#Benefits Of Fresh Dog Food
yuvaap · 2 months
Is Fresh Food for Dogs Worth the Hype?
Have you ever wondered if feeding fresh food to your dog is really worth it? We’ve all heard how fresh, whole foods can improve our health, but what about our furry friends? As pet owners, we want to make the best choices for our dogs, but sometimes it feels overwhelming. Fresh food sounds great, but is it too expensive? Will it take too much time to prepare? And how do we know if it’s really better than commercial dog food?
Why Consider Fresh Food for Your Dog?
Many of us have already made the switch from fast food to fresh, wholesome meals for ourselves. We see the benefits: more energy, better digestion, and overall improved health. But our dogs have been eating the same kibble for years. You might be thinking, “Isn’t commercial dog food good enough?” Let’s explore why fresh food could be a game-changer for your dog’s health.
The Drawbacks of Commercial Dog Food
Commercial dog food is convenient, but it’s not always the best choice for your dog’s health. Most kibble is cooked at high temperatures, which destroys many of the nutrients your dog needs. These foods often contain preservatives, artificial chemicals, and low-quality meat by-products. Even organic varieties can lack essential nutrients due to the processing methods used.
Imagine if you ate nothing but French fries and chips every day. You’d survive, but you wouldn’t thrive. The same goes for your dog. Processed food might keep them alive, but it won’t help them reach their full potential.
10 Reasons to Switch to Fresh Food
1. Prevent Diseases: Fresh food is rich in high-quality protein and antioxidants that boost your dog’s immune system, helping prevent diseases. Studies show that dogs fed leafy and yellow vegetables are less likely to develop urinary bladder carcinomas.
2. Improve Digestion: Fresh fruits and vegetables provide essential nutrients that support healthy digestion. Foods like yogurt and wheatgrass can detoxify your dog’s system and regulate bowel movements.
3. Manage Weight: Fresh food, high in nutrients and fiber, helps your dog feel full without consuming too many calories, reducing the risk of weight gain and related ailments.
4. Enhance Cognitive Function: Antioxidant-rich fresh food supports brain health, making your dog smarter and more alert.
5. Increase Lifespan: Dogs fed fresh food live longer. One study showed they lived an average of 13.1 years compared to 10.4 years for dogs fed processed food.
6. Strengthen Bones: Foods rich in calcium and phosphorus, like chicken bones, carrots, and quinoa, support strong bones and overall health.
7. Improve Coat Quality: Fresh food with zinc and essential fatty acids can make your dog’s coat shinier and healthier, reducing itching and skin problems.
8. Reduce Vet Visits: A nutritious diet strengthens your dog’s immune system, leading to fewer trips to the vet.
9. Boost Energy Levels: Fresh, easily digestible food provides the energy your dog needs to stay active and playful.
10. Peace of Mind: Knowing you’re feeding your dog the best possible diet gives you peace of mind, knowing you’re supporting their long-term health and happiness.
Make the Switch Today
Transitioning to fresh food might seem daunting, but the benefits far outweigh the challenges. You’ll see improvements in your dog’s health, energy, and overall well-being. Plus, fewer vet visits mean you could save money in the long run.
Ready to learn more about how fresh food can transform your dog’s health? Visit Yuvaap for more tips, recipes, and expert advice on making the switch to fresh food for your beloved pet. Your dog deserves the best, and so do you!
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yodoggo · 8 months
Click on the below link to read more about omega-3 for dogs omega-3-for-dogs-unlocking-the-benefits/
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healthierpetstoday · 2 years
The best fresh dog food is an excellent choice for pet owners looking to provide their furry family members with the best nutrition possible. Fresh dog food is made with all-natural ingredients, free from fillers and artificial additives. It's rich in essential vitamins and minerals and packed with high-quality proteins, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates. This ensures your pup gets the nutrition they need for a healthy diet.
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heartlilith · 10 months
Self Care
Self Care for the signs; use your moon sign & house placement (transit moon and house placement work as well, you can even use your venus sign if you're feeling up to it)
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*TW: mental health disorders are talked about throughout
ARIES MOON/ARIES VENUS/1H MOON/1H VENUS: For these natives, I imagine a lot of energy swirling around the head and face. Stress can lead to overthinking, headaches, acne breakouts, and in more serious cases; vertigo, migraines, and hair loss. Exercise can really help these placements dispense of all the extra energy. It doesn't have to be something intense like body building or running miles (although it can be), it can be as simple as walking in nature or playing a sport with friends. Playing catch with your dog or playing a game of basketball. Other than exercise, Aries and 1st house placements can benefit from a spa day; whether at an actual spa or at home doing a skin care routine and a face mask. Guided meditation is great for these placements too in order to quiet the mind chatter. One last simple thing these natives can practice is turning off their phone for an hour a day; they're so involved in the world around them and sometimes that's a good thing but other times it can be very draining. Tune out the world and tune into your body.
TAURUS MOON/TAURUS VENUS/2H MOON/2H VENUS: Stressed out Taurus and 2nd house placements can struggle with their self esteem whether that shows up as arrogance or insecurity (Moon and Venus here can signify fluctuating self esteem). They also tend to hold a lot of stress in their shoulders creating soreness or even bad posture. Extreme stress can cause these natives to either withhold or indulge in things; usually in terms of food, money, or material possessions. This can lead to disordered eating, stinginess, overspending or possessiveness over their belongings, they do this to feel a sense of control in the midst of chaos. Taurus/2nd house placements would benefit from a massage either at a spa or from a loved one. Since the 2nd house rules over material possessions it's important for these people to reconnect with their element; Earth. Connecting with the Earth can look like gardening or caring for house plants, playing with animals, a simple walk outside, or nourishing their body with fresh fruits and vegetables. Since the 2nd house and Venus rules all things pleasurable, playing up the senses can really benefit these natives. Soft blankets, nice smelling candles or aromatherapy, listening to relaxing music, eating sweets or drinking warm tea are all things these placements can do to relax.
GEMINI MOON/GEMINI VENUS/3H MOON/3H VENUS: Gemini and 3rd house placements are very efficient people, normally. They are great multitaskers and great socializers. Stress with these placements usually shows up mentally at first then it starts to effect them physically. Their body is directly effected by their emotions, like Virgo. Stress can show up as restlessness, anxiety, shakiness or in more serious cases; anxiety attacks, becoming withdrawn, and dermatillomania (Gemini rules hands). In order for these natives to relax, they must take their air energy and create something tangible with it. Journaling is a great way to do this, also painting or blogging. Since Gemini rules the hands, a lot of stress can be relieved by keeping them busy. Knitting, crocheting, video games, playing instruments (double points if these activities connect the brain and hands in some way). Gemini and 3h placements would also benefit from breathing exercises, reading nonfiction books (Geminis love to learn), or even just venting about their problems to a trusted friend.
CANCER MOON/CANCER VENUS/4H MOON/4H VENUS: For people with Cancer or 4th house placements, stress can show up primarily through emotions (surprising I know). Cancer feels all the feels, good or bad. Stress can show up and create sadness, anger, anxiety, pessimistic behavior and being on edge. In worse cases; depression, an anxiety disorder, and rumination. In terms of self care, it's important for Cancer/4th house placements to get in touch with their inner child. This can be achieved by spending time with children, looking back at photos with happy memories, blowing bubbles, watching their favorite children's movie or eating their favorite meal growing up. Since the 4th house also rules family, spending time with blood or chosen relatives is important too (even pets!). Since Cancer is a water sign, taking a bath and staying hydrated are great forms of self care for these individuals. To cater to their nurturing side, taking care of someone else (a relative, loved one, a pet, even a plant) can help them forget their own problems which is great but if this is the only thing they do it can create a habit of avoidance to their own problems. One last thing Cancer/4th house placements can do for self care is cook themselves a hardy meal since Cancer rules the stomach and because, well, they deserve it.
LEO MOON/LEO VENUS/5H MOON/5H VENUS: For Leo and 5th house natives, stress can show up and drain these peoples' sunny disposition; like clouds covering the Sun. Stress can lead to them becoming uninspired, unmotivated, lazy and even bitter. In more extreme cases, Leo/5th house placements can slip into depression, ice out loved ones and hobbies, and become unsure of themselves - which leads to a lowering of self esteem and makes them second guess who they are. High blood pressure and heart palpitations isn't uncommon when these people deal with extreme stress over a long period of time. In order to relieve this stress, Leo/5th house placements can benefit from acupuncture or cupping (Leo rules the back and spine), a massage, or even reiki as a form of self care in order to move their stagnant energy around. Exploring somewhere new, going to an art museum, or going out with friends to a party or out to eat can inspire these natives and get them motivated to create again. Other forms of self care for Leo/5th house placements is reciting affirmations in the mirror daily, affirmations they know to be true about themselves. Pampering themselves in some way can boost their self esteem; whether that be getting their hair done, going shopping, or treating themselves to their favorite meal. Practicing self care for these natives is extremely important in order to keep their sun shining.
VIRGO MOON/VIRGO VENUS/6H MOON/6H VENUS: Virgo, virgo, virgo, always worrying your pretty little head off. I can say this btw I'm a Virgo moon and know this all too well. This goes for 6th House placements too, they are the busy bodies of the zodiac. Like Gemini and 3rd house placements, Virgo and 6th house placements feel stress mentally first and then physically. Stress can make them physically ill; stomach aches especially. When these natives are stressed, it shows up physically as digestive issues, stomach aches, disordered eating and even skin picking (dermatillomania). Mentally, these people can become cold and short with others. Virgo and 6th house placements can also become reactive to situations and look at things quite negatively. In my opinion, it's hard for Virgos and 6th house placements to get in the habit of self care since they are very sacrificial and put people before themselves. They also have a million and one things to do and want to get them done or else they can't relax. Self care for these people should be activities where they can unwind while still feeling productive. Exercise in any form is great for these natives because they love health and wellness. Yoga in all forms is PERFECT for Virgo/6th house placements since they're the epitome of mind, body, and soul (what effects their mind, effects their body, and then effects their soul). One last self care activity for these people is reading a book. Learning and relaxing? A Virgo/6th house placement's DREAM.
LIBRA MOON/LIBRA VENUS/7H MOON/7H VENUS: Libra and 7th house placements become stressed when things aren't harmonious. Relationships, work, their health - if it's not balanced, they really feel it. Stress for these people can show up as acne breakouts, becoming unmotivated, neglecting their physical appearance, and passive aggressiveness. In more extreme cases, these individuals can isolate themselves, be on the verge of tears all the time, and become volatile. Self care comes in the form of facials, baths, getting dressed up for a date. Libra/7th house placements want to look and feel good. Buying gifts for themselves or receiving gifts (big or small); especially clothes, makeup, skincare products, hair care, jewelry, candles, etc. Like Taurus/2nd house placements, they like things that satisfying their senses. Other forms of self care for these natives are spending time or talking one-on-one with a friend, family member, or partner whether that's for receiving advice, venting, or simply distracting them from their issues.
SCORPIO MOON/SCORPIO VENUS/8H MOON/8H VENUS: Scorpio/8th house placements feel stressed when they're lacking connection; emotional, physical, mental or spiritual. They might not like to admit it but they need a shoulder to cry on too. These people are also prone to mood swings so sometimes it's hard to pinpoint why they're feeling the way they do. These natives feel emotions strongly, just like the other water signs and house placements. Stress can show up as a low libido, dark eye circles from lack of sleep, and anger that comes on fast. In more extreme cases, they can experience depression, intrusive thoughts, and develop phobias. In order for Scorpio/8th house natives to relax, they need to channel their emotional energy. This can be hard, especially because sometimes they don't even know what's wrong or what exactly is stressing them out. Writing, painting, sculpting, any form of art is extremely beneficial to these people because even if they can't put a finger on why they're feeling a certain way, they can still express it in other ways. Other forms of self care can include taking a shower, swimming, taking a bath - anything that connects them back to their element. Having sex, reinventing themselves through dying their hair or changing up their wardrobe, and even witchcraft can help them incredibly. Diving into taboos and embracing them can do wonders for these people.
SAGITTARIUS MOON/SAGITTARIUS VENUS/9H MOON/9H VENUS: Do Sag placements even get stressed out..? Just kidding of course they do! These natives become stressed when they feel trapped, bored, and stagnant. You can always tell when they feel a certain way because they will tell you, bluntly and unapologetically. Sagittarius/9th house placement's symptoms of stress is restlessness, becoming impulsive, and being straight up mean. These placements need stimulation and will do things, good or bad, to get it. Self care comes in forms of traveling, learning, and winning. Whether down the street or to a different country, these natives benefit from exploring somewhere new. To them self care is indulging in their wants, and they WANT to explore new places and learn new things. Eating their favorite country's cuisine, going to a new place (a store or a park or a vacation), or reading a book are all forms of self care for them. Sagittarius/9th house placements would even benefit from planning a vacation even if they never take it. Other forms of self care for these individuals is playing board games or sports with friends, gambling (in moderation), eating good food, having a few drinks, throwing a party. They need to indulge, just a little bit.
CAPRICORN MOON/CAPRICORN VENUS/10H MOON/10H VENUS: These natives will never let you know that they're stressed out because they can handle it, they can handle anything and everything all the time, right? NO, but they want to be able to which creates more stress - they literally stress about stress. For them, stress can show up as feeling tightness and soreness in their body, lack of sleep, and disordered eating from trying to gain a sense of control. In extreme cases they will throw themselves into work because they can't feel the stress if they're distracted... this leads to endless problems which, guess what... leads to MORE STRESS. Capricorns/10h placements, take a day off. The world will still go on if you rest. Other than that, these natives benefit from stretching, yoga, meditation, a nice hot bath or shower. They need to slow their roll. One self care activity that benefits them the most is laughing; funny movies, seeing a comedy show, playing with their kids or telling funny stories are all things that can remind them that play is just as important as work. Have fun you guys, you deserve it the most.
AQUARIUS MOON/AQUARIUS VENUS/11H MOON/11H VENUS: Similar to Capricorn/10th house placements, you guys have a good poker face when it comes to being stressed out. What's different though is that instead of throwing yourself into work, you fake a smile until you're all alone... that's when the symptoms of stress take over. Anxiety, loneliness, sadness are all things these people experience when stressed out. They have plenty of friends and support systems but no really gets them, at least that's how they feel. In extreme cases, Aquarius/11th house placements can experience depression, depersonalization, and feeling more and more alienated and different than everyone else. Self care for these people includes meditation, journaling, walking barefoot outside, even hugging a damn tree - anything that pulls them back down to Earth. Planning a day with friends or loved ones to do something spontaneous or adventurous can really help these people. They need to get out of the "box" they put themselves in. Other forms of self care include things that are wild, fun, and get the blood pumping; playing paintball, video games, snowball/water balloon fight, pranks, partying and letting loose with your friends, and creating silly YouTube videos. The best self care for them is connecting with like minded people and having stimulating conversations or doing things that are crazy and silly.
PISCES MOON/PISCES VENUS/12H MOON/12H VENUS: When these natives feel stress, like Cancer/4th house placements, it comes in the form of emotions. Sadness, passive aggressiveness, and even shutting down emotionally in order to not feel anything at all. Pisces/12th house placements feel things so strongly and on every level - so for them, it's better to shut the emotions off because that's easier than dealing with it head on. But, those suppressed feelings will always come back to bite them. Stress shows up as lack of faith and trust, the inability to focus and stop daydreaming, and mood swings. Since the 12th house rules the subconscious mind, sometimes they don't realize why they feel stressed or unbalanced, like Scorpio/8th house placements. These individuals benefit from swimming, visiting a body of water, jumping in a puddle, or even going outside to feel the rain in order to reconnect with their element. Anything art; painting, sculpting, knitting, singing, creating is probably the best thing they can do to channel emotions. I always joke and say Pisces/12th house placements love "old lady activities" but I think it's true. Knitting, playing bingo, spending time with children, baking are all things that can really help them. Other than that, self care for these natives can be as simple as taking a nap to tune out the world. Or giving yourself alone time in a judgmental free place to do what you want. I think the theme here is to tune out the world and tune into yourself, however you can achieve that.
*Note: No placement in astrology is exempt from experiencing mental health disorders, just because I didn't mention it for every sign doesn't mean it can't happen to them, it can. If anyone ever needs someone to talk to, my ask box is always open.
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meatonfork · 2 years
Hii!! i wanted to ask how like the 141 would react grim sneaking in a stray cat or dog <33 I also wanted to say how much i love your grim au its literally one of my favs, you stay safe and take care of yourself!!

New Pal
pairings: platonic 141 x grim
warnings: none!
summary: grim introduces a new furry friend to the team
the team had quickly come to realize you had a deep love for animals. this was never a secret, though.
there were times while on missions that ghost would have to get you back on track after going out of your way to pet whatever animal you’d found in an alley.
you’d been staying at a safe house with the team after a mission. you were bored, and the house was just too stuffy with all the boys cramped into a small house, so you’d decided to step outside for a bit of fresh air.
the boys started to worry after you’d been outside for a bit too long for their liking. they stepped out to find you, expecting you to be sitting on the porch. instead, they found you in the clearing off to the right of the house.
you were slowly creeping to a doe. trees towering over you, and a hand stretched out with greenery in your small palm. bright brown eyes met deep green ones. your steps were calm and calculated, wanting the deer to see you weren’t a threat to her.
she took a step forward, and you halted your movements. your body went stiff as you held your breath in fear of scaring her off.
the boys watched with gleaming eyes as the doe met you and sniffed the greenery before tentatively eating it out of your palm.
you raised a hand slowly and lightly rest it on her coat, making small strokes against her fur. the sun beams leaking through the trees made her warm.
the doe only left once she’d eaten all the food. you watched on as she made her way into the forest, small hoof prints left behind in the dewy grass.
once she left your sight, you turned around to go back inside.
the team’s eyes found yours and you gave a small smile, “hey guys! how’s it goin?”
“grim, how’d you do that?” soap all but sputtered out. his eyes were blown wide at the thought of getting that close to a deer. “was she soft?” his voice softened as he imagined running his fingertips through the coat.
you nodded enthusiastically, “oh yeah! super soft. but, i gotta go wash my hands.” and with that, you brushed passed the boys and made your way to the bathroom.
the team was anticipating the day you’d bring in an animal. but, as time went on, and they never saw one, they thought they’d underestimated your ability of self control. and soon, they’d stopped thinking that.
until they started to notice you’d spent more time in your room.
to your benefit, it wasn’t unusual, per se. while you enjoyed being the most annoying person on base, you also liked your space.
it got to the point, they’d almost thought you were having a small episode. and if that was the case, they knew you’d come talk to one of them at some point. when you were ready. the team never pushed you, because you’d never pushed them. and they liked that about you.
but, this was just excessive. you always cracked after four days, and this was the fifth day you went off to seclude yourself after a meal. they were over it.
your door burst open, causing you to jump out of your skin. a small squeak left your lips and you fell to the floor below you.
“ow- shit.” you hissed as your hand fell to your ass, rubbing your tailbone.
“okay, grim. just tell us what’s wrong, kid.” price spoke up. the team were looking over his shoulders, varying looks of concern and confusion on their faces.
soap was scared something had happened on base and you just weren’t telling them about it. he almost felt hurt that you felt you couldn’t talk to them.
confusion crossed your features, brows furrowing and lips pursing. “i have no idea what you’re talking about. nothing’s wrong..?”
“dude, you’ve been holed up in your room for five days. you only come out to eat and shower. you haven’t even torn my door off it’s hinges this week. what’s wrong?” gaz’s head peaked over your captain’s shoulder.
“dude, there’s nothing wrong. scouts honor.” you held up the boy scouts sign from where you sat on the floor. “i swear, if something wa-“
silence. it coated the room, and thick tension filled the room. so thick, in fact, you bet ghost could cut through it with the knife strapped to his thigh. although, you figured it wouldn’t be that hard seeing as his knives were furthest from dull.
“… grim. explain. now.” ghost’s voice spoke from just outside the door.
“heh. uh, yeah! yeah- okay! guys, meet the newest team member. her name is spoon! i think she’d really be able to provide some insight on our missions, and uh, yeah…” your voice trailed off into a whisper as four pairs of eyes just blinked at you.
in your hands was a small black kitten. her fur was fluffy, making her appear as a small, round void in your small hands. she squirmed a bit, but settled in your lap.
“please say something.” your whispering voice broke the eerie silence that blanketed the room after your revelation of the small kitten.
“you can’t- you can’t keep her, grim.” price hated telling you no, but rules were rules. and he wasn’t about to break them for some cat you’d found outside.
“NO! wait- please! i need her. i hate being alone all the time, and i know i can get annoying. please let me keep her. she can be useful! i promise to take care of her and shit. like, take her on walks, and feed her, and bathe her. plus, i already named her. she marked me. we’re soulmates now. no take backs.” you all but pleaded with your captain.
he stared into your eyes. blue fighting green. your gaze never wavered, you held strong.
“if she leaves, i leave.” you huffed out. price knew he wouldn’t win this.
his shoulders deflated as he sighed. another squeal left your lips as you held spoon closer to your chest.
“thank you! oh my gosh. thank you!” you rocked the kitten back and forth as a beaming smile took over your features.
“but- the moment that cat even steps out of line a little, she’s gone.”
the cat left your lap, making her way to your team. they stepped out of her way, wanting to know her intentions.
she stopped right in front of ghost, peering up at him. then, she did the unthinkable.
scaling up his side, claws out before she settled upon his stiff shoulder.
everyone held their breaths in anticipation before his eyes met yours. a hard glare set in them.
then he did the unthinkable. his hand moved up to pet spoon’s little head. purring sounded through the room, before he left and stalked down the hall.
“what just happened?” soap spoke up, his head turning to watch the lieutenant and the small cat turn down the hall.
“he just stole my fucking cat.” with that, you were up and pushing your way through the boys and down the hall.
a/n: thank you for reading! merry christmas, and happy holidays! <3
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clemissleepy · 5 months
Autumn Sadness
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seungmin's rival for the title of 'jeongin's best friend' collapses in his doorway.
wc : 1.7k
tw // implied sh , implied ed , fluff , angst , seungmin and reader are both very sensory-sensitive , seungmin is kinda rude at first , enemies to lovers but it doesn't actually go anywhere, this is just a lil drabble
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seungmin hated that stupid face that was always glowing on jeongin's phone when he thought he wasn't looking. it enraged him to hear her obnoxious laugh through the walls and the way jeongin nearly completely ignored seungmin's existence.
when she came around to their shared apartment, it was like seungmin was a blanket. just used to everyone's benefit while he laid there and gained nothing. he didn't get to pick the show they watched, or the food they ordered, or what games they played. he just had to sit there and watch his best friend treat her like a princess.
the leaves were warm oranges and yellows. the sky was nearly gray and dead, wind chilly enough to dust pink on ones cheeks and nose, but not enough to numb their joints. seungmin had his headphones in, reading on his balcony bundled up in blankets and sweaters. he hummed to himself as he flipped through the familiar pages of his favorite book.
out of the corner of his eye, he could see something rushing. he could faintly hear the leaves crushing beneath someone's panicked steps and the creaking of the apartment's lobby door being opened. he caught a glimpse of the striped scarf the person worse and was now annoyingly aware of her presence.
just minutes later, he could hear keys shuffling around in the halls and the locks of his door clicking. the metal door slowly slammed shut and he rolled his eyes while closing his book to investigate. he unwrapped himself, throwing his blanket and story onto his plush comforter, and trotted out to the living space.
there she was, panting, in complete disarray. her scarf was tangled in her unusually disheveled hair. her eyes were uncomfortably pink and the way she darted around looking for something was getting on seungmin's nerves.
"jeongin's not here," he glares, hoping she'll take his hint to leave. but she just stares at him, eyes glossy as fat tears roll down her cheeks. a sob racks her body and she collapses onto her knees in the foyer.
"oh... um... okay," seungmin mutters while she wraps her arms around her and shivers. "what the fuck is wrong with you?"
she does not reply. rather, she curls over herself and chokes on her spit, groaning out and watching her tears puddle on the chill tile beneath her. her hands shake and run through her hair, tugging at it by the roots.
"okay, enough of that," seungmin comments, standing just in front of her and pulling her hands away from herself. 'they're soft,' he thinks. he notices how the white nail polish she always had on was chipped away, her usually clean and well kept nails were bitten far too short and the skin was picked at and fresh.
"what's wrong with you?" he continues to pry, looking down at her judgmentally. her head stays low as she pants and mumbles, rocking back and forth just enough for seungmin to notice. he supposes he needs to try a new approach.
he slowly kneels down, groaning at the ache in his back as he does. he reaches eye level with her and is very slow and gentle as he lifts her chin up to look at him. his eyes soften at the way her eyes just slightly turn inwards, making her look like a lost puppy. however, there is an obvious lack of color in her appearance, more like a homeless abandoned dog than one simply away from its home.
"i know i'm no jeongin and i know we're not friends by any means, but..." seungmin rests his hand onto her shoulder and slowly starts to untangle her from her scarf and jackets. "i'm here for you, if you need someone to talk to."
she chokes out her sickening laugh. "you just asked what the fuck is wrong with me!" she giggles while the tears drench her chin and neck. seungmin rests her scarf and jacket on the floor, now taking a close look at the way she's cradled into herself.
there was gauze wrapped tightly around her arms, suffocating her hands and turning them purple.
"you're cutting off blood," he states while starting to unwrap the bandages. he does not fail to notice the blood seeping through them, but he does not care. he is gentle and reassuring as he rewraps the gauze. "did you make a tourniquet anywhere else?"
she stares blankly for a moment, dissociating in front of the man she claimed did not have a soul. she catches his eyes and is lost in the way they are not as dead as she always perceived. they are small, half closed, but they are alive.
she points at her leg. beneath her jeans there is a lump where the gauze is and she hisses at the tension in her muscles.
"take your pants off."
"what?!" she yells, immediately regretting it from the scratch of her throat.
"well, unless you're gonna fix it yourself," seungmin rolls his eyes and stands up, offering one of his hands to her. she scrutinizes every inch of his face in an attempt to read his expressions just as she does jeongin. but she cannot see what lies behind his eyes or his foul mouth. she can only see the faint light of hope in the pit of darkness she's found herself in.
she adjusts the gauze on her thigh in the bathroom and seungmin insists she changes into some of jeongin's comfy clothes. specifically, his dinosaur pajamas. she is buried in the soft material, but comfortable nonetheless as seungmin leads her to the familiar couch and rests his own weighted blanket on top of her.
"beef or chicken?" he asks while tucking the edges of the blankets into her sides and ensuring she is mostly confined into a small roll of blankets and sadness.
"beef... for what?"
"ramen. you lost weight," he pads away into the kitchen and starts to boil water up in a pot. "i'm guessing you've been bottling everything up because jeongin has been having the time of his life with his girlfriend, yes?"
seungmin noticed the lack of his rival's voice through the walls the past few weeks. he was now hearing a much more trained voice coming from his speakers. it almost irked seungmin how jeongin seemed to shuffle away into a new world without his two best friends.
"i know everything. i know your coworkers have been talking shit about you behind your back and blaming you for things you didn't do. you're on your last warning before you get fired. i know your sister just started her tour in america so you're alone at home. i know your cat was diagnosed with cancer and you had to put her down last week. on top of that, you have exams next week, you can't get a hang of your calculus, and you're worried you'll never succeed, find love, or even make it out of college alive."
seungmin does not notice that he rambles. he knows there's an obvious annoyance in his tone, but he choosss not to acknowledge how odd it is that he knows so much about her.
the water is boiling, but the room is quiet. seungmin knows she can hear the buzzing of the lights, and the fridge, and the stove. so, out of the kindness of his heart, he turns the lights off and grabs an old pair of fluffy earmuffs from the foyer that he stuffs onto her head. 'her hair is so soft,' he thinks.
"well, you know my whole life story... you'd already know everything even if i wanted to tell you what's wrong," she grumbles.
"you talk pretty loud," seungmin shrugs and pours the noodles into the boiling water. "but i don't know why today was your breaking point. jeongin's at a photoshoot, not like it's a date that he abandoned you for."
"someone leaked my face and information. they got pictures of jeongin and i at a cafe and now... he's under fire for dating rumors and my sister is getting hate because of me and i'm so- they know where i live! i had to come here, i have to apologize to jeongin and ask if i can hide here."
"of course you can hide here, dumbass," seungmin chuckles. "and you should be more worried about your safety than jeongin or your sister's public appearance. they leaked your address?"
she nods silently and more tears stream down her cheeks. he finishes the ramen, letting it simmer in the pot with the seasoning. he then finds himself tensely beside her, hands anxious and trained to his sides while she starts to bresthe heavily again.
"you like pressure, right? lay down," seungmin commands, pushing her and watching her fall clumsily onto her side from being rolled inside blankets. she gasps and her eyes bug out, but she watches how seungmin crawls on top of her like a dog that doesn't know his own size and rests his dead weight onto her. she feels like she's floating on a cloud while simultaneously being grounded by the most wonderful weight imaginable.
it does not take either of them long to fall into an autumn nap, snores and drool falling from both their lips. seungmin shuffles in his sleep while she mumbles and hiccups quietly. the rain outside patters against the window rhythmically and their legs intertwine slowly as they adjust for comfort.
jeongin enters the apartment with grocery bags and his keys twirling on his finger. "seung-," he nearly yells, but he sees his roommates feet dangling off the arm of their couch. he notices the discarded jackets and scarf and feminine boots in the entryway, and deduces that his other best friend is here.
he does not, however, expect to see the both of them in a little cuddle pile. the ramen is still full on the stove at a simmer, the lights dim and the tv stuck on the netflix 'who's watching?' screen.
jeongin kneels down and whispers into seungmin's ear, "i knew you liked her."
"shut up, sushi roll needs peace and quiet," the older whines with a lisp and drag to his words. his hand lifts to the her cheeks and cups them oh so gently.
"she's sad... 'm gonna make her happy again."
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thank you for reading! <3 ~clem
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a-killer-obsession · 5 months
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Wavelengths [Killer x Reader, Heat x Reader]
🔞 Minors DNI 🔞
A search for a rumored Vegapunk weapon leads the Kid Pirates to an unexpected new crewmate, with a bloodlust that rivals their own and an incredible power.
CW: Please check AO3 for all current warnings, but general warning for smut, slow burn, serious gore, and really dark themes. AFAB reader, she/her pronouns.
Masterlist || AO3 || Chapter 1
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Chapter 2 - Initiation
Woe, backstory be upon yee
Mild Egghead Island spoilers (I'm talking like, episode 2 of the anime arc, super early)
WC: ~13k (sorry, I promise they won't usually be this long!)
Day 0
You were already exhausted by the time you made it to the secluded back end of the island where the Victoria Punk was anchored. It wasn't docked since there was no dock in the area, just anchored a little ways off shore as close as the pirates could get it without running it into the sand bank, but several small dinghy were pulled up on the sandy shore waiting for the pirates to use. Even from the beach though, you could judge the size and style of the ship, appreciating what looked like a large dinosaur skull mounted at the front in lieu of a figurehead, the matching rib bones lining the sides and the large black flag that hung from the main mast, painted with a jolly roger that resembled Kid. Humble.
Several trips back and forth had already been made with the supplies looted from the marine compound, the ship bursting at the seams with loot. With the last of it finally set on the boats, the pirates began pulling them out to the water, paddles in hand to make the short trip to the main ship.
You weren't exactly keen on being tied to the mast of the ship for a week, but you figured it was better than some of the hazing you'd heard other pirates go through, and it sure beat the various cold dark cells you'd spent the last several years in. Considering you were a woman, about to board a ship full of men, it could always be much, much worse. You'd managed to at least down four (and a half, you still mourned your dropped one) apples and a banana you'd scavenged from some of the crates being moved after the battle, getting as much food in as you could on the walk to the ship. It at least meant you had a small reset to work with after being near starved for longer than you could recall. It was only a week you'd be starved at the mast, barely anything compared to what you’d been through, and once it was over, you would be free.
You'd spent most of your life under the firm, possessive thumb of the world government, moved from marine base to marine base, constantly under the guidance of abusers who got a kick out of controlling someone they knew to be more powerful than themselves. It boosted their ego, even if you were a scrawny woman - they knew the power you held, and it swelled their pride to dominate you. They never really cared about you as a person, only your ability to kill, and when you'd failed to become the obedient dog they wanted you’d been discarded without a second thought. You knew Kid was the same, the only leverage you had with him was as a weapon, but at the very least he had promised not to touch you, and you’d put yourself in a strong position right from the get go to prove to him that you weren't to be messed with. It was a fresh start for you, you would finally have a taste of freedom, away from the people who had beaten and abused you.
The fact that it came under the guise of being a pirate was no bother to you - you enjoyed killing, but you were also undoubtedly lazy. If you followed the Kid Pirates you could kill all you wanted without having to deal with the repercussions or figuring out how to escape on your own, and you'd have the added benefit of a protective buffer between you and the marines who would no doubt come looking for you when they learned of your escape. This crew had a reputation for being bloodthirsty and ruthless, and they knew what you could do, so you knew you would find no judgment here. And if pirates were known for anything, it was hating the marines and the world government, a sentiment you wholeheartedly shared. You would fit right in here.
As you approached the water's edge you adjusted the dial on your helmet, the visor shifting from a dark purple to a more vibrant, richer blue. You scanned the ocean with your eyes, now able to see under the dark waves with your enhanced vision, and once you were happy with the lack of seakings visible you shifted it back to the purple. Killer quirked an eyebrow at you, not that you could see it under his mask, watching you with curiosity before returning his attention to pulling the boat nearest to your group out to the water. He made a mental note to ask you about the mask's functions later.
Once the dinghy was floating in the water, the last stragglers of the crew began to jump in, and you hesitantly waded into the water behind them, feeling yourself grow weaker as the water raised above your knees and soaked the ends of your marine issue shorts, before Kid, growing impatient, grabbed you under the arms and lifted you into the small boat. You made a small huff but settled yourself on the thin seat between him and Killer. You were somewhat squished between the large men, it was just as well you were skinny, and you leaned forward to ensure your mask would not be damaged as they began to row away from the shore.
It was funny, as you watched the marine base sink away from view, you wondered how long you had even been here. Well, not here specifically, you knew you'd only been at this base a few weeks. More like, how long you'd been a prisoner. It was hard to tell the passing of time when you'd spent so much time in windowless cells, when they never consistently gave you meals, and with the lack of nutrition even your period was inconsistent, so that was no help in keeping track of time either. The commodore having you brought to his office was the only real signifier of time passed that you had to go off, guessing he probably sent for you every couple of days, sometimes more often.
They usually moved you between bases on a monthly basis, but sometimes it seemed like you spent only weeks at a base, sometimes multiple months. It'd been so long since they discarded you that you weren't even sure how old you were anymore. If you had to guess, you'd say 25, but really you didn't know for sure. You weren't even sure when your birthday was, you'd been really young when you got your devil fruit and it had destroyed any cognitive power you had for a long time.
The boat you were on was the last to pull up alongside the Victoria Punk, with the other ones already in the process of being unloaded and hauled up to the deck for storage. You had no intention of climbing the rope ladder that had been thrown down, given your arms were currently so weak, so you stood and quickly moon stepped the short distance up to the main deck. Exhausted, you laid down and sprawled out on the wooden surface like a starfish, taking advantage of the ability to lay flat while it lasted before you were inevitably tied to the mast, enjoying the warm sunlight you had been so direly missing. At least that was one advantage to being tied to the mast, you hadn't had fresh air in so long that you probably would have spent the next few nights out on the deck by choice anyway. you were looking forward to seeing the stars.
A shadow loomed over you, and you grumbled at the sudden lack of warmth as you opened your eyes. Kid was standing over your head, upside down from your point of view, looking down at you with an annoying smirk on his painted lips. You let out a deep sigh and sat up, before standing with a huff and walking to the main mast. You didn't have to be told, you knew what was coming. You slid down against it, landing on your ass with a pout as one of the commanders, Heat, you recognized from his bounty poster, brought over a heavy reel of thick rope.
Most of the crew watched with curiosity as Heat tied you to the mast, wrapping the rope around you and the thick wooden pole several times, pinning your torso and arms against it before knotting it well out of your reach. The crew knew well what that meant, that you were on trial to become a new crewmate, and you would be there for seven days just as they all had. If you were just a prisoner you would have been taken straight to the brig, and definitely bound with seastone. If you were a guest, you'd likely have been taken straight to Kid's room. The fact that you put up no fight also made it obvious that this was by choice. They'd never inducted a woman before and an excited, slightly confused buzz of conversation arose from the crew as they watched you wiggle, testing the limitations of your restraints, before finally settling in and stilling.
“Seven days, little one,” Kid told you, crouching so his face was close to yours. He gave you a smug grin, and you returned it with your own playful smile, ready and willing for what would be an easy ordeal for you. He knew it too, given it was clear you were used to being starved, but it wouldn't be fair to the rest of his crew if he didn't at least put on a show of initiating you, and it would ultimately help you earn the respect of his crew. Before standing upright again he unhooked the holster from your thigh, pocketing the dagger. You growled a warning at him when his touch lingered on your skin, before he smirked and finally stood.
“See you in seven days then, Captain,” you yawned, squirming a little to get comfortable then closing your eyes, resting your head back against the mast to sleep. You were desperate for a nap after using what little strength you had left on your Meteor Wave, and it's not like there was anything else for you to do now that you were tied to the mast. You had all the time in the world to take in your surroundings and eye up the crew, for now what you wanted was some rest.
“Alright pussies,” Kid announced to his crew, standing tall and proud after a successful day, to which they all silenced their gossiping and turned to attention, “this here is Yin. She's the reason we came to this island, and will be a powerful asset for us in the future. She's agreed to join the crew, under some annoying conditions, but I don't want to hear a single complaint about it from you assholes. She's worth the strength of a thousand men, so you will treat her with respect. And under no circumstances will you touch her without her permission. Keep your tiny dicks in your pants or I'll cut them off and feed ‘em to you. Do I make myself clear?”
There was a murmur of aye aye captain’s before Kid dismissed them to finish their preparations to leave the island. There were still a few tasks left for him to do, like checking what his crew had looted and getting the report on how many men were injured or killed during the battle. You were already deep asleep by the time the anchor was raised, long since fallen victim to your exhaustion. Kid and Killer watched you sleep from a distance, a million questions in their heads, but most of all both confused that; one, this scrawny, irritating thing was the powerful weapon they'd been hunting for, and; two, this outwardly innocent, sweet looking girl was sleeping without a care in the world, like you weren't tied to the mast of the notorious Kid Pirate's ship, and like they hadn't just watched you massacre hundreds of strong men and laugh about it. Not to mention the commodore, that was a whole other bag of worms.
They of course realized you had some sort of devil fruit, and they could guess by your tattered marine uniform that you had at some point been a government dog, but the fact that they'd found you half starved in a dark cell raised a multitude of questions. The government had been careful to move you often, likely to keep you from people like Kid, but you had clearly been discarded by them at some point. Their best guess was that the fruit itself was too dangerous to bring back into circulation, so they'd kept you alive to keep that power from becoming available to anyone else. Killer was also sure that ‘Yin’ wasn't your real name, but that didn't seem of much consequence right now. He guessed you must be close to his age, though it was hard to tell under the layers of grime and blood, your cheeks and eye sockets hollowed from being emaciated.
Neither of them brought up what you'd done to them after the battle, and as soon as it seemed like it had been long enough to not raise suspicions from the crew, they both left the deck to retreat to their rooms, anxious to shower and change into clean clothes.
Day 1
You slept for what you assumed was likely around fifteen hours, it seemed like it was about late afternoon the next day when you were woken by a splash of water on your bare thigh. A cabin boy startled near you as he noticed your head raising, apologising profusely and scampering away with his bucket and mop before you could even register what had happened. You blinked the sleep from your eyes, thankful for the tinting effect of your visor in the bright afternoon sun.
It didn't take long for you to notice the masked blonde sitting across from you, resting against a wall with crossed arms and crossed legs, watching you carefully. You cocked your head at him, and he stood, closing the space between you with just a few long strides, and standing over you. The ominous looming was probably supposed to be intimidating, but you couldn't help but blush at the fact that you were eye level with his dick. You did your best to crane your head to look up at him anyway.
“The captain has some questions for you,” he said plainly. His long blonde hair flitted gently in the wind behind him, and you wondered how a pirate kept so much hair so well maintained.
“Okay…” you mumbled blearily, looking around and noticing a distinct lack of said captain, “is he going to ask them then or…?”
“He's busy,” Killer snapped, “so I'll be asking them”
“Yesh, okay mister grumpy-mask,” you grumbled, pulling up your legs so they were crossed in front of you, “go ahead then”
Killer looked away for a moment to catch the eye of a passing henchman, giving him a quick nod that the man clearly understood. The henchman quickly brought over a chair, positioning it a metre or so in front of you before scurrying away. Killer took a seat and leant back on the chair, crossing his arms and scanning you with his eyes.
“What sort of devil fruit do you have?” was his first question. You weren't surprised, it seemed like the most obvious question.
“Ah, straight into the complicated questions,” you sighed. You closed your eyes for a moment, trying to figure out the best way to explain it, “it's called the wave-wave fruit. As in, wavelengths. Not like… ocean waves. It's more microscopic than that. How much do you know about physics?”
“Some, enough probably, what sort of wavelengths?” he asked.
“All of them, I think,” you replied, a little confused at your own answer, and quickly working on rephrasing it, “I mean everything I know of that's measured in wavelengths I've been able to manipulate to some degree. Some are harder than others, but I have some control nonetheless. Vibrations are easiest, I can use them at a smaller scale, like molecules, speeding up or slowing the vibrations to increase or decrease temperature. Or at a larger scale, like what you saw me do on the battlefield, creating shockwaves of vibrations”
“And that's what you did to the commodore? Heated and cooled him?” Killer inquired, starting to piece things together.
“His blood, specifically, but yeah. The wall I used to keep us clean was also vibrations, it wasn't actually solid, it's just that the air was vibrating so fast that nothing could get past it. Like a really strong wind.”
Killer nodded, stroking the scruffy goatee that poked out from under his mask. “Okay, so what else? You said there were others.”
“Yeah, the others I don't use as much because they're either more difficult or not as useful. Sound is easy, I can replicate sounds with relative ease. Single sounds like replicating a lone instrument or a voice or animal call are easier than replicating a whole song. Light is tricky but doable. Every colour you see is a different wavelength of light, so by manipulating the wavelength I can change the colours. Not super useful but it makes for a fun lightshow when I'm drunk. Before I was locked up I was working on using it to create mirages of myself, but it's early days for sure.”
To emphasize your point you closed your eyes in concentration, and a life sized version of you appeared in the space between you and Killer. It was faint, and wobbling, like a broken hologram. You weren't able to hold it for long before you let out a heavy exhale and the clone disappeared.
“The last thing I know I can control is electromagnetic waves, but I can only do it at a very small scale,” you continued, “it's enough to manipulate the electricity that sends messages through a person's nerves, but not enough to power anything or manipulate the magnetism of an object”
“Is that… what you did to Kid and I?” Killer asked, under his breath so as not to let any curious henchmen hear.
“Yeah,” you giggled, “sorry about that, but it was in self defence”
Killer made a low grumble under his mask, not offering up any sort of forgiveness in exchange for your apology. At least now he understood what you'd done, it put him slightly more at ease. Not that he was happy about his nerves being messed with. You yawned and rolled your head to stretch out your stiff neck, the questioning was starting to grate at you. Using your fruit to create a mirage when you were already so weak was probably not the smartest thing you’d ever done.
“Is that it? I'm tired,” you grumbled.
“One more and I'll leave you be for now,” he said, leaning forward to examine her closer, “what's with the mask?”
You chuckled to yourself, not at all surprised by the question considering his own mask. “What's with yours?” you retorted.
He sat in silence, unwavering and unimpressed. You rolled your eyes and huffed, it was clear you weren't getting an answer today, so you'd just have to continue making up your own theories about it. Given the state of Kid's horribly scarred face, your best guess right now was that he was unbelievably mangled under the mask. Blown up by a grenade or something. Maybe he didn't even have a nose. You wrinkled your own nose at the thought before deciding to answer his question, if anything to pull your mind away from imagining what awful features he had under his mask.
“Like I said earlier, I can manipulate light and sound,” you started your explanation, pausing for a moment as he sat back in his chair and resumed his previous position, “unfortunately I can also see and hear a larger spectrum because of it. You know how they say mantis shrimp can see more colours than we can? It's like that, I've got shrimp colours. And sounds I guess. Well not shrimp sounds but… you know what I mean. Anyway it sounds fucking cool, but I can tell you right now that constantly being able to hear every atom moving and being able to see everyone's bones and organs is not cool, and I can't control it on my own. It's a default setting that I can't seem to manipulate, and it's extremely overwhelming. If I spend more than a few minutes without the mask I usually have a panic attack. The mask filters it all out so I just see and hear what a normal person would. I can adjust it though, to tune in to different levels of the sound or light spectrum, for example if I need to see if someone has a broken bone, or hear a different frequency.”
“That's why you carried the seastone cuffs after killing the commodore? To mute the ability?”
“Exactly. Seastone deactivates devil fruits, as I assume you know, so I can use it to stop myself from becoming overwhelmed when I don't have the mask. Obviously though, seastone also makes me weak and tired. It's why I'm inseparable from my mask. I'm guessing you understand better than anyone what it means to me,” you said, scanning his striped mask with your pupil-less eyes.
“Hmmph,” he replied neutrally, standing from the chair and dragging it till it rested against a wall, “that'll do for now then, but there's more questions we'd like to ask tomorrow”
“Mmm,” you replied, straightening your legs out and shifting in your spot to get comfortable again. Your arms would have gone to sleep long ago if you hadn't been using your devil fruit to keep the blood flowing in them, “I'm guessing the captain wants to know what intel I have on the marines and world government. You can tell him I'm more than happy to share with him everything I know about those cunts, I have no love or loyalty for them. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, or whatever it is they say.”
“Right,” he replied, a little taken aback that you were so willing to part with information without even being prompted. ‘They must have really done a number on her’ he thought to himself, “He'll be happy to hear that. I'll have someone bring you water, and I'll be back with more questions tomorrow.”
“Pleasure doing business with you, Massacre Soldier,” you said in her best obedient subordinate voice, before closing your eyes to nap.
“It's Killer,” he replied with a huff, walking away.
Day 2
You woke up at what must have been the middle of the night. It was clear out, the stars were in full display, but you hadn't noticed them yet due to the fact that you were full on hyperventilating after a particularly graphic dream. You'd think someone who enjoyed violence as much as you wouldn't experience bad dreams, but there were other kinds of horrors from your past that plagued you and often woke you in a panic. You went through the familiar motions of calming yourself; five things you can see, four things you can feel, three things you can smell… Eventually your breathing started to even out and the world came back into view. It was then you noticed the vibrations of the warm body above you. If you concentrated enough you could make out the vague shape, and it was clear they were watching you from the crow's nest above. On night watch, presumably, and distracted by your very audible panic attack.
“You can stop gawking at me now, Killer,” you mumbled without turning to look at him, stretching your legs back out from the fetal position you'd subconsciously pulled them into. The distinct difference in vibrations around his mask made it easy to tell who was watching you.
“You good?” he asked, trying to hide the genuine concern in his voice but you picked up on its subtlety, and it annoyed you to no end. You weren't some feeble thing, and you wondered if he was only treating you with kindness because you were a woman. You had no doubt it was going to be a common struggle aboard the Victoria Punk.
“Just peachy, so fuck off,” you huffed. There was a quiet shifting of fabric as he turned away to give you privacy, returning to watching the still horizon and the small, calm clouds that were settled over it.
Resigning yourself to ignoring him, and titling your eyes to the sky you finally noticed the dazzling scattering of twinkling stars, too far from any island to be hindered by light pollution. Your mask may have had a purple tint, but it didn't apply to your vision like it would if you were wearing sunglasses. Sure, it kept the sun from being too bright by filtering out some of its harsher light waves, but other than that it was a mere filter, allowing you to see the way a normal person would, maybe even slightly better than a normal person. For you, it was no different to wearing clear prescription glasses.
You were certainly far from colourblind, having seen a much wider spectrum of colours than any other person, you could pick up the subtle differences between colours like nobody else could. The faint yellows, blues and reds of the faraway stars were clear to you, each star being a different colour depending on how hot they were. You knew other people could tell the difference, but you could pick out the smallest changes, you could probably guess the exact temperature of each star if you tried based on the colour.
You could also see planets in far more detail than the normal human eye, picking out the quiet blues and warm browns of the different planets that were close enough and in the right position to see. To the naked eye they would have been simple sparkles hidden between the stars. They were still tiny, but the colours were clear to you.
You admired the full display of nature's majesty with wide eyes. It had been years since you'd seen the stars. You would have liked to adjust your mask to see the ultraviolet light, to see the beautiful blues and purples radiating off distant galaxies, but your arms were firmly pinned to the mast. You sighed, deciding to continue stargazing anyway, reminding yourself that you would have all the time in the world to look at the stars under every spectrum of light imaginable as soon as you were done with your time on the mast.
At some point you fell back asleep, lulled by the soft rocking of the ship and Killer's quiet rhythmic breathing above you.
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You grumbled and pulled your leg away as someone kicked it, wishing you could rub the sore spot the kick had left but unable to reach with your arms tied. You opened your eyes to find Killer standing over you once again, his leg pulled back to repeat the kick if you didn't wake up. He wasn't doing it hard enough to properly injure, but enough that it'd no doubt leave a bruise on someone like you. Before he could swing you stopped his foot with your own, crossing one leg over the other to press your black, standard issue marine boots against his ankle.
“What the fuck Killer?” you spat, pushing his leg away before returning your foot to the ground, bent at the knee so you could quickly raise it again if you had to.
“About fucking time, fuck you sleep like the dead,” he replied, pulling the chair from yesterday back towards you, leaving it a little further away to account for your stretched out leg before sitting, “and you snore worse than most of the men here.” It was a lie, but he felt like seeing if he could get a rise out of you.
“I do the fuck NOT,” you yelled, trying to slide down in your restraints so you could reach him with your foot to kick him, which resulted in your leg flapping awkwardly in the air mere inches away from him while you made little grunts of excursion. He couldn't help but smile under his mask, you really could be childish, it was amusing, and he would definitely find more ways to rile you up in the future. You could have full well used your devil fruit to maim or kill him, but it was clear you weren't going to hurt him. Finally you gave up and let your leg fall to the wooden deck with a heavy ‘thunk’ and a pout on the only visible part of your face.
“What do you want, Killer?” you said with an exasperated sigh.
“We have more questions,” he replied.
“Of course you do, couldn't it wait till I was awake though?” you grumbled.
“It's almost noon, you've slept more than enough,” he replied in a bored tone.
You looked around, a little confused. Had you really slept that long? The men around you were bustling around, already several hours deep into their various chores, the occasional curious glance thrown your way. You turned back to Killer with a sigh, “Fine, what does our apparently very busy captain want to know today?”
“You knew I was watching you last night, do you have haki?”
“Armament, yes. It's strong, by normal standards, though I barely use it. I'm guessing you're asking specifically about observation haki though. I don't, I can just sense vibrations around me because of my devil fruit. If I concentrate enough I can make out the contours of people, see their faces and expressions, sense if their heart is beating faster if they're lying. Which by the way, I know I don't snore, and you're a filthy liar.” you gave him a coy smile, and he shifted uncomfortably in his seat, turning away from you. His heart was racing, and it didn't take a psychic to figure out why.
“I can't see your face,” you reassured softly. His head snapped in your direction and he was starting to wonder if you could read minds, “your mask is solid metal, it's blocking a lot of the vibrations and making them bounce back. All I can sense under it is a blur. It would be the same if I used my mask functions, metal is a good insulator against a lot of types of wavelengths, so it's a bit of a weak spot for me”
His heart rate lowered slightly, his own observation haki telling him you weren't lying about your ability. He cleared his throat, a little flustered that you'd read him and his insecurities so easily.
“Our intel tells us you have ties to Vegapunk,” he said, trying to move the conversation along, “we assumed the weapon, you I guess, were built by him but obviously that's not the case, so where is that information coming from?”
“Oh, that would be the mask,” you explained, “I spent a short while on Egghead Island with a few of his satellites while they ran tests on my fruit and manufactured the mask. As much as the government wanted me to be their weapon, I was useless before the mask. Like I told you yesterday, it's overwhelming. I was always on the edge of a panic attack, struggling to navigate the world. I had to be practically guided everywhere and spoon fed because I was seeing straight through everything, I would always walk into shit and over or under reach for things because I couldn't make out surfaces. Not to mention the sounds. I may as well have been deaf because I couldn't pick out voices between everything else. I was an anxious, over-stimulated mess and completely useless as a weapon, as a person even, so they commissioned Vegapunk to make the mask to help me control it. I often had bouts of being completely feral before the mask, when my brain would finally snap and go completely instinctual just to have any sort of control. A lot of people have bite shaped scars from me”
“What the fuck is a satellite,” Killer asked. Your answer had raised many more questions, but that one confused him the most.
“Ah, kind of a complicated question,” you mused, “they're… Vegapunk? But not? I'm not sure how to explain it. He like, split his personality up into clones or some shit. They don't look like him though, or what I've seen of pictures of him anyway. I've never actually met him”
“Right, okay,” Killer did not at all understand but he figured it didn't really matter anyway, he had more important questions to ask, “how long were you a marine?”
“Another complicated question,” you groaned, “you just love those don't you? Can't you just ask me my favourite colour or something?”
There was an awkward silence while he waited for you to answer the question, before you groaned again and relented. “Finnneeee. And it's yellow, by the way. Do you want the long version or the short version?”
“Long version, I've got all day,” he replied.
“Alright then,” you shrugged, or as best you could in the restraints anyway, “it's not like I'm going anywhere. I ate my devil fruit when I was about four. Daddy dearest was never in the picture, it was just me and my mother, so I was left alone for long bouts during the day while she worked, that was when I found it. Obviously it fucked me up, my mum came home one day to find me completely out of it, screaming, feral. She didn't know it was a devil fruit, obviously, so she took me to the hospital. Doctors took months to realise it was a devil fruit and put a seastone cuff on me, but not before I blew a nurse's brains out in my panic. Life went relatively back to normal for a while till the government caught wind of me. Mum kept me hidden away, given what I'd done to the nurse, but kept her eye out for a way to get me off the island so we could start fresh somewhere else. Eventually she was able to save enough money to buy us passage to another island, but the ship was attacked by slavers during the journey.”
You paused for a moment, watching a news coo fly overhead and drop the daily newspaper, something you hadn't seen in a very long time, before continuing on with your story. “I was about six when I was sent to a slave house on Sabaody. The government had tracked my movements and were quick to buy me, and I haven't seen my mother since. They sent me to the marines to be secretly trained, only a select few knew about me. I think the plan was to make me a CP agent, they seemed pretty set on training me for some sort of elite team. Physical training was going fine, I learnt how to fight and how to shoot and how to be stealthy, but every time they took the seastone off though I'd go straight back to being out of control, and eventually they gave up on me. At some point they started abusing me, since I wasn't good for anything else. It was just inappropriate touches at first, and then… well. I'm sure you can put two and two together.” Killer’s mask moved to point away from you, clearly unnerved with the topic, and you cleared your throat uncomfortably before continuing.
“Anyway the government wasn't happy about my lack of progress controlling my fruit, so they shipped me off to Egghead in the hopes that Vegapunk could ‘fix’ me. I had two beautiful, abuse-free years on that island while they made the mask and helped me learn to control my fruit, before the government pulled me back to hell. I spent the next four years training, honing in on my devil fruit, learning haki and moon stepping, learning advanced combat. I was a quick learner, so they put me in active service when I turned sixteen, when it was no longer suspicious for me to be in the marines. I did what they asked like an obedient dog, for a while,, but then they stuck me with a commodore who liked to play with pretty things. The more he abused me, the more I lashed out on the battlefield. At some point I started enjoying killing, using it as an outlet for my anger, and the more blood thirsty I became the less they could control me. Eventually I started killing marines and civilians, so they benched me. They couldn't let my fruit go back in rotation though, so they just kept moving me from base to base to keep me hidden. I must have been twenty when they benched me. I'm not sure how long it's been since then, years definitely, but I'm not sure. Anyway that's it, that's the full story”
It was a lot for Killer to process. Your shit past was somehow worse than his, and he couldn't help but feel sorry for you. He'd been young the first time he killed, but four years old? That was a lot for a kid to carry, not to mention being raped for the first time before even hitting puberty, and so many times since. It was no wonder you were so fucked up, why you laughed so maniacally after killing the commodore, why you enjoyed killing as much as Killer did. He wondered if you'd been branded at the slave house, or when the last time someone had treated you as a human was.
With a heavy exhale he stood, dragging the chair back to the wall without a word, and decided to leave it be for now.
“What, that's it? No snide remarks about being a warm hole or some shit?” you spat. It was clear you were angry, residual anger not really directed at him but at your memories. It sent a shiver down his spine to hear you imply that it was a common occurrence for men to just call you a ‘warm hole’.
“I'll have someone bring your water, we're done for now,” he said flatly as he walked away. You huffed in outward annoyance, but inwardly you wished he hadn't left, so you didn't have to be alone with your own thoughts.
Day 3
Day three was of not much note. You watched the crew do their chores, trying to overhear their names as they talked so you could figure out who was who. Usually around midday some nervous cabin boy would bring you a single glass of water, shaking as he held it to your lips, but to your surprise today it was brought by someone else. Heat knelt in front of you, holding up the glass of water.
“No cabin boy today?” you mused.
“They're scared of you,” he laughed, holding the glass to your mouth so you could drink. You chugged the water greedily, one glass a day was nowhere near enough under the constant sunlight, “apparently they heard about what you did at the marine base, so I offered to bring you your water instead of having to smell them pissing their pants”
You laughed as you swallowed the last bit of water, almost choking on it. “You good?” Heat asked, his eyes were soft with concern but it didn't seem to annoy you as much as it had when Killer had shown sympathy.
“Yeah,” you coughed, “wrong pipe. Anyway, that's fucking hilarious. Cabin boys are just pups, I wouldn't hurt them”
“Yeah good luck convincing them of that, pussies the lot of them,” he laughed, putting down the glass and sitting on the deck in front of you. His pale blue hair billowed in the wind behind him, a tone not too far from your own lilac coloured hair. His face was covered in stitch-like scars that ran from his mouth over his cheeks and his body was lined with tattoos that looked like barbed vines that wrapped around his neck and over his arms, you traced them with your eyes.
“I like your tattoos,” you mused.
“Thanks,” he smiled, somehow still looking sad at the same time, “you got any?”
“Not any by choice,” you frowned, “just a marines tattoo, it's more like a tag of ownership really. And a slave mark, if you can count that”
“We can get them covered, if you want,” he offered, “well I don't think you can tattoo over scars actually, but the marine tat we could cover”
“You think we can turn it into a set of tits?” you gave him a coy smile.
“Abso-fucking-lutely,” he laughed, standing up, “I should probably go, we're not supposed to talk to you till initiation is done, but I think you're going to fit right in here”
“Thanks Heat,” you replied softly, glad to have had some genuine company, if only for a short while.
You pulled your knees up to your chest as soon as he left. You didn't want to show weakness in front of Heat but a sharp pain was beginning to form in your gut, assumedly from hunger. It didn't feel like your normal hunger pains but then again, you weren't usually tied to a mast. You'd only asked to use the bathroom once since getting here, maybe you were constipated or something. Not that the source of the pain mattered, you still had another four days to go before you were released and you doubted they'd allow you any painkillers till it was over, so you just pulled your knees in as close as you could to put pressure on the dull pain.
Day 4
It was almost noon when Heat came out to the deck to bring you your water. You'd been quiet, as always, save for a few questions Killer had for you about the marines. You'd spent most of the last 24 hours with your knees up at your chest, your head buried between them as the sharp pain continued to grow in your gut.
Heat was in a good mood today, he had high hopes for you as a new crewmate. His conversation with you yesterday had been short, but you were pleasant to talk to, had no problem making crude jokes, and by your work on the battlefield it was clear you were bloodthirsty. You would fit right in here. Three more days, then he could properly get to know you. Not to mention that Kid had said the crew just couldn't touch you ‘without your consent’, that wasn't a full ban, right? If he played his cards right maybe he could score himself a girlfriend. The thought of not having to wait between islands to get laid made him near giddy. Kid hadn't bothered to talk to you since you'd come on board, Killer didn't seem to have any interest outside of the questions he was tasked with asking you, and Wire certainly couldn't care less. The henchmen would probably try their luck, but Heat knew they were far beneath a woman of your calibre. That left you wide open for him to try his hand at wooing you, so he was setting himself up to always try his best to be nice to you. Of course, he preferred women with a little more plush to them, with soft curves and tummies and breasts he could practically sink into, and you were basically a walking bag of bones, but he wondered if in time, with proper nutrition, whether you'd fill out. It didn't make a whole load of difference at the end of the day though, a thin woman was still a better companion than ol’ righty.
He almost dropped the glass he was carrying when he spotted you though, his grin quickly wiped from his face. Your knees were at your chin, as they had been since yesterday, and between your legs was a small puddle of blood, your navy coloured uniform shorts clearly darkened with it. Without hesitation he spun on his heel and ran for the navigation room, where he knew he'd find Kid and Killer.
The two of them were indeed there, along with Wire, scouring over maps of the nearby islands and comparing them to the log pose, trying to figure out their next move now that they were done with the months of run around you had given them. Their heads all shot up as the door flung open, a flustered Heat standing in the doorway, glass of water still in hand (though somewhat empty now, given most of it had spilt out in his hurry).
“What the fucks got your panties in a twist?” Kid grumbled, settling down the map he'd been holding.
“The girl, she's bleeding,” he huffed out between heavy breaths.
Killer was the first to move, shoving Heat out of the doorway so he could pass him, making long, fast strides to the mast where you were bound. Kid followed quickly after, already jumping to conclusions and feeling a rage brewing. The only way in his mind that you could be bleeding is if someone had attacked you, and he would torture everyone on this ship to find out who touched his new toy.
The stampede of heavy footsteps, which slightly vibrated the deck under you, woke you from your nap. You groaned a little, stretching your legs out in front of you, your knees clicking a little at the motion. The pain in your gut had definitely increased since you'd fallen asleep a few hours ago, and you wondered how much worse it was going to get. Any more and you wouldn't be able to keep up the brave face anymore. Your eyes widened in confusion as you watched Kid, Killer and the other commanders racing towards you, and you ran a montage through your mind of everything that you'd done and said since coming aboard to try and figure out what you'd done wrong to piss them off.
“Uh, hello boys?” you offered as they came to an abrupt stop in front of you.
“Heat, where's the blood?” Kid scowled, as far as he could see, you were perfectly fine.
“Uh, under her ass,” Heat replied sheepishly, hoping the others wouldn't take notice of the fact that it meant he'd been looking at your ass.
You lifted your knees in confusion and spread them, trying to look down as best you could with the restraints to see what Heat had seen. Your groin was dark with blood, and a small puddle had formed underneath you. The cogs in your brain immediately clicked into place and you groaned at the inconvenient timing.
“Relax, it's just my period,” you told them, closing your legs again, a little embarrassed. The statement only seemed to anger Kid more.
“Why the fuck would you do that now?” he growled and pointed at the blood with an accusing finger, “you're getting your gross fucking pussy blood on my deck.”
You blinked slowly and looked at Killer, thus far it was clear he was the brains of the operation, definitely not the captain who was entirely brawn, and brawn only. “He's not serious, right?”
Killer ran a hand down his mask and groaned. Kid could be smart sometimes, in his own way, but fuck could he also be dumb as hell, especially when it came to women. Kid knew where to stick his dick, and that was about the limits of his knowledge.
“She didn't do it on purpose,” Killer offered, trying to calm his captain down.
“Like hell she didn't,” he spat back.
“Women don't choose when their period happens, it just happens,” Killer tried to explain with a heavy sigh.
“Well, really, most healthy women know when to expect it, but I haven't had enough nutrition to keep it regular. I really didn't expect it, sorry,” you were trying your best to not be ashamed of this entirely natural thing, and laid your legs back down to hide the blood from Kid who was still staring at you with a confused frown.
“Can't you just hold it in or something at least?” Kid asked with a scowl.
“Not really how it works,” you sighed, “its gonna continue till my entire uterus lining is shed”
“I'm not even going to ask what the fuck you mean by that,” Kid knew a ‘uterus’ was for making babies, right? What kind of fucking horror show was this shit? You had to shed it? The whole lining? What the fuck.
“Do you need something for it?” Killer asked you.
“She's not getting shit. Besides, we don't have any of that girly shit on board,” Kid cut in before you could answer. You groaned and wished you could reach your face so you could pinch the base of your nose, with the headache that was quickly forming.
“Look, you have three options,” you said plainly, “one - you leave me here, I continue bleeding on to the deck, the blood goes rancid, I start to stink like a dead fish, then I get an infection and die. Very cool. Two - you provide me clean, dry rags and let me switch them out every four hours until we reach land, because it's going to take at least another five days to be done. Or three - you let me have a longer bathroom break, I use my devil fruit to hurry it up, I have a quick shower to clean up, and everyone goes on like nothing happened”
Kid scowled, his hands on his hips, staring down at you. His body was casting a shadow over you, and you shivered a little at the lack of warm sunlight - definitely not at how big and intimidating he was from this angle. He thought about the options, but it was clear which one was the most convenient.
“Killer, take her to your bathroom, don't let her out of your sight,” he huffed, before turning and stomping away. Wire followed him, having quickly lost interest, and Heat gave you a sympathetic smile before leaving as well. Killer quickly scanned the small crowd of henchmen and cabin boys that had stopped their chores to watch the commotion, one look from Killer was all it took to clear them off.
Without a word he knelt at the back of the mast, untying the thick ropes that held you. You used the mast to support yourself as you stood, careful to avoid stepping in the blood your unexpectedly heavy flow had left, it wasn't really that much but it would be gross to step in anyway. You ran vibrations through your body to loosen up your stiff joints, stretching your arms out above your head and rolling your sore shoulders with small popping sounds. You looked down at the blood with a flush, then back at Killer, who was quick to notice your embarrassment. He grabbed the collar of a passing cabin boy, who squeaked at the sudden forcefulness.
“Oi, clean this up,” he told the boy, pointing at the blood, before letting him go with a small shove and watching the boy scurry away to find a mop. On the bright side, the Kid Pirates were probably experts at getting blood out of the deck, given their profession. It was probably the first thing new cabin boys were taught.
Killer turned and walked away, annoyed that it was his bathroom being sacrificed, but he wasn't going to go against the captain's orders. At least he knew his room was clean, as it always was. He always kept his room tidy with militant level spotlessness, you could probably eat off any surface in his room. He took great pride in it.
You took the hint and followed close behind him, not sure what to say but thankful you would get your first shower in months. You hadn't had a tour of the ship yet, so you had no choice but to follow behind him, having no idea where the bathroom even was. You hoped they had hot water on this ship but you weren't about to get picky.
You were expecting a grody communal bathroom, something with one of those shower rooms without separations and toilet cubicles with questionable stains on the seats, so you were certainly surprised when you were led to a large, private bedroom. In the middle was a king sized bed, made up with navy sheets and royal blue blankets and pillowcases, the matching set embossed with a diamond pattern that was more matte compared to the shine of the base fabric. A lush, navy, fluffy blanket ran over the end of the bed, folded to form a tidy, decorative strip like something out of a magazine. The bed frame looked to be made out of a dark, ebony wood, and the headboard was ornately engraved with what looked like a battle scene, with the endboard similarly engraved to match. On either side sat a heavy looking side table with matching wood - all of the furniture in the room looked like part of the same, probably very expensive, set.
Hanging on the wall on either side of the bed were brass, antique looking lamps with sharp details that looked like they could injure you if you fell against them. Further out from the lamps were small porthole windows, one on either side of the bed, framed with short, navy, velvet curtains on brass rods. The room also had a large wardrobe to one side, and a short, wide set of drawers on the other, all with brass knobs that matched the side tables. Above the dresser hung an oval mirror, trimmed with an ornate brass frame that matched the lamps. The mirror was cracked and missing shards, like someone had punched it. It seemed out of place in an otherwise immaculately tidy room.
The walls of the room were painted in a calm, pale blue, the lower half shiplapped with dark wood, and on one wall, beside the wardrobe, hung several antique weapons, ranging from katanas to scimitars to daggers, all beautifully crafted and well maintained. There were no other signs of personalization in the room - no trinkets, books, stray laundry - it felt like a hotel room, not somewhere that was lived in full time. Above all, it was not what you expected to find on a pirate ship.
After several moments of gawking from the doorway, Killer gave you a shove further into the room, slamming the door behind the two of you. He strode across the room, opening a door beside the dresser, before sitting on the edge of the bed facing the open door, his arms crossed in displeasure.
“Bathroom is in there, towels under the sink,” he nodded towards the door, “hurry the fuck up, I haven't got all day”
You walked past him hesitantly, into the simple bathroom, and started to close the door, only to be met with an annoyed tut from Killer.
“Door stays open,” he told you flatly.
“Oh come onnnn,” you moaned, “you're really going to sit there and watch me? What kind of fucked up pervert are you?”
“Captain's orders,” he replied with a shrug, “he told me not to take my eyes off you, so that's what I'm doing. Don't make it weird”
“You're the one making it weird,” you mumbled, sliding off your boots, shorts and blood soaked panties down. They were nothing fancy, just boring, standard issue tightey-whiteys. You threw your jacket over the sink and sat down on the toilet the wrong way round, facing the wall, and set a hand to your stomach.
“What the fuck are you doing?” Killer grumbled, “did those marine pigs not teach you how to use a toilet?”
“Mind your business, asshole,” you grumbled, shimmying a little to get comfortable on the seat, “I'm about to strip the lining of an organ, something that should take days, in only a few minutes. Sometimes I pass out from the pain, and I'd rather not go face first into the tile.”
Killer certainly shut the fuck up at your unexpected reply, watching you with anxious concern now. There was an audible vibration as you used your devil fruit, and the trickling of blood hitting the toilet water as your uterus lining began to dislodge. You groaned in pain, white knuckling the toilet tank. Under your mask tears were starting to stream, dripping down your face and landing on the long sleeve of your shirt where you were supporting your weight on the tank. You tried your best not to scream, but it felt like you were being ripped in half as you forcibly shed the lining and contracted your muscles to push it out. Several minutes had passed, interrupted by the occasional heavy splash in the toilet as larger clots of blood exited you, before finally you gave one last grunt and a large splash below announced the bulk of your uterus lining landing in the toilet.
Immediately you passed out, the visor of your mask hitting the wall hard, and Killer rushed to keep you upright as your body began to slide sideways. There was still a quiet trickling below you, and out of morbid curiosity he looked down past your ass into the toilet. It was a bloodbath, scattered with thicker chunks that would have made a normal man gag. He couldn't help but feel sad for you that you had to force yourself to do that. He wondered how many times you'd done it before, you knew you’d pass out so clearly this wasn't your first time.
When he was sure your body was stable against the toilet, he turned away and started to run the bath, one arm still reaching towards you in case you started slipping again. There was no way he was about to let you shower when you'd just passed out, the risk of it happening again and you getting injured in the process was too high, you'd be safer in a bath, even if it wasn't part of the deal. You still weren't awake when he felt the water was deep enough to submerge your lower half, so he lifted you from the toilet and set you down in the water, your shirt getting wet in the process. He wondered whether he should start washing you, but that felt like an intrusion, so he let you be, holding you upright so you wouldn't slip into the water and drown.
Slowly, after five or so minutes, you finally came to. You weren't sure what surprised you more, the fact that you were in a bath, or Killer's arms firmly around you. You gently pushed him away, confused and embarrassed. He stood up quickly, flustered at his own impulsive actions, and grabbed a towel and hand cloth from under the sink, throwing the hand cloth at you unceremoniously and hanging the towel on the hook next to the bath before quickly leaving, closing the door behind him. Not the whole way, but enough to give you privacy.
As soon as you regained your wits you pulled off your shirt, careful to avoid pulling off your mask, and sunk into the water. You would give yourself just a few moments to compose your thoughts before you set yourself to cleaning. You looked around, observing the simple bathroom. It was entirely set with white, from the floors to the walls to the furnishings. There was a simple toilet, a cabinet sink with a mirror above it, not smashed this time, and the combination bath-shower you were currently sitting in, which was deep and wider than a normal tub to accommodate a large body. The only signs that a person used this room were the single toothbrush and toothpaste sitting in a clear, blue glass cup on the sink, and the inset shelf next to the tub, which contained various toiletries.
Careful to not take too long, lest you be dragged out, you carefully cleaned yourself with the handcloth, using a small amount of the body wash that sat perfectly straightened on the shelf next to the bath. The water quickly turned pink as the blood was shifted from your skin, and you took care to pay special attention to between your legs. There would be a few spots of blood left, but not more than what a small wad of toilet paper in your underwear could handle. You were glad too for the warm water which served to soothe your sore abdomen.
Once you were done you pulled the plug, running the water for a moment to wash away any clots of blood that threatened to remain, pushing the swirling water around with your foot. You stood awkwardly in the middle of the bathroom with the towel wrapped around you, avoiding the mirror, and trying to decide what to do about dressing. Your pants and underwear were a no-go, there was no way you were putting those back on, and your shirt was soaked from the tub. Only your socks and boots were really usable. You cleared your throat hesitantly to get Killer's attention.
“Killer?” you paused, “can I um.. could I borrow a shirt? And maybe some underwear? Briefs, preferably”
Killer kicked himself for not being more prepared - of course you needed a change of clothes, you couldn't just go back to sitting around in your own blood for another three days. He grumbled and rummaged through his drawers, pulling out a simple blue t-shirt and a pair of black briefs. He scowled at the idea of you wearing his underwear, but it was better than leaving you exposed on a ship full of men. You were standing in the doorway, wrapped in the towel, when he turned back to you. He shoved the clothes into your arms, pushing you back into the bathroom before sitting back on the bed awkwardly. ‘Fuck Kid and his stupid fucking orders’ he huffed to himself.
You quickly dressed - the shirt was extremely oversized on you, just as you had hoped, it was basically a dress. The briefs barely stayed up, but they would do to hold the small wad of neatly folded toilet paper against your center. You bundled up your wet, dirty clothes in your arms, not sure what to do with them, before exiting the bathroom.
Killer stood as you entered, observing how his shirt came midway down your calves. Till now you'd been fairly covered, but now he noticed how thin your arms and legs were, and the gentle scattering of lilac freckles that covered them, matching your hair. On your left arm, barely visible below the sleeve of the oversized shirt, was a marines tattoo. It was clear too that your wrists bore now healing rings of injury from your many years wearing seastone cuffs. They looked red and tender, but thankfully not infected.
“Um, I'm not sure what to do with these,” you said quietly, interrupting his silent examination of you.
“Give em here,” he said, taking them from you, “we'll burn them when you're done with your initiation, its tradition for ex-marines who become pirates”
“Oh, okay,” you replied, a little hopeful. Burning them sounded cathartic. Fun, even. There was a short, awkward silence before Killer cleared his throat.
“Back to the mast, then,” he said, dumping the clothes in a laundry basket in the corner of the bathroom and walking back out to where the main deck was. You followed obediently, albeit still a little sore from what you'd just done, but it was better than drawing it out or dealing with it while you were still tied to the mast.
Day 5
By the time your bathroom break came around the next day, your period was more than over with, the last few straggler drops flushed down the toilet with the wad of toilet paper you’d kept in your briefs. Well, Killer's briefs. The weather so far had been warm and pleasant, but not overly hot, since the calm spring weather from the marine base island had extended most of the way into the journey so far. Today though, the winds were shifting, turning cooler and harsher as they entered the radius of an autumn island. In hindsight, not asking Killer for pants was probably a mistake, but it was too late now. Your legs were bare to the wind, and you did your best to hold down the oversized shirt with your pinned hands to keep the wandering eyes of the crew from seeing too much. You weren’t usually shy, but the near constant attention was starting to become a bit much, and you were feeling a lot like a piece of meat dangling on a string in front of a pack of hungry wolves. You hoped the next island was close so the men could vent their frustrations on land instead of gawking at you.
Heat brought you water around noon as always, apologising profusely for overreacting yesterday. His concern was sweet, he genuinely thought you’d been hurt and it was nice to feel cared for, you couldn’t remember the last time someone had given a shit about you being hurt. Heat seemed like a nice guy, past that perpetually sad exterior, someone you could grow to trust here, definitely. Maybe even a friend. That would be nice, you hadn’t had friends since Egghead Island. You rubbed your nose against the soft, thick collar of your puffy jacket. Atlas, one of Vegapunk’s satellites, had gotten you the jacket as a leaving gift; it was one of your only possessions, one of the few things in this world you cared about. Somehow, even after all this time, it still looked and felt like new - one of the Vegapunk wonders, you guessed. You were especially thankful for it now as the wind began to chill you to the bone. You could use your devil fruit to warm yourself, but you were conserving your energy for now, since it looked like it was going to rain soon, and you’d need your limited energy more to shield yourself from it. For now, you would grin and bear it, watching the dark clouds slowly growing on the horizon ahead.
Day 6
As predicted, it began to bucket down shortly before sunrise. Killer was woken up by the thunderous sound of hail pelting against his windows, and sat up with a tired grumble, running a hand through his messy blonde bangs. It was cold, even by his standards, and he worried about you out on the deck in nothing but a thin shirt and a jacket. You were a scrawny thing, the cold probably ran right through you. Fair was fair though, you’d been warned you wouldn’t be released from the mast if a storm hit, but he wondered how mad Kid would be if his new toy died of hypothermia. With a sigh he stood up, pulling a spare blanket from the wardrobe. It was a thick wool, scratchy to the touch, but it would act as a decent barrier against the wet weather, given wool's natural hydrophobic properties. He threw on a jacket and his mask before heading out, pulling up the hood to keep the water from trickling in the holes of his mask, he fucking hated when that happened.
He wasn’t surprised to find you awake on the deck, he doubted anyone could sleep in these conditions, but he was surprised to find you completely dry. Shivering from the cold, but shielded by a small protective wall of vibrations, forming what looked like an invisible umbrella over you. You looked tired, the bags under your eyes were dark and deep, you were putting all of what little energy you had into keeping yourself dry. Your head perked up as he approached, walking slightly bent to try and keep the blanket and himself dry at the near horizontal rain.
Neither of you said a word as he looped the blanket over your shoulders, covering your head to form a makeshift hood and letting the rest pool over your front to protect your exposed legs, which were pulled up to your chest in an effort to keep yourself warm. You released the shield with a heavy exhale, nuzzling your head into the blanket and getting comfortable as your shivering finally started to come under control. The blanket was extremely insulating, and you used what tiny energy you had left to warm yourself up a little before trying to fall asleep, exhausted from using your powers for the last several hours. Content that you would be dry and warm enough, he let you be, hoping Kid wouldn’t be too mad at him in the morning when he discovered the blanket.
The rain and hail lasted the better part of the day, but thanks to the thick wool you stayed safe and dry, cocooned in the blanket. It smelled a little like musk and something spicy, a cinnamon scented shampoo maybe, and you wondered if it was Killer’s scent you were smelling on the fabric. Kid was quick to take it away as soon as the rain stopped, but otherwise didn’t reprimand Killer - he was right, Kid would be pissed if his new toy had died from exposure.
Day 7
You were downright giddy when Heat didn’t come to you with a glass of water on the seventh day, instead coming with empty hands to untie you. You squirmed excitedly as he worked at the tight knots, and when they finally released you immediately sprung up, then just as quickly fell back down, face planting right into the deck.
“Fuck, calm down girl, freedom ain’t going anywhere,” Heat laughed, pulling you up to your feet.
“Sorry,” you grinned, rubbing your sore nose under the mask where it had collided with the visor, “just excited. It's been a long time since I had any free will”
“Well, I’m happy for you,” Heat smiled as he hooked your arm around his, leading you like an old fashioned gentleman would, “come on, lets get some food in you, then I’ll give you the tour”
“I thought Kid would be the one to release me, or Killer even,” you mused.
“Usually with a new crewmate Kid would, but we’re due to reach land with a town tomorrow,” he explained, “everyone's busy finalising plans and stock lists”
“Not you though?” you asked curiously. He was a commander after all, surely he was privy to important plan making.
“Nah,” he laughed, poking you in the side playfully, “I get to skip school to hang out with your cute ass”
“Oh, you think I’m cute do you?” you giggled, skipping ahead and posing, sticking your non-existent butt out a little and holding a finger to your chin in a coy fashion.
“You’d be cuter if you weren’t so damn skinny,” he replied, motioning to you body. You pouted and came back to his side, hooking your arm back around his and letting him lead again. “You’re nothing but skin and bones, those marine cunts really fed you crumbs huh?”
“Yeah, crumbs would be too much by their standards,” you frowned.
“Well, you don’t have to worry about that anymore,” he promised, holding open the galley door for you and letting you pass him, before hooking your arm again and leading you over to where the henchmen on cooking duty had spread out the lunch options, “Kid keeps us well fed, you can’t maintain muscle without decent intake. Grab whatever you want”
He handed you a metal tray and grabbed his own, sliding it along the cafeteria style tray slide and grabbing several items. You observed the spread with hungry eyes, your mouth almost watering, before picking out a bowl of a hearty looking stew, several slices of thick bread, and a small slice of chocolate cake. Towards the end of the tray slide was a fridge with glass doors, and he pulled out two beers, offering one to you. You gave a little enthusiastic nod and he placed it on your tray before picking up both his tray and yours and carrying them to a slightly raised area. It was almost like a stage, with a single heavy mahogany table sitting across it, perpendicular to the rest of the room, surrounded by three matching chairs on either long side, and one particularly throne-like chair at one end facing the bulk of the room. The stage was awkwardly empty on either side of the table, with just a few decorative standing candelabras on it, made of delicate swirls of black metal. The rest of the galley had plain, utilitarian metal tables with attached benches, with henchmen and cabin boys spread out across them in small cliques as they ate. It seemed like the raised table was for the top dogs, and Heat placed your tray down to the left of the throne.
“Kid wants you to sit here for your meals, don’t forget it,” he told you, placing his tray down next to yours and sitting to eat. You slid into your assigned seat and started shovelling food into your face in what could only be described as an extremely unladylike fashion, and Heat laughed to himself as he watched you tear the bread and dip it in the stew, using it like a spoon, before letting out a somewhat impressive burp that had the rest of the room turn and stare in surprise. ‘Yeah, she’ll fit right in here’ he thought to himself in amusement.
You were on your second tray of food when Kid, Killer and Wire finally arrived. Kid settled into his throne, and Killer sat at his right hand, directly across from you. A henchman hurriedly placed trays of food in front of each of them, while Wire served himself and sat down next to Killer. You didn’t slow down your eating when they arrived, and they watched you with morbid fascination as you tore into a drumstick of thick meat, the juices splashing on your visor, before chugging half a bottle of beer and slamming it down, going straight back to the meat. You took notice though of Killer’s straw in his drink, and the way he cut his food into small portions so he could slide them under his mask, surprised that he didn't remove the mask even for meals.
When you were full and content, your second set of plates practically licked clean, you leaned back against your chair and sighed sleepily, patting your bloated tummy. Kid watched you with an amused smile as he ripped into his own drumstick of meat, his sharp canines making quick work of it.
“Feel better?” he laughed. You replied with a bleary nod and a quiet, happy hum.
“We’re hitting land tomorrow, Heat will take you in to town to grab whatever you need to get yourself setup here,” Kid told you, switching from his meat to his beer, “we’ll have a bonfire tomorrow night for you to burn your shit”
“Yay, shopping date with Heat!” you yelled, smacking him over the shoulder with surprising strength.
“Alright, don’t go too fucking crazy,” Kid grumbled, “whatever you spend is coming out of your share of future loot, I’m not your sugar daddy”
“That’s a shame,” you toyed, “I would have made such a good sugar baby”
Heat almost choked on his drink and started hitting himself in the chest with a closed fist to clear the blockage, and Kid shot him an unimpressed look. “I think Heat wants the position,” Wire noted.
“I’m sure Heat wants plenty of positions,” Kid laughed. To his surprise, you laughed too at the crude joke, which only made Kid laugh harder since it was all at Heat’s expense. The man in question was now blushing a bright pink, and doing his best to hide under his long blue hair.
“Aw, don’t pick on my poor, sweet Heat,” you cooed, wrapping your arms around Heat’s shoulders and nuzzling him, which only made him flush redder, “besides, he’s the only lucky one who's going to get me help pick out panties. Though I do take requests. A red lace number for you, Captain? Something blue for Killer? Maybe a classy chocolate brown set for Wire? What do you think Heat, what colour panties will suit me best? Ohh I could get a mixed pack of granny knickers for the henchmen!”
Kid was fully roaring with laughter now, and even Killer’s shoulders were moving up and down with a silent chuckle as they all laughed at Heat’s bright red face.
“Man, if I’d known a chick would be Heat’s weakness I would have brought one on board ages ago” Kid barked.
“Alright, very funny, are you done eating?” Heat huffed, pointing at your empty tray, “I have shit to do after showing you around”
“Aww Heatie baby don’t be like that,” you purred, standing up and giving him a hug around the shoulders from behind, shaking him side to side, which he allowed like a ragdoll, “come give me your grand tour then”
Heat grumbled and stood up, and you, still hugging him around the shoulders, committed to the bit and dangled down his back. He was significantly taller than you, so you were far from touching the floor. He shrugged his shoulders a few times to try and get you off, but when you didn't budge he decided to just accept his fate, stacking the empty plates and cutlery from your tray on top of his and carrying the collective pile to the serving counter for the cabin boys to clean. You barely weighed anything, so for Heat it was like wearing a backpack full of feathers. Kid continued to roar with laughter as the two of you left, giggling as you continued to dangle, half hidden against Heat's long blue hair, while Wire shouted at the two of you to use protection.
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that-punk-adam · 7 months
The largest ever lottery winning was around $2 billion. The average (American) person will only make around $3 million in their entire life. The take home of that lottery was around $265 million if I’m remembering correctly, totaling to around 88 lifetimes worth of bills, rent, mortgage, groceries, events, etc. What do you think the average person is going to spend $265,000,000 on if given the chance?
I’d straight buy a house. Not a mansion, but a house that has enough space for me and husband and a dog. If I’m feeling spicy, 2 dogs. Shelter dogs or from really ethical breeders, not whatever breed is popular. We’d have lots of land with a stream crossing through.
I’m funding my own mini farm. Goats and chickens and ducks. Maybe I’d get those really fuckin cute sheep with the black faces. A small flock, for the wool and meat. A lamb shank on special occasions is heavenly. A huge hoop house for crops that would benefit from the protection. A small orchard for the seasonal blessings that are Fuji apples… the trees would come from this small orchard called Lynn’s. I’d fight for those damn apples.
I’d host parties that would embarrass the hobbits of the shire. Imagine tending to a party that’s equal to those massive marriage parties. Fresh cheese and wine for all! Free leftovers for all! Yes, you can come by for some free food at any point if you find yourself to be struggling!
That’s a snapshot of the lifestyle I would live if I won the lotto. That leaves out all of the donations and the good deeds that I would do with my free time. I could leave the work force permanently and do good for the rest of my life.
What do people who have even MORE then that do with their time and (near endless) resource access? Will I see someone who has built up over $3 million waste deep in some hidden creek with burning determination to get as much of it cleaned out before the sun sets? Will I see them walking along the side of the road picking up trash to just do it? Will I see them planting wild native seeds in areas where it desperately needs it? Will I see if hear about them joining the common folk in person to speak out on the rights of humanity?
Will they do good for the world? Are they doing good for the sake of doing good already?
Will you?
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sadsnek · 7 months
sonic and cooking head canons
sonic. no way he knows a lot of modern home cooking if any home cooking when he knows he can just buy it or have dinner with tails / amy, BUT he should know basic foraging and gathering by now and has plenty experience cooking on a camp fire.
tails. is better at meal prep then cooking or at least he thinks he is why spend so much time making 2 to 3 meals a day every day when he can just make 3 meals and increase the ingredients by 700% and save the rest for the other days of the week but he will cook somthing fresh when he has guest over, if you can consider boiled hot dogs fresh that is.
amy. she is a great home cook and will cook with cream vanilla and big from time to time, the problem is when she wants to get fancy and trys to make a new recipe and has full confidence when she is in reality way over her head, and it dosent matter what she is making she will say "and now the secret ingredient" its love the secret ingredient is love and its not much of a secret if its the secret ingredient in every thing she cooks.
knuckles. similar to sonic but has the benefit of being on the same island all the time, he doesnt have a oven or any electric equipment but he does have some primitive stuff like a mortar and pestle, plus knuckles should have a garden some where on the island yeah its over grown and poorly kept but its still a place where he can get some snacks.
cream and vanilla. these two are the best cooks in town even better than amy any thats ok because they are happy to invite people over for dinner and if you cook with them you will probably learn some thing new, also the serving sizes are pretty big as vanilla is most defiantly the tallest person in town.
eggman. in thought he is a master chief but in action he has not cooked in years think about it the food he eats is more than good enough to keep up his large shape despite all the mechanics work he does and he had to program or train his robots to cook at some point, so he know how to work a kitchen but he is so busy and he has robots that can do it for him so he probably never cooks more than once a month or even less.
shadow. he is a picky eater with a nostalgic taste in food so he knows how to cook food but nothing passed the 60s, and despite not making any thing trendy or popular he at least knows he will make some thing he will eat.
rouge. its fair to say she likes to eats high class how she gets the money for these lavish meals is well not all ways moral, but she is willing to eat some thing simple when at social gatherings most defiantly if she does not have to pay for it.
omega. I dont know if it is said or not if they have a animal powering them but if they do that bird is getting ripped(its probably a flicky) we are talking protein powder steroids fresh salad, it does not matter if its weird and maybe traumatic to feed them chicken and rice but thats what professional marshal artist eat so thats what omegas power source eats too!
charmy. he makes peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in the mourning for school days/work days and is proud of them.
espio. he is well known at the asian market and knows how to cook but does not get to learn any thing expensive or fancy ether for price and schedule issues.
vector. boy he has been trough the rough of it he knows how to feed 3 people on 400$ a month, and thats by hanging out at vanillas house.
team hooligan. bark and fang probably know some recipes but bean is a chemical fanatic one minute there making muffins and the next minute there pulling out a whole tray of crystal meth.
silver. i dont think he has a steady supply of food is most apocalyptic futures so he just likes to eat a pound of dry cement for breakfast.
surge and kit. they use to get fresh meals when starline was around, but now they got use to the effort of MREs if it takes more effort than poring water in a thermal bag then its worth the effort to just mug some one for some diner cash.
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p-taryn-dactyl · 2 years
can you do a Wanda x Reader where reader is badly injured and Wanda finds them but its too late.. very angsty
a/n: omg anon you understand my language. i love angst so much. thank you for this request! word count: 1.4k warning(s): depictions of severe injury - blood - graphic wounds - angst - torture- ambiguous ending(?) wanda maximoff taglist: @nyx-aira @astralqche @exclusivitymajor @justyourwritter69 @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @wandsmxmff note: reader has been/was kidnapped and tortured by whatever evil organization you want to envision (i was thinking the same “ten rings” that kidnapped tony in iron man bc i rewatched it today)
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You didn’t know how long you had been in the cage. They kept you hidden away in a dark corner, trapped between two sets of metal walls, with one small slit for food and a semi-functioning toilet. You knew it had been days since they last “talked” with you. Your skin bore the memories. Bruises littered your skin, open cuts stung with possible infection, and your fingers aching with blinding pain from the hammer they had brought down on them.
You prayed for it to end.
The door to your cage slid open ominously, revealing the leader of your captors. You scooted as far back as possible, shaking your head over and over as he reached in a pulled you out like a misbehaving dog. He threw you on the concrete floor of the cell, placing a heel on your chest, keeping you down. You continued to sob, begging him to stop.
“Oh, does the little baby want me to stop?” His condescending voice triggered alarms in your head as one of his henchmen came forward, knife in one hand, bowl of salt in another. Your sobbing stopped as panic built in your mind, knowing what was about to happen.
You rasped out, voice hoarse from being kept from water for so long. All the men did was chuckle as they set up. The leader removed his foot from your chest but you knew better than to run. You learned that the first day, the bullet wound in your thigh a painful reminder. He kneeled down next to you, playing with the knife nonchalantly.
“Tell me how to kill the Scarlet Witch.”
You gasped as he trailed the blade on the inside of your forearm, watching it with fear. You kept telling yourself one of these days your pain would end, either by death or rescue you didn’t care.
The Leader didn’t like your silence.
With one swift motion, he sliced into your arm, causing you to hiss at the pain. He made a hand motion at his henchman, who silently gave him a handful of salt. The Leader made direct eye contact with you as he pressed the salt into your wound, causing you to let out a howl as pain and an overwhelming stinging sensation erupted through you. The Leader smiled at you, impatient, now bringing the knife up to your cheek, while one hand continued to press salt into your fresh cut.
“Now, answer my question.”
They tried a new tactic everyday, attempting to get you to reveal the way to kill your girlfriend. Every time you kept your mouth shut, they increased the punishment.
Today, you were in a sorry excuse for sleep, when your door kicked in, revealing The Leader and a handful of men. They injected something into your neck, immediately taking away your fight. They hung your wrists up with rope, straining your joints and painting your skin with more blood and bruises. Today, you had a bit of confidence. You glared at The Leader as he opened a box, the contents hidden from your view.
“I’m not telling you anything.”
Your voice was steadily declining, days of being unused taking it’s toll. The Leader chuckled, a dark sound which sent chills down your spine.
“Oh, don’t worry, I’ve gotten everything I need. Today is…” he waved his hands around, “for my benefit, for fun.”
With that, he pulled out a scalpel and a butchers knife, holding them out towards you.
You merely stared at him, swallowing with a dry throat. The Leader shrugged, putting down the scalpel and lifting up the knife. He walked around you, causing your breath to increase with panic as you could no longer see him. You heard a slashing sound, your clothes being ripped from the back. Before he struck you, he whispered something into your ear.
“Since you defended your witch, you’ll die like one.”
Wanda tore apart every base they went to, she destroyed entire buildings in her rage.
You had been taken and she couldn’t protect you. Her magic flickered dangerously through the Compound’s walls as Tony searched a grid for any signs of you. Wanda paced back and forth, wearing a hole into the floor of the lab. Natasha watched her worriedly but kept her distance at the pure anger radiating from the brunette. Tony slapped the counter in excitement, making eye contact with the witch. He merely showed her the coordinates of the last know location of your captors and she disappeared in a swirl of red. Tony and Natasha looked at each other before suiting up, a dreadful feeling sinking in their guts.
Wanda didn’t give your captors any time to react. Once, they had a front door and multiple guards. Now, they had no door and only charred skeletons littering the ground. She stormed through the base, eyes glowing scarlet as she blasted henchmen away from her, sending them into walls with bone cracking sounds. Her magic reached out to you, calling for you, searching. Wanda knew she didn’t have to be so destructive, her magic was powerful enough without having to put on a show.
But she wanted to send a message.
She didn’t know The Leader left one of his own.
Wanda was quickly approaching giant iron doors and with a flick of her wrist, they crumbled to the ground like paper. She stepped into a dimly lit hallway, watching as a man exited one of the rooms. His hands were stained with red and he smiled at the Scarlet Witch. He spread his arms out like Wanda was a long lost friend.
“So, you finally join us. But a bit too little, too late.”
His taunting tone irked Wanda and she wrapped her magic around him, watching as something akin to fear bled into his eyes. The magic seeped into his mouth, his eyes, his nostrils before his neck was snapped to the side by Wanda’s pure anger. As The Leader’s lifeless body drooped to the ground, she noticed something about the ground he had once stood on.
It was stained with blood.
Fresh blood.
Wanda felt her magic react with familiarity and she gasped, covering her mouth with her hand. She raced to the doorway, almost collapsing to the ground at what she saw. It was like all the air had been sucked out of her lungs.
Your body lay in a pool of your own blood, your skin torn and bruised, cut and burnt. A giant gash on your stomach bled onto the floor, creating a river of red around you. Your chest was moving slowly, like every breath was a burden. Wanda collapsed onto her knees next to you, pulling you into her arms and letting out a sob when she saw your back. Slash marks covered your skin, dried blood and fresh blood mixing gruesomely. She maneuvered you gently, using her magic to ease your pain. Your eyes blinked open heavily and Wanda smiled at you, tears welling up in her eyes.
“Hi, beba, I’m here.”
You smiled before attempting to respond, your body rejecting the action, causing you to erupt in a fit of coughs and sobs. Wanda shook her head as tears began to fall, cupping your face in her hands.
“No, no, hey save your strength, I’m going to get you out of here.”
She spoke reassuringly, more for her than you. Wanda watched as you gently nuzzled her with your head, looking deep into her eyes before you closed yours, slumping against her.
“Oh no, oh no nono! probudi se dušo, molim te probudi se! Wake up baby, please wake up!”
She let sobs wrack her body as she hurried her face into the crook of your neck, pulling you as close as possible to her. She rocked back and forth on the ground, trying and failing to heal you with magic. The damage was too great.
Wanda heard the other Avengers attacking the base but she couldn’t move from her spot. She continued to rock you back and forth, not allowing herself to believe the worst. She felt Natasha, Tony, and Clint stand in the doorway of what was your cell, watching in agony as Wanda crumbled to pieces and you slowly faded away. Wanda leaned back, pressing a kiss to your forehead with trembling lips, whispering against your skin.
“Don’t leave me, Y/N, beba, don’t leave me.”
a/n: i hope this wasn’t too terrible! I love writing angst so much so i hope I delivered!! Thank you for reading!!
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vixen525 · 6 months
In Blaine Sight
A borrower style small person discovers there's things more dangerous than humans.
Warning for: Violence, Fear, Blood
Most of this will be posted to my side blog, but I will start duping some stories here on my main.
Blaine had been fond of where he had lived before. The previous apartment building had quite a thriving community. Sure, he was the sole resident of the walls of apartment 5, but he could easily go to the floors beneath the hall to visit the other little people. They even had long established trading spots, neutral zones where everyone could exchange resources, as different apartments had different benefits. But then came the dog.
Moving to a new home was always a challenge, but the last place no longer worked for Blaine. The small man sighed as he hauled the heavy pack up. Why did they have to get a terrier? That little dog had sniffed him out immediately and took a snap at him! The world was so dangerous when you were in the same size range as a mouse. It had been lonely since he had taken up residence in a new apartment building. He knew it took time for other little people to get established in a new building. No mouse holes as shortcuts and modern building methods made it harder to establish new paths. But he was up to the job. He liked to keep busy. 
He started near an outlet. One he had chosen very carefully, the one behind the refrigerator. Easy access to the kitchen while being hidden behind the large appliance. He could feel the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end. Good sign. Meant it was in use. He took a small peek into his new territory, though the huge fridge which kept him safely hidden also blocked his view. He took note of the fine layer of dust on the floor. In use, but not regularly cleaned. Perfect. He pulled out the bent nail he had attached to some wood to use as a pickaxe and got to work.
Weeks later Blaine had not only made a small opening to access the main apartment, but had set up several climbing areas and spots to peek out once he knew where picture frames, shelves and the like were positioned. He’d seen the people living here a few times. Rather different. If they weren’t terrifying huge humans he might call them good looking. Both had dark hair, although the pale one’s had a different texture to it than the other guy.  Had a familiar look, reminding him of some people seen on tv. The pale one seemed to prefer going out at night. Blaine had watched for when they ate so he could steal scraps off their plates in the sink, but that one hadn’t eaten at home even once. But the other had good taste in food. That one looked to be part Asian, if Blaine remembered the right words for that look. He didn’t always know all the human terms. Blaine managed to snag a grape that rolled under the fridge while they were snacking. Fresh fruit was wonderful to have. Another time Blaine got a piece of roast quail off a plate in the sink. It was amazing! He was already fond of that one. Had good taste in food and didn’t wash plates off immediately. 
Of course, he would never let them see the fact they had a third roommate in the walls. Humans were too dangerous. He’d heard the stories from other little people, rodentfolk, and such. Some said the big folk would even eat bitty folk like them. Of course that was almost certainly a lie, but he very much believed they would capture them, experiment on them, even keep them like a pet. Humans were curious and he had seen some of them fascinated by rodents, lightning bugs, and other small creatures. It didn’t always end well for the creatures. 
Still, even if he couldn’t trust humans it was almost… comforting to not be completely alone. Little people usually did these sort of expansions into new locations with a few folks, not just one. But Blaine had been forced to move immediately. At least so far Blaine enjoyed the work, and listening to the roommates on the outside of the wall made him feel not alone.
Maybe once he got more paths and openings established other little people would be willing to move in. Blaine liked the idea of being the reason there was a new, safe place for his kind to live. He was already starting on a new pathway leading to a higher area! He was actually making a sloped path to the counter so it would be easier to get food up and down from there… 
He was actually starting to examine an outlet to see if it could be altered to double as a hidden door when he heard the roommates in the kitchen talking. He was pretty sure it was the one called Ty talking, “Hey Finlay, the popsicle sticks disappeared from the craft supplies I was going to give to the neighbor down the hall for her kids. Have you seen them?” 
As Blaine peeked through the hole near the outlet, he heard the pale one shouting back, “Dammit Ty, I’m calling you by your new name. Stop calling me that. I told you before it’s just Finn now. And I haven’t seen the dang popsicle sticks. Why you wasting money on that anyway? I thought we were supposed to be laying low a while.” 
Ty rolled his eyes, “Sorry Finn, your change was much more recent. And laying low doesn’t mean I can’t be nice. I was hoping giving them some craft materials would keep them busy so you wouldn’t be as likely to get headaches from that sensitive hearing of yours.”
Finn seemed to pause at that, reconsidering, “Oh… hadn’t thought of that. But these walls seem better than the last place. The noise hasn’t been a problem lately. I think one of the neighbors may be doing woodworking or crafting though. If it wasn’t such a new place, I’d assume a mouse… But anyway, haven’t seen the sticks. Anything else missing?”
Blaine was frowning after hearing that. The guy’s hearing was really that good? At least he assumed it was a neighbor’s hobby and not a rodent. But he’d have to be more careful. Space out the work, try to time it for when that guy was out. He missed what Ty said about missing stuff… He already knew taking the popsicles sticks for the walkways may have been pushing things a bit. He’d have to get stuff from some neighboring apartments for a bit to let things die back down here.
A few days later Blaine was working on making a hidden doorway for himself on the counter while Finn was out for the night. He was certain Ty was sound asleep at the moment, so it was the perfect timing. He could work on weaving thread into sturdier ropes when Finn was home. Blaine slipped out onto the counter to check that when it was closed, it blended in with the counter. He backed up a few steps, admiring his handiwork. He really was doing a great job getting set up. The next little person to come to this building would be able to stay with him and thrive easily while more access points were developed in neighboring apartments. 
Blaine yelped in surprise when the front door swung open with Finn rushing in, blood covering his mouth. He had someone leaning on him, their neck a bloody mess. Finn called out to Ty, currently red eyes glancing over the open floor plan before focusing on Ty’s bedroom. Blaine broke from his panic, rushing to the side of the counter and hooking a string-rope on the side, sliding down to the floor quickly to get to the door behind the fridge as Finn called out to Ty.
The tiny man was breathing heavily as he leaned against the wall. No wonder Finn could hear noises in the wall. He wasn’t human. Blaine had seen such things on tvs, obvious works of fiction… but this was reality. Finn was a vampire. Blaine listened as Finn asked for help bandaging up the person he bit. Well, while it was nice to hear the vampire didn’t like to kill to feed, that didn’t mean such kindnesses would extend to him. Hopefully when he looked around to see if Ty was up he hadn’t noticed Blaine… If he had been seen, the risk was huge. The only way vampires could have remained a myth to not only humans but also little people was if they were incredibly careful about guarding their secret. Which meant if Finn figured out a little person living in the walls knew, he would likely be killed to guard that secret. 
Blaine took a couple deep breaths. There were no signs yet that Finn had seen him. He seemed too concerned with dealing with the injured person. So it wasn’t safe for Blaine to stay at this apartment… He would have to start scouting out the nearby ones. He couldn’t rush this or he might slip up. As much as he wanted to leave immediately, slow and steady was far better.
He made his way back up to one of the elevated platforms, peeking through a tiny hole. Looked like they got the person’s neck wrapped up and were discussing assuring nothing was told to anyone. This was a bit concerning… Was it some sort of psychic power? Magic? Or were they just going to drug the person? None of those sounded good for Blaine’s situation. Psychic would mean higher chances of being caught. Magic would mean more options for imprisonment or experimenting. And drugs… they couldn’t properly dose a little person meaning death would be the only option for maintaining the secret. It was scary to consider something like psychic powers or magic could be real, but he couldn’t discount anything anymore.
Blaine watched Ty come to the kitchen, getting a cup of water to offer the person. Ty paused, sniffing the air. Blaine frowned. Ty clearly knew Finn wasn’t human… and Ty ate all the time so wasn’t a vampire. What if he was something non-human as well? If vampires were a secret, no telling what else may be too… and may also have enhanced senses. Moving to a different apartment’s walls would take time… So Blaine would be here a while to at least have access to food until he made access to more places. He had used up the food he brought with him for this move, so options were limited. 
Blaine was relieved when Ty walked away. Maybe he was just being paranoid about Ty possibly also being something scarier than human. Maybe the trashcan had an odor. He needed to stay calm. Panic would only lead to mistakes. The small man took a deep breath. He had a lot of work to do to make access points to other homes. He had barely been able to manage getting in other apartments and rooms by squeezing under doors so far. But such high risk, exposed movements weren't ideal. He needed to restrict where he had access points set up. Where he had better odds of staying hidden. 
Blaine spent more time listening to the roommates over the next couple days. Trying to pick up any hints he had been spotted, or any indication that Ty may also be non-human. The situation was so stressful. Because he wasn’t going under doors to reach extra locations anymore, building supplies to make more access was hard. But the kitchen had the most important things. 
It was night again, when Ty was asleep and Finn was out… Perfect time to check the plates for scraps of food. The hidden wall door slid open with ease. He was so glad he took the time to assure it was well hidden. Blaine looked around. Lights were out as he expected. It was hard to see, but the safest time to do this. Carefully, quietly he ventured out. He reached the sink and secured a rope to the faucet to assure he could get out if he slipped. 
Then he heard a voice from next to the counter.
 “What a curious little thing you are. Since I saw you the other day when I came home I’ve been pondering what you might be. I already figured out you must be the source of the sounds I heard. But you’ve been more quiet lately… Wasn’t hard to guess you worked out schedules and were taking advantage of them. So what are you? A brownie? A hob? Perhaps an imp, a sprite, or a tomte. So many tiny folks of legend… the similarities in stories should have been a hint there was some truth to it.” 
Hearing Finn’s voice, Blaine was starting to panic. The vampire must have sat with his back to the cabinets where he couldn’t be seen. Waited until Blaine was too far into the open to get back to his hidden door. Still, Blaine had to try. Surely if the vampire caught him, it would kill him to keep his secret. So he very slowly took a step, figuring a quicker way out of reach would be to drop between the counter and fridge. He heard Finn’s voice again, “Oh? Stepping away from the sink before you go after food? Your steps sound quieter… You know I can hear either way.” 
Okay. Sneaking back to hiding wasn’t going to work. He would have to rely on his speed and hope the vampire wasn’t faster to get up and reach him. Blaine bolted, unraveling his makeshift rope as he ran and preparing to put the hook on the edge of the counter. He could see movement to his side but didn’t dare look at the vampire standing. Looking may slow him down. 
Then he slammed into something. Thin, clear plastic. The aim of it coming down over him hadn’t been perfect, one leg was now pinned under the edge of the container. He had seen these before… big people used them to store food for later. And now a hand had one clamped down over him. It shifted slightly to a different position, no longer pinning his leg. But he couldn’t stand… his leg was really sore now. Finn was staring at him through the plastic, “Sorry pipsqueak. Couldn’t have you running off without a chat… Didn’t mean to get your leg.”
Blaine watched the container lift away and a hand come near him. He tensed, expecting this to be the end… but a finger just gently touched his leg, as if checking it. Probably making sure he can’t run away. Finn was speaking again, “Okay. Doesn’t seem broken. Probably pretty bruised though. So little fella, can you speak? I suppose if you can’t object I could just pick you up for a closer loo…” Blaine interrupted, “Don’t!” 
He saw Finn smile. Blaine didn’t like that, the vampire showing off his fangs. But it didn’t seem malicious, yet, “So you can speak… I certainly hope you haven’t said anything to anyone about what you saw… That would be most unfortunate.” Blaine was shaking a bit, “I can’t have told anyone! I'm the only person in this building!! Just… let me go!” Blaine pleaded… but also felt sure it was completely hopeless. There was no way Finn was going to let him go, not when he knew his secret. Blaine closed his eyes tight as a massive hand came down towards him once more.
Blaine expected to have his life quickly ended… and was surprised to just have a finger lightly prod him, as if confirming bow real he is. Blaine opens his eyes, looking up at Finn. The man was just… staring at him. Apparently thinking. Blaine was so scared of what kind of conclusion the vampire would reach. All he could do was wait and listen as Finn talked, “I’m not exactly happy about you saying you are the only person here, as if I’m not a person. Not exactly kind wording. But I’ll ignore that for now… But at least it means my secret is still safe. But it still leaves the issue of the fact I don’t like people knowing my secret.”
Finn took a deep breath, “Ty is the only one who currently knows that isn’t also a vampire. I tend to avoid killing when I can… But I am also finding it difficult to think of a way to keep you from telling anyone. Other than the fact you also clearly keep your existence a secret.” Finn sighed, running a hand through his hair. “Damn complicated situations… I don’t really currently have the means to exactly keep you… So we have to come to an understanding.”
Finn leaned onto the counter close to Blaine, staring down at him and causing Blaine to shudder. “Your coexistence inside homes leans me towards the stories of my own land, back when I was there. When I was human. You haven’t stated a preference for species name so I’ll lean towards hob for the time being. Your kind, whatever you are… For there not to be anything beyond stories to indicate your existence… You must be existing in secrecy like my kind. Which is what makes me think we might reach an understanding.” Blaine was hesitant, but nodded, “An understanding is good…” Finn smiled, flashing those fangs again, “Excellent. Since you don’t seem to socialize with regular sized folks, I am hopeful this means you won’t go blabbing about what I am. I can keep my mouth shut about you if you can do the same for me. That seems fair enough, doesn’t it?”
Finn leaned over even closer to Blaine, clearly purposely trying to intimidate the little person, “Oh, and if you try to sneak away, move to a different apartment or building, I’m going to assume you are planning to expose me and track you down. I will be a lot less friendly. I can move silent enough you’ll never hear me coming. I can punch through bricks to get to any hiding spot. So until I say otherwise, I better hear you in the walls at least once a day, understand?” Blaine gulped and nodded. He had been planning to relocate to a different apartment as soon as he learned the truth… but it sounded like that was no longer an option. “I… I understand. I won’t run away.” 
Finn straightened himself back up. “Excellent. Just to keep it a fair demand, I’ll make sure there’s food and drink accessible regularly. I assume you can handle anything else you need.” Blaine nodded slowly. He was really not liking this ultimatum. He wanted to move to a different place, get far, far away from this scary fella… but he had no choice. If he fled he would be hunted down.
Blaine cocked his head as he saw Finn move, hearing the sound of a drawer opening. Blaine wasn’t sure what he was doing. But it probably wasn’t good for him. Blaine flinched as he saw a large pair of scissors set on the counter near him… That was extremely concerning… The box of matches that followed was less so, but still not good. He wanted to run… but the vampire would likely grab him if he did. He needed to wait until the monster allowed him to leave. The last thing set near him… napkin? That made very little sense… unless it was to be used as firestarter and the vampire intended to burn him alive. A horrific thought.
Blaine watched the scissors get picked up, then the napkin being cut into thin strips. Definitely firestarter. Blaine closed his eyes. This was going to be so painful… He felt something touch his leg and opened an eye. He was… holding the match next to his leg? How weird. He glanced up, watching the vampire lift the match to the scissors and clip it short. This… didn’t make any sense. Why was he cutting the match? Blaine used his good leg to start scooting away while the vampire was busy, but the vampire’s hand came behind his back and Blaine froze. “Please remain still for the moment,” Finn said simply. Blaine had no choice…
What happened next made even less sense. Finn wrapped the thin strip of napkin around Blaine’s leg… then lined up the wooden part of the matchsticks to his leg and continued wrapping. It was… a splint. The vampire was making a splint for his sprain.  Finn started talking as he worked. “While this certainly isn’t a perfect match for when I treated a bat injured by a stray cat, I think the prior experience is sufficient that it won't be too tight. Since it’s my fault you got this sprain, the least I should do is assure you can still move around with it.” 
Finn straightened himself and gestured, “Try it out. I can trim the wood shorter if needed, but I tried to line it up to walk on properly.” Blaine hesitated, but stood. The splint was surprisingly usable. He may have to shave it down a tad with his own blade, but it was definitely good enough to get him behind the wall. “Uh… yeah… it’s… it’s a good enough support to get around…” Blaine said, glancing at Finn. Finn smirked slightly, “Want me to help you to the ground? Or are you going to use the little door you hid in the wall on the counter?” Blaine frowned. He didn’t like that Finn saw the door location… but if he was already aware of it, no reason not to use it. So he limped over to the door, quickly vanishing behind the walls again.
As Blaine made his way across the platform he built to some of his supplies, only one thing kept running through his mind: How was he going to handle a situation where he had been spotted but couldn’t run away?
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healthierpetstoday · 2 years
Where Is The Best Place To Buy Dog Food
The best place to buy dog food is a pet store or online retailer that specializes in pet food and supplies. Many pet stores offer quality foods from trusted brands, as well as a wide variety of specialty and natural options. Shopping online has the advantage of being able to order in bulk and often offers discounts on large purchases. If a pet store isn’t available, look for quality dog food brands in the pet food aisle of a grocery store. Generally, the more expensive brands offer higher quality ingredients and more balanced nutrition for your pet. Some grocery stores also carry organic, holistic, and other specialty pet foods. When deciding about where is the best place to buy dog food, consider variables such as cost, convenience, and food quality. Search for a shop that provides a choice of high-quality dog food alternatives at a fair price, and ensure that the food you purchase matches your dog's nutritional needs.
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pikachiee · 8 months
Some of my ideas in my " Lila the evil" au.
Anyways.. there's Lilix/felila on my " Lila the evil" au lol
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I have so many other ideas with my au, that it's straying very far from the original concept. So I'm gonna talk about some of it, because, I felt like :) and I will eventually draw it. So I'm just gonna be rant about my ideas, at least the ones I'm not too lazy to write about lol.
So a bit of a rant below:
Mostly of Felix x Lila
And some spelling and grammar mistakes.
Anyways, Felix's design is all over the place in my head. But he's supposed to be looking like Lila's superior ( because he is. ) He's still gonna be wearing so much black lol.
And I fully intend on making Lila Italian. But she just was raised in " empire". Many people notice that she looks a lot different than what the other people did, but she didn't seem to mind too much.
Basically, Lila is an orphan. She didn't know who her family was, and what was even her name. So, she often traveled around the desolate streets in search of money or something. Many people helped her out ( cute kid duh), they were shocked that she didn't even have a name and named her all sorts of different names. Each name didn't mean much to her, and she just used it lie.
( I also have a reason for why she names herself as " Lila" but it's somewhat edgy, and I'm planning on making a short comic about it.)
Anyways, long story short she's an orphan. She lies about that to everyone though. And often claims that she's from a small yet noble family. Most people believe her ( *cough* kagami), except Felix. He's kinda done with her lies, but stays with her. The formal reason is because his dear uncle asked him to look after her.. but really he's curious about her.
I'm planning on keeping Felix, kagami and Adrian as sentimonsters. But have Felix and kagami be at least somewhat aware. All his life Felix has always been by the books, and following whatever order his father or superiors tell him. He's gotten so good at obeying and killing it's second nature to him. ( And I feel like he would be a sniper guy lol) It's a breath of fresh air, when he mets Lila.
Lila finds a way to bend the rules and commands in the most perfect way so that they would benefit her, and if it doesn't she simply won't do it. That's something Felix never really seen, since his most close friend other than his mother or Adrian is kagami who is exactly like him.
In this au, due to how perfectly " obedient" Felix is. He's called the " empire's dog", which is supposed to be a menacing title. But Lila takes that opportunity to make fun of him, and make "dog" jokes.
Since Lila was an orphan living in the slums of a war like country, she's had absolutely nothing to lose. That's why she's such a monster in that au, and why she likes to screw with Felix. Sure she's a complete Liar, but she's not just lying to be popular. She's doing it to live comfortably.
Felix is very good at observing, and he notices how her lies don't match up. Like how she claims to taste very fancy food, yet fawns over every dessert they have. Felix can tell she's.. not what she's saying she is. But doesn't expose her.
I made this romance not only because I like the ship, but it works well enough in my au.
Felix is somewhat relieved that she doesn't confuse him with Adrian ( they never met lol), and finds her fascinating and somewhat adorable.
While Lila never had actual friends before, or even a real family. But every time he protects her from certain death ( with how much Lila provokes people, it becomes way too common ). And genuinely sees her, as her. He sees past her lies, and sees.. well her. All her life she makes sure to give everyone what they want to see.. so it's very unnerving and interesting Felix is to Lila. Since no matter what lie she makes, Felix finds a way to prove the truth.
They're both monsters, yet they find a sense of care with each other. They both have committed heinous acts, each with a reason why. But they both know that their sins won't be forgiven so easily. So, they enjoy it while they can. The power and the luxury, at least that's what Lila plans to do and Felix will follow.
Sure they're not entirely sure how loyal or likely each one is to stab them it the back. But they find solitude with each other. Knowing that they can be monsters together.
There's more but I'm about to pass out lol.
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vixen525noms · 6 months
In Blaine Sight
A borrower style small person discovers there's things more dangerous than humans.
Warning for: Violence, Fear, Blood
Blaine had been fond of where he had lived before. The previous apartment building had quite a thriving community. Sure, he was the sole resident of the walls of apartment 5, but he could easily go to the floors beneath the hall to visit the other little people. They even had long established trading spots, neutral zones where everyone could exchange resources, as different apartments had different benefits. But then came the dog.
Moving to a new home was always a challenge, but the last place no longer worked for Blaine. The small man sighed as he hauled the heavy pack up. Why did they have to get a terrier? That little dog had sniffed him out immediately and took a snap at him! The world was so dangerous when you were in the same size range as a mouse. It had been lonely since he had taken up residence in a new apartment building. He knew it took time for other little people to get established in a new building. No mouse holes as shortcuts and modern building methods made it harder to establish new paths. But he was up to the job. He liked to keep busy. 
He started near an outlet. One he had chosen very carefully, the one behind the refrigerator. Easy access to the kitchen while being hidden behind the large appliance. He could feel the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end. Good sign. Meant it was in use. He took a small peek into his new territory, though the huge fridge which kept him safely hidden also blocked his view. He took note of the fine layer of dust on the floor. In use, but not regularly cleaned. Perfect. He pulled out the bent nail he had attached to some wood to use as a pickaxe and got to work.
Weeks later Blaine had not only made a small opening to access the main apartment, but had set up several climbing areas and spots to peek out once he knew where picture frames, shelves and the like were positioned. He’d seen the people living here a few times. Rather different. If they weren’t terrifying huge humans he might call them good looking. Both had dark hair, although the pale one’s had a different texture to it than the other guy.  Had a familiar look, reminding him of some people seen on tv. The pale one seemed to prefer going out at night. Blaine had watched for when they ate so he could steal scraps off their plates in the sink, but that one hadn’t eaten at home even once. But the other had good taste in food. That one looked to be part Asian, if Blaine remembered the right words for that look. He didn’t always know all the human terms. Blaine managed to snag a grape that rolled under the fridge while they were snacking. Fresh fruit was wonderful to have. Another time Blaine got a piece of roast quail off a plate in the sink. It was amazing! He was already fond of that one. Had good taste in food and didn’t wash plates off immediately. 
Of course, he would never let them see the fact they had a third roommate in the walls. Humans were too dangerous. He’d heard the stories from other little people, rodentfolk, and such. Some said the big folk would even eat bitty folk like them. Of course that was almost certainly a lie, but he very much believed they would capture them, experiment on them, even keep them like a pet. Humans were curious and he had seen some of them fascinated by rodents, lightning bugs, and other small creatures. It didn’t always end well for the creatures. 
Still, even if he couldn’t trust humans it was almost… comforting to not be completely alone. Little people usually did these sort of expansions into new locations with a few folks, not just one. But Blaine had been forced to move immediately. At least so far Blaine enjoyed the work, and listening to the roommates on the outside of the wall made him feel not alone.
Maybe once he got more paths and openings established other little people would be willing to move in. Blaine liked the idea of being the reason there was a new, safe place for his kind to live. He was already starting on a new pathway leading to a higher area! He was actually making a sloped path to the counter so it would be easier to get food up and down from there… 
He was actually starting to examine an outlet to see if it could be altered to double as a hidden door when he heard the roommates in the kitchen talking. He was pretty sure it was the one called Ty talking, “Hey Finlay, the popsicle sticks disappeared from the craft supplies I was going to give to the neighbor down the hall for her kids. Have you seen them?” 
As Blaine peeked through the hole near the outlet, he heard the pale one shouting back, “Dammit Ty, I’m calling you by your new name. Stop calling me that. I told you before it’s just Finn now. And I haven’t seen the dang popsicle sticks. Why you wasting money on that anyway? I thought we were supposed to be laying low a while.” 
Ty rolled his eyes, “Sorry Finn, your change was much more recent. And laying low doesn’t mean I can’t be nice. I was hoping giving them some craft materials would keep them busy so you wouldn’t be as likely to get headaches from that sensitive hearing of yours.”
Finn seemed to pause at that, reconsidering, “Oh… hadn’t thought of that. But these walls seem better than the last place. The noise hasn’t been a problem lately. I think one of the neighbors may be doing woodworking or crafting though. If it wasn’t such a new place, I’d assume a mouse… But anyway, haven’t seen the sticks. Anything else missing?”
Blaine was frowning after hearing that. The guy’s hearing was really that good? At least he assumed it was a neighbor’s hobby and not a rodent. But he’d have to be more careful. Space out the work, try to time it for when that guy was out. He missed what Ty said about missing stuff… He already knew taking the popsicles sticks for the walkways may have been pushing things a bit. He’d have to get stuff from some neighboring apartments for a bit to let things die back down here.
A few days later Blaine was working on making a hidden doorway for himself on the counter while Finn was out for the night. He was certain Ty was sound asleep at the moment, so it was the perfect timing. He could work on weaving thread into sturdier ropes when Finn was home. Blaine slipped out onto the counter to check that when it was closed, it blended in with the counter. He backed up a few steps, admiring his handiwork. He really was doing a great job getting set up. The next little person to come to this building would be able to stay with him and thrive easily while more access points were developed in neighboring apartments. 
Blaine yelped in surprise when the front door swung open with Finn rushing in, blood covering his mouth. He had someone leaning on him, their neck a bloody mess. Finn called out to Ty, currently red eyes glancing over the open floor plan before focusing on Ty’s bedroom. Blaine broke from his panic, rushing to the side of the counter and hooking a string-rope on the side, sliding down to the floor quickly to get to the door behind the fridge as Finn called out to Ty.
The tiny man was breathing heavily as he leaned against the wall. No wonder Finn could hear noises in the wall. He wasn’t human. Blaine had seen such things on tvs, obvious works of fiction… but this was reality. Finn was a vampire. Blaine listened as Finn asked for help bandaging up the person he bit. Well, while it was nice to hear the vampire didn’t like to kill to feed, that didn’t mean such kindnesses would extend to him. Hopefully when he looked around to see if Ty was up he hadn’t noticed Blaine… If he had been seen, the risk was huge. The only way vampires could have remained a myth to not only humans but also little people was if they were incredibly careful about guarding their secret. Which meant if Finn figured out a little person living in the walls knew, he would likely be killed to guard that secret. 
Blaine took a couple deep breaths. There were no signs yet that Finn had seen him. He seemed too concerned with dealing with the injured person. So it wasn’t safe for Blaine to stay at this apartment… He would have to start scouting out the nearby ones. He couldn’t rush this or he might slip up. As much as he wanted to leave immediately, slow and steady was far better.
He made his way back up to one of the elevated platforms, peeking through a tiny hole. Looked like they got the person’s neck wrapped up and were discussing assuring nothing was told to anyone. This was a bit concerning… Was it some sort of psychic power? Magic? Or were they just going to drug the person? None of those sounded good for Blaine’s situation. Psychic would mean higher chances of being caught. Magic would mean more options for imprisonment or experimenting. And drugs… they couldn’t properly dose a little person meaning death would be the only option for maintaining the secret. It was scary to consider something like psychic powers or magic could be real, but he couldn’t discount anything anymore.
Blaine watched Ty come to the kitchen, getting a cup of water to offer the person. Ty paused, sniffing the air. Blaine frowned. Ty clearly knew Finn wasn’t human… and Ty ate all the time so wasn’t a vampire. What if he was something non-human as well? If vampires were a secret, no telling what else may be too… and may also have enhanced senses. Moving to a different apartment’s walls would take time… So Blaine would be here a while to at least have access to food until he made access to more places. He had used up the food he brought with him for this move, so options were limited. 
Blaine was relieved when Ty walked away. Maybe he was just being paranoid about Ty possibly also being something scarier than human. Maybe the trashcan had an odor. He needed to stay calm. Panic would only lead to mistakes. The small man took a deep breath. He had a lot of work to do to make access points to other homes. He had barely been able to manage getting in other apartments and rooms by squeezing under doors so far. But such high risk, exposed movements weren't ideal. He needed to restrict where he had access points set up. Where he had better odds of staying hidden. 
Blaine spent more time listening to the roommates over the next couple days. Trying to pick up any hints he had been spotted, or any indication that Ty may also be non-human. The situation was so stressful. Because he wasn’t going under doors to reach extra locations anymore, building supplies to make more access was hard. But the kitchen had the most important things. 
It was night again, when Ty was asleep and Finn was out… Perfect time to check the plates for scraps of food. The hidden wall door slid open with ease. He was so glad he took the time to assure it was well hidden. Blaine looked around. Lights were out as he expected. It was hard to see, but the safest time to do this. Carefully, quietly he ventured out. He reached the sink and secured a rope to the faucet to assure he could get out if he slipped. 
Then he heard a voice from next to the counter.
 “What a curious little thing you are. Since I saw you the other day when I came home I’ve been pondering what you might be. I already figured out you must be the source of the sounds I heard. But you’ve been more quiet lately… Wasn’t hard to guess you worked out schedules and were taking advantage of them. So what are you? A brownie? A hob? Perhaps an imp, a sprite, or a tomte. So many tiny folks of legend… the similarities in stories should have been a hint there was some truth to it.” 
Hearing Finn’s voice, Blaine was starting to panic. The vampire must have sat with his back to the cabinets where he couldn’t be seen. Waited until Blaine was too far into the open to get back to his hidden door. Still, Blaine had to try. Surely if the vampire caught him, it would kill him to keep his secret. So he very slowly took a step, figuring a quicker way out of reach would be to drop between the counter and fridge. He heard Finn’s voice again, “Oh? Stepping away from the sink before you go after food? Your steps sound quieter… You know I can hear either way.” 
Okay. Sneaking back to hiding wasn’t going to work. He would have to rely on his speed and hope the vampire wasn’t faster to get up and reach him. Blaine bolted, unraveling his makeshift rope as he ran and preparing to put the hook on the edge of the counter. He could see movement to his side but didn’t dare look at the vampire standing. Looking may slow him down. 
Then he slammed into something. Thin, clear plastic. The aim of it coming down over him hadn’t been perfect, one leg was now pinned under the edge of the container. He had seen these before… big people used them to store food for later. And now a hand had one clamped down over him. It shifted slightly to a different position, no longer pinning his leg. But he couldn’t stand… his leg was really sore now. Finn was staring at him through the plastic, “Sorry pipsqueak. Couldn’t have you running off without a chat… Didn’t mean to get your leg.”
Blaine watched the container lift away and a hand come near him. He tensed, expecting this to be the end… but a finger just gently touched his leg, as if checking it. Probably making sure he can’t run away. Finn was speaking again, “Okay. Doesn’t seem broken. Probably pretty bruised though. So little fella, can you speak? I suppose if you can’t object I could just pick you up for a closer loo…” Blaine interrupted, “Don’t!” 
He saw Finn smile. Blaine didn’t like that, the vampire showing off his fangs. But it didn’t seem malicious, yet, “So you can speak… I certainly hope you haven’t said anything to anyone about what you saw… That would be most unfortunate.” Blaine was shaking a bit, “I can’t have told anyone! I'm the only person in this building!! Just… let me go!” Blaine pleaded… but also felt sure it was completely hopeless. There was no way Finn was going to let him go, not when he knew his secret. Blaine closed his eyes tight as a massive hand came down towards him once more.
Blaine expected to have his life quickly ended… and was surprised to just have a finger lightly prod him, as if confirming bow real he is. Blaine opens his eyes, looking up at Finn. The man was just… staring at him. Apparently thinking. Blaine was so scared of what kind of conclusion the vampire would reach. All he could do was wait and listen as Finn talked, “I’m not exactly happy about you saying you are the only person here, as if I’m not a person. Not exactly kind wording. But I’ll ignore that for now… But at least it means my secret is still safe. But it still leaves the issue of the fact I don’t like people knowing my secret.”
Finn took a deep breath, “Ty is the only one who currently knows that isn’t also a vampire. I tend to avoid killing when I can… But I am also finding it difficult to think of a way to keep you from telling anyone. Other than the fact you also clearly keep your existence a secret.” Finn sighed, running a hand through his hair. “Damn complicated situations… I don’t really currently have the means to exactly keep you… So we have to come to an understanding.”
Finn leaned onto the counter close to Blaine, staring down at him and causing Blaine to shudder. “Your coexistence inside homes leans me towards the stories of my own land, back when I was there. When I was human. You haven’t stated a preference for species name so I’ll lean towards hob for the time being. Your kind, whatever you are… For there not to be anything beyond stories to indicate your existence… You must be existing in secrecy like my kind. Which is what makes me think we might reach an understanding.” Blaine was hesitant, but nodded, “An understanding is good…” Finn smiled, flashing those fangs again, “Excellent. Since you don’t seem to socialize with regular sized folks, I am hopeful this means you won’t go blabbing about what I am. I can keep my mouth shut about you if you can do the same for me. That seems fair enough, doesn’t it?”
Finn leaned over even closer to Blaine, clearly purposely trying to intimidate the little person, “Oh, and if you try to sneak away, move to a different apartment or building, I’m going to assume you are planning to expose me and track you down. I will be a lot less friendly. I can move silent enough you’ll never hear me coming. I can punch through bricks to get to any hiding spot. So until I say otherwise, I better hear you in the walls at least once a day, understand?” Blaine gulped and nodded. He had been planning to relocate to a different apartment as soon as he learned the truth… but it sounded like that was no longer an option. “I… I understand. I won’t run away.” 
Finn straightened himself back up. “Excellent. Just to keep it a fair demand, I’ll make sure there’s food and drink accessible regularly. I assume you can handle anything else you need.” Blaine nodded slowly. He was really not liking this ultimatum. He wanted to move to a different place, get far, far away from this scary fella… but he had no choice. If he fled he would be hunted down.
Blaine cocked his head as he saw Finn move, hearing the sound of a drawer opening. Blaine wasn’t sure what he was doing. But it probably wasn’t good for him. Blaine flinched as he saw a large pair of scissors set on the counter near him… That was extremely concerning… The box of matches that followed was less so, but still not good. He wanted to run… but the vampire would likely grab him if he did. He needed to wait until the monster allowed him to leave. The last thing set near him… napkin? That made very little sense… unless it was to be used as firestarter and the vampire intended to burn him alive. A horrific thought.
Blaine watched the scissors get picked up, then the napkin being cut into thin strips. Definitely firestarter. Blaine closed his eyes. This was going to be so painful… He felt something touch his leg and opened an eye. He was… holding the match next to his leg? How weird. He glanced up, watching the vampire lift the match to the scissors and clip it short. This… didn’t make any sense. Why was he cutting the match? Blaine used his good leg to start scooting away while the vampire was busy, but the vampire’s hand came behind his back and Blaine froze. “Please remain still for the moment,” Finn said simply. Blaine had no choice…
What happened next made even less sense. Finn wrapped the thin strip of napkin around Blaine’s leg… then lined up the wooden part of the matchsticks to his leg and continued wrapping. It was… a splint. The vampire was making a splint for his sprain.  Finn started talking as he worked. “While this certainly isn’t a perfect match for when I treated a bat injured by a stray cat, I think the prior experience is sufficient that it won't be too tight. Since it’s my fault you got this sprain, the least I should do is assure you can still move around with it.” 
Finn straightened himself and gestured, “Try it out. I can trim the wood shorter if needed, but I tried to line it up to walk on properly.” Blaine hesitated, but stood. The splint was surprisingly usable. He may have to shave it down a tad with his own blade, but it was definitely good enough to get him behind the wall. “Uh… yeah… it’s… it’s a good enough support to get around…” Blaine said, glancing at Finn. Finn smirked slightly, “Want me to help you to the ground? Or are you going to use the little door you hid in the wall on the counter?” Blaine frowned. He didn’t like that Finn saw the door location… but if he was already aware of it, no reason not to use it. So he limped over to the door, quickly vanishing behind the walls again.
As Blaine made his way across the platform he built to some of his supplies, only one thing kept running through his mind: How was he going to handle a situation where he had been spotted but couldn’t run away?
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madebymandyla · 1 month
Donut County Trashopedia Starters
"Coffee rules. It burns your tongue and makes you go to the bathroom."
"Do not try to wash cotton candy in the pool. This tip will save your life."
"It's a rock. Don't try to eat it."
"How many birds are you willing to fight for a bag of chips?"
"It's one thing to own a chicken, but two chickens...that's two things."
"If your chicken doesn't have a swing...wow "
"DO NOT get spotted."
"Press the buttons on top to select your flavor."
"You can tell a fish secrets, they won't remember anything."
"Tennis balls only grow in hard to reach places."
"Tell me how to get ate by a bird. Tell me."
"Someday everything will be made of corn."
"Rocks were given to us by aliens."
"This is probably the worst place to pour milk into."
"Try washing yourself with soup. You might feel good."
"If you make a crow mad, it will steal your credit card number."
"Carrots grow underground and are therefore extremely untrustworthy."
"Imagine loving carrots so much you wanted to live inside one."
"Bunnies love to chew on stuff because of their evil nature."
"Bunnies want to destroy everything and they don't know why."
"There's no taste like fresh dirt."
"Kinda weird how large and perfectly shaped these boulders are..."
"It's like the aliens are mocking us."
"Everyone is weak to fire."
"Cliffs are a type of trap created by aliens."
"This corn has white stuff on it and spicy stuff. It's really good."
"You can't make me read. I'm not gonna do it."
"99% of seagulls are criminals."
"You can use fireworks to remove hair."
"Seagulls love french fries because it's the main crop of their homeland."
"The only good bird is a fake bird."
"The human ear can hear over 100 songs."
"Imagine if your feet were sticky all day."
"If I had sticky feet I'd walk on the ceiling and scream."
"I'm going to get sticky feet. I'm going to do it. And you can't stop me."
"I won't bow down to a chicken. Ever."
"Eggs saved my life. True story."
"Walking under a ladder isn't just bad luck, it's embarrassing to the ladder."
"This thing goes from zero to sixty in sixty seconds."
"Who will invent the next strawberry?"
"Bees are very hyper and they like to kiss their mom's butt."
"If you sleep in your shed, no one will steal your tools."
"Bees are always making dessert."
"Bees rent apartments from their mom."
"You can predict the weather based on the time between a frogs croak. Sometimes it's wrong."
"Pinecones make no sense. It's not a good fruit."
"It's out of gas."
"Soup has many health benefits if you sit in the pot long enough."
"So many houses aren't made of candy."
"Candles get better the more you have. At least 1000 is a good starting point."
"Use salt to make food taste like the ocean."
"Add pepper if your food tastes too good."
"You can let a bird cook...but don't let it feed you."
"Honk if you wish you were a goose in your past life."
"Some apartments don't allow pets but you can keep bats if you pretend to be upset about it."
"Dogs act like they own the sidewalk...they don't."
"If you get poked by a cactus you become a cactus."
"I would switch bodies with a cactus no questions asked."
"Do laptops dream of their keys falling out?"
"People aren't meant to sit at a desk all day. They're meant to sit on a horse."
"Keep your tablet charged so you don't get bored and go outside."
"Bones are like gears, but for animals. It makes them work."
"The drawers are stuffed with MREs and fake IDs."
"If you tell a scary story without a flashlight, it comes true."
"Masks are the safest way to communicate emotions."
"Pretend to be someone cool."
"Everybody wears a mask...except for me."
"Ever think about all the other types of flumes besides log? I don't."
"It's funny how we need water to live...but also to slide."
"Water balloons are like normal balloons filled with spite."
"Signs are a great way to tell people what to do without actually talking to them."
"Balloons are rude to earth's gravity."
"The secret to good coffee? Scare the beans. You gotta tell at those beans."
"I'm looking for investors to fund my drive-thru haunted house."
"Honestly I think cars are scared of everything, we just can't hear them scream through the mufflers."
"Rich people use their cars only once before throwing them away."
"Scientist may look like they're taking notes, but they're just drawing cool skulls."
"Frogs do a few questionable things but they're otherwise perfect."
"The hacker's code requires that when you hack into a mainframe you gotta say 'I'm in.'"
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vitalphenomena · 5 days
Send ⭐️ (or multiple) for a headcanon about our muses.
maddie plans a picnic party for hara's birthday—complete with pink and blue blankets, decorations, bubbly, and, of course, beautiful floral arrangements.
kieran leaves hara gifts of fresh fruit and chocolate like a dog with a dead bird on your front stoop. he'd bring her flowers and try to force an interaction, but maddie does enough of that.
part of the reason olivia pushes through until her 3L year is to spite hara, whom olivia is convinces thinks olivia should drop out because she can't handle the pressure and work and will never make it as an attorney.
the dolokhov dreams about hara are surreal, brutal, and always have him waking up all sweaty and hard.
first real date: a showing of a throwback Angel Lung favors, which is ultimately more for beck's benefit, as he's never seen the classics and is easily dazzled by the very concept of a movie theatre. they sit in the back and wear baseball caps to avoid paparazzi.
after the acid ink incident, which i've lost to time, cate is considerably friendlier to angel lung. tries to hang out with her. cate realizes that she, with mostly only sam for company, is incredibly lonely.
growing up, spirit ate almost exclusively the foods she helped prepare and serve to hara, even going so far as to consume the leftovers if hara ever left any on the plate.
margot sends hara lengthy, erratic voice memos, which increase in frequency and erratic nature after she kills someone in front of hara.
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