#Bouncy Type pokemon
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gooseygooseyartstuff · 2 years ago
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Oh good golly I'm finally not dead
I'm reworking some ideas (not anything changed with what I have already) But I've been in a weird school funk thing but I'm hopefully gonna kick things back off where I left them. ANYWAY YALL HERES THE MULVERA REGIONS GAME TITLES, POKEMON MAGIC AND POKEMON SCIENCE
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aster-pkmn-irl-real · 9 months ago
café remix themed ask game just dropped baybee!!!!
Eevee Latte: How do you take your coffee?
Lilligant Floral Tea: What's your favorite type of berry?
Nutty Buneary Frappe: How long did it take you to befriend your first Pokemon?
Hot Litwick Cocoa: What's the spookiest ghost story you can think of?
Poppin' Pachirisu Float: How are your swimming skills?
Miltank Mix au Lait: Have you ever been to a farm? What's your favorite farm Pokemon?
Bouncy Brionne Soda: What do you like to do at the beach?
Teddiursa Iced Coffee: What's your favorite thing to do in the winter?
Roasted Furret Latte: What's your favorite thing to do in the summer?
Gratin a la Pumpkaboo: What's something that scares you?
Piquant Pikachu Curry: What's your favorite gigantamax Pokemon?
Glossifleur Combo Plate: Is there anybody in your life who you disliked at first, but are close with now?
Happy Snorlax Loco Moco: How much sleep do you get on average?
Torchic Rice over Omelet: What do you usually eat for breakfast?
Cheesy Whimsicott Meatloaf: How much have you changed over the past 10 years?
Playful Pancham Fried Rice: What was your favorite game as a kid?
Dugtrio Sandwich Trio: If you had to give up all of your belongings but could pick three things to keep, what would they be?
Yummy Yamper Pasta: Lights, camera, action! How are you in front of a camera? Do you like the spotlight or do you prefer to be backstage?
Cheesy Rowlet Pizza: What's somewhere you'd like to go for a vacation? What would you do there?
Rainbow Oricorio Popcorn: What's your favorite movie? What about your least favorite?
Eiscue Caprese Salad: Did you eat your vegetables as a kid? What about now?
Chikorita Bruschetta: Tell us about a legend/myth from your home region!
Sneasel Burger with Pickles: Do you have a friend you would do anything for, no questions asked? What about a friend who would do anything for you?
Comfey Fruity Sandwich: Have you ever been to the hospital? What was the reason for your last hospital stay?
Fluffy Eevee Pancakes: How tall are you? Do you wish your height was different?
Combee Waffles with Honey: Do you like bug-types? Do you have a favorite bug?
Swablu Shaved Ice: What are your favorite weather patterns?
Burnt Caramel Vulpix Sundae: What's your favorite regional variant Pokemon? Is there a Pokemon that you like the 'regular' form of over it's regional variant?
Decorated Alcremie Cupcakes: How is your room/home decorated?
Ribombee Chocolate Cake: What's something you want or want to do for your next birthday?
Pikachu Fruit Flan: What's something really popular that you're not the biggest fan of?
Scorbunny Berry Sandwich: Do you have a favorite sport? Do you watch any sports on TV or in person?
Sylveon Custard Slice: @ another user you appreciate and tell them why!
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dollyknight · 4 months ago
One May and June episode could be about their fears and insecurity joining the family (maybe involving FOWL remains), and how the clan tries to made them feel welcome and loved.
Since getting this ask I’ve thought of an episode where the two deal with this separately so here’s another episode description as a treat. Albeit slightly modified to avoid some spoilers 
May and June learn what it truly means to have a family. 
I've been doing a full re watch of Ducktales 2017 for both research and for fun and I’ve just finished the life and crimes of Scrooge Mcduck( the episode in Huey’s season before the finale being a Louie episode is a little annoying ngl) so I haven’t gotten to May and Junes introduction yet but the characterisation I have for them for is under the cut
June: I’ve kind of split parts of webby’s personality and altered them to give them each their own personality which is still a little bit of a wip for now. For June I gave her webbys initial season one enthusiasm if you know what I mean. She’s excited and bouncy and wants to try everything there is to try. I imagine she’d be interested in things like art and ballet as well as loving the ocean even if she’s not that good at sailing. She also has a lot of respect for her sister May, based on that one scene where she cuts the strings on webbys board because may said it was wrong, which leads me to thing she also does things without thinking she doesn’t mean to hurt anyone’s feelings she still learning. She seems like she’d be a good gift giver, the type of person who knows what people like because she wants everyone to be happy, which does sometimes lead to naivety( but don’t get it twisted she’s plenty smart)overcompensation on her part but she’s working on it.
May: mays a lot more cynical then her sister and is protective of her. She doesn’t trust easily on account of her entire world shattering. She’s got more of webby’s warrior attitude and has a similar way of looking at problems to Louie( he probably ropes her into his schemes). Even though she comes off as grumpy and cynical she loves her family and would do anything for them, she has a lot of respect for Donald and daisy as well as Mrs. Beakley and Huey( he is collecting little siblings like pokemon you guys). I also imagine she’d be interested in fashion like her mom daisy and debate. I think she gets lots of book recommendations from Huey so she’s always reading. She butts heads with Dewey a lot, partly because the entire cast kind of just gets along, they don’t often have different conclusions or shown opinions from each other( like they’re all obviously different to each other but you don’t really see them draw different conclusions from each other too often) and also because she kind of opposes his sunshine everything’s okay personality. 
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jumpingjoltiks · 1 year ago
Some thoughts about Chandelure Hybrid!Ingo x GN!Reader
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Below the cut for length. Fluff in the first half. NSFT will be past the divide halfway through. Specific warnings for that portion will be there.
Ingo usually floats a half inch or so above the floor. It feels natural for him to float, but he knows most humans find it uncomfortable, so he compromises.
Music, and especially dancing is a big part of Chandelure hybrid culture.
He would looove to dance with you
The "courting" dances of chandelure hybrids typically come in two flavors-
Upbeat and bouncy: These dances can be both platonic or romantic. Samba, Swing, and Foxtrot are all common.
They're mostly just meant to be fun, and to encourage compatibility and cooperation.
Because they aren't necessarily romantic, this kind of dance can be used to "test the waters" of a relationship without any expectation, sort of like subtly flirting.
Ingo is especially playful during these dances. He'll swing with you about and around until you're both falling into each others arms and giddy laughing so hard you can't stop. He feels like this is right where he belongs when he's dancing with you.
Romantic dances are slower and more serious, like a waltz, tango, or bachata.
The steely fire in his eyes when you dance a waltz with him sends shivers of excitement down your spine. You get the feeling he's looking right into your soul - and maybe he is!
He's an exceptionally graceful dancer. When you move together, the whole world fades away until its just the two of you, hearts beating as one.
Ingo is always warm, but he tempers his flames when you're near so you don't burn up.
He's your personal space heater. Cuddles after a winter walk are so so very warm and cozy! He likes to be near your heart because it's the closest he can get to feeling your spirit. Listening to your heartbeat is very soothing.
Hide under his coat for extra warm snuggles when Gear Station gets chilly!
Be prepared. Litwicks naturally flock to him so you might have a small gaggle that shows up from time to time.
He'll be over the moon if you show them affection. He loves to see them. It makes him think about having a family one day.
Nsft below this point. Warnings for: Massaging, temperature play, warm oils, wax play, non-penetrative sex, and one (1) singular spank
Those firm hands run over your arms, down your back and legs, massaging a warm and musky, floral-scented oil into your muscles.
His hands are big and firm, calloused from hard work and pokemon training, and they feel so nice along the sides of your body, kneading into your muscles and rubbing out the tension that builds up each day.
By the time he's done, you're relaxed and pliant in his arms, ready to melt away for him.
The scent is so relaxing - and he likes smelling it on you after. It's a nice memory of being together (it also helps others of his kind know you're taken)
On tamer nights, he'll slide in behind you and run his hand down your body, between your legs, and rub you so gently until you release in the softest orgasm of your life, the world fading to a mist of white - leaving only you and him.
When you look up at him with those eyes, still hazy from orgasm but so full of adoration, he falls even deeper in love with you.
He loves wax play, though that's an admittedly more common kink among chandelure hybrids.
He's always very careful with material choice and temperature. Unlike fire-type hybrids, humans can't have wax too hot without getting hurt.
Ingo is very choosy with his candles - he likes those with extra smooth wax that he can run his fingers through.
It looks so pretty, dripping onto your skin in all those colors. He likes to observe the patterns it makes on you. He especially likes the red marks it leaves once its all over.
He loves to make trails of wax that his hands or tongue will dutifully follow.
The heat is nice, but never too overwhelming unless you want it to be. Because he's a fire type, he has some control over how warm it burns.
Each drop that hits your skin stings with a hot flash of pain that feels so nice. The heat radiates against your skin, lingering even as the wax cools.
It seems to pierce right through you, sending waves of heat straight down to your core.
If you think you're done once the candle is gone, you're wrong. He can remelt the wax with just a touch, sending rivulets down your bare chest and stomach.
Better still down over the curve of your ass, where he'll give your round cheeks a firm smack to shatter them.
As it cools on your skin, he'll blow on it to send shivers up your body. If your back isn't arching and you're not shaking from just his breath on you, he won't be satisfied.
Checks in with you periodically throughout to make sure you're doing okay.
"Is it too hot, my dear? Does it feel nice? Tell me where you want me to drip it..."
After your session is done, count on him to take care of you. He'll peel away any remaining wax, offer you a soothing shower or bath, and smooth healing aloe and lotions over your skin. He wants you to be in good shape for next time, after all.
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hybbart · 3 months ago
HELLO i am a HUGE fan of your beautiful fawn designs!! If you don't mind me asking, how do come up with such unique designs?? They're seriously so cool omg
Thank you! When you draw a specific creature a lot you tend to wind up finding ways to make separate designs unique. (As a pokemon, digimon, warriors, gundam, and animal fan, and former league fan, it probably isn't all that surprising that I like having a large quantity of all different types of little guys)
Well a lot of it is just things I've learned while focusing on character design, but there's a couple of things that are easy to mix and match. The easiest thing to do when working with a lot of the same creature is find the things that are easiest to mix and match, like a paper doll. I'm not going to talk about sillhouettes because I don't know how to spell it, and everyone talks about that. What I'm gonna talk about is information density. The best, most unique designs are information dense. This is how an artist can make a character whose entire shtick is being generic and not standing out still come off as unique and identifiable.
Basic things most characters have is: Shape language, colour palette, facial features, posture, texture, height, weight, fat, and muscle.
Easy enough. Texture's the one I'd want to talk about the most. When I make a character I think about it a lot. Specifically for fauns I think about their fur and hair, because they have both. Hair can have a lot of different textures on its own based on thickness and curliness, but in art you can add even more varieties. If I have to characters with thin slightly curly hair but I want one to look more regal or elegant while the other is more of a gremlin then I'm going to texture those differently, to give the impression one is wilder or more coarse to make the gremlin look more gremlin-y, or I can use symbolism like imitating the aesthetic of the curls you see in old lettering and heraldry to make the elegant one seem more so by association. Making something gravity defining or weighing it down, like curtains. Something airy can make a character more ethereal and energetic, while something heavily draped can feel melancholic and worn. Both create a very pretty aesthetic. I use shape language here too, like as mention above with heraldry. squared even hairs, bouncy round hair, spiky hair- these all use shape language to convey texture, and texture can convey information.
Also for body types and builds... a lot goes into the build a character has. This isn't a video game with simple sliders, you can give a character strong legs and noodly arms, and fat takes different forms and distributes unevenly based on many factors. A thing I think not a lot of people think about is that muscles and fat can be "cut", using pressure. The belly of someone who wears low rise pants and someone who wears high rise pants is going to be different. Even if two characters are both body builders, they could be hyperfocused on different things and looks. Natural wrinkles like that found in some cat breeds for elasticity of skin and those found on some dog breeds that are the result of breeding specific features and other animals who use wrinkles as nutrients storage, look different from not only each other but also wrinkles from age, weight loss, and exhaustion. Thinking about these things and how to convey those differences is an easy was to make two characters with wrinkles look different and convey more information.
For fauns one of the things I think about first is what species are they based off? My personal rule is Fauns are even-toed ungulates and satyrs are odd-toed ungulates, so when I draw a faun I often think about a particular species or mythical creature. Sometimes I mix and match certain things, or only utilize specific features. Sometimes I don't use a reference at all, but this is a good place to start usually. Different species can give you ideas for different types of hooves, horns/antlers, eyes, build, fur, tails, ears, and even teeth. Every species usually has some unique qualities that can be adapted onto a faun to draw inspiration from.
I work backwards on this one, but personality can help you design a character. Usually I design a character and build a personality based off what I've drawn, but doing it the other way around is very effective if you're having troubles. This includes subverting the expected for a character of such a personality. A good example of that is Cure Nyammy and Cure Lillian, who have droopy and sharp eyes respectively, but but Nyammy is the one with the cool, sharp, elegant air and Lillian is the shy, awkward, cute one.
Another things is alterations. The most common alterations to a character is a physical quirk, like a floppy ear, a mutation, like and extra set of horns, a special ability, like flight, or a disability, like a missing arm. For Jimmy I gave him a cowlick because i thought it fit with his ditzier qualities, bird theme, and ranch theme. In raau I also gave him lung damage as a reference to coal mines and canaries and how he and Tango met ind double life, a breathing tube to show he has access to medical technology and support despite the setting, and I changed his eye design to something similar to a sonar's rings to express the fact he sees sound, all of which allows him to be distinct from my regular Jimmy.
And last but not least, you can make two identical characters look completely different with fashion. This includes clothing, accessories, hairstyles, makeup, paint, tattoos, inventory... Any external modifications.
The important thing about design is to not make it hollow features, basically. I mean, you can't do whatever you want of course, sparkle dog is an aesthetic for a reason, but when you draw you have to deliberately draw every line so you might as well take the time to think about why you're drawing it there or that way. My fauns tend to have very similar body types a lot of the time, but I can still use everything else to make them stand out from each other anyways.
Also, it's art, there's no limit to what you can do to give your character unique designs! And I mean this in a very Studio Shaft/Gumball/Spiderverse type way. I've have character I've made distinct by straight up giving them different styles of shading or line work or brushes or layering. I've written character povs where the character never uses pronouns and only uses names, or a character who specifies exact numbers with numbers regardless, or even entirely different fonts, to convey qualities about them. Utilize your medium to its full potential (when appropriate, of course. and if its ocs/personal art, its always appropriate.)
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quillfeather21 · 8 months ago
What I think of Zenless Zone Zero so far, as someone who has played Genshin and HSR (going to try Honkai 3rd soon)
/ I really like the combat style, from what I’ve seen it’s basically Honkai Impact: 3rd, but with tweaks that fit the world of New Eridu. It’s easy and fun.
/I enjoy the art style and the character designs. They’re interesting without being “busy” or “over complicated” unlike some of the other Hoyoverse designs (side eyes Genshin and HSR because like why does everyone need a garter belt).
/the animation is bouncy and gives life to the characters and how they interact with one another. And honestly they don’t really have “unrealistic” body types unlike some of Hoyoverse games. It’s nice to see the characters in games actually looking like they have room for their organs.
/I actually really love the concept of being like, a secret organization that operates around the government, and our username is in fact, a username for their fake account. It’s interesting, and a concept that is honestly very unique.
/speaking of the “Proxy” thing because Wise and Belle? They are some of my favorite characters and I’m REALLY interested in learning more about them. Like how are the able to do what they do? WHY are they able to do it?
/I chose Wise and he’s my bbg. Him and Billy Kid have my entire heart
/the storyline seems decently paced without feeling rushed (the combat aids this because it goes by relatively quickly so you can focus more on the story)
/i really like the “comic book” set up they use for some scenes. It gives it an urban feel (fitting the game) and it allows people to read at their own pace.
/ the game is brand new, so they’re still working on some glitches. I have yet to experience any but I know many players have.
/the SIZE. Why is it so big? I believe I seen one thing where it was bigger than GENSHIN. I had to abandon my Pokemon on Pokémon GO! In order to make room for the full game of ZZZ.
/The Prologue is kind of a snooze fest, but most game prologues are. This one was legit just introducing us to our main crew.
Zenless is a really good game, and I really enjoy it so far! I can’t wait to see where the story and the crew working on it takes us.
Meanwhile I wanna just about Wise because mean I LOVE his design? His dark circles, the light in his eyes? I legit said “oh my god he’s so pretty” when THIS scene happened
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midnightmorpher · 7 months ago
💻 DCA AU Idea: Digital Horror 💻
This is my first time posting a DCA AU so I’m sorry if my post sounds more like disconnected rambling ahaha 🥲 But here goes!
The DCA duo in a digital horror setting.
Think KinitoPet but instead of Kinito as the mascot of a long-lost pet game, it’s Sun and Moon as the face of an old creature collection/virtual pet game created by Fazbear Corp on their old 90s company, kid-friendly website.
Think like a mix between Pokémon and Neopets, speaking as someone who played too much Pokemon and played literally zero Neopets 👍🏻
One day many years after the website has been shut down, You hear rumors about a “haunted” pet game made by the Fazbear Corp and decide to check it out, because you didn’t watch enough horror movies to know this is a terrible idea :>
The game (archived and run on a server supported by Fazbear fans, I don’t know much about tech so I dunno if this is even possible but whatever) runs like it should when you first enter it. However, it starts acting up when you input your old username…
I might start writing this as a fic once I’m further along on my current fic, so for now I’ll just be dumping my AU ideas on this blog haha
Here’s a summary and a brief snippet I wrote because the idea wouldn’t leave me alone:
Virtual pet game websites are a dime in a dozen. You might’ve tried out one or two in your childhood, but memories of that are fuzzy at best. It’s only when your classmate brings up a particular website hosted by Fazbear Corporation that you begin to remember playing it briefly during its heydays, and you decide to visit it for nostalgia’s sake.
“Welcome to Sun and Moon’s Superstar Daycare!” the computerized voice of the sunny jester character trills. He lounges on top of the window asking you to create a new account, kicking his curly-tipped shoes merrily in the air as he eagerly awaits your input. His bouncy avatar, its details showing hours of love and dedication poured into each brush stroke, paints a hilarious contrast against the shoddy art that makes up the background of the game. You don’t really care, though. It’s not like anyone plays these types of games for its art.
Your hands hover over the keyboard. After a moment’s hesitation, you try to enter your old username.
Most likely the “Sorry, this username has already been taken” prompt will pop up since you clearly remember using it as a kid, but there’s no harm in trying. You click on the “Confirm” option.
Nothing happens.
Weird. Is it hanging? You click it again, and again. Nothing happens. Even Sun has frozen still. Yep, it’s definitely hanging. Pity, but it’s not too unexpected considering the game’s age. You decide to fall back on the good ol’ cure: spamming the mouse button. clickclickclickclickclickcli
his eyes flick up to stare at you
The shock shoots through your whole being like a lightning bolt. You gasp sharply, eyes fluttering close for a brief moment before they’re cast on the computer screen again.
“Welcome back, Starbite!” Sun says. He takes center stage in a field of rudimentarily drawn grass, the baby blue sky matching the bright smile stretching from “ear” to “ear”, like nothing had happened. “Go forth and pick a Faz Pet to be your forever companion, and I hope you enjoy your stay at our esteemed daycare!”
The character delivers his scripted lines like he should.
The character has his arms up in celebration like he should.
The character smiles at you like he should.
So what is this cold dread trickling down your spine…?
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faithst · 2 years ago
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ask from ☃️ anon <3 faith baby why did you just start blasting when i was your man. faith my ears. anyway! since we used to play on that pixelmon server everyday for an entire year (dark times), what pokemon do you think zb1 would have on their team?? who’d be their ace, their starter, etc etc. ok ily pls chillax and turn bruno mars off ❤️
notes hi ☃️ anon (which is literally just @trashhdez) i was ‘same bed but it feels just a little bit bigger now’-ing because i saw hanbin concept photos ok ☹️ but for the sake of simplicity; i will just be giving each member a starter, an eeveelution, and a legendary / mythical !
starter > eeveelution > legendary / mythical
— zhang hao
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fennekin it’s whole vibe fits hao imo, very classy but also a bit of spark yk. also a very pretty and babygirl pokemon !
espeon IDK HOW TO EXPLAIN BUT ESPEON IS SO RESERVED LIKE HAO (introvert-wise ig?) also hao fits very well w purple
lunala aka the better evolution from cosmoem ! lunala has stars and stars shine and yk who else is a star? yeah, hao. also lunala feels very classy like him
— sung hanbin
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charmander both very popular and has a determined vibe ! charmander is also v friendly (i think) so basically hanbin !
leafeon the design SCREAMS hanbin (it’s so cute) it looks so gentle and polite, overall friendly and easy to approach
shaymin (specifically the hedgehog, idk what the actual ver is called) similar designs to leafeon ! shaymin seems v assertive altho being a cutie patootie; so basically leader hanbin
— seok matthew
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oshawott I WAS TORN BETWEEN OSHAWOTT AND POPPLIO but oshawott seems more matthew-y to me yk ! both super cute and bouncy (idk don’t ask)
eevee because it’s fluffy like matt. also i feel like eevee is the most sunshine out of all the eeveelutions !
jirachi does that not scream matthew ?? like cute star = matthew, end of statement.
— shen ricky
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snivy super chic and elegant like ricky. screams expensive taste
glaceon THATS LITERALLY RICKY ! super elegant, super cool. ricky 🤝 ice types. also glaceon reminds me of his hair idk why
xerneas looks so EXPENSIVE. also xerneas is like super cool like ricky (i love xerneas sm) bedazzled and chic
— park gunwook
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squirtle are we even surprised at this point? it literally looks like him, literally identical; could pass off as twins
vaporeon (i do not want to be reminded of the copypasta) BUT LOOK AT IT, ITS SO CUTE AND CHEERY just like GUNWOOK !!
zekrom gbtb gunwook vibes. literally the cool side of gunwook. the build zekrom has also reminds me of gunwook !
— kim taerae
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piplup it’s literally taerae, look at it !
sylveon super babygirl. both prolly have their motto as ‘friendship is magic’ and the ribbons omg
diancie the jewels on it’s head remind me of taerae and his voice. all of these are so babygirl just like him :D
— kim gyuvin
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chimchar why? 1) @trashhdez is a big chimchar fan and has the exact same personality as gyuvin 2) gyuvin would love chimchar, super cute but also could beat you up
jolteon the puppy vibes from gyuvin ! sparky and energetic just like him !
zygarde (specifically the core. if not, then the 10% one) i have no explanation for this one… it’s just.. yeah..
— kim jiwoong
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sobble i feel like jiwoong would pick the most unhinged looking starter, thus picking sobble. ig it’s cute,,,
umbreon VERY CHIC JUST LIKE JIWOONG ‼️ looks very intimidating but actually just a cutie patoot
entei regal. like royalty looking. i feel like entei embodies jiwoong in a way i cannot explain, maybe it’s the stance
— han yujin
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froakie 100% plays pokemon by the meta and picks froakie just bcuz of ash’s greninja (i can’t blame him tho, the greninja is godly)
flareon gives me youth vibes and very playful. flareon looks like a teenage boy
rayquaza bcuz of the meta, prolly his fav out of every pokemon (also can’t blame him here, rayquaza is also godly)
© keiwook | 2023
tag @bruhiamistake @trashhdez @chxrrymxxnlight @haesunflower @big-uwu-stan @gnwookie @yjhcloud @kpoprhia @karinaskitty @blaycke
here to join the taglist !
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jades-typurriter · 1 year ago
Tiger Pox
This is a smaller one I did for fun after a friend of mine designed a cute tiger girl (and then another one, and then another one). Vee doesn't have an account that vee'd like tagged, so I'm going to credit the concept (and accompanying art) to Bowsiosaurus =3
CW: we tf into cute tiger girls yaaaayyyyy =^w^=
“So, the strategy that’s been getting more and more popular is to Terastalize one of your Pokemon into a Dragon-Type, and then have a Mold Breaker Haxorus use Dragon Cheer—”
“OHO,” yowled the ewe. “Because Mold Breaker lets the effect stack more than once, even when the target usually wouldn’t be affected!”
“Exactly!” replied the stout sea serpent. “The most common setup has been Gholdengo with Make It Rain.”
“Oh, okay,” Jade mumbled between bites of her street-corner hot dog. “Why is Gholdengo so strong, again?”
She and Bowsie had spent the afternoon trawling the displays of their town’s shopping plaza, and now leaned up against a building along the main thoroughfare to take a break before continuing. The impassioned, excited discussion about the finer points of the competitive metagame carried for a block or two in either direction, even rising above the crowd noise from the rest of the shoppers.
“Well, on top of being a Steel-Type, it’sssss… Um, it’s um…” Bowsie’s eyes seemed to unfocus as Jade listened. No, not unfocus—focus on something further behind her. She turned over her shoulder to look, and straightened up when she saw a shapely tiger woman strutting down the sidewalk toward the two of them. She towered over even Jade; the confident click, click, click, click of her high heels on the pavement were like a metronome, setting the pace of Jade’s tail as it swished like a cat preparing to pounce.
As Bowsie struggled to rediscover ver train of thought, head swiveling to follow the woman as she approached, Jade coyly waggled a paw up at her. She glanced their way, sending a cold, thrilling jolt through each of their chests, and briefly flashed her teeth at them. As she passed, her tail skimmed gently across both of their snouts, a clearly well-practiced tease to rile up what must have seemed, to her, as an adorably out-of-their-depth pair of spectators. Bowsie, of course, lost all hope of recovering ver composure; ver bouncy snout was a dark blue all over, and ver flippers shot up to cover ver eyes in an effort to hide how flustered vee was. Jade, on the other hand, interpreted the gesture as reciprocation of her flirty little greeting, and was about to call after the woman with a quip about “touching fluffy tail”.
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Something stopped her, though—she suddenly felt warm, and it struck her as more than simply blushing. She tugged at her collar, cartoonishly “awooga” as it seemed, given the circumstances, and realized that it didn’t just feel tighter: her clothes were getting tighter. Her chest (which, admittedly, had always been mostly fluff) was starting to stretch out her top, so much so that it began to bare a little bit of her midriff. Her skirt began to ride up as her hips took up more and more of the room underneath.
She looked over at Bowsie, whose scales shimmered with a layer of sweat—except where they had been replaced by big, poofy patches of bright-orange fur! Vee was shooting up like a rocket, too. Before Jade’s eyes, vee went from a whole head shorter to nearly at eye level; something told her that the only reason she hadn’t been overtaken yet was that she had been subtly stretching skyward as well. The serpent’s tail stretched and thinned as the fur inched along its length, losing its characteristic, reptilian taper in favor of a uniform thickness and a round, soft-looking tip. The black stripes crisscrossing the islands of fur seemed to knit themselves together as they bridged the gap, everywhere except for ver stomach: just like before, it was a lighter color compared to the rest of ver.
Her attention was finally wrenched back from her companion as she heard buttons begin to pop and fabric begin to rrrRRRIP. She looked down and saw that the new gaps had revealed stripes of her own, her wooly fleece slowly straightening and stiffening into a dense layer of white fur that exploded out through her top’s once-respectable neckline. Her mane grew even less manageable than usual, fluffing up so much that it fell around her face as she examined herself; her hooves softened into round, blunt, padded paws, big enough to appropriately cushion her quickly-growing frame. As the last of her own stripes were freed from the tatters of her clothes, she looked out over the mountainous fluff of her chest to see her equally-well-endowed friend looking expectantly back at her, arms crossed in an affectionately-impatient little huff that accentuated her new assets.
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“Oh, uh… I’m sorry, were you waiting for me?”
“You were wheeling again, Jade!” 
��M-my bad! I just got a little distracted, is all. It’s just…” She fiddled with her paws for a moment, looking down at the ground, before glancing furtively back up at her friend. “Do you think that pretty lady might’ve l-liked us?”
“Us?” Bowsie scoffed, tilting her chin up smugly. “Bestie, of course she liked us! We’re catches. I bet we could catch her if we left now, but honestly? I’m kinda hungry.” Jade glanced down at a discarded hot dog laying near her on the street. Not the kind of thing she would usually go for, but Bowsie had a point—they’d been walking around all day, after all!
“Do you think they have a pumpkin spice flavor at the bubble tea place?”
“I think I saw it on their sign!”
“Yaaaaayy!” the white tiger cheered quietly. “It’s my favorite… that’s why winter is my favorite time of year!”
“It’s your favorite time of year ‘cause you have all that fluff, girl! Not everybody’s as well-insulated as you. Makes it harder to spot you, too!”
“That part is a little comforting…”
“Well, I’m happy for you, but I love being easy to spot. Why do you think that girl was smiling at me before, huh?”
“Hush!” Jade giggled, playfully nudging the orange tiger’s shoulder. “You know how loud you are. She might hear you!”
“I hope so! Then I can invite her to the tea place with us!”
“So I can third wheel for the two of you?”
“Well, you’d better get walking if you don’t want me to take off and hunt her down! C’mon!”
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TY for reading! Here's a little epilogue, as well as the designs on their own. If you're interested in more of my writing you can have a look here and here!'designs on their own. If you're interested in more of my writing you can have a look here and here!
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catcze · 2 months ago
yeee! tbh am not really a horror girl either but i'm able to tolerate it as long as i have someone watching it with me bc they're usually the one who isn't as fazed ehe (im looking at my partner but he gets jumped too on occasion heh)
omg that's so cutelkjfdskjff sylus sounds so cute??? he sounds like the kind of person that i want to squish. like squishing his cheeks to see how he'd react cute like cute aggression kinda thing? and he does fall under the category of the kind of fictional guy i'm a sucker for too hehe but your guys interactions sound rlly sweet from what u've told me >:3 ALSO NW!! idm if u wanna ramble more abt sylus or like the game in general /gen /pos ₍^. ̫.^₎
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also i got a little idea after seeing those pkmn gifs but,,sylus kind of strikes me as someone who'd have an umbreon or maybe absol :0
Omg that's adorable !! I'm glad you found a way to tolerate horror and to hang out with your partner at the same time !! Super super cute akjsda
Yes !! Sylus is such a squishable sweetheart tbh, although he tends to try and seem like he's not lol ♡ The interactions are super cute and entertaining to watch, especially if you like listening to them banter HAHA (And omg you're literally so sweet 😭 Thanks for not minding akjnsd)
AND AND AND OMGGGG Raeli you have opened up the pokemon lover floodgates in me with that— I totally agree !! He vv much seems like the type to have dark types like an umbreon or an absol !! Sylus also has a sorta crow motiff to him (in the game, he has a pet crow !) so I can also imagine him having a honchkrow and/or a corviknight, too ! it would be super funny lol because I feel like I would have a team of fairy types, with a few psychic and grass types, so it would be such whiplash to see my team of cutiepie pokemon beside his dark-types HAHAHA Though !! For sure, I can see my sylveon being all bouncy and excitable and cutely annoying his umbreon whenever she gets the chance HAHAAH
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patchun · 5 months ago
Emerald Seaglass Elite 4 Saga
This is not a challenge romhack or anything but I am on Hard Mode and I do really like my team so I figured I'd document my experience here. Just one post this time no worries lol.
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This has been a fairly casual run with me, as usual, coming overprepared and taking the game far more seriously than it should be taken for the majority of it - but nonetheless, in the interest of not wasting healing items and such because the economy was actually kind of rough, I've been playing on Switch mode. But, for the purposes of a more challenging Elite 4, I have switched() to Set.
First is Sydney. No real documentation on the trainer changes in this game so I'm just going to assume Mightyena lead. Fairy/Dragon Altaria should be more than enough to deal with pretty much his entire team, but should I need it, I do have Absol with Sacred Sword in the back. Here we go-a.
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Yeah no Moonblast just wiped the floor with all of his Pokemon one by one lol. I kind of wish this WAS a challenge romhack because Pokemon is just kind of braindead otherwise BUT moving on
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130 base Attack. Buffed to 95 base Speed. Sharpness. Night Slash, Psycho Cut, Sacred Sword - Absol is the best its probably ever been here. And if she isn't enough, Ghost/Normal Banette (whose best attacking move is unfortunately Phantom Force) should be able to handle anything else. The two complement each other well, with Banette being able to switch into Fighting moves and such.
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..was that necessary
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Oh actually Mismagius is a genuinely scary Pokemon, Ghost/Fairy and undoubtedly going for Moonblast here. My Fairy answer is Yuumi the Chimecho so I'll pivot into her before switching Misery in on a Ghost move.
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Misery took a Moonblast before going for Phantom Force,... which then gave Phoebe the opportunity to switch to her own Banette. A better physical Ghost move would have been cool here. Predicting a physical attack like Darkest Lariat, I switched to Walrein (Fur Coat... it's so bulky). But this is a special attacking Banette who used Thunderbolt, so I switched out again, this time to Chiyari.
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Which brings in Froslass... Okay, these ghosts are actually pretty tough. I go Yuumi on the Ice Beam and then Jill on a... Will-o-Wisp. I then swap Skadi in on a 150 BP Infernal Parade... or at least, I thought it was 150 BP? Skadi basically took nothing. I'm not sure I'm telling you this walrus is insane in this game.
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okay well fuck me for saying it was easy or whatever hahaha.
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I finish Dusknoir off w Yuumi so that I'm in this position when Mismagius comes in. Highly expecting either Shadow Ball or Infernal Parade, one if which I'm confident I can survive - HOWEVER, I'm also confident that Flash Cannon won't kill here. However if all goes well I should be able to switch into Misery afterwards to get the kill with Shadow Sneak.
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If this were a Nuzlocke losing Flygon would have been devastating. But it's not so onward
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so yeah Ghost type was pretty rough to deal with but surely Ice wont be so bad ri-... *looks at team*... Well it really depends. I went ahead and taught Yuumi Calm Mind which I was holding off on. Skadi also knows it, and Jill has Sacred Sword - but bringing her in might not be possible, so I guess I'll lead with her. (side note you may notice my low level pokemon yes because my exp share is turned off for the sake of challenge(
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What madman was responsible for making Walrein one of the best defensive Pokemon in the game lmao, the battle just came down to Skadi beating up the other ice types with Bouncy Bubble
Anyways onto Drake now, and I have quite a few answers for Dragon types. Gonna go ahead and turn the EXP Share back on for this fight seeing as I am now at a 6 level disadvantage that should be enough lol
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What's particularly nostalgic about this, and the big reason I've been wanting to use Flygon lately, is that my very first time ever beating the Elite 4 was with a Flygon. Playing Ruby version at my grandmom's house in the country, I must have lost so many times, even though I'm 100% sure I was definitely using Groudon too. Probably Blaziken and Gardevoir and Breloom on there... good memories.
Drake brought in Altaria so I swapped to Yuumi,,, he then proceeded to set up two Dragon Dances and then hit me with a terrifying +0 Dazzling Gleam. lol.
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Which brings in Drake's own Flygon but like... what is it gonna do to me. A weak Flamethrower? Oh Crunch no, that's actually bad. Okay Skadi your turn dear
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A Crunch into a CRIT Earthquake did that much like... what is this
Now then, with my underleveled ass two water-resist ass team,,, onto Wallace.
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I'll spare you the details as this fight was mostly stat-checking but Jill came in very clutch with a crit on Whiscash in the end and this one might have in fact been necessary >:D
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cagemasterfantasy · 11 months ago
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Igglybuff the Balloon pokemon a normal and fairy type
Ability: Cute Charm or Competitive Hidden Ability: Friend Guard
Highest Base Stat: Hp:90
Lowest Base Stat: Defense Speed:15
Base Stat Total: 210
Favorite Spot: Forehead Swirl
Least Favorite: Lower Abdomen
It likes to sing but is not yet good at it. With praise and encouragement, it will get better little by little. It moves by bouncing along. As it moves a lot, it sweats, and its body gives off a sweet aroma.
It's always practicing its singing because it wants to improve. Even when it's asleep, it keeps singing in its dreams! Left to its own devices, it will constantly practice singing. You should make it take a break so it doesn't hurt its throat.
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Level up with High Friendship to get Jigglypuff the Balloon pokemon a normal and fairy type
1ft 8inc
Ability: Cute Charm or Competitive Hidden Ability: Friend Guard
Egg Group: Fairy
Highest Base Stat: Hp:115
Lowest Base Stat: Defense Speed:20
Base Stat Total: 270
Favorite Spot: Hair Puff
Least Favorite: Ears
It hugely inflates its stomach and sings a mysterious melody. If you hear this melody, you'll become sleepy right away. Jigglypuff possess a vocal range that exceeds 12 octaves, but each individual's singing skill depends on its own effort.
Recordings of Jigglypuff's strange lullabies can be purchased from department stores. These CDs can be found near the bedding area. The songs they sing are totally different depending on the region they live in. Some even sound like they're shouting!
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Use a Moon Stone to get Wigglytuff the Balloon pokemon a normal and fairy type
3ft 3inc
Ability: Cute Charm or Competitive Hidden Ability: Frisk
Egg Group: Fairy
Highest Base Stat: Hp:140
Lowest Base Stat: Defense Speed:45
Base Stat Total: 435
Favorite Spot: Hair Puff
Least Favorite: Chest
It sheds its fine fur when the seasons change. The fur is gathered and spun into a luxurious yarn. As it inhales, it expands...and expands...and expands. Wigglytuff compete to see which one can inflate itself the most.
Thanks to its bouncy body and fine fur, this Pokemon is sought after. Holding one in your arms while you sleep feels great. When it gets angry, it inhales with all its might, and its body gradually inflates. Sometimes they can grow 20 times larger!
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chaserainbows · 6 months ago
the last two
@vixletserenity for celeste i assign rubbunny
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it's a normal type with oblivious and unaware as potential abilities as well as bouncy (a custom ability that inflicts recoil damage on the enemy if they hit it with contact moves) and it not only matches her aesthetic but it also has a very flexible body that bounces off physical attacks easily so it's very useful for protecting her against aggressive wild pokemon
@luckykatstravels for kats i assign paradiso
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it's a water/grass type with friend guard overcoat and symbiosis as potential abilities and it's basically a living island that transports lost travelers to safety in the middle of the ocean so it can help him when he's traveling and also keep him safe no matter where he goes when hoopa's tossing him all over the place
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the1entirecircus · 6 months ago
DC Comics Fakemon Fanart
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The Deceptueye Line, inspired by the Court of Owls and their Talons.
Originally, they were meant to be regional variants of the Decidueye line, but it occured to me that there is no reasonable explanation for a Rowlet to stop photosynthesizing and use ghostly powers. So, I made this evolution line be Regional Fakes rather than variants.
Prowlet (Prowl + Owlet) evolves into Smarisk (Smart + Risk) at level 20 rather than level 17 to reference that the Court of Owls were introduced in 2011. Smarisk evolves into Deceptueye (Decept + you're + eye) because of the Electrum Talon it needs to evolve with. Originally, the talon was going to be a tooth, but then I remembered, birds themselves don't have teeth, they have beaks. And its a vague reference to the time Batman hit Nightwing to knock a tooth with Electrum out of him that doesn't need to be remembered, so talon it is, but one made of electrum?
In DC Comics, Electrum has supernatural properties when made correctly. One of these properties is making the Court of Owl's Talons, assassins who use throwing knives, into semi-immortal killers. They are immediately ressurected once in contact with the metal.
Their shiny is an inverse of the black and white patterns on Prowlet and Smarisk's designs while Deceptueye is all white.
Prowlet | The Shadow Quill Pokemon | Ghost/Flying | Ability: Tough Claws/Early Bird | HA: Adaptability | Dex Entry: "Originally believed to be a rare variation of Rowlet, Prowlet is in truth a completely different pokemon. Its pale face sitcks out in the bleak shadows of night." / "The appearance of Prowlet dates back to Gotham's earliest days, some even suggesting that they are connected to the Court of Noctowls."
Smartrisk | The Dagger Quill Pokemon | Ghost/Flying | Ability: Tough Claws/Early Bird | HA: Adaptability | Dex Entry: "They put up a facade reminiscent to Dartrix's behavior, however, when isolated with potential prey, Dartrisk are quick to plunder." / "Some of the wealthier members of Gotham own a Dartrisk due to their efficiency at removing pests."
Deceptueye | The Stealthy Owl Pokemon | Ghost/Fighting | Ability: Reaction Time (This pokemon has a 30% chance to dodge an opponent's move even if they have 100% accuracy (moves like Aerial Ace can't be dodged however. Items that increase the opponent's aim ignore this ability completely.)/Regenerator | HA: Mold Breaker | Dex Entry: "The Electrum in Deceptueye's body have provided it with the capability of being resurrected from the dead. They follow commands from their trainers without hesitation, and they attack enemies without remorse." / "Rumor has it that because of their connection to a type of Electrum as well as their deadly nature they became the signature pokemon for the assassins of the Court of Noctowls. They utilize a variety of quills to impale their targets with."
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Meta Pokemon are a concept that I made to reflect metahumans in the DC Universe if it had pokemon in it. There are still metahumans in the DC x Pokemon world, theres just meta pokemon too. Think of them as pokemon who have gone through radical changes that cause their abilities, typing, and/or stats to be altered. In Meta Toxicroak's case, those radical changes were in the form of the chemicals that the Joker fell into.
This variation of Toxicroak is modeled after Joker's appearance in the The Batman (2004) (the tv show, not the movie, just wanted to specify). I grew up on that version of the Joker and this is me paying tribute to his character design. This Joker was very bouncy and athletic, making him capable of fighting Batman. So picking Toxicroak for the meta pokemon he would pay tribute to was a no-brainer.
It's shiny variant is loosely based off from the Joker's vampire form in The Batman vs Dracula. Albeit with some creative liberties.
Meta Toxicroak | The Toxic Mouth Pokemon | Poison/Fighting | Ability: Giggling Stab (The user's physical attacks that make contact with the opponent infect them with poisoning and confusion) | Dex Entry: "It moves quickly around the battlefield so that its opponent are caught off guard when it injects venom into them. The toxin it secretes from its claw induces an unending fit of painful laughter." / "Trainers are warned of the presence of this pokemon. It can create a variety of acids and toxins within its throat sack. It is both deceptive and cunning as well as insane."
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kariachi · 7 months ago
And again, ficlet for a fakemon! A glimpse at the very early days of Monette and her Nilxy!
Confidence in play.
“~standing strong forever, nothing’s gonna stop us now~”
Sat in the corner of the gym’s arena, Monette brushed out her new pokemon’s hair as the two harmonized with the music playing. The apprentices were keeping a wary eye on them, but she did her best to ignore it. Yes, nilxy were a more difficult species to train, yes, they could be little jerks if you didn’t take care of them right, but if she weren’t up to the challenge she wouldn’t have asked for one. If her grandpa didn’t agree, he wouldn’t have gotten her one. There had been plenty of other fairy-types and potential fairy types on that list he’d given her, he’d have made her pick one of them.
Just because it was rare he denied her didn’t mean it didn’t happen.
Her nilxy, still unnamed, squeaked as she roughly hit a knot and turned it’s big eyes on her. Monette frowned in response, stroking it’s head.
“Sorry, sweetie, I’ll be more careful, promise.” It watched for a long moment, then turned back around and let her return to work, it’s voice taking on a slightly harsher pitch. Such were fairy types. Some species were calm and forgiving, but people who hadn’t grown up with them seemed to constantly be getting surprised by how moody others could be. Of all the typings, it was on the list of ones rarely recommended for beginners, and nilxy on the list never recommended for beginners.
But, she’d learned young how to manage her emotions to keep hatterene comfortable, dance around the boundaries of florges, and stop mawile from biting visitors. As far as she was concerned, if there was any newly-licensed trainer who could handle a troublesome little fairy it would be her.
A change in the music signaled a challenger, going from bouncy pop to slow intrumentals. In a heartbeat Monette was up and changing her position with a grin, allowing herself to see the field as someone nearly her parents’ age approached the field with a grafaiai on their shoulder. Before her, nilxy perked up, watching with barely contained excitement as their first battle against Roman and his fidough began.
Yeah, the two of them were definitely going to understand each other.
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battle-subway-ghost · 1 year ago
Tell me every fact about this strange creature I must know more
Alright, rapid fire.
Azurill, the Polka Dot pokemon, is its first evolution. It's considered a baby pokemon by most people. When evolving into Marill, Azumarill's second evolution, female Azurills have a chance of becoming male if the conditions they live in call for it (or, just by pure chance.)
Their bouncy little tails act as a weapon and as a way to store nutrition. it's pretty much all fat reserves in there, which build up more and more as they evolve.
They hunt and travel underwater, and can swim at speeds up to 30mph, and stay underwater for a total of 40 hours as an Azumarill. Their blue and white coloration acts as camouflage.
Yes, Azumarill hunt. They're omnivores. Though they're mostly piscivores outside of the underwater plants they eat.
Their shiny form is yellow, which makes it hard to hide from predators and hunt, so most wild shinies in the Azumarill line don't do very well for themselves. They're much better off in captivity.
They're part of the lagomorph family of pokemon, so they're similar in biology to pokemon like Buneary.
They have three abilities, Thick Fat, Huge Power, and Sap Sipper- Which you don't see often, it's a hidden ability.
Up until Fairy Types were discovered, they were considered pure water types. That's since changed though- and uh. Explained why they were never bothered by dragon types before.
They are surprisingly soft (except for their tails, which dont have fur) and their fur is waterproof, like the bidoof line's.
They can take down your psuedo legendaries easily with the right setup. You should be very afraid, they are 3 feet of terror in a battle.
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