#Best Cat Spray For Furniture
Not sure if you've done it before because blog searches just don't work but how would umbreon work as a pet?
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[You may have seen it already, but I’ll take any chance I can to link to the post containing my index doc, which works much better than blog searches here! I’ll put it at the bottom of this post.]
An umbreon might make a good pet for some owners, but they are definitely one of the weaker options when it comes to eevee evolutions. It really depends on the owner and what they can reasonably handle.
To begin with, however, like most pokémon of the aforementioned category, umbreons are a decent size to be a house pet. At three feet tall they’re certainly on the bigger size when compared to many real-world dogs and cats, but that’s pretty reasonable when compared to a lot of the pokémon we cover here on the blog. Now, when taking into account the pokédex data on this species, it’s difficult to tell if they tend to be friendly. There’s no mention of them living with humans or other umbreons, and by all means they seem to be stealthy, solitary predators who prefer to hide and use ambush tactics when hunting prey in the dead of night (Ruby/Sapphire, Emerald). It’s said that when these pokémon move around in the dark, the curious yellow rings on their fur glow, “striking fear into the hearts of anyone nearby” (Silver). This could be an involuntary response on the observers part, in which case an umbreon would make a terrible pet, but I’d be willing to wager that this glow is not intended as sort sort of psychological attack since it also occurs when they are simply excited (Crystal).
Umbreon care seems like it would be fairly straightforward… so long as they are in a good mood. Umbreons, like other species in the eevee evolution line, are natural predators. This could make them pretty dangerous, given their size, so I would suggest an abundance of caution and a keen awareness of their body language and mood at all times. Given their highly active lifestyle in the wild, umbreons need a lot of play time and enrichment: a sedentary pet they are not. Be prepared to offer them lots of opportunities to get their wiggles out! Keep in mind that this species is nocturnal (Ruby/Sapphire, Emerald, Diamond/Pearl), and will thus need the most attention at night; they’d be best fit for a night owl’s household.
There’s one strange quirk about umbreon biology that really hurts their pet ranking score, and it’s not something that can be easily gleamed just by looking at them. When agitated or angered, umbreons can actually spray poisonous sweat from their pores (Gold). This is, obviously, a huge problem. Not even the best pet owner can keep their pet from *ever* getting agitated, especially during stressful events like visits to the vet. This could pose a huge problem, though we don’t know exactly the potency of this poison. While an umbreon may be able to control the spraying of their sweat, it doesn’t seem like they can control the sweating itself, which could leave furniture, pet carriers, etc. covered with poisonous material. This is a factor that would make this pokémon an ill-fit for many owners.
Umbreons are, like I said earlier, pretty dangerous even without this sweat. These are large, agile hunters, who can use physical moves like Bite and Assurance to take down prey as easily as they can use special moves like Dark Pulse.
Overall, while an umbreon could make a pretty good pet for some owners, they are generally-speaking not a great choice, especially when other options, like an eevee, are available in most regions. I’d suggest potential umbreon adopters consider the risks before jumping into an adoption.
The Index:
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satancopilotsmytardis · 2 months
Uhhhh petplay?
Dabi hisses, his face steaming slightly from how hot his blush is as it evaporates the water that was just misted onto him. "What the fuck--" The next spurt from the spray bottle catches him with his mouth open and he gags as he half-inhaled the spray. 
"Bad. Kittens aren't supposed to talk back, and they are certainly not allowed on the furniture without permission." Shig tells him coolly. Indignance is hot under his skin. When he agreed to the sexy cat costume and participating in his lover's new scene that he said would have 'fittingly' new rewards and punishments, he hadn't actually thought he would be getting hit with a spray bottle. If Shigaraki tries to give him catnip as his reward, Dabi is going to claw out his eyes to keep his 'immersion'. 
He still slinks off of the couch with a pitiful mewl instead of getting himself into even more trouble. Duster already has him stuffed full of a tail plug, and the constant pressure of something stretching his hole, but not deep enough and not moving at all, is making it just sit on the edge of his nerves with the constant need to have more. He is not going to make getting tbat take any longer by being a brat. He sits pretty on the floor and uses the back of his hand, curling it into a paw as he does it. 
"Much better, kitten." Tomura puts the spray bottle aside and then gestures for him to come a little closer as he sits. Dabi moves over to his knees immediately, hoping that this means that he'll have his mouth full soon. But Duster just has him rest his chin on his knee so that he can run eight fingers through Dabi's hair. The headband with the ears on it nearly gets in the way, but he doesn't stop, scratching his fingers across Dabi's scalp and through his hair until his annoyance leaks out of his body and he's left with his eyes closed and nuzzling into the touch. "Much better, my pretty kitten. If you keep behaving so well," Tomura brings a hand lower, rubbing his thumb over Dabi's lips that part eagerly to take his flesh between his teeth, his tongue flicking across the pad of his thumb, "I'm going to have to give you a treat." 
Dabi does his best to try to purr, but his face gets a little warmer as he does it, sure he sounds ridiculous. But Duster's eyes are dark on him when he looks to see how the sound landed. 
"I know, sweetheart. You always love having plenty of cream." 
Dabi doesn't love his partner calling it that, but he'll complain about that when he's not pretending to be a cat anymore. After he's gotten Tomura's cum spilling hot down his throat.
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Could I please request headcannons on The Devil from Cuphead? Specifically, his cat-like habits🤣 For some reason, I can see Dice having a bottle labeled Holy Water(It’s just tap water actually😆) to spray Devil with when he gets unreasonably hissy.🤣🤣🤣
A/N: Once again, another dated request given how the Cuphead Show had the very same idea (ノ_<。). Nevertheless, we love a giant housecat from Hell. I hope you enjoy this batch, anon! Do reach out if you want me to adjust anything!!
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Hell’s Top Cat, AKA The Devil:
Long before the fall, one could argue the Devil already exhibited certain… feline habits. The silent, judgemental stares he’d doled out to his brothers and puny mortals, rising at god-forsaken hours early in the morning to expend whatever energy he’s pent up from being stuck behind a desk all day, a weird habit of chewing on anything non-edible— the list could go on. Of course, the Devil has long denied such behavior back then, and still does to this day. 
After the fall and surrounded by wild-eyed, bordering feral beasts within Hell’s landscapes, not to mention going through a bestial transformation himself, said habits have only grown more apparent. 
The Devil could be hard to read at certain times. However, certain business partners and the imps under his command have learned to pay close attention to his body language. Loathe as he is to admit it, he’s quite expressive with his tail and ears. Ears pointed straight up? The demon’s heard something and is straining to hear it, or you’ve caught his attention. Tail wagging and ears rapidly twitching? You got an angry demon on your hands and you better tread carefully. Ears wiggling as he’s eating? Oh golly, looks like he’s enjoying whatever he’s eating! 
His eyes were already unnerving back when he was an angel. Now they can glow in the dark? There may have been numerous times where King Dice nearly pissed himself when he stumbled upon his boss in the dark, nothing but the unnerving, inhumane glow of his eyes indicating the demon was even there. 
Thanks to his shapeshifting abilities, the Devil is able to comfortably fit in whatever confined space he sees fit. Truly the ultimate form of “If I fits, I sits”. Not to mention that it gives him an edge on spying on any employees that’re slacking off or sneaking up on any potential victims. 
Back in heaven, his pica-like habits were at least managed by his brothers and the Devil fussing over his public image. However, not that dear old dad isn’t around and he’s the King of Hell, he can do whatever he wants– so said habits have gotten worse. Numerous pens, clothed furniture, and a few telephone wires have fallen victim to the demon’s teeth. It’s gotten to the point where King Dice is considering spraying bitter apple spray on everything in the casino just so he didn't have to replace everything. 
The Devil usually has a nail file on hand to maintain his claws. He considers sharpening them on anything else to be beneath him. However, when he’s in a particularly bad mood or feeling territorial, he’ll tear up anything he could get his hands on. Couches, wallpaper, desks, people– it’s best to stay out of the way until he calms down. 
Sheds more than a tree in fall. There’s so much of his loose fur on his bedsheets, his balcony chair, and his office furniture that if you sneeze, it’ll trigger an explosion of hair everywhere. No, he refuses to acknowledge it. Shut up. 
That being said, he absolutely adores it when he’s brushed. It’s like a pleasant massage for him, scratching particularly pleasantly at an itch he didn’t even know he had. Of course, it’s a sobering experience for him when he’s presented with enough hair to make a life-sized replica of himself after a brushing session. 
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swabian-princess · 1 year
Domestic engineer tales - daily cleaning routine
Hey girlies,
as we all know - I'm a proud domestic engineer (aka SAHGF) and while this life is very soft I still have responsibilities. One of them is cleaning.
I grew up with a mother that wasn't about cleaning all the time. Sure, the basics were always done but she wasn't bothered if some pet hair was on the couch or if the kitchen wasn't cleaned until the next day.
Well, my bf is the direct opposite. He hates dirt, dust, stains, pet hair and the list goes on. Basically - he wants our apartment to look like nobody lives there. He's a perfectionist and he can't relax if he suspects the apartment is not clean. That's when I enter the game - it's my task to tidy the apartment every day, so he can come home and simply relax.
I'm not going to lie - it was really rough in the beginning because it seems like this man can smell a faint stain on a towel ten miles away.
Realize that maintenance is key!
It took some time for me to realize this. Just trust me - it's way easier to clean just a little bit every day than to spend hours cleaning once a week.
1. vacuuming
My first step is always vacuuming the whole apartment. I need roughly 30-45 min to thoroughly vacuum the apartment. My holy grail tip is to invest in a wireless vacuum cleaner. It doesn't have to be the newest dyson! In fact, bf and I have three vacuum cleaners: two dysons, one of them wireless and one Phillips, and I absolutely prefer the Philipps one over both the dysons.
2. dusting
I hate dust. It makes my nose itch and my eyes water - so there is a strong no dust policy in my home! I just grab an good old swiffer and simply dust off all my counters and all the surfaces in the apartment.
3. disinfect
I blame the pandemic for my urge to disinfect everything. I love sagrotan cleaning wipes and I always buy them in bulk when they're on sale. I wipe down my kitchen counters and every other surface in the apartment. I've been doing this for a few months now and I don't see any damage on our furniture that could be caused by the wipes.
I also wipe down my bathrooms - my sink, the water taps and the complete toilet. I also spray down the toilet and my door handles with disinfectantspray for extra protection.
4. polishing
We have quite a few glass surfaces that need to be polished every day because they tend to get grease stains very easily. I take a microfiber towel and a cotton towel and spray those surfaces with a special glass cleaner, rub it in with the microfiber towel and dry with the cotton towel for a streak free finish.
5. couch vacuuming
It was not the best decision to get two white/grey coated cats with long and fine hair while still having a black couch. You. can. see. every. single. hair. I'm very happy that our Philipps vacuum comes with a special attachment for pet hair removal. I use it on both of our couches and the attachment works like a charm. No more hairs!
6. making sure it smells good
A good smelling apartment is mandatory for me because I believe that a good smelling apartment makes living way more enjoyable.
I make sure to clean the cats' litterboxes frequently - I try to scoop the litter out immediately after they finished their business. Nothing is worse than the smell of cat shit or piss and I know way to many people that have their whole apartment smell like their cats litterbox because they neglect cleaning it.
I also spritz our couch and our carpets down with some Febreeze golden orchid cushion cleaner. It smells heavenly and the smell stays for hours! It's also pet safe, so don't worry.
Last but not least - candles. I like to light some scented candles in different rooms of the apartment to make sure that it smells nice everywhere. My current favorites are the yankee candles in vanilla cupcake and sunny daydream!
It takes me around 3hours daily to finish cleaning the apartment and that's only maintenance.
I deep clean different rooms on different days during the week. My daily tasks also include loading and unloading the dish washer, doing laundry, cooking and cleaning the kitchen after cooking.
lots of love
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simslegacy5083 · 5 months
NSB (Straud Legacy) Gen 9 Ep 71: Fear and Fire
The Story of a Family
Luigi had rarely been happier to get home than he was as he returned from the gym. He limped up the steps on his sore ankle, looking forward to dropping into bed with an ice pack, a nice mixed drink, and that sci-fi novel Noemi couldn’t stop raving about.
Seeing Noemi had been the only bright spot in this absolutely cursed day, and the universe had even had to go and try to ruin that! He couldn’t wait for today to be over – surely tomorrow would be better, it had to be!
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Entering the downstairs foyer the first thing he heard was Chubbs, meowing plaintively. Had he forgotten to feed her? Glancing up the steps Luigi did a double take. Smoke was pouring out from under the door of his bedroom, his cat standing nearby doing her best to alert someone to the problem.
Ignoring the pain Luigi bolted up the stairs, nearly falling headfirst into his room when his ankle buckled underneath him. Catching himself on the doorframe, he continued inside to find the table on which rested Papa Jack’s urn, and the candle from Beau he’d forgotten to extinguish, ablaze.
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Luigi’s heart jumped into his throat as she saw the flames engulfing Papa Jack’s remains. Without thinking he started to reach forward to grab the urn out of harm’s way but was stopped short by the intense heat radiating from the fire.
Instead, he ran back out to grab the fire extinguisher hanging in the hallway, planting his feet and venting his fear and frustration in a primal scream as he sprayed the foam in a wide arc across the blaze.
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Once the fire was extinguished Luigi was left with the charred remains of ruined furniture and his papa's urn, standing like a sentinel in the middle of it all. It looked OK, but he had no way of knowing if Papa Jack's connection to the physical world had remained intact. 
Luigi started to cry then, giant choking sobs that racked his entire body. He gasped out a plea to his papa, to the watcher, to anyone who could hear him to please let it be OK, to give him a sign. He didn't know how he'd live with himself if he’d destroyed his papa’s only link to the mortal realm.
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Suddenly he felt a pair of strong arms wrapped around him, heard Papa Jack whisper in his ear that he was here, everything was OK.
For a long while all he could do to return the hug as if his life depended on it, his Papa rubbing his back like he used to do when Luigi was a child. Big fat tears cascaded down his cheeks as he told Papa Jack that he was so sorry, so stupid, and promised never to let anything like that happen again.
When his tears were finally spent Jack invited him to sit down and tell him everything. Luigi offloaded his tale of woe and apologized again, thanking him for coming. Papa replied that honestly, he hadn’t gotten a choice! He’d intended to visit as soon as he could when he heard Luigi’s sobs, but he’d found himself physically pulled across the barrier separating the worlds, unceremoniously deposited in the hallway of the boarding house.
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After that Jack went downstairs himself to get his son that drink and the ice pack he needed more than ever after his terror fueled run.
Luigi downed his glass of nectar and strapped the pack to his burning ankle but decided not to risk falling asleep on his papa. Instead, using the wall for support, he hopped to the chess table just outside his door, settling in for a relaxing game while they chatted.
“I’ve been very proud of your recent accomplishments” Jack began. “Tell me the latest on your lovely ladies so I don’t offer you bad advice when this fine juice loosens my tongue later.” Luigi smiled, always happy to discuss his favorite sims.
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Luigi told Papa Jack all about his latest dates with Amaya and Noemi, not sure how much had come across in his nightly updates to the urn. 
Jack was quiet at first, lost in thought. Finally, he told his boy “I’d say you’re incredibly lucky and unlucky. Both your girls sound great, but you’re not going to be able to keep the two of them fully satisfied indefinitely. Sooner or later, you’ll need to make a choice”. 
Amaya was clearly a lot of fun, but it seemed to Jack that she and Luigi didn't "click" as well as he and Noemi. However, his responsibilities as a legacy heir meant he had to have a child. Was he prepared to do that on his own if he wanted to stay with Noemi and she refused to come out of "hiding"?
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Jack went on “You have time son, but your next birthday is closer than you might realize. I suggest you put some thought towards your future.”
Luigi frowned slightly as he processed his papa's advice. Being in college it sometimes felt like he was suspended in a bubble, not as "grown-up" as his cousins with their full-time jobs and "adult" responsibilities, but that wasn't true. Time marched on, and his university days would soon be over. 
He thanked his papa and pondered his next move on the board. Gazing contentedly at the ghost sitting across from him, he reflected that maybe it hadn't been that terrible of a day after all.
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View The Full Story of My Not So Berry Challenge Here
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Sorry to hear you're also sick! Gute Besserung!
From the 30+ ask game:
4. Favorite chore?
7. Any groceries you've been getting into lately?
8. What cleaning product do you swear by?
15. Do you go down each aisle when you grocery shop, or only the ones you know you need stuff from?
25. Favorite old person activity?
32. How do you take your morning coffee/tea?
39. What little treat do you always get when you run errands?
42. What's an unjustifiably expensive appliance that you really want?
43. Favorite book you've read recently?
48. If you could build your home from scratch, what outrageous feature would you want to build into it?
56. Favorite low-effort meal that you make?
64. Last time you visited a farmer's market?
66. Do you get your taxes in as soon as possible, at the last minute, or late?
Or like.. any subset you feel like doing <3
4) Favourite chore is probably folding laundry, ever since I watched Marie Kondo. It's kinda calming and I can listen to a podcast or audiobook while doing it😊 7) Another grocerie I discovered is non-meat Wiener Würstchen. Pretty good, I probably wouldn't notice the difference taste-wise and I actually prefer the consistency with a less noticable skin. 8) Not a product, but having a spray bottle with diluted soapy cleaner was a game change in the kitchen. Way more accessible than having to wet a sponge and get the soap for cleaning up a little mess in the fridge or on the stovetop or whereve. Just "pffft pffft, swipe, done" 15) at Aldi or drug stores I really enjoy roaming ALL THE AISLES even if I have a specific plan of what I want to get. It's very enriching😌 25) old person activity besides crocheting and naps is checking the new Aldi Angebote the moment they come out on sunday (which I call Alditag bc it's the first thing I do after getting up). My favourite is when they have DIY products. 32) I can't stand coffee and find tea pretty boring to drink, so I start each day with an instant chocolate cappuchino (sometimes with a little cinnamon, or hazelnut flavour, or extra chocolate). Being a night owl, I have a very hard time entering awakeness mode, and adding a little bit of coffein helps tons. 39) My little treat I often get is Capri Sun. I think it's bc mom refused to buy it when we were little, so now, just like Fruchtzwerge, it has this aura of rebellion and special occassion. 43) Due to my daily 3+h commute each workday I get a lot of reading done, but the last one I finished was especially good: Sarggeschichten ("casket stories") by a German funeral director and a grief counsellor. It's a little like my favourite youtube channel AskAMortician, but with more focus on how to deal with a loss on a practical and psychological level on top of the "what happens with a body". While reading, I felt like I was getting the best possible preparation for one day having to deal with the death of a loved one again. It won't ever be easy, but I genuinely feel more empowered to make helpful and informed choices now. On top of that they really make sure to be inclusive in their advice and anecdotes: there's mention of poly relationships, an extra chapter about/for trans people, inclusive language throughout, additional advice for especially difficult losses like miscarriages or suicides... Just. 10/10 and a definite recommendation 48) apart from SLIDES EVERYWHERE, I'd want extensive cat furniture on the walls. Platforms and cat trees and bridges and tunnels! Let them go hogwild! 56) It used to be toast Hawaii, but alas I havent found a good substitute for ham yet:/// So now it's probably pizza baguette made with prebaked baguette, canned tuna in sauce and sliced cheese. All I have to do is half the bread, spread the tuna sauce stuff, add cheese and bake for 15 minutes.👍 64) like three weeks ago during my lunch break to get 2 kg of dried worms for the chickens 66) A wild mix: I start early bc I actually enjoy doing the taxes for me and the Mosswife. I'll get it 95% done in one go and leave the details that need further thought. Then I'll procrastinate on that for weeks until I've forgotten everything I planned to look into, so at that point it would be a whole lo of work to get into it again. Which is why I ignore the task for more weeks. At some point I have to admit that I probably won't do it properly anymore bc it's been too long and I'd basically be equivalent of having to start all over again. From there I need a little while to come to terms with this fact. And THEN, when it's really about time to hand it in, I just do it, 95% finished. So far that worked well for me XD Thank you for sending asks, that was fun! Luckily my sickness mostly consists of feeling like I'm filled with lead all over, without any additional ailments.
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Since everyone is sending you stuff tonight I might as well vent a little, and maybe ask for advice. I have a cat and live with a roommate who also has a cat. My cat is sweet but uper skittish and basically hides 20 hours of the day, and only comes out for food or water or (rarely) cuddles with me. My roommate's cat has single kitten syndrome and is a nightmare. She poops and pees on the floor, scratches up all the furniture, turns the food and water bowls over 10+ times a day, and plays roughly. Like really, REALLY roughly. Draws blood, leaves puncture wounds roughly. And sees any attempt to shoo her away or run away from her as you playing back. Pulling away doesn't help. Making loud noises don't help. Pushing her or bopping her doesn't help. Spraying water doesn't help. Distracting her with toys doesn't help. If she wants to attack you she will. Not. Stop.
And still, all this I could tolerate if it were just me. But she attacks my cat too. And my poor sweet boy who's afraid of his own shadow now won't even come out to eat or drink or use the litter box. He's hiding in a corner, in his own filth, because she'll sit and watch him for hours on end and attack him if he comes out from under my dresser. And last time I managed to coax him out I noticed he's lost a lot of weight, AND he's got cauliflower ear really badly.
I tried talking to my roommate and asked her if we can't rehome the cat could she at least keep her in her room? So she stops attacking me and my cat? And she said that's not fair, because her cat was here first and it would be cruel to not let her roam every room in her home. I don't have anywhere else to go right now, and I can't afford to move out, and my local vet said it would be a $600 surgery to treat my boy's ear, which I also can't afford. They said it would get better on it's own eventually, but that was almost 2 weeks ago and it's only getting worse. I really, really don't know what to do :(
I’m not qualified to give you an answer on this sadly as I am not a cat behavioralist.
I would see if your roommate wouldn’t mind at least letting your cat stay closed inside your room in the meantime at least, and keep food and water around the house as opposed to just one location. Same with litter boxes and you should have at least three. It seems like a territorial dispute from what you’re describing but again I can’t really analyze through tumblr.
If your roommate refuses to rehome the problem cat however and you can’t move out any time soon, my best long term advice is unfortunately to seek out a new home for your cat. It isn’t ideal, but if the situation doesn’t improve it isn’t fair to make him stay there.
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envihellbender · 7 months
Backrooms fatty
Characters: u/urbexmallrat (OC), unnamed monstrosity
Content: fat monster, creepypasta thinly veiled fetish, impossibly big
r/FindingTheBackrooms posted by u/urbexmallrat 21 hours ago
Anyone seen this monster in the Backrooms?
Hey guys,
I was recommended this subreddit by r/urbexuk after no one there could help me. I thought The Backrooms was just a dumb creepypasta but honestly it’s the best explanation for what I stumbled upon. Bit of background, I’m a photographer, I’ve had pictures published in National Geographic so I’m the real deal. Outside of this occurrence I’m just a normal guy with a camera, I’m really into urbex and working on a book right now. There’s a shopping centre near me that I went to as a kid in the early 90s. I’m from a small town just off the motorway and the building used to be this huge busy place a couple of miles away. There was an arcade, cinema, all that stuff. It was really, really huge. It’s so weird to me that it was abandoned and honestly, it’s terrifying and fascinating to me that this place is completely deserted and being taken over by nature when I went there every weekend until I was 12.
Just to set the scene, here’s some pics of the place. Maybe it’ll be familiar to someone and you can explain away what I’ve seen. Hell, I’d love it if someone could do that.
The first photograph is of the entrance of a shopping mall, the windows have been smashed or bordered up, and the tiles on the floor have weeds and dead grass growing through the cracks. The walls have ivy and half dead trees clinging to them, and beneath that is a Starbucks that has had all of its furniture removed and strange symbols spray painted on the walls and floor inside of it. There’s a giant fountain in the middle of the entrance walkway, the water inside it is murky and covered in a strange slime. The second is of the entrance to an arcade. The machines are covered in a thick layer of dust and there are forgotten toys in a crane machine. There’s some strange orange teddy bears that are filled with stuffing in odd selections that have lumps in them. Their eyes are tears in their fabric, they look like a strange cross between a rabbit and a goat. The third photograph is taken from an above walkway showing the floor beneath, there are some abandoned shops and an outdoor coffee shop that has a couple of feral cats sitting by a dormant and decrepit coffee machine.
See? It’s called the Silver Bells Shopping Centre. I’d be interested to hear from anyone else who remembers it because none of my childhood friends or family remember it. So weird. I still have a Garfield Teddy from the crane machine at that arcade, it sits on my shelf. Here it is:
The photo shows a strangely shaped stuffed animal, one of the orange toys from the previous picture.
Anyway, I was using the opportunity to go find parts of the place we don’t usually see. I intended to go see some back storage rooms then go to the cellar. I guess I found that… anyway, I went to the food court which was kept on the lowest level and found a McDonalds. I hopped over the counter and slipped down the back. There was a lot of rats living in the now empty deep fat fryers but I figured live and let live. Weirdly I don’t remember having left the kitchen, but I must have done. I walked forwards, expecting to reach a door to take me out to some storage place. Instead I was walking for a good five minutes without going through anything and when I turned round the McDonalds was gone and there was just that terrifying yellow painted brick wall. I took some photos:
The first photo showed a family of rats living in the deep fat fryer, five were staring at the phone with bright red eyes. The second shows a blurry wall with light yellow bricks. The third, forth, and fifth all show different parts of the corridor, they all look essentially the same - yellow bricks, which stone floor, and nothing else distinctive.
So I had no idea how I ended up there but honestly I was mostly just assuming I was lost and took photos to help find my way back. I was wandering around these corridors for a long, long, loooooong time. My phone alarms kept going off - I have one at 2.30pm, one at 5:10pm, and one of 7:30pm so that’s how I knew time was moving even if my mobile clock hadn’t moved (yeah I know, how were my alarms going off if the time on my phone wasn’t moving, no idea!) After the last alarm I finally saw a door, and was over the fucking moon, so happy I got scared of going through it. Kind wish I hadn’t. Well. I guess doing that meant whatever weird monster I saw could guide me out, after it took what it liked from me. I can’t explain what I saw, or how I got out. And it doesn’t matter. I don’t care, I just wanna know what the fuck happened to me and what the fuck did I see. Here’s the monster I saw, doesn’t seem to match any monsters you guys have on file so I’m hoping that I missed something. Not sure how I feel about being the one who found out about a new species …
These sets of photos are much worse quality than the other pictures, and it’s not entirely clear what they are. The first shows a strange pile of flesh, a bright light - perhaps the camera flash - reflects against it. If you focus you can see that there’s a smattering of black hair over it, and angry purple marks where the skin has stretched obscenely. At first it simply looks like a closeup, but the photographer’s shadow shows that the navel or the occupant is significantly bigger than the owner of the flab. The second shows the adipose from a different angle, there’s one gigantic hill of fat, there’s another on top of it, and one more. This looks more human, but the way the light flashes and reflects on something on the otherwise of the wall shows that the height of the photographer is half that of the lower most fat roll. The third is an eye, a milky brown iris with bloodshot whites, that is crushed between a bloated cheek and sagging forehead, causing it to be a pinprick. The final photo shows the photographers digits held up against two enormous bloated brown lips, showing that just one of the slug like features is larger than the camera man’s entire hand.
So yeah. That’s the monster I found. If I had to estimate the size… well, it was significantly taller than me and I had to climb on it to get most of the photos. I’m six foot three, and I barely came up to its navel. I’ve seen elephants, whales, and stuff but none of them came close to it. Honestly if I didn’t know any better I’d say the creature was as big as I predicted the shopping mall was. Does this mean anything? Anyone see anything similar?
Update 1: please can every ignore my teddy and focus on the actual post lol
Update 2: I don’t know everyone’s focusing on my teddy but it’s Garfield lol don’t any of you remember Garfield?
Update 3: ignoring every question about my teddy now lol but thanks for everyone who asked me about the monster. Seems this isn’t a common experience but u/roadkillnapster pointed out that without a decent photo that shows more of the overall shape, it’s possible it’s a known monster that’s gotten really fat. Seems possible to me. Any fleshy monsters that could be similar?
Update 4: wow I wasn’t expecting so much conversation off my post, lotta people want to see it and have asked if I could show more videos and photos. I mean I don’t know but I’ll see if I can set up a livestream, so glad a lot of you wanna get to the bottom of this too!
Update 5: and thanks for freaking me out about my Garfield teddy, the wool is doing this weird expanding thing so it’s doubled in size and now I’m all scared it’s haunted lol
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thoughtportal · 1 year
Simple Homemade Skunk Cleaning Recipe
If the putrid aroma of skunk spray has infiltrated your home, you might wonder if it will ever really go away. Luckily, you don't need an expensive, store-bought product to save the day. You might already have the ingredients you need. By combining the oxygen power of peroxide with odor-neutralizing baking soda, there is a good chance you can get rid of the smell. Try this easy DIY spray to get the skunk smell out of your house.
For a tried-and-true odor-fighting concoction, you'll need:
Baking soda
3% hydrogen peroxide
Dawn dish soap (if you don't have Dawn on hand others will work, but Dawn is usually the best)
Spray bottle and bucket
In a large bucket, mix the following ingredients:
1 quart of peroxide
4 tablespoons of baking soda
a few squirts of Dawn
Add the mixture to a spray bottle
Spray affected areas and surfaces in your home and rinse as needed, blotting with a cloth afterward.
Note: Since this mixture can become unstable, you'll want to use it right away.
This deodorizer can be used for cleaning your furniture and floors, and it's also safe for your dog and your cat. Try this mix for other surfaces not mentioned in the above directions for specific items or areas of your home or yard.
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Cat owners who've dealt w/ flea infestations what's the best spray/products [shampoo & shit] you've used ???
Both for directly putting on your cat AND for the furniture & shit ???
Also, any advice on applying it to cat & around the house ? [Like order, how to do it, etc]
My cats have fleas [obviously-] 🙃🙃🙃
It's been years since they've had them so I don't really know the best way to get rid of them-
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pestcontrollocal · 2 years
Different Types of Pest Control
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Pests can be a real nuisance, and it’s important to take the necessary steps to keep them at bay. Fortunately, there are many different types of control methods that you can use to protect your home and your garden.
Preventative pest control focuses on preventing the pest from entering your property in the first place. This includes sealing cracks and crevices in your walls, floors, and windows to prevent pests from getting inside. It also involves removing food sources, such as pet feces and bird droppings.
This is often done with a combination of chemical, biological, and mechanical control techniques. If you do not have the time or resources to complete all of these tasks, it is a good idea to hire a professional to help you out with your pest control needs.
Biological controls are natural agents that kill or displace pests and their offspring without harming other organisms. These include insect predators and pathogens, such as bacteria that control certain caterpillars. Check out this website at http://www.ehow.com/how_5082517_license-pest-control-company.html for more info about pest control.
These methods have been used for centuries to control pests in areas such as China, Africa, and Southeast Asia. They can also be adapted to your local environment.
They can be very effective, but they should only be used when necessary and in accordance with label instructions. This means reading the labels carefully to be sure that the product you are using is safe for your pets and children, and will not damage or displace other species of wildlife or plants.
For example, you should never use a chemical spray containing copper that is toxic to birds in your yard or near an aquatic ecosystem. You should also avoid spraying your house with a pesticide that has high toxicity to fish and small invertebrates such as water fleas and waterbugs.
You should always keep food and other items in a well-sealed container or box to reduce the chances of pests coming in contact with them. The same goes for your clothing and linens.
The most common pests in your home or garden are insects and rodents, but other creatures can also be a problem. Insects can carry diseases and parasites that can be transferred to your family members, while rodents can damage your home and furniture.
Biological Pest Control Raleigh NC can be quite expensive, so it is not an option for most people. You can try to control your pests naturally by using predators such as birds, cats, and dogs that feed on pests.
Another way is to cultivate nematodes that can kill and control pests in your home or garden. Nematodes are predators that eat all kinds of pests and can be cultivated in a medium such as potting soil or compost.
Biological Pest Control Raleigh are usually not 100% effective, so it’s best to combine them with other methods of pest control. For instance, you can use a chemical spray to protect your garden, and then supplement it with a bacterial treatment to control the pests that are already present. The goal is to reduce the pest population to a point where it is no longer a serious threat.
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autumnalwalker · 2 years
Find the Words tag
Thank you for the tag, @dogmomwrites.
My words were assure, argue, previous, & halfway.
Passing the tag to @talesofsorrowandofruin, @void-botanist, @theimperiumchronicles, @writernopal, and the usual open tag for anyone else who may wish to participate.
Your words shall be harmless, literally, breakfast, & entrance.
Assure: The Archivist's Journal, Day 25
I broke the silence once again by telling her my name.  She told me hers in return.  Maiko, as I noted at the start of this entry.
I told her that next mist night I’d be sure to leave the door unlocked for her and that she was welcome to come inside when it rains instead of just sitting out on the porch.
She told me that she’d been doing this since she found the empty house last rainy season but had been afraid to since realizing someone else had moved in.
I assured her that I was harmless.  Half tripping over my own chair on my way to the sink as punctuation to this statement was only mostly intentional.
Argue: Empty Names - 4 - Prince In Gold
His friend smiles and shakes her head in long-suffering exasperation.  “I can’t argue with that now, can I?”
“I literally won’t let you.”
“Oh rea-”
“Nuh-nuh-nuh,” Sullivan cuts her off, “I said ‘literally’ and I meant it.”
This gets a chuckle out of her.  It’s been too long since Sullivan’s heard that sound.  A sound of old times.  Perhaps the past few years apart for them both to cool down truly was for the best.
“Fine, you win this round you, old rogue,” she says.
“I always do.”
“Only because you cheat.”
“And I say again, touché."
Previous: The Archivist's Journal, Day 95
They were both up before I was this morning.  What was left of the morning anyway by that time.  They seemed to be getting along well enough.  They’d already had breakfast (with promises to pay me back for it) and Maiko had helped herself to a bath.
Lin talked a bit about how strange it was to be back here.  All the same furnishings and decorations in mostly the same places as when the old archivist was living here.  I admitted that I really hadn’t done much to make it my own.  It all seemed good enough so it just didn’t seem worth the effort to go around changing things.  Even the minor rearrangement of furniture was due to the nature sprite messing with me and me trying to put things I hadn’t paid much attention to back from memory.
I asked if she found that strange familiarity offputting and she insisted it was fine.  Still, maybe I should redecorate so that I’m not just living in the shadow of the house’s previous occupant so much.
When I asked if Lin needed to be getting back to the Village and what the note she’d left her parents said, she shrugged it off.  Said she wasn’t in a hurry to get back and that it didn’t matter what the note said because they probably wouldn’t believe it anyway and would assume she was out meeting with some man.  With a laugh she added that’d probably be a relief for them if it was true.
With a glance at the towel-wrapped Maiko coming out of the bath I said it wouldn’t be too far off the mark, and was rewarded with Lin spraying the tea she’d been drinking across the table.  An insult and apology followed in the same breath once she finished coughing.
Maiko asked if everything was alright over there.  Eager to change the topic, Lin quickly insisted everything was great and asked if Maiko wanted to talk about what all she found on that island.
Halfway: Empty Names - 7 - Gathered Here Today
The entrance foyer is dominated by a grand staircase leading to the upper levels whose balconies wrap back around to look down on the visitors.  Above the landing where the staircase splits and turns halfway to the next floor hangs a portrait of a woman in a blue dress of a style as antique as the house’s.  Her smile at the viewer is playful.  Playful in the same way that a cat is playful with a mouse.  Several closed doors line the walls on either side between the entrance and the staircase, although those seem a background detail compared to the small pile of black crates and out of place chairs in the center of the hall.
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slutyr · 2 years
when I send her something while I’m fantasizing about her and the only thing she responds with is
“lewd boy”
it feels like I’m being sprayed in the face with a water bottle like a cat who won’t get off the furniture but in the best possible way 
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pocheservicesllc · 10 days
House Cleaning for Pet Owners in Tampa: A Complete Guide
Pet ownership is one of life's greatest joys, but it comes with its own set of challenges—especially when it comes to keeping your home clean. Whether you have a furry friend who sheds all over the house or a pet that occasionally has accidents, maintaining a clean and healthy living environment can be tough. For pet owners in Tampa, this guide provides valuable tips on how to keep your home spotless, and when you need professional help, Poche Services LLC is here to provide top-notch house cleaning services.
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House Cleaning for Pet Owners
Pets bring immense joy, but they can also introduce allergens, dirt, and odors into your home. This is especially true in a city like Tampa, where the warm weather can exacerbate pet-related cleanliness issues. Regular house cleaning is essential for several reasons:
Health and Safety: Pets can carry germs and allergens, which can affect your health. Regular cleaning reduces the risk of infections and respiratory issues.
Odor Control: Pets can leave behind unpleasant odors. Thorough cleaning helps to keep your home smelling fresh.
Comfort and Aesthetics: A clean home is more comfortable and inviting. Regular cleaning prevents the buildup of fur, dander, and stains.
Longevity of Furnishings: Pet hair and dander can wear down furniture and flooring. Cleaning helps preserve the life of your furnishings.
DIY Cleaning Tips for Pet Owners in Tampa
While professional cleaning services like Poche Services LLC can make a significant difference, there are several steps you can take to maintain a clean home on your own:
1. Regular Vacuuming
Pet hair can quickly accumulate on floors, furniture, and upholstery. Regular vacuuming is essential to keep your home free from pet hair and dander. Use a vacuum with a HEPA filter to trap allergens effectively. For carpets and upholstery, consider using a vacuum cleaner designed for pet hair.
2. Use Pet-Friendly Cleaning Products
Some cleaning products contain harsh chemicals that can be harmful to pets. Always opt for pet-friendly, non-toxic cleaning products. Look for cleaners that are specifically formulated to be safe for pets while still being effective at removing stains and odors.
3. Frequent Washing of Pet Bedding and Toys
Pet bedding and toys can harbor dirt, dander, and bacteria. Make it a habit to wash these items frequently in hot water to kill germs and keep your pet's space clean. For items that can't be machine-washed, use a pet-safe disinfectant spray.
4. Address Stains and Odors Immediately
Accidents happen, especially with young or elderly pets. Address stains and odors as soon as they occur to prevent them from setting in. Use an enzyme-based cleaner to break down organic matter and eliminate odors. Avoid using ammonia-based cleaners, as they can attract pets back to the same spot.
5. Maintain Your Pet's Hygiene
One of the best ways to keep your home clean is by maintaining your pet's hygiene. Regular grooming, such as brushing and bathing, reduces shedding and dander. Cleaning your pet's paws after walks can also help minimize the dirt they bring into the house.
Common Cleaning Challenges for Pet Owners
Pets bring joy, but they also introduce specific cleaning challenges that require extra attention. Here are some common issues pet owners face:
1. Shedding
Pets, especially dogs and cats, shed fur throughout the year. During peak shedding seasons, the amount of fur can be overwhelming. Regular brushing and vacuuming can help control shedding, but fur can still find its way into nooks and crannies.
2. Accidents and Stains
Even well-trained pets can have accidents. Urine, vomit, and other messes can leave stains and odors if not addressed promptly. Cleaning up accidents quickly with an enzyme-based cleaner is crucial to prevent permanent damage to your flooring and furnishings.
3. Odor Control
Pets can leave behind a distinctive odor, especially if they spend a lot of time indoors. Regular cleaning, washing pet bedding, and using odor-neutralizing products can help keep your home smelling fresh.
4. Allergens and Dander
Pet dander consists of tiny flecks of skin that can trigger allergies in sensitive individuals. Frequent cleaning and the use of air purifiers can help reduce allergens in the home.
Professional House Cleaning Services for Pet Owners in Tampa
While regular cleaning can help maintain a tidy home, pet owners in Tampa may find that professional cleaning services provide the deep cleaning necessary to keep their homes truly fresh and allergen-free. Poche Services LLC specializes in house cleaning tailored for pet owners, ensuring your home is clean, healthy, and inviting.
Why Choose Poche Services LLC?
Pet-Friendly Cleaning Products: We use cleaning products that are safe for your pets, avoiding harsh chemicals that could harm them.
Thorough Cleaning: Our team tackles all areas of your home, including those hard-to-reach places where pet hair and dander can accumulate.
Odor Removal: We use specialized techniques to remove pet odors, leaving your home smelling fresh.
Stain Removal: Our professionals are skilled at removing stubborn stains caused by pet accidents, ensuring your floors and furnishings look their best.
Customized Cleaning Plans: We understand that every home and pet is different. We offer customized cleaning plans to meet your specific needs.
Services We Offer
Deep Cleaning: A comprehensive cleaning of your home, including floors, carpets, upholstery, and hard-to-reach areas.
Odor Elimination: We use advanced techniques to neutralize pet odors and leave your home smelling fresh.
Stain Removal: Expert removal of stains from carpets, upholstery, and hard surfaces.
Routine Cleaning: Regular cleaning services to keep your home consistently clean and free from pet-related messes.
Tips for Maintaining a Clean Home Between Professional Cleanings
To keep your home in top condition between visits from Poche Services LLC, here are some tips:
Brush Your Pet Regularly: Regular brushing reduces shedding and helps keep fur from accumulating around your home.
Keep a Cleaning Kit Handy: Have a cleaning kit with pet-friendly products readily available to tackle messes as they occur.
Designate Pet-Free Zones: Create pet-free zones in your home, such as bedrooms, to reduce the spread of fur and dander.
Use Doormats: Place doormats at entryways to catch dirt and debris from your pet's paws before they enter the house.
Choosing the Right Cleaning Schedule
The frequency of professional cleaning services depends on several factors, including the number of pets, their size, and their grooming habits. Here are some general guidelines:
Weekly Cleaning: For homes with multiple pets or pets that shed heavily, weekly professional cleaning can help keep your home in top condition.
Bi-Weekly Cleaning: For single-pet households or pets with minimal shedding, bi-weekly cleaning is often sufficient.
Monthly Cleaning: If your pet spends a lot of time outdoors or has minimal impact on your home's cleanliness, monthly professional cleaning may be adequate.
The Benefits of a Clean Home for You and Your Pet
A clean home is not only more comfortable for you, but it's also healthier for your pet. Regular cleaning reduces allergens, minimizes the risk of infections, and creates a safer living environment. Additionally, a clean home can reduce stress and improve the overall quality of life for both you and your furry friend.
Keeping a clean home as a pet owner in Tampa can be challenging, but it's essential for a healthy and comfortable living environment. By following the tips outlined in this guide and enlisting the help of professional cleaning services like Poche Services LLC, you can enjoy the company of your pets without sacrificing cleanliness.
Poche Services LLC offers house cleaning services specifically tailored for pet owners in Tampa. Our team of professionals uses pet-friendly cleaning products and techniques to ensure your home is spotless, odor-free, and safe for your furry friends. If you need house cleaning services in Tampa, don't hesitate to contact Poche Services LLC for a customized cleaning plan that meets your needs.
Call us today to schedule your cleaning and experience the joy of a clean and pet-friendly home!
This content provides a comprehensive guide for pet owners in Tampa who are looking to maintain a clean home. It promotes Poche Services LLC as a reliable and pet-friendly cleaning service, making it an excellent choice for your Tumblr post.
Company Name: Poche Services LLC Areas Served: Tampa and nearby areas
Phone: +1813 793 5753
Website: https://poche-cleaning.com/
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bilalblogs · 2 months
Learning to Train Pets: Professional Advice on Bringing Up Well-Behaved Dogs and Cats
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Teaching your dogs new skills is only one aspect of pet training; another is creating a solid attachment and caring for their welfare. Training can make your life with your curious cat or boisterous dog more stress-free and joyful. We'll go over various training methods in this tutorial to ensure that your cats and dogs are well-mannered and content family members.
Recognizing the Behavior of Dogs and Cats
Dogs' Instinctive Behaviors
Dogs are by nature pack creatures. This indicates that individuals are naturally inclined to follow a leader and do best in a group setting. Being aware of this aspect can help you become the head of the household.
The Pack Mentality
Just like with a pack leader, dogs look to their owners for leadership. For this reason, it's imperative to set up boundaries and guidelines right away.
Requirements for Socialization
Being sociable animals, dogs gain a lot from interacting with people and other animals. Socialization increases a person's capacity for situational adaptation and helps prevent behavioral problems.
Cats' Instinctive Behaviors
Cats, on the other hand, are affectionate but also more autonomous. Their strong sense of territoriality can occasionally cause behavioral issues.
Geographical Nature
Due to their territorial nature, cats are known to mark their territory. Comprehending this can aid in controlling their conduct, particularly in households with multiple pets.
Self-reliant but loving
Despite their potential for affection, cats are frequently perceived as cold. Harmonious relationships require both giving them love and attention and acknowledging their need for independence.
Getting Ready for Instruction
Establishing Training Objectives
Clearly defining your goals is essential before you begin exercising. What goals do you have in mind? Planning will facilitate the process, regardless of the level of skill—from simple obedience to more complex abilities.
Essential Instructional Resources
Training success can be significantly impacted by having the appropriate equipment.
Dog Collars and Leashes
A quality collar and leash are necessary for pets. During walks and training sessions, these aids assist in managing and directing your canine companion.
Cat scratching posts and litter boxes
It's important to provide cats with adequate outlets for their natural habits, like as clawing. Both your cat and your furniture can be saved with a decent scratching post.
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Essential Dog Training Methods
Positive encouragement
Your dog will receive rewards for good behavior when you use positive reinforcement. This can take the shape of playtime, rewards, or goodies.
Commands for Obedience Training
Basic commands are the cornerstone of a well-behaved dog.
Remain seated, come on in
You can control your dog's behavior in a variety of scenarios by teaching them to sit, stay, and come on demand.
Training Using Leashes
For walks to be both safe and fun, leash training is necessary. It entails training your dog how to pull free, placid leash walks.
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Essential Cat Training Methods
Litter Education
For cats, litter training is typically simple. Nevertheless, the secret to effective training is to have a tidy and easily accessible litter box.
Getting Rid of Behavior Management
Cats' claws require scratching to stay healthy. Giving your pets scratching posts and pads can help stop them from destroying your furniture.
Teaching Cats Tricks
You can teach tricks to cats, yes! Like with dogs, cats can learn orders like "sit" and "high-five," although it may take more time.
Taking Care of Typical Behavioral Problems
Dog behavior: jumping, chewing, and barking
Dog behaviors including jumping, gnawing, and barking are typical. It can be easier to treat these behaviors effectively if you know why they occur.
Cats: Aggression, Scratching, and Spraying
Stress or territorial disputes can cause cats to become aggressive, spray, or scratch excessively. The first step in resolving these issues is determining the reason.
Advanced Methods of Training
Dog Agility Training
A fantastic method of stimulating your dog's mind and body is through agility training. It's a wonderful way to spend quality time with your dog while navigating a course of obstacles.
Cat Clicker Training
A tiny gadget called a clicker is used in clicker training to let your cat know when they've done something correctly. It's an excellent method for teaching cats new skills and behaviors.
Including Training in Everyday Activities
The Secret Is Consistency
A key component of training is consistency. Use the same commands and incentive scheme each time.
Having Fun with Training
You and your pet should enjoy training together. Play and engage in games to create a fun experience.
Diet's Function in Training
Dogs' Nutritious Needs
Dogs need a balanced diet to stay healthy and have enough energy. To determine your dog's ideal diet, speak with your veterinarian.
Cats' Needs for Nutrition
Cats have particular nutritional requirements, one of which is taurine, an important amino acid. Their general health and conduct can be supported by a well-balanced diet.
Play and Socialization
Introducing Dogs to People and Other Pets
Canine behavioral problems can be avoided with early socialization. Introduce them to various settings, individuals, and other creatures.
Introducing Cats to People and Other Pets
Even cats can be gregarious! You can make them feel more at ease by introducing them to new people and animals gradually.
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The Value of Consistency
Creating a Dog's Daily Schedule
Dogs who follow a regular daily schedule are less anxious and have a better sense of what to expect.
Creating a Cats' Daily Schedule
Cats love routine. They can feel safe if they have regular quiet time, playtime, and feeding times.
Safety and Health Concerns During Instruction
Identifying Stress Signs
It's critical to identify stress indicators in your training pets. Aggression, concealment, and excessive panting are examples of this.
Keeping the Environment Safe
As always, make sure the training area is risk-free and devoid of anything that could hurt someone.
The Advantages of Expert Instruction
When to Think About Hiring a Pro Trainer
If your pet has certain behavioral problems or you're having trouble teaching them, a professional trainer can provide invaluable advice.
Selecting the Appropriate Instructor
Seek out a trainer with references and good experience. It is imperative to locate an individual who employs humane and efficient teaching techniques.
More Information About  Cat and Dog Training JOIN NOW!
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In summary
It's a fulfilling experience that can improve your bond with your dogs and cats to train them. You may educate children to be well-mannered and content members of your family by being aware of their habits and employing positive reinforcement. To ensure effective training, never forget that love, patience, and consistency are essential.
FAQs Regarding Cat and Dog Training
What is the duration required to train a cat or dog?
The difficulty of the training and the particular pet will determine how long it takes. Patience and consistency are essential.
Can an elderly cat or dog be trained?
Older pets are capable of picking up new skills. It's feasible, but it might require more perseverance and time.
How should I punish my pet the best?
Training your pet using positive reinforcement is the most humane and efficient method available. Reprimanding someone might make them fearful and aggressive. Avoid it.
How can I get my dog to quit barking all the time?
Determine the reason behind the barking and utilize training and reinforcement to resolve it.
Can cats be trained like dogs?
While cats may not be as eager to please as dogs, they can still be trained using positive reinforcement and patience.
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catpeek · 2 months
Top Strategies to Stop Cats from Scratching Furniture
https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1448222993383-a2fff2914d27?crop=entropy&cs=srgb&fm=jpg&ixid=M3w2MzMwNDR8MHwxfHNlYXJjaHwyNHx8Y2F0fGVufDB8MHx8fDE3MjIzMDAzNzV8MA&ixlib=rb-4.0.3&q=85 Looking for effective ways to keep your feline friends from scratching your furniture? 🐾 Cats naturally have a tendency to scratch, but that doesn't mean your furniture has to suffer! Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you protect your home while keeping your cat happy.
Tips to Prevent Cats from Scratching Furniture
Cats are known for their playful and mischievous personalities, but scratching can be a real challenge for cat owners. Luckily, there are plenty of effective strategies you can implement to deter your kitty from turning your beloved sofa into their personal scratching post. Let's explore some of the best methods!
1. Provide Scratching Posts 🏠
One of the most effective ways to prevent scratching is to offer suitable alternatives. Invest in high-quality scratching posts that are tall, stable, and covered in appealing materials like sisal. Place these posts near your furniture to guide your cat toward them.
2. Use Cat Furniture 🛋️
Cat trees and scratching furniture can provide wonderful play areas for your cats. The added bonus is that they can satisfy your cat’s scratching instinct while protecting your furniture. Choose designs that match your home decor and get your cat excited about using them!
3. Apply Deterrent Sprays 🌿
Consider using commercial deterrent sprays designed to repel cats from scratching. These sprays often have scents that are unpleasant for cats but are still safe for your furniture. Test a small area first to ensure it doesn’t damage your furniture's finish.
4. Cover Furniture with Protective Layers 🛡️
Utilizing protective covers can help shield your furniture from scratches. You can use slipcovers or even double-sided tape on surfaces where your cat likes to scratch. Cats generally dislike the sticky feeling and will avoid clawing at those areas.
5. Nail Trimming ✂️
Regular nail trimming can reduce the damage from scratching. Make it a part of your grooming routine to ensure those claws are kept short and blunt. If you’re not comfortable trimming your cat’s nails, consider visiting a professional groomer.
6. Training Techniques 🎓
Positive reinforcement can also be effective. Whenever your cat uses its scratching post, reward them with treats or praise. This encourages them to associate the scratching post with positive experiences.
7. Create an Engaging Environment 🌟
Keep your cat entertained and stimulated with toys, climbing structures, and interactive playtime. A bored cat is more likely to scratch furniture out of frustration. Engage them with different activities to keep those claws away from your couch!
Final Thoughts
Preventing your cat from scratching furniture doesn’t have to be difficult. By combining several of these strategies, you can protect your belongings while promoting your cat's health and happiness. To learn more about this topic, check out our detailed guide on effective ways to prevent cats from scratching furniture. 🐱✨
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