#Beta Senju Hashirama
Quirks of presenting: Burrowing
It seemed to have been a pretty normal day, in terms of perpetual danger. The trees were sturdy and well rooted into fertile soil. The sky was clear with only specks of floating cotton in the wide expanse of a mirrored sea. Birds lightly chirped as the followed the invisible current of the wind that you never quiet know where or when it came from. There was both a quietness yet a loudness coming from the trees around them.
The sound of their swaying leaves, the gentle crunching of dirt, the sound of silent movement that cut through the air, so on and so forth.
The trees were calm, not quiet - meaning no enemies near by.
Which is all that Hiroko could ask for, as she was sure she wouldn't be prepared to defend her home in the next week - not with her cycle being as irregular as an ant hill in winter.
Nonetheless, she attended to her duties as well as she always should. Organizing all the recently cleaned clothing for the children, feeling like they've only gotten worse at keeping themselves clean with the excessive rain the last couple of days - though, today, she was lucky that everything seemed to be clear skies.
Though, she honestly should have expected something to pop up, with her clan, something always did.
So when Hiroko spotted a certain bowl cut from the corner of her eye darting away with a tiny blob of white following it, she should have guessed something was up. A sigh leaving her lips as she finished folding the clothes infront of her. Placing them in a hand-crafted basket, before pulling it up alongside herself - making sure to balance it well on her hip before calling out. "Hashirama!"
Getting no response, not even the usual giggling of the rampant six year old as he dragged his sibblings around with him - caused worry to stir in her gut. Making sure to have a proper hold on the basket, she moved towards the open door, "Hashirama!" she called out as her bare feet touched warm rock.
"Tobirama!" She called out after looking around, spotting the young Senju looking at the base of a tree - little Kawarama standing besides him holding his left hand - the young boy looking up, one hand coming up to wave her over.
The older woman made her way over to the two, Kawarama greeting her with a 'Nana!' As he came over to hug her leg while Tobirama greeted her in a much softer tone. She carded her fingers through the short stands of Kawarama's hair as she looked at the red-eyed boy. "Tobirama, what are you two doing? And where's that brother of yours, he should be meeting up with his mentors by now."
"Anija is acting weird." Was all the answer he had to give pointing to the hole next to the base of the tree - one that she hadn't noticed from afar - before she could ask for further clarification.
It only took a moment for her mind to give her an answer as to why there would be a hole there. The basket dropped from her hands as she took a step forward, quickly ducking down to look into the hole as she called out a gentle 'Sweetie?'
As she gets hit with a wooden smell with high hints of flowers, she feels her heart drop - knowing that neither of those matched the current surroundings they have.
Meanwhile, brown hair in a bowl cut appeared in her vision, followed by brown eyes and a face that had dirt smudges on it - and by the looks of it, the rest of his clothes were in a similar situation - a small smile as a tan and dirtied hand reached out. "Nana!"
Hiroko looked at the presenting pup before her, grabbing his hand as she spoke. "Tobirama, take the little one with you and go get your mother, alright?" She instructed the young boy as she gently tugged Hashirama out of the little burrow he was making.
She heared Tobirama leave with a questioning Kawarama, and all she could do was hope at the moment.
She had taken Hashirama to the clan healers, being thrown out of the room the moment her clan head and his wife had appeared at the door.
Like many of her clans members, she awaited the news. Many looking at each other nervously - younger pups asking questions about what was happening as the older pups gently hushed them into silence.
A hand landed on her shoulder, and it didn't take much for her to know that it was her brother - who gave her a worried look and didn't look any bit convinced as she whispered she was fine.
Grueling minutes passed by as they awaited for their Heirs dynamic to be revealed. Many of the active shinobi had come out, rushing to put on the robes that designated their dynamic - while the farmers amongst them were already wearing them casually, an equal amount of nervous excitement buzzing amongst them all.
And then the door slammed open.
Out walked the smiling healers, falling into formation alongside the walls before the clan head's family walked forward. Tears of joy streamed down the wife's face, carrying baby Itama, as smiles (no matter how faint) were on the younger brothers faces.
With the biggest smirk she had ever seen on the man's face, Butsuma looked on at his clan - his hands firmly clasping his first born sons shoulders - with a certain smugness in his smirk that contrasted the pure joy on Hashirama's pleased face.
All Hiroko could feel was relief as she took in Hashirama's newest clan robes, ones that were too big at the moment so they were rolled up, but that he'd eventually grow into them. The female Alpha could only breath a sigh of pure joy as the Omegan clan head announced the news.
"He's a Beta!"
And then came the joyous cries of her Betan and Omegan clan members. Her brother's hand clasping hers in reassurance as he cheered for his fellow Beta.
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lossie92 · 9 months
This story is a direct result of @kooriicolada pitching an idea to me (again) and me going "lemme write that down real quick" (again). In conclusion, neither of us has self control and you're benefitting from it (again).
The working title is Romance Comes Later. Hope you enjoy? 😅
Also, happy holidays to you all! I'll be posting more stuff this week so stay tuned!
Warnings: a/b/o dynamics
He raised one of his hands and with movements that were painstakingly slow he reached out to place it along the curve of Tobirama's cheek. Without the ever-present happuri the omega's features appeared much softer. He looked younger like this, the innocence of childhood not entirely gone yet. 
It made Madara think about how young Tobirama actually was as he stroked the delicate skin under the omega's left eye. Even with the glove on he could still feel the warmth of Tobirama's blush and he smiled at that, amused.
Tobirama nuzzled against his palm, his eyelashes fluttering as he blinked lazily, drowsy with what Madara suspected to be exhaustion finally catching up with him.
"You should rest," Madara said quietly.
"I'm not tired," was Tobirama's whispered response. "Just… It's nice. This. I— Nobody really does this."
"Mm? What do you mean?" Madara leaned in, his forehead against Tobirama's. The omega's breath caught at the gesture. It was more than obvious he wasn't used to this, which was a thought that didn't sit well with Madara for whatever reason. "What is it that nobody does?"
"Touching," Tobirama responded. His voice was small and the single word hard to catch, but Madara heard him anyway. "Nobody— not like this."
The admission was shockingly honest. It made something twist in Madara's chest – something that felt an awful lot like anger.
He wasn't a stranger to the concept of touch starvation. It wasn't uncommon in their profession. Being trained to fight and kill from a young age tended to result in intense paranoia. Madara himself had some hangups about people he didn't know getting too close, but he still had his pack to provide the comfort when he wanted and needed it most.
The younger Senju brother, it seemed, didn't have that despite the fact he had family.
Apparently able to sense Madara's unease, Tobirama added, "Anija does mark me with his scent. It just… ends there."
"Only Hashirama?" Madara asked just to be sure. He didn't expect much from someone like Senju Butsuma, but the idea was that the man would push away his own child…
He felt Tobirama nod. "Touka-nee is a beta. She doesn't understand," he explained in the same soft, quiet voice. "It's… I'm used to it. But I also want… this. There's something I— I j-just want you close. I don't know why, I—" Tobirama paused for a moment before continuing, "You'll think I'm crazy, Uchiha-sama, but it's almost like— there was this story my mother used to tell anija and I."
"A story," Madara repeated. "What was it about?"
"Fated mates," Tobirama said with a vivid blush. Though he had ducked his head presumably in order to hide it, Madara could see clearly how red his cheeks and ears were. It was beyond adorable. "She told us that, um… that it could happen sometimes," Tobirama continued. "A match so good it felt life-changing. I didn't believe it could be true back then."
Madara hummed, considering. "But you do now." It was a statement, not a question. "You think this is why we're so… drawn to each other.
"Yes," Tobirama responded. "It seems plausible. I don't— I haven't felt this type of pull before."
"Me neither." 
Tobirama looked up at that. There was something entirely too vulnerable hidden in his wide eyes – a type of hopefulness and yearning that Madara found completely disarming.
Heart in his throat, he cupped Tobirama's face in his hands and kissed him square on the lips before he could talk himself out of it.
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sinaprime · 21 days
Idea of a story I'm working on
In a universe where humans are divided into alpha, beta and omegas, Senju Tobirama was born an omega.
A mission ended with him being pregnant with an Uchiha child. A battle ended with him almost being killed. And both was the beginning of something new.
The story starts with a crime, a crime that could destroy the Uchiha.
The story is about a big brother, who loses almost everything and is more determined than ever to protect those he loves.
The story is about a big brother, who has to decide if he follows his heart or risk losing his younger brother.
The story tells about a white demon, who never thought to become a mother.
The story is about two clans that had been enemies for hundreds of years and will have to find out how to live in peace.
“I won’t seek revenge, no matter what happens, but next time our clans fight, Madara, I won’t hold back either. You don’t want peace? Fine. But don’t blame me and my clan for any further losses within the Uchiha. Keep away from our land. Any Uchiha daring to step on it again, will die."
“... Yesterday, the Senju clan head came to a decision, and not to our favor. I’m very sure he will no longer pester us with any peace offers, don’t worry. Unfortunately, he might find another way to let his dream come true, even if it isn’t like he wanted.”
“What do you mean, not like he wanted?”
“If I remember correctly, the Uchiha aren’t the only clan in Hi no Kuni. And as I already said, most clans don’t like rapists, that includes the Nara, Akamichi, Yamanaka, Aburame, Inuzuka, Hatake, Sarutobi and Hyuuga.”
“And you think they might…do what exactly? Do you think they will alley with the Senju just because one of them was raped? Why is rape worse than killing them?”
“Because we kill to protect our clan, to earn money, or defend our allies. There is honor in doing that. Rape has no honor. It doesn’t serve any purpose, except to steal a clan’s bloodline. In this case we can’t even say that because it was Haro, who freely has given our bloodline to another clan. I can already see the smug faces of the Hyuuga. ‘The mighty Uchiha clan priding themselves to be oh so protective of their Dōjutsu and yet one of them can’t even control themselves in proximity of a helpless omega of an enemy clan no less. How pathetic.’ They surely will have a field day if they hear about it.”
Madara frowned. “Didn’t you receive my letter?”
Hashirama smiled, though it wasn’t his usually smile full of joy. It was sharp and didn’t reach his eyes. “I did. And I find it funny. The Uchiha repeatedly rejected my offer of a peace treaty, have made it clear that they have no interest in ever agreeing to stop the endless cycle of death. But then, only two days after they declared it impossible for our clans to be friends, I receive a letter with the request of a ceasefire.” Hashirama’s fake smile vanished and was replaced by a very displeased expression. “It was like a slap into the face.” Madara flinched.
“I’m pregnant.”
“With an Uchiha child.”
“With a Senju child.”
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nevsclowntown · 2 years
wherever Mito is in your omegaverse, she’s living her best life
Mito's been promised to Hashirama for a peace treaty. While the Senju elders were very happy about this, Hashirama didn't like the thought of forced marriage for peace, also because his own interest lies with Madara and they have had a lot of talks about the nature of mating and marriage and Hashirama has adapted to the Uchiha way of doing these things.
They still met and it turned out that Mito was just as happy about the not marriage as Hashirama. Because first off, she was actually hoping to marry the other founder of Konoha and secondly, she doesn't even like alphas lmao.
Mito's Hashiramas best friend and whenever Madara's not busy all over, they like to train together.
Mito's love life? She's got a beta wife and everyday is better than the last for her.
Anyway, Hashi and her like to gossip and share their love for Madara with one another lmao.
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acnproject · 8 days
A Perigosa Dança de Hashirama
Para obter informações sobre o clã Uchiha, seus inimigos numa guerra que já dura nos, Hashirama precisa se infiltrar atrás das linhas inimigas. E para isso, precisa seduzir Madara, o filho mais velho do líder do clã e conseguir informações que possam os ajudar a colocar um fim naquela disputa. O Senju precisará usar toda sua lábia e poder de persuasão para alcançar seus objetivos. Porém, o que era para ser uma missão de infiltração se torna algo a mais, e o sucesso, ou fracasso de Hashirama, pode colocar os dois clãs em uma guerra ainda maior.
Disponível no Spirit Fanfics e AO3
🌹 Shipp: HashiMada (Hashirama e Madara) 🌹 Criador: @Nisaba 🌹 Beta: @lLannaaa 🌹 Capista: @Senjuchihalyn 🌹Avaliador: @MilPedacos 🌹 Helper: @UzumakiKen
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belit0 · 1 year
 I'm hunting you, Izuna - Tobirama's version
No, Betas don't exist in this verse Dark Tobidrama!
Pairing: Alpha Tobirama / Omega Izuna.
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We define life in black and white, simple. Well, not for Izuna, since his anatomy decided it would be inappropriate to present a status ruling by the age they normally suit it for.
Now the young Uchiha is in his twenties, and he still doesn't know what he is. People present as Alphas when being nine, in Omegas' case at twelve. As for Izuna, no hint of anything appeared, branding him as the odd case of the Uchiha clan.
It really is frustrating. Everyone talks about heat and love, marks and deep close relationships, bites and rut... Izuna can't get involved in any conversation, as he doesn't know about all that world. Never aware of whether he would be an Alpha or an Omega, he neither bothered to understand their habits. It left him in the middle, where no other case like his exists.
Everyone expected he would present a dominant status. After all, they know Uchihas for the large number of Alphas populating the clan. Only Senju compete with them, having a similar or even higher number of Alphas.
But as the years passed, hopes were disappearing, leaving room for doubt and fear. What would happen if Izuna never presents as anything? What would be his future? His destiny?
Izuna himself had felt pressured by these concerns as a teenager, but growing up, he understood there is much more in life than just two popular branches. While the unknown is scary, it opens an immense window of opportunities.
He had a hard time imagining what people meant by "scent". Many complained about Madara's overpowering aroma, a hostile and frightening fragrance for anyone. He couldn't wrap his head around it, because when he inhaled, his brother smelled of shampoo and clean clothes, as usual since he was a child.
Those special smell everyone described were imperceptible to his senses, and in a way he was grateful for it, for the disgusted face Tobirama makes when Hashirama goes to work while in heat doesn't leave much to be desired.
Izuna can deduce Alphas loathe the sensations other Alphas generate, while whatever an Omega releases into the air, whichever it is, is highly pleasurable. Every time he asks and demands a description, an explanation conducive to a rational concept in his mind, no one can answer him.
No one can explain the physical sensations of a heat, of what it feels like to be marked, of what it feels like to smell someone you are very fond of.
Eventually, the Uchiha understands answers to his questions will not come. He does not belong to that world. The only missing link in the chain, he must learn to deal with it.
Immersed in these depressing thoughts, he finds himself while Aniki and both Senju brothers argue in front of him, the four of them sitting in Hashirama's office while ignoring a monumental amount of work.
He only snaps out of his dark haze of self-pity when Tobirama's voice stops aggressively addressing Madara, changing the subject drastically.
"Do you smell that?"
"You're not getting away from this discussion with a foolish and poor distraction-" Uchiha leader tries simply to be interrupted before finishing.
"I mean it. Don't you sense it?" the white-haired man goes again.
"Your brother is pathetic." Madara resolves addressing Hashirama gravely.
"There's a scent, you futile fool. Inhale."
"I feel nothing, Senju."
"Scent? Tobi, I can’t smell anything with those suppressants you're forcing me to take."
"Don't you dare put the blame on me with you being the one who neglects keeping track of his rut."
"You're both pathetic." Madara corrects, looking up at the ceiling.
“What does it smell like, exactly?” Izuna tries on a desperate chance to get answers.
“Well... it’s like something... beckoning you. As if someone placed your favorite meal in the next room and you cannot fathom the source of the scent, but you sense it. Need to devour is there.”
“Oh... sure, right, yeah... sounds to me like I don’t want to be you right now, so if you’ll excuse me, I’m going home.” Younger Uchiha gives up on trying to grasp onto this strange world. He rises from his seat in front of Hashirama’s desk, but as he turns around, Madara’s voice stops him.
Following his older brother’s eyes, his vision fixes on the chair he was occupying moments ago, being completely stunned at what he finds there. The seat is covered with a clear liquid, texture that presumes to be sticky from how densely it drips to the floor.
Only then do his hands have the reflex to touch his backside, feeling this wet sensation through his clothes. It is incredible to think he did not notice it until now, and he cannot understand where it came from. His eyes widen in panic at the thought of something being wrong with him, a strange thing happening to his body, when a growl bursts onto the scene.
It sounds animalistic and comes directly from Tobirama’s chest, who is now standing and leaning back on the desk while resting both hands on the surface. Long fangs suddenly grow out of his mouth, his eyes turn completely red and ten claws cover his fingers. A true predator.
An Alpha eyeing its prey.
Common sense seems to have completely abandoned the white-haired man, who cannot speak any words unless it is an incoherent sound. Despite Hashirama’s futile attempts to calm him down, the Senju does not back away, his gaze fixed on Izuna.
It is Madara who leaps from his seat and scoops his younger brother into his arms, carrying him as he jumps out the window and flees at full speed away from the other Alphas.
"Of as many moments you could choose to present your status, you had to do it in a room full of Alphas!"
Madara leaps from rooftop to rooftop in desperation, knowing he must hurry if they want to beat the fastest man in the whole damn village on the run.
Who is precisely chasing them.
Several Alphas raise their noses to the air in order to feel Izuna's scent, which seems to suddenly spread all over the place, and the Uchiha leader knows Konoha is not safe anymore.
Their course changes towards the forest, shooting different fire techniques at their feet, so Tobirama loses time behind them.
"Aniki what's going on?!"
"You're a damn Omega, Otouto. Congratulations! We could toast with some Sake for the news if we didn't have a Senju trying to hunt you down!"
"But how can that be?! Why aren't you affected?!"
Jumping, blowing fire, talking and carrying his younger brother would be a nuisance if Madara didn't have the goal of protecting the precious cargo in his arms.
"Does it look like I have answers?! I don't know, Izuna. Maybe because I''m used to your scent? I don't notice any difference in you!"
"But you're carrying me, even though I can use my legs perfectly!"
"Yeah... alright... but... shut the fuck up and do some thinking!"
"Aniki let go of me! It's my rival! I know how to deal with him, I've been doing it for years!"
"I said no!"
"Aniki let me go!"
"I'm not letting go of my Omega-"
Madara will argue later, having mistaken his words because of the branch which hits him right in the forehead, making him fall unconscious to the ground from the height.
Izuna might feel guilty for leaving his big brother there on the forest floor, but he has a hunter to run from, and there's no time to waste. He quickly stands up, thanking fate that branch wasn't in his path as his legs shoot out at an even faster speed than the Uchiha leader.
In his thighs the stickiness is unpleasant, but he is a Shinobi, and knows he must assert himself in any adversity if he wants to survive.
The Senju was always faster than him, but at least he's not using that stupid technique he recently created, the one he keeps bragging about. Looking slightly back, the black-haired man can swear his hunter is running on all fours, and he's getting closer and closer.
A kunai brushes his cheek and the matter becomes more serious, almost grave, a sense of danger plaguing his body.
Izuna didn't regard this game as unsafe, he thought the Senju was having fun. The Uchiha never saw an Alpha's reaction to a newly presented Omega.
Suddenly, Izuna runs because he really wants to escape, not because he wants to win a competition who thought friendly with Tobirama.
The shout is almost desperate, and the only reply is growls sounding nearer and nearer.
Hours ago, the Uchiha was not for this world, simply a mistake. Now, by being in the wrong place at the wrong time, he is about to lose everything he earned minutes ago.
He is not ready for that.
A seal sticks on his clothes and his entire body is paralyzed, making him fall hard to the ground. All he can do is insult his hunter as the latter walks menacingly towards him, enjoying the sight of his captured prey.
"Who would have thought... Uchiha Izuna an Omega..."
"Let go of me now and I might not cut your head off, Senju!"
Though his words are laced with venom, fear runs deep under his skin, anxiety whispering in his ear that it is over.
"Why should I spare you when it cost me trouble to hunt you down, Omega?"
"Don't call me that, I have a name!"
And what the Uchiha certainly didn't expect is the slap he receives at that retort. His face turns from the impact and Tobirama's hand mark is clear on his white skin.
"We'll work on your fashions and mannerisms. Nothing beyond fixing, Omega. We shall now proceed to that which concerns us."
The Senju's fangs glint impeccably as he crouches down beside Izuna, leaning over him and going right for his neck. The Uchiha knows what's coming, he's seen too many people bitten to not understand.
"WA-IT! WA-AIT! How... how come you reacted... so fast?! to what happened in your brother's office?!"
Talking won't buy him much time, but if only Madara would wake up and show at the right moment....
"It's simple, Uchiha. Your older brother always bears a scent far too sweet to be his own. It took me a while to deduce it was yours, but it became clear as you made a mess of your seat."
"Ah... ah... and how-"
"Enough, Izuna. I know you too well as to play your games."
Is the last thing he hears as Tobirama closes on him, digging his fangs in.
That day Izuna loses many things, but gains one. One he never asked for and never wanted.
An Alpha.
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asukaskerian · 1 year
Turn Left Cherry Wine! Sorry, another- how would they have gotten together if all the senju sibs were alive? Would the courting have been intentional with Tobirama as an out omega or would it have been more political as a rival litter?
if itama and kawarama were still alive i don't know if they'd still be presenting as a litter with hashirama, because it would be a bit more obvious that he's older than the lot of them. tobirama has an old man expression and his coloring fools people but itama looks even younger than his actual age. but they don't want hashirama to be alone either! but it's not a "we're both alone anyway and it's making us desperately lonely and attached" situation where tobirama would put all his best rhetoric skills into making it sound like it's just pure logic to stay together even tho he's the one with the bigger emotional need.
so possibly they'd be in talks to decide if they keep faking it when the risk of being found out is higher, or if maybe kawarama goes with hashi and itama stays with tobirama (T^T), or...??? when the fuma thing happens.
kawarama was on that mission with tobi, so it goes, uh, less gently re: capture. like, he definitely ends up with a broken arm and izuna with a broken cheekbone. (oh no his pretty face, oh no his eye is all swollen, how could kawarama do that).
sex PROBABLY doesn't happen because kawarama is allowed to healing jutsu his heat down... so they escape earlier lol.
after that they meet again at the capital without having ever fucked, tobirama pretending he never found them hot, kawarama extremely hostile because how dare they 1. out his brother as an omega and 2. behold his horny out of his mind face. itama had to cleave from hashirama too because it was too obvious he's not old enough to be his brother so you'd expect he would be just as hostile, but he's so polite to madara and izuna, izuna can't get over it. there must be a trap, right? i mean this one isn't much for field work so i don't know him as well BUT???
in this version they probably don't get together until young konoha, tbh, and it starts with itama and izuna hooking up in a purely normal-for-betas no-strings-attached way.
tobirama visibly disapproves but both his sibs laugh at him because they know he thinks both izuna and madara are hot and he's in denial that he's jealous.
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fandom-susceptible · 2 years
So my compressed timeline warring states era au right, it's now omegaverse because fuck it the audience is already tiny and this makes me happy
Tobirama's death in canon still Almost-Happens but Jiraiya and Orochimaru go rescue their oma with Tsunade's help.
The shock of thinking he lost all three of them, though, triggers the development of Kagami's mangekyou sharingan
. . . And their baby brother Shisui's
They try not to tell anyone, but Danzou finds out at some point and the whole shitty plot to destroy the Uchiha clan still gets hatched. He still gets Itachi to kill his friend, but since Kagami and Tobirama are Shisui's parents in this AU, he doesn't get any further
Kagami and Madara find out the truth and Tobirama is 100% down with Madara's plan for the first and only time in their lives, and Danzou gets set on fire despite Hashirama's reservations
Shortly thereafter, the White Fang of Konoha dies, and his son is left without a parent. I know this doesn't work with canon, again, this is a severely compressed timeline au; Kakashi and Shisui are around the same age here.
Kakashi's mom was a Senju, and Tobirama and Kagami are struggling with having only two children left, both of whom are adults and rarely home, and so they take him in
Jiraiya is an alpha in this AU, mind, Orochimaru being an omega, Tsunade a beta
I am terribly torn on Kakashi tbh, his vibes are so good with both alpha and omega . . . Though I do ship him most with Iruka and Iruka for me has strong omega vibes . . .
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ao3feed-hashimada · 1 year
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/Yw0rMD8
by Uchiha_Meitama
I don’t even know tbh. Basically Hashirama ran away without telling anyone and is cheating on his wife.
Words: 511, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 4 of The Storage for Random Ideas and Drabbles
Fandoms: Naruto
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Uchiha Madara, Senju Hashirama, Senju Tobirama, Uzumaki Mito
Relationships: Senju Hashirama/Uchiha Madara, Senju Hashirama/Uzumaki Mito, Senju Tobirama & Uzumaki Mito
Additional Tags: Mentioned Uzumaki Mito, Mentioned Uchiha Madara, Mentioned Senju Hashirama, Minor Senju Hashirama/Uzumaki Mito, Running Away, CEO Uchiha Madara, Secret Messages, Letters, Cuckolding, Cheating, Post-Divorce, Post-Break Up, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Omega Verse, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha/Alpha, Alpha/Omega, POV Senju Tobirama, Senju Tobirama-centric, Mafia Boss Uchiha Madara, Akatsuki Mafia, Omega Senju Tobirama, Alpha Senju Hashirama, Alpha Uchiha Madara, Omega Uzumaki Mito, This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things, Why Did I Write This?, I Don't Even Know, I Can't Believe I Wrote This, I Tried, Gay Senju Hashirama, Bisexual Uchiha Madara
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/Yw0rMD8
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Sometimes, I feel bad for Beta!Hashirama, because I keep remembering that I gave him a really strong sense of smell and I can't imagine how much he must loath the smell of pheromones.
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bansenshukai · 2 years
interested in reading a completed MadaTobi fic of reasonable length? well i've just finished this one :)
Not Yours to Keep
Hashirama's conviction has brought about a tumultuous new age: decades-old clan alliances broken, past enemies drinking side by side, and ever-shifting power dynamics in the Land of Fire, but even in these unprecedented times there are two things Senju Tobirama can be sure of.
1. He would die to protect the fragile peace of their new, just-named village. 2. Uchiha Madara is in love with his older brother.
Words: 45,898 Chapters: 7/7 Status: Completed Rating: M Warnings: None Relationships: Senju Tobirama/Uchiha Madara Tags: Warring States Period (Naruto), Angst, Hate Sex, Enemies to Lovers, Everyone Needs Therapy, Grief/Mourning, Friendship, Angst with a Happy Ending, no beta we die like shinobi, Developing Relationship, Politics
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greencuttingmat · 2 years
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I tagged 6,374 of my posts in 2022
Only 27% of my posts had no tags
#kakashi - 618 posts
#madara - 594 posts
#tobirama - 404 posts
#naruto - 388 posts
#itachi - 365 posts
#hashirama - 365 posts
#uchiha izuna - 358 posts
#senju tobirama - 333 posts
#comic - 314 posts
#uchiha madara - 308 posts
Longest Tag: 95 characters
#tori: don't worry about it. doesn't even crack the top ten worst things people have done to me.
My Top Posts in 2022:
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Naruto Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: Senju Hashirama/Uchiha Madara Characters: Uchiha Madara Additional Tags: Drabble Summary:
Was death painful?
For @hashimada-week ‘s HashiMada Week 2022 Friday, April 15th: Death || Rebirth || Undeath.
7 notes - Posted April 18, 2022
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Naruto Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Senju Hashirama Additional Tags: Song fic, Except said song is, heart sutra, Religion, Buddhism, Character Death, Not Hashirama, Character Study, Angst, Double Drabble, No beta we died like Izuna, Naruto Founders Week 2022 Summary:
Four occasions where Hashirama prayed.
8 notes - Posted November 17, 2022
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Chapters: 1/4 Fandom: Naruto Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Senju Hashirama/Uchiha Madara Characters: Uchiha Madara, Senju Hashirama, Kyuubi | Nine-tails | Kurama, Zetsu (Naruto), the Miko (OC) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Japanese Mythology & Folklore, but rather minor, Kishimoto's style timeline, talk no jutsu Summary:
"Do you even know what it does?"
"Of course. It will cleanse the world and purge the root of all evil, that is human."
  What the…
Madara found out the truth behind Eternal Tsukuyomi after he left Konoha.
Note: For  @hashimada-week ‘s HashiMada Week 2022 Tuesday, April 12th: Cave || Forest || River and Saturday, April 16th: AUs || Time Travel || Free Day While this is a Hashimada fic, Hashirama won’t show up until the last chapter. But I guarantee it would be fluffy once he showed up.
14 notes - Posted April 12, 2022
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Naruto Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Senju Hashirama/Uchiha Madara, Senju Tobirama/Uchiha Izuna Characters: Uchiha Madara, Senju Hashirama, Senju Tobirama, Uchiha Izuna, Senju Kawarama, Senju Itama, Senju Touka Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern: No Powers, Domestic Fluff, Cottagecore, not really - Freeform, @hashimada-giftexchange, Breakfast, Flowers Summary:
This morning was slow but good for Hashirama and his family after a late night of mahjong in the durian orchard.
For @starweiser5993! Hope you will enjoy this!
14 notes - Posted December 24, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Izuna haunted Tobirama.
fic on AO3
35 notes - Posted June 12, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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sarcasticfoxy · 2 years
taken from @asukaskerian
Rules: share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written less than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway.
Ten recent ones... Thats lot, I will do five as I only have 15 works xD but this is gonna be interesting >83
"You said that you don't want to wait to test this scene, but I gotta ask you, is there anything you would like to happen in this scene that we play today?" Tobirama wasn't sure how to answer this question.
"I- I don't know? I would like to get to test at least one of the kinks from the 'maybe' category?" Tobirama said, tapping his fingers on the table.
2. Heated Surprise
Tobirama couldn’t believe he had stumbled across Sand nin who had decided to poison him with an aphrodisiac. And the idiot had been beta who hadn’t really thought what might happen if he used that on alpha! The idiot had actually exclaimed in surprise that Tobirama was an alpha and not omega. He did not know who in their right mind thought of him as omega! And Tobirama wasn't proud of how well he was known in Fire Nation. It helped with some enemies but most crazy ones came after him because of his fame.
3. brainstorming prompts
"You can't be serious? THIS is the reason why we came here?!" Izuna's annoying voice screeched when Tobirama leaned over the altar to get the crystal. Well to a rogue like Izuna it wouldn't look valuable.
"I did not ask you to come with me," Tobirama growled, feeling a familiar shift in the shadow from his anger. He would need to keep his temper down if he didn't want to show Izuna and others Indra.
"You need a keeper, Senju," Izuna jeered. The albino considered if he should just call one of his servants to scare Izuna. He hadn't had a chance to do it with Izuna yet. And Izuna found him terrifying anyway. Tobirama wasn't gonna prove him wrong in that account. But Hashirama didn’t like when he used these powers.
4. Kitsune Bride
Going through the portal wasn’t the nicest feeling he had in years. It was like you were nauseated because you had eaten something and decided to go on a rollercoaster.
"Easy," Madara comforted as his warm hands supported Tobirama to keep standing. The heat radiating from the kitsune was enough to make Tobirama want to just nuzzle into Madara’s chest and make him lay on the floor and flop on top of him. Tobirama did not do those things.
The room where they had teleported looked very much like old Japanese tea rooms. Madara guided him to sit on one of the zabutons that had been placed around a low table. The table had some snacks and tea on it, which Tobirama appreciated as he still hadn't eaten anything but berries and roots.
5. Fine Print
Tobirama has known that his clansman had always viewed him as weird , even to his brothers. His big brother was born with this talent for nature. With the addition of his healing powers he was always going to become a druid, if nothing else.
With Hashirama's already incredibly high potential it had been almost expected for Tobirama to succeed as well. Something he was already having trouble with since his birth, when he came out looking nothing like his parents or any of his brothers.
I only took works I have published as I understood this as something like that xD i tag... @fiyasgideon​, @slrsunfire, @lossie92, @wisiaden, @ellionne, @grimnisdottir, @mangoton, @marloviandevil, @anjellesblog and @uintuva you guys don't need to do this if you don't want but it seemed fun :3
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teardewil · 8 months
alpha/beta reader
I'm currently working on a taegi fic and would love an alpha/beta reader to give feedback/thoughts on the structure and story (anything really)! So I'm checking to see if there's any interest.
It's loosely based on the backstory of Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama. There's archer yoongi who's son of the "head" of the town/commander and he meets a mysterious boy, Taehyung, who at first agrees to help him get better at close combat. They grow closer, while meeting at a special spot. There's a war going on, that's been going on for centuries, and is only fought during spring (for reasons). Yoongi and Taehyung gradually get to know each other without telling each other too much.. wink wink
Some tags I think fits the story is: slow burn, angst, minor character death, strangers to friends to lovers, strangers to lovers, (maybe unreliable narrator), hurt comfort
It's still a work in progress but I have the story planned out.
If you have any questions or if this sounds like something you'd be interested in, please send me a DM, and if you want more about the story before deciding to start alpha/beta reading, I can send my story/mood board and planning !! :)
It's currently at 4 chapters (it looks to be around 5-6 chapters to finish) and at around 30k words
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asukaskerian · 1 year
for the "turn left" meme .. in cherry wine, what if hashirama was a beta? or an alpha?
beta: biologically speaking this is very unlikely! because the way it happens in my verse is one embryo developing alpha or omega hormones is what stops the slower siblings developing their own and makes them become a beta, so Hashirama would always be either one or the other, but let's pretend.
they would be getting married to Mito. Still try to make peace with the Uchiha but there's no way they would snub a long promised cementing/celebrating of their old alliance in order to please the Uchiha with a marriage that would effectively make the Senju become a subordinate to be absorbed into the Uchiha, not even if they waited ten years for hostilities to calm down. The Senju clan would revolt in the meantime and they would have lost the Uzushio support. Unless there's a massive power/influence differential, the omega litter joins the alpha litter's clan so they would basically be handing over their clan leadership to the Uchiha. No way, no how. :(
alpha: Hashirama and Tobirama would have never been put in the same litter and Tobirama would probably be out as an omega because he would have been much less rabid to hide it early on and it would eventually go out. So even if he does go on the Fuma mission and gets hit with the drug it wouldn't be a surprise. it might end up with the same end result for surprisingly less angst!! because Tobirama was never allowed to believe he might be marrying into a household with Hashirama.
At the same time Hashi wouldn't be marrying Mito because she's an alpha too. Maybe one of her cousin litters. :(
... also maybe Touka would be dead and her siblings would have been adopted to replace Hashirama's nonexistent littermates. >_>;;;; Butsuma what the fuck.
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ansksosns · 3 years
Here is the continuation of my first post, Sealed Fates! This one is fluffier, and a lot more dialogue based. It’s a bit more of a comedy relief, because the last part was just....so much angst. and other parts, if I go forward, HAVE SO MUCH ANGST. 
Anyways, Thank you for reading! 
Word count: 3328
Tobirama is the first to wake the following morning; he is always awake early enough to catch the sunrise, though it is never for that exact purpose. He is often up late into the evenings—sometimes the early morning—to finish his work. When he does finally sleep, it is not particularly good, nor is it long, but enough to keep the man going about his days. 
He realizes as he lays in bed, allowing his mind to catch up and make its way through the haze, that he had slept rather soundly through the night. The seemingly never ending aches that lives in his bones, and the constant throbbing behind his eyes that has become so common to his day to day life that he considers it a part of his very being—is gone.
He studies you closely, as he begins to recall the events of last night more clearly.
Tobirama shifts slightly, the sheets on his bed itching against his exposed skin. He stops very suddenly, realizing that there is a weight dipping the bed on the other side of him.
There, beside him, is you.  You are wrapped up under the blanket, with one arm extended out towards him, as though you had been holding him before he woke.
Your eyes closed and lips parted, he watches the slow rise and fall of your chest. Your hair is usually tied up whenever he sees you, but now it is splayed over your shoulders and pillows, looking like a silk curtain. Tobirama has to resist the urge to run his fingers through it, so as not to disturb your sleep. 
He had practically confessed his love to you in an effort to clear his conscience—but then you had declared yours for him, and he had not expected that. 
This is something you have always been good at; doing the unexpected, and succeeding without so much of an effort. Nothing surprises Tobirama anymore, yet here you are, still proving to him that he truly does not know everything. 
Tobirama had stopped himself in the past from acting on instinct with you; most notably the way he’d almost kissed you when you awoke in the hospital last month. You had been in a near death state when he brought you in—your heartbeat had practically stopped. 
He was not yet ready to lose you then. 
And he is not yet ready to lose you now. 
When you looked at him the way you did—like he was a man truly worthy of your love—he did not resist the urge he felt then to kiss you. 
So he did. He kissed you, again and, again, until the two of you could no longer breathe; no longer able to tell up from down. Tobirama had been so bold to take you to his bed, afraid all of it was some sick joke, where he would wake up the next morning to discover he’d been trapped in some ridiculous genjutsu. 
But you are still here, laying beside him.  You are real, you are alive, and you love him, just as he loves you. 
Tobirama notes the red, slightly purple marks that are littered on your neck and down your collar bone, some along your chest.  His face grows warm at the sight of his aggressive markings on you, but he has too much pride now to be embarrassed; He is yours now, for as long as you will have him. His heart skips a beat in his chest, and because you are asleep, Tobirama allows the smile that is creeping up on him, to come out. 
He will protect you, no matter what. He will not lose another loved one. 
With one last glance, Tobirama carefully shifts out of his bed, careful not to disturb you. He changes into some pants, before slipping away. 
Tobirama is gone when you wake up—his side of the bed is empty, and cold. The sun is hanging in the sky, just a touch over the mountains. The morning has only just begun, but Tobirama being gone makes it feel like you are getting a late start to your day. 
Sighing deeply, you roll out of the bed and stretch your limbs and crack your joints. 
You had slept well—you would be surprised if you hadn’t. Not after all you were put through last night. 
You ghost your fingers over your neck, recalling the way Tobirama’s lips felt against you. He was gentle with you, despite the overwhelming evidence left upon your skin. The thought of him instantly makes you smile, and you feel like a child. 
The door is slightly ajar—something he rarely does when others are present in his home. The door being closed means no interruptions; the door open meant...well, there isn’t anyone around to interrupt. 
You walk around the room, collecting your discarded clothes in your hands before putting them all back on again. As you slip the sweater over your head, you realize it is two sizes too big on you. You must have grabbed Tobirama’s instead of yours. You consider changing out of it, and finding your own shirt but decide against it. The two of you entered a new territory last night, and now you want to see what other things you can get away with.
After doing up your pants, you make your way to the only place Tobirama would go so early in the morning—his office. 
New territory. 
You open the door quietly, trying your best not to disturb him. 
He is behind the oak desk again, focusing intently on the scroll in front of him, scribbling furiously. You almost feel bad for intruding, but you have done this many times before as his assistant. Though, his lack of shirt was new. 
“Good morning.” You say. 
Tobirama stops, and looks up at you briefly, eyes scanning the entirety of your body.  He then looks over his shoulder to the window behind him, and back to you. His focused stare falters. 
“Good morning.” He replies. “I am sorry. I intended to rejoin you after a few notes, but it seems time has escaped me yet again.” 
He is speaking to you calmly, casually. It makes your heart soar at how domestic it all feels. 
You walk up to him as he speaks, enjoying the view of him working in comfort behind the desk. 
“It’s okay,” You say to him softly. You stand behind his chair now and very slowly, place both of your hands on his bare shoulders. 
For a split second, you think you’ve crossed a line when you realize how stiff he is. Your worries immediately wash away as he relaxes, melting back into your palms. 
You slowly begin to massage the muscles, trying to get the tension out that had been caused by him being hunched over his desk for so long. 
His shoulders are strong, you note. They have to be, as he holds what feels like the weight of the world on them. 
“I enjoyed having the bed to myself anyways. You can be a bit of a bed hog.” You say playfully, leaning your forehead down to the crown of his head. 
Tobirama grunts in response. He puts his pen down and turns the chair around, grabbing your hands from his shoulders, and holding them in his. He looks up at you longingly. 
“Is there a reason you are wearing my clothing?” He asks, eyes skimming over you again. 
You shrug, and sit down in his lap, straddling him. “I figured it would look better on me.” 
You remove your hands from his, and lock your arms around his neck. 
He is so warm compared to you; like his skin was taming a fire that is burning inside of him. You bury your face into the crook of his neck and smile softly as his arms wrap around you. You feel safe here—truly safe, for the first time in a long time. 
You did not think Tobirama would let you stay for long, as he has work to finish before meeting at the Hokage mansion. But he still hugs you, tracing your skin aimlessly with his nails. You take note of the position the sun is in. You have to leave soon, and that thought breaks your heart, because you are not sure when or if you will ever be with him like this again. 
Tobirama says your name gently, but it is still a command. He knows too, that if neither of you make the first move, you will both be late. You pull your face away from his neck, and look at him with pleading eyes. His ruby ones are soft, as they flick from your eyes, to your lips, and back to your eyes again. This time, it is him who cradles your face in his palm, his thumb gently swiping beneath the corner of your eye. You lean into his touch, placing a soft kiss to his calloused palm. 
“Will you come back, tonight?” He asks in a near whisper. 
You nod. “If you would like me to.” 
He looks as though he wants to say something, but decides against it. You decide not to call him on it, and pull yourself off of him. You straighten out your clothes and clear your throat as you stand straight. 
“Don’t keep me waiting too long, alright?” You say, moving towards the door. “I’ve done enough of that now.” 
His eyes follow you through the room, nodding at your request. You offer him one last soft smile before seeing yourself out. 
You quickly pick up your pace as you see the stairs to the Hokage mansion just off in the distance. You are running behind, thanks to this morning. You had to get creative as you changed clothes, to hide most of the marks on your skin; it took more time than you wanted it to. You are sure that Tobirama will still lecture about being late, even though in part, your tardiness was also his fault. 
When you arrive at the bottom of the staircase, you are greeted with a familiar face. 
“Madara,” You say, surprised he is not already inside with Hashirama. “What are you doing out here?” 
He smirks at you. “Tobirama hasn’t shown up yet. I figured my face is the first one he would like to see during such a historical moment.” 
You stop in your tracks beside him. “He’s late?” You gasp.
Could Tobirama not have just used his Hiraishin seal to arrive in the mansion, and prevent this? None would be the wiser to it if he had. 
Madara cocks his head to the side, narrowing his eyes at you suspiciously.  His eyes go a bit wider, as though he has come to a revelation. If he did, he does not share this revelation with you. 
“I’m sure that is not true. Come, Hashirama is waiting for us.” 
You usher the Uchiha up the stairs with no resistance. 
The two of you enter Hokage's office. Hashirama looks up at the door, his eyes twinkling brightly as he greets you. 
The first thing you notice is the lack of Tobirama in the room. Hashirama looks behind you, no doubt looking for his younger brother, then slumping in his chair when he realizes that Tobirama is not with the two of you.  He does not vocalize his disappointment before collecting himself again. 
“Nice of you to join us,” Hashirama says to you.
You give him a curt nod. “My apologies,” you counter. “I lost track of time.” 
Madara stifles a laugh, and you shoot him a glare. Hashirama catches on to this, shooting a look between Madara and yourself. 
“I have never known you to have ‘lost track of time’.” He says skeptically. 
You offer a shrug. “I am only human, Lord Hokage.” 
He lets out a booming laugh, nodding his head in agreement. “That we are.” 
You relax, knowing your half truth has passed, and you can now continue about your day with ease. 
But before the meeting can continue, the office door opens abruptly. Tobirama, half dressed in his armour barrels through. He looks out of breath for half a moment, red eyes wild, looking as though he’d been caught in the middle of a taboo act. His eyes meet with Hashirama’s, and then yours. His eyes go wider as he realizes you made it to the meeting before him. 
He stops struggling to get the rest of his armour on, opting to leave it open as he tries his best to compose himself. 
Hashirama beams at his brother, happy to see him finally but his mood is quick to sour. 
“Tobirama!” He exclaims. “Where have you been?”
Tobirama’s eyes flick to yours quickly, before rolling his eyes at his brother. 
“I lost track of time, elder brother.”  He groans, a deep, agitated sigh escaping from him. 
You tense at his words, a sudden sinking feeling in your gut. 
Hashirama pauses at his words, considering them, but Madara is quick to act, just as he always is when it comes to humiliating the youngest Senju brother. 
“Oh?” Madara questions, a playful edge to his tone. 
Tobirama’s body flinches at the sound of his voice.  You suppose, in all of Tobirama’s haste, he had forgotten that Madara was part of today’s meeting. 
You sigh internally to yourself. There is hardly a moment when the youngest Senju and the Uchiha are not at each other's throats. While Tobirama takes a practical approach to his distaste for the man such as voice his concerns and doubts of Madara’s capabilities, the Uchiha does his best to make Tobirama’s day to day life a living hell. He critiques Tobirama on anything he does, whether or not it needs it. 
Today is the perfect day for it. 
“You are not one to make excuses, Tobirama.”  Madara says with a grin.
Tobirama glares at him, kunai's practically shooting their way across the room. His chakra is building, the pressure of it coming off in small waves. You look at Hashirama with pleading eyes, knowing he has the ability to settle their disputes without damage being done to the building, or each other.  After last night, Tobirama’s temper tantrum is the last thing she wanted. 
Hashirama only matches your gaze, and stays silent. You grit your teeth.
“You are late every other day, Uchiha. I will not listen to reprimands from someone who shows little respect to the Hokage and company.” Tobirama states, folding his arms over his chest. 
Madara chuckles, making his way to the space between yourself and Tobirama. 
“I simply find it strange that the both of you arrived late today, using the same excuse.” 
You are taken aback by Madara’s words. Through the years, the two of you have been friends, working together closely before your days as Tobirama’s assistant. The two of you often went on missions together, and trained together when you both had time to spare. For him to drag you into his war with Tobirama like this, it was unusual. 
You want to hit him. 
“You weren’t home this morning when I came by for our weekly sparring session.” Madara says to you, his tone mischievous.  He looks at you with a knowing smile, and the blood boils in your veins. 
How could you have forgotten all about your sparring session with Madara? It is the same day, the same time, every week, right down to the second. You feel yourself getting more frustrated as you think, but unsure now if it is with Madara, or yourself for being so careless.
First, you end up in the hospital due to your own mistake. Now, you forget the simplest of activities. Each passing day, you are slacking in your expertise.  This thought only angers you further, and as it stands, Madara will be the one to face your wrath if he is not careful. 
“And now...well,” Madara continues, motioning to both yourself and Tobirama and smiling at the Hokage. “Quite a coincidence, if I do say so myself—too much of one, really.” 
He turns to you, a wicked glint in his eyes. 
“Did you perhaps spend the night at Tobi—”
Madara does not get to finish his sentence. Tobirama’s chakra explodes, and he moves in to grab the Uchiha with an unrecognizable force. Madara watches with the look of an absolute madman, challenging Tobirama to do his worst. 
But Hashirama is much faster than his brother; his wood jutsu grasps both Madara and Tobirama individually, and stops the sudden eruption of anger. 
“That is enough, Madara.” Hashirama booms. He looks to Tobirama, and yourself. 
“I expect better from you two. He is instigating, and you are letting him.” 
Madara chuckles, so Hashirama tightens the wood around him just a little more. 
“And you,” The Hokage thunders. “What the two of them do in their own time is nothing for you to make speculations about.” 
Everyone in the room is silent for a while, allowing Hashirama’s words to sink in. Once he is satisfied with that, he releases the jutsu. He sighs, and pouts. 
“You two are dismissed.” Hashirama says, pointing to both you and Madara. 
“I’d like to discuss important matters with my brother, privately.” 
Madara brushes dirt off of his shoulder, peeking through his bangs at you. 
“Shall we make up for that sparring session?” He asks.
“Gladly.” You growl, shooting a glare at him.
He clasps his hands together. “Wonderful! Perhaps you can tell me all about your late night escapade while we are at it.” 
Tobirama’s fingers flex at his sides, and the tips of his ears burn red. 
Madara complies, but not without slapping a hand down on Tobirama’s shoulder as he passes him, patting it.
You can feel the anger radiating off of Tobirama—no sensory skills needed.
Once Madara has left the room, your shoulders relax and you let out a very deep, much needed sigh.
“You ought to control him more, elder brother.” Tobirama states, fiddling with his armour once again.
“I’m sorry—if I had not forgotten about our sparring session—”
Tobirama shoots you a look. It is not too harsh that you feel as though you’ve upset him, but it is enough to stop you from rambling on about what you could have done differently, if given the chance. 
“You should leave, before he comes back.” Tobirama says, trying to keep the sharp edge out of his tone. 
You silently appreciate the way Tobirama is trying not to take his frustrations out on you. For a quick moment, you recall the times many years ago when Tobirama would snap at you and everyone around him if caught in the wrong mood. 
Of course, you would all find out later that his sensory skills are much more sensitive than that of a normal person, especially without proper training. 
“Okay.” You reply to him, before looking at his brother. “Please do not lay into him too much, Hashirama.” 
He gives you a curt nod, and you turn to leave. 
Before you get too far, Tobirama has grabbed your hand in his with a stern grip. You stop, meeting his eyes. You want to crumble right then and there, as he looks at you so softly. He gives you a small squeeze; everything he wants to say translating just through that action. 
You know he will not say what he is thinking in front of his brother, therefore you do not say anything to him. You only squeeze his hand back as a reassurance that you understand all that he is meaning to say. 
Hashirama looks on, the pout on his face from before completely gone. You feel bad for whatever happens next when you leave the room. 
You let go of Tobirama’s hand, and leave to catch up with Madara. 
“Tobirama! My dear, sweet brother, now a man! I am so happy for you!” 
“Shut up, elder brother!” 
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