#Blythe Heart
riveramorylunar · 2 years
𝔑𝔢𝔳𝔢𝔯 𝔈𝔳𝔢𝔯 𝔅𝔞𝔩𝔩
Series Masterlist, (Chapter 17)
Pairings: Leonora Lesso x Reader, Skadi x Reader(Platonic), Althea x Lenore DeVille, Snowbell Charming x Blythe Heart, Althea x Reader(Platonic) & Snowbell x Reader(Platonic)
Warnings ⚠️: Fluff with just a tiny bit of Angst
Pet Names/Nicknames: Little Siren & Lessy
Word Count: 2,908
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Lesso and Y/N walked out of the wall. It closed up behind them and Lesso let go of Y/N's wrist. "What was that all about" Y/N asked as she looked up at Lesso who was looking away. "It was nothing Little Siren" Lesso said and Y/N scoffed. "Oh please that was not just nothing" Y/N said as she crossed her arms. Lesso didn't say anything so Y/N started to walk away but felt Lesso wrap an arm around her waist. "Please don't worry about it darling" Lesso whispered into Y/N's ear causing her to shiver. Lesso smirked against Y/N's neck before planting a kiss on her neck. "Lessy stop" Y/N whined out as she tried to get out of Lesso's grip. Lesso tightened her grip around Y/N as she buried her face in Y/N's neck. "Be quiet will you" Lesso growled out causing Y/N to stop squirming.
Lesso took Y/N back to her dorm room before saying goodnight. "Goodnight Little Siren" Lesso said as she kissed the top of Y/N's hand. She stood up before kissing Y/N on the lips next. "Goodnight Lesso" Y/N whispered out as she watched the Dean walk away before disappearing. She turned around and opened the door quietly. Y/N walked in and shut the door behind her. She made her way to the bathroom before taking her clothes off and putting her pajamas on. She walked out and made her way to her bed before collapsing on top of it.
It was the night before the day of the Never Ever Ball. The ballroom was decorated in black white and gold. The chandeliers had candles on top of them. The table cloths were black with gold stitching. There were instruments lined up in one of the corners. There was some silver and gold glitter scattered across the floor making it shimmer in the moonlight. Bottles of water were on a long table that was up against one of the walls. White chairs sat around the tables. There wasn't really much of a theme for the ball so the Nevers and Evers got to pick what suit or dress they wanted to wear. In the morning food was going to be placed on the table where the water bottles were along with a bowl of fizzy punch. It'd probably get spiked like the years before. Nevers always snuck in some alcohol before pouring it into the bowl. The Headmaster and Teachers gave up when it had happened 6 times in the past.
Y/N was in the closet trying to figure out which one of her mother's dresses she should wear, when Snowbell walked in. "Still deciding" Snowbell asked causing Y/N to turn around. Snowbell and Althea along with Y/N's Never friends were all sleeping in Y/N' dorm for a sleepover. "I'm having a hard time deciding between two" Y/N said as Snowbell walked over to see the two dresses hanging in front of her. One of them was a pink and white one while the other was teal and sea green. "I would choose the teal and sea green one that has the purple shell on the chest" Snowbell said. "Plus Lesso would swoon seeing you in it" Snowbell added causing Y/N to giggle. They both walked out of the closet after putting the pink dress away.
"Did you finally pick which dress to wear" Lenore said as Y/N collapsed onto the couch next to her. "Yes the teal and sea green one" Y/N said as she rested her head on Skadi's shoulder. "Lesso is going to swoon when she sees you in that dress" Blythe said causing all of them to laugh. "That's exactly what I said" Snowbell said and the two looked at each other before looking away blushing. The rest of them looked at each other before smirking. "So anyways what should we play" Osiris said breaking the silence. "Truth or Dare" Skadi said and Snowbell as well as Blythe said no. "Okay let's do it" Y/N said as she ignored the two. After a couple rounds it was Althea's turn to ask. She smirked before looking directly at Snowbell. "Snowbell truth or dare " she asked and Snowbell looked around before looking back at Althea who was waiting. "Truth" Snowbell said and Althea scrunched her face up. "Scaredy Cat" she spat out causing Snowbell to huff. "Fine Dare" she huffed out causing Althea to smirk. "I dare you to kiss Blythe " Althea said before smirking wickedly. "WHAT" Snowbell and Blythe shouted out at the same time. "I'm not kissing her" "I'm not letting her kiss me" they both said at the same time yet again. Althea rolled her eyes "sorry but it's a dare" she said innocently causing Y/N to giggle. Snowbell huffed before standing up and walking over to Blythe. She grabbed Blythe's cheeks before leaning down and kissing her on the lips. Blythe shoved Snowbell away as she blushed brightly. "If I had my guards here I'd tell them to cut your head off" Blythe spat out and everyone laughed.
"Alright Althea truth or Dare" Snowbell said turning around as she smiled. Althea narrowed her eyes before clenching her jaw. "Dare" Althea said and Snowbell thought for a moment before looking back at Althea. "Kiss the person you like" Snowbell said and Althea growled lowly. "I am not doing that " Althea scoffed out and Snowbell smirked. "Looks like you're the scaredy cat now" Snowbell teased as she folded her arms. "I hate you" Althea said before she stood up and walked over to where Y/N was sitting. She stopped in front of Lenore before leaning down and kissing her on the cheek. Everyone's mouth dropped open at what just happened. Althea stood back up and blushed brightly before going back to her seat and sitting down. "I KNEW IT" Snowbell blurted out after a couple seconds and Althea glared up at her as her eyes glowed yellow. "Shut up" she growled out and Snowbell rolled her eyes. "Geez calm down Beasty" Snowbell said and Althea huffed before looking away.
Skadi and Y/N where the only ones still up. The rest were either passed out on the couch, the chairs, the floor or the beds. Skadi and Y/N were sitting on Y/N's bed. "That game of Truth or dare was surprising" Skadi said causing Y/N to look up. "Yeah it was who knew Snowbell and Althea had crushes on Lenore and Blythe" Y/N said as she smiled. Skadi chuckled quietly as she shook her head. "Guess you're not the only one who had a crush on a Never" Skadi said as she folded her legs. "I was certainly the first and plus I think I beat them" Y/N said causing Skadi to snort. "Yeah nothing can beat having a crush on the Dean of Evil" Skadi sarcastically said causing Y/N to shove her slightly. Y/N rested her head on Skadi's shoulder and Skadi rested her head on Y/N's head. "Are you excited for the ball" Skadi asked and Y/N bit her lip. "Yeah but I'm kinda nervous" Y/N said and Skadi grabbed Y/N's hand before interlocking their fingers together. "That's okay we'll all be there for you" she said as she gripped Y/N's hand. "Are you excited" Y/N asked back causing her friend to smirk. "Of course I am, you should know by now" Skadi said teasingly making Y/N roll her eyes.
After a couple minutes of silence Skadi spoke up. "Are you excited to see what Lesso will be wearing" Skadi asked Y/N but there was no answer. "Y/N" she said before looking down to see Y/N fast asleep. She smiled softly before leaning down and kissing Y/N's forehead. Skadi covered both of them up before falling asleep herself.
Y/N woke up to hushed voices in the room. She stretched before sitting up while yawning. "Morning sleepyhead" Sebastian said and Y/N looked over to see all of her friends looking at her. "What time is it " Y/N asked and Sebastian looked down at his watch. "Half pasted one" he said and Y/N's eyes widened in shock. "I've slept that long" Y/N shouted and they all nodded. Y/N got out of bed almost tripping but caught herself. "Why are you in such a rush the ball doesn't start until seven o'clock" Leviathan said and Y/N stopped. "I did not know that" Y/N said causing her friends to roll their eyes. "Of course you didn't" Flounder said as they shook their head. Once Y/N got dressed they all made their way to the great hall to eat lunch before they got ready.
After lunch they headed back to Y/N's dorm room. Osiris and Flounder were the first ones in the bathrooms to take a shower. After the others took a shower the boys took up the closet first. The girls were doing each other's hair as well as their makeup. Blythe was holding Y/N chin as she put red lipstick on Y/N's lips while Lenore was doing Y/N's hair. After Blythe finished putting on the lipstick she started doing Y/N's eyeshadow. "You know I can do my own eye makeup" Y/N said and Blythe rolled her eyes. "Oh hush just enjoy it" Blythe said and Y/N frowned before closing her eyes. The boys came out and saw all the girls done, and in their outfits except Y/N. Althea was doing Y/N's nails as Blythe finished up Y/N's makeup after putting some shimmer around her eyes. "Looks like someone is getting special treatment" Osiris said and Y/N looked over at him. "Skadi" Y/N said and Skadi smirked before grabbing a pillow and throwing it at Osiris who ducked out of the way just in time. Osiris looked back over to see all the girls glaring at him and he gulped. "Go get your dress on" Snowbell said and Y/N nodded before walking off and into the closet. Y/N came out a couple minutes later smoothing down the dress. "Hot damn" Leviathan said as he whistled. Y/N looked up to see everyone looking at her with a smirk. "Lesso is definitely going to swoon she's going to be absolutely speechless" Flounder said as the rest chuckled. "That's for sure" Sebastian said and Y/N smiled.
They walked out of the dorm and started heading towards the ball room. Y/N had linked arms with Skadi before they left the room. The two followed the rest of their friends as they talked. They made their way to the ballroom and you could hear music softly playing. Some of the students were already there talking and laughing away with each other. The group made their way in before disbanding from each other. "Doesn't look like she's here yet" Skadi muttered out and Y/N nodded her head. "You look beautiful Y/N" someone said and the two looked over to see Professor Dovey standing there. "Thank you Professor" Y/N said and Dovey smiled. "No problem dear and you look lovely as well Miss. Frost" She said causing Skadi to smile. "Thank you professor not to bad yourself" Sakdi said causing Dovey to chuckle. "Thank you dear you two have fun now alright" she said and the two nodded before Dovey left. They watched as she made her way around the ballroom talking to the other students that were already there. "Let's go get a drink" Sakdi said and the two walked over. They each took a glass of Fizzy Punch that wasn't spiked yet surprisingly. Y/N took a sip and sighed as the liquid rolled down her throat. Althea came over a few seconds later and grabbed a glass of Fizzy Punch before resting her chin on Y/N's shoulder. "What are you guys talking about" Althea said and the two stopped talking. "Take a guess" Sakdi said causing the girl to frown. "Are you guys talking about food because I'm hungry" she said causing the two to laugh.
More students started filling the ballroom but still no Lesso. "What's taking her so long" Sparky said as she looked around the room for a certain red haired dean. "Who are you looking for" they all froze when they heard a voice. They turned around to see the Dean of Evil standing there with a raised eyebrow while smirking. "Yo-" Sparky was cut off when Snowbell elbowed her in the side. "No one Lady Lesso" Snowbell said and Lesso narrowed her eyes before looking around the group not spotting Y/N or Skadi. "Where's Y/N at" She asked and they all looked at each other. "She's dancing with Skadi on the dance floor" Blythe said as she smiled. "Thank you" Lesso said before she walked away from the group of friends. "Damn she looked hot in that suit" Althea said after Lesso was far enough not to hear.
Lesso made her way to the dance floor and saw Sakdi and Y/N dancing while laughing. "Girls" Lesso said and the two stopped laughing and dancing. "Lady Lesso" Skadi said and Y/N smiled. "You don't mind if I steal Y/N from you do you" Lesso asked and Skadi looked at Y/N before looking back at the Dean. "Be my guest" Skadi said as she winked at Y/N before walking off.Lesso and Y/N just looked at each other before Lesso snapped out of it and held her arm out. Y/N took it after shaking her head. Skadi walked over to her friends and they watched as Y/N and Lesso left the ballroom. They all looked at each other before giggling.
Y/N and Lesso made their way towards the lake where they could still hear the music. Y/N removed her arm from Lesso before standing in front of her. "You look handsome in this suit" Y/N said as she smoothed out the tailcoat. "And you look absolutely divine in that dress" Lesso said causing Y/N to blush.
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"Shall we dance Little Siren" she asked as she held out one of her hands. Y/N put her hand on top of Lesso's before stepping closer. Lesso wrapped her other arm around Y/N's waist and pulled her close. Slow music started playing and Lesso started leading the two into a dance. Y/N looked up and smiled softly at the Dean and she smiled back.
Y/N's friends made their way out of the castle and watched Lesso and Y/N dance to the song. "They look like two teens falling in love" Althea said as she watched. "Aw don't cry" Skadi said and the others looked at Skadi to see her tearing up. "I'm sorry but this song just makes me cry and seeing them dance just makes it more emotional" Althea said and they all chuckled quietly. They watched as Y/N rested her head on the Dean's chest while smiling. "Oh god" Althea said before she turned around. "There, there" Lenore said as she patted Althea's head. Althea looked at Lenore and pouted causing the taller girl to smile softly. Lenore wrapped her arms around Althea and pulled her close. Snowbell and Blythe looked at each other before smiling softly. Snowbell wrapped her arms around Blythe's shoulder before pulling her close. Blythe rested her head on Snowbell's shoulder as she held onto Snowbell's hand. As the song slowly came to an end they watched as Lesso grabbed Y/N's cheeks before leaning in and kissing her on the lips passionately. "They were sure made for each other " Flounder said as they smiled softly. "They sure are" Sebastian said as he slung an arm over Flounders shoulders.
"We should head back" Leviathan said and everyone agreed. "I'll meet you guys there" Sakdi said and they all looked at each other before looking back at Skadi. "Alright" Sebastian said before they all made their way back into the castle. Skadi leaned against the wall as she watched the two walk around the lake. She looked up at the moon to see it looking back down at her. "Thank you" she whispered out as she grabbed hold of her necklace that was around her neck. "Thank you for making my wish come true she finally has someone else to look after her" she whispered out again as she felt tears brim her eyes. "Thank you for letting her find her true love even if it is the Dean of Evil" Skadi chuckled out as she let go of her necklace and put her hands into her pockets. The moon just kept quiet and Skadi smiled softly before looking back down to see the two sitting down on the bench now. "I'm so proud of you Y/N" Skadi said as she turned around. She made her way back into the castle and towards the ballroom. Flounder and Sebastian looked up to see Skadi walking down over to them. "Hey are you alright" Sebastian asked and Skadi nodded her head. "Yeah I'm alright" Skadi said as she smiled. "Alright" Flounder said but hugged Skadi anyways.
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21 notes · View notes
angeleternity · 4 months
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✧ if you love me be my angel in the night ✧
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enchanted-keys · 9 months
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❆ Anne and Gilbert in AWAE 3.03 "What can stop the determined heart"
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spideyhexx · 4 months
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guys listen
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raviollies · 20 days
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personal redemption with not liking any of the art ive made for this story with a composition thats actually working out okay
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slutir · 1 month
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I love him your honor 🥹
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hauntedrose555 · 2 months
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91 notes · View notes
gogandmagog · 11 months
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it wasn’t all anne media but i have submitted anne media in the past, i usually use the procreate program. i will share here. top is anne and gilbert in the anne of avonlea book setting. below is a redmond era fantasy that anne got her head out of her arse sooner rather than later which makes for why redmond is in the background. i’ve also done blue castle art.
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Also. also. ALSOGWLAHS I think there’s some kind of Blue Castle art challenge that recently went off here on tumblr??? Consider submitting??? I’m sure it’s never too late for such things!
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silkenbabydoll · 3 months
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63 notes · View notes
riveramorylunar · 2 years
𝕭𝖗𝖔𝖐𝖊𝖓 𝕳𝖊𝖆𝖗𝖙
Series Masterlist, (Chapter 19)
Pairings: Leonora Lesso x Amir Charles, Skadi Frost x Reader(Platonic), Althea x Reader(Platonic), Snowbell Charming x Reader (Platonic) & Lenore DeVille x Reader(Platonic)[Not gonna list all on the pairings]
Warnings ⚠️: Heart break, Crying, Mean Lesso, angry Althea(yes she needs one), comforting, Angry Skadi, Angry friends, Not eating, mentions of cheating, shouting/yelling, cussing, Nightmares & angst
Pet Names/Nicknames: None
Word Count: 3,000
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Some of the students arrived at the great hall and sat at their usual tables. Amir walked out of the kitchen to see Lesso's chair still empty causing him to frown. "Where is that woman at" Amir whispered out as he watched Y/N and her friends walk in. "Where is who at" Dovey asked as she appeared beside Amir who stiffened up a bit. "Oh uh Lesso she's usually already here" Amir said and Dovey hummed. "Don't know but she'll be here" Dovey said as she walked over and sat down with the other teachers. Amir joined and took a sip of his drink before setting it down. His leg started shaking as he looked around the great hall. He looked up when the door opened and his leg stopped shaking. He watched as Lesso walked in before walking over to Y/N and her friends. He watched as Y/N's friends laughed and Y/N's face heat up while Lesso smirked. Amir looked down and shoved some food in his mouth when he saw Lesso walking towards the teachers table. "Good morning Lesso" Dovey cheerfully said causing Lesso to scrunch her face up. "Why are you always so cheerful in the morning" Lesso asked as she sat down in her seat.
Amir watched as Lesso grabbed her drink before taking a sip. She closed her eyes and hummed before setting it back down on the table. Lesso started eating her food and Amir looked away as he took a bite of his food. After a couple minutes of waiting Lesso stood up and made her way out of the great hall in a rush. "What was that all about" Dovey asked and Amir shrugged his shoulders. "I'm going to go check on her though" he said and Dovey nodded. "Make sure she's alright" Dovey said and Amir nodded before rushing after Lesso. Once Amir was out of view from the great hall Zyrsa shifted back into her human form. "Do you think it worked" she asked and Amir rolled his eyes as he walked through the halls of the castle trying to find Lesso. When he reached the front he saw Lesso leaning against the wall hunched over a bit. "Looks like it's starting to work" he muttered out as he walked up to the Dean. "Lady Lesso are you alright" he asked but there was no answer.
He touched her shoulder and she whipped her head around before glaring at him. She slapped his hand away before facing forward. She started walking again but stumbled so Amir rushed over and helped her. "Get your hands off me" She growled out and Amir shook his head no. "I'm sorry Lady Lesso but I can't do that" he said and he was shoved against the wall by her. "Like I said don't you dare touch me" she spat out before walking away. As she walked away she felt lightheaded and before she knew it she collapsed to the ground dropping her cane with a loud thud. Amir rushed over and was about to lift her up but Zyrsa beat him to it. "You can carry her cane" Zyrsa said as she walked away with the Dean in her arms. Amir huffed before bending down and grabbing Lesso's cane before following. Zyrsa laid Lesso on her bed before walking away. Zyrsa walked up to Amir before poking his forehead. "This better work and if it doesn't I have orders to kill you" Zyrsa said causing Amir to gulp.
It was the next day when Amir looked up when he heard Lesso groan. "What the fuck happened" Lesso growled out and Amir walked over. "You passed out on I brought you back here" he said and Lesso looked up. "Who are you" Lesso said as she sat up. "Amir Charles I'm your boyfriend" he said and she narrowed her eyes at him. "Really I don't remember having a boyfriend" Lesso said as she grabbed her head. "It's alright you took a pretty good fall you'll remember shortly but I do have to warn you about something or well someone" Amir said as he sat down on Lesso's bed. "And who would that be" she asked and Amir folded his hands. "Y/N she's a student at the good school and well I heard she has a crush on you" he said and Lesso scrunched her face up as she huffed. "Interesting but I'm not interested" Lesso said causing Amir to smirk before standing up. He helped Lesso up and she staggered a bit. "Easy" he said and she glared at him causing him to let go. He handed Lesso her cane and she leaned on it a little bit.
Lesso and Amir made their way towards the good castle. They walked into the great hall and immediately heard chattering. "Lesso you're back how are you feeling" Dovey said as the Dean of Evil sat down. "I'm fine" Lesso said and Amir sat down next to her causing her to smile slightly. Lesso looked up when she felt a pair of eyes on her and saw a redheaded girl looking at her. "That's Y/N" Amir whispered into Lesso's ear causing the Dean to clench her jaw before looking away.
Y/N was laughing and talking with her friends when she looked up to see Lesso walk right past the table she was sitting at making her confused. She saw Amir was walking behind her making her even more confused. "What was that about she usually stops and teases the shit out of Y/N" Althea said as she furrowed her eyebrows. "Don't know but something's up" Skadi said as she looked at Y/N who was frowning now. "She probably had a bad morning" Flounder said and Y/N looked over at them. "Maybe but why was Mr. Charles with her I thought she hated him" Snowbell said and Y/N stabbed her food causing them to stop. "Y/N are you alright" Sebastian asked and Y/N didn't say anything. Althea hugged Y/N as she rested her head on her shoulder. "Don't worry she'll probably be better in a couple hours" Flounder said as they put their hand on top of Y/N's head. Y/N lowered her head and her friends looked at each other before frowning. They knew this wasn't good at all.
Y/N didn't see Lesso at all until it was lunch time when her and Amir walked in. She looked away when she saw Lesso laugh at a joke Amir made. "Lesso it seems like you and Amir are getting along it's quite unusual" Dovey said and the two stopped. Lesso smiled causing Dovey to narrow her eyes. "Don't worry about it princess" Lesso said as she sat down with Amir. Dovey frowned before looking between the two before looking away. She knew something was going on but she didn't know exactly what.
Y/N walked out of her class and headed towards the lake to read when she stopped. She saw Lesso and Amir sitting on the bench holding hands making her freeze in place. She snapped out of it before walking over and standing in front of the two. "Excuse me can I talk to you alone" she spoke up and the two looked up. "Why do you want to talk to me don't you have your own Dean to talk to" Lesso said as she looked up at Y/N with an unreadable expression. "Please it's important" Y/N said and Amir looked between the two before standing up. "I'll leave you guys alone to talk if you need anything just call me" Amir said before planting a kiss on Lesso's cheek. He looked at Y/N before smirking while winking. He left and Y/N looked back at the Dean that was still sitting on the bench. "So what do you want that you can't ask Professor Dovey" Lesso said as she folded her arms. "What's going on between you and Mr. Charles you've gotten close to him" Y/N asked and Lesso raised her eyebrow. "I don't think that's any of your concern Ever" Lesso sneered out and Y/N's face faltered for a second. Y/N back up as Lesso stood up and towered over her. "What do you mean it's none of my business I'm your girlfriend" Y/N shouted and Lesso's eyes widened in shock until her face turned stone cold. "Amir told me you had a crush on me but he didn't say how serious it was" Lesso sneered out as she gripped her cane. "And I would never in my life date a student and especially one that's a Ever" Lesso spat out causing Y/N's eyes to widen. "Lesso w-what are you talking about we've been dating for awhile now" Y/N stuttered out and Lesso threw her head back and laughed. "I don't know what you're talking about Ever but I have a boyfriend" Lesso said and Y/N felt tears brim her eyes before she ran off trying not to cry. "God Evers are so emotional" Amir said as he walked back over after almost running into Y/N. "What did you say to her" Amir said and Lesso rolled her eyes before sitting down back on the bench.
Y/N ran through the halls before running into someone. "Can you watch where you- wait Y/N what happened are you alright why are you crying" Althea said and Y/N just broke down in Althea's arms. "S-she didn't know w-who I was" Y/N sobbed out as she tightened her grip on Althea. "What do you mean she forgot about you" Skadi said and Y/N pulled away from Althea before rushing over and throwing her self into Skadi's arms. "She said we weren't dating and that she'd never date a student let alone an Ever" Y/N cried out and Skadi wrapped her arms around Y/N before stroking her hand through Y/N's hand. "Oh that bitch" Althea growled out as her eyes started glowing yellow. "Uh Althea" Snowbell said and Althea whipped her head towards Snowbell. "What" she said in a deeper voice and Y/N looked over her shoulder.
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Althea looked down at herself and saw that she was covered from head to toe in fur. She looked behind herself to see a tail swaying back and forth slowly. "Wow" she said and immediately closed her mouth when she realized her voice got deeper. As she realized what happened she smirked showing off her sharp teeth. "I think I'm going to go pay the Dean of Evil a little visit" Althea said as she started walking away but a hand on her arm stopped her. "Please don't" Y/N said quietly and Althea looked down at her friend who had tears still rolling down her face. "Y/N" she started but Y/N hugged her tightly as her lips quivered. Althea looked up to see the rest of their friends looking at her.
It was night time and Y/N was hugging Althea in her beast form silently crying as they laid down in Y/N's bed. Althea didn't know how to shift back so she was going to be in her beast form until someone helped her. She really didn't mind since Y/N took a liking to it. Althea felt Y/N's breathing slow down and she looked down to see Y/N sleeping occasionally sniffling. She held the back of Y/N's head as she placed a kiss on top of her head. "What are we going to do" Althea said as she looked up at Skadi who was sitting on her bed. "I don't know but all we can do right now is be there for Y/N" Skadi said as she stood up and sat down on Y/N's bed. "I want to kill her so bad" Althea growled out as she slightly tightened her grip around Y/N who nuzzled deeper into her. "I don't know but I think Amir has something to do with all of this" Skadi said and Althea clenched her jaw tightly. "If he did I'll shred him to pieces" she spat out and Skadi smirked. "Only if you let me pin him to the wall first with my icicles" she said and Althea smirked. "God you two are scaring me" Flounder spoke up and the two looked at him with slightly glowing eyes causing him to gulp in fear.
Y/N woke up in the middle of the night as she screamed causing her friends to wake up. Althea rushed over and pulled her into her as she felt Y/N shake. "Hey it's okay we're right here" Althea said and Y/N started crying as she buried her head in Althea's chest. Althea stroked her paw through Y/N's hair as she hummed a song. Y/N started to hiccup as she slowly started falling asleep again. Y/N woke up in the morning in a pair of big fluffy arms. Y/N pulled back and reached her hand up to Althea's face before poking Althea's brown nose. Althea's eyes fluttered open and she saw Y/N looking at her already. "So it was a dream" Y/N said and Althea shook her head no.
They all made their way to the great hall as Y/N hung onto Althea's arm. They walked into the great hall and one of the Ever stopped as the tray they were holding crashed to the ground. Everyone stopped and looked up at the Ever boy before looking at where he was looking and froze when they saw Althea. Althea ignored the stares she was getting and walked over to the table before sitting down. Althea sat down and the bench creaked under the weight. Y/N looked up at Althea and saw a faint blush across her face. Y/N rested her head against Althea's arm as she looked down at her food.
Lesso had stopped eating when she heard everything stop. She had looked up to see Y/N and her friends walk in. She saw that Althea had transformed into her beast form and was 1 foot taller than her human form. She felt something pull on her chest when she saw Y/N lean against Althea's arm. "Lesso" Amir said snapping her out of it. "What were you saying" Lesso said as she looked over at Amir. "Oh I was just saying how beautiful you looked today" he said as he smiled up at her. "Oh uh thanks" she said before looking away from Amir. He frowned before looking over to Y/N and her friends. He narrowed his eyes as he clenched his jaw tightly.
After breakfast Y/N and her friends decided to skip their classes well Y/N, Althea and Skadi. Skadi had convinced the others and they agreed. Y/N and Althea walked through the halls when everyone was in class as they snuck to the museum. They turned the corner to see their friends waiting. Lenore opened her arms and Y/N rushed over wrapping her arms around Lenore who hugged her tightly. "I'm sorry I heard what happened" Lenore said quietly as she rested her hand on the top of Y/N's head. Y/N pulled away a couple seconds later and walked over to the wall. She grabbed the stone and pulled it out before pushing it back in. Her friends just watched as the wall opened.
"You mean to tell me that this has been down here this whole time" Flounder said as they walked around the room. Y/N immediately made her way over to the mirror. "Are you there" Y/N said and all of her friends stopped and looked over. Her friends watched as the mirror glowed a bit before someone appeared, making them look at each other. "Y/N are you alright" Evil Y/N said and Y/N shook her head no. "What happened and where's your Lesso at" Evil Y/N said and Y/N started tearing up. "She's gone something happened and she doesn't remember me" Y/N said and Evil Y/N frowned before folding her arms. "I'm sorry Y/N" Evil Y/N said and Y/N just lowered her head. "Is there anything I can do to get her back" Y/N said her voice cracking slightly and Evil Y/N looked up. "I can't tell you" Evil Y/N said as she hugged herself tightly. "Why not it happened to you why can't you tell me what you did" Y/N shouted as she felt tears roll down her face. Her friends looked at each other confused. Sparky was about to step forward but Althea growled lowly causing her to stop. "DAMN IT TELL ME" Y/N shouted and Evil Y/N lowered her head. "Please tell me" Y/N said as her knees gave out and she fell onto the ground. Snowbell rushed over but Skadi grabbed her and pulled her back before shaking her head. Evil Y/N knelt down and rested her head against the mirror. Y/N did the same and broke down as she wrapped her arms around herself. "Please" Y/N whispered out. "please I can't live without her" she continued as she shut her eyes tightly. "I'm sorry Y/N I can't" Evil Y/N's voice cracked as she disappeared.
Blythe rushed over and knelt down behind Y/N before wrapping her arms around Y/N. Y/N sobbed as she curled up against Blythe who held her. The rest walked over and joined in. Althea's ears twitched making her look up to see the door shut. She tilted her head and was about to walk over when she heard a sob from U/N. She walked over and knelt down before joining the hug.
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A/N: I am not sorry even though I cried myself
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hufflepotato-18 · 15 days
“Yet just before she left Patty's Place for Convocation she flung Roy's violets aside and put Gilbert's lilies of the valley in their place. She could not have told why she did it. Somehow, old Avonlea days and dreams and friendships seemed very close to her in this attainment of her long-cherished ambitions. She and Gilbert had once pictured out merrily the day on which they should be capped and gowned graduates in Arts. The wonderful day had come and Roy's violets had no place in it. Only her old friend's flowers seemed to belong to this fruition of old-blossoming hopes which he had once shared.”
- Anne of the Island, L. M. Montgomery
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manderleyfire · 10 months
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They created a strange tableau: rabid boy, trapped girl, bombed-out building. It suggested a tale that could only end in tragedy. Star-crossed lovers meeting their fate. A revenge story turned in on itself. A war saga that took no prisoners.
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cowgrlcunt · 19 days
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falling inlove with fall🍁
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enchanted-keys · 1 month
There's something about Gilbert entering Anne's bedroom for the first time, taking time to absorb everything and appreciate all the small things in it that scream 'Anne' with a look of utter reverence on his face that just takes me out 😭
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raviollies · 1 year
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