1, i like playing the runaway moment pretty early, since cove trying to run away early in summer makes more sense to me personally. thanks!
Yeah, there’s no canon order we’d insist on. Whatever you like can be the official route for you! And that’s a neat way to look at that event.
What if your character isn’t that into physical contact but still wants to be in a relationship with Cove? Would he be offended if you shy away or something along those lines?
He wouldn’t be. Cove knows how hard that can be and is very understanding. If you set his initiative to low, the game always checks to make sure if you want to be touched or not rather than assuming that you do. And if you do choose that you don’t want to, there’s no stress or drama about it. Cove will just say that’s okay!
Hellu! First off, I want to thank you all for such a wonderful game, it's been the best feel-good game I've ever stumbled upon and I can't express enough how much it has meant to me. Second, I've seen lots of people having trouble with making Cove confess before MC which makes me wonder if people will have the same problem in the dlc when you can propose to him. Is it possible to post a guide for that as well when it no longer could count as a spoiler? Again, thanks for such a beautiful game <3
I’m really happy you had such a nice time with it c:. We’ll answer questions about it on tumblr/in the discord if they come up and, if need be, we’ll find somewhere to upload a guide.
Do we get steam key from buying dlc on itch io?
I’m afraid not. That’d be unfair to those who get it on Steam. Plus, Steam isn’t super cool with giving out thousands of keys to be handed out for free on other sites anymore. They can refuse to give us the keys if they feel we’re trying to take advantage of their system.
hi! so if we reject cove's confession in step 3, can we still have MC and cove get together in step 4?
You can confess to him, yeah. But Cove won’t ever try confessing again if the MC turns him down in Step 3.
What if MC acts like someone Cove doesn't like, like Lizzie or Baxter lol
You can’t do what Lizzie or Baxter does to make Cove dislike them. You can play the game and try, but it doesn’t work out. The MC is just too compatible with Cove if you’re fond/crush/love, haha.
Hi! I absolutely love your game, I love the characters they’re all so amazing, thank you for the game haha
I was wondering if you would get the NSFW DLC no matter what Patreon level you were at, or if you would could get it at any level? :)
What pateron tier do we need to get the 18+ content for Our Life? It's my new favourite game, keep up the good work!
It will eventually be available at the $5 tier and anything above that! Glad you both like OL ^^
On a scale from 1 (being the worst) to 10, how well do the XOXO jerk squad including JB handle horror?
JB: 8
Everett: 5
Nate: 4
Shiloh: 10
Bae: 10
Jeremy: 8 for non-gore horror, 2 for gory horror
Pran: 9
hello!! i was wondering if any of the boys from the Jerksquad would ever wear a skirt/dress?
None of them wear skirts/dresses out of personal preference. But if there was some kind of reason where they had to do it, none would be that bothered.
How does the jerk squad feel about Christmas? 
Everett: He fucking loves it. That’s the best time of year.
Nate: Commercialized nonsense.
Shiloh: It’s wonderful! So he claims.
Bae: He likes it quite a bit, but only for the joy it brings children/family. He thinks that’s sweet but is too mature to be whipped up into a festive fervor himself.
Jeremy: It’s awful.
Pran: He hates it.
does cove have any pet allergies? yes I know this is a little weirdly specific
He doesn’t! The lucky boy isn’t allergic to any animal.
Very important question: Would Lee and a musical-theatre loving MC run around belting Into The Unknown from Frozen 2? Because I feel that they would 
Probably, haha.
This might seem like a dumb question, so I’m sorry, but with the Derek DLC are we gonna get to hang out with him in person instead of just calling him in step 3? 
The Derek DLC adds events in Step 2 and Step 4. It’s part of his story that you don’t really get to be around him in Step 3. But you don’t need to apologize for wondering!
hello! i'd like to ask if it's possible to play the android version of the game with the dlcs after buying the dlcs from steam. i wasn't expecting my android version to have my dlcs since i bought them from steam, but it had my step 2 dlc for some reason. is this a glitch or does the apk actually detect what dlcs you already have on your pc? if so, how come i don't have the step 1 dlc appearing on android? thanks!
That is some kind of glitch. It isn’t possible for the Android DLCs to be unlocked by having them on PC. Maybe in one of the old builds we accidentally didn’t lock the Step 2 DLC properly. Sorry for the confusion!
Does Derek and Baxter have canon sexualities? Will Derek still flirts with the MC regardless of their gender?
They’re both pansexual and can like the MC regardless of what gender they have.
I was wondering if Miranda had a crush on Cove in Step 3? I'm not sure why, but I got those vibes from her?
She thinks of him only as a friend. Cove isn’t her type, haha.
This is probably a dumb hope, but I hope Cliff find someone he loves after Cove is grown up and everything. Or at the very least he has someone he's very close with after Cove leaves. 
That’s a really sweet thought to have. Cliff stays single, but he’s graysexual and not-particularly romantically inclined. He only dated when he was really young ‘cause that’s what everyone did. Family and friend relationships are more important to him, and he has plenty of that in his life ^^.
Heya! I was curious if there might be a nickname system in N&F? I kind of pull an Elizabeth when I play and choose a different variation of a name like having Rosie in step one and changing it to Rose in step two, then maybe Rosetta in step three for example, but it also feels a little bit odd being scolded using my nickname hehe. That's all I was wondering about, thank you for your time and the wonderful games!
We are hoping to include the option to go by a nickname in Our Life: Now & Forever. But nothing has been programmed yet, so we can’t 100% guarantee it, haha.
Just curious, what would Liz's and Cove's relationship be if MC wasn't around? I feel like they wouldn't get along as well as they do now, especially during the first and second step 
They’d definitely have a lot of friction growing up and they’d likely avoid each other as much as possible. Once they were both older, I imagine they’d be decent neighbor acquaintances. But they still wouldn’t be nearly as close as they are with the MC bringing Cove into things.
What do the customizable eyes look like in the game? Do they look as they are in the creating avatar section? Or do they look different when actually playing the game?
That’s up to you! The doll is just meant to be a general idea. You can apply it to your imagined MC as much or as little as you prefer.
Did Cove go through a "phase" during his adolescence? I don't really wanna headcanon it so I wonder if there's anything (cringy) canon since we missed out on the ages of 14-17 hahaha
Not really, aha. 14-17 Cove is pretty recognizable to his 13 and 18 year old self.
Hello! I'm sorry to bother you, especially with all the messages you get. I was just wondering if the religious wedding venue was exclusive to a church or if there will be different religions of weddings? Also, I love this VN so much, it's so well written and every character is so amazing, thank you for making such a beautiful game.
The church is treated as a historic building rather than anything actively religious, but it’s not the only option like that. There’s a historic synagogue and stuff too! And that’s really nice of you to say <3.
How differently would it play out If MC told their moms about the 20$ deal back when it happened? 
They wouldn’t have been happy and would’ve been far more skeptical of Cliff, aha. But they wouldn’t want to keep Cove away from the MC, so it wouldn’t have been too different in the long run.  
Hello may I ask what Cove's favorite fudge/ice cream flavor would be? Its alright if its not answered 
He appreciates them all, but his top favorites would be the fruit flavored ones and the ones with nuts.
Hi! I really wanted to make mc's house in a game and tried really hard to figure out the floor plan, but I wondered if you have the floor plan of the mc's house so that i can try again with more accuracy?
Thank you a lot for this game, i loved it a lot! (my first play took me 8 hours lol)
I’m really sorry, we don’t have anything like that. But at least you can headcanon that what you did is correct and nothing can prove it wrong, haha.
Hello,I recently started playing lake of voices (I put it off for a long while since I’m usually not very good with horror) and I’m really happy I did!I’m a big fan of your games in general and lake of voices was absolutely great as well.I loved the characters and the dark setting of it,I adored the beautiful art and music and the story was great too,sometimes unsettling and sometimes very sweet.My favorite Route in the game was definitely Lu,I liked his character and was really shocked and distraught by his Route at least two times.I didn’t see the plot twist(s) coming at all!
Besides these ramblings I’ve also wanted to ask if you still remember how to get the lower two CGs on page 5?I seem to always miss them and would appreciate any help.Anyways I hope I wasn’t too much of a bother and I wish the devs a great day!:)
Thank you for all the kind words <3. You get those DLCs by going through the end of the Guide’s character path. You can use the guides on Steam to help you find it/reach the end!
—– —– —– —–
Thank you again for all of these questions :D
We released a new FAQ! It answers common questions and we’ll keep adding more to it. Please check there before sending an ask. FAQ   Also, if you prefer to just see the main posts without all the asks/reblogs, feel free to follow our side account instead: GB Patch Updates Blog
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platonicavengers · 4 years
heyyyyyy. can i request a fic where the reader is wanda and pietro's sister?
hi anon ahhhh tysm for the request!!!!!! i decided to make this into headcanons so i hope that’s ok!!!
this is my second time writing this, i accidentally deleted my first attempt :,) let’s try this again
pairing(s): maximoff twins x sibling!gn!reader && avengers x gn!reader
warnings: spoilers for aou/civil war, death, any warnings that would be included for those movies would apply her ig, non-descriptive violence
author’s note: OH also im gonna make two parts of this i think so it’s not super duper long. this part takes place from age of ultron - civil war
my masterlist | read part two
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headcanons under the cut !
okay so let’s say you’re about 2 years younger than the twins
and, corresponding with my headcanon for the twins’ age, that would make you 15 during age of ultron
but let’s rewind a little bit to before aou
whenever your siblings volunteered themselves (along with you) for strucker’s experiments you were, wary, to say the least
“y/n we can finally get revenge on stark if we do this!!!!” - pietro, probably
“yes,,,, but maybe the best way to do that isn’t literal h u m a n e x p e r i m e n t a t i o n pietro-” - you
okay now we can fast forward again to aou
the powers you got were quite similar to wanda’s, except hers were more powerful
which you were jealous of
when the avengers attacked strucker’s base you were freaking the fuck out
i mean you were just a 15 year old kid, you didn’t stand a chance against them
so you let your siblings take care of it
and despite you being younger than them, you were extremely protective over them
and when they came back after fighting the avengers you were checking over them, making sure they weren’t hurt
you made sure to cuss them out after you made sure they were okay for putting themselves in danger like that
whenever ultron came to sokovia and met y’all in the church you were like :O
cuz what are you supposed to do in that situation
you were kinda silent the whole time, letting the twins do most of the talking
even if you wanted to you couldn’t, they stood in front of you as to kind of hide you from ultron’s view
(he knew you were there)
when y’all were in africa (was it africa??? i can’t remember im sorry) you were not a big fan of the idea of fighting the avengers
but it was either that or fighting ultron
the avengers showed up
you tried to fight as little as possible but you couldn’t stay away from the battle entirely
you went to use your powers on captain america but he fought against it and when he noticed you were so young he just kinda stopped and looked at you
“you shouldn’t be involved in this fight” - cap
“i have no other choice” - you
“i’m not gonna fight you, kid” - cap
wanda was in front of u all of a sudden
“then you can fight me instead” - wanda
and now we go to seoul
ultron had control of the cradle and was creating his vision
you and your siblings approached the cradle, pietro keeping you close to him with a protective arm around your shoulder
after finding out what ultron’s true motives were your brother and sister were finally on board to ditch ultron
when u were on the train you helped wanda with stopping it
going to the avengers tower w captain america afterwards and when u got there u were like h o l y s h i t this place is so cool
sadly you couldn’t focus very much on that as you were supposed to be stopping stark from creating ultron’s vision
which, obviously, you were unsuccessful in doing
and then boom. vision was born
fast forward to sokovia
you fought as hard as you could against all of the mini-ultron’s
when it came time for wanda to guard the core you were hesitant to let her stay there alone
but she urged you to go
you reluctantly agreed
you were there when clint ran back to save the little boy
and you watched as the bullets headed for them
and pietro ran in front of them
you tried to stop the bullets, you really did
but you weren’t fast enough
after he died, you blamed yourself entirely
if you had been just a second faster you could’ve saved him
you were devastated
after clint safely carried the boy to the ship, he carried pietro’s body over as well, despite your protests
he brought you over there as well, and you immediately sat next to your brother
you cried for what felt like hours
(it probably was)
after carrying wanda away from the city, he placed her down next to you
she immediately brought you into a hug, the two of you mourning your lost brother
not long after the events of sokovia, you and wanda moved into the new avengers compound and became official avengers
not going on the mission to lagos but obviously finding out what happened
you tried to comfort wanda, telling her it wasn’t her fault but she didn’t believe you
whenever the accords were brought up you knew you wouldn’t sign them
you feared what the government would do to you and wanda, the two of you being enhanced
tony somewhat confined you to the compound as well but he wasn’t as strict with it considering you weren’t in lagos
going with clint to the airport when he came to recruit you and wanda for team cap
during the whole airport fight most of team iron man didn’t wanna fight you since you were so young
which left you to mostly fight against spider-man, who you assumed was pretty close to your age
he kept trying to talk to you the whole time though which was pretty annoying
“dude, your powers are so cool! i mean, i have powers too, but th-they’re nowhere near as cool as yours! you have like, magic and stuff! that’s awesome-”
you cut him off by throwing a sign at him
“ow- okay, sorry-” - peter, while pinned under a sign LMFAO
you were taken to the raft along with most of team cap
you were forced into a straitjacket and a shock collar that went off every time you used your powers
which really sucked, considering you were always subconsciously using your powers, whether intentionally or not
when tony came by the raft you refused to look at him
he stopped in front of your cell and just stared at you
“this is your fault.” - you whispered
his heart broke at how weak you sounded
a couple days later when steve came to break you all out of the prison u were overjoyed
thought being on the run wasn’t too much better
stay tuned for part 2!!!!!!!
i’ll probably start working on it sometime later today and then have it posted either tonight or within the next few days!!!! :) hope u enjoyed!
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mccoyyy · 4 years
Bring historical accuracy to Carlisle's early life, pretty please 🥰
absolutely (and thank you @pandabooraccoon and the other two anons who asked something similar to this too I love you so much). I'm putting this under a read more cause, yeah
ok, to start of with I am nowhere near an expert, but this time period in history really fascinates me cause there was so much going on. 
so Carlisle was born in 1640′s London, and at the time there was a shit tonne of religious and political upheaval going on. You had the Union of Crowns, disagreements over the Church systems, covenanting, Civil War and Cromwell, Executions and the removal and restoration of the Monarchy. Shit was mad. But I’m gonna start with Carlisle’s dad (I’m going to call him Abraham but full credit for that one goes to @panlight​) cause I have so many thoughts
Abraham was a pastor in 1640. He most likely started working when he was breached and then took over as Pastor (Preacher) after his dad died. I’m going to say he was born around 1620, married in 1639ish and then Carlisle was born a year later. So he would be what, 20 when Carlisle was born. 
First of the bat, there is no way that Abraham would still be alive and kicking when Carlisle was 23. The life expectancy back then was just under 40, so a 43 year old Abraham cutting about burning witches (and we’ll get to that in just a moment) just isn’t realistic but neither are vampires so oh well. In terms of religion if were being historically accurate, then Abraham would have most likely been an Anglican pastor as that was the dominant form of church in England at the time and he would have been fucked up by the mob/church/general public/all of the above for being anything else
However, it gets sticky when you bring in the idea of Puritanism. I firmly believe that Abraham would have loved Cromwell and puritanism (cause I like to headcanon him as an utter dick) but if were doing that then it creates a problem. If Abe was a devout Protestant Anglican, he would have believed in the divine right of kings (a monarch has no authority other than the word of god and therefore doesn't need to listen to anyone else) and therefore seen Charles I as the mouth of God, and had issues with the whole execution thing, so if Abe was a Puritan, then he would probably have to be a Presbyterian (dominant form of church in Scotland and also the parliamentarians) but again, this causes problems cause no one really liked Presbyterianism (understatement). It’s possible that he could have been influenced by Cromwell and switched from Anglicanism but religion back then was very different to what it was now, it took a lot to get people to change their ideas over faith (see the plague) so I’m gonna go out on a limb and blame Charles I who first started to undermine parliament and try to start Absolutism which lead Abe to change his loyalties. Either that or he supported Cromwell’s agenda but didn’t agree with execution which is the most likely option tbh.
With Abraham out of the way, we can now move on to our boy. Carlisle, the son of a pastor in 1640, there is no fucking way that this dude didn’t know the year/date he was born. Know why? cause dates were recorded by none other than the fucking church. aka his father. Carlisle is just bad with dates but that's ok buddy i guess that happens when your like 300. Secondly, his dad wouldn’t have raised him. It would have been left up to his mum, but cause she wasn't around he would have been raised by a wet nurse until he was breeched and entered the adult world at the ripe and grown up age of six (at least I think but I’m not 100% sure) when he would have started helping his father with sermons, and received an education of some form (probably a clerics education). Either way, he would have been helping his father at a very young age and exposed to so much shit
Back to Abraham for a wee second. Smeyer writes that he hunted down and burned vampires but again, this isn’t likely. Vampire hunters did exist but not in London. They were most common in Bulgarian/Serbian beliefs and even then they were very different to the modern idea of vampire hunters. And secondly, they wouldn’t have been burned! pyres weren’t used in the 1600s and instead would probably have been killed through hangings, torture or trials to determine whether they were a witch or not. So the good news is, Carlisle didn’t have to watch women being burned alive from the age of like six, he would only have to watch women being drowned, tortured, disembowelled, branded and hanged! and not just women accused of being witches, but most likely Catholics too!
We don’t know much about Carlisle’s life from his birth to his ‘death’, so I’m gonna take creative liberty and make some stuff up. London in the 1640s was utterly awful. It was dark, bleak, and really smelly. He was pretty lucky in terms of the plague cause the only major outbreaks occurred just before him and just after him (1603, 25 and 65) but there would have been the odd outbreak. I like to believe that Carlisle was an argumentative little shit and from the age of like 10 argued with his dad about literally everything. Canon says that Carlisle didn’t agree with his fathers particular brand of faith, so I’m going to go out on a limb and say that whilst he was still a protestant, and most likely Anglican, he probably followed an early form of religious tolerance at the least. Lutheranism didn’t reach England until around the enlightenment so I don't want to call him that but it was in existence in Germany at the same time so others had probably moved towards it a little, it just didn't have a name. His tolerance probably came from watching his father punish Catholics from the age of six, and their main argument as he got older was probably regarding tolerance of Catholicism. As much as I hate to say it, its low key unrealistic that Carlisle wasn’t married as a human so that would probably have been another point of contest between Carlisle and Abraham.
During Cromwell’s puritan reign was the most prominent witch-hunting years too, so if were being really nit-picky then Abraham would probably have only started hunting witches or at least started doing it a lot more frequently than he previously did round about here.
Cromwell died in 1658, and the monarchy was restored in England in 1660, but Carlisle’s dad most likely still followed puritan ideals and was not happy with the restoration period, and again, the revival of Christmas, theatre and fun was something that 20 year old Carlisle and Abraham would have disagreed over. Carlisle would have taken over a lot of his fathers duties round about this time, leading sermons and all that because Abraham should have been dead by now so I guess smeyer can have that one.
And now we get up to our boy’s final years. And this is like shooting still targets. Carlisle was hunting vampires in London sewers when he got bit, and then crawled into a potato cellar where he writhed in agony for 3-4 days. Firstly, sewers. The London sewage system wasn’t built for one or two hundred years. London was so fucking smelly. Like so much so that if it was sunny the house of commons/Westminster had to be evacuated cause the (literal) shite in the Thames would have warmed up and became especially pungent, and it was only when it started to affect MP’s that they though that maybe they should do something about it (which is probably another reason that super-senses-vampire Carlisle boosted to France as soon as possible). So he wouldn’t have been fighting vampires in sewage systems, but instead an alley, slums, or even along or near the Thames if you want to keep the sewage aspect. 
After being bitten, it would have been pretty difficult for Carlisle to drag himself into a potato cellar because he’d be crawling for quite some time. Potatoes didn't become a staple crop in society for quite a while. They were about and people ate them, but were largely seen as food for the lower classes in society, and there certainly wouldn't have been cellars filled with them.
Also just as a little end note, plague devastated London 5 years after he was turned so literally my favourite headcanon to give Carlisle is that he blamed the outbreak on himself. Yes, he may have went along with the miasmic theory that Plague was caused by bad air instead of his fathers ‘divine punishment’ theories, but there’s nothing like a good bit of puritan guilt am I right? seeing and maybe helping with the plague (masks and so many herbs stuffed inside them would have blocked the smell of blood) is also what I like to think made Carlisle want to go into medicine.
And there you have it. A (sort of) accurate version of Carlisle’s and Abraham’s life. and again, disclaimer, I am nowhere near an expert, so there might be inaccuracies and mistakes here. But basically, smeyer please. Google is free. 
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bluecoloreddreams · 4 years
(Disclaimer: this contains spoilers for the Fruits Basket and Fruits Basket: Another manga, as well as taking into consideration tidbits from Takaya’s twitter.) 
So, okay, first of all we have to address the YMMV aspect: Some people don’t like this ship. As long as they’re respectful, I have no beef with that. I’m well aware that some people cannot/choose not to make the distinction between “real life” and “fiction”— I have the luxury of this choice, so some of the “problematic” ships/character aspects within Furuba don’t bother me (for the most part). It’s fiction, and I’m aware of this.  
Again, some people cannot/do not make this distinction, and that’s none of my business because that’s their personal life. I’m aware that people dislike aspects of Akigure, and that’s fine. 
Personally? I’ve been reading Furuba since like, basically the dawn of time. I was reading scans on, like,  MSN groups. I remember a friend at church (of all places) telling me about the Akito reveal because I was behind on updates. It’s literally engrained upon my shipping heart at this point. 
(Headcanons ahoy! Like literally, this is all headcanon/my perspective on the series as a whole. YMMV/YKINMK/Dead Dove, the whole works, if you know you know
YES I wrote it like it’s an actual research paper because I have No Chill At All, please forgive me. It’s long and pretty rambling.) 
Addressing the first elephant in the room: Given my limited interactions with the fandom, my impression of Akigure from a generalized fan POV is that it’s pretty divisive. Every episode she comes up there are “I hate this kid” comments and I cry
Akito is a favorite of mine, and it’s impossible for anime-only’s to make a deep, informed call on her character. On the other hand, a lot of manga-readers dislike her too. 
So, why am I talking about whether or not people like Akito as a character? 
I’m of the opinion that it impacts people’s ability to view her character arc as one that deserves a happy ending. That she doesn’t deserve to have love, happiness, or forgiveness, all of which are given to her when she and Shigure finally end up together on equal footing. (Do I think the way it’s rushed in the original Furuba ending? Yeah, but hey. Sensei had like a huge ensemble cast to wrap ends on. Now there’s Furubana to look to and it’s just chef’s kiss.)
There’s a mental aspect in this, involving the dichotomy between “reality” and “fiction”. 
There is absolutely zero argument that are a lot of things that Akito does that uh, listen, if it was IRL she’d be in jail! Jail for terror baby! Jail for life! 
Fortunately, Fruits Basket is a work of fiction. These characters aren’t real, they’re idealized brushstrokes of human nature created to move a plot and a message along. 
That’s why Akito and Shigure work as a couple and as characters: 
They’re both incredibly deep characters that get passed off as one-dimensional by a lot of people (and the original anime, woof). Some of it is again, because anime-only fans just don’t have the whole story, since Akito’s arc is one that builds gradually until it hits a point where all hell breaks loose, which we are a ways away from. 
So what’s the message that their relationship and characters are supposed to pass on? 
Well, it breaks down into two categories: world building and thematic arcs. The latter is more important and what I’ll be focusing on, while the former is just a little spice that I, personally enjoy, and won’t really talk about in depth. (It’s that the magical realism in Furuba sets up the idea of soulmates, it’s just…. Something I enjoy and it’s really heacanony, so I can’t really justify spending more words on it!) 
When discussing Fruits Baskets in any capacity, I feel like we must first keep in mind the thematic “lessons” of the series: 
There is an inherent loneliness in living as a human being, since loss, grief, and hurt are indelible parts of the human experience, and learning to cope with these feelings in a compassionate manner is a life-long lesson 
People react differently to the loneliness of existence, and their reactions are based upon their personalities, their upbringings, and their own choices 
Everyone is capable of change and learning, if they choose to do so, however: 
Personal agency is taught, but in the vacuum of positive reinforcement, the ability of a person to choose to be compassionate is stifled or outright inaccessible
Therefore, if you are not taught to deal with your grief and existence outside of others, your ability to connect may become warped, manipulative, or abusive, and this is not the fault of the child but instead the parental figure 
Eventually, you will be aware of your actions, and then it is your burden to choose—some people do not take this choice (the head maid, Ren, Kyo’s bio dad, Rin’s parents, Sawa’s mother in Furubana)  
Abuse has long lasting effects on the psyche and can be physical, emotional, and/or mental in nature and must be dealt with in order to grow as a person
“Dealt with” does not mean that it goes away, but that it is acknowledged and given a positive outlet (Yuki’s garden, Aaya’s shop, Rin’s art, Momiji’s violin playing)
Forgiveness is not linear
Forgiving yourself is a long and arduous process, and happens independent of other people’s forgiveness
This is really brought to the forefront in Fruits Basket: Another, when Shiki talks about how his mother interacts with the rest of the Sohma family. It’s shown she’s done what she can to make amends, but recognizes that while she can individually hold relationships with certain family members, as a whole, it's best if she allows them to be away from her. 
This is a whole tangent on its own, but there’s a certain blanket of casual forgiveness given to Akito by the entirety of the shown Zodiac in Furubana, in that they trust that she’s raised a kind and thoughtful son and allow him the grace of his own family. 
Again, in Takaya’s tweets post-series that acknowledges that Akito’s friends with Uo-chan, despite her relationship with Kureno (and it shows a depth of awareness on Kureno’s part that he stays away
People flourish in environments where love and positive reinforcement is given freely, even when people are in the wrong
This doesn’t mean that no one is ever scolded: see Komaki and Kakeru, Kisa and Hiro, Hatori chews out Shigure all the time, but never ceases being his confidant 
So okay, that’s A Lot. But every single character in Furuba follows these themes in their own manner, because the series is about healing and learning how to heal from abuse, neglect, and isolation. Someone’s gonna have to be doing it. Point blank, the end, to tell a story there must be conflict, and boy howdy, there’s a lot of conflict in Furuba. Every personal thematic arc in the series ends up tying into a romantic one, because Furuba is a romcom drama. 
There’s a loop that goes “personal betterment”->”crush”/”friendship”->”conflict”->”personal growth”/”relationship growth” in the series for every character. That’s the bread and butter of Furuba. 
But anyway. To the question: 
I love them because they work, they’re both their own people with their own narrative focuses, motivations, conflicts, and flaws. Both Shigure and Akito are believable in their own right in the context of Furuba, and I think Takaya did wonderfully in crafting a story where their personalities mesh well and give each other reasons to better themselves.
To talk about them together, you have to talk about them separately. 
I’m gonna start with Shigure because, truthfully? 
I just want to lament about how often he’s simply passed off as either comic relief or absolute trash. He’s so underestimated! 
“He’s a joke of a grown man… He is reliable and I trust him.” (Another, v. 3)
He’s incredibly intelligent when it comes to interpersonal relationships, which is why he’s able to do what he does. He’s also incredibly kind—no one made him take in Yuki or Kyo or Tohru. He could have just went “ah, I’d prefer not to” and moved on. But he didn’t, made up some bullshit so Haru would feel like taking in Yuki was a transaction, and let me just tell you, I am the same age as Shigure and if you gave ME three teenagers to be the guardian of?! It would be a full on disaster.
He’s actually incredibly trustworthy (if he wants to be), insightful, and a genuinely good guardian despite his jokes and wisecracking. 
He forced Kyo to go back to school, knowing full well it would be good for him. He lets a whole host of children run rampant through his home. Kids who actually enjoy his presence. He’s shown as having a good familial relationship with Rin (who tries to warp that for her own means), Kisa, Haru, and Momiji. His advice to Tohru is genuine, insightful, and ridiculously helpful. 
Shigure is good with people. He gets up at the crack of dawn to drive Shiki to see Sawa in Furubana. He’s who Mutsuki and Hajime immediately go “holy shit you need to do something about this” to when they find out Shiki’s getting nasty notes about Akito. He’s who Shiki goes to when Sawa fell down the stairs as a child. As much as Shiki and the others make fun of Shigure, he’s obviously someone who’s trustworthy. And that’s not some new development, he’s always been trustworthy in regards to those he loves. No one asked him to show up to Tohru’s teacher conference, he volunteered. Like this dude loves people, he’s the dog spirit after all, and rightly so. 
Does he have his own motivations? Of course! But so does everyone else in Furuba. He’s a complex character, man! 
He laughs and jokes a lot because he’s projecting this image of a laid back, doofus. When you think about who he’s friends with, the whole middling goofball act makes a lot of sense. Just like some of Ayame’s over the top behavior is a defense mechanism, I believe that Shigure casts himself as a generally unappealing man to keep himself safe from advances when he was in school, but also to temper the wildly unequal personalities of his other two friends. He’s the sort of person who would just go “eh, whatever makes it easy”, and that’s just how he is. 
He doesn’t mean the creepy school girl thing, it’s a bit and I think the only people who don’t realize he’s running a bit are Yuki, Kyo, and Tohru who are absolutely too stupid to realize he’s playing them for reactions. He thinks it’s funny. 
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When the older Zodiac had the dream of Shigure, Shigure is the only one who made the active choice to seek out that feeling. His soul was touched, and he decided that he wanted that and only that. This doesn’t necessarily mean he went full Jacob from Breaking Dawn, but it does mean he acknowledged there was a bond, and he wanted it. 
When you get into the technicalities of the curse, it’s mentioned that their Zodiac spirits influence how they interact with Akito, and that going against her can cause physical and emotional pain. Yuki cries when meeting her, and it’s mentioned that that’s just the normal reaction for the Zodiacs. 
It’s hard to say how much of their early interactions are influenced by the curse, but it’s obvious that Shigure has genuine fondness for her. She wasn’t always absolutely broken, as shown in Yuki’s backstory, and was a precocious child, one who sought affection openly. 
Shigure has an indulgent personality, and is shown to love being adored. Guess who loves him! Akito! Guess who wants lots and lots of affection! Akito! 
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Their personalities are very well matched as they get older: They’re both intelligent and coy. They both have fairly sharp tongues when needed, and have no qualms about doing whatever it takes to get what they want. 
Shigure wants Akito to be independent from the curse. He’s made it clear to her he doesn’t want to be her father, he doesn’t want to be her friend, he wants to be her lover. Those are boundaries that Akito’s never been given before, and his frankness with her and his jealousy with Kureno is something she agonizes over, simply because she’s never been given any sort of serious interpersonal boundaries, or repercussions for her actions. He’s always kept himself separate from her, because of those boundaries, even when they were children. 
That’s important. It opens the door to the idea that her actions have consequences, and is a persistent nagging in the back of her mind. 
“Even though you hadn’t realized it, I was waiting for that day.” (ch 101)
For the bulk of the series, the only person who sees Akito as a person separate from the curse, and sees a future where she can grow is Akito. He has an extraordinary amount of patience for her, and forgives her for a lot. 
There are only two incidents that Shigure cannot forgive: Her sleeping with Kureno, and at the very end of the series, I’m of the full opinion that if Akito had pushed Tohru off the cliff, Shigure would have been done with her. Look at that expression, that is the look of someone who is toeing the line of throwing away all his hopes and dreams. If she really had pushed Tohru, I just...... The series would have taken a much darker tone. 
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OKAY that’s enough about our favorite terrible author! (Okay, an aside, Shigure, please share your work ethic, you goof off so much but you’ve published so many things…how…)  
“I’ve  finally realized… she hated her own shallowness all this time, from the very start.” // “It’s frightening because you have no choices.” (ch 121) 
A lot of people dislike Akito because she, for the bulk of the manga, is violent, manipulative and just downright unpleasant. And that’s fine, but it’s not the point of her arc or the themes of the manga.  (It is, however, the point of Rin’s: you don’t have to forgive everyone.) 
She’s not the only violent person in the series. If we as readers can forgive Uo-chan and Kyoko, or even Hana-chan for her moment of violence, why can we not extend the same grace to Akito? 
Violence is often shown as a knee-jerk reaction to fear and sadness: Kyoko, Uo, Hana, Kyo, Rin, and Akito all react violently to negative situations and feelings. Even Kisa reacts violently when she’s at her worst, biting both Haru and Tohru when she’s in her tiger form, which is shown to actually cause pain like a real tiger would. (It’s played for laughs, but has anyone been bitten for realsies by a house cat? That hurts! How much more would a house-cat sized tiger hurt!!!) 
Out of all of them, Hanajima and Kisa are the only characters to show immediate remorse, because they have what the others don’t: A positive support system. Once positive role models and support systems are in place, all of the others begin to learn how to react differently and ease out of the knee-jerk reactions that were ingrained in them. 
It’s made explicit in the manga that you have to be taught how to react positively, you have to learn and choose to be good, to be friendly, to love yourself outside of others’ perceptions of yourself. Look at Yuki’s arc. Look at Uo-chan’s. Kyoko’s. 
Yuki sums it up nicely in the last chapter of the manga, where he tells Tohru that she taught the Zodiac how to become human. She allows them to grow into people who can make the choice to be loving, compassionate individuals. 
Just because Akito doesn’t interact positively with Tohru for the bulk of the manga, it doesn’t make it any less true: 
Akito is kept in a juvenile state of being: No one teaches her to suck it up, that the world exists outside of herself, that other people are people and not things. In fact, she’s actively encouraged to act the way she does. She’s incredibly broken, between the maids of the Sohma estate just… allowing her to do whatever the fuck she wants and her absolutely jacked up relationship with Ren and Akira. She has no moral compass at all. No one bothers to teach her that her actions have serious consequences. 
She knows, in a roundabout way that hey, these people don’t like me. There’s a serious mental dissonance between what she latently knows—these are all people with no connection to her other than the bond of the curse. This is why Tohru is able to break through to her at the climax of the manga: 
She knows she’s wrong, but no one has ever told her she’s wrong but understood why she’s doing it. Akito just didn’t have the words to explain herself. What do children do when they cannot communicate? They lash out. Kids will bite, scratch, yell, kick, fall to the floor and have screaming tantrums out of frustration. Eventually, most kids learn that there are other ways to express frustration, and move along. (Not all, though, but most.)
Akito was taught that this is acceptable, allowable, and is her right as god. She is actively broken and kept that way through the neglect of the Sohma family maids, Ren’s abuse, and how Akira framed her role in the Zodiac. 
I can go on and on and on and on why the way Akito was treated for her role in the Zodiac by her parents and the rest of the Sohma estate was just awful. I hate it, it’s terrible, she never had a chance to learn and grow and be the genuinely thoughtful woman we know she grows into. 
She doesn’t force her path of forgiveness onto others and is fully cognizant of what she did, the repercussions of her actions, and lives her entire life after the curse breaks trying to right what she did wrong. 
“Even if she gets hurt, she says she deserves it. She tells me not to let it bother me, but… I’ve always, always loved her so much.” (Another, ch. 13) 
Tohru opens the door for Akito. She extends her hand, offers her friendship despite having seen the absolute worst of Akito. She tells Akito that everyone is lonely, everyone wants bonds, and acknowledges Akito’s worst fears, that Akito herself is selfish and dirty for wanting something assured and unending because she, Tohru, herself is dirty and selfish. Tohru knows what Akito has done, knows she’s injured some of her beloved friends, had plans to lock up Kyo, hurt Hatori. 
Tohru still forgives her. One of Tohru’s striking traits in the manga is that she is suffering, every day, she struggles with the grief of losing her mother and the fear of being alone in the world. Through nothing but her own empathy and realization that loneliness is universal, she’s able to forgive people. She forgives Akito and cares for her, and through Tohru, Akito is introduced to the realization that she’s been wrong and that maybe, she shouldn’t be forgiven. 
Shigure also forgives her, and this is the crux of their ship. 
To me, that itself is wildly important. 
They’ve always circled around each other, and Shigure has always been waiting for Akito to be able to come to him again, in full control of her life and choices. He wants Akito the woman, not Akito the god. 
He’s been waiting for the day Akito can meet him as an equal. Akito wants it too, and has wanted him to turn and see her for a very very long time. But she’s been terrified, the entire time, that when he does see her as herself, Shigure won’t like what he sees, and will leave. She’s aware of what she’s done post-curse, she’s aware of the impacts it will have on the former Zodiac members, and she’s aware that once the “bonds” of god and the animals is gone, there may not be anyone left for her.
Neither of them are under any illusions at the end of the series: Akito knows she has to atone for what she did, Shigure knows she has to learn to grow into a person who can function alone. They both know that there are people who are against them changing the oppressive structure of the Sohma family. 
Neither of them care. There are things that they want, together, and it’s enough. There’s a whole new world for them to explore and learn about. And in Furubana, this is shown to be a lifelong effort on their parts: 
“She said after meeting me, she learned so many things for the first time. She smiled happily as she said it.” (Another, #13) 
To close, I’d like to take a moment to talk about the curse and Shigure, and how he set things in motion. 
Without Shigure, the curse would have devolved on its own, yes, but the circumstances would not have allowed for the freedom the Zodiac had at the end of the manga. It would not have ended with Akito being able to learn and live freely. Allowing Tohru into the Sohma family cracked open a door to compassion and kindness none of them had ever experienced before, because the Sohma family seems to exist in a vacuum of stability and love. 
It wasn’t that Shigure knew instantly that Tohru was kind and loving and thoughtful, if anything, his read on her was “completely normal, albeit strange, teenage girl who obviously has a rough life”. But she was normal, she was from outside the Sohmas, and he knew that was enough. No one in the family was stepping up to change the status quo and how stifling and abusive it was, so he did it himself. 
He did it because he loved Akito. 
Not because he felt bad for himself, or Hatori, or any of the others, but merely because he loved her to the point of manipulation. It backfired in his face, because he got a big ol’ dose of “loving and respecting” juice from Tohru, but he still got the end he wanted. 
What I mean to say is best summarized in  chapter 123: 
“It would be nice to live in a kind world, without any troubles, without any fear, without hurting anybody, without ever being hurt, only doing the right thing. I wish I could reach this kind world by the shortest path possible. … “That’s wrong”, or “that’s stupid”: If it’s someone else’s life it’s so easy to make such irresponsible comments. ...It would be great, but it doesn’t exist. … Little by little, walking one step at a time, is all you can do.” 
We get to experience the roughest part of the path with Akito and Shigure, we got to watch them be terrible people who were lonely and in want of love struggle and learn how to get up and move on. 
They tease each other, Shigure is thoughtful of the distinction between “the person Akito was raised to be” and “the person who Akito is”. He’s seen her at her messiest, and she’s seen him at his most jealous. They still chose each other, despite the hurt they caused each other, and others. They make up for it, reflect, and live a life that demonstrates that they have learned. They have friends who are thoughtful and loving and would not hesitate to drop everything and help them, lend an ear when they’re frustrated, help them not to make the same mistakes. 
And then we get to see them be wonderful, kind, thoughtful, loving parents in Furubana. 
We got to see their adorable, kind, compassionate child be friends with the children of the people Akito hurt, because everyone in the former Zodiac’s family collectively decided “never again, no”. 
Their child adores them. Shiki in Furubana #13 radiates love for Akito and Shigure the same way Mutsuki and Hajime do. 
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They are genuinely good parents, even when they tease Shiki, and I think that is testament for how good they are for each other and how much they’ve changed as adults. 
I think that’s enough of a reason to ship them, don’t you?
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obsidianfr3sk · 4 years
Falcon in the Dive
Summary:  Piercing into the sky and higher, Ace thrived. The weak cowered, but the fittest, like him, survived. He didn't wait until the darkest hour, he didn't wait until they spring alive. He, with claws of fire, devoured like a falcon in the dive.
As my contribuiton to the Multifandom Gift Exchange 2020 (hosted by the wonderful @darkalinas and @scxundress), here’s a gift for my little sister and favorite villain apologist (?) @alecjamesartino. As soon as they told me I was your gifter... well, I was really happy!!! And then x’d I knew I had to write something about Ace and this song just... LIKE I JUST KNEW I HAD TO WRITE SOMETHING ABOUT ACE INSPIRED IN FALCON IN THE DIVE, ALL RIGHT???? I JUST ✨K N E W✨
Before y’all start reading xd I need to... kinda clarify something. So, I don’t know if you know, but I actually based all of my fics on this timeline made by @honey-hippie-harper and @healing-winston-pratt, and I kinda just started to create my headcanons from it. But, today I decided to throw all of them through the freaking window and base this fic on this timeline, made by my giftee:’))) She uses it for her fic Love and Anarchy (which you should totally read!). That said, this work has nothing to do with my other fics (for example, Rise of the Renegades or The Origins), I’m just experimenting with new headcanons:’)
Another important thing x’d On this fic I mention Leroy’s eyes turn green when he uses his powers and that Hugh’s eyes are gray instead of blue. This are not my headcanons, they’re actually from this drawing made by @healing-winston-pratt​. Go check it out and reblog it!!) 
Now... well, my dear little sister Alec, I hope you like this gift. I know how much you like Ace and the Anarchists, and I have never written anything about them (Begginings and Endings doesn’t count, it was from David’s POV x’d) so this was a complete challenge for me. But what kept me going was... thinking that I was doing this for you. And honestly, your timeline just gave me so much space to play with new headcanons and scenarios, so thank you for that:’)) Personally I consider myself someone with a extraordinary imagination, but you, Alec, left me dumbfounded (quedé dirían en mi tierra). You are so young, and brilliant, and adorably deathly that I just want to hold you and protect you from the the bad things that happen on this world:’) 
I’d say I love you but I’m akward so I’ll just say I’m really fond of you. I think you have a lot of potentential and I hope I get to see you become a wonderful woman. Felices fiestas✨✨✨ 
Knock in the doors, lock up the city,
track him down through this town,
and be quick about it... now!
How the devil can I ever prevail when I'm only a man?
I can never be duped by that scurrilous phantom again.
Year 0, month 0
“I thought you were going to be taller.”
Ace stopped looking at the chandelier hanging over his head to look at the woman to his right. “Sorry?”
“I thought you were going to be taller,” she repeated almost yelling.
“Fuck, Honey ...”
Ace turned to his left. “What?” Honey asked. “I’m just saying, geez.”
The young man's eyes went from dark to toxic green.
“Leroy,” Ace interrupted, “your chair is ... burning.”
Leroy removed his hands from the armrest of the chair he was sitting in, cursing underneath. There were drops of a greenish liquid coming from his fingers and the wood smelled like a burnt tree. As he did his best to clean up the mess he had made with his powers, Ace turned his attention back to Honey. “Did you think it was going to be taller?”
Honey tucked one of her blonde curls behind her ear. She was wearing a white coat with rhinestone as buttons; a group of prodigies had given it to her in exchange for allowing them to join their ranks. Ace had replied that it was not necessary to pay any kind of tribute and that anyone who agreed with the values of the Anarchists, could consider themselves as such. Despite this, one of the boys insisted on giving Honey the coat, because from the moment he saw it, he thought it was “fit for a queen”. That was the moment when Ace's theory was confirmed: Honey had a weakness for compliments and gifts. She accepted the coat with a smile and even defended the boy when Leroy muttered, “Ahem, simp.”
That was also the moment when he realized that Leroy's weakness was driving Honey out of her mind.
Regardless, Ace could tell that they had some kind of… appreciation for each other. The first time he saw them use their powers was when Honey sent a cloud of wasps to a group of cops who tried to get Leroy into one of their trucks and when Leroy burned the face of a guy who had grabbed Honey from wrist strong enough to make her scream.
Those two were powerful and loyal without falling into blind fanaticism. Ace needed people like that in his ranks.
The whole world needed such people in its ranks.
“I mean, yeah,” Honey continued. “I had heard so much about Ace Anarchy that… well, I have to admit I did build up some expectations.”
Ace fixed his gaze on Honey's feet. She was wearing heels. Obviously. “Why don't you get off those stilts and say it to my face?”
Honey burst out laughing right away and Ace too. He could even see Leroy trying not to smile before crossing his arms on his chest.
The three were on the seat of the cathedral, Ace sitting on the main chair where the priest who officiated the mass sat, and Honey and Leroy on the chairs to the sides, generally reserved for the seminarians who helped during the celebration. He had taken the table out of the way with his powers and stored it in a cellar, in case it was needed again. During those last three weeks that they had been using the cathedral as a base, Ace had given some speeches there. The light coming from the windows illuminated his face and the crucifix behind him made him feel a kind of power that he could not describe. Also, the main chair was wide, tall, and shiny. It would have looked like a throne if it were covered in some golden metal...
Stop it.
“I think no one else is coming,” said Leroy. “we better get out of here. These chairs are uncomfortable.”
“Use a cushion, like me,” Honey commented, proudly displaying the small cushion she had placed on the chair to make it easier to sit.
Leroy couldn’t look more disgusted. “Why would you put your ass on the same cushion you use to sleep?”
As his allies began to argue again, Ace put his arms on the sides of the chair, focusing on the immense doors of the cathedral.
As far as they knew, Ace was waiting for recruits. It was a fairly common thing to happen. Many prodigies (like the simp and his henchmen) had been flocking to the cathedral, seeking help, acceptance, or a chance to prove themselves worthy of being within Ace's close circle. It was a bit tiring at times, but at the moment he couldn't afford to turn them away without even bothering to see what their powers were. If he knew something, it was that no power could not be taken advantage of in some way, and if that way could benefit him, the better.
But at dusk, the chances of people coming to the cathedral began to disappear, because at night the city became dangerous. Thus, Ace knew that he would not receive any new potential recruits until the next morning, and he knew that his allies need to rest and eat something.
However, he also knew that David could be the one to walk through that door at any moment.
Ace was still furious with him. He probably would be furious with him for the rest of his life. David was a condescending, deluded guy who didn't bother to think outside the box for the good of those who were like them.
But at the end of the day, that guy was his blood (whoever he liked it or not) and he wanted to make sure he was still alive.
David Artino would never miss an opportunity to exercise his authority as an older brother and scold him for the first reason that crossed his mind. He could see him hiding like a mole in some hole in the city, losing his mind to the chaos that his younger brother was slowly planting in every corner of planet Earth.
However, he could also see him being killed in the street by an angry horde who knew he was a prodigy, or by a group of policemen who mistook him for one of the hundreds of protesters that had filled the city, and although the thought made him uncomfortable, it might be best if things stayed that way.
After all, if David went out to the real world, the world that was out there right now would probably kick him to the ground, take out his eyes, and eat them before stabbing him and letting him there to die.
Yes, things should stay that way. With Ace Anarchy alive and building the world as it must have been from the start, and with the Artino brothers dead, buried in a sealed tomb from which not even their souls could escape.
He was about to stand up when someone knocked on the door. Honey’s bees, which had been quietly resting on the church pews, began to buzz like watchdogs barking at the presence of a stranger.
Alec knew those four knocks.
Honey and Leroy suddenly fell silent and settled into their chairs almost unconsciously. Ace put on his helmet and then, with a wave of his hand, he slightly opened the cathedral door.
His hair was longer than normal. He recognized the same coat he was wearing the last time he saw him, but he had changed his pajama bottoms for faded jeans. He had a mysterious blow to the head and the deepest circles under his eyes he had ever seen. That, plus that unkempt beard, made Ace even more certain that, had he seen him on the street, he probably wouldn't have recognized him.
At least until he saw his blue eyes. David had unmistakable blue eyes.
“Good evening, fellow anarchist,” Ace greeted from his seat. “How can we help you?”
David gripped the door and frowned. “Alec?”
The bees buzzed louder and Honey turned to see him. “Do you know him?”
Leroy and his toxic green eyes seemed to ask the same question.
“You don't want to mention that name here,” Ace warned, ignoring his allies. “Seriously.”
David did not reply. Not that he expected him to. “Come in,” he assured him, nodding slightly. “Us Anarchists are willing to help any prodigy. We fight for all of them. Even for those who prefer to give in to the system that oppresses us in the first place. "
His allies fell silent. Ace knew he wasn't going to be wrong about them; they were fully aware that their opinion was not necessary at that time.
David's old sneakers squeaked on the marble floor of the church. The white shoelaces were stained with dark blood. “I… I looked for you everywhere,” he muttered.
“I didn't go anywhere,” he replied. “I was always here.”
He resisted the childish urge to ask where he had been, precisely because that was it. Childish. Something that only a kid would do.
And Alec James Artino, the kid, was dead.
David reached the first step of the altar and Ace stood up. “Don’t.”
His brother stopped before taking another step. He even stepped back and put his hands to his chest, as if his heart had ached at that simple word.
You see? Weak.
“I'm not here to take you anywhere,” he assured.
Ace gave a mocking laugh. “So?”
“I'm here to join you.”
The smile faded from Ace’s face. However, he did not interpret it as a sign of weakness, because immediately, he was able to recover from the blow and remain expressionless as his brother's gaze pierced his like stakes.
Even with him there, right in front of Ace, standing in the middle of the cathedral, he knew that David didn't belong there. He was not an Anarchist like them. Something was missing. Maybe courage. Maybe it was determination.
Perhaps what he lacked was that spark of life that rage gave when it started a fire in the depths of your gut.
So why bother?
Before the question slipped from his lips, the answer came to his head and it all made sense to him.
Ace was right. The day anarchy was born, the Artino brothers had died, but there was no one alive to bury them. The ghost of David Artino had spent days searching for his only remaining family, wandering around town like a beggar.
Because deep down, he needed him more than Alec had ever needed David.
How did he explain that the little brother he was looking for was dead, and now only the man he had become remained?
He knew how to explain it, but David was stubborn. Even if Ace chose the most appropriate words for the situation, he could never make him see things the way he wanted him to. At least not if he knew Alec was dead.
He did not know that in an ideal world, the only one still alive was Ace Anarchy.
It wasn't the perfect scenario, but the perfect thing about that scenario was that David didn't need to know that just yet. Alec's ghost could come out of his grave as many times as necessary and Ace could use that to his advantage for as long as he wanted.
That would make the ghost David very happy. And if David was happy and he could take advantage of that happiness, then Ace would be happy too.
Ace removed his helmet and laid it gently on his chair. When he returned his gaze to David, his eyes were full of tears.
He also tried to cry, but couldn't. Therefore, he decided to extend his arms and allow David to stumble his way to him, giving him the strongest hug he had ever received while stroking his hair and sobbing: “I missed you so much, my little nightmare.”
Alec took Ace by the arms and placed them on David's shaking back. “I missed you too.”
But he was lying. He wondered if ghost David was lying too.
He better not.
I wasn't born to walk on water,
I wasn't born to sack and slaughter,
but on my soul, I wasn't born
to stoop, to scorn, and knuckle under.
A man can learn to steal some thunder.
A man can learn to work some wonder.
Year 4, month 7
When it all started, Ace did not like to think of himself as a leader. At least not a leader like the previous ones. God, just thinking about becoming one of those who used to rule the world before he turned things around made him feel sick.
However, over time he grew tired of explaining to each of those who arrived, full of desire to prove something (to the world, to Ace, and themselves), that he was not a leader as such. Little by little, he started to ignore those types of comments and just let himself go with the flow.
At least until David noticed his unconformity with the matter and approach him to talk about it.
It was a couple of months after he arrived. Ace was saying his prayers before going to bed when someone knocked on his door.
Four times. As always.
He quickly crossed himself and muttered, “Come in.”
David came in, holding a candle and wrapped in a robe that "the simps" had given to Leroy (it hadn't fit him, but David was so malnourished that it was like the robe had been made for him.)
Ace put on his robe too. “How can I help you?”
David fixed his gaze on the figure of the Virgin Mary that Ace had on a ledge. “Were you praying?”
“Of course,” he answered, feeling a little defensive.
David scoffed. “Wow.”
“I thought ... I thought you didn't do it anymore.”
Ace rolled his eyes and pretended to arrange the covers on his bed (they didn't need to be arranged, he was very meticulous about that matter). “How can I help you?” he repeated.
David finally took his eyes off the Virgin Mary and turned to see him.
It surprised him he still had bags under his eyes. He thought that now that he slept in a decent bed, ate decent food, and no longer had to go through the same stressful situations that he went through before, his face would start to look more youthful again.
Maybe the bags under one’s eyes were like expression or acne marks. They would always be there.
Just like experiences.
Then David started talking to him. A lot. About how he had noticed his discomfort when people called him a leader. About him believing that he shouldn't feel that way because being placed in such a position was completely expected and even natural for it to happen. (“Don't interrupt me.” “I wasn't going to.” Oh, but he was going to.) About if he really wanted things to work out, the world was going to need someone to guide it down the path of good, and David did not doubt that someone was Ace.
They spent several hours just ranting about it. There was a point where the two of them were lying on his bed, Ace covered by his red blanket and David tightly holding a pillow against his chest. The candle was getting smaller and smaller, and David had chosen to place it next to the figure of The Virgin Mary as if it had been lit for her from the beginning.
Only that there was a God who saw everything, and that God knew that the candle had not been lit for her.
Ace was staring at the wooden ceiling when David told him, “I could never be a leader.”
Obviously Ace knew that David could never be a leader, but he wanted to know why his brother thought that way.
David clung to the pillow tighter. He wasn't looking at the ceiling; he looked at Ace. Sideways, but he was looking at him. “I don’t know. I think it's just not my… personality. Even when the guys and I were out there doing the… protests and stuff, I never led any of them,” he explained. “I've always been more of a follower.”
Ace did not answer. Yet he hoped David would interpret his silence as a sign that he had agreed with him.
“But on the other hand, you... Alec, you are a leader.”
His jaw clenched when he heard his name. He had to work on it. “What makes you think that?”
“Because… seriously, why wouldn’t you be a leader?” He turned around so he could look at him and Ace felt obligated to turn to see him as well. Only that he decided not to. “People look after you. They know you are a leader and they follow you. See how much you've changed in a matter of weeks. Inadvertently, you have led people up to this point in history. No one had ever come this far. No one except you.”
Then, Ace couldn't take it anymore and turned to meet his brother's eyes. “But won't that make me like everyone else?”
“Everyone else?” asked a very confused David.
Because David never understood anything.
“Like all the other leaders,” he replied, trying not to lose patience. “Leaders who are corrupt and selfish and—“ His brother interrupted his monologue with laughter. Much to someone who had complained when he tried to cut him off in the middle of a ridiculously long explanation. “—What’s so funny?”
“I’m sorry,” David replied smiling. “It’s just… forget it.” He put a hand on his cheek and kept laughing underneath. “Alec, you’re not going to be like the other leaders.”
“And how are you so sure of that?” he asked a little louder than he wanted to.
David hardly seemed to notice. “Because you are not like that. You are not evil.” He sighed. “Now… there is the potential for evil everywhere, but the only way to combat it’s if more people choose goodness. If more people choose heroism. And you… you are one of those people. I am sure.”
And with those words, the candle extinguished, and Ace decided that it was time for both of them to go to sleep. He allowed David to stay the night. It was not like he had given any sign of wanting to go back to his room anyway. Ace spent most of the night awake, but not necessarily because his older brother's snoring kept him from sleeping.
What kept him from sleeping was thinking that maybe... maybe he was right. Maybe Ace did have to start taking the role of leader. After all, human beings were like that. They were always looking for someone to follow, someone they could cling to that would protect them in some way or another. That someone could be the parents. Older brothers. God himself.
But sometimes that someone was not looking for what was best for them. For example, Ace and David's parents never made the slightest effort to hide how much they hated their children. He was still a kid when his brother took him by the hand, put a coat on him, and told his parents that they were going out to the park. Ace didn't want to go to the park; he wanted to stay home to play with his wooden cubes, but David told him that if he went to the park with him, he would give him a surprise on the way home.
However, they passed the park and David went to a clothing and suitcase store that was near the dock where various boats full of tourists departed. On his way out, he bought his younger brother a lollipop and two one-way tickets to Gatlon City.
They never looked for them. Although if they had, he doubted they would have found them.
For a long time, Ace didn't fully understand what had happened. He just knew that he was never going to see his parents again. Regardless, it was not a thought that haunted him. After all, he hated his parents. And he didn't feel bad about it. Ace had David. David would never hurt him in any way.
At least that's how it was until he grew up. He grew up and realized that David had lied and stolen to get them out of Italy. That wasn't necessarily a bad thing; they would never have survived in Italy anyway. The bad thing was when David lied to him and robbed him for his own benefit. He lied to him about Gatlon's hate towards prodigies and he stole money from his savings when what he earned wasn't enough to pay the monthly rent on his apartment.
And then… there was God.
God existed. Clearly. It was one of the few things Ace didn't feel like he needed proof for. However… God hadn't always been there for him. God had been used as a weapon for hundreds of years to attack prodigies like Ace...
Yes, God was not going to save him. He wasn't going to save any of the millions and millions of prodigies that were counting on Ace Anarchy. God was not a hero.
But Ace could be.
So from that day on, Ace began to be the head in practically all the operations that the Anarchists carried out. Nothing happened without him finding out and approving it first. He recorded numerous videos and wrote dozens of speeches that they would use to spread his word around the world. Prodigies from all countries began to rise against their respective governments, and although some of them gave them what they wanted, the vast majority made the mistake of underestimating them and denying their more than reasonable requests.
Because, well, Ace didn't find anything outrageous about a bunch of people asking their governments to recognize their basic human rights.
Sometimes the prodigies of those places could take down their governments by themselves. However, on a couple of occasions, Ace had to travel to those places to give them a hand. They weren't too far away, so Ace could use his powers to transport himself there, and he still had enough strength left to turn the helicopters and tanks that they sent to try to finish him into unusable pieces of metal. There wasn’t a single place where he had not succeeded, and there was not a single place where people did not make him a symbol and call him a hero.
Not even a single one.
That was why he did not understand people who wanted to leave the trenches.
The first time people from the cathedral had explicitly told him that they wanted to resign were the Benitez twins, Fénix and Tritón. He was a water elemental and she was a fire elemental, who had fought alongside Ace and hundreds of other prodigies like him when they took over the government palace of their country and liberated the population. They were young but strong, like most of those who joined the cause. They spent a year and six months helping on missions that Ace, Honey, or even Leroy assigned them, and never received anything other than good comments from their superiors...
“Then why do you want to leave?” Honey asked them.
She, Leroy, the twins, and he were in what had been the bishop's office after he summoned them all to a meeting where they would assess the situation. Not because he felt a special affection for them; they weren't too different from the other people Ace had in charge of. He just wanted to know why and approve the situation.
Like he always did.
Tritón smiled charmingly at Honey. He and his twin sister had the same curly black hair, but she never smiled. “As we said before… it's nothing personal,” he replied. “Fénix and I were never mistreated here, but... we want to find our own way in life.”
Honey and Leroy turned to see each other. Leroy looked quite indifferent to the situation as if he wished to be in his lab, looking for new ways to finish burning his eyebrows, while Honey seemed quite suspicious regarding the true intentions behind Tritón's words and Fénix's deadly silence.
Ace stood up and looked out the window.
“Are you going back to Mexico?”
“Yes. But not to the same place we came from.”
“And how are you going to—“
“Stop overwhelming them with so many questions, my Queen,” Ace interrupted while turning around. “They are old enough to make their own decisions.”
Tritón sighed in relief, and Fénix didn't even look up to see him. “They had already packed their things, apparently,” and he pointed to the backpacks they were carrying. The same ones with which they had arrived at the cathedral.
“Yes, it's just… we didn't want to make a big fuss about our departure,” Tritón replied. “We want it to be respectful and press-free, please.”
That comment managed to make him smile slightly. “I see no reason to keep you as prisoners,” he said, addressing Honey and Leroy. “If they want to leave, they can.”
Leroy raised his only remaining eyebrow. “Can they?”
“They can,” he repeated. He turned slightly to continue staring out the window. It was a lovely day out there. “Wanting to look for something more than what we are capable of offering is a valid reason to leave.”
“Not that we’re filling like something’s missing here,” Tritón said. “On the contrary, we have never been more… blessed. We promise that we will always keep in mind all the things the Anarchist taught us. We will be on your side even if it is from a distance.”
Now it was Honey's turn to raise an eyebrow. “I don't know, this is too—“
“Excuse me, Queen Bee,” Tritón interrupted, “but ... we're in a bit of a rush.”
“An ally has promised to take us to the border in his truck,” Fénix said, speaking for the first time during the entire conversation. “He's going to pick us up in an hour and it's a long way to the meeting point.
Ace looked through the window to find David welcoming some of the prodigies who had come out to find more supplies for the cathedral. He pointed out where they were being kept and offered to help them carry some boxes up the stairs.
Ace had to go to check on that.
“Take care of yourselves, Tritón and Fénix,” Ace said, heading for the exit. “Thank you very much for your loyalty. Let me show you the door.”
The twins looked at each other, immediately nodding slowly and leaving the room, walking in front of Ace, shoulder to shoulder, and muttering something. As they walked down the stairs, Ace was too busy thinking about the new shipment that had arrived to care about their conversation, until he tried to overhear them and realized they were speaking in Spanish.
They never spoke Spanish. Not in the cathedral. No one could have understood them if they did. What was the point of hiding something?
Unless they are hiding something.
He turned his attention back to the backpacks they carried. Yes, they were the same ones that they had brought the first day they arrived, but now they seemed fuller than before. And when Ace said fuller, he meant it. Those backpacks were about to explode.
He stopped at the bottom of the stairs. The twins kept walking as if they hadn't realized that Ace was no longer with them. Honey and Leroy caught up with him, while Honey was saying something about this situation making her babies (the bees) very nervous, and she knew that was a bad sign. Leroy replied that those "babies" should take a Xanax, but he didn't sound too convinced of his words either.
Fénix took his brother's hand and Tritón looked back, making contact with Ace's dark eyes.
The backpacks. The backpacks were too full.
Ace used his powers to rip them off their shoulders, at the same time he grabbed them from the collars of their clothes and lifted them like a mother lioness would have carried her cubs. The two cried out in shock but fell silent when they came face to face with Ace.
Neither of them said anything. Not even Tritón. They only held on tighter by the hand as Ace opened their backpacks, dropped their contents on the floor, and revealed that they were carrying, along with their personal belongings, tons of food and hygiene items taken directly from the cathedral warehouse.
The warehouse that David was supposed to watch.
“My bracelet!” Honey exclaimed. “That... bitch was taking my bracelet!”
A group of bees returned the bracelet to her queen. Honey thanked them in a low voice and immediately, her face was completely changed by her anger. “How dare you?” she asked Fénix putting a finger on her chest. “How dare you disrespect me like that ?! Is that how you were going to pay the man who was going to take you to the border!?” But Fénix didn’t say anything. Again. “Answer me!”
“More like how dare you!” Fénix suddenly yelled. Honey took a step back from shock. “How dare you take everything from people who have nothing!”
“Fénix... por favor...” Tritón whispered.
“Shut the fuck up, Diego!” she yelled at his brother. “Tell me, Harper! How do you sleep at night?” she kept asking. “How do you sleep at night knowing that you have helped destroy the world as we know it? How can you reason that what you’re doing is right?!”
“Eleonor! Eleonor, por favor!”
Fénix started to try to free herself from Ace's grip, but that only made Ace cling tighter to the collar of her blouse. “How dare you even think you’re the good guys?”
Then, she looked him dead in the eye and spat, “How dare you call yourself a hero, Alec Artino?”
Ace thought hearing his name was going to make him lose his mind. Yet some way or another, his face remained expressionless. Even when Honey slapped the shit out of Fénix and the bees began to fly around her, stinging every bit of skin that wasn’t covered by her clothes. He also remained expressionless when he heard Tritón yell at Honey to leave her sister alone, calling her a "pinche vieja bruja" in the process, or when Leroy (who didn't understand anything, but knew it wasn't a compliment) held both of his wrists to prevent it from forming a wave of water that would drown all the bees instantly. It did not cause him anything at all to hear the poison melting Tritón's skin, making him cry in pain, or Fénix yelling and cursing.
And he didn’t even flinch when he broke Tritón's neck. Or when he left Fénix alive just the exact amount of time for her to process what her actions had caused to the only family she had left before breaking her neck too.
Ace dropped what was left of the Benitez twins. The bees moved away from the body and returned to Honey as if they were children hiding in their mother's skirts after having been lost for hours in the market, and Leroy let go of Tritón’s wrists without saying a word. Ace looked around and realized that a big amount of people had watched the entire scene from a distance.
One of those people had been David.
At that moment, Honey's bracelet fell off her hands. Ace picked it up with his powers and Honey whispered, "Thanks, Acey". She tried to put it on, but her hands were shaking so much that Leroy reached out (reluctantly) to help her adjust the clasp.
She didn't take her eyes off the corpses. “Someone come pick them up,” Leroy ordered.
Ace pointed to the first group of people he encountered. “You,” he barked. The trio of anarchists trembled slightly. “You’ve heard Cyanide. Clean up this mess.”
He turned to tell Leroy and Honey to go with him to the office, but they had already made their way to Honey's quarters, while she was babbling about something insignificant and a cloud of agitated bees followed them. David was also not where he had last seen him, but found him turning his back on him and putting the supply crates in the warehouse.
The warehouse that was his responsibility. The warehouse that the Benitez twins had managed to steal from it without anyone noticing.
David couldn’t stay there. He would have to get him a new position, the sooner the better.
Being a hero was not doing things that everyone considered right. Being a hero was to be a revolutionary, one who was willing to make sacrifices to protect the people who were on his side. Especially when those sacrifices meant the death of traitors who only sought their own benefit, completely forgetting the rest of them.
To protect the people who were on his side. Not the enemy. Never the common good.
The common good was not something Ace believed in, because that would mean looking after his oppressors, and they had never looked after prodigies at any point in human history.
Why start doing it now that the tables have turned?
Perhaps those thoughts made him more than just a revolutionary. Ace was probably a visionary.
But did those thoughts make him a villain too?
And soon the moon will smolder,
and the winds will drive.
Yes, a man grows older, but his soul remains alive.
All those tremulous stars will glitter,
and I will survive!
Year 10, month 11
For a lot of people, the answer was yes.
Being a visionary was the same as being a villain.
No one had ever said that to his face, but Ace knew it was what they were thinking. He saw it on the journalist’s faces, who came from time to time to the cathedral to report the latest advances in some important mission or some notable event. He felt it in the air of the cathedral, where some of his allies bent down every time they saw him as if they were not worthy to look him in the eye. He felt it every time he looked at his brother's expressionless eyes, working in the basement that served as a workshop where he created weapons for the Anarchists.
However, none of those silent reproaches mattered to him. Ace knew what he was doing was the right thing. Even if that made him not fit into the perfect image society had in its head of what a hero should be.
Ace had learned that there were no heroes or villains. Not like everyone thought.
The world would one day understand it as well as he did. But in the meanwhile, he had to sit down and observe that embarrassing spectacle.
They had managed to fix the TV that was at the former’s bishop's office. The only channels that were still actually broadcasting anything, besides the same old shows over and over again, were the news channels. But then he decided to do it just when it was absolutely necessary, for example, when they lied or got too close to a truth the public didn't need to know.
After all, freedom of speech was a human right.
Leroy was sat on the comfy chair Honey always sat on when they were in Ace's office. David offered Honey his chair and she said that she expected no less from someone as chivalrous as him (“Definitely some men should start taking your example”), but then added he shouldn’t worry about it, Ace was surely going to allow her to sit on his desk. Ace didn't see why not. She even brought her pillow with her. She put it over the desk, at the exact place she was going to sit on, and had her eyes fixated on the TV like she were a little girl watching colorful cartoons.
They were broadcasting from the West Zone of the city. An Anarchist truck was on fire in the background of the image. The trio of prodigies that Ace himself had sent to exchange some weapons for medicines with the usual gangs they always trade with, were tied with a chrome chain as if they were animals. The sky was still blue, but the evening light made the clouds turn orange and illuminated the faces of the two figures standing at the base that held the statue of a man with a copper-colored helmet.
Ace had never seen that monument as an ode to himself. He didn’t even know it was there until David told him about it, after going out to the city to visit that girlfriend of his. It seemed that some prodigies had come together and built it on their own. They hadn't left a signature or a way to prove who were they, but they did leave a golden plaque that read: "Long live to anarchy".
To anarchy. Not him. He was just the face they had given it.
He thought that everyone would think the same, but apparently, that pair didn't see it that way.
Because again, apparently, that pair shared a single brain cell.
One of them had brown skin and his cape flapped in the wind. His entire body looked slightly translucent, probably due to the nervousness that caused him to have that many people looking at him. Ace had met enough prodigies to identify when their powers gave away their mood. However, most of the general public would not be able to know exactly what he was feeling, because a black mask covered most of his facial features and he was not saying a single word.
He was terrified.
Poor little thing… sure.
The other was blond and his eyes were full of courage. The more words that came out of his mouth, the more his cheeks turn red and the tighter he clenched his fists. He was also wearing a mask, but even someone less observant than Ace could tell exactly what he was feeling.
“…and now this!” he yelled at the crowd. “Now this statue! A statue in the middle of the city, as if having experienced firsthand all the misfortunes that his anarchist reign has brought to our lives has not been enough, now he wants to constantly remind us that he won. He won—” His voice cracked, and he tried to hide it by coughing. Honey burst out laughing. “—and he will keep winning until someone stops him!”
The boy in the cape put his hand on the monument. “You know what this reminds me of? It reminds me of loss.” He became invisible and within seconds, he was sitting on the statue's outstretched arm. “Because Ace Anarchy has taken away from us so many things—” He jumped off and fell gracefully onto the base again “—that he took our fear with him.”
“That’s why we are here,” the other continued. “We are fed up with Ace Anarchy and his government, and I'm sure you are too.” He took a deep breath and smiled at the nearest camera. “But we don't blame you if you still don't understand. There is nothing wrong with being paralyzed with fear. That is what Ace Anarchy has wanted us to do during these ten years that he has been in power. The good news is that there is a cure for fear, and that cure is hope.”
A young, dark-skinned reporter pushed her way through the crowd. Her microphone had a number five printed on it, and Ace recognized the channel immediately.
He had killed one of its journalists after she refused to stop digging graves. He had to do it; if she dug too much, she would surely have found Alec Artino's body.
After all, freedom of speech was a human right. Messing up with the dead was just a quicker way for you to end up like them.
“Georgia Rawles, for Channel Five,” the reporter said with a heavy breath. “I think we're all asking ourselves the same question about—” She tried to search for the correct words, but the time was running out and she couldn’t find it, so she sighed and just blurted out, “Who are you?”
Leroy rolled his eyes. “More reporters like her, please...” he mumbled sarcastically.
She handed the microphone to the one with the cape. For a few seconds, he was almost completely invisible, but the insistence of the reporter Rawles brought him back to reality and his voice did not tremble as his legs did when he said: “We are that hope.”
The other boy tapped Georgia Rawles’ shoulder and she swiftly passed him the microphone.
He never stopped smiling. “We are the Renegades.”
Georgia Rawles drew back slightly. He couldn’t tell whether her expression was one of horror or joy because right after replying, the boy smashed the monument to anarchy with a single blow and turned it into pieces.
They both jumped from the base before the monument could crash them. Dread Warden and Captain Chromium ran towards the city, without any reporter bothering to follow them.
Ace turned off the television with his powers, and for about five seconds, neither of them spoke.
“They're not good at picking aliases,” Honey spat out of nowhere.
“So that’s the problem you have with this?” Leroy blurted out.
“Dread Warden… that has nothing to do with his powers,” Honey explained as if she were explaining to a five-year-old why the sky is blue. “And Captain Chromium is too… cheesy to be a real alias. Are we sure they were serious when they gave their names to the reporters from the first channel that arrived on the scene?” She cleared her throat and said (trying so hard to imitate the voice of a teenage boy whose voice hadn’t change yet), “He won,” before burst out laughing again.
“How mature of you…” David muttered.
“Do you have something to say, brother?” Ace asked.
For a second, he thought that David would not answer him, as he had been doing lately whenever he asked him that question. However, this time he did not remain silent and turned to see him. Not in the eyes, of course. “Actually, I do.”
Ace leaned back in his chair. “Go ahead then.”
“I don't think we should take this lightly.”
Honey scoffed. “Who says we are taking this lightly? The invisible twink and his lesbian boyfriend hate us, so what? They’re not the first ones, like… get in line, girl.”
“Well, you don’t seem too worried about the whole situation, to be honest.”
“It's because Honey doesn't shut up about the names thing, right?” Leroy asked in a slightly teasing tone.
“It's just my marketing major talking,” Honey said, slightly kicking him, barefoot. “I know about branding and stuff.”
“You dropped out.”
She put on her left heel and kicked Leroy. “You too!”
David massaged his temple. Ace turned around in his rotating chair and looked out the window. The sky had turned the same color as the clouds.
“Alec,” David called him. “It seems like… they—the Renegades think of themselves as heroes, and… they see you as the villain. I don't know, they could be a real threat, you shouldn't ignore them.”
Ace really wanted to tell David to just go back to his workshop. What did he know? They were just a couple of children who had destroyed a monument, who hadn't even been able to reveal their true identities and hid the entire time behind their masks, like criminals.
They were not a real threat.
But then, the seventeen-year-old Ace Anarchy appeared on the other side of the window, challenging him to finish that sentence inside his head. The seventeen-year-old Ace Anarchy who had dismantled entire governments and liberated millions of prodigies simply by wearing that helmet and its powers.
And when Ace blinked again, it was no longer the dark eyes of his old self that were staring at him from the glass, but the gray eyes of Captain Chromium, with that smug and arrogant smile, that he used to charm the cameras moments ago, passing his fingers through his hair as if his life depended on it.
Ace couldn’t look away from him.
He resembled Ace, but it was not enough. The old Ace didn't smile at his oppressors and he didn't have an unhealthy obsession with his hair either. He did not seek to protect people to win their affection, because he didn’t care if people like him or not, he knew he was doing the right thing.
The old Ace was not a kid playing to be a superhero, because superheroes didn't exist in the first place.
When he blinked, none of them were there anymore. Just his present self.
He smiled at himself to regain confidence.
Ace had learned that there were no heroes or villains. Captain Chromium was going to have to learn it too, and soon. Ace was willing to be the one to teach him that lesson.
And he would, whether he liked it or not.
There was a dream, a dying ember.
There was a dream, I don't remember,
but I will resurrect that dream,
though rivers stream and hills grow steeper.
For here in hell where life gets cheaper.
Oh, here in hell the blood runs deeper!
And when the final duel is near, I'll lift my spear and fly!
Year 20, month 5
The main difference between Ace and his brother was that David always fled at the first sign of danger. Always.
When the boys at his school began to suspect that he was a prodigy, David skipped school for weeks, getting his clothes dirty enough to make it look like he had spent breaks running after a ball along with his bullies. When his mother slapped him with the hot metal spoon, yelling he would not eat dinner that night, they both hid in the closet of his room, while David hugged him tightly and sobbed, telling him he rather be dead. When his father came home from work a few hours later and almost killed him, David took them both out of that house and out of Italy.
He said it was because he knew that the next beating would be the last and that when he was gone, Mr. Artino was going to focus all his anger on Alec, who would end up having the same fate as David. He didn't want that for his little nightmare.
What he didn't count on was that if Ace had been in his place, he would have turned around and slammed the bullies into the concrete wall of the school. He would have endured hunger and weariness with dignity and would have killed his father before he could touch a single one of his hairs. Ace wouldn't have turned his back on his problems. Ace would have fought for himself, just as for twenty years he had been fighting for all prodigies.
And now this.
He always knew that David didn't have what it took to be an anarchist. He was too deep in his own thoughts to even make an effort to listen to him. Ace had decided not to bother to explain to him the whole situation because there was no force on Earth able to change his mind anyway, and he had much more important things to worry about.
They were both sitting in the tiny white dining room in the apartment where he, Tala, and the girls lived. Ace had arrived unexpectedly so she had put more water to boil because the one they had put in for breakfast had cooled down. She apologized for the inconvenience, but he assured her that there was no problem, she could take all the time she needed. David had a cup of cold tea in his hands. He had never lost that disgusting habit of biting his nails.
No, David was not an anarchist. But Ace never thought he was a traitor.
Not until now.
The kettle began to boil at the same time the baby cried from the other room.
Tala turned off the stove and Ace could tell she was debating between pouring his tea or going to see what was going on.
“Don't worry,” Ace said walking towards her, “I'll serve it, you go take care of your daughter. Would you like me to make one for you too? "
He knew he intimidated people, but Tala took it to another level. She looked at her feet the whole time, her hands were shaking and she didn’t even answer the question before running into the next room, where Nova was complaining about her little sister's cries.
Ace took another splintered mug from the cupboard. With his powers, of course. The place looked clean (they probably spent a lot of time cleaning for lack of other hobbies), but he didn't trust them. “I've always said it: Tala is a lovely woman,” he said.
David didn't even flinch.
He had never been good at hiding his feelings.
“How does she like her tea?”
He put his hands behind his back and opened the jar where they kept the chamomile tea. “How does Tala like tea?” he asked again.
David finally came back to reality. “Oh… three of sugar. She likes to add three spoons of sugar.”
Ace tried his best not to roll his eyes. I see this wife of yours wants to give herself cavities.
By the time the tea was served, the baby had stopped crying and Tala left the room again, with Nova following her. “Uncle Alec!”
David and Tala turned to see her with a single exclamation on their lips.
But they didn't say anything. It was too late. Nova was already hugging his legs and Ace was stroking her strands of poorly cut hair. “Good morning, Nova, how are you?”
“Terrible,” Nova replied in all honesty. “Evie has been si—“
“Tala, Alec made you some tea,” David interrupted suddenly.
“Oh, that’s true.” He levitated the cup towards her and couldn't help but smile when he saw her recoil as the cup approached her, wondering if this was how she would see the barrel of a pistol approaching her forehead. “With three tablespoons of sugar. Just the way you like it.”
For the first time, Tala looked at him. “I don't like my tea with sugar,” she said in a calm voice. She shot David a stern look. “I thought we have talked about it.”
David looked so... small and weak. “I forgot about it. I'm sorry.”
But that "I'm sorry" didn't sound at all like the "I'm sorry" someone says when the only wrong they've done is forgetting how their wife prepares her tea.
It was the "sorry" of a traitor.
It was the "sorry" that Ace was waiting to receive.
Then he held out the other cup. “I apologize, that was my mistake. Take this cup then. I don't like to add sugar to my tea either.”
Tala accepted the cup. She took a sip and Ace recognized that micro-expression of disgust as she felt the hot chamomile water touch her palate.
It didn't surprise him that she had lied to him. That whole family was full of liars.
Nova turned to see her dad, laughing as only a child could laugh. “Oh, silly papà…” she said, hiding her head in his uncle's neck.
David smiled almost imperceptibly and raised his arms slightly so that Nova could run into them.
It reminded him a lot of when he wanted Alec to run into his arms.
But, like Alec, Nova didn't go to him. She liked being in her uncle's arms. “Oh, silly papà” Ace repeated. “Silly, silly papà...”
And the imperceptible smile disappeared completely.
“What were you saying, Nova?” he asked. "Moments ago. Are you having a terrible day? "
Nova knew immediately what he was talking about. She wasn't too busy drowning in the bitter taste of her lies. “It's just that Evie hasn't stopped crying for days,” she exclaimed with a face of pure exasperation. “We have given her everything, but nothing calms her down, and I always have to—”
“Alec, I have to tell you something.”
David had stood up and his fists were clenched on the splintered table. His knuckles had turned white and his bushy eyebrows betrayed the real nervousness behind all that facade of sternness.
He was so pleased by the image that he didn't even comment on how inappropriate it was to interrupt a woman when she was giving her point of view on something, or when Tala took advantage of this seemingly distracting moment to snatch Nova from his arms.
That was the moment. David was going to ask for forgiveness. He was going to break as he had broken that night when they were hidden inside the closet and just as he had begged his abusive father before he smashed his head against the nightstand. He would tell him that he regretted betraying him and that from now on, he would agree with him on everything. He would accept that he had never been anything but a coward who escaped trouble at the first opportunity and would run into Ace’s arms one more time.
That was the time for David to choose Ace as the god to whom he would pray for mercy.
That was the moment.
But of course, it would have been too dangerous. Therefore, he was not at all surprised, when he looked down at his teacup again and blurted out, “Evelyn has been very ill, and… we have run out of options. You know I wouldn't bother you with this if it wasn't important, but I wanted to know if… you know.”
“If I could get some medicine for Evelyn?”
David nodded energetically. “That's right.”
Ace pretended to stop to think about it. He wanted to see the desperation in his eyes and wanted him to suffer at the thought that he might never get the much-needed medicine for his little daughter.
He wanted David to suffer in every possible way he could, and when he thought it was going to break, Ace replied, “I think I have a contact that could help us with it.”
“When will you—”
“And with that medicine, Evie is finally going to stop crying?”
Now it was Nova's turn to interrupt him. If he weren't so blinded by the pain he wanted to inflict on his brother, he probably would have had found the act of Nova being the one interrupting her father delightful.
Tala tried to hide Nova with her arms when Ace approached them, but it was useless because he used his powers to gently pull Nova towards him, making her laugh out loud at the feeling that the levitation caused in her entire body. “I assure you, Nova, that with that medicine Evie will stop crying,” he replied, brushing a lock of hair from her face. “But in the meantime, you have to help your mom and papà, and keep doing what you say you do to calm her down. Now… how do you calm down your little sister?”
“I put her to sleep.”
David threw down a chair and ran over to Nova. Ace felt like she had been snatched from his arms again.
Having the two of them there, side by side, made him more aware of how similar they looked. Although Nova had always been a perfect mix of her two parents, Ace was much of the idea that one could know a lot about a person by looking into their eyes.
Nova had the same eyes as her father, but without the golden details that gave away the stardust that David was able to manipulate since birth.
The fact that their eyes were very similar but not identical could mean a lot of things. Perhaps it was that Nova had the worst quality of her mother and the only prodigious thing inside her was the half of the blood that ran through her veins. It would be a shame. The world did not need the oppressors to continue to reproduce with the oppressed and to gradually extinguish the spark with their inferior genes each prodigy had. It was only one of the thousand ways in which they were slowly annihilating them.
However, it could also mean that Nova was not like David, but not in the sense of being or not being a prodigy. Maybe those golden sparks were actually that her brother's soul had been born rusty and that was what would never allow him to see the world as Ace did. Instead, Nova did her name justice and could symbolize a new beginning for them, much like the supernova that granted them their powers had been.
For a second, she saw Nova not as a child, but as raw and pure potential.
Did he know? Was David aware of how precious was what his rough hands were holding?
“She sings her to sleep,” he explained hastily. “Nova loves spending time with her little sister, and she loves carrying her. Whenever she cries she insists that we let her hold her and that always calms her down. It is like—”
David hesitated. “Yes… magic.”
Nova played with the collar of her dad's shirt, thinking about God knows what, until something made click inside her brain. “Uncle Ace!”
“Yes, Nova?”
She opened her mouth to speak, but David silenced her with a severe look.
Ace offered Tala his help with washing the dishes before leaving. He assured them that he would be back as soon as possible and asked Nova to kiss little Evie goodnight for him. He gave Tala a quick (and unrequited) kiss on the cheek and a handshake to David.
The same hands that could have defended themselves from the abusers, that could have stopped the burning spoon before it slapped him, and those that could have wrapped around their father's neck before blood stained the old carpet in the room.
He decided that there would be no survivors. Not even the ghost of David.
David always ran from danger, but now he was the danger that could destroy what it took Ace years to build. Ace wasn't running from him. Ace noticed it, faced it, and defeated it.
Because, in the end, Ace Anarchy was the real danger.
Piercing into the sky and higher, 
and the strong will thrive.
Yes, the weak will cower while the fittest will survive
If we wait for the darkest hour,
'till we spring alive...
He had already been to the dome of the cathedral on other occasions. The first time he had done it, it was dark. The entire city was in lockdown and there was not a single light because Ace had managed to uproot the building that provided basic service to all the city. Then, he thought that maybe, just maybe, that night the sky would be so clear that he would be able to see the stars. And what better place for stargazing than the dome of the cathedral.
He was right. He could see every last star. Their light was not like the light posts in the parks or the lamps in his old room. Their light was energy, it was strength, and it was sheer power.
They were so present in the sky and seemed so close to his fingertips that he felt one of them himself. But he did not believe that his energy, his strength, and his power was similar to that of any of those stars; it would be like reducing himself to being something that he was not, so he could fit into a mold that he did not to fit in and please people who did not appreciate him.
And like that, under the stars and on the dome of that cathedral, the birth of anarchy was announced with the explosion of a supernova.
Ace Anarchy was a supernova. Ace Anarchy was born on that dome.
Now he wondered if he was going to die there too.
Hugh Everhart was in front of him. He didn't move a single muscle and he didn't make a single face, not even when Ace spat his name like it was a blasphemy. With one hand he held his spear and with the other, he clung to the piece of cloth that passed through his chest and that held a baby dozing on his back. He took a step forward, and Ace imitated him, too blinded by adrenaline to even think that this image was too good to be true and that Hugh Everhart would never give himself up like this, on a silver platter, and without his allies by his side, unless he didn't plan on giving himself up in the first place.
It was the worst mistake he could have made. And he didn't even notice it until he began to feel… that.
It was as if he was being absorbed. Someone ran their hands from his head to the tips of his toes, causing the feeling of lightness with which he had lived for so long to gradually fade away. The cars he launched, the walls, and the corpses he used as weapons against the friends and relatives of the dead were growing heavier and Ace had never carried the weight of the world on his shoulders. At least not that way.
Never like this.
The fire inside him was getting smaller, and smaller, and the only thing that seemed to remain was a single spark.
Ace stepped back, but Hugh Everhart kept on walking towards him.
There came a time when there was no more dome Ace could stand on and he fell to his knees.
For that thousandth of a second, he felt the presence of Tala and the baby behind him, looking at him with a deadpan expression. David's ghost, made of the same stardust that his fingers could manipulate, laid his hand on his shoulder and a tear, bright and white, fell on the fabric of his trench coat.
It was a pure tear, waiting to be paid for with another tear that was just as pure as the first one. But Ace had long since lost the ability to cry.
Hugh Everhart pulled the helmet off his head with such force that he backed away a couple of meters. The air swiped away the ghosts of his brother, his wife, and daughter, leaving only Alec Artino, with his knobby knees and messy hair, looking at him as the lost child in the middle of the battlefield that he was.
He ran towards him and wrapped his thin and fragile arms around him telling him that perhaps it was time to accept his own humanity.
Because… what is Ace Anarchy without his helmet?
His enemy readied his spear and Ace turned to see the boy asking the question, who was looking at him as if his mere presence was the answer.
What was Ace Anarchy without his helmet? Was he that weak child, with a stuffy nose and restless hands? Was he the man he saw in the reflection of his eyes, with a sloppy beard and deep dark circles?
Was he the ghost he would soon become?
Alec held Ace by the cheeks, with those bony little hands that were always cold, no matter how many gloves he wore or how many times David wrapped his around them and rubbed them to keep them warm.
And then he asked him, “How do you kill a god?”
The answer was what brought him back to reality and the one that made him realize, that it had only been a couple of seconds from the moment he fell to his knees and now that he was standing up, Alec’s ghost fading for the last time.
Because David and Alec Artino should have died completely since day one. In a perfect world, the only one alive was Ace Anarchy.
Someday, that vision of a perfect world would become real, and neither Alec nor David would be there to intervene.
The only thing that remained inside of him was a spark, but even a single spark could start the biggest of fires.
How do you kill a god?
How do you kill Ace Anarchy?
Oh, my little nightmare.
You don’t.
And with that, he spread his arms and leaped straight into the flames.
...then with claws of fire, we devour like a falcon in the dive!
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ghostsandmirrors · 3 years
in which i talk about Bucky, Bam, and family. under read more due to length.
Bucky, Bam, Family, and How Their Queerness Merged With Societal Expectations and/or Their Own Mental Illnesses to Create Two People Who Have or Have Had Very Complicated Feelings About ‘Family’
a rambling essay by Crow because I have many feelings about these two motherfuckers and they have related but not identical issues so efficient headcanoning! 2 for 1!
Bucky James Buchanan Barnes has never had a specific image of ‘family’ and what it means in his mind. Partly this was due to Steve and the way that their parents adopted the other’s son. The nuclear family doesn’t make sense when your mother figure lives in a different house.
Partly, this was due to his mother dying during his childhood, leaving him in a single parent family. The nuclear family also doesn’t make sense when your father has to deal with multiple children, leaving you, the oldest, as a secondary parent for when he’s at work.
And partly, mostly, this was due to himself. He knew since childhood that he liked boys. He liked Steve, he liked that kid in church, he liked that football player, that actor, that guy two years above in school. He liked boys. He also liked girls, but he liked boys. There was no big awakening moment, he just noticed one day that he didn’t have a preference and shrugged it off; he was young enough that he didn’t really think much of it.
As he got older, it became more clear that this would be a problem. Initially, who cared? It was the 1920s and gay culture was everywhere. Drag bars existed. Lesbians openly owned establishments that the unexpectedly attractive dock workers would go to. Little Bucky saw other gays on his street. His dad was friends with a guy and his ‘roommate’. (Oh my god, they were roommates)
The 30s brought with it the Depression and the death of openly gay culture in New York City as they were blamed for the depression and trying to break up straight families with their wicked ways. Teenage Bucky didn’t have the same glance at his community that his childhood version had. He still knew those roommates, but everyone else was gone. As far as he knew. It’d take him a good few years to find out that they weren’t gone, he just didn’t know what to look for.
Because he was into guys, the image of ‘family’ as being man, wife, children, white picket fence, maybe a dog didn’t match up. He knew enough to know that two men couldn’t have children. It was early enough that gay marriage wasn’t going to happen any time soon. The dog was about the only bit within reach. He decided he was fine with that. Good reputations only lasted so long, and he wasn’t planning to stay in the same place all his life.
That’s when the idea of ‘family’ became more complicated. He’d decided that he didn’t want kids. They were great, and he’d be a great uncle, but the hetero life wasn’t for him. It got even more complicated when America got involved in the war and he was drafted. He didn’t want in. He wanted that boyfriend, that cute house, that dog, that white picket fence. He didn’t get that. The idea of surviving the war at all seemed like an unreachable goal, but a goal he strived for regardless. Survive. Fuck ‘family’. Fuck the ideology of that white picket fence. He wasn’t hopeful about even getting the rest of his life. Even still, siblings needed letters and he kept it light.
‘Family’ didn’t have an achieveable idea or image with it, or not one he could achieve. ‘Siblings’ did. Those sisters who would call him ‘Jimmy’ because they knew he hated it. The ones whose letters always ended with, ‘miss you, brother.’ Those existed. ‘Family’ was for men who liked women and women who liked men.
What most would call ‘family’ was ‘home’ in his mind; the people he cared about, the warmth they brought, wasn’t a relation but a place. A sign of comfort and safety. It was something he thought about a lot, because gay men couldn’t have a family with marriage and kids, but gay men could have a home. Gay men could have ‘roommates’. His siblings? Home. Steve? Home. That future dog (that he still hasn’t got)? Home. 
The 1930s had a lot to answer for, and one of them was his absolute belief that he couldn’t have that ‘family’ that people spoke so highly of.
So imagine his pure confusion, so many decades later, when he’s talking to Natasha amid the heat of Wakanda and she mentions that the Avengers are her family and he has to confront those feelings. Those realisations that he had when he was so much younger and so much more inexperienced. Along with a couple of new ones, because his ‘home’ was now unreachable. Steve on the run, sisters dead, and there was no chance of that dog being a thing now.
Aka, the war tore ‘family’ and ‘home’ away from this man. Someone help him.
Bam Bam’s story is a lot shorter and a lot less... traumatic?
Bam’s idea of family is the same as Natasha’s; you make it, you aren’t born into it. It’s why his family includes his roommate’s cat. However, he still has complicated feelings about family as it’s meant to be; mother, father, two (cis) kids, a dog. His supposed father wasn’t the cause of this, though he certainly didn’t help. By the time Bam was growing up, divorce and separation were common enough that sometimes family meant one parent and one asshole who moved away and tried to marry someone ten years younger than him.
See, Bam isn’t out to his family. They know he’s gay. He’s been gay long enough and loud enough that they didn’t even need to ask. He announced it over breakfast one morning, that his friend was kinda cute. His brother just shrugged and his mother carried on with her crossword, because god damnit Bam, stop yelling this early. It took her the rest of the day to realise, and she told him that if he wanted to date his friend, she’d be happy... mostly because it meant that his friend already knew what he was like. It didn’t occur to him until three days later that he’d come out over breakfast and she basically shrugged it off.
A lot of things about his childhood were seen in a different light as soon as he realised that she’d probably put pieces together and decided ‘yeah, that fits.’
At that point, biological family meant ‘support’ from his mother and ‘complete indifference’ from his younger brother. These were both positives; ‘complete indifference’ was his brother’s default attitude.
Later, he had issues. Later still, he had more issues. ‘Family’ began meaning ‘not biological’ and ‘biological family’ began meaning ‘not proud, indifferent, and oblivious,’ because he figured out that the reason he wanted to be a cluster of stars or a trail of smoke wasn’t because he was depressed (though he was) but because he wasn’t male. His mother would call him her son, and he would error: 404 until he remembered that he hadn’t figured himself out enough to have the words to describe himself to his mother.
He didn’t get the time to between the issues and eventually the homelessness. ‘Family’ now meaning ‘confusing, not trustworthy, unknown’. ‘Biological family’ now meaning, ‘what family?’ He chose to leave, but that didn’t make it a nice memory. It wasn’t leaving for freedom, with the knowledge of a safety net. It was leaving because things weren’t going that well and he didn’t know what else to do.
Fast forward to living with his roommate (omg they were roommates, but platonic), where they’re both out to each other as nonbinary and gay/lesbian, and parenting her cat who’s a grumpy bastard at the best of times. Friends are a thing. ‘Family’ can now be, ‘two adults who strive to look like a drag queen and a butch lesbian, a cat, and the cat’s many aunts and uncles who spoil that fuzzy asshole of a creature.’
0 notes
player-1 · 4 years
Anyone who’s been in the TMA fandom (or those who understand the bare minimum of the story) know damn well that whatever was going on with Michael D. Stortion and Gabriel/Worker-of-Clay was not just a simple Avatar/Entity partnership. No, in the twisted timeline of the Spiral itself, the Armageddon arms-race pales in comparison to the romantic tragedy subplot those two had long before Jon and Martin were in the picture.
(This is also going to be a long one, and with some MAG 101 spoilers, so buckle on in...)
Here’s what I mean:
Gabriel (or in this case, Gabe) works with Neil Lagorio (Web aligned special-effects dude) in the mid 1900′s on their first movie The Labyrinth of the Minotaur. Unfortunately for him, Gabe quits in 1972 just as the movie was released. 
Not much is known of this time after 1972 up until the dreaded sculpting class in 2004. Speculation-wise, Gabriel might have been corrupted by the Flesh during his movie-making times or earlier before he came into contact with the Spiral.
Reasons: -The Spiral connects with the unraveling of reality, question one’s sanity and eventually “spiraling” into insanity. -The Flesh, in its literal sense, connects to the fear of people or animals being killed for meat; even the appearance of flesh/bone being twisted, bent, or butchered. But it can also connect on a emotional level, such as being viewed weaker than others, mostly relating to a person’s body image. That’s also the reason why the nature of his death is completely unlike the Spiral simply letting him fade out of reality. -Gabriel displays more Flesh-like qualities in his appearance and work up until the end of MAG 126. He doesn’t want people to judge him by appearance alone (even if his entire body is made up of clay) but he makes up for it with his unassuming personality and amazing talent. In a literal sense, he wants to mold himself into the kind of person that gets praised for his clay-making abilities, not just from his creations alone.  
[Enter The Distortion: Stage Left] Of course, while there’s no evidence on how, when or why the Distortion would target him specifically, but there is one thing. Compared to all the other Spiral avatars and fear-aligned creatures, they all used to be humans in the past. The Spiral by nature is to cast aside their humanity and submit to the nature of insanity. But since most of the Spiral avatars either faded out of existence or just refused to do anything ritual-wise, how was it supposed to create a new world if all they ever do is destroy? It adopts an artist, of course. There’s nothing more chaotic than the struggles of a budding sculptor such as himself. But while that may be a convincing argument for the Spiral to get Gabriel to join the Dark Side, there could be more to convince him that it’s worth following the unknowable being of delusions. Long story short, there was no reason for Gabriel to judge himself so poorly if he knew how to reshape the world to how he sees fit. it would convince him that, like the archangel he’s named after, he could show the world the coming future; twisting the laws of reality so that there’s no room to judge how something should be right or wrong, imaginary or real.  As if they were said from the Lord himself, Gabriel heard the Distortion’s tell him about a new world and finally found inspiration in them.
Then comes the sculpting class.  It’s worth noting that, even with the angel symbolism for Michael and Gabriel, it could be implied that Gabriel is also a goody-two-shoes Christian boy who regularly attends church, as evidence of Michael having knowledge about Mass in MAG 20, assisting the Flesh in driving Father Edwin to cannibalism (so the Flesh and Spiral have an interesting partnership, huh?).  Besides that, this is where Gabriel takes the spotlight. From Deborah’s point of view, he was a strange little man from the beginning; eyes always jutted out of his face, appearing right in someone’s personal space and disappearing just as fast, and of course, his works of clay. (Also a random headcanon just because: Gabriel may be afraid of water, either because his entire body being made of clay, and since you need water to help shape the material, he does not want to get it melded into his own flesh. Could also be the reason why he has short and greasy hair, cause he would practically melt into a puddle if he was unfortunate enough to get wet.) And apart from Deborah and her friends’ growing discomfort over Gabriel in general, he’s just vibing in the back of the class, trying to make a shape for the unknowable form of the Distortion. And the second Deborah inadvertently gives him a break from his artist’s block, he quite literally takes control of the class; switching over the biweekly schedule it was before into every week, and even manipulating the space of the classroom to further support his artistic needs. 
“Ray told us the lesson was ‘faces.’ I put my hand up to say that sculpting faces was probably a bit advanced for where we were in the course, but he shook his head, and said that we were… a lot more talented than we thought. He said the key was that faces were twisted. All faces were twisted on the inside, and all you had to do was reach into the deepest part of yourself and put that twisted on the outside of the clay, and as soon as you can scream you’ll have your own face staring back at you.”  (MAG 126)
This is also the key to the Spiral itself. With Gabriel’s assistance, he will be able to let the spiral to insanity move in reverse, create the physical manifestation of that fear instead of letting it collapse and destroy itself. And in that lesson as well, Gabriel finally creates a fitting image of the Distortion...A door, the physical entrance to insanity itself.
Then comes the final stretch in Sannikov Land, the nonexistent island that was said to exist between the years 2009 and 2011. And as Michael D. Stortion explains in MAG 101, was the perfect place for their ritual, The Great Twisting. After everything Gabriel had done to appease his good “friend”, The Distortion seemed extremely invested in the Worker of Clay at that point. Nevermind the fact that its telling Jon how its identity was stolen away from Michael Shelley by merging with the Distortion, but there’s more to this origin story.
“Michael was protective of the frail old woman he believed her to be. So… so delicate, so forgetful, yet gently wise. He cared for her. He trusted her. And she fed him to me. She made him to destroy our transcendence. And she did not hesitate.” “And it was me they sought to stop. Me and the others of It-Is-Not-What-It-Is. Our Great Twisting. The-Worker-of-Clay had laboured for decades on that contorted, impossible edifice of doors… and stairs… and falsehoods… and smiles. A thousand staring morsels stood, and not one of them believed themselves sane to look upon it. And in the centre, the door that would open to all the places that were never there, was me.“ “Perhaps I should have realised what was happening; seen those two lonely figures approaching me, but I cannot tell you the existential joys of truly… becoming. Of an entireness finally crossing the threshold into your self. So ecstatic was my completeness, I did not even hear my own door creak open.“ “Even sharper than the joy of becoming is the agony of being opened and remade. To have your who torn bloody from your what, and another crudely lashed into its place. To become Michael. And to do so at such a crucial point in our Twisting, in our becoming, well of course it destroyed it. The impossible altar collapsed. The-Worker-of-Clay tore out his veins to dissolve himself in crimson mud. The others of us were cast to all the places that aren’t; some have still not found their way out again...My very existence tied to my pointlessness. Wearing my failure as the very fabric of my being. Reduced once again to feeding on the unsuspecting and confused. That is who I am.“ (MAG 101)
Even if all of this was to explain how the Distortion became the being it is in the series, it’s easy to see how overjoyed it was during the ritual. All that the Spiral ever did was bring the sense of unreality and paranoia unto people for ages, only breaking down the mind until they eventually spiral into oblivion. It wanted to be something, it wanted to make something twisted and nonsensical from the world, to shape the world itself to the nature of insanity. And after all that time, no matter how many avatars it had in its control, Gabriel was the only one who began creating the ritual. Even if it was for an ulterior motive, The Distortion was pretty giddy as Gabriel worked for years on end to create the meaning of insanity; to create something that the Distortion saw as the perfect vessel for itself. And even as it was explaining it, with all these feelings of joy and ecstasy and very human thoughts and emotions, this was before it was forced to become Michael. So much for not being bound by human nature, huh? But it’s pretty ironic that, as the embodiment of delusions, insanity and lies, it never considered the idea of having an avatar that could make something out of that chaos. Even if the Distortion was explaining how Michael-not-Michael Shelley came into being, it also can be interpreted as Michael just yearning for his best Avatar so far.  So instead of “I’m going to tell you my entire backstory.”, it’s more like “I’m going to tell you how a nosy old woman and her idiotic assistant ruined my chances to be with my Avatar of the Decade who may or may not be my boyfriend.”
In conclusion, Gabriel AKA The Worker of Clay AKA Igor with an art degree became the Hands of the Spiral because the nonbinary embodiment of delusion (who is also a door) gave a miserable struggling artist a shot of self-confidence (and a shot out of the Flesh’s control), eventually becoming its #1 Boyfriend Avatar of all time, and is the only person that would make the “hates gender and existence itself” Distortion yearn for years after his tragic death.
Takes notes people, this is what peak performance looks like.
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giornocentric · 5 years
Bucci gang’s Christmas
It’s that time of year again and I’m feeling especially Christmas-y right now, even though it’s still November.
I’m the type of person to get really happy around this time of year and I’m definitely the first to set up and decorate the tree (I’m the person people make those memes about). I love my family (half are Christian and half are Jewish) and the gifts and the food and music and just everything, and I can’t help but want to spend it with my favorite people on Earth!! (yes I know they’re fictional characters, Karen)
Bruno Bucciarati
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He’s not the biggest on Christmas but would love to celebrate it with the gang or his s/o if he had one at the time. Christmas is celebrated much differently in Italy so he would laugh at your more Western expectation of Christmas and would insist it’s better this way, less commercial and more centered around the Catholic/Christian importance of the day.
This is not to say Bruno is Catholic or Christian but I believe he would feel more comfortable and happier without the CRAZINESS of Western/American Christmases and would just enjoy spending time with you and his teammates/friends, along with maybe a small tree and an occasional Christmas song.
When he received a small gift his eyes widened, “Wait what’s this for?” He would be so shocked, he had never gotten a gift on Christmas, he didn’t even realize that it was something people actually did, he thought it was only in movies. Once his s/o explained what a Christmas gift was, he would open it hesitantly and smile in awe then return the favor with a kiss. “Sorry I didn’t get you anything, Tesoro.”
He would be the one to make Christmas dinner for you and the gang, more than likely, antipasti and pasta with a walnut cream sauce and Panettone (Christmas cake) that he’d ask if you wanted to help him bake, which would probably end up with both of you covered in batter and icing.
Giorno Giovanna
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Christmas? is that a fruit? He has never celebrated or even thought about celebrating it, but his s/o wants to and Bruno does too? He will, but what exactly does that entail? Does he dress up like Saint Nicholas? He‘s never actually had a family to celebrate with so you have a LOT of explaining to do and then he’s SO EXCITED and wants to do EVERYTHING and now it’s time to make up for lost time.
Once he understands, he’s a little extreme, he’s already made a gingerbread house, cut down a real tree and decorated it, bought everyone TEN gifts and has an ugly sweater on, waiting for you to see and be impressed and well... you are. He’s admittedly looking for praise so you have to let him see just how much you appreciate it, maybe with a little kiss or a gift of your own.
Be prepared for an absolute marathon of Christmas movies, possibly accompanied by a cup of hot cocoa with marshmallows or a cup of eggnog with extra cinnamon and a side of gingerbread cookies. So many gingerbread cookies. But you snuggle together away from the cold so that makes up for it, most of the time you both stop watching the movie and it’s just the two of you making out or staring at each other, longingly.
Once the entire house smells like Yankee Candles and you can barely breathe over the cinnamon and peppermint, it’s time to tell that poor boy he needs to stop. But before you can, you walk right under the dreaded mistletoe (trap) that he’s put up pretty much everywhere and he’s coming up to you and shutting you right up. He kisses you and with a cheeky grin and says “What was that about taking away Christmas away? You don’t like it, dolcezza?”
Leone Abbacchio
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Two words. Seasonal Depression. Abbacchio is a bit of a grinch when it comes to Christmas. Truthfully, he doesn’t want to hate it, but his depression is bad during this time so if he goes to the Christmas get-together with you and the gang, he will most likely be drinking an ungodly amount of alcohol. His s/o might be able to calm him down and reassure him enough to attend but he will misserable no matter what, he’ll stay for the gifts and food though, regardless of how much he wants to leave.
Once he’s drunk and people are opening presents is when his emotions overwhelm him and he breaks into tears at the smallest things (Narancia received a CD from him that he already owned and Abbacchio felt guilty not knowing Narancia well enough to know which albums he already had.) His s/o is one of the only people who can calm him down in that moment, laying his head in your lap as you play with his hair and hum softly.
Now he goes through the second stage of grief, thrashing out the tree and throwing gifts and screaming about how much he loves you and Christmas and that delicious food and alcohol. He’s a mess, and before he gets any more drunk and destroys anything else, you have to drag him home and force him to lay down and sleep it off.
But Abbacchio wants to give you his gift, and before you can protest, he’s already on you, kissing you everywhere and mumbling incoherently about how much you mean to him and how good you are to him, but soon he breaks into tears once more as he convinces himself that he doesn’t deserve you. “I’m so stupid! I ruined everything! You probably don’t even love me anymore, and I don’t blame you for it.”
You just have to reassure him a little more until he finally passes out from the alcohol.
Pannacotta Fugo
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Has mixed feelings about Christmas, he used to love it as a kid but now the memories are a little tainted by thoughts of his mom and dad and he thinks about being abandoned by them and it makes him angry, sad, and scared. But if he had an s/o, he would agree to celebrating it with them, they could make new memories that would help the bad ones fade away.
Fugo might ask for specific things to make him feel more comfortable and safe. Opening presents might bring on a little fear/bad thoughts, as well as the board games and card games, so you should be prepared to comfort him in any and every way possible. In my opinion, he’d love for you to hold him tightly and feed him your food as he complains about the music being too loud or the house being too cold, to which he’d snuggle closer to you.
When the group sees the two of you, and a totally different side of Fugo, some of them stare, some of them make snarky comments and laugh, and Narancia sighs before getting pissed at the ones who laughed. Fugo, doesn’t care much in that moment, of course he’s gritting his teeth and his nails are digging into his skin but he loves you far too much and feels too comfortable to mess with them.
Once he’s completely comfortable, you both go for a walk in the snow (much to Fugo’s dismay) talking about the meaning of Christmas to you and him. When Fugo’s disposition gets a little worse from talking about his past, you get down on one knee and create a little snowball. Holding it out, you tell him you’ve fallen for him much like this snow or that you love him snow much and ask him if you could have the honor of him being your boyfriend. He laughs at first at the cheesy/cringey puns then his eyes widen and he’s in so much disbelief that someone like you could love him. He bends down to meet your face, tilts your head up slightly and kisses you.
“I guess that’s a yes?” Now Christmas is going to have a totally different meaning for him.
Narancia Ghirga
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“Where’s my gift?” “Is that mine?” “When can we open presents?” “What did you get me?” He knows everything about American Christmases and will run around the room, take a bite of food, get up, run around again, sit by the tree, open a gift, yell what he thinks it is then tears it open and repeats until all his gifts are opened.
When it’s someone else’s turn, he will look to his s/o and sigh. He might ask you to play a game with him while he waits, or sneak him some cake. Narancia is the type to constantly engage in the festivities and gets easily bored. If he gets you a gift it’s most likely something small and inexpensive because the boy is poor, but you will continue to Cherish it for many years to come.
Once the Christmas music is blaring and everyone has opened presents, Narancia is dancing like a maniac and pulling you on the floor to join. He’s not the greatest at slow dancing, but he’s probably better than most of the gang as he’s been to school dances before joining Passione. He doesn’t speak much in the moment but his hands are on your shoulders and you’re swaying un-gracefully until you both trip and fall on each other. “Are you alright, Mi Amore?” he asks quietly before building up the courage to kiss you.
Eventually you’re both off of the floor and Narancia is back to his enthusiastic, happy-go-lucky self, and is bragging about getting to kiss you and yelling about great you are. Get ready for a night of him being an absolute show off in front of his teammates and be prepared to drag him back home.
Guido Mista
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I think Mista would treat this day the most seriously out of the group, only because I headcanon him as Catholic/Christian or religious in some way. He would probably enjoy taking his s/o with him to San Gregorio Armeno and San Gregorio Armeno Church in Napoli, also known as Christmas Alley to see the Prespes (Nativity scene of Jesus’ birth) and overall would be very happy about Christmas and the joy it brings him.
Mista would also absolutely adore going to classical music concerts and Christmas concerts. It would remind him of a time when he was a carefree child and would bring him so much joy. Of course he would drag you around with him and UGH he would just have the realest smile on his face, so content, thankful, and happy.
Soon he would realize he was late for the Christmas party but he’d walk extra slow so he could enjoy his time with you just a little longer. He would also be the type to start a random snow ball fight, like you’re just walking in front of him and suddenly a snow ball hits you with the help of Number 5 and Oh, it’s on. The battle goes on for a while until you’re both tired and in a little pain so Mista kisses your cheek then offers a piggyback ride, even if you’re too heavy, he’s ready to pick you up and carry you all the way to the house.
Once you both get there, you crash on the couch, eat some food and then open the leftover presents. You reach for the same gift and his hand is on top of yours. You can’t help but lean in and place a kiss on his lips and he kisses back, it’s a true Christmas miracle.
I’m SO sorry I kinda got lazy/lost inspiration with Mista’s but please accept this trash 🗑 :)
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foofyschmoofer · 4 years
Pestilence, a fictober short
Prompt number: #1 (”no, come back!”)
Fandom: Mass Effect trilogy
Rating: Teen
Warnings: none
Combines three prompts in one: “no, come back!” (Official Fictober, Day 1) Pestilence (MEFFW Fictober, Week 1) Headcanon about Favorite Human Character (MEFFW Fictober, Week 1)
Part of the Head Over Tattered Sneakers universe.
Also available on AO3.
“This is damn depressing,” Zaeed muttered to himself as he and Bex picked their way through the slums of Omega. Everywhere they looked, humans of every kind—some alone or in pairs, some huddled together around barrel fires—nearly all of them displaced by the plague.
This plague, whatever the hell it was, didn’t affect humans, or vorcha, so everyone else was suspicious of them. Most suspected members of one or the other species, or more terrifying, a collaboration of both, had created it. The few humans Bex and Zaeed had encountered in the plague zone had been locked in their own homes supposedly for their own protection, though a couple had mentioned “fees” paid to the local Blue Suns.
“Wait, no! Come back!” Bex called after a group of kids who had bolted the second she'd approached them. “Bloody kids. I just wanted to talk to you!”
Zaeed snorted. “Oh this brings back memories.”
“The hell are you talkin’ about?” Bex leaned against a crumbling pillar and narrowed her eyes. “I never ran away from you. Thought about it a couple times, but that was later on, more about Dad than you.”
Zaeed frowned, his lit lighter flickering several inches away from the cigar clenched between his teeth. “Guess we know jus’ how many blows to the head it takes to erase your memories.”
“Come again?”
“First day we met, you ran. Second day, you ran twice, from Noah’s place, and again from Helen.”
Bex held up a finger. “FIrst of all, I wasn’t running from you the night of the break-in.”
“Fair enough.”
“Second—” Her head whipped around and one hand glowed a faint blue as one of the kids who’d run off crept back over to where they stood. “‘Sup, short stuff?”
Zaeed hid a laugh in a puff of the cigar. “Rich comin’ from you, Half Pint.”
She rolled her eyes and ignored him, her full attention on the kid. “Whatcha need?”
As she chatted with the boy, he looked about six—the hell was it about that age and street kids?—Zaeed kept a sharp eye out. Wouldn’t do for them to get ambushed before they reached the salarian doc they were looking for.
The cracked and crumbling walls, the filthy streets, the barrel fires, it all felt like home. Add heavy clouds and a sprinkling of acid rain and he’d swear he was back in London as a kid, sleeping rough, running with gangs.
There had been plague back then too.
It had started in the slums but hadn’t taken long to hit the posh fucks too. For months on end, London was all but dead—no one allowed out, to keep spread of the damn thing at a minimum, but it killed thousands, maybe a million or more, before all was said and done.
Though the regular folk in the poorer neighborhoods were hit hard, the gangs suffered the most. A couple were wiped out entirely, two or three dwindled to bare numbers and threw in together—he suspected that’s how the Reds had started, if Pike had been in one of those gangs back in the day.
Zaeed and Vido had only just been initiated into a gang when the plague had hit. And it had hit them especially hard. The leader who’d recruited them had died before anyone was even uttering the word “plague.” Nearly every member of the gang had gotten it at one point or another. Some had suffered for weeks, a few died, another handful had gotten lucky and not gotten it at all. Zaeed and Vido had both been part of the first group. Though Zaeed had worse symptoms, Vido had languished for far longer, had nearly died before the worst had passed.
Would have saved me and Bex both a world of grief if he had.
Being each other’s only friend and too new to the gang to really trust anyone else, Zaeed had nursed the ungrateful wretch back to health himself. He’d scavenged for medicine, for anything to make soup—it was the only thing either of them could keep down for nearly two months—hell, he’d even broken into a church one night and stolen blankets to keep out the worst of the chill.
In the end, all his efforts had nearly gotten them both jumped out of the gang. The new leader had claimed they weren’t team players, keeping to themselves for so long. A girl had argued that they’d probably saved half the gang by separating from the rest, even the others who were sick.
Zaeed had kept up with the girl who’d stuck up for them, long after the gang had dissolved from poor leadership and he and Vido had moved on. Years later, they’d even dated a while, had a kid, almost got married.
He tossed the stub of his cigar on the ground, obliterating it under his boot as he thought for the first time in a long while about what had happened to his daughter. She’d have been 31 now, a few months older than Bex.
He thought it was strange how plague and war pushed some people to despicable acts, extorting money from neighbors in exchange for “protection,” while others remembered what it was like to go hungry and did their best to help those still in that position.
He shook his head with a sigh. Nah, that’s nothing special, just bloody society.
Bex quirked a scarred eyebrow as she came over to stand beside him, the boy and his friends scampering off with a credit chit and an armful of protein bars. “You okay, Z? You look… I dunno. Haunted.”
“I’m good, Half Pint. Just thinkin’ about this ‘n’ that.” He gave her a weary smile and handed her the shotgun he always carried for her. “Ready t’ go find this salarian doctor?”
She nodded. “Maybe if we’re lucky, he’ll have cured the plague and all.”
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hxroccmplexarchived · 3 years
@phantasmaw​ said: A, B, C, D, E, G, H, I, T, V for Cain. Nasty ask for nasty boy.
NSFW headcanons || CLOSED
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A - Alone time
      The only time Cain can get off on his own is if he’s home alone (he lives in a one bedroom apartment with Cleodora) and if he can successfully steal his neighbors wifi. Cain doesn’t really depend on his imagination, unless he replays a memory of a porn he’s watched recently or a one night stand. The only toy he has is a pocket p*ssy which uhhh is RIGHT on the edge of falling apart. But will he buy a new one? No. 
B - Bondage
      He’s only been tied up and has tied another person up only twice in his life (and unlife). Cain hasn’t found himself in a situation where his partner wants to be tied up, or where they want to tie him up. Really, it’s a blessing and a mystery if he can get someone to sleep with him at all, with the banged up way he looks. But in all, he doesn’t have strong feelings concerning bondage. If he had to choose, he’d prefer to tie the other person up tho! 
C - Crying
         Maybe when he was first alive and a partner was being rough with him, he’d shed a few tears. But dying and being brought back to life with a demon possessing ur corpse kinda has a way of putting the water works on lockdown. Cain hasn’t shed a turn since he’s been revived, and sex isn’t gonna change that. However, if he can get his partner to cry- that only encourages him more. Tears are definitely a turn on as long as his partner’s also having a good time! Full on sobbing would freak him out tho- cry too hard and he might just kill his partner to make them stop instead before going on his merry way ldkjhkf. ( so i.e. consensual crying as long as it’s not full blown wailing is a turn on! )
D - Dominance
        Cain’s for sure a dominant person. I wouldn’t call him a Dom though, he’d be a terrible dom. He just naturally wants to lead and set the pace during sex, but if his partner wants to challenge him on it- it just gets him more hot and bothered. Cain likes showing other stubborn, dominant guys who’s boss. Pinning them down under his weight, locking their arms behind their backs while he goes to poundtown :/// he’s really not nice during seggs, so when finding a partner, he makes sure he finds someone who can handle it. 
E - Extra info
      Cain’s body is weird. The way he died wasn’t pretty- his friends/band members chopped him up as a sacrifice, so when he was revived, the demon had to improvise. Some of his limbs aren’t his, or if the demon couldn’t find something suitable, they just created something on the fly. And apart of those something’s is his genitalia. Yes i give my supernatural ocs weird genitals, no i will not apologize. He does have a dick, not a typical one, but he has one. He also has a hole he still hasn’t really experimented with, but that’s not to say he wouldn’t ever want to. 
He has a thing for fucking in churches, cemeteries, on status of angels, ect. Anything that is considered sacred and holy. he’s just a creachure, he cannot change this. 
G - Group sex
       He’s all for group sex- threeway, fourway, orgy, u name it. The only problem is trying to find enough people willing to fuck him KJDHFK. He’s not really one to want to put on a show, but he doesn’t mind watching others as a way to get off. Like, I wouldn’t say Cain isn’t confident, bc he honestly doesn’t care that he looks like frankenstein’s monster, but he knows he isn’t for everyone and he doesn’t want anyone changing their mind once they fully get a good look at him. 
If his partner ever suggested adding in another person to their sex life or an orgy, he’d give the go ahead! if they’d only do it every once in awhile it’d be something he could end up looking forward to, but if his partner wants it a little too often, that’s when he’ll start getting jealous. 
H - Humiliation
      He LOVES degrading his partner, but if his partner ever tried doing it back he’d only get pissed off lksjhfk. Dirty talk, even spanking or making them beg gets him ready to go. He’d even make someone lick cum off the floor if they were into that sort of thing. like, cain’s gross, he’s into weird stuff and humiliation is just instinct at this point. Again- he only finds ppl he knows can handle it. 
I - Impact play
      OK YEAH, SPANKING- he loves to slap ass!! he doesn’t have anything like floggers or canes, but if his partner did and they asked him to hit them with it? cain’s rolling up his sleeves and getting to work. he probably likes a little too much, but that’s why there’s a safeword, and even though cain’s a freakish mess, he listens to safewords. But again- if someone tried that on him, he’d be ready to fight. Spanking is a no go, but a cane is something he’d be willing to try for himself. He likes blunt objects way more than objects that sting. 
T - Top or bottom
        This is actually tough to say bc like, Cain’s definitely a top. Or at least top leaning but willing to experiment with bottoming. When he was first alive, he bottomed here and there, so he’s not entirely a stranger to it. But because he’s been revived with new body parts, he isn’t sure how it’s going to feel. 
V - Voyeurism
      Watching people fuck or masturbate is apart of his foreplay; He knew about this kink when he was first alive, but was too ashamed to act on it. But now he just doesn’t care. Anywhere that lets ppl spectate and Cain’s there. But as for people watching him? it’s a big maybe. it’s another thing he’s willing to try out, but isn’t necessarily going out of his way to do it.  
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shirtlesssammy · 4 years
8x01: We Need to Talk About Kevin
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100-Mile Wilderness, Maine
1 Year Later
A couple is sleeping peacefully in the forest when a bright light fills the sky, waking the woman.
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The couple goes out to investigate when they hear rustling outside. It’s a deer! Close...it’s Dean! He’s looking more like a feral rat than a deer. I would not want to run into someone looking like Dean in the middle of nowhere, that’s for sure. He pulls his gun, asks where the road is, grabs a bag of their stuff, and skedaddles. Yikes. First, for anyone not caught up, let’s all collectively scream what we all thought on our first viewing: Where’s Cas??! Second, who the fuck hikes anywhere, let alone the 100 Mile Wilderness trail with that kind of gear?! Camp chairs? A lantern the size of a dining room chandelier? A tent that’s making Harry Potter quake? Anyway, I lol thinking this is the most unbelievable part of this scene, and not the dude who just got back from Purgatory. 
Clayton, Louisiana
4 Days Later
Cue up Styx “Man in the Wilderness”, and sit back and watch one of my favorite montages. Watching Dean walk down a road never gets old. He walks to a cemetery and digs up a grave. He chants an incantation over some bones, and voilà, he brings back to life a vampire! They embrace.
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Wait, what? 
In Kermit, Texas, Sam’s ditching on a woman AND a dog. He drives to Rufus’s cabin in Montana, where a hiding Dean assaults him with all the monster tests. They both pass, and hug. Sam is shocked. “I guess standing too close to exploding dick, sends your ass straight to Purgatory.” Dean explains the situation with the first dick joke of the season. Sam has further questions, and Dean is vague on the details. Sam also wonders about Cas. Dean shuts down a little more and admits, “Yeah, Cas didn’t make it.” 
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Sam presses the matter. “Something happened to him down there. Things got pretty hairy towards the end, and he... just let go,” Dean adds. So, he admits that Cas let go here, did he alter his memory after this? In any event, Dean’s really broken about it. 
Sam then admits that he got out of the life, tossed all his phones, etc. “Something happened to me this year, too.” Gah, like a complete breakdown and fugue state, but I will reserve my thoughts for my non-existent essay on the state of Sam’s mind when Dean and Cas were in Purgatory. That sends Dean into an anger spiral. (Natasha: LIMES)
He listens to all of Sam’s phone messages --the increasingly desperate and eventually disillusioned pleas for help from Kevin. 
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He was their responsibility, and Sam just ditched him. Uh, because he was in complete mental failure! Sam hears something in the background of the last message and is able to isolate the sound to a bus station. They track him to Michigan, where his girlfriend, Channing, is attending college. 
Once at the motel, Dean sees two boys playing with their toy guns, which sends him into a memory spiral. He’s chasing a vamp in Purgatory and eventually catches him. “Where’s the angel?”
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WhEreS tHe aNgEl?
W H E R E ‘ S  T H E  A N G E L?
(Don’t touch me.)
“You’re him. The human.” 
Like, excuse me? The monsters are all meeting up talking about the human wandering around Purgatory looking for that angel? LIKE PLEASE. No, please STOp. I can’t take it, even after all these years. 
Anyway, Dean keeps demanding to know where that goddamned angel is. The vamp refuses to say so Mr. Dramatic lops his head off set to a very elegant camera angle. 
Another monster attacks but Dean’s too far from his machete. Then ANOTHER monster attacks THAT monster. Spoiler: IT’S BENNY! 
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Later, in the motel, Dean suggests moving on, but Sam thinks he should get some rest. Dean goes into another anger spiral --probably because he couldn’t sleep for a year and all Sam did was sleep due to his complete breakdown. Sam trying to ignore that he didn’t have control of his world isn’t helping him with Dean. Sam found “a girl.” Well, actually, she was a fully grown woman, but go on… Listen, I don't like the Amelia stuff as much as the next person, so I have a very elaborate headcanon of Sam’s mental break and the symbolic fantasy world he created while he barely existed at the cabin. 
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Anyway, Sam asks Dean what Purgatory was like. “It was bloody. Messy. 31 flavors of bottom-dwelling nasties. Hell, most days felt like 360-degree combat. But there was something about being there.”
“It felt pure.”
It fElT PuRe
I T  F E L T  P U R E
Flashback to Purgatory, where Dean’s life is still saved by Benny, the vampire. Dean threatens to shiv him up the ass so...every friendship needs to start somewhere? The vampire knows an escape hatch out of Purgatory! But it’s only for humans. He’ll show him the portal as long as Dean smuggles his soul out of Purgatory. 
The first rule of Purgatory is you can’t trust anyone. Dean doesn’t trust Benny - not an inch. But he does need allies. He tells Benny that he’ll agree to that tenuous deal as long as they find “the angel” first.
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At a college, the Winchesters interview Channing. She hasn’t heard a word from Kevin and furthermore, would spurn his love forever now that he’s no longer going to Princeton. Ouch! After they leave, Channing’s eyes go black and she slices her roommate's throat so she can make a phone call. DOUBLE OUCH! She reports that Kevin still hasn’t gotten in touch with her, but Dean Winchester is back.
Trying to get some work done amongst the students, Sam experiences his own mournful flashback. He hit a dog! He shouted at veterinary hospital employees! Damn it, this is an animal hospital!!! I hand you a bloody dog, you fix! Shouting helps things happen! 
Sam bby.
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Dean arrives with a burger in hand, reunited with one of the loves of his life at least. Sam reports that he’s tracked Kevin to Iowa.
At a run down church in Iowa, the Winchesters pay a house call. Kevin immediately confronts them with a Borax-loaded supersoaker. Once he figures out they’re human, Kevin gives them the tour of his new digs. He’s learned how to ward against demons. And then while explaining his recent past, Kevin has his own flashback! Everyone gets one! 
In Kevin’s flashback, he’s been captured by Crowley who sits him down to work on another tablet. A DEMON tablet! Dun dun DUN! Kevin mines its secrets and tells Crowley that there’s a hell gate in Wisconsin. (Made out of cheese?) Demons gather ingredients for him and Kevin gets to have a MONTAGE of preparing a spell to open the gate. Only…
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...Kevin was hoodwinking the demons the whole time. 
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He’d found a demon bomb recipe and blasts away his guards while Crowley waits on a distant Wisconsin farm. 
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Back in the present, Kevin’s stowed the tablet somewhere safe but before he did that, he made sure to memorize one more important spell from the tablet: a spell to close the gates of Hell...FOREVER. 
Dean and Sam head outside to the...second story church deck?...to chat. Sam’s disappointed that Kevin seems further into the hunting life than before. Dean’s proud of the kid - “he’s in it whether he likes it or not.” Oof. Dean, your Winchester is showing.
Sam heads down to the candle-lit church. He apologizes to Kevin for bugging out on him - and on everything hunting related. It’s definitely staged like a confession.
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Kevin admits that he’s perturbed when he really stops and thinks about his life, post-prophet-revelation. Sam assures him that “it gets better.” Hmm RLY? Sam’s an optimist, and continues: if they can banish all the demons, Kevin might actually be free to live a good life. BRB weeping and shouting angrily at this show!
In Sam’s hazy flashback, he waits anxiously for the news from the vet. She reports that his dog will be okay. Sam corrects her - the dog isn’t his! She double barrel blasts him with sarcasm, implying that if he doesn’t take care of the dog he hit then he’s the worst person in the world. Which. Okay. I generally don’t mind Amelia though I think she demonstrably has terrible luck picking stable, healthy relationships. But this scene always has me rolling my eyes. It’s so normal to foist a dog on a stranger! Everyone has the means and time to care for a dog, not to mention a dog who has been seriously injured! A vet would not do this! Amelia, plz. 
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Amelia puppy dog eyes Sam, and he’s toast. He’s spent so many years working on his offensive puppy eyed tactics, he never thought to work on his defense!
The church begins to shake and wood splits apart Kevin’s devil’s traps. A couple of demons arrive, armed with more swagger than weaponry. There’s a zappy flashy kicky fight and then Crowley and Channing arrive. Crowley demands the tablet for Channing’s life. He flashes Channing back into control for a moment as proof of life. Kevin offers himself up in exchange for Channing’s freedom and heads off to “pack up.” Then Kevin lures Crowley and Channing to a holy water trap.
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As they’re being doused, the Winchesters and Kevin escape. While they drive away, Crowley orders the demon out of Channing and then kills her. Oof. 
Later, Dean gets a phone call as they stop for gas and snacks, and then passes it off as a wrong number. Kevin passes on donuts and beef jerky. He just saw his girlfriend die and that doesn’t lend itself well to gas station snacks. 
Dean offers up words of Winchester Solace™. “You’re in it now. Whether you like it or not you do what you gotta do.” Good talk, Dean! 
On Dean’s pee break, he furtively places a phone call. It’s Benny, the vampire from earlier! He’s lurking on the edges of a funeral in a not-at-all-suspicious way. He figured out cell phones! But not fashion.
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Dean tells him that they shouldn’t talk for a while since they’re both adjusting to life. Benny wistfully tells Dean that Purgatory WAS pure and he should have appreciated it more while he was there. They both admonish each other to be good (and presumably not go on a murderous rampage). Good talk!
We made it, brother
I don't know whether to give you a hug or take a shower
Nothing says "family" quite like the whole family being dead
Where’s the angel?
Hey, the rules are simple, Sam. You don't take a joint from a guy named Don, and there's no dogs in the car!
So you're looking for a soul train
There's a demon in you, and you're going to your safety school
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