#Bella and Renesmee Cullen Gifs
k-fangirledits · 4 months
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aliceismypixie · 1 year
Please can you so a jasper x reader where the cullens and Bella all think that the reader or oc isn't good enough for jasper so jasper and the oc or reader elope and the cullens meet them again you can make the rest up.....
Can you please tag me if possible if you end up writing this weird story idea thats keeping me up at night
Thank you
Let's run away together
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Pairing - Jasper x human!reader
Pronoun - She/her
Warning - No proof read, meantion of blood bag (vampire stuff yk yk), light swearing, Jasper gets mad but no Major
Words count - Too lazy to count y'all will have to do with it
Set - After Eclipse to after Breaking Dawn
Main Masterlist - Characters Masterlist
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"Let's run away together."
These were the words Jasper told you a few years ago. You met each other at school, you were sixteen, almost seventeen, and he was supposed to be eighteen. You arrived in the middle of the semester of senior year. Due to you amazing intellect, you were a year advanced and you found yourself in the same english literature class as him.
"Alright class, we have a new student joining us for the rest of the year." Mrs. Danvers told and you entered the class.
The sound of your heels click-clacked on the ground as you entered in the class, a low waisted blue jean along with a black off shoulder with pale pink furr at the top. Your hand bag in your right hand was made of pale pink furr to match your top and your school hand bag was around your left shoulder. You had a golden necklace with a heart locket, a bunch of golden bracelet around both wrists and very rosy cheek. Overall you guessed ut, you looked like the perfect mean, fake and plastic girl.
"Hi, I'm Y/n L/n/n I moved here from New York and I'm sixteen, almost seventeen." Your voice was sweet like honey and suddenly every boys of the class were drooling.
"Thank you miss. Y/n/n you can sit beside Longbottom." The teacher told and a red head boy quickly rose his hand to the annoyance of the rest of the class. The girls because you were competition, and the boys they were jealous.
As you reached your sit, you saw your new sitmate move the chair for you and you widened your eyes a little before letting out a soft giggle. At this sound every boys of the class awwed while the girls huffed as you sat down.
From the back of the class, Jasper heard his brother, Edward, scoff before rolling his eyes and the blond empath looked at you once again. He didn't knew why but he couldn't feel anything from you. He was curious, because he couldn't feel anything from you but you weren't numb either. It was as if you were feeling something but you weren't. Then Jasper realize that in fact you were feeling something, he was the one not feeling anything anymore. From the moment you stepped inside of the classroom, everyone else's emotions disappeared and only your calm state stayed. At the end of the class, Jasper wanted to greet you, only to be blocked by a bunch of boy running to carry your bag or propose you a bunch of snack and you disappeared between the hue of students.
The next time Jasper saw you it was at lunch. At first he didn't notice you, but when Bella's akwardness toward Mike and Carter's love sick feeling for Alice suddenly disappear, Jasper couldn't help but look up. And there you were, surrounded by a bunch of guys as they were holding your bag, trail of food or handing you some homeworks to copy.
"Please not the new girl." Jessica groaned and everyone at the table looked toward you.
"I had a class with her this morning. I heard that her father was the CEO of a car company that was moving here. She is so spoiled, in class she almost crying because Jane took her notebook and wouldn't give it back when she asked." Jessica started her daily gossip and Edward rolled his eyes.
"She can't fool just anyone with that smile." The mind reader huffed as you passed beside their table.
"Hey Y/n !" Mike grinned like a lost puppy and you looked up from your pink cell phone toward the sound.
"Oh hey, Micheal right ? In spanish ?" You tilted your head and Jasper suddenly felt like his dead heart skipped a bit.
"It's Mike actually... but it's fine ! Wanna sit with us ?" The boy grinned and you looked around the table.
Then there was a silence as you glanced at everyone, noticing their rather annoyed or uneasy expression on their face before that your e/c eyes met his golden eyes. It was as if the world stopped, you held your breath in aww as you looked at his golden lock and his sharp jawline. He had a pale skin, very pale, like three other people at the table but his looked the best of them all. His golden orbs were shining due to the light of the cantine and you couldn't help but want to press your pink glossed lips over his.
"Y/n ?" Mike called and you snapped out of your trance, looking back at him with an apologetic smile.
"I'm sorry. But I don't think I'll sit here." You walked away and the group could here the boys bombarding you with invitation to lunch as you went to the back of the cantine.
"Shoot ! Man ! It's your weird hair that scared her !" Eric teased and the two boys started to bicker.
"She doesn't seem that bad...?" Angela hesitated and Carter passed his arm around Alice's shoulders who looked tense.
"I don't think we should be friend her." The petite vampire expressed and Jasper frowned.
"Why ?" He asked and Alice shared a glance at Edward before looking back at her untouched trail of food.
"Just because."
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After this day Jasper would see you everywhere, in the corridor, the parking lot, in class, he even saw you in the forest a few time, by a lake that flowed close to the town. Yet even with Alice and Edward's warning he couldn't help but want to see you. Whenever you were around, he would feel at peace. So he started to chance his path at school, passing by your locker so you would be near by, waiting until you start to head inside to head in english, parking his car near yours every morning. He wanted to be beside you as much as possible but still respect your boundaries.
"Alright class ! Today we'll start a few group project about the book rode in class. You will be paired up by two and work on a presentation of one of the book we studied in class." Mrs. Danvers announced and you looked up from your pink fluffy notebook.
"Before anyone ask. I am making the group and I want no complaining." The teacher told and everyone groaned in annoyance.
"I said no complaining ! Alright now let's form the group." The brunette teacher announced and started to name a few people of the class.
You weren't expecting anything. You would go along with anyone. You just hoped that you wouldn't be paired with Edward Cullen or Jasper Hale, even if he was handsome, because strangely enough, their entire family and himself hated you for some reasons.
"Tonny and Mark." Mrs. Danvers told and Tonny, your sitmate, groaned.
"Sad we could have been together !" He told you and you sent him a half sad smile.
"That's unfortunate." You replied and he slouched on his chair.
"Y/n and Jasper." The teacher announced and you felt your blood run cold.
Turning around toward the said blond, you ignored the whine of the boys and your eyes locked with his for the second time since you moved here. You couldn't read him. You didn't knew if he felt happy or horrified that he was paired up with you. Yet you knew that it was definitly not going to well between the two of you. He hated you for whatever reason and your father hated boys in general.
At the end of the class, you went to your locker, followed by your usual among of boys and put your english stuff in your locker before seeing Jasper approching you from afar. You quickly told the four boys around you to go and fixed your high poney tail before that the godlike blond stops before you.
"Hey." Jasper greeted you and you sent him a shy smile with a tiny wave.
"Hey, Jasper right ?" You asked. It was a habit of yours, always checking if you had their name correctluy first.
"Right, and you're Y/n right ?" He asked back even if he knew it.
"Right, that's me." You let out a shy, uneasy laugh and the boy smiled softly.
"So for the english project, are we doing it at your house or mine ?" Jasper asked and you frowned slightly.
"Cloud we do it at yours ? My father isn't really happy when I bring someone home, especially when it's a boy you know." You looked and away and Jasper nodded.
"Right okay. So this afternoon at mine ?" He clarified and you nodded quickly.
"Yes ! This afternoon, at yours !" You confirmed with an excited shime in your eyes and Jasper chuckled.
You were cute. He could feel how excited you were. He didn't knew if it was because you wanted to work of if it was because you would get to see his house, or even if it was because you wanted to spend some time with him, but he hoped it was the later, because he couldn't wait to spend some time with you.
So for the rest of the afternoon he waited patiebtly for the end of class to arrive and once he finished his biology class, he quickly made his way to the parking lot, seeing you already waiting by your car.
"Hey !" You greeted and he smiled a little.
"Hey, ready to go ?" Jasper asked and you nodded closing your cell phone before putting it in your hand bag.
Luckily, today your father was the one to drop you off at school which mean you didn't need ton follow Jasper in your car but could simply ride with him to his house. On the way there, the two of you had a short discussion. You discovered that he had two more sibling as a plus of Edward, Carter and Alice and that they liked to go hiking on sun days. You learned that the loved to have game nights when everyone was at home and you couldn't help but smile at the way he was talking about his family with such a big smile on his face.
"What about you ? Anything to share ?" Jasper offered and you thought, your eyes drifting to the scenery around you.
"Well, my mother dies when I was seven, since then I live with my father. In contrary of what people could think, he's a very present father even if he's busy with work. Sometimes, when he comes home, we have a few dinner together and we always share a few joke. He loves to bake so whenever we can' we're baking together ! We also paint a lot together, whivh you saw me a bunch of time by the river painting the scenery." You grinned and Jasper's eyes widened.
"How do you know that I see you ?" The golden eyes boy questioned and you giggled.
"You're not very well hidden by the trees you know ?" You teased and if he could, Jasper would have blush in embarrassement.
"It's okay, you can join me next time Jaz." You giggled before realizing how you called him.
"I mean-"
"It's alright. You can call me that." Jasper cut your apologize and you mirrored his smile.
"Alright." You looked back at the road as a soft music was playing from the radio.
You couldn't wait to know him more.
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Then you and Jasper got closer. At first it was only a few shy 'hi' or tiny waves but after two weeks on working on your project together, Jasper would pick you up everyday, and bring you home everyday. At first your father didn't like it, but he came around eventually. After three weeks of hanging out together, Jasper told you that he was a vampire. He knew it was dangerous but when you squealed and told him how cool this was, the empath couldn't help but love you even more.
"You can't be serious ?" Edward glared and Jasper huffed.
"Yes I am, I don't see why Bella could have dinner with us but Y/n can't." The empath replied angrily.
"Come on, you should have told us sooner, Esme didn't cook enough for two ! And Alice already told you to not hang out with that girl ! She is dangerous !" The golden brunette scolded.
"We all know that Bella never eat everything Esme made and no Y/n is not ! No one of you even tried to befriend her ! And what did you even see to be so reculant into meeting her ?" Jasper glared toward his sister.
"Jasper don't talk to your sister like that !" Esme stepped in and the blond rolled his eyes.
He had enough. Everytime you would come to his house for the english project, his family would say rude comment regarding you. From the way you dress for Alice to your weak looking body from Emmett to your parfum from Rosalie, they were always criticizing you somehow and each time Jasper could feel how it upset you or made you sad. He had enough of it.
"What did Alice see for you all to be so rude with Y/n !? Even you are Esme when we know that you are the sweetest woman on walking on Earth !" Jasper pointed out and the rest of the family stayed silent. Even Bella was there and she looked incredibly uncomfortable.
Then Emmett moved to open the door, revealing your figure about to knock at the door. He boy shoot you a tiny glare and you sent him an uneasy smile with a hint of fear.
"How long have you been standing there ?" The bearlike vampire asked and you shifted nervously under his gaze.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to overheard anything but then I heard shouting and I didn't want to knock in the middle of an argument. I can leave if you-"
"No." Jasper glared at Rosalie, who rolled her eyes, before sitting and joining you at the entrance.
Looking at you, Jasper frowned a little as he notived how you weren't wearing your usual tight shirt with dentel and a vest but you had a fletter sleeve white t-shirt instead, your usual low waisted jean was replaced by a high waisted jean with large leg, your heels were replaced by a pair of sneakers and your usual high pony tail was down, letting your hair cover your neck as much as possible, blocking the slight ordor of the different fragrance you used tonight. Jasper noticed how you tried your best to hide the freckles on your face with some make as one time Bella made abad comment about them. He noticed how you changed your entire look just to please his family's taste and he hated it. He loved how you would always ask him to tie your hair for you, or how he would count your freckles when he was bored.
"You look different." He acknowledged and you smiled brightly, but he could see it was fake.
"Yeah ! I didn't want to wear my usual style today ! Trying something new you know. Do you like it ?" You asked hopefully and Jasper frowned slightly as he heard Edward's snicker in the living room.
"It's... unusual for sure ?" The blond vampire replied as he moved out of the way, inviting you in.
"I must say, this smells really good Mrs. Cullen." You tried to compliment as everyone sat around the dinning table.
"Surely it smells better than you." Rosalie muttered, but made it loud enough as you could hear it from your sit and your smile fell a little while Jasper glared.
During the dinner the mood was tense. You knew it was because of you and Jasper could feel your guilty from across the room as you slowly ate your food.
"So Y/n ?" You immediately rose your head and looked toward Carter curiously.
"Jasper told us your mother was dead when you were younger. It must have hurt." The bruney male pointed out and you let out an uneasy laugh while looking away.
"Yeah it was." You muttered.
"How did she die ?" Bella asked blantly and you held your breath a little, image of your mother's death replaying in your head.
"She hum... she died in a car accident." You tried your best to not stutter and Jasper looked at you with worry, all he wanted was to comfort you.
"How old were you again ?" Edward smirked slightly, keeping the topic on.
"I was seven." You lowered your head and they hummed.
"That's young, how can you be so okay with it ?" Alice asked and Jasper glared at his siblings.
"Guys, stop." He growled lowly.
"No no, we want to know how did she cope with it all." Rosalie gave you a sickening sweet smile and you felt your stomach fell inside of you.
"I... Well I guess it was with time. And I was young, I didn't knew my mom very well-"
"So you didn't felt a tiny bit sad ?"
"What ? Oh no I felt devastated-"
"Were you in the car accident too ?"
"Yeah I was-"
"But you're fine ? Don't you think it's a little unfair for your mother ?"
"Guys. Stop. That."
"I think-"
"Don't you wish it was you ?"
"You don't even have a scar."
"I fould feel guilty if I were you."
"That's kind of unsensitive if you don't."
"I'm sorry. My father want me home." You stood up quickly without even looking up, afraid to show them you tears stained face.
Quickly walking out of the three story mansion, you didn't see the grins on the Cullen kids' faces and Jasper's worried and alarmed expression as you stepped in your car;
"Y/n/n I'm so sorry, I didn't-"
"It's okay Jaz. I don't even know why I showed up when I knew that your family hated me." You wiped away a tear as Jasper stood by the window of your car.
"No no, none of this is your fault don't feel guilty please I should have known they were going to be like that. None of this is your fault they were just a bunch of asshole please don't cry darling." Jasper put one of his cold hand against your cheek and you grabbed his hand in yours leaning in his familiar touch.
"I'm sorry Jaz... For not being good enough for you or your family... I'm sorry I couldn't reach their expectation." You started your car and Jasper moved away with sad eyes.
"Please don't leave me darling." He whispered and you looked down at your lap before sending him a sad look.
"I'll see you later Jaz." You drove away and Jasper watched your car disappear between the trees of the forest, his hand slowly clenching into fist.
He was mad. He didn't understand why was his family so rude with you. They all accepted Bella when she forced herself on the family why could they not accept you even after how hard you tried to reach their standart, how hard you tried to understand their life style and always covering for them whenever a teacher would ask here they are when they hunt. Jasper hated how his family blantly hated you for no reasons at all when all you did was making him happier than he ever was.
"Why would you do that ?" Jasper whispered not even turning around to face his family.
"Jasper you have to understand-"
"WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT !?" It was the first time Jasper rose his voice and his eyes were dark, almost black.
"Jasper don't-"
"Please don't. You two did nothing while they are harassing Y/n questiong that clearly made her uncomfotable what is wrong with you all !? I was finally at peace !! I was finally truly happy, not because someone else felt happy but because I felt genuinly happy for once in my immortal life and you had to ruin it !? You had to be rude, you have to make her feel worthless !?" Jasper growled and his siblings and Bella frowned slightly.
"Why do you care so much anyways ?" Emmett crossed his arms on his chest.
"BECAUSE I LOVE HER !!" The empath reveale and everyone stood there in disbelief.
"I love her so much it fucking hurt to see her and feel her so demaged by the one who are supposed to support me forever. I don't understand why you would accept Bella when she pratically forced herself on our famil but can't accept the strongest and kindest girl walking on Earth. Why do you all hate Y/n so much ?" Jasper asked deseperatly but only got the silence as an answer causing him to scoff at his family before starting walk away.
"You all are unbelievable."
That night, Jasper showed up at your window to see you curved into a ball, soft whimper and sniffs audible from under your cover.
"Oh darling..." The words slipped from his lips and you looked out of your cover with glossy eyes, only killing his dead heart even more.
"I'm so sorry darling... I love you so much I'm so sorry..." Jasper whispered as he slided beside you and you immediately vurled inside of his arms, seeking for the warmth only he could give you even with a cold skin.
The both of you stayed in that position, for a while, him slowly caressing your hair and you sniffing from time to time as you listened to the silence inside his chest, calming your nerves. After a while, Jasper looked down at your figure debating if he should do his next move or not. But you needed to get away from them. Both of you.
"Let's run away together" His voice was calm and you looked up at him with red eyes from crying.
"But your family-"
"Won't do anything. I don't think I can trust them for a while after tonight." Jasper cut you and you frowned.
"Is it because of m-"
"Darling, nothing is your fault. We're going to pack your bag and tell you're dad what happened. He will understand." The vampire told you and you hesitated before nodding.
"But what about your family ?" You questioned silently.
"This is their fault. They will have to assume the result of their actions."
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So here you were six years later, barely twenty-three years old, cooking in the kitchen waiting for your husband to come back from his day at work. Yeah Jasper was working. He was actually working in the library near the town you decided to settle in. You worked too, you were a teacher for pre-schooler. Then you heard the bell ring at the door and your dog, Fanny, barked loudly causing you to frown.
"Fanny ! Don't growl !" You scolded as youi wiped your hand on your appron before opening the door.
There stood a girl, she looked like she was eleven or something, and she held a box of cookies in her hands with a smile. To be honest she kind you reminded you of someone but you didn't knew who.
"Hey, can I help you dearie ?" Your soft adult side came out and Fanny ran at your feet.
"Hello ! My name is Renesmee and I'm here on behalf of my family ! My four siblings, our two parents and I moved a couple of miles away and we wanted to invite you and your family for dinner. These are for you." The girl grinned while handind you the box of cookie and you sent her an apologetic smile.
"I'm so sorry, I'm already making dinner. Come on in thought." You invited and the golden brunette smile while stepping inside of the house after you.
The little looked around in aww as the vintage style was all around the house. On the wall there was a few painting, along with some pictures of your dog, yourself and Jasper all around and the smell of fresh bread greeted Renesmee as she sat down.
"It's very pretty here." She complimented and you smiled.
"Thank you, my husband and I settled here a few years back ourselves. You could invite your family for dinner thought. I always love to meet new people." You replied and Renesmee nodded gently.
"Come by in thirty minutes, everything should be ready by then." You added and the girl nodded before walking out of your house, escorted by Fanny who got a few scratches behind the ears as a reward before that the little waved see you later.
So now, thirty minutes later, you were placing seven more plates around your dinner table that you extanded. You texted Jasper to tell him about the unexpected guests so he could prepare and you smiled as the bell rang and Fanny ran to the door.
"Ay you big girl, out of the way." You shooed her away before opening the door, a bright smile plastered on your face as you saw seven people by your door. They all looked oddly familiar but you and your amazing memory couldn't remember from where you knew them.
"Hi, hello ! You must be our new neighbor. I'm Y/n L/n/n-Hale, please come on in." You moved out of the way, missing the glance the family shared between themselves before stepping walked in the dinning room and they all sat around the dinning table while you grabbed some hot plat with a kitchen glove.
"You're house is lovely." A wavy brunette woman complimented and you grinned, she looked around twenty-six to twenty-eight years old.
"Thank you, my husband and I designed it a few years back, he should probably be home soo-" Your reply was cut short when Jasper bargged inside of the house with a serious yet worried expression.
"Darling are you alright !? I've smell a couples of vampires around the house and-" Jasper cut himself when he noticed who was sitting around your dinner table while you froze in confusion.
"Jasper ?" The father of the family asked and you forwned slightly before that it cklicked inside of your head.
"Shit !" You swore under your breath as you finally recognized the people in your dinning room.
"What are you all doing here ?" Jasper growled slowly making his way to you.
"Jasper we weren't-"
"Why are you here ?" Jasper glared and you moved around the table to join his side.
"Jaz, honey, calm down alright ? They were not going to do anything." You bit the inside of your cheek as your husband leaned into your touch.
"If he is my uncle Jasper then are you the problematic mean girl ?" Renesmee asked and you turned to her in confusion.
"I'm sorry ?" You replied.
"Y/n was anything but problematic." The ex-soldier stepped in and Edward glared at him.
"She made you run away from us ! We're literally your family !" The golden brunet replied and you looked down, it was the same thing all over again.
"If you all weren't that awful with her I would have never proposed her to run away with me. You all were blantly rude and totally ignored her discomfort, you made her question her whole being from her personality to her way of dressing, I had to spent years, YEARS, to help her regain her confidence again do you know how helpless I felt ? Listening to the love of my life criyng herself to sleep without being able to make her feel better because it would have just creat her some fake happiness ? Do you know how I felt when no one of you even tried to befriend her while alml of you sacrified your life plenty of times for Bella while she was just human ?! You disregarded my feelings and thought only because you were selfish enough to think that I only belonged with you. You made me run away from you." Jasper revealed with venom as his eyes darkened and the room fell silent.
"Jasper we're so sorry..." Alice's voice was small as she took a step foward and you felt Jasper hold tighten around your waist.
"The day Y/n arrived at school I- I saw you both together. And you were happy. But the rest of us weren't. And then I saw you both running away and I thought- I thought that Y/n somehow turned you against us. I saw us fighting over her I thought- I thought that she would break us apart somehow and..." Alice trailed off and you frowned slightly at the realization.
"You didn't want to lose your best friend and brother..." You finished silently and everyone turned to you.
"I know how that feels." You chuckled bitterly before moving away from Jasper's hold.
"Jasper was the first person you ever considerated family, you both spent years together before finding the rest of your family. Even I could see the close bond between you two. Between you all." You smiled softly, disappearing in the kitchen before coming back with a letter.
"I understand why you did what you did. You could have probably be less harsh sure, but I understand. And I forgive you. Not because I know that Jasper would never forgive you if I don't but because I genuinly forgive you all." You put the letter on the table and everyone awwed at your kindness.
"We got your letter Rosalie. At first I didn't believe that you would be the first one apologizing, after all you were probably the scariest, but your words really had an effect on me." You told and the blond godess smiled.
She sent you this letter over four years ago, you didn't knew how the letter actually got delivered at your house but when you received this letter, you and Jasper just had marry and it was probably one of the best wedding gift ever.
After that everyone was now in the living room, catching up with each other. Jasper was still a little bit tense, his family understood why, but you didn't pay attention to it and continued to smile, offering them a cup of blood you had in your fridge in case Jasper had an emergency. You learned about Bella's pregnancy and the whole half-human, half-vampire baby war while the Cullens learned how Jasper made a lot of improvement being around humans.
"We're very sorry for the way we treated you before Y/n." Esme apologized one last time and you shrugged it off.
"Please forget it, the past is the past and we have plenty of years ahead of us." You joked and they all smiled.
"Are you planning on being turned by the way ?" Bella asked you and shook your head causing a few of them to rose their eyes.
"I'm waiting until I'm atleast 25 years old. I want to enjoy my youth as much as possible without passing like a weird girl being married to a twenty year old librarian. But until then I'm just fine while being human." You announced and the rest of the Cullen nodded in understanding while you poured Renesmee some apple juice in a tea cup.
"I still can't believe we thought you were bad..." Emmett muttered and they all shared an awkward laugh while you brusted in a fit of giggle.
"It's okay really. And it got me some times alone with Jaz for a while." You replied and your lover passed his arms around your waist, resting her chin on your shoulder.
Then a loud gasp was heard.
"ENGAGED OR MARRIED ALREADY ?" Alice rushed to your side, grabbing yours and Jasper's hand quickly and the rest of the family widened their eyes.
"Engaged. Y/n forced me to wait until all of us will get along again. She wanted my family to attend the wedding as much as hers." Jasper kissed you cheek and you chuckled leaning into his touch.
"Bless that girl, I hope you didn't expected to have you wedding without me." Alice playfully glared and everyone laughed.
If someone would have told you five years ago that you were getting along with Jasper's family you would have give them a big sad smile with an 'I wish' for answer. Now you couldn't wait for the awaiting future with your new family.
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Taglist - @thisismyblogname5678
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xalonelydreamerx · 1 year
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BREAKING DAWN P2 + letterboxd reviews [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
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A movie for every year since I was born: Twilight: Breaking Dawn (Part 2) (2012)
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andreafmn · 2 years
Speak | Chapter 6
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Word Count: 3.7K
Story Description: Bella Swan was a disaster when Edward had left. Deciding she needed a little help, Charlie Swan receives with open arms his younger daughter (Y/N) Swan. She helps Bella during her depression and becomes inseparable from her long-lost friend Jacob. What she didn’t expect was falling for a hotheaded short-tempered silver wolf.
Chapter: 6/?
A/N: Alright, alright, here it finally is. The next part of Speak, a story I never thought people would enjoy so much. It still surprises me every time I get a message or a comment about it. Just glad y'all are enjoying it! My content will always be free, but if you’re feeling particularly generous, you can leave a tip on any of my posts to support me and my love of writing🥺👉👈. Hope you enjoy, and all constructive criticism is encouraged.
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Chapter 6
It was hard for (Y/N) to focus on the moment for the rest of the night. Her mind kept replaying those few minutes of kindness Paul, a complete stranger, had given her. She couldn’t fathom how someone she had seen only from afar, someone she only knew by name, had somehow seen into her heart better than the boy who had known her most of her life. It was unexpected, thrilling, and just a tad bit terrifying.
She didn’t understand why she felt a strong pull toward him. There she was, in the arms of the person she had pined over from the moment she knew what attraction was, and her mind kept straying to the guy that had gotten her the dream catcher that was hidden in the cruiser like a dirty secret.
The piece felt nothing as such. It was thoughtful and beautiful, and the way it made her chest flutter signified a deeper meaning she could not dig out. There was no reason for her heart to react that way to him. She shouldn’t have wanted to feel his warm skin wrapped around her again, shouldn’t have wanted to inhale his scent or feel his arms against her, not even to see his bright smile once more.
Yet, that’s all she could think of as she helped clean up the night’s festivities. The way he called her name, the way his eyes lit up as she thanked him, the picturesque way his tan skin looked against the snow. And his smile. She could not get the image of his smile out of her head.
“Wait, (Y/N),” Jake called out to the girl as she followed their fathers out the door. His voice broke her out of her trance, a red hue taking over her cheeks. “Could you give this to Bella?”
He handed her a bag, much like the one she was already holding. But this one was beautiful — shiny red with a silver ribbon. It wasn’t crumbled or bent and looked like he’d put a lot of time and care into it. And it was just the bag.
“Is this another candle?” (Y/N) joked, trying her best to hide her disappointment.
“Uh, something like that,” he replied. “It’s just something I’ve had laying around and thought it might cheer Bella up. So, can you please get it to her?”
“Sure, of course. What is it anyway?”
“It’s nothing really,” he chuckled. “Looks like your dad’s ready to go.”
He pointed at Charlie who was glaring at them from the cruiser. His brows were furrowed and his mouth was downturned in an annoyed scowl. The man motioned at his daughter to hurry, his patience growing thin as his eyes followed the hand of the boy on the low of her back. Jake instantly retrieved his arm, flinching as if he’d burned himself with the touch.
“I should…”
“Yeah, you should go.” He bent down to give her a kiss, but she turned her head, his lips pressing onto her cheek. “I’ll see you later, okay?”
“Yeah,” she smiled forcefully. “See you.”
(Y/N) was quiet on the ride home. Bella’s gift bag was guarded in her hands, her fingers playing with the delicate ribbon. It took everything in her not to peek into the bag, to see just how much Jake loved Bella over her.
“You okay, kiddo?” Charlie broke the silence as they pulled into the driveway. “You’ve been awfully quiet.”
“Just tired,” she smiled reassuringly. “I might love Christmas but it’s an unbelievably draining holiday.”
“Well, why don’t you head up to bed and I’ll put away the food?”
“You sure?”
“I can manage a few leftovers, (Y/N),” he chuckled. “Now, go on.”
“Well, good night, dad. And merry Christmas.”
“You too, kiddo.”
The girl hurried into the house, snow melting onto her clothes as she sped in. She held three things in her hands – Jake’s two gift bags and the box that stored the dreamcatcher. She had inconspicuously dug it from under her chair without drawing any attention to it from Charlie. She did not have the energy to explain where it had come from.
When she made it up the stairs, before going into her room, she stopped by Bella’s. The gift in her hand burned a hole in her heart that she quickly tried to smother by justifying why her sister’s gift could be better. Her older sister had been here for a long time now, it was more than likely that he’d bought her gift some time ago.
“Hey, the sweater looks good on you,” (Y/N) called out to her sister. The girl had changed from her black zip-up hoodie to the light grey sweater she had gotten that morning from (Y/N). “Do you like it?”
“Yeah,” Bella sighed. “Did you have fun tonight?”
“Uh, yes. But we missed you there.” After she was met with silence, (Y/N) continued. “And, uh, Jake got this for you. He asked me to bring it.”
“Thanks,” was all Bella mumbled before grabbing the red bag.
After another silent moment, (Y/N) took this as a sign that her sister wanted her to leave. A sign she very much obliged to. She didn’t want to know what her boyfriend had gotten her sister that could be lighter than a candle but still warranted a bag. She would continue to be in denial that Jake would always have stronger feelings for Bella.
At the end of the day, she was his girlfriend, she told herself. No matter how long Jacob had pined for Bella, no matter how in love with her she knew he was, he was her boyfriend. (Y/N) was the one that got to kiss him, the one that got to hold him, the one that would be told those three words she already felt for him.
He had chosen her, and that was enough.
At least, it should have been enough.
But as she carefully unpacked the dreamcatcher Paul had gifted her and hung it above the bed, she wondered just how much Jake truly cared for her and how much she cared for him. She had been in love with him since she understood what it was to like someone. He’s always made her stomach flutter and her heart feel warm. And she had finally gotten everything she wanted with him.
Yet, she could not help the warmth that took over her when she thought of Paul, the boy she only knew by name and a short conversation. There had also been that dream. The image she could not shake from her head because it had felt real. Too real.
She had felt the love she had spoken of. After hugging him that night, she knew she had felt the same thing in her slumber. His arms wrapped around her, the warmth of his skin, the sound of his quickened heartbeat. She had felt it all inside her head.
But how could she be thinking of Paul if she loved Jacob? How could any ounce of her brain hold the image of someone she did not know? As she lay in bed, staring at her ceiling, waiting for sleep to overtake her, she thought. Maybe it was a fluke. A glitch in her head that would be corrected the next time she was with Jake. Because that was what she needed Paul to be, a simple accident.
She was laying on the grass in the clearing she knew. The wind was whistling softly, caressing her face gently. The sun warmed her body as it seeped through the trees. She was comfortable, and she felt happy.
Of course, she wasn’t alone.
Centimeters from her face was Paul’s. Their noses were so close she could feel the blow of his breath on her skin. He’d placed a hand on her cheek, his thumb stroking gingerly the length of her cheekbone. It was a touch (Y/N) couldn’t help but lean into, her eyes closing as she enjoyed the moment.
“You’re breathtaking,” Paul whispered as his fingers moved to trace the features of her face. “Absolutely enchanting.”
“You’re just saying that,” she chuckled. Her eyes were still closed as her stomach fluttered at the ghostly touch of his hand.
“It’s true,” he smiled as his thumb traced her bottom lip. “The most beautiful person I’ve ever laid eyes on.”
A deep red hue took over her cheeks, a warmth she tried hiding by lowering her head. Though it was a futile attempt as Paul placed a hand under her chin and forced her to look into his eyes. He smiled at her before placing his lips on hers. It was comforting and kind, and it all felt real.
“You speak like a man in love,” she chuckled, the corners of her eyes crinkling as she smiled brightly. “Is that what you are, Paul Lahote? A man in love?”
“Do you even have to ask?”
“There was a moment you weren’t.”
“Really?” he laughed. “I don’t remember that.”
“Well, it wasn’t too long ago, you know.”
“I don’t know. I’m pretty sure I’ve been in love with you my whole life,” he smiled. “I just needed some time to catch up. Because I love you, (Y/N) Swan. Always have.”
“So do I, Paul. Today, tomorrow, and every day after.”
She was startled awake by the sound of her phone ringing, and for a second she was disappointed. She was enjoying the dream. She loved and she felt loved. She seemed happy and lively. Her dream self looked like everything she aspired to be.
Her heart was beating fast. In part from the phone, but mostly because of the dream she had just woken from. Once more, Paul had sneaked his way into her head.
“Hey, Jake,” she croaked out. “Everything okay?”
“Oh, did I wake you?”
“No, no. It’s fine,” she chuckled. “What’s up?”
“Just wanted to chat,” he responded. “Did you give Bella the gift?”
“What’d she say?”
(Y/N) swallowed an annoyed sigh. “Nothing yet,” she responded instead. “She was asleep when we got home, so I just left it on her bedside table with a note.”
“Oh, okay,” he said. “Sorry about the candle, by the way. I really didn’t have any time to get anything good but I promise I’ll make it up to you.”
“It’s okay, Jake,” she said as she ran her fingers across the dream catcher. “I do have a question for you, and I don’t want you to take it the wrong way.”
“What is it?”
“What can you tell me about that guy, uh, Paul?”
Jacob kept quiet for a moment, probably wondering where the question could have come from.  “Why?” he answered. “Did something happen?”
“No, everything’s fine. It’s just I was curious about him,” she lied. “Ever since he showed up to confront you, I’ve been wondering who he is.”
“Well, he’s a short-tempered, cocky guy that thinks he’s the center of attention,” Jacob grumbled. “He’s annoying and overbearing. There were rumors that he used to sleep around before he joined Sam’s gang. Paul Lahote is just a truly awful guy.”
“Oh,” she replied. Everything he had said felt nothing like the Paul that had given her the gift she inspected with her hand. He’d seemed thoughtful and caring, kind and compassionate. But those were merely her assumptions. She’d never met him before then. “He sounds like an awful guy.”
“He is, and I’m telling you, stay away from him.” (Y/N) could hear the seriousness in his voice. Yet, everything inside her screamed that it wasn’t true. It couldn’t be. “He’s the type of guy that will use you and break your heart. Seriously, (Y/N), stay away.”
“I will. I promise,” she said, still lying through her teeth. “I just wanted t know who we’re up against if he keeps showing up.”
“Alright,” he chuckled. “So, we’re having a bonfire next week for New Year’s Eve. Wanna come down?”
“Yeah, sounds perfect.”
“Check to see if Bella’s up for it. It’d be good for her to leave the house.”
Of course, she thought. Inviting Bella was always close behind whenever Jake planned anything between them. “Sure,” she said. “I’ll see if she wants to go.”
“Alright, then,” he chuckled. “I’ll see you soon, beautiful. Good night.”
“Night, Jake.”
(Y/N) kept replaying in her head like an unhealthy mantra that Jacob had chosen her. Regardless of his feelings — past feelings — for Bella, he had asked her to be his girlfriend. That was enough for her. It just had to be enough. 
”So, you just walked up to Jake’s house  and gave her the gift?” Jared questioned as he nibbled on a chocolate chip muffin. “That’s just weird, dude.”
“I don’t know. It seemed right at the moment,” Paul exasperated. “I just couldn’t keep it at home like a freaking hoarder.”
“So, instead you went to her boyfriend’s house, who you detest, hoping she was there. Then, you gave her a gift. You, a complete stranger. Downright stalker-ish, man.”
“Well, whatever. She liked it, so.”
“You know, it doesn’t sound like your plan to stay away is actually working out,” his friend chuckled. Paul could only respond with a menacing stare. Jared was only speaking the truth. “Seemed like that imprint bond is too hard to shake, huh?”
“You have no idea,” he sighed, slumping onto the sofa. “I just… ugh!”
“Why don’t you just talk to her already? If it makes you this miserable,” Jared groaned. “I honestly am starting to miss your angry outbursts rather than these mopey ones.”
“Not as tired as I am. But that’s the way it’s gonna be.”
Paul couldn’t admit that he felt something for the girl. Not only was she with a guy he despised, but she was the sister of a bloodsucker sympathizer — it wouldn’t shock him if she became one too. Yet, those weren’t the real reasons he wanted to avoid her. He couldn’t bring himself to introduce her to his world.
He’d been forced into the supernatural. Something in his genetics decided he’d be the town’s protectant. And, sure, he liked being stronger, faster, and supernaturally enhanced. But he couldn’t impose that onto anyone else. He couldn’t expose her to this life and make her keep it a secret from everyone around her. It simply wasn’t fair.
So, he’d continue forcing the first two excuses. To protect her and protect himself. He didn’t know her and he would keep it that way. Even if his wolf had other ideas.
He couldn’t stop his head from flashing the image of her. He couldn’t stop feeling her smaller arms around him, the sweet smell of her perfume, the fast beating of her heart, the warm feeling of her skin. And he couldn’t stop hoping it happened again.
“But wouldn’t it feel great to steal her from Jake?” Jared teased. “Scratch that, I know you’d love it. Mind link and everything.”
“Oh, shut up, Jared,” he grumbled, crossing his arms across his chest. “It’s not gonna happen. So, just drop it.”
“Look, man, it won’t kill you to tell her,” his friend continued. “Look at Kim and me. I would have never had her with me had I been scared of this whole thing.”
“Yeah, and look at Leah, Emily, and Sam,” he responded in a hushed voice. “That turned out so well.”
“Technically, it did,” he retorted. “Sam and Emily are happy together. Sure they went through a lot of shit and people got hurt, but they’re happy nonetheless. And I’m sure you want that for yourself.”
 “Look, if it will shut you up, I’ll invite her to the New Year’s Eve bonfire,” he finally relented. “And she’ll probably be freaked out because a complete stranger is asking her out. Oh, and she already had a boyfriend. That’s gonna end so well for me.”
“You never know unless you try, Pauly boy,” Jared joked. “Look, I bet that she’ll say yes. You have a whole week to convince her.”
“What do I get if you lose?”
“I’ll do three of your patrols the week after.”
Paul pretended to think about it, playing into Jared’s gambling personality. But he already knew the outcome. He knew who (Y/N) would be going to the bonfire with, much to his dismay. “Alright,” he grinned. “It’s a bet. What do you want if you win?”
“Same thing. Could use some free time, honestly.”
“Alright then, the loser has to do three patrols for the winner,” he smiled deviously. “It’s a bet.”
And as much as he wanted to relish in his sure win, he was dreading having to actually interact with (Y/N). How could he show up, out of the blue, and try to spend time with her? They didn’t know each other and he’d already done some things that did not paint him in the best light. Worst case scenario, she already thought he was a creep. Regardless, he’d made a bet and he was going to see it through.
Jake was confused. Completely and utterly confused.
In the beginning, he was sure of what he was doing. Albeit a bad thing, he did it regardless. He was using (Y/N) as a way to make Bella jealous. To show her just how good of a boyfriend he could be in an effort to sway her heart in his direction. He wanted to help her forget all about Edward and his family.
He didn’t want (Y/N) in the crossfire. He didn’t even know she would be coming to Forks, much less staying indefinitely. But when she showed up at his house, he knew she would be a good piece to play in his game.
Jake had known that the girl had been crushing on him for as long as he’d fallen for Bella. She had not been the most subtle person with her feelings. He also knew of the underlying rivalry the sisters had. It wasn’t hard to notice which of the two was always favored by the parents, as horrible as it may sound. So, he thought if Bella saw how happy he could make her sister, she’d come running into his arms.
Deep down, Jacob knew what he was doing was horrible. He was knowingly going to break his friend’s heart in the hopes that her sister would fall for him. It was awful and calculated, but it was the only way he thought would be fruitful for him.
What he wasn’t expecting was to grow feelings for the girl. Though they were small and paled in comparison to what he felt for Bella, they were there. Especially after he’d caught Paul Lahote staring at her and after he told him to back off. He felt angry and possessive over (Y/N). Feelings he thought were reserved for Bella.
Yet, he couldn’t help the burning ire that overtook him when the guy had shown up at his front door. It had prompted him to ask (Y/N) to be his girlfriend, something he had not planned to do before the encounter. But the mere thought of having something over Lahote was enough to make him act irrationally.
Jacob did care for her, and everything he was doing had started to eat at his thoughts. But the knowledge of what could be waiting on the other side of this whole ordeal was far greater than any regret he felt. (Y/N) would soon enough move on from him, and he could have everything he wanted.
“Jake, my boy,” Billy called out to his son after they finished cleaning that Christmas night. “You and I gotta have a serious talk.”
With evident worry on his face, Jake joined his father in the living room. He sat on the couch across from Billy, wondering just what they needed to speak of. “What’s up, dad?” he asked. “Something wrong?”
“What’re your intentions with (Y/N), son? Last time I checked you were head over heels for her sister.”
“I don’t know, dad. I just like her, I guess,” he scrambled a response. His father had always been observant and wise beyond his years. Almost nothing could get past him. “It’s still very new, so I guess I’m just seeing where it goes.”
“Now, you know how much I care for that girl,” Billy continued. His tone felt almost like a scolding to Jake. “If you’re not sure about your feelings for her, you better let her know. She deserves better than to have you lead her on, kid.”
“I know, dad,” Jake grumbled. “It’s not what I’m doing. We literally have only been together a couple of weeks.”
“As long as you are aware of what you are doing, son. (Y/N) seems strong, but she has a gentle heart. I would hate to see my own child break it.” The cadence of his voice carried a soft tone that felt threatening, seeping into Jake’s bones. His face was stoic, and the boy could tell his father was serious. “That girl is overlooked enough as it is. Charlie is my friend and I care for him, but he’s never noticed how little attention he’s paid (Y/N) over the years. And so has Renée. Now, I won’t have my own son do the same to her. So, you need to decide whether or not your feelings for her are strong enough to get you over Bella. If not, it’s better to let her down gently now than when she falls in love with you. Do you understand me, Jake?”
“Yes, dad,” Jacob sighed. “I promise I’ll get my head in order.”
“Alright then, son.”
Billy turned his attention to the tv, some football highlights lighting the screen, as Jacob left for his room with his head hung low. The boy knew the weight of his father’s words. He understood that everything he was doing will ultimately hurt someone. Someone who didn’t deserve that pain.
Yet, he couldn’t find it in himself to tell the truth. That whatever spark of feelings that had ignited in him for (Y/N) was not strong enough to ever put out the fire that burned in him for her older sister. So, if he had to hurt the younger Swan in order to get Bella, he would. Every single time he would choose Isabella Swan.
Taglist: @winter-soldier-101@zheezs14 @a-sifu-hotman @sunflowerleii @DyslexicCatterpillar @Blackbluerose666 @slutforsainz @kortniec696 @xcastawayherosx@minhaimaginacao @bluebirbnamedJay @sirenheadenby@andreiaafaria@bluetreecloud20 @valejewel @nogitsune-the @user0ur0mom@skyesthebomb @swidkid @avis15 @honeylovemoon@wonieeee @edwardssugarmommy @nyenye@sugajar @lovel-blog @witchofhawkins @Six-Call @then-worship-at-my-altar@ems-alexandra @blueshoelacess @Nyctophilia710 @rosalie-whitlock @nocturnalherb16 @this-is-a-bad-idea@esposadomd @locokoca@volturiwolf@spookyqueen@gh0stgirl33@catgirlpwr @nolaxox @klf1999@krazyk99@ilikepunsbeth@adaydreamaway08@cinffy23 @paodemorangol1l1 @hufflepuffobsessedwithmarvel@toomanythoughts33@jrosefangirl@queereddie @Missvicious @sugasthreedollarkookie @laylaskywalker @fandomonetwo@fruitylilfuck @a-slut-for-Loki-Bucky @honeywxter @haroldpotterson @justamessandahalf @come-on-darling-honey @dove-chan32931 @kaita11 @gangstalicious06 @iincandescenttt @demonchick1 @uwunuggetchan @elijahssuit @multifandomreader73 @shara-ne @nngkay @blackloveangel13 @Mar @the-faceless-bride @holywolfsstuff @abs-2020 @lunajay33 @hpboysslut2707 @lisacarolined
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skylessknights · 1 year
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THE TWILIGHT SAGA: REBORN (dir. Catherine Hardwicke)
Many years after their confrontation with the Volturi, Bella and Edward have become extremely overprotective when it comes to their daughter, Renesmee, who is half human and half vampire. But their indecisive parenting has only pushed them farther away from each other and in doing so isolated Renesmee from both worlds that she wishes to be a part of.
Out of fear of, Edward takes his family to different states; only staying for more than five years in order to avoid suspicion from the locals. But when Renesmee’s untamed thirst for blood and wild instincts causes an incident at her newest school she is forced to return to her parents’ small town of Forks in order to ensure her safety. 
Amid the tumult, Renesmee seeks absolution and freedom, but her journey of self reflection sends her to La Push where the Quileute shape-shifters dwell. As she spends more time with the pack she is dragged into a power play between brothers and a hierarchical shift that could end the treaty between vampires and werewolves. 
⤷ I also made a Netflix edit based on this idea, feel free to check it out here
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prettypinkporkchop · 2 months
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Rosalie x fem reader
Rosalie pov:
My family and I are running through the woods, trying to catch James so he can't get to precious Bella. It's not fair that she gets to pick her fate, but I didn't. I'm doing this for my family, not her.
A smell hits all of our noses. An unknown person's blood. "Hold!" Carlisle yells. We stop and sniff around. "She's been bitten. I can hear her thoughts from here. They're loud." Edward spoke. "We have to find her." Esme responds.
"I'll track down James, Rose and I will find her. Rose can control herself." Carlisle looks at his family members.
I feel bad for the girl. If only Bella could experience what me and this unknown woman have.
I run towards the smell. There lays a beautiful woman on the ground, and she's convulsing. Carlisle grabs her hand. "It's too late. The venom is in her bloodstream." He sighs. "Let's take her in." I feel bad for her.
I feel this pull towards her. I've never been with a woman before. But, maybe it is strange. Carlisle wanted me and Edward together, but I felt nothing. Same with Emmett. Maybe I am meant to be with her. After all, men failed me when I was breathing.
There was no sign of James. Me, Carlisle, Alice, and Emmett sat in the room, waiting for the girl to wake up. Esme and Jasper were preparing some space for her. Edward and Bella left to god knows where. I don't care.
Suddenly, her eyes open. The new redness in them taunts me of my rebirth.
that's when it all began
Fast forward
Your pov:
"Rose.." my timid voice spoke. I lean on her bedroom door frame while she sits at her vanity doing her makeup. "Hm?" She asks. "I'm sorry for being a pain. I didn't mean to." You play with your fingers.
You and Rose have been fighting over the wolves. You appreciate them for helping you guys during this newborn battle that is aboit to happen. Rose is mad at you for befriending one of them. She closes her eyes, and if a vampire can take a deep breath, she would've. She stands up and turns to you. "I'm sorry for being such a bitch, y/n. I'm just very protective of you." She steps to you and tucks your hair behind your ear. "I love you." She whispers. "I love you, too." You lean in and press your lips on hers. She smiles into the kiss. You guys are pulling back and going back in. Her hands hold your face.
Alice runs to you guys in a panic. "Guys, we have to get into action now. The newborns are coming here tomorrow." Alice runs back downstairs. Rose kisses your cheek and wraps her arms around your neck. "When we beat them, kill them all, you're marrying me." She whispers in your ear.
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nightingale2004 · 2 months
Twilight next generation: Bella x Edward version
Elizabeth Rosaleise Swan Cullen
Faceclaim: Katie Douglas
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Oldest daughter of Edward Cullen and Bella Swan and the firstborn triplet
Elizabeth is a vampire human hybrid, otherwise known as a Dhampir in her family
She looks more like her mother with a bit of her father
Elizabeth prefers to be called Liz, Lizzy, Elly, or Eliza for shirt
Like most of her family, she is gifted with the ability of mind control
Elizabeth and her siblings were born in Forks Washington, but as soon as they were born, her family immediately packed up and made their way straight to Alaska with the help of Jacob and his pack
Liz has a love for dancing, and her family comes all to her dance shows. Her favorite is ballet, the waltz, and also playing "Just Dance"
Has more control over her thirst for blood than her siblings
She's not really close with her parents but feels more close with the rest of her family.
She always wanted to meet her mom's parents. After they moved back to Forks, she developed a very great relationship with her grandfather Charlie Swan and his new wife, Sue Clearwater
Feels closer with her aunt Rosalie and her Uncle Emmett.
She always challenges her uncle Emmett to a dance off (which she always wins)
Loves her sister Renesmee
She is a bookworm like her dad and also has a major collection of music records
Loves her family very much
She often dances in private to let off a little steam or when she needs to clear her head
Has a great sense of fashion (thanks to her aunt Alice)
She's a loner like her dad and prefers her solitude, but there are times when she loves the comfort of her family
Is also a lover of yoga
E.J (Edward Jr.) Masen Swan Cullen
Faceclaim: Timothée Chalamet
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E.J. is the second born triplet and firstborn son of Edward Anthony Masen Cullen and Isabella Marie Swan
Like his sisters, he is also a Dhampir
He is called Eddie, Ed, mini Ed, or mini Edward by his family (mostly by his uncle Emmett)
He has a gift as well, which is telekinesis (moving things with his mind)
When E.J. shared his mother's womb with his sisters, the three of them could communicate with each other through their minds
E.J. and his sister's still have psychic conversations with each other in case they don't want their parents hearing them
E.J. takes after his father in appearance but has his mother's awkward introverted personality
E.J. is an artistic soul and loves painting, drawing and sketching.
He is a big loner.
Prefers silence but loves hearing his younger sister Nessie play piano
Loves playing chess with Edward
He often sketches his family or anything he sees
Loves training with his uncle Jasper
He is a little gentleman and modern feminist
A big bookworm
He is Esme's favorite (don't tell anyone🤫)
He is closer with his dad and often seeks him out for advice along with his uncle Jasper and Grandfather Carlisle
He is a baseball champion and one of the fastest runners in the Cullen clan
Renesmee Carlie Swan Cullen
Faceclaim: Mackenzie Foy
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Renesmee is the youngest child of Edward and Bella Cullen and the third triplet out of her siblings
She is a mommy's girl
Takes after both her parents but has her father's beauty in Bella's opinion
Also a Dhampir
Unlike her older siblings, she is actually very social and loves interacting with her family and making new friends
She loves playing piano and is a piano protege
She is very close with almost all her family
She is called Nessie, Ren, Nes and Beautiful by her family
She and her siblings grew up in Alaska, but when the triplets became teens, Bella wanted to go back to Forks and managed to convince everyone to join her
Renesmee has a bit of difficulty controlling her thirst and can sometimes go into a spiral, which is a risk to her family.
When Ness and her family moved to Forks, it wasn't an easy adjustment, but they soon grew comfortable. At least until the wolf shifter and Volturi drama happened.
Renesmee writes her own music and original pieces. She also plays music for Lizzie to dance to.
She hates seeing her family argue with each other or see her parents fight
Her gift is shield penetration and thought transmission. She can also have psychic conversations.
Renesmee tries to see the bright side of things and tries to make everyone happy.
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We don't really talk about Jacob and what it means now that he'll live forever. He is at this point a permanent member of the Cullen coven. He'll travel with them and stay with them forever.
But I also know he'll return to La Push many times in his very long life.
He'll somewhat be like the Maltese vampire Luca who despite being a vampire and immortal still loves his family and takes care and protects his descendants. The family sees him as a saint. (You can read about him in the Twilight: Illustrated Guide)
Jacob is going to be exactly like this. He would guide the new wolves of every generation and see to it that the Quileutes prosper. The Quileute children of each generation would be told stories of their ancient guardian who has the love of vampires. Yes, vampires would still be an enemy but not the golden eyes who love their guardian.
Jacob would be a legend in the tribe. It's so cool to imagine!
Has anyone every written a fic like this about Jacob?
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battlescas · 13 days
Well...happy...birthday...to Renesmee...*sigh*
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theinheriteddutchess · 4 months
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Ah remember this?
Jacob "forced to like you, can't resist giving you anything you want, saved your mother and our whole family, whose people are being in danger and being turned because of our preference nearby" Black's happy ending😒
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k-fangirledits · 4 months
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iiconicxpersona · 11 months
You know what I’ll never understand in the battle scene on Breaking Dawn pt. 2? WHY THE HELL DIDNT BELLA ATTACK JANE AND ALEC FIRST???
SERIOUSLY! She’s a freaking SHIELD. Jane and Alec couldn’t hurt her even if they tried! She could’ve saved Jasper and Seth if she would’ve just finished them off first, but NOOOOO. Especially Jane with how many times she’s hurt Edward with her powers. Literally right then and there would’ve been a perfect time to get revenge. Those two should’ve been #1 on her list but whatever.
I know it was all just a vision in the end but it still pisses me off.
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hey so in the ask abt bella and edward dying u said renesmee would still grow up in a weird environment. how would that go?
Anon's referring to this post.
Anon, *lowers sunglasses*, I suggest you...
Write the fic.
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(gif credit @franzias-cave)
Seriously, the answer is it depends on how Bella and Edward died. Vampires don't die of natural causes and how they go will make this answer different. We have...
Bella died in childbirth then Edward killed himself
Edward says a mean thing about Jacob after Jacob died in a freak accident caused by stupidity then Edward too dies a very tragic death but Bella unable to live in a world without Jacob or Edward then kills herself
The imprint reveal goes poorly and a fight breaks out because of it, somehow Bella and Edward both die
Bella and Edward decide to vacation in the tropics alone with Jacob and or Renesmee and Caius decides to take a risk and points Demetri and a hit squad at Edward and Bella and the pair tragically die. Jacob, per the scenario, probably dies too.
Edward has a mental breakdown and decides that vampirism is bad, his wife is now a ghoul, and murders Bella, attempts to murder Renesmee, then kills himself/is killed by a family member and or Jacob
Look, I could keep going, the point is that every single bullet point here is going to have a different result in the aftermath. Renesmee may or may not grow up blaming herself, she may be kept in the dark and knows there's some tragic secret of why her parents went out for cigarettes and never came back but no one will tell her exactly what it is, Jacob may or may not still be around and still fucking imprinting, depending on Jacob's involvement in all of this murder nonsense there may be issues over that in that Renesmee will have to live in the aftermath of what this man wanted from her and what has happened to her parents because of it, Renesmee might live in terror that the Volturi came and killed her parents at the first opportunity, not to mention how the Cullens themselves are coping either by grieving the pair's tragic death or else trying to cope with the fact that one of them murdered the other and or that nice kid down the road Jacob Black did it.
My point was that no matter which direction you go, per vampires, it involves at least one murder and perhaps a suicide and no matter what happens that will be bad for Renesmee and the Cullens alike.
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THE SUN ROSE THE NEXT DAY, AND ITS warmth and brightness were a stark contrast to the gloom that had greeted us upon our arrival. As we awaited the arrival of more vampires, I had the opportunity to acquaint myself with the members of the Denali Coven.
Tanya, the coven's leader, traced her lineage back to ancient Slovakian origins. She was Sasha's first adoptive daughter and her biological great-niece. Sasha, craving companionship, had chosen Tanya to join her, and over time, she had expanded her family with two more vampires: Kate and Irina. Their bond was as strong as any biological family's.
Kate, also known as Katrina, had once served as a protector to a noblewoman of a warlike Slavic tribe. Impressed by Kate's bravery and physical resemblance to Tanya, Sasha had turned her into a vampire after attacking the caravan she guarded. Kate swiftly became fiercely loyal to Sasha and Tanya, her defensive abilities manifesting within a decade.
Irina, the third addition to the coven, had been a beautiful peasant girl in a small farming community. Recognizing her resemblance to Tanya and Kate, Sasha had welcomed her into their family. The love between Sasha, Tanya, Kate, and Irina had been deep and unshakeable until Sasha's fatal mistake of creating an immortal child came to light. Although Tanya and her sisters were spared by the Volturi, the loss of their mother left them deeply scarred, leading them to become staunch enforcers of vampire laws.
Over the years, the Denali Coven had welcomed several newcomers, but none had intrigued them quite like Eleazar and Carmen, the most recent additions.
Eleazar, with his mysterious Spanish origins and centuries-old existence, remained a puzzle to all who met him. Details about his birth and the identity of his creator were shrouded in secrecy, enhancing his enigmatic aura. Known for his unique ability to perceive the special talents of others, Eleazar had earned a place among the Volturi guard, despite his reservations about their methods.
During his service, Eleazar had encountered Carmen, and their immediate connection had been undeniable. Balancing their love with Eleazar's duties had been challenging, and the violence inherent in his role eventually prompted them to seek a more peaceful lifestyle. With permission from Aro, they embarked on a nomadic journey, ultimately finding themselves drawn to the Denali coven and its "vegetarian" lifestyle.
For Eleazar and Carmen, joining the Denali coven marked a permanent commitment. They discovered a sense of community and acceptance they had never known before, grateful for the chance to live among vampires who shared their values. As the newest members of the coven, they had finally found a place they could call home.
My heart went out to them as I contemplated the turmoil they must be enduring with Irina. The betrayal of a coven mate falsely accusing them of a crime and reporting it to the Volturi was chilling to consider. The inner conflict they must be grappling with was beyond my comprehension. I wondered if their bond could ever be restored to its former strength.
As I ventured deeper into the thick forest, every sense attuned to the exhilaration of the hunt, Jacob and Renesmee accompanied me. Edward and Bella had disclosed Renesmee's delight in hunting alongside Jacob, yet I remained unsure if she comprehended his imprinting on her. Nonetheless, she appeared unperturbed by any complexities. Jacob, moved gracefully in his wolf form, Renesmee riding to him like a sovereign on her throne.
Suddenly, a magnificent elk came into view, and I swiftly leaped upon it with lightning speed, effortlessly bringing it down. Renesmee eagerly consumed the blood from the kill, her melodious voice chiming as she asked Jacob about the possibility of getting some chocolate. I couldn't help but yearn for the taste of food myself, a luxury that had been absent since my transformation into a vampire.
"What do you think it tastes like?" I inquired of Renesmee, genuinely curious about the flavour of chocolate.
"Um... chocolatey!" she exclaimed, her delight infectious as I chuckled at her response. Even Jacob, in his wolf form, appeared to grin at her enthusiasm.
Suddenly, Bella appeared, her long brown hair flowing behind her as she sprinted towards us. Renesmee swiftly dismounted from Jacob and rushed to her mother, enveloping her in a tight embrace. Watching their tender reunion, a pang of envy pierced me, imagining the warmth of my own mother's arms wrapped around me.
Bella proceeded to update us that another coven had arrived, though Jacob appeared cautious about their presence. She quickly reassured him that they posed no threat, explaining the longstanding peace treaty between the Quileutes and the Cullens. This revelation piqued my curiosity, prompting me to ponder how such a pact had been established. Bella assured us she would introduce the Egyptian coven to her daughter, sparking a surge of excitement within me at the thought of meeting them.
As I trailed behind Bella and Renesmee, the Cullen residence loomed ahead, a beacon of supernatural energy that drew me closer with each step. As I approached, my eyes widened in awe at the sight before me.
There, gathered outside the house, were the Denali Coven, my own family (minus Gabriel and Helena, who were likely off on a hunting excursion), and a group of unfamiliar vampires. The scene pulsated with a mixture of tension and curiosity, as though the air itself crackled with the meeting of so many powerful beings. I couldn't help but feel a thrill of excitement coursing through me at the prospect of meeting new members of our kind, each one bearing their own unique aura and presence.
As I took my place beside Bella, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride at standing next to such a powerful couple. Their grace and confidence were palpable, casting a reassuring aura over the gathering. And, for once, Jacob was fully clothed, having returned to his human form, his demeanor reflecting a blend of wariness and respect in the face of the diverse assembly before us.
Four beings stood before us, their eyes fixed upon our every move. Two men and two women, each with a unique aura that set them apart from any mortal I had ever encountered.
The first man was a young, boyish-looking vampire with hair as dark as midnight and a pale, olive complexion that contrasted sharply with his oddly cheerful expression. His eyes, a deep shade of crimson red, seemed to sparkle with a mischievous glint as he stood at a height of five foot seven inches, roughly the same age as Ayla. His presence exuded a sense of youthful energy and an almost playful curiosity, which intrigued me as I studied his features.
Beside him stood a girl with a similar olive-toned skin and hair as heavy and straight as the darkness of night. Her eyes, too, were a striking shade of crimson red, and though she was a little shorter than the boyish vampire, she exuded an air of maturity that belied her youthful appearance. There was a quiet intensity about her, a depth in her gaze that hinted at experiences far beyond her years, making her presence both intriguing and slightly unsettling.
As I took in the sight of these two vampires, my eyes were drawn to the man standing behind them, towering over them like a protective father. His black hair and slight olive pallor to his pale skin gave him an air of mystery and danger, and his piercing red eyes seemed to bore into my very soul. He exuded a commanding presence, his stature and demeanor speaking of centuries of wisdom and power accumulated through ages of existence.
Beside him stood a woman of breathtaking beauty, her long, curly black hair cascading down her back like a waterfall of darkness. Her olive-toned skin was flawless, and though she was shorter than the three vampires before her, her presence commanded attention and respect. Her features held an ethereal quality, as if she were a living embodiment of elegance and grace, her eyes radiating both warmth and an underlying strength that hinted at her resilience in the face of countless trials.
Together, these four vampires formed a tableau of striking contrasts and intriguing dynamics, their presence sending ripples of anticipation and curiosity through the assembled company. Each one bore the mark of their unique existence in the immortal world, standing before us with an aura that was both mesmerizing and intimidating, beckoning us into their enigmatic realm.
"Is this the child?" The words echoed through the forest, bouncing off the trees and reverberating in my ears. I turned to face the boyish vampire, his eyes fixed on the small bundle in her mother's arms.
"Yes," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper, her gaze filled with a mixture of protectiveness and vulnerability. He and the girl approached us, their movements graceful and fluid, like dancers in a timeless ballet.
Bella gently placed Renesmee on the ground and watched as she sauntered towards them, her tiny feet barely making a sound on the forest floor. They looked down at her, their eyes filled with wonder and curiosity, as if they were beholding a phenomenon beyond their wildest imaginations.
The boy knelt down to her level, his eyes meeting hers with an intensity that spoke of both reverence and intrigue. "Hi, what's your name?" he asked, his voice soft and gentle, like a gentle breeze rustling through the leaves.
"Renesmee," she replied, her voice a delicate murmur that barely disturbed the stillness of the air around them. They shook hands, their fingers interlocking in a gesture of friendship that seemed to bridge the gap between their worlds effortlessly.
"I'm Benjamin," the boyish vampire introduced himself, his eyes never leaving Renesmee's face, captivated by her innocence and the depth of her gaze. "And this is Tia."
As they exchanged introductions, Renesmee placed her hand on Benjamin's cheek, her eyes closing momentarily as she allowed him to glimpse her memories - her birth, her origin, the love and protection she had known since her first breath. I watched in amazement as he gently took her hand in his own, his fingers closing around hers in a gesture that conveyed both understanding and acceptance.
Suddenly, dark brown earthly dust emerged from Renesmee's hand, swirling around in the air like a miniature tornado. Benjamin's right hand moved in a graceful arc, the dust following his every movement as if responding to an unspoken command. My mouth gaped open in wonder as I witnessed the elemental display, marveling at the harmony between Benjamin and the natural forces around him.
As Edward spoke of Benjamin's rare elemental influence, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of excitement stir within me. The idea of possessing such power was exhilarating, igniting a spark of curiosity about the extent of Benjamin's abilities and the mysteries that surrounded him. Joseph's chuckle broke me out of my reverie, and I turned to him with a grin, sharing in the awe and fascination that permeated the gathering of supernatural beings in that enchanted forest clearing.
"I hope you're not feeling left out," he teased, prompting an eye roll from me.
"I'm not," I retorted, my voice tinged with amusement. "I mean, I can turn invisible and do this—"
With a flick of my wrist, a burst of vibrant purple energy shot forth and struck a nearby tree stump. To my surprise, flames erupted from the wood, leaving me momentarily bewildered. This was unprecedented. Before I could process it, Benjamin was already in action, manipulating water from a nearby lake to douse the fire. The flames extinguished, replaced by a lingering mist that hung in the air.
Turning back to the group, I found the vampires staring at me with a mix of astonishment and admiration. Renesmee's laughter rang out, filling me with a sense of pride in my newfound abilities.
"Since when can you do that?" Bella asked, her eyes wide with curiosity.
"It's a long story," I replied with a shrug, absently rubbing the Lunaris Mark on my wrist, feeling a slight burning tinge. "It started after the wedding, when I found out about Dina and Ayla being werewolves—"
"Children of the Moon," Edward interjected quietly.
"They're still around?" queried the tall, olive-skinned vampire, surprise coloring his voice.
"What do you mean, 'still here'?" I asked, intrigued.
"The last I heard, the Volturi had wiped them out," he explained.
"Well," I shrugged nonchalantly, "apparently not all of them."
Bringing Ayla into our circle had certainly been a fortuitous decision.
"And she's a vampire maxima too," Eleazar joined in, walking towards us with an air of excitement. "She nearly brought a building down from that blast," he exclaimed, his voice tinged with awe. "It's a rare thing to have."
Intrigued, Tia chimed in, her curiosity evident. "That is?"
"A single vampire with multiple gifts," Eleazar replied, his eyes sparkling with enthusiasm.
As Tia approached Benjamin slowly, her interest peaked. "Who created you?"
With bitterness still lingering in my mouth, I answered him. "A vampire named Victoria," I spat out. "As part of a vengeful army. Then I found my place in this coven." Memories of my past still haunted me, but I knew I had found my true family here.
I gestured towards my family, and headed to the Egyptian coven turned to catch a glimpse of them. Suddenly, the olive-skinned male's expression shifted. Following his gaze, I saw their returning from their hunt.
Breaking the silence, Simon inquired, "How was the hunt?"
Helena beamed with pride. "We each bagged two deers," she announced.
As Gabriel's golden eyes locked onto the olive-skinned male, tension filled the air. Their gazes met, and the forest fell silent. The male's crimson eyes bore into Gabriel's golden orbs, his lips tightening.
"Dad, who is he?" I whispered.
"That's Amun," he replied quietly.
I watched as Gabriel nodded in greeting to Amun, then turned to acknowledge the stunning woman beside him. "Kebi," he said warmly and respectfully.
Kebi bowed her head in response, and Amun spoke up. "Gabriel," he acknowledged, his tone clipped and formal.
I couldn't help but wonder about their history. Were they old friends, or had they been enemies in the past? Whatever the case, it was clear they recognised each other, though with a hint of tension.
"I see Aro didn't need you anymore," Amun remarked with a slight smile.
"I left," Gabriel growled softly.
"Everyone knows leaving the Volturi isn't easy. They either discard or dispose of you," Amun retorted.
His words hung in the air like a thick fog, leaving me with more questions than answers. What had transpired between my father and the Volturi? Had he left because of their twisted ideology of taking human lives to sustain their own?
As I opened my mouth to ask, a deafening screech shattered the silence of the woods. It seemed as though even the trees were protesting against the secrets being kept from me. I turned to face the source of the noise.
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I COULDN'T GET THE STORY OF THE IMPERIAL College Massacre from Helena out of my mind. The details she shared, the way her voice had grown quiet and haunted, it all clung to me like a cold mist that refused to lift. Even after our late-night movie, after Ingram's comforting presence, the story lingered in the back of my mind, seeping into my thoughts like a dark stain.
The next morning, I found myself in the library, surrounded by the journals and documents we had been poring over the previous day. The mansion was quiet, the kind of quiet that settled in when everyone was still lost in their own thoughts, grappling with the enormity of what we had uncovered.
I pulled out my mother's journal, the one with the frantic, desperate entries that hinted at a truth she had never been able to fully articulate. The pages were worn, the ink smudged in places where her hand must have trembled as she wrote. I traced the words with my fingertips, trying to imagine what she had been thinking, what she had been feeling as she scribbled down her discoveries.
Helena's story had added a new layer to the mystery. The massacre wasn't just a horrific event in history; it was connected to everything—Joham, the doctor my mother had been investigating, and the dark forces that seemed to be closing in on us. The idea that my mother might have known about vampires, that she might have been trying to protect me from them, made my chest tighten with a mix of fear and anger. How much had she known? And how had she kept it all hidden?
I flipped through the journal, searching for any mention of the massacre, any clue that might tie it all together. The frustration grew with each blank line, each cryptic note that seemed to lead nowhere. But then, near the end of one of the entries, I saw it—a single, hastily written line.
Imperial College—too dangerous—he knows.
The words were scrawled in a way that was almost illegible, like she had written them in a panic. But there was no mistaking them. My mother had known about the massacre, and whoever "he" was, he had been a part of it.
"Too dangerous," I whispered to myself, trying to piece together what that could mean. Had she been trying to warn someone? Or was she warning herself to stay away? And if she had known about the massacre, why hadn't she told anyone? Why had she kept it all a secret, even from my father?
I needed to find an article about the massacre. If Helena knew about it, surely there must be articles written about it. I put the journal down and grabbed my MacBook, opening the search engine. My fingers hovered over the keys for a moment, uncertain of what exactly to type. The story seemed like it should have been front-page news, yet it had slipped through the cracks of history, buried under more mundane headlines.
I typed in "Imperial College Massacre" and hit enter. The screen filled with links, but most of them were unrelated—articles about the college itself, academic papers, a few obscure blogs discussing conspiracy theories. I scrolled down, my frustration mounting, until finally, I saw something that caught my eye.
"The Forgotten Tragedy: Imperial College Massacre of 1984."
The title alone sent a shiver down my spine. I clicked on it, and an old newspaper article, scanned and uploaded to some archive site, appeared on the screen. The text was grainy, and the photographs were blurred with age, but it was the best lead I had.
The article began with a summary of the events that had unfolded on that dark day:
"On the evening of 15th November 1984, Imperial College London became the site of one of the most mysterious and brutal tragedies in modern history. A group of twenty students and two professors were found dead in one of the college's oldest buildings, their bodies drained of blood and arranged in a circle. The massacre, as it has since been dubbed, shocked the nation, but despite the horror and the media frenzy that followed, the case was never solved. Official reports claimed there were no signs of forced entry, and no evidence of a struggle. The cause of death was officially listed as exsanguination, but the means by which this was achieved has remained a point of controversy. Some investigators suggested a ritualistic element, while others leaned towards a more scientific, albeit inexplicable, explanation. The case was quietly closed a year later, with the deaths attributed to an 'unidentified perpetrator.' No arrests were ever made."
I stared at the screen. The details were gruesome, but they aligned eerily well with what I now knew—or suspected—about Joham. If vampires had been involved, it explained the exsanguination and the lack of evidence left behind. But why had the story been buried so thoroughly?
I scrolled down, reading through the rest of the article. It went on to describe the aftermath, the grief-stricken families, the outraged students who had demanded answers that never came. There was a mention of several faculty members who had resigned shortly after the incident, and one professor who had gone missing, only to be found weeks later, his body washed up on the banks of the Thames. The police had ruled it a suicide.
Then, towards the end of the article, there was a brief, almost casual mention of a man named Dr. Lucifer Joham. My breath caught in my throat as I read his name.
"Among those questioned during the investigation was Dr. Lucifer Joham, a professor who had been conducting classes at the college during the time of the massacre. Dr. Joham, who had ties to several prominent research institutions across Europe, was cleared of any suspicion, though some students reported seeing him in the vicinity of the building on the night of the incident. He left the country shortly thereafter and has not been heard from since."
I leaned back in my chair, staring at the name. Dr. Lucifer Joham.
It had to be him. He had been there, possibly even involved in the massacre, and yet he had walked away without a trace. And now, decades later, his name had resurfaced in connection with my mother's research.
The article ended with a few lines about the lasting impact of the massacre on the college community, but by then, my mind was racing too fast to focus on the words. I quickly bookmarked the page, then opened a new tab to search for more information on Lucifer Joham. But as I scrolled through the results, it became clear that he had covered his tracks well. There were a few academic papers published under his name, all related to obscure medical research, but nothing that tied him to the massacre or to my mother's investigation.
Frustrated, I closed the laptop and sat back, trying to make sense of it all. I started to think about at the Volturi confrontation when I sided with the Cullens, defending them - - more importantly, Renesmee. I thought about Huilen's story of her sister's death and Nahuel's birth...
"I am Huilen," the woman announced in clear but strangely accented English. "A century and a half ago, I lived with my people, the Mapuche. My sister was Pire. Our parents named her after the snow on the mountains because of her fair skin. And she was very beautiful—too beautiful. She came to me one day in secret and told me of the angel that found her in the woods, that visited her by night. I warned her." Huilen shook her head mournfully. "As if the bruises on her skin were not warning enough. I knew it was the Libishomen of our legends, but she would not listen. She was bewitched.
"She told me when she was sure her dark angel's child was growing inside her. I didn't try to discourage her from her plan to run away—I knew even our father and mother would agree that the child must be destroyed, Pire with it. I went with her into the deepest parts of the forest. She searched for her demon angel but found nothing. I cared for her and hunted for her when her strength failed. She ate the animals raw, drinking their blood. I needed no more confirmation of what she carried in her womb. I hoped to save her life before I killed the monster.
"But she loved the child inside her. She called him Nahuel, after the jungle cat, when he grew strong and broke her bones—and loved him still.
"I could not save her. The child ripped his way free of her, and she died quickly, begging all the while that I would care for her Nahuel. Her dying wish—and I agreed.
"He bit me, though, when I tried to lift him from her body. I crawled away into the jungle to die. I didn't get far—the pain was too much. But he found me; the newborn child struggled through the underbrush to my side and waited for me. When the pain ended, he was curled against my side, sleeping.
"I cared for him until he was able to hunt for himself. We hunted the villages around our forest, staying to ourselves. We have never come so far from our home, but Nahuel wished to see the child here..."
I sat back, letting the memory of Huilen's story wash over me. The tale of Nahuel's birth and the tragic fate of his mother echoed hauntingly in my mind. There was something about it, something that resonated with the dark history I was uncovering. A century and a half ago, a monstrous being had beguiled and ruined an innocent girl, leaving a trail of death in its wake. And now, here I was, tangled in a web spun by another monster, one who had seemingly lived through the ages, leaving similar devastation wherever he went.
Joham. The name sent chills down my spine. How many lives had he ruined? How many families had been torn apart by his cold, calculated actions? I thought of Nahuel speaking to the Volturi and giving them more information about his father...
"You were able to create an immortal?" As Aro gestured to Huilen, his voice was abruptly intense.
"Yes, but none of the rest can."
A shocked murmur ran through all three groups.
Aro's eyebrows shot up. "The rest?"
"My sisters." Nahuel shrugged again.
Aro stared wildly for a moment before composing his face.
"Perhaps you would tell us the rest of your story, for there seems to be more."
Nahuel frowned. "My father came looking for me a few years after my mother's death." His handsome face distorted slightly. "He was pleased to find me." Nahuel's tone suggested the feeling was not mutual. "He had two daughters, but no sons. He expected me to join him, as my sisters had.
"He was surprised I was not alone. My sisters are not venomous, but whether that's due to gender or a random chance... who knows? I already had my family with Huilen, and I was not interested"—he twisted the word— "in making a change. I see him from time to time. I have a new sister; she reached maturity about ten years back."
"Your father's name?" Caius asked through gritted teeth.
"Joham," Nahuel answered. "He considers himself a scientist. He thinks he's creating a new super-race." He did not attempt to disguise the disgust in his tone...
The memory of Nahuel's words filled me with a deep, unsettling sense of dread. The pieces were coming together, but the picture they formed was far darker than I had imagined. Joham wasn't just a scientist; he was a creator of monsters, one who viewed his own children as mere experiments in his twisted pursuit of a "super-race."
I stood up abruptly, pushing the chair back with a screech against the wooden floor. The walls of the library felt like they were closing in on me, the weight of the revelations pressing down on my chest. I needed air, space to think, to process everything I had just uncovered.
Leaving the library, I made my way outside, the crisp morning air biting at my skin. The mansion's sprawling grounds were peaceful, a stark contrast to the storm of thoughts swirling in my mind. I walked without direction, my feet crunching over the gravel path as I tried to calm the rising panic within me.
If Joham was the one responsible for the Imperial College Massacre, if he was the same man who had fathered Nahuel and his sisters, then what did that mean for me? For my mother? She had known something, perhaps too much, and it had driven her to the edge of desperation. But why? Had she been close to exposing Joham? Or was it something more personal?
I paused by a small pond, the water still and reflective, mirroring the overcast sky above. The ripples from a stray leaf disturbed the surface, breaking the illusion of calm. I stared at it, my mind returning to my mother's journal, to the hurried scrawl that hinted at her fear. "Too dangerous—he knows."
Joham had known something, something that had terrified my mother enough to make her hide the truth from everyone, even her own family. But what had she been trying to protect? Herself? Melissa? Or someone entirely different that I didn't know about yet?
The questions kept circling in my mind, but there were no answers. Only more questions.
As I stood there, the wind picking up slightly, a thought struck me. If Joham was still out there, still pursuing his twisted experiments, then he was a danger not just to any female humans, but to anyone who crossed his path. The massacre at Imperial College, Nahuel's story—these were just fragments of a much larger, more sinister puzzle.
I knew then that I couldn't just leave this alone. I had to find out the truth, no matter how terrifying it might be. I had to uncover whatever it was that my mother had known, the secret that had haunted her until the day she died.
With renewed determination, I turned back towards the mansion, my steps quicker, more purposeful. There was more research to be done, more clues to uncover. And perhaps, somewhere in the depths of those old journals and documents, I would find the key to unlocking the mystery of Joham and his monstrous legacy.
But even as I walked back inside, I couldn't shake the feeling that I was being watched, that somewhere out there, in the shadows, Joham was still watching, still waiting. The thought sent a chill down my spine, but I forced it aside. Fear wouldn't help me now.
I had to be strong. I had to be ready. Because this was far from over.
As I re-entered the mansion, the weight of my resolve seemed to press down on the very air around me. The quiet corridors, once a place of solace, now felt like a labyrinth of secrets, each corner hiding something that could either help me or destroy me. The others were somewhere in the house, each of them lost in their own thoughts, grappling with the implications of what we had uncovered. I knew I needed to speak with them, to share what I had found about Joham, but a part of me hesitated. What if by sharing, I put them all in greater danger? 
I decided to find Helena first. If anyone understood the gravity of what I had uncovered, it would be her. She had been through so much already, and yet, she had a strength about her that I admired. I found her in the sitting room, a cup of tea cradled in her hands as she stared out the large bay window, lost in thought.
"Mum," I said softly as I approached, not wanting to startle her.
She turned, her eyes meeting mine, and I saw the same haunted look in them that had been there ever since she told us about the massacre. "Violet," she greeted, setting the cup down. "What is it? You look like you've seen a ghost."
"Maybe I have," I replied, sinking into the armchair opposite her. "I found something—about Joham."
Her eyes widened slightly, and she leaned forward, her attention fully on me now. "What did you find?"
I quickly recounted the details of the old newspaper article, the mention of Joham's presence at Imperial College during the massacre, and Nahuel's story about his father. As I spoke, Helena's expression grew more and more troubled.
When I finished, she sat back, her face pale. "This... this is worse than I feared," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "Joham wasn't just a passing figure in your mother's research. He was at the center of it all."
I nodded, the weight of her words settling over me like a heavy cloak. "But what does it mean? What was he trying to achieve with those experiments? And why did he kill all those people?"
Helena shook her head slowly. "If what Nahuel said is true, Joham sees his children as the next step in evolution, a new species that combines the strengths of both humans and vampires. But why massacre all those people at Imperial College? There's no logical reason for that... unless..." Her voice trailed off, and her eyes took on a faraway look as if she was grappling with something she didn't want to believe.
"Unless what?" I prompted, leaning forward, desperate for answers.
"Unless they were part of an experiment gone wrong," she said finally, her voice trembling. "Maybe he was trying to create more hybrids, but something went horribly wrong. Maybe those students and professors were involved somehow—unwitting subjects, perhaps. Or witnesses he couldn't afford to leave alive."
The thought made me feel this sickly rage. Had Joham been trying to replicate his twisted success with Nahuel and his sisters? Had he used those innocent people as mere test subjects in his grotesque experiments? It was almost too horrific to contemplate.
The room seemed to close in around us, the weight of Helena's words pressing down on my chest like a heavy stone. The idea that Joham had sacrificed so many lives in his pursuit of creating a hybrid species—a twisted "super-race"—was horrifying. And if my mother had known about it, if she had discovered the true extent of his experiments, then her fear made perfect sense. She had been terrified, not just for herself, but for me and for anyone who might come into contact with Joham's nightmarish world.
But there was something else gnawing at the edges of my mind, something I couldn't quite grasp. "If Joham was so intent on creating hybrids, why didn't he continue? Why stop after Nahuel and his sisters? There have to be more, right?"
Helena's expression darkened, and she shook her head slowly. "I'm not sure. We don't know how long he's been doing this or how many other victims there might have been. Maybe there were others, but they didn't survive. Or maybe the Cullens and the Volturi put enough fear into him that he went into hiding, laying low to avoid detection. It's possible that Joham realized the risks of continuing his experiments were too great, or that he found another way to achieve his goals."
Her words left a bitter taste in my mouth. The idea of there being more of Joham's creations out there, lost in the world, or worse, still being used in his twisted experiments, was almost too much to bear. If there were others, they might not even know what they were, or the monstrous legacy they were part of.
As we sat in silence, the enormity of what we were dealing with settled heavily between us. The implications were terrifying. We weren't just dealing with a scientist gone rogue, but someone who had the potential to bring a new kind of terror into the world—one that could blend seamlessly into human society until it was too late to stop.
"I don't know what to do next," I admitted, my voice cracking slightly. "How do we even begin to fight someone like him? He's been doing this for so long, and he's covered his tracks so well. We don't even know where he is."
Helena's gaze softened as she reached across the table to take my hand. "Violet, you can't just start a fight with someone who's not threatening you or us."
"But, Mum, Joham is still out there," I reminded her.
"And do you remember what the Volturi said? They will deal with him."
"Technically, they said they should speak with him."
Helena sighed, her hand tightening around mine. "Yes, but the Volturi are not to be trifled with, Violet. If they believe Joham is a threat, they'll take action. But we can't go hunting him down on our own. We have to be smart about this."
Her words made sense, but the idea of waiting for the Volturi to act felt like a betrayal of all the lives Joham had already destroyed. How many more people would suffer while we sat back and did nothing? But I knew Helena was right. The Volturi had power and resources far beyond our own. If anyone could track down Joham and stop him, it would be them. Yet the thought of relying on such ruthless beings to deliver justice was a bitter pill to swallow.
"Maybe you're right," I said reluctantly, pulling my hand back. "But we can't just sit here and wait. There has to be something more we can do, some way to at least find out where he is or what he's planning."
Helena nodded, her expression resolute. "I know you want to know more about your mother but you've got to remember: the massacre happened nearly over twenty years ago. And most people want to bury the past—" Helena paused, her eyes searching mine as she chose her next words carefully "—but if we dig too deep, we might not like what we find."
I felt a pang in my chest. I knew she was right, but the urge to uncover the truth about my mother and Joham was overwhelming. The more I uncovered, the more I felt like I was on the brink of something monumental—something that could change everything. But that was exactly what scared me. What if the truth was too dangerous to handle? What if, by uncovering it, I was putting everyone I cared about at risk?
"I understand," I finally said, though my voice wavered slightly. "But I can't let this go, Mum. I can't stop until I know the truth."
Helena studied me for a long moment, her expression a mix of concern and something else—something that looked like a resigned acceptance. "I know, Violet," she said softly. "And that's what worries me. Just promise me you'll be careful. Promise me you won't do anything reckless."
"I promise," I said, though the words felt hollow. I wasn't sure what counted as reckless anymore. The lines between caution and necessity had blurred in my mind, and the drive to uncover the truth was pushing me further than I had ever imagined.
Helena seemed to sense my inner turmoil because she squeezed my hand gently before letting go. "We'll get through this," she said, her voice steady, as if trying to convince herself as much as me. "We'll figure out what your mother knew, what Joham is planning. But we'll do it together."
I nodded, grateful for her support, even though I could see the fear in her eyes. The fear that the path I was on would lead us somewhere we couldn't come back from.
"Thank you, Mum," I said, my voice barely above a whisper. "For being here. For helping me."
"Always, love," she replied, her voice filled with warmth. "We'll get to the bottom of this. I promise."
The room fell into a contemplative silence, both of us lost in our thoughts. The path ahead was unclear, and the dangers were real. But for now, we had each other, and that had to be enough.
As we sat there, the mansion around us seemed to settle into a stillness, as if holding its breath for whatever was to come. The secrets we had uncovered were only the beginning, and I had a feeling the true darkness was yet to be revealed. But whatever happened next, I knew I wouldn't face it alone.
And that, at least, was a comfort.
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