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luqalbuq · 6 months ago
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Igarapé cheio (2022). Aramanaí, Belterra, Pará, Brasil.
Flooded stream (2022). Aramanaí, Belterra, Pará, Brazil.
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porterdavis · 1 year ago
Take this jock out back and horsewhip him. Then ban him or life.
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world-of-wales · 1 year ago
Abalobi - South Africa
Coastal 500 - Global (USA HQ)
Wildaid Marine Program - Global (USA HQ)
Accion Andina - Peru
Belterra - Brazil
Freetown The Treetown - Sierra Leone
Aquacycl - USA
Boomitra - Global (USA HQ)
Sea Forest - Australia
Circ - USA
Colorifix - UK
S4S Technologies - India
Enso - UK
GRST - Hong Kong
Polish Smog Alert - Poland
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copperbadge · 1 year ago
Hello Mr. Copperbadge. I live in Texas and have just moved from Houston to a town between Austin and San Antonio, which means I've driven through a very small town named Prairie Lea and every time I see the sign I think of Six Harvests in Lea, Texas. Coincidence or intentional? Either way, it's been a bright spot on the rather boring drives back and forth so thanks for putting that particular story out into the world.
Well, it's not a coincidence, but it's intentional in a different way than it seems!
Lea in the novel is actually based, geographically, on the town of Telephone, TX (now mostly a bar and a hotel). I named it Lea primarily because a lot of towns in Texas, around the time Lea was settled, were named for various local historical figures (Houston, Austin, etc). Lea was a name I turned up in googling for what names I could use; it's the maiden/middle name of Sam Houston's wife, Margaret Lea Houston. She was a Baptist and converted him to Baptist, which fits in with the Baptist origins of the town. But also Lea fit in nicely because when you are in the "lee" of something, you are protected -- the "lee side" of a ship is the side sheltered from the wind, and Lea in the book is very much a shelter for its citizens. (It's also a very quiet tribute to my stepfather, who has Lee as a family name.)
I did a quick google on Prairie Lea and sure enough, it's also named for Margaret Lea Houston -- was named for her by her husband, in fact.
So yes! Intentional in the sense that I took what I knew of Texan naming conventions of the era and applied it, but coincidence in the sense that both are named for the same woman, not one named for the other.
(Also if you're living between San Antonio and Austin, you're in my parents' neck of the woods; they live up near Belterra, north of Wimberley. Welcome! It's beautiful, weird country.)
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jessread-s · 1 year ago
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This book managed to break my heart and mend it at the same time. 
“Gods & Monsters” follows Lou, Reid, Coco, and Beau as they seek vengeance for the destruction caused by Morgane le Blanc in “Blood & Honey.”
Like the previous novel, “Gods & Monsters” transports the reader to new environments beyond the city of Cesarine. I really enjoyed exploring the waters of the L’eau Mélancolique, especially since they were only mentioned in passing in the first two books in the trilogy, and learning about the Melusine’s way of life. Mahurin’s take on mermen and mermaids is both unique an a touch dark, immediately capturing my attention and holding it. 
Lou’s personal journey of healing and self-discovery in this book is infused with emotion and drove me to tears on several occasions. Mahurin does a fantastic job convincing her readers to invest in the well-being of her characters by sharing their hopes, fears, and everything in between across all three of her books. It is for this reason that reading from Lou’s perspective was so painful. She felt like a friend of mine, a friend I just wanted to hug desperately. 
Lou and Reid’s love story in this book also elicited many tears. Without giving too much away, Reid makes the ultimate sacrifice, which leads the two of them to undergo the most difficult and truest test of their love. Alternating between their povs and watching them fall in love with each other all over again reminded me of how much I adored the establishment and development of their relationship in the first book of this series as well as the chemistry between them. 
While the quest the characters go on feels too drawn out by the end, I did not mind because I received the closure I wanted and needed. Additionally,  I found myself genuinely having fun spending more time with Mahurin’s characters. I am so glad I get to inhabit their minds for a while longer and return to the Kingdom of Belterra in “The Scarlet Veil”!
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bretmichaels · 1 year ago
Last Night’s Florida Parti-Gras Was *NSYNC > Belterra / Florence, Indiana The Fall Ball Happens Tonight!
Belterra – you are one of my favorite holiday shows. We will see you tonight at the Fall Ball Parti-Gras / Mardi-Gras. It was great to have my good friends Joey & Chris from *NSYNC join me on stage last night. He has unreal, positive energy, & belted out Nothin’ But A Good Time. Aspen Dental Nation rocks!
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allthebrazilianpolitics · 1 year ago
Cocoa Farming Lures New Money as Brazil Is Set to Revive Exports
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Cocoa farmers in Brazil are getting ready for a dramatic comeback.
Once a prominent global supplier, the country lost it all to a tree-killing disease that decimated crops back in the 1980s. Now, it’s planning a revival. There’s fresh money flowing in, producers are venturing into new areas and traditional growers are receiving financial aid.
“There is a huge opportunity for Brazil to regain a leading role in the global cocoa supply chain,” said Valmir Ortega, the founder of Belterra Agroflorestas, a company planting cocoa trees across degraded rainforest areas. They have the support of giants like Cargill Inc. and an investment fund created by Vale SA.
Brazil is looking to double cocoa production by 2030. That’s one of the goals from a plan the country’s cocoa commission Ceplac is announcing this week. As soon as 2025, Brazil should be producing enough to satisfy domestic demand, according to director Lucimara Chiari. That would reduce Brazil’s need to import beans, helping ease a severe global shortage of the chocolate ingredient.
Continue reading.
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authorunpublished · 1 year ago
Book Review: The Scarlet Veil
Title: The Scarlet Veil [The Scarlet Veil 1] Author: Shelby Mahurin Genre: Fantasy, Mystery, Romance Rating: 3 Stars Description/Synopsis: Six months have passed since Célie took her sacred vows and joined the ranks of the Chasseurs as their first huntswoman. With her fiancé, Jean Luc, as captain, she is determined to find her foothold in her new role and help protect Belterra. But whispers from…
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antoniodatsch · 3 months ago
Vereador do agro: de policial na ditadura em SP a fazendeiro no Pará
“Quando nós chegamos aqui, em 1999, nós tivemos muita dificuldade de abrir as terras. Porque não tinha licenciamento, não tinha nada. Era algo novo aqui na região, né? E eu comecei a abrir tudo. E aí eu levava as multas, eu levava tudo. Não tinha nada no meu nome. Mas eu que abria tudo. Era junto com o Ibama, aquela coisa toda. Na época, era o Ibama. […] Hoje está tudo legalizado, tudo dentro da lei. Hoje não tem processo, não tem mais nada. Não tem multa, não tem nada.”
Na época, o Ibama era o responsável pela emissão das autorizações de plantio. Hoje esse trabalho está nas mãos da Secretaria Estadual de Meio Ambiente e Sustentabilidade (Semas) do governo estadual, comandado pelo mesmo MDB do vereador.
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schoje · 4 months ago
A Caixa Econômica Federal está oferecendo um alívio financeiro importante para trabalhadores que tiveram suas casas afetadas por desastres naturais, como enchentes e deslizamentos. O Saque Calamidade, como é chamado, permite que os trabalhadores com saldo disponível no FGTS retirem até R$ 6.220,00. Essa medida é essencial para famílias que enfrentam momentos de grande necessidade, e todo o processo pode ser feito de maneira digital, facilitando a vida dos beneficiários. Neste artigo, vamos detalhar como funciona o Saque Calamidade, quem pode solicitá-lo, como fazer a consulta online usando o CPF, e quais cidades estão habilitadas a receber esse auxílio financeiro. O que é o Saque Calamidade? O Saque Calamidade é uma modalidade de saque do Fundo de Garantia por Tempo de Serviço (FGTS), que permite ao trabalhador retirar um valor de até R$ 6.220,00 quando sua residência é atingida por desastres naturais. Esse saque emergencial é destinado a moradores de áreas que foram oficialmente declaradas em estado de calamidade pública ou emergência pela Defesa Civil. O principal objetivo é oferecer um suporte financeiro imediato para que essas pessoas possam reparar suas casas ou cobrir outras despesas essenciais, minimizando os danos causados pelos eventos climáticos. Como solicitar o saque online com o CPF Uma das grandes facilidades desse benefício é que todo o processo pode ser realizado digitalmente, através do aplicativo FGTS, disponível para smartphones com sistemas Android e iOS. Veja como é simples: Acesse o aplicativo FGTS: Baixe o aplicativo e faça login com o seu CPF e senha. Solicite o saque: No menu principal, escolha a opção "Meus Saques" ou "Solicitar Saque". Selecione a calamidade pública: Clique na opção "Calamidade Pública" e leia os termos com atenção. Informe sua cidade: Digite o nome do seu município e selecione-o na lista de cidades elegíveis. Envie os documentos: Será necessário anexar um comprovante de residência atualizado, além de uma foto de sua identidade e uma selfie segurando o documento de identificação. Escolha a forma de recebimento: Você pode optar por receber o valor em conta bancária ou sacar presencialmente em uma agência da Caixa. Após o envio dos documentos, a Caixa Econômica Federal realizará uma análise, e, se estiver tudo correto, o valor será depositado diretamente na conta indicada pelo trabalhador. Cidades habilitadas para o Saque Calamidade Nem todas as cidades estão elegíveis para o saque. A habilitação depende da declaração de calamidade pública ou situação de emergência feita pela Defesa Civil. Atualmente, várias cidades em diferentes estados do Brasil estão aptas a liberar o benefício. Abaixo, você pode conferir algumas dessas localidades, conforme o levantamento de setembro de 2024: Amapá (AP) Tartarugalzinho – até 28/11/2024 Pará (PA) Baião – até 28/10/2024 Belterra – até 08/10/2024 Paraná (PR) São Miguel do Iguaçu – até 03/11/2024 Rio Grande do Norte (RN) Touros – até 23/10/2024 Rio Grande do Sul (RS) Arroio do Tigre – até 06/11/2024 Barros Cassal – até 03/12/2024 Campo Novo – até 28/10/2024 Cerro Largo – até 03/11/2024 Chuí – até 14/10/2024 Erebango – até 06/11/2024 Glorinha – até 08/10/2024 Horizontina – até 23/10/2024 Santa Catarina (SC) Balneário Gaivota – até 23/10/2024 Jaguaruna – até 09/12/2024 Ponte Serrada – até 14/10/2024 Rio do Oeste – até 23/10/2024 A lista completa e atualizada das cidades habilitadas é divulgada semanalmente pela Caixa e pode ser consultada no site oficial da instituição. Quem tem direito ao Saque Calamidade? Para ter direito ao Saque Calamidade, o trabalhador deve: Residir em uma área afetada por desastre natural que tenha sido declarada em estado de calamidade pública ou emergência. Ter saldo disponível na conta do FGTS vinculada ao seu contrato de trabalho. Solicitar o saque dentro do prazo estabelecido pela Caixa, que varia de acordo com a cidade e a data da ocorrência do desastre. Vale
lembrar que, em geral, há um intervalo mínimo de 12 meses entre um saque e outro para o mesmo trabalhador, mas em casos excepcionais, como no Rio Grande do Sul em 2024, esse intervalo pode ser desconsiderado. O Saque Calamidade é uma medida essencial para garantir apoio financeiro em momentos de crise, como aqueles causados por enchentes e deslizamentos. Se você foi afetado por algum desastre natural recente, é fundamental verificar se sua cidade está habilitada e seguir o passo a passo para solicitar o benefício de forma digital, sem complicações. Com a facilidade do aplicativo FGTS, trabalhadores de todo o Brasil podem acessar rapidamente esse recurso, garantindo que o dinheiro chegue na hora em que mais precisam.
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luqalbuq · 7 months ago
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Igapó em Aramanaí (2021/2022). Aramanaí, Belterra, Pará, Brazil. Diferente do igapó de Tapari, esse fica às margens (nesse caso, dentro) de um pequeno igarapé de águas escuras.
Igapó in Aramanaí (2021/2022). Aramanaí, Belterra, Pará, Brazil. Unlike the Tapari igapó, this one is on the banks (in this case, inside) a small stream with dark waters.
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porterdavis · 3 months ago
Great story!
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ocombatenterondonia · 4 months ago
Dia da Amazônia: famílias criam modelo de negócio com restauração
Na região Oeste do Pará, nos municípios de Belterra, Itaituba, Mojuí dos Campos e Trairão, famílias estão promovendo uma transformação no ambiente em que vivem por meio da recuperação da vegetação nativa em suas propriedades. Neste 5 de setembro, Dia da Amazônia, conheça o projeto que produz alimentos, novas mudas, sementes e ainda gera renda por meio do modelo de Sistemas Agroflorestais…
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adityarana1687-blog · 5 months ago
Online Gambling Market Size Worth $153.57 Billion By 2030
The global online gambling market size is projected to reach USD 153.57 billion by 2030, recording a CAGR of 11.7% from 2023 to 2030, based on a report by Grand View Research, Inc. The emergence of freemium modes of online gaming following the trend of betting applications and websites is expected to drive market growth. The freemium model generates revenue via users and integrated advertisements.
Increased smartphone and internet penetration and easy access to casino gaming platforms positively influence the market. For instance, according to GSMA, the Asia Pacific region will witness 333 million new mobile internet subscribers by 2025. Moreover, the availability of cost-effective betting applications is expected to favor market growth over the forecast period. According to the data published by the New York state government, over 650,000 unique accounts were created on mobile betting apps in 2021.
Online gambling developers have partnered with online casino software suppliers to cater to the demand for immersive casino games. For instance, in February 2023, the Sisal subsidiary of Flutter Entertainment Plc. got its license for online gambling in Morocco from La Marcocaine des Jeux et des Sports (MDJS). For instance, in January 2023, FanDuel subsidiary of Flutter Entertainment Plc. launched a mobile sports betting platform in Ohio and announced its Sportsbook launch at Belterra Park Cincinnati.
The outbreak of COVID-19 played a crucial role in expediting the online gambling demand as people spent most of their time indoors and opted for online games for leisure. For instance, in May 2021, a study by the University of Bristol showed regular online gamblers were more than six times more likely to gamble online than pre-pandemic. Besides, adopting various options for digital payments with safe payment gateways is also stimulating the adoption of online gambling applications. The increased adoption of digital currency and websites provided by betting and gambling companies will further accelerate market growth.
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Online Gambling Market Report Highlights 
The sports betting type segment is expected to attain the highest CAGR over the forecast period from 2023 to 2030 as a result of the increasing popularity of professional sports leagues and competitions
The mobile device segment is expected to record the highest CAGR over the forecast period from 2023 to 2030 due to the emergence of betting immersive applications and the convenience of gambling via mobile devices
The increased advertisement of online gambling websites through online agencies, third-party ad servers, and networks and exchanges is expected to drive market expansion over the subsequent years
Europe dominated the online gambling market in 2022 by accounting for a revenue share of around 41.0%, owing to the legalization of online gambling due to stringent regulations and safe practices in the region
Asia Pacific is anticipated to register a CAGR of over 12.0% through 2030 with the increased smartphone usage, a larger population of youngsters, and the legalization of online gambling in the region
Online Gambling Market Segmentation
Grand View Research has segmented the global online gambling market based on type, device, and region:
Online Gambling Type Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion, 2018 - 2030)
Sports Betting
Other iCasino Games
Online Gambling Device Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion, 2018 - 2030)
Online Gambling Regional Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion, 2018 - 2030)
North America
Asia Pacific
Latin America
Middle East & Africa
South Africa
List of Key Players in the Online Gambling Market
888 Holdings Plc.
Bally’s Corporation
Bet 365 Group Ltd.
Betsson AB
Entain Plc.
Flutter Entertainment Plc.
Churchill Downs Inc.
Kindred Group
Ladbrokes Coral Group Plc.
Sky Betting and Gambling
Sportech Plc.
The Star Group Inc.
William Hills Limited
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daisyotto · 5 months ago
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jessread-s · 2 years ago
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Though “Blood & Honey” is not as strong as its predecessor, this book still manages to pack a punch.
Picking up where “Serpent & Dove” left off, “Blood & Honey” follows Lou, Reid, Coco, Ansel, and Beau as they embark on separate quests to find allies willing to fight alongside them against Morgane le Blanc.
I loved being able to explore the Kingdom of Belterra beyond the city of Cesarine in this book. Mahurin does a great job making environments like the Loup Garou’s swampy territory and the Dames Rouges’ blood camp both distinctive from one another and memorable. I especially liked learning about the abilities, lifestyles, and power structures attributed to the supernatural beings living in these areas and found the book to be very informative as a result. 
“Blood & Honey” also helped me learn more about the role memories play in the Dames Blanches’ system of magic in that they can be altered or tampered to manipulate the world as it exists. Sacrificing memories to perform magic can affect the witch’s values, beliefs, and expectations. I loved this twist on how power can be dangerous. 
Another aspect of the book that I loved was the establishment of found family. Just as soon as Lou and Reid’s relationship forms, it begins to crumble under the weight of Lou’s descent into darkness and Reid’s resentment. While this left me feeling sad and frustrated on my end, it was consolation enough to know that Lou and Reid had a support system in Coco, Ansel, and Beau, who still managed to see the best in them at their worst.
In my opinion, the purpose of “Blood & Honey” is to set up the following novel’s main conflict. Subsequently, I found the plot lacking at times. Still, I enjoyed reading it for the new characters, the opportunity to further explore Belterra, and Lou and Reid’s relationship. The stakes are high and I know that “Gods & Monsters” will be all the more epic for it.
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