#Boom in gloom bloom
woodlandtrust · 1 year
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The Heart of the Woods, by John Burroughs
I hear it beat in morning still When April skies have lost their gloom, And through the woods there runs a thrill That wakes arbutus into bloom. I hear it throb in sprouting May, — A muffled murmur on the breeze, Like mellow thunder leagues away, Or booming voice of distant seas. In daisied June I catch its roll, Pulsing through the leafy shade ; And fain I am to reach its goal, And see the drummer unafraid. Or when the autumn leaves are shed, And frosts attend the fading year, Like secret mine sprung by my tread A covey bursts from hiding near. I feel its pulse ’mid winter snows, And feel my own with added force, When red-ruff drops his cautious pose, And forward takes his humming course. The startled birches shake their curls, A withered leaf leaps in the breeze ; Some hidden mortar speaks, and hurls Its feathered missile through the trees. Compact of life, of fervent wing, A dynamo of feathered power, Thy drum is music in the spring, Thy flight is music every hour.
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euesworld · 1 year
"Liquid violins wailing melodies in my veins, slipped in with ailing heart beats mixed with sin as it sails through me.. moon tunes swoon like boom, boom, boom.. sitting in your room, consumed with you. Living in the bloom, but you blue with gloom.. bring it back, swing it back, sing a laugh, fade to black."
Every smile is like music to my soul, when you are smiling even sad songs sound beautiful - eUë
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violettesiren · 2 months
I would be glad of life even for these: The Spring, when amber willows are in bloom, The young moon risen like a silvery plume In opal skies, star-tinted. Through the trees A blue bird's note at twilight; on the breeze The echo of the sea's impassioned boom, A flash of lightning through the pine-tree gloom Cloud-shadows passing with the Pleiades…
I would be glad of life for April rain, Sweet-smelling earth, a quiet templed wood, Green vines on ruined towers by the sea, And meadows glowing with the golden grain, Moonrise upon a mountain solitude, Man needs no immortality!
April by Blanche Shoemaker Wagstaff
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ahordeofwasps · 11 months
Find the Word Tag
I've been tagged by the wonderful @winterandwords! Thanks for the tag! My words are tear, wear, near, and hear! I'll be sharing some excerpts from To Not Falling Off Cliffs!
But first, the no pressure tags! I'll be tagging @emelkae, @chauceryfairytales, @amewinterswriting, @blind-the-winds, and open tag! Your words are doom, bloom, gloom, and boom!
Now, onto To Not Falling Off Cliffs!
Tear & Hear
Erika stopped. Her eyes began to well up with tears. She did not want to pick up the pieces. She put a hand to her mouth and stifled a sob, trying to push it back down until the time was right. But there was no right time. The sobs would not be stopped, and Erika did her best to keep them quiet, keep them as muffled half-croaks heard by no ears except her own. She could take it, but she didn’t want to take it. Not anymore. But she didn’t have a choice in the matter. And that was the worst part.
Wear & Hear
Mrs. Smith lived in the apartment directly below Erika. She lived alone but was not a lonely woman. Mrs. Smith’s doormat read “welcome” in letters so scuffed that it took at least a minute staring at the mat to read them. Every time Erika visited Mrs. Smith, she had a new framed picture of a friend or family member hanging on her wall, which had more nails than a hardware store. Mrs. Smith always insisted that visitors come in for a drink and would spend hours regaling them of the exploits of her children, her grandchildren, her great grandchildren, her great-great grandchildren, and her great-great-great grandchildren. Erika heard about these exploits often; she visited Mrs. Smith with a taco salad at least once a month. Erika cleaned the bottom of her shoes on Mrs. Smith’s doormat and rapped on the pink door. She heard shuffling from behind the door and a minute later it was opened by a tall muscular woman with wild grey hair wearing a floral dress and a lavender shawl. On the side of her neck was some dried blood surrounding two small puncture wounds. The woman beamed a smile at her. “Erika! It’s been a while!” Mrs. Smith said, before sniffing the air, “Oh! You shouldn’t have! No one makes it the way you do! My great-great grandson Mikey has tried to replicate it so many times, but he never gets it right.”
Erika chuckled. “Sounds easy enough. I’ll just make a rousing speech to inspire the masses. ‘sides, nothing weighs nearly as much as some last words,” she said. It was meant to be a joke, but it didn’t sound like one. She rubbed her temples again, her headache growing in intensity. It was a good idea. It had a chance of working, albeit a slim one. Except… Erika sighed and shook her head. “Nope, not worth it. Too risky.” Steve tilted his head. “Too risky? That doesn’t hold water, especially with the... you know…” He gestured to the broken remains of the mug on the floor. “Not for me. For you. It wouldn’t take a rocket scientist to put two and two together.” Steve was silent for a moment. He bawled his hands into a pair of fists. “You don’t have to worry about me,” he murmured, not looking at Erika, instead staring at the wall, “If I was ever worried about that, I wouldn’t be trying to spew my guts out every chance I get. And… if I had done a better, this wouldn’t have happened.”
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spoonbyname · 2 years
Right, Bagginshielders, if I was going to find a way to actually motivate myself to finish and post a fic, which fic should see the light of day?
And if anyone knows of any Bagginshield writing/cheerleading/motivational groups, let me know!
1. Black & Blue - Soulmate/mark AU - Flower marks bloom on a hobbit's skin when the person they are connected to is injured.
Belladonna tried not to let her nerves get the better of her - wound-blooms were certainly uncommon on a baby, for a number of reasons -  and slowly reached for the fabric to get a better look, but as she did a purple thistle burst open on his tiny bottom lip, its spines appearing from nothing like a vicious firework.
There was something about the lurid purple there on his lip and chin that made her feel a little unwell. She could not remember what thistles actually meant, but looking at it was enough to tell her that it should have no place on a hobbit's skin. That was not a silly or happy mark.
As she examined the flush of flowers on her child's skin, she spotted the last flower - one at least she was more familiar with, although its appearance filled her with both hope and dread.
2. The Wanderer - Time Traveller's Wife/No Ring AU - Bilbo Wanders back and forth in time. Then an oddly familiar dwarf appears on his doorstep.
He thinks he hears him say something like "Baggins" but he can't be sure as the sound is carried on a surprised breath, nearly drowned out by his own scared whimpers and gasps as the whole corridor shakes for a moment. Bilbo is only just able to make out wide eyes and a mane of dark hair in the gloom, the strange man whispering hurriedly, "It is alright. I am here. I will keep you safe."
There is another deafening sound that crackles and booms through the corridors, making the floor beneath him vibrate frighteningly again, and Bilbo clamps his hands over his ears. He looks back to the man whose expression is desperate and whose arm is stretching as far as it can through the gap, unable to quite reach him. He instinctively scoots closer to the huge hand held out for him. No sooner is Bilbo close enough than the hand clamps around his arm and the dark-haired man hauls him out from behind the statue (he can just about see that's what it is now) and he's drawn into a tight hug, his face buried in the thick black hair as the man gasps, "I have got you." Bilbo then finds himself hoisted up against the solid chest and partially bundled into the inside of the man's coat, clinging on like a burr, as the man starts to run.
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Running Roots Rejoice
All rejoice and all hail For the sun’s a fearsome bloom To life, the light entails.
The night’s a light turned tail Amidst the silver jewelled moon. All rejoice and all hail.
The moonlight lights a trail Where into the ground, roots swoon And bare feet trampling turn pale
Racing arms open wide to sail Freedom from roots up to boom. All rejoice and all hail.
To not bless the trees would ail, To hold back, to tear from the loom. Weave bark, the weft, the ‘mail.
The rising sun rests the tale. The sunrise amidst the gloom. All rejoice and all hail. Come night’s turn, we fortail.
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loveatcomicon · 3 months
Wild daisy
By Atticus & Jung Kook
All I can say is that this love is crazy
I walk and laugh like a joker
And this heart is a harlequin
It’s been a while since I’d been here
Feeling like this, lonely in a crowd
Even if I was in a crowd
I want to see you in the crowd
When does the wild daisy bloom
Why am I in this gloom
Lonely in a room
This heart falls too soon
Like feet in quicksand
All I can say is that this love is crazy
I walk and laugh like a joker
And this heart is a harlequin
It’s been a while since I’d been here
If love hurts like this
Tearing at the seams
Breaking into a rave it seems
I wish even wild daisy blooms
In the gloom of a moon night light
Yeah I’ll be her sailor in the sea
And she’ll be my Moon in the sky
Shoot this love to the Moon
Yeah shoot this love to the Moon
I’ll be your wild daisy bloom
I’ll be your heartache in gloom
I’ll be your Challenger exploding in fume
Yeah I’ll be your man on the Moon
Like this heart
Written by Atticus & Taylor
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gtunesmiff · 3 months
Today's Wednesday again, and the prompt of the day was to write a "PREPPER" poem…
I dug out my old green manual, and came up with…
© 2024 - G. Smith (BMI)
They say the end is coming soon, With darkness falling at high noon, And nighttime lit by a blood-red moon; They say the end is coming soon.
They say we're at the end of days, Waiting 'til Gabriel's trumpet plays, And all the colors fade to grays. They say we're at the end of days.
The apocalypse; Armageddon, Everyone hopes they're bound for Heaven. Some don't know, and so, are scared, Some quote the Boy Scouts, "Be prepared." Some quote the Boy Scouts, "Be prepared."
They say the news is gloom and doom, Just waiting for the final boom, To catch the last atomic bloom. They say the news is gloom and doom.
Some say an asteroid will take us out, Then others claim climate will cause a drought; Others, say, "Earthquake, without a doubt." Some say an asteroid will take us out.
The apocalypse; Armageddon, Everyone hopes they're bound for Heaven. Some don't know, and so, are scared, Some quote the Boy Scouts, "Be prepared." Some quote the Boy Scouts, "Be prepared."
Disasters large? Disasters small? Time will catch up with us all, As we circle on this ball; Doesn't matter, large or small.
The apocalypse; Armageddon, Everyone hopes they're bound for Heaven. Some don't know, and so, are scared, Some quote the Boy Scouts, "Be prepared." Some quote the Boy Scouts, "Be prepared."
Some quote the Boy Scouts... "Be prepared."
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lacklusterverve · 10 months
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Last Glimpse Through Your Window
by Justin Minoru Leachon Luna
"I love you... i watched You to bid goodbye—as it is tomorrow, tomorrow's the day of my burial,
though I am not allowed to hug You even one last time.."
After all that's done, i'm bound to none;
crippled i tried to sink in your room—
i watched You sleep, your memories slip,
slip while i creep - creep in your room,
Shadow' all i am trying to creep in your room,
your flower lost its bloom.
Through the linen, silken, i'm trapped sicken,
carrying, caring, caressed with gloom,
i'm holding You, losing hue—
hue that is due, due to impending Doom,
the time flies impending Doom-
sweeped the petals with a broom.
Cover me, Purple veil - remind me that i fail,
memories wither, the withering withered bloom,
Purple curtain of which i am certain—
certain that this curtain, curtain keeps me "view of your room",
let me please, let me have a view of your room—
for i am your Forgotten groom.
I watched the moonlight lose its might—
this frail night light, a brilliant sight lingered in the anteroom,
on the window my reflection, in my perception-
perception, causing realization - realization that caused a loud boom—
"i am the moonlight", i broke your window and caused a noisy boom,
fragments—shards, pieces of glass with the sound boom.
Tears for the years, years of your fears—
while i shined on your eyes shining with tears of Gloom—
i stared at You, filled with sorrow, lost, unsure of the morrow,
morrow... the day i'll be sealed in a burrow - burrow "my own Room",
i shined on You - purple light melancholy bloom...
my moonlight Flower at full Bloom. ~
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sabrina-valerie · 1 year
Valentine's Day Fic
S/I: Sabrina | F/O: Kamek | Established Relationship | WC: 624
When Kamek said he had a surprise for her on Valentine's Day, Sabrina had been wary. She never really liked Valentine's Day, both because it all seemed very pointless and stupid and because Lou had been so stressed about making their first Valentine's Day together perfect back when they were dating that she had decided that any holiday that caused that much grief for one of her loved ones quite frankly didn't deserve to exist.
But now, after a nice picnic, they were picking their way through some bushes and trees.
"Any reason we couldn't take the path, Kam?" Sabrina asked, picking leaves out of her long, dark hair.
"Shhh, we're almost there!" Kamek was almost vibrating in excitement. He'd brought a tote bag, which he'd brought the food for the picnic in, but it still swung heavily by his side, as if there was something else in there.
They crept through the greenery, the echoes of laughter and chatter growing louder and louder until — oh, this was — 
"The Lovers Festival?" Sabrina's heart sank. Did Kamek want to attend after all? She'd endure it for his sake, but..."Did you change your mind about going?"
"Of course not." Kamek dug around in his bag, peering beyond the tree that hid them from view. Dozens of couples danced in the main square to a cheery-sounding pop song with lovey-dovey-sounding lyrics. Sabrina made a face. Eugh. Whatever happened to songs about friendship?
Kamek made a noise of triumph, pulling out what looked like an oversized glow stick covered in runes. Something rattled inside.
Kamek handed it to her. "Break this and throw it out past the trees."
"Sure." Snapping it was easy enough, and the object inside was a pretty little crystal sphere that immediately started smoking in her hands. Sabrina flung it away toward the festival.
The smoke cloud grew and grew, twirling and rising into the air and turning the picturesque sunny afternoon into a cloudy, dreary mess. Further out, the dancing couples had slowed to a stop, wondering at the abrupt change in weather.
"Wha —?"
"Wait for it..." Kamek stared out at the cloud intently. 
Suddenly, with an almighty BOOM, the skies opened up, dumping heavy rain on everyone in the area, to screams of surprise. Kamek and Sabrina weren't spared either, quickly becoming soaked as well.
"What?" Sabrina asked, a grin blooming on her face.
"Wait for it~," Kamek sang, squinting out into the gloom.
One of the men had taken to yelling at the clouds, as if that would save his beloved girlfriend's hair and makeup. The clouds rumbled ominously in response, and spat out a lightning bolt right at his feet. His scream could have shattered windows. 
As more rain and lighting were dropped recklessly from the sky, Sabrina lost the fight against her own mirth and burst out cackling. She collapsed onto the dirt-turned-mud, laughing herself to tears. "What?!"
Wind howled, knocking down the flimsy festival booths and throwing their contents into the air. The festival-goers were tripping and sliding around in the mud. The previously saccharine fun was completely replaced by crying and wailing and screaming.
"Happy Valentine's Day, dear," Kamek said, smiling down at her.
Sabrina, rain-soaked and beaming, pulled him into a deep kiss. This was probably the best Valentine's Day she'd ever had.
(Later, after coming up for air for the 5th time or so — "Kam, we should go before they find us here."
"Do we have to?"
Sabrina peeked out beyond the tree they were hiding behind. A few brave souls had spotted the capsule she threw and were skidding ungracefully towards it.
"Yeah." She got up, lifting Kamek in her arms. She picked her way back through the brush. "There's always next year, though. Maybe we can do something even bigger then!")
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brandonwaratah01 · 2 years
🍷 Hello h e y hi 💋
B r a n d o n W a r a t a h 0 1
“The sweet golden honey made by the black belt bees gravitating into a bowl and the salty buttered popcorn is just a taste that’s unforgettable as it pops in the air. The day turns to night, the moonlight appears with the stars that shine bright. Glittering on a purple and black sky visible in sight. Flowers bloom and the fireworks boom in such obvious differences and similarities that are visual in a gloom. The vehicle passes by with the scent of the fume, what vehicle was that? We all assume. She’s wearing lace and his heart beating in a race.”
#BrandonvpNguyen #CreativeLiterature #OptimisticPessimistic #PointofView
- B r a n d o n v.p N g u y e n -
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greensupportprogram · 2 years
Grow Series - 3 in 1
Grow Series – 3 in 1
Coming from the Man who “Demystified the Betrayal of Christ” and “Nimrod and the Tower of Babel” – Ebarim Godsend. Maximize Your Unfair Advantage … Speed Up … Becoming A VIP … Your loss is their profit, and your sweat their sweet. Your pain is their gain, and your fall their rise. Your doom is their boom, and your gloom their bloom. Our Creator isn’t just the God of second, but of many…
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ao3commentoftheday · 3 years
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Image description: And they were ___ Bingo. There is a free tile in the middle and the squares read left to right, top to bottom:
zoom mates
school mates
womb mates
bloom mates
groom mates
tomb mates
croon mates
gloom mates
doom mates
moon mates
tune mates
clue mates
view mates
Yule mates
true mates
dune mates
vroom mates
spoon mates
boom mates
flu mates
screw mates
broom mates
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curiokhan0113 · 3 years
Then And Now
Sadness once left such ugly trail
From how did this time again fail
With never an escape could bail
Now looking so weak and fraille
Because now this is very wrong
When all them know how strong
Being happy and singing a song
Whether for a short time or long
From the time of laugh and play
Feeling more carefree everyday
Just to walk so free with sashay
Now left by  stress and disarray
When joy was that great inspire
As it spread to others as wildfire
Getting more to reach all desire
With reaching goals and not tire
Life can can show up the gloom
Yet there is  also plenty of room
For many  good things to bloom
Waiting for a  right time to boom
Why keep such guilt and shame
That sadness a reason to blame
Unless being a crazy mind game
Some where kept with the frame 
Remember sadness is the  cage
And come and goes at any stage
Just another  story different page
Only this reality brought with age
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instruth · 2 years
What Shroud Of Doom
What shroud of doom
being spun on the loom
Swift threading on the zoom
Sparks flew with a big boom
Whoosh! A sweep by a broom
Whisking past in the gloom
All confined in a little room
Cramped together in a tomb
The sound of despair, vroom!
Wow! The roof opened in a floral bloom
Dreamers all set free, brides and grooms
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©Johnny J P Lee
03 February 2022
Photo: J. P. Lee
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violettesiren · 2 years
Nay, my tryst is kept; The longest day slipped by you while you slept. I've brought you one curved pyramid of bloom, Not flowers, but peaches, gathered where the bees, As downy, bask and boom In sunshine and in gloom of trees. But get you in, a storm is at my heels; The whirlwind whistles and wheels, Lightning flashes and thunder peals, Flying and following hard upon my heels.
The roar of a storm sweeps up From the east to the lurid west, The darkening sky, like a cup, Is filled with rain to the brink; The sky is purple and fire, Blackness and noise and unrest; The earth, parched with desire, Opens her mouth to drink.
Send forth thy thunder and fire, Turn over thy brimming cup, O sky, appease the desire Of earth in her parched unrest; Pour out drink to her thirst, Her famishing life lift up; Make thyself fair as at first, With a rainbow for thy crest.
Have done with thunder and fire, O sky with the rainbow crest; O earth, have done with desire, Drink, and drink deep, and rest.
July from The Months: A Pageant by Christina Rossetti
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