#Bentley X Bang Bang
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carsthatnevermadeitetc · 3 months ago
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Bentley X Bang Bang, 2024. Bentley Americas has announced a collaboration with Keith “Bang Bang” McCurdy, the globally celebrated tattoo artist. The collaboration launched with a one-off Bentley Bentayga EWB art car during Miami Art Week, with a unique UV-activated design.
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sl-newsie · 2 months ago
American Woman (Thomas Shelby x American OC) Ch. 62: Don't Count On my Sympathy
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Masterlist: https://www.tumblr.com/sl-newsie/739551758747090944/american-woman-thomas-shelby-x-american-oc?source=share
I can’t believe I’m doing this. Surely Ada is exaggerating Thomas’ reaction to my coldness. If he’s survived this long on the love of whores and Lizzie then there is no reason for him to act so hurt. 
I’m really doing this. Driving to the home of the man who broke my life. Arrow House is straight ahead, pale against the dim gray morning light. Even after all these years they still kept my Bentley in good shape. Another reminder of Thomas’ financial perks.
In no more than ten seconds after I park there’s a familiar sound of scampering footsteps.
“Hello, Charlie!” I smile as the young Shelby runs up the hill.
“Venna!” His face lights up and he tackles my legs for a hug. “You’re back!”
“Yes I am, dierbaar jongen. My my, you have grown so much!”
He giggles when I try to ruffle his hair and continues running to the house. “I’ve got violin practice now.”
“Oh! I won’t keep you, then. Go on!”
In one hand I grip the briefcase Ada sent with me. The very reason why I’m forced to be here. With my other hand I feel the comforting cross around my neck again. Lord, please give me patience-
What’s that?
Something white in an empty muddy field catches my eye. It’s very faint. Is that a person…? It’s a cross. Off in the distance, a giant wooden cross stands a single cross with familiar clothes. Thomas’ clothes. And the man himself is standing across from it. What is that? Is it supposed to be a mockery of faith? How dare-!?
Bang! Bang! Bang! Thomas lifts up a gun and blasts the clothes to shreds, causing sparks to scatter. What the Hell?! I drop the briefcase and break into a sprint. What the Hell is happening?! I nearly stumble and trip down the hill and by the time I reach the fence my dress is splattered in mud. Is he trying to kill himself-?!
A giant explosion rips a crater open in the field, sending dirt and rock flying everywhere. A blast of fire clouds over Thomas and I give a loud shriek. My stomach drops. He really was trying to die…
And he still lives. The cloud of ash lifts and Thomas walks back across the field, covered in mud. I nearly scream again. How can he look so- so… calm?! How far has his mind spiraled since I’ve been gone?
“What the Hell was that?!” I yell at the top of my lungs, my eyes nearly bulging out.
Across the dirty field, Thomas spots me as he walks closer and immediately panics.
“Verena? Fuck! Why are you-?”
“I come here to get your signature and this is what you’re doing?!" I screech and stand my ground. "What the Hell happened?!”
Thomas walks through the gate and looks me up and down with wild eyes. “I don’t know. I don’t know! Just please-” He desperately grips my shoulders. “Please stay off this place. Now… What do you need signed? Wait, wait. I’ve got a call to respond to.”
He takes off towards the house, leaving me speechless and confused as to what to think of this. Did he rig that cross to explode? Was it a trap? A warning? I swear if there’s another bloody vendetta I’m going to punch him clean in the face! Reluctantly, I follow Thomas’ muddy footprints and retrieve the briefcase before going inside.
A brown mutt walks out from the dining room, alerted to my presence. I calmly let him smell my hand. He doesn’t look too harmless. Since when did Thomas get a dog-?
“That’s Cyril,” Charlie beams from another doorway.
“He’s very charming,” I smile as the mutt wanders to the small boy. “You must be done with your lesson. Aunt Ada also told me you speak Rokka, Charlie?”
He nods. “Bits and pieces. Do you still speak Dutch?”
“Yes, I’m learning. You should be very proud of yourself for holding onto your heritage.”
Another set of footsteps echo down the stairs and I look up to see a little girl with dark hair. When she sees me she freezes and watches me as if I just threatened to shoot Cyril. She's Lizzie’s daughter, for sure. She has her eyes. And her look of judgement.
“And you must be Ruby!” I kneel down and offer a friendly wave.
“Hello,” Ruby says shyly. “What’s your name?”
“This is Veena,” Charlie introduces me. “She’s fun.”
Someone else steps down and now Lizzie herself joins us, wearing a very fancy fur stole. A vast contrast to my filthy dress and simple hair braids. She puts a protective hand on Ruby and looks down at me with the same lowly expression from four years ago. I should have been more prepared to feel her smug victory over me.
“Hello, Ms. Steenstra.”
I show no sign of friendly acknowledgement. “Mrs. Shelby.” 
Her eyes narrow slightly. “Why are you here?”
“Straight to the point, I see,” I quip and hold up the briefcase. “I’m here because Mr. Shelby has some papers to sign, ASAP.”
“What about me?” Charlie whines.
“And I’m here for you too, Charlie,” I assure him with a wink, then turn back to Lizzie with another cold glare. “I am not staying in England for long. Mr. Shelby is currently in the middle of a call but as soon as he is finished I will swiftly accomplish my ordeal with him.”
Lizzie, not amused by my agenda to conduct my visit as quickly as possible, leads Ruby back upstairs. At least Grace eventually let me interact with Charlie. I probably won’t ever be able to talk to Ruby again.
Charlie interrupts my thoughts by skipping over to wait by his vader’s office door. “I’m going to show him what I learned today!”
He proudly holds up the violin he’s holding and I almost chuckle to think of Thomas subjecting his kids to musical practice. Intriguing. Would Thomas ever learn to play music himself?
I lean my head to the door, hearing the phone being set down. Good. Time to get things over with.
Knock knock.
“Come!” Thomas’ voice booms through the door.
I enter slowly, deeply trying to forget about the last time I was in this room, and spot Thomas leaning against his desk. He looks like the walking dead. Lasting remains of mud still stain his white shirt. However, Charlie ignores his vader's troubled state and goes to stand at the center of the room.
“He has something to show you,” I tell Thomas. “Then you-”
“I know, I’ll sign.”
Charlie grips his violin and smiles. “I learned something today!”
Thomas, as usual, holds a whiskey. “So did I. And what have you learned, my boy?”
Charlie brings the bow to the instrument. A screech of strings pinches my ears and I do my best to not cringe. The young boy carries out the thankfully quick Hellish melody and Thomas sits blankly across from him. Perhaps the terrors conspiring inside Thomas’ head are horrendous enough to drown out any outside noise.
“Good start, Charlie,” I praise after Thomas fails to speak. “Why don’t you go get yourself ready for supper, eh?”
He nods eagerly and scampers off. I set down my briefcase and wave a hand in front of Thomas’ eerily quiet face.
“Here are the papers.”
Thomas blinks at me and seems to remember where he is. He slowly stands up and goes to grab a pen from his desk. Time to fire the next shot.
“I am also here for my next payment.”
A quick flash of anger colors Thomas’ eyes but it’s replaced by another blank stare. “‘S that why you came back?”
“For the sake of my familie, yes.”
“Are you sure?”
My eyes narrow and my jaw tightens. If he thinks he can guilt-talk me out of this he is dead wrong. I came for my familie and nothing else.
“Abso-fucking-lutely,” I respond firmly and reroute the subject. “I also heard about what happened to Finn. Please tell me you’re going to talk to him. He’s not the same man from two years ago. He’s becoming just like you. Drinking, chatting up girls, going in guns a-blazing. It’s-!”
“I will,” Thomas says evenly as he signs the documents. “Arthur and I are going to sit him down tomorrow.”
“Thank you.” The shadow of a smirk crosses my mouth. “How did your chat with Mr. Dixon go?”
Thomas takes another drink. “Your country has some of the oddest people. Half the time he wanted to talk about guns and mixing moonshine instead of actual business. I left him to some associates in London. Did your dad really make him come with you?”
“When you’re a single woman traveling alone it’s considered proper to be escorted, according to my parents. Now that I am here I plan to do things my way.”
I hold out my hand expectantly. Thomas hands me the papers and I store them away in the briefcase. Next he passes me a handsome stack of bills. There. Done and done. Now I can tell Ada I talked to him, sort of, and don’t have to see him again-
“Another thing,” Thomas calls once I’m halfway across the room. “Have you been in contact with Michael?”
Despite the raging voice telling me to flee from him, I turn around to face Thomas once more with a lazy head shake. “No. I’ve stuck to the west side of Michigan and practically avoided him, honestly. He’s grown just as arrogant.”
“Yet you still agree to work for us,” Thomas points out as he lights another cigarette.
Stay calm, Steentstra. “Now that the depression is underway, what choice do I have? Anything I earn goes to my familie.”
“Hm. Well, do not trust Michael. That call just told me he was making deals to kill me.”
“Sweet Jesus-!” I gasp and stop myself short.
Nothing could prepare me for this! I’m supposed to distance myself from Thomas, not panic over another death threat! Calm the Hell down, Verena!
“Now don’t get your skirt in a bunch, love,” Thomas implores. “‘S for me to handle, eh? Did you ever notice any strange transactions from Ireland?”
I shake my head. “My uncle would have told me. If you doubt it then you can talk with him yourself.”
“Alright. I might.” Thomas gets a look that says he’s lost in thought again and waves me off. “Now go play with Charlie before he starts whining again. He missed you.”
I slip over to the door and offer one last remark, a sort-of peace offering. “Ruby’s a darling, too.”
“That she is,” Thomas murmurs and looks at me again. “Would you like to stay for dinner?”
No no no! Get out, get out. Lizzie’s going to have my head just for him suggesting that! I’m supposed to get paid and leave-!
“I do not think I will be welcomed by all-”
“Lizzie and Ruby have been staying in the Midland Hotel,” Thomas explains and takes another puff on his cigarette. “‘S just me, Charlie, and Frances.”
So their marriage isn’t so peachy after all. Lizzie finally realized what she dug herself into. Say no. Say no! Thomas knows I want no part of his life anymore. Even though it is nice to see Charlie again…
“One hour.” I hold up a finger. “One hour, and then I’m gone.”
Before Thomas can react I slip through the door and back down the familiar hallway. A few maids give me quiet greetings but for the most part the house is empty. So this is the life you wanted, Thomas? It’s awfully lonely.
“Hello again, Charlie!” I announce when I spot the boy sitting at the long dining table.
His face scrunches with hopeful confusion. “Are you staying for supper?”
“For tonight, yes.”
I take a seat next to him and take a moment to observe the young Shelby. He’s definitely grown up. Instead of a boyish carefree smile Charlie has traded it for a rigid frown. Oh, Thomas. You’re turning your son into yourself. 
A deep whistling sound draws my attention to the window. Outside a strong wind blows fiercely across the pastures. Dark clouds churn overhead, drowning out the little sunlight that’s left of the day. The dark skeletons of the leafless trees sway and stand as ghostly figures left to the imagination.
“It looks really spooky outside,” I observe mysteriously, playing at Charlie’s remaining curiosity.
He shrugs. “That’s appropriate for this time of year.”
I try again. “Do you know about the Samhain celebration, Charlie?”
His eyes widen. “What’s that?”
“It’s a Celtic tradition celebrating the autumn harvest. It was last week on October 31, between the fall equinox and the winter solstice. I went to Belfast last year for the Samhain festival and it was incredible!”
In the corner of my eye I see Thomas appear. He silently makes his way to the end of the table and takes a seat. He's changed into clean clothes. As if on cue, a couple servants appear with trays of food. My first instinct is to stand up and help but then I remind myself I’m not in America anymore. Things are still done differently here.
“So you still celebrate Samhain even though you’re American?” Charlie asks after a few bites of pork.
“Yes. Samhain can be a very spiritual time for me. It’s believed to be a period when spirits can cross over and interact with the living.”
Thomas stops eating for a second. Does speaking with the dead intrigue him? Maybe reconciling with spirits is one way to deal with yourself. And I need to deal with myself before I start feeling sorry for him again.
“Thank you for having me,” I start off and stand up from the table. “But I’m afraid that I need to be going.”
“Really?” Charlie grumbles but doesn’t dare to complain more in front of his vader.
Thomas keeps quiet but watches me leave with noticeable emotionless eyes. One hour, Thomas. That’s all I will allow to make up for nearly four years of absence. After what I’ve seen today it’s not only my life that’s changed. Thomas, Lizzie, Charlie. They’re different. Even Ruby seems different than a normal girl. Not that I would expect any Shelby to be normal.
As I begin the drive back to Birmingham I can’t help but wonder if the Shelbys were right. Do I really have such an influence? That my presence helps in more ways than one? How have things become so gloomy in the past years? Well, now there is a depression to add to this and it will confuse my thoughts even harder.
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roswellsmokingwoman · 1 year ago
(Aziraphale x Crowley) Headlights - Chapter 3
Read here
Good Omens Human AU with a divorced Crowley and Aziraphale finding love again and getting back together.
London, November 2020
He’s living with Beez again. He hates this apartment. He hates the way the refrigerator buzzes like flies, and he hates the smell of ripe fruit in the air. He hates the brown leather couch that sticks to his back and the scratchy blanket that isn’t tartan. Most of all, he hates that Aziraphale isn’t here with him because he would have made it bearable. He wants to call him and ask him to stay the night because it would make tomorrow easier. 
But they’re not living together anymore because of tomorrow. 
I want a divorce.
It echoes in Crowley's mind. He's not sure how they found themselves here. One moment they were happy, and the next they were arguing. It was an argument that never ended. The funny thing is, he swore they were once the couple whose love was worthy of envy. 
How did that change? 
Aziraphale is slipping through his fingers and he's not sure how he can stop losing him. They're still married. It's one more day to change things. 
They said forever, didn't they?
“I love him madly, Beez. I do.” 
“But it's over,” they remind him. They keep reminding him, except they don't understand that it's not over until tomorrow. 
“Do you think he doesn't love me anymore?” That's the Talisker talking, naughty little drink that it is. 
“Love doesn't have anything to do with it.” Beez sighs. 
Crowley's been on their couch for a month now. Some nights are better. They don't blame him. It's the end times for him, and tomorrow's scheduled to be the end of it all. 
“Shouldn't it?”
Two more glasses of whiskey embolden Crowley and he saunters out of the apartment, determined that he’ll sleep in his bed. A bed that smells like candlelight and papyrus, with a plush mattress Aziraphale picked so they can sleep on a cloud. But the bookshop is locked when he arrives, and he hasn't brought the key.
The coming plot point plays out in Crowley’s mind, where two people who’ve made a terrible mistake finally realize they’ve been idiots all along. His heart swells in his chest. He should have thought about this before–perform some big actions, proclaim his undying love for Aziraphale. It’ll fix everything. 
“Come out, you idiot!” Crowley bangs on the door. “I want to work this out. I can't lose you.” 
He runs his throat raw until he loses his voice. “Angel, open the door. Please.” 
In some other version of events, Aziraphale would have been home tonight. He would have opened the door for Crowley. They would have talked and maybe salvaged a scrap of their relationship. Maybe they would have decided to work through it. 
But Aziraphale drove away that night, so far away from a home that feels foreign without Crowley in it. He drove the Bentley Crowley bought and painted yellow for him. He parked it on the side of the road and left the keys inside. He’s walking back to Soho, ten miles on foot. 
His feet are bleeding and blistered when he unlocks the bookshop door. He collapses just feet away from the entrance, sobbing into his chest. He loved that car. He loved that Crowley got it in that color because he once said yellow is pretty. He loved that Crowley loved him. Past tense, because he should start thinking in those terms. 
He doesn't love that they've found themselves here. 
Neither is aware of the near miss. Crowley gave up ten minutes before Aziraphale arrived. Aziraphale walked ten miles to stop himself from groveling at Beez's doorstep asking for Crowley to come back. We're at an impasse, he says to himself. The relationship is broken. 
Soon, it will be in the past. It's six in the morning. Three hours to go until it's over. Aziraphale wonders if all soon-to-be divorced people feel this terribly in the last hours of marriage. It's like facing Death, staring into its hollow eye sockets, aware that the end must be near. 
He wonders if Crowley sees it this way, too. 
In another version of events, Crowley would have passed out at the doorstep and Aziraphale would have carried him inside. They would have missed their appointment. Aziraphale would have told him there's nothing in the world worth fighting for if his world didn't include Crowley in it. 
There wouldn't have been a divorce. 
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miastideclock · 2 years ago
hello, my loves! i'm back i guess? i have updated the masterlist, so here we are♡ please let me know of you feel i have labeled my posts wrong in terms of angst or triggers, and we can look into it together!! thank you x
also, take these labels with a pinch of salt as i have zero clue what the damn hell i write :)
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆
fluff; ᰔ angsty-ish; ☁︎ triggering; TW suggestive, and i use that term loosely; ༄ stupid/attempted humor; 𓍯
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆
stray kids
bang chan ink, a bang chan series (finished) part zero, part one, part two, part three, part four, part five, part six, part seven, part eight, part nine, part ten, part eleven, part twelve, part thirteen, part fourteen, part fifteen ᰔ ☁︎ 𓍯 bang chan drabble, “can i sleep here tonight?” ☁︎ bang chan drabble, “the one where the dog gets away.”  ☁︎ bang chan drabble, “exhausted.” ☁︎ bang chan social media ᰔ 𓍯 bang chan drabble, “figure it out.” ᰔ ☁︎ bang chan drabble, "bunny." 𓍯 bang chan drabble, "home." ᰔ bang chan drabble, “quiet” ᰔ bang chan drabble, "nightfood" ᰔ 𓍯 a year with bang chan; ᰔ january 2nd february 14th march 2nd april 17thmay 30th june 4th july 14th august 1st september 12th october 3rd november 1st december 31st
lee know lee minho drabble, “water.” ☁︎ lee minho drabble, "whale watchers". ᰔ
changbin seo changbin social media ᰔ 𓍯 valkyrie street, a seo changbin series (coming) ᰔ ☁︎ ༄ 𓍯
hyunjin hwang hyunjin drabble, “i’m right here.” ᰔ ☁︎  TW
han han jisung social media ᰔ 𓍯 han jisung drabble, "cruise ships" ᰔ
felix lee felix drabble, "how incredible." ᰔ ☁︎
seungmin none yet
i.n yang jeongin drabble “inside beauty.” ☁︎ᰔ
group and plurals stray kids reaction to their soft s/o accidentally cursing ᰔ stray kids reaction to their girlfriend flinching ☁︎ stray kids reaction to their s/o sleeping in their bed ᰔ stray kids reaction to their s/o filming an intimate scene ᰔ stray kids reaction to their relationship going public ᰔ stray kids reaction to their s/o being shy about their singing-talents ᰔ 𓍯 stray kids reaction; everyday texts ᰔ 𓍯 stray kids reaction; love at first sight ᰔ stray kids reaction; realizing they love you ᰔ stray kids reaction: dancing with you at 2am ᰔ stray kids as taylor swift songs ᰔ𓍯 bang chan & hwang hyunjin drabble, “1. 16. 33.” ᰔ ☁︎ TW-ish 3racha reaction to ice skating ᰔ 𓍯 3racha reaction to their girlfriend being from a different country ᰔ stray kids drabble, "twisty-tie." ᰔ stray kids drabble, “tan lines and late nights.” ᰔ stray kids texts, summer edition ᰔ
dating bang chan ᰔ𓍯 dating lee know ᰔ 𓍯 dating changbin ᰔ 𓍯 dating hyunjin ᰔ 𓍯 dating han ᰔ 𓍯 dating felix ᰔ 𓍯 dating seungmin ᰔ 𓍯 dating i.n ᰔ 𓍯
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆
rm kim mamjoon drabble, “drunk.”  ᰔ kim mamjoon drabble, "chai lattes." ᰔ kim namjoon drabble, "go to gate." ᰔ kim namjoon drabble, "2. 21. 50." ☁︎ kim namjoon drabble, "9:52pm" ᰔ
v kim taehyung drabble, "the ringing of a library." ☁︎
group and plurals rm, suga, j-hope drabble, “ddaeng.” ༄
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆
pick a number
name playlists sasha leigh anne leilah alice rubina grace darryl
day6 day6 reaction to kissing their crush ᰔ day6 reaction to being in a long-distance relationship ᰔ day6 at their wedding ᰔ kim wonpil drabble, "highschool!au" ᰔ
got7 im jaebeom drabble, “cravings” ᰔ
monsta x shin hoseok drabble, “you make me feel alive.” ᰔ im changkyun drabble, “are you really in love with him?” ᰔ im changkyun drabble, “10. 45. 49.” ᰔ ☁︎(?) chae hyungwon drabble, “oceans.” ᰔ ☁︎ chae hyungwon drabble, “1. 38. 41.” ᰔ lee jooheon, drabble “I Love You.”  ᰔ
nct jung jaehyun drabble, “for you”  ☁︎ TW
seventeen seventeen reaction to asking you to be their girlfriend ᰔ seventeen hip hop unit at their wedding ᰔ seventeen reaction to you overhearing them confess their feelings for you ᰔ seventeen reaction to meeting their ex girlfriend ᰔ
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Feel free to request, but please read the rules first! Thank you x
cheers, bentley♡
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butwhyduh · 4 years ago
Fit to be Tied
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Jason Todd x reader
Warning: Christmas? And the f word.
Christmas series 2
Jason didn’t pay much attention to holidays. Nope. That was for the living. He didn’t have much of need for it. But he did know that Christmas was quiet and New Years was busy for patrol. He guessed everyone ate Christmas dinner and and then got bored of playing nice. Or maybe that just wanted to start the new year with a big ass bang. Who knows?
Even when he was a kid, he didn’t celebrate the holidays. Too poor, mom too lost in drugs, and dad? Well fuck him. He was a piece of shit when he was around.
Jason kicked a beer can out of his way into the pile of trash on the sidewalk. They didn’t get the trash again this week it looked like. Daddy Bruce could play bat but couldn’t throw his money around enough to keep trash from piling on the street.
It was fine. He had more important things to do anyways. He had to buy a Christmas present. He didn’t care for the holidays but the sweet girl he had at home was a doll and fuck, if she didn’t deserve something. So Jason went down to the local pawn shop. Usually not a problem but it was 2 AM. Not exactly prime business hours.
So yes, Red Hood was breaking into a pawn shop to get a bracelet. He was leaving cash, $20 over the cost too. It was something you had seen earlier in the week and had admired. Gems of some kind shaped to look like a butterfly. You’d taken a minute longer to stare at it.
He left as quick as he came. And it wasn’t long until he was opening the window of your apartment dressed in street clothes. You were asleep. Jason had used the excuse of patrol to get out. But in the early morning hours of Christmas, he wanted to wake you.
“Princess,” he said gently. You moved a little before opening your eyes. You smiled up at him. Fuck, he didn’t deserve the way you looked at him. Your eyes looked so innocent and sweet. You never looked at him like he scared you.
“Jaybird, what’s going on?”
“I got you something for Christmas and it’s technically Christmas..” he said pulling out the box. You sat up, curious.
“It’s Christmas Eve. You got me something? I didn’t think we were- I didn’t get anything. I couldn’t-“ you said turning red. Money was too tight to consider it. The fact that the heat was still on this late in the month was a Christmas miracle.
“No no. It’s fine. Just being here is enough for me. I’ve never really celebrated Christmas anyways,” Jason said pushing the box in your hand. You held the box before kissing him.
You opened the box to see the bracelet you had been looking at the pawn shop. You smiled and stared at the pretty little butterfly. Jason watched you carefully for a reaction. He’d never admit it but he was more nervous now than fighting on the street.
“You saw me looking at it. I didn’t think you’d notice,” you murmured softly as you picked it up. Jason took it and wrapped it around your wrist. He clasped it on and you looked at it, moving your wrist in the light.
“Thank you. It’s beautiful,” you said quietly looking at it. You had a little grin on your face. Jason smiled. That’s the look he wanted. That little bit of happiness that you showed when you were really pleased. He intertwined his fingers in yours.
“Princess, you’re so cold,” Jason said with a frown. He could feel it colder outside but now that he was getting used to the temperature, it wasn’t warm as it should be.
“The heater was acting up again so I turned it down. The blankets are plenty warm,” you said and his heart all but broke. There was no way he was going to let you be cold all winter because the landlord wouldn’t fix things. He might pay this guy a visit. You sensed his anger.
“It’s okay, Jay. Come lay with me and get warm,” you said taking his hands. He let you pull him into bed. He kicked off his pants and shoes and laid on his side. You curled into him as a little spoon. His long big frame all but engulfed you. It always felt to protective. If he was holding you, he knew you were safe. Jason ran his fingers along your bracelet soft as his rough fingers could.
“You’re so good to me,” you said softly and his heart clenched again. Fuck, if you knew all the bad he did. His messed up past. He thought you would have run away when you first learned he was Red Hood but no, you had been kind.
“Naw, Princess you deserve more then this shitty place,” he said, and for the first time, he felt a little bad about giving all of his trust fund to the soup kitchen he would visit as a kid. A little would have been nice to get a better place for you. But he had been making a ton crushing the drug trade at the time and didn’t have a girl back home when he did it. He couldn’t be as reckless now.
You turned in his arms to look in his blue eyes. He has such an intense look on his face that you frowned. “Jaybird, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” he said pulling his face back to normal. “Just thinking. I wanna move you to a better place, a safer place than this,” he said running his thumb across your cheeks. You grasped his wrist and leaned into his touch. Jason would sometimes get like that. Thinking you deserved better. And you humored him even though you wouldn’t even know what to do with wealth.
“We’re moving. Soon. I’m promising now,” he said thinking about the painful conversation he was going to have with Bruce. His adoptive father he hadn’t even told you about. Bruce would do just about anything Jason asked. Probably the guilt of letting him die.
“But Jay, we’d miss the water that went from boiling to freezing at random. And I’m not sure if I can sleep without Mr and Mrs Jancowski having sex every Tuesday at 2 AM,” you said with a smile. He kissed you to shut you up. You were joking but each one felt like a little knife in his guilt. You pulled him over you and the thought of money troubles faded from your mind.
Jason woke before you and watched you sleep. You laid on his chest with your hand in his hair and your soft breath on his throat. The bracelet was still on your wrist. You looked so peaceful, trusted him while you slept. Jason carefully grabbed his phone and texted Alfred. He’d also have to tell you about his adoptive family. His very famous adoptive family.
He threaded his fingers in your hand that was flung across his waist. You began to stir. Jason moved hair from your face and you blinked to see his pale blue eyes watching you.
“Morning, Princess,” he said with a rough morning voice. You smiled.
“Morning, Jaybird.”
“I’ve got something to tell you,” he started. “I want you to meet my family tonight.”
“Tonight? Your family? I thought your parents...” you trailed off.
“I was adopted. I never told you because I don’t have the best relationship with them. But I think it’s time for you to meet them. I’ve got to tell you something else,” he said and you could hear his heart beat quicker as you laid on him.
“My adoptive father is Bruce Wayne.”
“You’re shitting me.”
“Nope. And tonight I’m taking you to meet him. And my adoptive siblings.”
“You aren’t joking,” you said sitting up. Jason sat up too.
“I’m not. I’m kinda the... black sheep of the family. He adopted me when I was 12. I was trying to boost the wheels from the b- Bentley he was driving,” Jason corrected. It was one thing to tell you he was Red Hood. He couldn’t say Bruce Wayne was Batman.
“Wow. I- wow. Okay. That’s a lot to take in. Also on brand to be honest,” you said and he smiled and shrugged.
“Wait. What the fuck do you wear to the freaking Wayne manor for Christmas Eve?” You said a little panicky.
“Whatever you want. It’s just family,” he said with a sideways smile.
“Oh no. I can’t go to freaking Wayne Manor in a Kmart sweater,” you said quickly.
“You can wear,” he said hopping out of bed. He dug way in the back of his closet for a pretty red sweater that was slightly oversized. “This. Should fit fine. Pretty expensive too.”
“Where the hell did you get that?”
“I’ve had it for year and it definitely doesn’t fit now,” Jason said with a laugh. “Try it on.”
The weather sucked. Freaking sleet that threatened everything it touched. You were grateful it wasn’t a night of Jason patrolling. This meant taking your car instead of Jason’s motorcycle. Your car was at least 15 years old and you called it Frankenstein because of all the repairs done over the years.
The radio skipped as Jason drove over a speed bump by Wayne Manor and you burst out laughing. Jason looked at you from the side.
“It’s not that funny,” he said. “What’s up?”
“My car is trash, I’m wearing your old sweater, and we’re late. If you weren’t the black sheep before, bringing me home, you will be now,” you said. He grabbed your hand and parked in front of a random house.
“I’ve been the black sheep since I was a kid and you aren’t going to change any thing for the worse. Trust me. In fact they’ll probably think you’re too good for me,” Jason said with a dry chuckle. “So don’t worry about anything. Except making room for pudding. I know it sounds weird,” he said starting to drive again. “But it’s the best part of Christmas.”
Wayne Manor was huge. You knew that. You’d even seen it on tv. But to see it in front of you was honestly terrifying, especially in the nasty weather. You almost hoped Jason was playing some weird elaborate joke and was going to drive on by but he knew the passcode to the gate. He drove in the covered drop off spot by the front door and parked. You both quickly ran in the building.
The front entry was breathtaking. A gigantic Christmas tree and a full staircase decked out in garland like a Hallmark movie. It was like a magazine. In fact, it was in the Christmas episode of Gotham Life the year before.
You gripped Jason’s hand tightly as you walked down the hall. Your shoes sounded unnaturally loud and you had the urge to quiet them like it was a library. Jason pulled you to the doorway of a dinning room full of people settling to eat. Jadon cleared his throat.
“Master Jason! You made it,” Alfred said excitedly. “I recieved your message but it’s been many years. Sit. Sit.”
“Glad you could come,” Jason’s brother Dick said with a grin. He looked at you in curious excitement. You looked down at some kind of mushroom soup placed in front of you. Everyone else was dressed so nicely and ate so perfectly. It was intimidating.
“Yeah, it’s Christmas,” Jason said shrugging. He gave Dick a look that said don’t ask. It didn’t take much for Dick to drop it because he seemed incredibly distracted. You spent most of the meal trying to keep up on conversations you clearly didn’t understand while trying food you’ve never seen before. You could barely remember everyone you were introduced to. One of Jason’s sister(s?) gave you a big hug along with everyone else when she arrived. You couldn’t tell anyone what was even said after the meal. Or so you thought.
Until right across from you, Dick proposes to his girlfriend. He stuttered around before finally asking. “Will you marry me? Oh god, I have a ring,” he said producing one. Everyone watched as she stared in the box.
“Will I marry you?” She asked faintly and you worried she’d say no. How terrible would it be??
“Please say something,” he pleaded and you could tell the man was practically in pain before she said yes. They kissed, the family applauded, and champagne was served.
Jason watched you from the corner of his eyes. How did you react to this? What did you think? You didn’t look jealous or anything. It made Jason think of marriage. He hadn’t before. He’d thought about moving into something more permanent but marriage. He’d never thought about marriage as his future, ever. Of course when you die at 16 and come back with a vengeance, love is low on the priority list.
“Jaybird, you there,” you asked slightly tapping his shoulder. He blinked and looked at you.
“Yeah, I’m here. Just in my head,” he said and you nodded. He’d do that sometimes.
“The party is moving to the parlor,” you said quietly in a proper rich Gothamite voice and Jason huffed before covering his smiling mouth with a nose rub. The rest of the group was moving ahead of you. Dick and his new fiancé were retiring for the night.
“I’m never going to hear the end of it, am I?”
“I’m so sorry, dearest. I can’t understand you with a silver spoon in your mouth,” you laughed. Jason rolled his eyes before guiding your shoulders towards the door. You heard a soft laugh behind you and you turned to see Tim’s girlfriend smiling.
“Sorry to interrupt but I’ve got to use that on Tim,” she said grabbing her coat and walking out.
After making sure you were cool with hanging with Tim’s girlfriend and their adoptive sister Cass, Jason and Tim started a very competitive game of pool. You couldn’t help but look at things that cost more than you’ve ever even seen. The chess set Damian and his girlfriend were playing with probably cost more than your car.
But it was Christmas and you tried to push your insecurities aside. It was a fun evening. A glass of wine you kept sipping on helped as well.
After a while Bruce announced that the roads were too bad and that no one was leaving. Jason clenched his jaw for a second before looking at you and relaxing. He didn’t want to stay but he wasn’t risking your health in any way. Instead he focused on the game.
“So if I win,” Jason said a full hour later. By this time, Damian’s girlfriend had fallen asleep on his shoulder. Your eyes felt a little heavy as well. “I get the penthouse.”
“Sure Jay. That’s Bruce’s. But I’m willing to gamble it,” Tim said throwing his hands up at the ridiculousness.
“I accept terms,” Bruce said. Both boys looked at him surprised. “Whoever wins gets the penthouse.”
You turned quickly to watch the game. Okay, is that a normal thing for them? To bet property. The look on everyone’s face said that no it wasn’t normal.
Jason was excellent at pool. It was a common for you both to go down to the pool hall and play some games. Jason would occasionally make some money playing and he did often as a kid. It was also a way to waste time when your mom was throwing beers back like a fish, like Jason’s mother did. Tim didn’t stand a chance. He wasn’t as good and looked almost like he was in pain occasionally. But maybe it wasn’t a real competition? Maybe Bruce was trying to give Jason something he’d always want to but didn’t know how. Jason easily won the game.
“So the penthouse is mine?” Jason asked. Bruce nodded and shrugged. Tim softly coughed in his hand. Your heart raced. They couldn’t be serious.
“If you’ll live in it,” Bruce said. Damian was carefully carrying his girlfriend upstairs.
“Deal,” Jason says quickly.
“Deal,” Bruce said looking quiet pleased. Was this his plan all along?
“I guess, deal?” Tim said confused. “Though you should owe me. You’re the one that got me shot.”
Your brain broke. He was shot? And it was Jason’s fault?
“What?! You got him shot?” Tim’s girlfriend asked loudly. Tim blanched.
“Not my fault.”
“Literally your fault,” Tim countered.
“What did you do?” You asked looking at him suspiciously. He offered you a sheepish smile.
“I might have said ‘what are you gonna do, shoot us?’ I meant me. Not Tim! He also has a bulletproof suit,” Jason said. Tim must be a vigilante too. You glared at Jason.
“That’s not in the report,” Bruce said with his eyes narrowing.
“Good night everybody. Merry Christmas,” Jason said pulling you from the room and up to his childhood room.
“You’re in so much trouble,” you said and he grinned.
“I’ll deal with it tomorrow. How do you feel about a penthouse? Better than our current place hu?” Jason said pulling you close. You felt dizzy at the idea.
“Seriously? We can’t afford it,” you said trying to stay grounded. It was too good to be true. Things like that didn’t happen to people like you.
“I think I know a guy who can keep the lights on,” he joked and you gave him a serious look. “Don’t worry about it. Just enjoy the idea of constant hot water. Lights never going off,” Jason said pushing you towards the bed. “No one can hear me make you scream.”
“Tempting. Very tempting,” you said and of fucking course it was. A safe beautiful clean penthouse over your trashy scary apartment wasn’t even a contest. Jason pushed you on the bed and hovered over you.
“What are you doing,” you asked flushed but still encouraging him. It was still his dad’s house and he was getting handsy.
“Trying to have sex with my girlfriend on my old bed like every guy ever has dreamed of,” Jason said. He nipped at your throat. You gasped.
“Got to be quiet, Princess,” he whispered and you pulled him down to kiss more.
The next morning you woke to an empty bed. You fixed your hair as best you could and threw on Jason’s sweatshirt before going downstairs. You caught a glimpse of the kitchen as Bruce slowly slid a set of keys Jason’s way before taking a long drink from his coffee. “I’m glad you made home for Christmas this year, Jason.” The penthouse.
“Morning,” Bruce said to you nodding before leaving the room. Jason was alone in the kitchen but you could hear others in the breakfast nook a door over.
“Keys,” Jason said showing you. “And no lecture.”
You gave him a hug and looked at the shiny metal keys. It would be a while before you could handle the idea of a freaking penthouse being yours. “But you should get something for Tim. You did get him shot.”
“Let him shoot me?”
“Jason, no.”
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celibibratty · 2 years ago
Músicas de 2022
���turma da mônica - samba do fruto proibido
❤SALES - pope is a rockstar
❤avril lavigne - innocence
❤creamy - do you think i'm pretty
❤man overboard - how to hide your feelings
❤denzel curry, gizzle, bren joy (arcane) - dynasties & dystopia
❤miyavi & PVRIS(arcane) - snake
❤hoobastank - crawling in the dark
❤zion and lennox ft daddy yankee - yo voy
❤PVRIS - monster
❤the kid laroi ft justin bieber - stay
❤4*town - U know what's up
❤ALEXANDROS - mosquito bites
❤bleach live action movie OST by yutaka yamada - main theme
❤willow smith - transparent soul
❤fito blanko - pegadito suavecito
❤eddy lover - rueda, rueda
❤daddy yankee - ¿qué tengo que hacer?
❤daddy yankee - la despedida
❤hoobastank - inside of you + (acoustic version)
❤AFI - girl's not grey
❤story of the year - and the hero will drown
❤story of the year - the antidote
❤patrick & jay chou - try
❤Big Bang feat 2ne1 (spanish cover by piyo, lena, Ktimer & seba dupont - lollipop
❤one ok rock - smiling down
❤miss papaya - hero
❤miss papaya - cinderella
❤our last night (cover) - maps
❤bentley jones - so much more
❤supershigi - zombies on your lawn
❤zebrahead - down without a fight
❤zebrahead - if you're looking for your knife...i think my back found it
❤siouxxie - ketamine
❤ali tabatabaee & matty lewis - his world (solaris phase 2 mashup)
❤trindad cardona - love me back (sped up)
❤dj gollum ft scarlet - poison
❤PUBLIC - one that i want
❤alexis Jordan - lovemist
❤perlla - totalmente demais
❤bubbles - my boyfriend
❤rita ora - poison
❤eyedress - something about you
❤macaco - toc toc
❤bray me - grace
❤bray me - kakurenbo
❤bloc party - i still remember + (instrumental version)
❤bloc party - song for clay (dissapear here) + (instrumental version)
❤bloc party - waiting for the 7.18
❤bloc party - vision of heaven
❤bloc party - the once and future king
❤vintage - kogda ryadom ty
❤my darkest days - move your body
❤my darkest days - set it on fire
❤WRLD (feat savo) - hang up
❤dragon hunters OST - opening
❤anitta - envolver
❤barbie diaries(skye sweetnam) - this is me
❤barbie - barbie 12 dancing princesses theme
❤big time rush - elevate
❤archers(cover) - levitating
❤03 greedo - substance (nightcore)
❤beach boys - california dreamin'
❤HIGH and MIGHTY - pride
❤HIGH and MIGHTY - hibana
❤pony pony run run - 1997 (she said it's alright)
❤kelly clarkson - you found me
❤statechampsNY(cover) - stitches
❤issues(cover) - boyfriend
❤remi wolf - michael
❤bloc party - little thoughts
❤bloc party - storm and stress
❤c��cile corbel - our house below
❤cécile corbel - the wild waltz
❤bloc party - we are not good people
❤bloc party - V.A.L.I.S
❤jax jones - you don't know me
❤Ckay - love nwantiti
❤CHICO - raspeberry monster
❤tom speight - heartshaker
❤betta lemme - bambola
❤stromae - papaoutei
❤boa - garden in the air
❤paramore - for a pessimist i'm pretty optimistic
❤bratz - blah blah blah
❤bray me - jokyosetsumei
❤bem da hora - um norte
❤bloc party - callum is a snake
❤of monsters and men - little talks
❤tsukiko amano ft hana tan - clockwork
❤in the heights - blackout
❤tsukiko amano ft okuda miwako - shizuku
❤melim - peça felicidade
❤jonas brothers ft karol g - X
❤jaco caraco - you make me go crazy
❤mitchell marlow - we will always win
❤bad suns ft PVRIS - maybe you saved me
❤barbie (holly lindin) - summer sunshine
❤bloc party - cavaliers and roundheads
❤sean kingston ft nicki minaj - letting it go (dutty love)
❤marshmallow - you and me
❤kola kid - timer
❤shiro sagisu - cometh the hour (chorus A guitar)
❤nicki minaj - super freaky girl (slowed)
❤the maine - into your arms
❤rihanna - only girl (slowed)
❤within temptation - grenade
❤cpm22 - desconfio
❤ericdoa - fantasize
❤bloc party - demos song
❤lene marlin - faces
❤natasha thomas - young hearts
❤Bratz - i don't care
❤ben folds - red is blue
❤BYUL - i think i
❤crispy - the game
❤heidi - hyururi (instrumental)
❤bubbles - happy girl
❤playboi carti - on that time (tik tok remix)
❤tsukiko amano - ningyou
❤hidden citizens(cover) - paint it black
❤annaliese (cover) - until the day i die
❤tsukiko amano - kakan
❤simgretina - smile
❤tsukiko amano - bodaiju
❤nicki minaj - whip it
❤dawin - go off
❤the maine - the way we talk
❤philip lawrence ft UAKTI - it's a jungle out here (brazilian)
❤wavegroup (cover) - infected
❤bloc party - we were lovers
❤videoclub - roi
❤a change of pace - war in your bedroom
❤bear McCreary - ragnarök
❤officieldionysos - flamme à lunettes
❤mohumbi - say jambo
❤merca bae - blue kush Bday (bk beats tool)
❤stxlkin - so bitter
❤barbie - be a friend
❤cécile corbel - haru's chase
❤m-flo ft boa - the love bug
❤merk & kremont - she's wild
❤horsegiirl - starsiigns
❤neffex - rumors
❤vampyx - kiss me
❤fall out boys - bob dylan
❤superbus - lola
❤austin mahone - secret (slowed)
❤roy bee - Kiss me again (radio edit)
❤6arelyhuman - death city + syris & 03osc
❤1stress ft xofilo - victim
❤HIGH and MIGHTY COLOR - here i am
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anobscurename · 4 years ago
ocean eyes – chris evans
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previous part: PART XIX — masterlist
concept: you finally have had enough. the slowest of slow burns. part twenty of many.
pairing: chris evans x reader
word count: 2,4k
warnings: you might cry; i know i did. angst.
author's note: i needed my comedic relief comfort characters for this one in the beginning tbh cause... well... you'll see. this one is for @miss-jackson500 because i haven't dedicated one to her yet and she's? amazing?!
You had wondered – for the days that followed – that if maybe the rescheduled meet-up hadn't been cut short by Anthony, if things would be different.
You came to the conclusion that all that really would've been different was that you'd know a little less.
"You're finally going to do it, huh?" Anthony grinned from across the pool table. You had, according to the original plan, all come together at the old bar where you'd first met the two. "You're going to tell him how you feel?"
"Is it a bad idea?" You asked, missing your shot. Your mind was heavily distracted, and it was showing through. You were usually wiping the floor with the duo, but now you were losing four balls to one.
"No, no, it's a fantastic idea," Anthony bent down to line up his next shot. "Tell her it's a fantastic idea, Seb. Better yet, tell me who the Black Widow should be with."
Sebastian, who had been sat to the side, waiting for his turn, rolled his eyes and took a swig of his beer. "I admit nothing until I see a ring."
"Speaking of rings!" Anthony jumped up excitedly – either from the prospect of marriage or the thrill of pocketing his ball, leaving team Falcon and Winter Soldier with just the black on the table – "I'm thinking a round cut two carat, set in rose gold? Colour scheme would he lavender, of course, because as best man–"
"You can get fucked if you think you're going to be best man."
"Of course I'm best man! Look at me, I'm the bestest man around, I'm fine as–"
"You can both get fucked if you think there's going to be a wedding," you laughed.
Anthony hissed a curse under his breath as he missed the winning pocket, reluctantly handing the cue off to Sebastian, who hopped off the stool to land gracefully on his feet.
You chalked your cue, determined to not lose yet another game to these dipshits. "I haven't even told him yet, what if he doesn't feel the same way?"
Anthony and Sebastian both looked at you, incredulous. "I mean this with only love, and it comes from a place deep within my heart... Are you blind?"
Sebastian was even balking. "Even I could tell, and I have the social skills of a pineapple."
"Okay, fine! You both are clearly biased, you saw us kiss."
"No, we watched a softcore porno is what we did, y'all devouring each other like that in public–"
He cut himself short, having to laughingly dodge himself out of the reach of your playful slap.
"I'm asking Scott for the final opinion," you proclaimed.
Sebastian rolled his eyes, eager to play and win the game, bouncing the end of the cue on the wooden bar floor. The rubber stop muted the noise.
You opened up the text thread you had been maintaining with the younger Evans. Should I tell Chris?
You didn't need to elaborate, Scott would know what you meant. There was a pause on his end, and you had just been about to put your phone away before his response bubbled up.
Sorry, was just changing your name in my phone to sister-in-law ;)
That was all the answer you needed.
You finished the game – you lost, mind overrun with giddiness and the odds having been stacked against you long before – and you were hugging Anthony goodbye.
When you'd asked where he was headed, he'd just given you a sly wink and a "wouldn't you like to know."
That left just you and Sebastian, and you decided to walk him back to his hotel before heading home.
"How long you going to be in L.A. for?" You'd asked, just to make conversation.
"A week or so, maybe? And then I'm jetting back to New York. I haven't been home in so long, I think the dust has taken over my lease."
You chuckled, and continued on in a pleasant silence.
You gave him a departing hug in the lobby, and hailed a cab back to Chris'.
You were so high on the exhilaration of finally telling him and ending this will they/won't they charade once and for all. So excited, you'd nearly missed the unfamiliar Bentley in the driveway on your way in.
But it didn't go unnoticed.
You came in, greeted happily by a yapping Dodger, and the smell that hit you was one of Valentino perfume – overpowering the usual scent of Chris lingering in the house.
"Hey, Dodge," you whispered, giving him a vigorous petting session. "Where's Chris? Where's your dad?"
Dodger gave your hand a wet lick, slobbering over your keys, and you laughed lightly.
The door to the pool was open, and you could hear splashing and giggling – pitched more feminine than you'd ever heard Chris go.
Curiosity killed the cat. And satisfaction was never going to resurrect the plummet of your excitement. No, that was replaced by shock and anger. Even if you knew you had no right to feel that way.
"Chris?" You'd called out as you padded across the lounge. "Chris, whose car is in the driveway? I have something I–"
Blindsided, your slobber slick keys fell from your hand to jangle uselessly onto the ground. It was that that finally grabbed his attention.
He had been otherwise excruciatingly preoccupied with the topless girl in his lap, legs locked around his waist in a languid grind, his hands smoothing over her curves as they all but explored each other's tonsils in a moaning kiss.
Red flashed across your vision as well as your cheeks, and you ducked your head. Embarrassed and feeling stupid, you quickly grabbed your keys. "I'm sorry, I'll go..."
You quickly turned and dashed to your room, ignoring the tears in your eyes, and the call of your name.
"{Your name}, wait!" Chris cried, water sloshing as he clambered out of the pool. "{Your name}!"
You slammed the door shut behind you, making it clear you wanted isolation. Pulling out a duffel bag, you began throwing clothes into it, careless of what you might need, just needing to leave.
Sebastian had asked you once how much more you were going to put yourself through before you'd had enough.
And this was it. This was the breaking point. This was enough.
The strength in which Chris frantically ripped open your door had it banging against the adjacent wall, but you couldn't even look at him. Your eyes were blurry as you continued violently packing your clothes.
You didn't even know where you were going to go. You just knew you had to. Go.
"{Your name}, stop," he said, soft in direct comparison to the panic he felt in his chest. You were leaving him. "What are you doing?"
"What does it look like?" You spat out. And then, just to change the subject, because not even you could bare to dwell on it too much: "You're getting water on your floor."
"{Your name}–"
"Don't talk to me, Chris. Rest your tongue a bit, it sure was busy earlier."
"As was yours, too, I'm sure," he bit back.
Your movements stuttered at the reciprocated rage. To your knowledge, he had no right to feel as you did in that moment. None.
"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?"
There was provocation in his eyes, and his searing gaze only fuelled your fire.
"Have fun with Sebastian?"
Your scoff was followed by a bewildered laugh. "I went out tonight with Sebastian and Anthony, Chris. We're friends. Welcome to the world of platonic relationships, professor, we've been waiting for your arrival."
And like the cut strings on a puppet, tension left his body – anger being replaced by confusion.
"I... I thought..."
"You thought wrong, Evans," you seethed, pushing past him to the bathroom to grab your toiletries. You made an effort to bump him, your shirt sticking to your skin with the water droplets still dotting his toned body. "And to think I really thought..."
"Thought what?" His voice cracked out.
"Thought that you might actually care about me!" You finally snapped. You were yelling. You didn't want to yell, but you were, voice echoing in the acoustics of the bathroom.
"I do," he whispered. His conviction was quickly draining from him, being replaced with an inevitable sadness and feeling of loss. You hadn't even left yet, but he knew that nothing he was going to say would make you stay. He knew he'd gone too far. It didn't stop him from trying. "I loved you, {your name}. I still do."
You had hoped that if he ever was to say those words, it would be under different circumstances. In fact, you'd found yourself imagining whole sunset beach scenarios, late into the night.
"I thought you were better than that, Chris. Manipulation? That's low."
"It's true. I've loved you–"
You didn't want to hear it. You weren't going to give him the opportunity of persuading you into staying. You knew you should've left long ago. "I can't say the feeling is mutual."
It was a lie. It was a lie, because if you really had felt nothing, then you wouldn't be acting like this. But you needed the upper hand, because Chris had basically knocked you over with the force of his admittance. You couldn't let yourself be dragged back in. Not this time. You had too much self respect for that. Not when he still had lipstick smudged on his lips, disappearing into the scruff that shadowed his jaw.
You had to avoid looking at his pained expression at your words. No matter how much you were hurting now at his profession of love, you knew he might possibly be hurting a little more at your rejection.
"And if you really did..." You trailed off, struggling to say the words love me. "Well, you have a really funny way of showing it."
"Pretending not to love you is the hardest role I've taken on, and I did it for you."
Red was dancing back into your vision, your shock growing alongside the fury.
"How is that for me?"
"Because that's what you wanted!" He was finding his voice again, raising it in his desperation. "Believe me, I wanted to fight for you. I would, would wage wars for you," he stuttered out. "But you never wanted that from me. You wanted to pull away, from this, from us. And I let you because I would do anything you asked of me."
"So you stayed away because you wanted to keep me?" You worded it slowly, just to make him understand how ridiculous it sounded.
"Are you stupid? Actually mentally deficient?" You zipped your bag, brushing past him again, this time making sure to have as little contact as possible. He all but occupied the whole doorway.
"If I had told you then you would have left!" He was following you now, following you to the front door. "I told you I wanted you in my life, even if it meant the pain of never having you."
You had hoped to slam the door in his face to make your point known, but where Chris had slacked in fighting for you before, he was making up for now. He caught the door before it could close, trailing after you into the driveway.
"There's something wrong with me. I ruin things. So I let you have your space because you are the greatest thing that has happened to me in a long time, and I'd be fucked if I ruined you too!"
"It's a bit too late for that," you said, finally looking him in those ocean eyes. They were bloodshot with barely restrained tears. But your resolve was iron. "Congratulations, Evans. You've ruined me."
You heard Dodger pawing at the door, whining low and long for you. If you thought leaving Chris was hard, this was what made you break.
But you turned away from them, from that house, tears falling freely. A sob escaped your lips, barely stifled.
"Put on a shirt, Evans," you managed to get out. You wanted the last word, even if it brought very little satisfaction. "You have company."
Your first call was to Anthony. He hadn't picked up, and you remembered his other plans.
The second also went unanswered – the friend who had become a self proclaimed L.A. local upon graduating high school, and who had let you crash at their house when you'd first arrived. She was probably at work, and so you left her a quick voicemail asking her to call you back.
The third did, on only the second ring. You had almost lost hope in anyone else being awake at that point, so you hadn't composed yourself before he picked up.
The first thing he heard was your sob, which you quickly cut off with a greeting.
"What's wrong?"
"Can I crash with you tonight? I need somewhere to go."
"What happened? Did–?"
"I don't want to talk about it," you said quickly. He shut up almost immediately. "I just... Please?"
There was a pensive silence on the other end, and you felt the need to fill it.
"I tried Anthony, but he wasn't picking up."
"Yeah," came the small chuckle crackling on the other end. "He's got a hot date tonight. Must be going well."
"I wouldn't do this if I had anywhere else to go, but I don't, and it'll only be for one night–"
"Of course you can stay," he assured, sushing you softly. "Can't believe I made you ask twice."
Sebastian met you in the lobby, taking you up to his room almost immediately to avoid strange looks and any unwanted public attention.
He explained to you in the elevator that although he had tried to get you your own room, the hotel was fully booked. He sounded quite apologetic for that.
You didn't say much, because if you spoke, you were scared you were going to start crying all over again. And you'd just managed to stop, averting your eyes from your teadstained appearance in the mirrors.
Sebastian's room was a big one, on the pricier end of all the hotel had to offer. A large king sized bed stood to one side, bedsheets twisted as if he'd clambered into it right when he'd gotten back.
There was a lounge suite to the side, looking like a set-up you'd see on the glossy pages of Architectural Digest, and although the curtains were drawn, you could see the city lights sprawling out before you through the crack.
He was still in his outfit from the bar, shirt and jeans slightly rumpled.
The television was on, playing the original Nosferatu quietly in the background.
"I'll take the couch," Sebastian offered, dropping off the bags he'd taken from you.
You declined him with a shake of your head.
"{Your name}," he said, tender, placing both his hands on your shoulders to make you look at him. "You've been through a lot tonight. Take the bed, I've got the couch."
You didn't have the strength to fight his insistence. You didn't have the strength for much any more.
When you'd gotten out the shower, dressed in your pyjamas, Sebastian finally asked you again what had happened.
You just shrugged tiredly, climbing between the cool cotton sheets.
"I just had enough."
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rawiswhore · 4 years ago
Various Actors x Fem Reader- “In My House”
Imagine if 2020 was a year when we didn't have the Corona Virus and social distancing.
Because if it didn't have that virus, then this music video would be released...
You're a popular singer who released a new song and music video one day before Thanksgiving 2020.
This song was for the soundtrack for a movie set in the 1960′s, 1966 to be exact.
Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion's "WAP" is easily the biggest #1 song of 2020, but your new single and music video released one day before Thanksgiving might make people forget all about "WAP".
The video might go even more viral than "WAP", you'll find out why.
In the video, as the music starts to play, it starts off with you walking down a hallway dressed in a short, silky black bathrobe.
In the hallway, Timothee Chalamet is standing by one of the doors in the hallway, leaning his back on the wall, dressed in a silky suit and his hair flouncy, looking the way he looked when he appeared on Ellen DeGeneres' talk show at the end of 2017 with Armie Hammer.
This is your (or rather, my) favorite Timothee.
You slowly sauntered up to Timothee to the beat of your song, trying to look as sexy and seductive as possible to him.
The camera shot to Timothee, smirking at you trying to seduce him.
Before the words you sang in this song began, you stopped when you were standing right in front of Timothee, putting your hands on his face.
When the words to the song you sang began, you lipsynched to this song, your face so close to his.
Timothee arched his head back and closed his eyes while you were leaning your face and your body close to him.
Your lips were in front of his lips, your breath touching below his face.
Your lips were nudging into his lips while you lipsynched this song, your lips fumbling and muttering in between his lips.
Sometimes your lips buried and nudged into his slender neck, whereas his hands were on your bathrobe, looking like he wants to shed your bathrobe off.
One of your hands slid from his face to behind his head, where your fingers laced and buried themselves through his tousled hair.
You couldn't resist running your fingers through his hair.
Your other hand, however, was caressing up and down the bare part of his chest not covered by a dress shirt.
After the camera blurred out the image of you and Timothee making out, the camera then cut to Julian Sands looking the way he did in "Yeh Ballet" and "The Painted Bird", dressed in a long sleeve white button down shirt and slacks being held up by suspenders, one of his legs sprawled out across the couch while he holds a scotch glass.
Even though Julian is nowhere near as hot as he used to be, like in "Boxing Helena", "Husbands and Lovers", "Impromptu" and "Warlock II", he's still pretty sexy, especially when his hair is long.
Emilia Clarke is curled up right next to him, smiling and kissing him on the side of his neck and face, her hair her signature chestnut brown, whereas a blond Wendy James from Transvision Vamp circa 1989 is standing behind him and the couch, her arm running down his chest.
The camera then cut to you completely naked, sitting behind a chair with your legs wide open, albeit the chair was concealing and covering your nudity, not showing your breasts and vagina.
You were sitting in that chair Christine Keeler style, this image was meant to replicate that iconic image of Christine.
Sitting in front of you on the floor was Sebastian Stan, looking the way he did when he was interviewed sitting next to Sharon Stone, my favorite Sebastian.
He was smirking and smiling at you while you naughtily grinned at him, your elbows propped across the top of the chair.
When you started "singing" again, after the first 2 verses and sentences, you leaned down into your chair until you were lying on the floor and the chair fell down with it, your arms and elbows censoring your nipples from being shown, your hands on the carpeted floor.
You were lying on the floor in between Sebastian's legs and thighs, and not just that, but crawling behind you was Timothee Chalamet, who cupped and covered your breasts, his palms and hands concealing your nipples.
Tom Hiddleston was sitting on the floor next to the chair you previously were sitting in, Tom looked the way he did in "Return of Cranford".
You lifted one of your hands off of the carpet and placed it behind Sebastian's head, your fingers laced and buried through his hair, your eyes looking up at him.
You leaned your face close to Sebastian's face, your lips nudging into his lips, which then cut to you and Sebastian kissing each other, your eyes as well as his eyes closed.
The video then cut to Sebastian smothering his lips on your front neck, whereas Timothee was nudging his lips on the back of your neck, moving your hair behind your neck out of the way.
Tom crawled over to you and leaned himself into you, pressing and smothering his lips on the right side of your neck.
You were leaning your head back, resting it on Timothee's shoulder, as Sebastian was burying his face into your neck.
While this was going on, was sitting in a leather armchair, Michael Fassbender was watching what was going on with you, Seb, Timothee, and Tom, wanting to join in.
Michael looked the way he did in "Steve Jobs" when he had brown hair and wore that long sleeved white button down shirt.
As the instrumental music was playing, the video cut to various parts of the room, filming JJ Field with short hair while Ksenia Solo and Imogen Poots are surrounding him, trying to shed him out of his clothes.
Imogen and Ksenia have the ends of their hair swept up and have their hair in thick bangs, looking 1960's.
When the 3rd verse of the song began playing, you were lying on the carpet naked with your arms up, whereas Henry Cavill was hovering over you, straddling your lap, he was dressed in a white button down shirt with the sleeves rolled up to the elbows and a pair of slacks held up by suspenders.
His hair was cut short and he looked the way he did on Sherlock Holmes.
This isn't my favorite Henry, I prefer him as Geralt of Rivia, but this is meant to be a music video set in the 1960's, 1966 to be exact.
He was holding a 60's Polaroid camera in front of you, this moment was meant to be a recreation of an image from the 1960's of David Hemmings, a photographer, hovering over Verushka, a German supermodel in the 60's lying down.
When you laid naked on the floor, the camera filming this as well as Henry were trying to conceal and cover up your nudity, not show your bare naked breasts.
The camera then cut to you lying naked on the floor, although it filmed you from above your tits so your bare breasts won't be shown.
You actually put your index finger in your mouth in an attempt to look sexy.
You rose up from the carpeted floor, where Henry leaned himself back a bit.
When you rose up from the carpeted floor, you put your hands on both of his shoulders, your arms cleverly concealing his nudity.
You proceeded to sexily and slowly crawl closer to Henry, making him lounge on his elbows while he lays on the carpet and put the Polaroid camera down.
When Henry was lying on the carpet now, you were lying on top of him, his lips were smothering the side of your face.
Your hands were gripping and grasping onto his suit.
This moment where you lie on top of Henry while he kisses the side of your face was modeled after Madonna in the "Justify My Love" music video.
This music video and song was modeled after Madonna's "Justify My Love" song and music video, minus the crossdressing and lesbianism.
When the chorus played again, the video jumped to Wes Bentley sitting on a couch, you were straddling his lap completely naked, your breasts pressed against his chest to not show any nipples.
Plus, the video was filming you on your side so it won't show your buttcrack.
Wes looked the way he looked in "American Horror Story", minus having someone's face behind his head and top hat.
This is my personal favorite Wes.
His button down shirt was buttoned all the way down, your hands slid on his bare chest.
One of your hands slid from his chest to behind his head, where you let your fingers run through his hair.
Wes had one of his arms wrapped behind you, pulling you into him, where he buried his face into your neck, kissing your neck.
Your head leaned back and your face was in an orgasmic state.
Now you see why this video will blow up even more than "WAP" and make people forget about that song/video?
This video is every woman's sexual fantasy: it's got Tom Hiddleston, Sebastian Stan, Timothee Chalamet and Henry Cavill, men who've all blown up in popularity because of their looks and sex appeal and have fangirls obsessed with them.
Just look at how popular of a show "The Witcher" is.
Though, those fangirls will want to ring your neck and send you death threats after this video because they're jealous of you.
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anonil88 · 4 years ago
A Green Night on the Town.
Is this a modern au? No. Ruby and Christina end up meeting the neighbors as William and Hillary. But Ruby wants to go to the bar and live a little, 👀.
Ruby Baptiste X Christina Braithwhite
Inspired by comments and posts by @dreaduquesne and @taylor144. I did do some research for this, the one song is from the 1960s but we are gonna pretend it's not. If you are going to be negative just for negativity sake please don’t. Wanted to post this before tonight’s episode where this ship may go down in flames. One more ep left after tonight *insert sad emojis*
Songs in order of appearance in story: Put on my Shoes by Mary Anne Fisher, I don't know by Ruth Brown, One Man's Poison by Liz Lands, It's Your Voodoo Working by Charles Sheffield.
Ruby sat in the Bentley checking her image in the side mirror. The red lipstick she reapplied was new and came in a gold bullet with roses carved into it. It was the shade Ruby and she got it on one of her shopping adventures. As Hillary of course. The matte color clashed with Hillary's choice of clothing but perfectly matched her pink dress with red and blue flowers stitched onto it. She wasn't only checking her face but looking out for unfriendly neighbors.
In the weeks she's been with Christina in the house, the looks she's gotten are usually not friendly. Kids and parents alike staring her up and down like she is trash. In her most unholy form of self they smiled "Fake ass white folks ," she thinks. They were lucky most white people did not want trouble knowing William lived with her openly. As openly as they could be, the city of Chicago has always cared less about couples like them but the people sure do care enough. Ruby glances at the door that sits far behind iron gates. 
After her day out, William introduced her to some of the neighbors on another street who had kids. Kids who looked innocent playing in the streets. A group of men talking on the street flagged the Pontiac down making Ruby tense but William's hand rested atop hers in the middle of the seat.  They spoke across her wondering where they could get themselves a car and a woman that. William chuckled and made small talk which Ruby side eyed her partner for. 
That led to them both getting out of the car introducing themselves to these men and their wives as Hillary and William Davenport. An invitation for dinner came from one wife who kept commenting on the bump in Hillary's hair too nicely. Ruby heard a little bit of Christina's snark in Williams no and tampened that response with, "Sorry we have plans tonight." Which thankfully was accepted and before then they had no plans but now Ruby wanted to spend the night dancing to music, maybe singing just a little. As herself, after an exhausting day of keeping up with the Joneses or Smiths or whatever white slave master name they probably shared with a poorer distant cousin on the Southside. Damn she kinda missed the Southside. Christina had been before but not like this.
She sees a teenage boy dragging a trash can down the driveway next door but listens to the sound of feet making their way down the walkway. Slowly she puts the lipstick in her purse that will get left in the back seat because tonight she wants nothing to hold her back. Ruby watches Christina open and lock the gate with her back turned. Hair perfectly swooped to the side even in moonlight.
The tall blonde was in a green dress fitted at the waist that was far too fancy for whatever jazz joint they were bound to end up in. It looked new but Ruby swore Christina had too big of a closet, almost big enough for two people. William had a vest in a similar color, he wore a few days ago...well she wore Ruby guesses. Christina looks nice as she saunters towards the silver drivers side and Ruby bit the inside of her lip. There was something about the way the woman was so sure and confident in her walk, how she sat, or how she inserted the silver key into the ignition. Even when she was out dressing her for a simple night on the town. Those long hands just so handling the key before slipping...
Ruby swallows her jealous admiration and rolls her eyes, "Seriously?"
"What, is this too much ?" Christina asks, smoothing her fingertips over the leather of the steering wheel. She leans over Ruby likely too close and slips a vial of William's blood in the glove box. Giving Ruby an amused stare that makes Ruby roll her eyes even harder. Christina thinks of this as a game, one they both play. There are days she has already taken her potion and is dressed in slacks eating breakfast. Ruby will saunter into the kitchen dressed in a number that makes Christina wonder if keeping Ruby hostage would be so bad. Probably, if Leticia found out there would be a makeshift army outside her front door.
"Ha," Ruby laughs out loud and Christina smiles, "You fucking think, it's a jazz joint not the Ritz. Who in the Sam Hill are you trying to impress tonight?"
Christina lowers her eyes to Ruby's lips. She thinks of just exactly who she was continually trying to impress as covertly as possible. Ruby looks away and back realizing Christina is still staring at her like....that. She does it in William's skin too, those eyes sizing her up. Two piercing blue eyes always staring at her so deeply Ruby thinks she could burst into flames. No matter the face she does find it hard to look away. 
"Don't look at me like that. I warned you about that, now drive." Ruby says crossing her arms in her lap listening to the engine come alive. Christina grins to herself but keeps her words to herself as she shifts the car into drive.
The night leads them to Vesey's where Ruby is plenty filled with free drinks. She already sang at the last spot with a band but her presence rouses the crowd that is already not slow at all tonight. The bar is more packed than normal and Ruby forgets to ask why. She did hear Sammy whisper across the bar to a man next to her something about a discreet open door to friends of Dorothy for once. As soon as her and her unlikely plus one arrived, Christina said she'd be fine on her own. 
Ruby took that for truth but tried to read her half truth anyway. Christina held her own well but not like this...this would be a first. That was something Christina would say often "a first" with practically anything it made Ruby wonder if her secret-sometimes lover had any childhood or life at all before her sister came barreling into that mansion.
The whiskey is neat on her tongue as she tosses it back quickly before blearily grinning at Sammy. Tonight felt good and light and fun. No white eyes staring at her making her feel undone in front of them. Ruby in her skin surrounded by her kin and music that was sewn into her spirit. No matter how sad the lyrics could get the beat was full of life.
"And we have our resident songstress in the crowd tonight," someone on the small stage called out. Whistles came from the bar and the crowd mid dance at the stage. Andre, the young barkeep, winking at her taking her lipstick stained glass back behind the bar.
"I guess that's my cue Dre," Ruby raised her brows at him. He nods back, touching her hand sitting on the bar lightly. He sure was cute, she thought before slowly getting up from the stool. She makes her way past the packed house and in front of the band playing. Shouts and hollers come from the crowd as she holds out her hands. 
"Ladies and Gentlemen, the Ruby Baptiste." The man pushes the mic in her hand and whispers good luck to her. She isn't a stranger to singing while drunk or singing well while drunk. Not even with a big audience but there is a feeling of nerves in her fingers as she grips the mic and slips it back in the stand.
"Hello Southside," Ruby says into the mic. Whistles get louder and someone bangs on the bar. This crowd definitely had some new faces in it but they were smiling or leaning against someone else like lustful animals. "Alrighty i guess y'all are entitled to a few songs."
Someone yells from a booth, "Yea, where you been Ruby left us on the south side for the north side."
Ruby laughs into the mic, " Y'all think I would leave this behind never!" She looks at the guitarist, "maybe you." Folks gossiping was always a trend her name sour on so many people's mouths.
Everyone laughs in response and she laughs quietly to herself. She whispers to the band "Put on my shoes".
Ruby sways with the band as they start before leaning into the mic.
"Should I feel a little hot, you almost drive me insane, All your good intentions. Seem to wash right down the drain, put yourself in my place. You'll see what I mean and you'll know how I feel. And you'll feel, you'll feel a pain in your heart."
Ruby scans the crowd with her eyes, landing on random spots of the crowd that look more enthused then others. Her voice still gravels out...
"Baby I've been let down more times than I can remember how you cheated on poor lil me from January to December. Put yourself in my place. You'll see what I mean and you'll know how I feel."
Her hand cradles the mic as she throws her words into it. She knows that pain even if it is not her current romance. Her heart had been split open once or twice before. Maybe that's why she held her heart back in  this thing with William, Christina, or as Montrose called them Chrilliam.
"And you'll feel you'll feel a pain in your heart. I've always been faithful and I've always been true but there's gotta be the death gotta be a change in you."
Fuck him, she thought throwing her anguish in het voice before leaning back up to scan the crowd.
"Put on my shoes for a day.
Put on my shoes for a week.
Put on my shoes for a month or two, know what I've been through."
If only she could make a spell or potion, so that Christina could understand. Understand why she gets so angry and frustrated with the woman in and outside of her own blackness. She finally finds the blonde blending in surprisingly well. Christina has a drink in hand leaning against the wall, watching her. Blue eyes sweeping across the stage as Ruby moves about the space. Instead of looking away Ruby croons out....
"Go on and have fun after all is said and done."
Someone bemoans out yes sing Ruby sing. Ruby watches Christina stare at her not breaking the tension between the two of them. If this was an empty house it would be much more obvious that Ruby had been stuck. Stuck on the way Christina clutched the glass in her hand to her lips. The way her eyes didn't waver or move from Ruby eyeing her up and down.
"Put on my shoes you'll get the blues the blues the blues if you put on my shoes."
The song starts to end and Ruby finally looks away. Her heart is beating so loudly it could probably take over for Gordy the drummer if they need be. If only Christina could know authentically how it felt to be in skin like hers. Not some misplaced gesture that could have gotten her dumb ass killed...if only. 
Christina half listens to the short woman sharing the table with her. She did not care at all what the woman was saying but she fully understood she had no power in this establishment. Magically yes, but physically she was the outsider here. If someone wanted to sit at the same table in this bar they could. This bar was thick with smoke, heat, and loud. Christina observed it all, everyone seemed at home in this small establishment. A home full of strangers that couldn't cross into Lincoln Park with that same joy and comfort. She didn't understand that feeling but she also never really had a "home" to connect to. A comfort as distant as her ability to empathize with these people.
A taller full figured woman stands next to the shorter darker one before sitting down eyeing Christina up and down. Which Christina doesn't change her one note expression for. The shorter woman is still yapping on about something and Christina flits her eyes between the two. At some point the taller one leans in and introduces herself as Celia. Christina leans in a bit to hear her and nods. Celia has a cool confidence she immediately picks up on instead of the jittery energy in between them.
"Isn't this wild Cil I've never seen a white woman walk in this place alone," the short one finally says in between winds of her story.
Celia smiles at Christina and says lowly, "Alone is right." Christina sees something in the taller woman's eye and grits her teeth a bit. She isn't alone, not really, with Ruby in the same building. But neither of them is kept and Ruby doesn't often kiss her without the pieces of William stuck to her skin. 
"What's he coming over here all fancy like for, she's just white. Not royalty." a man in the booth next to the table huffs out loud enough for Christina to hear. One purpose most likely she knows.
Christina turns and sees the owner of the bar walking over to the table with a tray holding a wine glass filled with red. A few bystanders jump out of his way or side eye him. This didn't seem like the place where people went to for a glass of wine. Sammy was his name, she remembers that from her own bits of research on her extended family. She has also heard whispers that he was or is linked to her cousin's father, in that way. He stops in front of her and places the glass on the table. 
"On the house Braithwhite." Sammy purses his lips a little at her and she crosses her eyes at him. "A request from..." the stage he mouths. She softens her look when he walks away and pulls the glass to her. Sipping it she almost laughs, it's an awful merlot that tastes like pennies. The copper taste sits on her tongue and her eyes go wide. Slipping her hand into the pockets on her dress she feels for the glass vial that should be there. After a moment of panic she feels the cold glass pulling it out a bit to ensure it's still full. It is. She sighs relief into the glass and sips it again.
The music from the band is still blaring as the crowd in front of the seating area sways and moves back and forth. No singing comes through the air and Christina leans her neck slightly to find Ruby on the stage or in the crowd. It takes a bit before a wheezy laugh proceeds and sees a man on stage with Ruby. He is swaying behind her as she holds the mic singing into the mic, 
"Could a heart so right be led so wrong if his love is weak would it last this long. I don't know but I hope and pray that he comes my way oh oh." 
Christina grips at her own thigh with the hand still sitting in her pocket.
The horn player toots out loudly and Ruby turns around lightly pushing away the tall built man behind her. It was all in good fun as the band kept playing and he sidled back up to her slipping his hands back to her waist teasingly. She hears the band transition into another song while she dances on stage. Left, right, left, right. She feels her hips sway away from the fingers resting above her dress. She recognizes this song and shakes her shoulders along to the music that's all around her. Looking back at the crowd she can see the stares that she is receiving from the men in the crowd. It is all temptation and fire from many directions but Ruby shrugs to herself. She did not come for a man, she had one of those already, which was obvious others heard about. Her core tightens thinking of that man, so adept with the way he took care of her. Where is he? She wonders looking back to the table she sent that bottom shelf wine to earlier. She sees Christina but Christina is holding a conversation with a glass half full. A conversation that Ruby blinks at, a woman, a very pretty light skinned girl is undressing Christina with her eyes. Ruby knows she can't hide the look on her face and bites her tongue. It earns her an, “Ooo gurl what's on your mind,” from the guitarist who she sees her face flare with jealousy. He’s following her gaze to the table and whistles loudly. He never thought Ruby went that way, but he didn’t know a lot about Ruby outside of rumors.
Braithwhite never looked out of place even in a place like this. She just fit in well without trying like a chameleon making herself comfortable in someone else's home. If Ruby did not know some of Christina’s truths this would concern her, but not so much now. At least even at her most sordid she was honest. The green of the dress did stand out but it felt see through to Ruby. She was pretty sure the woman on the other end could only wish for the type of knowledge she had. The alcohol and revitalized confidence in her gives her half the mind to throw her shoe from the stage. Maybe knocking Christina's eyes, that were probably not bulging as much as Ruby's liquored brain saw, back into her head. Ruby thinks better than that and sits the mic back in the stand and clears her throat into the mic.
Eyes including those blue ones find their way back to the stage. Ruby glares a bit in Christina's direction then directs her words back to the crowd. "Aight y'all this is my last song for tonight, it's something me and the boys have been cooking up."
Ruby hears the band whistle and mumble about someone having her in a mood tonight. The four count from the symbol goes off and Ruby clenches the mic letting her voice seep out,
"One man's poison is another man's meat, what's good for Johnny will kill poor Pete."
People in the cloud clap at the new sound. Folks lean up off the wall to move towards the dance area or to move with the crooning in their spot. Ruby smiles with her words as they continue. 
"I'm good at loving so make no mistake I was his gravy but I'm your steak. Kiss me baby hold me tight everything's gonna be alright."
Ruby sways her hips back and forth a bit. Christina feels her eyes getting heavy dragging up and down Ruby's frame. She catches Ruby glancing her way and licks her lips quickly before the woman turns away from her. 
"One man's evil is another man's pure, kiss me baby I want your sweet loving tonight." 
Ruby extends her leg on stage twisting it with the music as she dances with the fill of the band. Moving back to the mic she slides her hands around the tall skinny pole.
Christina empties the contents of her glass not moving her vision from Ruby. She's leaning out of her chair slightly, but tries to pull herself together. If the times allowed her to, she'd have Ruby right there on the stage and she guesses if the crowd wasn’t soaking in the way Ruby reeled them in. Ruby was full of magic and had an effect on people that Christina was sensitive to. Even the first time she heard her sing.
Ruby grins as the band keeps playing and nods to them. Which they respond with air kisses. The crowd jeers as Ruby makes her way off the stage. A man's arm outstretched guides her off the stage even though she didn't need any help. Ruby can feel fire on her skin likely from Christina at the attention from a few gentlemen as Ruby passes them on her way to the bar for a glass of water. When she makes her way towards the seating area she teasingly saunters past the table she knows the blonde is sitting at. Ruby feels the eyes outlining her from behind and hears someone excuse themselves from a table behind her. She keeps walking to the bathroom she knew was at the end of the hall. 
The sound of heels matching her stride as she opens and lets herself in the single person toilet.
Ruby swallows her moans while slowly tugging the long blonde hairs in between her fingers. Light tugs feeling soft rouged cheeks against her inner thighs. Lips kissing up against her thigh garters and stockings. Ruby exhales pulling Christina's head back up to hers.
"Is that what you wanted, sitting there pissed off because someone had your new toy."
Christina exhales feeling Ruby's nails scratch her scalp ever so. Her face is flushed, she can feel it, but she shakes out no lightly. "You aren't a toy," Christina pushes Ruby's hand away from her and leans over her. Less than inches away, "I guess I'm just a little jealous and it seems you are too." 
Ruby scoffs but doesn't deny it, instead she drinks in the way Christina looks at her. With a vigor and a hunger that makes her thighs clench against the hand there. Fingers that sting in her memories from the car stroke up and down and Ruby does something she rarely does. She leans in and pulls Christina's lips to hers.
Christina revels in the slow tongue inching along hers. Ruby's hand on the back of her head, pulls her closer, and she slaps a hand against the tile wall surrounding the mirror. She likes this Ruby whoever this Ruby is. Unattached. Christina whimpers, feeling her head shoulders pushed downward. This Ruby who kisses her even without her being William. She also feels good in Ruby who is bound and only kisses William.
"You said you'd kiss whatever I wanted Braithwhite," Ruby gathers the blonde’s hair in her hands. Sinking her red fingernails into the blonde scalp, she opens her legs wider putting more weight on the metal sink. Ruby feels her breath hitch watching Christina sink to her knees while biting her lip at Ruby's words. Christina is undoing the snap of her garter while pushing Ruby's dress further up her thighs. It's almost around her waist, but this was not the place to just strip of it completely. Ruby leans her head back in relief feeling Christina inch the lacey cotton fabric around her hips down until they are off completely. She hopes Christina tucks them in her pocket at least.
Christina sighs pushing the lacey fabric into the same pocket holding William. She lightly bites into Ruby's thigh before moving to taste her fully. There is a low shudder and the grip on her hair tightens as she dips her head forward closing her eyes to fully immerse herself in Ruby. Ruby feels the hot coils in her stomach snapping and crackling. Her free hand moves from clenching her mouth to gripping the sink. She doesn't want to ruin Christina's dress but the heel of her shoe is pressing into the blondes back. A gasp like moan escapes her mouth as a shiver runs across her collar bone.
"Oh shit," the door next to them squeaks open and shut quickly, making both Ruby and  Christina open their eyes. Christina turns her head upward to stare at Ruby. She can't say she feels any shame in her current position, but Ruby might. Ruby can only see the blue eyes peeking at her with concern and heat from the bottom of her dress. But, she feels like wetness on Christina's chin on her warm thighs. Ruby leans over to the lock on the door and twists it shut before leaning her head back on the wall. She regrips Christina's hair, "Kiss what I want."
Ruby moans out loud while music and a jazzy tune slips under the door.
“Your love is voodoo and I just can’t last. It's your voodoo working, voodoo working, voodoo working and I can't get a lick…..”
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darkromanceblackburn · 5 years ago
Could you do Chromeskull and The Collector (together or separate) 'falling' for a reader whose a famous crime writer known for writing gruesome and bloody murder scenes. :)
Something funny and cute; plus Jesse is a teasing asshole. Haha...I hope I did justice to these two outside the nsfw and murder writing.
Chromeskull x Reader x The Collector- Fantasy on a white sheet
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Asa loved to read and that was a fact that even someone who didn't know this man could say. He always carried with him a book, just in case. Jesse wasn't one to be into books that much and always teased Asa for being a straight-up nerd, with his nose in the white sheets of paper.
Jesse asked Asa what was so 'exciting' about reading and the answer was simple and with no emotions.
"Try it."
Of course, Jesse just scowled at the response, rolling his brown eye and leaving Asas' house, walking to his Bentley and driving off into town. He later found himself looking over the shelves of the library who adored so many books that said man wanted to bang his bald head on the wall.
The old lady at the front was absorbed into her book too, glasses almost falling off her nose. Jesse internally chuckled and wanted to photograph her and send the image to Asa with a simple 'Just found your soulmate', but decided against it, trying to find something that wasn't boring to read.
He looked over the erotic ones but decided otherwise. His sex life was enough spiced with Asa and if his lover would see what book he chose to read he would probably give a smart remark and he didn't wanted that.
Brown eye looked past the romantic ones, 'booooring', action and comedy? Nahhh, he got lots of action in his life and he was funny enough not to need a book to make him laugh silently. Then he found himself in the crime selection.
He stopped his gaze on a black book with red details. Picking it up from the shelves he read the title.
'1000 murderous nights to remember'
Now that was more like it. The book looked pretty dark and the image on the cover with the silhouette of a dead woman along with splatters of blood caught his attention. Perfect.
After buying it, he drove back to his place, pouring himself a glass of whiskey and sitting down on a black leather armchair, opening the book and reading it.
This was almost 2 hours ago and Jesse didn't stop reading, he was so absorbed into the book, all the details and macabre mental images the book was giving him. He like it, no...Screw it, he loved it. It was like the writer had witnessed these murders or more taboo....done it. So much passion for bloodlust and death.
Jesse found himself looking at the clock, midnight when he finished the book. He was mesmerized; he needed to show Asa.
The next day, the two meet in the morning at Asas' place for coffee. Asa was, to put it bluntly, surprised to see Jesse with a book in his hand. Jesse with a book? Was he sick? Asa would have understood if he saw the bald man with a tablet or phone, but a book.
'Yeah, yeah....Laugh.' Jesse signed as he rolled his eye.
"I am not laughing, but I'm pleasantly surprised you finally took on my advice." Asa explained, sipping on his coffee.
'I brought this book so you can read it. You will be very much pleased.' Jesse signed, giving Asa a wink and tossing the book at the dark-eyed man.
Raising an eyebrow, Asa looked at the book, reading the title, then raised an eyebrow.
"I'm surprised you didn't pick a BDSM novel. Glad you didn't." Asa said, sitting down on the chair as he opened the book and began to read. He wanted today to read 'Honeybee Democracy' by Thomas D. Seeley, but this one seemed as interesting as the previous one.
It was only the curiosity about the title; both men had hobbies that implied blood, guts and cutting up humans into pieces.
After 4 hours of Asa reading and Jesse falling asleep on the couch, that was startled by Asa throwing the book at Jesse, waking him up and looking at Asa.
"Where did you find this book?" Asa asked with crossed arms over his chest.
'Where do you think? The library. Why? Wanna find the writer and give him some advice?' Jesse signed, rubbing his eye from sleepiness.
"Yes, and it looks like there will be a book opening for the second one. Let's get going." Asa said, pulling his denim jacket over his black turtle neck.
Jesse was driving with Asa next to him as they reached the mall complex where the book event was held. It was pretty crowded, so the two had to wait to reach the writer that was at the front.
While waiting, the two inspected the people among the crowd, looking for fresh meat to put it like that. Jesse was looking from the corner of his eye at two young girls, who giggled; too easy. Asa was having a bored expression on his face until he saw a middle-aged couple with a teenage boy; the boy would look good in his collection, shaped in the form of a Apis mellifera.
After half an hour the crowd disappeared after the bought the second book and got the autograph of the writer. That's when both men's eyes widened when their gaze locked on the small female at the desk with a smile on her face as she waved at the last one of her fans.
This woman was you.
Asa felt his stomach turn as he realized who the gruesome and sadistic writer was; a young woman who wasn't bad looking either, decent and well put together; his type.
Jesse, on the other hand, was more confident and walked straight to you. You smiled up at the man as he handed you the second book to sign. He pulled out his phone texting.
'Love your writing, doll. A masterpiece.' you read the text on his phone and you giggled.
"Aww stop, you're making me blush." you said and Jesse smirked victoriously.
Asa was sitting a few feet away. That sly bastard; it was his first book to read probably since 4th grade and he acted like he owned a bookcase.
Your eyes found Asa who has held a copy of the second book, then you looked back at Jesse who was smirking at the shy man.
'Sorry for my friend over there. He's a bit shy and I think he has a crush on you.' he texted and you blushed, looking at the obsidian eyed man, giving him a wave and smile.
Asa knew that Jesse texted you something about him, just by how smug that bastard was looking. Jesse beckoned Asa with his index finger to come closer.
'I swear I'm gonna murder him'
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desiraypark · 5 years ago
The Toby Tamer (Pt. II)
Part I Characters: Toby Grummett x Deidre Watkins (OC - Blk/F) Content: Fuckin’. (Dirty/degrading talk) Word Count: 2,971
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Deidre was just walking back to the elevator when she heard rapid footsteps behind her. “Heyyy, Ms. Watkiiiins...” Toby called in a nervous sing-songy voice. She turned around, and he was gliding toward her, wearing a tan blazer, matching pants, and a red shirt.  “I’m not late.” Deidre glanced at her watch. “Yes, you are.” 
She continued toward the elevator, but Toby walked in front of her.  “Well, you didn’t give me a lot of time to get prepared, Ms. Watkins.” “You asked me out to dinner, not the other way around.” Deidre reached behind him to press the elevator button, but Toby grabbed her hand and held it.  “Don’t act like you’re doing me a favor, Deidre...” he said.  “Oh, but I am, Toby,” she shot back. She walked close enough for their bodies to touch. “I guarantee you that I am.”
Toby shuddered and drew a breath between his teeth.”I apologize for being late.” Deidre smirked. “I accept your apology.” Toby released Deidre’s hand, then placed it over his arm. “Our luxury Uber awaits us.” A woman drove Deidre and Toby in a gorgeous black Bentley. Deidre sat behind the driver. “So, how long have you been in the business, Mr. Grummett?” Deidre asked. She crossed her left leg over the right, revealing a sleek, sharp stiletto and her soft skin.  “Long enough,” he answered, pivoting his body to face her. He glanced at her leg. “Hmph.” Deidre turned to face him, as well. “And what exactly is long enough?” “Long enough to know what to do, how to do it, and how to do it well...” Toby’s eyes scanned her entire body. “Would you say that after all of this is over, that I will be satisfied with the results?” “Very satisfied. In fact, so satisfied that you’ll want to make another movie with me,” Toby answered. He slid his hand across the seat in Deidre’s direction, but she dropped her purse on top of it.  “I’ll be the judge of that.” ____________________ Deidre gleefully treated herself to a three-course meal on Toby’s dime - shrimp cocktail, a porterhouse steak, and cheesecake. The talk wasn’t big, but it wasn’t small. Toby talked about his first film, shot in Spain. Deidre discussed her lifelong love for soap operas and romance novels. But topics were short and sweet--the food more interesting and important. When Deidre ate the last bite of her dessert, she leaned across the table, giving Toby a view of her breasts. “Take me back to my hotel, please...” They rode back in silence. They walked through the hotel in silence. And they stepped on the empty elevator in silence. As soon as the doors closed, Deidre turned to Toby and ran her hand up and down his chest.  “You’re arrogant and self-absorbed. And you’ve managed to maintain a career by being charming. And tall...” she said. Toby’s ears absorbed her (true) insults, as his eyes took drank in everything in his view. Her dark eyes that seemed to beckon him. The hand that caressed his body. He began to step toward her. “You have no clue how the movie industry works. Your book is porn for women who play bingo.” Suddenly, Deidre’s back was against the elevator wall. “And you’re short.” “Fuck you.” Toby pressed his body against hers--letting her feel the stiffness in his pants. “Hard, I hope.” The elevator doors flew open, and Toby walked to the entry, allowing Deidre to walk out first. As she sauntered out, he smacked her ass, then followed behind. Suddenly, Deidre felt a hand around her waist. Toby whirled her around to face him, walked her into the wall, and kissed her passionately. 
Deidre shoved her tongue in his mouth and ran her fingers through his hair. Toby’s fingers wiggled over her split and up her thigh. He took hold of it, and wrapped her leg around his waist. Then, Deidre wrapped her arms around his neck, and let Toby lift her up.  “What room?” he pulled away to ask.  “91...” When Toby reached the door, Deidre dug in her purse, pulled out a key card and gave it to him. Toby swiped it and opened the door to the one-bedroom suite. Lips still attached to hers, he carried her through dark the living room, and into the darkened bedroom. With his help, she found the light switch, and he tossed her on the bed with a little yelp.  “I’m gonna show you a real sex scene...” Toby said, taking off his jacket.  Deidre kicked off her shoes. “Do you actually get far enough with women to show th--”
Toby grabbed her leg and yanked her down to the edge of the bed. “And I’m gonna shut that fucking mouth of yours up.” He reached under her dress and felt around for the hem of her panties--discovering only a string over her hips. He pulled the G-string down, letting the feel of her flesh melt at his fingertips in the process. Once the underwear left her ankles and hit the floor, Toby slithered up her body, pushed her dress up, opened her legs and all but swallowed her pussy. A shocked “oh!” fell from Deidre’s mouth. Toby let a puddle of saliva dribble from lips and onto her clit, then, he spread it around with his tongue, Deidre lifted her knees and gave Toby better access. His dark eyes met hers, and he smirked. Then, he closed his eyes and savored the taste of her.  “How does it taste?” Deidre asked. “Terrible.” Deidre laughed, and Toby chuckled with a “hmph”, sending a light hum against her flesh. He grabbed the backs of her knees, held her legs back, and explored every inch of her--her stiff brown clit and warm outer lips. He fucked her bubblegum pink insides with his tongue, and let some of her juices collect on his tongue. Then, he glazed her folds with the concoction of his saliva and her essence.  “Oh, fuckkkk, Toby...” she whimpered. Toby pulled his lips away and smacked her pussy with an opened palm. She squealed and her legs snapped shut. “Ow!” “What did you call me?” he asked. He pried her legs open again, and pushed two fingers inside. “Mmm...Mr. Grummett...” she self-corrected.  He slammed his fingers into her hard--clenching his teeth as he watched himself make a squelching mess out of her. 
“Frigid little pussy is opening right up for your director...” he inserted his remaining two fingers, causing Deidre to squirm and slide back, but Toby pressed his free hand against her belly. “Do those nice Harlequins know you’re a cock hungry little slut, Deidre?” Even while gripping the sheets, Deidre couldn’t resist an attempt to regain control. She sat up and rested on her elbows. “I’m nowhere near hungry for your cock, you overgrown twat...” Fire burned in Toby’s eyes, and they seared through Deidre’s face. They let a linger stare between them as Toby continued banging his fingers into her. Finally, he snatched his fingers out and stood up. He pressed his knees into the mattress, ran a finger from Deidre’s neck, to her cleavage. Then, he grabbed the top of the dress with both hands and ripped it open.  “Why the fu--”  “Shhhhh...” Toby shushed, putting his finger to her lips. He planted a kiss on her lips, down her chin and neck, and nuzzled the space between her breasts. As he grabbed her right breast and sucked her nipple, he unbuckled his belt with his free hand. Toby took turns sucking at each breast as he tugged at the belt. Then he stood up, let the leather strap fall to the floor and pulled at the remainder of his clothes--shoes included. Deidre sat up and pulled her tattered dress over her head, revealing her bare breasts. “You come onto my set...” he said, starting to unbutton his shirt. Deidre sat back and rested against the headboard, pulling one knee up to her chest. “...acting like you’re in charge; acting like you’re in charge on our date...” “Date? Is that what that was?” Toby pulled off his shirt and let it drop to the floor. Deidre bit her lip as she looked over his bare chest. He kicked off his shoes and pulled a condom out of his pocket. Then, he pulled down his pants and boxer-briefs and stood up straight, revealing his hard length--aching red at the tip and etched with pulsing veins. He opened the condom wrapper and slid the latex cover on. Then, he crawled on the bed toward her, and pulled her down by her leg. He held her legs up by the backs of her knees, but let one of them go to line up at her entrance. Then, he took hold of both legs again, and slammed into her. “FUCK!” she shouted.  Toby didn’t move for a few seconds, savoring the feeling of her velvet walls warming his dick. Then, he began to thrust into her, giving her little time to process the monster that was sliding in and out of her. She squirmed and squealed, as he stroked and grunted. “Mmm...the writer is quiet now...” Toby mumbled. “Just shut up and fuck me,” Deidre said, gripping the sheets. Toby pulled himself out, flipped Deidre over, and she instinctively got on her hands and knees. She opened her knees just enough to expose more of her pussy to him. He gave her clit a few more licks, then slipped back in. Deidre cried out at the intrusion, and Toby grabbed her by the hair to pull her flush to his chest. 
“I’m gonna fuck you so hard that you won’t be able to walk tomorrow. Especially not on my fucking set.” 
He began to pound into her. Then, he planted some kisses on her neck. “From now on, every guy you fuck isn’t gonna be enough. You’re gonna fuck them, wishing it was my cock in this wet little pussy of yours...” Toby slowed his pace, making sure his length made contact with every nerve in her walls. She gripped his thigh and squealed. Pleasure shot through Deidre’s body in waves. She nearly fell forward, but Toby pressed a hand down on her stomach and wrapped his hand around her neck--not squeezing, but pushing her head down against his chest, letting the room’s light illuminate her brown skin--smooth in some spots, little pimples here and there. He sucked at her neck, and she closed her eyes, allowing herself to feel every sensation. Suddenly, she felt the light sting of teeth sinking into her flesh, causing her eyes to open. Coming out of her stupor, she looked up at Toby. “Lay down...” He slammed up into her one hard time. “No.” Deidre grabbed his wrist and pressed her nails into his flesh. “Lay down, you fucking whore.” Toby yanked his hand away from her neck and pulled himself out. He lied down on the bed and Deidre threw her leg over him, letting her shins rest in the mattress. Toby laughed. “Don’t hurt yourself, Little One,” he said. Deidre’s eyes narrowed. She sat up and turned around, giving Toby’s eyes an ass to feast upon. He gave her right cheek a smack. Deidre lifted herself and grabbed Toby’s shins. She looked back, grabbed hold of his dick, and slid down on it, letting the head touch her cervix. She bit her lip, then started bouncing up and down, slowly.  “How does that feel?” she asked. “Wonderful,” Toby said, kneading her cheeks.  Then, she picked up a merciless pace. She held Toby’s shins as she bounced up and down. Her ass rippled with every move. He put his hands behind his head and enjoyed the view.  “From now on...” she started. “Every woman you fuck after this is going to be second best to me...” Suddenly, Toby felt a tightening around his length. He bit his lip and his hands flew to her ass for no logical reason. “Fuck...” “You’re gonna fuck some other writer or P.A. or whoever it is you like to fuck, and her pussy isn’t going to feel half as good as mine...” 
Deidre let go of Toby’s shins and maneuvered to plant her feet on the mattress. With nothing but her own core keeping her balanced, she held her hands in the air and moved her hips in circles.  “Ohhhh, fuck...” Toby groaned.  “You will NEVER...EVER...come across a woman who moves her hips like this...” Deidre abandoned her hip rotations and bounced up and down on Toby’s length again. “Ohmygod...” he groaned. He held Deidre’s waist.  “Come Toby. Just come. You know you want to...” Toby clenched his teeth, and Deidre watched his legs move up and down against the bedding. His toes were curled.  “Fill that condom up and imagine it’s you filling my...sweet...wet...sloppy...pussy...” she said, punctuating her words with rapid drops down on his shaft.  “I know what you’re trying to do, you little slut,” he said, pressing his fingers into her flesh. “Oh, shut up and take it you bitch!” Deidre shot back. She picked her pace up again. Then, she started to rub her clit. “We’re gonna come at the same time. You ready?” “No!” Toby shouted, squirming beneath her. He tried to hold Deidre still, but it only made her bounce faster.  “You know you want to. Just fucking come. You know you can’t last any longer!” Deidre noticed Toby’s toes curl again, but his legs stiffened. With a feral groan, he emptied himself--as Deidre said, wishing it was her hot pussy he was filling up. But Deidre was still chasing her orgasm, rubbing her clit while still riding his sensitive member. “FUCK! FUCK!” Toby screamed, grabbing her hips, trying to keep her still. “OHHH! OHHH!” he cried, legs sliding up and down the end of the bed again.  “Fuck, Deidre, get off of me!” he shouted. “Almost there...” she said, paying him little attention. Deidre threw her head back, and Toby felt her tightening around him again.  “Fucccccckkkkk!” she shouted. Her walls squeezed the throbbing circumference, and Toby felt hot splashes land on his thighs. Her liquid dribbled down his dick and all the way down to his balls.  Finally, Deidre climbed off and laid down beside him to catch her breath. “Get out,” she said.  Toby chuckled and rolled over to hover over her. “You’re not tough.” “Who said anything about being tough?” Deidre asked. “You’re trying to play this bitch role and it doesn’t fit you at all,” Toby said.  Deidre smirked, then rubbed his face. “You’re right.” Toby kissed her on the lips, then laid down beside her. He wrapped his arm around her, and she turned to the side. He followed suit, making a little spoon out of her.
Too tired for a second round, they both fell asleep. Hours later, Toby left for his hotel. For he still had a shoot to get to, and lots to catch up on since wrapping up the day so early the day before. ”It was nice meeting you, Toby. Even though you’re fucking up my story,” Deidre said, holding the door opened for him. “You’re not so bad yourself. If you’re ever in the mood for a hot director’s stiff cock, you know who to call,” he said, kissing her on the lips.  “I sure do,” Deidre said with a mischievous smile. She watched Toby walk down the hallway and onto the elevator. ____________________ Two Months Later “Call me a slut again, Toby!” “You’re a fucking slut,” Toby said, staring at the ceiling as the girl he’d met an hour ago rode his dick.  “Tell me you love this pussy!” she cried. Toby looked at her, enjoying herself. He closed his eyes and thought of Deidre. “Fuckin’ love this pussy...” “Yes, yes, yes!” she said. Suddenly, she stopped bouncing. She sat up and noticed Toby’s dick softening. She huffed and climbed off him.  “Look, if you’re not in the mood, I can go home, Toby,” she said.  “Yeah, go on and do that,” he said, yawning and stretching. She scoffed, grabbed her dress, stepped into it and pulled it up. Then, she stomped out of the bedroom. Toby heard her knocking things down. He got up and followed her out of his apartment, not caring about the turned-over ashtray or the shattered figurine on his living room floor. She stepped into her shoes, grabbed her purse and walked out the door. He locked it behind her and went to his room.  Toby sat on the side of his bed, grabbed his phone, and thumbed through it. He went to Instagram and searched through his direct messages, landing upon the ones between him and Deidre from about a month ago. Well. The ones he’d sent Deidre. tobydirects Tried to text you. I’ll be in your town, soon. Read tobydirects In Atlanta for a few days. Was hoping we could meet up... Read Then, he clicked on her name to pull up her page. She had a new photo. 21 hours ago, she’d posted a photo of her hand with a big diamond on the ring finger, with the caption: deedeewatkins I like to keep my personal business just that. PERSONAL! But this was too wonderful to share. Love you @ djonesatl. Toby clicked on the “djonesatl” hyperlink:
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[Image description: Instagram posted (generated using a Fake Instagram Profile generator. djonesatl is Derek Jones, a director]
Toby huffed, put the phone on the nightstand, and fell back on the bed. He began to flail around like a fish on land. “Fuuuuuuuuuuuuucccccckkkkkkkkkkk!” he shouted, his screaming echoing through the apartment. He took a few deep breaths, snatched the condom off his dick, and sat up again, reaching for the lotion on his nightstand. He squirted some in his hand, fell back down, and stroked his dick, imagining his hand was Deidre’s “sweet...wet...sloppy pussy...”
“Dammit!” he shouted to the ceiling.
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lineffability · 6 years ago
Not With A Bang
The Bentley’s old engine purred, the same way it always had. The sound died away in the air-less space all around. Swallowed by silence and nothing. (Sound-less deep-dark empty-full nothing-space.) It was the first time in a long time that it had been taken out for a spin.
It would never feel asphalt again.
In the backseat, a book by Pamela Zoline. The Heat Death of the Universe. Aziraphale had found it weirdly appropriate.
Beneath them (far, so far beneath, so very out of reach), a burnt wasteland. Beneath them, Earth.
Up here, just them. It had always been just them. Here they were, the angel and the demon who had been here since the beginning: with front row seats to the end of the world. A real end, this time.
It was a Sunday afternoon—it would have been. Weekdays had long since ceased to hold any meaning (but they’d kept count).
Earth had become uninhabitable centuries ago (millennia? they hadn’t kept count of that—small time was sometimes much more easily measured than the greater scale of things); regardless, her true natural death would have lain millions of years ahead, still: the sun expanding and swallowing her up, hot-crisp fire, red and yellow and white and blinding, and incinerated organisms, cells, atoms; not even ash left to tell the tale. The sun, dying, dead, the solar system, too. That was the way it was prophesied by scientists, back in the day. And they would have been right.
But she had not died a natural death the first time (they say you die twice, right? The first time when you cease to live, the second when someone utters your name for the very last time—well, for Earth it was the other way around. Nobody had uttered her name in a long time, yet she was still alive. In a way.); she would not be granted a natural death the second time.
Perhaps that was a mercy.
A sun flare would do it, a little hiccup in the nature of things, a little irregularity barely noticeable (the humans would have been able to foretell it, to measure it with their clever instruments ahead of its occurrence though not much, had they still been around). A bit of fire in the vast nothing that would light up the darkness temporarily and would soon die out and be gone. And the earth with it. Millennia, with it. Histories.
The Edda, the Oddyssey, Milton, Platon, Nietzsche and his Dead God, the Bible, the Quran, the Torah and their live God(s), Recipes, Family Trees, Galileo Galilei, Rumi, Shakespeare, Fanfiction, Love Letters, Neruda, Confucius, Contracts, whispered nothings and screamed everythings. Testaments. (Who could ever count them all? Could have counted. Not anymore. All gone.)
Many lives had been lived, on this speck that once had been green and blue. (That was now brown and red and black and boiling, from the inside out and the outside in.)
Back then, when even the world’s leaders had had to admit at last, with grim faces, that the point of no return had long been left behind, somewhere in the 3rd Millennia AC, and then a little or long while later, they’d stopped counting from the past to the present—700 After Christ, 1492 After Christ, 2019 After Christ—they’d started counting towards a point in time. 3, 2, 1, to death. To the end. That had been after the official announcements, the accepting. The world had known long before. They had known before the rivers dried out and water had to be rationed, and then the food, too. Before people started dying and wars broke out. But they had done nothing. Not the people, not the governments.
Anyways, too long ago now. Long gone.
They didn’t speak, neither the angel nor the demon. Their minds were filled with memories.
They were here to say goodbye to an old friend. The one who had started it all, who had given the first life. The one on whose soft skin they had met, and lived and loved. The one whose skin was now hard and scorched and old, but not old enough to want to die.
The Earth was so very alone, in its last moments.
It filled them with a deep sadness.
(God had not spoken to the humans since Noah’s time. She had not spoken with the angels since the end of the world. The first End, the one that had turned out not to be an end at all. It had been a beginning. But every beginning has an end, in its turn.
And every end yields to a new beginning.
She had not spoken to anyone since the death of the last human on earth.
Was she watching now?
Ineffable Ineffability. Ineff-fucking-ability.)
There were tears in Aziraphale’s eyes. Crowley was wearing his sunglasses, so it was hard to tell. (His sunglasses, after all this time. They still had their purpose. The sun, and the glasses. Funny thing.)
And then the flare: a flash, an eruption, a light, light and heat, expanding, e x p a n d i n g, reaching, touching, burning, burning—
It had started with a Bang. It did not end with one.
It sounded like a whimper.
“This is how the world ends,” Aziraphale mumbled, quoting a long dead poet, one amongst so many long dead poets, so many long dead humans. “Not with a bang, but with a whimper.”
“He knew, huh?”
“I guess so. They had a penchant for knowing, and guessing, and prophecising, did they not?”
“Funny, ingenious creatures,” Crowley agreed.
They remained silent, after that, watching the Earth dissipate, and holding hands.
Earth had not been inhabited for millennia, was turning into a nostalgic memory more than a real thing. Now that it was truly gone, one day not too far from now, it would turn myth.
But myths need to be told, and remembered. Who was there to remember?
“Where to next?”
“Which of the colonies do you fancy?”
“Mars? The Pleiades?”
“The Pleiades? Don’t be ridiculous, angel. They just got there; you wouldn’t enjoy a life without luxuries. We’ll save that one for later.”
“Fine, then. Alpha Centauri?” There was a twinkle in the angel’s eyes.
Crowley grinned. “Sounds like a plan.”
The end of the world? Yes. The end of humanity?
Oh, they’d shown long ago that it would take more than that.
The Bentley drove on, through endless space, and endless possibility, towards the future.
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sleepymccoy · 5 years ago
Crowley stood outside his apartment, deciding if he wanted to go inside or not. There was holy water on the ground, bad memories, and resentful plants in there. He could just take his name off the lease and pick up a new place. Start again. 
He spun on his heel and walked to the nearest real estate business. Two hours and a hastily miracled £3,000,000 and he owned a disgustingly modern studio apartment in Soho. It was all metal walls and neon lights you could change the colour of and too many mirrors and heated floors. He was pretty pleased about the heated floor, if he was honest. It did have a nice balcony, which Crowley had missed in the last few decades, as well as two smallish rooms off to the side that made the studio aspect of it more liveable. It was also walking distance to Aziraphale's bookshop, but that was a coincidence of course. 
Crowley walked around his empty studio space. He needed to go back to his old apartment and pick up his statues, he hadn't considered them sufficiently when he'd discorporated Ligur. He miracled himself some gumboots in case the water had remained.
It had and Crowley was relieved no one could see him taking large, ridiculously posed and stressful steps over his doorway.
Collecting his things had gone without any major incidents and by dinner time Crowley had set up his new flat. The plants were in one room, a bed in another. There was a large bath overlooked by the statue of a bird he'd picked up during the blitz sitting in the corner of the studio. The wrestling angel and demon had a focal stage in one corner surrounded by a few too low to be comfortable couches that Crowley had backdated the order of and so had arrived three hours after his irate complaint to the furniture company. He had a shelf with wines and whiskeys all along it and two glasses of each useful kind. 
Crowley threw himself into a couch with a glass of wine and looked out at his balcony warmly. It was empty, he'd have to do something good with it before summer. He’d love a chance to bask in the sun again. As the sun went down the reflection of the angel and demon sharpened, forcing him to think about Aziraphale. It had been a week since they'd ended the end of the world. Crowley had crashed at the bookshop a few times, and spent a few nights just driving around England, making sure his Bentley felt right. It had been about 40 hours since he'd last slept, but he wasn't tired yet. He had a month or so before he’d get properly tired, but he’d likely sleep tomorrow regardless.
He'd had to buy a new phone and had decided to get a new number too, might as well make it a smidge more inconvenient for Hell to find him. He grabbed the receiver (he'd bought a stylish modern phone that formed a free standing circle, the receiver was part of the circle. He hated it, but it suited the flat. And it claimed a good capacity to block unwelcome calls.) and dialled.
He called the bookshop and waited for Aziraphale to answer. Aziraphale had set his phone to ring ten times before going to voicemail because he so often was quite a distance from it. Crowley had not yet left a message on Aziraphale's answering machine, but as ring eight passed he wondered if tonight he might have to. What was he calling to say?
"Welcome to Fell bookshop, I mean, welcome to my answering phone. Um, if you have a question I hope you find the answer to it. Open hours are as on my door. Leave a message if you must. Have a splendid day!"
The tone sounded.
"Aziraphale, what're you doing? I got a new phone number, I'll come by and give it to y- oh, never mind, you won't listen to this. I'll come by." Crowley hung up quickly.
He considered finishing his wine, then considered leaving it behind to return to. Then remembered that he'd moved in three blocks from Aziraphale's and could simply walk with his glass, so he did so. 
Shortly later he arrived at the bookshop, his saunter mildly more pronounced than usual because of his drink. The lights were off, oddly.
Crowley banged on the door, flipping off a curious and concerned pedestrian as he did. "It's me!" He shouted even though he thought it was rather obvious.
There was no reaction. He hit the door again. And old lady walking her cat on a leash glared at him so he smiled back warmly and miracled the leash to break. He chuckled into his glass as she spent two minutes trying to coax the cat down from a high wall.
"Aziraphale!" He called out after a kind citizen had climbed the wall and passed the cat back to the woman. "Azi- oh." He noticed a letter taped to the glass of the door, exactly at his eye level. It said Crowley in pleasant script. 
He put his glass down on the step and tore the envelope open. It was short. He sank to the step, sitting next to his glass.
Needed a break, gone to France x
Crowley read it a few times. 
Crowley finished his glass of wine.
Crowley read the letter again.
Crowley threw his glass of wine into a nearby bin and walked home, the letter in his hand.
That was chapter one, read the rest on ao3
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writingforyourpleasure · 5 years ago
Characters: GERARD WAY x Reader
Link to chapter one :   https://writingforyourpleasure.tumblr.com/post/190745024051/on-the-road-again
Author’s note: Enjoy ! 
2.      “ 666 “
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After they all introduce their self to you, they all went back to their conversation with Billy and Dex . You sat on the floor having nowhere else to sit . 
You listened to their argument about which of Gotham villains was the best one, just when you finally wanted to take part into the conflict a loud bang on the door resounded and a voice, probably of the boys crew, maked itself heard calling the guy for make up and costumes. You were also told to hurry up on yours if you wanted to be on stage in 30 minutes. You actually started to stressed out at this point . You got your make up done and your stage clothes on in top record. Your make up was blue flames under your eyes made with your electric blue liner and red eyebrows with mate black lips. Your stage clothes was a XL Chaos T-shirt in vivid red completely destroyed in which you almost drowned because he was so large, your camo pants and rangers , easy and perfect for a lot of sweating. You took your drum sticks and headed to the stage. 
A wave of screams maked itself heard at your arrival, fading as soon as you joined your kit and Dex his bass. You closed your eyes letting Dex start with their bass introduction to the first song soon matching them on their rhythm and the familiar passion eating you alive. No one existed , right now it was just like when you were sixteen. In your bedroom behind your drums and Dex facing you with his bass close to your bed , the door of your room open to let your parents listen to your music, they asked for it. And the most important public in the world , your dog Matcha. Yes, playing for an entire arena was just amazing, but right now you played for yourself , wanting to let yourself go . You always tried to give the best of yourself, you didn’t wanted to loose the magic of what this moment procured you. 
Once you’re part was done , an interlude of 30 minutes took places .
“Dude you smell SO bad right now” You shoved your left elbow into his ribs for yelling it so loud to anyone who would listened .
“Shut your stupid mouth , you smell as bad as I do”
“Well Y/N I’ll loved to say you’re right … but you aren’t” This shitty Ames said coming up in front of you to leave for the scene to bring back in your truck your instruments . soon followed by Billy who shout you up a smile.
“I think you smell okay Y/N”
“Thank you , but no need for such big lies pretty boy” You winked at him , making pink appeared under his beard . You walked it off with a smug grin along with an amused chuckled .
Crossing paths with Ray , Gerard , Frank and Mikey along the way. Then you headed for your lodge to be the first one to shower as Dex stayed over to the scene to help Billy and Ames .
  This was already three months ago. You were now on a break of one week , back to your parents house in the suburbia of Leeds, in the county of West Yorkshire in Northern England . Since you couldn’t afford the rent of your apartment in London, while not living in it for most part of the year, anymore. The positive point in all this was that you got to live with your dog Matcha the rare times where you weren’t on tour.
During those last three months a lot of things changed . You, Billy, Dex, Mikey, Frank, Gerard and Ray became friends pretty fast. Even through you gotta to admit the fact that Ray being a goddamn Greek god at the guitar, and also with his amazing hair, was a tiny bit intimidating. Ames and Max were friends with the guys too but less close to them than Billy, Dex and you were. Ames because he had a short temperament and had trouble trusting people he didn’t knew, and Max just because he was overwhelmed with work all the time, you seriously doubted he even took full nights of good sleep , a nap maybe but nothing more .
 The shows were great too, the fans were shoving enthusiasm in your band and your music which was a good sign. Sometimes some of them even asked for autographs at the end of shows, you weren’t really used to it, but you guessed nobody ever was in the end. Ray was the closest you got to, he was very kind, smart and someone you just enjoyed spending time around, Frank, Mikey and Gerard too but a little less than Ray even if you would never say it out loud or you would never hear the end of it. You just were still a little bit intimidated by him where Ray seemed more approachable sometimes. Dex is pretty close to Mikey and Gerard from what you observed. 
Dex, you and your new friends we’re often sharing the same bus , most of the time the one of the guys while Billy , max and Ames stayed on your sleep , unless for sleeping . But with the shows and the adrenaline that came with it, most of the time you didn’t made it to your bunks until early in the morning. The memory of it was all it took to put a small smile on your lips . 
You were actually on the carpet floor of your bedroom playing guitar , just above a whisper coz’ your parents we’re asleep on the other side of the hallway . Matcha was watching you , her tongue out breathing loudly with a huge smile on her face, comfortably laying on her favorite xxl cushion by the side of your bed.
 On your velux Window, the drops of rain created a gentle rhythm . It was 3 in the morning , you didn’t arrived to find sleep that easily at home since your bedtime on tour was much different. You’d came back two days ago, since then something seemed to be giving you anxiety . You couldn’t remember when you felt it for the first time . Was it on the plane home ? Before or after ? You didn’t know but you felt like something was wrong and couldn’t seem to shake the feeling. 
You started to play some chords in a random order getting lost into your music . It remembered you those nights when Ray or Frank would mess around with their guitar while you were all talking to each other after a show. You always just stood there, staring more than participating in the conversation . You really admire the way they played and was listening quietly before someone would start talking to you as always. Sometimes , even if it was rarely , Gerard would play, in those moments you just stared completely bewitched by him. He didn’t play as well as Ray and Frank , but had his way around it. He looked so gentle each time he’d done it with an huge concentration, where Ray and Frank seemed more carefree. You stopped playing guitar lost in your thoughts, as you were remembering the scene. 
His dark locks just falling before his eyes and you just sitting in front of him watching him more than the guitar. Then he locked his eyes with yours catching you staring like he did every time you looked at him playing . You didn’t know how every time he just felt your eyes on him and caught you before you could turn your gaze away, making you blush a little bit because you didn’t want to seem like a creep . But he would usually just have a smug smirk on his lips before sitting his guitar and joining the conversation with everyone. Just remembering it, made you blush .
When you woke up the next day with Matcha laying on your side as always . Today was no different than yesterday you still had this underlying anxiety on the back of your mind, you sigh . You really had hope it will go away today. You  made a point to go out today, just to change that train of thoughts. 
You usually just tried to avoid going out because here, people knew you , not from being in a band no, people knew you from high school and you knew them from it. So you didn’t had that much success with people finding you likeable here for some reasons. Well maybe it was coz’ back in high school you were full of cynicism and people had a hard time understanding your humor or lack of it . Being a nerd who played D&D on Sunday’s didn’t help either. Add the fact that you were one of the only people in your school who had crazy hair colors and who always talked back to shitheads . 
But you kinda wanted to pay your friend Charlie a visit, it’s been a while since the two of you hang out . Charlie was one of your friends in high school who was in your D&D Sunday group, she is now on medical school, to be a doctor , which means you didn’t get a lot of news from her by text but tried to both do your best to keep each other updated on your lifes.
You got up unfortunately waking up Matcha along the way and made your way downstairs, soon followed by your golden retriever. Finding your box of cereals and making yourself a mug of coffee for breakfast. Before your mom entered the room already dressed , your dad worked from 8am to 6pm at the University of Leeds as a Philosophy teacher and your mom was working as an astronaut at the British Space Program and she was currently on break for several months before her next mission.
“Hello Y/N , you and I are going to the mall shopping for food in less than 15 minutes so go get dressed .
“Hi mom, can’t you go alone ? I’d planned on staying home this morning and going over to Charlie’s later .” You said pretty annoyed with your mother’s request.
“I could use the extra help , so got change yourself would you ?” She said before hurrying out of the kitchen not waiting for you to answer .
You finished your bowl of cereals and your coffee , quickly going upstairs to change.
You were waiting for your mom on your porch facing your street number. Younger the fact that you lived on the 666 of your street always made you laugh, it still does. You decided to take a quick picture of the number plate and put it on Instagram writing below it :”Never gets old” quickly pulling away your phone as you mom was locking up the front door and walked up to her car with you on her tracks.
Once inside your side of the Bentley on the left , while your mom was climbing on the driver seat on the right , your phone buzzed inside of your jeans . You pulled it out unlocking it , only to see the comment on your last post .
@Gerardway: “ seems perfect for a cult summoning!”
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miastideclock · 5 years ago
Stray Kids Reaction To Their Girlfriend Flinching
do you do the bulletpoint things? if yes- Can i request a skz reaction to their girlfriend flinching when they raise their hand in an argument or something?? Or like they accidentally hurt you in a fight? With these members please: bang chan, hyunjin, jisung, felix - thank you
Notes: not all of these are flinching and stuff, but they heavily relate??? idk you’ll understand when you read it lmao
Bang Chan
the best boyfriend
not ever a question
so when you, his girlfriend, backed away and instantly protected your neck, his heart shattered
he knew you had gone through some shit in your past, but he never thought if could affect you like this
he then realized he had been ignorant to just blatantly ignore your past like that
you had been standing in the kitchen arguing about the bills or something, at this point neither of you really remember
he had been frustrated out of his mind, pacing back and forth over the floor, rubbing his face
“Chan, stop.”
He did as he was told and stopped right in front of you, leaning against the kitchen table which you faced
it was then he raised his hand to drag it through his hair, you flinched
your hands instantly raised to protect your neck and you took a step back, your breath hitching in your throat.
pretty sure the entire neighborhood heard his heart break into a gazillion pieces and catch on fire.
“Baby, no please. I would never lay hand on you- you know that.” He tried
“I don’t know that. They all say that, and then that’s exactly what they do.”
The prominent fear in your voice made him tear up.
“I’m so sorry.” 
He would sit on the floor, not wanting to make any sudden movements so you could fully calm down. 
“It’s okay. Just, just be patient with me, okay?” You sat down next to him and took his hands in yours. 
Crying, but together. 
“I’m sorry.” x 1 000 000 000 
“Stop, it’s okay. We’re okay.” x 1 000 000 001
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Hyunjin loved you
so so much
one of his favorite qualities about you, was that you could make light of almost anything
like that time he accidentally swatted you instead of the bug
you keep joking about it constantly, making hyunjin laugh every time
little did he know, you did it to try and get your mind off it
he had actually frightened you that day, not because he had swatted you, because let’s be real, accidents happen
But after he had swatted you and you had a bruise for a few days, he never apologized- he would just tease you?
and not that it was TOO big of an issue, but one of your friends had pointed out that, if he didn’t apologize for this- what WOULD he apologize for, etc etc
she really got into your head and it was bad
real bad
But when he picked up a fly swatter at the store and started messing around with it, poking it towards you- it wasn’t as funny anymore
he realized that when he saw you flinch and tear up.
you had turned and said you needed to go get something, hoping he hadn’t seen your reaction, but evidently he had
hyunjin had NEVER moved faster as he let go of the swatter and ran so he was in front of you, not daring to touch in case he scared you
“babe, what’s wrong?” he was genuinely unsure of what he had done
after shaking the anxiety out and trying your best to explain what the case was, you were both sat at aisle 13 crying
“I’m so sorry, i don’t know what i was thinking-”
he would fumble with his hands, not kowing whether to touch you or stay out of a 16 mile radius of you, so he wouldn’t hurt you again
“shut up and hug me.”
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a dork
but that’s nothing new
and dorks have a tendency to not always think about exactly what it is that they’re doing
so get this, one day you and your boyfriend are play-fighting on the living room couch
you guys are messing around, its fun
jisung then takes it a step too far, by towering over you while you are laid on your back, making it impossible for you to escape
he starts tickling you like crazy
at first, you laugh, but the laughter soon turns to pain as he doesn’t stop
“Jisung! S-stop.” A mix of laughter and panic in your voice, but he doesn't hear it.
“Please stop.” You try again, this time no humor in your voice, but Jisung still don’t notice
you started to panic
you couldn’t breathe
you started to cry as you hyperventilate, Jisung finally seeing that you were no longer having fun.
“Babe, holy- I’m so sorry, are you okay?” He panics too as he gets off you. 
You fall to the floor and heave for air, Jisung not knowing what to do.
You look at him while your lungs struggle, reaching for him slightly, him being at your side in less than a second- to help you calm down.
“I’m so sorry.”
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y’all would be bickering about something
and the playful tone soon got serious
both of you ended up kinda annoyed, so you decided to go to the kitchen to get something to drink
y’know, so the ‘fight’ wouldn’t escalate
“Just so you know, you’re wrong.” He would call after you as you got off the couch
“Yeah, wrong about who I should date, jesus christ.” You mumbled under your breath, it obviously being a joke as you loved Felix very very much
He hadn’t heard what you had said, but he heard you say something, so he just assumed you were bad-mouthing him
“OI!” He scolded you and threw the closest thing to him, at you
It happened to be a pillow
not too bad- hadn’t it been for the fact that the zipper side was on its way flying towards you
you didn’t even comprehend what happened before you were on the floor, it being both because you didn’t see it coming, and that Felix threw it a bit too hard
A sharp pain seared from your neck and you quickly rose your neck out of instinct, your palm soon being met with a few drops of warm, red liquid
you were bleeding
you were bleeding?
you retracted your hand and looked at it
it wasn’t too much blood, but it was a distinct scratch, that much you could tell
Felix would notice the lack of sound coming from the kitchen and turned to look at the doorway, being confused when he saw you on your knees, staring at your hand
Your hand? Why would you look at you- why is your hand red- wHY IS YOUR NECK RED, WHAT DID HE DOO
He rush over to you and ask if he did this, but you don’t really need to answer. 
He carefully grabbed your hand, but you tensed up at his touch before slowly relaxing.
He then lead you into the kitchen and picked you up to sit you on the counter.
he then grabbed the first-aid kit and got to work
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Hope you liked it!
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heauxplesslydevoted · 6 years ago
All I Have Is Memories (M!Raleigh x MC)
Summary: Raleigh isn’t handling the breakup well.
Word Count: 3.4K+ Honestly two thousand words longer than I originally anticipated. I have no self control.
A/N: My crybaby ass was in shambles writing it, so I hope you enjoy the fruits of my labor. All italicized parts are flashbacks, and my MC’s name is Cassandra Paige
Tag List: @x-kyne-x @paulfwesley @ramseyandrys @choicesobsessedd @a-i-n-a-a-s-h @furiouscloddonutpeanut @livedinawomansworld
“So tell me again what I’m doing tonight,” Raleigh orders, putting on his sunglasses.
“Just a simple club appearance,” Raleigh’s manager Mason answers. “Luxe in Midtown is hosting a launch party for some model’s Ciroc collab. I think it’s one of the Hadids or some other nepotism model or another.”
“Ciroc?” Raleigh grimaces. “I don’t even like vodka, especially that cheap shit.”
“I don’t care what you do with the Ciroc. Drink it, pour it down the drain, use it to start a fire for all I care. It’s 75 thousand dollars for a few hours of your time and as much vodka your liver can handle, and you don’t even have to perform.”
Raleigh doesn’t give a reply. The rest of the car ride is filled with silence, for which Raleigh is grateful. He doesn’t want to talk, especially about work. He really wants to close his eyes and take a little cat nap.
He’s been on a run, doing pop up shows and club appearances almost every night for the past month and a half. Mason was loving it. Raleigh’s popularity had somehow skyrocketed even more after his “breakup” with Cassandra, and Mason Bentley was always one to strike while the iron was hot. And in the beginning, Raleigh didn’t mind either. He needed the distraction, he needed his mind to be on anything other than Cassandra freaking Paige.
He had been in multiple fake relationships. He knew they had a shelf life of 6 months at maximum before TPTB stepped in and put an end to everything, but he didn’t think it would happen with her. He thought she was different, he thought they were different.
What started out as something fake had quickly turned into something real. It was less paparazzi runs, and more kisses when the fans and cameras weren’t around, late night sleepovers, hookups in bathrooms and coat closets at big industry events, and tiny moments of intimacy such as hand holding, her tracing nonsensical patterns into his chest after sex, and staying up late at night, swapping childhood stories.
It’s been two months since their split, and it’s still as fresh as ever in his mind.
They’re sitting at an outside cafe not too far from Central Park, He’s eating a bagel and people watching when Cassandra finally speaks up.
“So we’ve been at this for a few months now.” she starts.  “And I think we’ve reached the end of the road with the fake relationship thing.”
Raleigh doesn’t say anything immediately. He honestly forgot the reason they were put together in the first place. He needed image rehab, and she needed publicity. “I think you and I stopped with the whole fake relationship thing a few months ago, Andy.”
“Yeah,” she agrees with a subtle nod.
She doesn’t speak again and Raleigh feels the hair on the back of his neck stand to attention. He sits up straighter and looks at Cassandra. He notes that she can’t look him in the eyes, opting to focus on her lap instead. “Cassandra, look at me. Just what are you trying to say?”
After a long while, she finally looks up at him. Her eyes are large and glossy, as if she’s on the verge of tears. “I think the real part of our relationship needs to come to an end too.”
In that moment it feels like all of the air has been pulled out of his lungs. Is he...being dumped?
“If we’re ending things publicly, I think it’ll work out better if we severed everything,” Cassandra continues. “Things will be less messy.”
Raleigh’s jaw clenches. “Wow, did you just repeat verbatim some bullshit Fiona force fed you?”
“What, I’m right, right? She’s putting you up to this?”
“Yes, but-”
“So don’t do it!”
“I’m not you, I can’t afford to blatantly disregard my manager and piss off the label. We can still be friends, but our arrangement snowballed into something different than what we intended.”
“But I don’t want to end this. I want you, I l-” He’s able to catch himself before he makes a bigger fool of himself, but it’s too late. They both know what he was about to say.
I love you.
Raleigh doesn’t have time to pivot and steer the conversation in a different direction because before he can open his mouth again, he spots a paparazzo taking pictures of them, barely hiding behind a bush. That’s when he gets angry. “Is that why we’re here? Why we’ve been in Central Park all fucking day, so these vultures can get a piece of the pie?”
He knows that this is how these types of things work. Things have to end with a bang, not a fizzle, but he doesn’t give a fuck. That was before. Before he actually gave a damn about the other person, before he actually felt something.
He composes himself though, closing his eyes. He isn’t going to give the tabloids the satisfaction of getting raw footage of Raleigh Carrera having a complete meltdown in public. “I thought you were different, you know. I thought you weren’t like the rest of these fake industry people.”
“I’m not!” Cassandra argues.
“I thought we had something real.”
“We do, we did. But I can’t just-”
“Whatever,” Raleigh interjects. He stands abruptly. “And for the record, no we can absolutely not still be friends after this.”
Raleigh is thankfully pulled out of his thoughts before he has to relive any more of that tragic day. He hates thinking about it, he hates being that vulnerable.
The limo he’s riding in comes to a screeching halt in front of Luxe, and he hops out, Mason not too far behind. They’ve gone all out for this party. Red carpet, tons of celebrities (though he’s clearly the biggest name there), and lots of press. Paparazzi is yelling, calling out his name, reporters are practically shoving each other in order to get closer to him, hoping to be the lucky SOB that gets to interview him.
Mason points Raleigh in the direction of a reporter from Charttopper. Raleigh plasters on his best industry smile and heads over.
“Raleigh, hi. Janet Carmichael from Charttopper News, thank you stopping to chat!”
“Oh, thank you for having me, Janet.”
“Can I just say that you are killing it right now!”
“Thank you.”
“Seriously, I mean. The start of your victory lap was your latest single, a sultry collab with fellow R&B crooner Bryson Tiller called Wrong. It’s been out for three weeks and it’s already gone platinum. How does it feel?”
“It feels great,” Raleigh says. “I’ve been in this industry since I was a kid, I’m just glad the people still enjoy my work.”
“That’s a complete understatement, we more than love it.”
“I’m glad.”
“Now tell me, the song is about a man expressing some angst and guilt over a relationship gone wrong.” Raleigh tenses. He already knows where this lady is going to go with her line of questioning. “You recently went through a breakup, with up and coming pop sensation, Cassandra Paige.”
“Was she the inspiration behind the ballad?”
“No,” Raleigh replies. “I had been working on that song long before Andy and I broke up.”
And that’s the truth. The song had been in the making for months. In fact, Cassandra sat in on a few of his sessions.
“You want to have a fake snowball fight with all of these pieces of paper,” Raleigh suggests, tossing a crumpled piece at Cassandra. She quickly bats it away before it can hit her forehead.
“You’re supposed to be writing, mister,” Cassandra teases with an eye roll.
“But I have writer's block.” The two of them have been locked up in the studio for hours, crumpled pieces of paper strewn about, Raleigh’s guitar haphazardly dangling from the back of a chair. He had sent the rest of his team—sound engineer, mixers, and producer—away a long time ago. “Nothing sounds right, and the label is being annoying, pressuring me. Raleigh Carrera doesn’t do well under pressure. Raleigh Carrera needs time and space.”
“You are such a dork.”
“Just don’t tell anyone,” Raleigh shoots back with a smirk.
“Your secret is safe with me.” Cassandra sits back on the comfortable sleeper sectional that takes up a lot of the studio space. “Come here, come sit with me.”
“I’m not taking no for an answer. Come sit.”
Raleigh obliges and sits next to Cassandra. She pulls him back further so his back is on her chest and she nuzzles her face into his neck, wrapping her arms around his broad shoulders.
“What are we doing?” Raleigh asks.
“I’m hugging you,” Cassandra says simply. “Hugging is good for you, it lowers anxiety and stress levels. You were on the verge of spiraling.”
“You know how it is, releasing a buzz single to get hype for an album. They want something deep, something sad. Something that’ll make Toni Braxton’s music look cheery.”
“Yikes. Why so glum?”
“It’s a niche market that’s currently untapped. People miss the heartbreak of 90s R&B. The crying, the begging, the dramatic music videos. They need me to fill that void. They’re all but demanding it. I don’t work well with demands.”
“I know it’s easier said than done, but you need to relax.” Raleigh snorts at the suggestion. “I’m serious. Music can not be forced, it has to be felt. It has to flow.”
“Sometimes I wish I didn’t write my own music. It’d be easier to have someone else do it and then head straight to the booth.”
“Let’s see if I can help you. Tell me what comes to mind when I say these words. Heartbreak?”
“Okay, so give me some bars,” Cassandra demands.
“You heard me. Don’t think about it, just go. Start singing.”
“I can’t just—” Cassandra cuts Raleigh off by flicking his ear. “Hey! What was that for?”
Cassandra flicks his ear again. “You better get to singin’!”
Raleigh ponders the words. “I gave you my heart, all you did was give me pain. You played me like a fool, look at this mess you’ve made. I’m stuck with all of the memories, heartbreak’s my only gain. Caught in your web of love, I feel so ashamed.”
Cassandra smiles. “Look at you!”
“It still needs some fine tuning.”
“Yeah, but it sounds like you’re on your way to a bridge. It’s more than you had 10 minutes ago.”
“How are you so optimistic all the time?”
“I just am.”
Raleigh bends down to kiss Cassandra’s arm. “Thank you.”
“No problem.”
He turns around and lifts himself up so he’s hovering over Cassandra. “I feel like I should repay you in some way.”
“Mmmm, I’m pretty sure you can think of something,” Cassandra runs her hands through Raleigh’s hair. “I accept payment in the form of kisses.”
“You drive a hard bargain, Miss Paige, but I think I can manage.” Cassandra tilts her head up and presses her lips against his in a soft kiss that he instantly heats up. 
Raleigh manages to flip them around so Cassandra is straddling him without breaking the kiss. If he wasn’t so wrapped up in what he was doing, he’d boast about it, but he’s too focused on the task at hand. His hands dig into the soft flesh of her thighs and he’s sure there will be marks there come morning time. Good. He wants her marked as his
He sits up, his back against the arm of the couch, pulling Cassandra in closer to him. His lips travel, planting kisses on her neck and collarbone, leaving goosebumps in their wake. His hands find the hem on the shirt she’s wearing and he tugs it up, yanking it off of her body. His hands roam her skin appreciatively. She’s soft, so soft it should be illegal. It was unfair for one person to be so perfect.
“Sh-shouldn’t we be working on your song?”
Raleigh quickly finds the class of her bra and he unhooks it expertly. “The song can wait, I have better things to do.”
“Aw, you have a nickname for her,” Janet coos. 
“Cassandra. You call her Andy.”
Raleigh mentally curses himself for letting it slip out. Everyone else refers to the singer as Cassandra or Cassie, but not him. She was his Andy. She’d joke that if she was Andy, he was her Woody. He’s mad at himself for exposing their private, intimate thing to the world. He just shrugs it off. “Oh. Yeah.”
“Speaking of Cassandra, have you spoken to her since the breakup?”
“No, I haven’t seen her, I haven’t spoken to her. But she’s killing it out here, and I’ll always be supportive of her and her career. Always.”
Raleigh can tell it wasn’t the soundbite she was expecting, and he has to hold back his smirk. He’d never trash her publicly, despite the messy media outlets and overzealous fans stoking the flames.
“Well thank you so much for stopping to talk to me. Enjoy the party!”
Raleigh doesn’t even respond. He just shuffles through the throngs of people until he’s inside the club. It’s packed and he can barely hear himself think. Before he can register what’s going on, someone is ushering him into a secluded VIP area, and handing him a drink, which he happily accepts.
A few hours go by, and Raleigh has never been more grateful for the passage of time. He’s no longer contractually obligated to be there and he can finally leave. All night long people are coming up to him left and right, posing for pictures, offering to get him food and drinks.
And the women are relentless with their flirting. Everyone wants a piece of him, and they make no qualms about it. Between the half naked bottle girls constantly circling the section and the fellow VIP party goers clinging onto him in hopes that they’ll be the lucky girl that he takes home, it’s overwhelming. 
He never thought the day would come where he’s actually tired of clubbing, but it’s here. He’d rather be anywhere else. The only bright spot was the alcohol.
He stumbles into his Tribeca apartment a little after 1AM. He doesn’t even bother changing his clothes, he just collapses face first into his comforter.
His phone starts buzzing in his pocket and he groans. After pulling it out, he sees it’s just a Google Alert for an article about him. 
‘Exclusive: Raleigh Carrera Opens Up About Singer Ex-Girlfriend for First Time Since Split!’
Underneath the title of the article is a picture of him and Cassandra together. She’s sitting on his lap and he’s whispering in her ear. Her head is thrown back and she’s laughing hysterically at whatever he’s saying. He can’t remember. The important thing is that he made her laugh.
Seeing that picture of them makes his heart thud wildly in his chest. He’d done a good job of blocking her out, for the most part. Skipping her songs on playlists because he wasn’t ready to hear her voice again, muting all of her social media account but never unfollowing or blocking her. He’s caught in a weird limbo of not wanting to see her and not wanting to let her go.
Before his heart or brain can object, his fingers are dialing her number. He knows the 10 digit sequence by heart.
After a few rings, the line in picked up. “Hello?”
“Raleigh?” Her voice is deep, and Raleigh can surmise that she was asleep when he called.
“I’m sorry, did I wake you up? I didn’t even trip off of the time.”
“I was just up. I was catching up on all of the recorded shows taking up space on my DVR and I must’ve dozed.”
“If you were sleeping, don’t let me hold you up.”
“Is everything okay?”
What a loaded question.
“I don’t know, I just wanted to hear your voice.”
“What was streaming my songs not good enough?” He can tell that she’s teasing, her tone light.
“Nothing is better than the real deal, baby.”
“Well, since I’m on the phone, we might as well talk. How have you been? I heard your new single. It’s the one—”
“The one you forced me to start?” Raleigh finishes with a smirk. “Yeah.”
“I think I deserve a writing credit. I played a pivotal role in that song’s conception.”
“I’ll have my people call your people.”
“But seriously, you’ve been working like crazy. Good for you.”
“I hate it,” Raleigh confesses quietly. “I’m exhausted, completely burnt out. It feels like I’m running a race, but the finish line keeps getting pushed back. Or like I’m a hamster on a wheel.”
“Why don’t you stop?”
“Because I’m running from you.”
“I needed to stay busy. I needed to have always have something to look towards, because if I’d stop, I’d think of you. And I’d break.”
The line goes silent for a long time and Raleigh gets nervous. Did he say too much?
“So, what made you decide to call?”
“Because you’re all I can think about. You’ve consumed my thoughts all day, good, bad and in between. I was at the hottest event of the week and all I wanted to do was be with you. I wanted to be at your apartment, curled up in your blankets, binge watching It’s Always Sunny reruns.” Raleigh feels a lump form in his throat and he awkwardly coughs. “And how I wanted to smell the perfume of yours that I’m so obsessed with. And run my fingers through your pink hair. And you’d correct me and say it’s not pink, it’s rose gold, and I’d call it pink again just to annoy you.”
“It’s kinda sad. My latest single has received critical acclaim, it’s already certified, I’m getting early Grammy buzz. I just bought my parents the house of their dreams in San Juan, I made $75 thousand dollars tonight for a stupid appearance. Hell, I’m calling you from my multi-million dollar Tribeca condo, and I should be ecstatic. Raleigh Carrera is on top of the fucking world right now, and I hate to sound ungrateful, but I can’t bring myself to feel joy about any of it. I feel like my insides aren’t connected to my outsides, and my insides are just hollow. This celebrity shit is draining me. The appearances, the interviews, the fake relationships and feuds, all of it. Like I said before, I’m tired. And I just...really fucking miss you, Andy. You were the only real thing I had in this crowd of bullshit, the only person I cared about out here. I’m sorry for rambling, I’m kind of tipsy right now.”
“Oh god, are you going to wake up tomorrow and regret this entire conversation?”
“Of course not,” he says earnestly. “A drunk mind speaks sober thoughts, and all that jazz.”
“This hasn’t been the easiest for me either,” Cassandra admits, her voice shaking slightly. Raleigh frowns at the thought of her crying on the other end of the phone. “I really miss you too.”
“I’m glad I’m not the only one struggling.” And he means it. Knowing she felt even slightly similar to him made all the difference.
“Not in the slightest.”
“So what do we do? Are we going to be slaves to our shitty contracts for the rest of our lives?” Raleigh asks rhetorically.
“I don’t know.”
“Yeah, I don’t know either.”
They sit in silence for a long time, not knowing what to say, but not wanting to the conversation to end either. They just listen to the sound of each other’s deep breathing.
“Hey, Cassandra?”
“I’m really sleepy.”
Raleigh hears her giggle on the other line and his stomach flips. God, he’s missed that sound. “Go to sleep, superstar. It’s really late.”
“No,” he says stubbornly. “I want to keep hearing your voice. Stay on until I fall asleep.”
“And talk about what?”
“I don’t care. Whatever you want to talk about.”
Cassandra humors his request and launches into a mini rant about a fitting for some award show she’s scheduled to present at. She and Zadie aren’t seeing eye to eye on what she should wear at all, and they were in a stalemate.
He tries to keep up with her, interjecting with commentary and now and again, but after a few minutes, he stops responding all together.
“Raleigh?” She prods. “Raleigh are you sleeping?” He doesn’t say anything but she hears him breathing softly on the other line. He’s out like a light. “I love you too, Raleigh.”
And with that, she hangs up.
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