#Billie Bust up x reader
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Chapter 1: The Warrant
Warnings:Violence, blood, gore cultists, swearing
Note: This is a Far Cry 5 x Billie Bust Up AU. For context, the Seed family has the gems instead of the main villains of the bbu. Also Lewis, Billie, and Lily are aged up in this AU.
This cult always been there, but, of course, the government didn't do shit the time they had to. They underastimated Joseph Seed, his lunatic "Family" and the cultists. But when they saw that it was an issue they needed to step in, what did they do? They trapped them in the Hope County, putting innocent people's loves who was living here in danger. Now the County was nothing more than a battle area.
The last scene you saw was Joseph gouging the police's eyes, who tried to snuck a camera in and record all what was happening in his church. That poor guy. But after that the signal went off your phone. Than you heard Dutch calling out for you.
"Ey Rookie, rookie." Dutch said, "Waste no time, there's no signal out here." Billie was sitting next to him, she was holding a paper in her hand, you didn't knew what was for it. Probably something important though.
"İ cross over the hendbane now." Lewis announced to all of you, who was flying the chopper with Lily.
The chopper flied past from Joseph's statue, it gave you a shiver down your spine, you didn't know why. Maybe you we're too excited for this new mission.
"Oh fuck there it is." Lily grumble, turning her head to the other side in an order to not look at the statue. "Crazy motherfucker." Lewis agreed. "We are offically in Peggy country."
"How much longer?" Billie asked, turning her eyes away from the paper in her hand, turning to Dutch. "Just long enough for you to change your mind." Dutch answer bitterly. "So i can turn his bird around."
Billie took the paper in their right hoof, showing to Dutch. "Do you want me to ignore his federal warrant, sherrif?" The goat asked, looking up at Dutch. But he shook his other hand in an signal of rejection.
"No. İ want you understand the reality of this situation. Joseph Seed..." He exhaled, adjusting his sunshades, he had an unpleasant expression on his face. "He's not a man to be fucked with. We've had a run-ins before they haven't always got on our way. Just sometimes, sometimes it's best to leave well enough alone."
Billie's brow's scrunched, it wasn't what they wanted to hear. "Yeah well," Billie started "We have laws for a reason sherrif. And Joseph Seed's gonna learn that."
The reason why Billie was so serious about this mission, is not only because of the others, but their parents we're also in the County as well. İf they had any misunderstanding with the cult, they could accidently put her father and mother in danger.
"Lewis, open a call with dispatch." Dutch orders to Lewis, leans back on his seat. "Ten-four." Lewis mumble.
Dutch adjust his headphones, and the mic that was attached to it, putting a little closer to his mouth so the other side of the call could hear him clearly. "Dutch to Dispatch. Over."
"Go ahead. Earl."
"We're approachin' the compound Nancy. Over."
"Roger, Sheriff. Still planning to go through with this? Over."
"We are unfortunately still tryin' to talk some sense into our friend Billie. Over." Dutch said snarkily, Billie shook their head and roll their eyes. They didn't comment on it, but you could see from their face that she wasn't pleased with the situation at all.
"Alright... He's lucky i'm not there." Nancy sighed, "İf you get into any trouble you just let me know. Over."
"Ten-four over and out." And with that, the radio call ends. Than there was a silence, not an uncomfortable one, but you could see from their face that, all of them we're just as anxious as you.
"Maybe we shoulda brought Nancy along with us instead of the Probie." İt didn't take long for Lewis to ruin that silence though. "These Peggies wouldn't fuck with her."
"Lewis." Lily warn him quickly.
"Why do you keep calling them Peggies?" Billie turned her head just enough to look ar Lily and Lewis from the side of their eye, gazing at them over her shoulder.
"Project at Eden's Gate. P. E. G. Peggies. İt's what the locals call 'em." Dutch explained to her. "You know, they astarted off harmless enough a few years back. But now they're armed to teeth. They're lookin' for a fight."
"Are you scared, Sheriff?" Billie turned her gaze up to him, squinting her eyes, almost daring him to talk. You could feel the unnecesarry tension between them.
"We're here." Lewis informed. "Compund's Just below."
You shifted a little closer to the window, gazing down at the compound. A few torch was lightning the area, 'Bliss' flowers had plates over them so they won't get damaged, the piles of dead bodies that was burned, wooden sticks surrounding around them, using as light sources, and an old church.
"Oh my Jesus..." Dutch mutter.
"This is a bad idea." Lily stated.
"Last chance, Billie." Said the wolf, but he wasn't looking at them, his gaze is still down on the Compund. Billie let out an Sharp exhale, she shut her eyes for a solid moment. "We're going in." They replied to him firmly. "Set her down, Lewis."
"Right, roger that." Lewis started to land down the chopper slowly, and then you started to see the Peggies. To be honest, they didn't looked very... Happy. İt was clear that you guys weren't welcome here.
"Dispatch, you're still here?" Dutch asked, checking if Nancy was still on contact for the last time.
"Yes, go ahead, Sheriff."
"İf you don't hear us fifteen minutes, send there everyone, call the goddamn National Guards if you have to. Over." Dutch said to Nancy, as he undid the safety belt of the seat, while Billie took off their headphones, so you did and Dutch.
"Yessir, Sheriff. I'll be praying for you."
"Now listen' up!" Dutch spoke, "Three rules; Stick close, Keep your guns in your holster's and let me to the talkin'. Got it?"
"Got it." Billie replied,
"Rookie?" Dutch turned to you after, "Got it!"
"Alright everyone, stay sharp. Let's go." You hopped outside from the chopper quickly, Billie after you. The goat gave you a nod, and you reciprocate it back.
"He'll be in the church." Dutch said. "Stay close." Four of you started to make your way to the church. Lily was at Dutch's right, holding a nine milimeter, you and Billie on his left.
"Eyes open." Dutch mutter, "These folks can spooke easily." The Peggie's eyes we're all on you guys, you could hear them muttering.
"What the hell are these doing?"
"Why are they here?"
None of them pried their eyes off of you, it was uncomfortable.
"Be calm, stay calm everyone!" Dutch tried to ease the other Peggies at least a little. "Just go about your business. This doesn't concern you."
"Sheriff i don't like this." Lily mumble under her breath, holding her weapon tightly. "Everythings fine, Lily." The wolf tried to comfort her, but he didn't even believed to himself. "Everything's just fine..."
"Jesus christ, you're wearing badges aren't you?" Billie stated,
"Yeah, but they don't respect badges much out here..."
"They'll respect that nine milimeter."
"Not every problem can be solved with an bullet, Billie..." Dutch sigh.
Now four of you are in front of the old chruch. İt was clear that it hadn't took care of for a long time. The white paint was scraped off, and Dust lightly was on the sides.
Billie, immediately reached to the church doors to open it bluntly. But halfway Dutch shut the door quickly, for a moment you heard the praying coming from inside.
"Woah, Billie. Now we do this, we do it my way." Dutch spoke, his tone rather calmer than usual. "Quietly. Calmly? You got it?" Billie took her hand off of the door, letting out a low grumble. Quietly? Calmly? Really?
"Fine..." They say bitterly, they couldn't go against their Sheriff, as much as they wanted to tho. You knew that Dutch made Billie's blood boil.
"Lily, on the door. Watch our backs. Don't let any of these people get in." Dutch looked at the Peggies after his last sentence in anticipication.
Than his gaze turns to you "Rookie. On me." And after his eyes shifts to Billie. "And you..." He mumble. "Just try not to do anything stupid."
"Relax, Sheriff." Billie spoke mockingly,, her hoof reaches to his arm to give him a 'friendly' pat. "You're about to get your name on the paper."
Billie and Sheriff Dutch held the each doorhandle, slowly pulling it in an order to not make a loud sound. Everyone was on their seats, listening Joseph's speech. That fucking lunatic goat.
"Something is coming. You can feel it can't you?"
Billie and Dutch stepped inside, you're following behind. As soon as the Peggies saw you guys, their eyes we're all over you. Four of them we're standing, holding their guns tightly.
"That we are creeping toward the edge... And there will be a reckoning. That's why we started The Project. Because we know what happens next."
You guys inched closer to Joseph slowly, who continued his talking, not bothered about your presence. Billie looked at Dutch, like they we're asking for something, but Dutch only shook his head in rejection.
"They will come. They will try to take from us. Take our guns, take our freedom."
As Billie and Dutch inched closer to Joseph, the tension in the air becoming near palpable as the Peggies around you observed your every move. You could feel their eyes on you, judging, sizing up the threat that you posed.
But as Joseph continued his sermon, his words only served to further stoke Billie's growing anger.
"Take our faith."
All of them started to stand up when you guys came closer, closer than they could tolerate.
"But we will not let them."
"Sheriff, c'mon--" Billie turned their head to Dutch, asking permission. Knowing this goat for years, it was the first and probably the only time they kept their mouth shut for that long.
"Hold on Billie." Dutch consoled Billie, she was visibly starting to get more and more annoyed each second when Joseph talk.
"We will not let their greed, or their immorality, or their depravity hurt us anymore!"
And Joseph was still continuing, as if he knew how much he was getting on Billie's nerves.
"Do not pull that trigger, remain calm..."
"There will be no more suffering!"
"No fuck this." Billie couldn't keep her cool anymore, and she pulled out Joseph's federal warrant, holding up in her hand to his face
"Joseph Seed!" Billie exclaimed, "İ have a warrant issued for your arrest on the suspicion kidnapping with the intent to harm."
Billie interrupted Joseph during his sermon, drawing everyone's focus to her. Dutch exhaled deeply and shook his head, but what could he do? It was Billie.
"Now I want you to step forward and keep your hands where I can see 'em." The cultists' shouts could be heard coming from behind you all.
"Go back where you came from!"
"Get outta here!"
Joseph complied with Billie's request, slowly lifting his hands, directing his attention to the other goat. "Here they are..." he remarked, "The Locusts in our garden...You see they've come for me."
The Peggies positioned themselves in front of Dutch and Billie, blocking their way to Joseph. "They've come to take me away from you. They've come to obliterate all that we have built!" That son of a bitch continued to speak, inciting the Peggies’ anger towards you all, some attempting to move closer. Dutch retreated from the furious cultists; they were closely observing your every action, ready to shoot if you so much as breathed the wrong way around them.
"Alright now. Put your guns down." Dutch shouted, "Put your guns down and stand down. Everyone calm down!"
Joseph gradually advanced, the Peggies parting to allow him room, their rage vanishing the moment they saw their "Father."
"We knew this moment would come" Joseph spoke in his soft, disturbingly calm voice. "We have prepared for it."
"Now go," he commanded, "Go. " The others complied, starting to exit the church, and you were surprised by how quickly he was able to calm them. "God will not let them take me." Despite everyone following his instructions, you could see from their expressions that none of them wished to leave, abandoning their "Father" alone with you at all. Some were giving threatening glares your way, while others didn’t even bother to look at you.
"I saw when the Lamb opened the First Seal, and I heard," When you diverted your gaze from the cultist, Joseph's siblings were behind him—Jacob, John, Faith... Huh? When did they even arrive? You couldn’t tell if you were starting to seeing things or if they were actually here. "—as it were the noise of the thunder, one of the four beasts said, come and see."
"Step. Forward." Dutch demands.
"...And i saw, and behold," He pointed at Billie, but after that he quickly turned to Dutch. "İt was a white horse. and the Hell followed with him." What the fuck was he saying? Was he reciting a chapter from his Book? The Book Of Joseph?
He stepped forward and extended his hands towards you, his eyes gazing deep into your soul.
"Rookie, cuff this son of a bitch."
"God will not let you take me."
You grabbed the cuffs, but, you weren't really sure. Maybe because that he was looking at you like a predator would look at their prey or because he had a goddamn big ass cult that he can kill you the second when you go out of this Church.
"Take your guns, take your friends, and leave." He demanded.
You moved in front of him, grabbing his wrists and handcuffing them. There was a nagging feeling inside you that something was wrong, but you couldn't pinpoint what it was. You positioned yourself behind him, placing one hand on his shoulder in case he attempted to escape.
“Let’s go.” Dutch said, heading towards the doors and holding them open for you to guide Joseph outside. Lily hurried towards the Sheriff, her expression indicating she was anxious and unsettled.
"We gotta get the fuck outta here." She said hurriedly. A Peggie's vehicle came to a halt nearby, with heavily armed individuals stepping out.
"Billie, take point, we’re going right..." Dutch commanded.
"On it." Billie replied.
"You’re not taking him, we won't let you!"
Three of them started to walk in front of you, shielding you from Peggies. "Stay on the path, rookie."
"They’re taking the Father, they’re taking the Father!"
The sounds of barking dogs and the shouts of the cultists overwhelm you... Or was it Jacob's wolves? You didn't know, you didn't care.
"Back up! Back up!" Billie ordered the cultist attempting to get closer. Joseph didn’t appear angry or anything; he merely let you direct him towards the chopper, his face unreadable.
"Everyone keep back!" The Peggies were on their knees as they saw you taking their Father away, begging with you to spare him. Yet some attempted to take him back themselves, which resulted in them being forcefully pushed away by Billie with their magic each time. However, as their aggression escalated, Dutch and Billie drew their weapons from their holsters while Billie quickly led you and Joseph inside the chopper, you seat him next to you.
"Get the fuck back!" You heard Dutch shout at the cultists. They immediately sat on their seats after you. "C’mon, get in, get in, get in!"
"Lewis, get us the fuck out of here!" The cultists didn't stop; everyone began to attack the chopper, one of them attempting to board, but Billie quickly kicked them away.
The chopper began to ascend, but they didn’t fall off; one of them grabbed Billie’s gun, trying to drag them down. "Jesus!" Billie squeezed the trigger of her weapon, shooting the cultist in the chest, causing him to fall down.
"Nancy, Nancy, come in Nancy! Do you copy? Nancy!"
You kicked another one that was attempting to enter with your feet. How many of them were here? Another Peggie grabbed Joseph's arm, trying to pull him. Billie grabbed the Peggie, struggling to throw them out while you noticed one of the cultists climbing onto the chopper’s roof.
Your eyes grow large with fear when you witnessed the blood flowing across the windows, that man threw himself into the propeller...
The helicopter begins to descend, steam rising from the engine. Joseph's eyes were shut, whispering something that you couldn’t make out. Billie and Lily were clinging to the grab bars for their lives, the poor girl was panting heavily beside Billie, utterly shaken. It was only a matter of time before-
#Billie Bust Up#Bbu#Bbu Billie#Bbu Dutch#Dutch#Bbu Lily#Lily#Bbu Lewis#Lewis#Bbu x reader#Billie Bust Up x reader#Far cry 5#Far cry 5 Joseph#Joseph Seed#Faith#Faith Seed#Sheriff Whitehorse#Rookie#rook
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Hello, my dear!
My name is Touya, Michikatsu, or any name you're comfortable calling me!
This is my writing blog
My main is: @g0dwat3r
My pronouns are She/They
If you support incest, such as shipping Aym x Baal, Any of the Demon Brothers x Another Demon Brother, etc
If you support r4p3
If you support M@Ps/P3d0philia
Because I'm sure people will ask, proshippers are allowed on my blog. As long as you keep it in fiction, that's fine by me.
Fandoms I write For:
Key: Italics - I'll write for it, no questions asked! Bold and Italics - I love these fandoms, and I love to write for them! Please send asks about them!!!
Cult of the Lamb
Black Clover
Helluva Boss
Hazbin Hotel
The Originals/The Vampire Diaries (Not Legacies, sorry!)
Sanders Sides
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba
My Hero Academia
Harry Potter
Markiplier (& Egos)
Jacksepticeye (& Egos)
Five Nights at Freddy's (Games & Movie)
ACOTAR (A Court of Thorns and Roses) series
Assassination Classroom
Billie Bust Up
Bendy and the Ink Machine
The Amazing Digital Circus
Disney's Twisted Wonderland
Obey Me: One Master to Rule Them All (This also includes Nightbringer!)
Sk8 the Infinity
Character x Reader (Romantic or Platonic)
Character x Child!Reader (Platonic)
Angst/No Comfort
Slightly Suggestive
Character x Character
Character x OC
Go ahead and send in asks! I'm always happy to write whatever you have in mind!
But please don't just say: _________ x reader angst/fluff
Please give me a little bit of an idea of what you want!
Thank you!
#cult of the lamb x reader#the originals x reader#the vampire diaries x reader#sanders sides x reader#undertale x reader#deltarune x reader#kny x reader#demon slayer x reader#my hero academia x reader#markiplier egos x reader#markiplier x reader#jacksepticeye egos x reader#jacksepticeye x reader#fnaf x reader#five nights at Freddy's x reader#slasher fanfiction#jjk x reader#jujutsu kaisen x reader#Assassination classroom x reader#bbu x reader#Billie Bust up x reader#batim x reader#Bendy and the ink machine x reader#Batdr x reader#Bendy and the dark revival x reader#acotar x reader#black clover x reader#twisted wonderland x reader#obey me x reader
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Fantoccio with a reader who is a writer hcs!
TW/CW: None, I think?
This little folk doesn't mind at all with you showing him your last drafts! Fantoccio would be even more happy if you asked his help to read it and so he can show his honest opinions or to just report a few mistakes here and there so you can edit later, regardless of whether it's a single poem or a whole scene. Fantoccio, just like you, is a artist who searches for the perfect narrative, and for what reason he wouldn't help you?
Sometimes, when Fantoccio doesn't have nothing to do in particular and you are doing your usual writing time in your routine of the day, he likes to check on you, asking if theres any dificults you're going through, about what happened to the current characters, or just to motivate you.
Normally, when you are way too much time in that chair typing and typing in a no stop rhythm, Fantoccio feels forced to tease you to make you stop for a little to continue tomorrow. Or to at least take a break to eat a snack or take a bottle of water. Oh and trust me he's going to convince you in the most annoying way possible(maybe in the cutest way possible, if you have a different point of view).
It's obvious Fantoccio isn't the best at helping people with their feelings and stuff, that includes your burnout days. Of course he had his own burnouts as a theater artist, but he just don't know what to do when it comes to helping another artist in burnout. Should he motivate you with words? Make you inspired with a play, perhaps? He wants to help, but the main question is 'how'. Fantoccio just really hopes you understand he really wants you to get better about this situation even if he isn't the best in making it better.
However, if we are talking about writer's block, Fantoccio knows some tricks to help your writer's block problem up on his sleeve. Sometimes, your partner recommends you to just take a break and in the next day your mind will be good as new! Just do try avoiding distractions(that sadly means he won't be able to walk in your room and ask how that one plot twist you mentioned earlier went or how your poem is going :/ ).
Some time or others Fantoccio asks himself if you would like to make some collaboration together! You write, he acts, for him sounds like a perfect bonding time together! Two artists, together, helping each other to make the flawless tale with their talents mixed, for him that's way more cool and romantic than a date!
#COME bbu fans COME send me Fantoccio requests#x reader#canon x reader#reader insert#bbu x reader#billie bust up x reader#fantoccio x reader#gender neutral reader
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-The gallery
Billie eilish oneshot billie x female oc fluff
" I painted your eyes"

The art gallery hummed with a quiet stillness, the kind that made every breath feel heavier, every word softer. Outside, the gentle patter of rain tapped against the glass windows, a soft, rhythmic sound that mixed with the low murmur of distant voices and the occasional scuff of shoes on polished floors. The air inside was cool, carrying the faint, sterile scent of disinfectant — but softened by something else, too, something warmer. Lavender. Subtle and sweet, like it clung to the fibers of someone’s sweater.
Billie stood just a step behind Riley, her hands tucked into the pockets of her oversized jacket, watching as she spoke about the painting in front of them. Her voice was rich with excitement, low and warm and utterly captivating. She gestured toward the canvas, her slender fingers moving delicately, like the painting was something precious she didn’t dare touch but still wanted to reach for. And the way she spoke — with passion, with reverence — made even the smallest details sound fascinating.
But Billie wasn’t looking at the painting.
She was looking at her.
Riley stood with one arm crossed loosely over her stomach, the other moving expressively as she talked. Her brown hair, soft and wavy, was piled into a messy bun at the nape of her neck, with loose tendrils slipping free and brushing against her cheeks every time she moved. The gallery’s dim lighting caught those strands, casting them in warm highlights that shimmered like dark honey. Her skin was sun-kissed and dotted with freckles, the kind Billie wanted to trace with the tip of her finger. And her eyes — a green-gray so light they almost looked golden — reflected the soft glow of the gallery lights, as if the warmth inside them couldn’t help but shine outward.
She wore baggy, well-worn jeans cuffed loosely at the ankles, revealing the tops of her black Converse — the rubber scuffed, the laces slightly frayed. A tight black shirt hugged her torso, its simplicity making the soft gray hoodie she’d pushed halfway up her arms look even cozier. It wasn’t the kind of outfit people usually wore to an upscale gallery like this, but on her, it worked. On her, everything worked.
Billie’s eyes fell to the faint flush on Riley’s cheeks, that perfect pink bloom against her warm complexion. And her lips — full and plum-colored — moved effortlessly, shaping words Billie wasn’t even hearing because she was too busy getting lost in the way they moved.
She didn’t realize she was staring until Riley suddenly stopped mid-sentence.
“What?” Riley asked, amusement lacing her voice even as that soft blush deepened.
Billie blinked, dragging her gaze reluctantly away from Riley’s mouth and toward the painting she was supposed to be paying attention to. The canvas stretched tall and wide, an abstract wash of deep, moody colors — forest green blending into midnight blue, then bleeding into streaks of ochre and rust. The brushstrokes were bold and intentional, layering the paint so thick in places that it rose from the surface in almost sculptural ridges. In other areas, the colors blurred softly, like the artist had let water dilute the edges until they bled into one another. It was both chaotic and graceful — a quiet storm captured in oil and light.
But even with the beauty of the painting in front of her, Billie’s eyes kept drifting back to Riley.
“Nothing,” Billie murmured, a small smile tugging at the corner of her lips.
Riley hesitated for just a second, those green-gray eyes searching Billie’s face, before she turned back to the artwork. But Billie caught the way her blush spread, dusting across the bridge of her nose and down to her neck. And when she started speaking again — slipping back into her thoughts on the painting — her voice had changed. It was just a little more breathless, a little less steady.
The rain outside picked up, the sound soft and insistent against the windows. The lavender scent grew stronger when Riley shifted closer, her shoulder brushing Billie’s arm for the briefest second — but long enough to make Billie’s heart stutter in her chest.
She wanted her. More than she’d ever be willing to admit.
#billie eilish fic#lesbian#billie eilish#billie eilish fanfiction#billie eilish fluff#billie x reader#billie bust up
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can i sit on you?
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Eh- just had a silly moment and drew this- and yes I’m not dead-
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@iciclesilver requested this! Barnaby and reader dancing! Reader can be any gender!
God the music and activity was loud.
You finished your slice of cake and put the empty paper plate in the trash nearby. You wanted to join in on the fun, really! You considered yourself a people person!
So why didn't you go on the dance floor? Simple. You couldn't dance.
"Hoo hoo!" The large ghost owl flew up to you and landed. "Y/n! Why aren't u dancing with everyone else? The party is meant for ALL!"
You chuckled nervously. "I would but I can't...um..." what if he laughed at you?
"Hoo?" He tilted his head, wanting you to finish your sentence.
"I...I can't dance, okay? I'd make a fool out of myself if I tried so I never bothered trying to learn..sorry Barnaby." You looked at your feet.
The owl smiled at this and pulled you closer with a wing. "Not a problem at all, my dear! I can teach you right now, hoo hoo hoo~!!" He pulled you onto the dance floor.
You felt unsure, but Barnaby's enthusiasm was refreshing and made you happy that he was willing to teach you.
The ghost owl shrunk himself a bit so he was about 14ft tall, then he held your hands in his wings. "Don't fret, I can go slowly!"
"Alright." You smiled up at him as he began dancing with you.
Pretty soon you found yourself having lots of fun. You didn't even notice the Barnaboo's were watching you as you danced with their beloved party host.
The ghost owl dipped you to finish the dance, before he pulled you back onto your feet with a dark purple blush coating his face. "Did you have fun, my dear?" He tilted his head.
You grinned, looking away with a blush of your own on your cheeks. "Yeah, I really did..."
Sorry if this is garbage o(-( ))
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"birds don't dance" ("cats don't dance")
y/n and Barnaby as Danny and Sawyer

mugman, Blitzie, fantoccio, Mel (@fantoccios-husband), lilith (my oc for cuphead show) and Devil as Danny as Sawyer's friends

and cozy glow as Darla Dimple

y/n's design and Blitzie belongs to @blitziegamez123
#bbu barnaby x reader#billie bust up#bbu oc#mugman#cuphead devil#cuphead oc#bbu barnaby#my little pony#mlp cozy glow
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Barnaby x Reader headcanon: affectionate gestures
Barnaby loves surprising you about how he shows affection.
Hugging you from behind, bonking her head against yours as you turn around the corner, sweet smoochies on your cheek when you least expect it, playfully tickling your neck with his wings whenever he feels particularly mischievous...
Only, they're so affectionate, he does it so many times that it has become an expected routine.
But Barnaby's affection is so sweet and comforting that it doesn't even matter to you: the ghost is so glad to have you around that he loves showing it as much as possible, and that makes you smile, which makes the owl even happier.
#Billie Bust Up#BBU Barnaby#Barnaby#Reader x Character#F/O x Reader#Fave Character#Comfort Character#Personal Rambles
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•{Fantoccio Headcanons}•
(Made this as a gift for my friend @dnamoral2
Also I haven't seen Billie Bust Up so forgive me if this is inaccurate.)
❤ Fantoccio is the type to hug you really tight to the point you can't breathe. (He loves hugs so....)
❤ Fantoccio will let you wear his hat when you are sad or you ask politely.
❤ He will let you come to his shows
❤ Loves your presence more than anything else.
❤ Fantoccio can cook but you'll have to watch over him so he doesn't accidentally burn the kitchen down.
❤ Loves you more than anything.
❤ He loves gifting you things.
❤ He likes holding hands with you because it makes him feel safer when he's around you.
❤ His cuddles are like heaven. Like this man loves to cuddle you. He has a strong grip so good luck getting out.
#bbu fantoccio#billie bust up fantoccio#fantoccio x reader#fantoccio headcanons#˗ˏˋ꒰ 📁 ꒱ tobias writes
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#sonic fanart#shadow the hedgehog#shadow x reader#shadow fanart#murder drones#bbu barnaby#billie bust up#bbucommunity#bbu fanart#bbu#miles tails prower#tails the fox#nine the fox
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Salutations adventurer!
You can call me Batter! (≧▽≦)
This is my writing blog, my main is: @battersweet
Fandoms İ Write For:
Billie Bust Up!
Murder drones
Chikn Nuggit
The Amazing Digital Circus
Spooky Month
Gravity Falls
Character x Reader (both platonic and romantic)
Character x kid!Reader (platonic)
Char x Char
Char x Oc
Aroace!char x reader(but i will do if its like being friends or parent & Sibling etc)
Lesbian!char x Gay!Reader & Straight x Gay/Lesbian (or vice versa)
Yandere!Char or Yandere!Reader
#fanficton#billie bust up#BBU#gravity falls#GF#Billie bust up Billie#Undertale#Undertale sans#chikn nuggit#Fwench Fwy#Iscream#Regular show#Mordecai#Rigby#Skips#Gumball#Darwin#Mr.small#Char x reader#bbucommunity#spookymonth#Dipper pines#sr. pelo#BBU x Reader#gravity falls x reader#Spooky month x reader#Gumball x reader#regular show x reader#Chikn nuggit x reader#Undertale x reader
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I just reached 150 followers this morning, so, I wanted to ask. What should I do for it?
If there's any specific writing requests you know for a fact that I write, be sure to send them in! For anything really, angst or fluff!
You can always ask about fandoms and I'll let you know if I'll write them or not!
Ive been hyperfixated on Twisted Wonderland and Obey Me the most lately, so those will probably be put out quicker than others!
Just please remember my rules!
#cult of the lamb x reader#the originals x reader#the vampire diaries x reader#sanders sides x reader#twisted wonderland x reader#obey me x reader#undertale x reader#deltarune x reader#undertale au x reader#my hero academia x reader#black clover x reader#acotar x reader#jujutsu kaisen x reader#assassination classroom x reader#Billie bust up x reader#bbu x reader#demon slayer x reader
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I'm dying slowly.
#fanfiction#x reader#daycare attendant x reader#daycare attendent#fnaf daycare attendant#fnaf security breach#one piece#one piece x reader#sun x reader#fnaf sundrop#moon x reader#fnaf moon#bbu barnaby#billie bust up#billie bust up barnaby#barnaby x reader#charlotte cracker x reader#one piece charlotte cracker#charlotte cracker
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||Fantoccio x s/o reader|| (hc)
-Fantoccio would love you so much. -Always give you flowers, hold your hands and just be very sweet and gentle. -He'd give you....6-10 kisses in one day. Sometimes, he gives you like 20. -Fanto would of course, be a bit embarrassed when you'd give him some cute nicknames. ''Hun.'' ''Babe'' and all that. -Your the only, i repeat the ONLY person that he'll share the spotlight with. -Talking about spotlight, the two of you always put on a show. -You guys comfort each other, a lot. Whenever you have a panic attack or Fantoccio has a existential crisis , ya'll are there for each other. -YA'LL ARE A POWER COUPLE!!! -He shares his shark facts with you. -You share your awesome (insert your hyperfixation) facts. -You and Fantoccio get so happy talking with each other, ya'll just talk at the same time. Rambling on and on. -U STIM TOGETHER!!!!!!!!!!!111
----------------------------------------------- Hope you enjoyed ig
#bbu#billie bust up#fantoccio#fantoccio x reader#x reader#no gender reader <33#bbu fantoccio#hc#headcannons#my fics#yippie#autism#stim
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Chapters: 3/? Fandom: Billie Bust Up (Video Game) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Fantoccio, Reader Additional Tags: Relationship between Fantoccio and Reader is undetermined, Reader uses magic, This is written before the release of Billie Bust Up, will add more tags as story progresses, Message me when there's tags I need to add, May progress from strangers to friends to lovers Summary:
You were running from a mob and end up in a zombie-infested city. You planned to hide in there to shake off your pursuers. Little do you know, you're not the only survivor there.
A/N: This is a fanfic written before the official game release. Fantoccio, Sharkspeare and the theatre are owned by Giddy Goat Games.
My first fic posted. There's only three chapters now, but I will post more later on. There may be minimal romance in this fic.
Side note, my readers, I'm curious. Would you like to be in a romantic or platonic relationship with Fantoccio?
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