bagadew · 3 months
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A mask for any occasion!
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mk-wizard · 2 years
Race/Gender/Orientation/Etc-Bending: The Popular Characters are being replaced too now
I said a long time ago that I did not agree with “bending” existing characters because I believe in respecting them if they were specified to be a certain way and I believe it is better to use the existing characters of the group you’re trying to include/represent especially since they’ve waited long enough. I will not argue with mantle inheritors, AUs or characters who were never specified to be anything, but once we say the duck is a duck, it’s a duck. And my only half-argument towards people never saying that the character is straight/white/Christian/etc. is that lots of characters never say they are what they are, but we’re not dumb. We can see what they are by getting to know them. We can see that Leon Kennedy from Resident Evil is straight even though he never said he was. And we can see (very beautifully) that Ruby and Sapphire from Steven Universe are lesbians and monogamists even though they never say they are. Using the reason “but they never said they were _____” can come across as an excuse not a valid point.
More importantly, for every time we “bend” an established character, we are throwing away a chance to star an existing character of that group. And the reason for not giving them a chance is just as weak and sounds just as much like an excuse; “It’s because they’re not popular”. Pardon me, but why create new characters then? Why pass mantles onto characters who aren’t like their predecessors? Plus, the whole “they’re not popular” excuse was the reason people used back in the day and it was steeped in bigotry. It was not ok then and it is not ok now. If we’re not going to showcase these characters now when the world is craving them so deliciously, when are we? And as for not being popular...
We didn’t know who Black Panther was, but as soon as we met him, the world fell in love with him. He is noble, kind and badass. And evidently, irreplaceable.
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Blade was not well known before his movie debut, but now, EVERYONE knows who he is and remembers his trilogy. Plus, it was thanks to his movie debut that the superhero movie genre had new life breathed into it.
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Wonder Woman hasn’t had a solo piece in years, but once she finally did, she roared and soared (at least the first film did). She is an extremely positive female and bisexual icon because of her brave and beautiful soul.
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However, not only are other great characters remaining on the shelf or second fiddle, Hollywood has reached a new kind of low. With the upcoming film, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem, they triple bent April O’Neal to be plus sized, plain and black.
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When Hollywood did THIS, my last lingering bit of tolerance towards “bending” was broken and not because of what they did to April. It is what they did to existing characters in TMNT who are of the three groups and what’s worse is that... THEY ARE POPULAR!!
Irma Langinstein is plain and everyone knows who she is. Her personality, quips and role are legendary.
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Beepop and Rocksteady are plus sized and even were so when human, and everyone knows who they are. They were the stars of the 80s cartoon.
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And last but absolutely not least, there is Baxter Stockman who is black and not only does everyone know who he is, he is an iconic TMNT villain! One can even argue, he hits the notes for being body positive. He is not only plain, but unlike most black male characters, he is not tall, statuesque, muscular or has perfect teeth. He has big awkward teeth, he is either short or average, he is skinny and lanky, and his ears stick out. Yet even with all that, he is a frightening force to be reckoned with.
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I can’t lie or hold it back anymore. When Hollywood decided to “bend” instead of using the existing characters, I was enraged. I’m STILL enraged because for once, the “they’re not popular” reason isn’t just a poor excuse, it’s a lie.
This is exactly how far across the line Hollywood has gone. It not only refuses to give the spotlight to existing characters, it is now kicking them off of the stage. Also, it is not going to stop at TMNT. It’s going to happen in DC, Marvel and more. One can even argue that it was already happening.
However, there is hope and this phenomena can be stopped if we stop accepting it. We have to say “no” to bending and speak louder when suggesting existing characters. And not just with our words. Our actions matter too. Stop watching and reading material that “bends” instead of using existing characters. After all, it is a business. If we stop consuming this kind of material, they’ll stop making it. Also, let’s show them what we want with fanart and bringing up the characters we want by their names. If representation and inclusion the right way are important to us, then let’s act like it is. Stop settling for “bending” and acknowledge the damage it is really doing. It’s no longer just lazy writing, it’s a disease that is killing characters.
Say no to lazy writing. Say no to saying great characters aren’t good enough especially when they’ve proven that they are. Say no to having to secretly be white/straight/Christina/etc. just to be accepted.
If you are beautiful and amazing enough to be shown to the world, so are the characters who are like you.
PS: If you agree with me, please reblog this.
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micanpie · 1 year
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pt VI good omens s1e2, a totally all-inclusive summary i remember everything
i don't, that's a lie. i lie like aziraphale, rarely and badly but with great gaslight energy.
alright well let's not dawdle for 6000 years, i'll forget what i DO remember.
An angel named Gabriel who is not Jimbriel yet, so a foetus Jimbriel, gets into Aziraphale's bookstore and yells about pornography to keep humans from following him into Aziraphale's secret back chamber.
What they do there, I do not know. It is up to speculation. They talk and Aziraphale is flustered about Crowley, I think, but that's the whole show so far.
The intro sequence remains strange. Cartoon Aziraphale is an impregnated chicken, cartoon Crowley is the baby daddy.
There are witch hunters and they want to burn Agnes Nutter alive. I don't know who Anges Nutter is yet.
We cut to Agnes Nutter and I know I will never forget her. She is beautiful and a BAMF. A MILF. An absolute bombshell.
The bombshell part is literal. They set her on fire and she explodes, killing all those in a 100 metre radius. I want to be her.
I assume it is a witch thing, but then find out she put bombs under her skirts. I want to be her, but more ardently.
There is a book. She writes prophecies in it.
There are horsemen of the apocalypse, which I forgot was still happening. We are in present day.
War kills everyone. She is pretty. She is not Warlock, the kid whom Aziraphale and Crowley raised.
Famine is a sexy beast, and runs Michelin star restaurants. He likes tiny food. He is developing foodless food.
If there are others, I do not notice. There could be. There really could be. There probably are.
There is a girl who scribbles on the book from earlier. She grows up. I think she is War. I am wrong. This is probably a good time to mention to Tumblr that I have mild issues with facial recognition, which is totally not going to affect my understanding of what is happening at all.
She is named Anathema. That could be someone else. What is real? Not Neil Gaiman.
She finds the Antichrist and the Them, and they are all playing at a witch hunt. The Antichrist does not have an aura. Yellow is fear. Yellow is joy. I lose track of what is happening for several scenes.
Newt is works in an office. There is a power cut. Newt no longer works at an office.
Newt joins a witch hunt.
There is a delivery man. I think he is Newt. I am wrong. His name is something resembling Judy. It is an easy mistake, everyone's reaction to not-Newt-maybe-Judy is the same as that to Newt, deep protective love.
Crowley and Aziraphale steal a Bentley. Find a Bentley? I am unsure. I am too busy looking at Crowley.
Crowley speeds. Crowley likes speeding. They hit a motorbike that has maybe-Anathema. They pick her up and take her to a house somewhere. The Bentley plays Queen music. Everyone is very excited about this. Beepop.
Maybe-Anathema enters the house. This could have been before she finds the Antichrist. But if the show isn't linear I don't have to be either, I decide.
Crowley and Aziraphale panic a lot, but find time to eye each other hungrily and lovingly. They have priorities, and I respect that.
Crowley yells at his plants to grow better. He pretends to kill one of them. I cannot believe I was entirely right about my interpretation of that GIF. I am filled with confused anger. Later I find out that he is projecting how heaven told him he was a disappointment and threw him out. I am no longer angry. I am sad. This is an ongoing thing when it comes to Crowley.
A major plot point is Dog, the best friend of the Antichrist, having a face off with a fat tabby cat. Dog loses. It was doomed from the start.
Aziraphale gaslights gatekeeps and girlbosses. He assures heaven that everything is under control. It is not. That is okay. I think.
Heaven asks about Crowley. Aziraphale gets flustered. This is as per usual and he assures them that he is battling Crowley, who keeps him on his toes. I not-so-privately think that Crowley keeps him on his knees, really.
Things happen. I'm too busy thinking about Aziraphale's puppy eyes. He is a bitchy sweetheart. I love him.
More things happen. I'm too busy thinking about Crowley's sexy hips and shoulders and, well, everything.
The episode ends. I am still thinking about Crowley. I am always thinking about Crowley. Everyone is always thinking about Crowley.
This... this is all I remember. Have it, Tumblr.
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mrweskearfan · 3 months
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#Faye Valentine #Cowboy Beepop
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zykamiliah · 1 year
relationship status: crowley and the bookshop, aziraphale and the bentley
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apparently it won't leave me alone unless i write it down so here it goes: the way aziraphale treats the bentley and the way crowley treats the bookshop are metaphors about the status of their relationship and, to an extent, how they relate to each other
i mean yeah that was kind of obvious at the moment i was watching episode 3, but i didn't realize the implications of this particular metaphor until much much later (bc i didn't binged the season), after i watched the end of the last episode.
so here it goes!
i have no idea of other people have already talked about this, in which case i won't apologize since writing down this is part of my post-s2 coping strategies
crowley and the bookshop
crowley doesn't live in the bookshop per se, he doesn't rest there, he doesn't put his plants there, but it is where he spend a good chunk of his time. he's comfortable enough to takes off his sunglasses , meaning he's comfortable being himself there (mostly); the bookshop his anchor, and his world revolves around it.
what's important here is that when tasked with taking care of it without supervision, guarding it and its contents, he changes nothing about it.
i mean he's a bit careless with some books (don't throw them around ahhh!!) but for the most part he does nothing but to keep things as they are. he doesn't try to sell the books, he doesn't rearrange or change the furniture. the one time he does is after the whole business with heaven and hell and gabriel and beelzebub going off together, and he just puts everything back as it was before the party.
crowley loves the bookshop as it is, the same way he loves humanity as it is, the same way he loves aziraphale as he is. he doesn't want aziraphale to change. he takes care of him, helps him with everything he asks of him, is very protective of him; however in the same way he doesn't technically live in the bookshop and isn't a bookseller ("not even at gunpoint"), he has never said how he really feels about aziraphale, despite what his actions indicate.
crowley's love steadfast, and quiet, and there, but never fully realized. same as their relationship. aziraphale has let him in, but not completely. and crowley hasn't dare to take more space than he is allowed, because he doesn't want to lose what they have.
aziraphale and the bentley
in a mirror of how he relates to crowley, aziraphale asks the bentley to do things for him in that kind, authoritative way of his, and they get along fantastically. however when getting unsupervised alone time with the bentley, aziraphale proceeds to change its color, the music it plays, and even adds things to its interior. in its essence, the bentley remains the same, but its make up gets swapped for what aziraphale would like to see, what he thinks it's nice.
the bentley indulges aziraphale, because just like its owner, it's head over heels with him. it'll play aziraphale's music of choice without complain, it'll change his own color and go as fast as aziraphale likes it (which is veeeery slow), and it'll follow him around like a puppy; that's how much the bentley loves aziraphale.
crowley has to scold and demand and threaten aziraphale to get him to change the bentley back. and aziraphale is forced to comply, not because crowley asked, but because his own books were on the line. mercifully, he doesn't try to change the bentley's appearance again, though he still asks it to play him music that isn't beepop.
in retrospective it's glaringly obvious what this is about, which is: aziraphale thinking that crowley should be an angel. more specifically, that since crowley is good, and knows right from wrong better than aziraphale, it must mean that deep down crowley is still an angel. aziraphale just needs to bring it out, to make it happen.
but thing is, i don't think aziraphale realizes that crowley (and the bentley) being good to him in particular doesn't mean they want to be Good in the way aziraphale thinks heaven should be. because there's nothing good about heaven, something that s2 pointed out in more than one occasion.
aziraphale still can't let go of heaven, or distance himself from angelhood the way crowley has let go of hell (and heaven) and demonhood. he was forced to give it up when confronted with the end of the world, but it wasn't by choice. so a part of him still wants to go back; so, when given the chance to do so, he accepts.
this is all part of his character's journey. no matter how many times crowley tells him heaven is toxic, or how many times aziraphale experiences it for himself, he needs to realize it and let go of heaven by choice.
but as for now, he is still trying to pull crowley to his side, back to heaven, because, from his point of view, that's how it should be, because crowley is good! crowley know when to do the right thing! crowley asks questions! so if aziraphale is going to be supreme archangel, he wants to restore crowley to his rightful place, which is high up in heaven, doing good things, inventing things, bringing galaxies to life.
aziraphale's love (presently) is about relying in and allowing crowley to do things for him, about letting him into his safe space, (to a certain limit), doing things with and spending time with crowley, and trying to do what he thinks it's best for crowley. he still can't admit to other people or crowley or himself that they are together even when he says things like "our car", "it's my shop but we both get plenty of use out of it", but that's because he feels shame, and because he still hasn't let go of heaven's ideals and expectations.
which brings us to-
Heaven and God as a metaphor of Home and Family
in a way, what's happened at the end of s2 is that metatron (mom's assistant...?) came back to say "hey so since your big brother (gabriel) has run off with the enemy, we want you to come back to take care of the family business(running things in heaven)." previously crowley had been kicked out for asking questions, has been resentful about the whole thing for millennia, but when asked if he'd want to go back, he is not tempted at all. there's not lost love between him and his the other angels. the two times he sneaked back home(heaven), it didn't look like he was attached, even he was still somewhat familiar with it.
now as for his relationship with mom (God) that's an entire different matter. because he was still cast out for being who he is, for questioning authority, and that's a trauma he still carries with him.
but if crowley was the one that got kicked out, aziraphale is the one that stayed and tried to be as was expected of him. he tried to fit in with his family, even if secretly he was doing things they would frown upon. he'd try not to question authority, he'd be in denial about heaven's cruelty even when it smacks him in the face, because he doesn't want to be kicked out. and when he does get kicked out, somewhat, it's because he had to make a hard choice. but same as crowley, it's not like he wanted to, and he's still an angel, despite his own humanity and all his earthly attachments.
so when given the opportunity to go back home, to take the reins and do things as he thinks they should be done, and consequently be in a good relationship with his family and mom, he says yes. because he thinks that's what he should do, he thinks that's what he wants. mom asked her assistant to tell him that he could come back to run the family business! how could aziraphale say no?
he'll realize he doesn't need heaven, eventually. and he'll make his choice, and once he realizes that Heaven=/=Good, that Love=/=Heaven, he'll be ready to accept crowley as he is, without ever trying to change anything about him. and he'll let crowley in fully.
and they'll finally live together.
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star-asterisk · 1 month
Dumping all of my Dandy's World OC's! (Fleshed out ones)
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All of their names in order are:
Gif & Beepop
William and Chester
Bastion and Ken
Riff and Raff
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ochrearia · 3 months
beep bop bep skebap boop skdabeep bapboop beepbop skdoo bepoobee bip beepo brep bappity be de skoo bap skbep beepaa bopo bepo beeeep boooop baaaap beepop
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Fantastic /lh
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kieflo · 14 days
no home last chapter today AND blorbolucious meowmeow beepop from forbidden idol game i havent been into anymore for years got a story relevant card that i used to pray and yearn for like a holy priest i have never felt more physically ill
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Brep boop skbep brep boop bap skdoo beepop boop skebap
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algumaideia · 9 months
Where would one watch Cowboy Beepop
You want to watch cowboy bebop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'd say Netflix or crunchyroll? I'm not much into anime so idk how crunchyroll works but like at least to me cowboy bebop is free there.
Just be aware that is not much a series wehre stuff happens but more like where characters are put in situations that sometimes are related to their trauma and other times are not.
It is more vibes than plot.
It does have some very profund stuff tho.
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If MHA Vigilantes had an anime
During my latest reread of vigilantes, I wanted to do something a little different, so I decided to group the chapters into episodes as if they were an anime and produced this list.
This covers all of the vigilantes chapters and attempts to group them into cohesive episodes that 1)cover about 15+ minutes of content and 2)makes sense with the overall flow/ grouping of chapters.
I took a lot of care to try to make this make sense but please tell me your thoughts about it! Let’s get into it!
(I can’t believe I nearly wrote 3000 words about this.)
Season 1: 16 episodes
Arcs: Beginnings, Stendhal, Queen Bee
Season 2: 16 episodes
Arcs: Osaka/Villain Factory Investigation, Sky Egg, Aizawa Student Days
Season 3: 25 episodes
Arcs: BeePop, Underground Masquerade, Nightmare Night
Season 1
1: 1: The first episode of Vigilantes, we are introduced to Koichi, Pop, and Knuckleduster. They fight Soga, Rapt, and Moyuru in the alley before Knuckleduster says that he can make Koichi a true-blue hero. Koichi refuses.
2: 2: Knuckleduster breaks into Koichi’s house, then picks a fight with Eraserhead, while toy-man Mario plays with his toys. Koichi launches up and away, only to fall into trash.
3: 3-4: More slice of life-style. The X-Men are introduced, and the Crawler makes his debut! Pop and Knuckleduster take over Koichi’s house and they defeat the eel boy with some flour power.
4: 5-6: Introduction of Kuin Hachisuka. Covers her first attack where the pro heroes save the day and the other trigger attack where Knuckleduster is frustrated that he hasn’t had a good fight in a while.
5: 7-7.5,8: Introduction of the Turbo Hero Ingenium! He fights with the bat guy and offers Koichi a spot at his agency only for him to rescind the offer. Then the trio beats up on Enigma, and Pop remembers when Koichi saved her from the river.
(The above may be too much to fit in one episode but chapter 8 doesn’t flow well with the next “episode” and the chapter just comes out of the blue anyway. This also may benefit from having chapter 8 come before 7.5.)
6: 9-9.5: Introduction of Stendhal: The villain slayer! He saves Koichi from a hulked-out villain and then goes on to kill the Avengers, and is revealed to have a blood curdling quirk.
7: 10-11: The Stendhal fight. Soga gets in over his head and Koichi goes to save him. When that doesn’t work Knuckle swoops in to save the day. Ends with the emergence of the hero killer: Stain.
8: 12-13: Introduction of Makoto (in the 8th episode??!!! wow). She lectures Koichi about how the hero profession came to be and then goes to collect some research in the neighbourhood about it. Her laptop gets stolen, but is retuned by the Crawler (he’s a such cool guy 😉🤫).
9: 14-15: The introduction of Captain Celebrity! He swoops in to save the day and is kinda an asshole about it. While this is happening Koichi saves a dog. CC seems to be making moves on Makoto, but then she has his wife on speed dial.
10: 16-18: Koichi’s mom descends on the apartment and everyone in Koichi’s life gets together to pretend that they’re all normal. Makoto, Koichi, and Mom go out on a day trip, but are kidnapped by the Catbus. Ingenium and Koichi save the day while Koichi unlocks a new move.
(This episode would probably benefit from being a two-parter, but the content doesn’t flow well into the episode after, and there’s no good clear stopping point. So, it’s either pack all 3 chapters into 1 episode or stretch it over 2.)
11: SP1-SP2: This episode contains the two special chapters from volume 3. The first has the pro heroes meeting Tanuma to talk about the trigger attack, and the second has All Might and Tsukauchi’s first meeting. (This episode can kinda be placed anywhere in the first season.)
12: 19-20: Starts with Soga investigating Kuin. Knuckleduster visits his wife in the hospital, Pop begins to plan for Narufest, and ends with Knuckleduster setting his sights on Kuin.
13: 21-22: Prep for Narufest starts and we are introduced to the FeatherHats, queue montage. Teruo returns looking extra jacked. The event starts and Teruo knocks out the power. Ends with Knuckleduster’s “You’re coming home, Tamao. Mom’s waiting.”
14: 22-23: Start of the flight between KD and Kuin, she runs off and we cut back to Narufest where Pop takes the stage and calms down the guests. Cuts back to KD/Kuin fight and ends when she stops his heart.
15: 24-25: Knuckleduster is a proud papa that his little girl is such an effective villain. Their fight continues while we see the Narufest kids start to perform. We see knuckleduster buy the taserknuckles from Giran, and he kills the bees. Ends with a certain man in a jumpsuit singing idly to himself while he collects a bee as a sample.
16: 27-28: The final episode of the season, we’re back to normal weirdos in Naruhata. Knuckle leaves his things with Koichi and talks to Tamao in the hospital. Ends with Koichi’s narration, “At any rate, my battle hadn’t even really begun, back then. Not that anyone realized that…”
Season 2
1: 29-30: First episode of season 2, introduces us back to the gang and the settling and reintroduces CC and Aizawa to be bigger characters. Ends with Koichi being saved from the bat guy by CC.
2: 31-32: Start of Osaka arc. Intro to Fatgum and Kaniko. Koichi gets wall cling, and ends with the reveal that Kaniko is an undercover cop.
3: 33-34: Osaka cont: Introduction to Number 6 (as the scarred man), chaos ensues with the crab mechs and ends with Koichi and Pop back on the train.
4: 36-37: Investigation of the villain factory starts Starts with the Naruhata merch debate, Tsuakuchi talks to All Might, then Makoto, then to Aizawa and then to the Hottas. Also, he smells like roses.
5: 38-39: Koichi discovers shooty-go-blam! Number 6 boxes in his apartment before a poster of his mysterious master, and ends with Aizawa nearly getting KO’d by Octiod before Koichi jumps in to save him.
6: 40-41: End of the fight in the warehouse where Kamayan gets mad his teatime is disrupted. Octoid nearly gets jackhammered by Number 6, and 6 and Koichi just miss each other.
7: 42-43: The mixer with Koichi, Pop, Midnight, Rin, and she who will not be named. (The most hated episode of the entire series.)
8: 44-45: Knuckleduster finally shows back up after not being present the entire season and is revealed to have been O’clock (and the squeals of many fanboys ring out across the galaxy). This episode also includes Thomas the tank engine.
(I hate that I couldn’t make the KD is O’clock reveal a cliff-hanger, but If I did it would be attached to the mixer episode, so I think we all dodged a bullet there.)
9: 46-48: The Christmas episode where CC saves the girls and gets ready to head home to America. Setup for the Sky egg arc. Kaniko and Eraser play dress-up in this one.
10: 49-51: Sky egg celebration starts, Aizawa, Kaniko and Fatgum break into the villain factory, and CC begins to defend the sky egg. Ends with Koichi stepping out in front of CC.
11: 52-53: Sky egg battle, with Koichi defending CC and the flashback with CC’s wife (Luv u Pamela). Ends with Number 6 detonating the big bomber and the Sky egg starting to crash down.
12: 54-56: Tsukauchi begs All Might to save the day! And then he does. The clean-up begins, and Knuckleduster confronts Number 6 on the roof, ends when KD blows up the building.
13: 57-58: Continues the fight between Number 6 and Knuckleduster (and they blow up). Clean up continues at the sky egg and Pamela shows up to thank Koichi. Ends with CC, Pamela and Makoto going to America. Also includes Koichi narration of: “The danger would come at me all on its own.”
14: 59-60: Start of Aizawa school arc. Koichi and Aizawa apprehend a villain and it starts raining. Then we get into the flashback, Shirakumo strips naked, and the episode ends with young Midnight offering a job at her boss’s agency.
15: 61-62: Loud Cloud and Eraserhead intern at His Purple Highness’s agency and then fight Sensoji for the right to their googles. Ends with “We need back up immediately!”, “We need back up now!”
16: 63-65: Aizawa’s fight with Garvey, Shirakumo’s death, and the wrap-up including graduation and the talk with the Hottas. Ends with Aizawa leaving to become a teacher. End of season.
Season 3:
1: 66-68: First episode after the ~2 year time skip in Vigilantes and picks up with Koichi threatening to retire. Nomura is introduced. Makoto comes back and asks for Koichi’s hand. Ends with Pop’s “I’d better not loose!”
2: 69-71: Pop works on her solo career with Nomura. Ends with Nomura’s turn and Pop in the bee basement.
3: 72-74: The kids start looking for Pop and then Bee⭐️Pop makes her debut! Koichi gets dumped and thrown into trash, ends with Soga giving Koichi the letter: “‘I’ll make you a true blue hero,’ but that was a lie.”
4: 75-76: Koichi opens with the letter (best chapter of the entire manga FIGHT ME) and then Koichi and the gang go to the warehouse to start training. Ends with Koichi getting serious about using shooty-go-blam.
5: 77-78: Continue training (with a sick montage) and then Pop swears that Koichi will “never forget about her”. O’clock ll teams up the Compass Kid and Bee⭐️Pop’s second attack starts. Number 2 hero Endeavor is deployed to stop the villain.
6: 79-81: Koichi gets in the way of Endeavor’s attack, Compass Kid is killed in the line of duty (GONE BUT NEVER FORGOTTEN), and Bee⭐️Pop sings her final song. Ends with Pop being shot by 6.
7: 82-84: Koichi grabs Pop as she falls and then has to dodge Endeavor and 6 at the same time. The Crawler takes his first flight and gets Pop medical attention. Ends with a burned Number 6’s declaration against Koichi.
8: 85-86: Continues the investigation of the Beepop incident and then transitions into the start of the underground raid arc. Ends with the start of Rappa and O’clock’s fight.
(The above two are the chapters I am the least happy with. It would make sense to fit all the BeePop fight into 1 episode, but then you would be hard pressed to fit 4 chapters in, and the first 2 chapters are just the fight and don’t have enough substance. So, I went with the 3/1 carry-over in conjugation with the start of the first underground fighting ring chapter. Messy but could work.)
9: 87-89: The start of the underground flight. KD let’s himself get hit by Rappa and heads to the sickbay to collect evidence. Along the way teenage Mirko crashes the party. People’s quirks start going wild and ends with a tease of the unnamed “ultimate resource”.
10: 90-91: Continuation of the fight of Rappa, Mirko, and O’clock vs Hood. Ends with Mirko’s “Call number one! We need All Might!”
11: 92-94: All Might shows up to save the day! (but he’s very sleepy) All for One talks about the nature of heroes and villains and we end the flashback and cut back to the present. Number 6 infiltrates the police station and blows up detective Tanuma.
(Season 4 would start here as it’s a nice cut off point, but then season 3 would be very short so let’s keep going.)
12: 95-96: Start of the set-up to the nightmare night arc. Koichi thinks about Pop and the moon, Tsukauchi acquires a warrant for the arrest of the Crawler and ends with Ingenium being deployed.
13: 97-98: The heroes are on the chase of the Crawler! Tsukauchi bickers with Soga, and the nightmare night officially kicks off with Number 6 locking down the city.
14: 99-101: The nightmare night begins in full. Number 6 starts executing the phases of his plan. The heroes are there to help the citizens and Koichi’s quirk powers up while he’s thinking about Pop. Ends with Number 6’s assault on the hospital.
15: 102-103: Number 6 attacks the inside of the hospital. Soga shoots, Koichi shoots-go-blams, and Number 6 quotes Thanos. The episode ends with Koichi landing back down on the ground to face 6 properly.
16: 104-107: The start of Number 6 vs Koichi! They race around Naruhata and Number 6 realizes he’s out matched, he kicks into higher gear ending the episode by switching to “Operation Anonymous, phase 6.”
(That’s right lads were trying to fit 4 chapters into one episode. These ones get really short because most of the page is taken up by visuals.
Also, the first time I did this I grouped all of the BeePop stuff and Underground fighting ring into one season, and the Nightmare night into the rest, but I think having a longer season here works better. Also maybe 3 seasons and 1 ending movie could work for vigilantes? but i’m gonna keep going with the episodes for now.)
17: 108-110: Number 6 attacks Koichi! But he doesn’t expect Koichi to counter by blocking with his quirk and shutting off his brain. 6 throws everything he has including the Anons at Koichi to force him down the street that he lives on. Ends with Knuckleduster’s return “We’ll too bad sucker. Cuz I’m here!” (absolutely manic smile)
18: 111-112: Knuckle explains his plan of attack, but then we switch POV’s and see Number 6 pick out his quirk. Knuckle goes to blow up the building but is thwarted by Soga. Koichi drags 6 off the building and the others look on at the shooting star.
(My one regret with this episode is that I couldn’t end it on 111 with Tamao looking up at the shooting star. Only for it to be revealed that she actually saw Koichi in the next episode. That functions as the midway stopping point in this one though.)
19: 113-115: Number 6 goes lightning mode and the mid-air battle beings! All for One sheds his disguise as he watches on at the spectacle. The citizens of Naruhata watch on in shock and awe. Number 6 fizzles out and summons the Anons to support him to create destruction style. Koichi is hurt and forced underground.
20: 116-117: Koichi finds himself stuck under rubble and has a chat with his master as he believes he’s dying, but he instead receives the gift of the fist and bursts out from underground. He then freaks out about said power while a hallucinogenic episode caused by blood loss. Dream Pop allows him to use the lethal power just this once. “Get it done hero!”
21: 118-119: Koichi continues to fight Number 6 while reflecting on his past, and how it was every kids dream to be a hero, but that “today his dream is coming to an end.” Koichi gets hit hard and we switch to 6’s POV. 6 and Koichi duke it out as kids and in real life. “Somehow, I’m still here.” Ends on that one sick ass panel you know the one.
22: 120-121: Koichi is battered and bruised but the townsfolk still cheer him on! The other heroes arrive just in time to aid the day. The people continue to cheer on the Crawler despite the other heroes. Number 6 explodes with rage and number 2 hero Endeavor shows up on the scene.
23: 122-123: All Might finally arrives on the scene! He and Endeavor execute a combo attack against the 6 bombers and save the city. Number 6 isn’t quite yet done though; he leaves Koichi with some parting words and a sick scar before he burns away. As he goes, Pop sings to him and Knuckleduster and Pop are pulled back from the brink of death. The nightmare is over and Eraserhead finds Koichi bleeding on the pavement. (Listen I’m getting sappy at this point.)
24: 123-124: Koichi wakes up in the hospital, and Makoto and CC storm the place to stop the unjust treatment of CC’s sidekick. Pop gives Koichi back his hoodie, and Koichi can’t help but put it on. All for One can’t fathom what makes Koichi tick, and the episode ends with the debut of CCC-02, The Skycrawler!
(Do I hate it that 123-124 work together so well and that 125 is just kinda off dangling by the edge? Yes. Am I going to change it? No.)
25: 126: A plane begins to crash over New York city, and Koichi comes in with the “Yep, that’s me. Koichi Haimawari” and saves the day. Public perception of him is still dubious so he swears to destroy Wall Street in an interview. We see all our favourite characters again, now closer to the places they will take in the main series, but crime still exits in Naruhata and while Koichi is protecting the skies over New York, Knuckleduster is here.
(This episode may benefit from leaning into the “okay now MHA starts now angle” by adding in more to smoothly transition it over. Maybe adding in something like All Might starting to chase the slime monster and then the episode ends when the villain finally sees Deku walking through the tunnel?)  
And that’s all folks! Thank you for coming along with me on this and tell me what you think or where you would make changes.
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mrweskearfan · 3 months
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#Faye Valentine #Cowboy Beepop
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tired-biscuit · 11 months
mr. biscuit! do you have a favorite character? (from any show/fandom)
Luffy from OP, that main guy from cowboy beepop, part 7 Gyro Zeppeli and Hanma Yujiro cause the character was inspired by my physique 😏😏😏
and pretty much anyone from stormlight and mistborn books!!!
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karmaspidr · 1 year
Two things for the Spider-man: Bad Blood readers.
1. I'll be working on the next chapter soon. I'm sorry for not updating but I had to slow down after working on it essentially none stop over a year. I'm nearing the final stretch of rereading Vigilantes and I now know where I want to take the story and have the motivation to do so.
Except for a new chapter at some point this summer. (Sorry about being vague.)
2. No. 6 is lucky that Peter wasn't active during the BeePop Arc and further.
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kokumotsuannabellu · 1 year
Bingo des Animes 2023
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Coucou les poulets et poulettes !  Je participe à un challenge qui s'appelle Bingo 2023. Le but est de regarder des animes ou regarder des mangas en respectant les critères demandés par la gérante du challenge.  Et j'ai choisi de le Bingo des Mangas 2023. Pourquoi ? Parce que, je ne lis pas souvent mais que parfois ça peut m'arriver de lires les scans ou les spoils.  Et que j'avais re envie à toucher au côté de lecture puisque j'en ai vu des tonnes d'animes ces temps-ci. Prenons un break pour les animes ou séries et je retourne vers ma propre bibliothèque !  Voici les critères pour la lecture du Bingo 2023 :  01. Un manga qui a été adapté en un anime que vous avez déjà vu : Terminé : Cowboy Beepop : Shooting Star  02. Un manga qui a commencé à être publié dans les années 90 : Terminé : Karakuri Circus 03. Un manga d'horreur : Terminé : Shibito No Koe O Kiku Ga Yoi (You will hear the voice of the Dead) 04. Un manga avec plus de 15 tomes :   05. Un One-Shot :  06. Un manga qui se déroule à Tokyo : Terminé :  Terminé :Mitsuboshi Colors  07. Un Shounen sans combat :   08. Un manga où tous les personnages principaux sont des femmes : Terminé : We Never Learn  09. Un manga avec votre genre préféré :   10. Un manga avec un genre que vous n'aimez pas : Prison School 11. Un manga qui a été publié dans le Shounen Jump :  12. Un manga qui a été publié dans le Sho-Comi :  13. Un manga d'un auteur qui a publié plus de 20 mangas :  14. Un manga avec une couleur dans le titre :   15. Un shounen-ai ou un shoujo-ai :  16. Un manga avec le genre tranches de vie/slice of life :  17. Un manga dans lequel un personnage est enceint : Bitter Virgin 18. Un manga que vous voulez lire depuis plusieurs années : 19. Un manga où le personnage principal n'est pas japonais :  20. Un manhwa, manhua ou webtoon : Cheese in the trap 21.Bonus : un manga conseillé par un participant  Mission 9 : Trouver un manga qui est mon genre
Lecture choisi : Kiss Him, Not Me Tomes : 14 Nombres de chapitres en total : 60 Début de la lecture : 11 novembre Nombres de chapitres lus : 10 Chapitres entraînent lires : 11-20 P.S : Le Bingo 2023 a commencé le 1er janvier 2023 jusqu'au 31 décembre 2023  Le challenge a été reprit par bingoanimesmangas et une bonne mention aussi à l'originale créatrice Angel et à Yume aussi.  Et si jamais, vous venez s'incrire de ma part. Mentionnez à Cactus. Comme ça, je pourrais effectuer le critère #21 et surtout, si vous prenez le Bingo des Mangas pas le Bingo des Animes.  Merci ! 
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