#Bex Really
beautymakerz · 2 years
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osamusbigtits · 15 days
the first time sakusa says I love you is when him and atsumu are fighting and they're facing opposite directions in bed in silence. atsumu almost kills him
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babygirlwolverine · 20 days
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mr-inkslinger · 15 days
Hello, all. After some.. soul searching, well, ruminating, perhaps. I have come to a decision to take a step back from tumblr and writing. Now, it's not you, it's me. I'm sure you've heard that before, but I do mean it. Yesterday something odd and triggering happened to me.. and I just can't seem to let myself be comfortable with writing smut for the time being. I don't want to clog your feeds up with silly fluff, hurt/comfort, and all the whump I seem to be writing and not posting. I'd open up about it but I'm certain it's not something you'd be terribly keen on hearing. If you ask politely, I'll considering telling a few individuals. I will miss you all. I might keep the app, if anyone wants to check in with me. However, writing seems to be on the backburner, until I can stomach the thought of sex again, in any meaningful capacity. I'd rather not put out mindless, dull, low-grade ho-hum. It's far below me.
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sbd-laytall · 18 days
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Andi + Saying Mom/Dad For The First Time
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lunar-years · 1 year
Rewatching ted lasso and in the first episode in keeleys first scene Jamie does the whole “after you so I can watch your ass” thing, and the first time you watch it it comes off as he’s just a bit of a dick, but now I’ve decided that’s just a little bit they do and its 100% reciprocal. Keeley goes “after you” and Jamie does a little strut
YES. Keeley was ABSOLUTELY into it!! tbh so much of the jamiekeeley s1 relationship that people talk about as "problematic" is really just that they're Like That. Like that's their mutual dynamic!!! Can be said for that scene, the photos of her Jamie keeps in his locker, the "I look like a banker with a great cock" "Babe, if those existed we wouldn't be together"... and while i do think their dynamic would be much different with their s3 selves, I also think those moments are very much Not a Big Deal and DARE I SAY... even fun and cute!
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babybluebex · 7 months
whatever. fuck it. hair and face reveal.
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thetavolution · 4 months
I wasn't tagged for these, but I wanted to talk about this haha. So this is from the BG3 Wedding Season Tag Game!
Food - What kind of food and drink is being served at the reception? Is there a lush feast or simple fare? Is there a wedding cake or some other kind of traditional wedding food?
Gale and Tessa / Gale and Vaira
Gale would dominate the food. He just would. He wouldn't be able to cook for the wedding because he's too busy getting married, but he would carefully decide who is in charge of the food. It'd be his favorite chef in Waterdeep. If we're in the universe where he's marrying Tessa, he'd also bring in a chef from her hometown. He would do his research on who is the best because Tessa would have no idea.
It would be a lush feast and that is perfectly curated to their taste. Gale is less concerned with traditional foods and more about what sounds good, and what their friends would enjoy. His mother, Morena, would 100% take over wine duty. I feel it in my bones.
The Dekarios family most likely has their family dishes that have to be at every function. While I subscribe to the thought that he's an only child, I do believe he has a lot of extended family. He'd also count on his aunt insisting on cooking that eel pie she always brings. She's convinced the whole family asks for it. (They do not.)
Tessa has a few dishes she'd want. She'd be grateful that Gale took care of the chefs. She also comes from a large family. (She's one of 6 kids with plenty of cousins.) The wedding would be huge and she also knows her dad would insist on bringing moonshine. Although she would go back and forth on actually inviting dear ol' dad to the wedding. Gale would support her either way despite fearing he'd ruin the wedding. It's up in the air if he would actually ruin the wedding.
Vaira would just want a lot of protein and she would trust Gale's judgement on the food. She doesn't know anything about food on Faerûn and gith only really eat if they have to. Gale would help her gain an appreciation for food though.
The wedding cake would be magical. It would be layered with several flavors rather than just one. People would have options. It would be oh so slightly enchanted. Since it's made ahead of time, Gale was probably more hands on with the cake. There'd be a perfect replica of him and his partner on top, of course. I think he'd be delighted and a little freaked out how much it looked like them.
There would also be so much alcohol at this wedding.
People will talk about the food at this wedding for years to come. The wedding industry in Waterdeep will hear the phrase "I want food as good as that Dekarios wedding, except for that eel pie" for decades.
Wyll and Minty / Wyll and Lamia
Wyll would lean into the traditional wedding foods and what you'd find in Baldur's Gate. He would also want traditional foods from the culture of whoever he was marrying. He wants the wedding to feel like home for both of them. Yes, he has dignitaries to impress, but his spouse's happiness is more important.
They would also have the traditional Baldurian wedding cake. Right now, I'm influenced by historical British royalty for the upper echelon of Baldur's Gate. They often had an 8-tiered fruit cake for weddings back then. I've tried the recipe for one of these older cakes and they're honestly not half-bad.
Minty would want traditional Kara-Tur foods, like Shan sao fruit stew, roast duck, shark fin soup, fish, prawns, rice, and noodles to represent longevity. Wyll would have actual chefs from Kara-Tur come in to help make everything more authentic. He'd also get advice from Minty's mother. Minty's mom would be the one to make sure they have red twill cakes alongside the traditional wedding cake.
Lamia would just want anything she thinks tastes good. I wish I had more to say for her, but I honestly don't think she'd have a lot of thoughts on the food. She'd just ask for a couple of dishes and let the Ravengards figure out the rest.
Lae'zel and Laura
Lae'zel does not care. Just make sure there's meat and plenty of food.
Laura would want more of an outdoor, picnic-like affair. There'd be homemade bread, fruits, apple butter, soup, Shepherd's pie, and the like. It'd all be rustic.
Instead of cake, Laura would have a pie table with homemade pies and tarts of all kinds. She'd make everything herself and it'd be a very small affair. Lae'zel would be able to tolerate it because it was an intimate affair.
Halsin and Ingrid / Halsin and Paloma
Halsin wouldn't have a wedding per se. It'd be something different. I do headcanon that he wants to settle down in his own way. I think his days of just going his own way are over and now he wants a partner by his side. He's still poly! He's just less "we're just two ships passing in the night" about it. He wants a family to call his own.
But weddings are still too traditional and feel too much like he is staking a claim in a person. He is happy to celebrate his relationship with his community though, and to openly show his love. You could argue that's what a wedding is, but sometimes how you frame it is important.
Halsin and Ingrid would throw a simple party where they would plant a tree together. They would be able to watch it age together. Then they would just have a nice outdoor gathering with friends, food, and drink. (Although Halsin would not imbibe.)
Fun fact: I created Ingrid long before I played BG3 and knew anything about Halsin, but even back then her favorite food was Russian honey cake.
Needless to say, their event would have honey cake.
Paloma and Halsin would have something more concrete. It would be a simple commitment ceremony of sorts. Just in an openly committing to take care of each other and love each other as a family. This is also partially due to the fact Halsin would become a step-dad. This ceremony would also be about giving the kids a sense of stability.
Paloma would want to make sure everyone was well fed, of course. It'd be more like a large potluck or you could compare it to a barn raising wedding. People would bring casseroles, soups, vegetables, fruits, and tarts. If you're thinking of a cottagecore inspired picnic, that's basically it. Paloma would also make goat cheese, honey, and fruit crostinis.
And yes, there would still be honey cake and a honey pear tart.
Astarion and Bex / Astarion and Lamia
Astarion would just need blood, but he'd still have so many opinions on food. He would want the best of the best, real highfalutin stuff. Astarion would want elven food. I like the idea of him trying to get in touch with the life he lost out on and using his wedding as part of that.
He would want the most elaborate and rich wedding cake you've ever seen. Whatever is popular for weddings, he will not be doing. His wedding is too special to be just like every other wedding you've been to. He'd pull some shit like Bonaparte did on his wedding day where he got a pastry chef to make a unique cake. Astarion might even put aside his pride to get a recommendation of pastry chefs from Gale, of all people.
Astarion would totally be a bridezilla. This is important, okay? He's finally found family and belonging. And it's a day where he gets to really matter. So you better make his stupid, giant wedding cake (dessert?) just right.
Both Bex and Lamia would be the chill ones. In Lamia's case, that's a terrifying prospect.
Bex, who has worked as a professional cook, would have a lot of thoughts on food. Sometimes, she and Astarion be on the same page. Other times, they would not. Bex would be annoyed because Astarion doesn't even remember how some stuff tastes, but insists on having it because of optics.
They're the kind of couple that you can watch go at it over stupid shit and then they're over it in the next five minutes, as if it never happened. Outside of the food, Bex would sort of let Astarion have his way though. She's not persnickety about weddings in general.
Lamia just wants to be the center of attention, but she's so much trashier than Astarion. They would argue about her terrible, terrible taste in everything.
Lamia would suggest simple, filling foods. It would drive Astarion up a wall because, I'm sorry, is this a wedding for basic bitches? No, no, no, we're having the best. Lamia wouldn't care that much about the food, but suggesting "peasant food" to rile him up would amuse her.
They would also have to make sure Lamia's bestie, Allie, just gets a ton of meat. I don't even think they'd have to cook it for her.
Viktor and Barcus
God, could these two not give less of a fuck. They care, but only in the sense of "is it good? Cool." Barcus would have some Underdark favorites at the wedding though. They would have deep rothé steak because it is a special occasion.
Overall, they'd have simple, but good food. Gale would have opinions, but he'd really only tell his spouse about it. Astarion would gossip with Shadowheart by how basic it is, unlike his wedding.
Elyse and Rolan
Rolan isn't a bridezilla... but he's pushing it. He is a perfectionist through and through. Everything has to be the best. He's also a little insufferable after Lorroakan. I say this about him with love.
Lia and Cal would constantly make fun of him (lovingly) and Elyse would be the more laidback one. I also think Rolan would also really want to show off to Elyse's fancy pants family even though she wouldn't care about what they think.
Rolan had nothing growing up and now can have anything he wants. He would ask for the best of the best. It'd be based on what he read about in books growing up. Books full of royals and aristocrats stuffing their faces with rich foods. Of course, he'd also make sure that Elyse, Lia, and Cal's favorites were present. He's not totally blinded by his perfectionism.
But it'd be a huge feast nonetheless. There'd be things like venison, roasted pig, poached duck, lobster, fruits, cheeses, breads, and a plethora of vegetables.
They wouldn't have a wedding cake. Since one of Elyse's favorite foods is croquembouche, they would decide to do that instead. Of course, there will be other sweets for guests to choose from. Rolan has thought of everything.
I find food fascinating and could talk forever. That lead to this. I'm always open to random food asks although I do not foresee anyone taking me up on that.
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werebutch · 5 months
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Reminiscing with my sister about the first pictures of lynx
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thedarkestgreys · 1 month
I can’t believe there’s less than 10 chapters left of yvonr thank you for your services would not have been able to survive the euphoria hiatus without youuu❤️🥲
honestly you and me both nonny. 🫶🏻 july was very unproductive on the writing front thanks to my personal life, but i did get a lot of final decisions determined on this four chapter arc im concluding in october narrowed down (more like running order of events if that makes sense?) and have started the first lexi and first fezco chapters. im really, really excited to share with you all and admittedly anxious about everyone’s thoughts!
i’ve been planning this ending for two years now! the other day i was talking to my beta @weddersins about how i was 31 when i started outlining and sharing chapters with her and by the time its done i’ll be 34! yvor has truly been an undertaking of a lifetime and im so honored to get to see us all through this extra long hiatus! ❤️❤️❤️
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monstrsball · 1 year
single dad iwaizumi au
this au has lived in my brain for nine months, and i've been talking about it a lot in discord lately so... have my thoughts and headcanons. enjoy!!
note: you may have already guessed this but this is also an iwasuga au. i'm not going to go into it here but suga is mentioned once or twice!
his son's name is mikio, he was born (in 2014) while iwaizumi was still in california!
appearance wise, i think he looks a lot like iwa! except without the resting grumpy face. his hair is a little curlier too. and he ends up needing glasses around the time he starts second grade.
mikio's birth mother is not in the picture, it's been just iwaizumi and mikio since he was little. do not ask more questions about this because i do not have answers at the moment lol.
when he found out that he was going to be a dad, iwa freaked out a little. like "oh my god i don't know if i can do this" but also he really wanted to? he really wanted to be a dad but he was also scared. he called his moms (who answered even though it was the middle of the night for them) and they talked for hours. it really helped him calm down and warm up to the idea.
and then he called them again (at a more reasonable time) to ask them about baby names because he was completely lost. they helped him pick out mikio!
they lived in california for a few years since iwaizumi was still in college + doing his internship with utsui. utsui ended up being a massive help to iwaizumi too!
this is how ushijima became one of his mikio's uncles!!
(mikio called him uncle toshi at first but eventually started calling him uncle ushiwaka because of oikawa. yes, iwaizumi tried to dissuade this but was unsuccessful. ushijima says it's fine.)
oikawa is competing against ushijima for the best uncle title. ushijima is not aware of this.
oikawa is a really good uncle though! he has years of experience after all he loves mikio with his whole heart, he's always sending him little things in the mail. he does sometimes get really sad that he's missing so much.
mattsun and makki do not know how to talk to children but they think mikio is cool. they call him little dude/little man. he is their buddy!! their pal!!
kyoutani also does not know how to talk to children and was probbaly nervous when he heard iwaizumi had a kid lmao. like, what if he says the wrong thing and hurts the kid's feelings and iwaizumi never talks to him again. but i think mikio actually really likes kyoutani! he thinks his hair is cool and he likes hearing about the animals kyoutani works with (part-time animal shelter worker kyoutani is real and canon. to me.)
i think iwaizumi introduced mikio to a variety of sports as he was growing up because he didn't want to force volleyball onto him. mikio does still end up latching onto volleyball. he does like playing other sports sometimes but he LOVES volleyball! he watches a lot of games with his dad (mostly oikawa and ushijima's).
mikio's other interests include: rocks, legos, lizards, & reading (he likes reading books about rocks and legos and lizards). he has a rock collection that he will show off to anyone who lets him.
he is not a fan of bugs (they scare him) which breaks iwaizumi's heart a little but they are slowly working on getting him more comfortable with them.
he is a pretty sweet kid but he can be a little blunt like his dad is sometimes. has called oikawa weird on multiple occasions but he isn't even trying to be mean. (it is typically said when oikawa is being over dramatic about something)
iwa has a lot of moments where he's like "i cannot laugh at that. i need to tell him not to say that." but it's hard because mikio really will unintentionally say the funniest things.
he can be pretty shy and quiet when you first meet him but he opens up a little over time, you can expedite the process by asking him about the things he likes. he gets really excited to talk about them.
when mikio is around 6/7 years old, iwaizumi makes the decision to move back to japan permanently after he gets a job offer there. (tentatively saying this was his role on the national team...? don't quote me on that. either way, he does still work for the national team. i'm just not 100% sure if that's the one he moves for)
which is where this au diverges from canon (again lol). he moves back to japan permanently instead of working at a university in the US. he does this to be closer to his moms. he feels more comfortable knowing that they're closer and he can go to them if he needs help.
mikio loves his grandmas. i need to say this. every other weekend, sachiko or mayumi will come get him on the train so he can spend the weekend with them. he has a blast!!
mikio is really, really nervous for his first day at his new school! he doesn't really talk to anyone.
can you guess who his teacher is.
yeah, okay, so i think he does end up talking to suga on his very first day because he sees a volleyball in the classroom and is like O: so they talk a bit about volleyball. suga tells him that he played against his dad and uncle in high school. (he either knows iwaizumi is his dad bc well. the last name or he saw him before class started...? something like that.)
mikio thinks suga-sen is the coolest person in the whole wide world.
sometimes when mikio doesn't have school but iwa still has work, he'll take him to JNT practices. the team loves him. mikio loves the team.
after ushijima, mikio's favorite person on the team is probably bokuto. i think he's who he warmed up to the fastest.
he also thinks kageyama and hinata are super cool but not because they're both world famous volleyball player, it's because they were on the same team as suga-sen in high school.
kageyama and hinata are not even offended by this. they also think it's cool that they were on the same team as suga in high school.
he's friends with osamu's daughter, kanako (shout-out to @osamusbigtits and his single dad osamu au) since atsumu also brings her to practice sometimes.
i think... these are all of my hcs?? questions are always welcome :3
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osamusbigtits · 11 days
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babygirlwolverine · 18 days
new poolverine fic coming tomorrow 🥹
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crippledanarchy · 3 months
This is the first summer in 20 years that I haven't had a menstrual cycle and it's just as great as I remember it
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sbd-laytall · 17 days
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Andi Mack | 3.01 | "The Boys Are Back"
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babybluebex · 6 months
concept to chew on: “i can see you” by taylor swift, but it’s dominic x costar!reader secret relationship 👀
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