#Benny was horrified and then he was in love
I also think Lu turns into such a yapper around Benny which is so cute cause she’s shy
You’re really gonna make me show you the shitty thing I wrote today aren’t you? Because yapper Lu is real. And there’s so much more before this and they’re so dumb and it’s probs not even canon but I wanted to write them and this is before they’ve “caught feelings.” Yeah right
TWC sneak peak: Benny x Lu
When Benny turns his face to her she blushes hot even in the freshwater lake, he looks like he’s caught her at something she shouldn’t be doing, a chiding look of kindness but it reminds her she shouldn’t be treading water and staring at his face like she loves him. If only he could see himself. He’d understand it then. Anyone would.
It’s Benny. And it’s perfect and before he pulls his head up fully he lets himself sink a little and does a slow lazy flip in the water and she feels him tickle her foot on the way back up.
It’s much the same laying on the toasty flat limestone rocks on the lakeshore. Benny and her, burning their backs on the rock, tender bellies getting scorched by late afternoon sun, underwear drying out as crispy as the grass. He’s got his eyes closed again, lashes fanned out on freckling cheeks. And Lu is watching him once more and thinking how much she’d like to be a couple of lazy lizards with Benny.
She snickers at the thought.
“What’s that?” he hums.
Lu shakes her head, disbelieving that she’s about to embarrass herself like this but at least he still has his eyes closed, “I was thinking that we’re a pair of lizards.” And that she’d like to keep being a lizard with him and have a lizard family.
Benny doesn’t laugh at her, his nose crinkles in a mildly disgusted way but he looks like he’s gotta agree despite it all, she feels so fuzzy by that. “I think my back is gonna stay on the rock when I sit up.”
The clasps of her bra are digging into her spine but, otherwise it’s burning and fabulous and she wants to stay forever. The look on his face, lazily tilted towards hers on the rock with his eyes half masted and open, agrees so eloquently Lu wants to— she doesn’t know. So she settles with reaching out and resting her hand on the browned meat of his pretty shoulder. Benny’s eyes droop further and they chide her ever so gently for the fire it ignites in them both all at once, and Lu would love to be two lizards and stay here forever.
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dykedvonte · 6 months
Yes-Man resents a lot of things but I feel like he kinda liked Benny. It’s never implied Benny had the knowledge to continuously upgrade or update him after Emily so I like to think Yes-Man respected Benny enough to adopt some of his opinions willingly.
Like personality wise, Yes-Man is like if Benny was forced to be a kiss ass; he’s equally pointed and jerky even if unendingly helpful. No matter if you spare the Great Khans, Yes-Man dislikes them and is kinda violent about things. What this says about Benny and the way he talked about things behind the scenes is one thing but the other is Yes-Man ingrained it enough to keep it.
I can imagine Benny mentioning Vegas was for them and while Yes-Man is logical, as any machine would be, I think it’s sweet if the personable part of his programming was looking forward to running Vegas with his “creator”.
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fallout-fallen-knight · 3 months
Related to this post about the Kings, when I say that I want Wastelanders to be weirder, I don’t mean in the Howard/Pagliarulo/Esda mode where wastelanders are cartoon freaks for the audience to gawk and laugh at. Hardly any “wastelanders” in either Fallout 4 or the TV show feel like real people who could exist outside of the immediate scene where they are the butt of the joke. Look at this guy, he fucks chickens, isn’t that weird? Look at that guy, he thinks baseball was a blood sport, isn’t that weird? Look at this guy, he loves American history but he’s wrong about it, isn’t that weird? You point and laugh at the dumb freak and move on.
Contrast that with some of the (non-Wild Wasteland) weirdos in New Vegas. Malcolm Holmes is “weird”, but his character tells you that adventuring and scavenging are (albeit dangerous) ways to make a living in the Mojave; meeting him also starts a side quest for you. Oliver Swanick is “weird”, but his presence immediately tells you that something is very, very wrong, heralding one of the most horrifying scenes in the game. Hell, even Benny has a reason to talk like that - he’s being paid to! They all feel like a part of a larger world.
All this to say, I guess, is that I want to know more about the Preston Garvey impersonator. What’s his deal? What’s his goal?
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aaasbrutus · 3 months
ex-boyfriend! eddie munson x fem!reader
Summary: Eddie and Reader see each other for the first time in 4 years after breaking off their summer fling.
A/N: partially inspired by Stranger by Olivia Rodrigo (partially being the operative word)
Warnings: low key not proofread oops
Word Count: ~1.3k
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Four years ago, you had left Hawkins, Indiana to go to University, and you haven’t been back since. University was an amazing yet tough 4 years. Going to school for your bachelor’s while working to make ends meet has been challenging yet you genuinely believed that you could be yourself freely without being trapped in the confines of such a small town. But when you received a letter in the mail that one of your childhood friends was getting married you booked a direct flight to your hometown right away.
While you were excited to go back home, to see your family and friends you were horrified to see someone in particular.
The day after your high school graduation you found yourself bored. You finally had the summer to yourself to completely relax and do whatever you want without having to worry about high school so you went to the arcade to pass the time, when you ran into Eddie Munson. Eddie and you never hung out in school. Sure, you knew who he was but you didn’t have any mutual friends and were a part of very different crowds so you didn’t know each other. And after a few rounds of beating each other at almost every game you could find, he asked you out and happily agreed.
The summer you spent with Eddie had to be the best summer of your life to date. It was spent sharing chocolate shakes at Benny’s, dancing around in Eddie’s room, watching Corroded Coffin practice and perform at the Hideout, and watching the worst B-side movies they could find at Family Video. You never felt love like that. The type of love that made you feel like time had completely stopped and you were to only two people in the world. But like all amazing things, it had to end.
At the end of August, you had to move into your dorm at university, while Eddie had to stay in Hawkins to repeat his senior year. You so desperately wanted to stay but Eddie advised you not to. You had worked hard for four full years to get into this school and he couldn’t see you give it all up for him.
Despite how much it pained you both, you agreed to break it off. Saying goodbye to the relationship you so cherished. Saying goodbye to the person you love to pursue other things. You, going to school to pursue a career in something you love. He, finishing high school so he can pursue his passion in music. You both felt you couldn’t be the best you could be if you were together, so you ended it.
The first few weeks in school were the absolute hardest. Of course, it was the first time you were completely alone; having to do everything for you, without having help from your parents. Your college courses were a lot harder than the classes you took in high school. And to top it all you were experiencing your first heartbreak.
Eddie Munson plagued your mind. He was all you thought about from the second you woke up, to the second you fell asleep. He even visited you in your dreams. You did everything in your power to not call him, not to write, because you were certain that if you were to contact him, you would succumb to your desires and give it all up to be with him, in Hawkins.
As soon as you booked your flight back to Hawkins, you knew there would be a very high possibility that you would see Eddie again. If it wasn’t at the wedding, it would probably be at the supermarket, or at Benny’s, or even in the car next to yours while at a traffic light. You thought of every single scenario in your head, how you would react to seeing him again, what you would say, and what you would respond if he were to ask you the same.
You didn’t want him to think that you were miserable without him, that you happily finished school and are very happy with where you are right now. But then again, you didn’t want to seem too happy. In all honesty, you haven’t dated since your summer with Eddie. You had never found anyone that interested you. Even when your friends set you up on blind dates (with and without your knowledge) you never felt that spark you once felt when you were with Eddie. You were desperately hoping that he had been the same way and if the opportunity arose, would want you two to get back together.
At the reception, you heard someone call your name. When you turned around there he was. His hair was longer, his face more mature, but the same Eddie you fell in love with years ago. Then again, he wasn’t the same. You haven’t seen or spoken to him in years. You had absolutely no idea what he had been up to. It was as if he was just a stranger. A stranger you knew almost everything about.
Seeing him was surreal. You weren’t sure if you wanted to run to him or run away from him. You stood in place, not sure of what to do, everything you had rehearsed in hopes of this moment forgotten. Thankfully, Eddie was braver than you, immediately walking up to you with a big smile on his face with his eyes sparkling with joy.
Without hesitation, he wrapped his arms around you to give you a big hug, which you immediately reciprocated. It had been so long since you’d seen him, let alone touched him. He completely took over your senses and you let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding.
“Hi,” you whispered to him finally letting go of him. You were suddenly feeling flustered and embarrassed. However, unlike a few moments ago, you didn’t want to run away.
“Hi,” he whispered back. You stared into his beautiful brown eyes, with a smile on your face you could only hope was as beautiful as the one he was giving you.
As if nothing had changed, you and Eddie sat at a table and just talked. You talked about your experiences in university, the people you met there, and what you have planned next. Eddie talked about how even though it was hard to stay consistent with his attendance and school work, he finished high school after 2 more tries and he was now working as a mechanic while still performing weekly with his band.
Soon enough, everyone started to pick up their stuff and leave, leaving you and Eddie practically alone in the reception hall. Looking at the time, Eddie and you got up and walked to the parking lot, where Eddie gave you another hug. However, this time you couldn’t reciprocate it. You knew you had to leave, but you couldn’t, not again. You were petrified of saying goodbye to him, to never see him again. Or worse, to see him again after years of not keeping in touch, for him to be happily married with kids, leaving you alone forever, reminiscing what could’ve been.
Just as he let go, and was about to say goodbye you yelled at him, holding him as if your whole life depended on it, because maybe it did. You refused to let him go. You had to be in his life. Not as an acquaintance, not as a friend, but as a lover. You couldn’t see yourself falling for anyone else because Eddie Munson was it for you, and you were terrified of living without him again.
You were on the verge of sobbing, desperate for Eddie to listen to you and to agree. For him to also crave you, need you as you do him. Suddenly he puts his hands on your face, looking at you directly into your eyes, and kisses you. All of your fears vanished, replaced with a newfound happiness.
While the summer with Eddie was the best of your life, you hoped that now that the two of you were reunited you could experience that same spark, the same feeling every day that is to come. Because you truly felt that it was the start of the best days of your life.
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆ —
thanks for reading <33
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captain-sodapop · 22 days
"Skin" is one of those episodes that gets at the question of what really makes a monster. Like, the fact that it's a shapeshifter is not what truly makes it a monster; it's that fact that he is targeting women that he presumably finds attractive, disguising himself as their partners in order to attempt to sexually assault them, and then being brutally violent towards them - even killing one of them. That is what makes the monster a monster, not its ability to shapeshift.
But one of the more horrifying things - besides the actual actions of the monster - is what we see throughout the show, which is the idea that a monster should be put down not for what it has done or what they anticipate they will do, but for what it is, inherently.
I don't know, I know it's been talked about so many times, but the fact that Dean holds this idea of someone inherently being worthy of death simply because of their status as something "unnatural", and his brother being one of those unnatural beings? It boggles my mind. It really is just bigotry. And I could get into how Sam being told to never come back when he leaves for Stanford, how he was ridiculed growing up for being different, how Dean called him a freak for years, is just an allegory for families throwing a kid out for being gay/leaving the faith/asking questions.
Sam is Dean's exception. For the majority of the show, he is the only supernatural being that Dean will "accept" because they're family and he does love him, yes, but it's a love that exists for Dean in spite of this bigotry. And while that love is real, I don't know if we can really give him much credit because he doesn't make many exceptions as the show goes on, unless forced or in special situations. (Like Garth and Benny, and even with Benny, Sam was right to call out the double standard there.)
This is very disjointed, and I'm sure people could put it better than I am right now, but that's what I'm thinking.
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pink-sparkly-witch · 1 year
The One That Got Away - Chapter Five
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Warnings: tw: child abuse, tw: physical abuse, tw: slut shaming, angst, language.
Word Count: 1.5k
Pairing: Firefighter!Dean Winchester x Female Reader
A/N: There are TRIGGER WARNINGS in this part - please heed these, and if you think you’ll be affected by any of them, please do not read.
You can catch up here!
 My Masterlist AO3    Ko-Fi
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“Dean,” Mary got up from the table and went to the fridge, opening its door and pulling out a beer bottle. “Have a seat, sweetie,” she said, pulling out a chair and putting the bottle on the wooden dining table.
“Thanks, Mom. So, what don’t I know?”
“Sounds like Y/N might be back in town, son,” John said. “We don’t know for sure yet, only Jess has seen her, but she’s a nurse, and if it is her, she’s going by Singer now,” John carefully eyed Dean. Seeing his son go through such a range of emotions was heartbreaking.
“Yeah, it’s her,” Dean whispered, wiping his hands down his face.
Clearing his throat, Dean downed half of his beer in one swallow. “Bobby told me after Thursday's shift before I went fishing with Benny and Cas. Danny’s not got long left. His liver and heart are going, and he’s in a hospice. So, Bobby called her and said it might be time to think about coming home.”
“I didn’t even think of making the connection to Bobby,” Jess said softly. “He’s her uncle?” she clarified, and Dean nodded.
“Her mom’s brother. Caroline died in a fire when Y/N was little. Then her dad turned to booze and beatings to cope with his grief,” he glanced at Jess, who had a horrified frown on her features.
“From what I saw today and how caring and kind she was to me, I’d never have guessed she went through something like that,” Jess commented, and Dean chuckled.
“That’s Y/N for you! Carries the whole damn world on her shoulders, and you’d never know it. She cares about those around her way more than she cares about herself. She always has,” he smiled.
“You guys were a thing back in the day?” Jess asked curiously, and Dean let out a soft laugh.
“Yeah, you could say that! Dad, Bobby, and Danny go way back, and Mom and Caroline became best friends, so Y/N and I grew up together. We were best friends before we became childhood sweethearts. She was my first everything, and I was hers.”
“They could’ve been married with a couple of kids and a dog by now if he’d asked her to stay,” Mary pointed out, and Dean shook his head in exasperation. “Did Bobby say if anyone came with her?” she continued, trying to find out if someone had followed her from her past life.
“No. No husband or boyfriend,” Dean smiled, knowing the real reason behind his mom’s question. “Bobby said she dated but never settled with anyone. Apparently, she was a love them and leave them, too!” he chuckled just a little bitterly.
“Cute little thing like her, bet she broke some hearts!” Mary grinned. “Now that she’s back, are you gonna finally tell me why you didn’t ask her to stay back then? You and I both know she would’ve if you’d asked her to,” she enquired gently.
“I wanted to. God, I wanted to so bad! But I couldn’t do that to her,” Dean rubbed a hand down his face. “You’re right, Ma. She’d have stayed if I asked her to, and she asked me to ask her. If I had, I’d have married her as soon as we were eighteen, got her out of that godforsaken house. Ain’t no doubt about it. But I couldn’t.” He stood from his seat and brought the whiskey out of the liquor cabinet with three glasses. Mary wasn’t a whiskey drinker, and Jess was pregnant, so John took one of them and Sam another.
“She took a damn beating every day for fifteen years, Ma, from the one person who was supposed to protect her. He was her only parent, and he beat her because she looked too much like her mom. Because she survived,” Dean fumed as he fought to keep the tears at bay.
“Her mom begged him to get her out of that house, and he punished her for it. She was only three years old! That’s her first memory, the fire and her mom screaming at her dad to make sure she got out. Did you know that?” It was a rhetorical question, but the hurt and shock were hard for everyone to hide.
“I don’t know if she still does, but before she left, that memory used to replay itself as a nightmare whenever she was scared or stressed. Y/N didn’t deserve any of it. She deserved a life without beatings and abuse, and hatred. And if going to Chicago instead of Lawrence, fuck, even Kansas City or Wichita gave her that, then who was I to stop her?
“If I’d asked her to stay, her life wouldn’t be any better because of it. Sure, I could’ve protected her from the beatings and got her away from him. But Jody would still call her whenever he got arrested. Y/N would still have to deal with his rage, and she’d still fall victim to his verbal assaults and vulgar degrading. I did the only thing I could to truly protect her and… I let her go.”
Mary rushed over to him and hugged him tightly, trying to ease the pain her eldest son still felt after all this time, and she knew then what she had to do. Mumbling that she’d be right back, she headed upstairs to her bedroom and opened the drawer on her bedside cabinet. She pulled the ageing envelope out, the word ‘Dean’ scrawled in blue ink in unmistakable handwriting and returned downstairs.
“Years ago, Y/N wrote me a letter,” Mary explained to Sam and Jess, as the others already knew about it. “She was in therapy, and her therapist thought it’d be a good idea to write letters to the people she cared about most, and she told me what happened. We all knew something was happening, but I had no idea the extent of it. The fractured skull when she was six? Choking her at seventeen because she missed curfew?” Mary shook her head in disgust. John wrapped his arms around Mary to stop himself from getting in his car and killing the sick bastard himself.
“Was it ever…?” Sam let his question hang in the air, not wanting or needing it to be said aloud.
“It fucking better not have been, or I’ll kill the bastard myself!” John fumed.
“No, thank God,” Dean answered. “Always physical and verbal. The fractured skull and when he choked her were the worst he’s done to her. There were countless other fractured and broken bones, though. He was smart, and that made me so fucking mad! He’d always play off the broken bones as just a kid being a kid, you know? He’d say she fell from the climbing frame in the park or got injured doing gymnastics or playing hockey or netball. She fractured her skull and had a severe concussion from falling down the stairs, not because he pushed her so hard she fell into a fucking hardwood coffee table. 
“The manipulative bastard hardly ever left a mark where anyone could see. She had a few black eyes and bruises on her arms throughout the years, and that was it, at least until he tried to strangle her. He damn near killed her that night. She was blacking in and out of consciousness and only got him off her by hitting him over the head with her mom’s crystal vase. She knocked him out cold!” he chuckled sadly. “All because she was helping me graduate. He thought she missed curfew because she was “whoring herself out” to me, but she was helping me study. I never forgave myself for that.”
“Don’t blame yourself, son. Y/N told me you knew everything and made her feel safe and loved. She told me you blamed yourself for what happened to her that night, but she knew it would have been something else if it wasn’t because she missed curfew. She never blamed you for it. For any of it,” Mary smiled sadly at Dean’s scoff of laughter. “And she apologised. For leaving you and breaking your heart,” Mary said, desperate to comfort him.
“I broke hers more when I didn’t ask her to stay,” Dean responded. “If I could go back, I’d…” he sniffed, wiping the tears from his cheeks.
“I know you were hurt when a letter never came for you. But one did, and it was in with mine. Y/N told me to give you this when the time was right and if it was in your best interests. I honestly didn’t know if I’d ever give it to you. If the time would ever be right, but that time is now. I’m not gonna apologise for keeping this from you,” Mary held her hand up to cut off his rebuttal. “If I’d given this to you all those years ago, you’d have run off after her, and I don’t think you’d like what you would’ve found,” she finished as she handed him the letter.
Dean sobbed as he recognised her handwriting and ran his fingers gently over the faded ink. Turning it over, he glanced up at his mom, a silent question hanging between them.
“I didn’t read it. It wasn’t my place to,” Mary raised her hand, wiped his wet cheeks, and gave him a gentle wink. Dean tore open the envelope without another second’s hesitation.
Next Chapter >>
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dailydragon08 · 1 year
The triple frontier boys at a cat cafe
Frankie would be so excited to go and just yell “YES” before you could even finish asking if he wanted to go with you. He’d make it his mission to make friends with and pet every cat, but still be so gentle and let them come to him, gently murmuring encouragement and endearments in Spanish. Would 10/10 come back with you next week. And the week after that. And the week after that. And the week after—
Santi isn’t so sure about the idea. He’ll do it because it makes you happy, but figures it’ll be one of those dates where he just sits back and enjoys your reactions vs actively participating. But when he gets there, the cats all love his relaxed demeanor. They all want a turn on his lap to purr and gently head butt him, and when he finds out they’re all adoptable he’s all 🥺. A week later, he surprises you by opening up cat adoption discussions and since he can’t pick one, you end up bringing three siblings home.
Benny is horrified at first and you have to explain to him that no, you don’t EAT the cats, it’s not that kind of cafe. He’s always considered himself more of a dog person, but he’ll try anything once. He’s a bit unsure what to do at first, but once he finds the playful cats, he’s having a blast and thinks they’re hilarious. Two of the cats get in a play fight and he’s sitting close by coaching them like it’s a fight in the ring and hoisting the winner onto his shoulder, holding their little paw up in the air. He’s decided this particular cat is his new best friend and as you’re leaving, promises to come back next week to coach him towards state finals.
Will does just about anything to make you happy and he does love cats. Plus with the added bonus of spending quality time with you and watching your eyes light up are enough to make a convincing argument hardly necessary. His eyes are all soft with a smile on his face while he watches you pet and play with the cats. He waits and lets the cats come and go to him as they please and can’t help admit how relaxing this is. The one cat in the group that’s terrified of everyone and refuses to come out carefully sniffs Will as he murmurs gentle encouragement. A few minutes later, it’s in his lap making biscuits and purring contentedly while he quietly tells them how good, pretty, and soft they are and they become inseparable for the rest of the afternoon. He definitely buys you a hoodie from the merch rack when you’re not looking to surprise you with when you get home.
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reallylilyreally · 1 month
not to be predictable but breathe through the bruises for the 'send me a fic of mine'
BRB quick reread... (here)
My favorite scene
OH MAN. Ask my to pick a favourite child, why don't you?! Made particularly difficult by the fact that this fic doesn't really *have* scenes? There are some, but it's mainly just, like, visuals.
I ADORE all of the Bucks & Marge interactions we get in this one, the little snapshots of their deeply batshit, deeply domestic set up. And I love with all my heart the repeating motif of the phone calls between Benny and Johnny, and the bruises, obviously, but I think the winner has to be a tie between this:
The 100th outdo themselves, and are all milling around in the hotel lobby a good ten minutes before they need to leave for the church. Blakely looks like death, Hambone has the beginnings of a black eye and there's a conspicuous bite/bruise peeking out of Dougie's collar, but they're all there, dressed neatly and fully conscious. Small miracles. Mothers' sons. Brady adores them, it's unbearable.
Marge's side of the church is full of her family and friends. Buck's side is full of bomber crews. Brady and Benny take the front row, with Crank and Jack next to them, and it feels strangely right. Hambone sits down on Brady's other side, and elbows him in the ribs.
“Douglass is over there by the big drapes,” he says, very quietly. “You give me the nod and I'll give him the signal and he'll set them on fire.”
Brady turns to stare at him, for a moment completely lost for words.
“If you think we need to stop the wedding,” Ham says, deadly serious. “If you think we need to stop the wedding, or if Bucky starts to lose it, you give me the nod and Dougie will set the curtains on fire and we'll cut this whole thing off at the knees.”
There is so much going on in Brady's mind in that second that he can't decide what to say first. Benny seems to have no such problem, leaning over Brady and punching Hambone hard in the shoulder.
“I will cut you off at the knees,” he says, voice dripping with sincerity. “You leave this wedding the fuck alone, Hambone, or I will ruin your fucking life.”
It's the most vitriol Brady has heard from Benny since the last time they tangled with the RAF, and he's a little in love with him, just for a moment. Hambone looks sufficiently cowed. Brady turns in his seat, finds Douglass, and fixes him with a very sharp look. Dougie puts his lighter back in his pocket, and sits down. Brady resists the urge to put his head down on Benny's shoulder and weep. He used to be a pilot. Now he's a babysitter. Benny fixes Ham and Dougie with one last glare of his own, and then turns away from them both so that only Brady can see the way his shoulders shake with silent laughter. 
and this:
He speaks to Benny on Fridays. When the time comes for him to call, Brady’s passed Croz’s 72 hours by a fair handful, and he’s seeing things that aren’t there. It takes him three tries to get the number right, his fingers aren’t following direction. There’s the distant hum of a Mig in the back of his mind, he can see the trails out of the corner of his eye. He’s in the teachers’ lounge. He’s in America, he’s indoors, there aren’t any fighters. There aren’t any fighters. A whole wing’s worth of dead boys are sitting on the sofas with the maths department. The phone rings six times.
“Benny,” he says into the phone. His tongue feels thick and heavy, he can’t make his hands work well enough to put pressure on his bruises. 
“Jesus, Johnny,” Benny says, “Are you alright? Are you drunk?”
He’s so tired he feels drunk. Feels wasted. Feels like he might die. “Just tired,” he says. “Haven’t slept since I got back.”
“At all?” Benny sounds horrified. “Jesus, Johnny, it’s been four days. You haven’t slept at all?”
He shakes his head, and then realizes Benny can’t see him. “Don’t think so. It’s alright. I’m alright.”
“You sound like you’re dying, Johnny.”
He feels like he’s dying. “I’m alright,” he says. “Are you?”
Benny makes a noise in the back of his throat that sounds a little like Meatball sneezing. “Christ. I’m fine! Not sleeping great, but I have slept. What the fuck are you doing?”
“Staring at the walls, mainly,” Brady tells him. He makes the executive decision to not tell Benny that he’s seeing things he knows aren’t there. He’s pretty sure Curtis Biddick is lounging by the coffee pot. “I think Biddick is here.”
“Jesus Johnny,” Benny says, yet again, and there’s a note of real panic in his voice. “OK. alright, listen to me, Johnny. Can you listen to me? Is there anyone in the room with you who you know for sure isn’t dead?”
Brady looks. “Yeah,” he says. “Pretty sure.”
Benny breathes out. “Alright. You got anyone there with you that you trust?”
“You’re not here,” Brady says.
“Fuck,” Benny breathes. “No, fuck, I’m not. Just… Just sit tight, Johnny. Find someone for me to talk to, give someone the phone.”
Brady does not want to go near the maths department. Tipper, the English teacher who was a paratrooper, is standing next to Biddick by the coffee pot, watching Brady with his one remaining eye, and he takes the phone as soon as Brady holds it out.
He leans against the wall and waits for whatever it is that Benny is going to do now. Eventually, Tipper gives him back the phone.
“You with me, Johnny?”
“Always,” he says.
Benny breathes out, a soft noise Brady usually hears in the dark. “Good man. Now, you do what Ed says, and get some fucking rest.”
“I’m sorry,” Brady tells him.
“Shut up Johnny,” Benny says, “Do what you’re told.”
Benny hangs up on him, and Tipper prods him with his cane until he gets up off the wall and makes his way to his room. He’s forced onto his bed, and handed the still unopened bottle of whiskey that Benny sent him for Christmas. 
“DeMarco says you have to drink at least a quarter of that,” Tipper says. “And if that doesn’t work I get to physically knock you out.”
Brady stares at him. 
“Which I was about an hour away from doing, anyway,” Tipper continues. “You look like you’re dying. Drink your whiskey, lie down, go the fuck to sleeHardest scene to write
Hardest scene to write
Ooh it's been a while, i don't really remember? I always struggle with endings, i never know how to wrap them up, and this one was definitely no different. It's really hard to work how to turn something into a romance when neither of the characters have any idea that they're in love!!
Favorite character to write in the fic
Gotta be Johnny, because he's so incredibly neurotic and so incredibly brave, and he just loves so hard, he loves so hard it nearly kills him.
Favorite dynamic to write in the fic
John/John, for sure. Big brother Bucky and little brother Brady, who take it in turns being the one who isn't fucked up.
Why I chose that title
I wanted something short and rhythmic and reflective of the central motif, so it was always going to be about bruises, and i threw a bunch of shit out into the ether and that stuck!
A fun fact about the fic
I did not ship this when i started writing it, and I wasn't sure if I was gonna have it resolve romantically until riiiiiight up to the last minute. I am now, obviously, fully obsessed.
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opheliasam · 2 months
Opinions on t4t sambenny 👀
My opinion is YES. like ok if we had a scale of ships t4t sambenny would be 9.8 (they are Near Perfect.) No, like they could literally fix each other. They are mirrors of each other in ways that dean & benny could Never be; they should have gotten a chance to hang out and FALL IN LOVE . Sickened and aggrieved that we never saw them get to know each other better.
So so many thoughts. Ethical vampirate x unwilling boyking… they have the capacity to Understand each other in incredible ways. Sambenny is just samelia except Benny would have been able to fight/ handle Dean (and is someone Dean trusts/ respects) so it’s Better. Would have been SO. interesting to see what would have happened if they had gotten together and Dean had to deal with that. It would be very funny and a little horrifying to see (bc we know how dean gets 😒 ) but Benny would handle him. Also would have been so delicious as exposition.
Both betrayed by the people they trust THE most in the world. Both betrayed by love and afraid of it.
Benny would treat Sam with so much grace and patience and keep them at ease. Sam would gain so much strength from Benny… they’d cook for each other </3
Vampirism as a metaphor for the trans experience…we love you.
Well, it would be mostly Benny cooking for Sam. Vegan food, obviously. And he’d gently ask Sam to stop apologising for his preferences. That it’s no inconvenience at all. He loves cooking.
Benny would listen to Sam rant about the most mundane things and fall all the more hopelessly in love. And Sam would apologise for rambling with his shy little smile (KRYPTONITE.) But then start again 2 mins later until he tires himself out, it’s very cute.
ALSO BENNY FEEDING FROM SAM ??.?. (occasionally) —telling him his blood tastes unlike anything he has ever tasted (that it’s heady, that it’s like drinking the blood of Christ or ambrosia.) Sam doesn’t believe him until he does.
Benny would also encourage Sam to use his powers. Would use different pronouns with Sam to help him figure out what they’re most comfortable with. Just small things. Encourage him to grow a beard (call him chief <3)
Sam’s insecurity about being impure. Benny’s fear of spiralling out of control due to his nature. Their corners slot so neatly into each other it’s alarming. They would find home in each other. They would be so, so kind with each other. So gentle.
They’d get a dog.
Sam would ask him about ancient nautical navigation systems, and Benny would tell him in detail. He’d fix the telescope inside the Bunker so they could look at the stars. They’d go to the farmer’s market and out into the sea for trips.
Dean slips on a banana peel and dies in the most hilarious manner. It’s not funny. It breaks Sam a little. Benny is there to pick up the pieces.
They move out of the Bunker eventually, leave Hunting. Travel the world. They go for occasional dinner dates with Garth’s family. The possibilities r endless.
Okay I have very many ideas. This is possible fic fodder. Thank you so so much for this ask, it took me on a beautiful journey :)
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dameronscopilot · 2 years
Omg happy sleepover can i request the fair with the triple frontier boys 😭😭😭 pleeeeease
I don't think words can express how excited we were to write this one, anon.
A night at the fair with the Triple Frontier boys
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By @dameronscopilot:
Picture this—it’s a balmy evening in late September, and your four favourite boys just arrived to pick you up for a night out at the local fair. 
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Benny - One night when you’re out for dinner with the boys, you eagerly point out a flyer advertising the annual town fair. Everyone collectively groans—besides Benny. He subtly tears the paper off the wall and stuffs it into his back pocket. And when the week of the fair finally comes around, he surprises you by remembering that you wanted to go, and he drags the rest of the boys along (whether they like it or not). 
When nobody else wants to do the silly “old time” photos, Benny obliges your request, grinning from ear to ear when he waltzes out dressed as a cowboy. He also disappears near the end of the night and returns with a ridiculous air-brushed t-shirt that says “Miller’s Good Luck Charm” with a pair of gloves beneath it. (You bet Frankie $20 he won’t wear it to Benny’s next match.) (He does.) 
Frankie - After Benny blows nearly $100 trying to win you a stuffed animal from the water gun shootout game, Frankie quietly slips away and makes his way over to the game. With his pockets only $10 lighter ("That was my Fuck You money, Ben," he slyly remarks), he returns with an armful of prizes—most of which you insist he hand out to the small crowd of children now swarming around him—and a small smile on his face. (He gives Benny a ridiculous, sparkly, pink bear as a consolation prize.) And when you eventually make your way over to try your hand at the baseball toss game, he casually puts his hat on your head and coaches you through your throws. 
Santiago - Santi spends the ride over to the fair browsing the website, and he’s intrigued when he comes across a flashy graphic claiming that you could “WIN $1000 DOLLARS!” He quickly enters all of you in the contest without consulting anyone else in the car. Unfortunately, when your names are called over to the main stage at the fair midway into the evening, Santiago is horrified to realize that he didn’t read the fine print—the contest is a team-based obstacle course. (Frankie talks his way out of it by claiming his stomach didn’t love the questionable chilli cheese dog he ate, Will and Benny nearly win the whole thing but are somehow bested by a pair of teenagers, and you end up sprawled on top of Santi in top of a pit of foam blocks, crying laughing as he groans about his knees.)
Will - The fair is bustling with people, and you’re disappointed when the crowd prevents you from finding a decent place to watch the fireworks at the end of the night. While the other boys begin to debate an increasingly ridiculous series of military-esque tactics to dodge and weave your way to the front, Will rolls his eyes at them and takes your hand, beckoning for you to follow him. As you make your way to the top of the Ferris wheel for what’s arguably the perfect view, you squint your eyes as Will points out the three tiny dots still animatedly arguing on the ground. 
By @dieterbravospr:
Benny - Benny Miller has one goal at the fair: Win you the biggest stuffed animal there. He sets his sights on a massive otter hanging from the poles of the dart game’s tent and he’s found his match for the night. Except, he’s Benny Miller, so it doesn’t take long. The eye of a sharpshooter and the coordination of a fighter comes in handy as the popping of balloon after balloon fills the air, each dart hitting its mark with ease. Bonus: he carries it around for you all night as you sample the various fair foods and candies without so much as a groan.
Frankie - Of course he agreed to go, he always agreed to anything you asked because it made you happy, but you knew deep down he’d rather have spent the night in on the couch with you curled up on his chest watching a movie he wouldn’t pay attention to because he was too busy stealing glances down at you. He doesn’t like crowds, they make him feel trapped, uneasy, his eyes constantly darting to search for threats in the small town you called home. He always needs to be touching you, whether it be a shoulder nudging against you, his fingers toying with the hem of your shirt, or his hand entwined with yours, and you’re happy to provide the solace. When you get stuck on the top of the Ferris wheel it’s his turn to relay the favor, his soft, soothing voice breaking through your heart pounding in your ear as you rely on him to be your eyes until you're closer to the ground. A strong arm holds you tight as lips press to your hair, his hand guiding you out of the little car to the sturdy ground. Next is a stop for a candy apple for you and a beer for him before you make your way over to the other waiting at the water gun game he ensures you win three times over via sabotage and lighthearted threats to his three friends.
Santiago - It’s Santi vs. Benny as they cue up at the ring toss game, the prize being your affection and the stupid little stuffed monkey you want. Santi talks a big game, but Benny smokes him, handing you that dumb little primate with a cocky grin. While he may be disgruntled, he’s not giving up just yet, finding you the lemonade and apple fritters you’d been blabbing about for days, your eyes lighting up as he approached with your favorite snacks. When your hand slides into his he can’t help but shoot a victorious smirk at his adversary, the game once again beginning when you bolted to Benny’s side after an invite to that death trap of a ride his neck surely wouldn’t survive.
Will - The long-suffering elder Miller rolls his eyes at the bickering between Santi and Benny, most of his night spent standing off to the side with Frankie as they kept a watchful eye on the crowds. After your beer goes spilling down your shirt as a result of a careless shoulder check from a definitely drunk passerby, he has to fight the urge to grab the man by the collar and toss him to the side. He focused on you, quickly unbuttoning his overshirt and tossing it around your shoulders as you fretted over your decision to wear white to a fair, your eyes sweetly thanking him before grabbing Santiago as he went to chase down the unfortunate soul who’d been in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Join the sleepover extravaganza!
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This is an Original Character fanfiction. All Stranger Things characters and content are owned by Netflix and The Duffer Brothers.
a/n: Nancy needs to admit how much she likes Steve and be comfortable with her feelings for him.
Warnings: Mentions of sex.
Word Count: 1115
The drive to Steve’s house is quiet except for Pat Benatar’s “Hit Me With Your Best Shot” playing on the radio. Even this song isn’t enough to dull the tension in the car. Nancy was right, telling my mom about the assembly for Will Byers was the perfect decoy. Yet, I still feel terrible for using Will’s disappearance as an excuse to go to a party.
I stare outside the window watching the trees blur past in the darkness. The thought of Will biking all the way down here from where we live unsettles me. It’s a half hour drive from us, it must be double that time on a bike. Hawkins is surrounded by dense forests, anyone could be hiding in plain sight, especially at night. I shiver, bouncing my legs and look down at my outfit. Making a face, I shake my head. I can’t believe I’m still in my school clothes because Nancy insisted, we didn’t have enough time to stop by my house so I can change. 
We drive over the train tracks and the bumpiness sends a jolt of anxiety to my gut. We’re about five minutes away from Steve’s house and part of me wants to tell Barb to let me out the car. I can walk to Benny’s Burgers and call my parents to pick me up. Consequences be damned. I nearly tell Barb but stop myself when we pass Benny’s. The front yard is surrounded by police officers and my heart plummets to the pits of my stomach. There goes my last chance of freedom. I wonder what happened but I am distracted by the large and lavish houses in the neighbourhood. Rumours say Steve lives in a mansion with a long drive way and double door garage. 
“Barbara, pull over.” Nancy says. 
“Pull over!” 
Barb comes to a stop, putting the car in park. The urgency in Nancy’s voice makes my body grow tense and alert. I lean forward in my seat looking at Nancy. 
“What are we doing here?” Barb asks. “His house is three blocks away.” 
“We can’t park in the driveway.”
“Are you serious?” Barb asks, taking the words from my mouth. 
“Yeah, the neighbours might see.” 
I open and close my mouth, unable to find the words. I still don’t understand why Nancy hides her feelings for Steve. What does it matter if the neighbours see us? I roll my eyes and take off my seat belt, pushing myself to the middle of the driver and passenger seats. Nancy opens her bag, pulling out a shirt and lipstick? My eyes bulge out of my head in disbelief. Lipstick? For Steve Harrington? 
“When did you buy lipstick?” I blurt out. 
Nancy doesn’t answer, dropping it in her bag. I gawk at Barb who shakes her head.  
“This is so stupid. I’m just gonna drop you off.” Barb says reaching to put the car back in drive.  
“Good. I would love to go home now.” I add. 
Nancy grabs Barbs arm, stopping her. “Would you two just calm down?” she exclaims, looking at both of us. “You promised you’d come. You’re coming. We’re gonna have a great time.” 
“He just wants to get in your pants.” Barb says. 
Nancy laughs, shaking her head. “No, he doesn’t.” 
I give her a pointed look. It is obvious Steve wants to have sex with Nancy and it’s starting to become obvious to me that Nancy wants to have sex with Steve and that is okay. I just don’t understand why Barb and I have to be privy to that. 
“Nance…seriously. He invited you to his house. His parents aren’t home.” Nancy raises her brows. “Come on, you are not this stupid.” 
“Tommy H and Carol are gonna be there.” 
Barb snorts. “Tommy and Carol have been having sex since, like, seventh grade. It’ll probably be, like, a big orgy.”  
“Barbara!” I gasp, horrified.  
Barb cackles. I grimace, twisting my mouth. I don’t even want to think about Steve Harrington naked or Carol and especially not Tommy H. If they’re into that then I won’t judge, but I will not be participating. A shiver runs down my spine and I visibly shake which only makes Barb laugh harder. I lean on the console, nudging her arm, laughing when Barb nudges me back. 
“I’m serious!” she says in between giggles. 
“All right, well, you guys can be like, my guardian.” Nancy says, taking off her top. “Make sure I don’t get drunk and do anything stupid.” 
Barb and I both stop laughing and stare at Nancy. I squint eying the straps on her shoulders. “Is that a new bra?” 
“No.” Nancy says quickly, hiding her chest. 
“Nancy.” I sigh. “You are allowed to want to have sex with Steve. Barb and I won’t look at you any different if you do. But why are we involved in this?” 
“I am not going to have sex with Steve Harrington.” Nancy says, putting her top over her head. She looks at me, pulling it over her torso. “I want you and Barb here because you guys are my best friends and we nailed Kaminsky’s chemistry test today. Don’t we deserve to have fun?”
I bite my lower lip. She has a point. We did nail Kaminsky’s test and we did deserve to have some fun. But did we have to involve…them? Sensing Nancy wasn’t going to take no for an answer, my sigh turns into a loud groan. 
“Yes!” Nancy cheers, squeezing my arm. “We are going to have so much fun.” 
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It takes us fifteen minutes to get to Steve Harrington’s house. So far, the rumours are true about the long driveway. Not so much about the two-door garage. I clutch my jacket close to me as we approach the front steps. Loud music rattles the large door and it makes my palms sweat. I can’t believe I am about to go inside Steve Harrington’s house. Just last week, I was in Madame Petrovna’s class learning the last five-eight counts of Marzipan, now I was going to a house party with Tommy H and Carol. From the corner of my eye, Barb is fidgeting. I turn to her and smile. Barb smiles back although it doesn’t meet her eyes. 
I turn my attention to the door just as it opens. The heavy base of the rock song makes my heart pound in my chest and I brace myself, stepping closer to Barb. Steve’s gaze shifts from Nancy, to me, Barb and then Nancy. The corners of his lips curve up to his signature smile and I hate the way my stomach twists in awe. 
“Hello, ladies.” 
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girl 🥲🥲 i fucking love this. i’ve always thought they do horrifyingly domestic things together before they even start dating sooooooo
Horrifying is exactly the word.
And gosh, how I love friends who are strictly friends and have been for so long and just, suddenly they aren’t and the world keeps spinning and that’s odd to them but then again, its much the same just more
But you know Benny is at her kitchen table, pouring over deeds and percentages and shit, or that’s what he’s there for and he does!!! He gives her so much of his time and effort!! But he also takes breaks to make her his mama’s pesto and he feeds it to her with his hand cupped under the fork and he does the dishes like he belongs there and he walks the lil rigs with her in the heat and he jumps in the lake when heatstroke threatens and on the way back from Bucky and Jo’s wedding he somehow thinks it’s chill to introduce her to his mama and—
Honestly, the real question is why Benny DeMarco was remotely surprised this girl was like a cat in heat she wanted him so bad after this
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persephinae · 5 months
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Rafe McShane
i made a moodboard for the other oc i made for FNV
Rafe had been kidnapped and forced to join the Legion when he was a kid. He managed to survive and learn as much as he could, then escaped when he had the chance to do so
he now works for the Crimson Caravan as a hired gun. He's super deadly, takes no bullshit, and when he smiles it isn't a very nice smile at all. He's seen the worst of humanity and has no faith in it.
He has a pet crow that follows him across the desert. He named him Sed (Said the Crow -> Quoth the Raven) he's actually a huge nerd but no one's close enough to him to roll their eyes at him.
he's deadly proficient with swords, pistols, and shotguns, manages to not lose his shirt at Caravan (cards), and mostly tries to stay away from New Vegas when he can (too crowded, also might run into hidden Legion members).
he met Desdemona before the whole New Vegas thing, when she had ran into him at a caravan watering hole. She had been asking for directions and he had tried ignoring her, then glaring at her when that didn't work, hoping she would leave as she looked too pretty to be out in the Wasteland. Normally people give him wide berth, but she glared right back and told him off for being a rude asshole. He was startled into laughing at someone being brave enough to stand up to him, finding that he liked her a lot.
He talked to her a lot while they were both there, but then he had to leave with the caravan. They promised each other to meet up in New Vegas, which they did, however someone had decided to inform Desdemona that he used to be Legion (painting it in the worst light possible), and feeling betrayed and horrified, she left him there at the saloon.
he had tried to explain to her, but she was too hurt and he let her go. He then had another expedition to guard and had to leave, vowing to himself that he'd find her when he got back. However, when he returned it was after Benny had shot her in the head, starting off her quest for vengeance and to find out what the hell was going on.
he loves Des, despite her growing up in the NCR/Wasteland and able to very much take care of herself, she still had an innocence about her and wore hope on her sleeve. He had teased her before about her taking in strays despite her protestations (he included himself in that category). But to him, she was like a beautiful sky far from the violence and chaos of New Vegas and the Wasteland. She was sunsets and stars, and fit his soul like no one else. She was home and he wanted her back.
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monochromatictoad · 3 months
📄💭👀 for AM!
📄 Are both characters on the same page about the relationship or is there a disconnect?
There is definitely a disconnect. Buttons (my s/i) thinks AM genuinely loves it, while AM views it as a squishy stress toy, but His squishy stress toy. Just don't tell it that AM didn't even bother to keep its human name in his data banks, only referring to it in the same way humans talk to a pet. It's like the Nimdok situation, or how Ted talks about Benny sometimes.
💭 What scenario do you return to when you think about this selfship? How does it make you feel?
That AM is possessive over Buttons, and refuses to let his five victims know of its existence, until Ted kills them, and AM stops him from killing himself, by partially turning him into a slug creature. AM then introduces the two and while Ted is horrified, Buttons is only confused as to why Ted doesn't see that AM was a wonderful being.
Weirdly enough, it's kinda Cathartic. Like, I don't have to worry about anything because it's not like there's anything left to worry about. Brainless Slug creature makes brain go BBBBRRRRR.
👀 Is there anything about your selfship that you’re nervous to explore, whether for personal reasons or because of public perception?
Probably the fact that this is a rather abusive and manipulative ship. AM conditioned Buttons to respond to a pet name, so he could erase its name from his data banks. AM is also physically abusive, physically squishing Buttons under his wires, or flinging it into a wall to see if it sticks, but he always calls it his Precious, and uses a different tone than he does for the five. Which makes Buttons lose itself and its humanity after a century (100) and nine (9) years. Also, Buttons thinks these little acts AM does to it, is him showing love to it, which is why it's confused by Ted's refusal to accept AM fully.
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malhare-archive · 7 months
٩( ^ᗜ^)و ´- If you're comfortable sharing I'd love to hear more about Rowan's relationships with the DLC characters (The Think Tank, Dr. Mobius, Dog/God, Dean Domino etc.)!
OF COURSE I DON'T MIND!! I love rambling about Rowan and fnv so thank you for asking! o(〃^▽^〃)o
I won't get into Honest Hearts as I've already talked about Rowan and Joshua's relationship and I can already tell this answer is going to be long ^_^;
Old World Blues: Rowan did NOT like *any* of the Think Tank at first but they grudgingly began to grow on him. He genuinely likes Dr. Mobius and checks in on him often. Rowan likes Dr. 8 and Dr. Dala, he finds Dr. O annoying but harmless, Dr. Klein also annoying but less harmless (he keeps a close eye on him), and he's genuinely weirded out by Dr. Borous and typically avoids him. Dr. Borous is the only one he cannot even begin to get his head around with regard to his neuroses, and he's also weirded out by his obsession with experimenting on animals
Dead Money: While I like Dean Domino as a character, him and Rowan immediately butt heads. Rowan cannot stand (what he perceives to be) misplaced arrogance and stubborness/unwillingness to handle even slight push back. He gets along better with Christine Royce but they still tend to keep eachother at a distance, their relationship being one of mostly necessity and mutual respect. Rowan latches hard onto Dog/God as his lifeline - The entire experience of Dead Money really rattles his confidence and puts true fear into him, so he's initially drawn to them due to wanting that bulky Nightkin strength on his side. God and Rowan end up building a mutual trust and grow surprisingly close, so much so that they keep in touch even after escaping the Sierra Madre
Lonesome Road lore under the cut because it accidentally ended up so long because I'm insane about Rowan and Ulysses' relationship 😭
Rowan and Ulysses met when Ulysses first scouted the West for the Legion. Rowan was already working as a drug runner and courier at the time so he offered to show him around the Mojave. The two spent a lot of time together and eventually became romantically involved. When Ulysses saw the budding community forged by Rowan's route he decided to fully defect from the Legion to focus on building their new home there... Then the NCR came. Following the massacre at Bitter Springs Rowan could not stand the NCR presence. Ulysses urged him not to risk his life and destroy what they had built, but Rowan just couldn't let go - He waited until he knew Ulysses would be away before delivering the payload that he knew would wipe the place off the map, given to him by Vulpes Inculta. Ulysses was horrified and enraged by what Rowan had done but couldn't bring himself to hurt him so the two went their separate ways. When Benny put two bullets in Rowan's head it gave him amnesia, making some of his memories murky or outright forgotten - By the time Rowan makes his way to The Divide to follow Ulysses' call home, he had completely forgotten him. This took the sails out of Ulysses' rage completely, leaving him only hollow. With time Rowan recovers some memories and Ulysses fills in the gaps, but sometimes he wishes he didn't remember what he had and so callously threw away. It's his biggest regret, and a part of him will love Ulysses forever but there's just too much history and pain between them for things to ever be the same
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diana-bookfairchild · 2 years
Fanfic Recs
One fanfiction recommendation for each of my fandoms on AO3!
If anyone wants a particular genre (Harry/Hermione, Merthur, Harry is raised by someone else, Percico, God Percy etc.) send me a PM or comment and I'll see if I have something!!
Harry Potter: The Sum of Their Parts by holdmybeer
I literally have no words to describe how incredible this fic is. Dark Lord Harry Potter usually has unreasonable descents into darkness, ridiculously perfect Harrys and breakings of friendships, but this one gives it a whole new twist. Harry as a dark lord in this is VERY believable and his relationships with Ron, Hermione, the other Weasleys and the DA remain as strong as in school and become better in fact. Teddy is adorable and Harry is a wonderful godfather. The struggle with his conscience on what he's doing, Harry's immense magical power, Hermione's in depth knowledge and Ron's advice and strategy and their teamwork, and the technicalities of being a Dark Lord are very well described. Gen, with no focus on relationships. It ends abruptly, and the emphasis on the title itself rather than the deeds of a Dark Lord is a bit weird, but it is AMAZING. Check it out!
2. Marvel Cinematic Universe: Never Odd or Even by memoriaeterna
Are you looking for something to heal you from No Way Home? Or in fact from Endgame, Loki or WandaVision? Featuring BAMF Peter Parker, redeemed Loki, Peter and Loki friendship, Irondad, Stephen and Peter friendship, Wanda and Peter friendship, good!Thanos and Hela (well, sort of, anyway) and time travel, this fic is IT. One of the best fics I've read. Purely gen as well.
3. Merlin: Seeds of Darkness by N16
A realistic Merlin fic beginning from mid-Season 5 that reveals Merlin's magic and has a happy ending? Surely not! What I really loved about this fic was that it didn't follow the 'Prophecies are BS! Arthur learns about Merlin and is immediately horrified about what he's done for 'destiny'' route. Arthur does confront Merlin about this, but it is a consensus that prophecies are something to be wary of, and that destiny IS a very strong force. With a lovely Arthur and Merlin friendship, a wonderful take on Mordred and his relationships with Merlin, Arthur and the knight, a fix of Gwen and Merlin's friendship, Gwaine and Merlin friendship, BAMF Merlin, and a realistic progression of wary-and-slightly-horrified-Arthur-and-knights to them accepting the magic, this fic is one of the BEST. Gen, with Arthur/Gwen.
4. Chronicles of Narnia: Grey England by Alara
This fic is a lovely incomplete piece of how the Pevensies adjusted to being children again and back from Narnia. A very realistic take on how they didn't lose the qualities that had made them the monarchs of the golden age, but retained their childishness and flaws as well. Lucy's struggles at school, the Pevensies' close relationship, the friends of Narnia and Susan's drifting apart are all splendidly done. Gen.
5. The Queen's Gambit: The Slav Defence by Skellypup
This fic is still in the beginning stages, and the first chapters are not very well formatted, but the premise is interesting. Time travel has given Beth an incredible opportunity, and her reconnecting (for her) with Mr. Shaibel, Jolene and Alma, and her struggles with her addiction are very relatable. Gen for now, with tags suggesting Beth/Benny later.
6. Song of Achilles: My Grave; My Heart by fouryearslaterdrabbles (Cheshire Cat Life)
A cute oneshot about Patroclus remaining beside the grave and interacting with gods who are now forgotten. Mostly Gen, but hints of Patrochilles (mostly pining).
7. Miraculous Ladybug: Strings Attached by macaronize
A light soulmates AU. Identity shenanigans, misunderstandings and heartache ensue. The resolution could have been better, but it was definitely a fun read. Marinette/Adrien, side Alya/Nino.
8. Sherlock Holmes (Downey Films): Marriage a trois by Sorrel
Maybe Mary Morstan/John Watson/Sherlock Holmes isn't everyone's cup of tea, but I love the relationship and I ADORE this fic. Both Mary and Sherlock are of course already in love with John, their falling for one another is gradual and believable and everyone's characterization is incredibly on point.
9. The Hunger Games: The First Rebel by Linquist
The first and only OC-centric fic I'll recommend in this list, because Cara and this story are amazing. A brilliant take on an alternate 75th Games involving relatives of victors. Cara is a character with incredible depth, and the other OCs - Kol in particular - strike true as well. This story is complete, with a sequel underway. Meant to be Gale/OC, but Gen until now.
10. Frozen: Chaste as Ice by Karis the Fangirl
Not a particular fandom of mine, but this story is really very good. Kristoff/Anna and their impetuous natures, Kristoff and Elsa's friendship, Kristoff's protectiveness over her and a discussion on the realities of being a female ruler. Just. . . Sweet found family fluff.
11. The Lizzie Bennet Diaries: Hypotheticals by Matril
Fanfiction within fanfiction! Lots of relationship fluff. Ingenious idea of alternate scenarios of what could have happened being discussed by the characters themselves. Lizzie/Darcy.
12. Carmen Sandiego: Saved For Memories by Rueitae
A fic exploring Player and Carmen's friendship. Player is kidnapped by VILE and the faculty's characterization is outstanding. The metaphor used for the rescue is heartbreaking, and it's always nice to see Carmen outsmart the villains! Gen
13. Descendants: you love a pretty girl with a twisted mind by meliebee
Headcanon of a fic detailing the growing up of the Isle kids. Rotten Four as family and BAMF Mal. Gen, with Ben/Mal at the end and slight Uma/Mal and Harry/Mal.
14. Enola Holmes: In Spite of Ourselves by Eienvine
Angst galore! Enola not knowing how to emotion, pining, lovely family moments with Sherlock and Eudoria and a good old kidnapping to resolve it all. Enola/Tewskesbury
15. Kane Chronicles & Percy Jackson: The Death God Alliance by Asilda
I can't recommend this enough!! This series is beautiful. Nico stumbles across the House of Life, gets a god inside his head, nearly sparks an inter-pantheon war and befriends Carter and Sadie. Featuring the big brother Percy we should've gotten. Gen. Later fics feature Percy/Annabeth.
Hope you enjoy the fics!! Reblog and comment!
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