bunny-lou · 1 year
Mal: “I sneezed as a dragon.”
Carlos: “We had an accident in the chemistry lab.”
Jay: “I dropped my latest mix tape.”
Ben: “Evie, please tell me what happened.”
(Flashback to Jay and Mal arguing with Carlos that it was impossible to light a fire extinguisher on fire.)
Evie: “I don’t remember.”
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kingben · 3 months
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dizzydizney · 2 months
Please pick what's most interesting for you, not what you think would make the healthiest couple.
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thebluestbluewords · 4 months
The Same Coin
I’m still having fun with the Valentine’s ficlets, so have some benlos! Set in no particular timeline, but there’s a nod to poly ot5 in the background.
“We don’t celebrate valentine’s day. On the Isle.” 
Ben tilts his head. His face is set into one of the middle levels of the Neutral Face of Acceptance, one of the ones that means he’s genuinely listening, not just trying not to look horrified while he thinks about other things. “Oh?” 
“It’s about feelings,” Carlos says slowly, trying to come up with a way to say the next part that won’t sound horrible. “And like, love, and stuff. And. We weren’t exactly. Allowed. To do that.” 
Ben cocks his head somehow further into the Neutral Acceptance Position. “What, to love people?” 
Nail, head. 
“Uh, yeah.” 
“I’m…” Ben trails off into silence for a moment. “I’m sorry. I didn’t think this would be so different for you four. Valentine’s day is so…” 
“So commercialized?” Carlos says, before he can think twice about how mean it sounds. He’s supposed to be having a meaningful moment where he gets to help the king reach some sort of shared cultural understanding with the poor sad Isle kids he’s so kindly pulled out of their pathetic former existence, and instead of being sincere, like an Auradon kid should be, he’s making fun of Ben’s beloved holiday. And like, family tradition. Probably. He should just stop thinking. “I mean, uh. Not that buying your girlfriend stuff is a bad thing. It’s fine. The more stuff you buy here, the more junk people have to donate to us, so. I’ll just. Uh.  Stop talking.” 
Ben smiles, but his expression had slipped into something more like a strained grimace, all tight and fake around the eyes.  “I was going to say ingrained in our culture.. We’re taught to value love, so I assumed that the same would hold true for you. I should have known better.” 
Ben goes red. “Not that you four don’t feel love!” 
It’s easier to look at Ben now that they’ve both put their foot in it. “I feel rage,” Carlos offers, softly. “If that helps at all.” 
“It’s not quite the same thing.” 
“Two sides of the same feeling,” Carlos says, feeling the weight of the words as they leave his mouth. “My mom’s not a great example, but she told me that you can’t hate something if you don’t love it, at least a little bit. They come from the same place, y’know. When you feel so much that there’s nowhere else for the feelings to go. They either come out as love, I guess, or if there’s too much, or the love isn’t reflected back…” 
Ben nods, and reaches over to take his hand. “Rage?” 
“Hatred, anger, jealousy.” Carlos ticks the feelings off on the fingers of his free hand as he goes. He doesn’t exactly like holding hands, because there’s too many opportunities to get distracted and leave yourself open if you’re walking hand in hand with someone, but it’s okay right now because they’re not moving, so there’s no way for Ben to pull him down and make it look like an accident, and they’re alone enough that nobody’s going to shout at them for doing it, and it’s still light enough that they could see anyone coming and let go before they’d get in trouble. “They’re all the same feeling. If obsession is good you end up in love with the thing, and if it’s bad you end up hating it with the same enthusiasm.” 
“I don’t think I could ever hate you,” Ben says softly. He’s doing a distracting thing with his hand, a little squeeze that’s drawing all of Carlos’s attention to where they’re connected. “Do you ever think that maybe your mom was wrong?” 
“About dogs, and driving cars, and how much pepper should go on food, yeah.” Carlos says. “But not this.” 
“Not–”  Carlos stutters around the words. He’s not sure what he even wants to say, but he’s so sure of this one. He used to hate Mal, back home when she was the one pushing him into closets and lockers and stealing his inventions, and then it was like a switch got flipped and all the times he’d followed her around to make her day worse, to try and spit gum into her hair from rooftops, and drop salt into her coffee when she left it on her school desk all seemed petty and stupid in light of how much he was suddenly devoted to her. He’d hated Jay too, up until the moment when he looked over at the wrong time, and all the feelings switched over into confused-hungry-aching, and he couldn’t stand to look at him, until his feelings for Mal settled into place and he fell in love with the both of them. 
He’s never not loved Evie, but Evie’s special. 
“Not like that.” Carlos says, finally. “I didn’t mean it in a bad way. It’s just that I don’t know how to have emotions like normal people do, and for me, they’re sort of the same thing.” 
The callouses on Ben’s writing finger slide against the rough skin on Carlos’s knuckles. The places where he’s split them open from hot water and abrasive chemicals don’t hurt anymore, but they catch, against the rough pieces of Ben. 
He’s wearing them down. Evie’s helping, with her potions and chemistry. They’re working on it together. 
“Okay,” Ben says, and he’s not looking at Carlos. “Is it okay if I say I love you anyway?” 
The horrible-wonderful feeling that’s somewhere between fear and anger and love bursts hot and painful in his chest. 
“Yeah,” Carlos whispers. His voice cracks anyway, because it’s stupid that way. “I can’t– I don’t know if I’m gonna be able to say it back. But I don’t hate you.” 
A squeeze. 
“I love you too.” 
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carlosdevilz · 16 days
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carlos meeting ben for the first time (🤨🏳️‍🌈❔)
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descendantsafterdark · 4 months
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who wants to draw carlos in this?
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freddieslater · 2 years
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Rowing the Rarepair Rowboat: Ben Florian x Carlos De Vil (Descendants)
Requested by anonymous
Carlos' smile is impossible to look away from. Ben found that out pretty quickly on when he gave that sheepish chuckle upon meeting him, covered in chocolate and having just jumped into Jay's arms out of fright. If his abundance of freckles weren't distracting enough on their own, paired with his smile, Carlos is quickly becoming a big problem for Ben.
According to his parents, at least, though they specify that it's the VK's as a whole rather than just one in particular. Personally, he doesn't see it as a problem at all.
It's only when Carlos stops smiling that Ben realizes he's just been gazing at him for a good while, lost in awe and wonder at how someone so beautiful could exist and he didn't know until just over a year ago. It's crazy.
Truly, if Ben didn't know any better, he would assume that Mal wasn't the only one to spike him with some kind of love potion. But he can feel the difference.
"What's wrong?" Carlos asks, quickly turning worried. "Is -- is there something on my face?"
He reaches up to gingerly touch his cheek, but Ben shakes his head and chuckles, assuring him that there's nothing there. Other than those freckles. And a tiny dimple when he flashes another, smaller smile that only quirks up one side of his mouth in the cutest way.
God, what is wrong with him? That's not even a question he needs to ask himself, really. He knows exactly what's wrong with him.
"I should--" Carlos starts to say, pointing a thumb over his shoulder to indicate the hallway he was originally about to turn down to get to his next class.
"Do you want to go to Cotillion with me?" he blurts out. It's hastily done, anything to stop him from leaving so soon, but he doesn't regret it.
Especially not when Carlos freezes to the spot and blinks those big brown eyes up at him. He's so tiny compared to Ben. It's amusing and adorable.
"Wh... What?" Carlos asks. "Do I... with you... to Cotillion?"
Ben grins and nods his confirmation, ignoring his racing heart. If he says no, it's not too big of a deal, he can play it cool and forget it ever happened. Maybe. Hopefully.
"Uh..." Carlos laughs breathily, then nods, pressing his lips together in barely contained excitement. "Yeah! Yes, absolutely. I'd love to. I mean, I would like to, that -- wait, just to be clear, do you mean as--"
"My date," Ben finishes for him. "Yeah. So... is your answer still yes?"
Carlos' eyes are sparkling with joy. Or maybe Ben's just projecting.
"Yeah," Carlos breathes. "Definitely."
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plumpengu · 1 year
so i was talking to a friend about the 2015 musical Disney Channel original movie Descendants when i remembered Benlos (ben x carlos). i desperately need more benlos content THOSE TWO WOULD BE SO CUTE TOGETHER
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shanleenkinnjaskey · 1 year
Good Enough (Ways To Be Wicked Part 1/?)
Little Mix
Am I still not good enough?
Am I still not worth that much?
I'm sorry for the way my life turned out
Sorry for the smile I'm wearing now
Guess I'm still not good enough
Everything's been boiling for months.
It started with the coronation, with Auradon’s reaction after Carlos showed up in pictures after the very public defeat of Maleficent with Ben's ring on his finger. Gossip sites featured headlines like cruella’s child corrupting the prince and de vil’s the devil. Carlos had ignored them at first, bolstered by the support of his best friends, his new friends (Doug and Jane, who had been incredibly kind to a strange kid from the beginning), and, of course, the boy he loves. Ben had been the bright spot in a sea of dirty stares, the constant in a world of cruelty.
He’d been fine for a few weeks- settling into dating Ben, being free from the weight of his mother’s wishes, and having dinner with the Queen and King twice a week. Tuesdays involved all the Lost kids, and those were often insane fun, but Saturday nights were just him, Ben, and Ben’s parents. The first one had been insanely nerve wracking, with Carlos half expecting the King to get mad at some mistake and beast out at any moment as well as the fact that Ben’s parents are the King and Queen as well as the fact that these are Ben’s parents, and he’s never had to try to impress anyone’s parents before. Even after a few weeks of such dinners he’s still somewhat on the edge of his seat, half-expecting them to insult and punish him over some perceived slight. Months away from home haven’t relieved him of a lifetime of Cruella’s cruelty, and no matter how kind Ben’s parents are he’s still never completely at ease.
(Still, he’s adjusting.)
The problem had truly begun when he'd gotten a video message from his mother a few weeks after the Coronation. He remembers her shocked expression at the news, her sneered comment about never expecting the brat to make it anywhere, 'specially not near the throne. He was cast back to the years on the Isle when the only friends he'd had were Jay, Mal, and Evie. He remembers the fact that the only one of them to be truly loved by a parent had been Evie (though the Evil Queen had definitely had her own ways of showing it). Jafar and Maleficent, though never loving, had been fond of Jay and Mal, treating them like apprentices rather than children but still treating them with some sense of caring.
Cruella de Vil, however, had treated her son like a slave, a creature that existed to serve her every whim. Carlos's earliest memories are scuttling about the Isle, fulfilling her every whim as she barked insults at him. If it hadn't been for him bumping into Mal, the head of a small gang of kids (Jay, Evie, and Uma until she'd broken off to follow in her mother’s footsteps and started terrorizing sailors), he'd probably (definitely) still be in that position today.
Over the past few weeks Cruella’s words have been waiting in the back of Carlos’s mind, combining with the words of the media and the whispered gossip in halls to create a poison in Carlos's head. Even kissing Ben, cuddling with him in bed, going swimming with him, hadn't helped. Normally he'd be nothing but happy when spending time with his boyfriend, but right now all he can focus on is the words pounding through his head.
You're pathetic.
Scrawny. Weak. Young. Villain.
Not as talented as the others.
The final straw had been at today's Visiting Day. He'd been alternating between Ben's side and hanging with his friends, even ending up in a intriguing​ conversation with Doug's Uncle Doc and Evie about the hydraulics operating the most outside the Academy. For the first time in weeks he'd been having a good time, enjoying himself and talking about the things he loves.
He'd taken a break, intent on heading back to Ben to talk to his boyfriend about their plans for dinner with his parents (and Maurice, who was so incredibly awesome that it erased the anxiety of spending time with the Queen and King just a little bit) that night, when he’d heard Queen Hilde, Audrey's grandmother, talking to Chad.
“-That son of Cruella's a corruption, you know,” Queen Hilde says, and Carlos freezes, half way to Ben. He’s used to reading the words online, used to thinking them, but he hasn’t heard anything like it aloud since they all left the Isle. “It would have been better for everyone if he'd just stayed on the Isle. No wand fiasco, no villains dirtying up our lawns, and King Ben would still be dating my granddaughter instead of villain parasite.”
“Couldn't agree more, Your Majesty,” Chad says, haughty tone in place. “The villains have been nothing but trouble- cheating in class, being undeniably rude at their first Visiting Day, even going so far as to interrupt Ben’s coronation in the way they did. I do believe that they’re taking advantage of our good King and Queen, especially that de Vil brat. Leeching off Ben like that? It’s despicable. When he was dating Audrey we were ensured of someone respectable on the throne.”
Queen Hilde smiles. “You do know how to flatter my family, young man.”
Though Carlos can't help but feel resentment to the words- he and his friends have been trying to improve themselves, whatever Queen Hilde may think- there's a certain truth to what they say. Audrey and Ben were the ideal couple, as Audrey is so fond of reminding him- they're both born royalty, raised by heroes and taught the right thing. They're both perfectly poised, always knowing to say the right thing to sway a conversation (rather than just rambling until someone has to shut them up), and they even look good together.
(And, above all, Audrey can provide Ben with wealth, support, and a biological heir. Carlos can only give himself, and that's not enough.)
(Not for Ben, who deserves the world, and certainly not for the kingdom he is destined to rule.)
“Carlos?” Ben asks from behind him, and Carlos whips around to face his boyfriend.
He smiles, frayed nerves soothed mostly by Ben's smile. “Yes?”
“I was wondering if you'd like to speak with Lonnie's mother? She's visiting for Family Day and she'd like to meet you.” Carlos almost shakes his head no (he'll embarrass Ben with his rambling, he knows he will) before Ben adds the kicker: “She says she wants to meet the man who stole the heart of her dearest godson.”
And Ben's looking at him with gorgeous smile, blue eyes sparkling, and there's no way that Carlos can say no. Ben offers his arm out to Carlos, who loops his arm around his elbow. Ben then leans in and presses a kiss to Carlos’s cheek (leading his embarrassing blush to come running back) before leading his boyfriend over to meet General Li Mulan.
Everyone’s words linger in the back of his mind throughout the rest of the afternoon and evening, festering until they’ve hit a monstrous growth and they’re all Carlos can focus on.
“You okay, darling?” Ben asks as they pull up to the castle for dinner. He puts a comforting hand on Carlos's thigh. “You've been kind of quiet.”
Carlos lets out a startled laugh. Normally people want him to be quiet. Even the Isle kids sometimes express frustration with his babbling. Ben's different, though- he’s never told Carlos to shut up, instead smiling fondly whenever Carlos speaks. It's no wonder I'm in love with him. “It's fine. Just been thinking, that's all.”
“Thinking 'bout what?” Ben asks, genuinely interested, and Carlos could nearly cry with how perfect this boy in front of him is.
“You,” he says, mostly-honest.
Ben blushes, and for such a normally confident man it's really kinda cute. “Really?”
“I'm sorry,” Carlos whispers as he slips out of Ben's arms, “But you deserve better.” He’s determined not to cry, but he can feel his eyes burning. He leans forward and gently brushes a kiss against Ben's cheek. “I love you.”
Carlos grabs his satchel, complete with Mal's Emergency Isle Return™ potion, and slips out the door.
He’s going back.
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prismaticflare · 11 months
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This is a 3 way round as I had too many ships I liked lol. If one of these are your favorites, sorry for the slight disadvantage.
Benlos (Ben/Carlos) is a super cute ship and surprisingly well supported in canon. Carlos saves Ben when he is a beast, and has that one scene that the image references. Dear God, what the heck was that scene? Like, there is literally no heterosexual explanation for it…
Jonnie (Jay/Li Lonnie) is a ship that is actually very well supported in canon. Jay and Li Lonnie work together to stop Uma in the Isle and stop sexism in Auradon. They have many adorable moments in the second movie, but never get paired off together in the third due to Li Lonnie not being in it. Maybe if Li Lonnie was in that movie, though, they would have become canon. We’ll never know…
Umal (Uma/Mal) is your typical “enemies to lovers.” Mal and Uma have been enemies for most of their lives on the Isle, yet have quite a bit of chemistry.
Which is your favorite? Vote now!
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bunny-lou · 2 years
Ben: “We call that a ‘traumatic event’.
Ben, turning to Jay: “Not a ‘bruh moment’.”
Ben, turning to Evie: “Not a ‘major L’.”
Ben, turning to Carlos: “Not a ‘shit fest’.”
Ben, turning to Mal: “And definitely not an ‘oof lmfao’.”
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rk1v-e · 2 years
Footnote - a benlos oneshot inspired by Conan Gray
Carlos is in love with Ben. Its not an opinion, its a fact. Everyone knows this, including Ben.
There's only one problem though, the feelings aren't mutual. Ben loves Carlos, but only as a friend. No one knows this, except Carlos. They're best friends, they spend every minute together, you never see Ben without Carlos by his side and vice versa. It's no ones fault that everyone thinks they're together, and neither one ever corrects them.
It hurts, both knowing that Ben doesn't love him the way he does and that everyone else assumes he does. He doesn't let it get in the way of his friendship though, he never will. Yeah, it hurts but that's reality. It's not like the novels, no 'Pride and Prejudice' at all.
Carlos is in love with Ben, but he doesn't act on it. He knows how Ben feels, and he will never cross that line.
Ben knows that Carlos is in love with him, he's known since high school. He doesn't know if Carlos knows that though since the first time Carlos did confess to him was in their first year of college. They've known each other since freshman year of high school, the two shared a couple of classes and decided to become friends. They became inseparable ever since.
It was their junior year when Ben started to realize Carlos had a crush on him, and he didn't really mind. If anything, he thought it was cute. He never confronted him about it, he didn't want to make him uncomfortable. So he waited, but Carlos never said anything. Eventually he forgot, until their senior year.
Their senior year was coming to an end, and everyone was throwing parties to celebrate. There was a party on the beach, and both boys showed up together. As the party continued, they were eventually separated. Ben was dragged away by his jock friends, and Carlos by his dance friends. When the two eventually found their way back to each other, it was dark and the stars were out.
The two didn't say anything to each other, they found a spot a good enough distance from the party and sat down. They didn't say anything for awhile, they just looked at the stars together. It was a comfortable silence, the two could always communicate without having to say a word to each other.
Both boys had a bit of alcohol that night, but Ben was the more sober one between the two as Carlos had also gotten high with his friends. Ben could feel Carlos staring at him, and so he turned to look at him.
"You're beautiful, Ben," Carlos whispered, he didn't look away.
Ben smiled, but before he could return the compliment, Carlos spoke again.
"I love you."
Ben continued to smile, but he felt sad in away. He knows Carlos is intoxicated, but he also knows Carlos meant it. He knows that this 'I love you' is different than the other ones they've said to each other. This one isn't meant in a platonic way, but in a romantic way instead. He feels sad because he loves his friend, but he doesn't love him.
"It'll pass."
Carlos never knew it happened, and Ben never brought it up. So the two graduated and left for college, together. The two decided their sophomore year that they would go to college together, and luckily for them, they got into the same school. As first years, they had to room in the college dorms, but unfortunately they didn't end up being roommates. That somehow ended up bringing them closer than ever. The school year started, and they met new people and had different friend groups, but that never stopped them from seeing each other. Their new friends met the other, and they got used to always seeing the two together.
Finals came up, and the two didn't see each other much as they were too busy studying. While studying for finals, Carlos had a lot of time to think about Ben and his feeling towards him. He had decided that after finals were over with, he would tell him how he felt.
So finals were over, and the two decided two met up at a party one of the off campus fraternities was hosting. They hugged as if it was the first time in years when they finally found each other in the crowd. And so their night began, they talked, drank, and danced with each other and with their friends. The night was going well, the perfect way to destress after all the tests and assignments they just had.
The nigh progressed and the two decided it was time to leave. They said their goodbyes to their friends, and left. Neither had a car at the moment, so they had to walk back to campus. They didn't mind though, they both loved going on long walks at night. The noise from the party died down once they were both a good enough distance. It was silent, a comfortable silence. One they were comfortable with and loved.
Carlos was deep in thought, contemplating if now was the perfect time to confess how he felt. 'Now or never' he thought, and so he did.
"I like you," He doesn't stop to look at Ben, he continues walking or else he'll take it back.
"I like you more than a friend. I always have, and it's okay if you don't feel the same." He finally stopped walking, but didn't look back.
"Sober up." Nothing in Ben's tone told Carlos how he felt, but it still stung.
"Why would I lie? It's so clear I'm in love with you."
Carlos didn't mean to say that, at least that's what he told himself but it came out too quick to be an accident. He finally turned around to face Ben, this was a conversation to be had facing each other.
"I like someone else." Carlos didn't let that get to him, he was always there when Ben had a crush on someone and it never lasted.
"If I waited, could that maybe help?" Ben wished he could say yes, but he knew better.
"Patience won't change how I feel."
It hurt Ben to say, and it hurt Carlos to hear.
That night didn't change anything, they walked back to campus and wished each other a good nights rest. Life continued for the two and that was for the best. They were in each others life and that's all Carlos wanted. It was like that night never happened.
Except, it did happen. It happened and Carlos can't forget it. He tries to ignore the ache in his heart whenever Ben is near him, when he initiates physical contact, or even when he thinks of him. Ben is his friend, his best friend, and that will never change. No matter how much it hurts, it won't change. He'll learn to get over it, but that will always be easier said than done.
They were in their third year of school when they decided to finally move in together instead of staying in the dorms. Things were better now, Carlos felt like he was starting to move on and he was happy with that. They were back in their hometown, the two were in Ben's childhood room packing up his stuff. It was late at night and they were drinking. They were finally twenty one and could legally drink, so they decided why not drink a few beers as they packed?
It was nice, until it wasn't.
"I met someone, she's from our hometown and goes to school with us." The ache was back.
"That's nice, I'm happy for you."
After that, life moved on too fast for them. They were in their last year of college, only a couple of months left until they had to go out into the 'real world'.
"After we're done with school, we're moving." Carlos stared at the coffee in front of him, they were in his favorite coffee shop. All three of them.
"We're moving to New York!" She squeezed Ben's arm to control her excitement, and Carlos raised his gaze towards the two of them. She was a carbon copy of Carlos, even she knew it.
"You hate the East Coast." Carlos knows he shouldn't have said it, he should've congratulated them and moved on. He couldn't help himself though.
"He says he hates a lot of things, but he doesn't. He said he hates olives, but the other day I saw him eating them off your salad. He's so odd, but that's what I love about him." She pinches his cheek before kissing it, but Ben doesn't react.
"Carlos hates them, and so I eat them so they don't go to waste." Carlos smiles at that, and that's his first genuine smile since he arrived at the cafe.
"You guys are perfect together! Makes me miss my best friend even more, I should call her !" She gets up from her seat, gives Ben another kiss on the cheek and heads towards the bathrooms. It's the two of them alone now for the first time in awhile. It silent between the two, but this time it doesn't feel comfortable like before.
"I'm sorry." Ben says after a minute, the two are looking at one another and there's pain behind both their eyes.
"You have nothing to be sorry about." Carlos knows why, but he rather it not be said out loud.
"I want you to know that I want you in my life, from now until forever. You're my best friend," Carlos wanted him to stop talking, to stop everything from happening. "I know things have been weird lately, but I need you to know that."
Carlos looks at Ben, he's known him long enough to know when Ben is being sincere. He means every word he's saying, but there's something else. There will always be something else behind his words. He just doesn't know what.
"I know and I do too. I'll stop being pretentious, and loathing our friendship. It'll take awhile, but I'm sure one day we'll go back to how it used to be." He means what he says, but it still feels like a lie.
"I love you, dude."
"I love you too, dude."
It hurts knowing that Ben doesn't love him the way he does. He let it get in the way of his friendship though, and that's no ones fault but his own.
It's just like the novels, side characters end up alone.
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dizzydizney · 2 months
Please pick what's most interesting for you, not what you think would make the healthiest couple.
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thebluestbluewords · 10 months
Friday means WIP day
Censored for tumblr-safe audiences, this is the current WIP section of my endless ot5 series. (There’s a nsft section directly before this, but the important part to know is that it’s a little Ben/Carlos ice cream date and they’re having a great time and no angsty plot-relevant conversations happened directly before this :) )
 “Do you want to try a bite?” Ben tries instead, holding out his ice cream. It’s pretty good. His pack only ever shares food with each other, but he gets to be a part of that now, because they’re his. And he’s theirs. And sometimes, when the stars and their schedules align, he gets to take one or more of them out on ice cream dates in town, because his people deserve to have nice things like ice cream and time spent in the sun, and Ben can help give that to them. 
Carlos takes Ben’s wrist to steady the cone. “You’re too kind.” he says drily, and takes a bite out of the side of it. Not a giant bite, like Mal would take when she feels like being annoying, but a normal-sized bite, appropriate to have when you’re sharing with a close friend. Because they’re in public, and they’re good friends, who are having new experiences together. 
The ice cream is pink, and there’s a little smear of it on Carlos’s lip as he lets go of Ben’s wrist and does something very important and attention-worthy with the ice cream in his mouth. Or maybe it’s not attention-worthy, and Ben just likes looking at his mouth. 
Either way. 
“Right. Uh, I give this flavor a ten out of ten.” Ben says, in the most normal possible way. “It’s really good. I think I’ll get it with the blueberry drizzle next time.” 
“Yeah? What flavor is it?” Carlos asks. His eyes are bright, like he’s teasing, and he knows that Ben’s distracted by the gorgeous curve of his mouth. Like he knows Ben won’t remember the answer. “If it’s so good, maybe I’ll try it next time.” 
“Strawberry…cheesecake?” Ben guesses. It’s strawberry something, and it really is good. If they were going directly back to school, he’d bring some home for Mal to try. 
Oops. “Right, that’s the one. It really is good. You can steal another bite if you want.” 
“Hmm,” Carlos makes a considering noise, and then takes a huge, crunching bite of his own cone instead. “Noted. Can we head on soon? I wanna get some of the stuff in the toy store for Jay.”  
“Sure. Am I funding this adventure?” 
Carlos blinks at him. “Do you want to help me cover Jay in silly string?” he asks finally, with the general tone of someone who is talking to a particularly stupid child. “If you’re too busy I can buy a can or two myself.” 
“With the size of cans these days, I think you’ll need at least four to cover him entirely,” Ben says thoughtfully. “Unless that’s not the goal, in which case I still think you should buy at least four cans, because then you can plant the extras in the girl’s room and try to divert any revenge onto them.”
Carlos grins, and it feels like Ben’s heart is going to burst. Like this is it, this is where he’s meant to be, and what he’s meant to be doing. “Unbelievable!” he crows, voice rising in a familiar teasing cadance.  “I cannot believe that the king of Auradon would stoop so low as to try and frame an innocent bystander for his crimes!” 
“The girls are hardly innocent,” Ben points out, but he’s laughing now, and it’s hard to get the words out. “And I hardly think it’s a crime to cover your roommate in silly string when he so clearly deserves it.” 
“That’s what you think!” Carlos crows, delighted and loud about it. “I’m hearing direct support from the kingdom of Auradon here!” 
Ben swallows back his laughter. “Am I wrong?” 
“Silly string is a crime worthy of a thousand prank-backs.” Carlos says seriously. “If  you’re funding this, we’re getting enough for everyone, and it’s a war we’re starting.”
There’s a right answer here, and it’s obviously the one that’s going to end with silly string all over their rooms. 
“Sure, I’ll start a war for you,” Ben says, like that’s a normal thing for him to say to anybody. It’s probably not something he should be saying so lightly, especially not in public, but it’s also true. He would start a war for any of them. He’s not exactly a perfect judge when it comes to the isle kids, but in his biased opinion, if there is anyone in the world who deserves to have people who are so devoted that they would start a war, it’s his family. “But I want no credit for whatever nonsense happens after we plant the extra cans around the school.” 
Carlos grins up at him, close and warm and slightly sticky. “Does this make me Helen of Troy?” 
“I don’t think I’m much of a Menelaus.” 
“You can be Paris. Mal can be Menelaus, and you can steal me away from her and launch the war of a lifetime.” 
“And the silly string….” Ben says, grinning back. “That’s just a casualty of the war?” 
“Exactly. And you’re funding it, so let’s go before they sell out of purple.” 
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itsangelofdarkness · 1 year
I need a beta reader to help make my writing better and maybe slap me into writing more lmao
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kyluxtrashpit · 3 months
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In order to try to stave off The Agonies, I decided to draw a post of mine from a while ago so I could have Kylo holding hands with his 12 boyfriends (added Ben cause boy needs a little self-love too) at the same time thanks to the power of the Force (I also recommend full-sizing cause damn this is a big piece lmao)
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