#Blake was truly scary
dawnofiight · 2 months
The way I've met a David, Aaron, and Blake that just so happened to truly act like these mfers and I haven't pulled one is devastating news.
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hotyanderedaddies · 7 months
Blake Gives You a Valentine's Day Gift
[Yandere Bully]
[Here's a short oneshot with Blake which takes place before he claims you! And Happy Valentine's Day!]
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[Yandere! Bad Boy x GN! Nerdy Reader]
Valentine’s Day: the day for couples to express their love to one another.
Sometimes you felt a little annoyed about the over-commercialization of a holiday that was meant to celebrate love… but a little part of you also knew deep down that you said that because you were single on Valentine’s Day.
Sighing, you tried your best to ignore the scores of lovey dovey couples walking down the hallways of the crowded school. 
All you wanted to do was get home as soon as possible so that you could spend the night just lounging around in bed— binge watching tons of crappy reality TV shows while eating a whole box of parmesan Cheez-Its.
It sounded perfect!
Your locker door slammed shut, jolting you out of your envious stupor and making you jump back.
Standing there, his large hand placed onto the front of your locker door, was Blake: the ultimate school bully, and someone who you tried your hardest to avoid at all costs.
“Here,” Blake grunted as he forcefully shoved something at you.
“Wha—?” you wondered aloud as you examined the stuffed animal that had been thrusted into your hold. It was a classic teddy bear with a cute little red bow around its neck. You looked up at the bully with confused eyes.
A pinkish hue formed on Blake’s face and he averted his gaze from yours for a brief moment. 
“Happy Valentine’s Day,” he muttered.
Before you could say anything, Blake turned around and disappeared down the hallway, swallowed up in the crowd of other students.
You examined the teddy bear in your grasp, wondering why on earth Blake would give it to you of all people. You barely even spoke to the guy! Why would he want to give you a gift on Valentine’s Day?
You kept puzzling over it for the rest of the day, and even when you got home.
You placed the teddy bear on your desk in your bedroom, which was positioned across from your bed. You kept eying the teddy bear, still confused to no end. 
Blake was the scary school bully who never spoke to people, unless it was to tell them to fuck off. So why would he want to give you a Valentine’s Day present?
It made no sense to you at all.
But still, you couldn’t help but smile the tiniest bit that you had your very first Valentine’s Day gift from a guy… even if that guy was Blake.
Chuckling a little to yourself, you quietly muttered, “Happy Valentine’s Day, Blake” to the teddy bear before returning your attention back to the TV…
“Happy Valentine’s Day, Blake,” you said, your audio being caught perfectly by the hidden camera in the teddy bear.
Blake eagerly watched the video feed on his phone, staring hungrily at the image of you sprawled out on your bed. Even though you were clad in a hoodie and sweatpants, Blake was still rock hard as he imagined himself wrapped around your form, securing his arms and legs around you so that you couldn’t leave his side.
His heart raced faster when you said his name, and he grew desperate for you to say it again.
Buying that teddy bear with the hidden camera was the best idea he’s ever had, he truly felt. Now instead of having to wait all night and through the tortuous weekends to see you, Blake could get a glimpse of his darling any time he wanted.
Blake’s been madly in love with you ever since he first laid eyes on you.
He knew from that moment that you were made for him — meant to be his, and his alone.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, my love,” Blake whispered, his fingers caressing your image on the screen. “I love you so, so much. And I promise we’ll be together really soon.”
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howlingday · 7 months
Protecting Penny
Man on TV: (Loads shotgun) Stay away from my daughter!
Woman on TV: Daddy, no!
Penny: Haha! The overprotective dad with a shotgun is so old-school! Isn't it funny, Mama?
Blake: It is pretty silly.
Blake: (Thinking) Truly laughable. A shotgun wouldn't even ben necessary for me. Why use force when you can use enhanced interrogation methods to break them? All I would need is 10 minutes alone with any boy or girl who even thinks of trying to get close to Penny, and I'd be able to break their spirit and psyche much more effectively than any gun would harm their body. Perhaps a shotgun would even be merciful.
Jaune: It is funny, isn't it?
Jaune: (Thinking) Using a shotgun is so messy! I couldn't even imagine using something like that in this day and age... just think of all the cleaning you'd have to do after cleaning up the blast! Of course, for anyone who goes near Penny, a simple kitchen knife would do the trick. Swift, clean cuts are much better than such a loud and messy shotgun!.
Penny: ...
Penny: (Thinking) Mama and Papa are scary.
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krimreader · 2 years
“Yang looks sort of scary but isn’t.”
 Because Blake has met scary, has been together with scary, has even loved scary. Blake had stood by scary’s side for years, left her family for scary, thinking that��“yes, he’s scary, but not to me.” until he became scary to her, until he started plaguing her dreams and then came and tried to plague her life too, to turn it into a living nightmare.
 So when Blake says that Yang isn’t scary, it isn’t for lack of trying to find the scary. It’s because Blake has looked at Yang, truly looked at her for years now, has learned so much of what makes Yang Yang, and in all her searching she has never, not for once, found anything to be scared of. She looks at Yang, and she thinks “Yeah, she might look scary, but she’s the furthest thing from it.”
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the-descolada · 1 year
I spent like half of my drives today singing along to All That Matters and it got me THINKING about how well this whole scene in today's episode responded and developed everything from the middle of their relationship, when that song was summing it up.
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Especially for Yang, it's so fucking vindicating to see her having gone from what she clearly thought was a one-sided love for Blake, and feeling as though Blake running confirmed all her worst fears about trust and abandonment even after she came back...to now being still cautious, and nervous, but brave enough with Blake's support to be able to voice her own feelings.
And you can see it on her face! With the way she looks to be in disbelief looking down at Blake's lips before they kiss, as though she still can't believe this is really happening. She trusts Blake now wholly, and is able to lean into that, but I think there still was a part of her that was afraid that her romantic feelings weren't...um...worthy of her partner returning them - which makes sense, because it's pretty clear she has absolutely no romantic experience thus far herself (freezerburn divorce jokes notwithstanding)! Doing that for the first time and having to show her desires in a way that the Yang behind the facade of V1-3 party girl never actually had must have been really scary even if she was almost certain they'd be returned.
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And now here we are, with that worth being returned for BOTH of them!!
Blake obviously has gone from her own nervousness and doubt, not to mention the self hatred that Adam instilled in her, to realizing that she truly wanted Yang and that she didn't have to be scared of wanting that - and slowly gaining the confidence to know that she was ready for Yang to take that step on her own terms (although she clearly realized how nervous Yang was herself and took the initiative to make it feel safe for her to do so which makes me fucking melt).
All That Matters really clearly shows the groundwork laid for their relationship to recover and grow and now it has GROWN SO MUCH AND WE GOT BMBLB 2
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milogreer · 5 months
blake 🤗
rubs hands together like a supervillain. ↳ send me a character!
My first impression: BASTARD. i’ll kill you. get away from sunshine and bestie or i swear to god i’ll gut you like a fish you FREAK. etc LMAO i remember first listening to his confession audio and going to courtney like “he has been talking my fucking ear off for what feels like three hours!!!” 😭😭 he somehow managed to ride the line of annoying dickhead and actually scary villain and i absolutely couldn't stand him
My impression now: oh my god i have not been this brand of obsessed with a character in years. like. he is in my head CONSTANTLY, i’ve listened to the balance three times and i’m considering a fourth, i have at least two more rambles about him/bestie to post, he’s got the longest playlist out of all my redacted playlists. if he had merch i think i’d go broke. it’s brutal man i want him back so badly. i miss that freak.
A favorite thing: the devotion !!!! say what you will about his methods and i’ll likely agree with you but oh my god his devotion … to see the person you love the most die in your arms over and over again no matter what you do to change it and be so wrecked by it that you get involved with a cult trying to contact ancient gods for just the CHANCE to maybe save them. doing unimaginable things in your pursuit to keep them safe. to be so obsessively in love that it makes you delusionally cocky enough to look the god who just said they shaped your reality in the face and say “i’ll do whatever you need, as long as you save my love.” he's CRAZY
Least favorite thing: he is so fucking stupid LMFAO. like it’s a fantastic character trait to be so blinded to reality because he’s got tunnel vision but you can’t help but be like what the FUCK are you DOING when he does shit like dropping the ward to kill himself via shade so he can do exactly what brachium said not to. truly the guy in a horror movie you yell at for doing something so inconceivably stupid to push the plot forward and i wanna strangle him for it sometimes
Favorite line/scene: sigh … the last scene in “falling for your yandere childhood friend” … the switch on “i won’t be able to give you space” ?? COME ON. it made me sick on my first listen but now it makes me sick in the opposite direction 🫣 ughhh that scene is just so good because it’s really easy imo to go through this audio out of context of the balance overall and trick yourself into thinking like, oh, he’s just kind of a guy. aww. and then it switches and it’s like HUH?? “the things i think about you, how much i want you, it’s the stuff you’re not supposed to say out loud” + “if you pick this, it’ll be all of me - and we both know a lot of that’s not pretty” ?? oh it is so delicious.
Favorite interaction that character has with another: :modcheck: “looking for answers with your dreamwalker boyfriend” when he comes in to talk to elliott and sunshine 😫 i’m such a sucker for condescension and it just oozes out of him here. the patronizing little hums after “can i call you eli?” and “that deathwalker friend of yours really left you out to dry, huh?” and “but don’t worry. i’m sure he’s very proud of you.” >>>
A character that I wish that character would interact with more: I WANTED BRACHIUM TO BEAT HIM UP i’m so disappointed he didn’t get to feel brachium’s wrath bc he deserved to after putting sunshine and elliott through all that bullshit. i hope they face off again eventually somehow
A headcanon: when he turned 18 him and bestie went and got little tattoos out of one of those roulette/mystery egg machines. i haven’t decided what they got or where yet though because i’m too indecisive! he also has a snake tattoo like this :)
A song: I HAVE SO MANY. but the one that kicked off my blake obsession is explode by mother mother so it’ll always be one of the most important ones 💘
An unpopular opinion: kind of suggestive so i won’t Get Into It but i don’t think he’s as dominant as perhaps he would seem to be … i’ve been really back and forth on this though so don’t quote me here
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ourpickwickclub · 24 days
Is it just me or does anyone else find it weird that GR's "greatest hits" album is from songs that made the top 40? Like really, the top 40? I think most of the songs, other than the handful of number ones he had after teenage girls were reeling from Kurt Cobain's death and Nirvana's end, were near 40 or so. How sad that after 30 years you didn't even have enough top 5s, 10s, or even 20s to fill an album. Also, he put a Beatles song on their for some reason I still have yet to understand. What a cheeseball.
It’s even weirder to me is that he name his album after Blake’s 14 year old Greatest Hits, Loaded. What is this creepy, skin crawling addiction the exes have to copying them? It is truly scary.
But I agree with you, besides, the huge ick and the scariness, it is also pathetic.
- B
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ash5monster01 · 1 year
Lessons of You Part 6
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Pairing: Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw x FemReader
Warnings: Minors DNI, fluff, mentions of depression, smut, broken reader, 18+ (very smutty chapter 🫣) a/n: I fucking suck at smut so I apologize, just bear with me. also sorry this took forever, I’m a busy girl
Summary: Blake Parker was used to running. When life got hard, she’d run. The idea of sticking around to end up broken was scarier then she’d like to admit. So she hid away, cut all ties, and lived contently on her own. She was done running because no one could find her there. That is until a Navy Pilot runs into her life, and she learns allowing yourself to love can be scary, but hiding from it can be even worse.
word count: 2,996
Intro, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Final
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Spending the weekend with Bradley was better than Blake had ever imagined. He had done so much for her in their little time together, including reuniting her with her cousins. If she hadn’t had his multiple talks she never would’ve felt the push to stop being stubborn and text them. But now she had them back, and between that and a warm Bradley in her bed she realized how truly lonely she was before. Her and Bradley had only kissed but surprising herself she figured maybe soon she could see herself trying things with him. The only issue was he was one guy, one person she could love, when multiple people she loved lived on the other side of the country.
Monday morning Bradley was supposed to report back to base and continue training for the rest of the week. Yet no one had still successfully completed the course. He would never tell Blake that the mission seemed that unlikely. Just like he planned to slip out early in the morning and not wake her with some sappy goodbye. Yet as he should’ve predicted Blake awoke beside him, rolling over and curling her arms around his bare waist. “Be safe big B”
“I will, I promise” Bradley’s heart clenched around the words he wasn’t sure he could keep. His father couldn’t keep them so why should he?
“Call me whenever you’re free, or come see me if you get anytime at all” his eyes widened as she told him this, figuring after this weekend she wanted to go back to her loneliness, but he had changed her. What she didn’t know was she had changed him too. How could you just meet someone and already feel so strongly about them?
“I hope you know I’m going to take you up on that offer and abuse my privileges as much as possible” Blake giggled as he rolled over into her, pressing a chaste kiss against her head. He was happy they had gone from her not wanting to exchange numbers to wanting him to text her as much as he could.
“I wouldn’t expect any less” she told him as he stood to retrieve his clothes.
“I’m going to be thinking about you the entire time I’m up there” he told her as he pulled his shirt over his head.
“Think of me on solid ground, keep your focus on flying” Bradley grinned at her again and leaned over the bed to press a kiss to her lips.
“Get some sleep, I’ll talk to you as soon as I can” Blake nodded and gave him one last soft smile before he was out the door. He kept his promise and had texted her any chance he got. When Blake wasn’t texting him she was texting her cousins. For the first time in a long time her week was exciting, interesting, and not just the same old routine with her same old thoughts. She was so thankful Brdley had done this for her. Thankful that Bradley was in her life. Then he showed up on her doorstep, she had just gotten off the phone with her Mom who was trying to convinve her to move back home, when she found a solemn Bradley on her front porch and she knew.
"You were picked?" he nodded and she felt herself take a gasp of air, like she was trying to breathe. She had prayed he wouldnt get picked when at the same time she wished he did because he desrved to show off his skill, to prove to his Dad that he was a good pilot just like him.
"My Uncle showed up on Monday, proved that the flight was possible. He announced who he picked today" Blake opened the door so he could come inside which Bradley had accepted as he made a B-line for her couch. Blake wasted no time sitting beside him and he wrapped his arm around her quickly. They were suggested to not leave base to keep focus but Bradley figured he couldn’t go without seeing her one last time.
"When do you leave?" she asked quietly, not wanting to think about the danger he would be in when she had come to care for him so much.
"Mission is first thing in the morning, I can't stay tonight" Blakes heart beat faster and she squeezed her eyes shut as she tried to calm down. She was being reminded of the exact reason she didn’t get close to people, because you could lose them.
"I talked to my Mom today, I think I might be moving back home" an ‘oh’ fell from Bradleys lips as she said this and she nodded, knowing she made the right choice waiting until after this whole mission thing. "I haven't told her yes yet, but my cousins have been texting and calling, and having them in my life again it is so hard to be so far away. I haven't seen them in so long"
"Understandable, if my Mom was still around I'd have no reason to stay in San Diego other than work" Blake knew he would understand but she hated brigning it up when the outcome of their relationsip becoming a relationship at all was slim. Bradley could die and she was moving away, to far to keep in touch.
"How long do you have till you have to be back?" Blake asked and Bradley looked down to his watch that laid on his wrist.
"A few hours" and just like that Blake was on his lap in a second, smashing her lips against his so hard his head spun for a moment. If this was possibly the last time they were going to see eahcother she wasn’t gong to waste it. So she feverishly kissed him, like her whole depended on it.
Bradley immediately knew this kiss was different because the previous times they had kissed her hands would always stay in one of three places. On his neck, on his waist, or on his back, pushing him closer as if that was possible. He knew this because her touch set his skin on fire, practically seared him, and he had memorized exactly where she had touched him. Yet now, those hands were on his shoulders, then his chest, then undoing each button on his Hawaiian shirt one by one. His heart nearly doubled in speed as she removed the fabric from his shoulders.
Removing her lips from his, Bradley’s breath got caught in his throat as he watched her grip the bottom of her shirt, and begin to pull it up and over her head. He knew she wasn’t wearing a bra, he made a mental note of that the minute he showed up at the door, and now she was removing her shirt and so dreadfully slow. Suddenly Bradley realized what was happening and set his hands on hers, the shirt not even an inch from showing him what he wanted to see the most.
“Are you sure?” he practically whispered, not wanting to ruin anything with the girl. He hadn’t connected with somebody on this level in so long.
“Bradley, I haven’t been sure about anything in my life for the last few years. But right now, here with you, is the most sure I’ve ever been” Bradley couldn’t help the dopey smile that reached his face from her words, and without another thought he removed his hands and allowed her to finish taking off the shirt.
Blake heard him suck in a sharp breath as she revealed her bare breasts, and she felt her nipples harden from the cool air and the large man beneath her. “Fuck” Bradley moaned and after one last glance to Blakes eyes he put his hands on her. Her head fell back the minute he made contact and he used this opportunity to place his mouth on one. Once he did she straightened up, surprised at the sensation. Bradley hummed softly against her chest as her hands curled in his hair, a new place to memorize her touch. Once he gave both breasts attention he blew softly at them, his breath hitting the wet spots he left behind which caused Blake to squirm in his lap.
“You’re gorgeous” he told her before locking his lips on hers again. Blake feverishly kissed back as he stood up, her still in his arms, and started walked towards the bedroom. She couldn’t help but giggle as they ran into a few things, Bradley trying to focus on kissing her while navigating his way down the hall.
Blake squealed lightly as he dropped her on the bed, smiling up at the boy. Bradley smirked as he shed his shorts. Blake took a moment to admire the way his black boxers looked on him. She never wanted to forget. Yet she didn’t have long to look considering he was leaning over her again, hands curling into the top of her sweatpants and slowly tugging them down. She dropped her head back, chest heaving at the anticipation of being naked with Bradley.
“I’m glad I met you” Blake said once Bradley had removed her pants and began to lean over her again. Bradley adorned a smug smile as she said it, the sentence confirming he meant as much to her and she did to him.
“Me too Blake” and then he silenced her again with a hard kiss, her head reeling and chest heaving from the brush of his bare skin against hers. They had shared this bed many of times before but now they were going to share each other. Blake’s hands had continued to discover Bradley’s body, as if she wasn’t holding herself back from memorizing every curve and angle on his body. His skin was soft, and warm to the touch, she noticed he always ran a bit warm than most. Considering she shared a bed with him and was used to always being cold.
Bradley’s one arm held himself up, while the other curled under her, pressing softly between her shoulder blades, and pushing her bare breasts against his chest. He basked in the feeling, realizing how lucky he was to be here. When he first met Blake she didn’t let anyone in, and now he was going to connect with her on a level that most people don’t. With this in mind he began to trail his kisses down, reveling in the taste of her skin as he pressed open mouth kisses to her neck, between the valley of her breasts, where he took notice of a birthmark laid between them, and then down her stomach where it jumped from the feeling of his lips on her.
Bradley hummed against her when her hands tangled into his hair, looking for stability as he made her feel sensations she hadn’t in a long time. He noticed the small gasp she made as his fingers curled into her underwear, slowly pulling down the fabric, and kissing each spot of new and exposed skin. It didn’t go unnoticed that he was experienced but she didn’t entirely mind. Especially once he had freed her from the rest of her clothes and put his mouth on her before she could process a thought. Bradley smiled in satisfaction as her whole body jumped once his tongue had slid between her folds. Her fingers scratched against his scalp but he didn’t mind one bit, despite being extremely hard from all of this, grinding into the mattress was enough relief as he got to pleasure the perfect girl in front of him.
“Fuck Bradley” Blake panted heavily as he continued to eat her out like a professional. The feeling of his tongue tasting every inch of her was euphoric, and then slowly he began to finger her and she was pretty sure she forgot her name. By the time he had added two fingers her knees began to shake and tighten around his head. Bradley smiled against her heat as the coil in her stomach began to snap. He felt her flutter against him and her body fall limp against the mattress. His dick twitched over the thought he had done that to her.
“You’re doing so good baby” Blake gave him a dopey smile as he stood up, preparing to peel off his boxers. Yet before he could she sat up despite her body’s protests and grabbed the hem of his boxers.
“You take off mine, I take off yours” she told him, seduction dripping from her lips. Bradley’s head fell back and let out a small groan as she released him from his boxers. Before he had even dropped his head to look back at her, her hand was wrapped at the base of his cock, giving a light squeeze before slowly pumping him. “I knew you’d be big”
“Don’t stroke my ego” Bradley growled, growing somehow impossibly harder as her tongue darted out and wiped away the pre-cum at his tip.
“I already am” she smirked at him and Bradley chuckled, but his laugh was cut short as she took him completely into her mouth, sucking, and using her hands where her mouth couldn’t reach. He noticed how she hummed against him, offering a vibrating sensation. This time his hands took purchase in her hair, tugging at the chocolate tresses as she got to taste as much of him as he did her. The minute he felt himself getting close he pulled away, her mouth releasing with a pop which made his hard on hurt even worse.
“I have to be inside of you right now” he told her, his own hand wrapping around his dick for some relief. Blake smiled and laid back down on the mattress, eyes never leaving him as she looked through her lashes.
“I’m right here” she said with a smile and Bradley moved towards her quickly. He was not shy about settling himself between her thighs, grinding against her heat as he pressed another soft kiss to her lips. Bradley felt her shuddered breaths against his mouth as he dragged his dick between her folds. His mouth stayed pressed against hers, them breathing from each others lips. When Bradley finally pressed the tip of himself inside of her, she gasped into his mouth which gave Bradley another thing to memorize.
Bradley pulled back, focused on sinking deeper into the girl. Once he was fully bottomed out he looked at the girl beneath him, the rise and fall of her chest from the anticipation of getting used to his size. Without sharing any words he met her eyes and she gave a fast nod, indicating she needed some movement. He didn’t need anything else before he pulled out and plunged into her again. Blake reached out for him as he continued to thrust against her. Bradley smiled and allowed the change in angle as her hands wrapped around his waist. Once he began to pick up speed her nails began to dig into him, dragging against his back. He didn’t mind, any memory he could keep from tonight he would.
“Would it be weird to say I love you, in some crazy, strong, barely know you, connection kind of way” it wasn’t an I love you in the sense of knowing someone so deeply and accepting every part of them, but an I love you for helping change me for the better and knowing me without really knowing me. It meant nothing and so much all at the same time.
“Not crazy at all, because I feel the same way” Bradley smiled and dropped down to kiss the girl again. Blake slowly pulled her hands from his back and to his own, guiding them to hold her chest as he continued to thrust into her. The minute his hands made contact and started to grope her tits she felt her stomach begin to tighten again. “I’m close B”
“Me too” he told her, the minute she made him fondle her he realized he couldn’t last much longer.
“Finish in me, I’m on birth control” Bradley didn’t need to be told twice as he picked up speed and suddenly she was pulsing around him, milking him for all he was worth, and he let go. Dropping down to suck on her tits as she pulsed against him and a stutter began to mess with the rhythm of his hips. He stayed buried inside of her as they came back from their highs, him noticing he had left quite a few bruises on her breasts.
“I don’t want to leave” he told her, relishing in the fact they were still one being at this moment,
“Me too” she told him, hands brushing through his hair again. He shook his head, looking into her eyes.
“You need too, your family needs you. I would do anything to have a family to go back too. I won’t be the reason you don’t” Blake felt tears come to her eyes as she thought of the poor boy beside her who had lost so much.
“I’ll be you’re family whenever you need Bradley, I’ll only be a phone call away” Bradley smiled at her kind offer but knew that she had led him to try and make amends with Maverick. Despite everything and all the tension he knew some family was better than none. He knew his parents would be happy to know they still had each other. Now if they both survived the mission, they could do their best to get to know each other again.
“I plan on using that phone call, especially after tonight” Blake chuckled at his way of saying he would need her for a booty call.
“That would be a long way to travel for just one night Bradley” she told him, cupping his face in her hands.
“For you it would be worth it, and you forget I know how to fly a plane”
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callmewrinkles3 · 8 months
im loving the WEIRDLY SPECIFIC list sooo much haha, sorry if these are too much questions
22. What simple activity that most people do/can do scares your character?
Considering Em is a little introvert sunshine? Interacting with people its kind of scary. Not people in general but strangers. She does it but she rather be in her little bubble. But then Dan shows up in her life and thats kind of hard.
23. What do they feel guilty for that the other person(s) doesn’t / don’t even remember?
Em will FOREVER feel guilty about the fact she bad no idea who Dan was. She spent months truly believing he worked in PR with Blake. Maybe a mechanic. Anything but a racing driver. Years later she still feels awful, but Dan thinks it’s hilarious.
34. How do they greet someone they like / love?
If its her inner circle its a hug. With the time Dan kind of turned her into a hugger, so people she truly loves gets a hug. If it's people she likes but isn't that close to it's a smile and wave. People who know her know she doesn't like being touched and that's fine.
35. What is the smallest, morally questionable choice they’ve made?
Not going to her parents funerals. She had more than one reason to not go and she was pregnant so she couldn’t flight, but she wouldn’t have done it, not even if she could.
38. What hobby are they good at in private, but bad at in front of others? Why?
Playing the piano. She won't play it unless it's for just Dan and the kids. But then her inner inner circle hear her counted times. Its a very sacred thing for her.
41. What phrases, pronunciations, or mannerisms did they pick up from someone / somewhere else?
Everything from Dan. Everything. And some from Blake too, but everything from her boy. Alrighty and Understood are some. Sometimes the Aussie gets full force inside her and she throws the most Australian phrase ever and the boys would explode. Once she said brekkie, lippy, sunnies and servo they knew there was no way back. The first time Dan hear her saying “Good on ya” he hugged her so tightly it was ridiculous. Sometimes she sounds SO Australian it’s ridiculous. Once they're in Australia she starts going full Aussie. She's fine with that.
44. What language would be easiest for them to learn? Why?
Out of the ones she doesn't know, Spanish. She learned Italian for obvious reasons, then some French. It’ll be easy for her to learn Spanish cause its in the same family language. If she's in Spain she can work stuff out on signs, but she'd never try to speak or read anything. She knows three or four words really. But then if its fruits and stuff where the words are similar she can work it out.
45. What’s something unimportant / frivolous that they hate passionately?
Media. She hates it. She understands its part of her life because its big part of Dan’s life, but she doesn’t like it. She doesn’t understand who the fuck cares about where they are or what are they doing. Its just weird.
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🗞️📖 Bookish News - February Edition
🦇 Extra, extra. Read all about it! 📖 Good evening, bookish bats! A lot happened in the publishing industry this month, but here are a few highlights you may have missed! Check below the cut for details.
Adaptations: 🗞️ Chloé Zhao will direct a film adaptation of Hamnet (Maggie O'Farrell) starring Jessie Buckley and Paul Mescal 📖 HBO is adapting Dark Places (Gillian Flynn) as a limited series. Flynn will serve as co-creator, writer, and co-showrunner 🗞️ FX has ordered a limited series adaptation of Say Nothing (Patrick Radden Keefe), directed by Michael Lennox 📖 Taika Waititi will direct an adaptation of Klara and the Sun (Kazuo Ishiguro), potentially starring Amy Adams and Jenna Ortega 🗞️ The Terror will base season 3 on The Devil in Silver (Victor LaValle) 📖 The Man in My Basement (Walter Mosley), directed by Nadia Latif, will star Anna Diop, Corey Hawkins, and Willem Dafoe 🗞️ Dark Matter (Blake Crouch) has a trailer 📖 America Ferrera's feature directorial debut for I Am Not Your Perfect Mexican Daughter (Erika Sánchez) is in development 🗞️ The adaptation of Turtles All the Way Down (John Green) will stream on MAX this year 📖 Hook’s Daughter: The Pirate Princess Chronicles (R. V. Bowman) is getting a live-action adaptation 🗞️ Interview with the Vampire (based on Anne Rice's novel) is getting a second season 📖 Percy Jackson and the Olympians is getting a second season 🗞️ Seven Days in June (Tia Williams) is being adapted for Prime Video 📖 The adaptation of A Gentleman in Moscow, (Amor Towles) will star Ewan McGregor 🗞️ The Color Purple movie musical will stream on MAX (Feb. 16) 📖 Hulu’s adaptation of A Court of Thorns and Roses was axed 🗞️ The Alex Van Helsing YA books are being adapted for a television series 📖 Ryan Reynolds and Paramount are working on an adaptation of Starter Villain (John Scalzi) 🗞️ A Short History of Nearly Everything (Bill Bryson) will be adapted as an animated TV series 📖 The trailer for the film adaptation of Wicked is up 🗞️ Netflix renewed Survival of the Thickest for season 2 📖 The cast for Marvel’s Fantastic Four has been announced (July 25, 2025) 🗞️ The trailer for the new X-Men animated series is up (Mar. 20) 📖 The Oscar-nominated animated film Nimona is now available to watch for free on YouTube! 🗞️ Reese Witherspoon is producing a film adaptation of Romantic Comedy (Curtis Sittenfeld) 📖 Photos are up for the adaptation of A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder (Holly Jackson)
Cover Reveals: 🗞️ When Haru Was Here - Dustin Thao (Sept. 3) 📖 Trick or Treat on Scary Street - Lance Bass (July 23) 🗞️ The Bletchley Riddle - Ruta Sepetys and Steve Sheinkin (Oct. 8) 📖 The Rules of Royalty - Cale Dietrich (Dec. 10) 🗞️ Colored Television - Danzy Senna (July 30) 📖 Bits and Pieces: My Mother, My Brother, and Me - Whoopie Goldberg (May 7) 🗞️ House of Bone and Rain - Gabino Iglesias (Aug. 6) 📖 Rani Choudhury Must Die - Adiba Jaigirdar (Nov. 12) 🗞️ Night Owls - A.R. Vishny (Sept. 17) 📖 The Dixon Rule - Elle Kennedy (May 14) 🗞️ A Bánh Mì for Two - Trinity Nguyen (Aug. 27) 📖 The Hitchcock Hotel - Stephanie Wrobel (Sept. 24) 🗞️ In Want of a Suspect - Tirzah Price (Nov. 12) 📖 Memorials - Richard Chizmar (Oct. 22) 🗞️ The Empusium - Olga Tokarczuk (Sept. 24) 📖 Unsinkable Cayenne - Jessica Vitalis (Oct. 29) 🗞️ Cue the Sun! - Emily Nussbaum (June 25) 📖 We're Alone - Edwidge Danticat (Sept. 3) 🗞️ The Sherlock Society - James Ponti (Sept. 3) 📖 The Enchanted Hacienda by J.C. Cervantes (May 21) 🗞️ The Baby-sitters Club: Kristy and the Walking Disaster - Ellen T. Crenshaw (Sept.) 📖 The Baby-sitters Litter Sister: Karen’s Grandmothers - DK Yingst (Oct.) 🗞️ The Millicent Quibb School of Etiquette for Young Ladies of Mad Science - Kate McKinnon (Oct. 1) 📖 The Life Impossible - Matt Haig (Sept. 3) 🗞️ Ruin Road - Lamar Giles (Sept.) 📖 Yours Truly by Katie Shepard (Sept. 3) 🗞️ Wishbone - Justine Pucella Winan (Sep. 17) 📖 Haunt Your Heart Out - Amber Roberts (Oct. 8) 🗞️ The Dividing Sky - Jill Tew (Oct. 8) 📖 Heir - Sabaa Tahir (Oct. 1) 🗞️ Beautiful Dreamers - Minrose Gwin (Aug. 27) 📖 We Solve Murders - Richard Osman (Fall) 🗞️ Till the Last Beat of My Heart - Louangie Bou-Montes (Sept. 10) 📖 Aisle Nine by Ian X (Sept. 24) 🗞️ Warrior of Legend - Kendare Blake (Sept. 17) 📖 The Ancient’s Game - Loni Crittenden (Oct. 29) 🗞️ The Witch of Wol Sin Lake - Lega Jeong (Oct. 29)
Upcoming Releases: 🗞️ Tiny Reparations Books has secured North American rights to two new books by National Book Award–longlisted author LaToya Watkins. The first book, The Book of Chuck, will be published in spring 2026. 📖 Tia Williams has sold North American rights to two new novels to Grand Central. 🗞️ LeVar Burton is releasing two new books
Other News: 🗞️ The Dylan Thomas Prize 2024 longlist is up 📖 The finalists for the 2024 National Book Critics Circle Awards were announced 🗞️ The finalists for the 2024 Audie Awards were announced 📖 Pulitzer-winning author N. Scott Momaday passed away (first Native American author to win a Pulitzer) 🗞️ OCLC has filed a lawsuit against the shadow library search engine Anna’s Archive for allegedly stealing 2.2 TB of data from WorldCat 📖 The St. Paul Public Library launched a laser-eyed loon library card 🗞️ Writers Against the War on Gaza have written an open letter to PEN/America to release an official statement about the “225 poets, playwrights, journalists, scholars, and novelists killed in Gaza” by Israeli forces 📖 Andy Weir released a series of “lost” journal entries from Mark Watney to celebrate The Martian’s 10th anniversary 🗞️ Amazon removed multiple titles about King Charles’ recent cancer diagnoses amid concerns that they were written by AI 📖 This year’s winners and finalists of the Cybils Awards were announced 🗞️ Delacorte is launching a new YA romance imprint
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loveletters4teo · 1 month
this blog was called a love letter for a reason, yet i stopped sending them when we were finally together. my apologies, darling, allow me to start over again. 📬
i wouldn’t waste any second of taking this life where i get to love you every second for granted again.
it honestly doesn’t make sense to start a letter in the middle of the month either, but you’d tell me that it’s me just being me— so here goes. 🪻
hello, my dearest.
writing my feelings out felt so hard back in the day, you can name every single emotion a normal person would feel and it would hit me all at once just thinking about you. we’ve known each other for a year and we’ve been dating for almost a year, it honestly feels crazy to think about it. you’ve heard me talk about how impossible our relationship would be; i thought you’d be a friend that i will only admire from afar, or worse, the woman i was grateful to talk to at least once in my life, but life didn’t let our stories to be written that way. you’ll always listen to me with your defenses whenever i bring this up because you’ll tell me i was the one who broke your heart first by saying that i wasn’t looking for any relationship when i was just so scared to lose you even though it’s only been days since we met.
those days turned weeks, those weeks turned a month, and a couple more, and now it’s been a year. you’ve seen me cry, you’ve seen me get angry, frustrated. i tend to lash out at you, i tend to leave you out in the open, you’ve seen me get so scared, but you were always here; the same woman who i thought was going to leave me after a couple of weeks talking. my eyes feels heavy right now—i know, i should’ve washed it last night and didn’t let my ugly sobs put me to bed, but here i am, struggling to open my eyes as i chuckle to myself because ah, my girlfriend will always be right.
in every medium i liked, you were always there to listen and try it out yourself to see why i like it. i’m quite good at minecraft now and it’s because of you. the skeletons and creepers don’t scare me that much anymore because you taught me how to fight them properly. d&d is not that confusing anymore because you operated the campaign in a way where i’ll get to express myself better before hopping in the actual game. facing my feelings head on doesn’t feel scary anymore. in fact, i learned to express if there’s anything wrong and if there’s anything in there, but i can’t understand what exactly it is yet.
the percy to my annabeth, the annabeth to my percy, the lucy to my lockwood, the falin to my marcille, the marcelline to my bubblegum, the sydney to my dina, the dina to my ellie, the mj to my peter, the peter to my mj, the yang to my blake, the vi to my caitlyn, the hiccup to my astrid, the bagi to my tina, the michael to my lily, the lily to my michael, the max to my chloe, the chloe to my rachel—half of these were mostly my influence and this shows how much you love me, but most of it all; the ogway to my bunbunemoji in all caps, the teo to my dana.
thank you so much for always loving me. a part of me doesn’t understand why you always do, but a part of me is grateful that you do. a part of me is grateful to know you, and a part of me is happy to see that you feel the same way when you’re with me. a part of me wants to help you when it’s your turn to be sad, a part of me wants to fight anyone immediately who makes you feel sad. if you put all of them together, every single part of me loves you.
te iubesc, philtatos. 🫂💛 i hope you never get tired of me.
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yours truly, always and forever,
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quantum-mechan1c · 1 month
I just finished arc 1 of Pact. I desperately want to keep reading but I'm forcing myself to slow down and reflect a little on everything that just happened. I don't have my laptop, only my phone, so this will be more brief than I otherwise would be. My thoughts in no particular order:
This book is fucking *scary*. Worm could be dark and unsettling at times, but this is straight up terrifying. I didn't expect that at all going in, and I'm very pleasantly suprised
I absolutely adore the legal nature of this magic system. It's a ton of fun and it's the kind of thing a writer like Wildbow will be able to leverage to great effect I think.
The metaphysical relationship between Blake and Rose is interesting, and I'm curious to see it explored more deeply. I doubt that Rose is truly a separate entity from Blake. it's weird that Blake was able to inherit the estate and all that comes with it, since Rose Sr. keeps making reference to "my heiress"; it implies that she really thought it would only be girls in the running. Did she just have that much faith in Molly? I doubt it. Why was Blake the only boy in the running? If Rose Sr set up the whole thing with Rose Jr, why didn't she do it for any of the other boys? Was Blake special somehow? Was it the way he acted at the gathering that made her think he'd have a good shot, so she stapled a hypothetical girlsona to his soul to fit him in the inheritance?? Am I insane???
I have nothing to back this up, but I think Rose and Blake are gonna get married. With the way Rose and Blake kinda count as the same person but also not, and how there are no other conceivable options, it just kinda makes sense. I expect this will be very very funny if and when it happens.
I really like Blake as a character. His approach to problem solving and his "just roll with it" attitude makes him very enjoyable to read
I've never felt more admiration for a character then when Grandma Rose fucked that Behaim jackass. I can tell she's gonna be my new favorite Atrocities Girl
Okay there now I can read more pact. Thank god
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beachyserasims · 11 months
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♡ Intimate Moments | Blakes & Jasmine |GENEVA ISLAND
~ Transcript below ~
* Jasmine and Blakes are sitting on the bed talking*
J : So, how do you feel about getting to know me better?
B : I think we are so similar… its kinda scary! I mean, for one, you love cuisine and I love to make it.. I’m damn good at it too.
J : [giggles] I bet you are! But you still have to make your famous cheesy loaf for me.
B : Of course I will! You know, another thing is, we both come from humble beginnings. You with your mother, me with my grandmother. Not to mention everything you’ve been through in school... You’re so resilient!
J : Thanks… the hardest part, honestly, was turning all the evil, hatred, and bullying into something good… I like to think that my outlook is a bit more understanding than most.. not a lot of people who went through what I did could say the same.
B : You’re right… I feel like with how much we’ve connected in here already that I can honestly say I’ve really truly found a best friend… its actually what I’ve been looking for in here.
J : I feel the same way about you, but are you really just looking for a friend?
B : No… I mean, I am looking for friendship, with you… But that’s only because I could see myself trusting and getting to know you on a really deep and personal level… You have already helped bring my guards down so much since you’ve been here.
J : You can let me in… I promise…
*Blakes and Jasmine share their 1st kiss*
* Sophie, Blakes, Judi, and Rowan are in the rec room. Jasmine walks in*
J : [to Rowan and Judi] Hey, have you guys seen Blakes?
R : Yeah he’s over there drooling over Sophie, as usual.
B : [to Sophie] I will admit you do look amazing today…
J : What the f*ck?
B : Oh… Hey Jasmine… Sup?
J : Sup?! I literally just saw you flirting with her… What the hell was all that flirting and friendship talk you did with me earlier? Did our first kiss mean anything to you? Do I mean anything to you?!
* Jasmine slaps Blakes in front of Sophie, Rowan, and Judi*
B : Jas, c’mon, its not like that!
* Jasmine walks out of the room *
The Start || Beginning of Episodes || Previous || Next
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4ft10tvlandfangirl · 1 year
Alrighty so I had paused my rewatch of Da Vinci's Demons because some lovely person got me a new obsession (KinnPorsche) and because I didn't want it to end all over again. But I finished it, so here's my last big post to the not entirely dead fandom.
LOVED Sophia! She was perfectly cast and literally the female version of her brother Leo. Oh the mischief they would have gotten into had we had more time with them onscreen. She was a delight and I was happy that Leo gained a sibling after losing so much.
Why did I end up liking Vlad? 😅 He was crazy and scary but also, somehow charming?? And I could tell he had a soft spot for Leo, respected him even. Might have been mutual too because Leo definitely seemed relieved that Vlad had survived dying yet again.
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I liked Signora Cereta as well. She was smart and incredibly brave. She put armour over her dress and rode into battle beside Vlad the Impaler like a boss. Mad respect for her, truly.
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Right up until she and Riario kissed I thought the love she had for him was motherly (like Leo said) but, it's Riario, I get it.
Which brings me to a thought I've had since my first watch of the series. Riario and Leonardo had just parted ways and seemingly not long after Riario got the bad idea to go turn himself in to Lorenzo. Look at them when they parted,
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Riario was very concerned that Leo was going after Vlad but he trusted him to find a way not to die. Leo assured he had back up in his loyal friends Zo & Nico and joked they were better than the Swiss Guard which had Riario smiling. It was all very cute. I genuinely think had Leo been around, he would have either talked Riario out of his stupid self-sacrifice, or chased him down, hit him over the head and tied him to a tree (season 1 parallel) until Riario got the sense talked into him.
Because Riario seemed more convinced he deserved another chance when Leo said it rather than when Signora Cereta did. Dare I say he seemed hopeful and he was ready to bear witness to Leo and his genius mind at work again. Leo for his part was excited to talk to Riaro about his designs and bounce ideas off him. At a time when Leo wasn't keen on letting his designs get stolen again it was a big statement that he trusted Riario by sharing with him like that.
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I really think Leo could have kept Riario straight (heh) had they stayed in each other's orbit.
But they didn't and the Labyrinth got their hooks into Riario again which led to an unfortunate but impressive 180. Blake Ritson did some great acting here.
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And execute he did, looking fine as hell while doing it
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I wish the show got a miniseries as the exec producer had wanted. There were quite a few unanswered questions still. I'm sure Leo and Sophia would have had some great adventures with poor Zo tagging along pretending not to enjoy it. We could have seen the rise & growth of Machiavelli. Riario killed the fake Pope and was back on his darker path but at the same time thinking it a holy one. I would have loved to see if or how Leo would approach him after. Back to being enemies? Or would Riario still be unable to hurt him in any way? Would Riario, on behalf of the Labyrinth, try to coax Leo to their path again? Could it work this time especially after the death of Lucrezia?
So many possibilities.
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happinessismusic · 1 year
Interesting that True Babe was initially written by another writer.
More from Fault Magazine:
"Talking of your husband, your new single “True Babe” is definitely about your love for him. How does Blake feel about the song? 
Gwen Stefani: He likes the song! What’s weird about it is that the girl that started the song sent me this song pretty much half done. When I listened to it, I was actually on this ranch with all the kids. This guy, JKash, that I’m working with sent it to me and said, “What do you think of this?” And I went, “I love this. This sounds like my song!” They told me, “Oh, they wrote it for you.” They came to me with the lyric idea and then I went in with them and finished the song and put in some of my own lyrics to really make it feel more custom. It’s interesting because also the girl is a young girl that grew up in LA, her name’s Nico and she’s very cool, but weirdly grew up on my music too. I just feel so blessed to have those experiences because it’s almost like you can see the trail of what you’ve done as an artist and how it does affect people. To then be able to go in and work with a young girl that’s in her twenties maybe, it was just a really cool experience to watch her talent and the way she sees me.
I think those kinds of experience are what keeps me inspired because otherwise you just sort of become a cartoon version of yourself and you don’t know who you are anymore and don’t know what direction to go in. It’s just a whole evolution because when you start out, nobody knows who you are and you think no one’s ever gonna know who you are. You’re so innocent, you are just putting out stuff that you believe happens to you. And by chance, someone happens to identify with that or relate to it. And that was what the Tragic Kingdom was. And then Return of Saturn was already in a place where for me, I was like, “Whoa, I became this huge thing over kind of overnight, but after a nine-year period.” And then you’re like, “Oh my god, I wanna be a writer. I need to be a better writer.” It changes the way you’re gonna write because the innocence is gone. Now I ask, “How do I find a new way to evolve?” And for me, that’s by collaborating. I think all the best things I’ve ever done have been just working with other talented people that have either just been inspired by me or we inspire each other and then something happens. But truly songwriting and music is just a gift from god. I always feel like it just comes to me and I don’t feel I really have a part in it except for just the prayer and the hope that something will come down. There’s nothing like it. Even though there’s designing, doing the makeup, photoshoots, whatever it is, even live shows, nothing touches when you have a new song, it just never gets old. To be able to share it is kind of scary now, but also fun. I know there are people out there that still maybe would wanna hear new music. I just like making it, it’s amazing."
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aceghosts · 2 years
what tragic horror character trope are you?
Hey Everybody! I was tagged by @purplehairsecretlair and @direwombat to take this quiz for my OCs. Thank you both for tagging me!
Tagging: @natesofrellis, @sstewyhosseini, @marivenah, @thomrainer, @hoesephseed, @strangefable, @bluemojave, @indorilnerevarine, @nuclearstorms, @arklay, @strafethesesinners, @chyrstis, @allthearchetypes, @funkypoacher, @confidentandgood, @poetikat, @clicheantagonist, @derelictheretic, @captastra, and anyone else who wants to do this!
Blue Murphy
the witch
people need to find blame wherever they can; it makes the bad things in their life feel just a touch more bearable. the witches are so often blamed for the curses others are under that no one even questions it anymore. you point to a supposed witch and everyone else prepares the stake, no matter their innocence. to be born and believed a witch is one of the worst curses of them all- you can have friends and family, but there's always a dread that someday, someone will point to you, and everyone you once trusted will throw you into the pyre. if you're here, reading this, you've probably been burned before. and i don't blame you for wanting to hide away, to really become the witch they all say you are, to curse them. but to be a witch is to brush your fingertips over the bark of a tree and watch it grow a touch stronger. keep that in mind
Rooney Shepard
the harbinger
the harbingers have been through fire. you've got the scars to show for it. some people say harbingers are jaded- scary, even, to people who don't understand that the harbinger has seen the edge of the world and survived it. but being the harbinger means you're cursed to watch younger, brighter eyes fall for the same traps you did. trying to help isn't enough for you; you know what they're getting themselves into, and you want to protect them the way no one ever protected you, so why won't they just listen? it's frustrating. it's terrifying. no one should have to live through what you did, and i hope you know that you can't protect everyone but it's damn noble of you to try. it's not your job to save the world but i hope you know you've already made a difference to everyone who has taken your words to heart.
Hunter Delaney
the vampire
it is the loneliest day of a vampire's life, the first time they look into a mirror and see their reflection missing. drinking blood sucks too, don't get me wrong, but as a vampire you had to learn to hide from the sunlight, from your family, all your friends, because you were unavoidably different now and you didn't know how to explain that to them in a way they would understand. you could get stranger's blood in bursts, but what is life when you can't know someone for longer than the night lasts? you left everything behind because it was easier than trying to tell them. i just hope you know you're not the only vampire out there, and that there exist people who will understand your situation without a word. they'll sit with you in the dark for as long as you'll need them to.
Sawyer Beaumont
the werewolf
there's something inside a werewolf that's sharp, thorns and barbs coiling up in tight knots of vine even on their best days. halfway through a conversation, you'll forget your happiness and the pain comes back in a flash. you never meant to, but the sharpness has done harm on your behalf. it's defensive. it's leftover artillery from a battle you spent so long fighting that it still doesn't feel like it's truly over, does it? you want so badly to be soft. to take the hand that you are offered instead of baring your teeth. and it might be hard to believe, but you are soft. you're the softest one out there. it'll just take a while to untangle those vines enough to know that very little is often life-or-death, and not everything touches to hurt.
Blake Maddox
the final girl
the final girl comes out the other end of trauma alive- or, they were supposed to. honestly, you're not so sure you're really alive anymore. you saw the same hurt take those you were closest to while everyone paraded your bruises as bravery, as strength, as if you're the hero. and it hurts. you're tired and you don't want to have to be brave anymore. whatever you went through, it changed so much of who you were that you're still getting used to the person you see in the mirror. you didn't have a say in any of it, but you're here now, and that's gotta count for something. you'll make it count for something. but first, you need to let yourself find rest.
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