#Bizarre Jelly 5
jellykinss · 1 year
crawling out of my dark wet stalagmite infested cave to bring you, once again, Another Fucking Self-Insert (this time it’s jojo part 5 since i’ve added mista to the f/o list. lets goooo)
meet dulce tenerina and her stand, tainted love!
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vibinorion · 2 years
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Day 5) Headcanons
We all know my headcanons for in generals
Heterochromia, albinism, freckles, etc etc
But with the power of TABLETURF!! You can't tell me he wouldn't absolutely DEMOLISH baby jelly now,,,he would
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babeilovemonsters · 3 months
You found it completely on accident. It was a mild day, with clouds covering the sky, but the air uncomfortably sticky with warmth. You soon regretted leaving the house, but c'mon, who isn't going to go on a spending spree once they get paid? So you sucked it up, put on what was at least comfortable, even in this weather, and left to splurge.
The town selection was nothing interesting. Rather depressing, actually. Not much caught your eye, and in all honesty, you probably spent more money on drinks throughout the day rather than treats for yourself. But when you finally reached the end of town, you found a new store. A curio store. Your excitement was barely contained. Not just a new store to look in, but one full of useless yet entertaining junk? Oh hell yes!
You entered the store, getting hit in the face by the overwhelming scent of dust. The clerk seemed friendly enough, cheerily greeting you as you wandered in aimlessly. The items in that store were beyond curious. Chocolate cocks and clits, giant lava lamps, glass sex toys on the shelves, taxidermy mice positioned in day to day jobs, lighters and antique knives locked behind a glass cupboard door, you found every corner had something to behold. But one lone barrel caught your attention, on account of it looking so out of place, even in a store as curious as this one.
Unable to shake away your interest, you wandered to the barrel, gently coaxing off the lid to peer inside. To your surprise, it was filled to the brim with a soft pink slime. Against your better judgement, you slid one finger into the substance. It felt... warm. Unnaturally so, like the inside of someone's mouth. You could've sworn you just felt the slime shudder as you did that...
You eventually made your rounds. Grabbing some candy genitals as a gag for your friends, of course, and a rainbow lava lamp that would really brighten up your room. But at the counter, you found yourself asking the clerk about the barrel of slime. She shrugged dismissively, saying it had stayed with her for a while, but that it wasn't her cup of tea. Perhaps it was the curiosity of the lifelike texture, or the simple nostalgia from childhood, but you impulsively decided to purchase the slime barrel. After all, at only $5, what's there to lose?
It was delivered by the clerk a few days later, in the store's branded van. You had forgotten about it, honestly. Unsure what to do with this completely bizarre purchase that you kind of regretted making, you just left it in the living room, hoping inspiration would strike. And it would.
That night, in your sleep, you dreamt of warm, soft jelly. Swimming in it, relaxing in it, under a hot sun. All your worries seemed so far... Although this jelly was getting quite sticky. In fact, that was a very convincing feeling. You awoke soon after, only to find that hot sticky feeling was still there, as the pink slime was coating your legs, two holes fashioned in a lump that was resting on your knee. Hang on, did those holes just... blink? You shrieked, wondering how it possibly could've gotten there, when your own question was soon answered, as the substance moved away all on it's own, retracting itself from you and clumsily dropping into a pile on your floor.
It began to stretch and mold upwards, taking on a wonky but undeniable humanoid shape, with those holes forming in the head just like eyes. Before you could scream, it uttered a quiet, soft apology, panic in it's own voice. You stopped your little freakout, processing the talking slime creature before you. It apologised again for waking you up, and for scaring you, stumbling back a bit as it struggled to keep it's balance. You quickly dismissed the apology, no longer threatened, now just curious. You questioned what it was, and it was honest, stating that it didn't exactly know. It admitted it was lonely, and tried desperately to gain the affection of the store clerk, only to find she had no interest in it's friendship.
You offered your own hand to it, jumping at the opportunity to gain the affection of a monster. How often does this opportunity arise? In excitement, the slime creature forgot it's boundaries, wrapping it's weighted, soft arms around you, it's warm body almost blending into yours. It was a weird, but incredible sensation, like a hot bath after a stressful day... In fact, it was quite cold that evening, right? Yeah. Definitely. This feeling should last longer. This new companion could keep you nice and warm in the night. You requested it's company, and while surprised, it accepted, just happy to have someone glad in it's presence.
You laid back down into your pillows as the creature slowly and calmly enveloped you, like a weighted blanket. You sighed in comfort, easing back into sleep, when a hot flush suddenly waved over you. A bit of slime had accidentally drooled down in between your legs, lightly brushing your most sensitive area. That's fine, you thought, you'd just move slightly and-- oh that made it worse. More slime slid between your thighs, intensifying that tickling hot feeling down below. You couldn't help but gasp in pleasure, stopping the creature as it tried to move away. You reassured it that you weren't uncomfortable, and invited it to actually keep doing this.
Confused yet not deterred, the slime did whatever it took to please it's new master, sliding a thick mound of hot slime all the way down to your hole, lightly teasing it as you internally pleaded for more. It stopped after one stroke, so you clarified your wants, saying that feeling had to continue, if the monster was comfortable. The slime quickly caught on to what it was supposed to, and rippled continuously over your genitals, giving a wonderful wavy sensation that pleasured your entire waist at once. You pushed down into it, moaning at last when a slight bit went through your clothes and into your hole.
Quick to catch on, yet not ceasing to stop the rippling at the same time, the creature pushed more slime into your hole, relishing in your sounds of pleasure. Almost using your internal walls like a mold for it's staff's shape, it began sliding in and out, slow at first, but ever faster, increasing in speed slightly with every whine and grunt of pleasure. It opened another hole in itself, this time over your own member, and enveloped it, rippling and stroking over it to hit every spot you delighted over, while sprouting another slimey limb to carefully and gently slide into your mouth. It was hot on your tongue, and tasted not like any factory manufactured toy slime, but instead of sweet, sweet flesh. Like the taste of licking cream off another human's body. The slime sliding across your taste buds only made you hornier and hornier, as you quickly realised it was an aphrodisiac.
Eventually, it all got too much, and you finally finished in a blaze of glory, mixing your own fluids with the creature's unique body.
You would always be a part of this creature now as your liquids added to it's mass. Every time you and your beloved slime embraced one another, it got bigger and bigger from the added material, even if only by a couple of inches each time. But even just those few inches isn't saying much when it's a constant stream, so keep up your stamina, because the bigger the slime gets, the more mass it has to cover you.
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elvisgrace · 2 years
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One last custom video game - I made The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim for @tvickiesims as a thank you for her priceless know-how and support, and she wanted to share it with everyone!
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - SFS/Mediafire
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I made a Deltarune custom video game for the magnificent, marvelous, and municifent @mourky as a thank you for all their help, and they've requested that I share it with everyone - and not being content resting on their laurels, @mourky made a Polish version of the Doppelganger Console!
Deltarune -SFS/Mediafire
Doppelganger Console (Polish) - Mega/SFS/Mediafire
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I made a Witcher 3 :The Wild Hunt custom video game for the incomparable @jellymeduza as a thank you for her invaluable help and guidance, which she generously wants to share, on top of which she has made a Polish translation!
Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt (English) - SFS/Mediafire
Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt (Polish) - SFS/Mediafire
Thank you @jellymeduza!!!
@itsyuna is amazing and a total bro, and has made a Brazilian Portugese translation - thank you so very much!
Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt (Brazilian Portugese) - SFS/Mediafire
Like all of my custom games, you will have to first place the display on a community lot it order for your sim to be able to purchase the game and play it on their home gaming system.
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EDIT: @howtoplaymyshuno graciously offered to share a game I made for them for being such a rockstar consultant, Uncle Albert's Magical Album:
The updated GIA television station can be found here:
Thank you @howtoplaymyshuno!
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Ok, I took the Doppelganger Console down to fix some issues I missed, but now it's back, exorcised and improved!
This is a logic skilling object in Practice Mode
Gain enthusiasm is Games in Practice and Play modes
And because I thought it would be cute for children to teach their grandparents how to play video games, I've altered the age limits so that children can offer lessons to or be asked for lessons from the other age groups as long as the child has a higher logic skill than the other sim
I feel like a ginormous asshole for not catching my fubars before posting, and then it taking so long to fix, so as an apology, I've made you four customs video games!
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And I made posters for them using @sushigal007's mesh.
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So, I made these really elaborate movies for the games before I realized that they would be too long for the games themselves, but at that point there was no way I wasn't going to use them. Fuck that noise. So I've created a television station that builds games enthusiasm: The Gaming Intelligence Agency.
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Doppelganger Console: SFS/Mediafire
@tvickiesims is a goddess and made a Russian version! SFS
Animal Crossing: SFS/Mediafire
Bizarre Jelly 5: SFS/Mediafire
Hero's Duty: SFS/Mediafire
Problem Solverz: SFS/Mediafire
Gaming Intelligence Agency Television Station: SFS/Mediafire
The biggest monster thank you to @jellymeduza, @howtoplaymyshuno, @tvickiesims, and @mourky - I couldn't have done it without you, you are fantastic, and I am hardcore heart emoji-ing in your direction
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crissiebaby · 10 months
The Pampered Curse: Chapter 5
DISCLAIMER: This story contains diaper usage, humiliation, domination, masturbation/diaper sex, hyperwetting, mental regression, and other ABDL themes. I hope you enjoy!
Commissioned By: BlossomBitchDolly
“Mommy! Mommy! There’s a weird girl on the street!”
“Have you no shame?! What a disgrace you must be to your parents!”
“Hahaha! Hey, babycakes! Trick-or-treat was last Saturday!”
If Edan were to tally up every single embarrassing moment from his life and compile them all into a single highlight reel, he would gladly watch that footage on repeat so long as he could be spared the unreal humiliation he was experiencing in the present. Neither age nor gender nor sexuality nor astrological star sign made any difference. All who were in earshot were coming out of the woodwork to gawk, taunt, and degrade his infantile wardrobe. And worst of all, he couldn’t even blame them. If he had been just another bystander when some idiot came walking down the street dressed like he was, he’d be laughing his ass off. If only he had the luxury of such a lofty perspective.
Instead, Edan found himself waddling along the sidewalk of his very active neighborhood street, his diaper echoing a wealth of crinkles with each step as if the world had strapped an amp to his padding and cranked it up to 11. He didn’t even have his usual walking shoes to help him move faster, with his bare feet collecting dust and dirt as he continued on his warpath to that damned ghost’s mansion.
Unfortunately, by the time Edan found himself passing the final suburban house within his neighborhood, his need to pee had reared its ugly head yet again. “No! If I piss my diaper now, I might never be able to think straight again,” he thought, balling up both fists while he toddled forward. It wasn’t easy with control of his bladder falling to nearly zero but he somehow managed to keep from urinating as he reached the gravel road with the mansion at its end.
Trudging through the grass along the road was quite a difficult feat considering the ridiculously thick padding that Edan was dealing with but it beat walking on a gravel road shoeless. The bumpy terrain nearly had him tripping over himself but his determination and what remained of his speedy reflexes kept him upright. Before long, he spotted the mansion in the distance again, causing him to double his pace as he neared the finish line. His legs were nothing more than jelly as he rounded the structure and staggered up the creaky, wooden steps toward the front door. All the while, his heart threatened to leap out of his chest with how furiously it was pumping.
“Ghosts aren’t real. Ghosts aren’t real. Ghosts aren’t real,” repeated Edan to himself as he raised a fist to the door. For some bizarre reason, there was still a lingering part of himself that refused to face the fact that ghosts were a real and tangible thing as if the diaper alone wasn’t already proof enough. Regardless of what his beliefs were at this point, he’d come this far. Holding in a lungful of air, he reached out and shakily pounded his fist on the grand entrance.
Unable to shake the haunting aura of the mansion, Edan stepped back from the house after two quick knocks, gaining as much distance as possible from the dilapidated structure. However, as he waited for the ghost woman or some other spiritual presence to show up, he found that he was still strikingly alone. It made no sense. Had he made this entire farce up in his head? If so, then the mortifying experience of touring his neighborhood with an overgrown pumpkin of a diaper on his hips would’ve all been for nothing.
Growing furious over the idea that his regression might have somehow been self-inflicted, Edan stormed back up to the door and proceeded to slam his fist repeatedly, his sanity draining all the while. “Open da fuqin doow and ged dis shid off me! Pwease!” he cried, beating the door as he finally broke down and began weeping openly. He no longer cared about his adult, hyper-masculine appearance. He’d shed as many tears as necessary at this point in hopes of guilting his ghostly enemy.
Yet despite his obvious remorse and the clear evidence of a lesson learned, Edan remained on the porch of the estate with not so much as a single ghost in his presence. With nowhere left for his rage to go, he wound his foot back in front of the shabby door. If the ghost wasn’t going to let him in, he had no choice but to break in. Tragically, as his leg swung forward, the diaper obstructed his forward motion enough to throw him off balance, sending him crashing to the floor on his butt. And while thankfully, the over-pump diaper cushioned the blow to his bum, the same could not be said for his bladder. With the impact jostling his body heavily during his harsh descent, he lost what little grip he had on the remnants of his potty training.
Urine had barely made contact with the inside of his pampers before its vibrations roared to life like a chainsaw slicing through his adulthood. In the blink of an eye, his eyes fully glazed over as the most euphoric sensation he’d ever felt gripped his body, and refused to let go. His mind no longer had the fortitude to resist, losing himself to the carnal desires of his stimulated body.
Opening her front door the second that Edan’s butt collided with the wooden ground as if waiting for her cue, the ghost of Madam Petunia Wick exited onto her porch with a smile that somehow toed the line between kindly and wicked. “Oh, dear! It appears someone left a baby all alone on my doorstep. Surely, a cute little pumpkin like you must have a Mommy hiding around here somewhere,” she said, feigning confusion as she pretended to search the immediate area for Edan’s missing mother, only to turn up empty-handed, “Though, I suppose “little pumpkin” isn’t very appropriate considering a pumpkin of this size would be a sure-fire to win the blue-ribbon at a county fair. No, you, my horny little devil, are Mommy’s HUGE pumpkin.”
As the word, “HUGE,” left Petunia’s mouth, she leaned down and pressed her near-translucent hand into Edan’s diaper, shifting its soggy, pulpy contents around his aching member. Edan’s response was as expected as he threw his head back as far as his neck would arch. With his grasp on reality fading fast, he wasn’t sure why he was here or even where he was anymore. Heck, he probably couldn’t remember his own first name as his brain turned into putty. Madam Wick’s putty, to be precise.
“Fear not, my sweet, autumn child. You can call me Mommy from now on,” said Petunia, gracing Edan with her intoxicating, ear-to-ear grin as she placed her arms around his torso and lifted him into the air with ease, diaper and all. In no time at all, she had him flipped over and cradled in her arms. To anyone watching from afar, the height difference between herself and Edan would’ve made for an awkward look. But from the point of view of the loving mother and her reborn newborn, no image could be more perfect.
Closing the door behind her, Edan was given his first chance to see the inside of the ruins that the formerly pristine mansion had become. Unsurprisingly, its interior was a decaying mess, with caved-in ceilings or crumbling walls making up the once-Grand Hall. For Edan, whose mind was now mushier than his diaper, the ramshackle manor was more frightening than his babyish brain would’ve preferred. He clutched his new Mommy’s torso, hugging his face to her enormous sweater puppies.
“Hehe! I’m sorry, pumpkin. I should’ve done this before we entered. Go ahead and close your eyes, sweetheart. And when you open them, you won’t have to be so scared anymore,” she said, watching her baby with pure, motherly affection as he happily shuttered his eyelids for her. She felt the core of her spirit-form flutter as she leaned in and pressed her lips to Edan’s forehead.
If Edan’s eyes were open, he would’ve borne witness to an incredible sight. Unbeknownst to him, Petunia’s magical kiss was laced with a powerful spell to usher Edan into her realm, welcoming him into the place between life and death. As her spell took effect, the mansion around him slowly returned to its prior glory. Soon, the run-down, old manor that Edan had grown so familiar with had disappeared, replaced with the inviting home that Madam Wick had made for herself and her beloved friends to live out their kinky fantasies for all eternity. And now, Edan was one of them.
As the mansion retook its shape, so too did Petunia’s form. Color returned to her cheeks, filling her face with a warm glow while her tattered, ghostly outfit repaired itself, the fabric shifting and stitching itself back together until her sultry nightgown looked as pristine as it did the day she bought it. The Lady of the house had to look her best, after all.
With Edan’s soul now as bound to the lush mansion as hers was, Petunia lifted her plump lips from her baby boy’s head. “You can open your eyes again. The bad dream is over now,” she said, relishing in the adoring expression and widening smile that befell Edan’s face as he gazed around his new home. Any animosity she may have felt toward him disappeared with his old life. It didn’t matter who he used to be or how rudely he used to behave. He was her baby, now and forever more, “Okay, my yummy pumpkin. After such a long walk, I think it’s time you settled in for a nap. Doesn’t that sound nice?”
Nodding his head rapidly, there wasn’t anything Petunia could say that Edan wouldn’t think sounded nice. He must’ve looked incredibly tired to his Mommy because the moment Petunia mentioned the idea of a nap, his brain and body instantly felt sluggish. A large yawn escaped his mouth, forcing his gob open for several seconds.
“Hehe! That’s a BIG yes from you,” said Petunia, climbing the winding staircase that lined the parameters of the Grand Hall to the second story. As she entered the main upstairs hallway, Edan was treated to a wide variety of blushy sights. From a sissy in the midst of some major nipple torture to a pair of lesbians engaging in a bit of rope play, it appeared that the newspaper had been spot on in its reporting of the fetish-filled house, much to his doughy-eyed delight.
Edan’s delight intensified as Petunia arrived at a pastel blue door near the end of the hallway. Upon opening the soft-colored door, his excitement reached new heights over the nursery that he now had the pleasure of calling home. It was the perfect room for a BIG baby boy like him, with everything he would ever need from an oversized crib and changing table to a seemingly endless supply of both childish and naughty toys. 
Laying Edan down on the crib’s soft mattress, Petunia didn’t even bother asking if he needed a change before sleepytime. With a diaper that size, he likely wouldn’t get the chance to test out that changing table for a long time. He didn’t seem to mind, though, raising his arms up and cooing for his Mommy, not a fresh diaper. “So restless for someone so drowsy!” she exclaimed, placing her hands on each of Edan’s cheeks and rubbing them until he was a giggly mess, “I think I may have an idea of how to zap that energy right out of you.”
Resting a hand against Edan’s diaper, Petunia amended her previous spell, permitting Edan to cum so long as it was her hand that instigated it. And since her hand was already nuzzled into the crotch of his plush padding, Edan’s reaction couldn’t have been more predictable.
“H-huhHHHHHHHMMMMMMMMM!!!” moaned Edan, his eyes going cross as his body skipped all of the build-up, launching him into the single most intense climax of his life without any means of bracing himself. His body quivered in Mommy's arms as her touch electrified every sensory neuron in his body. The head of his cock spewed cum into his diaper until his entire pelvis was coated in a thick layer of stringy semen. It was pure ecstasy and he never wanted the blissful feeling to end. Sadly, while he lasted far longer than he ever managed to do his own, his weary body could only go for so long, exhausted from three days of unending stress.
Luckily, Edan would never have the misfortune of feeling such stress again. Not with Petunia watching over him and filling his soul with every infantile desire that she kept locked away within herself. He may have once taunted her for what she enjoyed but now he was going to share in her joy for diapers and all things Little. She landed one, final kiss on Edan’s forehead as his eyes slowly drifted shut. “Sweet dreams, pumpkin. And welcome to your new life.”
You could've read this story two weeks earlier! Join my Patreon, where you can get early access to commissioned stories like this one, as well as exclusive content you won't find anywhere else! Dozens of exciting stories are already available, so be sure to check out patreon.com/crissiebaby!
Edited by AllySmolShork
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onejellyfishplease · 11 months
Hi Jelly! I love your Council of Donnie's- they're all so unique and entertaining! Thankyou for bringing this bizarre and cool bunch to us <3 I'd love to try some fanart of them when I one day get the chance, if I may. :)
For the artist asks: 2. 5 favourites of your own work? 25. Based on your recent reference searches, what would the FBI assume about you?
Aw thank you!!
okay so i already answered this one here
that i was planning to remove several limbs from people. also that i was hallucinating massively. And also am very interested in beetles and in starting a cult
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tentacletournament · 2 years
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Written polls and links under the cut!
Squig (Among Us) VS Impostor (Among Us)
Remus Sanders (Sanders Sides) VS Albert Wesker (Resident Evil)
Octillery (Pokemon) VS Malamar (Pokemon)
Mizuki (Arknights) VS Andreana (Arknights)
Ood (Doctor Who) VS Dalek Sec (Doctor Who)
Ventricosus (Land Of The Lustrous) VS Aculeatus (Land Of The Lustrous)
Pretzel (Just Roll With It) VS Aqueous Annie Bell (Jellyfish Felonies)
Squidward Tentacles (Spongebob Squarepants) VS The Queen Jellyfish (Spongebob Squarepants)
Ln'eta (Sucker For Love) VS Estir (Sucker For Love)
Marie (Splatoon) VS Captain 3 (Splatoon)
Glow Squid (Minecraft) VS Ghast (Minecraft)
Squilliam Fancyson (Spongebob Squarepants) VS Marco Diaz (Star vs The Forces of Evil)
Ken Kaneki (Tokyo Ghoul) VS Ayato Kirishima (Tokyo Ghoul)
Itona Horibe (Assassination Classroom) VS Korosensei (Assassination Classroom)
Monomon The Teacher (Hallow Knight) VS Sibling (Hallow Knight)
The Rot (Rain World) VS Mikitaka Hazekura (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
Gnosis (Mythic Ocean) VS N'zoth (World Of Warcraft)
The Wall Monster (Johnny the Homicidal Maniac) VS Hank (Finding Dory)
Jelly (A Narwhal and Jelly) VS Soundwave (Transformers)
Slenderman (Creepypasta) VS The Old One (Wizard 101)
Kran (The Rise of The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) VS "Turn The Lights Off" (Tally Hall)
Pearl Houzuki (Splatoon) VS Frye (Splatoon)
Davy Jones (Pirates Of The Caribbean) VS Take Luka (Vocaloid)
Caelum (Anime Campaign) VS Jason Todd (DC Comics)
DJ Octavio (Splatoon) VS Callie (Splatoon)
Londo Mollari (Babylon 5) VS Fukami (Wadanohara and The Great Blue Sea)
Geryuganshoop (One Punch Man) VS Onionsan (UNDERTALE)
Horrorterror (Homestuck) VS Hatchan (One Piece)
Kala Mer'ri (Monster High) VS Professor Inkling (Octonauts)
Blooper (Super Mario Franchise) VS HP Lovecraft (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Cthulhy Squele (Monster Girl Doctor) VS The Creature (Carrion)
Hermaeus Mora (The Elder Scrolls Series) VS Zoe (Monster Prom)
Shiver (Splatoon) VS Agent 4 (Splatoon)
Ebrietas (Bloodborne) VS Octokittens (The Mechanisms)
Ninomae Ina'nis (Hololive EN) VS Vel'Koz (League Of Legends)
Stephano (Reflection) VS Dharkon (Super Smash Bros Ultimate)
Dr. Octopus (Spiderman) VS Olivia Octavious (Spiderman)
Hastur (Identity V) VS Omeluum (Baldur's Gate 3)
Tentacruel (Pokemon) VS Lord Helix (Pokemon)
Nightmare Sans (The Underverse) VS Ultros (Final Fantasy)
Marina Ida (Splatoon) VS Agent 8 (Splatoon)
Squid Ink Cookie (Cookie Run) VS The Kracken (Mythology)
Ursula (The Little Mermaid) VS Killer Bee (Naruto)
Michiru Ichijou (Mieruko-Chan) VS Cthulhu (Lovecraft)
Weed (Transistor) VS Squid Girl (Squid Girl)
Octodad (Octodad) VS Paul (Children of Time Trilogy)
Mind Flayer (Magic: The Gathering) VS Azul Ashengrotto (Twisted Wonderland)
Venom (Venom) VS Eight Armed Willy (The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack!)
Squidina (The Patrick Star Show) VS Tamaki Amajiki (My Hero Academia)
Nightmarionne (Five Nights at Freddy's) VS The Kraken (Atlantis)
Lady Luctopus (Psychonauts) VS Oswald the Octopus (Oswald the Octopus)
Cecil Gershwin Palmer (Welcome To Nightvale) VS Khoshekh (Welcome To Nightvale)
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cool-cube · 1 month
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non-canon alien redesign number 4, and another non-canon reboot alien: The banana alien. This idea actually came from u/TheBloppe_r on Reddit. Since he didn't actually have a name before, I opted to give him the name Slipup.
Unlike with Hotdawg, I tried to make his design more alien rather than embrace the goofiness of it. I mainly did this because I didn't want the two food aliens to just be humanoid food. Anyways here's all the info on the alien.
Slipup is the Omnitrix's DNA sample of a Musalyte from the oasis planet Magnus'Myk. Musalytes are one of many sapient species on the planet, but are the only ones to not be flora, they are instead molluscs. They're meant to look like the bananas that grow on Magnus'Myk, which is where their general colour scheme & larger size come from.
Slipup's primary ability is a pretty bizarre one. Musalytes can emit a very specific psychic pulse from their single eye. When it hits a living organism, their legs begin to feel like jelly & they lose all sense of balance they had, causing them to trip on nothing & fall over. This effect can last for at minimum, 5 seconds, & at maximum, a minute. Slipup also has three mouths that can travel along the lines of his outer skin, similar to an Ectonurite's eye. Slipup's body is mostly protected by a thin, fleshy shell that looks like a banana which protects most of his body from salt. He can also retract into it if nessecary. Musalytes do not possess any solid bone & most of their body is held up via cartillage, which allows Slipup to squeeze into tight crevices & under small gaps. Slipup can also camoflague as one of the bananas on his homeworld, but Ben has never done this since he's never needed to, has never been to Slipup's planet, and doesn't know about how Musalytes hunt.
Slipup is not an alien designed for combat. Since most of the prey on Magnus'Myk are on par with earth Mice strength-wise, he's not well adjusted to the strength that most of Ben's enemies have. His true body under his outer skin is extremely sensitive to salt, and just being near it can cause him extreme pain. Slipup is also very slow-moving, mainly due to his stubby legs.
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best-fictional-cat · 2 years
The Round 1 contestants!!!
You will notice that there is no clearly defined bracket yet, but there will be going forth from round 2. I just want to see how popular certain characters actually are before I set all the forthcoming rounds in stone. You will also notice that there are some polls with more that two options. That's because we have so many cats and so little opportunities to make an even bracket. And one more thing that some of you who know their way around the math of bracket-making might pick up on: round 1 consists of 126 polls, while we're going to require 128 contestants for round 2. That would mean that some polls will result in multiple winners (either 2 winners for 2 polls or a whooping 3 for a single one). And now, finally, the pairs and groups:
Group 1
Garfield (Garfield) vs Puss in Boots (Puss in Boots / Shrek)
Khoshekh (Welcome to Night Vale) vs The Admiral (The Magnus Archives) vs Pippa (The Penumbra Podcast)
Tom (Tom and Jerry) vs Sylvester (Looney Tunes)
Judd (Splatoon) vs Lil' Judd (Splatoon)
Garfield the Deals Warlock (The Adventure Zone: Balance) vs Pib (Dimension 20 - Neverafter)
Opalescence (My Little Pony) vs Charmmy Kitty (Sanrio)
Group 2
Slugcat (Rain World) vs Rivulet (Rain World: Downpour)
Cool Cat (Cool Cat Saves the Kids) vs Tabby Von Meow (Webkinz)
Sisters of Plenitude (Doctor Who) vs Thomas Kincade Brannigan ( Doctor Who)
Domino (Amphibia) vs Domino 2 (Amphibia)
Thomas O'Malley + the Aristocats (Aristocats) vs Serafina + Wolfie (Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper)
Hollyleaf (Warrior cats) vs Jayfeather (Warrior cats) vs Yellowfang (Warrior cats) vs Bluestar (Warrior cats)
Group 3
Bob (Animal Crossing) vs Raymond (Animal Crossing)
Cattail (Plants vs Zombies) vs Stray Cat (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
Yoruichi Shihoin (Bleach) vs Grimmjow Jaegerjaques (Bleach)
Greebo (Discworld) vs You (Discworld)
Pusheen (Pusheen) vs Nyan Cat (Nyan Cat)
Felix (Drawtectives) vs Capper (My Little Pony)
Group 4
Cat (Stray) vs Spot (Star Trek: The Next Generation)
Bungle the glass cat (Oz) vs Eureka the pink kitten (Oz)
Squanchy (Rick and Morty) vs Talking Cat (Rick and Morty)
Barry Ill ( Sparklecare hospital) vs Caroline Coughs (Sparklecare hospital)
Shoe (Ace Attorney) vs Wagahai (Ace Attorney)
Alpine (Marvel comics) vs Mew (Marvel comics)
Group 5
Hong (Trash of the Count's Family) vs On (Trash of the Count's Family)
Catra (She-Ra) vs Khajiit (The Elder Scrolls)
Constable Whiskers (Cookie Run) vs Tabby Slime (Slime Rancher)
Arlene (Garfield) vs Nermal (Garfield)
Stelmaria (His Dark Materials) vs Kirjava (His Dark Materials)
Candy + Cindy (Five Nights at Candy's) vs 808 (Hi-Fi Rush)
Group 6
Carla (Fairy Tail) vs Panther Lily (Fairy Tail)
Jellie (Double Life SMP) vs C!Antfrost (Dream SMP)
Midnight (Castle in the Air, Diana Wynne Jones) vs Thomas (Earwig and the Witch)
Skimbleshanks (Cats the musical) vs Rum Tum Tugger (Cats the musical)
Ortensia the Cat (Disney) vs Felix the cat (Felix the cat (Paramount))
God Cat (Homestuck) vs Vodka Mutini / Dr.Meowgon Spangler (Homestuck)
Group 7
Kyo Sohma (Fruits Basket) vs Miyo Sasaki / Muge / Taro (A whisker away)
Blaze the Cat (Sonic the Hedgehog) vs Big the Cat (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Jiji (Kiki's Delivery Service) vs Luna (Sailor Moon)
Puppycat (Bee and Puppy cat) vs CatDog (CatDog)
Chairman Meow (The Shadowhunter Chronicles) vs Church (The Shadowhunter Chronicles)
Pounce de Leon (Homestuck) vs Jaspers (Homestuck)
Group 8
Sandstorm (Warrior cats) vs Squirrelflight (Warrior cats)
Mae Borowski (Night in the Woods) vs Princess Carolyn (BoJack Horseman)
Hobbes (Calvin and Hobbes) vs Tigger (Winnie the Pooh)
Ankha (Animal Crossing) vs Kabuki (Animal Crossing)
Valerie Oberlin (Monster Prom) vs Juan The Small Magical Latino Cat (Monster Prom)
Coco Grimalkin (Purrfect Apawcalypse) vs Felix Munch (Purrfect Apawcalypse) vs Mittens Wichien (Purrfect Apawcalypse)
Group 9
Catty (Undertale) vs Catti (Deltarune)
Aslan (The Chronicles of Narnia) vs Simba (The Lion King)
Ghazt (My Singing Monsters) vs Nyanky (Taiko no Tatsujin)
Nameless evil white cat (James Bond) vs Meowthra (Lego Ninjago Movie)
Minerva McGonagall (Harry Potter) vs Behemoth (Master and Margarita)
Macskacicó (Hungarian folk tales) vs Pangur Bán (Pangur Bán (Irish poem, 9th century))
Group 10
Kuro (Blue Exorcist) vs Grim (Twisted Wonderland)
Baron Humbert von Gikkingen (The Cat Returns) vs Nyanta (Log Horizon)
Lumi (Cats are Liquid) vs Mewo (Omori) vs Pet cats (Stardew Valley)
Leone (Akame ga Kill) vs Blake Belladonna (RWBY)
The Black Cat (The Black Cat, E.A.Poe) vs Black Cat (The Price, Neil Gaiman)
Chi Yamada (Chi's sweet home) vs Happy (Fairy Tail)
Group 11
Kitty White / Hello Kitty (Sanrio) vs Salem Saberhagen (Sabrina the Teenage Witch)
Firestar (Warrior cats) vs Meowth (Pokémon)
Ghost (The Owl House) vs Morgana (Persona 5)
Kitty Softpaws (Puss in Boots) vs Goose (Marvel comics / MCU)
Catbus (My Neighbor Totoro) vs Cake (Adventure Time)
Cheshire Cat (Alice in Wonderland) vs Che'nya (Twisted Wonderland)
Group 12
Plagg (Miraculous) vs Chat Noir (Miraculous)
Bagheera (The Jungle Book) vs Nuka (The Lion King 2)
Cure Cosmo / Yuni (Star Twinkle Pretty Cure) vs Ichigo Momomiya (Tokyo Mew Mew)
Luxor (Tutenstein) vs Chester the Cat (Bunnicula)
Cat (Red Dwarf) vs T'Ana (Star Trek: Lower Decks)
The Cat (Coraline) vs Mothwing (Warrior cats)
Group 13
Shampoo ( Ranma 1/2) vs Diana (Sailor Moon)
Frumpkin (Critical Role) vs Archie (Tales of Arcadia)
Periwinkle (Blue's clues) vs Brave Heart Lion (Care Bears)
Catbug (Bravest Warriors) vs Pasty (Neko Atsume)
Atsushi Nakajima (Bungou Stray Dogs) vs Natsume Soseki (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Tigress (Kung Fu Panda) vs Captain Amelia (Treasure Planet)
Group 14
Pixie (Pixie and Brutus) vs Tumblr lore witch
Lucifer (Cinderella) vs Tab (Watership Down)
Gary the Snail (Spongebob Squarepants) vs Magolor (Kirby series)
Mad Mew Mew (Undertale) vs Mr. Mistoffelees (Cats the musical)
Lucrezia and Meek (Frakk, the Cats' Nightmare) vs Findus (Pettson and Findus)
Leona Kingscholar (Twisted Wonderland) vs Cheka Kingscholar (Twisted Wonderland)
Group 15
Maurice (Discworld) vs Heathcliff (Heathcliff)
Cringer / Battlecat (He-man) vs Mr. Kat (Kid vs. Kat)
Angel Grimalkin (Purrfect Apawcalypse) vs Tigger Sugden (Purrfect Apawcalypse)
Rosie (Animal Crossing) vs Rover (Animal Crossing)
Blanca (Animal Crossing) vs Tangy (Animal Crossing)
Nali (Assassin's Creed: Valhalla) vs Miyuki (Avatar the Last Airbender)
Group 16
Chococat (Sanrio) vs Kuroneko-sama (Trigun)
Gatomon (Digimon) vs Kyubey (Puella Magi Madoka Magica)
Shrödinger's cat (you know the one) vs Felix (Felix cat food mascot)
The Cat (Monster Camp) vs Xiaohei (The Legend of Hei)
Artemis (Sailor Moon) vs Samantha / The Cat (Infinity Train)
John Blacksad (Blacksad) vs Mao Mao Mao (Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart)
Group 17
Solembum (Inheritance Cycle) vs Ren (Monstress)
Taokaka (Blazblue) vs Niko (Oneshot)
Ember (Cattails) vs Lyrus (Cattails) vs Mayor (Cattails)
Missy (Cattails) vs Sarge (Cattails) vs Scout (Cattails)
Lion (Steven Universe) vs Cat Steven (Steven Universe)
Glameow (Pokémon) vs Litten (Pokémon) vs Meowstic (Pokémon) vs Skitty (Pokémon) vs Sprigatito (Pokémon)
Group 18
Mog (Mog books, Judith Kerr) vs Tom Kitten (The Tale of Tom Kitten)
Jenny Linsky (Jenny Linsky, Esther Averill) vs Kaspar, Prince of Cats (Kaspar, Prince of Cats, Michael Morporgo)
Pixel (The Cat Who Walks through Walls, Robert Heinlein) vs Invisible cat (The Invisible Man, H.G.Wells)
Jonesy (Alien) vs Grudge (Star Trek Discovery)
Aldwyn (The Familiars) vs Jess (Postman Pat)
Remlit (Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword) vs Mo (Lego Monkie Kid)
Group 19
Assistacat / Sub-manager (Cardfight!! Vanguard) vs Haru (My Roommate is a Cat)
Mao (Darker than Black) vs Amanojaku (Ghost Stories)
Izutsumi (Dungeon Meshi) vs Opera (Welcome to demon school Iruma kun!)
Nyako / Meowy (Chainsaw Man) vs Yuigadokusonmaru (Durarara)
Heinkel (Fullmetal Alchemist) vs Cheetu (Hunter x Hunter)
Graystripe (Warrior cats) vs Scourge (Warrior cats) vs Sol (Warrior cats) vs Tallstar (Warrior cats)
Group 20
Bristlefrost (Warrior cats) vs Cinderpelt (Warrior cats) vs Ferncloud (Warrior cats) vs Turtle Tail (Warrior cats)
Leopardstar (Warrior cats) vs Spottedleaf (Warrior cats) vs Leafpool (Warrior cats) vs Mapleshade (Warrior cats)
Sox (Lightyear) vs The Kitty (The Bad Guys)
The Cat in the Hat (The Cat in the Hat) vs Boo (The Funky Phantom)
The Sphinx (Adventures of Puss in Boots) vs Fluffal Cat (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
Hiili (Fox Fires (webcomic)) vs Varjak Paw (Varjak Paw, S.F.Said)
Group 21
Potato (Cat loaf adventures) vs Whiskers (Pixel Cat's End)
Mingus Crown (Dialtown) vs Burgerpants (Undertale)
Arthur (Code Geass) vs Amp / Anp / Anpu (The Disastrous Life of Saiki K)
Sakamoto (Nichijou) vs Blair (Soul Eater)
Darwin (April and the Extraordinary World) vs Finley / Jelly Donut (Hustle Cat)
Jemima (Cats the musical) vs Victoria (Cats the musical)
If you have any propaganda, now's the time to start sharing it!
I'm currently planning for the polls to go live by these small bundles every eight hours, starting TOMORROW, MARCH 2ND, 12PM GMT (using this time zone as the ground zero it is I guess), so the whole round should take just a week. Unless I fluck up putting posts on timer, but let's just hope for the best.
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thesumlax · 1 year
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On Deviantart I titled this Dream Sketches page "A New Record" because 21 is the largest number of entries yet, and also because I spent the longest time procrastinating on posting them...
Also, I decided that the grid format with six drawings to a page makes them way too small for my liking. On the other hand, I tried a new method of cleaning them up, by meticulously painting the sketches with a selection brush so I can leave all of the dirt behind when I move them... and it does produce great result, but the time waste is crazy.
1) Something like a living cavern monster, with a rock shell and jelly-like flesh. It`s basically hollow inside, and its organs are semi-autonomous entities crawling among those giant papillae on the floor. The bubble-backed thing crawling out is a reproductive one, it produces some strange reproductive bodies that look like either fried eggs or sausages crossed with some unicellular organisms (2). They`re not sex cells, hovewer, but still multicellular structures more like gametophytes.
3) Giant sand-swimming dragon with a bunny face and some fucked-up sand-ship glued to its back.
4) Just a trio of little guys! May have been video game characters who have to escape some sort of bad place by using their abilities (umbrella, spinning hand, and a fucking gun) in combinations. They`re colored red, blue and green.
5) Some sort of sea creature calles something like "trychnotus" or "trychaetus".
6) Another sea monster that kinda looks like a rubber toy.
7) Ghostly transparent axolotl-creature.
8) An erect-limbed toad. For some reason it`s important to note that it is exactly 12 cm tall.
9) A gliding, stinger-tailed draconic creature.
10) A bear-like omnivorous therizinosaurid survivng to the modern day. Started as spec evo but suddenly tranformed into horror movie monster for some reason.
11) Tiny-headed deer-o-saurus.
12-13) Two weird pitch-black horses from two unrelated dreams. Number 13 had its eyes and those weird cracks glowing bright neon green.
14) Bizarre elephantoids. The pitcher-trunk is especially fun.
15) Allegedly some sort of early pterosaur.
16) Don`t really know what that is... Seems to be made of brown rock?
17) Now this was a dream about some superhero who could shrink down do bug size and interact with sapient bugs (of the freakishly human-faced cartoon variety). These bugs had cars, which were also bugs (pictured). Bizarrely, the bug civilization existed in the same exact spaces as human civilization despite the size difference, with human roads having lanes for bug-cars.
18) A giraffe-dragon of some kind?
19) Another thing I don`t even know the context of. The humanoid head does not have a mouth despite the teeth.
20) Something like a gorgon.
21) Pelican dragon. Apparently can spray toxic mist like a crop duster, presumably through pores in its pouch.
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pearlnareff · 10 months
For the character ask game: could I please have 2, 5, 12, 18, 24 about Nathan (Seymour, lol 😉)? 💖
AHHHH YES! Sorry I only teared up twice answering these. also take a shot every time I use the word "iconic" because seriously they absolutely are (also alternating between she and they pronouns because that is how she exists in my brain fja;owejf):
2. Favorite canon thing about this character? Yes. All of the above. OKAY as true as that is, really? The vibes are immaculate. The aesthetic, the attitude, the style, hell- even the Dominoes Sponsorship /j Everything about Nathan is just chef's kiss. I love how they are just unapologetically themselves. Like UEGH even in… the Rising movie when they're going through that dream/memory/nightmare sequence and then snap out of it at the end by like hugging that younger version of them. Like it legit makes me tear up cause I see it as… Nathan being the version of herself that she needed back then. To just show herself a little bit of self-love. And it's just beautiful to me! Nathan Seymour is beautiful inside and out for real.
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about this character? SAME AS YURI I'M SO SORRY-- THE FIRST THOUGHT WAS "GIRL IS ON FIRE" I promise I understand fire motif characters have more depth and that I'm just a slut for Alicia Keys, but TBH it completely fits Nathan a whole lot better. "So bright, she can burn your eyes, better look the other way. You can try, but you'll never forget her name." Also "She got her head in the clouds, and she's not backing down." Like not to talk about Sky High but like! Sorry I'll just never get over her riding on Sky High's shoulders as he flies around okay.
12. What is a headcanon you have for this character? I'm not too sure how much of this is actually considered a headcanon but I definitely believe that Nathan and Kotetsu have had a fling before. Super casual, no hard feelings afterwards, just a super cute temporary fling. A flame, if you will xD Like, maybe they one of them needed a date for a wedding or a plus one to some fancy event and they just had a really really good time. It's silly but their friendship just means a lot to me yes.
18. How about a relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire? What if I sat here and sobbed about Fire Emblem and Sky High for ten years? What if I laid on the ground and made you a sweater of my tears? Like not even just because FireSky is a top-tier ship for me romantically but like? Even just their partnership as buddy heroes is just so wonderful and wholesome like. I love that in their episode in season 2, their "conflict" is… Thinking the other one is too perfect. And too good. That's just? It's so sweet and I can't handle it. They're so different from each other but in the best way possible. Like peanut butter and jelly. Different but they go together so so so well. Nathan is sassy and fierce while Keith is golden retriever goober man. They compliment each other so so well. One day I will finally finish (start) the one shot idea I have for them but sadly I fail at completing things fjao;efi
24. What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them? This is hard because Nathan is so freaking iconic but like…. if I had to pick one out….. Okay same as the last ask I'm having such a hard time but! If I had to shove them into another fandom that I love, I think they would fit So well into Ace Attorney (Imagining her as a witness or even a guest prosecutor would just be so much fun) or into Jojo's BIzarre Adventure, Part 6 Specifically (I would just love to see them interact with some of the Stone Ocean ladies.)
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supercantaloupe · 5 months
nooo i forgot to check tumblr and send you ask… here is your sleepover saturday ask from me, top 5 ice cream flavors?
well this is a difficult question. like are we talking classics or are we talking "you saw this bizarre flavor once at a random street vendor and never again anywhere else"
anyway. for the classics:
5. strawberry
4. moose tracks
3. raspberry sorbet
2. dark chocolate/fudge brownie/similar
cookies and cream
and for Weird Flavors:
5. peanut butter and jelly
4. Dirt Ice Cream (chocolate w/ oreo crumbs and gummy worms. like the pudding)
3. fresh coconut ice cream in thailand. the kind that they serve to you in a coconut shell with sticky rice and peanuts. i don't even like coconut that much but damn they know what they're doing over there
2. one time i had pineapple ginger basil gelato in rome. that kicked ass
1. this shit
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Henry Danger Reader Insert | Captain Man x Reader: SEASON 5
Episode 37: Remember The Crimes
Season 5 Masterlist
Henry couldn't remember the last time he'd felt so bored. It seeped into his bored, made his mind like a desert, and turned his body to jelly.
Piper slumped beside him, too; it wasn't their fault some of Schwoz's faulty wiring had led to them getting trapped, but now all they could think about was how the minutes seemed to stretch into hours, making their bodies feel useless. 
The brother-sister duo quickly learned that being stuck in a small, tight, uncomfortably warm metal box had its downsides, even though they at least had the little ledges to act as seats. There was nothing to do, and Piper swore she'd have to resort to eating Henry if the agonisingly long days stretched into months--that is, if she hadn't gone insane by then.
"Ugh! How long are we gonna be stuck in this stupid elevator?" She grumbled, feeling her butt grow numb from how long they'd been sitting around, doing nothing but waiting for rescue. 
"I dunno, but while we're here, we might as well do what everyone does when they're stuck in elevators," her brother sighed. Still, as usual, the kid had his optimism, finding a silver lining even when the girl was as grumpy as ever. 
"Think back about hilarious memories?" She tilted her head questioningly, her mood picking up slightly. 
"Exactly!" Henry confirmed with a smirk, snapping his fingers as he looked back through his life's chapters. There were so many to choose from; he'd had quite the rollercoaster ride from fate, but Piper beat him to it. 
"Okay, I'll start. Remember that time we went to Hawaii, and our family got cursed by the--" She started with a slight giggle, remembering all the hijinks on that vacation, mainly due to their moronic father. However, the elevator dinged before she could even get to the good bit about Mr Hart's near-life-threatening sunburn. The door rolled open, revealing the large, empty main room, much to their surprise--and disappointment. 
"Huh. Would ya look at that..." Henry hummed, yet followed his sister out; anything to stretch his legs. All they wanted to do was swap some memories. But, their boredom was enough to earn their freedom, even if they secretly were hoping for a trip down memory lane. 
"Guess we don't have to spend any time sitting around remembering things now."
"Good! " Piper grinned, glad to be out as her brother looked around the suspiciously quiet room. It was strange; no sign of his fellow employees anywhere and, indeed, no clue as to where the resident lovebirds were. 
But as they headed for the couch, something even weirder happened. Dust fell from the ceiling in a light cloud as an odd creaking noise clattered, sounding like metal crunching under something heaving, making the siblings spin around sharply. 
"What the dust?" The girl frowned as she watched the fine powder settle on the floor, undoubtedly something for (y/n) to titter over later since she was remarkably proud of her clean rooms - something Piper had learnt after an unfortunate incident involving a crème brûlée. 
"Probably just some Mole People," Henry sniffed dryly, thinking nothing of it since he was used to hearing the critters sneaking around at all times of the day. And night. Any time, really. Those critters were shameless, although the kid admired their tenacity; whilst he didn't know the ins and outs of the operation, he'd heard a rumour that one once broke into Ray and (y/n)'s bedroom. Sooner them than him. 
"Probably just some Mole People," he repeated when his sister looked at him weirdly. Of course, Piper knew nothing about them, having joined a little after the whole Man Cave blowing-up incident. 
"Mole People aren't real," she scoffed, writing the bizarre creatures off as another example of Swellview's folklore. 
"Yeah, they are. They were at our house, and check this! Apparently, one of them broke into Ray and (y/n)'s room one night."
"Shut up!" Piper rolled her eyes, thinking he was pulling one of those annoying, big brother mind-fuck things where he tried to make her believe something ridiculous. As if Captain Man would let something within three feet of his sweet girl...
"You don't remember this? Has (y/n) not told you? They were! I'm serious!" Henry swore, recalling how he and his friends ventured into the Mole tunnels hidden beneath the Swellviewian streets. 
It was dark and damp down there, and that's when they came face-to-face with the Mole Queen and her minions, who swore that they were everywhere - in his house, loitering in shadowy corners, scurrying into bedrooms uninvited. One of them even slapped his face, and according to some juicy gossip from the grapevine--also known as Schwoz--Ray chased one of them in the nude after they woke (y/n) up with a scream. 
How he knew that was beyond the kid, but he'd hate to ask, especially since Ray took it upon himself to practically start a war between them. 
"How did I miss that?" Piper asked incredulously, wanting to know every detail since it was hard to believe some furry little beasts had a party in their living room all because Ray pissed them off. 
"You were sleep-texting," Henry shrugged, knowing it wasn't the first time his sister had missed out on an incredible adventure because she was too busy or invested in her phone to be included. 
"What else did I miss?" She asked, feeling like there was a lot about her brother she didn't know. 
"When you were sleep texting?"
"No! Before I found out you were Kid Danger. What else did I miss?" The girl asked like he was dumb. From what she gathered, he'd been a superhero's sidekick for years, way before she'd ever guessed his secret identity. Yet, they'd never discussed his daring feats and missions. And as President of the Man Fans, she couldn't live with that. 
"You missed a lot," Henry replied, wondering how he could tell her everything he'd done in five years, from fighting villains to going to space to watching two soulmates find their way to each other. There was a lot to cover. 
"Tell me everything!" But Piper was insistent, and she just had to know, so the boy thought about where to start. So many years ago...he was just a child, all spots and floppy hair as he remembered his first few days in the Man Cave. 
"Shall we?" 
"Let's blow some bubbles and fight some crime." God, that was a good feeling. He could still remember the rush of blowing his first gumball and could honestly say that he still felt it when he transformed now. From that shy, awkward kid who was called to work late at night in his pyjamas to the gangly yet boyish young man he was now, he'd had a lot of adventures as Kid Danger and all of them were by Captain Man's side. How many times had they gone up the tubes together? 
And, of course, (y/n) joined them not long after he did, becoming the second sidekick Ray never planned for, but boy, he needed her. He needed both of them for very different reasons, even if they annoyed the young woman and caused a bit - lot - of chaos sometimes. There'd been many of Ray's bad ideas, too many early wake-up calls, and even a few times when the great Captain Man needed saving. 
How could he forget his first mission? Kid Danger's debut? Maybe his fight against The Toddler wouldn't become legendary; it was small and a little clumsy, and he'd admit to feeling slightly awkward around Ray and (y/n) as they danced around their feelings and a new face in the Man Cave. Still, it made him who he was - a sidekick, through and through. 
And they didn't stop there; he'd faced the Time Jerker and saved his friends from a terrible timeline; he'd been beaten up by Barge, the weirdo who stole every towel in Swellview; he dealt with Jeff more times than he cared to admit, and even taken down the world's most charismatic yet annoying guy ever - Rick Twitler. He'd had goons come to his house to beat him up, faced a time-travelling child robot, gone to space, fought on top of a train with two fellow supers, jumped out of a plane, had his brain fried a few times, met Bigfoot, ruined The Thumb Buddies' lives accidentally, and even gained and lost a superpower. 
He'd saved Christmas, sort of, judged a ruined talent contest, faced a knight from another dimension, got stuck in a hole in a rotten, old floor, fallen victim to many of Ray and Schwoz's shenanigans, faced a mob boss, zapped countless people, met some really cool game developers, been buried alive, fell in love with a bad girl, been punched, snotted on, thrown through a few windows, been zapped, and watched Ray pretend like he was some invincible punching bag. 
Honestly, he wasn't paid enough. 
"That was a lot..." Piper commentated as she let the rush of information wash over her. In the time it had taken him to divulge but a handful of his Kid Danger adventures, she and Henry sat down on the couch to drink some soda and nibble on some snacks. But honestly, she was more interested in what seemed to be an extraordinary after-school job. 
"I'm honestly surprised I'm still alive," her brother joked as he recounted all the near-misses he'd endured over the years--and some of them cut it pretty fine. Thank God for Ray and (y/n) for keeping him safe...mainly (y/n). 
"I'm surprised Mom and Dad never found out."
"Well, Piper, I'm pretty good at lying," Henry replied slowly as the girl smiled, thinking he'd been fortunate. And in a sense, he had; Mr and Mrs Hart nearly found out so many times, and it was purely because of his skill, the help of his friends, some dumb luck, or his parents' dense skulls that his secret remained hidden. 
There'd been many "Can we talk about this later?", many fake situations like Jasper in a yodelling competition, his Whiz Watch going off at inconvenient times, stitch-ups for poor Piper, hasty phone calls, filthy, black lies, pathetic excuses, too many unexplainable instances, a lot of ignorance, and far-fetched yarns. 
Seriously, though, he wasn't paid enough. None of that was in the job description. 
"You're actually a terrible liar," Piper giggled at the boy's tales, wondering how he'd dupe their parents into believing he bought makeup and gave it to an ugly person because he felt sorry for them. Either they were dumb, or he was just unbelievably lucky. Probably both. 
"Yeah...still pretty funny, though," Henry chuckled, looking to his left since they'd moved again, this time to the steps in front of the tubes. 
"Hilarious!" The girl agreed, her grin stretching from ear to ear as they clinked their soda bottles together. The glass made a satisfying chink, but before they could relax, the emergency alarm sounded, which Henry could practically hear in his sleep now. 
"Emergency call!" How many had he taken over the years? As Piper rushed to answer the blaring computer, the secret door opened for two rushing heroes, Ray and (y/n). Both looked slightly flushed and rumpled as if they'd been caught short by the sudden alarm, yet Henry didn't ask. He knew better than that, and besides, they seemed pretty interested in whatever was going down in the city, the woman hot on her lover's heels as he speedily walked into the room. 
"Henry, quick! There's an emergency call!" Ray exclaimed like they could hear the alarm or see the red flashing lights, but he wasn't blessed in the brains department. That's why he always tugged his sweet girl behind him, forever tethered to her by their interlaced fingers. 
"We know," the siblings remarked together, sounding rather bored by the capital notion put forth by their genius leader. Henry was already taking out his gum and chewing whilst his sister checked the details, which made (y/n) chuckle when she saw her doofus' disgusted face. 
"Well, Dolly pardon me for checking..." the man said sulkily, fishing the gum tube out of his pocket to retrieve a small, glowing ball as his precious fiancée squished his bicep. 
"Come on, you guys. Let's just chew and blow," she told them in a firm yet lighthearted tone that was all her; (y/n) never let them go off focus, although she could easily be distracted by her doofus and his fascinating arms - so squishy. 
"And then, we go," Ray confirmed, subconsciously flexing his muscles to make them rigid under her fingertips since his hindbrain knew it made her swoon. Anything for his sweet girl, but she concentrated long enough to blow her bubble, taking the same steps they had since the beginning, but before they could transform...
"We've had some pretty good gum rhymes over the years, haven't we?" Henry noted just before the couple blew their bubbles, turning to look at him instead. They didn't know what had brought on his sudden, nostalgic tone, but Ray couldn't fault his accuracy. He'd delivered some killer lines over the years.
"Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah..." he sighed wistfully, remembering all the times he had to dust off his little grey cells to think of rhyming words, which was more complicated than you'd think when you only had a few seconds until you were out the door. 
There was thwart and airport when shit was going down at Swellview Airport on Jasper's first day of work, space and ace when they were about to blast off in Schwoz love shuttle, and no one forgot gum and scum. Those were classics, but it didn't stop there. Yo and Video and Mission and Magician were also good examples, but sometimes, the trio were in such a rush they didn't have time to think of one. Or it was just Ray being dense--mentally and physically. 
Even during an emergency, they chewed with urgency, which they were doing now as they chewed with nostalgia. They were so wrapped up in their hilarious memories that they didn't notice the gum in their mouths practically turning to mush and Piper saying their names repeatedly as the minutes ticked by. 
"You guys!"
"Hmmm?" The boys hummed, blinking back into consciousness as Piper flapped over whatever was said over the phone. Ray had slung his arm around (y/n)'s shoulders, pulling her close as they slowly chewed and snuggled up.
"Stop rhyme-membering!"
"Why?" Henry asked, having enjoyed all the flashbacks, but for some weird reason, Piper looked slightly panicked. 
"Because the emergency call is coming from Junk-N-Stuff!" The girl exclaimed, and their faces fell. The severity of the situation dawned on them, making them stare at the elevator and up, wondering what was happening up there. 
"What?! How bad is it?! Should we be worried? Has the cash register been emptied?!" (y/n) asked in a panicked tone, snaking her arms around her doofus and squishing herself into his side. It wasn't like she was scared, but anything happening in their personal space felt like an invasion and made her inner superhero claw to go upstairs and sort it out. 
"Relax, pretty girl. It's probably just Jasper," Ray soothed her after spitting out his gum, pecking her temple as she pouted. His minor but effective touch made her smile as she sighed deeply and nodded, feeling better with his lips on her skin. That made sense; Jasper always made mountains out of molehills, leading to a ban on using the emergency alarm. 
"Exactly! We gotta get up there," Henry nodded, but he still backtracked toward the elevator. 
"Why? He probably just got his head stuck in a lawn chair or something," the man argued, wanting to stay put in his Man Cave with his beloved sweet girl rather than see what Jasper had done now. That boy was nothing but trouble, and he really pissed Ray off. 
"He probably just got his head stuck in a lawn chair or something," he repeated as Henry frowned, unable to believe that his best friend would do something like that. He was dumb, but not that dumb. 
"I heard what you said, but it just sounds ridiculous," the kid remarked, but little did he know that said Jasper was currently upstairs, hopping from place to place as he struggled against a folding wicker chair. How he'd managed it was anyone's guess, but luckily, help was coming. 
"Come on, doofus. If we don't go and help, he'll dehydrate and starve, and I won't like that happen to one of my babies," (y/n) sighed, wrapping her hands around one of Ray's biceps, so she could pull him across the room. 
He released a long, tired groan but trudged after her anyway, knowing he couldn't stay downstairs without pining for her; the couple followed a bemused Henry into the elevator. He rolled his eyes at their behaviour, watching Ray's hulking frame curled around (y/n) in the absurdly small space, rasping something thankfully incoherent against her neck to make the woman giggle. 
The trip upstairs was mercifully short, thank god. The trio arrived upstairs before Ray could get handsy, quickly stepping out of the elevator and brushing through the beaded curtain onto the shop floor. 
There he was. Jasper. Through his pure Jasper-like weirdness, he'd somehow shoved his head straight through the chair's metal legs and tried in vain to pull it off. 
"What'd I tell ya?" Ray scoffed as he waltzed into the shop, looking upon the boy with disdain, who kept grunting pathetically with every attempt he made to get free. 
"Wow, he really is stuck in a lawn chair," (y/n) said with a head tilt, trying to understand how he'd gotten so stuck as she stroked, fondled and hugged Ray's arm. It was so beefy and squishy; she loved it. 
"Pay up, suckers!" He exclaimed, holding out his ginormous palm to his sweet girl and the kids, making them stare blankly at his outstretched hand. Pay him what?
"We never bet," Henry told him, frowning as (y/n) slapped his hand and nudged him for being so brash. What was his was hers and vice versa; she wasn't giving her silly doof anything, not for an unofficial bet, anyway. 
"Heh? Oh, right."
"Just get me outta this thing!" Jasper snapped, feeling his neck strain and ache the longer it was trapped between the jagged wicker and wickedly cool iron. He even tried to bite through to loosen it up, but that seemed to worsen, creating short fibres that irritated his skin more. 
"Buddy, this is bad, even for you," his best friend giggled, wondering if he should take a pic to preserve the moment forever. In all the years he'd known Jasper, he'd always gotten unstuck, and none were as weird or stupid. And he'd done some dumb shit. 
"But it's not the strangest thing that Jasper's ever done," Piper noted, having known the strange boy since her brother brought him home and said they were best friends. Oh, what a blessed day that was; to have Jasper in their lives forever. And ever. And ever. 
"You can say that again!" Ray chuckled, almost lamenting the day he begrudgingly hired the kid - the day he showed him his underwear -. Still, if he was honest, there'd be a Jasper-shaped hole in his heart if he ever left. A small one, but a spot nonetheless, and he knew Curly meant the world to his sweet girl. 
From the minute he introduced himself in Henry's basement, then again during that grand tour of the Man Cave, they'd grown fond of the little weirdo. Every family has to have one, and Jasper took the role on wholeheartedly; he ate from the floor, licked his elbows, stroked randomer's hair, once hung upside outside Henry's kitchen, once had an unmentionable alien on his face, and boiled said face in scalding meatball water. 
He loved weird outfits, especially ones that showed off his belly button and couldn't move for buckets during his early teens, an obsession he thankfully grew out of. He'd shot himself multiple times, had many altercations with Omar in Junk-N-Stuff, impersonated Miss Shapen, and showed Ray his underpants on his first day at work. How he got hired after that was anyone's guess. 
He swallowed keys, had eleven toes, and curled his hair for years because he thought it was cool, only to realise at sixteen that his naturally straight locks suited him better. 
He was so strange, but that endeared him to (y/n), who couldn't help but bond with the kid who made her laugh when she wanted to cry and do anything for his friends without something in return. He was the best baking assistant she'd ever had, the best storekeeper, and the second dork she loved with all her heart. 
Her Curly. 
"...Okay, enough about Jasper doing weird things," (y/n) told them firmly, knowing they'd spend all day daydreaming if they went over everything little thing he'd done, but to their shock, Jasper had only pulled another trick out of his bizarre bag. 
"Yup!" He nodded, snapping a pair of goggles over his eyes as he relaxed against the lawn chair. Whilst they were thinking about his past exploits, he'd wriggled free of the iron clutches and happily sprawled out on the chair underneath a tanning lamp. 
"Curly, what have I told you?! Those things are bad for you!" (y/n) whined, ruffling his hair as he sunned himself in the ultraviolet light, but she didn't nag him. 
"I wanna hear more of the stuff you guys did before I found out you were Captain Man, Miss Danger, and Kid Danger," Piper said, drawing the woman away from Jasper and his vanity because where to start? They'd been doing it for so long now, and they'd shared so many adventures--(y/n) wasn't even sure if she remembered all of them. 
"Well, how much time ya got, Piper? 'Cause there's a lot about us that you don't know."
"Us?" Ray reiterated sarcastically, cocking an eyebrow at the boy, who seemed deludedly believe that he was part of their squad, the crew, y'know, the gang who kicked criminal ass. He was just the kid who ran his store, not Marlon Brando. 
"Yeah, us. I've known Henry's secret for years," he scoffed, shifting to get comfy on his lounger as the golden light tingled his skin. He sounded so smug, like he was superior, but Henry begged to differ. 
"You still missed a lot before you found out," the boy told his friend, remembering how he had to lie for months until Ray finally relented and allowed Jasper to keep his memory--something about how he'd never give up (y/n) as his best friend, so Henry didn't have to either. How those two didn't know they were in love was ridiculous. 
"Like what?" 
What, indeed. Henry was only thirteen when he took Ray's oath, hand-on-heart with (y/n) as their witness to the momentous occasion. He pleaded to be an awesome sidekick, and he definitely delivered. He took on enemies twice his size, impressed his boss during his first fight, made a few arrogant mistakes, and helped Charlotte get a job too. 
Once, he was accidentally turned into a rampaging man-beast and another time, he became indestructible and breathed fire. Seeing (y/n) gain superpowers was sad, but he was still epic. He kissed a few girls, fell in love a few times, and had his heart broken even more, but that was nothing compared to going back in time or hatching a super secret plan to get two numskulls to confess. 
Of everything he'd done during his time in the Man Cave, Henry would say that bringing Ray and (y/n) together felt gooooood, even though the journey was excruciating. 
"I was young when I started..." the boy sighed fondly as she slouched on a hand-shaped chair. Looking back, maybe he was too young, naïve, and overzealous, hellbent on becoming a superhero's sidekick. 
"Yeah...my little baby," (y/n) said tearfully, blowing her nose on a rumpled tissue as she sat between Ray's crossed legs. All the memories made everyone tired, so they found various places to sit, and the couple chose the floor. 
She couldn't believe how he'd grown, and it made her want to hug him and never let go. Who would stop her? He'd always been the awkward, funny boy who wandered into the Man Cave looking terrified to her, even if he towered over her now. 
"You hired a little kid to be your sidekick..."
"Yeah..." Ray nodded, petting his lover's hair as she sniffled and buried her blotchy face in his neck. His heart throbbed at seeing her so sad, but they were primarily happy memories, and (y/n) knew she was just being broody and emotional; they weren't even her kids. 
"That is grossly negligent."
"Yeah, doofus. I really should've stopped you," the woman agreed, wiping her sticky cheeks and cupping his jaw. She tilted Ray's face toward her, seeing his smile and pulling him in for a mean kiss that said what's done is done. I'm not gonna tell you off now. Nothing terrible had happened to Henry--well, not much, and he was still alive, so she preferred to taste her doofus' lips until they were dizzy and breathless, high off the peppermint-honey taste. 
"Any-Ray, turns out you both missed out on a lot," Ray moved on once he'd pulled away, although he was quick to dive back in when he'd finished his sentence. 
"You guys missed out on some fun stuff, too," Piper argued smugly, smirking as she watched the adults stand up, all with their lips still locked. 
"Pffft, unlikely," the hero scoffed, his words slightly muffled as his mouth brushed against (y/n)'s, letting her feel his warm breath over her cheeks. He fought criminals, thieves, and psychopaths with his sidekick and incredibly hot fiancée. He seriously doubted if they could compare. 
"You did! Piper and I spent a lot of time together before we found out the secret," Jasper told them, sitting up from his tanning bed and pushing his goggles up to his hairline. It was true; with Henry and Charlotte at work, he and Piper had to amuse themselves, although, at times, they wanted to kill each other. 
When Henry went on that game show, Spin and Win, Piper accidentally whacked the boy in the nose whilst they waited in the audience line. They were together when Junk-N-Stuff went into lockdown, meaning Piper had ample opportunity to trick Jasper numerous times. Literally, all the time, and he always fell for it. 
And then there was the iconic moment Piper got her driver's license by mistake, which she never let people forget. They went driving together, a terrifying experience for both, not to mention the times they clawed each other's eyes out. 
"I mean..."
"Funny!" Piper insisted, even though the heroes begged to differ about her and Jasper's "fun". She'd matured a lot over the years, and so had his best friend, but they still irritated the hell out of each other. But he supposed some of it was cool...
"Okay, I'll give it to you," Ray smiled softly, hating to admit it, but the weird kid and brat had some adventures while he was off hero-ing. Jasper couldn't help but recline and feel smug, knowing the man's admission was rare. 
"Yeah, you will."
"Don't push it," the man said in a deep voice, making his sweet girl shudder. Authoritative Ray was Hot Ray, and Jasper quickly backed down as the woman hung off her fiancé's body, weak-kneed for him. 
"I thought it was funny!" A sudden voice added, making everyone jump as they jerked their heads to the sofa in the window to see Schwoz sitting behind Piper, wearing a fancy black hat. The girls screeched and felt their hearts jump to their mouths, much like how (y/n) jumped to wrap her arms around her doofus' neck and snuggle into his safety. 
"Geez, Schwoz!" Henry remarked, staring at the tiny man incredulously at how he'd managed to sneak in and sit down with them without anyone noticing. But that was Schwoz, the Man Cave's resident weirdo, who was odd in a way Jasper could never achieve. 
"Have you been there this whole time?!" Ray asked harshly, rubbing his precious girl's back soothingly as she panted and tried to calm her racing heartbeat. He gave her a fright, but she was okay, just spooked. Someone really should've told Ray that, though, who took her comfort, safety and happiness as his number one priority. 
"I dunno..." the genius replied cryptically, giving his family a coy smirk. 
"Great disguise, Schwoz," (y/n) said, gesturing to his hat. It was simple and outwardly harmless, but strangely, it helped him blend into the shop's kooky surroundings. 
"Thank you. I've had some even better ones over the years," Schwoz shrugged, and everyone agreed. He was well-known for dressing up and fooling someone of the brightest, most formidable people around because it was what Schwoz did best, apart from freaky science experiments. 
"We all have..." Henry added, triggering so many memories. 
How could he, (y/n), and Ray forget the time they had to dress up as clowns to save a kid's birthday party from Zom-bees? Phalange the Clown was one of her best, not to mention Exterminator Phalange, the notorious alien killer. When they snuck into the Magic Palace, they had to wear those crazy magician costumes. Of course, Charlotte and Jasper got a taste when they had to wear disguises to protect their identities as employees. 
Once, Piper accidentally shaved her head as part of her Halloween costume; the night (y/n) was a weirdly cute goldfish and a superhero one year. That was ironic. Then there were all the times Schwoz broke into Henry's house with various disguises to buy his way in, Jasper and Charlotte pretending to be Kid Danger and Task Bunnies, and the embarrassing moment when they all turned up to a Hawaiian-themed party hideously overdressed. 
Oh god, talking of embarrassment, Ray once dressed up as Mr Gelding--Henry's substitute teacher. At least (y/n) had the sense to try and look normal that day, but Ray just looked weird...and pathetic since all he did was hardcore pine in those days. Like that time, he and Schwoz pretended to be Henry and his brunette girlfriend to get into Soto Voce, even though (y/n) could've asked her old friend, Jesse, to get them in any way. Yeah, Ray really ate humble pie that night. 
"...I forgot I was supposed to help Charlotte with a science project," Henry sighed, bringing them out of the flashback as the realisation hit him like a freight train. Ah, jeez - she was gonna kill him. 
"She's waiting for me at my house!"
"Oooh, is your mom home?" Ray asked excitedly from his place on Jasper's lawn chair, making (y/n) freeze and go goosebumpy. One mention of that woman, and she stiffened, thinking she had some unknown, unobtainable quality that she couldn't achieve, even though her doofus' excitement was because of something entirely different. He'd grown out of his I love Mrs Hart phase. 
"Hmm?" Henry frowned in disgust, watching as his friend awkwardly stood and went over to a display on the pretence she was straightening some clutter and not muttering to herself about that stupid hussy. She was rightfully upset because Ray didn't explain, and that's all he needed to do. And preferably not sound so interested at the thought of the ever-beautiful Kris Hart. 
"Oooh, is your mom home?"
"That hmm gets me every time," Piper laughed, trying to diffuse some of the tension by laughing at their dumbness. In her short time in the Man Cave, she'd noticed how everyone seemed to have a hearing problem, conveniently mishearing things when they were annoyed or trying to look innocent. 
"Every time? We do that a lot?" Jasper asked confusedly as Ray looked over at his sweet girl, wondering why she was so intrigued by the Elvis bobblehead when his comfy, inviting lap was free for her to sit in. 
Now that they thought about it, though, they could remember many times they used the famous hmmm? Like when Henry wanted to avoid his nosy family, he'd go all doe-eyed and naïve, making them repeat themselves. And things often had to be reiterated when something sounded stupid like a liquid cleanse and tunnels, so they could be as stupid the second time. Even when things were genuinely innocent, the hum had to be used--it was just natural, if slightly annoying. 
"You were right. We do that a lot," (y/n) said, twitching a smile as she made Elvi wobble his head. She couldn't help but pout, feeling terror pool in her tummy at the thought of her doofus waltzing into Henry's house, sweeping Mrs Hart off her feet, and carrying her off into the sunset. It was crazy, but she worried. That woman was...sneaky. 
"Ah, jeez, I got forty-two missed calls from Charlotte. She's gonna be mad."
"Rightfully so. You made her a promise, Hen, and yet here you still are," the woman told him, finally leaving the trinket alone, although her back was still turned to her doofus. But he didn't sense anything wrong; he merely stared at her finer features as she scolded the boy. 
"Ah, Charlotte never gets mad," Ray argued as he stretched his beefy arms behind his head and admired the view of his sweet girl's perfect butt. Henry's science project wasn't his problem, but that sweet lil heinie was...
"Are you kidding me?" Jasper scoffed, giving the man a dry look. 
"What?" Ray asked, not knowing that working for him often left the poor girl like a walking, talking volcano. If you caught her in the wrong mood, she'd scream and shout at you, hit things, growl, glare, use her endless wit and sass to make you submit, and even resort to physical violence sometimes. 
It was a miracle she hadn't gone insane yet, although she did once knee Schwoz in the crotch. Lesson one: never mess with Charlotte. 
"Wow...she gets mad a lot."
"She has good reasons."
"Can't blame her," Jasper and Piper shrugged, sympathising with the girl because working for Captain Man and his ego wasn't all it was cracked up to be. Honestly, it was a miracle (y/n) hadn't gone insane yet, but judging by her Elvis bobblehead fixation, she might well be on her way. 
"Yeah, well, she's mad now, too. Listen!" Henry exclaimed, having checked his voicemail to see an agonisingly long message from his friend, and he doubted it was a positive checkup from his old pal. 
"WHERE ARE YOU?!" Charlotte's voice came screaming through his PearPhone's speaker, striking fear into everyone's hearts because, wow. She sounded really mad. Furious, even at being left to do the project alone. 
"She's mad. Let's go-sc'go-sc'go-sc'go-sc'go!" The kid exclaimed, clicking off his phone and shoving it in his pocket before rushing out the door. 
The others followed suit, hauling ass and scrambling from their seats to get out of the store lest Charlotte hunt them down. To his disappointment, (y/n) was already gone by the time Ray had gotten off the chair, leaving him with no option but to help Schwoz up from the floor and traipse after her like a lost puppy. 
At least that never changed; he always pursued her, skipping behind her heels like she walked on starlight and rainbows. If only she knew how he smiled at the back of her head, earning a spring in his step, throughout the walk to Henry's house...
~Henry's house~
Having practically run through the streets, spurred on by some flaming texts, the group burst into Henry's house with apologies already thought out and on the tips of their tongues. 
"We're here--we're here! I'm sorry--I'm sorry!" Henry apologised as they scattered across his living room. Still, he was only interested in Charlotte's setup, where the girl had arranged her funky science experiment on the kitchen table. She had pipes, tubes, violet lights, and flasks hooked together in a mish-mash high school wizardry. 
"Where have you been?" The girl demanded to know since she'd been ready for ages, but her so-called helpful friend didn't show up. 
"At work. We got distracted. For some reason, we keep remembering funny things today," Henry replied, making Charlotte roll her eyes and return to her project for the final preparations. 
Meanwhile, (y/n) had been wandering the living room, arms tucked around her waist in a self-hug as she watched her doofus explore the ornaments on the sideboard. She spotted it before he did and prayed that he'd leave the family photo of the gorgeous Kris alone before he broke her heart. However, his eyes were glued to the frame like a moth is drawn to a flame. 
"Hey, is your mom here?" Ray asked Henry as he showed him the photo--as if the kid didn't know what his mother looked like. He'd love to chat with Mrs Hart - the lovely lady who gave him sound advice on his relationship when he felt like a clueless moron. Although he didn't see how his sweet girl practically deflated at the question. 
"Dude, what is your deal with my mom?" Henry fired back sharply, feeling a protective urge rise as he saw how lost and lonely (y/n) looked behind the idiot before him. Maybe Ray asked for the right reasons; his mom was aware of and very respectful of his relationship, but he just wished he had drawn the line, especially for (y/n) to see. 
She was the sunshine kid, all smiles and kindness. Seeing her frown felt like the universe was out of alignment. 
"I don't have a deal with your mom," Ray argued, wondering why the kid seemed so snappy when he asked a simple question about a lady who'd grown to be his good friend. Maybe he'd shown an inkling of interest when they first met, but that was only because he didn't know he'd managed to make the best girl in the world fall in love with him. Why turn her down for an already-married woman?
"What are you talking about?"
"You most definitely do," the kids told him firmly, making Ray look off as (y/n) sagged and whimpered to herself. They saw it; she lived it, so why didn't her doofus know she was tearing her heart to pieces?
It started in the early days of Henry as Kid Danger. Ray snuck into his bedroom to scold him after a mission gone wrong, and that's when he first saw her picture. The hero was instantly taken with the blonde's bright smile and stunning features, believing they'd be enough to quell his aching heart. He was in love with a girl, and she'd never love him back, so Kris would be his placebo. 
He'd flirt with her at any opportunity, whether in the Hart house or elsewhere, like when everyone was arrested. Don't even mention the time he turned up at their home to protect Mrs Hart from a purse thief, ending up staying an entire week to drive Henry insane and make (y/n) pine for her doofus. 
Throughout the period before their relationship, he didn't waste any moment that allowed him to compliment the woman, knowing the longer he dwelled on her, the less he had to think about his best friend marrying someone else one day. Henry hated it from the get-go, scolding his boss and encouraging him to just talk to (y/n) and ask her out - he'd find the outcome enlightening. 
In the end, everyone who'd told him to be brave was right, much to Ray's disbelief. When Kris told him to take the plunge and tell the girl he was in love with about his feelings, he thought she was crazy, arguing (y/n) was too good and, above all else, his best friend. He couldn't lose her, but then, she gave him the best advice of all. 
"If it's true love, she will never leave." And she was right. Five years later, he was still in love and engaged to the sweetest girl he'd ever met. No matter how much he annoyed or upset her, she never left, which still blew his mind. 
"Let's just move on," Ray mumbled shyly, having never thought about how stupid he used to be or how much he talked about Henry's mom. It was a little embarrassing, but no one mentioned his red cheeks because he'd lit a flare during his nostalgia... And so, his obsession with pyrotechnics continued. 
"Where'd you get that flare?" Piper asked, thinking his pockets weren't deep enough to hide it, and she hadn't seen him sneakily pull it out from under his shirt. 
"Hey, doofus. What have I told you about playing with flares? Give it!" (y/n) snapped at him, feeling slightly prickly, knowing her fiancé had a deep crush on another woman. Not a celebrity or someone unobtainable but stupid Mrs Hart - the lady she couldn't help but hate for no real reason, save that she was his type in human form. 
"No..." Ray whined at her, keeping the flare close to his chest since he wanted to admire its flaming beauty, but his sweet girl was strict. She lunged for the tube, feeling like a mother scolding her child, but that was them all over, and Ray appreciated her concern deep down. 
"Give it!"
"You guys really are like an old married couple..." Piper giggled, watching her friend wrestle the flare out of her doofus' hands, so she could dump it in the sink for extinguishing. (y/n) gave Ray a sharp glare and a nudge to his ribs, clearly annoyed and hurt by his recollection of her mom. Still, if she was an outsider looking in, she'd know the man had eyes for no one but her. 
"Not married..." (y/n) replied, splashing water over the flare until it fizzled and died. Ray pouted behind her, lamenting both the loss of his perilous toy and the mention of their lack of matching rings. She was his wife in his heart and head, and only a stupid bit of paper stopped him from saying it officially. 
"Yet..." But her mumbled addition quickly brought a smile back to his face. The hero grinned as she wiped her damp hands on a towel and turned to snake her arms around his neck. 
Perhaps she was feeling territorial, but Ray didn't mind or even notice, holding her waist as she pulled him in for a much-needed kiss that had them sighing and falling in love all over again. Every peck was like a reset button, and knowing that she got to do this, not Mrs Hart or any other woman, made (y/n) feel better, especially when she pulled away, only for Ray to whine and pull her back in. 
"One day, sweet girl... Can't wait to marry you," he grinned, pressing kisses all over her face, making the woman shriek gleefully. The kids watched with bemused smiles, thinking they were ridiculous and adorable, rolled into one - soulmates if they'd ever seen them. 
"Can't believe I've done this for five years..."
"Done what for five years?" Piper asked her brother, eyeing Henry as he shook his head, seemingly annoyed by the lovey-dovey couple, but his eyes said everything. He was prouder than anyone else in the room, probably because he'd seen it all. 
"Watched this. Did you know it took him ten years to ask her out? The man was a chicken!"
"Seriously?! Dude, she's, like, the nicest person in the world and head over heels for you. Why would you be afraid of (y/n/n)?" The young girl asked, laughing with the boys as the hero's ears turned pink, feeling everyone's on him. His precious fiancée chuckled and stroked his flaming cheeks, highly amused because it was true, even though it took two to build what they had now. 
"'Cause look at her! She's hot, clever, funny, beautiful, kind, cute, generous, creative, passionate--" the man rambled, spinning (y/n) in his arms. Hence, she faced the teens, holding and squishing her face to highlight all her brilliant characteristics, although all he did was make her shy and them amused. 
"Okay, Ray. We get it. You're in love, you've found your soulmate, she completes you, and you can't imagine your life without her. You two haven't changed since the first time I met you..." Henry sighed, shaking his head as the couple gazed into each other's eyes, bashful but entirely entranced by the other's stare. 
"Aren't you dating?" 
"Ray? No, no, no. No. I could never. We're just friends." That was the old story. Henry saw it from the first day he met them - the chemistry between the man and woman skirting around what was yelling at them to acknowledge. 
(y/n) could deny it all she wanted, but even a thirteen-year-old boy saw how she pined for her doofus, grinned when they were together and frowned when he danced with hula girls. Still, she said nothing and stuck by her doofus' side through thick and thin, suffering in silence with her love hidden away whilst Ray dealt with the same thing. 
He could remember their conversation like it was yesterday. Even when he used his sneakiest methods, getting Ray to admit that he felt something more than friendly for his pretty helper was like trying to get blood out of a stone. 
"Don't you like her?"
"No! Come on, man! She's my friend, and she works for me!" 
"Yeah, but you like her." 
"Don't worry, man! I won't tell her!" 
"AHA! So you do like her!"
It spiralled from there, leading to him, Charlotte, and then Jasper practically tearing their hair out because, for all their efforts, the idiots couldn't see that their love was mutual, screaming to be acted on. Not even a Christmas kiss under the mistletoe made them realise. However, they'd later confess that the kiss was the moment they knew this was forever. 
An excruciating plan later, and they finally started dating. To say Ray's gob had never been more smacked was an understatement; the girl of his dreams was in love with him, and it just grew from there. They kissed, fought, made up, and never been happier, so their engagement was a quick but inevitable next step. 
Sure, they'd had some rocky moments when everything looked bleak, but they always made it out the other side stronger than ever before. They were constant, reliable, and unchanging; it brought a feeling of routine in an environment that felt constantly changing, especially for the kids fighting crime and growing up simultaneously. 
Everyone could rely on Ray to love (y/n) and (y/n) to love Ray. They were always there for support, advice, and playfully disparaging teasing. A wedding would complete the circle and right everything wrong in the world, but that was yet to be seen. 
Soon, though. Very soon, indeed. 
"Actually, yes, we have changed. He's my doofus, and I love him, which is more than I could say five years ago," (y/n) grinned, her ear resting against Ray's pec as he cradled her in his arms, utterly enamoured with everything about the sweet girl against his chest. 
"Right...it took us a while, but we got there in the end," Ray added in a voice no higher than a murmur. His lips brushed the top of her head, and she snuggled into his warmth, rubbing her nose against the spot where his shirt cracked open to reveal a sliver of cologne-soaked skin. They were a picture of romance, and no one, not even Charlotte, could deny they weren't made for each other - balancing and wholesome. 
"Okay, you guys are cute, but I need someone to film me doing my science experiment right away," the brown-haired girl interrupted, sounding tired and hurried. She hated to break up their little love session, but she had an assignment due, and she refused to fail the class unnecessarily. 
'Why in Henry's kitchen?" Ray asked, still petting his sweet girl's hair as she relaxed against him, glad he'd forgotten the ever-lovely Kris...for now. 
"Yeah, why aren't you in your own kitchen, Charlotte."
"Yeah, Charlotte..." Jasper and Henry added, looking at her almost accusingly, which didn't sit well with the girl. Her frosty glare froze them in place, her anger becoming apparent as they dared to assume she wanted to do her work in someone else's house. 
"Seriously?" She asked dryly, arms folded and face flat as she remembered the fabulous day she foolishly sent Ray, Henry, and Jasper to her house to get her phone charger. 
Oh, that was fun to explain to her parents when they came home to see their kitchen had burnt down, something they put down to a freak accident, but Charlotte knew it was flare-related. Those morons...
"Oh...right," Jasper nodded awkwardly. Now that he thought about it, he did remember something happening when he and the lads went to her house, meaning Henry and Ray were also scuffing their feet and biting their lips in shame. 
"Now, will someone please film me doing my science experiment before it's too late?!"
"Too late for what?" Schwoz asked, wondering what all the hurry was about because, from where he was standing, the project didn't seem lively. What he didn't know...
"It's about to explode!" Charlotte exclaimed, and everyone gasped dramatically at the suspense. She never said anything about an explosion, so they were all worried about how serious it could be. They gathered around the table to have a thorough nosey before their impending doom, much to the girl's frustration as she offered her phone to the first volunteer. 
"Someone hurry up and film me completing my experiment before it explodes!"
"Henry, hurry up!" (y/n) said to the kid, snapping her fingers, and Ray's arms anchored her to his hip. She'd do it herself, but his hold was like iron, solid and inescapable because he wanted to act as her shield should the worst happen. So, with everyone egging him on, Henry took his friend's phone, turning it horizontally to capture the perfect footage of the action. 
"In three, two, one..." he counted down, ready to record, when Ray turned to him with his sweet girl tucked in his arms, hands on her waist. 
"Hey, speaking of explosions..."
"Yeah, what's up, big dog?" The kid grinned at him, quickly forgetting about Charlotte, her experiment, and his task of filming it as he lowered the phone. He sensed another flashback coming...
"No!" Charlotte snapped, feeling her anger flare again as he lost focus. All she wanted was a minute of his time - was that too much to ask?
"How many times have we almost gotten blown up?" Ray asked with a mischievous glint in his eye, making (y/n) pull away from his chest to raise her eyebrow at him. He suggested it was something to be proud of, not as if Henry was highly vulnerable and could become jelly sliding down the walls if their luck ran out. 
"Too many, doofus! You never listen to my tummy!" She giggled, trying to be stern, but he looked silly, playfully waggling his eyebrows to pull more sweet sounds from her lips. He was such an idiot, but she loved him for it; staying mad was impossible, especially when he triggered so many hilarious memories. 
"Wait, wait, wait, wait!" Charlotte tried to stop them from daydreaming before everything went boom, but it was too late. No one could forget about one of Ray's glorifying moments when he tried to bluff Schwoz into giving him the better secret room, only to accidentally blow up the Man Cave. 
That was his most incredible explosion, but there were others too. Many of Schwoz's pranks included explosives, and a few accidents often ended in things blowing up in a fireball, not to mention how Captain Man himself sometimes got involved. He'd been blasted too many times to remember them all, but a few stuck out, like when they had to test his indestructibility or when his hands got stuck in a box. 
They'd even faced explosions on a moving train and when a spy cake infiltrated the Man Cave. They'd been in shops when all hell broke loose, several factories where the explosion ruined lives, and even suffered a glitter bomb, which was surprisingly worse than fire and fodder. The stuff was impossible to wash off...and it got everywhere. 
And who could forget the time Charlotte accidentally shot Henry with Ray's cannon? Sure, he was indestructible at the time, and the shrapnel that injured (y/n) was nothing her super-regeneration couldn't handle, but still. It freaked the hero out and made him realise how precious his sidekicks were to him. 
Even recently, when Jack Frittleman returned for revenge, they accidentally blew his face off with a boomsday device. That was interesting and proved that chaos followed in their wake, for good and bad. 
"Okay, that's enough remembering!" Charlotte hissed as the last memory faded, breaking them out of the trance. They'd had some tremendous explosions over the years. Still, if they weren't careful, they'd have another one on their hands, one the girl wouldn't replicate again. 
"Can we please get back to my science experiment before it blows up?!"
"Hey..." That was a naïve assumption from her, thinking Ray could do something serious for more than a minute. He tried to pay attention, his face falling into a thin, emotionless frown, but he couldn't help but succumb to the wave of emotion that flooded his bones, blood, and soul. They'd been so remember-y today, and it made him step back from reality and view his life for what it was; crazy, bizarre, beautiful. 
"We've really been through a lot together, haven't we?"
"Yeah, doofus..." (y/n) teased him, suddenly feeling warm and gooey when he smiled at her and Henry. He could be a softie sometimes, making her hold him close as she reflected on how far they'd come as a couple, building a home together and watching four children grow into adults. Someone pass her the tissues. 
"Aw, come on!" Charlotte exclaimed, throwing his hands up with a disdained expression because there they went again. The group looked upwards slightly, their eyes turning hazy and dreamy as the best memories came rolling in, filling their hearts with the knowledge that the past wasn't so bad. Traumatic at times, but okay. 
"I need help, and someday someone's gonna have to take over for me." 
"Like you, Henry." And that was where it all started. Little did he know, but Henry wrapped Ray around his finger from the get-go. The man would do anything for the kid: run through fire, fight the world, give up everything. He hated putting him in danger, knowing he wouldn't be able to live with himself if anything happened to the boy under his watch, wearing his uniform, but Henry didn't care. He took an oath - the sidekick life chose him, and he chose it. 
Hugs were exchanged, heart-to-hearts were whispered when no one else was listening, and a bond formed. Ray shared his life with Henry, telling him he was in love with a girl, wanted to marry her, and didn't want to ruin anything. The kid listened to everything, hearing his fears, hopes, and dreams, much like (y/n) did for him. 
The woman was a great listener and a fountain of advice, meaning he could go to her with things Ray would just tease him about. Crushes, girl troubles, personal struggles--anything; (y/n) knew how to sit and let him get it all out, moving in for one of her warm, all-consuming hugs at the right moment. He loved her hugs because she smelled great and always seemed soft and squishy, so he could understand why Ray constantly wanted her close. 
"You know, I've never really had someone to look out for me like you do, like a big sister thing."
"I'm always gonna look out for you, Henry Hart." And she did. (y/n) had Henry's back, and he had hers, with Ray hovering above their mini-partnership to form a solid unit. A trio. The foundations of their little family, which, strangely, had shifted to the porch amidst their recollection. 
"Ooh!" They all jumped when Charlotte the front door behind her, stepping out on the porch to see them either standing around, looking gormless or slouched on the bench with their mouths slightly open and drooling. 
"What happened?"
"Yeah, since when am I snuggling my doof out here?" (y/n) asked with Piper, both girls frowning and looking around in confusion as their skin prickled at the chillier air. Luckily for the heroine, she had Ray's beefy arm laid around her shoulders like a blanket, and the warmth radiating from his side invited her to shuffle closer to him. 
"I pushed you all out here while you were remembering," Charlotte explained, giving them all a cold stare, not that her friend noticed, as she practically crawled into Ray's lap and kissed his jaw. 
"Because my science experiment was about to--" she answered, only to be interrupted by a loud boom and the feeling of the house shaking around them. The tremors ricocheted through the floor, travelling through their limbs, making the family gasp. Piper paled as she saw a burst of colour and scorching light engulf the living room, no doubt ruining the furniture for her parents to see later. 
"...blow up."
"Thanks for blowing up my kitchen, Charlotte!" Henry exclaimed sarcastically as the adults cringed. Ray exchanged awkward glances with Schwoz while his sweet girl froze in his embrace. Perhaps a little more adult supervision would've been appropriate. 
"Yes, thanks!"
"I tried to get you to film it before--" the girl tried to defend herself, facing off with Piper as the blonde sneered at her. The siblings didn't know what excuse they would try and use on their parents. It would have to be good, considering the door, walls, and furnishings were covered in a multicoloured goo. 
"Hey, Schwoz..." However, Ray interrupted her, arms curled around his precious fiancée as he looked at his handyman, much to their annoyance. 
"Charlotte's exploding science experiment just gave me an idea," he said, spreading his thighs a little further apart so (y/n) would have more room. However, it just made her hot under the collar. 
"Ooh, an idea. This is dangerous," she teased him, earning an unimpressed glance from her doofus as she giggled to herself. She stroked his cheek and leaned in for a brief kiss, laughing as his large palm squeezed her hip as a warning.
"Could we go to an alternate dimension and steal another kitchen for Henry?" He asked, presenting an entirely predictable, mad idea like (y/n) knew he would. It was stupid, but for Schwoz, inter-dimensional borrowing wasn't impossible; instead, it was something he regularly did, no matter how much the heroine warned him about messing with the space-time continuum. 
"I don't see why not..."
"Sick, dude!" 
"Great idea!" Henry and Piper grinned, complimenting the man to (y/n)'s disdain because words like that would inflate his huge ego. He relaxed on the bench, feeling like the happiest man in the world, with his family surrounding him and his soon-to-be wife at the centre of everything. The contentment inspired a new curiosity, one weirder than anything he'd asked for. 
"But first...could you find us a dimension where actors are, I don't know, like, trying to pretend to be us?"
"Yeah, yeah, yeah...but sometimes, they mess up their lines?"
"Or experience other funny, unforeseen mishaps?" The boys asked, grinning at each other as they bounced off the same idea, which sounded ridiculous to the girls. Them? Actors? Really? As if that would ever happen, but perhaps in another world...
"You mean, like bloopers?" Charlotte frowned, wondering how their brains worked as she glanced at (y/n) and Piper, who couldn't see themselves as anything but who they were; ordinary, non-acting people. 
"Yes! Can you find us a blooper dimension?!"
"That has got to be the strangest thing you've ever thought of, doofus...but I'm curious. Can you do it, Schwoz?" The woman asked, fluffing her lover's hair as she tried to imagine what went on in his silly head. The thought of being on a set or stage made a shiver run down her spine - all those eyes looking at her - but maybe, in another life, she was brave and bubbly, fun and confident, a star of the silver screen. 
"I don't see why not," the genius replied, shrugging because he had all the tools and kit - Bill Evil's dimension tech. It would be easy to just hop across the world for light entertainment. Hence, the others leapt with renewed energy, eager to return to the Man Cave to see this crazy world. 
Ray and his ideas...were as weird as they were wonderful. 
~The Man Cave~
With Schwoz at the controls of his dimensional hopping doohickey, everyone gathered on the couch. Henry, Jasper, and Piper prepared some snacks and set them in the middle of the table for everyone to nibble whilst Piper was on drinks. Everyone got a soda before sinking to watch what had to be the world's best TV, huddled together with elbows touching elbows. 
(y/n) was obviously sitting next to Ray, her hand lightly resting on his bicep as they shared a drink. Technically, it was Ray's drink, but he placed it between them since it was inevitable that she'd steal some, arguing his stuff always tasted better. 
It was worth it for her kisses and how she fed him pieces of popcorn, meaning a blissful feeling settled over the group as the first glimpse of the blooper world began...
"That's not right..." Ray grumbled, only he wasn't Ray, apparently. (y/n), a renowned actress and star of many Nickelodeon shows, giggled as she watched her costars, Cooper and Jace, struggle with a lei prop. 
It was so weird to watch, but everyone quickly gathered the plot, laughing when Cooper tried to throw the flower necklace over the boy's head as per the script, only for it to snag on the boy's hair whenever they took another shot. 
"Oh yeah, that's real good," she laughed with the boys as the flowers framed Jace's face, wrapping around his head since Coop had given up. She loved her job...
The scene faded to another, this time with the same "actors" again, only it mimicked Henry's pledge to be Kid Danger. Cooper and Jace, wearing their superhero costumes, stood in the middle of the dark set with (y/n) hovering near them as the director shouted action on what was the first episode of some TV show... Henry Danger?
"I, Henry Hart..."
"Pledge to never, ever, ever tell anyone that I am Captain Man's secret sidekick!" The man said solemnly, his right arm raised like he'd been told to as his glamorous costar conjured tears in the corner of her eyes to ensure an authentic and emotional performance. 
"And to never, ever reveal that I am secret--duh! Duh!" Jace spat, losing his rhythm when the correct line disappeared from his head. Damn it; he rehearsed that all night too. 
It quickly moved on to a scene in the high school, where Jace was talking to a very young-looking Jasper--or Sean as he was known in the opposite universe. The blond kid snuck up on his friend, trying to keep a straight face, which was more challenging than it seemed since all the weird moments were difficult not to laugh at. 
"Hey, Jasper!"
"What?" Sean asked, channelling a sense of weirdness and innocence that suited his - or Jasper's - personality. 
"Shhhhh!" Jace shushed, only to giggle as he smushed his finger against the kid's lips. It was impossible not to laugh, so he felt better when the on-set crew - camera people, lighting specialists, producers, and the like - laughed with him. They reshot the scene again and again, breaking character each time as Sean pretended to lick his fingers or he poked his face playfully. 
Suddenly, they cut to the Man Cave, where Cooper (y/n) and Schwoz - "Michael", had to shoot a scene together. It was simple, with the handsome hero showing off as usual, much to his helpers' exasperation. All he had to do was turn, kick the air, and cheer victoriously, but the guy always gave it one hundred and ten per cent, which was too much enthusiasm this time. 
"Boom!" He shouted, thrusting his leg in the air with Ray's typical arrogance and flair, but the velocity made him lose his footing. To Michael and (y/n)'s shock and amusement, the man went flying, landing on his ass with a light thud and sending his colleagues into peals of laughter. 
"Oh, shit, Coop! You good?" (y/n) gasped, her doe-eyed, in-love persona fading into her natural character as she looked at her friend on the tiles. He was a doofus on screen and in real life, staying on his back as he, too, chuckled and sighed. 
"I'm okay!" He confirmed, holding two thumbs up in mock defeat. That wasn't the first time there'd been a minor bump in the studio - they happened constantly. Whether it was Piper, also known as Ella, falling off a bed or things going wrong during what should've been a simple dance routine. 
(y/n) felt like she was flying as Cooper twirled her around the Man Cave, moving together just like they'd done in rehearsal before doing it in front of the cameras. It was the bit where Ray and her character were performing one of the hero's final wishes before he lost all his friends to a volcanic eruption. It was more like they were dancing around their feelings than anything else, with a specific line in the script noting they had to channel every ounce of romantic tension they could. 
Things were going perfectly, and their jitterbug was something to be admired as they approached the final lift. And that was where things went wrong. Spinning his costar in his arms, Cooper felt (y/n)'s body fall from between his fingertips, although he tried to hold on. Before either knew it, the woman landed on the floor with a small oof, her skirt sitting askew across her thighs. 
"You good, (y/n/n)?" He laughed as they rolled onto their sides, holding their aching ribs at how funny everything seemed when immersed in a make-believe world. 
"You s--said you would--wouldn't drop me!" She replied, wheezing and struggling to get her words out as she laid on her back, unhurt, save for her pride. In fairness to him, Cooper tried to ease her fall, guiding her descent as best he could so she didn't injure herself. He was such a gentleman, which made them such good friends. 
"Emergency call!" Charlotte gasped, suddenly breaking the façade for her friends as her focus was snapped by the blaring alarm. No one else bothered to turn and look at what was happening, mainly because everything on-screen was so funny--too funny to break away and do some work. 
"Who cares?" Ray shrugged, talking through a mouthful of food before he raised his soda to his lips. However, before he could get the cool metal to his lips, a dainty hand shot out and pulled it toward her mouth; (y/n) wanted some soda, and no one's tasted better than her doofus'. 
"Sweet girl..."
"Just a sip!" She promised, fluttering her eyelashes innocently when he pretended to frown at her, even though everyone knew he secretly liked providing for her, ensuring she was well-fed and hydrated. She could drink all of it but didn't, taking the tiniest taste before giving it back with a saccharine grin. After all, soda was always better when he tasted it on her lips...
"I'd rather sit here and watch bloopers while Ray eats (y/n)'s face," Henry added, although he grimaced slightly when he turned to the happy couple, only to see them lip-locked and handsy. Ew. 
"Me too!"
"Yeah, they're hilarious!" Jasper and Piper agreed as Schwoz chimed up, beaming at the crack in the fabric of time and space as another scene played out. 
This time, it was Charlotte's twin--or Riele, as she was known by those strange people. She quickly quietened down at her image, thinking they could keep going a little longer without hurting anything, and she silently agreed - it was pretty funny. 
"You know, someday, when you guys are cleaning my swimming pool because you failed this algebra test, then flunk out of school--eh," Riele grumbled as she messed up the line, her tongue feeling clunky and too large in her mouth. She couldn't get around the complex syllables, no matter how many takes they did, and it was even worse when she had to take over Jace's role as Kid Danger. 
"Bubble time," Cooper said gravely, preparing to show Ray and Charlotte donning their costumes, which involved chewing, standing very still, and a clever bit of special effects from the editing team. However, getting the fake gumballs out of the tube was easier said than done for the girl who'd never done it before. 
"Oh, I don't think it's gonna work out, Charlotte," the man joked when she accidentally dropped one on the floor, earning giggles from Micheal and (y/n) as they watched. The woman prodded his shoulder before returning to her spot for another go, knowing she'd get it next time. 
"I don't want a st--I don't wanna wear a--" Even Miss Danger sometimes struggled with his lines. This one was particularly tricky for (y/n), who couldn't get the words out correctly as Jace and Cooper giggled at her. It was admirable how she tried to continue with the take, not wanting the cameras to stop rolling because of her, but it wouldn't work. 
"I don't want a stupid--capes--wearing--Henry! Dammit--line, please!"
"What's wrong with you, (y/n/n)?" Do you need medicine?" Coop asked in his Batman-like voice, making the woman laugh as her cheeks warmed. It didn't help that he was crouched on the arm of the couch, looking like a complete moron as she sounded like one. 
"Possibly! It's my brain--just won't work today," she agreed, trying to scratch her face through the prosthetic mask on her face, the itchiness coming from her embarrassment, but it was normal. Every actor screwed up once in a while. 
"Quick! Turn down the mic, so Ray, (y/n)--Henry--- yah!" Michael scrunched his face as his voice gave out - a common occurrence that proved it wasn't just (y/n) who sometimes screwed up. 
"What are you talking about?!" Jace spat as Henry grilled Ray about why he'd turned up at his house in the episode, The Whole Bilsky Family. It was a long shoot with many characters on set, but this was supposed to be him, Cooper, and (y/n) huddled in a corner as the hero made his sidekicks explain themselves. 
"I'll tell you what I'm talking about! You've worn that--I'll tell ya--what I'm talkin' about!" Cooper tried to yell back with irritation and jealousy present in his voice because Ray was supposed to be upset and longing for his lover, but it just came out wrong. 
It was supposed to be delivered fast and furiously, so he couldn't help but laugh when it went wrong. 
"Make sure you throw it at him real hard!" (y/n) joked as she stood next to Cooper, waiting for one of the production assistants to throw a cardboard box at his head for an old episode. 
"Bring it up here, and I'll be happy to," Ray nodded, the actor following his line since he was meant to sign Jasper's doll. The box flew through the air and hit him square in the face, making his nose and cheek ache a little as (y/n) frowned--although she really wanted to laugh. 
They did take, after take, after take. Each throw wasn't quite right, hitting the man too low, in the teeth, or on his forehead, and once, it even hit (y/n)'s shoulder. He was considering hiring a stunt double to do his part, given that his lips were starting to bruise.
"You hit him in the mouth!"
"You hear that? That's the murmuring of producers saying, we got it, but let's do it again, 'cause that'd be hilarious," he laughed as he returned the box to the guy throwing it at him. However, part of him didn't want to, hoping to save his battered skin. 
"Maybe you just have a face that screams, Hit me!" The woman by his side giggled, earning a punch to her shoulder as they waited for the director to say cut. They had enough material at this point, but they were paid to do their job, grin, bear it, and never complain--, and it was the best job in the world. 
Even if fame sometimes got a little tricky. 
"(y/n), over here!"
"Oh, hi!" The woman beamed radiantly as she strolled down the red carpet, a beautiful designer gown flowing behind her as she took in the lightning flashes of the paparazzi wall. She always got a little nervous at premieres, worrying about falling over her dress or swearing on camera. Still, this was supposed to be family-friendly fun and games, not the global movie shindigs she'd frequented when working away from children's television. 
It was the Kid's Choice Awards. An evening dedicated to slime, partying, and honouring the best showbiz is Nickelodeon could produce, and this year, she'd been nominated for Favourite Actress. Someone pass her a fan and a glass of water. Therefore, she was expected to dress to the nines, smile, wave, and pose for the paps like it was her day job--and it was, technically. 
One camera crew caught her attention, the reporter looking friendly and familiar enough for her to wander over for an interview, pausing to sign a few autographs as throngs of children and photographers screamed her name. 
"Congrats on your nomination, (y/n/n)! You must be so proud!" The girl shouted, holding the microphone out to capture every word the star said, who still wasn't used to being showered with compliments, even after years of being an actress. 
"Well, I'd say more shocked--and grateful, obviously!" She replied with a huge grin, knowing the golden rule for red carpets was to keep it short, polite, and positive. The thought of ending up on social media for saying something stupid or controversial kept her up at night. But luckily, she was as popular off-screen as her character was on-screen, known for being sweet, down-to-earth, and all-around lovely. 
"This has been a pretty busy year for you, doing both Henry Danger and starring in Avengers: Infinity War--massive fan of your work, by the way. You're my fave superhero in everything!"
"Oh, thank you! Yeah, it's been crazy, but I've loved it. Being part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe is insane, and everyone's so lovely. I can't wait for everyone to see what comes next," (y/n) said, feeling like she was rambling a little bit. Still, the reporter seemed to lap it up, making the woman smile until her cheeks hurt. 
Her career had been limited to minor roles in smallish shows for years, never reaching further than earning her a decent wage and a small army of fans...until the email appeared in her manager's inbox. First, Nick reached out, then they wanted a strong-minded yet serene heroine for a real Hollywood blockbuster, so Miss Danger got an upgrade, something that still needed to sink in for the small-town girl. 
"And I hear you've recently gone off the market... Tell me, have we lost Miss (y/l/n), or do the fanboys and girls at home still have a chance?" The interviewer asked, knowing she was beginning to push boundaries, but they were always nosey. 
The best gossip came from relationships, drama, and exclusives, which seemed to follow (y/n) around since she played the love interest of a guy who, in real life, was married with a child. 
People loved to talk - the first lesson she learned in the acting game. It didn't take long for the fans to blur the lines between her and Cooper, making their personal lives cross with those of her and Ray, which was sweet to watch, but fiction. Purely fiction. And it ended with that. 
"No comment...That's for me to know. I've always thought it's best to keep that type of thing to yourself when you do what I do," she laughed, playing it off cooly and kindly, and the other woman quickly backed down. (y/n) (y/l/n) didn't take any nonsense, wasn't afraid to politely put people in their place, and managed her life away from cameras to retain a degree of normality. Those rules stayed the same for everyone. 
"Well, good luck for tonight! I'm sure your fellow cast members, and everyone here are cheering you on!"
And so, she moved on to the next one, feeling like a goddess as people shoved, pushed, and screamed for a sliver of her attention. It never used to be like this back when she was just another kid's TV star, not even a main character. 
Now, the flashes followed her everywhere, and things would only go up from there as she rose through the ranks with each performance she gave. Maybe fame wasn't for everyone, but she did it with elegance and dignity, freezing again for another round of camera clicks as she tailed one of the actors from The Thundermans.
It was a good job, one fit for a girl split in two; one-half heroine, the other a world away. 
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elvisgrace · 2 years
Holly Jolly Ask-Mas, Day ?
For @tvickiesims!
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This isn't technically an ask, but who cares?
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The Maxis Doppelganger Extra Gloss Game Simulator, now for TS2. Unshackled from career rewards, builds both the logic skill and gaming enthusiasm. Electronics/Entertaintment, $800.
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@tvickiesims is a goddess and made a Russian version! SFS
Ok, I took the Doppelganger Console down to fix some issues I missed, but now it's back, exorcised and improved!
This is a logic skilling object in Practice Mode
Gain enthusiasm is Games in Practice and Play modes
And because I thought it would be cute for children to teach their grandparents how to play video games, I've altered the age limits so that children can offer lessons to or be asked for lessons from the other age groups as long as the child has a higher logic skill than the other sim
I felt like a ginormous asshole for not catching my fubars before posting, and then it taking so long to fix, so as an apology, I've made you four custom video games!
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I also made posters for them using @sushigal007's mesh.
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So, I made these really elaborate movies for the games before I realized that they would be too long for the games themselves, but at that point there was no way I wasn't going to use them. Fuck that noise. So I've created a television station that builds games enthusiasm: The Gaming Intelligence Agency.
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Animal Crossing: SFS/Mediafire
Bizarre Jelly 5: SFS/Mediafire
Hero's Duty: SFS/Mediafire
Problem Solverz: SFS/Mediafire
Gaming Intelligence Agency Television Station: SFS/Mediafire
The biggest monster thank you to @jellymeduza, @howtoplaymyshuno, @tvickiesims, and @mourky - I couldn't have done it without you, you are fantastic, and I am hardcore heart emoji-ing in your direction
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EDIT: @howtoplaymyshuno graciously offered to share a game I made for them for being such a rockstar consultant, Uncle Albert's Magical Album:
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gloriabomfim · 1 year
Certainly, here's a list of the montages, along with the actions and dialogues for Part 1:
Montage 1: Slippery Situation
Action: Bumpy is cautiously walking through a kitchen when he spots a banana peel on the floor. Chaoy appears beside him.
Chaoy: (Confidently) "Fear not, Bumpy! I shall use my powers to prevent accidents!"
Chaoy snaps his fingers, trying to make the banana peel vanish, but instead, the entire room transforms into a giant banana peel.
Bumpy: (Panicking) "Oh no, Chaoy, what have you done?"
Bumpy slips and slides comically on the banana peel-covered floor, ending up in a heap.
Montage 2: Piano Pandemonium
Action: Bumpy is walking outside when he looks up and sees a piano about to fall on him. Chaoy materializes nearby.
Chaoy: (Quickly) "I'll save you, Bumpy!"
Chaoy snaps his fingers, but instead of making the piano disappear, he multiplies them, and several pianos rain down.
Bumpy: (Frantically dodging) "Chaoy, this isn't helping!"
Bumpy narrowly avoids getting squished by the pianos, but the scene becomes increasingly chaotic.
Montage 3: Robot Rampage
Action: Bumpy is tidying up his apartment when Chaoy decides to assist with cleaning. Chaoy waves his hand dramatically.
Chaoy: (Grinning) "Let's make this place spotless, Bumpy!"
Chaoy's chaos magic creates a horde of mischievous cleaning robots that start whirring and spinning around.
Bumpy: (In despair) "Chaoy, what did you do?"
The robots chase Bumpy, spraying cleaning solutions everywhere, creating more mess.
Montage 4: Culinary Catastrophe
Action: Bumpy is in the kitchen, attempting to cook a simple meal. Chaoy joins him.
Chaoy: (Determined) "Time to whip up a masterpiece, Bumpy!"
Chaoy uses his reality manipulation, but the kitchen transforms into a jungle of giant vegetables and animated appliances.
Bumpy: (Running from a giant carrot) "This is not what I had in mind!"
Bumpy escapes the chaotic kitchen, leaving vegetables and appliances wreaking havoc.
Montage 5: Circus Surprise
Action: Bumpy is trying to cross the street safely, but it's a busy intersection. Chaoy appears next to him.
Chaoy: (With a flourish) "Hold on tight, Bumpy!"
Chaoy teleports them both, but they end up in the middle of a circus performance, surrounded by clowns and circus animals.
Bumpy: (Terrified) "Chaoy, this is worse than the traffic!"
Bumpy and Chaoy flee the circus chaos, chased by unicycling elephants.
Stay tuned for Part 2!
Montage 6: Jar Juggling
Action: Bumpy struggles to open a stubborn jar of pickles in the kitchen. Chaoy arrives.
Chaoy: (Confidently) "Allow me, Bumpy!"
Chaoy uses his telekinesis to open the jar, but instead, he sends it flying across the room, shattering it.
Bumpy: (Surprised) "I just wanted some pickles, Chaoy!"
Bumpy is left with a mess of shattered glass and pickles on the floor.
Montage 7: Interview Interruption
Action: Bumpy is preparing for a job interview, trying to look presentable in front of the mirror. Chaoy pops up beside him.
Chaoy: (Smiling) "Let me help you, Bumpy!"
Chaoy uses his reality manipulation to transform Bumpy into a living caricature with oversized clothes and a comically large tie.
Bumpy: (Horrified) "I look ridiculous! How will I get the job now?"
*Bumpy desperately tries to fix his appearance, but it's a comical struggle.
Montage 8: Garden of Mayhem
Action: Bumpy is gardening in his backyard. Chaoy decides to assist with his creation magic.
Chaoy: (Enthusiastic) "Let's make this garden flourish!"
Chaoy's magic spawns bizarre, otherworldly plants that start chasing Bumpy around the yard.
Bumpy: (Running from a carnivorous plant) "Chaoy, your idea of gardening is terrifying!"
*Bumpy desperately tries to escape the relentless pursuit of the animated plants.
Montage 9: Jelly Bath Jam
Action: Bumpy is enjoying a relaxing bath when Chaoy appears.
Chaoy: (Playful) "Let's make your bath perfect, Bumpy!"
Chaoy uses his powers to change the water, but it turns into wobbly jelly, trapping Bumpy inside.
Bumpy: (Sinking into the jelly) "Chaoy, I can't get out! This is not relaxing at all!"
*Bumpy struggles comically, but the jelly holds him in place.
Montage 10: Food Fight Fiasco
Action: Bumpy is having a picnic in the park. Chaoy decides to help by keeping ants away.
Chaoy: (Mischievous) "Watch this, Bumpy!"
Chaoy's chaos powers make all the food come to life, and a chaotic food fight ensues.
Bumpy: (Dodging flying sandwiches) "Chaoy, this is supposed to be a peaceful picnic!"
*Bumpy and Chaoy find themselves in the middle of a whimsical food battle as animated snacks and sandwiches duke it out.
Each attempt by Chaoy to help Bumpy with his chaos powers has resulted in more chaos and comedic misadventures. Despite Chaoy's best intentions, Bumpy's life continues to be filled with hilarious mishaps and unlikely predicaments.
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mirandamckenni1 · 1 year
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