#Black/Gold marked deck
fanaticsnail · 8 months
I'm so glad u liked the idea of the shanks shenanigans! All I can think about is him going "WHERE THE HELL is this woman?"
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Where is my bride?
Thank you for propelling the Shanks thought. I love it and its made my mind dance a little bit. Allow me to share a small glimpse of where his little plot is leading my mind away. @sordidmusings & @feral-artistry, thank you for always hearing my thoughts before I run with them like a mad woman.
Here is the direction I'm running with: snippet under the cut!
Shanks awoke in a cold sweat, his mind racing with the cool chill of horrifying thoughts that began to once again plague him.
The eyes. There was something in the eyes. Those haunting eyes that had consumed his thoughts with visions of his own mortality. His heart began to bind, a covenant once again sealing his fate with the circlet of gold he thought once was lost. No whisper of a face, nor semblance of a name were granted to him. Only those eyes.
The only sound that rang in his ears was a laugh akin to the greatest melody and a soft whisper of appreciation. Shanks closed his eyes, focussing on the words coming to him. He hung on every single one of the words springing into his thoughts, his fist balled and lying firmly on his right knee.
"What a beautiful ring, Luffy! Thank you, Captain. I will cherish it always." The melodic laugh relayed and echoed within the chasms of his mind. He furrowed his brows in deep focus, searching for more words to hold firm to.
"Let's make it interesting, huh? I'll wait at the chapel and by the sun meeting the horizon, setting its light over the ocean on the seventh day - I will wed the next person to ask me. Always wanted to get married, and what a fun way to do it. Seven days should give Zoro enough time to recover, no?"
Shanks' eyes reopened: meeting with a spectre of a woman of unspeakable horrors.
Eyes as deep as the sea; pupil-less and unblinking, hair as black as ink and skin as pale and grey as the clouds that split the storm over the ocean.
"Seven days, Red-Hair Shanks," Her otherworldly voice hissed its warning at him, "And I will lay claim to your soul."
"Sapsorrow," Shanks whispered, continuing to stare into her transparent form as it faded from vision in tufts of scentless smoke, "I will find her. Mark my words, witch. I will find her."
"May the sea carry you home to her, Captain," The spectre spoke, a bitter and haunting laugh followed and shook the walls of the captain's quarters.
Shanks flung the duvet from his body, his bare feet finding the floor and carrying him above.
"All hands! All hands to the deck!" He shouted, running to begin releasing the rigging from the mast and unrolling the sheets. Beckman was the first to arise at the commotion.
"Where's the battle, Captain?" He roared, his grey eyes scanning over the sea for an incoming enemy.
"Sapsorrow, Becks," He stuttered, his eyes wide and frantic, "Seven days until she kills me. Gotta find her." Beckman stepped closer to his captain, searching his wild eyes and witnessing his hair sticking to his paled forehead under the glue of sweat.
"I've got to find my bride and wed her in seven days."
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chapter four: who else decodes you?
pairing: Bucky barnes x plus-sized!reader
summary: Six months ago, you were appointed to be Head Nurse to the Avengers by Tony Stark. Every day, you count your lucky stars, knowing the horrible past you quickly ditched back in England. It holds you back, restrains you, from getting close to anyone when on your new job.
That's until you met and fell in love with Bucky Barnes. The supposed assassin with a heart of gold, who seems to be eager to get to know you. To peel back your layers piece by piece, but could you trust him once you're laid before him raw and vulnerable?
warnings: language, self doubt, self deprecation, mentions of Bucky’s past, allusions to sex and masturbation, talks about fatphobia and internalised fatphobia
word count: 3.5k
Taglist: @scott-loki-barnes @cjand10 @blackwidownat2814 @blackbirdwitch22 @laughterafter  @blackhawkfanatic @mcira @bxckybxrnes24 @rachellovesloki @toffeacademia @bean-bean2000
A/N: ALRIGHT we are so back! this was one of my fave chapters to write omg hope u guys like it too -- there's a lot of mixed feelings in this one. as always, please let me know if you want to be added to a taglist and any thoughts by liking / commenting / reblogging! it really makes my day! :)
You quickly run your hands through your hair to tame the flyaways that have magically appeared as you wait for Bucky to open the door. When he does, he leans against the doorframe, eyes taking in your outfit.
“Are you ready to go?” You ask, pointing a thumb behind you and adjusting the maroon purse on your shoulder. Steve’s asked you to come along to drinks tonight at some bar downtown, and you struggled for a few hours with what to wear and ultimately decided on the shirt Bucky had given you the other night while drunk tucked into some comfy flared dark red denim jeans and layered with a loose, translucent shirt in black. Golden hoops adorn your ears, and your favourite necklace (your initial in a swirling golden font) swings from your neck. 
You decided to keep the makeup light, not knowing how shitfaced you’re all going to be getting, and you certainly did not plan to be the designated driver tonight. A cherry red stain adores your lips, and Bucky can’t look away. He is entranced at the way you are wrapped in his favourite colour, wearing his shirt, and smiling like you are a galaxy, and he is a mere enamoured astronomer, eager to explore.
Eager to explore indeed. The curve of your hips and swell of your breasts entice him, and he’s so close to extending a hand and pulling you into him, letting the both of you getting lost to time and space and anything that isn’t the two of you. There is nothing more he wants than to kiss you so hard the red from your lips is the imprint of his, not another product you put on as a part of your pedantic routine. He wants there to be a splash of purple to your attire, on your neck and in places nobody else can see because he feels the feral urge to mark you as his, and he stands there, drowning in his lust. It clings to him like a second skin, sticky and unavoidable, and you, none the wiser, pout to get his attention.
What can he do? He’s eternally curious about you. He wants to know what it feels like to have you on his lap, mouth so close he can taste your kiss and swallow your moans as he makes you feel so good. He wants to know what you sound like, what you look like. Do your eyes roll back or do you flutter them closed? Does your voice drop a few octaves when you inch closer to that high or do you go completely silent, letting the pleasure take over? All he knows is that he might die if he doesn’t get to look into your opal eyes when he comes undone himself, because how is he supposed to resist the goddess of temptation painting herself all over your skin?
And you’re so painfully unaware. 
But alas, he knows why you’re so decked up, and deep down he’s hurt that it’s not for him. You blink at him a couple times, seeing as he’s yet to respond.
God, does he have to look so good tonight? Even in sweatpants? How the fuck am I going to survive being a few shots deep in front of him? You think, your heart speeding up. 
“Hello, Earth to Bucky. Is everything okay?” You tilt your head a little to the side, meeting his bright blue eyes. He shakes out of his stupor and clears his throat, appearing downcast. You can tell the next words out of his mouth are not what either of you want to hear. 
“I’m not going.” He omits certain details of the outing on purpose, knowing Steve’s intentions. In fact, Steve’s been talking his ear off about you ever since you got to know the both of them. He’s sick of it. But he thinks that Steve is a good match for you — an Avenger, a man without a sordid past that haunts him, and certainly nobody on the streets will hug their children tighter to them at the sight of Captain America. He is a hero amongst men, the very antithesis of Bucky. 
He’s never said it out loud to you, because every second he boards that metaphorical train, you always do your best to take him back off it. You always talk him down, telling him he’s just as much of a saviour as anyone else on the Avengers team. He’s just as worthy, but deep down he fears it. The day of the invisible flip switch, when you hear more and more about what he did as the Winter Soldier, and you’ll grow to resent him. Resent the evils he’s birthed on this Earth in the past few decades, his cold-cut cruelty. You always tell him it’s not his fault, that it wasn’t him, not the Bucky standing in front of you right now. But why does he have these memories? These nightmares of ruthlessly killing everything that was deemed an obstacle to the mission drilled into his head. 
So how can he be so selfish, as to deny the sweetest, warmest, kindest woman he’s ever had the pleasure of knowing, a man who truly deserves you? How can he be so selfish as to trap you with all his baggage, making you hold your love over your head in outstanding devotion, all because he craves your touch?
There was a before you, and there is an after you. There is no reconciliation of the two parts of him, there is no going back. But adaptation is essential, and he is a master of it. 
“What? How come? Are you feeling alright, Buck?” You press the back of your hand to his forehead like a super soldier can catch a cold. His skin is warmer than usual, but you somehow miss how he’s blushing because of you. And your touch. 
Bucky could swear up and down that it’s the cure to every fucking ailment in the whole world and every version of it. All it takes is one brush of your skin against his and all his worries disappear. Even as you embark on a date with Steve, for a split second, he could swear it’ll be you and him, one day. Someday. 
Warmth floods his soul when you bite your lip. “You’re running a bit hotter than usual…you sure you’re okay? I can cancel on Steve, I’m pretty sure I only got an invite because of you anyway. We can—“
“No!” Bucky all but shouts, startling you. You retract your hand an inch, wondering if you’ve offended him. “No, I— I’ll be fine. I think my room’s just warm. You go, have fun tonight, okay? I mean it. You work too hard, doll. You need a break every now and then.” You smile, so sweetly Bucky almost feels like he’s about to become a puddle on the floor. 
“Call me, though? And if you’re staying behind I guess I’ll tell you where I’m going. It’s this bar called The Lover, it’s about a ten-minute drive away from here. Just to be safe. But call me if you feel unwell, okay? I come right here, to you.” And that accent. 
Bucky’s never considered him to have a penchant for certain ways of speaking, but your charming English accent has him absolutely feral. He’s never heard his name said like this before, with such an infatuating lilt. He’ll do anything if you ask. Walk to the ends of the Earth, kill everyone you dislike. He’d do it, happily and madly. If you keep saying his name like that. 
Every day, it’s getting harder and harder for him to hide his infatuation with you. Especially when he hears you at night, all by yourself. A low buzzing, a quiet murmur of something he’s certain is his name passes your lips, and he’s fucking losing it. He’s always fucking losing it at night, he’s surprised all he did was sleep that night he got drunk and you were with him. In his bed, right next to him. Chest rising and falling, breaths leaving you so sweetly. He doesn’t remember most of what transpired between you two that night, but he knows it was the best sleep of his life. To hear your heart, to feel the expansion and collapse of your thoracic cavity, it gave him peace, it quietened the nightmares, filling his head with frivolous dreams of you. Running through a field of flowers the colour of your eyes, in a beautiful sundress. Maybe it was a picnic, who knows. All he knows is he wants it. He will get on his hands and knees and beg like a pathetic man for it, to feel that stability and sense again. 
Your hands had been so warm, gripping on tightly to his vibranium arm like it doesn’t bother you. You always do that, after the initial awkwardness between you two had dissipated. You told him that you were nervous, unsure of how he feels about people touching it. You’d asked him. You’ve shown him a level of pride and respect he hasn’t felt from anyone new since the ‘40s — asking for his permission and ridiculous questions like if it’s waterproof.
He’s completely fucked. Utterly, and thoroughly fucked. To your face he simply nods, wrapping you in a hug and then letting you go, rather reluctantly, hands trailing around your waist. He doesn’t miss the effect it has on you, hearing your tiny sharp inhale brings all the life back into his body.
It’s a small, wordless declaration of reciprocity. 
He takes it.
He thinks about it for the next two hours, lying in bed and unable to sleep. What if you need him? What if he’s fast asleep and his nightmares leave him so disoriented that he can’t come to you? He doesn’t know how drunk you are. Maybe Steve’s messily making out with you in the alleyway, hands trailing all over you. Maybe you’re clutching him to you twice as hard, hiking your thigh around his waist and letting him—
A knock on his door jolts him. Friday informs him it’s you, and he jumps out of bed and almost trips on his way to the entrance. You’re here. That means your night doesn’t end with Steve. It doesn’t have to end with him, but you’re not into Steve. Or maybe it was the best two hours of your life, and you’re here to spill all the details to him, because he supposes you two are the best of friends. 
“Hey,” he smiles casually, trying to not let his emotions show. But you seem so confused and lost in thought, that it answers every question, every doubt in his head. 
You may not like him, but you don’t like Steve. 
“Did you know it was a date?” You stare at him straight in the eye, looking one precariously placed sentence away from your heart breaking. Your arms are crossed and your lip stain almost completely gone. But to him, you’ve never looked more beautiful. But he’ll probably think it again, once you’re in your pyjamas. And again tomorrow. 
“Yes. He’s been going on about it for about a week or so, now. He finally plucked up the courage to tell you, to ask you out, I suppose. Did he do anything stupid?” You take another step forward, and another, pushing Bucky back into his room, trying to keep distance. If it closes, he’ll kiss you. He won’t be able to resist, especially not after you just lick your lips to wet them.
“Buck, be honest with me. Was it a bet…or a dare?” You search his eyes, begging for the naked truth, no matter what damage it could do to you. He sees yours fill with tears, and his heart aches in tandem with your own. He’s desperate to rid of you of those horrible feelings, knowing the toxic weeds that spring forth from the seed of misunderstanding. He just has to get to you before the first rain of heartbreak season. 
“What? No, don’t be ridiculous, we’re grown men. We aren’t sitting around making bets on people, especially not so cruelly. If we ever did, I give you full permission to shoot all of us, and rip my other arm off without any anaesthesia. I promise, there was nothing else involved. Steve’s interested, he wanted to ask you out on a date, he did.” You look down and nod, and he wishes you’d meet his eyes again. You’ve grown so confident in doing that, and he’s become addicted. There is a drug called You, and it courses through his veins 24/7. It’s a wonderful, gold rush, but with it comes a maroon pain awaiting to embrace him when the highs fade, in moments like this. When you stand between his warm hands so unsure, as if there’s any place Bucky can fathom being that isn’t here with you.
“Okay. Sorry, I know you guys aren’t like that…but I can never be sure.”
Bucky nods, remembering the horror story that was your first ex-partner, who had only been using you to make them a quick penny. “So what happened? If you’re comfortable sharing, of course.” He pries. He wants to know. Why you’re here, when you could be in Steve’s bed, the both of you lost and entangled in a haze of lust and longing. He wants to know if you’ll admit it, confess like your knee-jerk reaction did to him a few hours ago. The same something bubbles in both of your chests, and even though he knows he shouldn’t do it to you, all he wants is you. All he could ever want is you.
“Well… I got there. I asked where everyone else was, because I was under the impression it was a group thing that I was invited to, because we’re so close. He said it was just the two of us, and it was a bit awkward, but I pushed past it. We talked for a while, and he’s really funny. I laughed loads, I had a couple of drinks. Then at the end of the night, he kissed me.” You stare at Bucky’s lips as you say that last part, because they were the only thing in your mind when it happened. You want to feel his lips on yours, not anyone else’s. That’s one thing that’s been made crystal clear to you. “And it was…strange. He’s not bad at it— I just didn’t expect it, and then I rejected him. Nobody popped out to say it was a prank, though I suspect someone saw us and it’ll probably be all over the internet tomorrow. He was nice about it, and then we both came home. Separately. I’ve just been feeling strange about it, so I came to talk to you. I just wanted to know. Thank you for being honest.” You smile, finally letting your shoulders relax and the breath of agitation leave you.
“You look so pretty tonight,” he all but whispers, brushing a strand of hair back from your face, cupping your cheek.
“How come you never dress up this much when we go anywhere? I’m not complaining, you’re beautiful either way, but it must feel nice.” His thumb strokes against your carefully placed blush and highlighter as you lean into him, faces so close that any distance left burns away at the both of you. Of course, you just assume it’s all one-sided as it often has been in your past, so you keep yourself under tight lock and key. You cannot even begin to imagine the types of feelings he harbours for you, and the way they are a twin flame to your own heart. Even the muscles in your chest are identical, beating away for the other, as if every blood cell that enters and leaves is inscribed with the other’s name. You wouldn’t have it any other way, too swept up in red rose of now to think about the bed of thorns that awaits in the future.
“Well you don’t make me feel like I need to. Not that the others do, but all my life, I’ve just…” You hesitate for a split second, wondering if you should be saying this, but then remember it’s Bucky. The one person you know for sure isn’t going to make you feel stupid for what leaves your mouth. “I’ve always felt that I need to stay performing. Wear makeup, make sure my hair is always neat and styled right, that my clothes are orchestrated and not just the first thing I throw on in the morning, because God forbid people think I’m lazy. Then they’ll think that’s the reason I look the way I am — because I’m lazy and have no desire to change. And then they write me off as disgusting, and nobody likes me. Nobody will bother to understand all my various ailments and limitations, or my genetic makeup that’s made me the way I am. 
“You don’t make me feel like that, like to exist is a performance that I have to put on in front of you. I feel like I can just be, because you understand me. It might sound silly, but it feels like my brain is completely and intricately encrypted, and you’re the only one who knows how to decode me. Plus, you didn’t run away after I told you about the sex scandal I left behind in England, or treat me any different. That’s a bonus. I quite like you, you know.” You smile yet again, after your confession, tilting your head in adoration. And then, you see it. His gaze flicks to your lips, and in that moment, you know. You know that this may not be as one-sided as once thought, that there is someone else who is interested in you, in that romantic way you’ve been conditioned to crave. 
“One more question.” Bucky is fighting for his life to not kiss you, eyes on your lips as you speak, barely processing what you’re truly saying. And how can you deny that? When you’re alone, in your room, with nothing but an ache between your legs and a memory of the one man who truly understands your machinery, you imagine his face lovestruck with desire. And you see it, painted clear as day. There is desire. There is something. 
But you’ve sworn to yourself to never make the first move again, to save yourself unnecessary disappointment and ridicule. If there’s one thing that has been made obvious tonight, it’s the fact that whatever is here, is shared. If it is a fire, he is the match and you are the spark. If it is a magnet, he is the magnetic field and you are the iron. He knows it in your tiny inhale, you know it in his tiny treacherous stare at the parts of your body you would’ve deemed unattractive.
But he must become bolder, and braver. You sense something, but you feel that it may not be something great. You are no stranger to this either, your personality entices and intrigues, but your looks seem to never be able to keep them around. 
You wonder if this will be a short fling, where he looks at you one day and decides you’re better off as just friends. Because after all, you could be the sweetest person on Earth, but that doesn’t change men’s hungry eyes, or their lack of appetite when they pass over you. So, you decide to keep it to yourself. You’ll stoke the small flames, but should not expect a bonfire. You should be realistic. 
Bucky is beautiful. You’re sure several SHIELD agents have their eye on him, and all of them are ten times more gorgeous than you could ever dream to be. So why would he want you? When he could have anyone he wants — why pick you? There’s nothing you could give him that someone prettier couldn’t. You push the negative thought away, pulling yourself back into this conversation you’re having with him. 
Wants and needs can be tended to later. 
You nod, urging him on. “Why don’t you like Steve? He’s, like, the poster boy of the perfect man.” He’s everything I’m not, Bucky thinks. He’s not you, you scream in your head.
Your smile evolves into a shit-eating grin, hellbent on teasing him, and you’re desperate to push the negative thoughts away. Bucky’s affections for you may last a week, but you sure as hell are going to enjoy all of that extra attention, and it seems a ghost of confidence has temporarily possessed you.
You bite your lip before replying.
“I prefer brunettes.”
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batfambrainrotbeloved · 3 months
YJ Mako Mermaids AU (this post context)- Tail headcanons!!(and main powers)
Konners tail- (Hydro Thermokenisis)
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Bright orange with dark red highlights on his more spike shaped fins. Very reminiscent of lava especially when the sun hits it just right. This is a tail made for POWER- lots of muscle under those scales that packs a nasty punch. He learned that after accidently smashing part of a reef bed, didnt hurt nearly as much as the lecture from Bart afterwards though.
Tims tail- (Hydro Cryokenisis)
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A range of Blues from almost black to neon, extra fins are more wavy than pointed. It resembles something that would come from the deep sea and does in fact glow in the right light. A tail made for Dexterity above all else, tight twists and turns are a breeze. Though as a result of his new found ease, he's no longer allowed to play navigator since some of his "routes" are impossible for the others.
Cassies Tail- (None Siren song)
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A gorgeous true and white gold that shimmers as she glides through the water. The real fun though? Her tail gives her the power and manuverability to launch herself out of the water at outrageous heights. Of course after a close call with her almost flopping on the deck of a Wayne research boat, she isnt allowed to do her "bursts" out of the water unless absolutely certian shes alone with her friends.
Barts tail- (Electrokensis)
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An array of orange contrasted with white and black markings make Barts tail blend in the most of all. One advantage he does have over his friends is a tail made for pure speed, his top fin cutting through the water with no restraint. But such speed makes it hard to dodge objects when he isnt careful, and dragging an unconcious bart onto dry land while still in tails themselves? A nightmare.
None of their tails seem to tie back to any specific species of origin, but seem to have traits unique to their own features.
@yjcorefourenjoyer this is your fault.
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bleue-flora · 2 months
Was gonna do everyone, but I'm feeling lazy so here's what I got so far for the playdate au character details:
Name - Make Believe Name(s) - Age - Favorite Color - Physical Appearance - Other
Phil - Philza, Dadza - 16 - dark green - greenish blue eyes, gingerish blond hair - when he decides to go outside and play with the kids he tends to wear a silly looking striped hat (mostly though he tends to stay inside and text his girlfriend, Kristen)
Wilbur - WilburSoot (or also Ghostbur, Revivebur) - 13 - Blue - pretty fit and tan (because he’s on the school’s swim team), tall and lanky, brown hair and eyes - almost always wears his colonial style hat and when it’s cold enough his favorite yellow sweater
Sam - Awesamdude, Sam, Sam-nook, The Warden - 12 - green - naturally light brown hair he dyed green, brown eyes - has glasses, wears yellow tee-shirt and green cargo pants that he fills the pockets of with all kinds of handy tools and things, including rocks that he loves to collect, has a fake ruby necklace he loves to wear as well as his crown
Clay - Dream - 11 - lime green - green eyes, dirty blond hair - as he’s autistic he wears comfy clothes only like gym shorts and soft tee-shirts for example and hoodies when it’s cold enough (he will not be caught dead in jeans), used a paper plate with a smile on it to jump scare Tommy once and now it’s his Dream aesthetic
Luke - Punz - 11 - blue - bright blond hair and blue eyes - has a gold necklace he never takes off, his ears are pierced with some gold studs,, his favorite outfit is his ripped black jean shorts and white tee-shirt
Alex - Quackity - 10 - Red - dark brown eyes and black hair, kinda more short stubby - him and his family are mexican, tends to wear classic dark blue and black and doesn’t mind getting dressed up for the occasion, always wears a beanie though, carries a pack of candy cigarettes he pretends to light with a lighter he found, tends to carry a deck of cards and his dad’s old pocket knife, knows a little more than a kid should, has a little scar over his lip from falling face first that Techno turned into a whole lore point
Alexander - Technoblade - 9 - red - blue eyes and dirty blond hair though he tried to dye it an edge red to be cool and it turned out pink instead - he loves to wear his red cape and crown all the time, someone once called him a pig because of his pink hair and after that he added pig ears and nose to his Technoblade look, he also often is seen riding his stick horse steed named Carl, he has glasses that George often steals
Mark - Ranboo - 8 - purple - brown hair, green eyes and super tall and lanky - entire wardrobe is black with lots or variations of black and white, often see with sunglasses and face mask on to be mysterious and of course his crown
Nick - Sapnap - 7 - Orange - brown eyes and unkempt hair that’s just long enough to be annoying that he keeps out of his eyes with his white ninja headband - favorite outfit is black athletic shorts or pants with a flame themed shirt, when it’s cold he’ll wear the same shirts just with a long sleeve black shirt underneath, often carriers around a katana and pretends to be a stealthy ninja
Karl - Karl Jacobs - 7 - purple - light brown hair and blue eyes - when it’s cold he loves to wear his iconic hoodie, he wears lots of fun colors and patterns like the stereotypical stylish gay guy, he has a old stopwatch he likes to carry around
Thomas - Tommy, Tommyinnit - 6 - red - blond hair, blue eyes, tall (for his age) and lanky - likes to wear khaki and that two toned classic tee-shirt, often see with red bandana around his next like some western outlaw and appropriate red devil horns
Toby - Tubbo - 6 - green - bright blond hair and blue eyes - Niki gave him bumble bee barrettes he wears to keep his bangs out of his eyes, he’s very attached to his stuffed pig, can be found wearing cuffed jean shorts or sometimes overalls
George - Gogi - 5 - light blue -  brown eyes and messy hair - always carries around his mushroom patterned blanky, likes wearing his favorite iconic blue shirt and jeans
Current families developed in age order:
Dream, Techno, Sapnap, George
Phil, Wilbur (and surely Fundy needs to be the youngest)
Purpled, Quackity, Slimecicle
Punz, Vikk and Lazar (4 year old twins)
(Ya know based off appearances alone maybe Tubbo and Tommy should be twins?…)
 Others TBD...
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enby-jellyfish · 4 months
Caribbean Night
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Captain Hector Barbossa X GN!Reader (POC friendly)
Pronouns: You/Your
Summary: As dark thoughts about your cursed existence threaten to consume you, you find comfort in your captain.
Warnings: Depressive thoughts, canon typical body horror
Word Count: 1338
It is a cold night on the Caribbean sea, or so you assume, it is not like you are capable of feeling it.
The crew is celebrating below deck, we found three pieces of the cursed of Aztec gold today. Three pieces closer to being human again. Only one of the eight hundred eighty two left, we are getting so close.
Despite this victory you cannot find it in yourself to celebrate. You climb up on deck and wander over to the Pearl's railing.
As you trace the grooves in the black wooden planks with the tips of your fingers you listen to the faint sounds of the crew celebrating, the waves of the sea gently beating against the hull, and the rigging knocking against the masts.
It is peaceful. And yet you feel anything but.
Before your depressing chain of thought can begin to spiral you feel a sudden, familiar weight on your shoulder.
"Heya, Jack." You scratch the capuchin’s head and he makes a small noise of content, closing his eyes for a moment before jumping down from your shoulder onto the railing next to your hand. You notice something shiny in his hands.
"Whatcha got there?" You questioned the monkey, already knowing the answer. He proudly holds up the golden coin to show you and confirms your suspicions.
You manage to fish a few non-cursed coins out of your pocket and hold them up to him. "Care to trade?"
Jack looks between you, the coins, and the golden piece for a second, torn between the options. You hold out your hand closer to him, shaking the coins, causing them to make a clinking sound.
"C'mon, when have you ever refused new shiny trinkets?" As if he could understand you he snatched up the coins and dropped the golden piece into your expecting hand and ran off, presumably to his owner.
You look at the coin in your hand, tracing the intricate markings with your thumb. The heavy gold pressing down into your palm, it is heavier than other gold coins you’ve handled, though you suppose that is because of the curse. You can’t tell whether the coin is warm or cold.
You let out a deep sigh. Your soul is full of longing for a state of being you haven’t experienced in too many years. You ache to taste again, to feel again, to be alive again.
The sound of heavy boots approaching catches interrupts your thoughts full of grief over your past life. You don’t need to look up to know who those boots belong to.
“Beautiful, isn’t it?”
Turning around you face your captain, Jack is perched on his shoulder.
“If only it wasn’t. Would have saved us a whole lot of trouble…” You sigh out, handing him the coin and turning back to the railing, looking out over the dark sea, moon hidden behind the clouds.
Barbossa hands the coin to Jack an tells him to put it with the others. You hear the pitter patter of the monkey’s little feet on the deck as you feel your captain lean on the railing next to you.
“Why aren’t you celebratin' with the rest of the crew?” He questions, you can feel his eyes on you.
You start tracing the wood again. “Didn’t feel like celebrating.”
“Aye, I suppose I can understand that.” You hear a pain in his voice, a pain you share.
“I miss feeling the rain.” You lament. It has been so long.
“I miss feeling the sun.” He speaks, gaze upon the horizon. You look at him, the light of the lit lanterns framing his sorrowful face. You can see every detail of his face so clearly.
You catch yourself staring before he can and turn your gaze back to the sea. If you weren’t undead you would be able to feel warmth spreading over your cheeks by now.
“Do you believe we can actually do it, break the curse? I mean, we’ve lost the kid before.” The question falls from your lips before you could take the time to think the repercussions of such a question aimed at your captain through.
Luckily he doesn’t take it in a bad way and decides to tease you instead. “Not losing faith in me are ye?” You laugh at that, suddenly feeling more at ease.
“Please, I have been with you since the Cobra. I helped pull you from the wreck if you care to recall.”
Now he’s laughing as well, a barking sound you haven’t heard in ages. Both of you shift to face each other.
“Aye, ye have been loyal since the very beginning, that be true.” He closes moves closer to you as he speaks, shoulders bumping into one another. It feels good. Comforting.
“How could I not? You accepted me into your crew when no one else would. You took care of me, and still do. I thank you for that.” You speak softly and earnestly, causing the mood to switch to something more vulnerable. You have been wanting to get that off your chest for so long now.
He smiles softly at you. Well, as softly as an aged sea-hardened pirate like himself can manage. “It has been a genuine pleasure to have ye aboard.” He nods his head in a mock-bow.
You smile at that, staring into those piercing blue eyes of his, finding him to be staring back into yours.
You lose yourself for a moment. Your mind coming up with a whirlwind of what ifs about possible scenarios with him. In these fantasies you would be happy, alive, with him.
Your wishful thoughts were interrupted by the moon appearing from behind the clouds it was previously hidden. You watched as the moonlight revealed your true selves, flesh melting away to reveal the cursed undead skeleton appearance underneath.
You bring your hand up to inspect it. Even after so many years it was still a shock to see the withered bones.
“C’mon.” Barbossa takes your skeleton hand into his own and gently leads you toward his cabin.
Once inside, hidden from the moonlight, you don’t look dead anymore.
Barbossa sits you on a chair near his desk, still holding your hand, running his calloused fingers across the back of your hand in a soothing motion.
You close your eyes for a second, letting out a deep sigh while hiding your face in your free hand. You would be crying if you could.
Barbossa’s free hand reaches towards your chin and gently tilts your head to face him. “Now, none of that. No point in mopin’ around. We will get our lives back, I promise ye that.” He mumbles, your faces are but a few inches away.
“Swear to me.” The sentence came as a mere whisper.
He kneels down to your level, his lips almost touching yours as he whispers your name. “I swear to ye, upon the very stars guiding our way, under the watchful eye of any deity willing to bear witness.” The hand holding your chin drifts towards the point where your jaw meets your neck.
“Captain, I-”
“Hector, I-”
Your eyes flit down towards his lips. They are chapped, but then again, yours are probably as well.
A pause. Then your lips finally meet.
You don’t feel the familiar warmth or contentment you have come to associate with kissing over the years, and yet it is the best kiss you believe you’ve ever had.
Hector parts from you for a moment, forehead resting against yours, eyes closed. “We will find Bootstrap’s little whelp, and the cursed final piece he sent away.” He presses his lips to yours again in a sweet peck. “If I have to sail to the very ends of the world to find them.”
His lips are on yours again before you can find the words to reply. The slightest flicker of comfort blooms inside of you.
You may be cursed, but right here, right now your existence doesn’t seem so hopeless as it did before.
Thank you for reading <3
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msbarrybeeson · 2 months
Princess and Her Matra | Cyno X (F) Reader (Part I) (Royal AU)
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Story Premise: You were the Princess of Setekh, ruling over a flourishing kingdom among dry deserts alongside your Father. You found yourself stuck in a dilemma when you were forced to give your hand in marriage, in return for the Avidyan Prince of the Forests to rescue your kingdom. Your heart was set solely on your bodyguard, Cyno the General Mahamatra. But suspicion arose around the Prince's motives, perhaps you found a way to your true love after all.
Summary: You and your General Mahamatra slipped into the Royal Garden following a discussion upon your arranged marriage.
Relationship: (Bodyguard) Cyno X (Desert Princess) Female Reader
Characters: General Mahamatra Cyno.
Warnings: None.
Word Count: 1220
Parts: One / Two / Three / Four / Five
➵ ➵ ➵
The King spoke to his council. All while you observed, the only thing you could really do.
In the throne room were two towering seats, decked in gold and colorful gems. At least one of them were. The smaller one, occupied by you, was more plain.
All of the King's messengers stood in front of the steps, organized like as if there was an elongated table.
"My King," bowed one man, "I for one believe not in entrusting Princess (Name) to the Prince of Avidya. They do not trust us, evident by closing off flowing streams from their forests. They mean to dry us until we die of thirst! How can we trust them to not forsaken the Setekh?"
The old King combed through his beard. A long sigh escaped his lips. "I do not. But I cannot allow my people to suffer from dehydration any longer. The only natural source is the spring that resides in the center."
You winced, hearing the discussion. You never liked grave topics. Your eyes shifted to a guard standing on the side by the sandstone pillars.
His amber hues lit up upon eye-contact, only a little but it was there. You gave him an exasperated smile, leaning your head on your hand. He simply huffed, the corners of his own lips twitching up.
"My King, with all due respect, does it not appear suspicious? What would the Avidyan Prince truly want from this arrangement? Surely, 'a wife for the Prince' is too simple and illogical of a reason for them to suddenly want to repair relations after years of distrust."
"I heard you." The King only raised his palm to stop. "But my decision is final: my daughter will be married to this Prince in two weeks' time. If the case of betrayal ever arrived, I trust my General and the Matra will handle our guests swiftly." The old King sent a nod.
Cyno blinked away from your eyes to return one to your Father.
"Hold on–." You furrowed your brows.
"(Name)." The King's voice became stern. "I understand your reservations, my child. However, I expect you to–."
"Place the Setekh above myself, I am well aware." Your shoulders dropped while curling up your fists. "I cannot believe this," you scoffed. You found yourself tapping harshly on your throne's armrest. "I shall be in the Royal Garden instead, Father."
The King's eyes saddened and sighed. You quickly stood and stormed right out of the throne room. The council, distracted by plans for the upcoming engagement, did not notice your hasty disappearance.
Of course, there had been one man.
The General Mahamatra trailed you from behind, holding a partisan. He wore a Hermanubis headdress, a shape of a jackal, signifying his high ranking and head of the Setekhan Military's Royal Branch, the Matra. His face adorn in red powder marks, while his uniform dressed in black and gold. A lot of his skin, he left bare, for the desert heat never took kindly to those covered.
"Leave me alone, General."
The young man raised an eyebrow. "I'm afraid I cannot do that, Your Highness."
"I need time to myself, General."
No word.
"That is an order from your Princess," you scowled, pausing in your tracks to face the General Mahamatra.
"My King's one order is to guard you at any time. I'm afraid his word overshadows yours, Your Highness."
You only frowned and turned away to continue striding.
Suddenly, a polearm swung in front of you, halting you.
"You were feet away just moments ago."
"I wouldn't have been your bodyguard if I am not quick on my 'feet.'" He smirked. You tried to hold a deadpanned expression, but your lips cracked into a small smile the longer your eyes held contact. You waved him off. "Sometimes I do not know what to do with you."
You gazed down and frowned again. "Of course, even if I do, you would not listen to me while Father is here, would you." You pushed Cyno's partisan aside, making his playfulness falter. "Hold on–." He sighed. "I don't truly mean that, Your Highness." He jogged up to stay beside you. "Your word is my command. I always intend myself to protect you, regardless of the circumstances."
"You're aware I would never betray you, honest."
"Not for my King himself."
Cyno sulked, nearly lagging behind you.
It felt uncharacteristic of the Mahamatra, but you remembered the kind of person he became when a card game showed up here and there. An entire other person, you thought. Truth be told: you gave into his– you admit– endearing behavior. "Enough of that, my General." Your hand traced along his jaw as you hastened your stroll past. "Hurry along."
A glint gleamed in his eyes. You did not glance back at him, yet you already regretted that.
"What's the matter? Is a 'hurry-cane' arriving?"
"It's the Setekh. Hurricanes only appear in the Avidya."
"What?" Cyno huffed. "You don't understand? The joke is–."
"Shush-shush-shush." Your finger landed on his lips before he could continue. "I assure you time and time again, General: jokes are only clever when you leave the explanations out."
You and the General reached the greenhouse, a wide glass dome inhabited by many desert plants and color-popping flowers. A few butterflies in golden-like wings flew by. You smiled upon the sight, taking in how the light hit each plant just right.
You sighed. "I only wonder what will become of this place once I marry." The thoughts ran in your head. For all you could imagine, you may move to the Avidya, making this your final chance of seeing desert wildlife. Or the Avidya could be plotting the downfall of the Setekh with your marriage, leaving the beauties alone to die.
Your eyes caught a withered goldpoppy, brown and shriveled. You stepped forth, hands gently caressing its petals. A faint glow could be seen before the flower returned to its youth.
"General," you called. Immediately, he stood by your side. He tried to meet your eyes, but you only paid attention to the poppy. "Would you.. still protect me, even when I'm married off into another kingdom?"
He gave it a second, glancing from the poppy to your face. "Cyno," he spoke in a gentler tone. Much different from his serious usual.
Your eyes flickered to his, being caught off guard.
"I told you to call me 'Cyno,' Your Highness." He gathered your hands and lifted them to his lips, placing a kiss. "In the same way as how I assured you of my intentions to protect you, no matter what."
You blinked.
In the silent moments that passed, a rosy blush crept his face. The General Mahamatra himself turned away in embarrassment, clearing up his throat.
Your eyes softened.
"Thank you, Cyno." In contrast, you reacted with a sheepish smile. "With the wedding arriving in two weeks, I doubt my Father would be happy to hear or see this, but perhaps behind closed doors," your voice trailed off.
He creased his brows. "'See–?'"
On your toes, you pulled Cyno's head and crashed your lips into his. His eyes widened in shock. For someone as stoic and straight-faced as him, someone who was an intimidating general, the General Mahamatra had an easy time becoming awfully flustered.
"You can also call me, (Name)."
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akwolfgrl · 3 months
Promise day 4
Zoro watched as they drew near to the Braite, the moon dipping below the horizon; the sun just started to peek out. He hadn't seen Sanji in a few months. He was busy trying to save enough money to buy new earrings. They were gold and dangle like his own, but they had a heart made from a blue gem. They caught the light just right and sparkled in a way that reminded Zoro of the shining across the sea. When he first saw them, he had to have them. They looked just like his mate's eyes. 
Johnny came to sit beside him yawning, it was still early. They sailed through the night. The Baratie would be getting ready for the day soon, Zoro was going to find Zeff and ask for Sanji's hand in marriage, he thought it was old fashioned but Curly loved romantic shit. Besides, the old geezer would kill him if he didn't. 
“Wow, is that what I think it is?” Johnny asked him, pointing at the weird fish shaped restaurant, and Sanji had told him about Zeffs chicken figurehead from back when he was a pirate. The old geezer had questionable taste when it came to the shapes of boats. “Man, I've heard of this place! The food is supposed to be to die for! There's always a good fight to see, and rumor has it there is a pretty blond omega who works there,” He felt Yosaku join them. “People saw he looks like an angel,”
“All ture, the pretty blonde's my mate,” Zoro proudly bragged. He wasn't jealous of other men looking. They had no chance. Women on the hand were a different story. 
“Wait, you have a mate?” Yosaku asked, shocked for some reason. 
“No fucking duh, the marks right thire,” Zoro pointed to the back of his neck, right where Sanji could always protect him. 
“Wow would ya look at that!”
“Way to go bro!”
Zoro spotted a blonde head out on the deck, most likely smoking a cigarette and having black tea watching the sun rise. Zoro couldn't wait anymore. He patted his haramaki, making sure the jewelry box was tucked away safely. Zoro stood up and jumped out of their small boat.
“What are you doing?”
“I'm swimming to Sanji!” Their boat was going too slow, and he couldn't wait any longer, Zoro swam towards his omega, his Sanji. His heart was pounding in his chest at the thought of holding the blond in his arms once again. 
When he got to the deck, Sanji was waiting for him, his hair aglow in the early morning light. Zoro understood why people would compare Sanji to an angel…if they never met him. 
“Marmio? It's about damn time you made your way back here,” Sanji smirked. “Maybe you should stay in the water a little longer, I'll bring you some soap, and you can wash your smelly ass,” Sanji's smoke hearts betrayed how happy he was to see him. 
“See if I ever come for a visit again if you're gonna be like that,” Zoro huffed before climbing out of the water. 
“The old geezer would be happy,” 
“Well that's too damn bad for him,” Zoro grinned and scooped Sanji into his arms and spun him around. 
The blonde laughed and took his face in between his hands, his long fingers caressing his cheeks before their lips met. Zoro could taste the omegas tea and cigarettes. Something that shouldn't be so addictive but yet it was. When they finally came up for air, Zoro put Sanji back down 
"Marry me." The words tumbled out of his mouth as he returned Sanji to the floor.
The omega looked at him with amusement in his blue eyes, "Aren't you forgetting something,”
"What? Oh." Zoro dropped to one knee and took out the jewelry box. The earrings glittered in the sunlight. "Marry me, I don't wish to be apart from you for a second longer,”
“Yes!” Sanji launched himself at Zoro, knocking them both to the deck, kissing the life out of him. 
“Hey! You two no fucking on the deck!” Patty yelled at them. 
Zoro didn't need to look to know that Sanji was flipping the other alpha off.
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emilykaldwen · 8 months
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The Maiden and the Drowning Boy
Rating: Explicit Chapters: 12/25, part 1 of 3 Ships: Aegon II Targaryen x Abrogail Strong, Jacaerys Velaryon x Helaena Targaryen Summary: As the kingdom teeters on the edge of chaos, Alicent Hightower swaps the pieces on the board: Aegon will marry Abrogail Strong, Larys’ younger sister and heir to Harrenhal. Caught in the web of intrigue and political machinations, the pair must figure out where their loyalties lie, and what they mean to one another.
READ ON AO3 Series Page on AO3 - Subscribe for ALL updates!
Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six | Chapter Seven | Chapter Eight | Chapter Nine | Chapter Ten | Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve- Bastard on the Burning Sea
Before him was King’s Landing. The Red Keep high atop Aegon’s Hill was a monument of epic proportions, bright as a beacon compared to the dark stone that made up the fortress of Dragonstone. Gulls cried and flew across the water, the bay teaming with ships heading out to sea and trade ships bearing banners of Pentos and Lys, of Braavos and even a dark ship from Asshai coming in to drop off their trade. Behind him, the crew of Laena’s Song hollered to and fro, preparing to drop anchor. His stomach knotted uncomfortably with nerves and he rolled his shoulders beneath the bleached linen of his shirt. His black and red jerkin was tossed negligently over a barrel and Jace looked over his shoulder at the sailors moving across deck and wished he could simply stay rather than step back on land. Or better yet he could take to the sky. Vermax let out another shriek and dove towards the wave to scoop up a mouthful of fish, dodging past Moondancer’s attempt to steal them. His jade scales covered in gold markings gleamed and glimmered in the sunlight like a gem, like the jade that his mother called him. Little jadeling. His lavender eyes were drawn behind him in the direction of Dragonstone, too far for him to see, and too far to relieve the ache of homesickness in his chest.
@fyeahhotdocs, @ocappreciation, @stannisfactions, @fragilestorm, @starcrossedjedis, @darkwolf76, @arrthurpendragon, @dopedaegus, @hiddenqveendom, @mantillon, @lightofthearrow, @songsonacliffside, @acrossthesestars, @insabecs, @moireia, @dragonsbone, @corporalicent, @jadore-andor, @selfproclaimedunicorn, @gwenllian-in-the-abbey, @notbloodraven, @impales, @arcielee, @thesunfyre4446, @duxbelisarius, @thatmagickjuju, @dream-beyond-the-fantasy, @qyburnsghost, @godswood-girl, @randomdragonfires, @mimikoflamemaker, @murmel-malt, @rainwingmarvel7, @solisarium, @tremendouswolfsaladranch
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fuckyeahdindjarin · 1 year
First of all congrats once again on the milesone bby!!! for the sleepover can I as a micro drabble for jack and pirate AU ?? honestly at first I was going to ask for frankie but jack just felt like a better fit fbfgb love u <333
Sil my love! I had the time of my life sailing the seas with Pirate!Jack. Inevitably, this Captain Jack is partly inspired by the OG Captain Jack Sparrow and POTC. I loved POTC fanfic back in the day, so thank you so much for sending this prompt!
Jack Daniels x pirate AU
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Fuck Yeah 2222 Sleepover micro drabble request | 889 words | warnings: non-graphic mentions of violence, angst, childhood sweethearts, mention of arranged marriage, historical romance
The last time you saw him was seven years ago, when you hurled words dipped in hurt and  teenage venom at him as he held you, his beat-up leather bag at his feet by the water.
‘I need to go and earn my fortune, or your father will never let you marry me. Can’t you understand that?’ he pleaded with you.
‘We can run away!’ you insisted, your cheeks streaked with ugly tears.
He shook his head, kissing you on your forehead. ‘I want you to have a life you deserve, and I can’t give it to you if I don’t do this.’ 
Taking off the only thing he has of value - his mother’s gold ring set on a chain - he slipped it over your head and kissed you one last time.
‘I’ll come back for you. Wait for me, darlin’.’
You stand on that very same dock now. You’ve grown up. You’re taller, sadder, and you wear your melancholy like a shroud. You’re set to sail across the seas to England, a country you’ve never set foot on; and to marry your betrothed, a man you’ve never met.
You’re numb, resigned to your fate. Jack is dead. Or he’s found someone else, married and happy in a distant, exotic land. It doesn’t make a difference either way.
His mother’s ring, the only thing you have left of him, hangs between your breasts, digging into your skin under your corset, the same place it’s been all these years.
Your chambermaid asks gently, ‘Are you ready, my lady?’
You nod.
And you walk the plank.
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The sound of cannon fire jolts you violently out of your sleep, and you bolt up from your uncomfortable little cot. It sounds like hell unleashed up on deck above, the sound of boots and violence right on top of your head.
Your chambermaid bursts into your room with one of your coats in her hands.
‘What’s happening?’ you ask frantically.
‘Pirates!’ she screams.
She throws the coat over your shoulders, and you hastily pull on a pair of boots. Once you’re decent, a lieutenant appears to escort you both to safety.
It’s bedlam above. The bitter tinge of gunpowder stings your eyes and nose, the smell of blood turns your stomach, and then the screams and the clang of swords - the lieutenant presses a hand to the back of your head so you’re looking at your feet as you sprint across deck, or you surely would have fainted.
Your entourage makes it to the back of the ship, where one of the rowing boats is ready to be lowered into the water - when you hear a gun being cocked at the back of your head.
‘Not so fast, darlin’.’
You’d know that voice anywhere.
Your chambermaid shrieks in fright when the lieutenant falls onto the floor from a blunt crack of the butt of a pistol against his head.
Slowly, you turn around.
His eyes are the same. The same brown, but now, there are lines around them and creases at the corners. He’s obviously seen a lot of sun, freckles and marks pepper his face, and curls peek from underneath the wide-brimmed hat he wears. Behind him, you see the looming figure of a ship flying the unmistakable black flag of a skull with two swords underneath it.
Jack grins at you. ‘Hello, darlin’.’
You walk straight up to him and slap him across the face, with everything you got. From the corner of your eye, you see the other bedraggled pirates gasp at your bold action as his head whips to one side at the force.
But he only grins wider and pulls you into him by your wrists. He smells of the sea, musky, with the distinct whiff of ocean salt.
‘Where the hell have you been?’ you spit at him, your traitorous eyes brimming with tears.
He clucks teasingly. ‘What a tongue you’ve got on you now, darlin’.’
You shove at him with your whole body, but he barely budges. ‘Fuck you, Jack. I waited for you, and you never came back for me.’
He cocks his head to one side. ‘I did come back for you, darlin’, I was at our hometown but three days ago - only to be told that you were on your merry way to marry some landed gentry across the sea. And that simply won’t do - I’m a pirate darlin’, and I don’t share what’s mine.’
You scoff. ‘I’m not yours, Jack. You lost me when you left me seven years ago.’
‘It’s Captain Jack to you, thank you very much,’ he retorts playfully, unfazed by your ire. You gasp when he unceremoniously rips open the lapels of your coat, and one rough fingertip trails down your bare neck, curling around the delicate gold chain that you never take off.
His eyes soften at the sight of his mother’s ring. ‘You lie so well, you’ll make an excellent pirate yourself, darlin’.’
Grabbing him by the scruff of his collar, you kiss him hard, his big hands gripping your waist, crushing you into his embrace. Brushing his nose against yours, he pulls back. 
‘I should’ve asked you all those years ago,’ he says, regret colouring his words. ‘Will you marry me?’
You palm his cheek, grinning through tears. ‘Yes, my captain, a thousand times yes.’
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Updated: October 2, 2024
Reworked Character #4: Fio Germi
POTENTIAL TRIGGER WARNING: Viewer discretion is advised due to references to death, alcoholism, and SA.
Real name: Fiolina Hortensia Germi
Alias: Teatime in the Battlefield
Occupation: Master Sergeant of the S.P.A.R.R.O.W.S. and the medic of the P.F. Squad
Retirement plans: Become a sports doctor and astrophysicist, open up a bakery, and start a family
Special skills: Chiropractic and massage therapy, medical training, housework, acupuncture, and astronomy
Hobbies: All types of sewing (hand sewing, machine sewing, embroidery, and quilting), ballroom dancing, giving her friends massages, cooking delicious meals and enjoying it on a picnic outside, and frequenting petting zoos, nature reserves, and art and outer space museums
Likes: Peppino (she had him since birth), her family heritage, the beauty of nature and outer space, baking cakes and other sweet treats, and Tarma (especially the sound of his voice, pleasant smile, jokes, and knack for building professional motorcycles)
Dislikes: The idea of Peppino being torn apart or stolen, scolding hot and freezing cold baths, the time she had to wear orthodontic braces, insects and creepy crawlies, and cheating
Favourite food: Homemade sandwiches and gelato
Favourite drink: Ice tea (preferably Queen Mary)
Sexuality: Heteroromantic demisexual
Gender: Female
Age: 15 (in 2022), 21 (in 2028), 23 (in 2030), 25 (in 2032), 27 (in 2034), 34 (in 2041), 36 (in 2043), 37 (in 2044), and 40 (in 2047)
Blood type: O+
Weight: 145 lbs. (66 kg)
Design: She’s a 5’ 2” (157.48 cm) Italian mesomorph with sloping shoulders, upper arms that carry some of her weight, a bit of belly fat, voluptuous breasts and hips, and prominent thighs. She has pale ivory skin, droopy blue-grey eyes, and brownish freckles scattered across her face and neck. Fio has a tad messy orangish-brown hair with blunt bangs and straight strands that fall just above her shoulders, but she prefers to keep it tied up in a ponytail. Her fingernails are painted an English lavender hue, and she wears thick, winged dark brown eyeliner, a soft rosy red blush on her cheeks and nose, and cherry blossom pink lip gloss. As a result of battle injuries and her own clumsiness, she bears a bullet wound near the centre of her left calf and numerous cut marks, stab scars, and scrapes on her arms and legs.
Her military gear consists of polarised, silver-plated transition lens eyeglasses, a metal dog tag necklace with her name, and a cordovan Eisenhower jacket. She wears a pink lavender T-shirt with a dogwood rose stripe running along the front and a carmine bra underneath. She wears carmine gloves and a gold-buckled leather belt to secure her ebony army cargo shorts, which fall just above her knees. She also wears ebony paratrooper boots, dogwood rose knee and elbow pads, and over-the-calf bittersweet shimmer socks. She has a khaki waist pack attached to the front of her belt, which carries her nail polish, lip gloss, eyeliner, two makeup brushes (a large one and a small one), a makeup sponge, and a powder blush palette.
She wears a leather sheath for her hatchet, a gun holster for her handgun, and a holder for her tonfa. The pockets of Fio's Eisenhower jacket carry around Peppino, her beloved greyish-brown teddy bear with a pearlescent blue bowtie, a red wooden maneki-neko figurine with its right arm raised and its left paw holding a koban coin (a gift from Eri), and a deck of cards. The pockets of her army cargo shorts carry a canister of pepper spray, a Ventolin inhaler, a bottle of azithromycin pills, and a bottle of specialised prescription supplements specifically designed to manage her cystic fibrosis.
Over her T-shirt, she dons a Soldier Plate Carrier System (SPCS) with a MultiCam pattern, which carries her walkie-talkie and ammo for other firearms. Her black ammunition bandolier is slung over her right shoulder, and the back of her Eisenhower jacket features an embroidered S.P.A.R.R.O.W.S. logo. Fio carries an ebony load-bearing backpack containing camping equipment, fire bombs, stones, portable ammo boxes, a canteen full of water, a picnic basket filled with prepared sandwiches, a Hexagon Arms M-3685, a cat o' nine tails whip, medical supplies, and a scientific telescope. She always wears a pair of teardrop-shaped pink opal earrings and a gold chain necklace featuring a red coral cornicello amulet, believed to ward off bad luck and bring good fortune. She also wears a khaki army cap that once belonged to her father during his military service, personalised with a rosy pink patch depicting a European bee-eater perched on a tree branch on the front.
Character summary: She's initially reserved and timid around strangers but warms up and opens up once she becomes familiar with new people. She's a compassionate, considerate, and overly cautious listener who's really good with children and lends everyone a generous helping hand. She's sensitive and unafraid to show her true emotions, often engaging in introspective thought. Despite her quiet and calm demeanour, she's surprisingly prone to stress and anxiety, particularly when confronted with obnoxious noises, unwanted physical contact or situations where she can't escape. Even though she's a seasoned warrior, she harbours an intense fear of insects and creepy crawlies, often resorting to hiding behind Tarma, Marco or Eri and insisting they handle the situation. On occasion, she displays an almost childlike naivety and exuberance, typically after completing a mission or while off duty.
She's a very friendly and gentle clean freak who'll do anything to help out her family, friends, comrades, and those in need. She prepares all her meals with love and dedication, considering others' likes and dislikes, hoping they'll enjoy what she's made. When talking to others, she often uses lively hand gestures and animated facial expressions to emphasise certain ideas. She gets easily flustered by compliments and flirtatious advances, blushing deeply and becoming nearly speechless. She's a somewhat superstitious person, believing in things like placing one's hat on a bed being a sign of bad luck for homeowners and spilling salt being a harbinger of financial troubles. She's a nature-loving girl who's incredibly clever and always thinks optimistically. She's a great strategist who excels in keep-away tactics. However, she often pushes people away due to fear and isn't the most skilled fighter, but can fight when necessary.
Whenever she's faced with the death of a child, a comrade or friend being severely injured, being touched inappropriately or being rudely insulted, her face darkens. She becomes cold-hearted and deadly serious, and her tactical prowess shines through most. She's quite curious around strangers, nervously trailing them and asking a few questions to get to know them. Despite cherishing the importance of friendship, she sometimes feels isolated by her exceptional intelligence, privileged upbringing, and cystic fibrosis. She values maintaining a healthy work-life balance and prioritising her time with loved ones, holding both in higher regard than success. She believes that living in or exploring beautiful places helps her become a better person by gaining a deeper appreciation of the world around her.
She originally harboured romantic feelings for Marco, but they dissipated after he disclosed that he isn't interested in romantic and sexual relationships. Her affections eventually shifted to Tarma, whom she found charming due to his silliness, emotional intelligence, Hokkaido dialect, and the soothing sound of his voice. She finds immense comfort in Tarma's presence and often offers him solace when he's having a rough day or struggling with self-doubt. After her romantic relationship with Tarma fully blossoms, she forms an exceptionally close physical and emotional bond with him. However, her tendency to become overly attached manifests at times, especially when feelings of fear or loneliness arise.
She eventually enters into a polyamorous queerplatonic relationship with Marco and Tarma, which she deeply cherishes and further satisfies her craving for emotional intimacy. She's displeased when Nadia takes advantage of her kindness to avoid responsibilities. However, she appreciates Nadia's help with dessert-making, although Fio often has to bribe her by offering something equally sweet or letting her have the largest share of a batch to persuade her to lend a hand. She's frustrated by Eri's overprotectiveness, especially when it comes to Tarma, as it reminds her of her father's behaviour and makes her feel like she's being treated like a child.
When she's reached her limit, feels threatened or needs to express her authentic feelings about something that gets under her skin, she's capable of standing up for herself and making her voice heard. She rarely swears, but when someone's pushed her too far, she'll unleash a stern reprimand, peppered with profanities in Italian. She's not fond of drinking alcohol due to its bitter taste and intoxicating effects, which make her feel nauseous and slightly nervous. However, on rare occasions, she’ll let loose and indulge in alcohol with her friends, especially after a challenging mission. When intoxicated, she starts to act playful, flirtatious and sexually teasing towards Tarma, obnoxiously loud, agitated, and bluntly honest. 
She has a tendency to fall asleep extremely quickly at bedtime or naptime, and her loud snoring can be disruptive to others who are trying to rest or focus on important tasks in the same room. She possesses a steadfast commitment to justice, having no tolerance for individuals who seek to stir up strife, and is slow to forgive those who inflict harm on others for their own selfish purposes. She believes that war serves no purpose other than to be destructive, resulting from conflicts that escalate beyond the control of free will. In her view, war profoundly alters the moral fabric of society, while accelerating the advancement of weaponry and technology used in conflict. She’s a firm believer in virtue ethics who holds that life is more powerful than death, as it continually finds innovative ways to adapt and flourish.
Backstory: Fiolina Hortensia Germi was born on October 2, 2007 in Genoa, Italy. The Germi family is renowned for their vast wealth, military service, and philanthropic endeavours. Originally merchants and nobles, they amassed their fortune in the Mediterranean region during the Age of Exploration and have since maintained their wealth, now managing various corporations and philanthropic organisations. True to their militaristic heritage, the Germis have participated in numerous conflicts, including the Napoleonic Wars of the 1800s, the Italian Unification Wars of the 19th century, and modern-day wars against terrorism worldwide. Sadly, many Germi warriors lost their lives, leading to an important family custom where the chosen heir of the Germi family must serve in the military.
Alessandro Germi, Fio's father, was a fearsome soldier in the Regular Army in his earlier years, serving alongside Fabriclus Roving. However, he was forced to leave military service after being severely injured during a shootout, which left him crippled and suffering from debilitating post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). After returning to civilian life and receiving proper support, Alessandro successfully restored his family's struggling business. He also started a family with his beloved wife, Giulietta, a talented seamstress and manager of a luxurious art museum.
Alessandro's wish was to have a healthy son as he feared that sending a daughter onto the battlefield would be a perilous ordeal. To his surprise and dismay, Giulietta gave birth to a daughter, and due to health complications, she couldn't bear any more children. Fio's mother would also experience postpartum depression after childbirth and passed down a disease that runs deep within their heritage: cystic fibrosis. Alessandro's deep-seated fears for Fio's safety often led him to become overly protective, causing tension with his wife, Giuliette, who found his helicopter parenting suffocating.
Despite her parents' mental health struggles, they went above and beyond to care for her, providing unwavering love and support. For half of her elementary school years, she was homeschooled with her parents teaching a diverse range of subjects, including mathematics. They encouraged Fio’s appreciation for friendships, the outdoors, and the finer things in life. They even fostered her love of astronomy, gifting her a scientific telescope on her 10th birthday, which she still has to this day. Giulietta often took her on enriching outings to nature reserves and art museums, where she learned about biology and art history. Her mother also taught her the importance of domestic duties, showing her how to do her chores and clean the house. On special occasions, her mother would dress her up in pretty dresses and give her adorable animal plushies, which she still keeps.
She was bullied and exploited by the other children because of her wealthy status and overt politeness, but her father and teachers consistently intervened. As she grew, she discovered her own voice, learning to assert herself with courage and conviction. Standing up to her bullies with firm yet gentle confidence, she effectively silenced their taunts and earned respect. Like Marco, Fio excelled in all her classes, demonstrating exceptional academic prowess and a deep appreciation for effort and lifelong learning. However, her life took a devastating turn near the end of her secondary school days. A sudden and tragic terrorist airstrike, attributed to the Ptolemaic Army, struck Genoa, Italy, claiming Giulietta among its many victims. Her father was the most affected by this loss, turning to a life of alcoholism and self-isolation. Although Alessandro still cared about Fio and tried his best to support her, his alcoholism and newfound self-isolating behaviour made it challenging for him to do so.
It took time for Fio and Alessandro to heal from this loss, but they remained resilient. To cope with the loss of her mother, she turned to sewing, baking, and reading books on ancient and modern medical practices. Eventually, Alessandro sought help and went to rehab and therapy to address his issues with Fio's support and encouragement. After graduation, Fio was awarded multiple awards and scholarships, which enabled her to attend university. There, she pursued an interdisciplinary course of study, exploring chiropractics, acupuncture, physics, and astronomy.
Fio would eventually express her interest in joining the military after coming across a persuasive flyer to serve in the Regular Army. This revelation horrified Alessandro, as he didn't want to send his only child off to the battlefield, risking her life. He wanted to disregard the Germi's military traditions, believing that war is repugnant and a never-ending cycle of hate and violence. Alessandro tried to deter Fio from joining, but she persisted, driven by her desire to join the fight against terrorism and protect the lives of innocent people. He reluctantly agreed and sent her off to the military at the age of 19, but attempted to minimise her risk by using his connections and friends from his own military days to secure her a desk job, hoping to keep her out of harm's way and away from the front lines.
However, everything changed when a paperwork mistake caused by militant bureaucracy resulted in Fio's transfer to the S.P.A.R.R.O.W.S., a special operations branch of the Regular Army's Intelligence Agency known for carrying out high-risk missions. Surprisingly, Fio was ecstatic to hear the news as she had been eager to be deployed on the battlefield and make a real difference. In contrast, her father was furious and stormed into military headquarters, threatening officers in an attempt to prevent his daughter from being shipped to the front lines.
He would often try to extract Fio from the battlefield, but she consistently resisted. Eventually, she had enough of his overprotectiveness and bravely told him that this was what she wanted—to fight on the battlefield and provide medical aid. She assured him that she was capable of handling herself. Alessandro finally understood and let her pursue her life as a military woman. In return, she promised to keep in touch with him after each mission, providing him with reassurance and comfort.
Like Eri, she played a crucial role in the Great Morden War by providing Marco's team with useful intel on Rebel Army positions. She also dedicated herself to providing medical support for Marco's team, which led to her being recognized as the medic for the Peregrine Falcons Squad. During the Martian-Rebel Alliance War in Hong Kong, she was seized by a ruthless group of fanatic land troops and bikers who intended to exploit her for their twisted desires. One of the deranged fanatic land troops subjected her to unwanted physical contact, leaving her severely traumatised. This horrific experience intensified her resentment towards the Rebel Army and those who seek to spread chaos and harm. Fortunately, Tarma intervened just in time, eliminating the Rebel soldiers with the SV-001. Eri then swiftly freed her from her restraints.
Her countless battles against worldwide criminality, terrorism, and corruption enabled her to rapidly rise through the ranks, becoming the Master Sergeant of the S.P.A.R.R.O.W.S. special forces unit. However, her time in the military has taught her a harsh reality: even the good guys can't always protect the innocent or save their friends and comrades. She has witnessed many deaths and severe injuries that left people crippled and traumatised in each battle. Nevertheless, with the emotional support of friends like Eri and Tarma, she has persevered and continues fighting to this day.
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harmonie-writes · 9 months
The Buccaneer Queen pt. 16
Pirate! ATEEZ x pirate!fem Reader
Genre: fantasy pirate AU, future romance
Warnings: angst, language, violence, death, gore, mentions of guns and cannons. The characters in this story are purely fictitious and do not portray actual people.
AN: italics are thoughts
Word count: ~3.8k
Summary: Women are considered bad luck upon the vessels that sail the Seven Seas. Before you became the captain of The Astraea, a witch of sorts cursed you and the crew leaving a physical mark upon your chest just above where your heart would lie. Anyone that sees the Black Standard flying on the black and gold ship knows that they have stumbled upon the Armada of the Damned which is piloted by the Buccaneer Queen.
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»»————- ➴ ————-««
Previously on The Buccaneer Queen:
Opening the drawer on the table, he begins to look for thread and a needle but stops. Turning to look at you, he watches the way your skin begins to sew itself back together.
"Neat trick," Seonghwa murmurs, opting for a rag and clean water. At least he can clean the healed wound at your shoulder.
Arms dangling off his knees, he lets his head hang, just sitting on a barrel beside the table you lay on, lost in thought.
It's when he feels a hand brush his hair back from his forehead that he sits up in shock.
You wear a tired smile, but it's genuine. A raspy 'thank you' leaves your lips. A small smile settles on his face as he grabs a hold of your hand, giving it a gentle squeeze.
»»————- ➴ ————-««
Yunho has already gone back up to the main deck with Jamie, who looked especially relieved to see you resting, to help with the remaining tasks as they begin the long trip out into open water while Seonghwa remains with you in the sick bay.
It's been a few hours since you've been brought aboard and have since been covered with a blanket. It felt wrong to force you to put a shirt on after the whole ordeal you had gone through. It also just felt wrong to not cover you at all, for Goddess' sake, even if he was a pirate he was still a gentleman.
Figuring you were going to be out for a while, Seonghwa stood from the stool he had been perched on and stretched, groaning when he felt the satisfying crack in his back. Casting you a quick glance he strode out of the sick bay in search of food from the galley.
His weary eyes took note of his crew members milling about the galley of The Treasure. Even with his short time on the Astera he had gotten used to his new ship, but now it was a little jarring being back on the ship that he called home.
"Hwa!" Wooyoung called from one of the bench tables, beckoning him to join the rest of them as they ate a small dinner.
Dragging his feet he made his way over, and Hongjoong slid a plate over to his first mate.
"You should eat something," was all his captain said, before picking up his own food again.
Seonghwa gave a nod as he observed the dried meats and bread on his plate. A thought had crossed his mind then, that the bread must be stale at this point considering how long they've been away. They'd need to stop at a port for new rations.
"How is our lady captain?" Mingi asked, mouth full of bread.
Swallowing the lump of food, Seonghwa answered tiredly, "She's doing fine. Resting in one of the sick beds."
"Why the sudden change of heart? Didn't you hate her or something?" Wooyoung asked, only to receive a swift elbow in his ribs by Yeosang.
Seonghwa just shrugged. Truly, he didn't quite know where he stood with you or what he thought of you. You did save his captain and all and forced them into the dinghies while you stayed and went down with the Astraea.
The rest of the meal was brief, not much talking after the events that transpired, just hushed whispers here and there. Seonghwa was honestly tired of the murmurs of both crews and decided to refill his plate once more before excusing himself from the table.
It's not much but he had a plate of stale bread, dried meat, and a glass of water for you. It was better than nothing.
Pushing the door open with his hip he was greeted with an empty infirmary. Just his luck, his own patient was now missing. Letting his head fall back he lets out a deep sigh, there hasn't been much time for rest as he's been dealing with a swirling guilt in his stomach, but he also realizes that this isn't the time for self pity. Straightening his shoulders, he turns around with hopes of finding you quickly. How hard can that be, it's not like there's many places for you to go on a ship.
»»————- ➴ ————-««
Climbing the last few steps to the top deck he finds you where he thought he would. Coincidentally, it happens to be where they found you on their first night on the Astraea, standing on the bow of the ship's railing.
"Thought I'd find you out here," Seonghwa says, as he comes to a stop just off to your left.
Your eyes don't break away from the dark, swirling water in front of you, but you do give the dark haired pirate a small nod.
It's silent for a moment before he speaks again, "I went to look for you in the sick bay, but you were gone."
"I just needed some fresh air," you answer, your toes curl against the railing as if to ground yourself. "How long was I asleep?"
You can hear Seonghwa hum behind you, "After we last spoke? Probably half a day's worth has gone by."
You grimace as you realize how inconvenient that probably was for people to deal with.
When you don't answer, Seonghwa speaks again. "I came to bring you some food. It's not much, but it's all we have until we reach another port."
Hearing that you glance over your shoulder at him. It’s slow going, but your foot pivots and then you’re landing softly on the deck of the ship. You glance up at the man next to you, but his gaze remains fixed to the dark horizon, much like what you were doing moments prior to him joining you. The only indication that he’s paying any sort of attention is the plate being slid on the railing to you. Murmuring a quick ‘thanks', you pick up the bread, the crust is tough so you dip it in the glass that Seonghwa offers you. The water helps soften the crust, but you can feel the dryness coat your tongue as you munch on the bread. Setting down the small roll you opt to nibble on the salted meat instead.
The silence stretches between you two as you finish your meal, only after is the silence broken by Seonghwa.
“Yeosang found a merchant island not too far from where we are, called the Port Ame,” he still doesn’t look at you. You take note of the distant look in his eyes and wonder where his thoughts are at, but you know better than to pry.
Truthfully, you don’t know where your relationship with the helmsman stands. There isn’t a lot of trust between the two of you, but something changed within the last day. Humming to yourself, you decide that you won’t press the issue, at least not yet.
“You should get some rest Seonghwa, you’ve done a lot since being back on your ship,” your voice is gentle, quiet. You can see the weariness that rolls off him, the way his shoulders are slumped and the bags that are under his eyes.
There’s not much spoken, but you hear a noncommittal hum from him. It just encourages you to give him a small push back towards the entrance of the lower deck. He continues a few steps before stopping and turning around, surprised to see you already watching him.
“Where will you go?” he asks.
“I’ll go back to the med bay when I’m ready. It won’t be much longer,” you tell him, hands clasping together in front of you.
He nods once more, a quiet ‘goodnight’ following him, one that you return.
Your gaze returns to the horizon again as you think about what Seonghwa had told you. You’d soon find yourself at the island that always rains.
»»————- ➴ ————-««
You awake to a knock on the door of the med bay, and a head of lavender hair.
“Good morning, Wooyoung,” you greet him, as you finish tying off your hair into a loose braid.
“Morning to you Captain,” Wooyoung smiles.
“Just YN, I’m not a captain anymore,” you tell him, with a smile that doesn’t quite reach your eyes. You can see his smile falter a little before he sets it again.
“Ah, okay,” He fully opens the door for you, “Hongjoong would like a word with you.”
Dusting the imaginary dirt off the borrowed breeches you make your way to Wooyoung, “Then let’s not keep the Captain waiting. Lead the way.”
There’s a strange atmosphere as you are led through the Treasure, everyone being happier than normal to see you. The interactions cause a small crease to form in your brow.
Reaching the door to Hongjoong’s quarters, Wooyoung turns to look at you and notices the confusion settling between your eyes.
Rubbing a thumb over the spot he murmurs, “Everyone is just relieved to see that you’re doing well. Most haven’t seen you up since bringing you on board the ship.”
Your mouth forms a silent ‘o’ at this, and you can’t help wondering how much distress you caused your crew and Hongjoong’s.
Before you get the chance to ask, Wooyoung is knocking on the door and striding away to head to his post.
You hear a “come in” before you push the door open. Yeosang is leaning over Hongjoong’s shoulder pointing out something on a map before they both look up to greet you.
“Thank you Yeo, we can discuss this some more later,” Hongjoong tells him.
“Of course, Joong,” he’s gathering up the parchment on the table and putting them under his arms. As he passes you, he gives your hand a small squeeze before excusing himself from the quarters.
Hongjoong moves from his seat to stand in front of you, you who had only taken a few steps into the cabin.
“How are you feeling?” Hongjoong asks, gently picking up your hand.
Oddly intimate, you think, as you look at how he holds your hand so delicately, carefully tracing his thumb over the back of your hand.
“I’m as well as I can be,” you answer truthfully. You’re clearly alive at the cost of your ship, thankfully no one was lost to sea while it sank.
He’s silent for a moment before phrasing it again. “How is your condition?” It comes out almost like a whisper.
“No different than before,” you tell him. The weight of the souls that you carry has stayed the same.
“Good,” he nods, and pulls you with him towards the chairs near the desk.
He pulls out the chair in front of his desk for you, and you take a seat. Watching as he moves around the desk to his own chair.
“Wooyoung said you wanted to speak with me?” you ask, trying to get rid of the intimate atmosphere he created, even though you enjoyed the care he held your hand with.
“Right to business I see,” Hongjoong says, straightening himself out. “I wanted to thank you for taking a bullet for me.”
“It was nothing really,” you murmur, picking up a compass and spinning it against the wood of the desk.
Hongjoong watches you closely before continuing, “Why didn’t you try to come with us? We could’ve all fit on the lifeboat.”
Stopping your ministrations, you look up at him, “To ensure the safety of my fa- crew.”
You can see the way his features pull down in a frown, as if he doesn’t believe you.
“To ensure our safety you say,” Hongjoong spits your words back at you, “I watched you fall overboard. Do you know how helpless I felt not being able to grab you? To save you?”
Mouth agape you stare at him. You honestly had no idea you made the ruthless Pirate King feel helpless in that moment.
“Of course you wouldn’t know,” Hongjoong said, covering his face with his hand as he slumped back into his chair.
The silence between you stretches that all you can hear are the waves slapping the sides of the ship and the thundering of your heartbeat beating in your ears. Normally, you'd feel calm and composed in most situations, but whatever has transpired since your ship sank and seeing Seungcheol on The Diamond has rattled you to your core.
"Tell me something," Hongjoong asks, leaning forward and propping his elbows on the desk hands clasped together concealing the bottom half of his face.
Your gaze drifts to him as you wait for him to continue.
"What does the captain of The Diamond mean to you?"
"Do you mean besides what he owes me?" You ask, feigning nonchalance by leaning back in the cushioned chair you're sitting on.
"What else would cause you to be so angry over a man?" Eyes boring into yours, he presses on, "Something happened that's much deeper than you're letting on."
You chew the inside of your lip as you finally manage to break your gaze with him. Why, why does he have to be so observant?
"What are you trying to find Hongjoong? What possible good comes from knowing about past relations?" You counter.
Hongjoong's stare is hard as he gazes at you. Trying to find out why you're deflecting the topic so much. Why does it bother you so much?
"The safety of everyone on board relies on knowing. Knowing what kind of madness we are all getting into," he tells you, finally dropping his hands to the table.
Your eyes follow the movements of his hands, and you don't lift your gaze from them. You watch the tick in the top of his hand as he presses them together, maybe to contain his frustration with you. The lack of information he needs because you won't give a straight answer.
Releasing a sigh, you let your shoulder slump. Maybe it'll be better to share the burden, you think.
"We were together romantically. He was someone I thought would keep me safe. Treasure the bond we shared, but he was a coward," your voice comes out quiet, but in the quiet quarters of Hongjoong’s room it seems so loud.
"He was the one that outed me to the witch all those years ago," your voice begins to raise as you remember that night.
»»————- ➴ ————-««
Your captain's ship was caught in the middle of a nasty storm as your ship was transporting an elderly woman to a new port. You remember taking an inventory of the various herbs, wraps, and other various medicinal supplies in the medicine drawers within the small cabin. One hand gingerly fingered through the supplies while the other laid comfortably over your midsection. The rattling of metal equipment in glass jars locked away on a cupboard kept you company as you logged what you'd need to pick up from Ame.
The sound of the wooden door to the sick bay cracked against a barrel as it was flung open, a screech following soon after startling you from your counting.
Whirling around on the crate you were sitting on, you were met with a wrinkled and crooked finger jabbing into your chest.
"I knew it! I knew the storm was a bad omen!" She hissed, spittle hitting you in the face.
You couldn't help but gawk at how red in the face this woman had become, and even more so, you haven't even done anything.
"What do you mean by bad omen?" You narrow your eyes at the woman.
"You are a woman sailing on this ship! Women bring bad luck on the seas!" She screeched.
"Are you not one as well?" You question, brow raising at the absurdity. It's then that you notice Seungcheol inside the door frame.
"Seungcheol?" You ask, hoping that his eyes will meet yours, but they don't. They remain fixed to the floor.
"Bring her to the top deck," the woman commands, whirling on her heel and leaving the room.
You can see the way his jaw ticks in frustration as he comes further into the room.
"Cheol, talk to me, please. What's happening?" You ask as he grabs one of your arms. He doesn't hold you in a familiar way at all, his grip too firm on your arm.
You push again, "Seungcheol?"
You're met with a brooding silence as you're pushed rather harshly out of the cabin.
Rain and wind whip against your face, and it's only a matter of moments before your clothes are soaked through, sending a chill deep into your bones.
Somehow, you manage to hear the woman's shrill cries over the howling winds.
"How dare you escort me with a woman on your crew! You have damned every person on this ship by allowing her to sail onto open water!"
The moment would be rather funny watching the little lady yell at your giant of a captain if the circumstances weren't what they currently were. You have no idea what you've done wrong, and to be in the middle of this situation, it just didn't make any sense.
"You paid us for refuge and an escort to a new island. You have no right now to be upset about who I have on my crew," your captain seethes, leaning his face down at the wretched woman.
You're not entirely sure what transpired, but your captain has his arm twisted to the side in a hold that no elderly woman should possess the strength to have and a bone knife pressed to his neck.
"Wait! Stop! What are you doing?" You scream, struggling to get out of Seungcheol's grip.
Whirling on him, you scream, "Let go of me! Why aren't you helping our captain? Let me go!"
"Quiet!" He twists your arm as far as it'll go without snapping before he's pushing you in the there direction.
Your eyes scan wildly at your other crew mates, but there seems to be a haze over them. It must be rainwater in your eyes, but they almost seem to be moving slower.
You're jostled from your thoughts as you're shoved to the deck, Seungcheol holding one arm behind your back and the other at the back of your neck.
You try to turn your head to glare at the man who you thought you could trust.
"You're a part of this?" You hiss, fingers digging into the damp wood of the deck.
"I was promised a way out," Seungcheol answers, not even bothering to look at you.
"What do you mean a way out?" You try to get him to look at you, "Seungcheol, what do you mean?"
You can see the way his brow creases and the frown that sets on his face.
"Answer me!" You scream at him.
"Your crew will die because of you, but you will have the fortune of being the first to go," she continues, waving the bone knife around in the air.
You curse under your breath as you realize how truly helpless you are in this situation. If you try to struggle any further, you know you'll dislocate your shoulder. You turn your eyes away from the scene in front of you, forehead resting against the deck as tears prick your eyes.
You hear it over the thunder and crashing waves, the choked gurgling followed by a heavy thud.
Lifting your head and trying to clear bleary eyes, you can make out the slumped form of your captain lying on the deck. A red pool forms beneath him rapidly. You think you hear a scream. Your second thought is that maybe it's your scream, but you're not too sure.
A gnarled hand tangles in your hair before giving it a harsh yank. You glare at the hag before you, and you meet her malice filled gaze with one of your own, but she has a nasty smirk adorned on her face as she leans in to whisper in your ear.
"I know your secret you whore," she whispers, as pain erupts in your abdomen as she twists the knife deeper into your gut.
Coughing, you can feel the thick, warmth of blood fill your mouth and run down your chin.
Seungcheol finally drops your arm and takes a hasty step back away from you. Guilt is taking over his face, but he's quick to turn away from you.
Pressing a hand to your stomach, you cry out. It's an agonizing cry, one that carries across the water. A ragged scream of a lost love and betrayal. For a love that never got to blossom, you cry. And soon, your vision darkens, and you're left alone on the deck of your old ship.
The storm has passed, and the sun beats down on a ship and the person who lies on the deck.
A dry cough escapes your lips, and you try to wet your lips with your rough tongue. Your head feels like lead as you try to sit up, and there's an excruciating pain in your abdomen, which brings back all the memories rushing to the front of your mind.
Gingerly, you lift the bottom of your torn shirt only to be met with nothing. It's just a scar.
Scrambling to your feet, you rush to your captain's quarters, looking for something sharp. After turning over the desk drawers, your eye catches sight of a silver letter opener. There isn't much thought as you bring the blade across your palm. It stings, and you bite your lip to suppress a shout. To your horror, though, you watch as the edges of the wound begin to create thread like fibers and stitch the wound close once more.
"No, no, no, no," you whisper, bringing your hands to your head and gripping your hair tightly. Your knees buckle, and you find yourself in a fetal position on the floor.
"This can't be happening," you whisper, and somehow you manage to shed a few tears that you thought had all dried up.
»»————- ➴ ————-««
"What did he take from you?" Hongjoong asks, his eyes not giving away how he's feeling.
"He took my mortality," you fix him with a glare, even though the anger isn't directed at him.
"He took away my son," you add, jaw feathering in anger as you reopen old wounds.
»»————- ➴ ————-««
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asaarii · 7 months
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cheeeeeeeseeeeeeeee~~~~ talon mini series bc i love him and he doesn't get like any love... ALSO HIGH NOON BC I SAID SO and yone legendary :33 okay time to disappear again ta ta
ft: high noon!talon (league of legends)
reader: fem
wc: 2017
summary: after the fall of heaven, you're left to wander the mortal plain with nothing but a dead-end job and a mark on your hand binding you to a brother who you once thought dead. they say the west is cruel, but you weren't expecting to be reunited with the man you loathed most.
part i (here!) part ii
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There’s a distinct creak that echoes through the air as the swinging doors open. The bar silences, all eyes turning to glance at the newcomer from beneath the hem of their worn leather hats before deeming him not worth their time and returning to their previous activities.
His boots click as he slowly stalks toward the front of the bar, the odd blades at the ends of his cape rattle noisily, clinking together with every step. His face remains hidden by the downward tilt of his head, obscured by the pristine hat accented by rims of gold. It isn’t long till he takes a seat at your station, waving you down with a flick of his wrist.
As you approach, your breath hitches. He’s smirking, scrutinizing your every move with an amused quirk of his brow. But what grabs your attention is his eyes, well, eye as one of them is covered by a black eyepatch with similar golden accents as the rest of his outfit. There’s something not quite human about his gaze and devilish smirk, yet you don’t allow his strange aura to deter you. You had a job to do, after all.
“Well, ain’t you a pretty sight?” The man lets out a low whistle, his smirk ever-present as his gaze lands on your gloved hand, which you quickly tuck away behind your work skirt upon feeling his gaze. He quirks a brow but doesn’t push, which you’re grateful for. Heaven knows that the folks in this town are far too nosy than they ought to be. Sweat begins to gather at the base of your neck, though whether it's from the high noon’s unforgiving heat, or from his stare, you aren’t quite sure.
You force yourself to remain calm. “What can I get you today, sir?” The buzz of the bar does little to distract you from the alluring stranger as he lets out a deep chuckle. You fiddle with your skirt when he dips his head to the side with a shrug, brushing aside the feeling in your gut telling you to run. In all honesty, you really should’ve.
“Whatever you recommend, miss.”
If he took note of your apprehension, he gave you the grace of not commenting on it, merely watching you pour a small cup of water from a lukewarm pitcher. The glass is then placed before him with a resounding thud, with a few of the droplets splashing onto his clothes and the counter.
“There you go, a mighty fine glass of water all for you, sir.” You ignore his stare in favor of wiping down the now-wet counter. He snorts, and you know he has a wide grin plastered on his face even if you can’t see it.
“Just water? And here I thought we hit it off, miss.”
Now it's your turn to snort, narrowing your eyes at the strange newcomer with a sneer. “We don’t do freeloaders ‘round here, sir. Sorry to disappoint.” You turn away from him to make your way over to a different customer when the sound of a pouch of coins hitting wood draws your attention swiftly back to the newcomer.
The whole bar seems to come to a standstill as the shimmering gold rolls across the countertop.
Tobias Felix looks up from his shuffled deck of cards, blue eyes falling to the coins with piqued interest. It’s rare to see the man away from Buzzard Gulch, and you can’t say you find yourself at ease with his presence, especially when he keeps his cards so close to his chest. 
(Never trust a man with too many secrets; a saying befitting of your current predicament.)
The famed Gunpowder Witch lets out a low whistle as she props her feet on the table despite your numerous complaints. Her left hand dutifully twirls one of her guns—Blaze, you recall her naming it—while the other tightly grips a bounty from the Mechanical Devil himself. The amount in the pouch is significantly less than the amount on the bounty, but out here in the west, all coin is good coin.
Your nostrils flare and your eyes glint with an unmatched hellfire that would send the Mechanical Devil himself running with his tail between his legs. “Fine,” you spit venomously, “what can I getcha, sir?”
“A moment of your time would suffice.” The man leans against the counter, taking the hand that lay resting on the counter before placing a chaste kiss on the silk glove.
As if burned, you quickly draw your hand back, reeling away as disgust paints your features. “A moment of my—! Do I look like a common whore?!” Had it not been for the manager coming to step in, there is no doubt in your mind that you would’ve struck the man. With a hand firmly clasped over your mouth, you’re unable to voice your complaints as your manager smiles.
A dangerous look crosses the outsider’s face, but it’s quickly replaced with a mirroring plastered smile.
“Pleasure doin’ business with you, kind sir.” Your manager tightens his grip on you, sticking his hand out for the strange man to shake.
“Much obliged.”
With the tip of a hat and the snatching of coin, you find yourself in the devil’s hold, deliberately avoiding his piercing gaze as he leads you away from the bar. Dust kicks up beneath your feet, dirtying the whiteness of your dress into the same barren shade of brown as the dirt. Once you deem yourself far away from wandering eyes, you tear yourself away from him. 
“You!” You press your gloved finger to his chest, unable to withhold your thinly veiled anger.
“Well, hello to you too, darlin’.” He peels your hand off of his chest, once more placing a kiss on the back, though this time he removes the glove, revealing the half mark of grief inked into your skin. 
(One half on you, and the other on your brother; two sides of the same coin.)
“Miss me, angelface?” His tone is light yet mocking as he peels off the eye patch. One of his arms sneaks around your waist, pulling you flush against him, much to your chagrin.
“I ain’t ever miss a devil.” You resist the urge to spit in his pretty face. His eyes, forever soulless, burn bright beneath the scorching sky of the high noon, amusement dancing in the two-toned irises as he forces you into a crude waltz. 
“Naw, can’t hide it from me, angelface. You’re still as shitty a liar as y’always been.”
Twisting and turning to an unheard rhythm, his hand entwines with your ungloved hand; calloused and rough through years of merciless killing. You try to pull away from him but his grip remains firm.
“And you’re still a connivin’ sonuva—!”
His movements are sudden and hidden, yet still as precise as they’ve always been.
You gasp as a blade pierces through your midsection, the cold steel bringing the familiar feeling of a harrowing death as it pushes deeper. 
It burns. 
The mark on your hand pulses, no doubt your brother on the other end restarting the process of grief. 
Golden blood trickles from the open wound, tainted by mortal air and a devil’s blade. You can only gape at him as he smiles down ruefully at you, bearing the same expression he bore all those years ago. You grasp weakly at his throat in an attempt to choke him, unable to voice your anger and grief with the blood rising in your throat. Your body falls as he drops you, but your soul is quick to stand again, gazing down at your corpse as it dissipates into a golden light.
The barren land cracks beneath your feet as you give up resisting, giving way to the hidden tracks beneath. The tracks of utter damnation.
A train horn sounds in the distance, followed shortly by the distinct sound of wheels on rails, chugging along the beaten tracks as the Sulfur Rail draws ever closer. You smell it before you see it; the intangible scent of burnt matches and rotting eggs pervading your senses even as you scrunch your nose at its distasteful smell.
It isn’t long until the train comes to a standstill, pausing before the two of you with the deafening screech of metal on metal. The devil—ever the utmost gentleman—steps on first, gripping onto the rusted rail as he extends his other hand to you.
His smirk widens as you take his hand, conjuring a fan to hide your expression as well as an attempt to block out the Sulfur Rail’s foul stench. Its white feathers fall with every movement, fading to black before disintegrating as they hit the ground. 
(Similar to a lot of folks you know, your brother in particular.)
You tune out his conversation with the ticket taker both out of spite and boredom, focusing your attention instead on the multitude of souls meandering about. Angels, devils, humans—all on a one-way ride to hell, paid in full by the mechanical devil-king himself. You see a few familiar faces amongst the sea of souls, though one in particular eludes you. Shrugging to yourself, you make your way down the rows of seats, both empty and occupied.
Anger still simmers beneath the surface of your skin despite your lack of outward resistance. The man takes a seat across from you, his face schooled into a more familiar look of annoyance and perpetual anger, unlike his suave facade from earlier.
You hate how he still looks attractive after all these years of nothing but silence between the two of you. You hate how he speaks so casually with you as if nothing happened after the downfall of Heaven—your home. Snapping your fan shut, you look at him, looking for any subtle shift in his features brought upon by time. His frown lines, the imminent scowl that’s taken over the plastic smile he clung to at the bar, the shaggy silver hair beneath his hat, and you could never forget the hidden blades just barely peeking from the cuffs of his shirt and knives in the holster at his hip.
Nope, he’s exactly the same. Just as you suspected.
“Why didja bring me here, Talon?”
“Lookin’ for somethin’ and you’re the only one who can help me find it, angelface.” That all-knowing look in his back on his slappable face and your jaw clenches tight beneath your teeth at the mere sight of it.
Your hand clasps over the mark visible on your ungloved hand as if protecting the bond from outside gazes—from Talon’s gaze. “Varus ain’t gonna help you. I wouldn’t help ya if it meant all the gold in the world.”
He cocks a brow, tilting his hat back slightly with his thumb as he looks at you, really looks at you, “You ain’t never cared for gold before.”
Melancholy settles over the anger, cooling its hellfire-like blaze into a manageable ember. “People change, Talon, but s’good to see you’re still as insufferable as ever.” You’re quick to recollect your fallen expression. “But that ain’t the point. Why d’you needa speak to Varus anyway? Pretty sure he’s still got that grudge of his.”
“Can’t a guy catch up with an old friend?”
You bring a hand up to quell your growing headache—can the dead get headaches? You digress. You stare hard at him, trying to piece together what in the world he was on about. “Right. The two of you were such good friends, weren’tcha?” Sarcasm drips from your tone as you roll your eyes, and he snorts in response.
“We were pretty close though, hm? All cozy n’ warm.”
“I reckon it’s high time you shut your damn mouth, demon.”
Talon hums, raising his hands in faux surrender before finally allowing you a moment of respite.
Resigning yourself to an unknown fate, you lean back into the train’s seat with a tired sigh. “I ain’t spoken to Varus in centuries, y’know?”
“Why’s that?” He’s smirking again. That damn twisted smirk that’s seared into the forefront of your mind.
You hate him.
“‘Cause you killed ‘em.”
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©asarii 2024 — do not copy, steal, repost, or translate any of my works on tumblr or any other site
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markrosewater · 6 months
Hi Mark! With all this talk about hats, I was wondering... Why weren't "Brims" Barone or the hats matter archetype from Unfinity made backwards compatible with the only card caring about hats in Unstable, Goblin Haberdasher, which is mono-red?
By the way, would the ability of Haberdasher be in pie for mono-black? I could always try to rule 0 it and convince my opponents that its colour identity is black and not red for my Brims commander deck =D
Brims is black/white because that’s the colors of the draft archetype in Unfinity. He’s the gold signpost. There are tons of factors that went into to choosing the colors for the archetype and synergy with an old card was low on the list.
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I made myself a Fire Emblem theme for my solitaire game
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Deets under the cut
Base theme: Fable Deck: Solitaire Celebrates Effect: Stars
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Ace of Diamonds: Hoshido/Birthright
Ace of Spades: Mark of Naga/Brand of the Exalt
Ace of Hearts: Valla/Revelation
Ace of Clubs: Nohr/Conquest
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King of Diamonds: Lewyn
King of Spades: Alm
King of Hearts: Eltshan
King of Clubs: Eliwood
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Queen of Diamonds: Mikoto
Queen of Spades: Edelgard
Queen of Hearts: Tiki
Queen of Clubs: Michaiah
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Jack of Diamonds: Forde
Jack of Spades: Inigo
Jack of Hearts: Seliph
Jack of Clubs: Leo
Background: Here
Card backing: Here
Aces: The French Wikipages for Awakening and Fates
Face cards: Heroes and official art [Inigo specifically here]
The face cards did not align this way naturally. All of them had to be zoomed in at least twice, most four, and a few had to be scooted over a little to avoid being cropped in the wrong places or to fix general alignment issues
The game doesn't properly support transparent images, so I had to give each face card a background; really all I did was colour drop the deck's base colour and use that as the background so it would match
Each face card was shrunk to the card's base dimensions [422x562] with the background being twice that size [844x1124] to allow for easier placement without running into a black background because of said transparency issues
I didn't make any changes to the playing background. I just set it and left it as is
The card backing isn't quite aligned in the center, but I have no motivation to try and fix that right now
The backing border was completely unintentional. I chose that deck to build off of simply because of the gold rim around the face-up cards. I didn't realise it would come with a backing border, but hey it works
I chose Fable as the base theme to build off of for two reasons: 1. Aesthetic™, and 2. The background music is the closest to Fire Emblem music the game has [I really wish you could choose your own in-game ambience instead of having to use a preset theme first]
The stars effect has no real impact on the theme, I just like it
I initially wanted Ferdinand to be the Jack of Diamonds, but I didn't want to use his pre-skip design, which is all Heroes had, so Forde was chosen instead
Takumi was briefly considered for Jack of Diamonds and King of Clubs before those roles went to Forde and Eliwood
Ishtar was going to be the Queen of Clubs, but I decided three Genealogy characters was enough, so Michaiah took this spot
Other candidates for Queen of Clubs were Cherche, Celica, Seiros, and Eirika
I went with the Chrom!Inigo edit instead of normal Inigo or Lazward simply because Chrom!Inigo is best Inigo and you cannot change my mind
Alm, Michaiah, and Forde are the only ones who use official art instead of Heroes art. I preferred Alm and Michaiah's official art while Forde isn't even in the game yet [get on that, IS]
I originally wanted to use Edelgard's official post-skip art as I didn't [and still don't] like how her Heroes art sharply cuts off, but it ultimately clashed badly when trying to align it, so I had to use her Legendary alt [her pre-skip and Three Hopes designs were out of the question from the get-go]. I aligned the cutoff with the edge of the card as best I could and I'm surprised it worked
The only set in stone characters from the very beginning were Eltshan, Seliph, and Inigo. The rest I decided as I went on
Tiki was completely spur of the moment. As soon as I remembered she existed, I was like "Oh yeah, adult Tiki would be a perfect Queen of Hearts". I saw her Brave alt and didn't look back
I briefly considered using Eltshan's performance alt, but decided against it
While I knew I wanted Seliph as the Jack of Hearts, I initially wasn't sure which version to use, but I ultimately went with the version I liked the most, which was his Brave alt
Lewyn was a toss-up as to which version I wanted to use, but I went with his festival alt as I liked it more than his normal version
Other characters I considered but with no solid placement were Sigurd, Arvis, Lucina, Ayra, Soleil, Dorothea, Olivia, Deirdre, Say'ri, Elincia, Ryouma, Innes, Tana, Ephraim, Felix, and Constance
Inigo and the aces required some additional editing to remove their white backgrounds before setting up the off-white backgrounds they were supposed to have for this set. I worked on Inigo's for so long trying to edit out lossy pixels around the edges of his art that the editor crashed on me. Hurray for autorecovery
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agnerd-bot · 1 year
Fate Fanservant: Cinderella, Queen of All Fairy Tales(Ruler)
Ascension Stages:
First Stage: Cinderella is clad in an older, ragged cloak that covers most of her body. Faint hints of a scar can be seen on the left side of her face, but she has drawn her hood up to hide it from the world. Her clothes are older, ill-fitting and tearing in several places, but a faint aura of gold and white seems to surround her even in this state.
Second Stage: The cloak has been removed, and Cinderella is now dressed in a torn jacket and pants, parts of her body covered in bandages. On her body are several burn marks of black and red, covering a fair amount of her body. Her hair is pulled back, revealing a burn scar on the left side of her face. Most notably, her arms and legs have been burned almost completely black, akin to molten rock. Fire dances at her fingertips, and her face has taken a more downcast expression.
Final Stage: Cinderella’s ragged and torn clothes have been replaced with an ornate white and blue dress, and silver gloves and stockings with golden trim adorn her arms and legs. A pair of glass slippers gleam upon her feet, and a silver anklet shines on her leg. In her hands are a sword and shield made of the very same magical glass. Adorning her figure are various panes of glass, hovering around her to defend. Her scars are in full display now beneath the glass, but she bears her wounds with pride rather than shame.
First Ascension: I Dreamed A Dream (From "Les Misérables")
Queen of Fairy Tales Theme: Florence + the Machine - Dog Days Are Over
Battle Theme: Love the Subhuman Self [With Lyrics] (Millia Theme) - Guilty Gear Strive OST
Grand Battle Theme(VS Fenrir Riding Hood): Death Battle: Fireborn (From the Rooster Teeth Series) 
Class: Ruler
Alternate Class: Saber, Rider, Caster, Shielder
True Name: Cinderella/Rhodopis
Source: Fairy Tales
Region: Worldwide
Alignment: Lawful Good Attribute: Star
Known as: ATU 510A, Aschenputtel, Doricha, Le Fresne, Cenerentola, Cendrillon, Finette Cendron, Vasilisa, Ċiklemfusa, Katie Woodencloak, Ashey Pelt, Trembling, Nyasha, Settareh, Maha, Yè Xiàn, Tám, Chūjō-hime, Nagami, Damura, Bawang Putih, Jouanah, Pear Blossom, Maria, Oochigeaskw, The Cinder Maid, The Queen of All Fairy Tales, The Persecuted Heroine, Dream and Dreamer, Guardian of Happily Ever After
Voice Actress: Yuu Asakawa
Strength: B- Endurance: A++ Agility: B+ Mana: A+ Luck: EX NP: EX
Passive Skills:
Blessing of True Magic EX:
As a Servant intrinsically tied to magical powers protecting and guiding her, Cinderella boasts a Magic Resistance surpassed only by deities and saints. Her Magic Resistance grants her the ability to nullify nearly any spell used against her, barring any extreme circumstances. As a Servant who embodies the concept of 'happily ever after', any attempts at trying to destroy said happy ending will be outright nullified completely.
Interestingly, Cinderella's Blessing of True Magic seems to be a hybrid of an innate resistance to magical powers afforded to her by her status as a Ruler-class, and an unknown outside source of magical energy protecting her at all times. It is through this combination of her abilities that her Magic Resistance is so unusually high in comparison to most Servants.
(FGO Effect:) -Increases own debuff resistance by 25%. -Increases own buff removal resistance by 25%. -Grants self Buff Block immunity. -Charges own NP gauge by 7.5% when attacking with Buster Cards.
Item Construction(Fairy Tale) B:
As much of Cinderella's tale involves the use of magic to produce fanciful dresses, slippers of gold and glass, wondrous carriages, and so much more, she has the Item Construction skill applied to her by default. Using her magic, she can create numerous items out of seemingly nothing but junk or vegetation lying around the area, and can even transmute living creatures into other entities, such as changing mice and dogs into humans, or woodland creatures into mighty stallions.
However, many of these items can only last for a limited time, vanishing in a matter of hours, or even less, depending on how much power she puts into creating these items. When these items are present, though, they are often of the highest quality materials and efficiency, even when they are made from actual garbage.
(FGO Effect:) -Increases own buff success rate by 8%. -Increases own critical star generation rate by 8%.
Riding A+:
Due to her nature as a woman who can capture the heart of any beast or animal she chooses, Cinderella has an incredibly high Riding skill, even when manifesting as a Ruler Class Servant. Even the most rowdy of Phantasmal Beasts or Dragon Kind are willing to lend her their aid for short periods of time, with only almighty Divine Beasts being able to stand outside of her influence. If no animals are available for her to ride, she can also temporarily create steeds in the form of pumpkins, vines, and other inanimate objects.
Despite her unmatched talents at taming animals and plants, she often struggles with managing more modern vehicles compared to other Servants, hence why she lacks an EX Rank. This has done nothing to discourage her from trying, however, and she often dreams of being able to use more modern vehicles by herself someday.
“A motorcycle... So cool...! Yes, I will definitely learn how to use one someday! ...I hope.”
(FGO Effect:) -Increases own Quick performance by 12%.
On the Border of Reality and Fantasy EX:
In contrast to her husband, Prince Charming, who is a Servant that is wholly fictional, or to a Servant such as Marie Curie, who is undoubtedly a real person, Cinderella stands in a unique position. While the character of Cinderella is undoubtedly one borne from fantasy and fairy tales, records do show that there was once a person who existed that inspired one of the first versions of Cinderella: Rhodopis, a hetaera from the Sixth Century BC who served as a slave to the storyteller Aesop, and eventually married the King of Egypt.
Reality and Fantasy, Truth and Lies, Fact and Fiction. Cinderella is both and neither, an anomaly that walks along their borders without faltering. As a consequence of this dual existence, Cinderella stands outside of the usual constraints of the Summoning System. Even in a Singularity where heroes and fantasies have all but died, and even in a reality where no traces of Mana can hope to exist, Cinderella will still be able to manifest in some form.
She is both dream and dreamer, a fantasy who holds fantasies of her own, and a persecuted maiden that will forever wish for better things to come. The greatest heroine of all Fairy Tales, the almighty queen of stories new and old, to which all others must inevitably bow their heads to.
(FGO Effect:)  -Increases NP by 5% each turn. -Gain 5 Critical Stars each turn.
Queen of All Fairy Tales EX:
Among all other Fairy Tales, Cinderella is the one that can be most argued to be the most well-known throughout the world, with there being five hundred different variations known in Europe alone, and roughly eight hundred versions told around the world. Nearly any culture can look upon Cinderella and recognize her in some type of form. As a result, she has an ability akin to that of a Divine Core, a power granted to her by her status as Queen of All Fairy Tales.
As a Servant, Cinderella exists as an embodiment of the hopes and dreams of those who have suffered, those who have been lost, or those who feel trapped in a cruel and merciless life with which there seems to be no escape from.  She is the very concept of 'a miracle', someone who was able to escape her own horrible life and lay claim to her own happily ever after in the end. While her combat ability in her own stories was essentially nonexistent, as a Servant, she stands among the strongest to ever live due to how her story resonates with nearly all people across the world.
However, it is not power that grants her the legendary title, but rather her heart. Even in the face of the cruelty she was subject to for ages, her will was never truly broken. Even after years of abuse and hardship, she never truly lost her kindness.
A story so beloved and so enduring that multiple cultures can come up with it simultaneously and tell it in different ways, a story where the good are rewarded and escape their suffering, and where the wicked are stopped and made powerless, and a story where an abused, innocent girl is allowed her happily ever after.
(FGO Effect:)  -Increases own damage by 300. -Decreases damage taken by 300.
Active Skills:
The Persecuted Heroine EX:
After the death of her mother, Cinderella's father remarried to a wicked and cruel stepmother, who brought in her evil but beautiful stepdaughters. They stripped her of her clothes, forced her to eat and live in the kitchen, and made a slave of her, forcing her to work day and night at impossible tasks and making her sleep by the hearth in order to stay warm. When she woke up covered in cinders, her family gave her the mocking name of 'Cinderella'.
However, despite the suffering she had to go through, she still had a safe refuge in both the hazel tree she had planted by her mother's grave and the animals that she had befriended with her good heart. Through them, she was able to accomplish the impossible tasks her stepmother gave her each and every day, and with their gifts, she was able to attain the happiness she was denied in the end.
This manifests as a skill akin to Animal Communication, where Cinderella can communicate with wildlife as easily as one can communicate with people. Unlike Animal Communication, where the animals gain no real increase in intellect, this skill enchants the animals with magic, granting them greater thinking comparable to that of humanity and empowering them with magical abilities on par with an Anti-Army Noble Phantasm, allowing Cinderella to properly direct them in combat or combine them with her own magic. Or simply ask them to help her with chores.
Among the closest connections Cinderella has with her animal companions is that of a lone eagle, the very same bird from the tale of Rhodopis that stole her sandal and dropped it into the lap of the king. Even if no one else would answer her call, this noble bird will always come to aid her, even at the end of days.
(FGO Effect:) -Increase critical damage for all allies. -Gains critical stars based on the number of Animal-Characteristic allies. -Reduces own critical star absorption for 1 turn[Demerit].
The Stroke of Midnight B:
As the fairy tale goes, the magical dress and coach that was granted to Cinderella were astonishingly miraculous. They outshone every other person at the ball, gaining the attention and catching the heart of the kingdom's prince. She shone as if she was a beautiful angel from Heaven, and at the ball, her grace and beauty that was constantly trod upon by her abusive family was allowed to truly shine for the world to see. That night, her heart was filled with a happiness she hadn't known in the years since her mother had passed away. However, the magic was not meant to last, with it all fading away at the stroke of midnight. And so, Cinderella had to run far away to her home before the magic faded completely, hiding in a tree until the prince had lost her trail.
This part of her legend manifests as the ability to boost her magical energy reserves to great heights, greatly ramping up both her offensive and defensive prowess and overclocking her parameters and skills so that they all jump up by several ranks. However, this skill is limited in that it only works during the night, and is destined to disappear once the clock strikes twelve at midnight. Furthermore, this skill can only be used once every day, meaning that after those three uses have passed, she can no longer activate this ability.
(FGO Effect:) -Charges own NP Gauge. -Grants party Invincibility for one turn. -If there is a 'Fae' Servant on the field, apply Debuff Immune to self(one time). -After three turns, apply Stun to self(one turn)[Demerit].
What Has Been Lost, Now Returned EX:
The embodiment of 'Happily Ever After', the most famous aspect of Cinderella was when the Prince reunited with her, returning the glass slipper that she had left behind. After the Prince and Cinderella wed, she was able to leave the life of pain and misery behind, and embrace her own happy ending, no longer bound by the cruelty and wickedness of her family, who were left exposed as the evil people they were.
As the Queen of All Fairy Tales, Cinderella's power is to ensure that the suffering and downtrodden are granted their happy endings, and that the evil and cruel get their just rewards. As a result, Cinderella has the ability to resist 'alterations' to her own story, akin to an Avenger’s Oblivion Correction. She can resist any attempts at temporal disruption such as Red Riding Hood's own plot to distort her own fairy tale, as well as see when alterations to the story have been made. However, this ability is limited in that she cannot immediately discern the source of these alterations, but merely see that something has been altered.
(FGO Effect:) -Increase attack of all Fairy Tale and Phantom Servants for three turns. -Increase defense of all Fairy Tale and Phantom Servants for three turns. -Apply Guts to all Fairy Tale Servants(two times, five turns).
Noble Phantasms:
Noble Phantasm: Truyện Bất Tử - The Story That Forever Calls You
Rank: B Maximum Targets: 1 Range: —
Classification: Anti-Unit(Self)
A passive Noble Phantasm borne from the Vietnamese fairy tale, "The Story of Tấm and Cám". It is said that after Tám's stepmother and stepsister murdered her out of jealousy for marrying the sovereign, the fair maiden reincarnated multiple times in many different forms to reunite with her betrothed, ranging from a lovely oriole, two gentle peach trees, a wooden loom, burning ashes, a golden apple, before finally being reborn as Tấm herself as she took vengeance upon her wicked stepmother and stepsister for their treachery.
This legend manifests itself as a unique ability. Much like how her husband, Prince Charming, embodies 'the hero that will always triumph over evil', Cinderella embodies 'the maiden who will always escape from her torment'. Cinderella's very existence is innately tied to that of mankind's own hopes and dreams for a better ending. So long as there are people that desire their wishes to come true, there will be a Cinderella to answer their call as their champion. As a Servant that embodies dreamers and fantasies, Cinderella will always be reborn, just as her stories are told again and again. Even when her enemies kill her again and again, Cinderella will find a way to return and reclaim what was stolen from her, outright forcing the World to allow her back in through sheer will.
This Noble Phantasm does have its limitations, however. It is not a 'true' immortality like that of the Monkey King Sun Wukong or the Lunar Rabbit Yù Tù. Rather, with this reincarnation ability, she lacks a 'concept of death', akin to the Primordial Mother, albeit on a lesser scale, so in theory, an attack akin to the First Hassan's Azrael could stop her reincarnation and render her mortal.
Nevertheless, even in the face of death and darkness, the Persecuted Heroine will continue to stand, the last line of defense for all who have looked up at the night sky and dreamed.
Noble Phantasm: La Colère de Cendrillon - The Hate That Forever Binds You
Rank: A Maximum Targets: 1 Range: —
Classification: Anti-Unit(Self)
In her tales told in Europe, Cinderella gained her name from the fact that her body was often covered by dust and ash from working so hard for her family without rest without any thanks or respite. She wasn’t even allowed to sleep in a bed like the rest of the family, instead being forced to sleep by the fireplace for warmth. The cruelty of her family weighed heavily on her soul, but not once could she ever let loose her sorrows or her frustrations, or else she would be turned out onto the streets. For years, Cinderella was forced to endure years of physical, emotional, and financial abuse, holding her tongue for fear of reprisal, only escaping thanks to the work of her mother's hazel tree.
But even the miraculous fortune granted to her could not rid her of her own bitterness and self-loathing. Even marrying a prince who loved her with all his heart could not erase her past or let her forget her suffering. The pain she had to live through followed her like a scourge all her life, even in her ‘Happily Ever After’. As a Servant, this anger manifests as the very cinders that gave her her name, with her arms and legs being burned pitch-black and crackling like flame. The fires she wields are the embodiment of the grief and rage she was never able to truly express under her family’s thumb. If Cinderella needs to take a stand and fight, she can unleash torrents of fire from her limbs that grow even stronger the more violent her emotions grow, and burn far longer and hotter than any normal fires ever would, and are intense enough to burn an enemy’s very existence to ash.
However, despite the sheer power of this Noble Phantasm, it comes at a great cost to her as well. If Cinderella were to let her own self-loathing and rage consume her utterly, she would risk losing herself completely to her own darkest parts, becoming a raging flame that would burn the World itself to ash and cinders, before ultimately burning herself away along with it.
Cinderella herself dislikes using this Noble Phantasm, as she believes it is emblematic of everything wrong about her, everything she hates about herself, and the ultimate proof that her family was right about her.
Noble Phantasm: Pantofola di Vetro - The Gift That Finally Frees You
Rank: A+ Maximum Targets: 1 Range: —
Classification: Anti-World(Self)
Cinderella’s second Noble Phantasm, the evolved version of La Colère de Cendrillon, manifesting as her main armaments as the Queen of All Fairy Tales. The resentful flames and ashes of her abusive past having been tempered and cooled. The toxic ashes and burning fires that surrounded her at all times when she was younger have been transformed into a beautiful armor spun from magical glass, the fabled gift that set her free from her abusive home life. No longer is she harmed by her own self-loathing or resentment, but rather shields herself with the dignity and grace of a queen.
As the story goes, among the items that Cinderella was gifted when she was dressed up to go to the ball, the most eye-catching and famous was the pair of glass slippers she wore, perfectly molded to fit her and her alone. When Cinderella fled the ball at the stroke of midnight, she ended up leaving one of her glass slippers behind in her flight home. It was through this same glass slipper that the prince was able to find her again, searching throughout the land to find the one girl in all the kingdom who would match the slipper. When the prince reunited with Cinderella, she was granted the one thing she was never gifted throughout her life: an escape from the hell that was her family’s abuse, mockery, and neglect, and she was given a chance to pursue her own happiness after years of torment and sadness, finally being able to smile again.
As a Servant, this part of her story manifests as enchanted glass armor, far more sturdy than its fragile appearance would suggest. This mystical glass repels evil, and automatically protects Cinderella from any attack ranked A+ or lower, much like Heracles's God Hand, ensuring that Cinderella is effectively immune to any attack not outright ranked at EX, and any attack that does manage to bypass these defenses are severely reduced in power. While Heracles's God Hand grants him 'a body that knows no death', Cinderella's Glass Slipper gifts her 'a shield that will push through the darkness', triumphing over every trial and tribulation the world seeks to throw at her in order to reach her own 'happily ever after'. Combined with her Blessing of True Magic skill, Cinderella’s incredible defenses allow her to outright nullify almost any attack thrown at her, allowing her to advance forward even in the face of the most terrifying monsters. So mighty is this armor that it can even withstand blows from Prince Charming’s almighty Marmyadose, though the chances of Cinderella and Prince Charming ever fighting one another in battle are well and truly impossible.
In conjunction with her powerful armor, Cinderella can also create constructs made out of this same enchanted glass, from a nigh-invulnerable shield that can halt even Divine Weapons, a powerful horse and carriage comparable to Dragonkind, pillars of spun glass that can rise past even the tallest mountains, to even an entire enchanted forest and castle to serve as a fortress against enemies as powerful as Fenrir Riding Hood. If Cinderella needs to enter combat directly, she can even focus the magic-negating properties of her glass armor into a gleaming blade that can carve through even enemies from the Age of Gods.
This Noble Phantasm is a near-perfect defense, a bulwark against all who would seek to give the story a wicked and unjust end. Just as La Colère de Cendrillon has the ability to reduce the World to ash and cinders, Pantofola di Vetro has the ability to shield the World from all villainy and dangers. The last and greatest line of defense for humanity’s dreamers.
Noble Phantasm: Once Upon a Time - The Stories That Are Carried With YouRank: E-A++Maximum Targets: —Range: —
Classification: Anti-Narrative
An almighty Noble Phantasm that serves as a record of human history itself, and the twin to Prince Charming’s own Ever After. This technique functions similar to that of Gilgamesh's Gate of Babylon and Menes' Imperial Privilege, being a manifestation of all of mankind’s accomplishments. While the King of Heroes has an armory of all the weapons mankind has made and will ever make, and Menes has the capability to replicate any and all physical attributes she has witnessed, Cinderella's Noble Phantasm allows her to reach directly into the Throne of Heroes, bypassing the typical Summoning Rituals or defenses placed upon it by the World to call upon a champion to fight in her name. Even heroes who have been long forgotten or anti-heroes abandoned and scorned by the world feel compelled to come to Cinderella's aid by this Noble Phantasm, and upon their arrival, their abilities are further enhanced even beyond a Servant's normal capabilities.
While Gilgamesh's Gate of Babylon is the embodiment of subjugation, and Menes' Imperial Privilege is the embodiment of domination, Cinderella's Once Upon a Time is the embodiment of human connection. It is not a forced summoning of a hero, like the Summoning System used by mages in the Grail Wars. Nor is it an emergency call to arms by the Counter Force in order to surmount an impossible foe. Rather, her charisma and honesty is enough to sway even the most steadfast and cruel of hearts, allowing her to call forth a champion who will fight to save the world without hesitation. Even in the face of impossible barriers to a Servant’s arrival such as Goetia’s Nega-Summon or Red Riding Hood’s Nega-Champion, a hero will be able to make their way through the darkness to hold the banner of humanity high. In summation, this Noble Phantasm is the very embodiment of the concept of 'Happily Ever After', a summoning of a great hero to save the day and vanquish evil.
"The world is cruel… The world is wicked… The world has produced much evil and sorrow… I should know. I have lived through it myself firsthand. But even then, I have faith in humanity. Faith that there is kindness even in the face of cruelty. Where there is good despite the wickedness. Where there can be happiness and joy even when hatred and sadness seems so insurmountable. Most of all… I believe you truly can save the world and give it a happy ending."
Noble Phantasm: Ewig Sanfter Haselnussbaum - The Love That Never Leaves YouRank: EXMaximum Targets: 1Range: —Classification: Anti-Narrative(Self)
In almost every version of the Cinderella story that has been told, there is one unifying factor between them all: a benefactor, sometimes magical, sometimes mundane, that nonetheless arrives in the heroine’s darkest hour in order to bless her with a miracle. In some stories, it is the heroine’s fairy godmother or an angel come to reward her for her piety and kindness. In other stories, it is an animal such as a divine eagle or golden fish. In other stories, it is a powerful witch or almighty god who seeks to test the heroine’s goodness and charity. Whatever the form or shape the mystical helper takes, they serve as the ultimate reward for the heroine’s pure soul and righteous heart.
In particular, this Noble Phantasm takes the form of the hazel tree that Cinderella planted by her mother's grave, where all her fortunes sprang from, and the only place she ever felt safe as a child upon her mother’s passing. In reality, this hazel tree is the very soul of her deceased mother possessing the hazel tree planted at her grave, continuing to provide for her long after her passing. While she passed away at a young age, her determination to bring her child happiness was strong enough to possess the tree that Cinderella had planted at her mother’s grave. This tree gave her the ability to commune with animals to serve as her protectors and helpers. It gave her her lovely dress with which she arrived at the ball, outshining any other beauty in the room. It gave her magical powers of her own when the time was needed to protect the world she loved, pushing her to be a shining light even in the darkest hours. Even now, she still watches over her daughter as her Noble Phantasm, serving as the source of all the incredible magic Cinderella has at her disposal, and a guardian who will answer her call when she is needed.
When called upon by Cinderella, her Noble Phantasm manifests as a massive tree in the shape of a woman towering over even the almighty wolf of Ragnarok, Fenrir. This treant will not hesitate to attack anything and everything that wishes to do Cinderella harm, fighting with the relentlessness and love of a true mother’s love and will, whether it be summoning animals to maul her enemies, or merely crushing her opponents with her mighty branches. The hazel tree is fully capable of acting without Cinderella's commands, and indeed has a mind of its very own, able to take action even when Cinderella herself has been incapacitated. Anything and everything that is even remotely a threat to Cinderella is an enemy, and all enemies of Cinderella must be destroyed without mercy.
However, despite the fearsome power of the hazel tree, it is not her physical abilities that make this Noble Phantasm such a terrifying one to face. Rather, it is the wishes that Cinderella holds. Much like how the hazel tree was able to create the impossible throughout the story, providing Cinderella a dress and shoes so she could find her true love, and helped her complete the impossible tasks set by her stepmother, so too will the hazel tree grant Cinderella's hopes when wished upon. So long as the wish made is selfless in nature, Cinderella's dreams will become reality. These wishes grow even more powerful the greater the impossibility of the act is, akin to Apollo 11’s own Noble Phantasm.
In essence, this Noble Phantasm is the very manifestation of the strongest magic to ever exist within a fairy tale: an act of true love
(FGO Effect:) -Increases own damage for every Fairy Tale Servant in the Party for three turns(includes back row). -Deal Heavy Anti-Evil damage to a single enemy(effect increases with Overcharge). -Increases own NP Gauge for every Fairy Tale Servant(includes back row). -Apply Anti-Purge Defense to self for three attacks, three turns.
Voice Lines(First and Second Ascension):
Summoned: Guten Tag, I am Aschenputtel, Ruler Class. Ah, sorry, you might be more used to my English name, Cinderella. I'm not that important of a Servant, and I don't really have anything that makes me special compared to other Servants, but I'll do my best to not let you down. Whatever you ask of me, I will accomplish to the best of my ability.
Level Up 1: Are you sure? I don't know if I'm the best one to be given this kind of power.
Level Up 2: Th... Thank you! I won't waste this opportunity!
1st Ascension: I'm sorry you have to look at me like this... My hands and feet, burned black due to tending the fires so much. It's hideous, I know... But thank you for keeping me around, all the same.
2nd Ascension: Will these ashes ever leave me be…? …no, I suppose I already know the answer to that, don’t I? Still… I’m glad that I can help you and your endeavors despite these terrible burns of mine.
Fight Start 1: *sigh* I suppose that I have no choice in the matter, do I?
Fight Start 2: I-I’m sorry to bother you, but can you help me out right now?
Fight Start 3: I admit that I’m not much of a partner… But can we dance all the same?
Skill 1: *whistles*
Skill 2: Just a moment, I’ll be right there!
Skill 3: If that is what is needed of me.
Command Card Select 1: I-I’m not really a fighter.
Command Card Select 2: My little friends, could you please help me?
Command Card Select 3: I’ll finish this task the best I can!
Noble Phantasm Select 1: Are you ready… To be consumed by the cinders…?!
Noble Phantasm Select 2: Ghhh… Haaaaaah… “That’s it… Feed the fires…”
Attack 1: U-um… Please don’t blind them this time.
Attack 2: Oh, thank you for your help!
Attack 3: Let’s go!
Attack 4: Eep!
Attack 5: I’m warning you… Please run!
Attack 6: BURN!
Attack 7: Haah… HAAAAAAH!
Attack 8: Let the cinders fall where they may.
Attack 9: Incinerate them…
Extra Attack 1: Sorry to disturb you, Sir Knight, but… (Lancelot: Think nothing of it, fair lady! Arondight OVERLOAD!!!)
Extra Attack 2: Pardon me, you two, but could you give me a lift? (Hessian Lobo: *howls*)
Extra Attack 3: I, um, hope you two don’t mind the sudden summons. (Miss Crane: A chance to work with the Cinderella?! EEEEEE! Habetrot: Nyahahaha! A tailor’s work is never done!)
Extra Attack 4: Time for a bit of cleaning, Lady Beni-Enma? (Beni-Enma: It can’t be helped, dechi.)
Extra Attack 5: Red Riding Hood… You’re helping me too? (Red Riding Hood: For now at the very least. *bang*)
Noble Phantasm 1:
P… Please…
Run away.
I… I can’t control it.
I don’t want to burn you… but I can’t hold back anymore.
La Colère de Cendrillon…!
Noble Phantasm 2:
Ngh… Ghh…
Get… AWAY…!
Noble Phantasm 3:
“Don’t hold back anymore…”
“Hurt them. Hurt them just like they hurt you.”
“The pain… the misery… the sorrow… Let it all burn within you…”
“Let it consume every essence of your being… And let it consume them down to their very soul.”
“Let. It. Out.”
Damage from Noble Phantasm: I’m sorry…! I’m sorry!
Regular Damage: Kyah!
Defeated 1: I let… All of you down.
Defeated 2: I should’ve known better than to have come here…
Victory 1: I won?! I-I mean, I won!
Victory 2: I’m sorry… I hope your story has a better ending in the next life..
Bond Level 1: *fidget* *fidget* I'm sorry, am I bothering you? O-or perhaps you need me to help clean up around here? I couldn't help but notice that there was some cleaning that needed to be done. ...yes, I think I'll get right on that.
Bond Level 2: 'Why do I work so hard...?' Well, I thought something like that would be clear. After all... It's what I was raised to do. My... family, all they asked of me is to help satisfy their own needs. So... after a while, I learned to be quiet and serve. I don't particularly mind doing this work. After all, it means I get to accomplish something. It's certainly easier to stomach than being considered a queen of all things.
Bond Level 3: ...Master. Can I confess something to you? ...I'm scared. Scared of all this power I have at my fingertips. I'm truly nothing special, at the end of the day. I'm weak... I'm ugly... I've never really accomplished anything on my own. And yet... everyone looks at me, expecting me to be a grand hero or champion. But... I'm just me. Useless... weak... me.
Bond Level 4: I still don't understand... Why me? Why did my dear prince choose me of all people there? I didn't even come to the ball to meet him. I just wanted a night where I could be happy and not care about the weight of the world. And yet... he danced with me, made my heart feel like the weariness and heartache was all worth it for that fleeting moment. I wonder... What went through his head that night?
Bond Level 5: Master... Thank you for listening to me. I confess, I still don't know if I can bear the image of the 'Queen of All Fairy Tales', but I've been thrust into the role regardless. I may not live up to the expectations the world has of me… Perhaps I never will. Be that as it may, I still want to try. I don't believe in the 'Cinderella' that my mother and my prince saw in me... But I believe in them. And if they were able to find something in me worth loving... Then perhaps they're right.
Dialogue 1: You don’t have to act so amazed around me, you know. I’m nothing more than a simple servant girl who got lucky.
Dialogue 2: I’m your Servant… That means you tell me what to do, and I fulfill it to the best of my abilities.
Dialogue 3: It feels nice to be able to take a break every once in a while, don’t you think? Back home, I never really had a chance to sit down and rest.
Dialogue 4: *whistles* Hahahaha! It seems that even in Chaldea, there are little creatures that are willing to hear me sing to them. I rather like it. It’s so much nicer to be able to sing with an audience listening, don’t you think?
Dialogue 5 (If you have Prince Charming): Have I ever told you about the night my dear Prince Charming and I met? It feels like an impossible dream, yet an ever-enduring memory… He was the first to treat me with such genuine kindness after… Well, either way, I knew from the start that he was the man that I would marry. And you know what? I stand by that belief even to this day.
Dialogue 6 (If you have Red Riding Hood(Pre True-Name Narration)): Ah, Blanchette! It’s good to see you doing well! Hm? A hike in the woods? *sigh* I suppose that look you’re giving me means that I should go along with you, shouldn’t I? Heaven knows you tend to get yourself lost far too often…
Dialogue 7 (If you have Pinocchio): Oh, buongiorno, Maestro Pinnochio! I see you’re as active as usual today! Eh? N-no you can’t ask my mother for firewood! … O-oh. It was a joke, I see. Still, one shouldn’t make jokes like that so carelessly. Especially if you’re swinging around such a large axe…
Dialogue 8 (If you have Frau Trude Gothel): D-Dame Gothel?! She’s here as well?! I… To think the monster from my childhood would be here in the flesh… M-Master, are you sure it’s wise to have someone like this around Chaldea?!
Dialogue 9 (If you have The Fairy Godmother): The Fairy Godmother… I’ve heard that many believe our stories to be intertwined with one another. I must admit, though… I don’t think I’ve ever met her myself. At least, not in person. She seems to be very familiar with me though.
Dialogue 10 (If you have “Goldilocks”): Oh, hello Goldilocks! I’m glad we’re able to meet each other again… O-oh, you’re busy eating? I see… I’m sorry for interrupting you then…
Dialogue 11 (If you have Baba Yaga): Frau Yaga? I must say I didn’t expect you to be here. Um, not that I’m not happy to see you here! That is… Um… I’ll just leave now.
Dialogue 12 (If you have Elizabeth Bàthory (Cinderella)): Another me…? And she's an actual noble? She probably is much better than me… Maybe she deserves to be the heroine more than I do… 
Dialogue 13 (If you have Miss Crane): Miss Crane… Her weaving is the stuff of legends. To think that such a veteran artisan would be here in Chaldea… I… Do you think she would mind if I asked her for some advice for my own tailoring?
Dialogue 14 (If you have Beni-Enma): The Tongue-Cut Sparrow is here as well… Her story is familiar to me, as is her fearsome reputation. That being said, I can’t help but see her as a kindred spirit. Do you think she’d appreciate my help, or would I just get in the way? 
Dialogue 15 (If you have Merlin or Lady Avalon): You… You seem familiar to me. And yet, somehow, you feel completely different at the same time. Erm, that being said… Those pranks of yours are a bit much, don’t you think?
Dialogue 16 (If you have Hessian Lobo): You two… You’ve gone through so much, both separately and alone. I can’t even begin to understand what kind of hurt you carry… All the same, thank you for letting me sit with you. I know it means a lot.
Dialogue 17 (If you have Saint Barbara): Oh, Barbara! As active as ever, I see. … Wh-what?! Wait, what are you doing with that dynamite?! H-hey! Barbara! Wait up!
Dialogue 18 (If you have any other ‘Fairy Tale’ Servant): Everyone… Everyone looks at me, as if they expect some grand wisdom or great power of me… Those are expectations I fear I can never live up to.
Dialogue 19 (If you have Medusa): Ah, it’s that pink-haired woman! I really should thank her. She was so kind and welcoming to me when I first arrived in this place. She even helped me find some of the stories that were told of me in Chaldea’s library. For some reason, she seems to look at me as if I was familiar… Perhaps I met her in one of my tales? …could it be? Is she the incarnation of Godfather Snake? …no?
Dialogue 20 (If you have Barghest): Oh my! I’m sorry, miss, I didn’t mean to bump into you- H-huh?! …Master? Why did that woman look at me with tears in her eyes? …Habetrot said that, did she? I see.
Dialogue 21 (If you have Mata Hari): Margaretha… Yes, I know her. I know so many like her. Why wouldn’t I? After all, I know all too well what it’s like to be so alone…
Dialogue 22 (If you have Tiamat): The Mother of All Life… I heard that she was once a Beast of Humanity, driven to madness over the love she had for her children… And yet, I can’t help but feel happy around her. She reminds me of my own mother at times. Oh? A boxed lunch? Is this for me?
Likes: Something I like? Well… I suppose the only real answer I can give to that is my dear Prince Charming. He saved me after all… He took pity on someone like me and chose to marry me. …oh? ‘Pity had nothing to do with it’? Hmm… I suppose you’re right. He’d say the exact same thing to me if he heard my mumblings.
Dislikes: I’m not fond of bullies. Far too many people believe that just because they have money, or power, or… anything really, that they can hurt people. Hurt me. Ghhh…! E-excuse me, I’d rather not talk about this any longer.
About the Holy Grail: They say that the Holy Grail can grant any wish that your heart desires… If I wished on it, could I…? …no. No, someone like me doesn’t deserve to wish on the Grail. Give it to someone who’s more deserving of it.
During an Event: A celebration is going on…? I’d love to go, but… Oh, right, I suppose this situation is different, isn’t it? In that case, would you mind if I accompanied you to this? I-if it’s not too much trouble, I mean.
Birthday: Happy Birthday, Master. Have you made your wish? O-oh, you wish to spend the day with someone like me? … Yes, I’d quite like that. Thank you. Shall we be off, then?
Voice Lines(Final Ascension):
Level Up 1: This feeling… It reminds me of that midnight so long ago. I truly am blessed to have you as my Master.
Level Up 2: The night’s still young, let’s enjoy it while we can! Come, dance with me!
3rd Ascension: This dress... It's the same one I wore when I first met my prince... It's the same one given to me by my mother. I... I'm so glad that I get to dance in it again. Thank you, Master. I don't know if I can ever truly explain how much this means to me... But thank you all the same.
4th Ascension: Master... Thank you so much. Few people have ever treated me with this kindness... I always thought I didn't deserve the chance to be happy, but... Maybe I do. Maybe I deserve to have a happy ending all my own. And... I hope that someday, you too will get your happily ever after…
Fight Start 1: I do not wish to fight you… But I will not back down from this fight, either.
Fight Start 2: And so the story begins once more… With a Once Upon a Time.
Fight Start 3: Shall we dance? I must warn you though, I’m not the most graceful of partners to be had.
Skill 1: I know you’re watching over me, mother…
Skill 2: The midnight hour hasn’t arrived yet.
Skill 3: Allow me to help you with this!
Command Card Select 1: If I must.
Command Card Select 2: Get behind me!
Command Card Select 3: En garde!
Noble Phantasm Select 1: Mother… Allow me to make this simple wish.
Noble Phantasm Select 2: The time has come for the story’s climax…
Attack 1: Wing down, o eagle!
Attack 2: Arise, golden goby!
Attack 3: Help me, great crocodile!
Attack 4: Haaaah!
Attack 5: Come forth, di Vetro!
Attack 6: Glass spun of mystic arts… Protect me now!
Attack 7: My apologies… But you must stand down!
Attack 8: Get behind me!
Attack 9: Our time isn’t up yet!
Extra Attack 1: Please, help me now! (Frau Gothel: Don’t make this a habit, little girl…)
Extra Attack 2: I call upon you, great hero! (THJALFI: Very well then.)
Extra Attack 3: Thank you for your assistance! (William Tell: It’s my pleasure, your majesty.)
Extra Attack 4: Peter! Tinker Bell! (Peter Pan: Woohoo! Let’s do this! Tinker: Peter, wait up!)
Extra Attack 5: I pass this along to you, my love! (Prince Charming: Gladly, my darling! Unicorn: Let’s trample ‘em!)
Noble Phantasm 1:
Tree of Life…
Tree of Glory…
Tree of Salvation…
I come to pray at your roots once more…
Grant my wish, to save this world.
Ewig Sanfter Haselnussbaum.
Noble Phantasm 2:
You may have passed long ago, but I still feel your presence with me.
Please, answer my prayers and help us win this day.
Ewig Sanfter Haselnussbaum.
Noble Phantasm 3:
“My dearest child… My beloved daughter…”
“The world has been unforgivably cruel to you.”
“It has hurt you more times than I can bear to count.”
“So I shall become your shield from the world’s evil.”
“And watch as you attain your own happily ever after.”
“Ewig Sanfter Haselnussbaum.”
Damage from Noble Phantasm: Mother… protect me…!
Regular Damage: Not yet!
Defeated 1: So this is how it ends…
Defeated 2: I suppose I wasn’t meant to be the hero of this story…
Victory 1: And so the story reaches its conclusion… Happily Ever After.
Victory 2: I’m sorry… I hope that someday, you will be able to find your own happy ending.
Bond Level 1: Oh? You seem surprised to see me. I guess this costume of mine is quite different from what you’ve seen before. I quite like it though. I may not be a true warrior like the other Servants you have here, but the feeling of my mother’s glass around me… it’s comforting.
Bond Level 2: It really is miraculous, isn’t it? To be in a place like this where so many different stories with so many different heroes are able to meet as one. I don’t think I ever would have expected to end up in a place like this.
Bond Level 3: The World has chosen me as the Queen of Fairy Tales, the Guardian of Happy Endings… And yet, I can’t help but feel useless at times. I’ve been blessed with these abilities, this power, but there’s still so much suffering and pain in the world. I know that my story has brought hope and light to people in despair, but all the same… I wish I could do more to help. Maybe then, Red Riding Hood… Blanchette… She wouldn’t have become a Beast.
Bond Level 4: …we’re alike, you and I. I can see it in your eyes. You want to help as many people as you can. You want to protect everyone from hurting like you have hurt. But it’s hard, isn’t it? Even when we want to save everyone, it seems impossible. But still… It’s our job to make the impossible possible, isn’t it?
Bond Level 5: Master… You’ve already gone through so much pain, and at such a young age, too. And yet, you still find it in you to smile and keep going on. You’re able to inspire so many people who have lost their hope for a better future, and you’re able to push on past your own sadness. But still… there will be times when your hope falters. I know this too. Master, when the day comes when all hope seems lost, and you can’t find it in you to smile… Allow me to be your knight in shining armor. I will defend your hopes and dreams when you can’t carry them anymore, and I promise you, you’ll find your own happy ending at the end of all this.
Dialogue 1: It really is amazing, becoming a queen like this. Some days, it doesn’t even feel real. But if this is merely a dream, a fleeting fantasy… Then even that is enough to bring my life happiness.
Dialogue 2: When I look at you… I can’t help but feel like we are one and the same. Perhaps our circumstances are a bit different, but still… You’ve been cast into a strange and frightening new reality. Alone, afraid, and… No, that’s not quite right. You’re not alone. You are never alone. This, I promise to you… Master.
Dialogue 3: The modern era has so many wonderful things to show me… Things have changed a lot since my time. Though, if you would ask me? The most exciting thing of all would be all the interesting forms of transportation? Hm? Oh, don’t you worry, my friends, I promise, I won’t replace you. …though I would like a chance to drive a motorcycle-
Dialogue 4(Clear Interlude “The Neverending Dance”): I don’t know if I’ll ever truly be able to let go of these thoughts of mine… My doubts, my anger, my anxiety… They’re something that I suppose I’ll have to live with, even as a Servant. Still… I feel like they’re bearable, so long as I can have friends like you by my side.
Dialogue 5 (If you have Prince Charming): My dear husband… My fair Prince… I’m glad you’re finally here with me. I never had the chance to say it earlier, but I truly have been blessed to have married a man such as you. A kind heart… a loving smile… an honesty that no other man could compare to. Yes, if I ever had the chance to marry any man of my dreams, I would always, always choose you. … Aha! Your face is as red as an apple, my dear husband. It’s little wonder why you enjoy speaking such sweet nothings into my ear if you get to see such cute expressions all day.
Dialogue 6 (If you have Red Riding Hood(Post True-Name Narration)): Blanchette… She’s suffered for so long, she’s been bitter and angry at the world all her life. …I suppose for her, the anger and hatred is all she has left now, isn’t it? For her, being a monster is far more preferable than being a victim. I suppose I can understand that line of thinking… Still, even Beasts of Humanity deserve to find their own happiness some day, and she’s no different. Maybe you can be the one to give her the happy ending I couldn’t, Master.
Dialogue 7 (If you have Pinocchio): Ah, Maestro Pinocchio! And Maestro Cricket, as well! It’s good to see you gentlemen out and about. That is to say… You aren’t up to any mischief today, are you? Hahaha! I’m only joking, no need to look so afraid. …unless you are planning another of your pranks, young Maestro.
Dialogue 8 (If you have Frau Trude Gothel): Dame Gothel… The Witch of the Story’s End. … *sigh* It’s hard to say how I feel about someone like her. On the one hand, she is a monster, and one who gladly admits to it, no less. She’s killed and hurt too many children than I can bear to count. …and yet, Pinocchio has shown he truly believes that even she can be redeemed. Perhaps even a monster can find her happily ever after one day. Until then, however, I will be keeping an eye on her.
Dialogue 9 (If you have The Fairy Godmother): The Fairy Godmother… I never had a chance to meet her myself in life. Or… perhaps I did…? It’s strange. She has a very familiar aura to me, but at the same time, she seems so distant and alien. Still, she at least seems to be nicer than her sister at the very least, so I suppose it’s fine…
Dialogue 10 (If you have Sòl): Ah, Sòl, I’m glad to see you’re doing well for yourself! It’s rather nice, isn’t it, being in Chaldea. I’m glad that you’re able to finally rest your head without worry. Erm, that being said… The kitchen staff have asked me to tell you to stop raiding the fridge so often. I believe EMIYA’s words were ‘rivaling Artoria’s bottomless stomach’.
Dialogue 11 (If you have Saint Barbara): Ah, Barbara! You look well today. You have something to show me? …it’s not something explosive again is it? Alright, I suppose I can come with you to the hangar to look if that’s the case. Perhaps it’ll be a motorcycle or an aeroplane…
Dialogue 12 (If you have any other ‘Fairy Tale’ Servant): *sigh* Sometimes… I still fear that I won’t be enough. That even with the weight of everyone’s expectations of what I should be, I’ll end up failing. That being said… It’s for those very same reasons that we should keep fighting, no? To at least try to live up to those same expectations?
Dialogue 13 (If you have Medusa): Medusa… So even the greatest monsters in stories can hide kindness and a desire to be loved. You’ve been so gracious to me, so I do believe that it’s time I return the favor. Come with me, if you don’t mind. I’ll put on some tea for us.
Dialogue 14 (If you have Barghest): Ah… Cheer up, o great knight. The others may not have the same faith in you that I do, but I promise, one day, you’ll walk down the aisle, within your finest dress, and have the chance to have your own fairy tale wedding.
Dialogue 15 (If you have Mata Hari): I must say… It feels nice to watch someone dance so freely and happily, especially after a life of sadness and pain. Chaldea really is a place of miracles, isn’t it? To have the ability to grant people happy endings long after their own deaths.
Dialogue 16 (If you have Edmond Dantes): The Count of Monte Cristo… I know you believe yourself a monster, a demon who does not deserve a chance at his own happiness… But I also know that you are wrong. Your happiness will come, and your sins will be forgiven, if not in your life as a human, than as your life as a Servant. It is just as you say… Wait and hope.
Dialogue 17 (If you have Kiara Sessyoin): So even Beasts can find happiness in stories such as mine… That’s quite the comforting thought to me, I’ll have to admit. I’d love to go and talk with her, but I don’t know if she’d care to listen to what I’d have to say to her. It’s a shame, though… Whenever I look at her, all I see is a girl like me… Neglected, abandoned, and hurting, just hoping for something better to come one day. …maybe one day she’ll have a happy ending of her own.
Dialogue 18 (If you have Hans Christian Andersen): You know, Master, Herr Andersen is quite the strange one, wouldn’t you say? He’s so earnest and blunt, speaking truthfully but harshly about everyone… And yet, he’s a man who hides himself from the world. He’s so open about his faults and his own issues… And yet never once speaks about his own burning pain or bitter sadness. As an author of fairy tales, Herr Andersen provided so much joy and wonder to the world… Maybe it’s time he should go and reach out for his own.
Dialogue 19 (If you have Sigurd and Brynhildr): Those two… They remind me a lot of my dear Prince and I. …hee! Perhaps we should have a double date together. I’d love to hear of the romance between these two great heroes.
Dialogue 20 (If you have Arjuna): Arjuna… Please, hold your head up high. I know all too well what it’s like to have your own self-doubt and fear control you. But I also know just as well that you are far more than what those doubts think you to be. You are a hero, noble and kind, and let none tell you otherwise, especially yourself.
Dialogue 21 (If you have Gilgamesh): Oh? Even the Great King of All Heroes wishes to speak to me? You are too kind, your majesty. Though I must warn you, my heart belongs to my Prince Charming alone.
Likes: I don’t think anything has ever made me happier than that night with my Prince. Being able to escape the torment and suffering to simply dance and eat and laugh in such a beautiful castle… It truly was a dream come true…
Dislikes: If there is one thing that I will not forget… It is those who seek to hurt their own children. Whether it be through neglect, assault, blackmail, or any other means, people who hurt the children they have raised should not be easily forgiven. If one seeks to genuinely and seriously atone for what they have done, then I am all for them bettering themselves… But if they persist in their wickedness, then I will cut them down myself. After all… I know what it means to be a child such as that.
About the Holy Grail: The Holy Grail? …hahaha, why would I ever need to use something like that? I have all I need to make me happy. My dear husband, a loving home, and friends like you to be with. Yes, I don’t think there’s anything I could wish for right now, and I have you to thank for it.
During an Event: It appears that another ball has come to town. I think I would like to attend it, what say you, Master?Birthday: Happy Birthday, Master! Please, enjoy this gift I put together for you. I stitched this suit together with the help of some of my friends. It should fit you perfectly. …oh, you don’t have to be so bashful. I made this because I wanted to, not because of any obligation. After all… We’re friends now, aren’t we?
Birthday: Happy Birthday, Master! Please, enjoy this gift I put together for you. I stitched this suit together with the help of some of my friends. It should fit you perfectly. …oh, you don’t have to be so bashful. I made this because I wanted to, not because of any obligation. After all… We’re friends now, aren’t we?
A girl made a slave.
A wish granted.
Something is lost.
And something is found.
Happily Ever After.
She has gone by many names throughout history, be they Rhodopis, Ye Xian, Tấm, Cenerentola, Cendrillion, or Aschenputtel. Her tale has been told countless times over, from nation to nation, her legend being carved into humanity's very soul alongside great heroes such as Heracles and King Arthur.
She is the Persecuted Heroine.
She is an embodiment of the hopes and dreams of all mankind.
She is Cinderella, the Queen of All Fairy Tales.
Bond Level 1:
Height/Weight: 172cm • 54kg 
Source: Global Fairy Tales
Region: The World
Alignment: Lawful • Good Gender: Female
"I don't understand... Why...? Why does she hate me?! I've done everything... Everything she's asked me to do. I do all the chores. I cook each and every meal, I clean every inch of this estate, I work until my fingers bleed and break without even taking a break to rest. But it's still not enough. I still don't even get to sit at the table. I still have to sleep on the floor. I still get called ugly, and stupid, and useless... I don't think anyone has ever called me by my real name since...
Am I really so awful? Am I really... Am I really as bad as they all say?
Maybe... Maybe if I do it right this time, they won't hate me anymore. Yes. It's my fault for messing it all up in the first place. I'll do better this time, and then they'll stop hurting me.
I can fix this.
I can fix this.
I can fix this.
Please... Let me fix this."
Bond Level 2:
She didn't even intend to meet her prince. All she wanted that night was a simple escape. A chance to leave her life of abuse and torment for a single night, and to grasp a chance at being happy, even for a moment. The means of escape was different with each telling. Some say it was an eagle that had snatched her sandal and dropped it into the lap of a great king. Others say it was a magic fish with golden eyes and scales who granted her wishes from its bones. Others still say it was a Fairy Godmother, who sought to grant her heart's true desire for her piety and grace.
Whatever the story, whatever the tale, the girl's wishes remain humble and simple: a wish for reprieve.
He had approached her gently, gingerly asking her for her hand to show her around the castle. His words were calming and loving. His steps were careful and true. As the night went on, the two grew more enamored with each other, finding solace in the other's company after a lifetime of loneliness.
And in the span of a single night, Cinderella and the Prince had fallen in love before the clock struck midnight.
Bond Level 3:
The wedding was wonderful, a joyous celebration even grander than the ball where she had met her Prince Charming. It was supposed to be the happiest day of Cinderella's life. A day where no pain, no anger, no misery would exist. A day where she would finally get the Happily Ever After she's craved all her life.
Of course... That would be the day that her family arrived to ruin everything.
They arrived like vultures, acting as if they hadn't been the ones to cause her suffering for years on end. As if they weren't the ones who treated her like a slave all her life. As if they hadn't disrespected her mother's grave time and again. And yet, here they were, acting as if they had loved and cherished Cinderella all her life.
What was meant to be a day of joyous celebration instead became a day of bitterness and anger. Before, Cinderella had kept her fury inside her. She had always tempered her frustration and hid it away. What else could she have done when she was weak and helpless? But this... this was different. Whether consciously or unconsciously, the wild animals Cinderella had befriended responded in kind in her outrage, with two ravens swooping down and plucking her stepsisters' eyes.
At the vicious sight, many of the guests recoiled in fear and shock, horrified at the macabre display before them.
But Cinderella?
She put a hand to her face at the sight... and let out a laugh. A brief, quiet laugh that went unheard by everyone at the wedding... but a laugh nonetheless.
Bond Level 4:
Cinderella married her Prince Charming, and became a queen hailed as a benevolent and kind ruler. She was hailed as fair and beautiful, and within her castle, she wanted for nothing nor feared for any harm.
And yet...
The doubts and fears from her childhood still lingered, festering like a diseased wound. Where many saw beauty, Cinderella could only see ugliness. Where they beheld kindness, Cinderella beheld cruelty. Where people saw diligence, Cinderella saw nothing but uselessness. While her dear husband was always at her side to reassure her doubts, these thoughts would never leave Cinderella alone.
Would a deserving princess have their happiness handed to her?
Would a just ruler allow themselves to stew in rage over the past?
Would a good person laugh at her sisters' suffering and pain?
The anger, the anxiety, the doubt. All of it haunted her throughout her life. It was as if she had never stopped being that young girl that slept by the cinders.
Bond Level 5:
The story of Cinderella is ultimately one about pain. The pain of losing a loved one and crying beneath a tree The pain of barbed insults and cruel abuse. The pain of a cold stone floor and burning black ashes.
The years of abuse, financial, physical, and mental, will never truly go away, and neither will the pain that came with it.
But even still…
With pain eventually comes healing. Where there was a grave, a tree blossomed and bloomed. Where there was venomous insults and violent assault there is now the whispering of sweet nothings and a gentle embrace. The chill of sleeping on stone and the burned agony from the ash and cinders are now replaced with the comforting feel of glass slippers and a golden dress.
Cinderella's life was filled with nothing but pain and sorrow, both external and internal, but it was also filled with great joy and triumph. It is the triumph of an abused young girl against a world that constantly treated her with cruelty, and in turn chose to respond by being kind and being more than just her circumstance. It is the tale of finally reaching a happily ever after.
For all those in the world who have yet to find their happy endings, and for all those who have long since passed that have been denied those very endings… Cinderella will forever stand as a symbol of hope, a figure who will light up even the darkest hours with gleaming fire and shining glass.
For the lovers, the dreamers, the hopeful who have not lost their hearts to despair… Cinderella, the Greatest of All Fairy Tales, will always fight as your champion.
Extra (Clear Interlude “The Neverending Dance”):
Cinderella was never her true name. Cenerentola, Cendrillon, Aschenputtel, the identities that the world knew her as were nothing but cruel nicknames meant to mock her for her low position and to torment her for her constant work. While for many, the name Cinderella was one that inspired hope and prosperity, for the young princess, all the name did was remind her of her suffering and torment, as well as an impossible standard that she could never live up to.
Cinderella the beloved heroine.
Cinderella the worthless mistake.
Cinderella the vengeful monster.
All these and more were not who the maiden was. They were merely projections of what mankind believed her to be. In truth, she has a name that was given to her by her beloved mother, and a name that was never once spoken in any of her stories.
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hrts4starfell · 3 months
hold ‘em down | chapter one
ch. 1 : hold ‘em down, ‘till the boy stops shaking.
cw — panic attacks, disordered eating, implied child abuse, body image issues, throwing up ( — marked with /// )
a/n :: HI! i posted a small drabble of this story a few days ago and intend to post it on ao3 eventually. but alas today is not that day. this is a 3+1 fic; three times icarus doesn’t stand up for themself with his dad, and one time where he does.
it’s semi - canon compliant — isla runs away shortly after rae’s fifth birthday rather than before/after rae is born, so icarus is with their father until they are ten, then they run away — there is a reset, and isla, icarus, and rae all take refuge in the childhood house. icarus’ eye starts bleeding just before that reset starts.
all that to say, it’s based on a tt video by sherbert! i hope this hits you in the feels <3
Icarus Everette Morningstar was the eldest son to King Fable of the Gilded Kingdom. He was a prince, the son of what he would learn to be the God of Creation. He should be happy, he had a great life. He was privileged to be in the richest kingdom in all of the four three realms. He was grateful. He was happy.
He stood next to his father, decked out in the familiar black and gold uniform he was required to wear when accompanying Fable anywhere. His fathers hand laid over his bruised shoulder, squeezing it a bit too hard to be entirely kind. “Yes, Father?” He smiled up at the king plastically. 
“One day, Icarus, you will rule everything our glowing sun touches. You are the heir to Gilded’s throne once I am too old to rule myself.” Fable hummed, looking out onto the main village that surrounded the castle. It was bustling with shops, people, and a hint of music. Icarus forcibly tuned it all down, keeping his eyes trained on the horizon. “It will be hard to live up to my legacy, son, but you are destined to be a king.”
“I know, Father,” said Icarus, robotically calm.
Fable nodded, “I am glad, Icarus, but there are a few things that do.. concern me, about you being the future king.” Icarus let out a small shudder, otherwise staying perfectly still. “Icarus,” he sighed, “you are simply not fit to be king, physically speaking.”
“I’m sorry, Father?”
Fable’s smile was plasticky and fake and Icarus just kept his hands on the railing of the parapet to hide the shaking and his eyes on the town to keep him from looking at the disappointed expression on his father’s face. “I am glad you recognise your faults, child, and I will make sure to arrange a private tutor to help you.. lose some of that fat.”
Icarus nodded, and felt the weight of his father’s hand leave his shoulder. “I expect to actually see you at supper tonight in the correct attire, Icarus.” And with the sound of Fable retreating back into the castle, Icarus let his knees buckle from under him. His wings, pure golden feathers, wrapped around his body like a blanket as the panic overwhelmed him.
After he had successfully cried himself out, he peeled himself up off of the ground and pressed his wings into his back as he wandered back to his bedroom. He pulled off the formal clothing, staring at his figure in the mirror, he traced his abdomen as nausea welled up in his throat. His father was right — he could never look like this and be king.
Icarus slipped into his formal dinner attire, tying the half corset under the shirt to keep his body looking more…correct. How Fable would want him to look. He forced his eyes away from the mirror, grabbing his notebook and walking over to his little brother’s room. He ruffled his hair, and fell into their silent routine of Icarus helping wash Rae up for dinner, brushing his curls, and helping him dress back into his own, less formal, dinner attire.
Icarus settled Rae down in his spot at the table, silently taking his spot a few chairs over. He adjusted the napkin on his lap, keeping his eyes trained on the plate. There was the scratch of the chairs against the stone floor and his mothers voice filled the air. “My children!” She smiled, and Icarus looked up to make eye contact with her, his ear feathers puffing up in slight excitement. “Hi Birdie,” her voice softened, “how was your day?”
“It was okay, Mother.”
She hummed, “I’m glad, darling. And you, starshine?”
Rae lit up, smiling with a toothy grin. “I ha’ a good day! I read more abou’ those con- cons- consta- the people in the stars! Miss was readin’ to me!” Icarus never saw his mother smile more gently and truly than when she was talking to Rae.
“Oh starshine, I’m glad you liked the storybook. I’ll read you another one tonight, if you’d like?” Rae smiled, nodding quickly. “Birdie, darling, you can join us if you want.”
Icarus opened his mouth to respond before getting cut off by his father. “Isla, darling, you need to stop referring to Icarus in such childish ways. We have spoken about this already.”
Isla sighed, “He’s not even a teenager yet, Fable, I will refer to my son however I please.” She crossed her arms in front of her chest and Icarus’ gaze fell back to his plate. The meal fell into a tense silence, Icarus only eating the bare minimum from each of the courses. After dessert was served, he set his cloth napkin down. “May I be excused? I have some schoolwork I wish to get ahead on.”
Fable hummed, and waved dismissively. Icarus stood up, walking out of the dining hall a bit quicker than usual. He felt nauseous, his fathers voice was in his mind, berating them for eating anything at all.
Icarus pulled off the corset and formal top that felt like it had been choking him — he collapsed in front of the toilet, the cool stone pressing into his pant legs as he gagged over the toilet. He was sweating, feverish as he forced himself to throw the little bit of food that he had managed to get down during dinner. He coughed up bile, the scent in the bathroom choking him as he fumbled to flush the toilet and splash water on his face before changing into pyjamas.
He waved down a servant, ordering a glass of water and a cool towelette. He brushed off the concerned questions, smiling before retreating back into his bedroom.
He was only nine.
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