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enfuseiasmus · 2 years ago
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Here is the other version btw. They are meeting Fuse for their date.
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stark-illerbase · 3 years ago
I hate Hound's prestiged skin so much but their FUCKING finisher that comes with it makes me FEEL THINGS
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domain-of-ego · 2 years ago
twitter’s down so i need to call bloodhound a pilf (parent i’d like to fuck) on here bc they were confirmed to be 40 years of age
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iamtheprezzieforfusey · 3 years ago
This meme actually came to be during a CoC session.
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You're not allowed context.
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ab3ndst3rn · 3 years ago
I get Bloodhound vibes from this sound xD
Maybe I will do a bloodhound version with this sound owo
The video isnt mine, its from thislittledeer on tiktok (as you can see in the video :3)
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stinkypinkdinosaur · 4 years ago
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renegaedz · 5 years ago
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Breathe, Blothhundr. Breathe.
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ari-enbear · 5 years ago
Not much is known of the elusive Blóðhundur, but one thing is for certain
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They are indeed trans
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doubletaptrigger · 4 years ago
thinking about them (bloodhound apex legends)
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enfuseiasmus · 2 years ago
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heres my fuse with rough outlines. posted the finished piece on twitter. 
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stark-illerbase · 3 years ago
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hereandqueerandfulloffear · 4 years ago
Apex Legends playing OW part 1: Bloodhound
So 2 of my strongest hyper-fixations have been Apex and Overwatch so why not combine the 2 and create a list of characters that each Legend would play? This includes what skin they would use, how they play with said character, and based off the choices I make, which kind of main they are. Tank, Damage, or Support? If you like, feel free to comment on what hero I should do next, but to start we’re gonna go with my favorite Legend and the reason I got into Apex in the first place,Bloodhound.
TANK: Militia Roadhog
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Obviously I picked Hog for Hound because they both wear masks. And Militia Hog’s mask and outfit looks pretty damn similar to Hound’s default armor. Hog’s hometown being destroyed by omnics is also similar to Hound losing their parents in the Epicenter incident because of the MRVN uprising. Hound definitely loves to pull off the most impossible hooks with Hog. Surprisingly doesn’t use Take a Breather as often as they should, as they’re too focused on shooting and hooking to remember they actually have a healing ability for a tank character.
DPS: Huntress Widowmaker
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As we’ve seen from gameplay and season trailers, Bloodhound snipes quite a bit. Widow is Overwatch’s equivalent of a Kraber and Hound revels in the unlimited instadowns they can administer to the enemy team. They have definitely been accused of aimbot and will only switch to Widow when there’s a sweat on the enemy team. I also chose Widow for her ultimate, which is similar to Hound’s ultimate, being able to see enemies in infrared vision. Huntress Widow seems like a good skin for Hound because they both consider themselves hunters, plus the colors remind me of Adidas Hound.
SUPPORT: Sigrun Mercy
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I mean, c’mon. You can’t expect me to NOT pick Nordic and Viking inspired skins for Hound, and between Valkyrie and Sigrun, the ginger hair sold it for me as the perfect Mercy skin for Hound. They are Attack Mercy through and through. Spends as much time fighting as they do healing and when they ult, boy you better run because Bloodhound will use their flight powers and unlimited ammo wisely.
Shield-maiden Brigitte
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Another Viking themed hero I had to give to Hound too. Hound is an alright Brig, not really used to always fighting in melee distance and more often than not will get kills by knocking enemies off with Whip Shot. They’ll only play Brig if there’s a competent healer around to pick up their slack. Rally is their healing savior because it lets them huddle up the team while they get armor.
Wasteland Ana
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The second Hound sees what Ana can do, and that she has a skin that looks so similar to their battle attire, they decide to be an Ana main. While she doesn’t have the same power as a Kraber, Ana’s sniper rifle can deal some damage, and since it’s used for both healing allies and harming enemies, it’s perfect for Hound, since they can find a perfect vantage point and shoot their heart out without having to directly engage in battle much. Only uses Sleep Dart on ults or to save themselves, and uses Bionic Grenade on enemies. Nano Boost goes towards the teammates that say thank you to them, they’re allowed to be a little petty, as a treat.
And with that, I conclude that Hound would be a support main, purely by stylistic choice, but they embrace the roll nonetheless. I don’t see them playing often, but if their friends need an extra player, they’ll join in. Hope you enjoyed!
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cryptid-bloodhound · 5 years ago
guys guys guys stop and imagine: Bloodhound has a kid.
Bloodhound showing up to parent-teacher night/a school function, but in true Bloth fashion, they show up in full gear with Artur bcus they’re so used to just walking around in that shit that they forget that People Don’t Do That and the other parents are horrified and the teachers are like ‘omg not again’. Bloodhound is canonically well-known enough that replicas of their mask have sold like fuckin hotcakes so the guards who have to confront them probably piss themselves.
Security Guard: Uhh..you..you need to leave your weapons in your vehicle.
Bloth: ??? Ah! My apologies. I was veiðr and forgot.
Security guard: And the bird-
Bloth: Artur is staying.
Security Guard: Yep! That’s totally fine. Exactly what I was gonna say. Welcome to the school! 
Security Guard: ....[furious whispering into walkie talkie] what the fuck do i do?? ..No, you tell them their bird can’t come in. I am not saying that to fuckin BLOODHOUND. I like my life more than my job, dickhead
Stupid Alternative: Everyone thinks Bloth is some weird, super-dedicated and accurate Cosplayer and their kid is like ‘omg pls stop’
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ab3ndst3rn · 3 years ago
Who else cried at the finale of the Bloodhounds Quest (old ways, new dawn)? Or was it just me? qwq
Oh yea and this were the first things I got from the first pack .w. Octane x Bloodhound confirmed? XD
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the-actual-fucking-void · 5 years ago
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I hate that people in the community still say shit like this. Being nonbinary myself, it's really nice seeing a character in a game represent this. It pisses me off when people call them "it", "he-she", and other labels like that. If they don't want to call them nonbinary, the least they could do is say it doesn't matter and just appreciate them as a person and a character.
If this makes me seem like a "sensitive snowflake" to some people, I don't give a fuck. I care about this shit.
Rant over.
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x-x-k1lljoy-x-x · 5 years ago
Bloodhound hc:
Their eyes either look like they're stoned or they look milky white from the damage their eyes received (both during their parent's death and when they slatra the beast that killed Artur)
Hell, they could be blind and might be able to see only when the Allfather gives them sight
Idk, just some bloodhound thoughts at 1:30 in the mornin
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