#Benefits of eating boiled egg
sehatgyantips · 11 months
उबला अंडे खाने के फायदे
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myfitneass · 1 year
Discover the amazing health benefits of boiled eggs, from weight loss to prenatal development and increased mental energy.
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at the point in my life where I’m eating boiled eggs on purpose for their nutritional benefits. I fear it may be too late
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can i pamper yves? yes or no. honest question. i get spontaneous bursts of energy to care for someone, but i mostly just would like to show how i care even if it’s probably not as sufficient as him in this relationship. i would probably feel bad to just take all of the love and not give any back. i would draw him and make playlists and probably shittily made food for him that i think he would like. maybe i write in a journal about silly little observations about him that i find endearing and gift it to him later on. i know he doesn’t like surprises, but i would do small ones just for him. i want to show that i care!!! (and not overstep any boundaries.)
also, how does he feel about us mast of bating ? occasionally. rarely i get the urge. i think there can be health benefits to it. 🤷‍♀️
- 🌷
You're more likely to get Yves to initiate sexual intercourse with you if you pamper him without expecting anything in return.
He treats masturbation as something normal and mundane. To him, it's no different than how you would watch TV at a certain time. He would record it and take notes, observe everything from every angle but he derives no sexual arousal from this. Only contentment that he gets to see another part of you. He just likes watching you under a microscope and recording your every move, every behavior and every thought.
He would appreciate everything you described, especially when it doesn't take away his role as the main caregiver in the relationship. And you are truly spoiling him by giving him such precious data about yourself to fill his information vault.
In exchange for every unique drawing you give him, Yves would shower you with more affection. Spoiling you rotten for doing that to him first; with these he can identify your average stroke strength and depth. He also loves how you depict him too, Yves will never turn down materials that show how you perceive the world no matter how trivial or repetitive.
He would spend hours listening and analyzing the playlist you made him, discerning patterns and beats, why did you choose these songs for him? Why is it every third song is in the hip hop category? Do you actually like these songs or does it simply remind you of him? Are you relating to any of the lyrics?
Yves would definitely appreciate the food although he doesn't eat much. However, it's the process you took to make it that interests him way more. Whose recipe are you using? How do you crack the eggs? In what way do you stir? Could you multitask? When faced between tending to a boiling kettle and a bubbling pot, which would you turn off first? Why do you think he might like this dish of yours?
The one he would love the most and become giggly, overcome by cuteness aggression is your journal that you would have given him. It shows him your world. Much, much more of your world. He wants to know what interests you, how you experience different things and what catches your attention.
On the day he receives this journal, he would feign ignorance. But he is actually trying extremely hard not to shake out of excitement. Upon explaining what it is, Yves will pick you up and twirl you around joyfully. Praising you for giving him such a wonderful, beautiful gift. Loving you up and down as a reward. Gently nibbling your cheeks to try and satisfy some of that urge to squeeze the adorableness out of you.
He will be on cloud 9 for the next few weeks. You would notice that he's clingier and a lot more affectionate towards you than usual. Sometimes even to a nauseating degree, but he just couldn't help himself. He adores you, he reveres you. This is such an amazing feeling, he also wanted you to experience this too. And he does it by manipulating the environment and drugging you to feel this euphoria.
So, as long as he is in this state, you will be too. The glee and happiness you will feel are indescribable, it transcends language and actions. It's something unearthly. You feel free and giddy all the time, excited for everything that is going to happen.
Yves is actually very easy to please and pamper. He especially loves things that serve as major enrichment in his mind enclosure. Yves's scientific, analytic, mathematical brain needs something to chew on, and it will eat up anything about you. The most delicious feast for his thinker is information that you've willingly given up to him. That is why he worships the journal very much.
Nothing is a surprise for him, really. He already knows and predicted what you're going to do. It's the intent and effort you put into this that gets him hot and bothered under the collar, that gets his heart swelling out of pure adoration for you. The fact that you cared, walked the talk and paid attention aroused him greatly and is one of the very few things that would get him tight in the pants.
He is delighted to feel valued. And you may see these as small gestures, but to Yves, they're grandiose displays and declarations of love, not even the most romantic and strongest gods can compete. It makes Yves swoon over how much romance and sweetness you could possibly express to him.
So in short, yes. You can pamper Yves. Not by copying what he does to you, but by willingly giving up data about yourself. Data that was never seen or obtainable before. Precious, precious data.
Because he is the caregiver, and not you. The 'pampering' he will appreciate the most are those that could help him take care of you better.
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Would a Chansey be a good pet?
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A chansey would, in fact, be an excellent pet! One of the best! This is a rare case in which, after calculating their score, the pokémon’s final number is higher than it was before considering the boons and penalties of their move set!
Perhaps the biggest downside to chanseys when it comes to pet ownership is their rarity. They are well known to be elusive and slick (Red/Blue, Gold), as well as small in number out in the wild (Silver), so they may be a hard pet to adopt, especially if you are looking at ethical means of adoption. However, if you did manage to adopt one, they would be one of the best pets you could have. They’re a bit on the larger size, but certainly nothing too unmanageable (though they would take up a lot of room on the couch!). Personality-wise, chanseys are kind-hearted, compassionate, and generous (Yellow, Diamond). They have a strong sense of other-people’s character as well: they don’t like to share their eggs with those they deem to have “evil in their hearts” (Pearl). So, as long as you don’t have evil in your heart (which I hope you don’t, beyond in an ironic sense), they will likely get along with you well.
Chanseys have a particular soft spot of the sick and injured (Diamond, Black/White), which is likely why they’re often seen helping out at medical facilities. They’re natural healers. The eggs that chanseys can almost always be seen carrying don’t serve a reproductive purpose; rather, chanseys offer them to those in need of healing as their nutritional value help with the natural healing process (Yellow). Chanceys lay multiple eggs a day (FireRed), and take special care to keep them from breaking or getting into the wrong hands (Gold, Pearl). If you have a close bond with your chansey, there’s a good chance (pun intended) that they would share their eggs with you. These eggs can be used to treat injuries or sickness, as I’ve already mentioned, but they also said to be delicious and are considered a high-class cooking ingredient (Ruby/Sapphire, Sword). In fact, these eggs may be used to treat issues with appetite, as they are said to be alluring even to those who aren’t feeling like eating (Ruby/Sapphire).
As far as their moves go, chanseys aren’t all that dangerous. Their small number of troubling moves like Double-Edge or Sing are vastly outweighed by their handful of healing abilities! Life Dew, Heal Pulse, and their signature move Soft-Boiled allow chanseys to heal both themselves and others. This would cut down not just on pet bills, but potentially your own doctor’s bills as well! People who are particularly prone to injury or illness could really benefit from having a chansey as a pet, or even as a service pokémon.
In totality, chanseys passes the pet test with flying colors. They are a pokémon that is well known to get along well with humans, and whose empathetic generosity could vastly improve the quality of life for many potential owners.
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redflagshipwriter · 6 months
Reassembly 6
Masterpost is here.
Peter woke up on the library sofa that he was beginning to think of as his and hefted his bag over his shoulder.
He was doing okay. Really, he was fine. Considering that he was a minor with no resources or adults to help him, his life wasn't so bad.
Last night he'd gone to the gym early and thought about washing his dirty clothes in the shower. He hadn't, but he figured he would have to eventually. He could wear everything at least twice before it was an issue, right?
He chewed on that thought on his way to get breakfast. Today's hotel buffet had boiled eggs, which was new and exciting hotel fare. He made buttery whole grain toast and tried to calculate how many calories he was probably getting on this breakfast buffet lifestyle. ….on the good buffet days 1000 per day, at least.
There was no chance that it was enough to fuel Spider-Man. He had whole fat milk and juice to bulk it up, instead of water, but he knew it really wasn't enough.
‘Maybe I should be going to two buffets per day. They'd notice if I took a day's worth of meals from any one place, but they're open for hours.’
This place was one of the ones that had little plastic tubs of peanut butter with the peel off lid. With a guilty look over at the inattentive desk worker, Peter pocketed a couple for a snack later in the day. The only other non-refrigerated thing that looked small enough to pocket were rolls, and there weren't a ton of those. He took one.
He still had most of the cash from the wallet, but the idea of spending it seemed like a bad one. He might need it a lot more in the future.
‘I should look into food banks?’ That seemed right. There'd been a time after Uncle Ben died that Aunt May had gotten help that way.
Hopefully not for long. Maybe that potential client would hire him today. And them-
….how would they pay him? Peter put his face in his hands and breathed into his fingers for a bit. He didn't have a bank account. Could he open a bank account using only his birth certificate? Probably not! He definitely needed to figure out the social security number thing. Fast.
Peter didn't cry but it was a close thing. It was just… it was all so overwhelming. Nothing was just easy. He couldn't even just work and get paid because there were a billion steps needed before you could get money you'd earned.
Grimly, he wondered if there was something else. There was probably a way to get paid under the table, same day. Manual labor? Some kind of bottom barrel criminal stuff like smuggling or whatever it was people did with drugs?
He wouldn't mind the manual labor, except that it would be a very big problem for his under-fueled metabolism. But he probably had to choose hunger over small time crime. Didn't he? Peter bit his lip and wondered what Aunt May would say. She'd never broken the law, he was pretty sure. But she was a huge proponent of children getting to eat. Maybe she'd forgive him.
That was probably all beside the point. Peter didn’t know how to do any of that. He couldn’t survive by doing crime if he tried. He was kind of relieved to dismiss the idea that way.
‘School really might be my way out,’ Peter thought longingly. ‘If I get a scholarship and housing, that’s a ton of my problems solved right there. I’d be able to get a legit job a lot easier with an address and maybe a student ID.’
That was a longer term plan, then. For now, he had to figure out how to eat until that panned out.
Unbidden, he remembered Kon’s unused kitchen and endless credit cards.
Peter instantly felt a deep well of shame. He wasn’t going to use Kon like that. He wasn’t befriending Kon to benefit. That would be majorly messed up.
He was really looking forward to their planned hangout today, though. He didn’t feel guilty at the thought that he’d probably get to eat there if he cooked. That was normal, that was the kind of thing that friends did. It would be weirder to invite him over and not eat together.
They hadn’t exactly picked a time. Peter figured he would kill time until the library opened at 10, check his email, maybe study a little, and then head over. He didn’t want to go over there so early that Kon fed him both lunch and dinner. It had been fine last time, but it would be tacky to orchestrate that on purpose.
Social Security numbers. Peter mentally reframed the day’s mission to that. He’d check the email, sure, but rather than studying coding he was going to figure out how to get a social security number.
Well. Two. One for his real name, and one for his office workersona.
Peter cleared out of the hotel lobby when he heard an employee start to move around in the office behind the desk. He went to another hotel, got a piece of toast, fruit, and coffee, and then killed time by walking around for a couple of hours.
He wound through the morning crowds with an easy grace and enjoyed the pretense that he was one of them, a regular guy headed to work or something. It felt good to be lost in a crowd and have absolutely no one look at him like he was sticking out. He was having a terrible time but honestly, for a homeless jobless teenager, he was doing a really good job. He didn’t look weird or smell bad, and he’d figured out at least a short term survival strategy and a long term plan that he was working towards.
Oh. Peter felt a twist in his gut. He didn’t stop walking but he felt guilty about it. He probably shouldn’t be mindlessly burning energy by walking around, not when he was eating maybe half of what an average human should eat per day. Mr. Stark had put his ideal intake around 3500 calories, more if he was active. He had a lot of muscle that he really didn’t want his body to cannibalize for fuel.
…There were still a couple hours until the library opened. Peter really, really wished he at least had a library card. If he’d been able to take out a book he could sit on a bench somewhere and kill time without looking too weird. He could even go to a diner and get like, a one dollar black coffee and hang out. Since this was a fantasy, he went ahead and mentally added a cinnamon roll to the imaginary order. Wow, luxury!
Peter laughed to himself. No one looked at him, because this was New York City and a kid laughing on the sidewalk was banal.
It was a weird little goal, but it made him smile. He’d fix his life. He’d have a legal identity, and a place to sleep, and be able to go to school and work. When he got to that point he’d be able to go to a restaurant and order a cinnamon roll and not worry about anything, except how he was going to get back to his universe or whatever. You know, just the normal concerns, not survival.
He killed time in a park, watching ducks bob around and groom each other. The sunshine did something for his mood. When he felt it had been long enough he went to the library and followed through on his plan. He didn’t have any emails yet, except a notification from the job site saying that employers were looking at his profile and he could see who, for a nominal fee!
Peter deleted the email, disgruntled. Seemed kinda predatory.
He went on to learn about the social security system. Apparently they were assigned randomly, and there were multiple physical addresses that issued cards. There were more of them than he’d expected. He found one in a 3rd floor address nearby that was open from 7am to 4 pm and figured out how to get there and what the building looked like. Then he did more reading, brow furrowed, trying to figure out what to do.
It might be more secure to make it look like he was an immigrant who got a social security number assigned as an adult. If he claimed to be from out of the country, then it would be harder to research where he supposedly came from.
On the other hand, he didn’t want to lose his identity as a New Yorker. That was important to him. Peter bit his lower lip and thought it over.
Actually. You didn’t have to be born in the states to be a real New Yorker. He made up imaginary back stories for both of his IDs. The worksona was a born citizen, because Peter didn’t think that was likely to get looked into much. Since that person didn’t really exist, he was going to abandon it as soon as he didn’t need it.
His real ID for the universe was going to be from overseas. He decided that he’d been born in… Moldova.
Peter took a moment to look up Moldova to be sure it still existed in this universe. It did, and it seemed about the same. No travel restrictions to the United States, but not much economic power. It was not a common place to come from, but that fit his purposes. He didn’t want someone to ask why he didn’t speak whatever his supposed native language was.
…Peter made a mental note to look up language resources. Even if he’d supposedly emigrated at a young age, it would be more convincing if he knew at least a little. And it would be a good way to spend some time.
Huh. That was an idea. He probably couldn’t take books out of the library, but he could get a notebook and a pencil for like, 2 dollars, and take notes here. Then he’d have something to study in the hours he was outside with nothing to do. He’d look a lot less weird just sitting around if he looked like a student.
He took a minute to look up their flag and a few trivia points. Then Peter called it good enough for now and started off towards Kon’s apartment.
It would be a lie to say that it was convenient. It could have been worse, but it was far enough that Peter would have used the subway if he had the money to spend.
…He made a note to look into subway hopping. That wasn’t a real crime. It shouldn’t cost anything to use public transportation, it was literally built for public use. But right now, on the way to see a friend, seemed like a bad time to possibly get held up for a misdemeanor.
So he walked. It took him 40 minutes to get to the apartment block. He ducked into a dollar store that he passed on the way to get the notebook and pencil he had decided on, feeling good about it. His stomach grumbled when he passed the cooler with sandwiches and drinks. He ignored it as best as he could and directed his gaze elsewhere. It was easier to be hungry when there wasn’t food nearby.
Peter knocked on the door with his knuckles.
The door opened before he could call out. Kon grinned down at him and then whooshed back to let him in.
“Thanks,” he said. “Have a good day so far?”
Kon shrugged. The light caught on the metal spikes on his jacket with the movement. He turned around and walked ahead of Peter. “I was out of town ‘til this morning, sleepover with some friends,” he said.
Somehow the sight of his absurd muscles peeking out the mesh window startled a cough out of Peter, even though he’d been there when Kon modified the jacket.
“How about you?”
Peter’s brain took a moment to come online. “Uh, I was at the library this morning,” he said. At the weird look Kon gave him, he shrugged self consciously and stuffed his hands in his pockets. “I’m looking into college stuff,” he justified. That was really normal.
“...College, huh.” Now Kon looked uncomfortable. “You must be smart.”
Peter’s face burnt red. “In some ways,” he dodged. “Are you gonna go?”
Kon blinked at him. “I mean….” He gestured at himself with one hand. “I’m not exactly the type, am I?”
“Because you’re hot?” Peter asked, confused. What else was that gesture at his pecs supposed to illustrate?
They stared at each other. Then Kon broke out into snickers. “Because I’m not that smart,” Kon said, like it was a fact of life. “It’s just not for me.”
Kon was laughing, but Peter felt… he felt kind of angry, actually. “Who told you that?” he demanded. He curled his hands into fists in his pockets. “Why don’t you think you’re smart? Eff that. You could go to college. Maybe you should go with me,” he added impulsively. He could help Kon figure it out. Honestly, Kon probably needed help if his parents weren’t talking to him about school or a job.
“Where are you going?” Kon asked. He cocked his head to the side.
Ah. Well. “I’m not very far in the process yet, but I was thinking about Gotham U for engineering,” Peter admitted.
Kon started laughing for real. “Gotham,” he gasped. “Gotham? Me, in Gotham?”
Peter felt his shoulders hunch up. “They have a good program,” he said stiffly. He hadn’t thought Kon would laugh at him. His throat felt tight. He took a step backwards without thinking about it. Maybe this was a mistake.
Somehow Kon tuned into his mood even without looking. He held up a hand, flustered through the remnants of his snickers. “No– no, I mean, I have a friend in Gotham,” he said. “I didn’t expect you to bring that up as a possibility.”
Oh. The stiffness in his shoulders relaxed, just a bit.
“Maybe I should go,” Kon mused. “And surprise him. That would be really funny.”
Peter shrugged.
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tastesoftamriel · 2 years
I’d love to hear your take on Tamrielic coffee culture! Imperial cappuccinos, Breton cafe au lait, Redguard iced coffee with lemon…so many options~
Coffee varies in popularity among the Provinces, but almost everyone enjoys a good strong cup of bean juice (and it tastes much better than stamina potions)!
Coffee isn't the favoured drink of most High Elves, but it is enjoyed in small amounts around Summerset. The most popular way of drinking coffee there is a simple espresso, served in small cups for sipping alongside small cakes and biscuits in the afternoon. While some complain that espresso is too strong and bitter for their tastes, a good brew is smooth, rich, and flavourful, with notes of vanilla and fruits.
Black Marsh is one of Tamriel's foremost producers of coffee due to the rich soil and warm climate that makes growing coffee relatively easy compared to other Provinces. Egg coffee sounds bizarre, but this Argonian take on the cappuccino is one of the best ways to drink coffee in my opinion! A strong brew, sweetened with sugar, is topped with firm, whipped sweetened egg whites and served piping hot. Simply stir the egg into the coffee before it has time to set, and you have all the benefits of a milky coffee without the milk.
Believe it or not, the Bosmer have found a way to make delicious coffee that's Green Pact compliant! While it sounds unsavoury, Wood Elves in Valenwood pick out undigested coffee beans from the dung of civet cats, who eat wild coffee fruits. The beans are washed thoroughly and roasted, with the civet cat's digestive system purportedly aiding in the fermentation of the bean, giving the resulting brew a rich and robust flavour. This 'luwak' coffee has become so famous that it's become a pricey export to other parts of Tamriel.
Cream and coffee go hand in hand in High Rock, generally with a couple of sugar cubes or flavoured syrups or caramel for a rich beverage. Using cream instead of milk helps to ease the bitterness of Breton coffee, which is unfortunately made by boiling coffee grounds. As any coffee aficionado knows, boiling your coffee makes it rather sour and unpleasant, making the cream and syrups a must.
Of the races, the Dark Elves are probably the least enthusiastic about coffee as it is not native to Morrowind. However, coffee culture from around Tamriel has made the beverage more popular among the younger generations of urban Dunmer, who infuse their beans with marshmerrow during the roasting process. Served black in tall cups with a pinch of marshmerrow sugar, this simple drink is unique in flavour due to its sweet, candy-like aroma. For those with a taste for the exotic, add a splash of guar milk.
In Cyrodiil, coffee is usually drunk with milk. Cappuccinos, made by topping coffee with frothed steamed milk are particularly popular, not least due to the fancy art that can be made by pouring the coffee into the milk in intricate patterns. While in itself it's not a particularly remarkable beverage, it's an Imperial staple that's enjoyed from the Colovian Highlands to Blackwood by young and old.
The Khajiit are famous for their drip coffees, in which coffee grounds are placed in small metal filters that slowly drip into a small cup, halfway filled with moon sugar-sweetened condensed milk. The resulting brew is very strong, very sweet, and bound to wake you up after the first sip.
Coffee is not particularly popular in Skyrim, but it's served as plainly as it gets: strong and black, and sometimes with a spoonful of sugar. However, what it's served with is unique to the Province. Coffee cheese, which is a slightly chewy and porous cheese, is dipped into the coffee and nibbled on as you sip your brew. I know it sounds weird, but give it a try and you'll be pleasantly surprised.
Orcish coffee is always served with copious amounts of sugar and echatere milk. This simple drink is especially favoured by Wrothgarian echatere herders, who keep their energy levels up by sipping on this beverage throughout the day from echatere-skin flasks.
Coffee is widely grown in the Bantha, making the drink a native Hammerfell staple. Whether it's served black, with sugar, or goat milk, coffee is often infused with spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, vanilla, and even chili. Another popular way of drinking coffee the Redguard way is the amusingly-named 'dirty chai': a strong double espresso mixed with equal amounts of spicy chai and frothy goat milk, and served with sweet pastries and biscuits as an accompaniment.
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maryonmega · 3 months
Twin Stars - Chapter 5
A new thing (is it a good thing?)
{{Ah, Stars, I dropped I dropped my self control. The original chapter was posted on my birthday, the little self indulgence (Isafrin) was my gift to myself.
Speaking of Isafrin, CW for internalized acephobia and a little bit of sugestive writting.}}
You brace yourself for the next period of time. Going through the moves without Loop makes you nervous, makes it possible to contradict each other. It's fine, you're fine, you'll just have to catch it up when you two have alone time to "tell about the loops". Stars, you're being sneaky again. You might try and justify with it not being just about you all you want, but it's the truth.
Your group meet up in the dining area, and you let the smell of different foods sooth your nerves. Another way that you're weird. You've been out for over a month, made camp that were small and your tent wouldn't block the smells, yet it seens like the confort that this particular thing won't fade anytime soon. You don't like the origin, but you do like Bonbon's eyes when you happily sniff what they prepare.
Tho, this time, it's not Bonbon food. Not that it's disappointing on it's own, you just think they could use the quick fix, too. After all, you're pretty much toeing the northwest and north separation. If everything goes right, they'll see their sister again in two days. Maybe even tomorrow night, depending of the group's mood.
You're not surprised when they're the first one to talk, either. Not to you, but to Odile. You're too busy noticing their pineapple juice and thinking that maybe you should tell about that.
"Where's Sisy? It's not good to skip meals."
Oh, that got you off guard!
"Sisy, Bonnie?"
"Yes. Phus sounds dumb."
You just nod to the irrefutable argument while Odile puts her plate down carefully to not topple over the crushed boiled eggs. "Sisyphus is already in bed and I don't think they're waking up anytime soon."
"They're tired to the very soul."
You realise a second too late that it came from you. A saving throw! Now!
"I don't remenber a lot from traveling alone, but it's exausting when you only have what fits your pockets. Then we met again but still have problems with our memory. It's weird, it's like... " You think about acts and shudder. No, not going there "Like reading a story skipping random chapters."
Odile eyes you over her dinner, but decides to eat in silence. You feel a mix of relief and horror.
You see resident bookworm Mirabelle wince in pain at the idea. Just because you're a bit rusty pun wise doesn't mean you can't make funny moments happen.
Is it weird? To be lingering in their present the day you're supposed to have met with long lost family, a vague yet sweet sensation on your chest? Maybe not. No one in your little circle is unfamiliar with coping with abnormal situations by trying to act like things are normal. Specially you, as your eyepatch won't let them forget. Would that benefit you, right now, tho?
"... But, if coconuts have hair and milk, aren't they mammals?"
Stars, how long did you stay stuck in your head?! Not good, not fair. You really need to train out this bad habbit.
"I hope not, that would be nuts."
"That was lame even for you."
Hm, maybe acting as normal is not just you. Good? You dig into your memory to try and be sure. It's hard, it gets frustrating, but you're almost sure that something like that happened around the time Bonnie joined. Not quite like that, you all had to nurse them back to health, after all, but you did try to put on an image of normalcy, didn't you?
Stars, with everything that gets lost in the way, it's like a miracle that you didn't forget their names.
One thing that sticks out is when Mira cuts the casual air in the table in a way very reminiscent of her speech in the sleepovers, before... Well, before you torn the script to shreds because you felt like they were messing it up.
(Bonnie was right, you were being quite stupid)
It's not about walking out this time, it's about the elephant in the room that you were trying to avoid for so long: everyone hoped that Bonnie's assumption was right, but there was always the possibility that taking them with you wouldn't happen.
The others join in to present ways you can stay connected, even if not traveling together, but Mirabelle os still at the center. She doesn't look nervous when she smiles at Bonbon and says that she wants to see them grow up and become taller than herself.
You want, too. You want to see if their dream of having a restaurant will stick. How handsome they'll be and how far they'll let those unpolished smarts take them. If they'll settle for good or still carry that drop of wanderlust. What type of person they'll befriend beside all of you, if they'll one day date, get bonded, or go through the realisation Mira is yet to right now.
But Mirabelle is the one that puts those thoughts into words that won't pratonize them too much. If Mira was better by the end of your journey, medicated she was like a goddess.
You all go back to your rooms after the meal. It has been quite a full day, after all.
You and Isabeau change into your night clothes with your backs to each other, only getting in bed after both are confirmed ready. Isa rolls to his side by the wall, and you pull the sheets up to your nose so your smirk won't betray the fake annoyance.
"You didn't even call dibs this time."
"I already took it, you'll have to live with that."
You mock scoff, and hear a softer laught than usual (maybe because it wasn't as funny, maybe because he's tired too). You let your body and face relax, and, before your dumb brain has a chance to overthink, you get your hand out of the sheets and almost into Isabeau's personal space. He places his hand on yours, and it's soothing. 
There's still a lot of thoughts to sort out, some including him, some not, but, right now, the contact is soothing. You want to close the gap and bury your face in his chest, to give him a kiss, like you itched to do so a few times but froze before you could (rich of you to call anyone a coward, Siffrin). But the objective is to sleep, and going further than hand holding still can be overwhelming. Maybe it's not just with you, by the way a darker shade crept all the way down his throat.
It's odd, to have at the same time limited time and more than you could hope for before. One month feels like so long and so little at the same time. You're not sure what really would count as slow, or would cross the line to too slow. You're thankful that Isa is a patiente man.
Is that enough, though? Even before your rough talk, he hasn't pushed, hasn't rushed. You haven't returned fairly. You haven't been fully honest with him.
You're vaguely aware of Loop in the room next door, and that's oddly motivating. Gross. Doing the right thing isn't enough motivation, you need wanting to avoid being confronted about not doing it as an extra push.
You know the way he's looking at you now. You know he noticed your shift in mood.
You open your mouth before he can.
"There's... Something I haven't told you." Wow, how specific, don't you want to broad a bit more? "Remenber when you asked if I love you the same way you love me?"
"Of course. What about it?" His tone is so soft, but the worry is clear. Of course it is. You are about to give bad news.
"I-I don't think I can." You gently squeeze his hand and hope it draws attention to them "I'm fine with this, and hugging. I'm almost sure I'm fine with kissing, too, but..." Just say it. You could say it to Mira, say it to him. Stop leading him on "I can't... do things past that. I don't think I ever will."
You can't look him in the eye. That phrasing felt like an understatement. The thought of hands on your skin with that kind of intent makes it crawl. The thought of taking him in such a way makes you shudder. The thought of him taking you like that is terrifying.
You feel a gentle caress over your knuckles, and that brings you back to reality. In this moment, you wish hope that he thinks the shudder was nerves. You gave him the info, it's up to him what he does with it. You don't get to think things of what chooses.
"That's the thing?" You nod. "Then it's fine."
"What?" You look at him. You can't quite read his expression, but you do know it's not any less found.
"Are-are you sure?"
He's still caressing your hand. There a warmt in your stomach, but not a bad one.
"Sif. Sifarooni. Siffrin. What I meant was if you love me romantically"
"I know, but- isn't that part of being a couple?"
He looks pensative. Maybe this time it finally sunk in. You wonder if you still can hold hands as friends, and smother that thought as soon as it comes to light. That is Isa's choice to make.
"It can be, but doesnt have to. I'm fine with not being."
You're not so sure.
"Are you not going to miss it, though?"
"Siffrin," no nicknames. Bad sign? "think for a minute. Untill the day before I confessed, I was sure you hated touch, but still wanted a relationship with you. If I can live with no touch at all, I can live with no sex."
... How in the Universe can he say the word so easy?
Not the point here, Siffrin!
"Will you miss it?"
"A bit, but it's nothing unhandleable. I'm fine just being with you."
Your face feels hot. Your eye stings. There's still the chance of being too much, but the craving is stronger. You crawl a bit closer, and get your other arm out. Isa gets the memo, and puts his arm around you, slowly, giving you a chance to pull back. It makes your belly feel warmer. You want this to last, and that allows you to smother the question of how he would "handle" it with the same mental wet towel.
"Then, I think I do love you."
Sunlight brings a dull ache to your head. You protect your eyes with your hand and blink a lot before sitting up and getting your hair out of your face - oh, right, you're sharing a room with the Researcher. 
You slip out of the bed and change back into your awake clothes, with that sleeveless turtleneck that you haven't had for so long but already is kind of attached. You know Stardust wouldn't dare (the reason is not the point, the point is that you do). It is blinded that you have to put on the effort, you were there first, but clearly it doesn't matter to whoever is the author of your life, so it falls on you the burden of showing that you're not just another one, regardless of technicalities.
Even under this dumb masquared, didn't the Researcher herself say identical twins doesn't mean the same person twice? You don't have to stay tethered.
The loops are over. You don't have to stay by him. You don't have to stay by this party. If you want to dip out, you can.
Even under the ache, the thought gives you some sort of confort. Not having a script anymore... is one of the reasons you've been carrying those bottles. Your newborn-like body also has fresh, newbie to drinking sensibility. Isn't that sweet?
You brush and tie your hair, then turn around, and start to make your way out of the room before you hear her voice.
"Come with us. We need a second table anyway."
Oh, no.
"How long were you awake?"
"A bit. I didn't peek, I swear."
You know she didn't. Your Researcher wouldn't either, and this one seens to be a little nicer. Unlike just enough to be uncanny.
Your head throbs. You really need some water.
"I see you at breakfast, Madame." You're not drinking while hangover, as mild as it may be, let alone in an empty stomach.
You find your way to a bathroom to splash water in your face after drinking your fill, and the face in the mirror taunts you, worse than back in the first day. It's you. It's not you. It's not Stardust. You're not Stardust. Except you are.
You wipe your face dry before putting on a nice smile and going out for the dining area. Is the Kid's temper being influenced by losing one of the main ways to release tension?
You make it there almost at the same time as your roommate. Uncanny. The Kid and the Housemaiden got there first. Of course they did. You're not surprised the Traveler isn't here yet. The Fighter is another story. Something the Fighters seen to have in common is a body still working on a Defender's internal clock. Maybe Stardust will notice the lack of company and go after him. You can and do feel sympathy and amusement at the same time. Still a baby, aren't them?
"Good morning, Madame, Sisyphus." The Housemaiden says, fidging her fingers.
"Good morning." You respond. You don't want that name on your tongue so early on, directed at her.
"Good morning, Mirabelle, Boniface."
"You skipped diner. It's not good to skip meals." The Kid pouts. They're clearly annoyed over inn food. You think they would hit you with the wok if it was their food.
You think of a grilled fish head in a nice napkin. You wouldn't skip on their food if someone offered gold coins.
"I know, Bonnie. I was just really, really tired. It's very draining to travel alone."
"Hnf, I can forgive you. But you'll have to not let that happen again."
"I'll try."
"Don't worry, Boniface, I can help with that."
The latent comic relief instincts tell you it means no more drinking before bed. Beautiful. Speaking of beauty
The Traveler and the Fighter arrive at the same time. Curious. 
You look at the arrangement. The Fighter between the Traveler and the Housemaiden, you next to the Researcher, and the Kid in the end. You could almost believe you're part of this, couldn't you? Such a shame you know the truth. They're only being receptive because you supposedly have a connection to Stardust... A normal one, that is.
Breakfast is nothing lavish, pancakes and a few pieces of fruit, but the time since your return have not been enough to make you take food for granted. Specially food with salt. Getting used to the gross stuff like sweat and potty is a fair price for the chance of enjoying such thing.
The tension that the Kid could release cooking, they did stabbing the poor food like it owned them money.
"Today's the day! You're all meeting Nille! And I can show you my favorite places! Everyone must be unfrozen, so it's gonna be good!"
Nille... Nille... Oh, right, the sister. They... wished to see her again, didn't them? And now this Kid can.
It's not the best of thoughts, but, right now, you kind of also have more selfish reasons to want to meet. It's your second day, and you'll be recieving another person. A stranger, but with a connection that makes not feels like it with the intensity it should. Is this what the others are feeling like with you?
In the corner of your good eye, you notice the Traveler and Fighter moving calves together.
You'd think that would make you angrier, but... Right now, you mostly feel empty. Not numb, a sad type of empty. You think of hands around yours, sweaty to the point of feeling throught your gloves, but still warm and comforting.
And give your signature grin in their general direction. You're not dealing with that right now.
"Touching their ankles? Before bonding? You dare defile my sibling in front of me, defender? Shameful!"
This is easier. No need for a pun and that weird display stopped. Stardust glared at you, but you don't give it the dignity of a reaction.
If he wants you to play a role again, then you'll do it your way.
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mousiefrotting · 4 months
omg silver best risotto-fed boy... do you think other than his usual meals he has any eating habits surrounding his training regimen?
oh yes...... Oh yes. surrounding his training regimen specifically actually! i have been thinking about this a fair amount and: as far as eating habits are concerned, i have noticed that Silver doesn't really speak about his own too much. compared to the rest of the cast, at least, but even still he has his moments and they're usually related to his exercise.
-i like to think that Silver isn't wiry in stature, since most of the time he spends awake is spent in athletic situations as it is. he learned to dance with a log that boy has to have some muscle somewhere! combine this with his training regimen and his horse-riding, and you realize: he burns so much energy on just a daily basis because what physical activities he does are that extreme,, i think he definitely spends his daylight hours hungry.
-i have no major backing for this one but i do believe that he eats a fair amount of rice. his favorite food is already risotto, i think a bowl of white rice would heal something in him he didn't know was wrong. (also i have the vision of him waking up in the morning for training and just scarfing down a bowl of fluffy white rice that you can boil in a minute or two on his own before he goes to meet whatever task the day may bring he would find its simplicity comforting and its fillingness useful)
-more in relation to his training i do believe he also gets a fair amount of protein (eggs and meat and the like) but i also believe that he has to have at LEAST eaten something weird from the botanical gardens at some point in the pursuit of staying awake. he already has all those alarms... i am afraid he would be susceptible to mushroom-induced paralysis in the haste of the right moment.
-i don't think that he's particularly picky about any one food. i think Silver could probably dull physical disgust if he had to, as we know that what he dislikes is Lilia's cooking, and that makes me believe that he definitely has one strong stomach to be able to just power through any of that. unflappable tummy (his White Rabbit vignette supports this, what with the way he sees the stargazy pie and despite his and Epel's initial reactions, Silver needs no convincing beyond the pie seller's insistence. he just eats it, unflapped by that fish headed abomination, and he likes it too. also, it was an ENTIRE PIE that he managed to eat... he could pack in so much if he were inattentive enough about it.
-beyond this i think he would like soy milk. or even almond milk both due to its flavor and benefits. i'm not sure when he would drink it but i just know that he would. also, just the bitterest black coffee imaginable.
tldr silver would make an adorably hungry pillow princess (even if you have to wake him up multiple times) (you can still feed him) and i will not be stilled
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focsle · 2 years
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“I wish you a Merry Christmass at Home” 2nd mate of the whaleship Arnolda Benjamin Boodry wrote in the margins for his entry on this day in 1852. He consoled himself with his lot with a refrain he wrote often over the years: “But it is not for life if it is for 4 years”. On Christmas eve, he shared where his subconscious was spending its time:
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“A pleasant dream about home and loved ones I wish I was there to night I think I should call on some of my friends if it was not to late But there is many a calm, squall, and gale to pass over my devoted head before that day comes.”
Holidays tended to bring out the sentimentality in many whalers who were so long and far from what they felt was home. Here are a handful:
Allen Newman, Edward, 1848
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“I wish all my friends A merey Christmus which is more than I anticipate for myself.”
Mary Lawrence, Addison, 1858 
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“Christmas Day reminds us of home and friends. Minnie wished to hang up her stocking as usual, and as I had a tin of candies which her grandpa put up for her, “Santa Claus” managed to fill it very well. We sat down to a Christmas dinner of two roast turkeys, sweet and Irish potatoes, boiled onions, stewed pumpkin and cranberries, pickles, and a nice indian pudding made of milk and eggs. Had a goat killed for the benefit of those living in the forecastle, to which, I should think, they did ample justice as there are but two legs remaining.”
Joseph Dias, Ocmulgee, 1847
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“Comes with strong breezes from the westward and overcast weather, steering S.E. with all sail set. This day I am 25 years old 25 what and not married yet are like to be shocking. But this is not all I am disapointed in. For I have been keeping Marys cake to celebrate my birth day with and this morning I took it out for the pourpus of eating but when I come to cut it I found it was spoiled a sad disappointment. But what grieves me most is to think I let it spoil after Mary took so much panes with it Oh dear Mary I hope you will not spoil so soon for the want of some one to take care of you.”
John Winslow, Wave, 1852
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“Comes with a strong gale of wind from the E.ward this day My Wife is 26 years old if she is living and has got a poor sailor for a husband but it is not the worst for her for that May she live to enjoy many more years of Life and may they prove to be far happier than those that are past”
[Dec 26th]
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“O if I could make 250 dollars this voyage I would not go to sea any more for it is a dogs life and sometimes when I think of the comforts of my home with my Wife and children I almost resolve never to go to sea again let me get a home of my own and I will stay by it.”
J.T. Langdon, St Peter, 1849
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“The first part calm not a breath of air ruffled the face of the stormy deep. But with an ever rolling motion rocks our old ship like a vast cradle and the surface of the deep is like a vast mirror reflecting objects on its surface The first part ends Christmas and how many melancholy reflections come around unbidden and unasked for One year ago I was at home enjoying every pleasure that heart could wish friends to cheer and schoolmates to greet with a merry Christmas but now I am far away on the stormy ocean Many thousand miles intervene between this and my once happy Home”
John Martin, Lucy Ann, 1841
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“As fine a day as we have had since we left the Capes of Delaware. The Watch on deck was employed in breaking out from the hold, bread, water, vinegar & other stores. We had Turtle Sea Pie for dinner. Take it altogether we spent a merry Christmas & more to my satisfaction than many a one I spent on shore.”
Benjamin Bourne, Annawann II, 1859
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“[in the margins, alongside a stamp of a whale’s flukes] This Whale aught to have been saved - stove the boat Wish All a Mary Christmas Begins with a strong wind Bark steering S at 3 pm wind shifted to the Estrd a heavey rain squall took in sail to a close reef Main Topsail & staysails luffed to the wind heading SSE. Lat part at 9am saw a large sperm whale going slow into the SW so ends this day. [With an addendum on Jan 29th, 1899] I thought I was having a hard time 40 years ago but it was the best of my life.
Silliman Ives, Sunbeam, 1868
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“The wheels of time have made another revolution and Christmas “Merry Christmas” is with us once again, although I can’t complain of being particularly merry, on the contrary I am rather inclined to feel somewhat sad. O Fate! Inexorable fate! that compels me to spend this holiday miles away from home and kindred, far out upon the surging billows of the Atlantic. Little did I think while enjoying the pleasures and amenities of this festival season one year ago among relatives and friends, that to day would find me here. But it is not given us to know the future, and it is a wise providence that withholds  from us such knowledge, for had I known this was to be my destiny, any joy would have been sadly marred during that happy period. I wonder if the dear ones at home as they greet each other this morning, and exchange those endearing mementos common to this day, have a thought for their wild and reckless though still loving son, and brother, and cousin, who to day is separated from their hearths and homes by leagues and leagues of blue water. As the incense arises from off the family altar on this Christmas morning, is there a prayer breathed for the wanderer? I believe there is. Love conquers distance and in their hearts and their prayers he has his accustomed place.”
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(Content warnings: SFW, Friendly 141, good feelings)
Reader POV:
The rest of the morning was much calmer. You got to run a few quick errands with König before joining the team again for lunch. First on the list was a quick stop at the grocery store where he grabbed a few essentials and two cold bottles of Gatorade to refuel. As he stopped by the post office to check for mail, you guzzled yours down like it was the first beverage you'd seen in years. And as your thirst was quenched, you could feel your stomach begin to demand similar attention. Luckily, once König returned to your side, he led you back across base for a much needed lunch.
It wasn’t until you arrived at the mess hall that you realized just how hungry you were. That sparring match had taken a lot out of you. But an appetite had been the furthest thing from your mind until the fight was over. Now you were ravenous and felt like you could eat everything in sight! You piled your plate high with hot food. Recalling Soap’s naughty joke from before, you stopped to grab a few hard-boiled eggs for some much needed protein before trailing behind König in search of seating.
As the two of you crossed the room, you were surprised to find that a small crowd had gathered around one table in particular. Almost the entire squad was there! Well, excluding Ghost of course. Ever since that morning, he had been nowhere to be found. And you weren't complaining. Drawing nearer, you spotted a familiar mohawk peeking out above the throng. Soap was seated on the edge of the table, his gestures animated as he held their attention in the palm of his hand.
"You should've seen her," he said, excitedly. "Ghost was furious!"
As you drew nearer, Soap spotted you through the little crowd and beckoned you over. "Here she is now! If it isn't the lass who lived!"
All eyes turned towards you and König as questions flew at you from every direction. It seemed that you had become 141's little celebrity overnight!
"Did you see his face?"
"What did he look like?"
"Serves me right for missing training yesterday. I'd pay to see that."
"Did he really put you in a headlock? That’s fucked up."
"Man, I bet he’ll think twice before messing with you again.”
You gave them all a sheepish wave, quickly sitting down next to König. You hadn't expected to garner so much attention. It was a bit overwhelming. But on the heels of your feud with Ghost, it felt nice to get some friendly attention too.
König raised a protective arm, shielding you as he shooed everyone away. "Autographs and interviews can wait until after she's eaten," he chuckled. "Please, give her some space."
At his order, the crowd gradually began to dissipate. You still earned a few fist bumps and multiple claps on the back though as they all trickled back to their own tables.
You ventured a quick glance around the room to confirm Ghost's continued absence.
"Where is Ghost anyway? I haven't seen him at all since this morning."
"Probably sulking in his room, still patching up his pride," Soap giggled, attacking a heap of french fries with fervor.
"I didn't know this would be such a big deal."
"Big? This is huge!"
For the rest of the meal, Soap and Alejandro both showered you with compliments on your match and gave you a few helpful pointers for general self defense. König chimed in as well, offering to show you a few ways to get out of a headlock. It was a lot of information to absorb all at once, but you still tried to soak up everything that you could. You had no plans to spar with Ghost a second time. But if you ever found yourself in danger after your visit, the knowledge could really come in handy.
After you'd cleaned your plate, you pushed away from the table, ready to head to your room. Your plan was to read a bit or nap until König was done with his tasks for the day. And it would have the added benefit of removing any chance of crossing paths with Ghost for a good while.
"You're leaving?" Alejandro looked up from his plate.
"Well, yeah. I know you guys have more training and stuff to do. I was just going to wait in my room until König was done."
"Stay and tag along! You've earned your stripes. Consider yourself an honorary member of 141! You're one of us now."
Soap nodded in enthusiastic agreement, beaming at you from across the table as you sat back down.
"If this is true," König added. "Then she will need a callsign. A nickname to make it official."
"True, true." Soap leaned back in his chair, scrutinizing you as he thought. "How about Kitten? She's soft and cuddly, but she's still got claws."
He hissed, curling his fingers and swiping at the air.
"No, no. That's not tough enough. Escúchame," Alejandro chimed in, arcing his hand over his head in a flourishing reveal. "Ángel de la muerte. It means 'Angel of Death'! Beautiful, but deadly."
Soap shook his head in clear disagreement, stating that it was too much of a mouthful to be a functional callsign. So both of them began to go back and forth, taking turns ardently explaining why their individual ideas were better. As they bickered, you turned to König.
"What about you?" You said, grinning. "I want to know what you would call me."
After a brief pause, he answered with a smile in his eyes. "You are small and cute. But you can scare an opponent who is big. For me, it is easy. I would call you Maus."
"Mouse, eh?" Soap slowly nodded, mulling it over. "I like it!"
"Our own little field mouse," Alejandro smiled softly. "It’s perfect.”
You beamed. Looking around the table, you felt a sense of belonging. It felt like family, like home. Though König was your boyfriend, the rest of them had no obligation to like you. They could have easily brushed you off and ignored you throughout the entire visit. But they hadn’t. They’d instead wrapped their arms around you, taken you under their wing, and treated you as one of their own. It was a small gesture, but to you it was everything.
“Welcome to the team, Maus.”
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starbound-aria · 5 months
So, seems this sectors anti-priate measures are lacking, and means getting a mech for space flight to handle them might be something I need to look into as the only protectorate captain here. Also means a lot of supplies the shipwright needs have had a "delayed" shipment, yay.
Though me getting lunch has given me a starting point for another report: While I was ordering the meal the person behind the counter knew I, as a saturian, am an obligate herbivore, and warned me that the dish I was ordering contained eggs. This is fine, despite being classified by most people as "meat" herbivores can safely consume eggs if properly prepared. The dish did not contain eggs, it contained eggshoot, which could be an issue for obligate carnivores.
Eggshoots, as thier name Implies are egg shaped plants most commonly found in tundra regions of planets, though these resistant plants can be grown on most planets, and can often be seen grown in Avian settlments.
Thier similarities with eggs do not stop with thier shape, mature fruit of this plant jave a soft white flesh, not dissimilar to a soft boiled egg, with a pocket of thick yellow nectar with in which the seeds float with in, giving animals of thier homeworlds both a meal and some liquid refreshment at once.
Thanks to thier low growth requirements and rather qucim growth cycles, they can often be found in markets as an animal egg substitute, and act wonderfully as such. If beat with a small bit of water, the flesh of an eggshoot quickly becomes a thin gel that works as a replacement for egg whites, and the necter can be used in place of an egg yoke as is, with the added benefit of being safe to eat raw, making them a near perfect substitute for eggs in vegan dishes. If you can safely eat plant matter that is.
Despite how well they mimic animal eggs, eggshoots are still plants, and can cause issues with carnivore stomachs if too much is used. While it's not life threatening if a carnivore eats eggshoot products (save for rare allergies) they should be avoided, unless some moderate or worse discomfort is worth it for your favorite icecream flavor.
Thankfully the manger of the food vender, who got a simular version of this, was smart and knew it'd be a bad idea to argue with a protectorate botanist and at least put up a warning sign.
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rabbitcruiser · 4 months
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National Egg Day 
National Egg Day on June 3 finds eggs finally breaking out of their shell.
Eggs had some tough years as health experts fretted about the high cholesterol content. But after a revision of the American Heart Association’s guidelines in 2000, the health benefits of eggs seemed to outweigh the concerns. The AHA says healthy adults can enjoy an egg per day and easily remain within the daily cholesterol limit.
Also, a single egg has only 75 calories, which is great for those looking to lose weight. And the seven grams of protein in an average egg almost makes this a superfood with a great calorie-to-protein ratio. So those of us who are big fans of poached, scrambled, over easy, hard-boiled, fried, sunny-side-up, or soft-boiled eggs can feel free to use National Egg Day to utter that timeless phrase, “How do you want your eggs?” And it doesn’t matter if it’s 7am, 7pm, or somewhere in between.
Eggs are great to eat anytime … or any day, for that matter.
National Egg Day timeline
Neolithic AgeWhich Came First?
Archaeological evidence for egg consumption dates back to this period.
1400 B.C.Earliest Records
Fowl lay eggs for human consumption as early as 1400 B.C., according to records from Egypt and China.
300 B.C.What an Idea!
Chicken farmers start incubating chicken eggs in warm clay ovens.
1920sPrimitive Methods
Eggs are still mostly farmed in backyards.
National Egg Day Activities
Try eating a non-chicken egg
Try a new recipe with eggs
Emphasize eggs in your day’s activities
Although Americans primarily eat chicken eggs, that’s not the case in all cultures. Pheasant, quail, goose, gull, and turkey eggs are all popular to eat around the world, offering a slightly different taste from chicken eggs. Consider trying duck eggs, which have more of an orange and blue tint to them. Do you need more food at breakfast? An emu egg is equal to about 12 chicken eggs, while an ostrich egg is equal to about 24 chicken eggs.
Don’t let National Egg Day slip away without cooking a new egg recipe. Consider trying an egg recipe from another culture, such as huevos Mexicana, oyakodon (from Japan), or the French "omelet au boudin de Nancy." (Every French recipe just naturally sounds great.)
Eggs aren’t just for eating on this day. Consider visiting the local zoo and see if you can learn more about birds and eggs in nature. Build a birdhouse with a transparent plastic back so you can see the eggs and the hatchlings as they develop. And because it’s June, consider playing Mythbusters at home and testing whether it’s hot enough to fry an egg on the sidewalk.
Why We Love National Egg Day
Arts & eggs
They can be prepared so many ways
They're good for the brain
Although most people crack the egg shell over the frying pan and don’t think any further about it, uncracked eggshells are great for crafts. Of course, at Easter time, many people paint and decorate hard-boiled eggs. But you can use eggs in arts and crafts at other times too. Hollowed out eggs of all sizes — from ostriches to robins — are used in home crafts and decorations. Just make sure you hollow out the egg first.
We feel pretty confident in saying that, no matter how much you love eating egg dishes, you haven’t tried every possible way to cook eggs. (And if you’re sure you have, you should apply to be the permanent CEO of National Egg Day.) Eggs can be cooked alone or placed in other dishes. Because nearly every culture incorporates eggs into its cuisine, the number of worldwide egg recipes is almost endless.
Nutritionists have not only found that the nutritional value of eggs outweighs their cholesterol level, but that eggs have a positive effect on brain development and on memory enhancement. The nutrient, choline, which is similar to the family of B- vitamins, plays a part in the process of developing signaling molecules in the brain. This means moms should hide the sugary breakfast cereal when it's test day at school for the kids; go with eggs instead!
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bakingneoriche · 6 months
Kaz I gotta go, snacks are ready // Onigiri
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While on a phone call in episode 2 Kaz is cutoff by Mr. Saint Tessoro due to 'snacks being ready', which immediately cuts to a clear frame of what is obviously onigiri. Wonderfully for me, I already know how to make these. The fillings are not shown or said so I have to guess. These rice balls can be filled with anything anything, but with this being a townhouse in the sea beneath 14th St., they're probably posh, but not indubitably elegant. I'm thinking roe, not caviar. But I think fish roe with nothing else is gonna be pretty boring to make, so I've chosen three fillings (for the three onigiri shown in the shot) that I really like. These were Sardine mayo, peanut sesame, and marinated eggs with bonito.
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The base of any rice ball is the rice. For this use a short grain rice. I rinsed it once in the pot giving it a good massage, then drained it and added water according to my rice cooker. Once it was done I left it in the cooker until I was done making my fillings. you need the rice to be warm to form these, so I only take it out and season it when I'm about to start making them. When it was time, I spread it on a baking sheet. Then to half of it I added rice seasoning according the the recipe above. I only did this on half because I'll only be using the seasoned rice for the peanut ones. For the other two fillings I want the rice to be plain. The rice does not have to be seasoned to make rice balls, it just has to be warm.
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Here's my recipe for the sardine mayo filling
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To take the spine out of canned sardines I split the fish in half on the bottom by gently pressing on it. It breaks in half very easily. Then I lift the spine out. I don't worry about any other bones. none of them are big enough to matter. You could also leave the spine in if its soft enough.
The mayo is heavy on the egg yolk and light on the oil. A normal mayo would have 1-2 cups of oil per egg yolk. I wanted my sardines to have a richer feel and taste, so I used barely any oil. Since it's so little oil, it isn't necessary to use a typical mayo method, you can just combine all ingredients and whisk the shit out of it until its homogenized.
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The peanut filling doesn't have much to it. The only tricky part is not over-mixing the peanuts or sesame. If you do, it turns into peanut butter and sesame paste. Stick to 2 or 3 seconds of blending. It also really helps if you shake your spice grinder while mixing to get a much more even blend.
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This recipe is really just a ratio. The marinade is half soy sauce and half black tea. You can make your eggs however you want. As for the size of egg, you can do any, but if you use large eggs then your rice ball might be massive. Small chicken eggs are the ideal size, but if you can't get them then quail eggs are a good enough substitute. If you can't find raw quail eggs, you can use canned, they just won't be soft boiled. The benefit to them though is that you don't have to peel them.
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Since my marinate it so plain I also roll the finished eggs in bonito flakes,
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I think anyone else could do a better job explaining how to form onigiri than me, so I highly recommend looking for a different video or blog post. but here is my rudimentary explanation.
get hands wet with salt water
make rice with hollow
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put the fillings . i used plain rice for fish and egg. seasoned for peanut
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put more rice over filling
do claw hands and squish until shape is shape
put some nori
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Here's me eating the egg one.
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headaching · 2 years
hi beck!!<3 who in the world is itscourtneyluna??
vic hi for the love of god hello! thank you (or sorry) for asking…
she’s a tiktoker who partakes in the “carnivore diet” wherein she only eats animal products and byproducts, so just meat and dairy. it’s like extreme keto in that she eats zero fruits or vegetables, but fat content seems to be valued over protein because she rarely eats poultry and generally sticks to red meat. it can cause weight loss due to the complete lack of carbs, but this is obviously not a healthy way to lose weight.
in courtney’s case, i believe she used to post regular baking content on tiktok, then she shifted at some point to what she called “carnivore-ish” where she ate some fruits and vegetables but tried to eat mostly meat/dairy (probably to lose weight). but now she maintains that she’s fully carnivore, to the point where she doesn’t even season her food (besides salt) because seasonings come from plants 😟
itscourtneyluna is an enigma to me. she seems like a troll at first glance because she’s clearly using people’s interest in bizarre food content on tiktok in her favor for rage clicks, but at the same time, she wholeheartedly endorses the alleged “health benefits” of eating a high saturated fat zero carb diet. she will respond to criticism saying everyone is sheeple for eating balanced diets, and that even doctors and nutritionists are unreliable because they were taught the wrong information.
she drinks coffee even though it comes from a plant, and gets upset when people point that out because she “should be allowed to enjoy things even if they’re not 100% carnivore” which like yes queen. absolutely. but you’re the one who led us to believe that a single pepper flake would kill you, so we’re just a little confused.
here are some of the recipes she posts (the ingredients listed are the only ones involved. no seasonings ever.) that tend to go viral because they’re so rage-inducing:
“chaffles” - eggs and shredded cheese melted in a waffle maker, typically used in place of a bun
“beef and butter bites” - ground beef and butter frozen into christmas themed molds
“pre workout” - a bite of kerrygold butter washed down with heavy cream (a direct quote)
“carnivore soup” - ground pork, beef broth, cream cheese, and salt
“carnivore cracker” - a slice of cheese melted in a mini waffle maker until it’s crunchy
“carnivore ice cream” - cream, egg, and salt poured into an ice cream maker
“carnivore pasta” - ground chicken mixed with eggs cut into small pieces, boiled in water, and fried to (allegedly) resemble gnocchi (her words) with a sauce made of butter, cream, and parmesan
“carnivore crispies cereal” - pork rinds with half and half poured over them and eaten in a bowl with a spoon
“carnivore candy” - melted brown butter frozen in candy molds
“carnivore crack” - melted brown butter with “bacon sprinkles” frozen on a sheet pan and broken into chunks as one would with candy bark
and listen. im autistic. i eat weird stuff sometimes. i think people should be able to eat whatever they want without having to answer to anyone. however.
it becomes an issue when you claim everyone should be eating that way, and spread misinformation that was just created to sell shit. this is part of the fascination for me; how can she participate and perpetuate something so blatantly incorrect?
she also likes joe rogan. this woman is not real.
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everyroronoazoro · 2 years
do you have any hcs for a modern au zoro?
hmmm nothing in particular but i think he should remain both as "just some guy" and also "WOW what a freak weirdo". He owns the rattiest clothing known to man, eats plain boiled chicken as a meal, and probably puts raw eggs in his workout drinks for the "health benefits". He also has a horrifically cracked phone screen but doesn't ever get a new one because he'll "get around to it later" or "it's still working fine". Usopp definitely cut his finger on the screen once.
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