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And ʿUmar b. ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz said: “I advise you to fear Allah, follow what the Messenger ﷺ commanded, and abandon what the people have innovated.” [Also reported by al-Dārimī] وَقَالَ عمر بن عبد الْعَزِيز: أوصيكم بتقوى الله والاقتصاد فِي أمره وَاتِّبَاع سنة رَسُوله صلى الله عَلَيْهِ وَسلم، وَترك مَا أحدث المحدثون بعد " رَوَاهُ الدَّارمِيّ أَيْضا. al-Shuqayrī, al-Sunan wa ʿl-Mubtadiʿāt 1/6 الشقيري، السنن والمبتدعات ١/٦ https://shamela.ws/book/6884/6 Telegram: https://t.me/aljadwal Tumblr: https://al-jadwal.tumblr.com
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In this episode, Sheikul-Islam continues with the erases of sins. He makes it clear that innovations in the Religion of Islam don't erase sins because they're not what Allah and His Messenger have legislated. If you have any questions, please email Ibn at [email protected]
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#subhanallahi wa bihamdihi#virtuous#obligatory#tahajjud#heaven#the merciful#beneficient#allah#islam#prophet muhammed pbuh#islamicquotes#the quran#guidance#duaa#peace#paradise#people#sunnah#shirk#darkness#light#light of the Qur'an#foam#sea#bidah#prayer in the depth of the night
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The principle of khawarij that is often repeated by our ulama is : make takfir to perpetrators of major sins other than shirk, to rebel against Muslim leaders, and to make the blood of Muslim halal. Please review Ash-Syaikh Shalih Al-Fauzan's explanations in his books, especially Durus fi Syarh Nawaqidh al-Islam.
As for criticizing leaders openly, then this comes out of the law of origin, that is, not in front of the public. Ulama such as Asy-Syaikh Muhammad bin Shalih Al-'Utsaimin gave details in the liqo' Maftuh answer questions with him, that if there is benefit in showing open denial of the ruler's policies then there is nothing wrong with openly denying the ruler's policies, namely the loss of evil and being replaced with goodness.
Details like this must be understood so that every scholar who denies the rulers in front of the audience does not arbitrarily sentence khawarij without inviting rebellion and is completely far from the 3 principles of khawarij above and is not provoking the ummah to rebel, then do the details!
Because such a haphazard verdict would have consequences for accusing many ulama, from An-Nawawi who slammed the door loudly in front of the leader, Ahmad bin Hambal who firmly voiced the evils of the leader's Aqidah, to shahabat 'Ubadah bin Shamit who openly denied a policy of Mu'awiyah , Ibn Mu'thy and Ahlul Madinah in the past etc.
Accusing other people of the khawarij in this case requires strong knowledge, not just reading the ushulus Sunnah and then going around accusing the khawarij. The Khawarij are the dogs of hell who were fought until their disbelief was disputed by ulama. As for the atsar that we find about people who insult the Amir, they are indeed originally from the khawarij who are based on the 3 principles of khawarij above.
Don't let the accusation be wrong, it turns out that the slander of Khawarij will later turn against the accuser in a situation where the accuser accuses of being reckless and unrepentant and withdraws his accusation, while Allah protects the accused from slandering of khawarij.
[Quoted from Al-Ustadz Al-Fadhil Abu Hanifah Jandriadi Yasin حفظه الله , translated by : Hilal Kurniawan, source : https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=665434810577167&id=100013319622062&mibextid=Nif5oz ]
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Malam Nisfu Sya'ban sama seperti malam-malam lainnya. Tidak ada dalil shahih yang menunjukkan keutamaan malam Nisfu Sya'ban. Kalaupun ada, maka haditsnya dhaif. Tag keluarga dan saudaramu di kolom komentar. 📎 Jangan lupa untuk follow, like, share, dan comment di Media HSI AbdullahRoy ♻️ Silakan disebarluaskan\n🚫 Dilarang menambah dan mengurangi isi poster\/video yang berkaitan dengannya tanpa izin dari admin\n\n▬▬▬▬▬๑๑▬▬▬▬▬\n\nMEDIA OFFICIAL HSI ABDULLAHROY\n📷 Instagram : instagram.com\/hsi.abdullahroy\/\n📡 Telegram : t.me\/official_hsiabdullahroy\n🎥 Youtube : youtube.com\/c\/HSIAbdullahroy\n📺 Facebook : facebook.com\/hsi.abdullahroy\n\n#instagrampost #countdown #ramadhan1444h #hikmahharian #nisfusyaban #bidah #lifewithsunnah #posterdakwah #hsi #hsiabdullahroy #ustadzabdullahroy (di Banjarmasin) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpfGwHsv163/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Berlindunglah kepada Allah dari kebodohan, dan tempuhlah sebab-sebab agar tidak terjatuh ke dalamnya. #ayongaji #bertanya #islam #salafy #tauhid #sunnah #bidah https://www.instagram.com/p/CoJbUs7PdL2/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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reading about Salafi history is so interesting
what do you mean you were kinda cool (not fully, but definitely some based ideas) but then one dude got a little too into wahabism and so created a whole knew version of salafism which went against original salafism what
what do you mean you were originally a political movement against western imperialism and the authoritarian-esque hiearchies within sufism and spent most of your time preaching for rational discussions and scientific innovation but that was stopped cause OF ONE FRICKING DUDE
idk it's just so funny that the salafi movement's entire point was "lets do stuff from the past" which is textbook conservative but then the stuff in the past was "science is amazing and i love reframing my worldview with every new discovery" which is textbook progressive.
(I do think they're wrong btw, i just think they had a few good ideas sprinkled amongst the weird stuff)
#to clarify#i don't agree with a lot of the salafi beliefs (even from the original political movement)#a big example being i believe god is omnipresent#and i think spirituality should be a massive driver within faith and religion#but i can't completely disagree with their desire to overthrow power structures or make science compatible with religion#this is of course not talking about modern day salafism#which is influenced by wahabism#plus i think the stuff they consider “religious innovation” or bidah is bs cause lets be real i'd much rather trust a practice from#100 years after Islam originated to represent Islam better than i will a practice suddenly discovered in the 1860s#islam#muslim#muslims#islampost#islamdaily#islamic#islamicpost#islamblr#muslimblr
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¿por qué no quieres a tus padres?
@nicobardott respondió :
jajajajaja quién dijo que no los quiero?? sólo prefiero no vivir con ellos, nada más.
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Seorang Pria di Telaga Kautsar (1)
"Apabila beliau gembira" kata Ka'ab bin Malik, "wajahnya bercahaya sehingga terlihat seperti potongan bulan"
Jabir bin Samurah menambahkan "Kedua betisnya indah serasi, dan beliau tidak pernah tertawa kecuali tersenyum, apabila aku melihatnya aku akan berkata "Matanya bercelak, padahal beliau tidak memakai celak"
Selanjutnya mari kita simak lebih khusyuk lagi pengakuan dari menantunya, Khalifah Keempat, Ali bin Abi Thalib "Perawakan beliau sedang, tidak terlalu tinggi dan juga tidak terlalu pendek, berbadan lebar, rambutnya ikal, tidak keriting, tidak juga lurus, badanya tidak kurus juga tidak gemuk, wajahnya bulat, kulitnya putih bersih"
Suami dari Sayyidah Fatimah Az Zahra ini menambahkan "Kedua matanya lebar, tajam, dan hitam, bulu matanya lentik, tulang persendiannya besar, punggungnya kekar, bulu dadanya lembut dan halus dan telapak kakinya keras"
Iya betul sekali, pria itu adalah teladan bagi kita semua sampai kapanpun, Rasulullah Muhammad Shallahu 'Alaihi Wa salam. Tapi, sebentar, sedang apa beliau di samping telaga itu? Bukankah itu Telaga Kautsar -- atau dalam riwayat lain disebutkan sebuah sungai. Telaga yang dijelaskan memiliki luas bagai antara Eliya (Baitul Maqdis) dan Ka‘bah. Atau perawi mengatakan: antara Eliya dan Shana‘a (Yaman). Airnya lebih putih dari susu dan lebih manis dari madu. Di sana banyak wadah sebanyak bintang di langit. Membentang kepadanya dua aliran dari surga. Yang satu aliran dari perak. Yang satu dari emas. Siapa pun yang meminum airnya tidak akan haus lagi selamanya
Rupanya beliau sedang bersedih, sebab ada seorang hamba yang ditarik untuk tidak mendekatinya, bahkan beliau sendiri sudah berkata "Ya Rabbi sesungguhnya ia termasuk umatku", tapi Allah berfirman "Engkau tidak tahu apa yang mereka ada-adakan sepeninggalmu"
Ya, kelak ada sebagian orang yang diizinkan Allah untuk meminumnya, namun sebagian lagi bahkan tidak diizinkan untuk mendekatinya. Orang-orang yang tidak diizinkan mendekatinya sudah disebutkan salah satunya yang membuat bidah yang tidak diridhoi Allah, kemudian disebutkan lagi karena dia keluar dari agama Islam, juga yang tersesat dalam aqidahnya (seperti Syiah dan Muktazilah)
Adapaun Rasulullah sangat bahagia ketika, umatnya bisa mendapatkan air dari Telaga Kautsar ini, air yang disebutkan jika diminum tidak akan pernah haus selamanya; lalu siapa yang akan dijanjikan untuk dapat menikmati air dari Telaga Kautsar tersebut, 1) orang-orang fakir dari kalangan umat Nabi Muhammad, 2) gemar memberi makan sampai kenyang kepada orang yang berpuasa di bulan Ramadhan, dan 3) yang mampu menjaga lisannya; dan semoga kita termasuk dari orang-orang yang diizinkan untuk meminum air dari Telaga Kautsar tersebut.
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Ibn Abbas رضي الله عنه said,
"Do not sit with Ahlul Bidah
for their gatherings
are a sickness upon the hearts.”
[As Sharee'ah 1/196 no.139]
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What’s bad about nationalism?
Bro everything, it’s just a reformed version of the tribalism the prophet got rid of, it creates needless division between Muslims and on top of that it’s one of the dirtier tentacles of secularism, it has no place in Islam imo because it drives people to have loyalty towards a country or a king or a people which is eventually used to justify some type of wrong doing(bidah or in this case standing by and watching while a literal genocide happens) and if you’re one of those people who take pride in whatever country you’re from go ahead there’s nothing wrong with that but that should always come after Islam, and on top of that to the people who says “oh but in the Quran it says you’re supposed to obey the leader( the word that’s actually used is أُولِي الْأَمْرِ which is essentially leader) but the thing people always forget when referencing that ayah is that right before that it says obey Allah swt and obey the prophet pbuh and then leader is put in after without the word obey, to signify that the obeying of Allah swt and the prophet pbuh is one thing and obeying a leader is a totally different thing
#we as Muslims owe our allegiance to each other and no one else as long as there is no khilafa#the word unprecedented is used a lot but I think it’s warranted here#we as Muslims live in unprecedented times#since the death of the prophet till the fall of the Ottoman Empire there has always been at least once khilafa upholding the sharia#there is no Muslim leader and there are no أُولِي الْأَمْرِ#just puppets on strings#went off on a tangent there at the end my bad
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Asas khawarij yang sering diulang-ulang oleh para ulama kita ialah : mengkafirkan pelaku dosa besar selain kesyirikan, memberontak pemimpin muslim, dan menghalalkan darah kaum muslimin. Silahkan ditelaah kembali penjelasan Asy-syaikh Shalih Al-Fauzan di kitab-kitab beliau, terutama Durus fi Syarh Nawaqidh al-Islam.
Adapun mengkritik pemimpin secara terbuka, maka ini keluar dari hukum asal, yaitu tidak didepan khalayak. Para ulama semisal Asy-Syaikh Muhammad bin Shalih Al-'Utsaimin memberikan perincian dalam soal jawab liqo' Maftuh dengan beliau, bahwa jika terdapat mashlahat ketika menampakkan pengingkaran secara terbuka terhadap kebijakan penguasa maka tidak mengapa mengingkari kebijakan penguasa secara terbuka, yaitu hilangnya kemungkaran dan tergantikan dengan kebaikan.
Perincian seperti ini wajib dipahami agar tidak serampangan memvonis khawarij bagi setiap ahli ilmu yang mengingkari penguasa didepan khalayak tanpa mengajak memberontak dan sama sekali jauh dari 3 asas khowarij di atas dan tidak sedang memprovokasi ummat untuk memberontak, maka lakukanlah perincian !
Karena vonis serampangan demikian akan berkonsekuensi tertuduh pula banyak ulama mulai dari An-Nawawi yang membanting pintu dengan keras di depan pemimpin, Ahmad bin Hambal yang tegas menyuarakan kemungkaran Aqidah pemimpin, hingga sahabat 'Ubadah bin Shamit yang terang-terangan mengingkari sebuah kebijakan Mu'awiyah, Ibnu Mu'thy beserta ahlul Madinah di masa silam dll.
Menuduh orang lain khawarij dalam kasus ini butuh ilmu yang kuat, tidak sekadar khatam membaca ushulus Sunnah lantas seenaknya menuduh khowarij. Khowarij adalah anjing neraka yang diperangi hingga diperselisihkan kekafiran mereka oleh para ulama. Adapun atsar-atsar yang kita dapati tentang orang-orang yang menghina para Amir, mereka memang asalnya khowarij yang berasaskan dengan 3 asas khawarij diatas.
Jangan sampai tuduhan itu salah, ternyata fitnah Khawarij kelak akan berbalik ke penuduh dalam keadaan sang penuduh menuduh serampangan dan tidak bertaubat dan menarik tuduhannya, sementara Allah jaga yang tertuduh dari fitnah khawarij.
[Dinukil dari Al-Ustadz Al-Fadhil Abu Hanifah Jandriadi Yasin , sumber : https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=665434810577167&id=100013319622062&mibextid=Nif5oz ]
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rodjatv Umat Islam pada asalnya seluruhnya masuk surga kecuali yang enggan. Kata Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam: كُلُّ أُمَّتِي يَدْخُلُونَ الْجَنَّةَ إِلاَّ مَنْ أَبَى. قَالُوا: يَا رَسُولَ اللَّهِ، وَمَنْ يَأْبَى؟ قَالَ: مَنْ أَطَاعَنِي دَخَلَ الْجَنَّةَ، وَمَنْ عَصَانِي فَقَدْ أَبَى. “Semua umatku akan masuk surga, kecuali yang tidak mau.” Kemudian para sahabat bertanya: “Siapa yang tidak mau wahai Rasulullah?” Kata Rasulullah: “Siapa yang menaatiku dia pasti masuk surga, tapi siapa yang memaksiatiku maka ia tidak mau masuk ke dalam surga.” (HR. Bukhari) Nabi Yusuf memohon kepada Allah agar diwafatkan diatas Islam. Beliau bersabda: …تَوَفَّنِي مُسْلِمًا وَأَلْحِقْنِي بِالصَّالِحِينَ “Ya Allah wafatkan aku dalam keadaan muslim, dan masukkan aku termasuk orang-orang yang shalih.” (QS. Yusuf[12]: 101) Selengkapnya: rodja.id/3oo #surga #masuksurga #nabi #muhammad #muhammadﷺ #bidah #amalansunnah #kajian #dakwah #dakwahislam #manhajsalaf #rodja #radiorodja view all 5 comments (di Kapuas Kota Air - Kalteng) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cnh-IoRBWdj/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Ga ada yang sempurna, Kadang sebagai istri qt harus sengaja lugu di hadapan suami untuk menyenangkan hatinya meskipun sebenarnya kita tau. Barulah akan terasa manisnya cinta.
Kadang sebagai teman kita harus sabar menunggu, mundur sedikit untuk menyetarakan langkah barulah terjalin indahnya ukhuwah.
Begitu juga dalam dakwah Allah perintahkan kita “menyeru dengan hikmah (lemah lembut) dan pelajaran yang baik serta membantah mereka dengan cara yang baik.” (An-Nahl: 125)
karena Dakwah tanpa kelembutan hanya sebuah celaan, yang mustahil diterima. Begitulah sifat dakwah Rasulullah, Nabi menghargai, kendati menghargai bukan berarti membenarkan. Menghargai dan membenarkan adalah dua hal yang berbeda.
Banyak dari kita adalah ahli bidah sebelum mengerti sunnah. Tapi tunggulah... jedalah... Karena kebanyakan manusia jika langsung diingkari kesalahan yang sudah menjadi kebiasaan mereka akan lari menjauh. Muslim yang baik mensyiarkan kebenaran dengan teladan bukan celaan.
Jangan sampai kehilangan adab, karena Pada dasarnya syiar kita hanyalah menyapaikan, itupun tidak harus berhasil, kalau harus berhasil takkan akan ada nabi yg berdakwah ratusan tahun lamanya tapi tak punya banyak pengikut, apalagi kita? Hidayah itu hak Allah, karena memang nyatanya gak ada yg sempurna selain Allah.
#selfreminder#sabar#islamic quotes#syukur#inspiration#ikhlas#islamic reminders#neraka#surga#tawakal#hidayah#rezeki#maut#kematian#jodoh#pernikahan#doa#taubat#ikhtiar#tawadhu#istiqomah
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Chapter: The great majority
(8) باب السَّوَادِ الأَعْظَمِ
On the authority of Abu Najeeh al-’Irbaad ibn Saariyah (may Allah be pleased with him) who said:
The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) gave us a sermon by which our hearts were filled with fear and tears came to our eyes. So we said, “O Messenger of Allah! It is as though this is a farewell sermon, so counsel us.” He (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, “I counsel you to have taqwa (fear) of Allah, and to listen and obey [your leader], even if a slave were to become your ameer. Verily he among you who lives long will see great controversy, so you must keep to my Sunnah and to the Sunnah of the Khulafa ar-Rashideen (the rightly guided caliphs), those who guide to the right way. Cling to it stubbornly [literally: with your molar teeth]. Beware of newly invented matters [in the religion], for verily every bidah (innovation) is misguidance.”
[Abu Dawud]
It was related by at-Tirmidhi, who said that it was a good and sound hadeeth.
Reference : Hadith 28, 40 Hadith an-Nawawi
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Shaykh Ibn Uthaymin رحمه الله said:
Greeting the non-Muslims on Christmas and other religious holidays of theirs is prohibited by consensus.
Ibn Al-Qayyim رحمه الله said in Ahkam Ahl Adh-Dhimmah:
Congratulating the non-Muslims on the rituals that belong only to them is prohibited by consensus, as is congratulating them on their festivals and fasts by saying ‘A happy festival to you’ or ‘May you enjoy your festival ,’ and so on. If the one who says this has been saved from [falling into] disbelief, it is still forbidden. It is like congratulating someone for prostrating to the cross, or even worse than that.
It is as great a sin as congratulating someone for drinking wine, or murdering someone, or having illicit sexual relations, and so on. Many of those who have no respect for their religion fall into this error; they do not realise the offensiveness of their actions. Whoever congratulates a person for his disobedience or Bidah or disbelief exposes himself to the wrath and anger of Allah.
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