#Bernardo Orge
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diagonaluwu · 1 year ago
algunos poemas de Folk por Bernardo Orge
Folk obtuvo el segundo premio en el Concurso Municipal de Poesía Felipe Aldana 2013, cuyo jurado estuvo integrado por Mario Ortiz, Mirta Rosenberg y Laura Wittner. Editorial Municipal de Rosario, 2014
Casiano Casas
Era que yo te tenía que sostener la cara
de forma firme y agresiva contra el cielo
para enderezarte el gesto y que tus labios
borravinos a esta altura se fruncieran
La usina termoeléctrica de Sorrento
es la única puntada desde tu terraza
que parece unir al horizonte pero sin más
humo que el de nuestros cigarrillos.
Empieza a escucharse los vagones y la música
y los pibitos que juegan sobre el terraplén
se desmoronan en diáspora hacia la villa.
Tengo una mano en tu mandíbula.
Los vagos, intentás decir, me enseñaron
a quererte y a alentarte hasta la muerte,
pero a tus palabras las cercenan mis dedos.
Durá todavía un poco más, tren, que ahora
voy a cantar y no quiero que me escuchen.
Capaz hay una manera de hacerle frente a esto:
bailemos la última cumbia cruzada,
que de ahora en más, amor mío, y para siempre,
bajo este cielo azul y junto a estas vías pardas
todo va a ser un único rock lineal
La cumbrecita
Soy el primero en despertar.
Nuestra chata está en llanta,
tocada por una nieve de hojas.
Veo crecer sobre las amanitas
el sol colado del bosque
y armo esta mañana un fuego
donde calentar el agua.
En la pira de hechura india
cada ramita se sostiene
apoyándose en otra ramita
para arder en equilibrio.
Ustedes, en cambio,
emergen de las carpas
separados, uno a uno:
no nos protege el amor
ni una larga vida de orden
nítido, a nosotros nos protege
la distancia, loco, tendida,
la distancia insospechable.
Proyectos en común
Para que pensemos que el movimiento
ahí abajo en la vereda tiene un ritmo,
nos llega desde el Parque Independencia
la música de las aguaas danzantes.
Podríamos tolerar años enteros con sábados así.
A la tarde en la terraza, el cielo
y la bata del vecino oreándose.
Unos palets abandonados en el rincón
nos recuerdan que no producimos nada
con la basura que acumulamos.
Juntos, pasaríamos la vida.
Como si el agua fuera lo único que sube
y cae según un pulso que no le corresponde.
Camino a Angastaco
Cuando vimos el cometa en el cielo
paramos en un lugar donde no estorbara
la silueta monótona de los cerros.
Eso que capaz determinaba nuestras acciones
se veía desde la tierra como una bola blanca
seguida por una estela, índice
del movimiento y la velocidad.
Como la sorpresa ante estos fenómenos
es siempre un poco forzada, al rato seguimos viaje.
Es verdad que si esa piedra hablara
diría estar moviéndose para donde quiere, pero
diríamos lo mismo nosotros?
Un recodo de la ruta 40 dejó la chata cara al cielo.
La bola blanca como un gargajo demoraba
su caída y vos visto por la ventanita de la caja
eras la tapa de aquel disco que no grabarías nunca.
La silueta monótona de los cerro.
nos iba a llevar a Angastaco.
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empessoa · 11 months ago
Vivo sempre no presente. O futuro, não o conheço.
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L. do D.
Vivo sempre no presente. O futuro, não o conheço. O passado, já o não tenho. Pesa-me um como a possibilidade de tudo, o outro como a realidade de nada. Não tenho esperanças nem saudades. Conhecendo o que tem sido a minha vida até hoje — tantas vezes e em tanto o contrário do que eu a desejara —, que posso presumir da minha vida de amanhã senão que será o que não presumo, o que não quero, o que me acontece de fora, até através da minha vontade? Nem tenho nada no meu passado que relembre com o desejo inútil de o repetir. Nunca fui senão um vestígio e um simulacro de mim. O meu passado é tudo quanto não consegui ser. Nem as sensações de momentos idos me são saudosas: o que se sente exige o momento; passado este, há um virar de página e a história continua, mas não o texto.
Breve sombra escura de uma árvore citadina, leve som de água caindo no tanque triste, verde da relva regular — jardim público ao quase crepúsculo —, sois, neste momento, o universo inteiro para mim, porque sois o conteúdo pleno da minha sensação consciente. Não quero mais da vida do que senti-la a perder-se nestas tardes imprevistas, ao som de crianças alheias que brincam nestes jardins engradados pela melancolia das ruas que os cercam, e copados, para além dos ramos altos das árvores, pelo céu velho onde as estrelas recomeçam.
Bernardo Soares
― Livro do Desassossego por Bernardo Soares.Vol.I. Fernando Pessoa. (Recolha e transcrição dos textos de Maria Aliete Galhoz e Teresa Sobral Cunha. Prefácio e Organização de Jacinto do Prado Coelho.) Lisboa: Ática, 1982.  
― "Fase confessional", segundo António Quadros (org.) in Livro do Desassossego, por Bernardo Soares, Vol II. Fernando Pessoa. Mem Martins: Europa-América, 1986.
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jcmarchi · 1 year ago
Wobbly Gel Mat Trains Muscle Cells to Work Together - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/wobbly-gel-mat-trains-muscle-cells-to-work-together-technology-org/
Wobbly Gel Mat Trains Muscle Cells to Work Together - Technology Org
The vibrating platform could be useful for growing artificial muscles to power soft robots, and testing therapies for neuromuscular diseases.
Undoubtedly, exercise does a body good, including strengthening and toning our muscles. But how exactly does exercise make this happen?
Muscles, physical training – associative artistic photo. Image credit: Sven Vahaja via Unsplash, free license
As we run and lift and stretch, our muscles experience chemical signals from surrounding cells, as well as mechanical forces from jostling against tissues.
Some physiologists wonder: Is it the body’s natural chemical stimulants, the physical forces of repeated motion, or some mix of the two, that ultimately drive our muscles to grow? The answer could be the key to identifying therapies to help people recover from muscle injuries and neurodegenerative disorders.
Now, MIT engineers have designed a sort of workout mat for cells that can help scientists zero in, at the microscopic level, on exercise’s purely mechanical effects.
The new design is not so different from a yoga mat: Both are rubbery, with a bit of stretch. In the case of the MIT mat, it’s made from hydrogel — a soft, Jell-O-like material that is about the size of a quarter and is embedded with magnetic microparticles.
To activate the gel’s mechanical function, the researchers used an external magnet underneath the mat to move the embedded particles back and forth, wobbling the gel like a vibrating mat. They controlled the wobbling frequency to mimic the forces that muscles would experience during actual exercise.
They next grew a carpet of muscle cells on the gel’s surface and activated the magnet’s motion. Then, they studied how the cells responded to being “exercised” as they were magnetically vibrated.
Artificial muscles are important for the future robotics applications – illustrative photo. Image credit: Ars Electronica / Bernardo Aviles-Busch via Flickr, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 DEED license
So far, the results suggest that regular mechanical exercise can help muscle fibers grow in the same direction. These aligned, “exercised” fibers can also work, or contract, in sync.
The findings demonstrate that scientists can use the new workout gel to shape how muscle fibers grow. With their new device, the team plans to pattern sheets of strong, functional muscles, potentially for soft robots and repairing diseased tissues.
“We hope to use this new platform to see whether mechanical stimulation could help guide muscle regrowth after injury or lessen the effects of aging,” says Ritu Raman, the Brit and Alex d’Arbeloff Career Development Professor in Engineering Design at MIT.
“Mechanical forces play a really important role in our bodies and lived environment. And now we have a tool to study that.”
She and her colleagues have published their results in the journal Device.
Down to the mat
At MIT, Raman’s lab designs adaptive living materials for use in medicine and robotics. The team is engineering functional, neuromuscular systems with an aim of restoring mobility in patients with motor disorders and powering soft and adaptable robots.
To better understand natural muscles and the forces that drive their function, her group is studying how the tissues respond, at the cellular level, to various forces such as exercise.
“Here, we wanted a way to decouple the two main elements of exercise — chemical and mechanical —  to see how muscles respond purely to exercise’s mechanical forces,” Raman says.
The team looked for a way to expose muscle cells to regular and repeated mechanical forces, that at the same time would not physically damage them in the process. They ultimately landed on magnets a safe and nondestructive way to generate mechanical forces.
For their prototype, the researchers created small, micron-sized magnetic bars, by first mixing commercially available magnetic nanoparticles with a rubbery, silicone solution. They cured the mixture to form a slab, then sliced it into very thin bars.
They sandwiched four magnetic bars, each spaced slightly apart, between two layers of hydrogel — a material that is typically used to culture muscle cells. The resulting, magnet-embedded mat was about the size of a quarter.
The team then grew a “cobblestone” of muscle cells across the mat’s surface. Each cell started out as a circular shape that gradually elongated and fused with other neighboring cells to form fibers over time.
Finally, the researchers placed an external magnet on a track beneath the gel mat and programmed the magnet to move back and forth. The embedded magnets moved in response, wobbling the gel and generating forces similar to what cells would experience during actual exercise.
The team mechanically “exercised” the cells for 30 minutes a day, for 10 days. As a control, they grew cells on the same mat, but left them to grow without exercising them.
“Then, we zoomed out and took a picture of the gel, and found that these mechanically stimulated cells looked very different from the control cells,” Raman says.
Cells in sync
The team’s experiments revealed that muscle cells that are regularly exposed to mechanical motion grew longer compared with cells that were not exercised, which tended to stay circular in shape. Moreover, the “exercised” cells grew into fibers that aligned in the same direction, whereas nonmoving cells resembled a more haphazard haystack of misaligned fibers.
The muscle cells that the team used in this study were genetically engineered to contract in response to blue light. Typically, muscle cells in the body contract in response to a nerve’s electrical pulse. Electrically stimulating muscle cells in the lab, however, could potentially damage them, so the team chose to genetically manipulate the cells to contract in response to a noninvasive stimulus — in this case, blue light.
“When we shine light on the muscles, you can see the control cells are beating, but some fibers are beating this way, some that way, and overall producing very asynchronous twitch,” Raman explains. “Whereas with the aligned fibers, they all pull and beat simultaneously, in the same direction.”
Raman says the new workout gel, which she dubs MagMA, for magnetic matrix actuation, can be a quick and noninvasive way to shape muscle fibers and study how they respond to exercise. She also plans to grow other cell types on the gel in order to study how they respond to regular exercise.
“There’s evidence from biology to suggest that many types of cells are responsive to mechanical stimulation,” Raman says “And this is a new tool to study interaction.”
Written by Jennifer Chu
Source: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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daianahenderson · 3 years ago
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vuelve vuelve primavera 
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fuckyeahmarxismleninism · 4 years ago
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Defend activists and organizers under attack! Defend Black lives!
As the anti-racist uprising of 2020 roiled business as usual in cities across the U.S., many protesters have been hit with severe charges after being arrested for offenses that would normally be considered violations or misdemeanors. Many arrestees are facing possible sentences of years in prison or even life sentences.
 In a dangerous attack on our right to protest, Attorney General William Barr in a recent conference call with U.S. attorneys across the country even encouraged sedition charges be widely used against anti-racist protestors. Sedition means conspiracy and intent to overthrow the U.S. government and can result in life imprisonment. 
The Socialist Unity Party has issued an appeal to all revolutionary left organizations and activists to unite in defense of those facing repression from the capitalist state and its allies in the white supremacist-fascist movement. (Read the appeal in English or Spanish) 
Please share widely. This list will be updated regularly. If you know of a case that should be added, send details to: [email protected]
Here are some important cases and actions that your organization or you as an individual can publicize to help: 
San Diego   
Denzel Draughn, a well-known San Diego anti-racist activist and supporter of the African People’s Socialist Party, was arrested Aug. 28 at a demonstration in solidarity with the movement in Kenosha, Wis., calling for justice for Jacob Blake, who was shot seven times in the back by police. Draughn is charged based on the ridiculous claim that he pepper-sprayed nine cops. He is facing 19 felony charges as a result. The allegations stem from an incident when a group of demonstrators tried to defend themselves against a violent police assault. Ten people were arrested, but Draughn has been singled out for the harshest treatment. At the request of San Diego cops, his bail is set at the outrageous amount of $750,000 – an amount usually reserved for kidnapping or murder. 
●      WATCH: Interview of Muambi Tanga of African People’s Socialist Party about Denzel Draughn case
●      Donate to $ParrishDavis on CashApp, @Parrish-Davis on Venmo or the Dede McClure Community Bail Fund: https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-us-raise-funds-to-support-our-community
On Sept. 17, police agencies in the Denver area arrested anti-racist organizers in a coordinated assault. Russell Ruch was arrested while in a parking lot at a Home Depot. An hour later, five police cars surrounded and arrested Lillian House while she was driving. That afternoon, S.W.A.T. teams arrived at Joel Northam’s home and arrested him. Eliza Lucero has also been arrested. All four are members of the Party for Socialism and Liberation and organizers of protests to demand justice for Elijah McClain, who was brutally murdered by the Aurora Police Department. They are still in jail, with the exception of one person, and face multiple felony charges and years in prison in an obvious frame-up aimed at stopping the movement for justice for Elijah McClain. 
●      Emergency Mobilization at the Colorado State Capitol Building in Denver, noon Saturday Sept. 19.
●      Sign the petition to drop the charges: https://www.pslweb.org/dropthecharges
●      Donate here to the legal and political support campaigns for these organizers: https://www.pslweb.org/donate4denver
Tallahassee, Fla. 
On Sept. 5, Tallahassee police and Leon County sheriffs attacked a peaceful Black Lives Matter demonstration. After pulling a Black woman organizer from her car, 300 police attacked around 75-100 protesters. Fourteen were arrested on the spot and five more have been arrested since, including members of the Students for a Democratic Society and Freedom Road Socialist Organization. The majority are facing multiple charges, including felonies, that could result in fines of $10,000 and 10 years in prison. Others face up to one year in jail and a $1,000 fine for each misdemeanor they’re charged with. The demonstration was to protest a grand jury decision not to indict the police officers who murdered Tony McDade, Mychael Johnson and Wilburn Woodard. The three were gunned down by Tallahassee police in March and May of this year. 
●      Call State Attorney Jack Campbell at 850 606-6000, or email [email protected]
●      Click the “File a Complaint” button on Tallahassee Police Department webpage at https://www.talgov.com/publicsafety/tpd-compliment.aspx
●      Go to the GoFundMe page to help with the legal fund: https://www.gofundme.com/f/community-supportfor-blm-protestors-in-tally
Portland, Ore.
The battle against police racism is raging in Portland. Nightly demonstrations have entered their fourth month. Since the end of May, hundreds have been arrested. In August, hoping to quell the protests, incoming Multnomah County District Attorney Mike Schmidt dropped charges against protestors. Demonstrations continued to challenge systemic racism, arrests and brutality continued, and charges have become more severe. On Aug. 27, a news release by the U.S. Attorney’s District of Oregon office announced that it is going ahead with prosecutions of 100 people who were arrested since May, many by Trump’s federal officers. Seventy-four of them are facing felonies that could result in prison sentences of years. A Sept. 5 NPR audit of the felony charges concludes that the actions protestors were accused of and arrested for were minor and should never have resulted in felonies. 
●      Call the District Attorney’s office at (503) 727-1000 or comment on the U.S. Attorney’s Office District of Oregon website by emailing [email protected] to demand that charges be dropped against anti-racist protesters.
Oklahoma City
In Oklahoma, where the entire Black community of Tulsa was burned in 1919, and where a white supremacist attack killed 168 people in 1995, Oklahoma County District Attorney Lewis Prater has charged three teenagers, Malachai Davis, Haley Lin Crawford and Sydney Lynch – as well as two other participants in protests against the police murder of George Floyd -- with terrorism. The bond amounts for a dozen other arrestees are between $200,000 and $1 million. The harshest treatment has been directed at those arrestees who are African American. Terrorism convictions could mean years or even decades in prison for charges that should have been misdemeanors. In May, DA Prater refused to charge cops who killed Isaiah Lewis during a mental health crisis in September 2019. When 42-year-old Derrick Scott was in custody of Oklahoma City cops in May 2019, he told them he couldn’t breathe and asked for his medicine. The cop’s response was “I don’t care.” Scott died soon afterward, but Prater brought no charges against those cops either. In August of this year, James Harmon was shot in the head by cops, also in Prater’s jurisdiction, and there is no indication that charges will be brought against the cops who killed him.
●      Call DA Lewis Prater’s office at (405) 713-1600 and demand he drop all charges against anti-racist protesters and bring charges against killer cops.
Salt Lake City
In Salt Lake City, a group of protestors are charged with felony criminal mischief. District Attorney Sim Gill added a “gang enhancement,” which could mean life sentences for seven people who were protesting Gill’s decision not to file charges against two SLC cops who shot Bernardo Palacios-Carbajal in the back and killed him. Gill justifies the gang enhancement by saying the activists conspired to splash red paint and break the windows of a building. The gang enhancement is an inherently racist feature of the criminal justice system, and the fact that it is being used against people protesting police murders of people of color is a further travesty of justice. More than 30 others in Salt Lake City have been hit with serious charges stemming from recent anti-racist demonstrations, including some felonies.
●      Call District Attorney Sim Gill’s office at (358) 468-7600 to demand he drop charges against anti-racist protesters.
Jonathon Gartrelle, a leading gay, African American, anti-racist activist in Miami, is charged with strong-arm robbery and escape – both felonies – as well as two misdemeanors. Jonathon is accused of removing two Trump flags from parked vehicles and dropping them on the ground while counter-protesting at a pro-Trump caravan. Gartrelle himself was hit by an SUV, which drove away and was not pursued by the cops, who are falsely claiming that Gartrelle declined to press charges. Gartrelle wanted to press charges but refused to go with them in a police cruiser to fill out a report at a precinct.
●      Sign the petition: https://www.change.org/p/miami-police-department-justice-for-jonni
●      Call Miami-Dade State Attorney Katherine Fernandez-Rundel at (305) 547-0100 to demand she drop charges against Jonathon Gartrelle
Appeal to revolutionaries: We must defend each other from state attack
Llamado a los revolucionarios: debemos defendernos unos a otros del ataque estatal
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rjzimmerman · 5 years ago
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A collection of Cuban painted snails (Polymita picta) adds vibrant color to biologist Bernado Reyes-Tur's laboratory at the University of Oriente, Santiago de Cuba. All six species of the snails, which live only along the country's eastern coastline, are critically endangered. PHOTOGRAPH BY BRUNO D'AMICIS
Excerpt from this story from National Geographic:
THEIR SHELLS COME in a wide variety of colors: pastel yellow and pink, brick red and black, pearly white and ochre. Regardless of hue, the markings of the six species of Cuban painted snails, as they’re known, accentuate the whorled shape of their grape-size shells, which swirl in upon themselves. You can get lost gazing at these marvels of nature, as if you’re peering down a whimsically colored staircase that spirals on forever.
Cuba is home to the world’s greatest diversity of snails, but no others have shells with such a range of colors and complex patterns. Painted snails, in the genus Polymita, have long been sought by collectors, who sell the shells to tourists or trade them abroad to the United States and Europe. This demand is one reason why Cuba lists all six species as critically endangered, and why it’s been illegal for more than a decade to take these snails from the wild. The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), which regulates global commerce in wildlife, has banned their trade since 2017.
“For their striking aspect…these snails are considered the most beautiful on the planet,” says photographer Bruno D’Amicis. Their allure drew him from his hometown in Italy to Cuba in 2019 to make portraits of the snails and profile the small band of researchers and conservationists who are working to understand and protect them. By showing the snails in all their glory, D’Amicis hopes to spread awareness about the perils they face—not only illegal collecting but also land clearing, predation by invasive species, and climate change—and to spur efforts to secure their future.
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Left: Bernardo Reyes-Tur takes measurements of Polymita picta shells in his laboratory. He hopes that by learning more about the rare painted snails, it will help in efforts to protect them. Right: A woman in a town near Baracoa offers jewelry and thousands of painted snail shells for sale. Collecting the snails either for sale in Cuba or trading abroad is prohibited. PHOTOGRAPH BY BRUNO D'AMICIS
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edicionesneutrinos · 6 years ago
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Título: La pastilla está adentro
Autor: Tomás Boasso
Obra en tapa: “Paseo”, tinta y marcadores sobre papel, 2018. Juan Hernández
Poesía. Año 2019
¿Existe eso que dicen, una tradición poética del Litoral? En todo caso mejor no caer en la confusión de buscarla en el paisaje –no importa si ciudad, campo, pueblo o isla–, que a la larga obliga al poeta a bajar siempre al mismo río y vivir en el mismo lugar o, lo que es peor, recordar siempre el mismo río, volver al mismo lugar. Más que en el tema conviene concentrarse en el tono: el acento, la atenuación de los énfasis, la intuición de que nada de lo que puede ser dicho va a sonar mejor porque se lo diga más fuerte. En esta línea, exagerando apenas un poco, el mejor poema es aquel que es menos poema, el que pasa casi desapercibido y deja en el aire una melodía que nos parece conocida, porque siempre estuvo ahí, en la forma en la que hablamos, pero a la vez, como no le habíamos prestado atención, suena completamente nueva. En uno de los poemas de este libro una araña teje su tela dentro de la guitarra que quedó fuera del estuche, sobre la mesa: Por la boca habrá entrado / y en la noche construido / de pared a pared / en la madera resonante / su propio instrumento / de tela, su casa. Tomás Boasso no canta sobre el hogar, hace del hogar un instrumento con el que tocar a coro con sus vestales, hijes y mascotas, la canción del barrio, la familia, las estrellas y la mente expandida. Una canción que suena casi como si no estuviera ahí, hasta que se manifiesta reveladora. 
Bernardo Orge
Poema dominical Abro los ojos y en el techo veo           el abanico del sol naranja recién saliendo, aire reciente en la mañana de la mañana:           minutos apenas posteriores al alba. Los pájaros del pino comenzaron su trabajo mensajero. A los ojos de un tercero es así como me veo,           o a los ojos que sobrevuelan           y construyen la idea que tengo minutos apenas posteriores al alba. Las perras agradecidas durmieron adentro           en el sillón y con ventilador.           Exprimo jugo, caliento agua, a la máquina le faltan dos minutos para darme el pan listo, la programé anoche, yo mismo me programé anoche pareciera. El espíritu del domingo está en la masa del aire y cuando abro la puerta del patio sale, se dispersa, se entrelaza con los espíritus de las demás casas, aire de aires que sube al parque celeste del cielo donde van también los espíritus de las demás manzanas, del barrio y la ciudad entera. Pongo comida en los potes de los gatos…           con cuánto cargo? 
Guitarra y araña
Sobre la mesa dejé la guitarra durmiendo, no la guardé y ahora una araña vive adentro. Por la boca habrá entrado y en la noche construido                    de pared a pared en la madera resonante su propio instrumento de tela, su casa. A esta araña, ahora que practico le tiembla el mundo cuando repito este loop.
Un primer verso con sol, y una última palabra: picardía, ampliación de la imagen, misma longitud que el primero. Ahora se puede salir con cualquiera, aparece la persona, importante sería si pusieras una palabra interna que rimara con la última palabra del primer verso, y además algo más.
En este primer verso de la segunda estrofa conviene o entrar en ritmo o enumerar algo o algo como una comparación que a veces queda bien también, una casa con techo de tejas que el viento despareja, un nenito despeinado, recién levantado.
Y sí, ahora sí puede aparecer la historia, el inicio de algo que haya para narrar, lo apenas poco que tengamos para decir.
Pero si no tenemos nada   se puede volver al paisaje del primer pasaje, en este caso el sol, entonces algo se revelará encadenado y el pequeño sentido que necesitábamos ya estará dado.
Tomás Boasso nació el 11 de septiembre de 1984 en Rosario. Publicó los libros de poesía El hit del verano, junto a Ramiro García (Tropofonía 2010; Ese es otro que bien baila, 2011), Fuentes de radio cuasi estelares (Gigante, 2012), Lejos y sin órbita (Neutrinos, 2012), El Entusiasmo (Ivan Rosado, 2013) y la novela juvenil Vergüenza, junto a Verónica Laurino (Sigmar, 2011). Desde 2012 coordina su taller de poesía y desde 2017 también talleres de escritura en el Instituto de Recuperación Adolescente Rosario (IRAR), cuyos poemas se compilaron en la antología Sólo soy yo. Fue tecladista y compositor de la banda Cool Confusion desde 2008 hasta 2017. Como solista editó el disco de canciones Vitrales (2018).
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maeliteratura · 3 years ago
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#RecebidosDoMes ⁣⁣ Estas foram as lindezas que chegaram aqui em fevereiro:⁣⁣ ⁣ 📖 Oito Contos Enjaulados, de @andersonemartins, @confrariadovento⁣ 📖 Fundo do Poço - O lugar mais visitado do mundo, de Cris Guerra⁣, @EditoraMelhoramentos⁣ 📖 Depois de tudo tem uma vírgula, de @elizabethcardoso357, @EditoraPatua⁣ 📖 Psicologia & Nefrologia, de Beatriz dos Santos Pereira (org.), @sinopsys⁣ 📖 O Amanhã cheio de histórias, Josélia Aguiar (org.), @FTDEducacao⁣ 📖 Morte no Nilo, de Agatha Christie⁣, @LePMeditores⁣⁣ ⁣ ❤️ Recebidos da @Intrinseca:⁣⁣ 📖 O Sanatório, de Sarah Pearse⁣ 📖 Arrastados, de Daniela Arbex⁣⁣ ⁣ ❤️ Recebidos da @Dublinense:⁣ 📚 Cinco ou Seis Dias, de Danichi Hausen Mizoguchi⁣ 📚 Aprender a falar com as plantas, de Marta Orriol⁣ ⁣ ❤️ Recebidos da @planetadelivrosbrasil:⁣⁣ 📖 Eu sei o que vocês fizeram no verão passado, de Lois Duncan⁣ 📖 Casamentologia, Belinda Luscombe⁣ 📖 Revolução existencial, de Alexandro Gruber⁣ 📖 A Sabedoria do agora, de Daniel J. Siegel⁣ ⁣ ❤️ Recebidos da @EditoraKapulana:⁣⁣ 📖 Nós Matamos o cão tinhoso, de Luis Bernardo Honwana⁣ 📖 Condições Nervosas, de Tsitsi Danarembga⁣⁣ 📖 O Livro do Não, de Tsitsi Danarembga)⁣⁣ ⁣ ❤️ Recebidos da @EditoraInverso - todos da @nat.pc.elias:⁣ 📖 Enquanto eu te esperava⁣⁣ 📖 Maternidade com Valentia (e com Valentina!)⁣⁣ 📖 Tina quer saber⁣⁣ ⁣ ❤️ Recebidos da @egalaxia:⁣ 📖Dieta do equilíbrio: A melhor dieta anticâncer, Andrea Pereira⁣ 📖 A vida dos pinguins, Airton Paschoa⁣ 📖 Coletânea: Crônicas, contos, poemas e experiências multimídia dos autores do Clube dos Escritores 50mais, Eliane Accioly e autores⁣ 📖 Peixe-elétrico Plataforma da nova geração: Edição especial, Allan da Rosa e autores⁣ ⁣ Leu ou quer ler algum? Me conta!⁣⁣ #maeliteratura⁣ #dicadelivro⁣ #bookstagram ⁣ (em São Paulo, Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cbs6yEhJqiM/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ablueorangeintheocean · 3 years ago
Meditei hoje, num intervalo de sentir, na forma de prosa de que uso.
L. do D.
Meditei hoje, num intervalo de sentir, na forma de prosa de que uso. Em verdade, como escrevo? Tive, como muitos têm tido, a vontade pervertida de querer ter um sistema e uma norma. É certo que escrevi antes da norma e do sistema; nisso, porém, não sou diferente dos outros.
Analisando-me à tarde, descubro que o meu sistema de estilo assenta em dois princípios, e imediatamente, e à boa maneira dos bons clássicos, erijo esses dois princípios em fundamentos gerais de todo estilo: dizer o que se sente exactamente como se sente — claramente, se é claro; obscuramente, se é obscuro; confusamente, se é confuso —; compreender que a gramática é um instrumento, e não uma lei.
Suponhamos que vejo diante de nós uma rapariga de modos masculinos. Um ente humano vulgar dirá dela, «Aquela rapariga parece um rapaz». Um outro ente humano vulgar, já mais próximo da consciência de que falar é dizer, dirá dela, «Aquela rapariga é um rapaz». Outro ainda, realmente consciente dos deveres da expressão, mas mais animado do afecto pela concisão, que é a luxúria do pensamento, dirá dela, «Aquele rapaz». Eu direi, «Aquela rapaz», violando a mais elementar das regras da gramática, que manda que haja concordância de género, como de número, entre a voz substantiva e a adjectiva. E terei dito bem; terei falado em absoluto, fotograficamente, fora da chateza, da norma, e da quotidianidade. Não terei falado: terei dito.
A gramática, definindo o uso, faz divisões legítimas e falsas. Divide, por exemplo, os verbos em transitivos e intransitivos; porém, o homem de saber dizer tem muitas vezes que converter um verbo transitivo em intransitivo para fotografar o que sente, e não para, como o comum dos animais homens, o ver às escuras. Se quiser dizer que existo, direi «Sou». Se quiser dizer que existo como alma separada, direi «Sou eu». Mas se quiser dizer que existo como entidade que a si mesma se dirige e forma, que exerce junto de si mesma a função divina de se criar, como hei-de empregar o verbo «ser» senão convertendo-o subitamente em transitivo? E então, triunfalmente, antigramaticalmente supremo, direi «Sou-me». Terei dito uma filosofia em duas palavras pequenas. Que preferível não é isto a não dizer nada em quarenta frases? Que mais se pode exigir da filosofia e da dicção?
Obedeça à gramática quem não sabe pensar o que sente. Sirva-se dela quem sabe mandar nas suas expressões. Conta-se de Sigismundo, Rei de Roma, que tendo, num discurso público, cometido um erro de gramática, respondeu a quem dele lhe falou, «Sou Rei de Roma, e acima da gramática». E a história narra que ficou sendo conhecido nela como Sigismundo «super-grammaticam». Maravilhoso símbolo! Cada homem que sabe dizer o que diz é, em seu modo, Rei de Roma. O título não é mau, e a alma é ser-se.
Livro do Desassossego por Bernardo Soares.Vol.I. Fernando Pessoa. (Recolha e transcrição dos textos de Maria Aliete Galhoz e Teresa Sobral Cunha. Prefácio e Organização de Jacinto do Prado Coelho.) Lisboa: Ática, 1982.
 - 19."Fase confessional", segundo António Quadros (org.) in
Livro do Desassossego, por Bernardo Soares
, Vol II. Fernando Pessoa. Mem Martins: Europa-América, 1986.
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empessoa · 1 year ago
Reparando, às vezes, no trabalho literário abundante ou, pelo menos,
L. do D.
Reparando, às vezes, no trabalho literário abundante ou, pelo menos, feito de coisas extensas e completas de tantas criaturas que ou conheço ou de quem sei, sinto em mim uma inveja incerta, uma admiração desprezante, um misto incoerente de sentimentos mistos.
Fazer qualquer coisa completa, inteira, seja boa ou seja má — e, se nunca é inteiramente boa, muitas vezes não e inteiramente má —, sim, fazer uma coisa completa causa-me, talvez, mais inveja do que outro qualquer sentimento. E como um filho; é imperfeita como todo o ente humano, mas é nossa como os filhos são.
E eu, cujo espírito de crítica própria me não permite senão que veja os defeitos, as falhas, eu, que não ouso escrever mais que trechos, bocados, excertos do inexistente, eu mesmo, no pouco que escrevo, sou imperfeito também.
Mais valera, pois, ou a obra completa, ainda que má, que em todo o caso é obra; ou a ausência de palavras, o silêncio inteiro da alma que se reconhece incapaz de agir.
Penso se tudo na vida não será a degeneração de tudo. O ser não será uma aproximação — umas vésperas ou uns arredores.
Assim como o Cristianismo não foi senão a degeneração bastarda do neoplatonismo abaixado (...) a judaização do helenismo falso, romano, assim nossa época [...] é o desvio múltiplo de todos os grandes propósitos, confluentes ou opostos, de cuja falência surgiu a era com que faliram.
Vivemos um entreacto com orquestra.
Mas que tenho eu, neste quarto andar, com todas estas sociologias? Tudo isto é-me sonho, como as princesas da Babilónia, e o ocuparmo-nos da humanidade é fútil, fútil — uma arqueologia do presente.
Sumir-me-ei entre a névoa, como um estrangeiro a tudo.
Vinha humana desprendida do sonho do muro e navio com ser supérfluo à tona de tudo.
― Livro do Desassossego por Bernardo Soares. Vol.II. Fernando Pessoa. (Recolha e transcrição dos textos de Maria Aliete Galhoz e Teresa Sobral Cunha. Prefácio e Organização de Jacinto do Prado Coelho.) Lisboa: Ática, 1982.  
― "Fase confessional", segundo António Quadros (org.) in Livro do Desassossego, por Bernardo Soares, Vol II. Fernando Pessoa. Mem Martins: Europa-América, 1986.
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phgq · 4 years ago
Private orgs must get PNP nod in Covid-19 efforts
#PHnews: Private orgs must get PNP nod in Covid-19 efforts
MANILA – To ensure that only legitimate civil society organizations (CSOs) are engaging with the Department and local government units (LGUs) nationwide, the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) on Thursday said CSOs that wish to be part of local Covid-19 response and recovery efforts should first secure a clearance from the Philippine National Police (PNP).
"To determine the legitimacy of CSOs and prevent scams and other fraud, they are required to secure clearances from the PNP in addition to local accreditation requirements," DILG officer-in-charge, Undersecretary Bernardo Florece Jr. said.
Florece said the clearance to be issued by the PNP shall indicate that such CSO has no record of illegal activity.
"Gusto lang nating makasiguro na ang mga CSOs na katrabaho natin ay tunay na nais makatulong sa gobyerno at sa mga mamamayan (We just want to make sure that the CSOs we are working with are really aiming to help the government and the people),” he said.
He said the department has verified reports of fly-by-night CSOs that wish to engage with local governments to lend legitimacy to their operations so that they could secure funding from local and foreign institutions to finance their personal nefarious agenda.
"Kunwari ay gustong makatulong at makikipag-partner sa gobyerno pero may hidden agenda ang mga ito kaya kailangan nating siguruhin kung legitimate ba talaga sila o nanggagamit lang (They want to help or partner with the government but they have a hidden agenda so we really need to determine if they are legitimate or they are just using us)," he said.
In an earlier directive, the DILG enjoined CSOs, private sector organizations and volunteer groups/individuals to work with barangay leaders in contact tracing, public information campaign on Disiplina Muna, values formation training, and capacity building activities on livelihood opportunities.
Among the other requirements for CSOs to be accredited as stated in DILG Memo Circular 2019-72 are the following: list of current officers and members; board resolution signifying intention for accreditation; original sworn statement that CSO is an independent, non-partisan organization; minutes of annual meeting, annual accomplishment report and financial statement for the preceding year.
CSO Desk
Meanwhile, DILG spokesperson Undersecretary Jonathan Malaya said the DILG issued Memo Circular 2021-012 urging LGUs to set up a CSO Desk that will be responsible for handling CSO-related concerns in their localities.
“Ang paglahok ng CSOs sa pamamahala ng gobyerno ay ipinag-utos ng Konstitusyon (The participation of CSOs in public administration is enshrined in the Constitution). Having CSO Desks in LGUs will ensure effective and reasonable participation at all levels of social, political, and economic decision-making," Malaya said.
In the directive, provincial, city, and municipal LGUs are tasked to create a CSO Desk to be headed by a designated or appointed CSO Desk Officer who shall facilitate and promote people’s participation in governance within the LGU.
LGUs are directed, through the Sanggunian, to enact an ordinance establishing a system of partnership between the LGU and CSOs or people’s organizations (POs) that defines their roles and involvement in various local government programs, projects, and activities. This includes their participation in the local special bodies (LSBs), committees, task forces, and similar groups, as required by law and the national government.
Malaya said the CSO Desk will be responsible for the organization of federation or coalition of sectoral CSOs, including the formation of People’s Council in the LGU.
In the same directive, LGUs are also encouraged to establish a mechanism that will facilitate a federation of sectoral CSOs or POs in the barangay, municipality, city, and province, and a People’s Council in the province, city, or municipality, with membership coming from the different sectors of CSOs or POs that are accredited, registered, and recognized by the LGUs.
"The participation of CSOs in government processes is important for the purpose of providing check and balance and in exacting accountability. An active CSO participation is an indicator of healthy participatory governance,” Malaya said. (PR)
* Philippine News Agency. "Private orgs must get PNP nod in Covid-19 efforts." Philippine News Agency. https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1129615 (accessed February 04, 2021 at 11:10PM UTC+14).
* Philippine News Agency. "Private orgs must get PNP nod in Covid-19 efforts." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1129615 (archived).
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ideaimateria · 4 years ago
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Title: Anamorphoses: Games of Perception and Illustion in Art
Author Name: Schuyt, Michael and Joost Eiffers
Categories: Art,
Edition: 1st
Publisher: New York, Harry N. Abrams: 1976
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"The Ambassadors",  1533  Hans Holbein
Gnomònica vídeo
Els colors de Van Eyck en el disseny
Una exposició sobre l’ús innovador del color, en què es relacionen el passat i el present...
Una exposició que posa de manifest el nou i atrevit ús del color, vist com un nexe d’unió entre el passat i el present. L’exposició “Colors, etc. »Al Tripostal de Lille, ens convida a preguntar-nos sobre la nostra relació amb el color. Despertarà tots els nostres sentits i els visitants seran convidats a entrar en una instal·lació i moure’s per viure una experiència immersiva; olorar, sentir i tocar; per veure i escoltar ... Podem sentir un color, associar una olor a un color, un color té un "tacte" particular, podem sentir un color ...?
D’on ve el color? Com es fa el color? Quin impacte té el color? Per a l’any Van Eyck a Gant, el museu presenta una gran exposició sobre l’ús innovador i divers del color. L’exposició parteix de les tonalitats invisibles de Jan van Eyck i mostra què significa el color per als dissenyadors contemporanis.Passegeu pels vuit grups de colors de Van Eyck en un rastre de pigments. Prop de 100 peces de disseny mostren com la llum, el material i els patrons tenen un efecte sobre el color. Passareu per passats experiments inspiradors de colors des del disseny de productes i tèxtils, ceràmica i vidre. En diversos projectes de recerca, els dissenyadors estan provant com poden influir en el color i quina influència té el color en nosaltres.Experimenteu el poder del color a les sales d’experiència per vosaltres mateixos. A cada onze dissenyadors se’ls va donar una sala per treballar el tema del color i els sentits: permeten veure, tastar i escoltar el color, entre altres coses. Els espais especialment desenvolupats desencadenen un ventall d’experiències per a grans i petits.
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Berta Vallribera
Pam és una forma d’estampar a algú. Donar cops allibera; les paraules també descarreguen. De tot això en queda un testimoniatge: les samarretes dels combatents queden tacades de cops –com se sap, en aquests casos, guanya el qui té la última paraula.
És ben fàcil! Proveu-ho a casa! Només calen dos parells de guants de boxa, goma eva adhesiva per fer les lletres dels missatges, tinta a l’aigua i samarretes clares. Quan us vingui la ràbia podreu descarregar contra els que més us estimeu! Barat, senzill, tot un invent.
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Nuevo combate de la UFC!
Doce rings octogonales, doce asaltos. La ganadora se llevará el cinturón de la UFC. Utilizando la técnica del gravado al linóleo realizo un conjunto de estampaciones a través de las cuales puedes visualizar una lucha.  El juego de manos con los guantes de boxeo aportan el dinamismo que buscaba para producir una narración visual a partir de secuencia de imágenes. Tengo contacto con el gofrado también, pero viendo el resultado juntamente con la composición, decido no darle el protagonismo que tenía pensado en un principio. Utilizo tintas al agua para el negro y el rojo y tinta al aceite para el plateado. El soporte es papel rosaspina de 220 g y de 50X70 cm.
Carol Muñoz Fernández 3r GAAD 2020-21
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.cytwombly.org / artworks / paintings
.museoreinasofia.es / exposicions / cy-twombly-cuadros-treballs-sobre-paper-esculturas
vídeos  CY + TWOMBLY
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Robert Gober forest
Robert Gober bosc
…Marcel Proust a défini La Vue de Delft dans une lettre à son ami Jean-Louis Vaudoyer comme « le plus beau tableau du monde ». Il décrit le tableau dans le cinquième tome de son roman À la recherche du temps perdu, La Prisonnière, après l'avoir lui-même découvert au Jeu de Paume, à Paris, en 1921. Dans son roman, il met en scène la découverte de la toile par Bergotte en ces termes :
« Il remarqua pour la première fois des petits personnages en bleu, que le sable était rose, et enfin la précieuse matière du tout petit pan de mur jaune. Ses étourdissements augmentaient ; il attachait son regard, comme un enfant à un papillon jaune qu'il veut saisir, au précieux petit pan de mur. “C'est ainsi que j'aurais dû écrire, disait-il. Mes derniers livres sont trop secs, il aurait fallu passer plusieurs couches de couleur, rendre ma phrase en elle-même précieuse, comme ce petit pan de mur jaune”5 »…via wikipedia
…La veduta ( vedute en plural, que significa “allò que es veu”, per tant “com ho veiem”), està relacionada amb l’ escenografia (ja que l'artista escenifica una visió externa) i presenta problemes d'investigació espacial . Els dos gèneres es desenvolupen simultàniament i s’influencien mútuament. La pràctica de la perspectiva s'utilitza àmpliament en vedute , aquesta paraula també és un terme òptic que antigament designa “perspectiva natural”, està relacionat amb el llenguatge de la perspectiva artificial o geomètrica, “  prospettiva pingendi  ” entre d'altres: que varien segons el “punt de vista”.
Aquest terme apareix en la història de l'art en la xviii ª segle pels pintors italians. Canaletto , Bernardo Bellotto i Francesco Guardi són els pintors més representatius del gènere. Utilitzaven un dispositiu òptic: la cambra fosca ( camera obscura ), col·locada a l’escena d’un quadre per preparar el seu marc, obrint la percepció òptica de la realitat en un paisatge natural o suburbà. Aquestes pintures estan fetes amb precisió i realisme de detalls, i són generalment de grans dimensions…via wiki
Venècia és considerada la capital de védutistes pintors ( vedutistas ) a la xviii ª  segle, tot i que la representació realista de paisatges és l'especialitat dels pintors flamencs. En ser un arquetip de la veduta, la “  Vista de Delft  ” de Vermeer continua sent una de les vedutes més famoses.
Védutisme Català Deutsch English Español Italiano
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en-venecia-con-joseph-brodsky-sinopsis-en-marca de agua
Form follows function
GENIUS LOCI                 
               ISBN 0-8478-0287-6
En la ideologia clàssica romana, 1 genius loci (genii loci plural) era l'esperit protector d'un lloc. En ús contemporani, es refereixen generalment a l'atmosfera distintiva d'un espai, o a l ’ “esperit de el lloc”, més que necessàriament a un espíritu guardià.
Alexander Pope va fer de l’ Genius Loci un principi important en el disseny de jardins i paisatges amb les següents línies de l'Epístola IV a Richard Boyle, comte de Burlington:  
Consultar a el geni de el lloc en tot; Això diuen les aigües o s'aixequen, o cauen; O ajuda al turó ambiciosa del cel a escalar,   O recollir en cercles els teatres de la vall; Trucades al país, les clares captures d'obertura,   S'uneix a boscos disposats, i varia ombres d'ombres,   Ara trenca, o dirigeix ara, les línies d'intenció; Pintures mentre que vostè planta, i, mentre que vostè treballa, dissenya.  
Sobre aquest principi els dissenys paisatgístics s'han d'adaptar a l'context en què es troben.  
En el context de la teoria arquitectònica moderna, genius loci té implicacions profundes per a la fabricació de el lloc, caient dins de la branca filosòfica de la “fenomenologia”. Els diferents contextos donen diferents explicacions per a l'existència d’ genius loci . No obstant això, en la majoria dels casos, l'entitat intel·ligent, màgica, simplement es desenvolupa a partir de l'anomenat “esperit de lloc” durant molt de temps. En altres contextos, genius loci està format per poderosos esdeveniments màgics, i en altres són els resultats de les línies llei, les piscines de mannà o un equivalent.casawabi.org/genius-loci
El terme específic de lloc fa referència a una obra d’art dissenyada específicament per a una ubicació concreta i que té una interrelació amb la ubicació
Javier Maderuelo. Conferencia sobre El campo expandido de la escultura - Medio siglo de Arte
Locus amoenus
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vannygabriel08 · 5 years ago
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Berita PelangiSlot malam ini membahas tentang Momen Bernardo Silva Tak beri tepuk tangnan saat Guard of Honour Liverpool!! Baca berita lengkapnya disini!! >> https://bit.ly/3dZqTy5 << WWW.PELANGISLOT77.ORG
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herenciarumbera · 7 years ago
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Hoy en "RETRATOS EN JAZZ & CLAVE" Programa Original de Radio Silva. Org, Bernardo Vieira Jr. dedicará el programa a la obra del gran pianista y referente del Jazz Horace Silver realizada en versiones de grandes exponentes de la música afroantillana. La cita con "RETRATO MUSICAL LATINO DE HORACE SILVER" como siempre es a las 7 pm (Hora Perú-Colombia-Panamá) 8 pm (Hora Puerto Rico-Venezuela) 9 pm (Hora Brasil) vía nuestras páginas web, móviles, listas de radio, TuneIn y Apps Herencia Rumbera Android y iOS https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/herencia-rumbera/id1276941247?mt=8 App Store iOS https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.nobexinc.wls_7912361777.rc Google Play Store Android http://www.herenciarumbera.com/ PC, Laptop, Móviles http://herenciarumbera.wix.com/misitio http://salsasonidodelbarrio.blogspot.pe/ http://tunein.com/radio/Herencia-Rumbera-s268720/ TuneIn http://www.raddios.com/12968-radio-online-herencia-rumbera-… http://streema.com/radios/Herencia_Rumbera http://www.radios.com.pe/#herencia-rumbera #HERENCIARUMBERA #RETRATOSENJAZZYCLAVE #HORACESILVER
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fannytania098 · 5 years ago
Prediksi Bola Liverpool vs Manchester City 10 November 2019
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Prediksi Bola Liverpool vs Manchester City 10 November 2019
Prediksi Skor : 2 – 1 Handicap : 0 : 0 Over / Under : 3 Tips : Liverpool
Head to Head Liverpool vs Manchester City 04.08.19 CS Liverpool vs Manchester City 1 : 2 04.01.19 PL Manchester City vs Liverpool 2 : 1 07.10.18 PL Liverpool vs Manchester City 0 : 0 26.07.18 ICC Manchester City vs Liverpool 1 : 2 11.04.18 CL Manchester City vs Liverpool 1 : 2
Hasil Pertandingan Terakhir Liverpool 06.11.19 CL Liverpool vs Genk 2 : 1 02.11.19 PL Aston Villa vs Liverpool 1 : 2 31.10.19 EFL Liverpool vs Arsenal 6 : 5 27.10.19 PL Liverpool vs Tottenham 2 : 1 24.10.19 CL Genk vs Liverpool 1 : 4
Hasil Pertandingan Terakhir Manchester City 07.11.19 CL Atalanta vs Manchester City 1 : 1 02.11.19 PL Manchester City vs Southampton 2 : 1 30.10.19 EFL Manchester City vs Southampton 3 : 1 26.10.19 PL Manchester City vs Aston Villa 3 : 0 23.10.19 CL Manchester City vs Atalanta 5 : 1
Prediksi Susunan Pemain Liverpool vs Manchester City Liverpool (4-3-3): Alisson; Alexander-Arnold, Lovren, Van Dijk, Robertson; Fabinho, Wijnaldum, Henderson; Salah, Firmino, Mane.
Manajer: Jurgen Klopp.
Info skuad: Clyne (cedera), Matip (cedera), Shaqiri (cedera), Henderson (meragukan).
City (4-3-3): Ederson; Walker, Stones, Fernandinho, Mendy; De Bruyne, Gundogan, Bernardo Silva; Sterling, Aguero, Mahrez.
Manajer: Josep Guardiola.
Info skuad: Sane (cedera), Laporte (cedera), Zinchenko (cedera), Rodri (cedera), David Silva (cedera), Ederson (meragukan).
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cindytania098 · 5 years ago
Prediksi Bola Manchester City vs Aston Villa 26 Oktober 2019
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Prediksi Bola Manchester City vs Aston Villa 26 Oktober 2019
Prediksi Skor : 4 – 1 Handicap : 0 : 2 3/4 Over / Under : 4 Tips : Manchester City / Over
Head to Head Manchester City vs Aston Villa 05/03/16 Manchester City 4 – 0 Aston Villa 30/01/16 Aston Villa 0 – 4 Manchester City 08/11/15 Aston Villa 0 – 0 Manchester City 25/04/15 Manchester City 3 – 2 Aston Villa 04/10/14 Aston Villa 0 – 2 Manchester City
5 Pertandingan Terakhir Manchester City 19/10/19 Crystal Palace 0 – 2 Manchester City 06/10/19 Manchester City 0 – 2 Wolverhampton 02/10/19 Manchester City 2 – 0 Dinamo Zagreb 28/09/19 Everton 1 – 3 Manchester City 25/09/19 Preston 0 – 3 Manchester City
5 Pertandingan Terakhir Aston Villa 19/10/19 Aston Villa 2 – 1 Brighton & Hove Albion 05/10/19 Norwich City 1 – 5 Aston Villa 28/09/19 Aston Villa 2 – 2 Burnley 26/09/19 Brighton & Hove Albion 1 – 3 Aston Villa 22/09/19 Arsenal 3 – 2 Aston Villa
Prediksi Susunan Pemain Manchester City vs Aston Villa City (4-3-3): Ederson; Mendy, Fernandinho, Stones, Walker; David Silva, Gundogan, De Bruyne; Sterling, Aguero, Bernardo Silva.
Manajer: Josep Guardiola.
Info skuad: Sane (cedera), Laporte (cedera), Rodrigo (cedera), Zinchenko (cedera).
Aston Villa (4-3-3): Heaton; Targett, Mings, Engels, Guilbert; Hourihane, Nakamba, McGinn; Grealish, Wesley, El Ghazi.
Manajer: Dean Smith.
Info skuad: Jota (cedera).
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