#Blonde Ale
auraeseer · 2 months
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Some prefer the light . . . 'cause it's special . . .
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bairbrewing · 5 months
Brew #1 Kermode
May 4 2024
I decided to take some time to brew a blonde ale. I should have it wrapped up in early June just in time for the heat. Fingers crossed it turns out!
Idea was to have 2 gallons after the boil but ended up with just under 9 quarts. This means my final gravity was lower than I wanted but I get an extra quart of beer so I can deal with that trade off.
Grain bill:
89.6% 1285g Briess 2-Row (1.8° L)
7.5% 107g Briess Caramel Malt (10° L)
2.9% 42g Crisp Amber Malt (27.5° L)
4.6g Cascade at 60min
3.5g Kent Goldings at 15.5min
1 pack of Wyeast 1056
Mashed for an hour at 155°F, raised it to 169°F for the mash out, and then boiled for an hour. Added my hops at the times above and then at 10 minutes left in the boil I added 1g Irish Moss and 1/4tsp yeast nutrient. My pre boil gravity was 1.029 and my starting gravity was 1.037 (.004 less than I wanted) so if this ferments down to 1.010 I’ll get a 3.5% abv beer. I really wanted 4% but that’s okay. Smelled and tasted great after the boil and it’s sitting in my fermentation chamber (mini fridge with an Inkbird hooked up) at 62°F. I'm hoping this lower temperature setting will give a more crisp and less ester forward flavor.
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May 5th, 2024
Been close to 24 hours and already seeing some activity. Hoping to have the fermentation and cold crash finished at the 2 week mark. Then I’ll do some cold-side finings and bottle condition for a few more weeks! Hoping to crack one open the second week of June!
May 7th, 2024
I noticed a dramatic reduction in activity in my airlock today and decided at the almost 100 hour mark to do a gravity check. Opening the fermenter I was hit at first with fusels but once those reduced the smell of the green beer (post first fermentation) was quite nice and almost reminded me of pale ales I've tried in the past. The color was very light (SRM 2 or 3) which is lighter than I had thought it might be but that might change after it is racked off the lees and bottled. The gravity read 1.011 (maybe 1.012) so I decided to ramp the temperature up to 69°F over the next few days to ensure full attenuation (conversion of sugar to alcohol). After some time I'll check the gravity again and if we are down to 1.010 I will start to cold crash.
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May 9th, 2024
Checked the gravity again after 48 hours at 70ish°F. The beer has hit a gravity of 1.010! Going to give it another 24 hours in the Maturation phase (yeast has finished fermenting but not settled to the bottom/flocculated). I've read that your Maturation phase should be about the same length as your High Growth Phase. After that I'm going to slowly crank the AC up and start cold crashing the beer. Hoping to throw the gelatin in on the 14th and bottle on the 15th or 16th. Hoping to crack one open the week of the 9th of June.
Color and smell were pretty much the same. I am interested to see what color the finished product will be after cold-side finings and bottle conditioning.
May 15th, 2024
Just added the gelatin! Planning to bottle tomorrow, giving the gelatin time to get some of the haze out! There is a slight smell of green apple that worries me a bit but it could also be the Kent Goldings' aroma. The color appears darker in the bucket so I'm very interested in what color the final product will be!
May 16th, 2024
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Bottling day! Siphoned the beer off of the trub (not well, ended up getting more trub in my bottling bucket than I'd care to mention). Let the beer sit in the bottling bucket with 2.25oz of corn sugar for an hour to let those solids settle a bit and then bottled. Got 14 12oz bottles and whatever the big one ends up being (probably 16oz). 3 weeks of bottle conditioning at 70ºF where whatever solids that are in suspension will settle out of the beer and carbonation will occur. Might try one on the 30th but will definitely have a solid taste on the 6th. Color ended up being around a 3/3.5 SRM.
June 3rd, 2024
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Alas we come to the end of the brew. As I mentioned before I really messed up the bottling process and because of that my beer did not carbonate fully. The corn sugar did not mix with the beer and when bottled there was not enough sugar to get to the carbonation level I wanted. The taste and smell were both great and I feel the recipe is a solid solid blonde ale.
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aboutbeverages · 7 months
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Live podcast show starts now!  Featured beverages are Four Peaks Brewing Bad Birdie Juicy Golden Ale and a blind tasting of four bourbons selected in secret by my wife.  You can find all of our videos and podcasts on YouTube, iTunes and Spotify.  Check out our TikTok and Merch store!  http://www.twitch.tv/aboutbeverages
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thedaily-beer · 1 year
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St. Alphonse Meid’la Fille D’Alsace blonde ale (Picked up at Casino Shop in Colmar, France). A 2 of 4. Smells of some Belgian esters, particularly spice and some bubblegum, and quite sweet up front. Nice medium thickness to the body, and there’s nothing off here, it’s just a bit unbalanced on the sweet side.
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floridaboiler · 1 year
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beachsandsun-love · 1 month
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bambrews · 2 months
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Duck Beer, the Official Anaheim Ducks Fan Beer
Brewery X Anaheim, California, USA 5% ABV
This is the closest thing to the Atwater Dirty Blonde from Michigan I have been able to find, and trust me. I have been looking for it ever since I left The Mitten™.
This brew is just hoppy enough that you know it's serious business, but doesn't taste like a Russian pre-revolutionary, tsarist serf didn't take a piss on the barley. No. This is an adult beer, for the grown PBR drinker who wants to look down their noses at their friends in Bushwick, only in Anaheim.
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9/10 paws
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4pplec0re · 5 months
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me when im in a Drawing Every Version Of Nischa I See competition and my opponent is alana 4PPLEC0RE (designs by @asmogorna)
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whatimdoing-here · 7 months
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NCIS HAWAII | 3.02 - Crash and Burn
When you have to lean all the way over to be the same height as your girlfriend
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callsthefaithful · 7 months
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b4 death B) - angel w a little hat below cut <3
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tried to stick to their death dates a bit but. idk i only googled for like 5 mins. also i wanted those old news print colours 😌
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auraeseer · 2 months
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Not just any blonde . . .
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bairbrewing · 5 months
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Review #1
Just tried a Leffe Blonde and absolutely loved it. Tons of clove and a bit of banana, perfectly balanced and greatly enjoyed on a warm summer evening. 8/10
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aboutbeverages · 2 months
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Live podcast show starts now.  Featured beverages are Tombstone Brewing Good Enough Blonde Ale, Trader Joe’s Javier San Pedro Randez Tempranillo, Kalimotxo Cocktail and WhistlePig 12 Year Old World Rye.  You can find all of our videos and podcasts on YouTube, iTunes and Spotify.  Check out our TikTok and Merch store!  http://www.twitch.tv/aboutbeverages
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thedaily-beer · 2 years
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Burgundy Lion Ale on tap at Brit & Chips in Montreal. A 2 of 4. This is a very standard blonde ale -- bready and grain sweetness in the nose without a clear hop profile, and a slightly sweet and light body that goes down easily. Nice with some fish & chips, but even for the style’s standards, not much interesting going on here.
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floridaboiler · 1 year
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hijinxinprogress · 2 months
Civilian Gothamites realizing they can get vengeance through Sword!Robin
Gothamites figuring out if they happen to mention a rogue treating animals poorly within hearing range of sword!Robin that rogue will be in custody with at least four fractures and a concussion and Damian being completely aware that like 63% of these people are lying but it’s the only way he can get experience with the nonlethal takedowns he’s experimenting with bc everyone keeps complaining about how he treats his opponents and allies 
Like he’s guiding a civilian to safety and they mention that “this would be the worst thing to happen to me today if riddler didn’t stab my fucking cat” and this civilian does not own a cat but they did own a car that was just paid off but riddler fucking crushed it with a stupid ass hot air balloon that’s shaped like a fucking question mark and Damian is aware of this bc he was the one that verified the insurance claim (but he’s been looking for a reason to punch Nygma in the throat since his last Arkham escape when he called Damian a moron)
And he also knows that if he plays along with it and says ‘as if I’d let that gaudy and tactless imbecile get away with committing such atrocities’ when prompted that he’ll get away with barely a slap on the wrist like he gets three half hearted but long lectures he’s not going to listen to and an online sensitivity training seminar he goads Tim into completing (Damian and Tim 100% try to trick each other into doing work they don’t want to do and full heartedly believe the other has no idea what they’re doing)
Bruce’s tendency for finding small crashouts at risk of becoming future rogues in Gotham and deciding they need love & supervision but what actually happens bc he’s so fucking awkward is they get almost the same amount of supervision just with like an hour of intense helicopter parenting a week but honestly besides that they just have more money and resources to do fuck shit
Tim 🤝🏾 Damian: using the manipulation tactics they learned from their mothers then later improved on with help from an assassin cult and bat/cape interrogation questioning techniques on the homies
#Both central city and gotham are referred to as crashout central and no one’s ever sure which city is being mentioned unless a cape is named#random Gotham civilians outsourcing a rogue getting their ass kicked to a middle schooler with a katana is fucking funny#Damian & Tim 100% try to trick each other into doing work they don’t like and definitely believe the other has no idea what theyre doing#Whenever damian gets benched the civilians protest until he’s back on duty#and are just generally unhelpful like ‘answer your questions?? That’s crazy I got a question for you: where’s my guy??’#Random gothamite: Batman’s so mean like free my guy 😔 he didn’t even do anything?? He’s just a little guy#Their friend visiting from out of state who’s pretty sure they saw that kid fuck up a dinosaur with no backup: 🤨 ikyfl#the loa ninja who came for a welfare check: you’re joking right???#Sword!robin#robin 5#Robin V#gothamites definitely tried to count the robins but they change names heights & costumes so often that no one’s really sure#so there’s angry!Robin nerd!Robin emo!Robin blonde!Robin and sword!Robin#but there’s also the theories of robin being an amalgamation of every child ghost in Gotham or a shapeshifter with an emo dad#only in gotham#dc civilians#Damian Wayne#Damian Al Ghul#Damian Al Ghul Wayne#dc robin#robin#dc comics#Civilian Gothamites: that polite young man!!#The bats & everyone else that knows Damian: 🤨#Damian currently using psychological warfare against scarecrow a rogue w/ a doctorate in psych and winning: dr crane?? more like dr cringe#Damian: sometimes I just get the urge to weep inconsolably not out of fear but bc I know you believe yourself to be a threat & that’s false#Insurance companies in Gotham either make so much money it’s insane or every employee has 746 hits out on them at all times
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