#Behind The Scenes (Mun/Me)
outofthiisworld · 8 months
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💜// baby’s first prototype designs! stumbled upon it again today— and despite selling my soul to otherworldly forces to draw those shoes, i scrapped this rendition very quickly. very much ‘almost-there-but-not-quite’ drafts.
(also haven't quite nailed down how to render ectoplasm how I like, and any past renditions was waaay back when it resembled fire instead of electricity. one day.......)
even w/ her ‘finalized’ design, there’s still tweaks i’d love to make for both her AND doc (i feel like doc’s silhouette can be pushed further & i’d like to make ophelia a touch more haunting…also…….she’d wear kitten heels)
more fun cut content/prototype stuff below cut :3c
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initially the above was supposed to be current-day crypt-walker supersuits, but they no longer match ophelia's personality so: in the recycle bin she goes
and below are two color palettes that were dropped! weeeeee developments! (lots of copy-pasting here, work smarter not harder when coloring ideas)
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izunias-meme-hole · 6 months
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I think I'll just... leave this for the public.
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Some Big Changes Are In Order.
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howdy. been a long time since i talked on here hasn't it? im still alive! still kicking, but sadly an majorty of my muse of Bendy has been well. diminished over the years, and i hate that, cause i still remember all the fun times i had on here, all the people i met and made friends with, friends i still talk to this very day, and the character growth we built upon. and seeing how it's a new year now, well. despite my current fixations being on other stuff, i do still think about this place daily because (heavy personal stuff inbound) well. being on tumblr during the bendy phase of 2018 and onwards... helped me. it helped me get through some bad times, bad shit. and overall made me improve a lot better, it was a lot more Positive than DA that was for sure. i still miss some of the people i used to talk to, like Dani, Oreo's Mun, Avi, those kinds of people, but i feel like mostly it's on me being as active as a cryptid LOL, but those people along with a lot of others have genuinely helped me indirectly become a better person. and for that i thank them, and all of you for still sticking around, waiting for when things can continue, they will! no doubt about that, it's just... gonna take a bit before well. i get back into the groove my friend Doodlez has been slowly unintentionally getting me back into the Bendy Muse because i genuinely do enjoy talking about my AU, like writing stuff out, talking about the events, changing up old ideas to make way for new ones, and despite how grounded im trying to make this AU feel, i'll never get rid of the whackiness feel it has to it because one, these are toons, and two, demons LOL but yeah, seeing people genuinely listen to me ramble on and on about my Bendy AU, even if it's just the backstory to some of the characters, it's made me feel well. happy. to finally talk about this project that has made me somewhat famous on here lol (i mean i hope so anyways. i know im not on that big big famous kind of level but, i would assume im well known.) so yeah! uhm, some big changes are in order! i am going to pretty much, try to focus back on this! as much as i can anyways i can't promise that i'll be active 24/7 like i used to be cause im more active on a lot of other platforms and working on other projects but, i can promise that i'll be more semi-active instead of being like an cryptid being spotted once every blue moon. i will be changing up the story an big, mostly the stories that lead up to the current events. try to make them more grounded and i would also like to revisit some old stuff that happened and try to make them fit more into what i now envision into my AU, while i do miss the friends prowler has made, the friends I have made, i thankfully do still talk to their creators like maxx, Luna, TK, Doodlez, that sort of thing, and im glad to still be in contact with them. but yeah, some big changes are once again in order, stay tune and keep an eye out! who knows, you may see something that will catch you eye! that's all, let's hope that this year is well. a lot more kind, and to those who took the time to read this, thanks for tuning in but now i gotta head off, stay cool guys.
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cruelprincae · 10 months
Five Nights at Freddy Photodump under the cut because I am a magpie and I like to take shiny things from everywhere I go
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will-you-pick-me · 11 months
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So I made a personal server to help me organize things when that poll comes back with the results and I can start scripting the demo-
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constellationcrowned · 7 months
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((Finalizing and making the muse bios public is a ways off (I'm waiting for ch3 to release tbh, because there'll be a lot more to use, cover, etc) but when I do for the sake of accessibility not only will each bio have its own navi (which I can provide a sample of) I'll also list the notable tws associated with each character, primarily because they can be pretty severe and I don't skimp/water them down when writing. Safety is important y'know?))
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e-m-p-error · 1 year
I'd Stop The World To Melt With You
Pairing: Alastor/Velvette
Genre: Romance/Horror
Rating: M
Word Count: 100
Status: Complete
Warnings: Het, M/F, Murder, Death, Fire, Burning Alive, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat
Disclaimer: I don’t own anything.
Summary: She couldn't have impressed him more.
Here's a gift fic for @ritzy-cervidae! I really had a blast on this. It was for a drabble challenge, so it's really short, but I love this a lot. Under a cut for violence/death.
Sometimes I just like to write fics based on my rps with people, so I hope that y'all are ready for some things from me. I have three more done and ready to post, and then I'm working on a few more as we speak. That's why I'm a little slow on replies, I've been working on my fanfic stuff.
"Oh, Dearest, Alastor couldn't help but press his right hand to his chest, a soft gasp on his lips, "All this just for me?"
"You know how I feel about you." Velvette began, closing her eyes before taking a few steps closer, "I want to watch the world burn with you. I want to kill for you, I want to kill with you. You are my focus this afternoon, just me and you."
The burning van, filled with screams for now, rimmed Alastor just right, and her breath caught in her lungs when she opened them to look at him, "Love you."
Prompt: Let The World Burn
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It upsets me the muns that are bullied in the RPC detach themselves from the community to protect themselves from farther harm, while the ones who start the drama are thriving. It all takes the right charisma and the 'correct bully target' (example: neurodivergent with lack of social skills) for everyone to ignore the vague-posting, love bombing, backstabbing behind the scenes, what-have-you. High school all over again.
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plushrumps arg archive final update
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Reworked header to take the credits out of the toggle. A heartfelt thank you to the Feltfiends (especially @fribbitz and @ironovervine), to @nutzworth, to the Shitpost Pissdrinkers, to the anons, and to the contributors who have chosen to remain uncredited and anonymous.
A new section with Behind-the-Scenes content has been added, featuring the muns' blogs, and a summarization of the BTS convo on Feltfiends.
Cleaned up the Bulletin as it is now defunct with the ARG over. Also cleaned up parts of the site so it's neater.
And that's it! Good game, y'all. If there are small tidbits from the muns here and there, I'll do my best to add them, but otherwise, most of the work is done.
Thank you to the muns @terrorizings @classpectpokerap @orangestorapples @horsesbones @jester-vamp and @maybetheyregiants , even if it was serendipitous and spontaneous ❤️. Thank you to the servers who've had to deal with me and my annoying dramatic ass 💜. As I've said, it has been a pleasure and an honor to be your liaison, your secretary, and your archivist. And your dear friend 💙.
You may now proceed to beat this blog with hammers and put me to sleep.
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meme-force-99 · 1 year
Hi y’all. This is… just the coolest darn thing ever. Your posts always crack me up and I’m so amazed at your cleverness and hard work. I used to do LOTR RP (in the early 2000s 🥴) and had no idea it still existed in this format. 🥹 Makes me so happeh! I feel like I want to know everything about your behind the scenes work and thoughts and all of it. 🤓 Y’all do such a wonderful job. *Anyway*… no real point to this other than general love, appreciation, and commendation. ☺️😘
Thank you, ma'am. That's good to hear. Unfortunately, some of what goes on here is classified, and—
(Echo's Mun) Echo, as long as she isn't asking who we really are behind the scenes, it's all good.
Thanks for the kind words, Free! Getting to "be" these characters on "their" blogs is a lot of fun for us. We would love to be able to crawl into an episode of The Clone Wars or The Bad Batch and talk to these people ourselves, so being able to do that for everyone else feels pretty good.
We look forward to hearing from you more in the future...ma'am! 😉
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aroseyetbloomedwrites · 9 months
LFRP: Francel de Haillenarte
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(Looking for: Contacts, friends, acquaintances, and more!)
The Basics:
Age: 25
Race: Elezen
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Queer
Marital Status: It may be Complicated now...
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Physical Appearance:
Hair: Blond
Eyes: Blue. Oceanic
Height: 6'7.5"
Build: Slim and softly padded.
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Occupation: Overseer of the Reconstruction and Operation of the Firmament.
Hobbies: All things musical, namely; Piano, cello, and learning vertical keyed flute. Baking.
Residence: Ishgard, The Last Vigil, Haillenarte Manor
Religion: Halonic Orthodox/The Twelve.
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For a Basic Profile:
Likes: Music. The Piano is his favorite, but he plays other instruments. Coffee. Sweets. Greenery and flora. Karakul & other such fauna.
Dislikes: Wine. Presumptuousness. Blizzards.
Strengths: Discerning. Attentive. Earnest. Honest. Tight-lipped.
Weaknesses: Idealistic. Talkative. Insecure. A bit nosy. He can be absent minded.
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RP Hooks & Currently Looking For:
Investment Opportunities: Including business operations and entrepreneurs. The acquisition of business from the three major City States was an excellent exercise into what the new District could be, but now he would like to make sure success can grow from within. It was important to bring business back into Ishgard, starting with her people.
(If you are looking for High House connections, this may be your stop!)
Hint: Anything which may aid the Skysteel Workshop in the Firmament, and the Manufactory in the City Proper would also be a stepping stone.
Idea: He may also have a vested interest in baked goods, and sweets.
If you can get close enough: Not quite a rumor, as lord Francel has been hush-hush about it... A scene not dissimilar to the past; goods he had shipped in to the new district come in damaged with a pristine box. Leading him to believe in an outside source of sabotage. While not the leading reason behind why it's being built, he has become the face and driving force, with his leadership, steadily upsetting an internal, or external balance. Will he, and yours, be able to get to the bottom, or is there some aid which may be proffered? (this would be an extensive and cooperative endeavor, across many platforms, with intertwining stories.)
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Low Stakes RP Hooks and Opportunities!
Would You Like To Dance?: Francel is, for all intents and purposes, a young lord, as such one would think him versed in the multitude of arts which may be related to music to some extent. Alas, since he was but a child, and despite many lessons, the habit of sneaking out and shirking such duty prevailed, and he wiles away the gala and gatherings in the gardens. He has two left feet now, is it possible then, that one could show him the way? Such world as he lives in, he can no longer get away with being a wallflower, or hidden away with his new public position.
Snowbank Blues: Does your character wander Coerthas? What about Ishgard's city proper? Lord Francel does; between Camp Dragonhead, and Skyfire Locks, as well as near to the ruins of the Steel Vigil and thus, Providence Point to a certain memorial with frequency... He does not always squirrel himself away, and one may find him praying in the cathedral, nestled in a bakery, or at those old encampments. Is that a look of melancholy as he wanders, and as he sits?
Ever Sleepless: The morning is subjective, right? This is said because lord Francel has little (a lot) of trouble sleeping. Is he up early? Or did he go to sleep late? If at all? He can be safely visited at odd hours. Does your character serve a lesser House which would be in contact with House Haillenarte? Lord Francel may just be the easiest contact to have, as a go-between, from their House, to His. Meetings of most any nature can be held in the late, or early mornings, and he will ever lend and ear to any plight with which he may be able to assist.
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OOC Outlines & Communication
Hi there! Francel mun here, you can call me Francy, or Fran or other such variations as please you.
The muse and mun are 21+ and respectfully request all who approach to be.
My expectations are maturity, respect and communication. Such facets as I play Francel as, commanding of maturity and respect can be unlocked with our friendship and story progression! Communication is key.
I accept mature themes with communication, romance centric plots, angst, slice of life, adventure. Anything outlined in the hooks are a possibility. But do know, the hooks listed here are not all there is in the world of possibility! But if you are lost, they could be a starting point. I am open to all kinds of possibilities, and would love the chance to explore with you. Please know, interaction is NOT limited to just within Ishgard and Coerthas, he can travel abroad now! And will have to, from time to time, for business.
Response times vary, but I like to think I am very considerate of your time! I also write to match, most times. Short-form and long-form, or, from several sentence story lines, to multi length paragraph plots. Simplistic, or introspective. Flavors can change.
In-game roleplay is a little harder for me, but I do enjoy it, this will take some planning and cooperation.
First contact me here for communication purposes before we move to such platforms as Guilded, or Discord.
(divider by samspenandsword)
Hope I have done this right!
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uzumakichcined · 2 months
i wrote this on discord but i want to restate it
you are not responsible for other people's actions
characters dont have to be "good people" all the time
its okay for characters to not be the best of people at times and to explore the good and negative aspects of them
With Sasuke's whole thing about hurting Karin's feelings, that is the kind of angst i enjoy, it is not just torture porn or angst for the sake of hurting people it's a NATURAL and REALISTIC conflict that happens between adults.
Karin is an emotional person, shes going to be upset when someone she thought liked her believes that she was called ugly and especially that she had dead eyes and effectively to her looks dead. Karin has a lot of insecurity when it comes to her physical appearance so her sourness and dislike of that Sasuke now is completely fair (internally) but her taking it out on him isn't exactly nice either
Sasuke is justifiably confused as well because well, sorry he's pretty bad at reading the room. This conflict with Karin and well everyone also pointing it out is helping him be challenged as a character and his views. it, in a way, makes him reassess what he had done, or maybe even double down! because people aren't perfect and its okay to have characters be like this
these situations to me make the characters feel real, it makes me feel like I'm actually setting up arcs, lessons that need to be learned, picking at the big pieces of underlying things id like to explore through small, realistic conflicts that happen between people in non world-ending ways.
These situations make me feel like im not just RPing, but I'm writing a story, and my character gets to go through conflicting emotions. people she liked, she now is hurt by, she has to grapple with her past, she has to grow and change because her perceptions on things are changing and she is being influenced by her own and other's actions.
what people shouldnt do is use these things for hatred or spreading horrible ideas (you know who you are) being hateful and harmful is NEVER okay, as situations like these need to be discussed between the muns of the blog. a lot of conversations go on behind the scenes anons don't get to see, and i for one am an advocate to make sure things are all peachy with RPs and outcomes as its happening or plotting it out when it spirals too out of control.
so long as the muns are okay with shit, that's all that should matter. but never, ever, use this to send legitimate hate to real people or marginalized groups.
I'm not going to let anons who want to use this to spout slurs or other things to degrade others ruin my fun time and build my story. If yo are the anon who sent that horrible ask to the person in question, leave. unfollow me. i don't appreciate people using slurs against people with mental illness or otherwise are neurodivergent. as someone who has ADHD and Autism this has been used against me and i don't enjoy it on the dash, i don't enjoy it in anons, and i don't want it used in the slightest to degrade those people like myself anywhere near me.
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🗣 Enid
Send ‘🗣’ + a character to hear the mun’s opinion about that character. - @survivintothrivin
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I actually took a stab at playing Enid several years ago. It didn't really stick so I dropped her. So it is safe to say that I adored her. She was so broken and barely surviving when we met her. If it wasn't for Carl, I don't think she would have started living again. Then when Maggie and Glenn basically took her under their wing, I loved that for her. So it was sad to me when Maggie basically left her behind (when Lauren left the series for a bit). Enid dying and being put on a pike broke my heart. I hate that scene with a passion. She deserved better. So much better.
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manor-tea-time · 4 months
Sands Of Time Finale: Withered Leaves
CW/TW: Zombie esque plant gore within the character info of the post. While there is no blood present, it is still a bit gnarly. Be careful!
As the leaves crisp into the fall, slowly fading away into the winter, a sad loneliness can be found upon the now empty treetops that they resided upon. Alas, we must wait till spring to see the blooming buds and leaves return once more upon these trees.
However, that does leave the question, dear detectives, what if we could speed up this process? What could happen if one had found a way to catch the final grains of sand within the hourglass before they were even able to drop?
Perhaps that is something that only our newest hunter, The Scavenger can enlighten us upon within the grand finale of the Sands of Time Trilogy.
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-Collab Details-
Hello! This part of the event came out a lot later than I originally planned, but later is better than never, right? Anyways, now is a good time as ever to reveal some secret collabs! :D
@thisbirch (Our lovely event artist), Emma ( @tatya-time), and ZM ( @ask-idv-astronaut) have all been helping me both behind the scenes and on their blogs to build up the previous Bloom Event! (as dubbed by Emma). Not only do I want to give them a special thanks for letting me beat up their Ocs for the general plot, but also for their overall good vibes and patience throughout the process! It was slow-moving to get everything properly finished up.
Additionally, for my fellow muns out there, remember those funny packages your muses may have gotten containing bread, flowers and a lil note? Teehehehehehehe that was lil ol me! I appreciate you guys putting up with those (especially cause they were written at like… 1 am 😭)
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-General Event Info-
This event is a continuation of both the Bloom Event and The Sands of Time event. As the situation has calmed down and both Tatya and Alden have been given time to recover, an eerie aura has taken over the manor as mysterious vines and plants have sprouted around it! The Scavenger is still determined to keep their word of a reunion. Even more so as Nerium is still hungry.
This is where you guys hop in! Depending on how you interact with The Scavenger, you guys have the opportunity to unlock 1 of 2 endings for the grand finale. One good. One Bad. So be careful and use the tools I've given you wisely!
Additional Important Info:
-The Scavenger is a temporary character. After the period of this event (about a month or two), he will be leaving the blog for an unknown amount of time. He will still most likely be referenced via other characters though.
-Delilah's Paranormal Parlor is still open alongside this event/will close with it for the sake of allowing you guys to get more clues. I'll even say that a certain "Guiding Hand" would know a bit about our new hunter friend ;3
-The style of the event's end will be similar to Pip's Night Adventure, but most likely with fewer options (but longer writing bits).
-Considering the time past between the events, I do understand many of the bits of lore may not be super easy to access for new folks seeing this. So, just for simplicities sake for finding things/catching up, most posts retaining to this event's lore should be under #Withered Leaves (SoT Finale) or #Bloom Event (depending on the blog).
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General Character Info ζຽ|◍ ゝ◍|ຽ <🌿:
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─────✧・゚: ✧・
⇢ ғᴜʟʟ ɴᴀᴍᴇ: Oleander Eldrich (Jr.)
⇢ ɴɪᴄᴋɴᴀᴍᴇs: The Scavenger, Oli
⇢ ɢᴇɴᴅᴇʀ|ᴘʀᴏɴᴏᴜɴs: He/They
⇢ ᴀɢᴇ: 27
⇢ ᴏᴄᴄᴜᴘᴀᴛɪᴏɴ: Forest Park Manager
─────✧・゚: ✧・
⇢  ʟɪᴋᴇs:
-Botany / Phytotoxicology
-Small Collections
⇢  ᴅɪsʟɪᴋᴇs:
-Large Messes
-Jingling sounds
─────✧・゚: ✧・
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stellrn · 1 year
“What kind of a life would I have lived if I didn't choose to board the Express... No, there is no such possibility.”
(‼️Warning from Mun‼️- You CANNOT imagine how long this shit is, so only if you are ready for your fingers to hurt from scrolling…press ‘keep reading’, brave one. I’ll meet you at the end.)
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↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺ 1:35 ───ㅇ─────3:47
▁ ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ █ 100% volume
🔆ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : Rules are made to be broken! 🔆 What you can expect/rules (that are NOT made to be broken):- ✩ Shipping Friendly as long as it’s not an illegal one and I’m comfortable with it. Example for illegal ships include pedophilloic ships etc etc.
✩ mostly one liners/semi lit rp
✩ May add my own personal head cannons of Stelle. But still the same old in-game trash can loving raccoon-like stelle we all know.
✩ DNI if you’re: racist, lgbtqia+phobic: including transmeds, exclusionists, terfs and illegitimate sexualities/pronouns, anti-semitic, xenophobic/Islamophobic, ableist, pedophilloic, sexist/misogynistic and all basic DNI criteria.
✩ No explicit smut content but will rp fluff, romance, angst, gore, drinking/alcohol topics etc.
✩ There is a real person who controls this account, so I may take time to respond to you/your muse/asks.
✩ If I want the RP to end, I will say so and the same goes for you! If you also want to conclude the RP, just say so and I will gladly stop.
✩ It will be up to me to decide if I want to RP with you (if you have send me an in-character ask etc etc.) and if I’m comfortable with where the RP is going. And vice versa.
✩ Also, I don’t want to be the only one carrying the plot of the story and the role play. Please don’t respond me with anything that I don’t have an answer to as the RP will die sooner rather than later. I would request you to be more engaging with the RP conversation.
✩ Please remember mun =/= muse.
✩ Mun messages will be shown with Mun-
✩ Anons are more than welcome! You can make yourself known on this blog with your own tag! But, I will only reply if I’m comfortable with your message.
✩ Not really spoiler-free.
✩ WIP account
🔆This account is NOT affiliated with Hoyoverse.
🔆Current anons:- We got more anons, trailblazers, visitors on the express, let’s go! -🕳️ anon
-🪡 anon
-🎸 anon
-🎎 anon
-🌸🥞 anon
-🦅👁️ anon
-🍳 nonnie
-⛓️💎 anon
-🔆 anon
*ੈ✩‧₊˚*ੈ✩‧₊˚*ੈ✩‧₊˚*ੈ✩‧₊˚*ੈ✩‧₊˚*ੈ✩‧₊˚*ੈ✩‧₊ 🔆Of course behind the scenes is any ordinary person Valerie; She/her, 18+ and currently existing. I also go by Xyn (pronounced as shin) or Zenny.
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•.,¸¸,.•´¯“𝖳𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝗏𝗈𝗒𝖺𝗀𝖾 𝗁𝖺𝗌 𝗃𝗎𝗌𝗍 𝖻𝖾𝗀𝗎𝗇.”¯•.,¸¸,.•´
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#Trailblazing beyond🌟: General Tag
#The Golden Trash🌟: Self
#Precious trash!🦝: Reblogs
#Queue-ing for…Trash?🦝: Queued
#The main character appears!‼️: Anon asks
#Crippling anxiety 😟: Other in-character asks
#Akivili, the coolest aeon💫: Roleplaying with Astral Express Members
#Cold Dragon Young 🐉 : Roleplaying with Dan Heng/ Dan Heng Imbibitor Lunae. #March 8th ❄️ :Roleplaying with March 7th
#Miss Himeko 🚂: Roleplaying with Himeko
#Mr. Yang 👓: Roleplaying with Welt Yang.
#Not the Simulated Universe…🗿: Roleplaying with Herta’s Space Station Characters/characters met in Herta’s Space Station
#This is wild(fire)🤨: Roleplaying with Belobog Characters/characters met in Belobog
#No Trash Cans… 😭: Roleplaying with the Xianzhou Loufu characters/characters met in the Xianzhou Loufu
#Dreamscapes or Nightmares?🌌: Roleplaying with Penacony characters/characters met in Penacony
#”Destined” to encounter❓:Roleplaying with the Stellaron Hunters
#M-mother..? 🕷️🕸️ : Roleplaying with Kafka
#Video-game lover 👾🎮: Roleplaying with Silver Wolf
#Baldie 🗡️🥀 : Roleplaying with Blade
🌟-Ask box is always open because I don’t have anything better to do, well most of the time anyway. Even Trailblazing gets tiring sometimes.
(Mun- This is a role play account for Stelle, the female trailblazer. I love raccoons and trash cans if you know what I’m referring to. Happy trailblazing! Also, I hope your fingers don’t hurt.) *ੈ✩‧₊˚*ੈ✩‧₊˚*ੈ✩‧₊˚*ੈ✩‧₊˚*ੈ✩‧₊˚*ੈ✩‧₊˚*ੈ✩‧₊
©galacticbaseballbatter on Tumblr ; do not copy/translate
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annamariemir4ge · 4 months
imagine if suuren päivän ilta has a music video. here's what i think it will look like. kindly use your imagination as i narrate all the stuff here. hope you enjoy. :D
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KUUMAA - Suuren päivän ilta
Tääl ei koskaan tapahdu mitään Mut yhes illaks sä muutit kaiken Oikeestaan en halunnu ketään Mut olit vieras ja erilainen
This part shows Johannes driving his car across the city at nighttime. Scenes of nightlife, city lights, and traffic can also be seen.
Nopeit rikkauksii, kokoajan tiukemmin mus kii Sumuset silmät vastas vaan mun kaikkiin toiveisiin
Tired and sad Johannes made it to his destination, walk through the hallway, enters his apartment, and looks from the distance.
Basically the first part is him going home after the "night of a big day."
Kyyneliin, suuren päivän ilta päättyi kyyneliin Me tanssittiin, kunnes me oltiin viimesii Mä siivoon sirpaleita meidän vieläkin, vieläkin Meiän piti vaan laskee leikkii, mut liekkiin se saatiin Mä en osannu tietää, et sun kaa tää kaiken vaatii Kyyneliin, suuren päivän ilta päättyi
This part is now a flashback of everything that happened few hours prior. As the chorus plays, people are dancing in the club. Lots of close up and slomo shots in here, just like the ylivoimainen video. It also alternates to Johannes singing while sitting alone in a couch in the club while the people behind him continues dancing.
Sä talutit mua punasiin käytäviin Ja oli myöhä, mut ei viel tarpeeks (Ei viel tarpeeks) Halusin sua, mä olin varma siit, et sä oot vastaus kaikkeen Sanoin et: "En mä oo ikin ollu näin hengissä" Pölyset pinnat peilissä Katumus painaa kengissä, kun mä seuraan sua
The scene flashes back even more when Johannes just entered the club earlier that night. He met Jonttu and Aarni at the bar and had a few drinks. He suddenly caught sight of a girl in the middle of the dancefloor. He approached her and they danced together.
Kyyneliin, suuren päivän ilta päättyi kyyneliin Mе tanssittiin, kunnes me oltiin viimesii Mä siivoon sirpaleita meidän vieläkin, vieläkin Meiän piti vaan laskee leikkii, mut liekkiin se saatiin (Meidän piti, meidän piti vaan) Mä en osannu tietää, et sun kaa tää kaiken vaatii Kyyneliin, suuren päivän ilta päättyi
More scenes of Johannes dancing with the girl which alternates to him singing in the couch.
When the interlude starts, Johannes will lose sight of the girl. He searches for her in the dancefloor but to no avail. After the beat drop, strobe lights will appear with a dominating red color.
Kyyneliin, suuren päivän ilta päättyi kyyneliin Me tanssittiin, kunnes me oltiin viimesii Mä siivoon sirpaleita meidän vieläkin, vieläkin (Vieläkin) Meiän piti vaan laskee leikkii, mut liekkiin se saatiin Mä en osannu tietää, et sun kaa tää kaiken vaatii Kyyneliin, suuren päivän ilta päättyi
The last chorus kicks in with the whole band playing on the stage, wearing their now iconic black and red overalls. It again alternates to Johannes singing in the couch.
The outro instrumental plays, with Johannes sitting in the couch. The people partying behind him are now gone. He stands up when the music stops and leave like nothing happened.
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