Episode 20 - The Veil of the Unknown
Piercing Through the Veil of the unknown The Bible states that at Christ’s death the veil to the temple was torn asunder. Though dramatic when viewing this in light of the claim of Christ being the rejected Son of God and this moment thus confirming His royalty, there is a deeper more mystical meaning behind this. There is a boundary buried deep within our mind that separates the known from the unknown, the physical/external and the invisible/internal, the chasm that separates Man from God. Entering into this boundary is the essence of mysticism, was and is the goal of both the ancient and modern Mysteries and the accomplishment of this merging of the duality of the internal and external, the microcosm and the macrocosm, body and mind, conscious and subconscious, even if it only occurs for an instant is what brings about the mystical experience and shows the Beatific Vision of God to the individual. But the veil must be removed, and it only occurs when Jesus dies on the cross or when we’ve died to ourselves to allow for the spiritual rebirth within. Many know of what I speak but how this is accomplished is difficult to convey. This episode will focus on the types of thoughts and the method of thinking and questioning that occurred during this time period that led to the drug-free mystical experiences I’ve spoken of across these 20 episodes of Season 1 and Season 2 of the Logos of Experience and Truth Podcast. Click Link for Transcript Timestamps: - The exercise of writing and speaking of these experiences is like the life review discussed in the near-death experience, just now in reality-land and not in some mystical experience (01:13)- Near-death experience in 2001 created a nexus point of thought and the next experience in 2018 shifted that center of gravity into the new (03:22) - Questioning and positing the cyclical nature of the mind and its seasons especially if no external or internal stimuli has triggered it (04:06) - Conspiracy material I’d been exposed to (Flat Earth Theory) and was contemplating during the time of the mystical experiences in 2018 (06:05) - Contemplating the lies purported in a conspiracy theory are meant to stimulate your mind to see the lie of the illusion of reality automatically created by your brain, what neuroscience calls simulation (06:44) - Stance on such conspiracy or alternative theories alongside one’s perceptions and beliefs if one can truly ask if they chose to believe in any belief that dwells inside of their mind or if the belief was slammed into their mind unawares (08:05) - The use of my stance on the Lotus position for meditation to illustrate the idea of whether or not choice determines a belief (09:01) - The use of the scientific concept of a paradigm to further illustrate this question of whether or not belief is actually chosen or implanted into the mind (10:19) - Do we believe consciously or is it subconscious? (12:43) - Next example of a paradigm of belief surrounding a more hot-button topic of abortion (13:14) - Another benign example using the Pepsi Challenge to further explore paradigms of thought and belief (15:09) - Further conspiracy material found online during this time period in 2018 (16:36) - Getting real after understanding that there are paradigms that exist in the mind and wondering how to change them (17:52) - The path Christ taught when it comes to paradigms (19:19) - Paradigms tend to create animosity or enemies of the opposing paradigm: video game wars used as an example (19:39) - The problem with paradigms of thought and beliefs is we think we’ve consciously chosen them all and thus assume our enemies have chosen their paradigms as well (21:19) - The venomous USA political media climate and the paradigms citizens exist in (22:28) - Challenging one’s paradigm or seeking to change it is difficult for it is like causing one’s own inner death (23:23) - Mysticism teaches one to identify the false self within and to find the real self but until one accomplishes this, the false self is seen as the real self (23:51) - To find God one must be willing to lose God (24:17) - Paradigm shift that occurred to me during this time was studying the Ancient Egyptian and Sumerian having never done so and causing a paradigm shift in my mind regarding religion and the mysteries (25:06) - Thor’s explanation in the Avengers of impermanence to speak on the paradox of duality (26:32) - Holding the paradoxes of duality in the mind are what pierce through the veil of the known and the unknown (27:32) - Remembering a video seen of Stanley Kubrick and the moon landing long ago (28:48) - Overview of the conspiracy topics considered regarding the moon and Flat Earth (29:34) - Using body/physical mysticism to make sense of the Flat Earth versus the Solar System ideas of the microcosm and macrocosm (31:35) - Clearest explanation of how merging the duality of the external and internal within the mind is what brings about the mystical experience of the Beatific Vision (33:54) - Using this mystery of the microcosm and macrocosm to explain a “reason” for Christ Incarnating physically (34:43) - You only see Christ in your mind when you realize that you only see Christ in your mind (35:25) - Mystical understanding of the Second Person of the Trinity (35:32) - There is no reconciliation between paradigms unless common ground is found (38:31) - The ultimate goal and hope and reason for the Logos of Experience and Truth website and podcast (38:43) - The image that unites each of these apparently different paradigms can be seen and studied at the logosofexperienceandtruth.com (39:40) - The current paradigm as determined after seeing the connection between the images of the Beatific Vision of God (40:57)
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Episode 18 - Spiritual Contraction and Growth
Spiritual Contraction While Being Tested in the Desert of the Soul This episode speaks of the aftermath of the previous Dissolution Experience which was spiritual contraction. Every journey has a return. There is growth and decay. When one climbs a mountain, they have to climb back down. The same applies to the propaganda around expanding the mind (which is what I was doing endlessly prior to the Dissolution Experience.) One cannot expand the mind indefinitely and in all directions. There has to be a contraction or a focus for the expansion to take root. Expansion could be seen as the horizontal X axis and contraction could be seen as the vertical Y axis. Both are needed to truly understand and master something—anything—that one is pursuing. This applies to spiritual teachings, lessons, exercises as well. To constantly expand the mind and to never contract into a focus is to become an expert in nothing. But one has to choose to contract and focus on something and in this day and age, has become a challenge with so many different paths to take upon the journey of the ascending soul. Click Link for Transcript Timestamps: - Book burning after the Dissolution Experience (01:55) - This spiritual contraction is the phase I’ve called the Desert of the Soul (03:04) - Marriage in the Catholic Church (03:39) - Marriage retreat at a monastery (05:16) - Reasons why not to get married in a Catholic Church (06:17) - Sacrament of Reconciliation experienced during this retreat (08:21) - Realizing my exposure to the works of St. John of the Cross without realizing that he was a Catholic saint (09:41) - Purchasing the works of St. John of the Cross and a Rosary at a Carmelite monastery during my engaged marriage retreat which would be my study and practice over the next four years (11:53) - The reason to turn away from spiritual visions as taught by St. John of the Cross (12:33) - Finding true faith by ceasing to see the Near-Death Experience spoken of in episode one and two as the basis for my faith in God (14:29) - My initial reaction to praying the Rosary (15:47) - Difficulty in the Apostle’s Creed especially during Mass (17:25) - The only Hail Mary I knew at the time was Tupac’s (19:07) - Strange new reading habits forced into my mind while reading St. John of the Cross (20:00) - Reading was like taking Benadryl and would instantly put me to sleep (22:07) - Experiences of spiritual warfare (24:02) - It was during the reading and contemplation of St. John of the Cross that my book Lucifer Revealed was born (24:37) - Reading these works created the idea that I was being punished (26:16) - Finding that spiritual growth requires a testing phase when God hides His face which I’ve called the Desert of the Soul means one has actually gained progress along the path (26:54) - My timeline has me in the year 2008-2009 and something about these changes of reading and thought led to a sort of spiritual revival that didn’t last (29:32) - The spiritual revival didn’t last due to having entered into the Desert of the Soul where temptations occur (30:05) - I was too blind then to see the signs or didn’t want to see them back then (32:28) - When the pull towards writing began to wane (33:29) - After years of feeling like I hadn’t heard spiritual direction from within, I hear a small voice telling me to do the opposite of what I wanted to do (34:25) - What my book Lucifer Revealed lacked back in 2013 is the reason the inner guidance was telling me to shelve it versus what it is now: namely not knowing the form and image of the Vision itself (36:18) Leave a Tip and Support this Podcast!
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Episode 17 - Dissolution Experience and the End of the New Age
The Dissolution of the Experience and Idea of Self-Divinity The Near-Death Experience of punishment explained in episodes one and two of this season can be entirely attributed to drug use. The dissolution experience explained in this episode cannot. If there is an experience that I’ve had that most clearly shows that there is some ground to the many and varied versions of occult, esoteric and new age teachings of how thoughts manifest reality, this is the experience, though not in the I won the lottery type riding into the sunset experience, but in the God sent me to Hell for an instant of time manner as punishment and there weren’t any drugs used to take me there. Be careful what you wish for as taught in several of the ancient myths and be careful what you read and most importantly believe, especially as it pertains to spiritual and invisible things, especially if it has to do with calling yourself divine. I hope by listening to or reading my example of numbskullery that you will avoid such trap doors into the inner pits of hell as I found myself in on this day, long ago. Click link for Transcript. Timestamps: - The immediacy of this experience is what has terrified me (01:25)- How did this experience come about even after meditating and studying spiritual materials? (02:29) - Warning to the student to be wary of teachings that seem just a bit off (03:05) - Primary teaching that led me astray (04:13) - Theory of drug use and the mystical aspects of the Bible (05:57) - Piercing through via drug use is as Jesus states the robbers (07:00) - There are different rules for those that have seen and experienced, even if through drug use, versus the normal believer (08:51) - My attempt at describing what I thought of as self-divinity back when this experience occurred stemming from Jesus saying that we are like the gods (10:29) - Jesus teaches this only after he’s been tempted in the desert (12:35) - Diving deeper with a brief intonation of the Books of Enoch and what it says iss the reason for the Flood (13:25) - Some Old Testament stuff to talk about the belief level in spiritual powers in the ancient world and that they have still been passed on today (15:04) - My understanding of the modern idea of self-divinity and the pervasiveness of humans being called gods among the various traditions (16:20) - Contrasting the various polarities of this idea (18:27) - Describing how these types of teachings and thoughts brought about my downfall (19:26) - The subtle shift and change in my mental ideas mentioned earlier (21:15) - This experience occurred end of winter and beginning of spring much like the other experiences I’ve spoken of (23:19) - The Dissolution Experience begins (25:10) - Comparison to sleep paralysis, but instead, it’s thought paralysis (27:58) - As I fight the experience, a voice of chastisement responds (29:13) - The chastising voice speaks again (31:23) - Timeless and eternal moment of actual hellish punishment (33:16) - This experience dissolved away the idea or notion of self-divinity (36:10) - Explanation of this experience as a removal of the sensation of gravity (36:35) - Religious and scientific concepts merging within my mind (38:08) - Mythological understanding of this experience 13 years later revealed through a synchronous event while commuting to work (38:29)
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Episode 16 - Dreams and Dream Experiences
The Experience and Interpretation of Dreams The Bible is littered with dreams of a high spiritual nature, dreams interpreted by those with a high spiritual acumen, dreams of portent, dreams to come and dream experiences of a high prophetic or mystical nature. To dream during sleep is human and to seek meaning from an activity we do for one third of our entire life is natural. Not everybody does so anymore in this day and age, but I’ve taken the effort of keep track of my dreams and have found them, every once in a while, to be profoundly spiritual and mystical. Let’s explore some of these dreams I’ve had and hopefully spur you to do the same if you don’t keep a dream journal already.  Click link for Transcript. Timestamps: - Dreams and dream interpretation were worthwhile to explore in the Old Testament (01:31)- Old Testament minor prophets distinguished between dreams and visions as being different spiritual phenomena (02:17) - Mathematical calculation of the number of important dreams I’ve remembered and written on over a 20-year period (02:50) - First of the dreams discussed in this podcast episode, one mentioned prior in a previous episode that has to do with possible pre-existence, or at least why I think more in terms of pre-existence (05:22) - Second dream experience that spoke of the wheel or the chain of souls in this Earth-realm and the auric color of their bodily hues (07:22) - The color of these bodies that I saw reminded me of the color used in the depiction of some of the Egyptian and Hindu deities (10:19) - Third dream experience of either out-of-body or other beings holding me down (11:19) - Understanding this dream to be something attributed to the principle of Vibration found in esoteric works and the raising of one’s consciousness (13:42) - Comparing this dream experience to sleep paralysis (15:30) - Comparing this dream experience to the medieval succubus myth (16:03) - Fourth experience that can’t fully be said to be a dream since I’m not entirely sure what it was (16:39) - The mythological-like question asked by the woman on the phone in this mythological-like dream (18:19) - Fifth dream experience interpretation along with the second of my third stated healings performed, this one specifically a laying on of hands healing (19:55) - Example of a spontaneous healing from a book I’d read during this time (21:00) - Context of physical pain my future wife was dealing with at the time (22:11) - Further details of the laying on of hands to ensure there was no subconscious/subliminal stuff going on (24:13) - My future wife tells of her dream that was occurring as the laying on of hands was taking place without her knowing it (25:29) - Final experience spoken of in this episode and the last time I smoked any marijuana (27:27) - The humorous reason for me coming in contact with the Hermetical works (27:54) - Possible vision seen within and during a thunderstorm out in Las Vegas (29:40) Movie reference aid to this possible vision that was seen years later in a possible experience of synchronicity (31:10)
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Episode 15 - Experiencing the Mystery
Experiencing the Mystery of Mind, Body and Soul In this episode I provide five different experiences of the mystery of the ensouled spirit, each entirely removed from any possible drug use from the past that may have still been circulating within my mind and body. None of these experiences of the mystery are as grandiose as the near-death experience spoken of in the first and second episodes of this season, but each of them conveys the deepening or widening of the mental faculties in understanding that which is called spiritual or mystical and being observant of all that is occurring within and without. Topics range from the Christian and Protestant confusion, Native American sweat lodge, Masonic meditation lodge and trust walking in West LA. Join me in this episode as we dive deeper into the mystery. Timestamps: - Deeper intonations of the infancy of knowledge and confusion regarding Catholicism and Protestantism since Episcopal Church I went to had a Contemplative Prayer group that focused on the work of St. John of the Cross (01:39) - Learning that God puts believers to the test (03:00) - Story of two Christian demons descending upon me as I walk through the darkened streets of Santa Monica (03:54) - Things seen from this point are entirely from a drug free mind (04:56) - Understanding the near-death experience as some type of mystical experience begins to form in my mind around this time (06:18) - The next spiritual experience story about attending a Native American sweat lodge up in the Santa Monica mountains begins (07:52) - Description of the sweat lodge experience itself begins (09:51) - Out-of-body experience during the Native American sweat lodge (12:26) - The highest high upon exiting the Native American sweat lodge (13:50) - Third experience of the mystery begins, this one having to do with self-healing from acne (14:42) - Meditation helped to narrow down the root of the acne issue in my mind and allowed me to develop a new self-image (16:04) - The number of days it took for the acne to clear up in the self-healing (18:38) - Fourth spiritual experience story begins, and it has to do with secret societies and conspiracies (19:40) - Stumbling upon the local Masonic lodge on Venice Beach Blvd and returning to it for a guided meditation night (21:11) - Expansion of the mind and entering into the occult and New Age materials (22:19) - The Presence of the Lord as I’ve spoken of it and as it’s spoken of in the Bible as the way the mind symbolizes the crossing of threshold into the spiritual realm (23:13) - What turned me off and away from the Masonic Lodge (25:50) - Fifth experience and warning for the spiritually curious wanting to experience or test out synchronicity after something I tested out (27:37) Read the full article
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Episode 14 - The Conscious Spiritual Journey
The Spiritual Journey Begins with an Open and Conscious Mind The royal art as it was called in the ancient world included many different areas of expertise ranging from astrology to memorization of prayers or incantations to the alchemical art of transforming one substance into another. The true transmutation occurs in the conscious mind versus the traditional lead into gold external idea and this episode focuses on this underlying and explicit concept and the actions taken that helped to formulate the new internal spiritual gold as I transitioned from the state of mind and being that I lived and existed in and through prior to the near-death mystical experience, and then by the process of mental transmutation transitioned into the mental state after having the experience that was one of being one in and through a spiritually minded lens and life. Timestamps: - Displaying the strange intermingling of linear and cyclical time through these podcasts and the similar themes that reoccur through the span of my spiritual experiences and lessons (01:24) - The reader in me from youth returns in full force with the mind now freed from the addictions of drugs and alcohol (04:07) - Esoteric principle of transmutation as it pertains to shifting out of an addiction of an unwanted habit, like smoking weed, into a desired one (05:56) - Using modern science and neurological ideas alongside transmutation of thought states (07:25) - The aftermath of the near-death experience and the need to study what the experience meant, in particular the study of God (11:27) - The purchase of the Bible and the incompetence of being Christian and yet not knowing the differences between Catholic and Protestant Christianity and the purchase itself signaling the path that would follow (12:22) - When and where the Gnosticism interest came into play while purchasing my Bible (17:04) - Synchronous event that helped push me towards the study of many religions and spiritual ideas versus a solely Christian one while not having the slightest idea of what Synchronicity actually was (19:24) - Laying the foundation in the mind by reading the Bible even if understanding it wasn’t fully there yet (24:26) - My earliest attempt at reading the Gnostic works and getting lost in the concept of Aeons (25:37) - How reading Dante opened up my mind to the memories of its own existence before being blinded by smoking weed (27:07) - My first conscious meditation triggered in one of Dante’s circles of Hell that brought about an examination of conscience that is compared to the hypothesis of what is potentially seen during a mystical experience (28:40) - An attempt at a theory of what is shown during a mystical experience (31:15) - College course that told me I had to dig deeper to understand the near-death experience since I couldn’t answer how it could point to God without the use of the drug that had been the catalyst for the experience (33:20) Read the full article
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Podcast Episode 13 - Remembering the Ignored Signs
Seeds and Signs of the Mysteries of Heaven and Hell The skeptic mind is a powerful one. Give me facts and make sure they are only based upon the scientific paradigm of rules I want to follow and trust in, or I will label whatever you give me as false and untrue. I came across many things leading up to what was described in the Descent into Hell and Near-Death Experience episodes.  I thought about these experiences as strange and weird but utter nonsense even as the evidence was staring me in the face. Why? I answer this in the podcast, but it was because if I truly did believe in God, which is what these experiences were pointing towards, then it would mean needing to change the life that I was living. And who truly wishes to do that, especially at age 19?Timestamps: - Back in reality land I struggle to keep the mind together after both the effect of the drug and what was seen or experienced as hell and death (01:45) - The skeptic in me returns and the experience begins to be questioned (03:13) - The idea of Judgment to this experience finally enters into my mind (05:15) - The root of my skepticism was not wanting to change (06:08) - Disclaimer to turn back if one does not wish to open this door further (07:09) - The first acid experience remembered along with the signs and symbols that were engraved upon my mind (07:19) - The worst thing possible to be exposed to perhaps during drug use is talk about the Devil and this is what began to be presented and spoken of to me by a former Satanist or Devil Worshiper (10:09) - Dream that occurred as a result of this lecture on the Devil (14:02) - The second acid experience remembered along with what was seen (15:57) - If there were more guidance during a psychedelic drug experience would more people experience mystical type things (16:57) - Century Club acid experience (17:39) - Crossing the barrier and leaving the mortal world (19:34) - Another Hellish type experience follows after another time skip as well (21:03) - Thinking that something was trying to speak or get my attention from this experience and slamming it away with skepticism (23:24) - Understanding that if I chose to believe in God for real, it would mean life changes and responsibility (24:55) - Third experience in this podcast; speaks of some sort of evil presence or feeling from within (25:29) - Drugs are the easy route to experiencing the Mysteries and it was my reflections on the drug use that had me continue to search for the answers to my skepticism (29:19) Read the full article
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Podcast Episode 12 - The Death Experience
NDE: Near-Death Experience An NDE or near-death experience is somewhat of an interesting definition considering many that have the experience say it is life-changing, me included. Being so near to death brings life or rebirth or renewal. It is a fact within nature all around and within us. I cannot say this experience was a pure mystical experience for it was drug induced, though not intentionally. The psychedelic quality of the experience existed and/or was the medium to the Visionary experience yet considering the death aspect I’ve never been fully convinced it was solely psychedelic drug mysticism of some sort, again, especially because I had zero intention or motivation or training for such an experience. Either way, I saw what I saw and will detail what was seen and how it was seen and much as I stated in the first episode, hopefully by providing such details the listener or reader will know that this experience was not made up in the creative sense but witnessed or endured as the ordeal found in the ancient mysteries. Timestamps: - Time-skipping effects or feelings due to drugs explained a bit more (01:12) - The memory of my mind trying to process the hellish experience (02:24) - Attempt at describing the feeling of having been sacrificed to this infernal realm and being incapable of moving (03:02) - Television horror comes to life (04:37) - The moon transformed into the Skull of Death amidst the red sky (06:42) - When I knew and saw that Death was upon me (09:56) - My own thoughts create the experience of physical pain that leads towards death (11:08) - The first experience of feeling and hearing the esoteric teaching of Vibration (11:19) - Transitioning through a cloudy fog and then finding myself in space (12:58) - The Vision appears (13:36) - Description of what the Vision looked like (14:13) - The life review within the spinning rings of the Vision begins (14:33) - Being incapable of looking away from the Orb of Judgment (16:33) - Acceptance of this experience as being Death and Judgment and looking within the life review to see what it wanted to show me (16:47) - The childhood memories the spinning planet Saturn Vision showed me (17:35) - A pause in the life-review as acceptance and awareness seeps in (22:03) - The observer from the seat of the Self distinguishing itself from the mind and idea of self (23:36) - The Demiurge identified within (24:37) - Prayer of Repentance and the Light Shines forth (25:36) - Awakening in the land of the living once more (27:37) - The Mindstream tears through fabric of space to merge the internal and external experiences of the father (28:26) - Exiting and walking through the cold of the deepest circle of Hell (30:29) - The primary reason for spending so much time studying the mystical experiences and the mysteries before speaking about them (32:12) Read the full article
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Logos of Experience and Truth: Season 2 Podcast Trailer
Seeing Hell and Near-Death Experience What happens within our mind if we start to see Death around the corner? Does the change in thought alter the mind and the perceptions of what is seen inside and outside? This question is what began my journey into the Mysteries twenty years ago along with what is called the Near-Death Experience that followed. Season 2 follows a more or less chronological order through ten episodes detailing my brush with death, what was seen within it, the interpretations that came afterwards and experiencing this great mystery up to my most recent mystical experience explained in the first episode of Season 1. If you’ve pondered of death, pondered if there is judgment or forgiveness at death and what such an experience looks like along with the changes that it can potentially enact within a person, then listen to Season 2 of the Logos of Experience and Truth Podcast and continue down the rabbit hole of the Mysteries. Timestamps: - On Death (00:32) - Seeking answers to the question of Death was the path (01:39) - This Season contains my experience of Death and Hell (02:48) - Further overview of the contents of the Season (03:02) - Hope of spiritual growth for the listener of my tales (03:49) - Invitation to listen to Season 2 (04:13) Read the full article
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