#Best popsicle manufacturers
snowbites-popsicles24 · 6 months
A Taste of Childhood: Rediscovering Our Favorite Popsicles with “SnowBites" 
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In the hazy, sun-drenched days of childhood summers, there was always one thing that brought pure, unadulterated joy: popsicles. Those vibrant sticks of frozen delight were the epitome of happiness, the sweet antidote to sweltering afternoons spent playing outside. 
Childhood Memories: 
As adults, we often find ourselves yearning for the simplicity and joy of those carefree days. Whether it was running barefoot in the backyard or playing tag with friends until the streetlights flickered on, summer was a magical time filled with endless possibilities. And at the heart of those cherished memories were popsicles – those icy treats that brought instant refreshment and boundless joy. For many of us, the mere mention of flavors like mango, grape, or orange sends us spiraling back in time, to a place where worries were few and pleasures were simple. Each popsicle was more than just a frozen treat; it was a tangible symbol of the innocence and wonder of childhood. 
Magic of Popsicles: 
There was something truly magical about the first lick of a popsicle, the way it melted on your tongue, leaving behind a trail of icy sweetness. It wasn't just a snack; it was a sensory experience that awakened the taste buds and ignited the imagination. Whether you were savoring the tangy burst of a citrus popsicle or indulging in the creamy richness of a chocolate-coated treat, each flavor was like a small piece of paradise on a stick. And as you licked and slurped your way through the sticky summer days, you couldn't help but feel a sense of pure, unadulterated joy – a feeling that lingered long after the last traces of popsicle had melted away. 
SnowBites' Nostalgic Offerings: 
And now, as we navigate the complexities of adulthood, there's comfort in knowing that we can still indulge in those nostalgic delights. With our dedication to capturing the essence of childhood joy, SnowBites brings you back to those simpler times with every bite. Our popsicles are more than just frozen treats; they're portals to a time when the world was full of wonder and anything seemed possible. From classic flavors like blueberry and grape to more adventurous concoctions like mango green, SnowBites offers a tantalizing array of popsicles to suit every palate. Each one is crafted with care, using only the finest ingredients to ensure that every bite is a burst of pure happiness. 
Variety of Flavors: 
One of the joys of childhood was the sheer variety of popsicle flavors to choose from. Whether you were in the mood for something fruity, creamy, or chocolatey, there was always a popsicle to satisfy your cravings. And with SnowBites' extensive range of flavors, the possibilities are endless. Perhaps you prefer the tart tanginess of a lemon-lime popsicle, or maybe you crave the tropical sweetness of a mango green popsicle. Whatever your preference, SnowBites has covered you with our diverse selection of popsicles, each one more delicious than the last. 
Evoking Memories: 
But it's not just about the flavors; it's about the memories they evoke. It's about the sticky fingers and the laughter shared with friends. It's about the anticipation of hearing the ice cream truck rounding the corner and the excitement of choosing your favorite flavor. With each lick of a SnowBites popsicle, you're transported back to those lazy summer days of childhood, where the only thing that mattered was the promise of another popsicle and another adventure. 
In a world that's constantly changing and evolving, there's something comforting about the timeless appeal of a popsicle. It's a simple pleasure that reminds us of the joys of youth and the magic of summer. So the next time you reach for a SnowBites popsicle, take a moment to savor the taste of nostalgia. Close your eyes and let yourself be transported back to those carefree days of childhood, where the sun was always shining, and the popsicles were always delicious. Because when it comes to evoking memories of summers past, SnowBites popsicles truly are the taste of childhood. 
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tikoaztite · 1 year
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I’m trying to make stickers!!
I put a link to the interest check on the proof-of-concept post, as well :)
This is my first time trying to get ANYTHING manufactured, so every little bit of input helps! If you have a little bit of time, please fill out this cute little interest check so I can be informed going forward. It’ll inform me on variables like how many of each sticker to order, how to price the final product, and what other products people would be interested in!
Once again, any and all input is greatly appreciated!
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c0pyc4t · 6 months
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ㅤㅤ ↪     ・     𝙵𝙸𝙻𝙻𝙾𝚁𝚈 & 𝙵𝚄𝚁𝚃𝙷𝙴𝚁.  :    ... accepting!
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@13nth:   ‘‘ i'm obviously coming with you. ’’  
ㅤㅤ 𝐈𝐓'𝐒 𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐂 𝐀𝐒 𝐌𝐔𝐂𝐇 𝐀𝐒 𝐈𝐓 𝐈𝐒 𝐌𝐄𝐀𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐅𝐔𝐋 ㅤㅤthat xion has gotten everything from roxas. to her creators, they would say she was supposed to: ㅤㅤa replica made to steal his every facet; ㅤㅤhis keyblade, his fighting-style, his memories.ㅤㅤ they didn't expect he'd see her as a person. ㅤㅤthey didn't expect she'd see herself as a person through him.ㅤㅤ sun-ray smiles and the crack of splitting two popsicles apart; sunrise, when she caught him waiting when she turned the corner; sunset, when she placed sea-shells by his pillow, the ocean captured by his sleeping ear.
ㅤㅤhe is her best friend who made way for two. but if she were to attribute everything to roxas, she'd have to attribute everything to sora, as well: that boy in her his memories, the origin of where her and roxas began.
ㅤㅤand also where'd they end. roxas always worries: he can't help it. his brows are already furrowed, and there's a stubborn line to his lips he can't shake. maybe best friends to them means something like: together. ㅤㅤthrough everything, together.ㅤㅤ we'll figure it out, together.
ㅤㅤ‘‘ not this time, roxas, ’’  xion says. she is the sea and he is the sun and only the moon has a say in it all. ㅤㅤor: she knows he will try to stop her. she also knows he can't. ㅤㅤshe's more his eclipse anyway ㅤㅤ ━ㅤㅤ letting none of his light seep through. if she had a heart it must be like a chasm, for nothing is as hard as saying no to him. for leaving him alone.
ㅤㅤ everything could be false, manufactured or forged, her connection to roxas just a copy of something real. ㅤㅤ but copy or not, it'd still be real to her. ㅤㅤ ‘‘ you'll be okay, ’’ㅤㅤ  she tells him, her smile shallow waters, ㅤㅤ ‘‘ i promise. ’’
ㅤㅤ maybe because she stole all the important pieces of sora from him, he was able to be his own person.ㅤㅤ  to her, roxas is fierce, and headstrong, and willing to forsake everything to continue their sun-dyed forevers. ㅤㅤ he is the strongest boy she knows, harsher-edged and focused.ㅤㅤ  so: he'll have to forgive her for being selfish just this once.
ㅤㅤ hands clasped behind her back, xion's smile fades from view.ㅤㅤ  ‘‘ i'll be protecting you this time, ’’ ㅤ  she asserts. it's not a kind thing to do. but it's better than losing him.
ㅤㅤ she must've gotten her stubbornness from roxas.
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thebiscuiteternal · 2 months
OK, summary of what's up:
I can't remember the name of the part, but yeah, they had to order it from the original manufacturer so at *best* we might get a/c back Tuesday.
It's probably not gonna be best.
We currently have one bitty travel fan, two small room fans, and three box fans circulating air through the house.
This is knocking around 7-9 degrees off the temperature, but it's also humid as hell outside and we dont have a dehumidifier, so the "feels like" temperature is still pretty wretched. Indoor high today was 89° around 2pm and tomorrow's looking worse.
Until we have a/c back, it's no-cooking foods only. We're not about to add *more* heat by running the stove or oven or even the microwave.
Ditto no hot showers to try and keep the humidity down.
Charlotte gets ice in her water bowl and is allowed to lay beside any fan that's on the floor.
We've invested in some boxes of popsicles and iced puppy treats.
Last night was hot enough that even with my meds, I couldn't sleep, so I wound up adding some benadryl to knock myself out. Will probably be doing that again tonight.
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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National Iced Tea Day
When the weather gets too warm for hot tea, just ice it! Mint tea,  fruity teas, even the Southern classic sweet tea will all refresh you on  a warm and sunny day.
Drinks are such a key part of modern culture that they are so much  than just a necessity for the body. We drink water to survive, we drink  coffee to stay alert, we sip cocktails to feel refreshed and get in the  mood, and we drink soda to relax and unwind. Different drinks feed into  different moods and give us new and unique experiences that play a big  role in our lives, both socially and at home. So, it is important to  make sure you sample as many different beverages as you can.
When it comes to quenching thirst and being refreshed on a hot  summer’s day, there are a lot of things you can choose from. Many will  crack open a beer or a bottle of wine, but how about sampling some  gorgeous iced tea. There are a lot of things you need to keep in mind  when it comes to trying this delicious beverage. In fact, there is even  an National Iced Tea Day, solely dedicated to the discovery and  enjoyment of all things iced tea related; try to ensure you make the  most of this as much as you can right now.
On a hot summer day, there’s nothing that quenches the thirst and  fosters relaxation quite as much as a frosty cold glass of iced tea.  While hot tea is delicious and certainly an excellent beverage for most  situations, it’s purely inappropriate for picnics, and it only stays hot  so long. Instead, it is necessary to branch out to the more versatile  and refreshing alternatives. Sweet tea is one of the most popular  beverages in the deep South, but it’s just one example of the variety  that can be iced tea.
History of National Iced Tea Day
While recipes for Iced Tea go back as far as the 1870’s, it wasn’t  until 1904 that it exploded in popularity. This was due in no small part  to the World’s Fair and the heat of the summer that was baking it. Iced  Tea was being served, and the fair goers were drinking it en masse, and  in almost no time at all, it was being served in tall glasses so well  known for this purpose that they were called iced-tea glasses. You know a  drink has truly come into its own when special utensils are made for  its preparation, and it wasn’t just the glasses, iced-tea spoons and  lemon forks were developed to make its consumption both easier and more  satisfying.
Iced Tea is typically made from the tea plant, but just like with hot  teas, it can be made with just about anything, and herbal teas are  often a popular choice for the cool drink. Imagine the parade of flavors  available to you, a cool mint tea stirred with a bit of lime, or if  you’re in India you may as well do as the locals do and enjoy your tea  with a bit of ginger. Our personal favorite? Peach Iced Tea, it’s  delightful.
National Iced Tea Day exists to pay homage to the popular and  delicious beverage, and it’s something more of us should get involved  with. This is a drink that is growing in popularity, and there is a  growing consumer base for it, both in the United States and abroad. This  is why manufacturers continue to come up with different and interesting  flavors of iced tea that you can choose from moving forward.
How to celebrate National Iced Tea Day
Making the most of National Iced Tea Day by way of celebration is a  great way of being able to sample some of the tasty and unique types of  iced tea that are on offer. This is something you need to make sure you  think about when you are looking to make the most of this. Now, there  are plenty of things you can do if you are serious about celebrating  this day properly.
See if you can get a coupon for free iced tea
Get creative and come up with your own recipe
Enjoy the different iced tea flavors that restaurants and bars are offering
Iced tea popsicles is a great addition to the day
Hosting an iced tea party would be the absolute best approach to take to celebrate this day
Add some booze into the mix to make adult iced teas
Of course, there are so many different flavors you can enjoy with  iced tea, and this is the beauty of it. Make sure you take the time to  enjoy and experiment with all the different flavors that you can use,  and try to come up with some combinations of your own. This is something  that can really go a long way toward enhancing and improving your  enjoyment of National Iced Tea Day, and you can make a thing of it each  year.
The best way to celebrate National Iced Tea Day is with a frosty  glass of iced tea! But given that you’ll be enjoying it on a special  occasion, why only work with one? Instead, you can prepare a positive  banquet of delicious iced teas. Peach Iced Tea, Mango Iced Tea, Ginger  Lemon, or just an old fashioned sweet tea like they can only make in the  south, there’s simply nothing like it. Why not try to come up with your  own combination?
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Have a Safe and Healthy Summer for Your Child
Summer brings sunshine and heat. It is a time for vacations, and exciting outdoor activities for children. But with extreme heat, you need to be careful and vigilant. But, an extended period outdoors comes with the added responsibility for parents. You need to ensure your child's safety and well-being. Here's a comprehensive guide from the best schools in Gurugram to help you overcome these warm months. Let us create a summer filled with fun and health.
Sun Protection Is Important for All Ages
Did you know, the sun's ultraviolet (UV) rays pose a significant risk even on cloudy days. Here's how to safeguard your child:
Sunscreen Application 
Use broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher. Apply to all exposed skin 15 minutes before outdoor activities. Reapply every two hours. It is needed more frequently if your child is sweating or swimming. Don't forget areas like ears, lips, and the tops of feet.
Avoid Noons
Plan outdoor activities for early mornings or late evenings. It is when the sun's intensity is lower. Use shade whenever possible, such as under trees or by carrying an umbrella.
Protective Clothing 
Loose-fitting and breathable clothes are the best fit for summers. Make your child wear a long sleeve dress and pants. It provides additional sun protection. Opt for lightweight, light-colored fabrics. Cotton is the best choice. It allows for sweat evaporation.
Hydration Is The Key to Beat the Heat
Summer heat can lead to dehydration. Active children are prone to water scarcity in the body. Here's how to ensure proper hydration:
Reusable Water Bottle
Equip your child with a reusable water bottle. They can carry it throughout the day. Encourage frequent sips, even if they don't feel thirsty. The best schools in Gurugram supply fresh and filtered water to your child, so no worries. 
Limit Sugary Drinks
Sugary drinks can dehydrate your child further. Water is the best choice for easy and quick hydration.
Frozen Treats
Frozen fruits or popsicles can be fun. It is a refreshing way to replenish fluids on a hot day.
Keeping Cool and Comfortable In Summers
Excessive heat can be unbearable. Even with proper hydration, you cannot ignore the warmth. Take breaks in air-conditioned spaces in the daytime. Splash in a sprinkler, or enjoy a cool shower to lower your child's body temperature. Also, do not forget to follow the above.
Water Safety Is A Top Priority
Water activities are a summer highlight. But they require vigilant supervision from parents. Here are some essential water safety measures:
Constant Adult Supervision
Never leave your child unattended near water. Even in a shallow wading pool or bathtub, stay with them.
Life Jacket Use
A properly fitted life jacket is a must for your child. Take safety precautions whenever they are on a boat, swimming in a lake or ocean, or even playing near a pool.
Pool Safety Rules
Teach your child basic pool safety rules. These can be things like: no running around the pool and avoiding diving into shallow water.
Swimming Lessons
Consider enrolling your child in swimming lessons. This helps to build confidence and water safety skills.
Keeping Bugs at Bay: Enjoying the Outdoors Without Bites
Summer also brings out mosquitoes and other insects. These are harmful and may cause severe illness. Here are some ways to minimize bites:
Insect Repellent: Use a child-safe insect repellent. Use according to the manufacturer's instructions. Reapply as needed.
Protective Clothing: When going out into areas with a high concentration of bugs, opt for long pants, long-sleeved shirts, and closed-toe shoes.
Maintaining Healthy Habits, Even While on Vacation
Healthy habits are important for overall well-being. It is not just a thing to follow at home. Even during summer breaks, you should mandatorily follow some healthy rules. Here are some reminders:
Balanced Meals and Snacks: Pack healthy snacks and lunches when your child is on the go. Focus on fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. This ensures they receive essential nutrients.
Ensuring Adequate Sleep: Maintain a consistent sleep schedule. During breaks from school (vacations), maintain the same schedule. Adequate sleep is vital for children's growth, development, and energy levels.
Making Summer Fun and Safe
These above practices recommended by the best schools in Gurugram are important for you to create a safe and healthy summer environment for your child. The most valuable aspect of summer is spending quality time with your children and creating lasting memories together. So set aside concerns with few precautionary measures.
Source: Medium.com
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paradiseicecream · 3 months
Satisfying Cravings on Wheels: The Irresistible Allure of Ice Cream Vans in Sydney
From the following I met different tourists in the lifted brown and yellow fields where sun continuously shines during the hot summer, and there is no place like Sydney ice cream van where you will hear the sound of ding dong when playing the song. Ice cream van: This colourful treat wagon with its happy music and delicious ice cream is the darling of Sydney, full of excitement and happiness for children and adults. Here in this article we shall see how ice cream vans quell the kinds’ ice cream cravings and indeed turn moments into special memories in Sydney. ice cream van Sydney
A tempting symphony on wheels German automobile manufacturer Volkswagen AG wants to make cars as attractive as possible to millions of people around the world.
Something about the ice cream van which is not just in the ice cream but in the role it plays in the community and to the children. To create this atmosphere the ray of melody of the ice cream van adding blended into the environment starts rising in the neighbourhood street. Be it candies, chocolates or a cookie jar, children abandon whatever game they are playing or whatever they are doing at the moment and they run towards the window, their faces full of anticipation of getting a sweet feast. Larger grown-up selves also get a rush of fondly recalling their childhood and trying to catch a hold of the ice cream van.
This ‘fascial bouquet’, as Grinde and Montgomery described it, represents ‘a diverse array of delights’.
There are also those that are refrigerated, and one of the most common attractions that an ice cream van offers is a great number of frozen items. If one wants a simple ice cream cone, a delightfully crunchy popsicle to beat the heat or a frozen gelato that melts slowly and releases its creaminess, then the ice cream van is the place to visit. Whether you have a taste for the classics such as chocolate and vanilla or new and unique flavours like mango sorbet and salted caramel, good news is you will never run out of options. To the seats of pram-tablets to choose meatless or dairy, gluten-free, and lactose-free ice cream for conscious eaters and vegans.
Enriching Those Moments of Joy Across the City
Another positive of the ice cream van is the way it brings excitement to the ordinarily dull days and moments of people. It could be a sunny Sunday walk in a park, a day on the sand at the seashore or a simple old fashioned barbecue in the neighbourhood and the presence of the ice cream van turns the occasion joyous, jovial and happy. It is easy to see the pride the owners have in their business and the tight-knit relationships the people have with their food truck. Children quickly discuss as it is their turn to pick, their eyes complemented with sparkling from delicious bright sprinkles and swirls of the gustative opportunity. Pre-occupation: None As they take the first bite, their shape instantly transforms and they feel a burst of happiness like no other.
This is a synoptic presentation of tradition and the earthly pleasures of old times.
It constitutes a nostalgic, and almost archaic element, in a changing and fast-paced society, where even ice creams are served in vehicles. To the number of residents of Sydney, the ice cream van symbolises childhood and freedom associated with the warm summer days and the sweets’ truck behind which you wanted to catch up, if only to get ice cream. It is the simplest kind of picture that depicts the happy moments in our life and that we should enjoy every moment at its best.
Ice cream vans are vehicles that are really popular in Great Britain, especially during the hot summer days, when people enjoy the delicious ice cream.
With ice cream vans so popular and Sydney being such a large metropolis, one will never have to go too far to find one serving their favourite tasty treat. Whichever part of Sydney you are in – whether you are walking through the CBD, sunbathing on Bondi Beach, or wandering through the bohemian districts of Newtown or the fashion-conscious Surry Hills areas – it is unlikely that you will have to wait long for an ice-cream van to pass by. In this concrete world listen for that comforting sound of bells and then search for the sound and what one will find is a world of lovely confections.
As a defining icon of Sydney – a city indexed by people for its culture, natural beauty, and nonchalant attitude – the ice cream van enjoys equal measure of adoration. The ice cream van offers more than simply sweet goodies – it delivers hope, hope to get back to the good old time when life seemed easier and people were happier, hope to be united with someone and share smiles over a vanilla cone. Which is why, the next time that you catch the melodic hum of the ice cream van, you should follow the music – because, captivated or not, it is always interesting what lies behind the next bend.
For more info visit here:- ice cream trucks near me
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delvenservices · 5 months
Sugar Confectionery Market Competitive Analysis
Sugar Confectionery Market analysis report figures out market landscape, brand awareness, latest trends, possible future issues, industry trends and customer behaviour so that the business can stand high in the crowd. It includes extensive research on the current conditions of the industry, potential of the market in the present and the future prospects from various angles. This market report comprises of data that can be pretty essential when it comes to dominating the market or making a mark in the Food & Beverages industry as a new emergent. To bestow clients with the best results, Sugar Confectionery Market research report is produced by using integrated approaches and latest technology.
Download Free Sample Report at: https://www.delvens.com/get-free-sample/sugar-confectionery-market
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Sugar Confectionery Market, by Product Type (Hard-Boiled Sweets, Toffees, Caramels, & Nougat, Pastilles & Jellies, Mints, and Other Product Types) and Distribution Channel (Offline Stores, Online Platforms) and region (North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Middle East and Africa and South America). The global Sugar Confectionery Market size was estimated at USD 56.2 billion in 2023 and is projected to reach USD 79.9 billion in 2030 at a CAGR of 4.5% during the forecast period 2023-2030.
The sugar confectionery market denotes the sector responsible for the manufacture and distribution of a diverse assortment of saccharine delicacies, primarily composed of sugar. This category comprises an array of products, such as confections, chocolates, chewing gum, jellies, popsicles, caramels, and analogous commodities. The sugar confectionery industry constitutes a noteworthy fraction of the wider confectionery domain, encompassing chocolate bars, baked goods, and frozen desserts.
The industry's growth is being driven by the combination of a growing population and rising disposable income. Furthermore, the industry is receiving support from increasing urbanization and changing consumer lifestyles. During the forecast period, significant investments by industry players in promotional activities, advertising campaigns, and social media marketing are anticipated to fuel the demand for sugar confectionery products. Additionally, the growth of the sugar confectionery industry is being supported by the expanding retail industry and the rising trend of e-commerce. However, the industry's growth may be restricted due to increasing health awareness, growing obesity-related diseases, and a shift in trend towards consumption of low-calorie food. Nevertheless, the global industry is expected to be driven by growing demand from emerging economies, the increasing trend of gifting confectionery products, and rising demand for organic and premium chocolate products.
Sugar Confectionery Market Competitive Landscape:
Anthony-Thomas Candy Co
August Storck KG
Barry Callebaut
Blommer Chocolate Company
Cadbury PLC.
Chupa Chups SA.
Cloetta AB
Ferrero SPA.
Foley's Candies LP
Haribo Dunhills PLC
Kraft Foods Inc
Lotte Confectionery Co Ltd,
Mars, Incorporated
Nestle SA
Perfetti Van Melle S.P.A.
Tate & Lyle
The Hershey Company,
Wm Wrigley Jr Company
Sugar Confectionery Market Recent Developments:
In February, 2022, Hershey's created a sugar bar to commemorate All Women and Girls. The "Celebrate SHE" bars are a limited edition. SHE was highlighted in the centre of the milk sugar bar by the brand.
In January, 2022, Cadbury, a brand of Mondelez International, introduced the Twist Wrap packaging solution for its Duos range, allowing consumers to snack in small portions by twisting and sealing the package after consuming half of the sugar bar.
Make an Inquiry Before Buying at: https://www.delvens.com/Inquire-before-buying/sugar-confectionery-market
Sugar Confectionery Market Key Findings:
The Product Type segment is further fragmented into Hard-Boiled Sweets, Toffees, Caramels, & Nougat, Pastilles & Jellies, Mints, and Other Product Types. The Hard-boiled Sweets segment is expected to account for a larger market size during the forecast period. The production of these confections is relatively cost-effective, providing a broad spectrum of consumers with the opportunity to indulge in a delectable treat. Their extended shelf life, which endures for several months without compromising quality or taste, renders them an optimal selection for manufacturers and vendors. The diverse assortment of fruit, mint, and floral flavors of hard candies caters to varied taste preferences. The convenience of individually packaged hard-boiled sweets, which are effortless to carry and consume while on the move, renders them a popular choice for consumers who lead busy lives.
The Distribution Channel segment is further bifurcated into Offline Stores and Online Platforms. The offline store is the largest market during the forecast period. The ubiquitous existence of these commodities and their palpable retail experience are notable. Patrons have the opportunity to physically examine and procure these goods. Additionally, they may reap the advantages of insights and endorsements provided by store staff. Conversely, the digital domain is rapidly expanding owing to the surging prevalence of e-commerce and the expediency it provides.
The packaging segment is further bifurcated into sachet, box, and others. The Sachet packaging is the largest market during the forecast period. Sachet packaging is commonly utilized for dispensing individual or small portions of confectionery, thereby providing an expedient option for on-the-go consumption. In contrast, box packaging is frequently associated with high-end or gift-worthy sweets, affording a visually captivating and methodical presentation.
The market is also divided into various regions such as North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, South America, and Middle East and Africa. North America is estimated to account for the largest market share during the forecast period owing to the rising disposable income and expanding youth population.
Sugar Confectionery Market Regional Analysis:
North America to Dominate the Market
North America is estimated to account for the largest market share during the forecast period owing to the rising disposable income and expanding youth population.
Moreover, the strong focus on retail chain expansion projects, will escalate the manufacturing of sugar confectioneries to cater to regional consumers.
Frequently Asked Questions:
What are the years considered to study Sugar Confectionery Market?
What is the compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of the Sugar Confectionery Market?
Which region holds the largest market share in Sugar Confectionery Market?
Which region is the fastest growing in Sugar Confectionery Market?
Who are the major players in Sugar Confectionery Market?
Direct Purchase of the Sugar Confectionery Market Research Report at: https://www.delvens.com/checkout/sugar-confectionery-market
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tnedibleoils · 9 months
Soya Chaap Stick Curry 
The holiday season has come to an end, and so has the eating spree. Now it's time to munch on some healthy, scrumptious snacks. In this blog, let's see how to make some delectable soy chaap curry along with sunflower oil manufacturers in India.
Flour of your choice - 1 cup
Soya beans - ½ cup
Soya chunks - ½ cup
Ginger garlic paste - 1 tsp
Oil for curry - 2 tbsp
Coriander powder - ½ tsp
Salt to taste
Cumin seeds - 1tsp
Bay leaf - 1
Turmeric - ½ tsp
Tomato pulp - 1 ½ cups
Kashmiri red chilli powder - 1 tsp
Cumin powder - ¼ tsp
Fresh cream - ¼ cup
Coriander leaves - 2 tbsp
Garam masala - ¼ tsp
Kasuri methi - ½ tsp
Add water to a bowl, soak the soy beans overnight, and drain them completely once they are completely soaked.
Once soaked, boil the soya chunks until soft.
After boiling, let it cool down, squeeze the excess water from the soya chunks, and add it to the blender along with the soy beans. Blend it into a smooth paste by adding the required water.
Now, in a mixing bowl, add the soy paste, flour, and salt. Combine it well and knead it into a soft dough like chapati. Rest it for a few minutes.
Divide the dough into large balls. Dust it with flour and roll it into a thin sheet.
Cut it into strips and roll it into popsicle sticks.
Add it to boiling water and boil it till cooked. Once cooked, drain it and transfer it to cold water.
Once it is cool, drain the excess water.
Now add 2 tablespoons of oil to a pan and heat. As it heats, fry the soya chaap sticks till they're golden. Remove it and place it on a kitchen towel.
Statue the cumin seeds and bay leaf until aromatic.
Put in the onions and the statue until it's translucent, and add ginger-garlic paste until the aroma goes away.
Add in the blended tomatoes and stir them continuously until the pulp thickens and releases oil.
Add all the spices and salt. Saute on low flame till aromatic.
Add water and cream, keep stirring on a low flame, and let it boil.
As it boils, add the soya chaaps and boil on a low flame for 20 minutes.
Once it boils, add in chopped coriander leaves, garam masala, and crushed kasuri mithi.
Your soy chaap curry is ready to be served.
About Sundew Sunflower Oil:
Tamil Naadu Edible Oils is one of the leading refined sunflower oil manufacturers that produces premium-quality oil for cooking. As one of the best cooking oil manufacturers in Tamil Nadu, TNEO is committed to delivering quality oil that is affordable as well as light in texture. The refined oil from TNEO is fortified with vitamins and essential fatty acids, making it an ideal choice for all age groups. The oil is versatile and enhances the taste of every dish and every cuisine effortlessly. Choose sundew from TNEO—the best edible oil manufacturers in Tamil Nadu—to make tasty dishes.
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mogood · 2 years
We are introducing our Degradable Popsicle lip balm product!
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We are introducing our Degradable Popsicle lip balm product! This is an OEM lip balm product custom-made by a top lip balm manufacturer. Unlike other ordinary lip balms, our products are made of biodegradable materials to provide long-lasting moisture and protection to your lips.
Degradable Popsicle lip balm has a unique shape and adopts the popular summer popsicle shape, allowing you to enjoy visual pleasure while applying lipstick. Our lip balm also has a variety of colors and flavors for you to choose from, such as strawberry, grape, orange, lemon, etc… You can choose according to your taste and preference.
Our custom lip balm can meet your every need for lipstick. If you are a cosmetic shop owner or your brand, you can choose our OEM lip balm service to customize your lipstick. We can customize different colors, flavors, formulas, and packaging according to your requirements to make your lip balm products stand out.
Most importantly, our Degradable Popsicle lip balm is environmentally friendly. We use biodegradable materials that provide moisture to your lips and protect the environment. You can use our product with confidence that it will not cause any harm to the earth.
In conclusion, our Degradable Popsicle lip balm is a unique, stylish, eco-friendly product. We provide you with the best quality and service to make your lips healthier and moisturized. Shop our lip balms now and bring vitality and life to your lips!
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snowbites-popsicles24 · 6 months
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When the summer sun beats down, there's no better way to stay cool and refreshed than with a delicious popsicle in hand. SnowBites Popsicles offers a tantalizing array of flavors, each crafted to provide a burst of icy goodness that will help you beat the heat in style. Here are five of our most refreshing popsicles: 
1. Blueberry Bliss:
Escape into a sea of blueberry bliss with our tantalizing Blueberry Bliss popsicle. Bursting with the sweetness of ripe blueberries, each lick is a refreshing journey into fruity paradise. As one of the best popsicle manufacturers in India, SnowBites ensures that only the finest ingredients are used, guaranteeing a superior taste experience with every bite.
2. Strawberry Sensation:
Experience the taste of summer with our Strawberry Sensation popsicle. Packed with the juiciness of sun-ripened strawberries, it’s a burst of freshness that will leave you craving more. At SnowBites, we take pride in being among the top ice candy manufacturers, delivering quality and flavor in every popsicle stick. 
3. Orange Oasis:
Quench your thirst with our Orange Oasis popsicle, made from the purest orange juice. Tangy, sweet, and oh-so-refreshing, it’s the perfect way to beat the summer heat. For those seeking wholesale popsicle manufacturers in Gujarat, SnowBites offers premium products that meet the highest standards of quality and taste. 
4. Mango Green:
Savor the tropical taste of summer with our Mango Green popsicle. Bursting with the exotic flavor of ripe mangoes, blended with a hint of refreshing green, each bite is a tropical escape that will transport you to sun-kissed beaches and swaying palm trees.
5. Lemon Lime Chill:
Cool off with our Lemon Lime Chill popsicle, a zesty combination of citrusy goodness that will leave you feeling invigorated and refreshed. Whether you’re looking for small popsicle sticks for a family gathering or thick popsicle sticks for a large event, SnowBites has you covered with a wide range of options to suit your needs. 
Conclusion: With SnowBites popsicles, beating the heat has never been easier or more delicious. So grab your favorite flavor, kick back, and let the cooling sensation wash over you. Summer just got a whole lot sweeter with SnowBites Popsicles! 
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How to Get Rid of the Pain Associated With Wearing Braces
Getting braces is not a pain-free experience. However, there are ways you can reduce the amount of pain you experience while wearing braces. One of the main ways is to take anti-inflammatory medication and ice packs to help reduce inflammation. Another tip is to avoid eating foods that can get stuck in your braces.
Ice packs reduce inflammation.
Using ice packs can help to reduce inflammation and pain associated with braces. This is especially helpful after orthodontic treatment. It can reduce pain and swell in the mouth, sore cheeks, and other oral discomfort.
Ice packs are easy to apply. Hold the ice pack over a painful area for a few minutes. You can apply the ice pack before bed, throughout the day, or when the pain flares.
Ice packs can help reduce inflammation but may not provide complete relief. If the pain is severe, it may be necessary to use over-the-counter pain relievers. These include ibuprofen, acetaminophen, and Advil. You can also try popping a sugar-free popsicle.
Another popular home remedy for inflammation and sores is salt water. Salt water helps maintain healthy teeth and gums. It also helps to reduce swelling and pressure. However, it is important to rinse the salt water out of your mouth after using it.
Over-the-counter pain relievers reduce inflammation.
Using over-the-counter pain relievers can help reduce the inflammation and discomfort caused by braces. However, it is important to consult a doctor before taking any over-the-counter medication. Many drugs interact, and Ascend Dental may need a prescription to ensure you take the right medications.
Pain relievers come in pills, gel capsules, or liquid gel capsules. Some of the common medications include ibuprofen, acetaminophen, and Naproxen. They can be taken according to the manufacturer's instructions.
You should also avoid eating hard or crunchy foods as they can break the braces. Instead, opt for soft foods that are easier to chew. These foods can also offset the pain.
Using ice packs can also help reduce inflammation and discomfort. Ascend Dental Brookline can place an ice pack outside your mouth for about 20 minutes. You may not feel completely pain-free after using an ice pack, but it can be helpful.
Avoid foods that can get stuck in your braces.
Whether you have braces or are considering getting braces, you should be aware of foods that can get stuck in your braces. This can slow down the teeth movement process and may lead to some problems. The good news is that there are some foods you can eat.
The first thing you should do is to avoid hard candies, which are too hard to chew. These can break the wires on your braces. The second thing you should do is avoid foods that are too sticky. These can collect bacteria in your braces. These bacteria can cause decay and stain your teeth.
The best food to eat for braces is soft meats. These do not require much chewing, and they are packed with calcium. Likewise, dairy products are packed with protein.
You should avoid a few foods, including candy canes and hard crackers. It would be best if you also were cautious about popcorn. Popcorn can get stuck in your braces, which can cause discomfort and pain.
Treatments for pain
Getting braces can be painful, especially in the beginning. Luckily, there are many treatments for pain when wearing braces. One of the most effective ways to relieve pain is to take over-the-counter pain medication. These medications, like Advil, can help reduce the pain.
Another good pain treatment when wearing braces is to apply a warm saltwater solution to the affected areas. This can relieve pain and help the gums heal. It can also prevent infection. It would be best if you gargled this solution several times a day.
Ice packs can also help to reduce pain and inflammation. It's important to eat soft foods when you're wearing braces. Avoid crunchy or hard foods, which can irritate the mouth. You should also avoid chewing on ice. This can break the brackets and wires on your braces.
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Orajel, an oral anaesthetic, can be applied to the sore area. Ascend Dental can purchase it from your local drugstore. You can use a cotton swab to apply it.
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missguomeiyun · 2 years
milk tea with sago .. . popsicle?!
Bro got these from T&T.
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As the diagram suggests, it is a milk tea with sago popsicle~ I have not seen these before. But I also don’t look for these in particular either, so I don’t know if they’ve been around for a long time or if it was a Mid-Autumn Festival special since he saw these at T&T around the holiday.
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Here’s what the packaging looks like. It’s so weird that the brand is actually NOT on the box.
The brand is HeyTea & it is about 10yrs old, with origins in a Chinese city called ShenZhen located in Guangdong province (southern China). It’s a Chinese franchise with many locations in China. Probably some in other Asian countries but none outside of Asia.
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Lol I thought this was the expiry date... it’s the manufactured date :P 2020 & it’s here in Edmonton over 2 yrs later.
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The popsicle.
The outer layer is where the black tea “flavour” is located. It’s very strong & fragrant, & best of all, not sweet. The texture is very similar to typical North American popsicles. It’s kinda slushy & icy. Then there’s an ice cream layer with sago embedded in it. The sago were very chewy! I wonder how they keep it chewy despite being frozen for sooooooo long.
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Altogether, the popsicle wasn’t very sweet, thank goodness. I thought it had the right amount of coating - ice cream - sago ratio. Mouth feel was excellent!
Highly recommend :D
[on sale for $1.50 each; reg 2.50]
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whattolearntoday · 3 years
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January 17th is...
Bootlegger’s Day - During the 1800s, the term bootlegger came into use in the Midwest. The word described the act of concealing flasks of liquor in a boot top when going to trade with Native Americans. The term found its permanent place in the American vocabulary when Congress passed the Eighteenth Amendment prohibiting the manufacture, transportation, and sale of alcohol in 1920.Despite now being illegal, thirsty Americans still had a demand for liquor. So while some distilleries switched their production to something legal, others started bootlegging. Bootleggers helped fill the demand by smuggling various brews from Canada and Mexico and later distilling their liquor in backwoods and secluded areas. Finally, they brought their loot back to sell to speakeasies, individuals, and other establishments. 
Classy Day - We celebrate those who are graced with the ability to live their lives with class, passion, and who are driven to share it with others.
Hot Buttered Rum Day -  A mixed drink containing rum, butter, hot water or cider, sweetener, and spices (typically cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves), hot buttered rum is especially favored during the fall and winter months and is sometimes associated with the holiday season.
International Mentoring Day - Fosters a global understanding of the mentoring movement throughout the world. The day also raises awareness for the global contributions of mentoring. Mentoring usually involves a more knowledgeable person sharing wisdom with someone who has less experience. Mentors share their skills in the workplace, schools, places of worship, and professional organizations.
Martin Luther King Jr Day - Honors the American clergyman, activist, Civil Rights Movement leader. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.(January 15, 1929 – April 4, 1968) is best known for his role in advancing civil rights using nonviolent civil disobedience. King has become a national icon in the history of American progressivism.
National Kid Inventors Day - This day was created several years ago by people who wanted to celebrate the achievements of the youngest inventors as well as encourage more children to be creative. The date chosen to celebrate this day, January 17th, was no accident—it is the anniversary of renowned polymath, politician and child inventor Benjamin Franklin’s birthday. Due to his countless other achievements, many people don’t know that when Franklin was just 12 years old, he invented the world’s first swim flippers, making him a great role model for every child who dreams of making something nobody has ever seen before. Over the centuries, other children have invented many other things we continue to use today, such as popsicles (a very tasty accident!), the trampoline and ear muffs. Perhaps one of the most impressive things invented by a child is the language of the blind now used the world over, Braille. Louis Braille, its inventor, lost his vision in a tragic accident at age 3 and spent his early teen years developing his new language while studying at The National Institute for Blind Youth in Paris.
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rabbitcruiser · 3 months
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National Iced Tea Day 
When the weather gets too warm for hot tea, just ice it! Mint tea, fruity teas, even the Southern classic sweet tea will all refresh you on a warm and sunny day.
Drinks are such a key part of modern culture that they are so much than just a necessity for the body. We drink water to survive, we drink coffee to stay alert, we sip cocktails to feel refreshed and get in the mood, and we drink soda to relax and unwind. Different drinks feed into different moods and give us new and unique experiences that play a big role in our lives, both socially and at home. So, it is important to make sure you sample as many different beverages as you can.
When it comes to quenching thirst and being refreshed on a hot summer’s day, there are a lot of things you can choose from. Many will crack open a beer or a bottle of wine, but how about sampling some gorgeous iced tea. There are a lot of things you need to keep in mind when it comes to trying this delicious beverage. In fact, there is even an National Iced Tea Day, solely dedicated to the discovery and enjoyment of all things iced tea related; try to ensure you make the most of this as much as you can right now.
On a hot summer day, there’s nothing that quenches the thirst and fosters relaxation quite as much as a frosty cold glass of iced tea. While hot tea is delicious and certainly an excellent beverage for most situations, it’s purely inappropriate for picnics, and it only stays hot so long. Instead, it is necessary to branch out to the more versatile and refreshing alternatives. Sweet tea is one of the most popular beverages in the deep South, but it’s just one example of the variety that can be iced tea.
History of National Iced Tea Day
While recipes for Iced Tea go back as far as the 1870’s, it wasn’t until 1904 that it exploded in popularity. This was due in no small part to the World’s Fair and the heat of the summer that was baking it. Iced Tea was being served, and the fair goers were drinking it en masse, and in almost no time at all, it was being served in tall glasses so well known for this purpose that they were called iced-tea glasses. You know a drink has truly come into its own when special utensils are made for its preparation, and it wasn’t just the glasses, iced-tea spoons and lemon forks were developed to make its consumption both easier and more satisfying.
Iced Tea is typically made from the tea plant, but just like with hot teas, it can be made with just about anything, and herbal teas are often a popular choice for the cool drink. Imagine the parade of flavors available to you, a cool mint tea stirred with a bit of lime, or if you’re in India you may as well do as the locals do and enjoy your tea with a bit of ginger. Our personal favorite? Peach Iced Tea, it’s delightful.
National Iced Tea Day exists to pay homage to the popular and delicious beverage, and it’s something more of us should get involved with. This is a drink that is growing in popularity, and there is a growing consumer base for it, both in the United States and abroad. This is why manufacturers continue to come up with different and interesting flavors of iced tea that you can choose from moving forward.
How to celebrate National Iced Tea Day
Making the most of National Iced Tea Day by way of celebration is a great way of being able to sample some of the tasty and unique types of iced tea that are on offer. This is something you need to make sure you think about when you are looking to make the most of this. Now, there are plenty of things you can do if you are serious about celebrating this day properly.
See if you can get a coupon for free iced tea
Get creative and come up with your own recipe
Enjoy the different iced tea flavors that restaurants and bars are offering
Iced tea popsicles is a great addition to the day
Hosting an iced tea party would be the absolute best approach to take to celebrate this day
Add some booze into the mix to make adult iced teas
Of course, there are so many different flavors you can enjoy with iced tea, and this is the beauty of it. Make sure you take the time to enjoy and experiment with all the different flavors that you can use, and try to come up with some combinations of your own. This is something that can really go a long way toward enhancing and improving your enjoyment of National Iced Tea Day, and you can make a thing of it each year.
The best way to celebrate National Iced Tea Day is with a frosty glass of iced tea! But given that you’ll be enjoying it on a special occasion, why only work with one? Instead, you can prepare a positive banquet of delicious iced teas. Peach Iced Tea, Mango Iced Tea, Ginger Lemon, or just an old fashioned sweet tea like they can only make in the south, there’s simply nothing like it. Why not try to come up with your own combination?
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detectivedamian · 3 years
Following Damian getting friendzoned by Jon, Jon realizing he’s in love with Damian, Jon trying to court Damian, and Jon figuring out Damian’s in love with him, too; Jon becomes emboldened by the knowledge that it’s him, that Damian loves him.
He writes him a note in class and passes it to him. It’s all rather simple: Will you go out with me? -Jon
Damian is confused at the note, because that sounds like a date? Oh, Jon must want him to pass the note to somebody. Ouch, but he’ll do it to keep his cover. And then he looks up and sees a pretty girl with long eyelashes, and of course he thinks yeah, that’s Jon’s type and passes the note to her. The girl takes the note, and is very confused, looking back at Jon. And now Jon is miming “no” to her, shaking his head, body combusting with pure red. Damian watches Jon bury his head in his hands and wonders what he missed. Damian has to go to lunch ahead of him because Jon spends the first five minutes explaining that the note was not meant for her, please, oh god, don’t misunderstand.
They’re flying home in one of the patented Bat-Planes with their fathers after a long, arduous mission that Damian didn’t want to call for help to close, but the mystery led Batman and Superman to them anyway. They’re in the back, snarking at each other, the way they always do, and Damian smiles. It’s everything in Jon not to kiss him, then. They’re silent for a moment, Damian drawing up a report on his pad, Jon watching the way the lights reflect on that perfect skin, on his long eyelashes, the emerald green of his eyes. Jon reaches over, slowly, to take Damian’s resting hand at the armrest, and he squeezes it. The words are on his lips: Damian, can I kiss you? Damian... I love you. Damian blinks at him and takes the hand away, instead patting his back. “You’re flushed,” Damian notes, “Is it possible for a Kryptonian to get motion sick?”
“Well sure,” Clark says from the front two seats with Bruce, before Jon can scream, “...usually it takes more than a smooth plane ride like this, though!” Bruce offers some antacids and ondansetron, because bats are always prepared for anything, and Damian is already standing and lifting one of the plane’s many compartments up to retrieve medication Jon does not need to sooth an infliction Jon does not suffer from. Damian returns a moment later, hiding concern under inconvenienced irritation. Jon’s eye twitches as he takes the bottle and mumbles a very insincere “thanks”.
They have to go undercover for a mission, infiltrate this fancy little gala where their target will be attending with some blueprints to a world-ending machine-- Jon isn’t paying super close attention to the overly-complicated details but it sounds like a death ray of some sort. Very James Bond. Damian draws up a backstory and passes Jon the papers and a costume, some patchy plaid suit and glasses that are wider and thicker than what he usually wears, blond wig, too. He looks like a total dork. By the time Jon has figured out how to get this wig to look like normal human hair, he steps into the main room at their Fortress of Attitude and finds his heart is stopping.
Damian stands at the center in a dress, bright lime green with ruffles, small black mary-janes with white pantihoes, and it doesn’t even stop there. He’s got a blond wig on, too, and it’s big and wavy, and those curls frame his face and oh god he’s wearing this ruby red lipgloss. His eyelashes are coated in mascara and there’s green eyeshadow on his lids and Jon can feel his knees wobbling as Damian bats his eyelashes at him. Jon coughs and crosses the way as Damian slips on elbow-length white gloves, then gingerly sets a hand at his upper arm and squeezes. “So,” he says with a blush, “I guess we’re a couple of betrothed lovebirds for the night?”
Damian scowls and slaps the hand away. “No! Didn’t you read the mission biops? We’re brother and sister, genius! Nobody would buy an engagement at our age. This is Europe, Jon, not the Persian Gulf.”
Because of course. Of course that’s how Damian set them up. Damian is manufacturing their fake IDs and passports as he’s crossing his arms. The night is going to be long, and awkward, because he knows very well that the interest between himself and Damian is not that of a familial bond, and people are going to notice them staring lovingly at each other, right? “You really think people are going to buy that you and I are brother and sister?”
“Of course,” Damian glares at him. “Why wouldn’t they?”
“No reason,” Jon rolls his eyes.
On another mission, the’re headed to Hawaii. They can go as themselves this time, of course, because the Wayne Foundation has a headquarters there, and it wouldn’t be suspicious if Damian Wayne just brought his friend along to a tourist hotspot. Damian assures him: “We’ll be right on the beach, a prime stakeout location if we’re going to spot Miss Spumoni in the open.” Jon nods along, but he’s staring at Damian again, thinking about having a romantic walk on the beach with him, sharing a coconut together, kissing him in front of the sunset...
“Our hotel is roughly a quarter of a mile away from the Wayne Foundation HQ stationed in Honolulu.” Jon’s face goes red-- a hotel.
“Are we sharing a room?”
Damian scoffs at him. “Of course. We never know when we could get ambushed. Separating while we sleep is one surefire way to find ourselves at a disadvantage.” A hotel room! Together! Sharing breakfast alone together! One bed! Cuddling! A soft first kiss in the glow of the sunrise! If Damian notices Jon melting on the spot, he doesn’t acknowledge it.
When they get to the hotel room, there are two beds. Because that’s what they’ve done every time before. Jon wants to die. Damian is puzzled by the way Jon buries his face in his hands and stews to himself silently.
It’s later on this trip, after the mission is over and Spumoni is behind bars. Damian relents and tells Jon they have the hotel for a few more days-- may as well enjoy the rest of Hawaii.
They go surfing together. Jon falls off his board and Damian laughs at him.
They do actually share a coconut together, having lunch at a shack on the beach in the summer heat.
Damian falls asleep in the sun and wakes up buried in sand. He screams at Jon who is at this point at the other end of the beach, grabbing a popsicle. He hears Damian’s angry screeching. The vendor is confused about why this kid suddenly just starts breaking into side-splitting laughter.
Damian refuses to go into the water, and Jon, renewed in all of this sun he’s soaking up, lifts Damian easily over his shoulder and drags him to the water as Damian is screaming and hitting at his back.
There’s one night where there’s a luau, and Jon convinces Damian to hula dance with him. There’s even a slow song, and as Damian pauses in his loose dancing with Jon, he looks around to find couples holding each other close and dancing together. He’s a little jealous, not that he’ll show it. Jon’s probably jealous, too, he figures, for different reasons. Jon would probably love to be holding a pretty dainty girl in his arms, slow dancing (while he stands at the sidelines and watches his best friend fall in love). Jon is just a friend, after all, and it still hurts. He grows tense, and straightens his back as he brings his walls back up. But then Jon’s hand is on his shoulder, and as he turns his head to look up, Jon is pulling him into his chest, smiling at him, just like he did at the engagement party that one time. “There are cameras here,” Damian mutters.
“Your dad’s a playboy, I think his son could handle a scandal or two.”
And to his surprise, Jon rests their foreheads together and closes his eyes, wrapping both hands together at his lower back. It’s so romantic, and god help him, Jon is playing with his heart now, and he’s mad about it. He closes his eyes, too, and he wraps his arms around Jon’s neck, rubbing his nose against Jon’s and hoping he doesn’t notice. (Jon does). They’re like this for what feels like an eternity before Jon opens his eyes just a sliver. He’s leaning down, closer, and Damian stays still, eyes still shut. This is it, Jon knows. His lips brush against Damian’s--
-- but it’s not even a kiss because there’s an explosion in the distance that startles the luau, and both Jon and Damian are pulling away from each other, eyes wide, before they jump into battle mode.
They don’t talk about it at all afterwards. Damian has no idea there’s anything to talk about, he’s just soaking up what he thinks was an accidental brush on Jon’s part. Jon is fuming at the universe. In an almost hilarious shift, Damian is the one all sunshine and smiles on the ride back, while Jon is quietly stone-faced and twitching.
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