#Black comediens
ausetkmt · 1 year
In Living Color "Oswald's Visiting Day"
this is my favorite character from In Living Color. Oswald speaks that lingua
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emwritesfootball · 1 year
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howardtuniverse · 6 years
I’m for human lib, the liberation of all people, not just black people or female people or gay people.
Richard Pryor
#BHM #BlackComediens
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cedric-jover · 3 years
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Credits photo: Cedric Jover (Bruxelles 2021)
Modèle: Alice Borgers (comédienne)
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francoise-larouge · 4 years
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Père Lachaise juillet2020©FrançoiseLarouge n°7
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lucamadrid · 6 years
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#colors #colours #black #dark #sombre #oscuro #obscuro #man #homme #hombre #uomo #thinking #pensando #photo #photography #theatre #teatro #attore #comedien #acteur #actor #shooting @ludomerlinmodele (presso Paris 11eme) https://www.instagram.com/p/BpwFaQFAtsH/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1nbt7pkxgcrx
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vincentbinant · 6 years
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Matthias Dandois by Vincent Binant
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ghanwarana · 7 years
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Αλέξανδρος (Paris, 2017)
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sunshineyou · 5 years
New Interview: Robin, Assa and Maxence (translation)
"Embodying Youth"
Robin: From what I see, it's maybe a little more mature and open-minded than what can happen in life, but I think that's why it's been done that way to allow people to reach for it.
Assa: We're just trying to reflect, to show what we don't see on TV. We're just trying to reflect today's society in France.
Maxence: I still find that we are depicting a landscape that is fairly representative of today's young people. But when I see the maturity that the characters have in seconde, in première , I say to myself : "I wasn't like that" When I was 16 and I was watching Gossip Girl, that's what made me fantasize. The actors were clearly 30-somethings, but it depicted this kind of golden youth of Manhattan, and I thought, "I don't believe it, but it's funny." It didn't represent my social background, but I think Skam does it well.
"Your high school years"
Assa: I was a bit like Imane. I was very reserved. In fact, I felt a bit excluded. We weren't a lot of blacks, Arabs...etc. and so I felt a bit different. That's what Imane says in a scene from season 4 when she talks with Manon in the chicha bar.
Robin: I didn't really have high school, I made an apprenticeship in bakery-pastry because I wanted absolutely to be a baker and all the boys in the class, they were beautiful, and me I was cute because I was the smallest. Now it's over! So I would have loved to have known high school.
Maxence: Me, that's why I loved shooting in skam. We weren't faced with the problem of difference, the problem of integrating others, of minorities, because we didn't care. There was such an excitement of having fun together. It was really interesting.
Robin: And that's also Skam's message and I think it's good that it's being received so intensely and so sympathetically.
"Your character"
Maxence: Eliott, he can fall in love with a guy, a chick, a music, a day. That's what breaks the cliché, who cares if it's a homosexual character or not... No I'm gonna get stoned if I say that.
Robin: We get the idea
Maxence : I don't care because that's really not what defines him... Assa: This is the first time there is a lead role with a young black Muslim girl on screen. I was under a lot more pressure to take on the role and say to myself: "I'm really representing something strong here and I don't want to miss out. They had this desire to show the reality of things and not fall into clichés. Just that, it was really beautiful. I found out the scripts for season 4 and I thought, "Wow, let's go". Robin: Me, I don't have a lot of experience, but I've rarely seen a director come up to me and say, "but how do you actually take it?" I'm a young actor, it felt very weird to be considered and listened to as well.
"Love at 20"
Maxence: No tinder, boys. No Tinder, no meetic. There's so much more beautiful in the world than that. It's kind of a representation of what's wrong with the world today. Meet real people and love each other in real life. It's more interesting, I think.
Assa: I totally agree.
Robin: Let's go to bars, meet someone we like, have a sparkle in our bodies, feel a lot of things and "let's go" rather than saying "come on, bye" No never mind. Let's throw ourselves, let's live.
"What about retirement?"
Maxence: As an actor, there is a moment when you have to choose.
Robin: Yes, the right of abatement?
Maxence: You have two choices: either you take more money right away or you contribute more for retirement. I don't know a smart, less smart actor from any social background who ever said, "no, I'm going to contribute more." As far as I'm concerned, I'm not gonna have a pension, so I might as well take the money now.
Robin: I'm like that, too.
Assa : this year, I contributed unintentionally.
cr (translation): skamfr_elu
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Any idea why my reblog wouldn't go through? Since I obliterated every single point you made, you ought to read it. The reply I posted tagged you instead.
No idea. As far as I know I haven’t blocked you and I don’t know what post you are talking about since I haven’t been tagged in anything.
Never mind. I realized that you were in fact were a racist and I blocked you’re other account so you got bitter and tried to argue using information that is innacurate. And if anybody would like to know the other account of this person, it is thoughtsandreplies.
So I’m going to go over each statement the person made with the exception of what originally began this, Immersion (Piss Jesus). Art is a very personal experience, but how you interpret art does not give you the right to use it as an excuse for racism.
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So 1) No one is actually saying that Lincoln was a racist. They’re arguing whether or not the depiction of the Black man in the Emancipation Memorial, a real former slave named Archer Alexander is racist and if it should be taken down because of that. This specific instance is not about the white man involved, but the black man being represented and if his representation as someone physically and what could be taken as symbolically lower than a white man is degrading. This is a complex issues that even two of his descendants are have opposing opinions on. Muhammad Ali was a direct descendant of this man and his third cousin, Keith Winstaed, and his oldest daughter, actress Maryum Ali, have opposing opinions. Winstaed is in favor of keeping it because he is more focused on the historical context, that the sculpture of Alexander was meant to be seen as empowering because has broken his chains and beginning to rise. However, Ali is viewing with the eyes of someone living in the 21st century who expects better representation for minority communities that have historically been vilified in art, literature, television, and politics. She believes the statue is degrading and offensive because even if Alexander’s chains are broken, he is still below Lincoln, a white man, and is in a position that can be interpreted as him bowing to him. As I said before, art is personal and both people have valid interpretations of this piece. This is not the same as tearing down statues of actual racists. We put up statues of people to honor them, but we must be able to recognize that we can no longer honor people who were legitimately horrible. I don’t see any statues of Hitler in Germany so what’s your excuse for why you want to keep up sculptures of racists?
2) off the bat I could tell you were a racist who hasn’t bothered to examine their words and actions by referring to the Black Lives Matter Movement as a “historically illiterate mob”. Most of the people in the movement are black so I can assume you are perpetuating the stereotype that black people can’t read which is enforced by the fact that it was illegal for slaves to be literate and black and brown communities have historically and continue to receive less funding for their schools, which leads to lower quality books and teachers, which leads to students who have difficulty in their studies, which leads to students who have lower grades, which leads to black and brown communities being forced to accept work at lower paying jobs, which leads to black and brown parents that are not able to spend time with their children in order to make enough money for food, water, electricity, and housing, which leads to kids who don’t receive the attention they need, which leads to students who are being taught by these same lower standard teacher with old outdated books, which leads to students being frustrated over not being at the level of their studies that they should be but are unable to seek outside help because of a lack of tutors and familial help, which leads to students who “act out” because they were not able to develop the emotional tools necessary to monitor behavior and are then forced into prisons by teachers who have called the police on them, which leads to another lack of education because the U.S. prison system does not want to rehabilitate prisoners and help them become better people, it just wants to find a way to legally continue slavery.
3) It does not matter if someone had doubts about whether or not someone had doubts over their racial superiority. What matters is that they still willingly continued to be a part of that system that benefitted them because it was more convenient to not do anything. Also, nice job on conveniently leaving out the fact that Jefferson was known to have raped his slaves and produced multiple children with slaves, but still did not bothering freeing any of his slaves.
4) Don’t bother bringing up almost any of the other founding fathers also since they were also slave owners perpetuating the system because it helped them make money. And don’t try to excuse it by claiming that it was just accepted at the time. Abolitionism was a thing during that time. Even when Columbus began raping and pilaging, there were people who knew what he was doing was bad. There is writing about how people already knew Columbus was fucking insane and even Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand of Spain, you know, the ones who started the Spanish Inquisition, was so disgusted by rumors about Columbus that they had him investigated and took away his titles when they found out about what was happening. They’re not off the hook though because they were still, you know, the reason for why many Saphardic Jews were imprisoned, killed, and forced to run away.
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5) No, I don’t use the word “racist” too lightly, you’re standards for what count as racist just don’t include enough things that are racist.
6) Black people live in fear because they have historically and systemically have had legitimate reasons to, not because I’m calling out things that have been blatantly racist.
7) Yes there has been property damage. Yes there are people who are going to use these events as an excuse to do whatever they want. That will always be a part of protesting. But don’t act like cops aren’t doing this same thing, intentionally planting themselves in protests and then creating violence or causing property damage in order to give other cops a reason to attack protestors. If you know enough, you can spot them based on whose wearing shoes that can be run in or heavy combat boots, whose wearing nondescript clothes that you can see protective gear under, and who is wearing the “color of the day”, a tactic cops have used in order to disguise themselves among protestors but signal that they are cops to other cops by wearing matching accessories like armbands, headbands, or wristbands.
8) Funny how you don’t want to bring up the fact that these are populations with large black and brown communities that are usually overpoliced. Also, just because someone is a Democrat does not make them a liberal. The only reason I’m in preference of Democrats is because of the multiple marginalized communities that will hold them accountable for anything they do.
9) Not every single time a black person is killed is it because of racism. That “black-on-Black crime” people like to bring up? That’s not racism, that’s just the fact that people in close proximity to each other are more likely to kill each other and there are still heavily legally segregated parts of America due to wealth disparity. That example you brought up about a black cop killing a black man? That’s not racism. That a person knowing that they are untouchable because of the power that they have because the only good cops are cops that have quit. If you haven’t quit or been fired, you are likely a member of the blue wall of silence that refuses to condemn offices who intentionally act violently knowing that they will not be punished. Also, let’s not forget that people can also be prejudiced against people in their race or ethnicity because of the shade of their skin and the socio-economic class.
10) When have you seen any white man being bashed for having a black wife or being a “big brother” to black children? Often the only people who have problems with black women getting married to white men are black men who feel like they own black women and then claim they are “betraying their race” when they seek love from men in other races and ethnicities, but expect black women to stay silent as they chase after snow bunnies who fetishize mixed children. The only other case I could think of would be racists not wanting races to mix. And the “big brother” thing? The only reason I could think of would be complaints about wanting more black men to be “big brothers” because white men just cannot relate to the experiences of being a black child.
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11) You conveniently left out that despite being one of the smallest racial communities in the U.S., black people are also the most policed, and will get arrested for things cops would let a white man go with like weed charges. Look no further than lovely white wonderbread comedien John Mulaney saying in his second comedy special “the comeback kid” “it’s (weed) always been legal silly goose”. This means that they have a disproportionate amount of black people in their records because if black people only make up 13% of people in the entire nation, they should only make up about 13% of all crime to, but they make up more because policemen have quotas to fill for how many people they arrest in order to receive more funding, and its easier with a racist system backing you up to arrest Black than white people.
12) Again, people in close proximity to each other are more likely to kill each other than people who do not know each other and people who live far from each other. Also, it’s the ultra extremists who really want to abolish the police. I still think we need a protective system, but we need it to work for the common people, not corporations and politicians. I think that every district should use the same system as wealthy white neighborhoods, where anyone who wants to be a policeman must be assigned a position in the neighborhood they are from because anything they do wrong will make them accountable to their neighbors, family, and friends. Also I believe that all cops should undergo mandatory psychological evaluations every 3-6 months, especially cops who have worked on extremely traumatic cases. I also believe that the U.S. should require at least 3 years of school for anyone wanting to become a cop because no one is actually able to learn the law, learn to enforce it through peaceful means unless in dire circumstances, and care for the wounded, mentally ill, physically disabled, or anyone mentally impaired by drugs and alcohol in 6 months.
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13) Another example of how this person is racist because they are actually suggesting that we enforce racial discrimination and black poverty. Also, if you want to bring up gangs, the biggest gang in the U.S is police force using propaganda that promotes the idea of “belonging” and economic stability in order to entice people who do not feel like they belong wherever they are, and then giving them a gun and badge that basically means “kill whoever you want because we will cover it up for you”.
14) Unless a woman feels like she is able to provide a stable enough home environment for her and her child, NO ONE WILLINGLY CHOOSES TO BE A SINGLE MOTHER! Single motherhood is caused by multiple events. A woman was impregnated by someone who left her, a couple with a child divorced because of legitimate reasons because divorce is a long and financially exhausting process, a woman was raped and decided to keep the child, and woman was raped and forced to give birth because she lives in a state that limits women’s healthcare, which includes abortion.
15) Fatherless homes do not equate to a rise in criminal culture. If that were the case, all wlw couples and single mothers would raise criminals. Do you know what does equate to criminal culture though? Teaching people that they are superior to someone else because of their race, gender, ethnicity, religion, or sexuality and then promoting violent behaviors in that child.
16) Black families were never more intact during slavery than after slavery. Slaveowners and slavetraders intentionally worked together to make money and create a lack of unity among slaves by selling individual families members to different regions. One of the first things that former slaves did after they were freed was go out and find their stolen family members.
17) I can’t say anything about economics since I don’t have much knowledge about the economic system before the New Deal. However I will say that this is the only valid point you have made. Politicians have historically tried to get as many black votes as possible when they realized what a reliable voting community they were and then never actually done much to help the black community. However this is a very general statement.
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18) How is group called Black Lives Matter that is focused on gaining racial equality attempting to sow discord in a nation by basically say “can you stop targeting us just because you’re racist and don’t like the color of my skin”.
19) How is a group asking for racial equality a lie? Are you really going to deny racism when we have seen shootings, lynchings, and people getting run over by cars all within the last month and a half?
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adorkabell · 5 years
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Been shy about sharing this one! But my bestie encouraged me to wear the bow to work because we should all be free to express ourselves. I have spent most of my life trying to be invisible to get by.
I realized early on that fat women were just weren't meant to take up space. I tried to be small. I didn't feel big, but I was constantly told I was. It was baby fat. Then depression fat. Then I got fit but always had this stupid belly. I was fat. And fat was bad. It was evil. It was ugly. It could be funny. But never anything more then that. (Look at the movies, fat men are either villians or comediens, and there were no women). I hated shopping. I hated fashion. I would fall in love with something only to have someone else tear me apart for wearing it.
Its bad enough to be fat, but if you keep your head down, you might get left alone. Stay in your place. Stay a fat slob who doesn't groom properly and doesn't take care of themselves and isn't smart. Its so much easier. You meet their expectations and continue the stereotype.
But to be beautiful and smart while being fat ... The world doesn't know what to do with you. The world tries HARDER to shut you down. If you were really smart, you wouldn't be fat, you would KNOW how to be thin. Being thin is a CHOICE and you aren't choosing it, clearly you are stupid. Put down that donut and get on a Treadmill. If you are beautiful and confident, you are glamorizing your obviously unhealthy life style.
And to be fat and ... happy? That completely mystifies the world, so they buckle down on you like nothing before and strip away as much as they possibly can. Tooth and Claw. Nothing is worse to the world then a HAPPY, BEAUTIFUL, SMART FAT WOMAN.
I let them. That precious bit of self esteem I had in college ... I let a few girls in the dorm steal it from me.
It came back here and there in my twenties, despite toxic relationships and people and working in the beauty industry.
Yesterday. I wore all black (I hate black!) but I grabbed this big pink bow out of my drawer because I love it. It makes me happy to look at, to wear. I feel young and happy in it. I feel like ME in it.
But I was afraid to put it on at work because its childish and pink and probably not professional. (That has been a struggle for me!)
So when my bestie told me to put it on, I did, albeit sheepishly at first. But I went down to get coffee and the cashier/receptionist told me how cute it was and how it fit my personality 100% and then other women liked it, too!
People saw me. People saw the fat girl wearing the ridiculously large, insanely loud pink bow, and they liked it! And they liked HER. They liked ME. Despite being fat but beautiful, fat but smart (but not too smart 😂). Despite being bisexual and in an open relationship and FAT (fat people don't have sex, eww!). They saw me and they still like me.
I don't even like me most of the time, to be honest. 😂
So yes. Here I am. In all my fat, pink, bisexual, happy, healthy, beautiful, smart glory!!!
Watch out world, this girl is rising up!!
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bellapittura · 5 years
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Throwback to turning @monicajoysherer into a 20’s woman named Geranium for a @betchsketch a few years back. #hairandmakeupbyme Tap for credits 💕 . Also what was really fun about this is that I used blue pigments to create depth and contour, just like makeup artists used to do for black and white film in the 20’s. Even though she had blues strategically placed on her face, this is how it turned out on camera. Swipe to see what she looked like #bts 👀 . . . . . #monicajoysherer #actress #comedien #makeup #hairandmakeup #makeupbyme #hairbyme #periodmakeup #periodhair #makeupartist #local706makeupartist #local706 #juliehasit #juliehassett #letsgoghpaint #20smakeup #20shair (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7jrVFBpMAi/?igshid=jipdjsf8xu57
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haroldgross · 6 years
New Post has been published on Harold Gross: The 5a.m. Critic
New Post has been published on http://literaryends.com/hgblog/the-death-of-stalin/
The Death of Stalin
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[3 stars]
So what do you get when you have an unchecked leader running a country with only sycophants at his side? No, not that, I’m speaking of Russia in 1953. Though the parallels are utterly intended and the implications somewhat overwhelm the humor at times. But when Armando Iannucci, the co-writer and director of In the Loop and Veep, decided to tackle the Russian oligarchy for his second film, you rightly expect dry, wry. and bleaskest black humor. If you didn’t, you probably have gone to the wrong movie.
Here’s the thing, this is not my favorite kind of humor. I enjoyed this movie to a degree, but I found it painful at times, and quite silly at others. It has a Monty Python-esque meets Chekov quality, and not just because Michael Palin (Remember Me, Absolutely Anything) is in it as Molokov (yes, that Molokov). That it also manages to cleave close to historical fact at the same time is a credit to Iannucci and his gang. But the movie doesn’t flow in a way that feels entirely right for my tastes. He does, however, know how to cast for his needs.
The actors are all top-notch comediens, from Steve Buscemi (Electric Dreams), to Jeffrey Tambor (The Accountant), to Simon Russell Beale (The Hollow Crown), even to the stoic and surprising Olga Kurylenko (The Water Diviner). Andrea Riseborough (Battle of the Sexes) and Rupert Friend (Hitman: Agent 47 have their own little storyline to run out and Jason Isaacs (A Cure for Wellness) comes in hard and fast to steal a good part of the last of the film. But it is Paddy Considine (The Girl With All the Gifts) and Tom Brooke (Preacher) who launch us into the world and set the tone perfectly and who manage to bring it all back together, in its way.
Iannucci has given us a cautionary comedy; a well-done satire. For the right audience it will entertain completely. For others it will cause an uncomfortable frisson. And for yet others, it will simply stoke the frustration and anger they are currently feeling with the world. So go in knowing what kind of film you might be seeing and decide if it is for you.
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citronsdor · 7 years
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#angelsinamerica ou comment #pleurer trois fois a un #spectacle 💪👍🌟 #soeursdelaperpétuelleindulgence #america #angels #show #theatre #theater #cartoucherie #gay #gayparis #vih #sida #cry #story #show #stage avec les #drag #dragqueen #actor #comedien #tragedie #aquarium #paris #parisien #parisian #parisgay #saturday #red #black #strength (à Théâtre de l'Aquarium)
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abastardcase · 7 years
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#TiffanyHaddish will be hosting #SNL this weekend and she’s the FIRST black woman to do it!! 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽 #sheready •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• #salute #comedien #saturdaynightlive #funnychicks #girlstripmovie #fromthehoodtohollywood #shedidthat #tgif #instatiffany #like4like #nyc
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francoise-larouge · 7 years
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Le portrait du mardi : Jules Schmit acteur ©FrançoiseLarouge
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