#Bobby Liebling PENTAGRAM
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savage-kult-of-gorthaur · 10 months ago
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PIC INFO: Spotlight on pioneering American heavy rock/DOOM metal frontman, Bobby Liebling, vocalist lyricist for heavy metal band, PENTAGRAM, c. early to mid '70s, USA.
"Some people thinkI'm an advocate of Lucifer, And some say I'm a child of God -- yes they do, Some people think I've got the nine lives of a cat, And others say I'm filthy as a dog, So you be forewarned, I'm coming after you, About the time I catch up to you, I'll never, No I'll never, I'll never let you go -- alright!"
-- "Be Forewarned" (1994) by PENTAGRAM
Source: https://sfbgarchive.48hills.org/sfbgarchive/2010/03/23/five-stars-doom-metal-miracles-pentagram.
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guerrilla-operator · 2 months ago
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n7crophiliac · 1 year ago
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mymelodic-chapel · 2 months ago
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Pentagram- Pentagram [Re-released as Relentless] (Traditional Doom Metal, Doom Metal, Heavy Metal) Recorded: 1981 & 1982; 1984 Released: 1985/1993 [Pentagram Records/ Peaceville Records] Producer(s): Bobby Liebling, Victor Griffin, Tim Kidwell
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davey-dammit · 5 months ago
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harmonycorrupted · 2 years ago
Pentagram - Forever my Queen (Review Your Choices, 1999)
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metal-dortmund · 2 years ago
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Pentagram & Dun Rigill@JunkYard, 09.08.2023
Wieder mal indoor, aber bei diesem verregneten Wetter ist das auch ok. War ganz schön voll und komisches Publikum, denn von Metallern, die jünger waren als die CDs, die ich zum Signieren der 50 Jahre alten Band mitgebracht habe, war alles bis ins hohe Alter vertreten. Die Schweden von Dun Rigill kannte ich noch nicht, aber haben einen satten Doomsound mit gelegentlichem Gegröle geliefert. Auch deren Frontmann schien mit der grauen Matte schon lange der Jugend entwachsen und blätterte immer wieder old school im Textbuch, um der senilen Wortfindung entgegen zu wirken. Jedoch war die Show sehr cool und sie hatten auch die erste von zwei Scheiben nach ihrem Debut dabei, von denen die nächste dann in Bälde veröffentlicht wird. Bei Pentagram war ich echt gespannt, denn ich habe sie auch schon mal beim Rock Hard Festival outdoor erleben dürfen, war aber nicht so begeistert. Hier hingegen war es großartig bis auf den Jungspund neben mir, der nach fast jedem Song lauthals aufschrie, als ob ihm jemand einen Amboss um den Sack geschnürt hätte. Die Show war aber auch super. Sänger Bobby, der gerade 70 geworden ist, war topfit und entfesselte neben seinem hypnotisierenden Blick auch einige mystische Bewegungen/Tanzmoves zum 70er Jahre Doom Metal-Sound. Dazwischen immer wieder ein Blick zu seiner dickbusigen Mitte bis Ende 30er Muse, die im Backstage noch "Stützenhilfe" für den Sänger gab. Gitarrist Victor war wie immer super und der Sound war schön laut, wenn auch nicht durchweg gut gemischt. Dennoch geniale Stimmung und ein echter Spaß. Auch zum lässigen Eintrittspreis von 30 Euro kann man bei so einer Kultband nichts sagen. Lustige Anekdote, als ich Victor Griffin nach der Show auf unser Treffen im Backstage bei Cathedral als Vorband von Black Sabbath (1994) ansprach: "Die haben mich damals rausgeschmissen." Was für ein Fehler! ;-)
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projectmetalmusic · 2 days ago
Pentagram - Lightning In A Bottle (2025) Album Review.
Pentagram – Lightning In A Bottle (2025) Album Review.Pentagram is a doom metal band from Washington, D.C. in the United States. The band was formed in 1971. Themes of the bands music are Doom, Occultism, Death, Love and Society. The current band members are Bobby Liebling (Vocals), Scooter Haslip (Bass), Henry Vasquez (Drums) and Tony Reed (Guitars). I am going to listen to “Lighting In A…
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vinylica · 20 days ago
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Je découvre le groupe Pentagram à l'occasion de la sortie de leur excellent nouvel album.
Il était temps depuis 1971 !
J'adore les différents noms de groupes de leurs début, digne de Spinal Tap :
"En 1971, Liebling et Geof O’Keefe décident de quitter leurs groupes (Shades of Darkness et Space Meat, respectivement) pour en former un nouveau dans le but de jouer un style musical similaire à celui de UFO, Black Sabbath, Uriah Heep et Sir Lord Baltimore. Sous la suggestion de Liebling, le groupe est nommé Pentagram, un nom sinistre qui reflète la nature sombre de leur style musical.
Le groupe change régulièrement de nom entre 1971 et 1972 (Virgin Death, Macabre, et Wicked Angel), mais prennent finalement et définitivement le nom de Pentagram. Contrairement aux rumeurs, ils ne se sont jamais appelés Stonebunny ; il s'agissait du surnom qu'attribuait Space Meat à Bobby Liebling lorsque celui-ci s'est brièvement joint à eux"
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gavischneider · 3 months ago
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savage-kult-of-gorthaur · 11 months ago
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PIC(S) INFO: Spotlight on American heavy metal/DOOM band, PENTAGRAM, during the band's 1980s/"Relentless" debut album era. Plus a shot of band founder/vocalist/lyricist Bobby Liebling, from the same photo-shoot.
BOBBY LEIBLING: "PENTAGRAM was never a “Satan” band like people think it was, it was always just giving you the layout, like the album says, of your choices, because you have to make a choice, and there are two ways you can go. The songs were sort of like warning,s and people mistook those for us being black metal and all that kind of stuff. Then came the eras of the death metal and black metal bands, a lot of them were influenced [by us] supposedly, and they tell me on tours and stuff, but, you know…"
Sources: www.ztmag.com/news/pentagram-comment-on-london-show-announce-dvd, Metal Sucks, & Pinterest.
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metalshockfinland · 4 months ago
LUCIFER Release Cover of Leonard Cohen Song 'Who By Fire'
Photo by Chris Shonting Just one week before embarking on the second leg of their 2024 ‘Satanic Panic’ European Tour and right on time for spooky season, heavy occult rock congregation LUCIFER have unveiled a stunning cover version of a song by by the late great Leonard Cohen. ‘Who By Fire‘ features none other than doom metal legend Bobby Liebling of PENTAGRAM as a duet partner for Johanna…
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mincerman · 1 year ago
Is this a list of the same type of people?
Gerald Durrell
Derrick (Fredo Santana) Coleman - rapper - purple drank
Anthony Bourdain (TV Chef) - Heroin, Methadone, Cocaine, Alcohol.
George Herbert Scott (Airship Pilot), d.1930.
Grayson Murray, American golfer
Mark Lanegan, 57
Taylor Hawkins, 50
Steve Harwell, Smash Mouth Lead Singer, liver failure.
Lisa Marie Presley, 54
Raye (Rachel Keen), British Singer
Andrea Dunbar (Playwright, age 29 - brain hem orange).
Robert Louis Stevenson - hence Jeykel and hyde (aged 44, drugs inc alcohol)
Phil Lynott
Paul Walsh, Footballer.
Andy Warhol - “Although not as big a drug-taker as many of his entourage in mid-century New York, Warhol was addicted to Obetrol – marketed today as Adderall – an amphetamine diet pill that has a similar effect to speed.” - https://www.theguardian.com/science/2023/mar/24/drugs-and-alcohol-do-not-make-you-more-creative-research-finds?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
Jefferson King (Shadow)
Taylor Hawkins (died at 50) Foo Fighters, Drummer.
Jordon Peterson
Ivan Toney (Brentford and England footballer and gambler)
Wasim Akram (Cocaine)
Robson Green
Simon Pegg
Don Whillans, mountaineer
Stanislav Petrov (the man who saved the world)
Samuel Taylor-Coleridge (Laudanum)
W.H.Auden, Benzedrine
Jared O’Mara (former MP)
Anne Robinson
Hayden Panettiere, actress https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/22079654/heroes-hayden-panettiere-addiction-alcohol-opiods-nashville/amp/
Jennifer Elliott (daughter of Denholm Elliot)
James Mangan - 19th C. Irish Poet, influenced -
Shane MacGowan.
Sir William Carr (Pissing Billy)
James Gandolfini
Lanre Fehintola
Howard Hughes, OCD, Codeine
Kirkland Laing (Boxer)
Ian Royce, Comedian.
Bobby Liebling (lead singer, Pentagram)
Rory Hamilton Brown
Matthew Mellon (banking heir)
Nora Butlin
David Berman (silver Jews)
Ted Ngoy (the donut king - gambling)
Ernst Udet - German WW1 Ace, responsible for Nazi aircraft manufacture until suicide,1941.
Blair “Paddy” Mayne (famed early S.A.S. Soldier)
David Stirling (famed early S.A.S. Soldier)
Danny Cipriani
William Golding
Luke Sutton, sports agent
Bryony Gordon
Paddy “Mad” Merrigan (Jockey)
Michael K. Williams (actor)
Robert Webb (British Comedian)
Mark McManus
Brian O’Nolan
Rodney Dangerfield
Tara Palmer-Tompkinson
Marco Pantani
Robin Smith (cricketer)
Dr. John (The Scatman)
Robert Havlin (jockey)
Kenneth Williams
Victor Willis (son of a baptist preacher - Village People.
Stu Ungar
Charlie Parker
Miles Davis
Harold Shipman
Danny Trejo (ends up dead on top of Tortoise in Breaking Bad).
Sandy Ratcliff (Sue Osman, East Enders)
James Hunt
Michael David Weiss (film injustice re safety needles)
Charlie Chaplin Snr. (Cirrhosis, 38)
Oisin Murphy (jockey)
Peter Shilton (gambling)
Marvin Gaye
Robert Young, actor, brother of Roger Moore
Dick Van Dyke
Yuri Gagarin
Christopher Farley (U.S. actor)
Ronald Lacey - played Dylan Thomas (1978) - Harry Ridler in Minder on the the Orient Express
Jordan Peterson
Tanya Sarne (Fashion)
Elizabeth Wurtzel (Prozac Nation)
Bradley Cooper
Tom Maynard (Cricketer)
Bobby Beasley (Jockey)
Montgomery Clift.
Jay Kay
Mike McCready (guitarist - pearl jam)
Elton John
Heinrich Böll, German Writer, Pervatin, during WW
Andy Fordham (The Viking)
Alice Cooper
Phil Spector
Alan Watts
Mark Lanegan
Rupert Young - Will Young’s brother
Matthew Perry (Friends sitcom)
Susannah Constantine (TV host)
Hugh O’Connor, Actor, -1962-1995. Shot himself in the head on the day of his 3rd Wedding Anniversary.
Deacon Brodie - alcoholic sinner fire-runner and example used by Robert Louis Stevenson in J & H - a hundred years later - and a life that Stevenson tried to pursue himself
Desi Arnaz, American actor
Felicite Tomlinson
Demi Lovato
William Hurt (American actor)
Venedikt Vasilyevich Yerofeyev - Author of Moscow Stations, 1969
Olivia Channon
Willie Carson Jnr
‘Bloody’ Mary Coughlan.
Roy Orbison (yo-yo dieting)
Christopher Hitchens - thinkoholic, alcoholic, smoker
Emma, Lady Hamilton
Jan-Michael Vincent (Airwolf)
Keith Gillespie,Footballer, Gambling.
Eddie Van Halen
Richard Kiel (Jaws)
John Bonham
Matthew Perry, American actor.
Stuart Cable - Drummer Stereophonics - choked on vomit.
Cameron Douglas
Chris Langham - cocaine / alcohol. (Went to prison for 6 months for download child pornographic images. Played Orwell in 2003 BBC film.). Career destroyed after that.
Johnny Vegas
Arthur Daley.
Mike Tyson
George Harrison
Alexei Rykov aka ‘Rykvodka’ Rightist Politburo member, Premier and co- ruler with Stalin and Bukharin ‒. Defendant in last show trial
Hans Fallada (Rudolf Ditzen) - German Author
Henry Pierrepoint - executioner father of Albert the executioner.
Bob Hindley (alcoholic father of Myra Hindley)
Simon Day (fast show)
Frederick Nietzsche (Opiu re m / chloral hydrate)
Tennessee Williams
Henry Willson - Hollywood agent (Cirrhosis)
Steve Caulker - footballer aged 25 (alcohol and gambling)
Tim Bergling (DJ Avicii) - aged 28
Verne Troyer (49)
Ashley Mattingly (playmate)
Jean Michel Basquiat - artist, 27, Heroin
Keith Levene, Founder member of The Clash, and Public Image Ltd
Dolores Riordan (46) lead singer of cranberries - died drowned in her bath 2018 Park Lane Hilton. Also anorexic and bi-polar.
Demi Lovato (ex Disney Channel actress)
Charles Baudelaire - laudanum and alcohol
Chris Leben (UFC fighter)
Mike Bell a.k.a. Mad Dog (WWE - wrestler)
Freddie Starr
Irvine Welsh
Dolores O’Riordan (alcohol / anorexia)
Dennis Price.
Shia LaBeouf (actor)
Rhys Thomas (Rugby)
Russell Pearce (Boxing)
David Plunkett Greene (Heroin)
Ron ‘Pigpen’ McKernon (grateful Dead,27)
Annabelle Neilson - Heroin / aristoc
Ray Wilkins
Jeff Hatch (NFL player)
Ryan Cresswell (footballer)
Jon Stewart (guitarist, sleeper)
Alexander || of Russia.
Otto Gross (influenced Jung) - addict - 1877 to 1920. 42.
Oskar Schindler
Phil Lynott
Shaun Ryder
George Brown MP
Paul Ryder (Bassist)
Gary Oldman
Peter Edward "Ginger" Baker, English Drummer.
Mac Miller / U.S. rapper (26)
Jeff Hanneman - Slayer - cirrhosis, 49
Gary Busey (American actor)
Philip Larkin (half a bottle of sherry at sunrise).
Hunter S. Thompson - pro addict - suicide Feb 2005
Gregg Allman, American Singer / Songwriter
Coolio (Artis Leon Ivey)
Martin Gore (Depeche Mode)
Dave Gahan (Depeche Mode)
William Faulkner. (American Writer)
Lord Haw Haw (William Joyce)
Eugene O’Neill. (American Writer)
Anthony Burgess
Donald Maclean
Kim Philby
Ellen Philby - wife of spy Kim Philby (47)
Anthony Blunt
Ringo Starr
Jerry Lee Lewis
Ricky Hatton
John Ford (Film Director)
Jack London (Author of John Barleycorn novel) morphine overdose and alcoholism
Tom Chaplin, Lead Singer, Keane.
Nico - H - velvet underground
Art Pepper
Liza Minnelli
Richard Bacon
Jay Kay (Jamiroquai)
Tobey Maguire
Christian Slater
Chris Cornell (lead singer of Soundgarden)
Max Jacob (French Post)
Malcolm McDowell
Fred Trump Jnr. (Eldest brother 1932-81) - alcoholism aged 42.
Owen Wilson
Gary Oldman
Keith Flint (Prodigy)
Demi Moore - actors
Danniella Westbrook
Roger Ebert (Film critic)
John Cassavetes (great director) - hobnailed liver, 59. Q.v. Under the influence (1974) - starring his co-alcoholic and co-dependent wife, Gena Rowlands (who was nominated for an Oscar for her portrayal of progressive madness).
Bill Evans - Heroin - jazz
Suroosh Alvi - founder of Vice media - ex Heroin
Gary Fraser - Director of T2
Trainspotting - ex Heroin
Keith Floyd.
Ant mcpartlin
Tom Hardy (aa)
Steve Coogan
Kenny Sansom
Dante Gabriel Rossetti - painter -(1828-1882) became addicted to chloral, with whisky chasers
Philip Roth - American Novelist (Halcion sleeping pill)
Lee Marvin
Bryony Gordon - terrible telegraph columnist
‘Mad Jack’ Byron
Chet Baker - Jazz Trumpeter
Ray Charles - Heroin.
Sir Edwin Landseer (Laudinum)
John Hurt (died 28 Jan 16 pancreatic cancer ages 75)
Anthony Eden (Benzedrine) Drinamyl also known as ‘purple hearts’ to take him up and up to four sleeping pills a night to take him down. Eventually they stopped working - he couldn’t sleep and the doctors said the pharmaceutical solution had run its course - and he had to be evacuated to Jamaica for a few weeks - presumably to withdraw, just after Suez and a Sterling crisis. https://academic.oup.com/qjmed/article/98/6/387/1548168 - from Dr David Owen - concluding with the line ‘a fit and well Anthony Eden would not have made all those mistakes’.
Christopher Walken
Alistair Maclean - later on.
Al Pacino
Andrew Symonds (Australian Cricketer)
Margaux Hemingway (grand-daughter / supermodel)
Amy Winehouse (27)
Brian Jones (27) Rolling Stones
Jimi Hendrix (27)
Janice Joplin (27)
Jim Morrison (27)
Rudy Lewis (27) The drifters
Alan Wilson (27)
Dickie Pride (27)
Ron “Pigpen” Mckernon (27)
Kurt Cobain (27)
Dash Snow (27) - artist
Gary Thain (27) Bassist, Uriah Heep
Pamela Courson (27) Morrison’s wife, Heroin overdose, 3 yrs later in ‘74.
See also - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/27_Club
Fred Archer (29) gambling - shot himself.
Dean Martin
Eve Babitz
Pete Townsend
Courtney Love
Kevin Lloyd (Actor, The Bill)
Amedeo Modigliani
Diego Maradona
Brett Favre
Babe Ruth
Paul Merson (drink and gambling)
Bill Werbenuik (Snooker)
Kirk Stevens (cocaine - Snooker)
Mark E. Smith - d.2018. Lead singer of the Fall. 60.
Danielle Westbrook
Mary J. Bilge
Alec Baldwin (actor)
Vince Taylor from Isleworth - inspired Ziggy Stardust.
Douglas Kenney - founder of National Lampoon, 33, probable Suicide. Hawaii.
Alan McGee - Founder of creation records and property developer
Patrick Swayze
John Skipper, (former) president ESPN
David Cassidy
Steven Tyler (alive)
Hubert Selby Jr - author of last exit to Brooklyn - died sober even refused morphine.
Etta James
Bradley Cooper
Calvin Harris (Scot dj)
Eva Mendes
Colin Farell
Al Pacino
Craig Charles
Davina McCall
Anthony Hopkins
Rob Lowe
Phil Michelson (gambling)
Melanie Griffith
Jamie-Lee Curtis
W. C. Fields
Jean-Claude Junker
Christine Dolce (queen of MySpace) - cirrhosis
Franklin pierce - us president - cirrhosis
Chernenko - soviet leader 84 - cirrhosis
Jimi Hendrix - cirrhosis?
Billie holiday - cirrhosis
Jack Karouac - cirrhosis
Rob Lowe - alcoholic - 27 yrs sober
Sean Hughes (Irish comic) - cirrhosis
List of people with cirrhosis https://m.ranker.com/list/famous-people-with-cirrhosis/celebrity-lists
Etta James
Francis Bacon
Lucian Fraud (gambling)
Bobby Davro
David Warner - AUS cricketer
Jesse Ryder - NZ cricketer
Herschelle Gibbs - SA cricketer
Alan Hudson (footballer)
Paul McGrath (footballer)
Kenny Samson (Footballer)
Garrincha (Brazilian Footballer)
Hank Williams aged 29
Marvin Gaye - crack before he was shot by father
Mickey Mantle (baseball player, Cirrhosis)
Joseph McCarthy (anti-communist)
Gilbert Harding - "The Rudest Man in Britain" 1907-1960.
John Paul Getty III
Caroline Aherne
Chris Difford - squeeze / clouds
Gary Shail - spider in quadraphenia
8 Mile actress
NIna Simone
Lord Lucan
Lady Lucan
Christy Brown
Edward St Aubyn
Rick Stein
Ronnie O'Sullivan (Snooker Player)
Chris Cornell
Denis Johnson (Author of Jesus' Son, 1992)
Dermot Reeve
Joey Barton
Will Self
Charles Kennedy MP (intracerebral haemorrhage)
Eric Joyce MP
Debbie Harry (Blondie)
Sir Anthony Eden - Benzedrine - buried at st Mary's church, alvediston. Un-respected.
Luvo Manyonga SA long jumper Olympic silver medallist 2016 - crystal meth
Ian McShane - Lovejoy, Deadwood - cocaine / alcoholic - 28 yrs since first AA meet.
Colin Milburn (cricketer)
Tom Petty (Heroin)
James brown
General Gordon of Khartoum - alcoholic - (according to Lytton Strachey)
Errol Flynn (absolutely everything) - in secret lives at the end "Errol Flynn made the fatal flaw of confusing his art with his life - in film they applaud Robin Hoods and rascals - in real life they tire of them soon... They stand by to let the person destroy himself". Heart problems and Cirrhosis.
Tyrone Power - 1 yr after The Sun Also Rises aged 44
Charlie Wilson US politician cv.film
Brian Clough
Sean Ryder
Greg Merson 2014 WSOP Main Event winner
Tubby Hayes - British Jazz - Heroin
Phil Seaman - Drummer - Heroin
Rick Parfitt (Status Quo)
Ian Kilminster (Lemmy)
Jack wild (oliver in artful dodger) aged 53 mouth cancer
Joe meek - pills - Telstar
Rasputin (alcohol and sex)
Boris Yeltsin
Paris Jackson (17) Michael's daughter
Jimmy pegg - walker in dads army - 39
Alexei Stakhanov (coal miner)
Seymour Hoffman
Lo ' David Coyle - Mr Bates in Downton Abbey
David Cassidy - 70s singer / heartthrob
Simon Danczuk MP
John Belushi
Whitney Houston
Bobbi Kristina Brown
William S Burroughs - writer, Heroin
William S Burroughs Jr. - Aged 34 - had liver transplant - cirrhosis
Amy winehouse
Brian Epstein - in a totally white bathroom - the only art was a giant picture of El Cordobes. And he wanted to give up managing The Beatles to manage bullfighters in Spain. L. Oo
Dante Gabriel Rosetti (Laudanum), Chloral, Alcohol)
Jimmy greaves
Mary Todd go. F FB
ST Coleridge (both Laudanum)
Sigmund Freud - a lot to answer for - cocaine
Irvine Walsh
Malcolm Lowry 1957
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Michael Phelps - most decorated Olympian
Tony Curtis
Robbie Williams
Mel Gibson
Sir James Chadwick (sleeping pills) sleeping on fear his work on a bomb would lead to mass destruction
Charles James Fox - cirrhosis whilst in office as Foreign Secretary - also Ascites (7 pints of fluid drained at death also 35 gallstones found) - lived in Chertsey and Foxhills, prodigious gambler.
Barry humphries
Daniel Radcliffe
Jack Dee
Jack karouac
Ian Fleming?
William Holden (actor, Bridge on the River Kwai)
Brad Pitt
Len fairclough
Malcolm Lowry (under the volcano)
John le Meisurer
James Beck (Alcoholic) Dads Army
Arthur Lowe - Dad's Army
Clive of India
Frank skinner
Rodney king
RD Laing (Dr)
Richard Hughes (jockey)
Johnny Murtagh (Jockey)
Jeremy Wolfenden
Jockey Wilson
Diego Maradona
John McAfee - dry drunk
Antony Hopkins
Michael Barrymore
Tara fitzgerald
Tiger Woods https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/tiger-woods-avoids-jail-on-driving-charge-dp9f6gv7n
Lou reed
Marquis of Blandford
F Scott Fitzgerald
Edgar Allan Poe
Diana Ross
Robin Williams
Elton John
Lilly Allen
J.L. Austin, Academic, Lung Cancer, 48.
Johnny Cash
Samuel l Jackson
Frank Sinatra
Buzz aldrin
Ben affleck - gambling / alcohol
Ulysses Grant 18th president
Benjamin franklin
George bush jar
Alexander the Great
David Yelland Former editor of Sun.
David Bowie / Ziggy Stardust (Coke)
Eric Clapton
Bill Wilson
W.C. Fields (died of gastric haemorrhage)
Blondie - whose music is used to advertise baileys
Stephen King
Hermann Goering (Morphine)
Hermoine Norris (yellow card)
Brad davis
Tom Maynard
Alec Baldwin
Morgan Freeman
Charlie watts both recovers
William f Buckley
Charles Kennedy
Jamie lee Curtis (daughter of tony Curtis)
Lana del Rey
Barnaby conrad (bulls)
Yazz Yasmin Evans
Peaches Geldolf
Caroline aherne
King Richard 3rd died 1485 battle of bosworth
James beck (dads army)
Fat boy slim
Calvin Harris
50 cent
Prince (Perocet)
Francis Bacon
Anthony kliedis
Shania twain
Peter Townsend
Leona Lewis
Jessie j
Alice cooper
Ringo Starr
Constantine Chernenko (Soviet president - cirrhosis)
Chris difford (lead sing squeeze)
George IV - gambling mainly.
Henry VIII - sypillus (food issues - drink - sex)
Ozzy osbourne
Jack osbourne
Kelly osbourne
Steve coogan
Paul Gascoigne
Midge Ure
John Daly
Steven Tyler
Nicole Ritchie
Drew Barrymore
Naomi Campbell
Waylon Jennings
Nick Nolte
Martin Sheen
Keith Moon
Kurt Cobain
Rt Hon George Brown MP, Lord George Brown (1914-1985) Labour Belper, 1945-70, excused by his staff of being ‘tired and emotional
Paul Nicholls (ex Eastenders)
Alan Ladd
Jack Lemmon
David Hasselhoff
Errol Flynn - ended up supporting The (Fid)Del - worst film ever - Cuban rebel girls and the Cuban story doc - 1959 - year he died - revolution for alcohol, cocaine, and heroin - these two pieces of art marked the ego, deciept and denial.
Truman Copote
Billy Joel
Jimmy White (Snooker, Crack)
Stephen King
Ernest Hemingway
Diana Ross
Orson Welles (and father)
Ben Affleck (drink / gambling)
Abi Evelyn t (yellow card)
Trinny Woodall
Don Simpson - producer of top gun bev hills cop
Peter Doherty
Gary Richrath (REO Speedwagon guitarist)
Robert Newton - born Shaftesbury 1905 - died Beverly Hills 1956 - heart attack - Shaftesbury most famous alcoholic. Aged 50.
12th Duke of Marlborough - Ex Marquis of Blandford
Henry VIII
Thomas de Quincey - confessions of an English opium eater. (Actually laudanum).
Pat Eddery
Richard Hughes
Dr William Stewart Halsted - inspiration for Clive Owen's Dr John Thackery (The Knick).
Frank Skinner
Alexander the Great?
Eric Joyce (former MP)
Robert Mitchum
Osgood )brother of Peter
Lionel Bart
Ira Hayes (flag man)
John Bonham (Windsor)
Joseph "Joe" McCarthy - commies
Dylan Thomas
James Joyce
James Thurber
Gary Moore (singer, 80s)
Jim Morrison (27)
Franklin Pierce (US President, 1853-1857. Liver cirrhosis 1869 aged 64.
Macaulay Culkin
Michael Jackson
Boy George
Carrie Fisher
Beth Morris (voice contestant) - cocaine
Hitler (Barbiturates)
Mussolini, Stalin, Eichmann.
Mao Zedong (barbiturates)
Jeffrey Dahmer (Alcohol)
Johnny Depp (booze)
Rodney Dangerfield
Mickey Mantle (baseball, booze)
Billie Holiday
Melanie Griffith
Ewan McGregor
Tony Hancock
Guy Burgess (spy)
Diana Ross
Shane MacGowen
Craig Charles.
Paul Verlaine (French 19th C Poet)
Melanie Griffith (Percocet)
Elvis (Percocet)
Cindy McCain (wife of John MCCain, Percocet)
Gerald Levert (Percocet)
Bill Werbeniuk
Ant McPartlin
Prince (Fentanyl overdose)
Lil Peep (Fentanyl overdose)
Alex Higgins
Bon Scott (AC/DC)
Kirk Stevens (Cocaine)
La Galue (Louise Weber) - queen of Momartre - can can dancer.
Jeff Hanneman (singer, Slayer)
Yves Saint-Laurent
Florence Ballard (The Supremes)
Colin Milburn (Cricketer)
John Barrymore (Early Hollywood Actor)
Kemal Ataturk (Cirrhosis)
Gail Russell (Early Hollywood icon)
Helen Morgan (American singer and actress)
Ulysses Grant
George Best
Calum Best
Verne Troyer
Keith Whitley (American Country music singer)
William Falkner (American author)
Caspar Fleming (Novelist’s son)
Anna Nicole-Smith
Yootha Joyce (Mildred)
Jerry Bailey - us jockey)
Joe Namath
Walter Swinburn (both dead) alcohol and also eating disorder
Bobby Fischer (Chess)
Willie Thorne ( gambling)
Kirk Stevens
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metalsongoftheday · 2 years ago
Wednesday, April 5: Pentagram (Mezarkabul), “Livin’ on Lies”
Mezarkabul still went by Pentagram when they released Trail Blazer, and at the time it didn’t seem like such a big deal since Bobby Liebling was still toiling in obscurity in the early ‘90s.  To be fair, so was the Turkish act: although “Livin’ on Lies” was released on Nuclear Blast, this was well before the label had anything resembling a footprint, so Mezarkabul’s low-budget fusion of traditional heavy metal and thrash didn’t find many takers.  It was still a fun sound, though, and there was a sense of unpretentious fun to the whole affair.  
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occult-rock · 2 years ago
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my-blizzard-of-ice · 2 years ago
My peace of mind depends on you
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