#Bliz says words
blizzardmagic · 4 months
(I wrote this in the middle of the night when I couldn’t sleep and watched a Joel video ok guys)
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afrostysystem · 1 month
Enthusiastic Helium: We feel like being very productive right now.
Enthusiastic Calculator: This isn’t going to work..
Helium: Might as well try it!
*10 minutes later, it didn’t work*
Thorium: We can keep trying!!
Helium: No, I’m sorry, but we need to be productive. We can wear the tail, though!
Thorium: Okayyy, the tail works..
(The color coding is not happening. We’re trying)
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lollybliz · 2 years
I'm shooting twice now bc I wanna land on something 👀 How about "hands"
yes! and im gonna give you a bonus one cus it turns out the big one just hadn't fully loaded when i hit 'find word' fsdhl
'Hand' "He stared at the pile of icy slush in his hand for a moment, considering."
>from the accidental exposition oneshot that's basically days away from postable
'Fire' "Aether’s upper arms and exposed torso were a motley patchwork of damage, burns from both fire and lightning mixed with more standard abrasions where his armor had failed."
>from the big, half finished one that the oneshot's an exposition dump for
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daisies-daydreams · 1 year
Hi! Can I request of TF141 x Fem! Reader who is cold hearted when going in war but she kind snd smile when helping the civilians and children. Like the tf141 never see Y/n smile after joining the military. And when they see her smile the first time, they felt heart warm and almost cry see Y/n smile as an angel.
Take all the time you want. No need to rush.
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Pairing: TF141 x Fem!Reader (Platonic)
Category: Fluff & Angst
Warnings: Suggestive Comments, Blood, Injuries, Swearing, Depictions of Child Labor
Word Count: 1.6k+
A/N: Hi! Thank you so much for your request! (I love your incorrect COD quotes btw, they’re so much fun to read! ☺️).
That’s what you were known as when you were in the SAS. It was short for “Blizzard”, and that you were. Your taciturn and cold demeanor made other soldiers weary of your presence.
“We call her Blizzard cause ‘Ice Queen’ was just too damn long,” you remember on of your fellow soldiers remarking when he thought you couldn’t hear him. Hopefully, you wouldn’t have to deal with such idiocy now that you’ve been recruited into Task Force 141. When you walked into Captain John Price’s office and he congratulated you on being selected, he seemed a bit put off by your stern attitude.
“Thank you for this opportunity, Captain Price,” you replied, your lips in a straight line. The Captain gave you a small smile.
“We’re on the same team now. Just call me Price,” he said. You stood in place and straighter your shoulders.
“I prefer to call my fellow soldiers and superiors by their rank,” you explained with a flat tone.
Your introduction to the rest of 141 went about the same way.
“Hey there! Name’s Soap. Nice to have a new face on the team!” Soap beamed with an outstretched hand. You eyed him up and down, mouth curved in a frown.
“Thanks,” you muttered as you shifted in place. Soap’s hand twitched slightly as he lowered it to his side. He watched you introduce yourself to Ghost and Gaz before you brushed past them.
“Come on. We have a meeting in five,” you stated. The three men watched you walk towards Price’s office for the newest mission’s pre-briefing. Soap clicked his tongue before walking in the same direction with Ghost and Gaz, your frame already out of sight.
“I thought ‘Blizzard’ was just an exaggeration,” Soap muttered.
“She’s SAS-you know the shite she’s probably seen,” Ghost said. Soap sighed, his shoulders slumping.
“Not every girl’s gonna want to get into your pants, Johnny,” Gaz retorted. Soap scoffed.
“That’s not-“ Ghost and Gaz gave him a knowing, sideways glance. Soap huffed through his nose. “Ah, what do you know? Probably haven’t even held hands with a lass,” Soap waved. Gaz’s nostrils flared but he kept walking. The men rounded the corner and stepped into the office. You were standing at the other side of the room, your arms crossed and brows slightly furrowed. Soap could’ve sworn that he saw you narrow your eyes at him.
“Right. Let’s begin,” Price said. A thick layer of unease settled over the room during the prebriefing. Soap would glance over at you every once in a while. You were like a statue, your eyes glued to the Captain as he explained the ins and outs of the mission.
“Your objective is to infiltrate a weapons manufacturing plant in the town of Nahr. It belongs to one of Al-Qatala’s allies: the Riah Sharquia,” Price explained.
“The Eastern Wind?” you asked.
“Never heard of them,” Ghost added. Price nodded.
“They’ve been operating underground for the past ten years. Just announced themselves publicly about a few weeks ago,” he stated. You nodded, gaze intensely set on the Captain.
“Anyway, back to what I was saying. You are to capture the head of the western plant, Adil Malik, and interrogate him,” he continued. “Best to keep your wits about you: These bastards have the region in an iron grip. They’ve been taking local people and forcing them to assemble their weapons…mostly children,” he continued. Your face twisted into a deep scowl, hands clenched into tight fists. It didn’t go unnoticed by Soap.
“Wheels up at seventeen-hundred tonight,” Price said with a nod. Time flew by quickly and before he knew it, Soap was sitting next to you on the flight. You were sandwiched between him and Ghost, the two imposing men towering over you even as you sat down. Gaz sat nearby along with some other soldiers crowded in the bay. Soap leaned over with a cheeky grin.
“Hey, Bliz,” he smiled. You kept your gaze forward, lips sealed tightly. “What smells like red paint but is blue?” Soap snickered. Ghost rolled his eyes, as if he were one to talk about bad jokes.
“Blue paint,” you replied shortly with a straight face. Soap twisted his lips.
“Yeah that’s…that’s right,” he muttered awkwardly. Some soldiers across from you whispered, only to cease when they realized your icy gaze was locked on them. Soap sighed and leaned back as much as he could.
It was going to be a very long flight.
You pushed through the rickety door, splinters flying across the room.
“BLIZ! YOU BETTER GET YOUR ARSE BACK HERE RIGHT NOW!” Ghost barked. You gasped at the sight before you: a group of children huddled together in the corner of the filthy sweatshop. You heard the lieutenant rush up behind you. His eyes widened when he saw the group of gaunt faces.
“Fuckin’ hell,” he seethed while clenching his fists. You stepped forward and pulled your black mask down, revealing a gentle look on your face. A small lump formed in the lieutenant’s throat as he watched you kneel down on one knee.
“It’s okay. We aren’t going to hurt you,” you cooed softly as you slowly held out your hand. A young boy shuffled forward, hesitantly slipping his hand into yours. You helped him up, causing the other children to mutter to each other.
“GHOST! BLIZ! GET THE FUCK OUT OF THERE!” Gaz suddenly shouted over the coms. “THEY FUCKING RIGGED THE PLACE TO BLOW!” Both of you exchanged glances before looking back at the kids.
“Aitabieni,” you said calmly. Some children anxiously huddled near your side as you rushed them forward. Ghost surveyed the area before motioning to move.
“Soap, are the exits clear?” Ghost asked.
“Aye,” the Scotsman replied.
A sense of relief washed over you as you saw sunlight pour through a crack in the exit door. A sudden shriek pierced through the hallway, causing you to stop in your tracks. The other children ran past you as you whipped your head around. A young girl was crying as she held her bleeding foot, a shard of glass with crimson on it lying nearby.
“BLIZ! DON’T YOU DARE FUCKING STOP!” Ghost bellowed. You sprinted down the hallway, grabbing the child and scooping her into your arms as you rushed outside. Just as you reached the gate, you heard a rancorous crack behind you.
“(Y/N)!” Ghost shouted. You curled yourself over the small one, keeping your arms wrapped around their head. The shockwaves sent you tumbling forward. Rubble flew past you as you did your best to shield her from the blast. You held onto the child tightly as the ringing in your ears continued to bombard you. The smoke and embers were searing hot as they cascaded from what remained of the building. You coughed when the dust finally began to settle.
You looked down in your arms, relieved to see that the child was still breathing. The young girl had her face nuzzled into your chest, hands white-knuckling your shirt as she sobbed. You heard Ghost's muffled shouting as he ran towards you, helping you while Soap took the little girl. You tried to stand, only to fall on the ground. The world was spinning as Ghost picked you up in his arms.
“Make sure they’re safe,” you smiled weakly before your vision suddenly went black.
You gasped as you shot upwards on a hard surface. You groaned as a throbbing pain shot through your skull. A dark haired man stood near you, his lips curving into a smile when he locked eyes with you.
“She’s awake!” he sang, his voice slightly muffled. You grunted as you tried to sit up, only to fall back down on the scratchy mat.
“Easy there, Bliz,” Soap said as he came to kneel by your side. You blinked a few times, your vision becoming less blurred.
“Where…what?” your voice croaked. Ghost and Gaz stood in the corner, their attention quickly shifting from their conversation over to you. All of you were in a small room, a lamp dimly lighting up the space. You trailed your fingers over your head, feeling at the blood-soaked bandages.
“You took quite the spill out there,” Soap said. He tilted his head towards the man who was preoccupied with preparing some medicine. “Doctor Kaan said he wasn’t too keen to taking in outsiders-but since you saved his wee lass, he made an exception,” the soldier beamed. A small face suddenly appeared behind the unknown man. Your eyes widened when you realized it was the young girl you had rescued from the hallway. She smiled sheepishly as the man turned and patted her head. He swiveled back to look at you, a wide smile on his face and tears in his eyes.
“Thanks to you, my little Emel has come back to me,” he choked. The girl tugged on his shirt. He chuckled as he brought her into his arms, kissing her forehead gently. The doctor stepped closer, holding your hand and shaking it. “Thank you, thank you,” he sobbed repeatedly. Your cheeks tinted with pink as the corners of your mouth finally curved into a complete smile. Soap felt his heart flutter as he stared at your soft, angelic face. Even the corners of Ghost’s eyes crinkled, and Gaz couldn’t help but crack a small grin. Your face truly shined like the sun when you smiled.
“Anything for the little ones,” you beamed.
Soap watched you with a bright smile as you kicked the football back to a group of kids. They giggled and went on with their game. The empty streets before were starting to bustle back to life. Ghost and Gaz were…busy at the moment. Soap strode over to where you were seated. Your peaceful expression shifted into a slight frown.
“What is it, Sergeant MacTavish?” you asked bluntly. His shoulders bounced as he slid next to you.
“You know you can just call me Soap, right?” he nudged your arm. You rolled your eyes, only to flinch when the ball came flying towards you. Soap reached his hands out, catching it just inches from your face. You blinked as he chuckled and threw it back to the kids.
“How’d you do that?” you asked. He looked at you with a glint in his eye.
“I might have a tad bit of practice,” Soap hummed. You gave him an unreadable expression before turning back to the game.
“Thank you…Soap,” you murmured while looking forward. He grinned.
“Anytime, bonnie”.
Thank you for reading! ❤️
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sterek-stuffs · 1 year
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Do you get annoyed when people say the Sterek fandom is dead? Well, prove them wrong by reblogging this fresh new rec list of fics published in the past three years!
Pulling Strings by Gia279 54k words, M
Stiles and Derek pull off the ultimate game of survival charades: fooling the alpha pack into thinking their leader, alpha of alphas, demon wolf Deucalion himself, is still alive, in order to find the location of the Darach and save Beacon Hills and their pack, while Stiles learns to control this brand new, unusual power.
The Curse of the Love Sweater by HisBeloved 56k words, E
The "sweater curse" or "curse of the love sweater" is a term used by knitters to describe the belief that if a knitter gives a hand-knit sweater to a significant other, it will lead to the recipient breaking up with the knitter. When Stiles and Derek were children, a misunderstanding created a rift between Claudia Stilinski, owner of The Hale Yarn Company, and Talia Hale, the best knitter and spinner in the county, leading to the opening of Lucky Ewe, Claudia Stilinski's yarn store. Stiles and Derek have been lifelong competitors at the Beacon County Fair and after their mothers died, became owners of competing yarn shops. Derek is a budding knitwear designer on the eve of the release of his first book of patterns. Stiles wants him on his popular knitting YouTube show despite the decade-long feud between the Stilinski's and Hales. Hijinks, fluff, and ridiculousness ensue, and the boys get their happy ending.
Don't they know it's the end of the world? by flemoncake, mute90 20k words, M
Stiles thought being in love in a dangerous, post-apocalyptic world was a bad idea. He voted for pleasant, casual sex all the way. But being afraid of love doesn't stop it from coming after you. Being afraid doesn’t stop anything from coming after you.
love in suspension by creationmyth 6k words, T
They walk side by side back to the camaro, Derek’s all tensed up while Stiles hums some unnamable tune under his breath. When they finally break the treeline, Stiles pulls Derek by the arm so they’re face to face. “Thank you,” Stiles tells him quietly, making sure Derek knows he’s sincere. “It’s what we do.” It is. It really is. (or: Stiles and Derek learn, over time, how loyalty becomes love.)
ouroboros (get it right) by yesimirreputable 5k words, M
You try again, and the story's always the same: you never make it past eighteen.
a light and darkness in the heart of the forest by thedaughterofkings 10k words, T
There's a beast in the forest, they say. If you call to it, it will answer. To save his mom, Stiles will face up to it and hope the price won't be higher than the reward.
nothing but hope and virtue by dappledawndrawn, LeafZelindor 60k words, T
Senator Derek Hale, a California Democrat, had considered a future where he needed to hire a new campaign manager. He'd always expected to hire someone from inside the campaign. They'd have been familiar, respectful, come into his office carefully, with nervous excitement, and called him "sir" too much when asking for their first assignment. They'd have been familiar with the ins and outs of working with a werewolf pack, and everything would have been fine. Not great, maybe, but fine. But instead, Deaton retires with no warning, and almost sight-unseen, he hires Stiles Stilinksi, who is sprawled across his office couch, entering random contacts from Derek's Rolodex into his phone. Derek's a little in love with him. It's going to be a long campaign.
Fairy Wings and Beastly Tails by Bliz, PalenDrome (nerdherderette) 8k words, T
The prince knows it’s risky. He thinks about how he could manage without his wings; what his life would be like without flying or the ability to do spells. He thinks about his father and Scott, and all the others he’d leave behind if he fails. But then he thinks about the creature and the sadness in those green eyes, and how the image haunts his dreams. “I’ll do it,” he says as the Oak Witch’s grin grows wide.
Bite the Moonlight & Bleed Gold by raisesomehale 86k words, E
Seven years after being tricked and imprisoned by the Argents, Derek Hale finds himself off the blistering coasts of Antarctica aboard the Argentum Domina, an illegal prison ship out of which the Argents operate their behemoth, underground poaching empire. Bitter and packless, Derek spends his days working off his servitude by poaching creatures for Gerard to sell on the Black Magic Market, no future or end in sight. Until, Allison Argent brings him a capture case with a reward price so ludicrous that he has no choice but to accept. The only problem is, the target creature shouldn't even exist. Derek is flung fast into the deep webbings of a bigger mystery than he could have ever imagined. And discovers that, like this enchanting creature, not everything is as it seems.
My Soul to Keep by jacyevans, Jmeelee 18k words, T
Stiles came with a whiteboard, and blue dry erase marker, flapping it over his head like a white flag on a battlefield. "Come on," he coaxed. "You must want to say something. You've never gone this long without telling me to shut up." He waggled the marker in Derek's face. Stinging alcohol and pungent polymer singed Derek's nose hairs. His fingers itched to pick up the board, and not because he wanted to tell Stiles to be quiet. He enjoyed the babble that filled the apartment every few days, the hearty food, Stiles' particular, reassuring smell: maple sugar buzz, spicy-sweet deodorant, milk-sour frustration, floral shampoo, and spring grass at night. It soaked into Derek's couch, his bed, his skull. If any of it were real, Derek would take the board and write: thank you.
A Functioning Adult’s Field Guide to Enemies With Benefits by BisexualGoblin (LadyBoBo) 31k words, E
The six years Stiles was away for college, he certainly missed a lot—namely the whole best friend turned into a werewolf thing. But he didn’t think he missed enough to get replaced by a douche bag like Derek Hale. Now with Scott’s wedding looming, it’s the perfect chance for Stiles to show Derek who the real brains of the operation is. If only he could stop jumping into bed with him…
Let's build a beehive by GreyHaven 25k words, G
Ten years after he last saw Derek, Stiles' life is in ruins and he has nowhere else to turn. He has Derek's address but will he be welcomed? A post canon AU about healing, growth, acceptance, and love.
Handstands For You by Fenris13 15k words, E
"No, really, you don't have to—!" Stiles hisses, flinching as Derek rubs soap with needless intensity into the cut. "Shut up and keep still," Derek growls back. Stiles whines in response, squirming in Derek’s grip but otherwise following the order. Stupid werewolves and their stupid regeneratey-healy powers. It’s not Stiles’ fault that he’s wimpy and human, so when he gets thrown down a flight of stairs and through a rotten wooden wall by lake monsters, he still remembers it the next morning.
Shaking the wings of their terrible youths by Daisyapples 29k words, N/r
Stiles didn't expect much when he stopped a stranger being attacked in an alleyway. He didn't expect the wolf following him around New York, didn't expect the help when he was sick, didn't expect the psycho blond attacking him, or the place to stay. He didn't expect the new family. Oh, and he definitely didn't expect werewolves.
Dear Fellow Traveler by lanalua (this is me!) 32k words, M
Years after shit went down in Beacon Hills a traumatized Stiles is dating Lydia and living in New York, trying to avoid and get over anything related to the supernatural. When he finally decides to go back to his hometown and face his fears, he will be lead down a path of self-discovery that will change the course he had set for his life. Stiles shook his head. It wasn’t that he didn’t believe Derek, it was just that he couldn’t. If he’d had magic the whole time, did it mean he could have been less useless back in highschool? Did it mean he could have helped, maybe kept Erica and Boyd alive? Kept Derek and Scott from leaving? It was too much. Guilt tore through his stomach like an arrow. He felt himself start to hyperventilate again.
As always, check the tags in individual fics to find out if they're right for you, and don't forget to leave the authors some love!
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Some ideas for if I were to rewrite helluva boss. (ugh another 1k word post. I either don't say shit or vomit words) Please ignore grammar mistakes, wrote this on my last hour of work at 10pm.
Was thinking about I would change HB if given the chance and these are my thoughts.
- Main location would be in on earth not hell. Having IMP navigating around human society would be more interesting as they tried to keep themselves hidden.
- This way they could have their harsh personalities and have extras still react strongly. (The amount of pearl clutching in the show makes no since given that 'its hell and demons are supposed to be good people.) It would likely take place in a town that's close to a larger city. Or just somewhere rural.
- Stolas, Moxxie and Luna would be human. Gonna explain working backwards.
- Luna would have the same backstory but she gets adopted earlier in life. She's raised by a demon, probably homeschooled, and picks up on Blitzo's mannerisms. Now she's getting older and wants to mingle with people now. The problem, humans aren't accepting of that behavior and she's an outcast. Most people in town openly avoud her. Her struggle with Blitzo is that despite him rasing her, she wonders what would have happened if he left her on the streets and maybe adopted and raised by other humans.
- Blitzo having her working in IMP to show her that people aren't actually all that great. But Luna has more of a problem faking good behavior. (Her relationship with Moxxie is better because he is teachering her about people. Luna will go to Moxxie for questions rather than Blitzo. He and Blitzo have a strain relationship due to this. Doesn't help that Bliz will make things up when he doesn't know, which will screw Luna over socially)
- Moxxie keeps his backstory but instead of the mob, he's born to a cultist family. Not like in S1E1, but a more large scale. His mother got in young and fell for one of the high ranking members. Overtime it got too much and when Moxxie is really young, his mother tries to leave. She is killed for this and Moxxie lives in fear. It is framed like an accident.
- The Millie shows up after being summon by Moxxie during a rite of passage ritual or something similar. Since he summoned her, he's the one that get to request something of her. He asks that everyone forgets he exists/thinks he died with his mother.
‐ The request is granted. But Moxxie has nothing to his name. The streets in the city are too harsh, so he stays in town, scared and keeping his head down. Maybe takes up odd jobs to stay afloat. Crimson comes in later, fining revords of Moxxie, and starts investing. Maybe he summons Striker.
- Stolas is the next leader of the cult. Handed sown from his father. Chosen blood or something. He summons a demon bride, Stella, to bring in the anti-christ. He goes along because he feels like he has no choice. But like Moxxie, he's wanted out for a long time.
- He happens upon Blitzo and is delighted to find that at least this demon is pleasant. Their relationship starts as just a break from things. Blitzo is still a low level demon. He shouldn't even be on earth. How he got there is a mystery, but he can't go back to hell. If anyone find out, then he's dead.
- Blitzo still has to eat (or maybe just feed Luna) and Stolas can't hide him, so he gives Blitze the magic book. Not to get from hell and back, but to trasport himself around earth. His clients contact him online or through the phone. Moxxie joins in cuz he's getting desperate. Millie's been working within the cult since being summon by Moxxie. She enjoys his companyso they stick together and grow close. She gives him a sense of safety, and he's teaching her about humans. She becomes softer overtime because of it.
- Moxxie would be more sensitive to killing, so hewouldbe the one to use the book, he's more trained in magic anyway, and would stay in the office to transport everyone.
- Luna uses traveling around to get practice interacting with people. She doesn't have to see them everyday, so failing has less of a sting and lingering embarrassment.
- Octavia is half demon, half human. She's a teen whose confused on what to do with herself. Stella is ruling a section of hell, she doesn't have the time to be a parent or the interest. For the first time Stolas feels like he can connect with someone of his family without all the expectation. He teaches her about the cult, but make time for nicer things. He teaches her about life.
- Octavia is conflicted about her role in the cult. She's part demon but isn't taught their cruelty. She feels isolated and sufficated. Then by one chance outing she meets Luna. Some who understand. Someone to open up too.
- I'm not sure how Stolas and Blitzo's romantic relationship would develop, but I like the idea of them being less hesitant about it when their daughters become friends.
- Blitzo is hiding on earth because of a huge messup. Maybe something that injuries Fizz, gets his mother killed, and gets Barb to hate him. But unlike the show he is fully at fault. There's no way to apologize or take it back.
( Maybe he tries to take a stash of souls/their energy to make himself more powerful cuz he's tired of being at the bottom. But it goes wrong and they get released. They end up in heaven, tipping the scales and setting hell back centuries. Satan himself wants to throw Blitzo into the void.
It could be why they cult is so important. The more it grows, the more souls willfully signing themselves over to hell. If it goes wrong Stella has a lit to lose. If she finds him, and Stolas, things will get ugly. But they can't leave the town. Maybe something about concentrated demonic energy that lower level demons need to survive. The cult and its mass of demons us enough for IMP to be around but it doesn't stretch that far.)
- Ozzie (and Fizz), Beelzebub, Mammon and the other Sins appear when IMP need to do work in other locations, near hotbeds of other cults or demonic activities.
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tea-moon-ster · 2 years
From a goalie to another
Okay so I love Leo and Kasey as separate characters but also...their friendship makes me so happy.
So, here's the first of two parts in which one helps the other in times of struggle, because life is hard but it helps to have friends.
Just two goalies being there for each other in times of struggle.
When practice is about to start, Leo overhears Kasey discussing on the phone with Alex, both stressed for the long distance. Leo is there to listen and help Kasey.
Edit: I read it again some time after publishing it and realized it was written oh so badly. I made a few adjustments, corrected some mistakes, but the plot is untouched.
Context: in between the first chapters of Vaincre. If you haven’t read them yet, you could find spoilers.
This is set somewhere in the first months of the Vaincre season, when Alex is still in Tampa and Logan in Gryffindor. This means that while Kasey is already experiencing a long-distance relationship, Leo isn't. But it doesn't stop him from being the most wholesome friend Kasey could ask. God, I love their friendship.
this universe and characters belong to the wonderful @lumosinlove
Leo welcomed the hot air at the entrance of the rink with a pleased hum.
Logan, at his side, snorted, just like had while they were getting out of the apartment that morning, he in a jeans jacket while Leo in a heavy patted one, complete with hat and scarf. Soleil, it’s October. Leo elbowed him lightly as they walked. At his left, Finn checked the time his phone and nodded.
“Alright, Baby Butter, we’re going to the locker room, you have fun with Bliz. You’ll be done when we are, yeah?”
Leo nodded, pointedly ignoring Logan’s attempts to tickle him, and effortlessly blocking him with an arm. “Yeah, should be. Y’all have fun on the ice.” After two quick kisses on the lips, they parted ways.
On rare occasions, goalies could do land-only practice, that left them off the ice. Leo didn’t mind them much, to be honest. For a start, he didn’t have to bring the huge bag with him, instead only a light backpack with the essentials. And he liked when it was just him and Kasey. They’d bonded a lot during land exercises, and they had fun. Practice on the ice was usually pretty solitary, and he was used to that, he was fine with that -it came with the job description, really- but land-only’s were a welcome change, those rare times it happened.
As he walked in the direction of the practice rooms, he could see the lights of the stretching room already on. Leo stopped with the hand already on the door, hearing a hushed Kasey discussing on the phone with someone.
“I’m not telling you not to come, Alex” Leo heard him sigh, voice low and coming padded though the wall. His brows furrowed. Had he walked into a discussion? Should he leave?
He could hear Bliz walking fast up and down, a quick back and forth between him and, well, Alex, apparently.
Even more than Kasey discussing, it was surprising that it was with Alex. Leo had only met him a handful of times, but from what he’d seen and heard from Finn and Logan, he was the most laid-back guy on earth. Easy-going, always with a smile or grin on his face. It was just hard to picture the two of them, relatively calm and peaceful guys, fighting. But now Kasey’s voice was coming stronger through the door, if not in anger, in exasperation.
“I’m just saying, take care of yourself first! I need you to feel better, to rest a bit.”
Leo heard some quick response on coming from other end of the line, but he couldn’t make out the words.
“Of course, seeing you makes me feel better, but I’m worried here!” Leo was taken aback by the rising irritation in Kasey’s voice. He never lost his quiet, chill attitude. “No, listen to me. You said your ankle’s bugging you and that your coach increased practice. You have a game next week. You’re not getting any sleep at all. Right, you think I don’t notice that you reply to messages in the middle of the night?” he scoffed. “And you wanna come here after tomorrow’s evening practice only to leave the following afternoon? How is that resting?” There were a few beats of stillness. “Alex, it’s not about my- it’s different! You know it’s different, I’ve got my thigh under control, I told you.” A reply, a scoff. “So that’s what you think?”
Kasey remained silent for a bit, listening to the boy on the other end of the line. He then let out a tired sigh, arresting his incessant strolling. When he spoke, he sounded calmer than before. Sadder, exhausted. “No- don’t be like that, babe. I want you here with us every day. You know it. I- Nat and I are coming at the end of the month, yeah? There’s that. That’s a promise, Redberry.” He sighed again, and Leo could just picture a hand going through his hair. “Just…don’t shut off when I can’t reach you. Please.” There was a short pause. “Okay, have a good practice. Dinner on facetime tonight? Oh, you’re out. Well, text us. Love you. Lots. Bye.”
When he heard the hangup sound, Leo realized guiltily he’d been listening for a good few minutes behind the closed door. He half-expected Bliz to say I know you’re there, rookie anytime soon, because he had jedi senses like that.
But not a sound came out.
Leo decided to wait before going in, just to give Kasey a minute to himself. He almost slammed the door open when he heard a single sob, and a sniff, but he stayed put. It took him all his self-control, but he knew that entering while Kasey was at his most vulnerable point would only make things harder for him. So, Leo waited.
A trembling attempt at a deep breath came out, and then another. When they grew steadier, Leo opened the door.
Kasey was stretching his legs on the floor, his eyes lost in the mirror-wall in front of them. He wasn’t like Finn, whose face turned as red as his hair when he cried, the corners of his mouth going down, nor like Logan, with rimmed eyes and a light, involuntary pout. Kasey was silent most of the time, his face never an open book, but rather a barrier that very few could pass to actually read him. With no small amount of pride, Leo realized that, after a year of one-to-one bonding, he was one of the few able to read the Blizzard. He loved how close they’d gotten, the older goalie being a model for him on and off the ice. But maybe that’s where the issue was.
Everyone saw Kasey as a strong, put-together player. An impenetrable barrier on the ice, and a pretty chill guy in general. He never snapped, or got mad, and while he never took shit from anyone, he rarely showed raw emotions to the team. Oh, and the team. Kasey was one of the Lions who’d been in the team the longest, so it was easy to frame him as a point of support, a model. It rarely came to mind that he was only a few years older than the Cubs, or Cap and Loops. But there he was- a tired and lost young man who didn’t know where to lean.
Kasey tilted his head in a nod, not bothering with the genuine, half-smile he always gave Leo. He looked more tired than any twenty-eight years old should look like. For this reason, the calm, inscrutable face that met Leo in the mirror-wall wasn’t enough to make him stop worrying.
Leo sent a small smile as he took the usual place on the mat next to him. He began his stretches in silence, bringing his hands to the toes with no struggle. Kasey looked distracted, though, staring right in front of him with tired, vacant eyes. Leo could almost hear the existential crisis going on inside his head. Okay, Knut. This calls for a gentle intervention. Let him come to you at his own terms.
He knew small talk wouldn’t help, just like waiting for him to bring the discussion up all by himself, with no prompt, was useless. With Kasey, the utter, simple truth was always the best approach, without forgetting to be delicate. He cleared his throat, looking for his gaze on the mirror, but the other boy was still lost in his thoughts. “Bliz” he called gently.
At the name, Kasey’s eyes quickly moved on him, suddenly focused like he was a puck near his nest, the shield immediately back on. Leo took a deep breath. He could to this. He’d help his friend. “I…was about to come in, a few minutes ago, but I heard you were on the phone with Alex” he said, as delicate as he could. “I didn’t want to interrupt, so I waited for a bit.”
Kasey sighed heavily. His eyes went to the floor as he hugged his legs and brought the chin on his knees. His voice came out as a whisper. “How much did you hear?”
Leo took a second to respond, not wanting to sound indelicate. “That you’re worried for him.” He’d heard more, but he needed Kasey to open up on his own in order to help him.  He wanted to hear his own words, for his friend Leo, and not for his boyfriend Alex.
Kasey nodded. “He’s very stressed. He’s all alone in Tampa, far away, and when you need your loved ones to recharge, like he does, but they’re on the other side of the country…he just gets more stressed, more frustrated. So, he doesn’t sleep well, and he’s overworking, and he’s just trying to come and see us.”
“But you’re worried that’d leave him even more tired, and that would lead to more stress.”
Bliz nodded gratefully, pointing at Leo with a hand. “Yes, thank you. Is it so hard to understand? I don’t want that for him. He’s willing to come here and stay less than twenty-four hours, but that’s not a healthy rhythm. He sees it as me pushing him away, but I really just want him to be okay.” Leo just nodded encouragingly. “And he…he...I dunno, he’s getting little to no sleep, and that’s dangerous not only during practice, but…” he sighed, passing a hand on his face. “He has to drive everywhere, dunno, I’m just scared he’s gonna get hurt.”
Leo’s heart clenched. “Bliz…”
Kasey laughed humorlessly. “And what am I supposed to tell him? Hey, just don’t be stressed? Don’t miss us?” He shook his head. “He’s a lot like Finn. They need their people.”
Leo nodded, not needing further explanation for that. Finn was a people person, and while Logan and Leo could recharge and relax on their own just fine, Finn had to have some company. Of course, nobody did well alone for long periods of time, and they all loved to spend time together -they’d grown so accustomed to spending every day together that it would have been strange not to- but with Finn it was different: he became restless, unable to relax, until he got some good quality time with them, or friends. Or Alex.
“Nat and I try, we really do. Facetime, texting, sending packages, letters…anything to make it bearable. But it’s never enough.” He sniffed, bringing a hand to quickly wipe off the tears. Leo reached Kasey’s back with his hand, moving it up and down in a soothing rhythm. The left unsaid I’m not enough hung heavily in the room.
“Kasey” he said softly, “It is enough. He knows you and Nat love him. And you know he loves you.”
“I just want him here” was the pained answer. “I’ve been missing him for so long. So, so long. And now that we…it’s even harder.” He was fully sobbing now. Short, unsteady sobs shaking his broad shoulders. But with his back curved and his arms around his knees, he looked half his size, and much frailer.
“Alex is good at hiding it,” he continued. “Always sounds so optimistic, so confident. By now I know it’s a façade, but he usually manages to deal well with distance, stress and all. So, if he’s…snapping, not sleeping, shutting off, booking plane tickets…I just know he’s not doing okay, and I don’t know how to help him, because he needs us, but I’m not there.”
Leo didn’t say anything, allowing Kasey to let out all the stress and pain that he’d been carrying for who knew how long. He gently stroked his quivering back in small circles, and at one point Kasey slowly turned to lean on him, and they just stayed on the mat, shoulder against shoulder, waiting for the storm to pass. When Bliz regained his breath and the tears stopped, he quietly sat up straight, wiping his damp cheeks.
“Okay” Leo said softly, thinking carefully on what to say next. Kasey had never been so vulnerable in front of him. Leo knew for a fact he didn’t like to feel exposed, and now there they were, sat on a mat, with Kasey hurting, and showing it. He needed all the comfort Leo could provide.
“Bliz” he called gently. “You’re okay, yeah? Thank you for telling me all this. Alex is not mad at you, he’s just stressed, like you said. But so are you, so we need to take care of you, too. If that’s what you want for him, that’s what he wants for you.” He waited for the other goalie to nod before continuing. “Here’s what we’re gonna do. You’re going to wash your face and then we’re gonna do some nice stretches to release the tension, maybe some yoga. We do an easy, short practice and call it a day. Then you go home and take a nice, warm bath. I know that Nat has bath bombs, and those things are fucking great.” That brought a small smile to Kase’s face. “You get a good cuddle when Nat gets home and you can talk to her about it, yeah? I bet it’s been bugging her, too.” Kasey nodded again. “I’m telling Finn to call Alex in the afternoon. They usually tone each other down. He won’t mention your call, just some nice chat, and he’ll feel better. And when you feel like it, you can explain to him what you just told me.”
Kasey sniffed. “Yeah, we do that”, he agreed. “Thanks, Leo.” Leo was so taken aback from hearing his own name and not rookie, baby rookie, knutty, that he just nodded.
Kasey pinched the bridge of his nose, blinking a few times. “Ugh, guess I’ve been holding that for a bit.”
Leo made a noncommittal noise. “Probably. But Bliz, it doesn’t have to come to this point, you know? You can always talk to me, to Heather, to anyone you feel comfy with. I really don’t mind.”
That’s when Kasey gave him one true, both-corners-of-his-mouth-lifted smile. He patted his shoulder, looking at him softly. “I know you don’t, Knutty. Thank you, really.”
“No prob.”
After that, they followed Leo’s plan. Kasey went to the bathroom to freshen up a bit, and in the meantime, Leo set one of their favorite yoga videos on his phone -perfect for releasing the tension before a game. They later focused on their reflexes and catches, most exercises quite effortless, with a comfortable silence stretching between them. At the end of practice, with bags over their shoulders and jackets on, Kasey thanked Leo once more.
“Sorry I just…broke down on you.” Leo was already shaking his head, mouth open to argue that he didn’t need to apologise. But Kasey raised a hand, stopping him. “And thanks, really. I’ll see you tomorrow, baby goalie” he said, giving him a side hug. But then he didn’t leave. He just stared intensely at his shoes, opening and closing his mouth a few times. He didn’t say anything for a minute, but by now Leo knew better than to push him.
“It’s just…getting harder. In more ways than one” he whispered, voice low as if saying it just a bit louder would feel too real. “And god, my injury just won’t…” he shook his head. “I feel so old saying this, but…I dunno- hockey used to be everything- in a sense, it still is, but…I feel like it’s starting to get in the way of other things.”
Leo distinctly heard every one of the million little cracks his heart broke into at those words. He couldn’t possibly relate, not at twenty, at the beginning of his career, with all the energy and the will to show the league what he got. But he couldn’t imagine hockey without Bliz, not anymore. Their practices, their long talks, all the advice. He wasn’t quite ready.
“Don’t make that face, Knutty. I’m not leaving you all alone in the big nasty nest. Okay?” Kasey looked for his eyes, and Leo nodded, reassured. “It’s just a feeling. I…don’t tell anything to the others, yeah?” Leo raised an eyebrow. “I promise I’ll think about it. About everything. I just need some time.”
Leo threw him a mock warning glare. “Yeah, you do that. You take care.” He glanced at the clock in the hallway and took a seat on one of the chairs against the wall. “I’ll wait for the two hooligans to finish practice. You go home and relax.” Kasey nodded, and with a final pat on his shoulder, he turned to leave.
Leo bit his lip, watching Kasey’s figure walking slowly towards the exit.
“Kasey” he called again, making the other turn his head back. “You…you’re not old, okay? It’s not that, God no. People just change priorities, and that’s normal and that’s fine. Whether you stop now, or in ten years…you’ll forever be the Blizzard.” At that, Kasey sent him a warm smile, bushing a bit as he chewed the inside of his cheek. Then Leo raised an eyebrow, and with a much solemn expression, he said “Remember that I once made a cheddar statue of you.”
That had been one wonderful, embarrassing confession that had come out of one of their long conversations during practice. Kasey had been delighted at the idea of a fourteen-year-old Leo sculpting his pads with a fork.
Kasey snorted, tilting his head to a side. “One day, baby rookie” he said sagely, “You’ll be here, at my place, and someone will make cheddar statues of you.” Leo grinned, thinking how hard it would have been to explain that sentence if someone walked into the hallway in that moment.
“But not for now!” Bliz called from the end of the hallway, making Leo laugh and shake his head.
He could work with that.
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clonehub · 6 months
the first time Bliz flirted with Kiki it was an accident. bliz was sooo embarassed, he didn't mean to come across flirtatious but kiki just let it pass, her exact words being "I didnt say i was mad, commander" which like you know if delivered normally sounds normal and she DID say it normal But LIke--
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Hi hey hello! First off want to say thank you for the Soulbonding carrd and all the info it provides, we've found it helpful.
We're questioning a potential recent addition to our (pre-existing) collective, we think they might be a soulbond, but we're not entirely sure (the other possibility is that they could be an introject/fictive, but we've never had one before so we really don't know) Either way, they feel - for lack of a better word - quite different from any other headmate we have.
We're curious if you would mind sharing a bit about your own soulbonds (how they formed, or how they 'feel' internally, or anthing you're willing to share, really)? Our most recent post is about it, too.
We're just floundering a bit trying to understand
- Royal & Cassian
Ahh, thanks! I'm glad the carrd has helped y'all out! :3
For most of my soulbonds, they happened randomly- and I didn't really get much of a feeling (or at least a noticeable one) before they appeared in headspace. Normally it happens after I daydream about them, but not all of my headmates are paras (the characters someone daydreams about) of mine.
However, with one of my more recent bonds, I got a strong feeling before winter bonded/formed. It was very interesting and was the first time I've had a heads-up before a bond was going to happen- but basically there was a blizzard (this person happens to be intrinsically tied to them) and well I had a strong feeling that bliz was going to bond with me. It felt inevitable, but I had to figure out what sno was actually like before sno could actually come into our headspace. It is kind of hard to describe, but it was like an intuition thing-
As for how they feel internally, maybe they feel like they have less of a connection with the body? But that could also be because my non soulbond headmates are slightly more median with me and we all look like the body somewhat.
(Sorry for the late response btw, we've been focused on other things lately)
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uraosol · 4 months
also can I just say or add to that one post talking about how Bliz WANTED TO ACTUALLY FIGHT STOLAS rather than have that conversation.
Like he's used to going into fight mode, he rather brawl about things and he's used to the other party fighting back and attacking with the same energy (Verosika) so I really think he expected Stolas to fight back so he was actually truly surprised to see that "Wait...fck...I actually hurt him" like.....he STILL thinks Stolas is this untouchable being, VERY FCKN POWERFUL who can destroy him and he was sooo fckn ready for it but Stolas instead further showed him his vulnerable side and told him that "I think so highly of you, I didn't know you thought so lowly of me" like Stolas is soooo different to the type of people Blitz has had to interact with, Stolas continues to surprise him and he fcks it up along the way because he's not used to beings who are at a higher position than him being vulnerable and empathetic. Like I said before, Blitz is sooo stuck on the mask Stolas presented to him from the moment they reunited and won't accept that Stolas is not that mask and is baring his heart to him and Blitz just whacks it and states it's fake cause how could someone like Stolas actually have feelings for him?? How can SOMEONE like STOLAS WHO IS THIS POWERFUL BEING ACTUALLY BE AFFECTED BY SOMEONE LIKE BLITZ, WHO IS JUST AN IMP??? (not my words ofc) LIKE FCCCCKKK I FCKN LOVE THESE TWO MESS OF DEMONS F CK
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blizzardmagic · 3 months
Can we talk about the fact that Skizz is ridiculously good at aiming things. He and Impulse have shared so many stories where Skizz is like, “there was no chance I was gonna hit it” and he just does. For example: the podcast where they shared dumb things they did. Skizz thought there was no way he could possibly hit the lamppost with a rock. He was only gonna throw one rock and there was no way. But he hit it. In the one about collaborative moments, he decided to shoot Impulse with a bow when Impulse was falling at high velocity, and he thought he wouldn’t hit him, but he did. This is crazy. Is there a video of him doing irl archery or axe throwing or something because there is no doubt in my mind that he would be good at it.
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afrostysystem · 2 months
I am a sort of system, or at least, that’s the word I’ve decided to use for whatever is going on in my brain. I consider everyone to be a part of an overall “me” and we are not very disassociated. This began more as a way to organize my brain, and has developed into a system. We are capable of what we call “pulling” certain aspects to the surface of our mind, somewhat on command, which may be a bit odd. Idfk just please don’t come after us saying that we are not a system because of anything here unless you genuinely feel that there is a better, not derogatory, word or label for our existence.
So. Now that we got that out of the way, welcome! My main blog is @blizzardmagic, and this is an ask blog where we can all react to different things and you can ask about random things and see what we think. I don’t know if this is gonna gain any traction, but I thought it’d be fun. You can throw whatever you want in the ask box, especially art, anything relating to our interests, and questions about who we are. I will update this with guidelines as we progress, but for now, I would just like to avoid NSFW and politics outside of what I reblog on my main. Generally, if you see something there, it’s safe to talk about here.
This post is getting long, hold on a moment. Everyone is introduced below the cut!
Time to introduce everyone!
Helium (She/They) - Calm motherly figure (I am aware that my naming schemes don’t make sense. Please ask about it.)
Snowflake (She/They/He) - Quietly insane child
Luna (She/They) - Flirty, queen, probs a bit toxic (there’s a reason the rest of us exist. We balance.)
Barium (He/They) - Sad. Pessimistic.
Arsenic (He/they) - He a salty boi. Also very pessimistic
Iron (He/They/She) - Wants to be able to control everything. Can’t.
Oxygen (They/Them) - Literally the brain manifestation of my ADHD
Phosphorus (They/She) - Anxiety.
The butterflies (She/They) - Cute, shy, controls romantic and platonic love. Sometimes they feel like a bunch of butterflies, sometimes she feels like a young girl. Never know.
Jade (He/Him) - The part of me that is a bi man
Sulfur (They/He) - Blames themself for everything, consequently tries to blame us, as Bliz, for everything
Enthusiastic Calculator (They/Them) - Logics everything. You ask a rhetorical question? They will come up with an answer. You probably shouldn’t trust it without verification.
Vanadium (any) - Competitive
Thorium (It/any) - Is probably a furry or therian but we’re not familiar enough with that community to properly determine this
Nightshade (She/they) - Vengeful, forceful, probably an arsonist
There’s also Mel who is the source of the Xse/Xsem/Xseir pronoun but xse doesn’t show up much lately
Anyways, most of us have Spotify playlists you can ask about and you should look at the main blog and ask us stuff!
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lollybliz · 1 year
Hello! Can I ask for advice as a fellow librarian? I don't know what to do anymore
You can certainly try! I can't promise I'll have a good answer, but I can give it a shot ^^
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thatlovinfeelin · 2 years
Eye Of The Storm -one- Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw
Baby Kazansky OC X Rooster
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Molly was back in San Diego for her last spring break. Her two girl friends from college wanted to experience life outside of a military base, especially after a few videos of young Naval aviators went viral a few months back. The whole flight they wouldn’t shut up about finding a hot shot flyboy to have fun with for the week.
Molly was just excited to be home and see her family. The heat and the ocean wouldn’t be a bad thing either. Going to college all the way on the other side of the country in Connecticut was hard for her. She was exceptionally close to her family, but maybe that’s what made her go all the way to UConn. Just so she could breathe a little for once.
“C’mon Moll! You have to know where all of the guys are hiding!” Her friend Bethany nudged her from the backseat.
“Girls, there’s a lot more to Fightertown than the men,” Molly laughed, “But, the best bar in town is swarming. So, you’ll have your pick.”
“You are a goddess Molly!” Erika, the other cheered, “Booze and men.”
“Yeah, just try to keep it to a minimum, please. Last thing I need is word spreading that the youngest daughter of the Commander of the Fleet and all of her friends are working their way through a whole fighter squadron.”
“Hear that E? Mom wants us to behave,” Bethany pouted.
“For my sake, yes, I do want you to behave,” Molly laughed, “I told the folks that we were stopping off at the Hard Deck before we came on in.”
“What’s that?” Erika questioned.
“Ladies, that’s the bar. Not only do I want a hefty drink, but an old friend bought the place,” Molly had a sly smile as she turned down a familiar road, her old pickup jostling in the gravel, “Ah, looks like the party already started.”
The outside of the bar was swarming with Naval personnel, all in uniform like they’d just come from the base. Molly couldn’t help but smile, this was home. She wasn’t sure when she was last here. There was the internship last summer, so she didn’t come home then, and they came to her over the holidays.
Molly had to stop herself from running right through the front door. She grew up coming here, even if this would be her first time back since she turned twenty-one. She used to sip on lemonade at the bar while her dad played darts and pool with all of his coworkers. Sometimes there were other kids with her, so she wasn’t alone. Other times, she learned how to entertain herself.
“You have two hours,” Molly warned the other two girls, “Don’t make me drag both of you out.”
“Yeah yeah Mother Bliz,” Erika waved her off, “I’m going for a beer.”
Moments after, the three young women went their separate ways, all disappearing into the crowd. Molly found herself leaning against the half wall by the pool tables. Two shots and a beer was all it took to loosen her up, allow her to sway slightly to the music. The bar buzzed around her, filling her with a sort of energy that she missed. Every now and again, Penny Benjamin would glance her way, making sure Molly was still doing alright.
It seemed strange that Penny owned the place now, but it also seemed utterly right. She couldn’t remember a time that she saw Penny so relaxed and happy.
“Well, haven’t seen you before,” A man leaned next to Molly, a shit eating grin spread across his face.
“For good reason,” Molly replied, not wanting to play this game with anyone tonight, “I go to school in Connecticut.”
“Well, I bet you need someone to warm you up after freezing out there, don’t you?”
“Can’t say I do,” She bit back, “I think I do just fine by myself.”
He moved closer to her, causing her to step back, running into an empty table. She searched for Beth or Erika, hoping they might get this guy off of her, but they were happily busy playing darts with a couple of men. Penny was busy serving, so she couldn’t help either.
“A pretty girl like you shouldn’t be alone, now should she?”
“Look, you don’t want to go down this road, I promise,” She swore, “Walk away.”
She hated telling people who her father was. Sometimes it egged them on, they wanted the challenge of her, the danger she came with. Other times, it made them run for the hills. But she felt like in this case, it would only egg this guy on.
He moved closer, further crowding into her space.She was used to things like this happening, she lived in a college town with a lot of hot shot athletes. But something about the man before her scared the shit out of her, like she somehow knew she wouldn’t be able to get away from this.
“Hey man, she said to leave her alone,” Another, taller, man spoke, grabbing the shoulder of the guy in front of her, “Take a walk before you have the bell rung.”
Molly let out a deep breath, sinking back into the wall behind her. The man that now stood before her looked older, kinder even. Something about him seemed familiar too, almost like the smell of the ocean just outside, or the sound of jets flying overhead.
“Are you okay?” The man asked her.
“Uh, yeah, thanks,” She responded, taking note of now the man seemed to tower over her, “Sometimes I forget how pushy some of you guys are. Which is odd, considering I’ve seen it my whole life.”
“I assume you grew up around a base then?” He asked, taking a sip of his beer.
She felt oddly comfortable next to him, like standing next to a warm fire in the middle of a winter blizzard, “Right down the street actually. This place is like a second home.”
“Well, that makes two of us,” He laughed, “I’m Brad.”
“Molly,” She replied, shaking his outstretched hand, “Nice to meet you. And uh, thanks for stepping in. If he got any closer, I might’ve had to make sure he couldn’t sit down for a while.”
He let out a laugh, his brown eyes seeming to twinkle in the dim light, “I don’t doubt that you could. Can I get you another beer?”
“Uh, no I’m good thank you,” She replied, shaking her still half full bottle, “Besides, I need to reign in those two over there by the dartboard. Can’t leave them behind.”
Brad cracked another smile, “Those guys are harmless, for the most part, I work with them. But, c’mon I’ll help.”
“Oh no, that’s okay, I can manage,” She laughed, “I’m a lot tougher than I look. They like to tell me that I have ice in my veins.”
He hummed, taking a step back, “Somehow I doubt that. But it was nice to meet you, Molly.”
“You too Brad,” She couldn’t help but smirk, taking one more good look at the man, “Take it easy on base.”
He watched as she walked away, her sundress bouncing as she did. Bradley didn’t normally look for girls when everyone went to the Hard Deck. Normally he just wanted to drink, shoot pool, and hang out with the rest of the crew. But something about the girl in the corner with russet hair and wild eyes made him stop.
She glanced over her shoulder once she made it to the other two women, not surprised to find Brad right where she left him. She couldn’t help but smirk as he winked at her. She knew she looked older thanks to the five pounds of makeup Erika caked on before they left their hotel in Los Angeles, but she was often mistaken for someone in their mid twenties, not the twenty-one year old that she was. Tonight, maybe that wasn’t such a bad thing.
Beth leaned into Molly, “Maybe you found yourself someone.”
Molly laughed, elbowing her friend, “No. But damn, even with the porn stache he’s hot as hell.”
“Girl, live a little for once. Have some fun. It’s not like you’ll see him again.”
Molly drank the rest of her beer, closing her eyes for a moment. The old 80’s rock flooded her senses, putting her at such peace. She realized how much she missed being home. How much she missed the atmosphere of this place. She missed feeling like she just could lift off and fly away with the jets overhead.
Molly Kazansky was home after years of being away. And she couldn’t have been happier.
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kitchenisking · 2 years
Fic Rec😁
What Desperate Times Call For by bi_leigh_bi - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 6870, sterek)
Stiles could have stayed on campus, he might have been safe there. But his pack is in danger and he won't leave them alone to face it. Derek's forced to make a choice he never wanted to.
Instinct and Habit by xxjinchuurikixx - (Rating: Mature, Words: 3488, sterek)
Derek takes a step closer, and Stiles turns towards him, tilting his head up. “Alright, be safe. We’ll be back soon.” “Kay,” Stiles says, and Derek puts a hand on his waist and kisses Stiles soundly on the mouth.
* Derek and Stiles share an accidental kiss that brings the years of obliviousness into perspective.
Fairy Wings and Beastly Tails by Bliz, PalenDrome (nerdherderette) - (Rating: T, Words: 8300, sterek)
The prince knows it’s risky. He thinks about how he could manage without his wings; what his life would be like without flying or the ability to do spells. He thinks about his father and Scott, and all the others he’d leave behind if he fails. But then he thinks about the creature and the sadness in those green eyes, and how the image haunts his dreams.
“I’ll do it,” he says as the Oak Witch’s grin grows wide.
It's hot inside, baby by TheBeastsWrite (orphan_account) - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 949, sterek)
PROMPT: pregnancy/impregnation/breeding kink? with knotting? maybe heats? a/b/o or pack dynamics? whatever you want :p
How (Not) to Court a Spark by Michicant123, wanderingeyre - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 15648, sterek)
Derek spent the past three months planning, agonizing, and coming to a conclusion. His mom was progressive about many things but she was a traditionalist about courting. She drilled it into all of her children that finding someone you could imagine standing beside in a dangerous world was a precious discovery, especially for an Alpha. Derek wants to make choices that would make his mother proud. It took him a long time to become an Alpha that was even a quarter of what his mother had been. So much of that was because Stiles never gave up on him.
It was time Derek courted Stiles Stilinski.
Your First by Simone (fvckyourfandoms - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 7278, sterek)
It's Stiles freshman year of college and he decides to rush a fraternity. He becomes Vice President Derek Hale's favorite pledge and they end up much closer than expected.
A story in which Derek can't keep his hands off of Stiles' sweet, irresistible, virgin ass and fails at not feeling him up.
lost shoes and pop tarts by wyrmwolf - (Rating: Mature, Words: 1549, sterek)
A grunt comes from the other line, “Stiles? Why are you calling at three in the morning?”
“I lost my shoes, but it’s ok I have a pop tart. The strawberry one, I love strawberry pop tarts.” Stiles giggles, stumbling over something and then straightening himself again.
To Have and to Hold by KouriArashi - (Rating: T, Words: 44203, sterek)
“Yes, well, you see . . .” Deucalion cleared his throat again. “In an effort for authenticity, the writer used an actual binding ceremony in the script. The casting director, wanting to make sure it was pronounced correctly, found an actual shaman to perform it. He did so.”
“You – you mean – are you saying that Derek and I are actually married?” Stiles managed to squeeze out of his rapidly closing throat.
trust by jesuisgrace - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 608, sterek)
“This is nothing like that, Derek. I bruise easy, okay? That’s it. You didn’t hurt me. I like a little pain. You’d never hurt me, I know that. But this?” He gestures to the bruises on his sides, the fingerprints on his arms, the scratches on his thighs. “I like having your marks on me.”
Don't Worry Baby by kalpurna - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 20276, sterek)
"You know you're allowed to ask for vanilla sex, right?" he says, afterwards. "We can do whatever you want. That's kind of the point."
Derek doesn't respond.
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fruitcoops · 3 years
hi lovely! i know we have seen a lot of the team with cap cuddles, but i was wondering if you'd maybe write another one where cap and loops are cuddling in front of the team and everyone that has experienced cap cuddles is just like reminiscing and being dramatic about how they "only got one chance and loops gets it everyday and how is that fair?" or something like that lol. thanks! and good luck with finals!
Thanks for the luck! They're (final)ly done now, so once the holidays are done there should be very little stress. SW credit goes to @lumosinlove <3
Remus stretched his arms over his head, then settled back into the cushions and relaxed beneath Sirius’ comforting weight. The knit of his pawprint sweater was soft; he hummed low as Remus rubbed along his spine, pressing into the touch.
Someone sighed heavily next to them. Remus didn’t bother opening his eyes. “Don’t even—”
“That used to be me, once,” Finn said with far more drama than the situation called for. Leo made a noise of acknowledgement where he had spilled himself over Finn’ lap, but didn’t look up from his phone.
“Drool,” Sirius mumbled, not twitching a muscle.
“One time.”
“The only time.”
“If anyone’s looking for last-minute birthday ideas for me…” Kasey trailed off with a significant glance in Sirius’ direction and Remus buried his nose in soft, inky curls. “Can’t call dibs forever, Loops.”
“Watch me.”
Talker stretched his legs all the way out over both Dumo and James’ laps; he let his head fall sideways and fixed Remus with the saddest, most kicked-puppy pout in the room. “I never got Cap cuddles,” he said pathetically, sliding his lower lip out even further. “Not even once.”
Sirius huffed and shuffled around to face the room, nearly kneeing Remus in the thigh before snuggling back into his chest. “Liar. You cuddled me for a full bus ride.”
Talker hesitated, then shook his head. “No, that was a ‘using you as a pillow’ situation. Cuddles implies more all-around contact, maybe a bit of spooning—”
“I rubbed your shoulder for, like, half an hour.”
“—so really I was jilted out of my cuddles and the fact that Harzy got more than me, your fiancé’s best friend—”
“I’m going back to sleep now.”
“—is a real tragedy. How would you feel if he cuddled Loops more than Pots did? Loops, you’re on my side here.”
Remus quirked an eyebrow. “That is a bold assumption, man.”
Finn looked between them in growing concern as Leo rested his head on his shoulder. “Is anyone else feeling very attacked right now? Cause like…ow.”
Sirius grumbled again, shoving his hands under Remus’ shoulder blades with more force than strictly necessary. He settled his hips between Remus’ thighs and rubbed up against the front of his sweater; Remus couldn’t see his expression, but he could guess that it was a beautiful mix of sleepy and cranky. He placed a kiss on his head before turning back to his phone. “First of all, you people drive me insane,” Sirius began. “Second, it’s not like I’m keeping cuddles hostage. You can get them whenever you want if you’re not weird about it. That can be revoked if you drool on me, O’Hara, but it can be regained with payment in cookies.”
Finn looked down at Leo and opened his mouth. “Are your two boyfriends not good enough?” Leo interrupted before he could say a word. Finn bit his lip, then gently kissed just above his eyebrow.
“Third, and most importantly—” Sirius paused to make sure everyone was listening. “—Loops gets first dibs.”
“Fuck yeah,” Remus whispered as the others groaned. “Fiancé privileges.”
“Pots gets second dibs.”
James whooped, pumping both hands in the air. He leaned over Talker’s legs for a crisp high-five, which Sirius happily obliged. “You get to be godfather for the next kid, just for that.”
“Capsicle,” Kasey drawled. “I thought we had something back at that bus stop.”
Remus kissed Sirius’ forehead. “Are you cheating on me with Bliz?”
“It was only once,” Sirius murmured into the bend of his shoulder.
Leo exhaled through his nose and set his phone down, flexing his feet where they hung over the armchair’s edge. “Really, y’all, I don’t get the hype around Cap cuddles. I’m the same height as him. Kuny’s buffer. It’s not like we smell bad, and you don’t have to fight Loops to get to us.”
Nado looked at him upside-down from his own chair, where Kuny was braiding a strand of his hair. “Nah, but we have to fight Tremzy to get to you, and he plays dirty.”
“I don’t fight,” Kuny offered. “Open arms for everyone. Just have to ask.”
Remus held back a comment about the glare Nado cast around the room at that; he certainly wasn’t in any position to poke fun. Sirius’ breaths were heavy and even on the sliver of collarbone not covered by his sweater and Remus smiled to himself, toying with the hair at the nape of his neck. Dead asleep in under three minutes. That was almost a new record.
“Actually…” Talker hesitated for a moment before raising his eyebrows. “You know what? Fuck Cap cuddles. I want Loops cuddles.”
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