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christisilluminati · 7 months ago
Unveiling The Mysteries Biblical References To Schizophrenic Experiences
In this blog we will unveil schizophrenia by bridging spirituality, and ancient texts. Schizophrenia is typically labeled and defined as a complex "MENTAL HEALTH CONDITION." It has intrigued humanity since it was first diagnosed and labeled in 1939. However, the symptoms have been present for centuries. As we dive into the mysteries of schizophrenia, we’ll explore biblical perspectives in order to shed light on the TRUTH of what schizophrenia really is.
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Defining Schizophrenia:
The term “schizophrenia” emerged in the early 20th century, coined by Swiss psychiatrist Eugene Buehler. It combines two Greek words: “schizo” (meaning split) and “phren” (referring to the mind). This composite term suggests a double-mindedness - split personality.
The Bible Is Not Silent About Schizophrenia:
Interestingly, the Bible holds many parallels to schizophrenia. However, most are not aware of this, due to our lack of knowledge, leaving many people unaware of how to recognize it and how we are to manage it with Christ as the cure, instead of seeking aid from Psychologist and Pharmakeia. While research would go against my statement and claim there is no known cure for schizophrenia at all. It is considered ti be a disabling condition with pharmaceutical treatment being descried as the ONLY option we have.
It is believed to become extremely dangerous for the "VICTIM" and everyone around them if left untreated by pharmakeia. As, I not support the use of pharmakie, I do agree, schizophrenia can be extremely dangerous. Life threatening at times. Even if you are not suffering from its effects. - SATAN IS AFTER YOU ONE WAY OR ANOTHER. Because He knows what you have.
Pharmakeia is the original Greek word for “sorcery” in Galatians 5:20 and Revelation 18:23. According to Thayer’s Greek Lexicon, pharmakeia involves the “use or the administering of drugs, poisoning, (Healing: Poisonous Herb - Healing: Poisonous Snake.) sorcery, and magical arts, (Black Magic.) often found in connection with idolatry and fostered by it.” Revelation 18:23-24 says that all nations will be deceived by pharmakeia during the End Times. It also informs us that THE BLOOD OF THE PROPHETS is found in it. 
Revelation 18: 23 and the light of [the] lantern shall no more shine in thee, and the voice of the husband and of the wife shall no more be heard in thee; for thy merchants were princes of the earth. For in thy witchcrafts all folks erred. 24 And the blood of prophets and of saints is found in it, and of all men that be slain in earth.
Thought To Be Delusions And False Beliefs:
Delusions: Schizophrenia often seems as though the person who suffers is full of false beliefs. A lot of this is TRUE. However, if they understood what was happening to them, they would not be left with those false beliefs.
So, what is happening to them, and why do they believe the things they believe? The simplest explanation I can give you is that oftentimes the "VICTIMS" believe the things they do is because it's what they have heard: FROM THE SCHIZOPHRENIC VOICES. (For a more in-depth breakdown to what really is accruing in the mind of the schizophrenic patient please refer to my FREE BOOK, "The Link Between.")
Biblically, we encounter stories of individuals grappling with distorted perceptions. These stories are now being picked at by researchers in the Mental Health field. Their studies reveal that important biblical figures had experiences that resemble those now defined as psychotic symptoms, suggesting that their experiences may have been manifestations of primary or mood disorder-associated psychotic disorders. Implying that the entire globe has founded their beliefs and morals based on the teachings of PYCHOTIC people.
Hallucinations and Divine Encounters:
Hallucinations: Schizophrenia includes auditory or visual hallucinations. In Scripture, prophets like Isaiah and Ezekiel had extraordinary visions—divine encounters that shaped their destinies. These experiences were not mere hallucinations but encounters with the supernatural.
Discerning the Source: When looking to the famous prophets naturally we believe the source was from the "Spirit of God" who spoke audible words to his prophets. "The Word of God came to the PROPHET and said..." (Jeramiah 1:4, Gensis 15:1 and many more.) This was a term EXCLUSIVLY reserved for the prophets. However, what is not conversed about in or studies today is a source that is not from THE GOD we believe spoke to these men. A SOURCE OF CONFLICT, MURDER AND EVIL. - Another God. (Deuteronomy 13:1-5, Hosea 12:7-9) We must TEST THEM to insure we are receiving divine guidance from the right God. (1 John 4:1-6) Because THE WORD OF GOD came to the prophets, and if one God can speak to you. BOTH GODS CAN. (Matthew 4:1-11, 2 Corinthians 12:7, 2 Corinthians 13:3)
Schizophrenia is the gift of prophecy. And our science that first began in EGYPT is slowly taking GOD out of our understanding and is doing things in our world today that is manifesting the SPIRIT of THE BEAST. (2 Thessalonians 2:1-6) We already no longer believe that prophets do still exist, and recent studies are aiming toward a world where we would believe THEY NEVER DID. Claiming Jesus himself was schizophrenic as the story in Matthew 4 reveals a STRIKING parallel to those who experience psychotic disorders today in our world.
For The Record:
I firmly believe in science to hold accuracy in revealing things that we would not be able to understand without it. It has helped me to expose this in way that all people would be able to understand. It brings the spiritual word into the tangible world. Science confirms everything that I mention throughout my ministry. It has help me substantiate my case. AND ONLY THE LAZY PERSON would not at least look at the things I can continue to show you, when our world is stating that JESUS WAS SCHIZOPHRENIC, while I claim to be able to PROVE with science that He was, because He was a PROPHET. The most dangerous spiritual gift to have. One that nearly led to His suicide. - "THROW YOURSELF DOWN." A labeled PYCHOTIC DISORDER. GOD SPOKE TO HIM!
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bharatjhujhunwala777 · 1 year ago
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क्या इजराईल के ज्यूस वास्तव में भारत के यदुवंशी है?, क्या कृष्णा ही मोसेस थे!
एक ईश्वर!
��्री कृष्ण ही मोस्सेस थे !
इसका एक प्रमाण यहाँ मिलता है ..
कृष्ण का जन्म कारागार में हुआ | वासुदेव वहां से उनको लेकर निकले और एक टोकरी में अपने सर के ऊपर रखकर वे गोकुल पहुंचे | वहां नंद बाबा ने उनका पालन पोषण किया| हिब्रू शास्त्रों में कहा जाता है की मोसेस एक लेवी परिवार में पैदा हुये| लेकिन वहां के राजा हिब्रू बच्चों को मारना चाहते थे |
मोसेस की मां ने पहले बच्चे को अपने गर्भ को छुपा के रखा| जब वह बच्चा दो-तीन महीने का हो गया तब उसको एक टोकरी में डाल कर नदी में बहा दिया| इस परंपरा में नवजात कृष्णा एवें मोसेस को पानी से दूसरे स्थान पर ले जाने का वृतांत मिलता है |
𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐈𝐧𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐰𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐯𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐨 𝐨𝐧 : https://youtu.be/xBtr2kO4DAc?si=rbQskOIvt6WAgGjY
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Devil: I did that.
Saving humanity from all of the above.
Jesus: I did that, and I’d do it again.
#Reposted 🗣🙋🏾‍♀️👥 @stormyfaye #May4th2017
And I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse, and He who was riding it is called Faithful and True (trustworthy, loyal, incorruptible, steady), and in righteousness He judges and wages war [on the rebellious nations].
His eyes are a flame of fire, and on His head are many royal crowns; and He has a name inscribed [on Him] which no one knows or understands except Himself.
He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called The Word of God.
And the armies of heaven, dressed in fine linen, [dazzling] white and clean, followed Him on white horses.
From His mouth comes a sharp sword (His word) with which He may strike down the nations, and He will rule them with a rod of iron; and He will tread the wine press of the fierce wrath of God, the Almighty [in judgment of the rebellious world].
And on His robe and on His thigh He has a name inscribed, “KING OF KINGS, AND Lord OF LORDS.”
🗣🙋🏾‍♀️👥 @stormyfaye
Stormy Faye The Christian Runaway
Please consider subscribing to @stormyfaye and @stormy_faye or visiting my bio link (https://linktr.ee/stormyfaye).
All of my socials and $cash app $stormyfaye12 are there.
#ChristJesus #Christ #Jesus #SecondComingOfChrist #ReturnOfChrist #KingOfKings #LordOfLords #WordOfGod #TheGospel #Racism #Sexism #Inequality #Hatred #Pride #Disobedience #Pain #Humanity #Salvation #BibleScriptures #BibleQuotes #Fanbase #BlackTwitter #BlackChristians #AfricanDiaspora
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Millennium Prayer
{Refrain}: Don’t do it without me.
Lord, whatever you’re doing, don’t do
It without me.
If you mean to free every hostage
 of government-sanctioned bondage,
 mean to reach out a hand and rip
the blindfold off Lady Justice
so she may survey the colors wars
In her court; {Refrain}
If you mean to pierce the glowing torches
of still faced crowds marching to revive
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indian-yoga-girl · 6 years ago
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Oh you know! Being Eve in Eden and hiding from the serpent! . . . . #plantobsession #biblicalreferences #yogalifestyle #historylover #yogipreneur #bibliophile #organicgardener https://www.instagram.com/p/B0s5PGsjqmf/?igshid=1gfbo1jzci7ng
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Podcast Transcript - S2EP17 - Dissolution Experience and the End of the New Age
Podcast Transcript - S2EP17 - Dissolution Experience and the End of the New Age
Click link for Podcast Page I’ve mentioned the experience that I’m going to talk about in this episode several times but never the details to it since it’s too horrifying to my mind to place myself back in my shoes and relive it. Even though the near-death Awakening mystical experience was a far more visceral experience, this one terrified me and has continued to terrify me far more than thinking about whether I actually died or not, which is very interesting as I type these words. Maybe because it was the lack of drugs or drug use at this point and how immediate the presence, judgment and activity of God could so instantly send me and by extension, anybody else, straight to Hell, actual Hell here in the living present moment of now, without any of that fire and brimstone imagery, that renders this experience as not a fun one to draft or speak about. Just looking back at it, you would think after reading at least a hundred spiritual type works and having blasted through the Bible and sayings from the Saints and the Upanishads and the Quran and everything else I’d read, that there’s no way that God would send me to Hell, but that’s exactly what happened. And I can’t keep saying God. It was entirely my own fault and entirely my own doing, so the better way of saying it was that I’d created the opportunity that led me to this experience that left God no other option than to send me straight to Hell for an instant of time, but eternal time, since the experience was one of timelessness as well. How could I have fallen so decisively after having so decisively seen, experienced and accepted the reality and truth of God? It’s shocking. My hands are somewhat trembling as I type this right now. I know I’ve pointed the finger at New Age type teachings as being responsible for my fall, so though I have zero recollection of the names of the works read, I will try to explain the ideas that I had acquired and held in my mind at this time and how they contributed to my downfall. The experimenter in me is also responsible and because of this, I ceased experimenting on spiritual phenomena for many years after this. Let this be a warning ahead of time for the listener or the reader of this work. There are teachings that seem and appear to be genuine and authentic, but they are ever so subtly just a bit off, ever so subtly not truth, and ever so subtly lead one down the road to perdition. And I can say this because I experienced it. I may get flamed for this by any that practice New Age type teachings and have never been given the punishment of God that I received for thinking these ideas and thoughts and practices and beliefs, but maybe it’s because they never took them to the extremes like I did, like when I spoke about my idiot trust walk as I tested the limits of synchronicity. The point is if one takes these at first glance amazingly written teachings to their ultimate endpoint, the subtle differences, the subtle lies that are exposed the further one treads upon these paths, those that follow them as I did, may find the result is not as pleasant as at first glance. The primary teaching that directly led to this experience is the one of self-divinity. And explaining this is difficult because the gift of faith as I read directly from the Catechism of the Catholic church in episode three of the podcast is a type of divinity, or an idea of divinity as the prize or gift of faith in God, much like the parable of the pearl Jesus speaks of. But if you’re listening closely or closely reading that sentence, it is a gift, and not something that is claimed or taken or self-proclaimed. And thus, we come full circle to my book Lucifer Revealed and the discussion of the taking of the fruit of the Knowledge of Good and Evil and what was received from this and as the ancient story presents it, what all humanity received, along with what was given up, or withheld by God because of this. “That they had become like the gods,” by eating the fruit, is what Genesis tells us is the real reason God gets angry, and thus the fruit of immortality, or life, had to be removed because being like the gods had been taken by humanity, instead of given by God. I’ve also mentioned that this is what is referred to in the Gospel of John when Jesus says that thieves and robbers enter by other means, but the good shepherd enters through the gates, and that there is a guardian at the gates almost all mythology and all religions speak of in some way since the robbers may reach the gates, but they cannot enter fully by such means. It’s all very mystical, very difficult to see and understand this stuff if you haven’t ventured this far down the Narrow Path of the mysteries of the Christ, God the Father and the Holy Spirit. I have a theory that I’ll present right now that the mystical aspects of the Bible are meant for those of us that have seen and experienced, that have been tempted as Jesus was in the desert with the use of the spiritual powers of transmutation, when the Devil tempts him to turn the stones into bread and to eat, or to call down the angels to carry him from falling, or trying to use spiritual powers or energies in magical ways. The normal practitioner of Christianity, one that lives a life of faith alone, never has these types of experiences and such temptations never come their way, for they’ve never pierced that veil of the known and the unknown beyond what the sacraments are meant to bestow upon the believer. But those that have pierced through, and especially in this modern age but still very much alive throughout the pages of the history of the Bible and the world, those that have pierced through, especially through drug use, are the robbers and thieves that have arisen to the loftiest of places mentally but have not actually traversed through the Narrow Path to find or be blessed with it. And thus, for the drug using mystic, if it can be seen within the microcosm of the self, the story in Genesis becomes the story of the self having reached for the fruit of the Knowledge of Good and Evil and acquired it without God’s permission, and thus the fruit of life and immortality is withheld or removed, even if you’ve already been baptized since you’ve literally undone the baptism that washed away the Original version of this that occurred to humanity at whatever unknown mystical time it occurred. I know there’s different ideas regarding this within different sects of Christianity, of whether salvation can be lost or not. I’m not going to sit here and say yay or nay for anybody other than myself, but since I came to understand that reaching this interior holy place where I witnessed God as a complete sinner was the taking of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, I do believe that one can lose their salvation, primarily if they’ve already seen and experienced what can be called divine. If you know any of the inner theology around the Devil, or the reason why the Devil is cast out eternally, you will see the similarity to what I’m trying to illustrate here. Only difference at least in that case is that since the Devil was an eternal being the choice to turn away from God was an eternal choice, where even if we gained salvation through baptism, experienced God, and turned away from God, we are still capable of receiving forgiveness if we turn back to God, for we are mortal. The other reason for this distinction in my mind is that as opposed to those that haven’t had any spiritual experience and rely entirely on faith, if they falter, they have nothing to fear since they have no actual experience of the reality of God beyond that faith. But if you have had experience, and have seen already, then to turn from this is a super-giant big no-no on the level of the Devil turning away from God. Thus the story in Eden and Genesis doesn’t just begin the story of humanity in the Christian idea or worldview, it also begins the story of those of us that took the fruit of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, or reached for divinity on our own before having it gifted by God through the walking of the Narrow Path of the Christ, regardless of whether we were aware of what we were doing at the time, like through drug use. Again, difficult stuff to explain and probably to hear or comprehend. And I can offer little to no recourse unfortunately. You either know what I’m talking about because you’ve either been there or you are there, now as you’re listening or reading this, and you’re realizing that the fount of your spirituality comes from reading some cool stuff online or from a couple of You Tube videos, or from a book Oprah recommended, or like me, from seeing some crazy shit while doing drugs. Or you have no idea what I’m talking about. Plenty of myths alongside the opening of the Bible that speak of the punishment given by the gods to those humans that try to scale Mount Olympus for instance. So let me at least try to discuss this idea of self-divinity as I understood it from the reading of New Age type texts so that perhaps what I’m alluding to can become a little bit clearer. That Jesus himself says that we are like the gods is the oft quoted verse that I came across in these works that spoke of realizing our own self-divinity. Yet the entire lesson of Jesus found in the mysteries is that though fully God, he emptied himself of the fullness of that divinity to become man, specifically so that he could follow the will of the Father as a man. Let’s dive deeper. When you become Christian, especially in the Catholic Church, if you’re a baby when baptized obviously you’re not conscious in the sense that we’re conscious when we get older of the words used in the prayers, but that’s why there’s the confirmation sacrament, so that you accept the baptism as a fully conscious person. But in the prayers for confirmation, just as during Baptism, just as in the Nicene Creed, what is being acknowledged? That Jesus Christ is the only Son of God. The very act of doing this, negates, relinquishes, releases the person from the Original Sin as most clearly spoken of and taken up by the Church ever since St. Augustine explained it. How is this achieved? By acknowledging Jesus Christ as the only Son of God, in a mystical, eternal, universal way, we are saying as well that we are not gods ourselves and are thus acknowledging the sovereign nature of God the Father, through the mortal expression of Himself as the Son, Jesus Christ. It’s strange stuff I know but the only way to explain further is to contrast this with the New Age type teachings that have permeated throughout the modern world and aren’t really called New Age anymore, but twenty years ago that’s what these types of teachings and interpretations were referred to as. The Mysteries are very clear. Jesus says we are like the gods, Jesus says that in the coming Kingdom we will be like him, adopted children of the living Father, but Jesus only says this after his temptation in the Desert when he’s renounced all spiritual powers that activate or enable one to control reality. If one has not gone through this process of the Desert of the Soul, or the walking of the Narrow Path, and one is engaged in these spiritual practices, then one is using essentially the fruit of the Knowledge of Good and Evil that conferred upon humanity a likeness to the gods and is thus denying the ultimate sovereign nature of The Father by claiming their own divinity through their own freewill. The theology of the Devil should be chiming in your mind after that last sentence. For further proof of this, you have to venture out of the canonical works in the Bible and into the Books of Enoch. Whatever your idea about this work in the present moment is must be placed aside so that you can see it in the context of the time of Jesus. The work had been seen as holy and inspired back then. I think if I remember correctly, several copies of Enoch were found in the Qumran tombs of the Essenes where the Dead Sea Scrolls have been found. So the ideas found within this work were the ideas present in the minds of those that came before Jesus, those that came after, and most likely Jesus himself. In it, it says that the lawlessness that God refers to in the Bible in the start of the Noah story, or the reason for bringing the flood, is all manner of esoteric magical practices like divination, soothsaying, fortune-telling, etc, that were taught essentially by angels, evil angels, to mankind. And if you interpret this beyond the classical idea of angel or devil, they were all spiritual practices that had been discovered or channeled and used by human beings, and such things would actually continue to plague both the Israelites as well as all the ancient world and even right on up to today, even after the flood. Again, regardless of your belief level in such things, such things were believed to be true and possible throughout the pages of the Bible and across the entire ancient world. If you go way back to King Saul I think it was, he consults essentially a witch to raise the spirit of the dead prophet Samuel since the King is desperate for answers from his now dead former prophet. And this witch was capable of achieving this, which alone should be an eye-opener if you’ve never bothered to read the Old Testament or have forgotten this story from Sunday school. There was also the strange Urim and Thurim divinatory medals or stones or medallions that were on the breast plate of Aaron and beyond that provided some sort of yes or no divinatory 8-Ball of knowledge response to the high priest of Israel. First thing that popped in my mind when I read that with new eyes was why did Aaron need these when Moses was still present with the people and was speaking to God on their behalf? Considering some of the other strange things in the text of the Old Testament and the different epochs of composition scholars have been able to identify, seems like an easy editorial addition to my mind during the priestly editorial time period to give credence to the divinatory practice the high priests had now become addicted to after their contact with Persia and the high divination that Persia possessed, and further, the reason why the prophets in the Bible were constantly thrashing such practices to bits. So, the modern idea of being self-divine or realizing your divinity, which as you can see, isn’t really a modern idea, is that understanding the concept and bringing it into your conscious mind will awaken the divine consciousness within and thus grant one divinity. Or rather, kind of like Plato or one of the other Greek philosophers taught, I can’t remember exactly which one, but that ancient philosophical idea that we learn nothing in life and what we are actually doing is remembering what we already knew somehow in the pre-existent past or by piercing through to seeing and understanding the archetypes of existence. Those familiar with the Gnostic texts will see the similarity to this idea, remembering that we are light beings or a fragment of the eternal that has been speckled across the face of the Earth and the act of remembering this through gnosis, releases this enchained speckle of the eternal from the mortal and returns it to the eternal upon death. Much the same is taught in the Eastern religions though with different language and variations of course. But the West, to my eyes at least, seems to have always been far more obsessed with humans, especially humans of high station being called gods. The Pharaoh’s of Egypt considered themselves gods. Caesar after his death was called a god and then all Caesar’s afterwards were also seen as living gods. This might also by why in the Old Testament Moses himself is referred to as God in a couple instances that can be real head scratchers when you come across these passages if they haven’t been edited out in a weak translation. Several of the Greek Philosophers, especially Pythagoras was seen as a god after his death, and as I stated earlier, the Catechism of the Church even teaches that there’s a type of divine life that is achieved or lived or blessed upon when one enters the Kingdom of Heaven or has experienced the Beatific Vision that could be seen and or renders such a person as being a type of god since such a person is now placed in Heaven, just with a different name in the Church, as that of a Saint. I’m trying to lay each of these things so that you can see the subtle differences that I was referring to. While living, being called a god, or after death, being called a god or a Saint. Being born into royalty and somehow automatically being conferred with the title of god or having lived a rigorous life of devotion and study as Pythagoras or St. Anthony of the Desert, and in turn, those generations afterwards calling them a god or a Saint. Smoking some dope and seeing the invisible realities and suddenly you’ve become a self-help guru that has self-realized divinity, or constant daily meditation and the rigor of a devotional life and abandonment of the spiritual powers to receive the mystical experience as blessing and gift that essentially accomplishes what all have spoken of as the prize of spirituality. Or as Jesus puts it: many will choose the wide-open path; few will follow the Narrow Path. Again, I can speak on this because I’ve gone through both. As soon as I started coming across the ideas found in these works, and realizing I’d seen what I’d seen and experienced what I’d experienced, and that the overwhelming majority of people I spoke to, along with the overwhelming majority of the works I’d read with authors that never spoke of their own personal experiences, I realized I’d encountered something rare, and since rare, valuable, and since valuable, high and lofty, and since high and lofty, exceptional, and since it had occurred to me, thus I was each of these, and since each of these, it meant that in reality, I existed on my own as my own self-made divinity, and since I was my own self-made divinity, the thought that began to form in my mind was that I no longer needed God the Father, since as my own god, why was I continuing to pray to this imaginary God the Father? I had healed myself and others. I was manifesting empty parking spots in crowded supermarket parking lots before I showed up. I would dream or meditate of experiences and then experience them in a way. Not always exactly what was meditated or dreamt, but enough to where I could make the connection to what had been experienced. I was in complete control of my thoughts by this point and had conquered that impressionistic empath effect I mentioned in an earlier episode and capable of not only detaching my thoughts from the swarm of voices surrounding me in a crowd, but also not thinking anything in my mind other than the periodic thought of returning to the state of emptiness of mind when I caught the mind wanting to wander and attach itself to whatever mental stimuli it was trying to attach itself to, and obviously the awareness of all of this occurring. Read the full article
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farida95x · 5 years ago
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What is a cratylic name? A cratylic name is a name given to a character to express a trait they may have. Priestly uses this concept when creating two characters: ‘Eva Smith’ and ‘Daisy Renton.’ When analysing the proper noun ‘Eva Smith’, the audience understand that the surname ‘Smith’ was the common name within the lower classes- especially in women; making Eva the symbol for the lower classes. The members of the audience will see Eva Smith’s throughout the play: in the prostitutes at the Palace Bar Theatre, in the women working for Mr Birling and in the the young women who were unjustly fired. Ultimately, this explains the consequences of the actions and objectifying behaviour of the bourgeoisie. To add to this, the name ‘Eva Smith’ also has a biblical reference. The name ‘Eva’ reminds us of the name ‘Eve’. In the Book of Genesis, when Adam and Eve are questioned by God for eating the forbidden fruit, Adam pointed the finger at Eve, indicating that he held her responsible. This is relevant because throughout the play, Eva is blamed by the chauvinistic males who constantly blamed her for their own faults. Furthermore, the pseudonym ‘Daisy Renton’ also has a negative meaning. The name ‘Daisy’ has connotations of purity and death yet it also insinuates the death of innocence. In addition tho this, the last name ‘Renton’ sounds like ‘rent’, which sounds like something being torn, linking to the idea of The lower classes being taken advantage by the middle and upper classes. Can you think of any cratylic names? #aninspectorcalls #evasmith #GCSERevision #gcseenglish #gcsenglishlit #gcseenglishtutors #loveenglish #cratylicnames #jbpriestley #theatreplay #biblicalreferences #bourgeoisie #20thcenturywomen #20thcenturyliterature https://www.instagram.com/p/CDE9saTlF7p/?igshid=18hazjc7gk8rz
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ankifreelancer · 8 years ago
Book Review: And Still She Laughs by Kate Merrick
Book Review: And Still She Laughs by Kate Merrick
When grief strikes our happy life, as happy as it’s possible, the faith trembles and confusion strikes. Kate Merrick takes her readers on a journey of loss and restoration of faith in her book, And Still She Laughs – Defiant Joy in the Depths of Suffering. Kate has always been a girl who enjoys a good laughter. She remembers how she couldn’t stop herself from bursting into a good laugh even at…
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sailorvirgo1993 · 7 years ago
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The Original Magical Girl Eve #biblicalreference #eveandadam #serpent#appleofknowledge #magicalgirl #mahoushoujo #kurobishoujomajikku
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parristx · 7 years ago
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"Free refills on Apple Cider when dining at this restaurant." Shoes and shirt not required? #adamandeve #theapple #biblicalreference #restaurant #funnysigns #mexico #tequisquiapan (at Plaza Centro Tequisquiapan, Qro.)
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debhanatric · 8 years ago
#jeremykyle She's rather attractive in fact you could say she's a #Jezza-Belle #BiblicalReferences
from Facebook via IFTTT
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Beautiful to witness young disciples being The Church. 🙏🏾❤️🙌🏾
#Prayer #Intercession #Children
You have taught children and infants to tell of your strength, silencing your enemies and all who oppose you.
#Psalms8Vs2 NLT
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jmutempest2016-blog · 9 years ago
Biblical References in The Tempest
Madeline Mojallali
“Play the men.” Page 2
Play the men: Be strong and brave. Act like men. This order comes from a place of high authority. (In biblical terms it comes from Absalom, the most handsome man in the kingdom.)
2 Samuel 13:28 GNV Now had Absalom commanded his servants, saying, Mark now when
Amnon’s heart is merry with wine, and when I say unto you, Smite Amnon, kill him, fear not, for have not [r]I commanded you? be bold therefore, and play the men.
2 Samuel 13:28 NIV Absalom ordered his men, “Listen! When Amnon is in high spirits from drinking wine and I say to you, ‘Strike Amnon down,’ then kill him. Don’t be afraid. Haven’t I given you this order? Be strong and brave.
1 Samuel 4:9 GNV Be strong and play the men, O Philistines, that ye be not servants unto the Hebrews, as they have served you: be valiant therefore, and fight.
1 Samuel 4:9 NIV Be strong, Philistines! Be men, or you will be subject to the Hebrews, as they have been to you. Be men, and fight!
2 Samuel 10:12 KJV Be of good courage, and let us play the men for our people, and for the cities of our God: and the Lord do that which seemeth him good.
2 Samuel 10:12 NIV Be strong, and let us fight bravely for our people and the cities of our God.
The Lord will do what is good in his sight.
“If you can command” Page 3
Referring to if you can tell the sea to settle down during the tempest. 
Matthew 8:26 NIV He replied, “You of little faith, why are you so afraid?” Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm.
Mark 4:39 NIV He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Quiet! Be still!” Then the wind died down and it was completely calm.
Luke 8:24 NIV The disciples went and woke him, saying, ‘Master, Master, we’re going to drown!’ He got up and rebuked the wind and the raging waters; the storm subsided, and all was calm.
“O woe the day!” Page 5
Ezekiel 30:2 KJ21 Son of man, prophesy and say, ‘Thus saith the Lord God: “‘Howl ye, “Woe be the day!”
“Not a hair perish’d; / On their sustaining garments not a blemish, / But fresher than before.” Page 12
Acts 27:34 For there shal not an heard of the head perish any of you.
Luke 21:18 NIV But not a hair of your head will perish.
Daniel 3:27 NIV and the satraps, prefects, governors and royal advisers crowded around them. They saw that the fire had not harmed their bodies, nor was a hair of their heads singed; their robes were not scorched, and there was no smell of fire on them.
When Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were cast into the fire by Nebuchadnezzar, they were not burned at all and they had no blemishes on their clothing because they were being protected by the fourth man in the fire (Christ). In this scene, Ariel conjures up St. Elmo’s fire (a bright blue or violet glow, looks like a fire, comes from structures like masts, spires etc., often comes with a hissing or buzzing sound). This is where the term “flamed amazement” comes from. The passengers were “afire” with the St. Elmo’s fire that Ariel created. When Ferdinand says “Hell is empty, / And all the devils are here.” he is referring to the fact that Ariel started the fire (evil forces) but also ironically kept the men from being burned or blemished (good forces). 
“As wicked dew as e’er my mother brushed / With raven’s feather from unwholesome fen / Drop on you both.” Page 17 
Deuteronomy 32:2 NIV Let my teaching fall like rain and my words descend like dew, like showers on new grass, like abundant rain on tender plants.
These are purposefully opposites to show Caliban’s inherent wickedness compared to Moses who sings this song. 
“What is’t, a spirit?” Page 20
Matthew 14:26 KJ21 And when the disciples saw Him walking on the sea, they were troubled, saying, “It is a spirit”; and they cried out for fear. (Analogy)
No, wench, it eats and sleeps and has such senses” Page 20 
Luke 24:37-43 NIV They were startled and frightened, thinking they saw a ghost. He said to them, “Why are you troubled, and why do doubts rise in your minds? Look at my hands and my feet. It is I myself! Touch me and see; a ghost does not have flesh and bones, as you see I have.” When he had said this, he showed them his hands and feet. And while they still did not believe it because of joy and amazement, he asked them, “Do you have anything here to eat?” They gave him a piece of broiled fish, and he took it and ate it in their presence. 
The wench line and the spirit line above echo this passage from Luke. 
“There’s nothing ill can dwell in such a temple / If the ill spirit have so fair a house / Good things will strive to dwell with’t.” Page 23
1 Corinthians 3:16 Know ye not that ye are the Temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? 
1 Corinthians 6:19 NIV Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own;
Ferdinand’s physical beauty must therefore reflect his inner beauty. Temple can also be defined as the person or body of a Christian. It is sinful to use a holy vessel for unholy purposes. 
“tender, and delicate” Page 26
This expression can be found two times in scripture. 
Isaiah 47:1 NIV 
“Go down, sit in the dust,! Virgin Daughter Babylon;! sit on the ground without a throne,! queen city of the Babylonians.
No more will you be called! tender or delicate. 
Deuteronomy 28:56 KJ 21 The tender and delicate woman among you, who would not venture to set the sole of her foot upon the ground for delicateness and tenderness, her eye shall be evil toward the husband of her bosom, and toward her son and toward her daughter,
This expression may have been a common one. 
“spirit of persuasion” Page 35
1 Kings 22:21 There came forth a certain spirite… and sayde, I will perswade him.
“we heard a hollow burst of bellowing / Like bulls, or rather lions.” Page 38
Psalm 22:12-13 Many bulls surround me;! strong bulls of Bashan encircle me.
Roaring lions that tear their prey! open their mouths wide against me.
Shakespeare knew this psalm well, he referenced it in Antony and Cleopatra as well. 
“kiss the book” Page 44
Swearing by kissing the Bible. If you watch Keeping Up With The Kardashians, this is why they always say “BIBLE?! OH MY GOD BIBLE???” when they want someone to swear that they’ve done something crazy. The things you learn. #Research
“makes my labors pleasures” Page 47
Genesis 29:20 NIV So Jacob served seven years to get Rachel, but they seemed like only a few days to him because of his love for her.
“O heaven, O Earth, bear witness” Page 49
Deuteronomy 4:26 I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you this day that you will quickly perish from the land that you are crossing the Jordan to possess. You will not live there long but will certainly be destroyed.
This was said because someone was “doing evil in the eyes of the Lord your God and arousing his anger” Ferdinand says this line, which means he is in God’s position at this moment.
Miranda’s love empowers Ferdinand. 
“Yea, yea, my lord. I’ll yield him thee asleep, / Where thou mayst knock a nail into his head.” Page 54
Judges 4:21-22 But Jael, Heber’s wife, picked up a tent peg and a hammer and went quietly to him while he lay fast asleep, exhausted. She drove the peg through his temple into the ground, and he died. Just then Barak came by in pursuit of Sisera, and Jael went out to meet him. “Come,” she said, “I will show you the man you’re looking for.” So he went in with her, and there lay Sisera with the tent peg through his temple—dead.
“O, forgive me my sins!” Page 57
This is derived from the Lord’s Prayer. 
Luke 11:4 Forgive us our sins,
for we also forgive everyone who sins against us.
And lead us not into temptation
“You and your ways, whose wraths to guard you from— / Which here, in this most desolate isle, else falls / Upon your heads” Page 60
This is a very common expression in scripture. 
Ezekiel 9:10 KJ21 And as for Me also, Mine eye shall not spare, neither will I have pity, but I will recompense their ways upon their heads.
Joshua 2:19 KJ21 And it shall be that whosoever shall go out of the doors of thy house into the street, his blood shall be upon his head, and we will be guiltless; and whosoever shall be with thee in the house, his blood shall be on our head if any hand be upon him.
1 Samuel 25:39 KJ21 And when David heard that Nabal was dead, he said, “Blessed be the Lord who hath pleaded the cause of my reproach from the hand of Nabal, and hath kept His servant from evil; for the Lord hath returned the wickedness of Nabal upon his own head.” And David sent and communed with Abigail, to take her to him as wife.
“But one fiend at a time, / I’ll fight their legions o’er.” Page 61
In Mark 5:9 Jesus cast out an unclean spirit called Legion. 
Then Jesus asked him, “What is your name?”
“My name is Legion,” he replied, “for we are many.” 
“her brother, found a wife / Where he himself was lost;” Page 77
Luke 15:31 GNV And he said unto him, Son thou art ever with me, and all that I have, is thine. It was meet that we should make merry, and be glad: for this thy brother was dead, and is alive again: and he was lost, but he is found.
“Unless I be relieved by prayer, / Which pierces so…” Page 83
This is based on the homily “Of Common Prayer and Sacraments” which ends with these words.
“For the prayer of them that humble themselves, shall pearce through the clouds.
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Episode 17 - Dissolution Experience and the End of the New Age
The Dissolution of the Experience and Idea of Self-Divinity The Near-Death Experience of punishment explained in episodes one and two of this season can be entirely attributed to drug use. The dissolution experience explained in this episode cannot. If there is an experience that I’ve had that most clearly shows that there is some ground to the many and varied versions of occult, esoteric and new age teachings of how thoughts manifest reality, this is the experience, though not in the I won the lottery type riding into the sunset experience, but in the God sent me to Hell for an instant of time manner as punishment and there weren’t any drugs used to take me there. Be careful what you wish for as taught in several of the ancient myths and be careful what you read and most importantly believe, especially as it pertains to spiritual and invisible things, especially if it has to do with calling yourself divine. I hope by listening to or reading my example of numbskullery that you will avoid such trap doors into the inner pits of hell as I found myself in on this day, long ago. Click link for Transcript. Timestamps: - The immediacy of this experience is what has terrified me (01:25)- How did this experience come about even after meditating and studying spiritual materials? (02:29) - Warning to the student to be wary of teachings that seem just a bit off (03:05) - Primary teaching that led me astray (04:13) - Theory of drug use and the mystical aspects of the Bible (05:57) - Piercing through via drug use is as Jesus states the robbers (07:00) - There are different rules for those that have seen and experienced, even if through drug use, versus the normal believer (08:51) - My attempt at describing what I thought of as self-divinity back when this experience occurred stemming from Jesus saying that we are like the gods (10:29) - Jesus teaches this only after he’s been tempted in the desert (12:35) - Diving deeper with a brief intonation of the Books of Enoch and what it says iss the reason for the Flood (13:25) - Some Old Testament stuff to talk about the belief level in spiritual powers in the ancient world and that they have still been passed on today (15:04) - My understanding of the modern idea of self-divinity and the pervasiveness of humans being called gods among the various traditions (16:20) - Contrasting the various polarities of this idea (18:27) - Describing how these types of teachings and thoughts brought about my downfall (19:26) - The subtle shift and change in my mental ideas mentioned earlier (21:15) - This experience occurred end of winter and beginning of spring much like the other experiences I’ve spoken of (23:19) - The Dissolution Experience begins (25:10) - Comparison to sleep paralysis, but instead, it’s thought paralysis (27:58) - As I fight the experience, a voice of chastisement responds (29:13) - The chastising voice speaks again (31:23) - Timeless and eternal moment of actual hellish punishment (33:16) - This experience dissolved away the idea or notion of self-divinity (36:10) - Explanation of this experience as a removal of the sensation of gravity (36:35) - Religious and scientific concepts merging within my mind (38:08) - Mythological understanding of this experience 13 years later revealed through a synchronous event while commuting to work (38:29)
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