#Boogie nails
nailstreasures · 7 months
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heartnosekid · 11 months
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daily_charme on ig
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smoking till my eyes roll back like the omen…
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Got nail glue in my eye.
Drove to the Cotswolds.
Decided the pub I chose for lunch was too boogie and we were in trackies.
Drove to a different pub.
Had lunch.
Went for a walk over a babbling brook.
Drove the rest of the way to Salisbury.
Was asleep by 8pm.
Got up at 10am.
Went to see some stones.
Drove home.
Did a detour.
All in all a good trip to Stonehenge.
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blackcupidangel · 5 months
Things Batmom has said:
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“Keep your father out of the kitchen, I’ll be back by morning.”
“We’ll if it isn’t the consequences of your own actions”
“It means you can either drive yourself home or I’ll have Alfred come get you.”
“Look at my handsome boys growing into fine gentlemen.”
“Stay safe, I love you”
“Eyes open, baby birds.”
“Alfred and I made food for the week, it’s in the fridge” *punch* “Your running shoes are on the left side of the closet” *kicks* “Make sure his project is done tonight, it’s due tomorrow.”
“I’m going to let you fix it, because if I fix it I’m going to jail.”
“It’s called,” she raises one fist “fuck around,” then she raises her other fist, “and find out.”
“You don’t even know me, you don’t even know my real name…” she leans in with harden eyes yet calm features, “I’m the fuckin boogie man”
“Do not play with me, I am not the one, two, or the three.”
“Don’t kill him.” //“I’m sorry but who’s the one tied up here?” //“Darling—“// “Because the way I see it, it’ll be in self defense.”
“Just one leg.” “No” “Both legs?” “No!” “You’re right….I’ll go for their kneecap.”
“So…you’ve chosen to disobey me.”
“Alright now…don’t write a check you can’t cash.”
“I’m sorry, what did you say? I couldn’t hear you because of your tone of voice.” She leans in with a hand cupping her ear to encourage a second chance.
“Do I look like booboo the fool?!”
“As mad as I am, I can’t let you shoot him.”// “Just this once?” //“No.” //“I’ll go for the knees. Nothing vital.” //“Hhgh.”
“You really hit the nail on the head with that one Batman.”
“And WHO do you think you’re taking to?”
“Don’t tell your father.”
“Be home by 10, or I start looking windows.”
“I’m so very proud of you!”
“A girl’s gotta be prepared.”
“You know…about the whole guns thing, I’m still not so sure I feel as strongly as you do.”
“Way to go, Bruce.”
“Touch my child, I dare you. Make my day.”
Heyyyyyyy hotties I’m backkkkkkk. Send me asks and requests as I’m easing my way back into things. It might take me a while to find my flow and writing style so bear with me please. I missed you all so much honestly.
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ckret2 · 20 days
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Chapter 67 of human Bill Cipher gradually becoming less and less the Mystery Shack's prisoner:
Mabel's Guide to Secret Sleepovers!
They definitely won't get their lives endangered during the sleepover at all!! And if you believe that's not a lie, I've got a skyscraper in the second dimension to sell you.
A camera set up beneath the attic bedroom window recorded the dark room. In her pajamas, Mabel stood in the middle of the attic, boogying nervously to silent music.
A light shining from beneath the bedroom door turned off. Mabel stopped boogying, crept to the door, and leaned her ear against the crack.
She ran back to the camera and picked it up. "Okay," she whispered, "Dipper and Grunkle Ford are out on their mission, Stan and Abuelita are asleep, Soos finally knocked off building for the night, and Bill's in his new room. Welcome to... Mabel's Guide to Secret Sleepovers!"
She held up a flattened cereal box she'd written the title on. The title was almost invisible in the dark, but it was framed by stars painted on with glow-in-the-dark nail polish.
"Step one: getting your friends in the house." She turned the camera around. She swerved over to Waddles's bed as she crossed the room, whispering, "Hey, wanna come to the sleepover?"
Waddles snorted gently in his sleep.
"Aww, that's okay. Next time." She rubbed his belly, then crept toward the attic door.
She tiptoed in her socks down the newly-built hallway and past the curtain hiding Bill's new room, padded down the stairs, opened the back door, and hissed, "Pssst! Coast is clear!"
Out from the tree line ran Candy, wearing a camo-print blanket like a cloak, and Grenda, dressed in black and with her arms and face painted in brown and green. Grenda waved ecstatically at the camera as she passed.
With Mabel in the back, they quietly crept upstairs, quietly snuck past Bill's room, quietly closed the bedroom door, and quietly squealed with excitement. "First summer sleepover at the shack," Candy said, flopping on her back on Mabel's bed and spreading out her blanket cloak. She sat up, noticed a cardboard cradle next to Mabel's bed, and picked up the porcelain doll inside. "Oooh! Who's this handsome gentleman?"
"That's Bartholomew! I told you about him. Barty, these are my friends Candy and Grenda."
The doll did nothing.
"You can say hi, Barty! I trust them!"
The doll continued to do nothing.
"He's shy," Mabel said. "He's totally haunted by a little Victorian boy, though, really."
Candy nodded. "I believe you."
"This is cool!" Grenda said. She was trying to scrub the camo paint off her arms and face with her hands. "I've never gone to a secret sleepover before. Next time we should sneak into my place!"
"Okay, so," Mabel said. "I promised you I'd introduce you to the secret guy that's been staying here as soon as it was okay to. And it's okay to! As long as nobody else finds out I introduced you."
Grenda nodded. Candy said, "This sounds reasonable."
"Anyway his name's Goldie, he's been staying at the shack this summer, he's really fun, he's kiiind of a bad guy but in a cool way"—(Candy appreciatively said, "Oooh.")—"aaand he's asleep right now." A dramatic pause. "But not for long."
Candy and Grenda grinned evilly.
"Secret sleepover step two," Mabel whispered. "Introducing your friends to your other friend!" The camera's dark screen was illuminated by a slit of light as Grenda pulled open the curtain to Bill's room. The dim starlight pouring into the room was barely enough to illuminate the white lightning and yellow circle of symbols on the hanging zodiac blanket as the girls pushed past it to creep into the room.
Bill lay sleeping on the chaise extension of the orange sofa, catty-corner to the doorway, curled up on his side with his back to the door. Beneath his curls, the eye stitched on the back of his hood peered out at the room, shifting up and down with his steady sleeping breaths. The girls crept up behind him, biting their lips to keep from giggling. Candy and Grenda flanked Mabel, arms raised in preparation to attack, as Mabel held up her fingers... 3... 2... 1...
Bill rolled over with a devilish grin and lunged at them. "HEY, KIDS!"
The girls screamed. They bolted for the hall with Bill's laughter following them.
"You should've seen the looks on your faces," Bill gloated. He was sitting on the floor, legs crossed lotus style, in a semicircle with the three girls around the camera Mabel had set on the sofa. They'd set one flashlight next to the camera pointing out and another on the floor pointing at the ceiling.
"You got us good," Candy admitted.
Grenda leaned across the semicircle. "Hi! I'm Grenda. This is Candy."
"I've heard a lot about you two." Bill sat back, giving Grenda a somewhat less than warm smile. "Call me Goldie."
Grenda gasped. "Hey! Candy, look at his eyes!"
"What?" Bill's gaze darted between the girls' faces. His eyes caught the faint light and flashed like a cat's.
"They did it again!"
"Whoa!" Candy got up on her knees and leaned toward Bill. He leaned away.
Panic crossed Mabel's face. "Uhh, I can explain—"
"We knew it," Candy said. "We were sure you couldn't let us meet Goldie because he was a werewolf catboy!"
"I dunno," Grenda said. "They look more like frog eyes. They're kinda bulgy, too."
Bill stared at Grenda. A broad smile broke out across his face. "That's the nicest thing anyone's ever said about them!"
Grenda asked, "Do your eyes suck into your face when you swallow like a frog's do?"
"I dunno, swallowing makes me blink. You tell me." Bill deliberately swallowed.
"Ugh, they do! Gross," Grenda said approvingly.
"Why do you have frog eyes? Are you a werefrog?" Candy asked. "Or did a mad scientist mutate you?"
Bill said, "You know the story about the frog prince? My great-grandfather."
"He is not."
"He could be!"
"Anyway," Mabel said, "Goldie's not any kind of not-human person or anything, that'd be crazy. He's just a big secret because he's committed war crimes, that's all!"
Grenda and Candy considered that.
"That's cool." Candy slowly pulled out a makeup bag. "Do you like makeovers?"
Bill eyed her appraisingly. "How good are you?"
The camera sat tilted off to the side, catching Grenda, Bill, and a bit of Mabel's hair. Bill and Grenda sat just out of the flashlights' range while Mabel and Candy off-screen debated how best to shape Mabel's lips. Grenda held a purple tube of foundation in one of the flashlights' beams; the tube had a logo that looked like a lilac triangle with a single eye and thick purple lips. She uncapped a black eyeliner pen, drew a big X over the triangle's eye and gave it a curly mustache, and added a cramped word bubble over it that said "UGLY LOSR." Grenda chuckled.
Past her, Bill's eyes flashed in the dark as they narrowed.
"Finished!" Mabel announced. She turned the camera to face the whole quartet again. "Secret sleepover step three: normal sleepover activities! Starting with... makeovers! Remember, you're beautiful just the way you are; but a real artist can look at a human body and see a canvas. And canvases are for paint!"
She pointed the flashlight at her own face. "I call this look... the Showstopper." She had eyeshadow, blush, and lipstick—in three different shades of pink—liberally caked on with a crunchy layer of multicolored glitter and with plastic gems bedazzling her brow and temples. It looked bad.
Mabel pointed the flashlight at Grenda. "This one's... Beach Babe."
Grenda said, "Like a mermaid!" She had blush painted to look like scales, clumpy blue mascara and blue eyeshadow shaped like waves, and lipstick that looked like a fish. It looked bad.
Mabel pointed at Candy. "And this is the Glam Rock Revival!" Candy had a shimmery blue star painted over one eye and half her face, and a smaller matching star on her opposite cheek. It looked unexpectedly good.
"And Goldie..." Mabel pointed the flashlight at his face. "He kinda just... let us experiment with some designs Candy found in a makeup book."
One of his eyes had a neon rainbow eyebrow and eyelashes and tiny glittery butterfly stickers. The other eye had golden eyelashes and bright blue and black flames that would look at home spray painted on an old school hot rod. It looked bad.
"I look awesome," Bill said.
"And check out our mani-pedis!" Grenda grabbed the camera and pointed it down at their hands and feet. Mabel had messy watermelon nails, Grenda had decent French tips, Candy's actually matched her makeup, and Bill—who, unlike the girls, wasn't so much showing off his nails as he was just sitting there while Grenda waved the camera around—had a different set on each hand and foot.
Mabel said, "Goldie let us each experiment on one set of nails."
Grenda pointed at Bill's right hand, "I did that one!" He had five extremely long glue-on nails, which in turn each had two more glue-on nails on top, each trimmed to a sharp point. All fifteen nails had garish pre-printed designs—stripes, polka dots, and three types of animal print. None matched.
Bill cheerily said, "I could stab clean through a grown man's throat with these."
Mabel leaned closer. "Goldie, why's your other hand so boring!" His left hand had all black nails.
Bill said, "Turn off the flashlights."
Mabel turned them off. Five glow-in-the-dark eyes peered up from Bill's nails. The girls ooohed appreciatively.
"Now what?" Candy asked. "We can't do our other usual sleepover activities. Rom-coms, karaoke, and saucy book readings are too loud for a secret sleepover."
"Aww," Bill groaned, "I was looking forward to karaoke."
"Candy's right." Mabel turned a flashlight back on. "We'll have to get creative. What's a good traditional sleepover activity that isn't too loud?"
They sat around for a moment in silent thought.
Bill turned the other flashlight on under his grinning face. "You girls ever summon a demon before?"
The girls smiled excitedly.
The camera trained on Grenda and Candy as they leaned over the lizard tank in the Mystery Shack's museum, staring at the "baby dragon" display. "Awww," Grenda cooed. "Look at them! They're so cute." She stood on her toes and crossed her arms on the edge of the tank. "How do their fake wings stay on?"
"Alien superglue. It'll last until their next shed," Bill said from behind the camera.
"They're very brown," Candy said, disappointed. "I guess it's good camouflage." She held up part of her camo blanket cloak to compare.
Grenda said, "I think they're either western fence lizards or sagebrush lizards. Do you know where Mr. Ramirez caught them?"
"In the forests around town," Bill said.
"Western fence lizards," Grenda said. "If they're boys, they'll have blue bellies!"
"Oooh." Candy crouched down eye-level with the lizards trying to see their bellies.
Grenda tentatively reached a hand into the tank to pick up one of the baby dragons; it skittered under a rock for safety.
Bill said, "You know your lizards, Grendo."
"Heh. Grend-O."
Candy said, "Grenda is the reptile and amphibian expert."
"I have a book on them! And a pet iguana!" Grenda announced. "Hey, Gold-O! What's your favorite lizard?"
Bill was silent a few seconds. "Leeet's go with chameleons. They've got cute eyes."
"Chameleons are my favorite too," Candy said. "I like how they change color. Their eyes are freaky, though."
Grenda said, "I like chameleon eyes! They're crazy! I think it'd be cool to look two different directions at the same time."
Bill lowered the camera slightly. "What, you mean like this?"
Grenda and Candy gaped at him in shock. Candy squealed in discomfort and shielded her eyes. "That looks painful."
Grenda laughed. "Cool," she said. "Hey, you like frogs too, right? What's your favorite frog!"
"Golden poison dart frogs." Bill answered without hesitation. "The brighter, the better."
"I love poison dart frogs," Grenda said. "On my death bed, I wanna lick one to find out what it tastes like!"
"Bitter sushi, until your mouth goes numb," Bill said. "But if you're gonna get drugged by a frog, make it a psychedelic toad. They're more fun."
"Ohhh. Thanks. Now I wanna taste sushi!" One of the baby dragons crept up a rock; Grenda tried, unsuccessfully, to catch it again.
Bill walked closer to the tank to film the lizards. After a moment, he asked, "What're your favorite frogs?"
"Oooh, that's hard." Grenda put her hand to her chin, thinking.
Candy said, "I think... the little green ones with the guts you can see through."
"Glass frogs," Bill provided.
"Either red-eyed tree frogs or strawberry poison dart frogs," Grenda said. "Maybe the tree frogs. Dart frogs have boring eyes."
"One of their only flaws." Bill paused. "What do you think about axolotls?"
"Mr. Pines lets me feed his sometimes," Grenda said. "They're kind of overrated, though. Frogs are better!"
"Hm." The hm sounded approving. Bill reached into the tank, effortlessly scooped his fingers beneath the wings and around the belly of a lizard, and lifted him up. Candy and Grenda gasped. "One male in the tank." He turned the lizard's blue belly toward the camera too. It wiggled in distress.
"Got it!"
Bill swung the camera around to look at Mabel, who'd just triumphantly come through the curtain from the gift shop. She was holding a box of rainbow chalk over her head. "The chalk Soos uses for sales and stuff!"
"Perfect," Bill said. "Manage to find a religious text?"
"No, buuut I found a copy of a DMV manual at the cash register." Mabel held up her find. "Will that work?"
"Hm." Bill considered it. "I've never seen someone try it before, but traffic law is just as imaginary as any other divine commands! Just try really hard to have faith in the rules of road safety and maybe it'll work. Never know unless we try it out!"
"Good enough for me!" Mabel said. "What did we need a religious text for, again?"
"Oh, once the demon's here, it's the only thing that'll be capable of banishing it, that's all," Bill said. "So! Where are we drawing this summoning circle?"
They found a clear space in the museum on the floor near the treasure chest display. Bill handed the camera momentarily to Mabel while he drew a four-inch version of the summoning circle for the girls to copy. "It needs to be white and blood red. Do we have any blood red chalk?" He rummaged through the box of chalk. "Hmm. Okay, either one of us can let a lot of blood, or we can try it out with pink chalk. What'll it be?"
Grenda and Candy looked to Mabel, considering the question seriously. Finally, Mabel said, "Pink chalk sounds like it'll be faster."
"I guess," Bill said, disappointed. He finished his example circle and stood. "Okay, there you go! Usually you're not even supposed to draw the circle unless you've fasted for twelve hours, but there's three of you and you haven't eaten in at least four hours, sooo it's probably fine."
Grenda raised a hand. "I had a soda. Is that bad?"
"Naaah, a soda's more bubbles than liquid, I bet it barely even counts."
Bill took over camera duties again as Mabel and Candy each took a stick of white chalk to draw half the circle. They started at different sizes. They had to do a weird wiggly slope in order to make the two halves meet. Candy asked, "Is that good?"
"Hmmm..." Bill considered the lopsided blob. "It's good enough!"
While Mabel and Candy puzzled over Bill's tiny pink protective sigils and tried to figure out how to draw them bigger, Grenda leaned over to Bill and whispered, "Hey! Are you really related to the frog prince?"
"No," Bill said. (Grenda's face fell.) "I was cursed by a witch. I can see through walls and in the dark, but in exchange I have frog eyes."
Grenda's face lit up again. "Stupid! Frog eyes just make you look even cooler!"
"That dumb witch had no idea what a real curse is. I got nothing but benefits," Bill said. "All right, you asked me one, let me ask you one."
Grenda looked at Bill with trepidation. "O-okay?"
"What's with the face you were drawing on that triangle?"
Grenda seemed relieved by the question. "Oh! We're not really supposed to talk about it much? But there was this triangle jerk that tried to take over the world last year. So we're supposed to cover up pictures that look like him. I dunno, it's a whole thing."
"Okay," Bill said irritably, "fine. How come you make him look stupid, though?"
"Because he was a big monster that hurt my friends and wrecked the town," Grenda said hotly. "He almost killed Mabel!"
Bill was silent a moment. "Sure," he said tersely. "If that's what it looked like, I can see how that would leave a bad impression."
"Hey, Goldie," Mabel said loudly. "I think we're done! Does this look right?"
"Let's see..." Bill inspected the circle, circling the perimeter with the camera. It looked bad. "Looks good enough," Bill said.  "All right! Everyone in position around the circle—Grenda, you're on the circle."
"Oops." She slid her foot back, smearing the chalk line and one of the protective sigils. "Uhh... I think I broke the ring?"
"It's fine, it's small! And you can still tell what the symbol is. Mostly," Bill said. "Okay, everyone remember the chant I taught you? Three, two..."
The camera's audio only recorded a long squeal of distortion instead of words as the girls started chanting. Bill backed up to get a better shot of the whole circle. The girls' eyes began glowing white; the flashlights flickered; and a fiery cloud of smoke filled the ring, billowing from floor to ceiling. The girls stumbled back, shielding their faces from the smoke.
"Hey, hey," Bill said. "Get back in there! If you stop the chant before it's complete, you'll—!"
With a boom, the smoke exploded outward, filling the room and completely obscuring the camera's view.
When it cleared up, the ring appeared to be empty.
Bill aimed the camera down and zoomed in. In the center of the ring was a tiny imp. It looked like a skinny coral-red hairless mouse with a spade-tipped tail and little bat wings.
"—you'll only get a small one," Bill finished.
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They crouched down and stared at it. "It's cute," Candy said. Mabel said, "I'm naming her Cinnamon."
It blinked big wet black eyes at them. And then it scampered out of the gap in the chalk line.
The girls shrieked. The imp chased Candy around the treasure chest. Grenda tried to climb onto a display pedestal with a taxidermy jackalope, screaming, "Get it! Get it!"
"Candy! Run this way!" Mabel got on her knees, Oregon state driving manual held high over her head. As Candy ran past, Mabel shouted, "I do believe in the speed limit!" and swung the manual down like she was swatting a bug.
The manual smacked the imp. With a puff of smoke, it poofed out of the mortal plane and back to where it came from.
"Nice banishment, star girl," Bill said. "Hey, not bad for your first summoning, kids. You'll be bargaining with demon royalty in no time."
The girls heaved a sigh of relief. "That went pretty smoothly, I think," Candy said.
"Yeah!" Grenda climbed down from the pedestal. "There weren't any weird life-threatening twists or anything!"
"That doesn't happen a lot," Mabel said.
The camera suddenly lowered, pointing at the floor at an angle. "Hey, Mabel. Where'd you get this camera, anyway?" The camera's view turned back and forth. "It doesn't look like the one you usually record your guides with."
"Oh, yeah," Mabel said. "Dipper's using our normal camera, so I'm borrowing one I found in a box in the attic loft."
Bill said, "The cardboard box covered in fifteen strips of duct tape?"
"So, the cursed camera?"
A pause. "The what?"
The camera's view became a blur as it whizzed across the room, only focusing again when the camera was ten feet in the air and staring down at the group of four. The camera's neck strap had wrapped tight around one of Bill's wrists, wrenching his arm into the air. Candy and Grenda automatically clung to his sides, the one adult in the room; he had his free arm raised up to avoid touching Candy.
"Well! This isn't ideal." The camera had a clipped, artificial-sounding voice—but a familiar one. "I'd been hoping you'd split up so I could steal your souls one by one!"
Mabel said, "Why do you sound like Grunkle Ford! Did you steal his soul?!"
"Stanford's voice is just the only one it's ever recorded before tonight," Bill said. "If it had stolen his soul, you'd know."
"Because he'd be dead."
"So much for the element of surprise." The camera's sigh was laced with the crackle of VHS static. "But as long as my secret is out... time to hunt!"
"Huh! How about that," Bill said. "Kids? Run."
Grenda and Candy turned and bolted deeper into the museum.
Bill turned to stare at them in bewilderment. "Not that way—!"
Mabel threw herself on Bill's arm, trying to jerk down the camera and pull off the strap. "Let go of my friend, you—!"
The screen blurred as the camera butted the side of Mabel's head, knocking her to the ground. Panic flashed across Bill's face. "Mabel!"
The camera took advantage of his distraction to snap its strap around both his wrists, bind them together, and yank Bill closer. "At least I get to take out the biggest threat first," the camera hissed. "Smile for the camera, sweetheart."
Bill shot the camera a glare—and then seemingly got caught there, unable to tear his eyes away from the lens, as the camera slowly zoomed in...
And nothing happened.
"It's not working," the camera said. "Your soul should be sucked out by now. Why isn't it working?"
Bill shook himself out of the trance and laughed darkly. "Because a force too powerful for your little electronic mind to comprehend glued my soul in this body so tightly, even I can't pull it out!" He leaned closer until one wide bloodshot eye filled the screen. "Go ahead, give it your best shot! Maybe you'll help tug it loose!"
The camera paused. "Are... are you alright?"
Bill jerked back, scowling. "Oh, just shut— Mabel! Flashlight!"
Bill tilted his head aside just in time for a flashlight to sail over his shoulder and crash into the camera. It shrieked inhumanly. It crash-landed at a tilt, a crack in its lens, the shot unfocused. Bill's blurry form looked down at the camera, holding the flashlight—and then he turned and ran for the curtain into the gift shop. The camera slowly rose back up.
Mabel shouted, "Bi—Goldie! Come back!"
"Keep it distracted!"
"You don't even need a flashlight, you coward!"
The camera's blurry view focused. The crack in its lens repaired itself. It stared at the curtain where Bill had disappeared, snarled, "Not worth it," and rounded on the museum.
And then it began stalking its prey.
The camera followed heavy thudding to find Grenda trying to knock down the main entrance's locked door. "Come on!" Grenda grunted. "This! Doesn't! Meet! Fire codes!" As she glimpsed the camera's approach, she gasped, flipped a rug over it, and bolted. 
It zoomed past Sascrotch, peered behind it, and caught Mabel and Candy clinging onto its back fur. They screamed, dropped down, and ran two different directions. The camera glanced between them indecisively and snarled in frustration when they both turned corners before it could choose a target.
It passed a six pack-o'-lope, a mummy, and a triclops skull; heard a papery rustle; and did a double-take at the displays. Grenda, wrapped in a bunch of receipt paper from the gift shop, ran away from the former "mummy" display.
It swooped under a taxidermy turtle with wings to find Candy hiding beneath the turtle's shell; Candy flipped the shell over the camera before she ran the other way.
It chased Mabel around a barrel of monkey heads, ending in a stalemate on opposite sides of the barrel with each of them twitching left and right trying to figure out which way to run; until it remembered it could just float over the top of the barrel. Mabel backed up and blew a handful of chalk dust in the camera's lens. By the time it wiped its lens clean on a dried monkey pelt, Mabel was gone.
It circled around the invisible man to see whether its cloak hid any children behind its back, made a noise of disgust when it didn't find any, and turned to leave. "Wait a minute. That man isn't invisible!"
Candy—her face beneath the "invisible man's" suspended glasses and bowler hat—sighed harshly and threw down her camo blanket, revealing she was sitting on Grenda's shoulders. "This camouflage doesn't do anything!" They tumbled to the ground and ran different directions.
This time, the camera didn't make the mistake of hesitating before choosing a target. It flew after Grenda.
Grenda stopped in a dead end with a gasp. "Uh-oh." She turned to see how close the camera was behind her, flinched, and tried to dodge around it. It jerked to the side, backing Grenda into a corner.
"Back off, you big, ugly—!" She punched the camera square in the lens, her fist filling the shot. The crunched lens had repaired itself before Grenda stopped shaking her smarting hand. She gasped and covered her eyes. "Please don't take my soul! I'm using it!"
"Not for long!" The camera's strap whipped around Grenda's wrists, yanking her hands down. "It's time for your close up!"
Grenda tried to turn her face away—but the camera caught her gaze, and she turned toward it, eyes wide, hypnotized. The shot zoomed in. A swirling green mist began spiraling out of Grenda's eyes.
Until another set of eyes cut in between, yellow and slitted and furious and framed by mismatched eyeshadow. "Miss me?"
"You," the camera snarled.
Grenda cheered, "Gold-O! You came back!"
"Hey, Grend-O." Bill glanced back over his shoulder. "Sorry for the wait—takes a while for glow-in-the-dark nail polish to charge and dry."
"Get out of my way!" The camera tried to butt the side of Bill's head.
He caught it in his left hand without looking, his arm extending off the edge of the screen like he was taking a selfie. "I don't think so." He raised his right hand—several of the ludicrous nail extensions had already broken off—with palm facing out. There was a symbol painted on his palm, glowing whitish green; but whatever symbol he'd painted on his palm couldn't be fully seen because the moment it was in full view of the camera's lens, it became so bright it almost completely washed out the rest of the frame.
The image skipped and the audio recorded a shriek of static before the camera managed to wrench itself free of Bill's grip and rush back.
Bill caught it by its strap, twisting it about his left wrist to keep it secure. "Now let's get this straight," he snarled, teeth bared at the camera. "Everything beneath this shack's roof is my domain and under my protection! If you want to hurt anyone here—" his voice dropped demonically low, "—you'll have to get through me." He dragged the camera closer. 
He clamped his right hand over the camera's lens, trapping it with the glowing symbol on his palm; the static screamed, stuttered; and then the film overheated and melted.
The camera switched back on. "Welcome back to Mabel's Guide to Secret Sleepovers!" Mabel's left eyeshadow and blush was smeared across her face. "Weee're back! Goldie taped a symbol to the camera that keeps it stunned, so we're safe! Woo-woo! Now, back to sleepover step, uh... seven or something: greeting the sunrise with your friends who didn't get any sleep!"
She turned the camera toward Candy and Grenda, who were sitting with her on the saggy sofa on the back porch. They were blinking dazedly toward the glowing horizon.
"And now you've completed a successful sleepover! Great job, everybody!"
"You kids can stay up if you want," Bill said. (Mabel aimed the camera down; Bill was lying on his stomach on the porch, cheek resting on his crossed arms, eyes shut.) "I'm already asleep."
"Boo," Candy said. "Sleepover quitters are lame."
"Yeah," Mabel agreed. "But he saved our lives, I think he earned it if he wants."
"Do you wanna sleep on the couch?" Grenda asked. "There's still some room! We could squish together!"
"Nah, s'more comfortable down here," Bill mumbled. "My back's killing me."
Grenda laughed. "Old."
"I got assaulted by a camera!"
"Hold on, I have an idea!" She got off the couch and knelt next to Bill. "I saw this at the mall once." She dug an elbow into his back. "Is this helping?"
Bill grunted. "More to the left," he said. "It might be helping a little bit..."
Grenda pressed her other elbow into his back, putting her upper body weight on it. "How 'bout now?"
"Not quite..."
Candy climbed on the arm of the sofa and crouched there. "Let me try!" Grenda leaned back. Like a wrestler, Candy jumped in the air and dropped, sharp elbow first, onto Bill's back.
Bill's eyes flew open and he let out a strangled shriek of pain. It petered out. "Oh, hey—that actually got it. Thanks, kids." He sighed in relief and immediately fell back asleep.
Grenda pumped a fist. "Yes!"
"He really was tired," Candy said.
"So, what'd I say, girls?" Mabel asked. "I told you Goldie was cool, right?"
"Okay, you were right," Candy said. "He is a very patient makeup mannequin."
"And he taught us how to summon demons and saved our lives," Grenda said. "And the first thing didn't even cause the second thing! Which is weird!"
Eyes still shut, Bill mumbled, "You flatter me."
"Hey!" Grenda picked up a sofa cushion. "You're supposed to be a-SLEEP!" She swung it down on his head. He only laughed.
"Yes!" Mabel cheered. "And the moral of the story is the friend of my friend is my friend's friend! Or—wait—no. The friend of my friend is my friend too?"
From under the cushion, Bill said, "The friend of my friend is my rival for her attention."
"No!" Mabel turned the camera to herself. "Anyway, that's Mabel's Guide to Secret Sleepovers! Tune in next time for... I dunno, maybe alpacas or something. We'll see!"
She set the camera in her lap, episode completed.
(Would you look at that, positive character growth. Hope you enjoyed, and looking forward to hearing y'all's thoughts!)
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Safe - John Wick x Fem!Reader
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Summary: John comes home from work and he is wounded, and as his worried wife, you help him.
Warnings: swearing, oral m!receiving, blood/gore, talk of violence, mainly fluff.
You sit alone in your large kitchen, biting your nails and shaking your leg as you anxiously wait for your husband to come home.
His profession was extremely dangerous. Every time he went out you didn’t know if he was alive. Whenever you heard a car pass by your house, you wondered if it were the police coming to inform you that your husband had passed.
You knew that you had to make certain sacrifices that came with being married to The John Wick, the Boogie Man, as they call him.
You hear the door unlock, and your breath hitched. Running to the door, you are met with John. You wrap your arms around his neck, holding back tears as you nuzzle your face into the crook of us neck. “Oh, John…”
His hands weakily wrap around your waist. “Y/N…” he sighs, resting his chin atop your head.
Your hand trails down the chest of his suit. You find the red substance of blood on his white shirt. “You were shot?”
“Stabbed,” he says. “Not too bad. I’ve been though worse,”
You sigh. “Yeah, just stabbed.” You say sarcastically. “What if next time you get stabbed even worse, or shot, and you don’t make it through?” You question.
John gives you a saddened look. “I’m sorry, Y/N. You have a right to be mad, and worried.”
You give him an angered gaze, but it slowly fades as you hear the sincerity in his voice. You lean up to kiss him. “You’re right,” you say.
You take him to the kitchen where you strip him of his suit jacket and button up shirt. “This is going to sting,” you say. “I know,” he replies.
The wound was shallow, but it was still gushing a fair amount of blood. Once you were able to slow down the bleeding, you begin to clean it. John lightly hisses as you disinfect his wound.
You quickly bandage it neatly, then reward him with a warm kiss on his lips. “You have to stop this, John,”
“I know,” he says again. “I- I can retire, if you want.”
“Will you really do that for me?”
“Of course, baby. You are more important than work.”
You smile softly. “If you think it’s the best, then you can. I will support whatever you do,” you say. “Will you be safe?” You ask.
“We are safe. We will always be safe.”
“No, will you be safe?”
John pauses for a concerning amount of time. “I will be safe.” He says. “And if anybody comes after you, or me, I will kill them.”
“John,” you say like a disappointed mother. But, you couldn’t help but smile. You loved your mass murderer husband.
“That’s the spirit, love,” he smiles and gives you a kiss.
“You should go wash up,” you tell him. His face was cut, as well as his hair slicked back with sweat.
“Join me?”
“Very funny,” you laugh before sending him up to the bathroom to clean off the sins of the night. “Be mindful of your bandages,”
“Yes, ma’am,” John chuckled.
John finds his way to the master bathroom. He strips the rest of his clothes and got into the shower. His bandage inevitably got wet.
He ran his hands through his hair, feeling as the heterogeneous mixture of sweat, styling gel and water ran down his back. It felt so releiving to wash himself of the stress and torment of his job.
He used a musky scented soap to wash off the sweat and grime he had accumulated through the night. He exited the shower, wrapped a towel around his waist before redressing his wound.
John left the bathroom, towel still lazily around his waist. You were in bed, reading a book as you awaited for your husband to join you.
You couldn’t help but look at his chiseled abs and cutting hip bones. Of course, you also couldn’t ignore his broad shoulders and tattoo covered back.
“Y/N. You’re starring,”
“Oh,” you say. “Sorry,” you laugh, and he smirks. “Is it such a crime to appreciate my husbands body?”
“No. Just funny to call you out on it,” he says. He grabs a pair of sweatpants and slipped them on.
“Come lay down, babe,” you pull back the comforter in the empty space for him to fill. He slowly lays down, and he groans as his aching back hits the bed.
“Are you really going to retire?” You ask as your hand gently rests on his chest. You slowly draw circles on his skin, avoiding any bruised areas.
“Anything for you,”
You smile, and he slowly leans in to connect your lips in a gently kiss. “I will love you forever…” he murmurs agaisnt your lips. “I will love you when I’m below the ground, and I will love you after the earth ceases to exist…”
You rest your forehead against his, shakily sighing. “I love you, too. Always and forever…”
John kisses you again, hungerly needing your touch and presence against his skin. He gently grips your hair as he hums against your soft, pillowy lips.
His hand reaches for your waist, pulling your laying body closer to his. He squeezes your flesh though your sleep shirt. You whine at the tight squeeze.
Johns lips trail off yours, adventuring down your jaw to suck hot sores on your neck. His hand on your waist moves up, dangerously close to your chest. He cups your breast with his sore and bruised hands through your shirt, gently massaging it in his palm. He knew just how to make you fold.
“John-“ you whisper.
“What, love?”
“Not tonight. You need to heal.” You tell him.
He rests his head on your shoulder, sighing softly. “You’re right,” he whispers. “It’s just so hard to keep my hands off you.” He glances down at his lap, seeing the tent growing in his sweatpants.
“Yes, baby?” You reply.
“I- um. I know you said I have to heal. But, what am I supposed to do about that?” He asks, moving away from the crook of your neck to show the erection in his pants.
You think for a moment, keeping your eyes fixated on his bulge. “I didn’t say I wouldn’t use my hands or my mouth on you,” you tell him, and he grins.
You reach for the waistband of his sweatpants, slowly pulling them off his thighs. Johns cock springs out from his pants. He was hard and throbbing just by touching your breasts.
You grasp his length. His breath hitched at the sight of your hand around his dick. You slowly begin stroking him. You hover above him, letting a string of spit slowly dripping down onto his tip.
“Oh-“ he mumbled as the warm liquid touches his pulsating crown.
You gently kiss the tip, your hand still stroking his shaft slowly.
You whimper against his cock at the sound of his voice. You knew you had to resist him. You couldn’t risk opening his wound and causing him any pain. Hopefully an orgasm would help his aching body in some way.
You slowly take in his length. You suck the tip, humming at the salty taste of his pre-cum. You knew he wasn’t going to last too long. He never lasted long when you sucked him off.
“Just like that, baby,” he praised, “don’t stop- fuck. Don’t stop-“
You didn’t stop, and you weren’t going to stop until you pleasured him to your full ability.
You take in more of his cock. John shivered at the sight of his erection engulfed in your mouth.
“I’m close- shit. I’m gonna cum. Fuck.” He moans.
You began sucking him faster. You felt as your lips glided over the thriving veins on his cock, but always focusing on the tip. He loved it when you toyed with his tip.
His hips shudder, causing you to gag. “Sorry, baby,” he quickly says. You don’t reply, gagging again. You didn’t care if you gagged on his cock. You loved it, because you knew that you were doing good.
His hips jerk up again. He grips your hair, moaning your name as you quickly and steadily suck his cock. He began chasing his release.
“Fuck!” He moans. His eyes roll back, head hitting the pillow as his cum shoots into your mouth. You always loved the taste of his cum.
You finish him off with your hand, swallowing all his arousal as you did. Cum continued to shoot out, going all over your hand as he bucked his hips into your palm.
You happily licked it off, humming at the salty, yet at the same time, sweet taste.
“Fuck. Thank you, baby…” he whispers. The pleasure helped ease some of his pain.
“Anything for you,” you smile. You kiss him, and he tastes his own cum off your lips.
“Can I return the favour?” He asks, toying with the elastic band of your sleep shorts.
You shake your head. “Not tonight. You can in the morning once you have some rest,” you tell him. He frowns, but obeys.
“Okay,” John says. He fixes his sweatpants, and you grab a tissue off the night stand to wipe the spit and cum off your hand, and a bit of the white fluid that got on his stomach. John reachs over to turn off the bedside lamp, groaning as his body was strained to make the reach.
“Goodnight, baby…” you lay your head on his chest, yet again mindful of the bruises and cuts.
“Goodnight. I love you…” John whispers
“I love you too…”
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hybbat · 1 year
One thing I don't like is characterizing Jimmy's canary curse as a fault of his ego/stupid mistakes. He can be and has done those things, but that's not the root of why he loses.
In third life his last death was from a stray arrow that managed to slip through a half block from half a desert away, absolutely a freak accident and crazy shot into a box that was supposed to protect him. Two of his deaths happened back to back in this game, staying completely safe the rest of the time and in both he wasn't the only one.
In last life the man started with two lives and spent the whole game on those two lives! He died in the middle of a big fight where he was not the only one to perma die.
In double life Tango was at fault for the first death, and Jimmy WAS being extra cautious. Even Tango noted how long Jimmy went without dying. And can we acknowledge how incredibly crazy it is that he got knocked off from an arrow that hit him on the BACK of his head? All four were leaned out, and Scar made it out safe, because their attackers were specifically hunting the ranchers based on misunderstanding and bullying. And the enderman death. He was the third to die that way, lasted the longest with the least (on a food run, shield almost dead, no safe trees, abandoned) and that enderman came out of nowhere. That was the purest of bad luck.
And in limited life. Well, there's a lot of deaths, and some of them were silly. But several of his deaths were to Grian and HIS mistakes/malice. He fell off their base the least and his final death was one not even unique to him. The real nail in the coffin was Etho's boogie kill which was never intended to be him but Etho attacked a group after Impulse stole his kill. But the important thing to note is despite all that, Jimmy still died one of if not the fewest times in limited life!
Jimmy's problem isn't making stupid mistakes like Scar. He doesn't make them more often than any other player. He died the fewest times in two seperate series! His problem is his refusal to pvp. He never gets boogieman, he never knocked anyone else down, and when he does end up in group fights he tends to lose or run away. Limited life he got probably the fewest kills besides Tango, and three of them were willingly given to him. He never gained any lives in last life except his brief moment stealing martyn's. Jimmy's biggest problem is that he is too cautious and has zero fighting instinct, he never takes the risks to get ahead, and each time he even thinks of it he's punished for it so who can blame him.
And also Grian. Honestly, mostly Grian.
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oct0bra1ns · 9 months
Just did my nails and in the hour it took I thought of this so do with it as u please
I don’t know if you’ve ever done anything like this
But like any type of yandere monster recreating your house/ room perfectly and then bringing you there and their super happy bout it and like ‘look what I made! Don’t you just love it? 😊😊”
like a demon? Omgmgmg or some hot vers of boogie man
idk tbh I have a lot of ideas I’m just trying to give u som of my mind
like summoning a demon bc why not? A bitch was bored 🌝 and it’s all scary and shit and you’re just totally chill, “hey man, didn’t mean to summon you- you wanna just like? I don’t know…go back to hell?” And the demon is obv offended
so it follows u around menacingly and yeah
ur his now ❤️
anyways do with this as u please 💕💕 I love ur writing sm btw, I hope the food u eat always taste good and yr pillows are cold on both sides!
Pairing: Yandere Monster x reader Tw: manipulation, mentions of bringing harm to others , yanderes, notes: big brain, the best ideas always come when you're doing your nails tbh and THANK YOU, I HOPE THE YEAR GOES AMAZING FOR YOU. reblogs and comments are appreciated!
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CONSIDER, the monster had already been admiring you for a while now, taking note of the style you wear, the food you eat, and trying to find what kind of house you'd like so all these things could add up as a plus point when you finally summon him.
Yandere monster who wastes no time in trying to get you to come home with him but the moment you ask him to go back sheepishly, he gives you such an offended looking, asking you what he lacks for you to try to send him away.
Eventually, he gets you to let him stay, allowing to choose whether you want to stay here or go back with him, either way, he'd making sure you lack nothing and are well looked after. He takes pride in knowing your tastes and admires the way your face lights up when you see what he's done for you.
If you choose to stay here, he changes his appearance to fit the standards of the humans whenever outside but in the house, he has no problem flaunting the markings on his skin and horns. To fit in, he uses his influence and power to build up a company from the ground, one where signing a contract with him means selling your soul for success.
He isn't concerned with competition, all he cares about his making sure you're well taken care of but do not mistake this for him being laid back, he's always at your side at parties or anyplace you go to keep other pests away from you, any idiot who dares to approach you will become bankrupt and deal with many things they've been trying to hide or they will be caught in an unfortunate accident.
If you choose to go back to his realm, the way your spoiled only amps up, being from one of the most influential families back home, you've basically become royalty. Of course, his people are not so accepting at first but seeing as he ranks way over them, they keep quiet, his family on the other hand will adore you, admiring the chaos you bring along with being their son's partner.
Always at his side in every event, not as an object to be admired but as his partner and equal and anyone who tries to approach him about how you make an excellent pet will be made an example of what not to do.
Loves picking out clothes for you that are from his realm, tailoring them to fit you perfectly and making sure that above anything else, you love the way it looks.
Any freedom you had back in the world is basically gone in his world, the people here are horrible, you never know when they'll decide to change their mind and try to show off.
octo notes:hmm, thinking of naming him deimos :p
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stonedcoldfoxtarot · 1 year
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5 Reasons You’re That Bitch
Something for the hotties and the secret hotties ft. lyrics by Megan the Stallion
Pile 1 -> Pile 2
Pile 3 -> Pile 4
Pile 1
7oS, Hierophant, Empress, 4oC, 7oP, AoS, QoS, 10oP rev, 10oW, 5oW (2oS)
Many of you are strategic and move in silence. Hoes mad, but you ain’t finna stop until you make it to tin-op and do all the things your haters say you could not (NDA)
You live life on your own terms. Don’t give a fuck about what a hatin’ ass bitch gotta say. Cause none of these hoes saying shit to your face and none of these hoes finna see you at the bank (Thot Shit)
Taken or single, men everywhere want you cause you’re a hot girl and you do hot shit. You make him spend his income on your outfit (Girls in the Hood)
You got a body-ody-ody that makes bitches wanna fight. They spend a lifetime tryna get this hot, but you not the one to play with, like a touch-me-not (Body)
You’re a savage, attitude nasty. Talk big shit but your bank account match it. Haters keep your name in their mouth, now they gaggin’ (Savage Remix ft. Beyonce)
Pile 2
Strength rev, Moon, 4oC, KoP rev, 5oC, Hermit, 4oW, 7oP, AoC, Magician (4oP)
You’re a certified freak, 7 days a week. Wet Ass P*ssy, make that pull out game weak. Some of you don’t cook and you don’t clean, but let you tell it, you got that ring (WAP)
You a real ass bitch, you know you got it lit. All year round it’s a hot girl summer, got a whole lot of options cause they know a bitch poppin’ (Hot Girl Summer ft. Nicki Minaj)
Every day you wake up paid and pretty. Bitches gotta come get their man before you put em in a trance. Cause you got that super nova..that grip, that choker (Cognac Queen)
Pile 2, you ‘bout your money, p*ssy out when you feelin’ real cunty. Men like you thick with the accent county, would sell their soul for a sniff of your undies (Tuned In Freestyle)
Fake ass bitches, fake ass hoes…you tint your windows and lock your doors. When you dip off everybody talking ‘bout a bitch “went ghost,” but, shit, that’s how you roll (Tina Snow Interlude)
Pile 3
KoW, 5oW, 7oP, 6oP, World, KoS, 3oS rev, AoS, Magician, Moon, KoP
Above all else you know your worth. You like all nice things and you like ice, bling-bing. You tell those boys ‘pipe up if you wanna pipe me’ (Pipe Up)
If a man fumbles you, it’s always his loss. You tell him ‘if you wanna leave then bye-bye-bye. I’m a big girl, so I won’t cry-cry-cry’ (Don’t Rock Me To Sleep)
You keep your hair did, nails did, everything did. You tell him ‘Get it for a bad bitch, spend it for a bad bitch. If you got some money, then trick on a bad bitch’. Pile 3 you a savage. Once you spend his money, you leave ‘em in the past tense (Sugar Baby)
Every time you pop out it gets scary for these hoes. You who every man’s wife fear, a thick-thighed nightmare. You the boogie-bitch, hoe, you every man’s type, yea (Scary ft. Rico Nasty)
Pile 3 you stay on your “Fuck you” shit, cause you done being nice. And when it comes to cuttin’ people off, you don’t ever think twice. Fuck it, bitch, you not nice (Not Nice)
Pile 4
Hanged Man rev, 8oP, Hierophant, 5oC, 2oP, Emperor, KoC, 5oS, Fool, AoC, Magician (8oW)
Might have had some setbacks but that was the past. You ain’t gotta worry ‘bout shit, money good. Cause you been out here grindin’ like you ain’t ate, while these hoes bringing nothing to the table but their plate (Money Good)
Pile 4, you have expensive tastes, only men who hate on you are the ones that can’t afford you. This is a motherfuckin’ broke male warning (Warning)
Bitches don’t like you ‘cause you cocky, well you cannot help that your sexy sell and you’re in love with your sexy self. You need a boo that’s gon’ sex you well (Bless The Booth Freestyle)
Pile 4, you’re all that and a bag of flamin’ hot chips. You a hot girl so talk yo shit (Flamin’ Hottie)
And you couldn’t care less if these bitches don’t like you, cause, like, you’re pretty as fuck. With a face like this and a bitch this paid, shit, what could a hoe say? (Her)
Thanks for reading🔮✨
© 2023 stonedcoldfoxtarot. All rights reserved. Please do not copy, translate, edit or redistribute.
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mattypattypinky · 3 months
Could you please do some romantic joy headcannons?? I loved the other headcannon one you did!! :D
I'm gonna assume you mean what she'd be like in a relationship!! so, I'm gonna do that
Romantic Joy Headcannons <3
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Okay so, I think Joy would be extreemely big on PDA. . .
If you're in a relationship with Joy, everyone knows it, and she makes sure they do - and she's very very open about how much she loves you. You're the moon to her sun, the jelly to her jam.
She flaunts you like you're her proudest prize, and she tries to make sure everyday you have a smile and a good day at HQ...
She'd make you cute little gifts anytime she gets freetime, and she'd definitely try to make you laugh, or smile...
She'd ask you to dance with her at random. Even in unfitting moments... She's super giddy, and enthusiastic, and nothing makes her happier than to dance with you.
BUT, I think her dancing wouldn't be slow dancing, it would be goofy or silly, and fast paced. She might accidentally step on your feet mid dancing and then suck in through her teeth and apologize frantically, all while still doing some goofy boogy with her hands.
I feel like she'd be a little bit of a biased partner. If you were in the wrong about something I think she'd still defend you tooth and nail.
Her sweetheart could NEVER do anything wrong!!!
Um, physical affection is unintentionally condescending, as I said in my last Joy post.
Cheek pinches, head pats, hair ruffles, cheek cupping, chin grabbing, big smothering hugs, nose boops, back pats etc. She does alllll of these things to you.
If you two are openly dating in HQ, which if you were dating, it would be open because Joy can't keep a secret to save her life I think - she'd flirt with you in front of everyone.
Her flirting is definitely a feigned attempt to be smug and sly, but she just looks super goofy... You know that fake ass smile she does at Sadness? Yeah. She pulls that type of face a lot when trying to flirt, its kind of cute and funny.
She's the type to do incredibly dramatic eyebrow wiggles when using a pick up line she read from a pun book. She can embarrass you sometimes...
She's actually so corny by the way. You can not not get embarrassed by her. She'll find a way.
She'd randomly joke and slack on the job whenever you two are together at the Panel. I'm talking, making stupid jokes and giggling and sprawling herself across the panel and slapping her knee - Elbowing you and bringing up something stupid funny that happened a few minutes ago, etc.
She's actually super duper giggly around you. She's giggly regardless but it's so much worse around you. When she's with you, anything remotely funny you say, she'll hoot and holler. She finds you absolutely hilarious, even if it doesn't make sense.
She'd let you sleep with her in her bed, and when you need to, she'd bundle herself into a ball and cuddle up to you. I feel like she'd try to fight over who's big spoon though, she definitely wants to be the bigger spoon.
I feel like, even though you two are dating, she'd be more keen to forehead and cheek kisses. And if she really wants to get to you, she'd take your hand and kiss the back of it, along your knuckles. She likes when you fluster, it gives her a little wee bit of a confidence boost.
I think her ideal date would be something vibrant and energetic, like listening to upbeat music, having a little party or sleepover, or being in charge of something exciting at the panel together.
I think if you both were using the panel, she'd hold your hand when you touch the panel sometimes. She just likes doing that, it makes her feel happy to lean on or over you and hold the back of your hand while you click a button.
I feel like she'd... sing in the shower about you.
Or come up with stupid, terribly written songs of the top of her head about you.
She is a corny girlfriend. 💛
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koilaniazul · 4 months
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hell n back
“i was over love thought i had enough till i found u”
summary: chris and y/n have been secretly dating! but what happens when a fan catches them on a date?
y/n’s instagram
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liked by christophersturniolo & 450k others
y/nslife as of late
y/nupdates oh hello christopher
-christophersturniolo hi
nicolassturniolo new nails!
-ynslife yk it
colbbyjackk photo of chris i see 😼😼
-ynupdates they’ve made it clear that they are just friends so stop yappin brodie
matthewsturniolo wait you went to wingstop without us
-y/nslife yeah it was so good
-matthewsturniolo so you want me to go hungry
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liked by y/nslife & 238k others
chrissturnioloupdates chris via deleted insta story
y/nupdates THOSE ARE Y/NS NAILS…
-sturniolooo how do you know that…😭
y/nswife total invasion of their privacy. delete this??
-loverboyyy do ur legs get tired from how much ur bouncing on her wood?
y/nscloset i mean she liked it..
-y/nscloset what the sigma 🤓☝️
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liked by 598k people
famousspotted im sorry did my friend and i find CHRIS STURNIOLO AND Y/N ON A DATE?? 💀💀
matttheycanflyyy i literally knew it. YOU CAN SEE HER PROMISE RING ISTG.
pinksands_ none of them liked the post tho..
y/nupdates bruh.
chrissturnioloupdates I TOLD YOU GUYS
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liked by y/nslife & 982k others
christophersturniolo y’all are federal.
y/nslife i wonder who that girl is..
-christophersturniolo she’s a beautiful lady
matthewsturniolo bro watched princess and the frog
-christophersturniolo it’s a w movie
nicolassturniolo i ship!! 😘😘
-christophersturniolo shut up.
Comments on this post have been limited
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liked by christophersturniolo & 19 others
nevaheardofy/n Bombdiggity
christophersturniolo damn what position y’all in now
-nevaheardofy/n downward dog
nicolassturniolo bro was sleepin at McDonalds
-nevaheardofy/n well maybe it’s bc we went there at 12pm
-nicolassturniolo or maybe it’s bc you’re a grandma
matthewsturniolo i hated that slime.
-nevaheardofy/n you added too much activator so urs literally looked like flesh.
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liked by matthewsturniolo & 972k others
y/nslife munch.
christophersturniolo i love going to the beach with you
-smurfettelowkeyy WHAT THE FUCK DID I SAYYYY??
y/nupdates bae who’s that..?
liked by y/nslife
-y/nslife it’s no one dw ur my number one
-christophersturniolo WOWWWW
matthewsturniolo why didn’t u say that i helped you with that win
-y/nslife bc i did all the work while u were boogie bombing 11 year olds
nicolassturniolo we DEVOURED those cookies
-y/nslife it was worth the 10 minutes of puking
-y/nscloset princess polly!!
liked by y/n
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enjoy my babies 。^‿^。
lemme know if y’all want more of these :)))
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damned-punk · 5 months
I love the Kid pirates 😍💕 I would really enjoy a HC how they act around a new female member who wants to join the crew
• Has a tendency to attract and collect people who don’t fit the usual standards of normativity
• Would carefully examine how they interacted with the crew to determine if they would make it as a Kidd Pirate
• When it comes to women who want to join the crew, I have a feeling that he (perhaps subconsciously) looks for similarities they may have to Victoria
• Bases a major part of his impression off a person’s behavior when he first meets them
• Carefully considers the way someone discusses the physical and social traits of their future crewmates
• Ultimately defaults to Kidd’s opinion, if someone isn’t up to his standards then they likely won’t be up to Killer’s either
• Accepting of just about anyone who shows a genuine interest in the crew (with a strong emphasis on the genuine aspect)
• Would quickly warm up to new members who are willing to party with him
• Can be harder to gauge how he feels because he’s so quiet, complimenting him would be the best way to start a conversation
• Surprisingly laid back, will accept anyone as long as they are authentic
Dive, Moai, Disc J, Hip, Hop, House, Quincy, & Emma
• Most likely to want to be the new person’s best friend
• Will corner any and all new members in order to do their makeup, nails, etc.
• The most easy to approach out of the bunch
Bubblegum, UK, Reck, Boogie, Pomp, Mosh, & Gig
• Most likely to develop a crush on the new member
• Will shamelessly flirt as a way to get to know the person
• Would be wrapped around the new person’s finger if they reciprocated hitting on them
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pauls1967moustache · 5 months
do you have any recent beatles fic faves? :) open to any ship I’m in a fic drought (loved your latest btw!)
Oh thank you! I’ve been so bad about reading fic lately, I’ve had a bunch of tabs open for ages. But here’s what’s in my recent bookmarks:
I’ve loved @planetaire two most recent ones monkey’s paw which has SUCH a good john, and also covers the Japan leg of the ‘66 tour which you don’t see often. Also don’t talk, take my hand about jpy 1968 yellow submarine chaos, a favourite topic of mine, as I’m sure dedicated readers well know.
your lucky break by @o-boogies - I feel like everyone’s read this, and of course why wouldn’t you!! Not only does it pay off on the inherent sex appeal of a jp may/december thing, but also has sublime world-building. What a delightful universe. Captures the mclennon mutual insanity perfectly!
Like I Please You by @eveepe - sexy with just the right brand of insane mclennon sexual escalation. Yeah just put his dick in your mouth paul, it’s nothing!
1969-headache by phyllistine - lovely little character piece about get back! Nails all the dynamics, the undercurrent of love as well as all the overwhelming normal current of tension and awkwardness.
Play me one of yours (been thinking about the scene where Paul’s aunt tries to take his guitar for several weeks now…) and the more recent Hurricaneville (dreamy and lovely and so richly textured) both by the always wonderful @crepesuzette2023
And The Story Continues @javelinbk ‘s hot follow up to beloved Our Version of Events. It’s got glorious smut! It’s got delicious angst! Can’t go wrong :)
Also, not a recent one but one I recently revisited while looking for a quote and realised I didn’t bookmark so quickly rectified that because it’s great - ageless children, animal sweat by @eyeball2eyeball
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soulrph · 2 years
i like to think that at least MOST of these can be made platonic!! but y’all use these at your discretion! i wish i could explain what inspired me to do these, but honestly i have no idea. i wanted soft stuff, i made the soft stuff, and now i give it to you guys for whatever wonderfully gifted plans you have for them! DO NOT ADD TO THIS LIST! 
[ MANICURE ]:    sender and receiver paint each other's nails together.
[ JIGSAW ]:     sender and receiver do jigsaw puzzles together.
[ BOARD ]:     sender and receiver play board games together.
[ MOVIE ]:     sender and receiver enjoy a movie night together.
[ GAME ]:     sender and receiver enjoy a game night (using video games, board games and other mediums) together.
[ BAKE ]:     sender and receiver go baking together.
[ COOK ]:     sender and receiver go cooking together.
[ STYLE ]:     sender and receiver do each other's make-up.
[ BATH ]:     sender and receiver run a bath to share together.
[ RELAX ]:     sender and receiver arrange to do facials/a spa day together.
[ HAIR ]:     sender and receiver bathe and style one another's hair.
[ ARTISTS ]:     sender and receiver go painting/drawing together for the evening.
[ GINGERBREAD ]:     sender and receiver bake, build and decorate a gingerbread/cookie house together.
[ DECOR ]:     sender and receiver decorate a room together.
[ BUILD ]:     sender and receiver embark upon a DIY building project together.
[ PILLOW ]:     sender and receiver engage in a pillow fight with each other.
[ VIBE ]:     sender and receiver listen to music together.
[ BOOGIE ]:     sender and receiver dance to music together (either a full chaotic dance party or a slow dance).
[ Q&A ]:     sender and receiver play the question game together (i.e. asking random, soul-searching questions which they must answer honestly).
[ SIP ]:     sender and receiver play drinking games (not necessarily using alcohol! just a drink of choice) together (e.g. never have i ever, where one person says something they've never done before, and the other drinks if they have done it, or doesn't if they haven't).
[ MIX ]:     sender and receiver make cocktails together.
[ FROZEN ]:     sender and receiver design an ice-cream sundae bar together.
[ CHOICE ]:     sender and receiver ask each other a number of "would you rather" questions.
[ PIZZA ]:     sender and receiver make pizzas together from scratch.
[ PICNIC ]:     sender and receiver arrange and enjoy a living room/bedroom picnic together.
[ KARAOKE ]:     sender and receiver sing karaoke together.
[ HOLIDAYS ]:     sender and receiver plan a future vacation together.
[ CARE ]:     sender and receiver spend an evening looking after someone else's child or pet together.
[ TWIST ]:      sender and receiver play a game of twister together.
[ FIGHT ]:     sender and receiver engage in a game of play wrestling together.
[ OUTAGE ]:     sender and receiver end up stuck at home during a blackout and come up with electricity-free ways to entertain themselves.
[ DIP ]:     sender and receiver decided to do a lucky dip dinner night (in which they pick a theme from a random list and prepare a dinner date together based on that theme, e.g. disn.ey, the colour red, cold foods only).
[ HEAT ]:     sender and receiver embark upon a cooking challenge together (a cook-off!).
[ OVEN ]:     sender and receiver engage in a baking challenge against one another (think GBBO, but for two people in one kitchen!).
[ SPLASH ]:     sender and receiver arm themselves with water guns and prepare to soak one another in a water fight.
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matchalovertrait · 8 months
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★ The GG's Girls from Jet Set Radio Future ★ JSRF has held a special place in my heart since 2002 <3 technically my first love! Sorry, Sims franchise, you didn't come into my life until 2 years after that.
★ Gum: hair / dress / boots / headphones / sleeves / nails
★ Boogie: hair / top / bottoms / shoes / earrings / necklace / chain / nails
★ Cube: hair / top / bottoms / boots / ear piercings / lip piercing / nails / tattoo
★ Rhyth: hair / dress / boots / headset / necklace / socks / nails
★ Jazz: hair / top / bottoms / shoes / eyebrow piercing / ear piercings / scarf / gloves / nails
Thank you to all cc-creators: @asansan3, @arethabee, @babyetears, @bustedpixels, @caryssimscc, @dallasgirl79, @dreambot, @evellsims, @jellymoo, @jius-sims, @joliebean, @missvalentine142, @mydarling1, @ohmybunnny, @pralinesims, @regina-raven, @saurusness, @serenity-cc, @simpliciaty-cc, @sondescent, @thekunstwollen, @trillyke, @twisted-cat, @wistfulpoltergeist
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