#Best fire door
jcfiredoor · 19 days
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folkbreeze · 5 months
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go, little dancer, do change. change so much people start wondering if it was their fault.
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fiendishartist2 · 1 year
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*guy who had no control over his fate voice* it's all my fault
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briarrolfe · 7 months
Our 78 year old Italian neighbour Josie might not remember my name, and may never get my pronouns right, but the thing is: We Are Besties and I am totally obsessed with her. She blasts disco music 24 hours a day. She chain smokes. She is so obsessed with Vegemite that she cut a holiday visiting family back home short because she was seized by Cravings. She took her first ever selfie with me. She flirts with my fiancé. Once I had to rescue her from her finding a lizard in her toaster. She drinks her first coffee of the day at like 4 am. Recently she told me “if anyone tries to take you away from me… I will kill them” with total seriousness and I fully reciprocate it. She is a constant source of chaos in our lives. I would do anything for her and I love her with all my heart
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dduane · 11 months
From the ask box: an old, uh, friend
deldon asked: Speaking of old editions... Found this at my local used book store. First edition/first printing for $1.
(chuckle) Yeah. Forgive me for not including your image, but that cover's one that Tumblr's ExplicitBot often tags because of the front-presenting nipples, and I'm not up for it today. (For those who might want a glimpse of it: it's this cover for The Door Into Fire.)
The one you found is a little bit collectible, as due to a pre-JIT-inventory problem—I believe the books were taking up space judged to be more profitably occupied by whatever the newest Stephen King novel was—half or more of the first-edition print run was pulped in the warehouse. Fire didn't didn't go to press again until it came out a couple/few years later in a Bluejay Books trade paperback which around here we now refer to affectionately as "the Blazing Saddles edition".
It has to be said, though—for the sake of those terrified by the prospect of their first book somehow getting a really awful cover—that this book nonetheless got itself (and me) onto the shortlist for the Astounding Award two years running because people told each other over and over, "Look, ignore the cover, the insides are worth it." So if there's a lesson here, it's "Never give up! Never surrender!" and/or "There's always hope."
...Meanwhile, hang onto yours. Who knows, maybe it'll appreciate. :)
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autisticalexturner · 1 year
every time i listen to all of humbug im like "omg this might be their best song ever" during every single song
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truly-quirkless · 7 months
[@themultiversebundle | Plotted in DMs!]
It had been a rather quiet day, yet again..so Fin and Yagi had decided to walk about town. The tall blond still got a few odd stares, and every now and again, someone would walk up wanting an autograph. It had taken the world time to get used to Yagi as he was now- and while the whispers of 'the Symbol of the Dead' weren't exactly welcome...it was better that than All for One in the streets.
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"What do you say to dropping by Smoothie King before we head back to the school?" Yagi's suggestion hadn't been in the air for more than a second when he bumped into something- or rather, someone. He took a stumbling step back, his smile instantly transforming to apologetic as he raised his hands. "Ah- sorry about that! I didn't mean to bump into you."
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Huh....Fin wasn't exactly the best at Heroes, but this one...didn't look familiar. They'd seen a few ever since their rise in Hero society, but they had yet to see one that looked so...robotic? It wasn't like Ingenium or his younger brother, Ida- this felt...different.
Their eyes flickered towards the nearby store the stranger had stepped out of- revealing an interior beyond the door that very much wasn't what could be seen through the glass. They immediately jumped towards it- but the door slammed closed before they could catch it.
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sarucane · 11 months
OFMD Spiral Parallels 33: Manipulative Pirate Buddies 4
Intro: What I love most about how season 2 builds on season 1 of OFMD is the spiral narrative structure. Ground is repeatedly and explicitly re-trod from season 1 to season 2, but in season 2 everything goes deeper than season 1. Symbols appear and reappear, transformed. Meanings are shuffled, emotions are stronger and truer, and transformation is showcased above everything. The first season plucks certain notes, then the second season plucks the same ones--but louder, and then it weaves them together to create a symphony.
The conflict provoked by Jack is fairly easy to resolve, because Jack is simply an obstacle to be overcome. When Ed finally realizes that he’s been manipulated by his past, he doesn’t even have to think about why he’s angry. He just has to assert the importance of the present over the past, and take off.
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The first conflict led to a rejection of the past in favor of the present which, while validating, was also shallow; the second conflict leads to an embrace of the past that created this moment, and a deep connection that includes all the complexities of past and present. When Stede says “I love everything about you,” he’s describing a feeling that includes Ed whether he’s wearing the big old beard (symbol of the past) or not, a love that Stede can finally be open about feeling, but express in a way that leaves room for Ed’s hurt. Underneath the idealization and anger, underneath the fact that they’ve gotten here by very different paths, there’s the fact that they are both here, and they still care about each other.
And these different resolutions lead to different conclusions for the villains. Jack clings to his ideas of what the past means for the present, even as Ed demonstrates how wrong he is.
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Like Jack, Anne and Mary own their manipulations when confronted. But while Jack just fell back on what he knew when challenged by Ed, Ed’s and Stede’s challenges lead to Anne and Mary transforming.
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It turns out that Mary believes the very thing that Stede feared and Ed believed at the start of this episode: that the good in her relationship is all in the past, and that an “adult” future holds only endings. To Mary, the past is what it was in Season 1, a force that limits the possibilities of the future.  
But Mary and Jack were both wrong. The past doesn’t determine the present. There isn't only one outcome to piracy, and there isn't only one outcome to a committed relationship.
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Jack finds this out when he gets killed. There’s nothing redemptive in Jack’s past that can save him: he’s created this situation, where he’s stuck in Blind Man’s Cove, abandoned by someone who once cared about him, and in the line of fire of the English navy.
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But Mary really does love Anne. Mary and Anne weren’t trying to break Ed and Stede up, they just wanted drama. They were as entertained by “breathing the same air” as by Ed breaking a chair. So Anne and Mary get a happy resolution. Anne surprises Mary, sets fire to the big house that symbolizes a relationship dead-end, and the two of them find that actually, there is still more to them than fun and games. From the chaos, transformation.
Other posts in this series
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 5
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levinarchivist · 5 months
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Patreon Mail Day 🫡💙 My Love Letter Patrons are getting an IkeSoren print and traditional drawing for their March rewards
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orcelito · 4 months
Wrote tha note to put on their door in the morning.
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Do u think my sleep deprived frustration is evident lol
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sunlessea · 6 months
“ you don't understand the grave nature of what's happening to us. ” - fires, to pages
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dune : part one / @londonfallen
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oh, if it could screech any louder, one would assume mr pages capable of waking the permanently rested, or worse yet, leading candles calcified corpse straight to their doorstep even outside the confines of masters' waking nightmares! fires should have kept its mouth shut : something it is so very incapable of, but would benefit from a great deal! the resulting crashes and almost animalistic wailing as it rounds on its poorly-postured colleague and all but bodies it into the ground ensures that anyone who may have been hovering its office in hopes of an artistic review for pages yet unpublished in their papers or novels must decide right then and there that this is perhaps not the best time to bother their tempestuous boss.
all for the best, of course, when the beautificous mr pages has found its claws wrapped around fires' throat with one hand, the other all but fighting against the grip it'd gotten on the malkavian's wrist before it could calm its raging heart by gouging the bat's eyes out!
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"WE DON'T UNDERSTAND?! US? ME? YOU INCREDUDACIOUS, UGLY, PATHETICENT, HEARTGOURGED, FASCICRETIN, BOORIDESCENT—" its raving is loud, screeched at the top of its lung until its voice breaks : and were it that fires did not need to breathe, with how violently its claws tear into its throat in attempt to squeeze the false air out of its lungs! "AND WHO IS IT THAT CREATED THIS SYSTEM WHICH PUT US IN THIS POSITION?! WHOM AMONG THE MASTERS LIKE YOU AND YOURS ARE AT FAULT FOR OUR MISERY!!!!" tearing its opposing hand from the others grasp hurts, the marks it leaves behind on its own skin, but the moment their hand is free, they throw it down into fires' face, and hit it with the full force of its claws. wail on it, even! over and over, until its hits aren't even landing because fires has scrambled to grab its arms again — as it oft does, the altercation devolves.
it leaves them writhing, its adversary trying to grab it and flip their positions, but pages stubbornly refusing with a knee slammed into fires' hip, and then its side. leave it injured, bruised, beaten!
it hates mr fires!!!! IT HATES IT!!!!
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jcfiredoor · 19 days
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bluemoonrabbit · 8 months
Today someone knocked on my door, and I opened it to find the two tiny babies (college students) who live to my left, accompanied by a huge chonky tuxedo cat. Apparently he was just roaming the halls and they happened across him. Me being me, I was like "ah yes, I know this animal, this is across the hall neighbor's cat, I said hi to him once during a fire alarm." Then the big mush let me scoop him up and carry him like a baby back to his apartment.
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scare-ard--sleigh · 5 months
okay so let's break it down. sir crocodile;;
protected luffy vis a vis daz bones
tried to kill whitebeard. decided like an hour later that it "wasn't worth it."
saved ace . from the marines .
protected luffy Again when he was passed out in jinbe's arms
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softquietsteadylove · 2 years
Hello Darling! Love your Thenamesh Pokémon AU and I have a prompt request :)
let’s say Thenas entire Pokémon team gets poisoned because something is wrong with the pokefood (let’s say team rocket is doing some dumb shit again). So Thena ask Gil if he can help because all the Pokémon healing centers are filled with poisoned Pokémon.
And Gil being a absolutely sweet man helps and cares for her Pokémon as well as the others at the ranger station.
Some soft moment where Thena watches Gil how caring and sweet he is! Maybe some fluff in the end between them?
It was in the water, it was determined. The ranger centre - and every pokemon centre for half a region's distance - was overrun with poisoned pokemon.
It was an environmental pollution case, and poised for a huge class action lawsuit, from what the news was reporting. A few major companies, from Silph Co. to the Devon Corporation, were expected to face massive backlash from it.
The Pokemon Ranger Association was expected to head the actions taken against them. Even then, the rangers on active duty were running around with their heads cut off trying to keep up with the mass poisoning. Luckily it was a relatively light condition, nothing that antidote supplies and pecha berries couldn't help. Curing would just take a little time--and a lot of pokemon centre help.
Gil was supposed to be out there helping, too. And he had, through his standard shift. He had been herding poisoned pokemon all morning, having called on every steel type they could find, as well as any ground type willing to simply help them out. He had been working tirelessly.
And still he came right over to Thena's after work to help with her pokemon.
She had called him in a panic at the first signs of the toxicity in them. She used such specialised home blends for their pokechow, she couldn't fathom how they had all gotten the signs of mild poisoning. Gil had told her that they were investigating it, but the likely cause was the water. He told her to shut off her water main, run all her taps dry, order some bottled water for delivery and wait for him.
"How are they doing?" he whispered as he closed the door behind him.
It was quite a scene.
Gallade was laid on the couch, curled on his side with a blanket and a cool cloth on his forehead for the reactionary fever. Ninetales was curled up as tight as she could go on her bed, all of her tails draped over her body like an extra blanket. She also had a blanket laid over her.
He had to assume that the freezer door was open because Froslass was either hovering right in front of it or inside the freezer itself.
"I gave them each a pecha berry every half hour, and I already used all the antidotes in the house," Thena sighed, rocking a miserable little Teddiursa in her arms with a frown. "I ordered more but, well, I'm sure you know."
There was about to be a region wide supply shortage. They were already in the midst of it, most likely. He set down his bag and took his hat off.
"How's Dragonite?" she whispered, rubbing Teddiursa's forehead while he was swaddled up in a blanket of his own.
"Good, actually," Gil managed to smile amidst the misery around them. "We generally use the bottled water from the machines while we're out in the field, so we got off pretty easy."
"Thank Arceus," Thena sighed, although she was looking down at her whiny little cub with misty eyes. "I just wish I could do more for them."
"I know," Gil whispered, putting a hand on her shoulder. She had called him specifically because she knew the pokemon centres would all be completely overrun. And with her very specific team, she was just as equipped to handle them here at home as any care unit.
Teddiursa pried his glassy eyes open, "Ursa."
"I know, buddy," Gil sighed, also ruffling their little bear's fur between his droopy ears. "Your tummy hurts, huh?"
The cub curled into Thena, as he did when he was a baby first getting used to the world outside Thena's house.
Gil picked up his bag and set it on the counter, "I was asking some Tropius how they were handling things, and they offered some knowledge about the berries that might help. They said that cherri and pecha berries mixed might provide some comfort."
"Cherri?--for paralysis?" Thena asked as Gil dumped out the collection of berries. "Pecha must be hard to come by too, I imagine."
"Well," Gil smiled at her gently, "a group of Quagsire from the lower caves remembered a very nice trainer who came to their aid not too long ago and shared their stash with me."
Thena sniffled.
"Okay," Gil whispered, cutting up the berries and mixing them as Thena pulled out a pot and poured in water they both knew they didn't exactly have to spare. "This should help you guys feel a little better.
"Froslass," the ghost pokemon apparated, just to see what was going on.
"I'm sorry," Thena whispered to her poor ice type, patting the spot between her little icicle-horns on her head. "We're just going to cook up a little soup. I'll chill yours for you."
"Fross," the pokemon muttered before disappearing from sight again, curling up in the freezer to try and endure her symptoms.
"I hate to think about how some of the other pokemon are doing with this," Thena frowned as Gil stirred around the soup, cutting up a few oran berries as well, just to give them back a little energy.
"This morning was rough, but when I was getting off we were just starting to get our heads above water."
Thena rocked Teddiursa against her as Gil tasted the berry mixture before adding a few vitamins for good measure. Once they were incorporated he ladled out a few bowls, handing one to Thena to put in the fridge before giving it to Froslass.
"Here we go," Gil whispered as he held up a bowl to Teddiursa's muzzle, tipping it to him gently. "I know it doesn't taste as good as Mama's pokechow, but it'll help your tummy."
"Teddi," the little bear whimpered before accepting the medicine. He knew better than to refuse it in Thena's presence.
"Good work," she whispered, kissing the fur between his ears as he drank up. She accepted the bowl from Gil smoothly as he went to her other pokemon with theirs.
"Think you can sit up, bud?" Gil asked Gallade, who groaned but pulled himself up to lean against the armrest of the couch. Gil handed him the bowl. "There's some HP Up, in there--just a little, though."
"Gallade," the pokemon uttered its thanks. No matter its opinions on Ranger Gil and his relationship to its trainer, Gallade had to admit that the human man was nothing if not reliable.
Gil patted his shoulder, leaving him to feed himself. He was sure that the viciously independent pokemon wouldn't have accepted being fed - by anyone but Thena - anyway. He moved on to Ninetales, "c'mere, sweetie."
"Nine," she whined, barely emerging from her little knot of tails to peek at him.
"I know, girl," Gil assuaged the poor fire type. "You're not made for this. But I've got something that'll help, okay?"
Thena watched as Gil held the bowl just off the ground, tilted so Ninetales could eat from it without having to stand. He really got off an exhausting shift of taking care of everyone else's pokemon just to come here and hand feed hers.
"Is that a little better?" Thena whispered down to her poor little baby bear. He snuggled back into his blanket cocoon and turned his head in against her shoulder.
She would take that as a reluctant 'yes'.
She opened the fridge, testing the temperature of the sweet and sour soup before holding it up. "It's nice and cool, just how you like it."
"Froslass," the ghost appeared, accepting it with a miserable nod of thanks before digging in.
That was the sign that things really were bad. Froslass never let anyone watch it eat--it wasn't in its nature to allow such a vulnerability, even in its own home.
Gil looked up as Thena took a seat on the floor next to him, leaning against his shoulder as he let Ninetales finish her serving. He set the bowl down, petting their fox pokemon on the snout before nudging Thena lightly. "Hey."
"Hey," she whispered back, looking intently at Teddiursa's restless sleeping face. But he was sleeping, and she was grateful.
Gil nudged her again, asking her to look at him. She was exhausted, obviously having been awake since she caught the first signs in her poor team. Her eyes were bloodshot and misty, her skin was pale, he could tell she had cried a little here or there. He pressed his forehead to hers. "How are you doing?"
"I hate seeing them like this," she whispered, inhaling gently as she let Gil's warmth seep into her. "Battling is one thing. Injuries, status conditions--I know how to handle those. But this-"
"I know," he comforted, moving to press his lips to her forehead. She moved closer, tucking her head under his against his shoulder. "How are you feeling? Did you drink anything from the tap this morning?"
"Barely," she sighed. "I saw on the news that humans are less likely to be affected based on volume per mass. I wish I could take it on for them."
Gil nodded, smiling at Ninetales, whose tails perked up to wag just a little. Thena was a good trainer, and they could ask for no one more caring and loyal to have by their sides.
Thena puffed out a little breath as she felt Gallade drape a blanket over her shoulders from behind her. "Don't you dare get up off that couch, mister."
"Gal," he sighed, already lying back down and pulling the blanket off the back of the couch for himself again.
"Y'know," Gil yawned, "maybe we should try out some sleep powder on 'em. Could help them sleep off some of the symptoms."
"That's a-" Thena paused, the contagious nature of Gil's yawn catching her in her own, "good idea."
"I'll ask Dragonite," Gil mumbled, turning over his watch gear to send a message to his partner, who had offered to work a double to help out with the situation (and free up Gil to help Thena).
"Altaria," Thena mumbled, bringing up her beloved pokemon who was officially retired from battling and released into the wild. It stopped in regularly between migration seasons, though. "It might still know Sing."
Gil nodded, feeling Thena's fatigue seeping into him. "You should get some sleep."
"Speak for yourself," Thena mumbled right back, already slipping further and further into sleep.
Teddiursa snuggled against her as she laid down. She instinctively pulled him closer to her, as she did when he slept in her bed for the first few months of his life with her.
Ninetales and Gallade, with their combined psychic abilities, expended what energy they had to lie Gil and Thena down to rest. Thena sighed into the softness of Ninetales' fur, as she often did when they were camping in Victory Road. The fire type kindly let Gil also rest his head against her plush tails as well, since his arms were wrapped around Thena (and Teddi).
Gallade mustered enough effort to spread Thena's blanket out over the ranger as well. It would demand a thank you from him later, it determined before lying down again. "Lade."
"Tales," Ninetales yawned in agreement, also settling down to rest again.
Froslass floated over with the extra blanket Gil had brought in his pack, spreading it out over them before closing the freezer and going to settle itself in the cool of the bathtub.
The three - fully grown - pokemon could at least agree that maybe, just this once, they really did owe their trainer's mate.
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avionvadion · 2 years
Deku Sprout: “There was a war and your mother escaped with you into the forest, but she was badly wounded and died, and sensed you were the child of destiny, so we decided to raise you as a Kokiri, Link.”
Me, taking notes for fanfic purposes: “Welp, that’s another parallel to the list. Really is just “like grandpa like grandson” huh. Neat!”
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