#Border crossings
relaxedstyles · 14 days
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reality-detective · 1 year
Alex Jones visits the Southern border before Biden. 🤔
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mapsontheweb · 11 months
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Map of how the Rafah border crossing operates
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isawthismeme · 4 months
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Why do Repugnicans have such short memories? They still don’t see their own party voting against fixing the border crisis to win petty political battles.
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bigfootbeat · 2 months
Bigfoot Conspiracy?
If a government is covering up Bigfoot, which one is it? My money is on Canada.
From the essay:
Conspiracy theories about government cover-ups of Bigfoot’s existence are popular, but unlikely. With numerous complex government and military organizations involved, coordinating a cover-up would be highly improbable. Moreover, the potential for financial gain through revealing the truth makes it even more unlikely. The myth persists due to the enduring allure of mysteries.
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sher-ee · 2 months
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 10 months
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"BOAT ALLEGED TO HAVE TAKEN WINE IS SEIZED," Hamilton Spectator. December 4, 1933. Page 7. --- Said to Have Carried Liquor From Hamilton ---- And Deposited It Near Rochester City --- Impounded By R.C.M.P. at Port Hope ---- A new development in the wine transaction between the H. Robinson corporation and an American bootleg ring came to light over the week-end when Sergeant Frank Samson took two men to Port Hope and seized the Harry H., a 125-foot craft that is alleged by the police to have carried the shipment of wine from Hamilton to a point near Rochester in the latter part of October.
Mounted Police officers stated that they had information in their possession that the craft in question had made the trip from Hamilton to a point near Rochester, where the purchasers of the wine had received it. Late Saturday Constables Crawford and McDuff, from the Toronto R.C.M.P. barracks, were placed on the boat after it was officially impounded by the government.
The boat has been lying in the west harbour at Port Hope for several months, ever since the law was passed prohibiting the export of liquor, but longshoremen at Port Hope said the ship was absent from its berth for three days at the time the police claim it made the trip. At this time the waterfront men said it sailed light and came back. -light and they believe the boat made the trip first to Hamilton and then to the American shore before returning.
Former Sub-Chaser The ship is of sturdy build and was used as a sub-chaser in the Black Sea during the war and is capable of doing about 40 miles an hour. It could make the trip from - its home berth to Rochester in about an hour, the lake sailors stated. It was registered at Toronto and the crew never stayed in Port Hope, residents of that town said. Whenever the ship made a trip the crew was brought down from Toronto.
At present Milton B. Staud is being held at Rochester charged by United States authorities with being in possession of merchandise that entered the country without the taxes being paid, but he will be turned over to the Mounted Police officers after they apply for extradition.
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lutnistas · 9 months
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Chinese Culture Museum - Chinese side of Khorgos Free Trade Zone ( Kazakhstan - China border )
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mannyblacque · 2 months
John Oliver dropping straight 💯 facts. Finally, someone says it.
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fainfrumos · 1 year
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Border crossing brutalism, Vama Veche [01.09.23]
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acmeoop · 1 year
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A Paperweight “Mind Over Matterhorn” (1996)
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immaculatasknight · 11 months
Strong fences make good neighbors
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isawthismeme · 4 months
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head-post · 9 months
Slovenia prolongs border controls to June 2024
Slovenia decided to extend its border checks with Croatia and Hungary until June 22, 2024, against the background of “significant deterioration of security in the Middle East,” growing terrorist threat and violent conflicts across Africa.
The country first introduced temporary checks on October 21 under Article 28 of the Schengen Borders Code, then applied Article 25 of the code, which allowed police checks for six months. Any further extension would depend on the security situation in Slovenia and the wider region.
The Government stated that the level of terrorist risk remained elevated in Slovenia and elsewhere in Europe. The situation is perilous because a threat to one member of the Schengen area poses a threat to all other members.
Read more HERE
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weshallflyaway · 2 years
I’m very excited to announce that my book is now featured on Narrative Muse, a media matchmaking service dedicated to providing recommendations in books, films and television shows based on your interests.
Narrative Muse focuses on supporting diverse storytelling, particularly promoting stories by/about women and gender diverse folk. It’s a fantastic initiative and also allows you to submit your own recommendations for inclusion which can be great exposure for indie authors such as myself.
It’s a homegrown initiative from Aotearoa/New Zealand and I highly recommend it for anyone who’s ever wished they had a great tool for discovering new stories that meet a particular set of characteristics - please do check it out!
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