#Black Hat from Villainous
pythonmelon · 7 months
If you get too obsessed with making your own character cool or badass or witty or sympathetic or a sexyman or ANYTHING that appeals to fans, you've lost. It feels too manufactured. Too fake. You can't go on in-text about a character's unimaginable cool guy powers or backstory sincerely without it sucking all the fun out cause it just tells you what to think. Just present the story, man. Don't be so self conscious about your writing that you force in a bunch of extra stuff to show how something is. Let the fandom design the completely needless alternate cool forms. Let them decide what is and isn't cool. If you have to entirely manufacture interpretations of your characters, you've lost.
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orengejoshi · 2 months
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Paperhatober Day 7: Image 4 from Pinterest
I got my first kiss on the swings (2010)
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improved-twink · 4 months
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happy pride month!
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alice-the-kittycat-yt · 3 months
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Expect big surprises very soon 🎩😈📚
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zomedy · 8 months
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selective teleportation
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Flug: I’m not going to date you!
GH:And why not?
Flug:Because…I’m…already dating…black hat!
Black Hat:*spying on them* WHAT?!?
Villainous Fanfic Idea: GoldHeart uses the Butterfly Effect to his Advantage
GoldHeart was shocked no less as he nervously analyzed Flug's facial and body language to see if Flug was really telling the truth about dating that monster.
He immediately relaxed. Flug was pretty obvious when he is lying. He would start to sweat bullets, have jittery body language, and refused to make eye contact. Which he is currently doing right now.
GoldHeart decides not to call Flug's bluff for now and see how things play off. With a secretive smile he wishes Flug the best in his relationship with BlackHat and flew off without another word.
Immediately after GoldHeart leaves, Demencia proceeds to pounce on Flug like a feral, rabid wolf and yell at him in voice that is almost inhuman at the utter betrayal of Flug dating BlackHat. Before Flug could say anything she, got up and fiercely threw her fingerless glove at the ground to challenge Flug for BlackHat's hand in marriage.
BlackHat went along with it (but won't give the winner any prize of course) just for entertainment and also sell overpriced tickets to the heroes in the area for the fight.
That's how they ended up back in the arena in Episode 3.
In the arena, Flug tried to anxiously explain to her that he is not dating BlackHat and he just said that to GoldHeart to get him off his back but she was too far gone in her anger and jealousy to be restrained by logic to listen to any of his explanations.
Fortunately BlackHat didn't take Flug's tranquilizer this time but Demencia was fueled by so much jealous rage at Flug dating BlackHat that she developed super strength and turned into an animalistic beast.
Flug attempts to dodge Demencia and while shooting her with his tranquilizer, but the adrenaline fueled rage and determination to win BlackHat's love also made her partially semi-immune to the tranquilizer darts.
Flug proceeds to run around the stadium, even at the audience bench while shooting tranquilizer in her direction, while she dodges swiftly, some of the audience members became casualties of their fight, accidentally being hit by tranquilizers and/or being swiped and attack by Demencia's razor sharp claws, all while BlackHat was laughing hysterically at the display, surrounded by enormous piles of money.
Flug squeaked as Demencia managed to get her hands on him and proceeded to grab and toss him back to the ring before jumping on top of him in an attempt to wrestle and pulverize him to the ground. All while Flug panickedly attempts to do his best to shoot Demencia with as many tranquilizers as he can before she literally grind him to dust.
The fight ended when Demencia managed to pass out just as Flug ran out of tranquilizers before he too succumbed to his injuries and collapsed.
5.0.5. went to call the ambulance for both of them (because BlackHat was too busy counting his money to heal them) and the gang ended up in the hospital with Flug having to wear a body cast Demencia having so much tranquilizer in her body that she will be knocked out for a month.
When they were able to check out, Flug tells 5.0.5. as he wheeled the both of them out of the hospital in gurneys, to just tell Demencia that she won the fight to avoid any further conflict.
Flug, sighs: Things can't get any worse than this...
GoldHeart, flying down from the sky: FLUG!!
Flug: Shit...
GoldHeart: You lied to me.
Flug, nervous: Well I...I...um...
GoldHeart: Save it Flug! I saw the whole thing on live TV.
[Flug groans having being caught red handed]
GoldHeart: You really shouldn't lie to people it can lead to a lot of unintended consequences.
Flug, rolls eyes: Oh you're the one to talk...
GoldHeart, ignoring Flug: You're lucky you have such a forgiving, generous, nice, kind, and caring Arch-Nemesis...
[Flug wishes he could move his hands to make the blah blah blah hand motion]
GoldHeart: Who is willing to nurse you back to health despite your all your mistakes.
[GoldHeart's words interrupt Flug thinking up insults for him: supercilious, pretentious, condescending, overbearing ...wait]
GoldHeart, elaborates: It could take weeks maybe months or maybe even longer, but don't worry I'll be there to take care of you and be there every step of the way until you can get back on your feet.
GoldHeart takes an opportunity to carry an immobilized Flug and fly off with him back to his home Flug calls for 5.0.5. help.
And 5.0.5. not understanding what's happening, just waved him off, glad there is a nice person who wants to take care of his dad.
(Whom he just kidnapped right outside the hospital in front of his son and unconscious friend and basically can't even defend himself or run away because he's entire body is in a cast and will probably never see again...)
GoldHeart finally got his Arch-Enemy back and now he has all the time in the world to convince him to date him...
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burgertaco6 · 23 days
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I am churning these out like it's nothing...
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Dem took some .5 images of them
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blurrymango · 3 months
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These three dudes prolly all have a foot fetish.
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He does too.
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ravenalla · 1 year
Any other villainous fans kinda miss how Black Hat’s English voice sounded in the original shorts? Like I still love it but there was something different about it originally without whatever modifier they’re using now. He just sounded more human and silly (think of the line deliveries like “Now turn it off so we can go back inside.” “I don’t look like that!” “WHAT THE-“). Alan’s voice probably just naturally changed a bit over time and the way he got use to voicing him in English but dang it “trying as hard to sound British as possible” Black Hat was iconic I kinda miss it lol.
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fruitytrollroll · 6 months
haha whoaaa what's this pre-relationship paperlizardhat fluff doing here!
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whaaat? noooo that's not mine, i've never seen that before in my life! anyway—
enojy! 😎🔬🎩🦎✨
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orengejoshi · 3 months
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Paperhatober Day 4: Crown
...tree crown!🍃
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demoncia2 · 10 months
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aww he's shy *is immediately killed by one million lasers*
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Has Taura ever picked up Andrew before? She looks pretty buff like she’d be able to do so
"Yes and it was like holding a couple of grapes."
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"Come on! I literally hadn't eaten anything for weeks."
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"Cariño, yesterday I had to carry you from the sofa to the bed, again."
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"….No comment."
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Yep, she carries him easily. :3
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dzadezdta · 4 months
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