#Boost program on Medium
Good News for New Writers & Bad News for Established Ones
But Both Can Be Winners with a Strategic Approach I am pleased that my new account, with 100 followers, now gets more visibility than my old account, with 101835 followers. Here is what new and established writers could do to adapt.  Today, I experienced a mix of emotions when I discovered that my new Medium account, created out of necessity after being targeted by scammers, organically gained…
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izicodes · 11 months
Writing About The Codeblr Community
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Sunday 22nd October 2023
I am making an article about us! Well, about the coding community on here (#codeblr)!
I got advice from a frequent writer on Medium that I should write about something I am passionate about and to find out what exactly, she said "What topic would you talk about for hours in front of an audience?" and honestly it would be Tumblr, but more especially about the Codeblr community!
⬇️ Below for more information + how you can help! ⬇️
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I've made some notes on what I want to talk about. It's still not complete as I made the notes around midnight last night so I was a bit tired whilst I was typing but I will take time to talk to people, plan the various topics I want to cover properly and get enough information!
🤔 What's my aim with writing the article?
To shed light to the community and the hard work everyone has put into their codeblr/studyblr blogs. From people sharing resources, to those who share their programming progresses. Someone asked me time ago about sharing their codeblr blogs on their resume/CV and on other social media platforms - if people can share their YouTube, Twitter, Instagram account on coding, why not their Codeblr blog? Your Tumblr blog is just as worthy as someone sharing on Twitter. Plus it's nicer and more welcoming here~!
Anyhoo, if you see your name in the list, I will ask permission to mention you! I won't force it or anything.
🔍 Questions for those who want to be involved!
I would greatly ask if anyone wants to be in the article, I would love to ask you about your own experience. I try my best to follow as many codeblr blogs as I can (because I love seeing that kind of posts on my feed). The questions if you want to answer (not all if you don't want to):
Why did you choose to share on Tumblr rather than the other more popular social media platforms?
Do you prefer it/Why do you like the Codeblr community?
How long have you been a member of Codeblr, and how active are you in the community?
In what ways has Codeblr contributed to your learning and growth as a coder?
Are there specific resources, tutorials, or discussions on Codeblr that have been especially beneficial to you?
Have you participated in any notable collaborations or group projects with other Codeblr members?
How do you view the importance of diversity and inclusion within Codeblr?
Have you observed efforts within the community to foster an inclusive environment?
✨ Thank you so so so much for reading, if you can't help then that's a-okay! Watch out for the article being posted on my Medium account - I'll make a new post on here when I do publish it! Fingers-crossed it's an actual good read~!
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liesmyth · 11 months
I want to start running...any tips?
I WAS BORN TO ANSWER THIS QUESTION. Thank you so much for asking! Unfortunately, I am a nerd about my hobbies so this got quite long.
Keep it simple ✨
Running is easy to get into; our bodies are built for it. Don’t stress over technicalities and just do what feels natural to you. My local races are full of 70-something white-haired pensioners who are kicking ass at it. Don’t let anyone tell you that running is meant to feel like dying, that’ll harm your knees, or that you absolutely need to have that specific smartwatch model to get into it. All you need is a solid pair of shoes, everything else is optional.
Medium effort is the way to go
The ideal aerobic running pace is a speed at which you’re able to hold a conversation, even if a bit winded. NO faster. If you’re able to sing along to your playlist or chat with a friend, that’s your ideal running pace. If you’re gasping or wheezing, slow down! You’ll get a bit faster as your lung capacity gets better, but that shouldn’t be a priority unless you want to train for a race. You get most of the health benefits of running just by keeping up a steady, sustainable, conversational pace.
Walking breaks are fine, actually
That’s the reason why I don’t love C25K as a beginner program — the way it’s structured sort of implies that walking breaks are something you should grow out of to become a more experienced runner. If you need to walk for a bit, go ahead.
If possible, jogging is preferable, just because the mechanics of even a glacial-pace jog are more similar to running than those of a faster power walk, so you might try switching to a jog after a bit of a walking interval. But walking is not a failure; there are serious marathon training plans out there that use walk/run intervals as a viable strategy.
(Related: picking up speed helps you keep going! If you feel like you are completely drained, try speeding up for a very short interval, then slowing back down. It’ll often give you an energy boost to keep going)
Run for time, not distance ⌚
Especially for beginners, I find that getting fixated on numbers can be counter productive, and the most important thing is to listen to your body. If you’re aiming to hit a certain mileage, you might get the urge to speed up at the end to get done faster. Instead, set yourself time-based goals and end every run with a cool down jog or walk.
Good running shoes are essential, and pretty much the only fitness-related purchase on which I’ll always support dropping money. If you get to the point where you’re consistently running 10 km (6 miles) each week, you’ll want to go to a running store — the kind of place where you’ll get fitted, and they’ll have you try on models and jog on a treadmill to evaluate your gait and let you know which characteristics your ideal shoe needs. I can’t stress enough how useful running store staff can be. They’re all running club nerds who LOVE getting new people into running, and they really want to help you find your ideal fit. Also get good running socks while you’re at it.
Be prepared to drop at least 100€ (or equivalent currency) but they usually have a great return policy if the model isn’t a good fit for you. Take care of your running shoes — maintenance, wearing them only for running, gentle cleansing etc — and the cushioning will last for quite a while (600km / 370miles at least). If you decide that you hate running, they’re still great for walking around. Once you find your ideal shoe model, it gets a lot easier to shop for it during end-of-season sales, or looking for online bargains etc. I love stocking on end-of-series shoes and rotating them so they’ll last even longer, and I buy online quite often! Just make sure your FIRST pair is fitted, for ideal injury prevention and joint health.
Injury prevention 💪
I’d love to still be running 10k races when I’m 70, but it takes some care to get there. When you run, you’re slamming your body weight up and down with every stride, and that might be hard on your joints if you’re not used to it. If you’re completely new to running, cap your runs at 15/20 minutes every other day. Do that even if you feel like you could keep going! If you have a good aerobic base already, you need to give your joints time to catch up with you lung capacity, and give your body time to recover. Do bodyweight exercises like lunges and planks and glute bridges to strengthen your core, legs, and hips. Dynamic stretches are great for warmups, and static stretches are better for cooling down. If you have the option, running on softer surface like grass or dirt is better than asphalt, which is better than concrete and pavements.
(If nothing of what I’ve said here makes sense to you, shoot me another ask, or look at some of the resources I’ve linked down below!)
Don't get bored! 🎶
I love running in groups. Running clubs are great. You can learn so much in a hands-on way from seriously experienced people, you can chat about gossip over a running job, and you can make some interesting friends. If you don’t have access to a running community, then personally I love just chilling on a run by myself listening to an audiobook or podcast or exploring a certain area.
Running form❓
Don’t stress about it. Just go out and move your body. Attempting to modify your ‘running form’ too quickly can do more harm than good. There ARE a few things you could pay attention to — I recommend trying to focus on one of these at a time for a minute or so, and alternate between them. After a while, it’ll start to feel natural to keep track of all of them:
1. Don’t slouch! But a slight lean forward is great.
2. Keep your shoulders pulled down and your upper back tense.
3. Swinging your arms in a way that helps with your stride is good, but I shouldn’t feel forced.
4. Even breaths, inhaling through your mouth and expiring through your nose.
5. Take turns to check with every part of your body, and relax them in turn: are your jaw and neck too tense? Are your fists tight?
6. Don’t overstride! shorter strides with quicker leg turnover are better than huge strides that feel awkward to you.
7. Use your glutes to drive up the motion of your legs, not just your quads. This can take a while to get used to, but it’s a game-changer.
8. ENGAGE YOUR CORE. This is a great skill to develop whether you work out or are just existing in the world — basically, let your inner abdominal muscles help you carry your weight forward. This is VERY intuitive once you know how to do it, but it’s hard to get a grasp of it if you don’t know what it means, so here are some resources about it.
an extremely fucking comprehensive article that improved my life and eased my big-boobs back pain
similar content but in video form
a running-specific form video
Personally, learning to do this made me feel like I unlocked a superpower. Go forth and brace.
Accessories and tips 🤓
Like I said above, the only thing I really suggest spending money on for real is running shoes. Everything else is details! However, I’m nothing if not wordy I have Thoughts about those details, too.
Run tracking: I suggest downloading Runkeeper if you want to keep track of your runs — it’s free, intuitive, and solid! If you decide to get into wearables, a low-level Garmin >>>>> anything else.
Self-care: use sunscreen and/or thick face cream as needed. Stop to sip at a public fountain if needed. Get a small fanny pack to hold your phone, keys, or lip balm if needed. If chafing is an issue, anti-glide gel is relatively affordable.
Outfits etc: I get all my running gear and clothes from Decathlon — they are in most countries and ship worldwide. I especially love this thermal shirt for colder weather
Safety: if you’re running on the road, make sure to run in the opposite direction from traffic and to wear something bright. If you run with headphones near traffic, keep the volume down, or get over-the-ear conductor headsets. I love shokz, they're fantastic.
Post-run snack: eating something small and carb-heavy within 30 mins of a workout is great for kickstarting recovery. I love dried fruit personally.
Various resources 📝
Routine basics: check out the r/running order of operations, which is a great “how to” guide to building a basic running routine. I also recommend that subreddit's wiki! Running programming gets exponentially more involved the more advanced you get, etc — if you ever have any questions, hit me up!
Dynamic stretching warmup: a quick leg swing workout to get your legs ready to go. If you’re feeling overachieving, here’s a lunge warmup routine and a how-to bodyweight squat video.
Cooldown routine! Check out Strength and Mobility, a great post-run quick cooldown routine that includes some bodyweight exercises to strengthen your hips and core. Video included.
that's all, folks! 🏃‍♀️
Sorry I got carried away! I love running. I love getting people into running. My mental health, cardiovascular system and my popping quads also love running. But FYI, some people hate running and that's also fine! If you decide it’s not for you, find something you like more. There are a lot of misconceptions out there and a lot of guilt-tripping and body shame-y rhetoric around exercising, especially aimed at women, and I want to make clear it’s all bullshit. Just have fun <3
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seat-safety-switch · 8 months
So-called motorcylists love to shove their beloved bikes away whenever there's a little bit of snow on the road. That's because motorcyclists are famously concerned with their public perception. They don't want to drive around town with wood screws run through their tires, shrieking profanities at stopped traffic before ripping a perfect 12 'o' clocker and driving across the iced-over multi-use-pathway, comfortable in their knowledge that the police will not and can not follow. Or it's because they don't have heated grips, and their handsies get cold.
Heated steering wheels are the single greatest innovation in cars in the last two hundred years. Unfortunately for me, they hadn't been installed into cars of the age I own. In the late 1970s, the newest innovation in steering wheel comfort was "maybe make them a little smaller, for the ladies." Seems like I was cursed to a lifetime of wondering if my thermostat was seized, freezing to death even through many layers of mittens and work gloves while waiting for the tow truck to arrive and clean up the commuters in front of me.
Of course, Plymouth also didn't equip this car with a lot of other modern features. For instance, liquid-cooled active speed laser and radar jamming was not available. Active pursuit drones pre-programmed with a seek-and-destroy order for all speed cameras were not yet on the market, unless you worked for the CIA. And also the good people of China had not figured out how to make $35 45-millimetre ball-bearing turbochargers capable of adding nearly four hundred horsepower to any engine strong enough to keep its guts on the inside when presented with one medium-sized jet engine's worth of boost. I had to add all those things myself.
Easy, right? Run some wires to a heating element on the steering wheel. There's just one complication: steering wheels turn. If I keep spinning the car left and right, eventually the wire will get tangled up and rip itself out, causing an electrical fire. Admittedly, that will also keep my hands warm, but the walk home after is inconvenient.
The original "engineers" who took a whisky-soaked gander at this car before slapping their secretaries on the ass had a solution, though. In every steering wheel, the horn button has the same problem. Unfortunately for me, the horn hasn't worked in this car since 1983, which complicated my attempts to reuse the wiring.
Ultimately, I came up with what a rocket scientist would call "a compromise." A pair of bolt cutters and a map to the local truck-supply warehouse's storage yard soon provided me with a nifty diesel-fired interior heater, a roaring flame that consumes all and produces enough heat to make toast from three feet away. Ratchet-strapped to the place where the passenger seat used to be, it will keep my fingers warm, as well as my feet and every other part of my body. Sure, it's inconvenient having to continually refill it with stolen farm diesel, and I could have run the exhaust pipe out of the cabin a better way than through the rust hole in the floor. Once you get that heated seat feeling, though, you simply can't go back. If you'll excuse me, I need to get going: if I don't get to work in the next five minutes, my boots will melt again.
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noeldeyzel · 3 months
Noel Deyzel and His Rise on TikTok
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Noel Deyzel and His Rise on TikTok
Noel Deyzel has become a household name in the fitness community, thanks to his remarkable presence on TikTok. Known for his motivational content, fitness tips, and engaging personality, Noel has inspired millions worldwide. This article delves into his rise on TikTok, exploring how he leveraged the platform to become a fitness icon.
Early Life and Background
Noel Deyzel’s journey began long before he ever heard of TikTok. Born and raised in South Africa, Noel had a passion for sports and fitness from a young age. Initially pursuing a career in business, he soon realized his true calling lay in bodybuilding and fitness coaching. This transition marked the beginning of a new chapter in his life, one that would eventually lead him to TikTok fame.
Discovery of TikTok
In the early days of TikTok, Noel saw an opportunity to reach a broader audience. Unlike other social media platforms, TikTok’s algorithm favored short, engaging videos, making it the perfect medium for his fitness tips and motivational speeches. Noel started by observing popular trends and understanding what type of content resonated with users.
Content Strategy and Growth
Noel’s content is a mix of fitness advice, workout routines, motivational speeches, and personal anecdotes. By participating in trends and challenges, he kept his content relevant and engaging. Collaborations with other TikTok influencers also played a crucial role in his growth. His commitment to posting regularly and maintaining high-quality content helped him build a loyal following.
Engagement with Followers
One of Noel’s strengths is his genuine interaction with his followers. He responds to comments, engages in duets, and often addresses fan questions in his videos. This level of interaction has fostered a sense of community, making his followers feel valued and appreciated.
Viral Videos and Breakthrough Moments
Noel’s rise to fame includes several key viral moments. Videos where he shared his personal fitness journey, transformation stories, and motivational messages resonated deeply with viewers. These viral videos significantly boosted his follower count and solidified his position as a fitness influencer.
Fitness Tips and Inspirational Content
Noel’s approach to fitness content is practical and motivational. He offers actionable fitness tips, from workout routines to diet advice, ensuring his followers have the tools they need to succeed. Additionally, his inspirational content, which often includes personal stories of overcoming obstacles, helps motivate his audience to pursue their own fitness goals.
Personal Branding and Merchandise
As his popularity grew, Noel developed a strong personal brand. He launched fitness programs, branded merchandise, and even an app to help his followers stay on track with their fitness journeys. This diversification not only enhanced his brand but also provided additional revenue streams.
Challenges Faced and Overcome
Noel’s journey to TikTok fame wasn’t without challenges. Initially, he struggled with gaining traction and faced criticism from skeptics. However, his resilience and dedication helped him overcome these obstacles. He also had to balance his personal life with the demands of creating content, a challenge many influencers face.
Impact on the Fitness Community
Noel has had a significant impact on the fitness community. His no-nonsense advice and motivational content have inspired many to take up fitness seriously. He has also helped demystify bodybuilding, making it more accessible to a broader audience.
Collaborations and Partnerships
Collaborations with other TikTok influencers and brand partnerships have been pivotal in Noel’s journey. By partnering with like-minded creators, he expanded his reach and introduced his content to new audiences. Sponsorship deals with fitness brands have also helped him monetize his TikTok presence.
Transition to Other Platforms
Recognizing the importance of diversifying his online presence, Noel expanded to Instagram, YouTube, and other platforms. This move allowed him to reach different demographics and share more detailed content, such as long-form workout videos and vlogs.
Future Plans and Aspirations
Looking ahead, Noel has big plans. He aims to continue growing his brand, launching new fitness products, and expanding his reach globally. His vision includes not only inspiring people through social media but also creating tangible resources to help them achieve their fitness goals.
Noel Deyzel’s rise on TikTok is a testament to the power of authentic content and genuine engagement. His journey from a fitness enthusiast to a social media icon is inspiring, demonstrating that with dedication and a clear vision, anything is possible. As he continues to evolve, there’s no doubt that Noel will keep motivating and inspiring millions around the world.
How did Noel Deyzel become famous on TikTok?
Noel became famous on TikTok by sharing engaging fitness tips, motivational content, and personal stories. His consistent posting and genuine interaction with followers helped him build a large and loyal audience.
What kind of content does Noel Deyzel create?
Noel creates a variety of content, including fitness advice, workout routines, motivational speeches, and personal anecdotes. He also participates in TikTok trends and challenges.
How does Noel Deyzel interact with his followers?
Noel interacts with his followers by responding to comments, engaging in duets, and addressing fan questions in his videos. This engagement has helped him build a supportive community.
What challenges has Noel Deyzel faced on his journey?
Noel has faced challenges such as gaining initial traction on TikTok, handling criticism, and balancing personal life with content creation demands. His resilience and dedication helped him overcome these obstacles.
What are Noel Deyzel’s future plans?
Noel plans to continue growing his brand, launching new fitness products, and expanding his global reach. He aims to inspire more people through social media and provide tangible resources for achieving fitness goals.
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sincerely-sofie · 6 months
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It took me a minute to finally get my notes straight so I could answer this— I hope it was worth the wait! I’ll give some bullet points of tips I use to help boost my production speed in addition to the strategies I use to try to keep characters consistent. Let’s get into it!
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First up: How I draw faster!
Note that these mostly apply to digital art, as that’s my preferred medium.
If your art program has them, experiment with brush stabilization levels. My hands shake really bad, especially while I’m drawing, so I put a lot of effort into finding a stabilizer level that works with my need to control lines while also smoothing out the tremors in my hands. It’s made it so much easier to draw lines like I want to, and therefore lets me move on instead of redrawing the same line over and over again.
Creating templates for your art helps so much— setting up things like canvas size, color profile, DPI, background colors and images like the paper texture PNGs that I love to use ahead of time helps me get drawing faster, while I’m excited and inspired! Similarly, having a naming system for your art files is useful for speed as well as finding and organizing old pieces easier.
Having premade color palettes of local colors for characters is also super helpful for speed, as well as keeping characters on model :>
Personally, I use a single brush for lineart and rely on the selection tool and bucket fill for coloring when I actually bother to color things in. My lines are pretty loose nowadays, and the same goes for when I color things— I don't abide exactly by the lineart I draw, and get pretty messy with the selection tool and bucket fill!
I simplify character designs as much as possible— the standard design of a sigilyph, for example, is pretty complex. But I made Sen a lot simpler (and also forgot the spikes on her torso in this panel. Oops)
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As for keeping characters on-model…
I’m very flattered that you feel otherwise, but I actually don't keep characters very on-model between different drawings— just look at the different ways I've drawn Ark below— however, I'm improving over time as I become more familiar with how I want to draw the characters! A big part of my process of keeping characters on model is drawing characters over and over to familiarize myself with how they should look through trial and error.
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Learning common angles and poses I will draw characters in is very helpful for making sure they look consistent. As a bit of a downside, though, it makes wonkier angles stick out like a sore thumb! Drawing Ark with his head slightly angled downward was really hard, and I don't think I communicated it that well here:
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I try to have the characters broken down into as many simple shapes that fit into each other as I possibly can, like Twig’s head (circle + rectangle snout + angled rectangle horn) Ark's hair (that weird bangs shape) and Dusknoir's upper body (beanbag shape / slightly elongated circle torso, arms coming out of his frill that comes in a very particular arcing line). This makes it way easier to draw characters quickly and consistently, because I can learn those lines and shapes and get the motion of drawing them into muscle memory.
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Also, knowing the ways characters emote is like knowing cheat codes. Giving characters things like a signature comedic expression of shock or grin that they make when they're happy are very helpful!
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The biggest tip I can give on the topic of keeping characters on-model (at least without model sheets— model sheets are THE way to go. Don’t be like Sofie and neglect those pieces of gold) is really just to practice. Build up familiarity with the shapes and proportions of characters, get a feel for how your hand and wrist moves to get the lines right.
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khalid-albeshri · 30 days
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Reasons behind the fast economic growth of Saudi Arabia:
The rapid economic growth of Saudi Arabia in 2022, especially being the fastest-growing among G20 economies, can be attributed to several key factors:
- Increased Oil Production and Prices: Saudi Arabia, being one of the world's largest oil producers, benefited significantly from rising global oil prices and increased production levels. The rebound in global demand for oil post-pandemic, combined with geopolitical tensions that disrupted other oil supplies, contributed to higher revenues.
- Economic Reforms Under Vision 2030: The Saudi government’s Vision 2030 initiative aims to diversify the economy away from oil dependency. Reforms under this vision have encouraged growth in non-oil sectors such as tourism, entertainment, real estate, and finance, driving economic expansion.
- Investment in Infrastructure: Major infrastructure projects, including NEOM, the Red Sea Project, and the expansion of Riyadh, have attracted significant investments. These projects are not only boosting construction and related industries but are also creating jobs and stimulating the overall economy.
- Foreign Direct Investment (FDI): Saudi Arabia has seen an increase in FDI due to improved business regulations, economic reforms, and strategic partnerships with global companies. The Kingdom's efforts to create a more business-friendly environment have made it an attractive destination for foreign investors.
- Strong Private Sector Growth: Government initiatives to boost the private sector, including supporting small and medium enterprises (SMEs), have contributed to economic growth. Privatization of certain sectors and public-private partnerships have also played a role.
- Expansion of Non-Oil Sectors: Sectors such as tourism, entertainment, and technology have seen rapid growth, fueled by government support and increased consumer spending. Events like the Saudi Seasons, international sporting events, and cultural festivals have attracted visitors and investments.
- Labor Market Reforms: Reforms in the labor market, including Saudization efforts (Nitaqat program) and improved labor laws, have increased workforce participation and productivity, particularly among women and young Saudis.
- Fiscal Prudence and Debt Management: Saudi Arabia has implemented effective fiscal policies, including managing public debt and reducing the budget deficit, which has helped stabilize the economy and promote growth.
- Global Economic Recovery: The global economic recovery post-COVID-19 also played a role, as increased global trade and investment flows positively impacted Saudi Arabia's economy.
These factors combined to create a robust and diversified growth environment, contributing to Saudi Arabia's rapid economic expansion
#KhalidAlbeshri #خالدالبشري
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marcusrobertobaq · 1 year
All Amanda's orders and my theory on why Connor can evade things without breaking his program (cuz everything is part of his program)
Or "How Connor autonomous nature can be a problem in letting him escape his leash"
I don't care if someone already did that, i just wanna leave my shit saved somewhere public.
and it's big like my dick
First of all Connor is basically an autonomous android.
Wtf is an autonomous android in dbh in my humble opinion?
The android can do whatever they want, choose and shift whatever they see fit as long as they stay inside direct orders from 'em handler. They can decide almost everything alone. Be aware we got a whole false sensation of freedom with Connor cuz he indeed got freedom (in this sense), but he's manipulated and conditioned as a way of keeping him on the right track.
What deviancy really is for a Connor model?
I see a lotta people saying Connor was a deviant from the start, what i totally disagree based on canon. But we know this model got a interesting relationship with the meaning of deviancy: is deviancy in the sense he can fight/disobey a direct order (like the other androids) or the fact he's starting to deviate from his original priority? Good luck finding out. But remember: Connor got the option to deviate in Crossroads.
Secondly, be in mind Connor's only handler is AMANDA. She's the only one that can really order him and he can't disobey (CyberLife is so ridiculous they let the AI do all 'em work). He can ignore everybody else if he wants (by %) as long as he's authorized or she didn't say anything about this topic in specific (his programming let him do that - at a cost sometimes).
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So i gonna explain why I THINK Connor is inside his "program cage" THE WHOLE GAME UNTIL CROSSROADS.
⚠️ ANOTHER FUCKING WARNING: i gonna focus only in priority conflicting decisions, i don't care what happens with other options. I also won't care about cut content/context, let's work with what the finished game shows.
(red for direct order; orange for too vague; yellow for optional; green for train/line of thought; blue for priority confliction; mission % calculation: f for failure, s for success)
Unfortunately i ain't got much details about The Hostage and Partners original orders, so my theory:
The Hostage: taking Daniel alive consequently saving Emma (obviously if Emma dies means Daniel also dies).
Partners/The Interrogation: my guess is his orders were to find Hank (he needs access to the crime scene), find Ortiz's android and extract information about deviancy.
→ Waiting for Hank || On the Run
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Order: find out what's happening (related to deviancy)
It's totally vague. Connor is totally alone here and it's like that most of the time. To make things easier, i gonna set a default line of thought:
He knows he was assigned to the police to have access to the deviants files, and he also knows he needs more information so he can report to Amanda and if possible apprehending the deviants so CL can study 'em. Best way of gettin information? Finding deviants alive and extracting information from 'em.
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Why Connor CAN choose NOT running after Kara in the highway without breaking the program (both choices got equal weight):
He can be destroyed and doesn't catch Kara (decent f %);
Kara can be destroyed and he won't get anything (high f %);
Hank would start something if he didn't stay, making his job more difficult in the future (medium f %);
Nobody relevant ordered him to chase Kara across the highway;
He got a priority that is getting the deviants alive (and extract information for report) so he got software instability boost from this. Not a huge boost cuz Kara could get destroyed anyways.
→ The Nest
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Order: Find the suspect (f or s) and extract information (not a specific time defined)
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Why Connor CAN choose SAVING Hank without breaking the program:
Hank is a human and his pawn in the DPD (Connor can choose listening him if he wants, his program LET him do that);
89% is a high probability but the other 11% still exists, making his job more difficult in the future if he died (low %);
Not helping Hank (he survives) could make his job difficult in the future (medium %);
They could find Rupert again later (low %);
Nobody relevant ordered him to not save Hank, nobody said he can't;
But as consequence he receives a big instability boost cuz it's an urgent decision with low % of failure if he catched Rupert alive and Hank's 89% of survival is a high probability.
→ The Eden Club
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Order: Find Anderson and investigate the new android related case, find information about deviants (f or s)
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Why Connor CAN choose SPARING the Tracis without breaking the program (both choices got equal weight):
Nobody relevant ordered him to shoot the androids;
Killing the Tracis wouldn't give any relevant information for his next report (is a excuse he uses later);
Connor needed the deviants intact if possible (is a excuse he uses later);
He can find 'em again later (low %);
Again big instability boost cuz it's a urgent decision, had a low f % of his overall mission (dealing with the deviancy threat and finding a solution) and Connor was in a dangerous position (deviants are an absolute threat -> he can and should defend himself).
→ Meet Kamski
Order: talk with Kamski about deviancy
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Why Connor CAN choose SPARING Chloe without breaking the program (both choices got equal weight):
Neither Hank or Kamski are relevant in Connor's handler system. He can disobey both;
He can prioritize Hank's wishes if he just wants get out of this situation;
Kamski could be lying (medium %) and playing with him;
Nobody relevant ordered him to shoot Chloe;
Big instability boost cuz it's a no-escape decision (or u gonna shoot or u don't) and had a high s % in fiding something that could help with his main mission.
→ Last Chance, Connor || Crossroads
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Order 1: Find the deviants (wherever they're reuniting)
i gonna pretend we ain't got a plot hole here in case we don't probe Simon
Points of interest:
It's a specific place;
High % the leader is there;
High % more information will be found there;
Finding the deviants means CyberLife will be able to analyze 'em;
After this point the orders start to become more specific, where location and timing matters.
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Points of interest:
Connor found Jericho;
Connor found Markus;
He's closer to Markus when he make the report;
He's alone with Markus;
No other threat to the mission detected;
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Order 2: Deal with Markus (need him ALIVE) = Catch him, stop him
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Why Connor CAN'T choose STOPPING Markus without breaking his program (both choices got equal weight if u have enough instability):
Amanda gave him a direct and specific order in that specific moment;
Connor is already too close to Markus - his main target;
There's nothing keeping Connor from approaching Markus;
There no ways or of evading this specific order or any external condition making the situation difficult;
All right now...
-> Night of the Soul || Battle for Detroit
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Order: Destroy (kill) the leader of the deviants
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Why Connor CAN choose NOT fighting Hank (if they're friends) without breaking his program:
Won't make him fail his mission of destroying the leader of the deviants (cuz he knows Hank won't do anything if he's friendly);
There are multiple ways of "destroying the leader of the deviants" without shooting from the rooftop;
Connor is attached to Hank (a human) and can give him some sorta priority;
Connor is far from the leader and there's a obstacle (Hank) in his way;
It's more efficient if he just get rid of Hank fast like this (or kill himself) than a whole fight (waste of time with decent % of losing sight of the leader);
Connor can still get closer to the leader and destroy 'em (what he does later in the chapter);
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Why Connor can choose fighting Hank and SPARE HIM without breaking his program (killing Hank got more weight than saving him):
It's not his mission killing Hank (a human and somebody he got attachment);
Connor don't wanna kill Hank, only incapacitate him but the guy is a TANK and DOESN'T STOP. Connor models always execute 'em victims with a shot in the head;
Hank ain't considered a threat anymore if he got DEFEATED (Connor can continue with his task - well, that's what he thought);
He doesn't needa kill Hank to destroy the leader of the deviants if Hank is status neutralized - his mission won't fail;
If a Connor dies, CyberLife can send another one to finish the job;
The ideal scenario (and Connor's default option) is killing Hank and 100% removing him from the whole deal, but nobody ordered him to kill Hank;
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Why Connor CAN'T NOT kill Captain Allen and his team if he choose to fight:
They're not relevant enough to the story (sad but true) neither for CyberLife;
It's a tactical unit (the motherfucking SWAT), not a single guy;
They gonna take Connor away from his mission ALIVE with no opportunity to get back (it's easier killing himself if he doesn't wanna kill anybody and let CyberLife send another Connor);
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Why Connor CAN choose SPARING the Leader (failed revolution) without breaking his program:
It's literally over, doesn't matter if he kills the leader or not;
The army gonna find the leader and they gonna die anyway, and his mission gonna be complete in the end;
-> Other observations and doubts
I don't know why we got a option to not kill Markus during the speech (i don't remember if instability levels are a condition, probably not). Maybe it's cuz it's...over. The androids won and he just doesn't give a shit anymore;
Not shooting Markus in this section is considered deviancy but Amanda interjects directly, right in the moment, trapping the current Connor in the garden and resetting everything (V). This proves the red wall is just a illustration for the player, it doesn't exactly happens;
Instability stop being relevant after Crossroads;
In Crossroads, Connor lowering his gun down after alerting Markus already means deviancy, probably.
I don't know how and when exactly Connor starts getting attached to Hank. I used to believe he starts prioritizing Hank the more instability he gets (and that's why Hank's relationship status and instability levels are related to each other) but ain't exactly like that, I guess? Depending on how u play with Connor Hank matters but Lieutenant Anderson doesn't, know what i mean? Cops are always slowing him down in a couple of senses and they always show up at the wrong time. I assume Connor, even if on his right of killing Hank in hypothetical revenge method, still got attachment to him. The fact he "cares" kinda comes from him programming. His ability to get attached to people is a weapon.
The fact Hank is a human makes the whole thing more difficult. AIs can't directly order androids to kill humans, even if they're a nuisance - especially when the main justification for the mission is exactly "saving humanity". It's a valve of escape for Connor, even if the % is low, as long as there's a human he's attached to he can find evasion methods and not break his programming (not become deviant);
Connor in Hart Plaza Rooftop pretty much CHOOSE to finish his job, it's something he decided. He doesn't show any trace of doubts about finishing his mission. There's no reason for him to deviate at this point and if he had another oportunity to deviate (before the androids victory), he would (un)fortunately REFUSE. He chose putting the revolution down and saving the day;
Hank's not relevant for CyberLife at all so all the choices regarding to him after FBI took the case are up to Connor alone. Ofc he got his priorities but he got freedom to choose how to deal with him. But when he ain't got no choice, he just ain't got no choice. He can't just give up his direct order if ain't got a big reason to do it or if evasion methods still exists, giving him time to still accomplish it later cuz it's still open and with high % of success. Connor is unfortunately trapped in his own program;
If u read this til the end i just wanna let u know there are a lot of inconsistencies with this theory cuz i'm probably going against what the game really intended.
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frithwontdie · 1 year
Do white Americans owe reperations to blacks? NO!
In America, Reparations have already been paid. To the point that it’s beyond ridiculous. Whites have gone out of their way to artificially boost Nonwhites at every turn. Trillions of tax dollars and donations have been spent over decades trying to boost non-white achievements and social status. Also dept relief, Crt, affirmative action, first step act, donations for past wrong doings, school degrees, food stamps, welfare programs, etc.
Alot of whites and some jews through out American history tried to help blacks become a separate & self-reliant people (the pursuit of Booker T. Washington) through education.
The Freedman's Bureau (1865 to 1872) :
The Freedman’s Bureau (officially known as ‘The Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands’) was created by Americans to feed and provide other life necessities to the Negro population of the South after the Civil War ended in 1865. However, well before the end of the Civil War, Americans organized all over the North various organizations to feed, clothe, educate and provide other needed necessities for the newly freed Negro people Note: according to W.E.B Du Bios, more than 50 organizations were active in relief capacity for the southern Negro by 1866.
"The First white people in America, certainly the first in the South to exhibit their interest in the reaching of the Negro and saving his soul through the medium of the Sunday-school were Robert E. Lee and 'Stonewall Jackson'. ...Where Robert E. Lee and 'Stonewall' Jackson have led in the redemption of the Negro through the Sunday-school, the rest of us can afford to follow. " - Booker T. Washington 1910
The Tuskegee Institute:
This icon of Black education was founded by the great Booker T Washington and was also the brainchild of an Alabama prominent banker by the name of George W. Campbell (White man). Another White man, an Alabama state senator named W.F. Foster, spearheaded the necessary funding for the Institute through the state legislature. The result was a yearly appropriation of $2000.
The following white Americans, all self-made millionaires, gave small fortunes - their own hard earned money - to this Negro self-sufficiency school over their lifetime:
--Andrew Carnegie
--John D. Rockefeller
--Henry Rodgers
--Collis Huntington
--Julius Rosenwald*
--Anna T. Jeanes*
* Julius Rosenwald was an immigrant Jew and self-made millionaire.
* Anna T. Jeanes, a white woman, was not a self-made millionaire, but inherited her money from her husband.
Howard University
Howard University was chartered in 1867. It was championed by an American Civil War General, Oliver Otis Howard (November 8, 1830 – October 26, 1909), and the school hence bears his name. Howard University is also the ONLY higher education school ever to be directly funded by the US taxpayers (it still is).
Lincoln University
Lincoln University (Pennsylvania) was an exclusive college for Negroes and was created in 1854 by a white man named John Miller Dickey, who also became its first president. Lincoln University was originally named Ashmun Institute. The first Black president of the university was not elected until 1945.
Fisk University
Fisk University was an all-Negro college that was established by three whites, Erastus Milo Cravath, John Ogden and Edward Parmelee Smith in Nashville, Tennessee, in 1866.
Wilberforce University
Wilberforce University, located near Xenia, in Ohio, was an all-Negro college created by whites from the Methodist Episcopal Church in 1856. It was named after a white man, William Wilberforce, who was an 18th century abolitionist.
Cheyney University of Pennsylvania
Cheyney University of Pennsylvania was an all-Negro school established in 1837. A white man named Richard Humphreys had bequeathed $10,000 in his will (10% of his estate) in 1832 for the sole purpose of creating a place of education for the Negro race.
Atlanta University
Atlanta University was founded by whites associated with the American Missionary Association, in 1865. Around 1866, its survival then shifted to, and depended upon, the Americans associated with the Freedman’s Bureau.
In 1922, the Carnegie Corporation and the Rockefeller Memorial gave $25,000 each to create the Journal Of Negro History.
In 1924, George Eastman (Kodack Co.) gave Tuskegee Institute $1 million dollars.
John D. Rockefeller
Mr. Rockefeller donated almost $180 million dollars to the General Education Board, which was chartered by Act of Congress in 1903. Much of this money was spent supplying educational aid to the Negro people, specifically in the southern states (Mr. Rockefeller‘s $180 million translates to almost 2 billion dollars in today's dollars!)
George Peabody Education Fund for poor Southerners
George Peabody Education Fund was established by a white man named George Peabody, and was designed to help Negro colleges in the South at the turn of the century.
The Slater Fund
The Slater Fund was established by white, James Fox Slater, in 1882. Its primary purpose was to support southern Negro schools. Around 1915, this fund was worth about $1.75 million.
The Jeanes Fund (Jeanes Foundation)
A white woman named Miss Anna T. Jeanes, a Quaker, created 'The Fund for Rudimentary Schools for Southern Negroes’ in 1907 from the monies left to her by her late husband. The purpose of the fund was to help Negroes create teachers for their people. It was endowed at one million dollars (a staggering sum at the time).
The Southern Education Board: In or around 1900, whites created the The Southern Education Board. It's funding was initially provided by the Slater Fund and the Jeans Funds. Americans, trained in the area of farming, would go to rural farms (Negro and American) and educate them on better farming techniques. The Southern Education Board was also very concerned with the high southern Negro illiteracy, which was, in 1900, almost 50% (for southern Americans, around 11%).
Phelps-Stokes Fund
Established in 1911, a white philanthropist and self-made millionaire Anson Phelps Stokes created this fund for the purpose of improving Negro life through education. Its endowment was approximately $900,000.
Minor Fund
This fund was established by a white female, Miss Myrtilla Minor, in 1851. Its purpose was to provide aid to schools who would teach Negro girls to be teachers for their people.
In 1910, according to the US census, 50% of Negroes (about 4.8 million) lived in urban centers (all created by white males). That means there would be approximately 2.4 million Negro males living in the urban centers of America. About 1/3rd would be too young to work, so that means there were about 1.6 million Negro males of working age living in American-built cities in 1910. Of those 1.8 million Negro males, 350,000 (almost 20%!) worked in a factory job (all factory jobs for the Negro were supplied by White men i.e. not ONE factory job in America was created by a Negro male --so, concomitantly, no white man was employed by a Negro male in a factory job. Note: At this time in American history, you worked or you starved. (source: Chronological History of The Negro pg. 358)
Naturally, with whites, being so generous supplying jobs to black men, naturally, more black men were encouraged to come to the American-built urban areas.
Julius Rosenwald
Without question one of the most generous of the Euro race toward the black people was Julius Rosenwald (Jewish). Most of his charity was gifted through the Rosenwald Fund (depleted in 1948)
Cushing Fund
A white woman, Miss Emeline Cushing, established this fund in 1895 for the purpose of financially assisting colored schools.
Whites Create Special School - In Mississippi. - For Negro Boys To Own Land
Daniel Hand Fund
A white self-made millionaire, Daniel Hand, established the Daniel Hand Fund in 1888. It was endowed at $1 million dollars (two-thirds of Mr. Hand’s entire personal wealth!). Mr. Hand stipulated that all of the Fund would be directed toward Negro education in the former slave states. When Mr. Hand died in 1893, he bequeathed the rest of his remaining wealth to this fund.
Andrew Carnegie
Mr. Carnegie, when he retired, was considered the richest man in the world. He also became the biggest philanthropist in America and gave generously to Negro educational causes, which included giving $600,000 to the Tuskegee Institute in 1903.
Harmon Foundation
The New York City Harmon Foundation was established in 1922 by an white man named William Harmon (1862-1928). Its purpose was to aid and assist Negro art, artists, businesses, education for Negroes, farming needs, music, and other causes for the Negro.
Garland Fund
This White-male-established fund was used to help the NAACP through the Great Depression.
John D. Rockefeller Jr.
Mr. Rockefeller, Jr. built the Dunbar Apartments in New York City, a mammoth complex consisting of six buildings - 511 apartments - specifically to house low-income Negroes in Harlem. He also built and funded a bank in NYC solely for Negroes.
Katharine Drexel
Katherine Drexel was born November 26, 1858 and died March 3, 1955. She was an American female, a nun, philanthropist, educator and later canonized as a Roman Catholic saint.
"She became a nun, and took the name Sister Katharine, dedicating herself and her inheritance to the needs of [non-occupational ranking] Native Americans and African-Americans in the western and southwestern United States, and was a vocal advocate of racial tolerance. She established a religious order, the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament for Indians and Colored People. She also financed more than 60 missions and schools around the United States, and founded Xavier University of Louisiana[1] - the only historically Black, Roman Catholic university in the United States to date."
The United Negro College Fund
In 1944 the United Negro College Fund was created. Almost all of the funding for its initial operation was provided by the General Education Fund and the Rosenwald Fund.
Mr. William Trent, a black man, in the course of his 20-year tenure as its first executive director, raised over $78 million for this fund, almost all of it coming from generous white liberal Americans (Senator John F. Kennedy gave all of the profits from his book ‘Profiles in Courage' to this fund).
Also American Jews also gave money to black people. Before 1950, it was mostly coming from the Rosenwald fund.
Minority scholarships:
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Low income:
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It’s open to illegal immigrants, too, but white people? Forget it. And when we learn that “800 Compton residents to get guaranteed income in two-year pilot program,” since Compton is only 2 percent white – yes, just 2 percent – white people won’t get that money.
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Having to change the requirements of mental retardation, because too many blacks IQ's were that low.
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Substack Mastery Book: Chapter 9
How Do the Mighty BOOST Options Work on Substack, and How Can I Supplement It With Community Power? Dear beta readers, Thank you for your valuable feedback on the previous seven chapters, which is helping me refine this book and enhance it as a valuable resource for fellow writers. I have covered seven critical aspects that have helped many readers jumpstart their Substack journey. Receiving…
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2K Quotes & 2Mil Views 2 Week Celebration!
I've decided to run this celebration by birthday candle rules, and by that I mean y'all are getting two different sharing challenges and a QnA to grow on.
THE CELEBRATION IS UNDERWAY! Askbox is open for QnA until January 21st-ish and I'll be reblogging shit like mad. Go wild, my friends.
Now, if you saw my previous post about this, you probably know that I've got finals approaching (also holiday plans), so I've decided to postpone my engagement with the celebration until January 7th-ish. Technically, that means the 7th will be the "official" start of the challenges and such, but nothing is stopping you from starting "early" or "late" if that's your vibe. After the "official" start, it'll be 2 straight weeks of me violently reblogging challenge posts and answering QnA questions. The ask box, however, will only be open during that 2-week period, and after that it'll be back to our regularly scheduled non-submission period for inbox clearing.
So, without further ado, here's the plan:
IQG Inspo Challenge!
Inspiration has always been at the heart of the IQG. Originally, I made it to help prompt some funny scenes between OCs of mine and my friends, and, now that it's gotten more popular, I've always loved seeing what comics, fanfics, videos, and other artistic endeavours it's inspired in other people.
To participate in the IQG Inspo Challenge, try to find a new quote you like in the generator every day for 2 weeks and make something creative out of it. Make it big or small, make it in any medium, "miss" however many days you like: as long as you enjoy it, you're carrying the spirit of the challenge.
If you share your IQG Inspo creations, tag them #IQG Inspo! I'll be browsing the tag on tumblr and reblogging what I can during the challenge (and even if your post doesn't get reblogged, it'll still be cool to see a gallery of all the neat stuff people have made).
If you want to share it but don't want me to reblog it, that's alright. Simply tag your post #do not quote.
Program and Play Challenge!
To join the Program and Play challenge, all you have to do is share a project you've programmed under the tag #Program and Play. It doesn't matter if it's a WIP or had long since been finished, it doesn't matter if you're new to programming or a professional in the field. As long as it's an original project you've programmed and enjoyed, it's perfect for the challenge.
Now, you might be asking "what does this have to do with the IQG" and the answer is not much, really. Programming is just something I really enjoy and I want to encourage others interested in it by boosting their projects up. I'll be browsing this challenge's tag and reblogging what I can (as with the IQG Inspo challenge, anything you don't want me to reblog can be tagged #do not quote).
If you're new to programming and don't know where to start, then there's lots of programming sites out there with support for beginners such as Scratch, Neocities, and, of course, Perchance. The best way to learn programming is just to dive into it. Don't be afraid to ask questions, google answers, and try new things (worst comes to worst, Stack Overflow hasn't failed me yet).
Remember, very few people enter hobbies with a talent for them. It's those who spend time learning and exploring skills that are the most masterful of them.
And, last but not least, QnA!
As I said, the askbox opens on January 7th and closes after two weeks (January 21st) with anon questions active. You might notice I didn't put any specific timezones on this. That's because it's gonna be a bit wibbly wobbly as far as timing goes, but I'll be giving y'all an announcement post once I open it, and a last minute call an hour or so before I close it.
During this period, the askbox will only by open for questions and non-management related things. Any bug reports or submissions sent at this time will not be acknowledged since I'm still clearing out the current 1,964 items in the inbox.
In honor of Tumblr's long history of ridiculous asks, I'm not gonna put any limits onto the questions y'all can ask unless I have to. You can ask about the code, you can ask about me, you can ask about completely unrelated bullshit that you find funny, I don't really mind. However, know that this is all up to my own discretion. I might not take your question seriously. I might not answer it at all. It's (probably) nothing personal (unless you actively tried to send hate speech or something of the like).
I think it's important for people to feel heard and recieve explanations for why certain decisions are made, so I will answer most questions about the chat deletion if you ask them, but they will be tagged under #IQG chat so people who want to stick to the more cheery bits of the QnA can filter it out. I would prefer if IQG chat discussion is kept to the original post about it, but I understand that a lot of the chatters didn't have a tumblr, so this will likely be the only way many of you can voice your concerns. Keep in mind that all of the things I've said about the questions up until now still applies. I will still be answering them at my own discrection. You have all been very respectful so far and I appreciate that, but, to anyone who might consider sending in harrassment or something of the like over this, know that it won't bring the chat back.
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thebigcjart · 3 months
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Here are some extra bits on Kane!
ngl trying to match the fonts on the assets was super tough so I ended up just using the font listed on the wiki.
Infodump under the cut >:3
Strife Specubi
Kane's strife specubi consist of catkind and 2xlegkind. Kane brings Cazador into the Medium, but I don't know if they prototype him or not yet. I haven't really thought of sprites yet tbh.
Cazador does most of the fighting, but it's still registered as Kane "fighting" using Caz as a weapon through Catkind. Kane can also use cat statues, and other weapons that involve attacking the enemy with a cat of some sort. Cazador never strays (pun!) far from Kane, but Kane knows how to kick (with both legs only) through 2xlegkind. This also includes dual wielding legs as weapons, funnily enough.
Fetch Modus
The Claw Fetch modus was something that just kind of... happened? Whenever Kane captchalouges something, the captchlogue cards are thrown into a big hole with lots of platforms. Smaller items fall much slower than large items. Items must be retrieved by playing a claw mini-game, avoiding the platforms and undesired items along the way. The item fall speed thing is so if they captchalouge something by accident, they have a chance of catching while it's falling or following it closely if the item is small enough.
I had the thought that the deeper the claw goes, the more spaced out the platforms would be, to the point where if they go deep enough, there wouldn't be any more. From there, I imagine that the claw would leave the mini-game window and be able to grab things in the world. Either that, or there may be something down there in the deepest reaches of their sylladex. Waiting.
Or both of those things idk lol
Internet Browser (and Denizen)
So... let's talk about Khaos. I might have more to say on their presence and impact on the session in a separate dedicated post, but I'm going to talk about the design here.
So, the browser consists of a display window, which displays whatever webpage they're on, and a raw html console to interact with said display window. I don't know any html, and Kane only knows barely more than me, so most of their internet browsing has been through sheer dumb luck. Things just sort of work, and Kane doesn't really care but Jake, oh Jake is pissed that Kane can just... Use something without fully understanding what they're getting into. Jake isn't the kind of guy to really get "angry," but this is a conversation that Kane and he have often, to keep it brief.
This pet peeve is reinforced when the Khaos browser automatically downloads both a SBURB server program and a client application to everyone's devices ;)
Khaos is very clearly derivative of Yaldabaoth, but for good reason. I tried many things to try and move away from the stereotypically "edgy dark shadow version ooOOOoooOOoo" design tropes, and this is the best I could do while still keeping a recognizable homestucky design. All instances of the original denizen sprites on the wiki and online had a sort of dropshadow/transparent gradient outline that didn't exactly mesh well with mspaint's lack of transparency. I could have very easily removed the resulting black border, but I think it makes the grey tendrils pop more and serves to boost the void themes.
I really want to move away from setting up Kane as some edgelord figure with all the "no emotions" "Chaos" "emptiness and darkness and shadow" stuff, and just sort of treat them as kind of just another flavor of person, if that makes any sense? probably not, but just know that edginess is NOT my goal here.
Where Yaldobob is a sun-headed snake with Dirk's text color, Khaos is a black hole or black sun-headed snake with Kane's text color. As I talked about in my original Kane introduction post, the black sun is a symbol representing Nigredo, an alchemical component with an immeasurable quality of emptiness that is the first step toward creating the philosopher's stone.
In Greek mythology, Khaos is the primordial void state preceding the creation of the universe, perfect for Kane's voidness.
And much like Yolobroth, Khaos is also associated with creation and universalness. These parallels were designed this way on purpose :)
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squeakadeeks · 2 years
i hope this statement isnt unknowingly swinging a bat at a wasp’s nest but man no matter how much time passes i always get such a weird feeling looking at cosplay selfies that are extremely edited in terms of the facial features. 
photo editing obviously has its place in photoshoot/display photos (especially for effects but i feel like thats an entirely different topic) and i stand firm that theres nothing inherently wrong with editing cosplay photos, but looking at ones where theres maybe a grand total of 5 pixels left unedited or I have to double-take to realize its a photo and not a drawing makes me get a bit of a knot in my stomach. to be clear i dont mean like “airbrush out eyebags” or “slight skin smoothing/boosting the lighting” i mean extreme distortion of facial features and heavy airbrushing. 
i see both sides: on one hand with cosplay its a different medium to display art and where most often main vehicle of which you share it is photos, and why not make the photo look as polished as possible? after all, its how you’re sharing the artform, photo manipulation is no secret, and if you worked hard on something it makes sense to want to make it look nice and eye-catching when presented. 
but then again its not just photos, its photos of faces, bodies, and people, and even after knowing something is edited its so deeply ingrained in our social programing to see something and attempt to mirror it in ourselves that dysmorphia is almost always along for the ride. which leads into the issue of community norms and standards; for a long time now heavy editing has been the standard- but the downside of it being so standardized is if you dont want to participate, you can be punished. this may be shocking coming from someone who almost died from an ED, but i dont take behaviors that can trigger dysmorphia lightly and dont feel comfortable editing my photos in that way, but i’ve had my work cross-compared to people who do by people outside the cosplay sphere, and when you dont do above and beyond editing, your work will look lackluster and dull in comparison. 
part of me is tempted to just say “people do what people do, just mind your business and present your work according to your values” but again, sharing things- especially images of faces/bodies absolutely does not exist in a vacuum and one person’s decision to edit themselves in an extreme manner can have significant negative consequences not just as a result of that singular image, but how it can reinforce harmful norms...which in turn leads into a pandora’s box senario (ie once the standard gets updated to extreme disfiguration it will be difficult/damn near impossible to return to the way things were before) 
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msmeregin · 9 months
A guide to enhance your business growth      
Running a business is akin to navigating a complex maze, and every entrepreneur dreams of not just surviving but thriving. In the Indian business landscape, the government has laid out a golden path for micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) through a simple yet powerful tool – MSME registration. In this guide, let's explore how this seemingly mundane registration process can be your ticket to unparalleled business growth.
Understanding the MSME Advantage
 The Heartbeat of the Economy:
Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises collectively form the heartbeat of the Indian economy. From local grocery stores to innovative startups, these businesses contribute not only to economic development but also to job creation, fostering a robust and inclusive growth environment.
Unlocking Financial Avenues:
One of the immediate perks of MSME registration is the access to financial assistance and credit facilities. Financial institutions offer tailored loans at favorable terms, recognizing the importance of these enterprises in driving economic progress.
The MSME Registration Journey
A Simpler Path Than You Think:
Contrary to popular belief, the MSME registration process is not a bureaucratic labyrinth. It's a straightforward journey that involves providing essential details about your business, such as PAN, Aadhaar, and other relevant information. Whether you choose the online portal or opt for the traditional route at District Industries Centres, the process is designed to be accessible.
Documents: Your Passport to Opportunities:
The importance of documentation in the registration process cannot be overstated. Your Aadhaar card, PAN card, business address proof, and details of your plant and machinery are the keys that unlock the door to a myriad of government schemes and subsidies.
The MSME Advantage Unveiled
Market Access and Procurement Preferences:
Once you've acquired your MSME registration, you find yourself in a prime position in government procurement. MSMEs are often given preference in government tenders, providing a golden opportunity to secure contracts and expand your market reach.
Technology Upgradation and Subsidies:
In the rapidly evolving business landscape, technology is the differentiator. MSME registration brings with it the chance to upgrade your technology with subsidies for adopting new and advanced processes. This not only boosts efficiency but also enhances your competitiveness.
Navigating the Schemes and Subsidies Landscape
Credit Linked Capital Subsidy Scheme (CLCSS):
At the forefront of government schemes is CLCSS, a game-changer for technology upgradation. It provides capital subsidies to MSMEs, facilitating access to credit for purchasing new machinery and equipment.
Pradhan Mantri Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP):
For those looking to embark on the entrepreneurial journey, PMEGP is the beacon. This credit-linked subsidy program promotes self-employment, creating not just businesses but livelihoods.
Credit Guarantee Fund Scheme for Micro and Small Enterprises (CGMSE):
The fear of collateral is a common hurdle for many small businesses. CGMSE eliminates this barrier by offering collateral-free credit facilities, making it easier for MSMEs to access the capital needed for growth.
Tailoring Your Approach
District Industries Centres (DIC) and National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC):
Think of DIC and NSIC as your business allies. DIC, as a local agency, offers guidance and support, while NSIC provides a range of services from marketing assistance to credit facilitation. Engaging with these institutions can significantly enhance your MSME journey.
Tech and Quality Upgradation Support:
The government's emphasis on quality is evident through schemes like Lean Manufacturing Competitiveness Scheme (LMCS) and Quality Management Standards & Quality Technology Tools (QMS/QTT). These initiatives not only boost competitiveness but also position your business as a paragon of quality in the market.
Export Promotion and Market Development:
Venturing into global markets can seem daunting, but the Market Development Assistance Scheme for MSMEs is a trustworthy companion. It provides financial support for participating in international trade fairs, opening doors to new business horizons.
Overcoming Challenges for Seamless Growth
Lack of Awareness:
One of the challenges MSMEs often face is the lack of awareness about available schemes. Entrepreneurs can overcome this by actively seeking information through government portals, industry associations, and local MSME support cells.
Complex Application Processes:
Cumbersome application procedures can be discouraging, but persistence pays off. Simplifying the application process and seeking assistance from dedicated facilitation services or MSME support agencies can make the journey smoother.
Continuous Evaluation and Adaptation
Performance and Credit Rating Scheme:
Enhancing your creditworthiness is an ongoing process. The Performance and Credit Rating Scheme allows MSMEs to undergo assessments, showcasing financial stability to potential investors and lenders.
Embracing Continuous Improvement:
The business landscape is dynamic, and your approach should be too. Regularly assess the impact of government schemes on your operations, adapt to changes, and stay informed about updates to maximize benefits continually.
Conclusion: Your Journey to Unprecedented Growth
In conclusion, MSME registration in India is not just a formality; it's your gateway to a realm of opportunities. By understanding the classifications, embracing government schemes, and overcoming challenges, you position your business for sustainable growth. The government's commitment to fostering MSMEs is a testament to the integral role these enterprises play in shaping the nation's economic future. So, don't just register – embark on a journey of growth, innovation, and success. The path is laid; it's time to walk it.
Learn more at : https://msme-registration.in/
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eliteprepsat · 6 months
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Have you been wearing your mom’s USC sweatshirt since you were a little girl? Been cheering “Roll Tide!” and dreaming of studying in the SEC for years? Or always imagined yourself rubbing shoulders with the other Ivy Leaguers at Dartmouth or Yale? Many of us grow up with our sights set on attending a particular “dream” school. And when the day draws closer, it comes time to turn those hopes into practical strategies for receiving that coveted letter of acceptance. To help you, here are 12 tips for how to get into your dream college.  
It’s no secret that good grades and high test scores are of utmost importance when trying to win over college admissions committees. To help with this, take Advanced Placement (AP) courses in your strongest subjects. The benefits of AP courses are far-reaching. They introduce you to college-level work, boost your GPA, and (at some schools) even count toward college credit. If there is a subject area that you struggle with, seek a tutor. Finally, find a local program or school that offers SAT and ACT courses designed to help you prepare for these tests.  
Grades aren’t the only thing that colleges care about when considering your application, however. Schools want to know that you are a unique individual who is more than just her GPA or SAT score. When preparing your application, it is important that you paint a picture for the admissions committee of this authentic self. Remember that colleges want talented musicians for their marching bands, awe-inspiring athletes for their sports teams, and forward-thinking minds for their science labs. And they want to advertise to the rest of the world the many accolades of the students in whom they are investing. So, in your application, be sure to explain how you will benefit your dream school just as must as how your dream school will benefit you.
One of the best ways to show that you are a unique individual (and not just a number) is by getting involved in extracurricular activities. These can be any number of activities either inside or outside of school. Why do colleges care about extracurricular activities? Your involvement in extracurriculars demonstrates that, beyond your intelligence, you are curious, motivated, responsible, and well-rounded. Colleges also want students who will contribute to the life of the university beyond the classroom. And knowing about your extracurricular activities before college will help admissions committees envision how you will help contribute to the broader campus life during college—from joining clubs and helping plan events to starting new volunteer organizations. In all, by showcasing the activities that you have been involved with in the past, you prove to your dream college that you have walked the walk and are not just talking the talk.
When writing your college admissions essays, don’t just draft an “information dump” that lists out your many achievements. Rather, craft a narrative that hooks your reader and pulls them in to the story of your life. Ask yourself: Why am I a compelling character? What has been the most intriguing part of my life so far? And why is my dream school the best next step in my life story? This, ultimately, is what you are trying to convince your reader of in your admissions essays. The task will be far easier if you have practice reading, writing, and thinking about stories.
In an increasingly visual and digital age, we often find that formats outside of the written word better represent us. With this understanding in mind, many colleges have moved to accepting college essays in alternative formats to the traditional essay—such as video or audio documents. Sometimes these are accepted as supplemental application materials, while other times they are accepted in place of a written essay altogether. If it sounds like working within one of these mediums might be more your speed, check to see if your dream school accepts these forms of college essays. And then get to work! This kind of creativity can really help an application rise to the top of the stack.
Colleges want a student body that represents as much of the globe as possible. So, if your dream school is far from home, be sure to mention in your application how your unique cultural background and experiences can contribute to the richness and diversity of their institution. Colleges are also working to increase access to first-generation and low-income students. So, if you fit either of these categories, be sure to demonstrate your determination and grit by explaining your many achievements in spite of these challenges. Remember, too, the many scholarships that exist, including those for first-generation and low-income students. To get an idea of some of these opportunities, check out this directory from scholarships.com.
Another simple—yet effective—way to stand out from the crowd is to apply early to your dream school. According to a 2018 study by U.S. News and World Report, some U.S. colleges receive as many as 84,068 applications. With so many applications piling in every fall season, it’s smart to make an early impression. For more information on early application (which usually happens in early November), check out this post from the College Board.
Make connections with teachers and other mentors from different walks of your life, such as clubs and religious organizations. College applications often require letters of recommendation. You can ask adults with whom you’ve developed meaningful relationships over the years to speak to your best qualities in such letters. When asking for a letter of recommendation, it’s always best to ask your letter writers early so that they have plenty of time to complete their letters, to give them a copy of your resume as a reference, and to ask at least more than one individual than required as a backup in case someone doesn’t get their letter in on time.
Demonstrate genuine interest in your dream school by planning a campus visit, a campus tour, or even arranging an interview with someone from the admissions staff. While on campus, ask to be put in touch with current students and alumni to discuss their experiences. Make additional contacts with professors in your expected major. During these communications, share your knowledge of the school—a bit of its history, their sports teams and mascot, etc. This is your dream school after all, right?
See if your dream school offers any “bridge” programs that you might be interested in. These are programs that offer high school students the opportunity to study—and often to live—for a brief time on a college campus. They are a fun way to delve deeply into your favorite subjects alongside other students who care about the same things that you do, and they are often taught by top scholars in their respective fields. A few examples of such programs are The Writers Village program at Sarah Lawrence College (for creative writers) and the Research in Science & Engineering (RISE) program at Boston University. Having attended such a program at your dream school as a high school student will really show the admissions committee your interest and commitment to their institution.
Instead of setting your sights on just one “dream” school, shift your perspective so as to consider a trio or handful of “dream” schools. With so many wonderful schools out there, is any one of them truly perfect? While one college may be on the top of your list because of its stunning architecture and proximity to the city, another may be on the top of your list because of its top-tier study abroad program. The point is that every school has its unique strengths. And let’s face it: college admissions are competitive. So, if you open your mind to viewing a number of schools as “dream” schools, you might be less disappointed if you do happen to receive a rejection or two, and even more excited when those acceptances come in.
Speaking of the competitive nature of college admissions, it’s an important reminder to stay positive and believe in yourself throughout the application process. Eric Hoover of The New York Times reminds us of the many factors admissions committees must consider when weighing applications and urges us to not get overly upset if we do receive a rejection. He writes, “When colleges choose applicants, they’re juggling competing goals, like increasing diversity and bringing in more revenue. Admissions officers aren’t looking for students who fit just one description— say, those who’ve earned all A’s or won the most awards. So don’t take rejection personally.” Ultimately, since you can’t know all the factors that will go into your dream school’s decision to accept your application, it benefits you to stay calm, believe in yourself, and simply do your best.
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mariacallous · 1 year
In 2020, Nazia was working at a data entry office in Hyderabad, but dreamed of being a beautician. Then, on YouTube, she saw a video about Urban Company, a platform similar to the US site TaskRabbit, which promises to connect workers—plumbers, electricians, painters, beauticians, and others—with clients who need their services. Workers who join the platform as beauticians often pay upward of $500 to register and receive a salon equipment kit. For Nazia, it felt like an investment worth taking.
When it launched in 2014, Urban Company was revolutionary for India’s disjointed home services market, providing customers with vetted and trained workers through an easy-to-use interface. Nazia was one of tens of thousands of workers who joined the platform, which grew and grew thanks to consecutive rounds of fundraising from investors including Tiger Global and Prosus Ventures, becoming the largest home services provider in India, valued at almost $3 billion. Then it expanded into the United Arab Emirates and Singapore. In 2023, it launched in the US.
For workers it promised an opportunity to work flexibly, and earn well. In 2020, Fair Work, a research group that studies gig work companies, rated the company the best for workers in India, giving it a score of eight out of 10 on parameters that include fair pay and working conditions. (Uber scored one out of 10).
Nazia got stellar ratings and reviews from customers on the platform—so much so that she was invited to pay $300 to upgrade her account to Prime, which gave her access to better-paying jobs.
“Everything was going great,” she says. “With the money I made, I was able to help my family, buy a two-wheeler, and save money for my wedding.”
Urban Company fostered an identity for itself that was different from other gig work platforms, particularly for women. But since the start of the year, things have gone downhill, fast. Thousands of workers have found themselves arbitrarily dumped from the platform for not meeting new targets that they say have been set unattainably high. Nazia is among them. The platform, it seems, is subject to the same cycle of “enshittification” as its peers, sacrificing the incentives it had offered to get workers onto the platform in order to turn a profit—and abandoning its promises of flexibility in the process.
Urban Company declined to comment.
The first sign of trouble at Urban Company started in 2021, as the pandemic hit the home services business. The company slipped in Fairwork’s rankings, scoring five out of 10. Workers twice held protests demanding lower commissions and safer working conditions. After a media storm, Urban Company published a Medium blog introducing a “12 point program” to “improve partner earnings and livelihood”—which included lowering commissions and introducing an SOS helpline for women’s safety. In an attempt to be more transparent, the company started publishing a partner earnings index, but it also filed lawsuits against four protesters for “illegal and unlawful” actions.
But things got really difficult for Urban Company’s workers in 2023. The platform introduced a new rule stipulating that workers had to maintain an acceptance rate of at least 70 percent, a customer rating of at least 4.7 out of 5, and cancel fewer than four jobs per month. Failure meant being blocked from the app. Nazia managed to keep her ratings above 4.8 until May 2023, when they slipped to 4.69. She was temporarily blocked and put into “retraining”—an online video course followed by 10 bookings that she had to take free of charge in an attempt to boost her rating. Unfortunately, for Nazia, her rating did not budge from 4.69. Since then, she’s been out of work.
“It all happened so quickly,” Nazia says. Now she’s stuck with $2,500 in loans.
I spoke to more than a dozen women like Nazia, all of whom asked for anonymity to protect themselves from retribution and say they were blocked by the platform after failing to meet what they believe were unrealistic expectations.
In Bengaluru, Shabnam—who used a friend’s credit card to pay the $500 joining fee—found that Urban Company started assigning her jobs farther and farther away from home. With rising costs and high commissions, taking these distant trips was “as good as earning nothing,” she says. She turned down the jobs that weren’t economically viable, and soon her response rate—the number of jobs she accepted—dropped to 20 percent. In June, she was dropped from the platform.
Seema, who had worked for Urban Company for five years, had a miscarriage earlier this year. As she was being rushed to the hospital, she didn’t have time to mark in the Urban Company app that she wasn’t able to work that day. Her acceptance rate of bookings fell to 30 percent. She couldn’t get her rate back up to the mandated 80 percent, and she was permanently suspended from the platform. “I went to the office with the doctor’s prescription and everything. They still did not agree to reinstate my account,” Seema says.
In Hyderabad, Sunanda says her account was deactivated earlier this year after a death in the family meant she had to cancel some jobs. She pleaded with a company representative on its helpline and in person—she even submitted the death certificate, but she’s still blocked. “They said they cannot reinstate my account because my rating is not 4.7 or above. I told them my rating is 4.69 and if they give me a chance I will bring it back up, but they refused,” Sunanda, 42, said. “They have given the customers this one weapon: ratings.”
As well as the stick of targets and quotas, Urban Company also offered a carrot for workers: shares in the business.
In 2022, the company announced its Partner Stock Options Program (PSOP), granting shares worth $18 million over the next five to seven years. The following November, they awarded stocks worth approximately $635,000 to 500 partners. But while the PSOPs seemed to be almost guaranteed for workers, the process of accessing them is heavily gamified.
Pratima, an Urban Company beautician, was very excited at the end of 2022 when she realized she’d made it to the top 10 list of workers in her category in Bengaluru. If she continued to stay in the top 10 until April, she was told she’d be granted the company’s stock options that following November. “They call us partners, but don’t treat us like it,” said Pratima, requesting to be referred to under a pseudonym. “I was hoping that if I get a share in the company, maybe then I will be treated like a partner.”
By February, Pratima had completed more than 200 jobs, and she was still in the top 10. Then, a series of low ratings by disgruntled customers pulled down her overall rating, blocking her temporarily and dropping her off the leaderboard. She kept at it, worked back-to-back jobs, and got herself unblocked and back into the rankings. April came around, and she was in the top 10. But then the company seemed to have extended the contest—the leaderboard has kept on counting, but the workers don’t know what’s going on. “It’s like they are making us run a marathon in the name of shares,” she says.
For women who were sold Urban Company’s promises of flexibility and empowerment, the shock of losing their livelihood or being forced to work longer and longer hours has been exacerbated by a sense of betrayal.
“For women especially, a lot of times they have care responsibilities at home, and so there’s hope to find work that’s flexible, that allows them to pick up their kids from school or take junior to the doctor,” says Alexandrea Ravenelle, an author of two books on gig work and a sociology assistant professor at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill. “A lot of these platforms are playing off of that need for flexibility because, for many of the workers who are coming to these platforms, an alternative isn’t a white-collar job in a tech office where they can bring the play pen and set the kid up.”
The mismatch between the promise of these platforms and their reality becomes clear when the businesses move from their early growth phase, in which they are able to burn investors’ cash, to one where they have to start to turn a profit.
When two-sided marketplaces that match workers with clients grow, they try to make things as comfortable as possible for workers to create a deep pool of available services. “The shortcut way to do this is to offer incentives to them—be it sellers, drivers, or other gig workers—showing them that this is a lucrative business,” says Rutvik Doshi, a general partner at VC firm Athera Venture Partners.
Companies spend big on marketing as they try to grow as fast as possible (during the 2021–2022 financial year, Urban Company spent close to $30 million on marketing and clocked a loss of over $60 million), working on the assumption that one day the demand for their services will become organic, the suppliers will start making enough money without incentives, and the platform will be able to raise the commissions it takes off its workers.
But when this doesn’t happen, companies desperately rework their models. When they need to curb spending, or when they struggle to raise new funding, marketing is the first thing they cut. Demand drops, creating an oversupply of workers on the platform. “And the excessive supply on the platforms feels the pinch. That’s the typical cycle with a two-sided marketplace,” Doshi says.
On July 10, Urban Company CEO Abhiraj Bahl released a video to the company’s workers explaining the new strict policies. He said that each year, 45 percent of customers use the platform just once and don’t make a second booking, while 15 to 20 percent of workers leave. “And as a result of all of this, Urban Company is still a loss-making company,” he said in the video, part of which has been viewed by WIRED. “So we are losing customers and we are also losing money.”
He blamed the decline in customers on “poor quality service” and “off-platform jobs”—that is, workers making private arrangements with clients and taking their work off Urban Company, something that’s a serious risk to the company’s model. “It’s kind of an existential question: They need the workers and the customers to stay on their platform in order to remain an intermediary,” says Ambika Tandon, a tech and labor researcher at the Center for Internet and Society think tank.
All of this has led the company to push its workers into a mold that essentially has all the downsides of regular employment but few of the benefits. For workers who joined the platform for its flexibility and autonomy, this reality of platform work becomes difficult to reconcile with.
“Urban Company is trying to imagine an ideal worker for this particular model to be someone who is always available, gives their 100 percent, [doesn’t] cancel at all, has no family responsibilities,” Tandon says. “But a lot of these workers are single parents, who have family responsibility and children to take care of. These are not folks who will fit into this model of having a 80 percent, 90 percent acceptance rate.”
In June, WhatsApp groups used by Urban Company workers were flooded with messages about one of their peers, who had reportedly died by suicide after the company deactivated her account—leaving her with no source of income. Several workers I spoke with said that while the news was shocking, none of them knew the victim. “We were vexed,” Seema from Bengaluru says, “But the problem is that all of us are so isolated from each other. The platform doesn’t have any get-togethers, nothing. We all don’t have any relationships, which is a plus point for Urban Company.”
But, like their peers across the platform economy, Urban Company workers are now getting organized. In June and July, hundreds of Urban Company workers took to the streets in Mumbai, Delhi, Bengaluru, and Kolkata. Shabnam was present at one of the protests last month in Bengaluru, demanding that the company reinstate her account. With this, they have joined thousands of Indian gig workers from Uber, Ola, Swiggy, Blinkit and more.
There have been at least half a dozen such protests across different cities in India since the beginning of the year—all of them essentially fighting for the same reasons: better pay and working conditions, a ban on unfair practices, and laws governing gig work that workers can lean on for safety and protection. “It’s not just Urban Company that has been blocking accounts,” said Shaik Salauddin, founder of Telangana Gig and Platform Worker Union. “Ola, Uber, Swiggy, Zomato, Amazon, Flipkart—all aggregator companies are doing this.”
Rikta Krishnaswamy, a coordinator with the All India Gig Workers Union, said that the union has had conversations with the labor departments across different cities, including Delhi and Pune. Another meeting is coming up in Mumbai. “We have raised complaints against these illegal dismissals, and the labor departments in Delhi, Noida, and Gurugram have sent notices to the company for a meeting,” she said. “Let’s see if they actually show up.”
Some of the workers whose accounts were blocked have been able to get it reinstated, provided their rating was not lower than 4.7 and they weren’t blocked for trust and safety issues. But, if the video shared by Bahl is any indication, things are only going to get worse by the end of the year. The company has launched a salon quality improvement program called Project Shakti, under which, by December, the performance metrics are going to get even stricter for beauticians: an acceptance rate greater than 80 percent, no more than three monthly cancellations, and “100 percent orders delivered on UC app only.” The rating threshold will continue to be at a minimum of 4.7.
The new policy is being hammered home. Workers whose accounts have been reinstated and those already active on the platform are being called for a meeting to the Urban Company office in small groups of around 10. Some have to watch Bahl’s video. Then they are presented with new terms and conditions to sign, which include consent for them to be permanently blocked from the platform if they miss their targets.
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