#Being Happy
battii-art · 4 months
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Wolfstar growing up together,, oh god, hhghgrrgg…..
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beeturtlle · 2 years
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sorry for the inactiivty i was watching the silly dog show
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memysoulandi · 3 months
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Core Four Young Justice! Don't look too closely at their faces
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agirlwithglam · 6 months
★ stop giving your attention, energy and time to everyone. ★
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- a vent
if i don't want or need to talk to someone, then i wont. simple as that. why do i need their attention or to please them anyway? lol.
cus like bitch if you don't like me, # i don't care xoxo. you have a nice life n i hope you heal tho. sometimes i find it kinda funny that people go out of their way to hate on someone likeee??? huh ??? the rule is: happy people don't hate. thats just how it works. if you were *genuinely* happy with who you are, what you have, etc. then why on earth would want to bring another person down?? the logic ain't logic-ing!
and also if im genuinely not that fond on you anyway, aka if you don't add value or make me feel better in any way, why on earth would i need or want to speak to you? bc i love love love people who love and cherish me as a person. (but tbh why wouldn't they love me duh). okay?
queens don't beg jokers to stay in their lives. <- this this this!!
so if you don't add any value to my live (adding value can mean a lot of things- knowledge, wisdom, stories, happiness, good memories, being there for me, listening, etc.) then you REALLY don't deserve the full me cus you clearly can't handle me. and you know what? thats okay! thats completely okay. you are your own responsibility, i am my own responsibility. ♡you do you, i do me♡ !!
so basically, my attention, time & energy (and no i dont mean energy in a spiritual way) is sacred. if u can't appreciate what i bring, then you won't be getting anything from me. because every hot, unbothered, cold girl, is a girl who was desperate for others to like her and would get hurt easily.
im not saying that im gonna become mean and ignorant (cus thats just kinda-icky😬), what im saying is that im going to stop trying so hard to do what i once would have killed myself doing. i am no longer a joke, and im going to start taking myself serious now. and once i start doing that, its over for all you bitches. i am going into my iconic and girlboss era.
i am officially done trying.
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xoxo, Vanilla
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terracemuse · 2 years
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redroomroaving · 17 days
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Abdirak x Donnick out getting ingredients for some soup
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quiet-longing · 4 months
because sometimes louis (and vampires) deserves nice things
Or: no, they really don't, but I'm giving it to them, anyway because it amuses me.
Iwtv is a painful fandom to be a part of, especially if you know what's coming and I think most people know, readers or not. The books have been out for years. There was a movie. The internet exists. What I'm saying is anyone coming into this fandom is probably someone who, by general cultural osmosis, knows what's up. Nobody's coming in blind. So, we all, to varying degrees, know how much it's gonna hurt us.
So after I brood about it (like the good Louis fan i am), I like to imagine a softer world for the characters. A world that's filled with small dramas instead of big ones and imagine them still being their ridiculous selves.
Now, think of this introduction to my soft vampire daydreams as a warm bath...
The premise is superficially the same minus the murdering and vampirism and it's a modern day human AU, so this Claudia has two dads and not a dad and an uncle and more importantly (not to Louis and Lestat; they would like their young, sweet daughter back; not this shrieking changeling who's replaced her), she gets to grow up. She's adopted (legally and everything!) because Tragic Circumstances (not caused by Louis this time). Now, I thought Bailey played Claudia a lot younger than 14 in the beginning and I really enjoyed it. Claudia almost certainly didn't get a childhood, so when Louis and Lestat vamped her, she did, and I take my characterization from that because this is supposed to be fun.
Anyway, they adopt Claudia at younger than 14 - young enough that she's still asking "is that my fountain?" "is that my house" "are we a family?" and she is exactly as spoiled as she is in the show. Whatever she wants, she gets. Louis and Lestat dote on her. Lestat especially, spoils her. They have a special bond (I've yet to figure out about what yet; not the stage, that comes later and Claudia is sooooo mad about it). She has special bonds with both of her dads, but in her early childhood, she's especially close with Lestat because they're so similar. When she hits her tweens and teens, that's when she gets closer to Louis because "the NOISE, the DRAMA, he's so STUPID! he doesn't understand ANYTHING" and "noise! Noise is this torment that you pretend is music! I taught you better! She knows, Louis! She knows what music is; she only does this to HURT ME!, 'DRAMA?! DRAMA?! shouting in French', 'I AM AN ADULT; I UNDERSTAND EVERYTHING AND IT IS YOU WHO IS STUPID, UNGRATEFUL BRAT!' followed by the very loud, very identical sounds of inarticulate rage, a chorused 'I HATE YOU' and the slamming of two doors in unison.
Lestat would absolutely argue like this with his teenage daughter. He would absolutely be the parent says 'your face is stupid!' to his kid, throw the exact same tantrum while his husband watches serenely 'LOUIS, MON CHER, HOW CAN YOU TAKE HER SIDE?!!!!!!! DO YOU NO LONGER LOVE ME?????' Meanwhile, Louis has said nothing as he listened to the two of them present their case to him as if he's some kind of judge. As if he wasn't just sitting here all cozy, reading his book when these two loud brats stomped (loudly) into the living room and stood in front of him, taking turns (loudly) hurling insults at each other while throwing their arms out as if they're presenting one another to Louis and then looking at Louis as if to say 'can you BeLieVE what i have to put up with? Louis does believe it. Louis absolutely believes because Louis is currently putting up with it times two every day of his life. He is seriously reconsidering Lestat's offer to nominate him for sainthood and present his case to The Church. St. Louis of New Orleans. It has as ring to it. Louis is not serene. He only looks serene because he is imagining his own softer world where his husband and daughter had quiet fights, upstairs, away from him, while he got to finish a book (one! single! book!) without interruption. And now that they've both stormed off without waiting him to render a verdict (he has yet to do this; he is mildly disappointed because he kind of wants to do that thing Armand showed him on the Ipad that time - hold up a picture of each one of them and tell them it's the same picture. He'd been a little confused by it at first and then Armand have given him a long lecture on memes on and Internet Culture before Daniel (Old Maniel, my beloved! I don't care; this is my new favorite iteration of devil's minion and you can pry it from my cold, dead hands) cut in: "Armand, I think he's got it. I had to explain memes to him. He had a lot of questions and I did a lot of research. Sorry, Louis." Louis, had in fact gotten it, gotten it quite a while ago. He'd pretty much gotten it as soon as Armand had pulled up a picture of the meme that wasn't two obscure Renaissance paintings.
He's not as technologically inept as everyone seems to think he is. Lestat is obsessed with social media. Louis helps him photographs his "thirst traps." (I imagine that's how Louis imagines the word thirst traps in his head.) Which reminds him. He's pretty sure he's due for that meltdown soon enough. It's getting harder to bribe Claudia's friends not to show her her dad's Insta. Louis does, in fact call it Insta. Occasionally 'the 'Gram' when he wants to be silly. Because Lestat. And because he's bribing his daughter's friends to steer away her away from the small empire Lestat has built across various social media websites.
Lestat's been a very benevolent ruler; he loves engaging with his subjects. Louis wishes he would engage a little less because he is very concerned that the one video of Lestat doing the Britney Spears knife dance in his underwear) is going to go viral. Right now, the good citizens of Lestat's fiefdom are hoarding it to themselves, making it their new 'iykyk' wink-wink nudge-nudge. And it was one of the paid streams, but still. Of course it was going to get out. He's just glad the public Lestat subreddit has banned posting it and is being strict about taking it down every time it goes up. (Louis is bizarrely familiar with certain corners of the internet, but he doesn't even know the nyan cat meme. Old? Yes. But standard curriculum for anyone who knows memes. Which Louis does not. The only memes he knows are Lestat memes and they all originated with Lestat. He doesn't even know they're called memes. He just thinks of them as funny edits pointing out Lestat being ridiculous. He can't believe Lestat likes them as much as he does, frankly. I love Louis.)
So, yes. That's another thing St. Louis of New Orleans has on his plate. His daughter's inevitable discovery of her father's social media following and that the real reason all her friends always want to hang out at her house is because they think her dad is hot, not because they're rich (well, they are and that is part of it, but mostly it's because they want to ogle Lestat. They think they're being subtle. They are not. Claudia, so far, has assumed it's because they share the same opinion of her father as she does: that he's a ridiculous idiot and that they're laughing at him, not giggling about Lestat 'just breathed omg!' like the 14 year-olds they are.)
Le sigh. This post was supposed to be about Claudia and her Regina George era and Lestat and Louis getting called to the principal's office and listening to a list of her crimes and making Very Serious faces at her and getting to the car and Louis starting to lecture and Lestat asking why she wasted her time on this instead of taking down the other Ultimate Mean Girl that just moved here who's trying to challenge Claudia's status as the Prettiest and Most Perfect Princess That Ever Walked This Earth Everyone Loves Her Just What Are You Insinuating About My Daughter [insert French insult] (did I already say Lestat is French in every universe? well, if i didn't, he is, and if i did, now you're really certain.)
Anyway, enjoy my crack thoughts about everyone's favorite vampire family.
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rustedbread · 4 months
Me putting on some black tank-tops because it's getting hot where I am this fucker that helped me develop dissociation:
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real talk though this black tank-top is pretty banger it is like, insanely breathable I swear also, like, I get to see my arms, which I put alot of effort into last year and like YEAH!!! :D oh yeah and I'm better now guys, trust
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arkiliastuff · 7 months
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Omg Tumblr told me this ! Let's go baby !!!! Thank you guys for your support, feedback and likes !!! :DD I'll definitly continue to post more in a near future !
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helena5777 · 6 months
How to take care of yourself
Hiii! <3 How are you? I hope you're having a great day/night, anyway, maybe you need this because you're not feeling ok right now, so I'm going to tell you some tips to feel better.
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Taking care of yourself is essential to maintaining good physical, mental and emotional health. Here are some practices you can adopt to take care of yourself:
Healthy eating: Eat a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins and healthy fats. Limit the consumption of processed foods, added sugars and saturated fats.
Regular exercise: Do regular physical activity to keep your body in shape and release endorphins that will help you feel good. Find activities that you enjoy, whether it's walking, running, swimming, yoga, or any other exercise that motivates you.
Adequate rest: Make sure you get enough sleep every night to allow your body to recover and regenerate. Establish a regular sleep routine and create an environment conducive to rest in your bedroom.
Stress management: Find techniques that help you manage stress, such as meditation, deep breathing, yoga, or practicing relaxing activities like reading, drawing, or listening to music.
Healthy Relationships: Cultivate positive, supportive relationships with friends, family, and loved ones. Maintain open and honest communication, and seek help when you need it.
Time for yourself: Dedicate time to activities that you like and that make you feel good, whether it is practicing your hobbies, going out into nature, or simply relaxing and resting.
Regular medical consultation: Schedule regular medical check-ups to detect any health problems in early stages and receive appropriate treatment.
Remember that self-care is an important part of maintaining a healthy balance in life. Don't be afraid to prioritize yourself and take steps to care for your physical, mental, and emotional well-being.
Also remember to breathe deeply and smile ^^ <333
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franjayheadcannons · 7 hours
Hello, It's been a while
Hello friends, it's been a while, isn't it? Is crazy to think that this blog will be 10 years next year, that i was just a young adult, still a kid when i started it. I don't know if someone will be interested in reading my ramblings of growing old and art but i would like to think someone do.
I strated this blog in 2015 but the story starts a little earlier. One day, some time before, a few years even, i found in deviantart and artist that i really liked, miss KPenDragon. I was enamored by her art and her stories when i started reading her fanfic "The Bully and the Geek". That's how i started shipping Francis and Sanjay from Fairly Odd Parents. That is quite a condensed version of the story to be honest. In 2015 I decided to start a blog to write my ideas for the ship, reblog KP's content and see if there were any other people who liked this ship. I cannot help but smile reading some of the things i wrote, the way i reacted or the things i drew. Some are funny, other cringe, but in the end it makes me want to hug my little self.
Ten years ago i was a little weird thing, i was supposed to be an adult but i wasn't. I was still a nerdy girl who wanted to make friends and get along with my classmates, i tought that life in college would be different but it wasn't. I was lost, trying very hard and with friends that weren't so... receptive of me having an hyperfixation. My english was weird, a bit broken, my stories were stuffed with cliches and my art was anatomically... funny.
But i was happy creating.
I still remember one night my best friend stayed over and we talked until 8 am. He let me ramble for hours about this Persona FOP AU I was obsessed with. My mom woke up to go to work and almost killed us.
Recently life has been a bitch, I won't talk about it here but let's just say i'm in a very toxic workplace away from family, friends and in a country i cannot simply go out and enjoy my time. All this brought me back to what made me happy, i checked old fandoms and blogs i used to religious check every single day. It brought back memories and made me feel much better. It gave me the itch to draw once again, to write just fun things, not forcing myself to write the dark novel i've been working on for moths.
This brings me back to this blog. I decided that i wanted to come back, even if it's form time to time, to draw and maybe write a bit more. To be sincery i probably will draw funny thing or just Francis and Sanjay being cute together. One day I want to write something heartwrenching, with deep characters and important themes or drae a beautiful piece like the artist i admire, but not all my art have to be like that.
It can be just fun.
I want to draw Schrodinger wearing a stupd sweater or cuddling with a random Sanjay. I want to redraw cute anime bases. I want to use the characters like fashion dolls and just draw cute clothes. I want to write weird ideas for AUs I will never write about, I want to make small one shots with no connection in between them.
Next year I will be 30 and i just want to draw and write like when i was 12, when drew something on a paper and gave my 100%. I used makers, pencils, and was proud by the end of it, not questioning myself, feeling bad because my art isn't "that good" If i can give any advice to anybody reading this: Just do the shit that makes you happy. Maybe when you turn 30 you will have your life together, maybe you will have the job you want, a place of your own and someone you love. Maybe you will be kilometers away from your family and friends in an awful job, not sure of what will happend next. Maybe you are both, with bad things and good things going on.
Either way, buy that cheap BTS pencil case, draw two characters that never had a meaningful interaction in canon kissing, write that shifter omegaverse with weird animals. Just do it.
It's fun. It's nice and it will make you happy.
I dont know how much effot i will put back in this blog, If I will make a post once a year, but i will be back because it makes me happy.
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rockingpow3r · 3 months
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Did u had a blue day? Cuz i'll send u a couple of hugs.
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mpo-feels · 10 months
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reelovesbuckybarnes · 10 months
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Yes! Oh yes!
The priscilla movie is available to download and yeah...
I have downloaded it (finally!) I could just jump for joy right now.
Now i got both elvis and the priscilla movie...
It's fabulous 👌.
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blossompoet · 8 months
Sometimes, when I see a sunset or snow falling down, I ask myself if this is it. When you are a depression survivor, a trauma survivor, an abuse survivor - any survivor really - you tend to read about this point.
We grew up or grew up to the thought that it will always be awful, that we will never be happy or get to fulfill our dreams. And then, we read about the people who were just like us and still made it.
I remember this post where a once suicidal girl wrote she hears her fiancé and her toddler laughing in the other room now, that she really reached what she never could dream of. Maybe the details were different but the message gets clear, I think. And so many posts like this.
I love it, I love it for them, I love the fact that it gave me and other people hope. Once we're in recovery, we start to work towards this point. But when will it be? Every happy moment I experience, there's this little voice in my head that asks have we made it? Is this the moment where we stop being sad?
And every time I am afraid I will get terribly sad again, and every time I do, eventually. I start to realise that this point will never happen.
There will always be moments that remind me how great this life is and that all this pain was worth it. Maybe one day I won't count them anymore, they will be the normal. It won't stop hurting all the time.
There will be sadness and darkness. But I won't be waiting for the point anymore.
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The key to happiness is finding the lie that suits you best.
from How To Stop Time, by Matt Haig
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