#Beej is gonna lay down some HURT
mysteroads · 1 year
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Would ya'll look at this? Look how pretty and amazing it is! I commissioned my friend Elorium to illustrate a scene from my fic "Step Through the Mirror" and she did a freaking fantastic job.
Check out more of her stuff at https://www.tumblr.com/greatgaspiads/706303150505820160
And here's a link to the chapter this is illustrated for!
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bjfinn · 2 months
(from an idea by @crawlingcoffin)
"Beej, what are you doing?"
Beej whirled around, his hair flashing a mixture of magenta and white that Lydia had never seen before. "Who, me? I ... I-I'm not doing anything! Nope, not little old me! What makes you think I'm doing something?"
"You're hiding something behind your back," Lydia pointed out.
"What? No, I'm not -- see?" And he brought both of his hands forward to show her, turning them over and over. "See?" he said again. "Nothing!"
Lydia scoffed. "You can grow extra arms whenever you want to."
The demon frowned, annoyed that she remembered that.
"Now let's see it."
That took Lydia by surprise. "What? Why not?"
Beej swallowed nervously. "If I show you, you'll tell everybody," he said. "And they won't let me keep him."
"Beej," Lydia said gently, putting her hands on his shoulders. "You're my best friend. Even when we betrayed you ... even when I killed you, you still wanted to be friends. I promise I won't tell anyone -- it'll be our little secret. But," she added, "only if you show me."
He sighed and nodded, and held out the shoebox. "Be careful," he said. "I think he's hurt."
Lydia lifted the lid and looked inside. There, curled up on an old dishtowel, lay a small animal with coarse grey fur, a white face, and a long snout and tail. It looked dead.
"An opossum!" Lydia gasped.
"I found him by the side of the road," the demon told her. "He was all alone, and I thought maybe he was hurt. Is he hurt?"
"I ... I can't see any injuries," Lydia replied. "But we should take him to the vet, just in case."
"No!" Beej cried. "I found him, I'm gonna take care of him!"
"Beej, listen -- if he's hurt, a vet will be able to fix him better than either of us could. You want him to get better, don't you?"
"But he's my friend! " Beej sobbed. "He needs me! I ... I need him! "
"What are you talking about?"
"I hafta prove that I can take care of him," the demon told her. "That I'm better than ... than ..."
"Than Juno?"
He nodded.
"Okay," she said. "I get it. But a vet can tell us how to take care of him."
Beej's face was a study in warring emotions as he considered this, his hair now a mix of magenta and purple. Finally he relented. "Okay," he said morosely.
"Yeah," he nodded. "But he's coming home with me afterwards."
"He's about five months old, and his leg is broken," Dr Harris told them after examining the opossum. "But otherwise, he's in good condition. We'll keep him here until he --"
"No! " Beej exclaimed.
"What my ... brother means is we were hoping we could look after him," Lydia explained quickly. "Just until he's better. Beej is really worried about him." She took the vet aside. "BJ's, uh ... autistic," she told him. "And he's bonded with the little guy -- is there any way you could let us take him home with us?"
"Well," Dr Harris said, "it's not like owning a dog or a cat -- he's still a wild animal. If this was last year, I'd have to report it to Fish & Wildlife. But Connecticut recently changed the law, and it is actually legal to own an oppossum in the state now." He smiled gently. "I'll get you some literature ..."
Once they were outside, Beej hugged her tightly. "You're the best!" he laughed, spinning Lydia around in circles. He set her down, and she reeled slightly. "Let's get Petey home!"
"That's what I'm gonna call him."
"Why 'Petey'?"
" 'Cause he looks like a Petey," he said matter-of-factly. He lifted the lid of the shoebox and peeked inside -- the juvenile opossum, his rear left leg encased in a tiny splint, looked up at the demon and hissed.
Beej grinned. "I think he likes me."
Lydia smirked.
"An opossum? " Charles exclaimed. "No," he said, shaking his head. "We can't keep an opossum in the house -- it's a wild animal."
"Please, Daddy? He's injured," Lydia told him.
"I'm sorry, Pumpkin, but --"
"I've been reading up," she persisted. "They don't usually bite, they don't carry diseases -- and they eat bugs, mice, snakes ... all kinds of pests."
"Just like me," Beej said.
"Well, the eating pests part, at least," Lydia quipped. "And it's just until he's better," she added. "Please, Daddy -- it would mean a lot to me. And Beej."
Charles looked over at the demon, who gave him his best sad-puppy look. He exchanged glances with Delia.
"What do you think?" he asked.
"Well," she said, "we let BJ live here -- and he's a demon." She looked at her adopted son. "And it might be good for him to be responsible for its care and feeding."
Beej nodded encouragingly. "It would be good for me."
"Is it even legal to keep an opossum in Connecticut?"
Lydia nodded. "Dr Harris said it is -- we don't even need a permit."
Charles sighed. "It seems I'm outvoted. All right, he can stay -- but just until he can fend for himself."
"Thanks, Daddy!" Lydia said, throwing her arms around his waist. Suddenly she stepped back and frowned. "Wait -- are you talking about Petey? Or Beej?"
"Har-dee-har-har!" Beej retorted, scowling comically. "Very funny! Laugh it up, scarecrow!"
Late that night, the entire household was jolted awake by a bloodcurdling scream.
Everyone rushed in to the master bedroom to find Charles and Delia sitting bolt upright in the bed, holding each other tightly. Petey was lying in the corner.
Beej went over to the opossum and picked him up gently, fearing the worst, but Petey stirred at his touch and began licking the demon's hand.
"What the hell happened?" Barbara asked.
"I-I'm sorry," Charles said. "I ... he startled me. I didn't mean to ..."
"What happened?" Barbara asked again.
"I was asleep ... he was licking my face ... I didn't hurt him -- I swear to you, BJ! I ... I guess I frightened him when I yelled. I'm so sorry ..."
"It's okay," Delia said. "Petey's okay -- right, BJ?"
The demon nodded, but there were tears in his eyes. "He was just tryna say thank you for letting him stay, weren't you, buddy?"
Charles nodded, his face a mask of anguish. "I know -- it's just ... I was asleep. I'd never do anything to hurt him, BJ -- you must believe me!"
Beej nodded. "I know," he replied. "I know you wouldn't hurt him. I-I'm sorry he scared you -- I'll make sure he stays with me from now on." He lifted the opossum up so that they were face to face. "You gotta stay with me, Petey," he told him. "You can't go wandering around scaring people like that, okay? That's my job."
In reply, the opossum chittered and licked the demon's nose.
"Petey promises not to do that again," Beej said.
"Okay!" Delia said brightly. "Well, now that that's settled, who's in the mood for some tea?"
Within a couple of days, Petey was responding to his name, and would follow Beej around like a puppy -- sometimes the opossum would even ride around on his shoulder, his prehensile tail curled around Beej's arm, snuffling the demon's ear and making him laugh.
He quickly ingratiated himself to the Deetzes and the Maitlands as well, grinning toothily whenever they approached, but Beej was clearly his favourite.
Adam built a little home for him in Beej's room, Lydia bought a case of canned cat food, a bag of kibble and a litter box (which he learned to use within a day), and Barbara began setting aside a portion of cut-up fruit and vegetables -- and sometimes chicken -- for Petey every evening when she was cooking. And true to his word, the opossum no longer wandered into other people's bedrooms at night.
Even Charles warmed up to the animal. "He's ... not so bad," he admitted to Delia one evening. "It seems you were right -- Petey has been good for BJ. And he's not as much trouble as I thought he'd be."
"See?" she replied. "I told you! And really -- who could resist that face? Those crossed eyes, the little pink nose, the whiskers ... he's just so cute!"
"Are we talking about Petey or BJ?" Charles chuckled.
She rested her head on his shoulder and sighed happily. "Our little family just keeps getting bigger and bigger."
"I just hope it doesn't get too big," Charles said. "We'll have to get a bigger house."
"Honestly, I'm really surprised," Lydia said at dinner. "Beej is a pretty good dad -- I didn't think he had it in him. Who knew he could be so patient?"
"Thanks," Beej said.
"Petey brings out the best in him," Delia agreed.
"I think it's because they've got a lot in common," Adam said. "I mean, opossums don't get a lot of love, right? They're kinda scary looking, and they don't smell great, and they eat garbage and bugs ..."
"Just like Beej," Lydia grinned.
"Exactly," Delia nodded. "They're both misunderstood."
"Beej is pretty good with Lily, too," Barbara pointed out. "He's been a big help with her."
"I try," the demon said modestly.
"You certainly do," Delia agreed, patting his hand. "And we're all very proud of you."
Beej's hair blushed pink.
"He and Lily have a lot in common, too," Lydia replied, smirking. "The whining, the crying, the need for constant attention --"
"Hey! " Beej exclaimed indignantly. "I'm sitting right here!"
"-- but we love you anyway," Lydia said, putting her arms around him and giving him an affectionate hug.
"What do you think?" Barbara asked, holding up her latest piece of knitting -- a small black-and-white-striped sweater vest with green trim on the collar, armholes and bottom.
Adam smiled. "It's adorable -- but, uh ... I don't think it'll fit me."
"It's not for you, silly!" she laughed. "It's for Petey."
"You made a sweater for an opossum?" Adam grinned.
"Well, their body temperature is lower than other mammals," she said. "And they don't hibernate -- he'll need something to keep him warm in the winter. And I made it so that I can let it out as he gets bigger."
Adam chuckled and kissed the tip of her nose. "I'm sure he'll love it." Then he had a thought. "Beej might get jealous, though," he smirked.
"I thought of that," she replied. "That's why I'm making a matching sweater vest for him."
"If they're both wearing matching sweaters, how will we tell them apart?"
"I'm putting their names on them -- see?" Barbara said with a grin, turning the sweater to show the name PETEY in red on the back.
Adam chuckled again. "Seems you've thought of everything."
"It's almost time for Lily's feeding," Barbara said, putting the sweater away. "Could you get her?"
"Of course," Adam said, and went over to the crib where their ghost-baby daughter was just waking up from her nap. Barbara settled herself in the rocking chair, and Adam placed the infant in his wife's arms.
"I still have a hard time believing that ghosts can breastfeed," he said.
"I still have a hard time believing that ghosts can give birth," Barbara replied. She eased her left breast free of her blouse and shifted her position slightly so that Lily could suckle.
"Hey, guys!" Beej said, appearing suddenly.
"Right on cue," Adam sighed. "You know, you don't have to watch every time."
"I just wanna make sure Babs is doing it right," the demon quipped.
"Where's Petey?" Barbara asked.
"He's takin' a nap," Beej told her. "So I thought I'd come and see if you need any help with ... anything." He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.
"Thanks," Barbara chuckled. "But I think I've got this."
"Okay, well ... I'll just stick around. You know, just in case."
"Uh-huh," Adam replied. " 'Just in case'. Right. Well, maybe this time you could try not to drool."
"Petey's important to you, isn't he?" Delia asked. She and Beej were in her studio for the day's session, and the opossum was perched, as usual, on the demon's shoulder.
Beej nodded. "He's just like me," he said. "Misunderstood, like you said."
"Is that why you wanted to take care of him? Because he reminds you of yourself? Or is there another reason?" When the demon didn't answer, she said, "According to Lydia, this is about Juno."
"I'm better than she was," he told her.
"Oh, honey -- of course you are!" Delia exclaimed, hugging him. "You're nothing like her! She was a bitter old woman who didn't know a good thing when she had it. You don't need to prove that you're better than her."
"Yes, I do. I hafta prove it to myself. Besides, everybody else has somebody to take care of. Babs and Sex-- uh, Adam -- have Lily, you and Chuck have Lydia ... I wanna prove that I can take care of somebody, too."
"And you're doing a wonderful job," she smiled. "Petey's growing so fast! And he clearly loves you. You should be very proud of yourself, BJ."
Beej bit his lip, his hair turning pink.
"Now," Delia said. "Time for some yoga."
Petey was lying on the floor, his fur streaked with red.
A few days later, Lydia was awakened before dawn by a thunk. She lay in bed for awhile, waiting to see if the noise would be repeated, and finally she got up and went to the kitchen to investigate. When she got there she froze in shock.
"Oh, God," she gasped, and ran to get everyone.
Beej's hair turned purple when he saw, and he let out a wail and rushed over to the opossum as the others gathered around, holding one another in sorrow.
The demon gently lifted the animal, cradling him in his arms. "No! " he whimpered. "Please, don't be ... don't be dead!"
"BJ," Charles said, "I'm so sorry --"
Beej stroked the coarse fur, and suddenly he got a confused look on his face. "What the fuck? This ... this isn't blood," he said. He brought his fingers to his nose, and then he gave them a tentative taste. "It's ... strawberry jam??? "
"Oh, God!" Lydia exclaimed. "I got hungry last night and I made myself a PB&J -- I must've forgotten to put the jam away!"
"So he's not dead?" Adam asked.
"He's just overdosed on sugar!" Barbara giggled in relief.
Sure enough, Petey woke up and looked at Beej, his crossed eyes trying to focus, and he began slobbering and rubbing his face against the demon's hand.
"He's okay! " Beej sobbed happily. "You're okay!" He hugged the opossum happily, his hair bright green. "You can't scare me like that, Petey -- I'm the demon, not you! "
Petey chittered in reply.
"I don't care," the demon chided him. "You're not supposed to eat an entire jar of jam! Yeah, I know it's good, but that's too much -- you coulda made yourself really sick. Now, let's get you cleaned up, okay? And promise me that you won't do anything like that again."
The opossum chittered again.
"Okay," Beej replied. "He's learned his lesson."
"So have I," Lydia said. "No more midnight snacks. Sorry, Beej."
"He's progressing very nicely," Dr Harris said when they brought Petey in to get the cast removed. "The two of you have done a fine job looking after him -- he's already reached full size."
"Thanks," Beej said, smiling. He reached out his hand and Petey quickly climbed up Beej's arm to sit on the demon's shoulder, where he began chittering and licking Beej's ear, his long tail curled around Beej's bicep. "Hey!" Beej giggled. "That tickles!"
Dr Harris shook his head. "That's amazing," he said. "Opossums aren't normally so affectionate."
"They ... have a lot in common," Lydia told him with a wry grin. "Is that why he's so much ... fluffier now? Because we've been taking care of him?"
The vet nodded. "It's something that seems to happen with opossums -- once they're domesticated, they get fluffier and more appealing. And smarter, too. It's as if domestication allows them to reach their full potential."
"Petey's got a lot of potential," Beej said. He looked down at his feet. "I love him so much. And ... and he loves me." He brushed away the tears that suddenly filled his eyes.
Lydia put a hand on his other shoulder and smiled warmly. Then she turned to the vet, a look of concern in her eyes. "I read that opossums only live, like, about one or two years," she said.
Dr Harris nodded. "In the wild, yes -- unfortunately, they don't really have any defenses against predators, except for the whole playing dead thing ... and, of course, none at all against becoming road kill. But in captivity, with proper care, they can sometimes live a good four to seven years or more." He smiled. "I think Petey will have a long and happy life with you and your brother."
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obsessive-ego · 4 years
Beetlejuice jerks it while watching you sleep
Musical beetlejuice x reader
Masterbation voyeurism you know how I am at this point
"Well, I'm turning in" you mumble trying to suppress a yawn.
Another movie night with beetlejuice ran longer then expected, removing his arm from your shoulder, he grunts in protest, you weren't exactly the touchy feely type, but it was too hot to not take advantage of his cold body, it's not like you could afford air conditioning.
"Come on babes it's only 3am" he pleads "and besides you have the day off tomorrow, come on sweets, humor me" the ghoul pleads
"Sorry, I feel like im gonna pass out, dont wanna be an inconvenience and fall asleep on you" you shrug "night"
And with that you lock yourself in your room
Beetlejuice huffs, it wouldn't be an inconvenience, it would be a delight, it was such a pain that you needed to sleep, and how you insisted to sleep in your bed, he was enjoying having you pressed up against him, a wonderful agreement of him stealing your warmth and you cooling off, oh how he loved summer, between that and short shorts, it was heaven, or as close as a born dead demon was gonna get. He had no issue with having you pass out on the couch with him, you've done it before, it was great material for teasing you.
Laying on the couch staring at the ceiling, the ghoul didnt want to continue watching movies without you, it was more fun with you, you love horror but were incredibly jumpy about it, it was hilarious, such an odd, fun breather.
The ghoul huffs through his nose, rubbing his jaw, remembering the day you sucker punched him when he scared you, you produced such a beautiful scream, but that punch, you were scared but you still took a swing, and that almost got his heart pumping again. He chuckled, you were an odd one, a sexy, odd, fun breather, pulling back his sleeve the ghoul pretends to look at a watch that wasn't there.
"That should be long enough"
He rises from the couch and heads to your room, the ghoul phases through the door, his timing was perfect, you were out cold, the demon made it a habbit to watch you sleep, he found it cute, since he didn't need to, he enjoyed watching you, how defenseless you looked, it warmed his dead heart that you trusted him enough to be like this with him around, it took forever to get you to summon him into your home, even getting lydia to help convince you.
"You were tired, weren't ya doll?" He whispers floating over to lay beside you.
Laying next to you, floating over the covers, he watches you, how your lips are slighting parted, how your chest moves up and down, he loved it, the simple things of being alive.
You turn to face him, beej flinches at that movement, but regains himself when he sees you're still asleep, yeah you know he's a creep, but the ghoul didnt exactly want you to wake up to him staring at you while you slept, youd probably banish him in disgust, you liked beetlejuice and he knew it, he just wasnt sure on the extent, yet.
You mumble something unintelligible, like you always did while sleeping, beej chuckles "what are you dreaming about sugar? Is it me?~ you dreaming about your old pal mr beebleboose breaking that cute pussy of yours? Or are you more of a back dorothy?" He bites his knuckles to avoid laughing too loudly.
Hours pass with beetlejuice staring at your sleeping form, laying next to you, he begins to grow bored, leaning in closer to you, he takes in your scent stifling a moan, you smelt so good, his clueless, breather, you had no idea how badly he wanted you, you took all of his come ons as jokes, and would even counter every lewd joke he tossed at you with one of your own, the two of you would be back and forth with lewd come backs until beetlejuice inevitably won, leaving you a mixture of embarrassed yet laughing, such a beautiful sound.
Unbeknownst to you beetlejuice had used you as jerk off material since the day you met, your scent was enough to get the motor running, hell the amount of times he would disappear while the two of you were hanging to rub one out because of you were more times then you had fingers, hell the way you laugh at his antics was enough to get him hard.
He was a very sexual being, but yet he also had a soft spot, he wanted to hold you close, Kiss you softly too, he looked forward to your guy's movie night, when it was just you and him enjoying each other. But it goes without saying he also wanted to pound you senseless into your mattress, wanted to hear you shout praises on how good he made you feel, above all he wanted you to cling to him, to say 'beetlejuice, I see you, I accept you, and I fear for my safety around you'.
He couldnt help himself as he begin to palm himself through his pants watching your sleeping face, you were perfect for him, fun, yet sensible, you always had time for him, you would never up and leave him, and of course that sweet body of yours didnt hurt.
"Such a cute face, such a sweet breather, you have no idea what you do to me sugar" he whispers as he frees his cock from its prison, lazily stroking his hardening shaft.
"I'll crack you one day sweetheart, have that sweet body of yours bouncing on my cock sooner then youd think babes~" he whispers
He begins to pick up his pace, still lazy in his strokes, he was in no hurry, he knew you were a heavy sleeper, and would sleep till noon given the chance.
He hums to himself staring at your face, keeping a steady pace with his strokes "I bet your hands would feel alot better huh sugar?" The ghoul begins to drool at the idea alone, how your soft hands would start off gentilly stroking his cock, then maybe youd add your mouth, kissing the tip, the demon's thumb begins circling his tip, smearing his precum around, biting him knuckles trying to suppress a moan.
If you could see him now, drooling, wild eyed, electric pink hair so bright he basically illuminates the room, a hot mess, all because of you.
"Oh y/n, my sweet, clueless breather, I would love to slip into that mouth of yours, and feel how warm and wet it is" he groans picking up his pace
"Of course I'd return the favour sweets, would love to finally get my tongue in that pussy, if your panties are any indication, you're gonna taste really good~" he coos the image of you jerking him off while sitting on his face, ever so often bending forward to give his cock a kiss or nice long lick, was a personal fave of his especially if he had a freshly worn pair of panties handy.
You mumble more unintelligible nonsense, as you shift a bit in your sleep, the ghoul freezes at this, stopping his strokes immediately, watching you closely to see if youd wake up, you didnt. The ghoul never really bothered to mask his presence when he did this since you were normally out cold, and the thought of being caught was always a nice thrill, to have you wake to see your undead pal pleasuring himself while staring at you, Beetlejuice liked to imagine how you would be flattered at the scene and would be so turned on by it, youd ask him to fuck you till you couldnt walk. Despite this beautiful fantasy the demon has woven, he knew in reality if you were to catch him doing this, youd be sick to your stomach and would never want to see him again.
He sighs, floating from your side to hover above you, since you turned to the face the ceiling. The demon returns his attention to his shaft, his strokes now, amuch harsher pace
"Y/n, that's it sweetheart, you like that? Naughty thing" he mumbles chasing his orgasm, the image of taking you missionary style as he looked down at your sleeping face, oh how he imagined you would shout your praises on how good a lover he was as he would pound into you like there was no tomorrow.
"Fuck, I'll take anything sweetheart, I want, I need ya, fuck, any position you want, anytime, fuck y/n" the ghoul babbled, his strokes now at a punishing pace, he wasnt gonna last much longer, beetlejuice leans in close to your face to get another nose full of your sweet scent, and with a muffled grunt, he came all over his hand and your blankets.
He sits up, still floating above you, slipping his now soft cock back into his pants, wiping his come covered hand on his pant leg, electric pink hair returning to its green hue, beetlejuice glances down at the mess he left on your blankets he smirks. The ghoul snaps his fingers and another blanket appears on top to cover the cum covered one, looking back to you, still dead asleep, beetlejuice leans back into your face and gives you a soft kiss. "Sweet dreams sugar" he whispers, you only scrunch up your nose in response, beetlejuice chuckles.
The ghoul floats over to the chair in you room and makes himself comfortable to continue watching you sleep, he's a creep, hes got a reputation to uphold, plus watching you sleep from a distance is less creepy.
10am your phone's alarm goes off, with a groan you reach out and turn it off, sitting up, you scream, seeing beetlejuice sitting at the end of your bed with the suggest grin.
"Morning babes" he smiles
You frown "were you there all night?"
"Pretty much"
"Fucking creep" you mumble
Beetlejuice jumps to his feet and takes a bow "thank you sweetheart, you are too kind" the demon flinches when he looks back to you to see you staring at the extra blanket "Oh! Yeah, you looked cold last night, and you breathers being super sensitive, thought I'd help you out, and make sure that sweet body of yours was nice and warm" he lies
Beetlejuice was unpredictable, and a wild card, but that was straight up weird, and yet, sweet.
"Thanks" you mumble, a tad embarrassed at such a sweet gesture.
You slide out of bed "do you want some coffee?"
The ghoul nods and follows you to the kitchen, pleased as punch that you believed him.
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betelgeuse-boo · 4 years
WARNING: NSFW !!! If you are a minor or someone who does not want to see smut, please scroll past this post!!! Thank you!
Extensive Info/Warnings: Fellatio, 69, very slight mentions of musk, Beetlejuice using gross words like “puke” but only for one sentence (reader does not throw up in the story lol)
Reader Gender: AMAB and masculine pet names
Request from @hellminth , “I would love an inexperienced/nervous male reader being taught how to give a blowjob by beej”
I will try my very best on this!!! I do not have a weiner so I apologize if I get anything wrong!!
Words: 2575
“Reader’s First Blowjob”
Despite being in your mid 20’s, you had never given anyone head before. Not that you didn’t want to, per se, not even that you were a virgin or anything- it had just never come up with anyone you had been with for some reason or another. The idea of giving someone head was appealing, but when you had turned 22 without ever having done it, you sort of threw the fantasy out the window, finding yourself too vastly inexperienced to truly pleasure your partner. 
Yet here you were, laying on your tummy, Beetlejuice sitting up with his legs splayed next to your face, his slightly tattered striped boxers still on. One of his hands was resting on your head, his clawed digits lightly scratching at it. The matter of you not ever having given a blowjob had come up in conversation before, and he nearly did a spit take with the juice he was drinking when you had told him. Of course, smug bastard that he was, he did a fair amount of teasing you over it, calling you his “innocent little boyfriend”. Yeah right, you both knew that was far from the truth. 
“We can always arrange to give you a first time though,” The green haired demon said with a wink, and while you had laughed and pushed him away, it got you thinking. Maybe you did want to try? You had been with Beej for so long, and you were completely comfortable with him, so maybe it would be worth at least trying out. After all, it was impossible to get embarrassed around the stinky bug man you had grown so accustomed to.
...Or so you thought before, but as you sat there on your belly, face flushed, you weren’t too sure. Beej picked up on this and ever so slightly lifted your head to look at you.
“You getting cold feet, babe? We don’t hafta’ do this, it’s okay.” It always surprised you how respectful of boundaries he was during actual sexually intimate moments considering that he was not any other time. 
“It’s not that,” You started, tearing your gaze away from the green-eyed ghost. “I just...I guess I’m scared of embarrassing myself?”
“Pff,” Beetlejuice scoffed, and you could feel spit droplets hit your face. As you were wiping them away, he continued. “Like you could embarrass yourself in front of me.” When he saw that wasn’t helping, he groaned. “Listen, we’re gonna’ take it slow, okay? Even if you- I’unno, gag or puke or whatever, I’m not gonna’ hold anything against ya’. I’m just gonna’ laugh my ass off and that’ll be it!” What a way with words. You had to admit, though, that did aid in comforting you, and with a newfound gusto, you nodded up at him, resolute. 
“Alright. I swear if that thing tastes bad I’m gonna stop-”
“-Don’t worry about it, I wiped it down with a baby wipe just for you, honeypie.” Beetlejuice cooed in an exaggerated sing-songy tone, hitching his thumb under the waistband of his underwear and yanking them down. You weren’t too sure about the baby wipe thing- the second Beej pulled his boxers down, you could smell what you could only really describe as the scent that sex is linked with. Sweat for sure, hints of his ‘natural’ smell... it wasn’t bad or anything of the sort but you weren’t too sure if the demon had wiped himself whatsoever. Then again, it was very likely it could be coming from his bush, similarly colored as his hair. 
He was practically buzzing with excitement as he gently brought your head as close to him as you could. He was much warmer down here than any other part of his body; not that that was saying much since he was always cold, but this region had at least heated up to a nice, tepid temperature. “Get yourself familiar with it,” Beej purred above you, and at this moment, you tried to emulate what you had seen regarding blowjobs online. A single kiss that you planted on the tip of his dick drew a chuckle out of him, but he quickly inhaled as you pressed your tongue against it, dragging it down. You were tentative at first, but upon realizing that he must’ve actually done what he said in regards to ‘cleaning’ it as you couldn’t taste the caked on dust and miscellaneous grime you could on other parts of his body, you grew more eager. He tasted similarly to how he smelled down there- sweaty, yet...strangely pleasant. For a while, he let you do as you were, already slightly squirming due to it, but he eventually gently pulled you back up towards the tip with a husky laugh. 
“It’s not a saltlick, beau. That feels very good but you can actually suck it too.” His voice was lowered to that amazing tone that made you grow hot, but you also heated up in embarrassment. 
“O-okay, sorry,” You muttered against him, and he scratched your head in response.
“‘S no problem, but here,” With this, he positioned his dick with his other hand and ever so slightly rolled his hips forward, just enough to plunge the tip in your mouth. Hissing at the immediate warmth and wetness, he tightened his grip and unintentionally yanked your hair a bit. 
Okay. This wasn’t bad at all yet, you could handle this. Your tongue flicked against the head of his dick and you heard him cry out, practically jumping out of his skin. With a slight smile, you continued, maneuvering your tongue over the tip, making sure to coat every inch you could with your spit. It took a bit but he hissed ever so slightly, this time in a more pained way.
“Th-that’s good, babe, b-but you’re overstimulating me a bit,” The demon whined, and you immediately stopped. Whoops, you forgot that was a thing that happened. “Can I...can I stick more in?” He asked, panting as he was attempting to catch his breath, and you shot him a thumbs up. More of him sunk into you and you could already feel your mouth getting full- it wasn’t uncomfortable yet, but you could definitely already see why this was a hard task for some. You ran your tongue against more of his length, ignoring the tip for now, and he continued scratching at your head, sucking in deep breaths and moaning at the sensation.
“N-now can you hollow out your cheeks against me? L-like, uh...pretend you’re drinking out of a straw- yeah! Yeah, that’s it,” As you created suction against him, the demon groaned and began to maneuver your head himself, slowly however, so that you could pull away whenever you wanted if it proved to be too much. He sunk your head down to about halfway down his length before you tensed up- feeling the head of his dick tickle against the back of your throat was strange, and while Beetlejuice would have killed for you to deepthroat him, he realized that was definitely too much for a beginner. A better idea popped into his head though, and he shakily asked you if you wanted him to reciprocate. As you pulled up against his hand for air, an abundance of drool dribbling down your chin already, you nodded up at him, feeling hot arousal pulse through you as well.
Though you had never given head, you had received it from Beetlejuice quite a few times before. Long story short, he absolutely knew how to use that long, thick tongue of his. While his mouth was slightly colder than what a human’s would be, he still always felt amazing around you. Cackling at your excitement, he rubbed your head. “Okay, handsome.” With this, the large ghost picked you up with ease, laid himself down, then laid you down on top of him- your face close to his crotch, his face close to yours. He had to position your legs so that you were on your knees, that way he could actually get to your crotch, and hummed as he palmed you through your underwear. “Looks like you’re turned on too, huh, (Y/N)?” 
You just laughed in agreement, you hadn’t really realized how hard you were until Beej was touching you. Eager to get to taste you as well, the demon all but tore off your underwear, flinging them to the other side of the room. “Beetleju-” You started, but you quickly cut yourself off with a moan as his tongue wrapped around the hilt of your penis. 
“God, babe, you taste fuckin’ fantastic,” You jumped as you heard his voice in your mind. For whatever reason, you forgot that his abilities included telepathy- he would resort to it when his tongue was busy doing something else…almost bashfully, you lowered your head back to his crotch, flustered with the compliment. His large hand found its way back onto your head and you took him into your mouth once again. Beetlejuice resumed in groaning, but this time, it was against you. You slowed, trembling slightly and feeling yourself burn hot- it was going to be a hell of a lot more difficult to pleasure him while he was pleasuring you, as you kept jerking and jumping when he hit a particularly sweet spot on you. Determined, though, and realizing that Beej was doing most of the work for you, you kept at it, occasionally swiping your tongue against parts of his length, relishing in feeling him groan or even tense up under you. 
He on the other hand was utilizing his tongue to the fullest extent, having essentially been jerking you off with it for a good while before finally taking you into his mouth as well. You let out a whine around his dick and you felt one of his hands slap your ass. Unlike you, he was more than experienced in doing this, so he could manage to take all of you in at once. It felt amazing, him providing you with the same tight grip you did him on top of his tongue still wrapped around you. However, he had to be extra cautious in moving against you, as his row of sharp teeth could for sure hurt had he not been as careful as possible. However, that wasn’t even a thought at this point, as he had sucked you off more than enough times for you to know that he knew what he was doing. 
The two of you got lost in the motions for a while, practically synchronizing your rhythm so that when your head was plunged down against him, he drew away so that only the head of your dick was in his mouth, and vice versa. His grip on you grew less sturdy though, euphoria overtaking him the longer you went at it, and as his hand slipped away, you kept the pace, bobbing your head up and down against him in time. 
“Good boy,” Beetlejuice’s voice cut into your mind, causing you to shiver as you rose up for air. You loved it when he praised you, and likewise, he loved it when you praised him. 
“Y-you’re so good at this.” Was all you could choke out before returning your head to the position you’d grown accustomed to in the past minutes, a smug growl sounding out from the demon. He knew he was, but hearing you say it to him made him squirm that much more.
As you two attempted to keep the ever quickening pace, you both began to find you were approaching your respective orgasms. You moved your pelvis against the demon, rocking yourself against him as he continued to jerk you off with his tongue inside his mouth, and he in turn was shifting his hips as you bobbed against him, the tip of his dick teasing against the back of your throat. The both of you were practically caked in sweat now- some of your body heat transferring to the demon under you, he was warmer than he usually had been, his skin heating up to what could almost be considered a human temperature. 
You decided to challenge yourself to take all of him in, you took a deep breath and squeezed your eyes shut before doing so, taking all of his length into your mouth and throat. He cried out, some guttural exclamation mixed with surprise and arousal, as he felt himself squeezed by the tightness of your throat. Immediately, you wanted to gag, but willed past it, letting yourself sit still for a moment as Beej thrust two times before all but howling against you, pulling your head off him and emptying himself against your face. Splurts of light green cum shot against your mouth and chin, and it wasn’t too long until he made you cum inside of his mouth too.
Squeezing your dick with his tongue so he could milk every last drop from you and gulp it down, you trembled, and his hands found their way to your hips so he could steady you. When he had felt that you were finally done, he uncoiled the muscle from your dick and you rolled off him and onto your back next to him, the both of you gasping and panting. 
After you gained your bearings, you were the one that broke the silence. “...Did you have to cum on my face?” You heard him giggle next to you.
“Whoops, sorry. Lemme’ get that.” Before you could react, he rolled to his side, let that long tongue of his snake out of his mouth, and lapped up his own ejaculate to your horror. As he pulled away, smacking his lips with an ‘Aah’ as if he had enjoyed a sip of a drink, you scrunched your nose up. 
“Really?!” He laughed at your mortification and licked your cheek in response, causing your grimace to break into a smile as you rolled your eyes. “I didn’t mind you cumming on my face or anything, don’t worry.” 
Basking in afterglow, the demon gave a sort of lazy smile, those eyes of his lighting up. “You did so well, baby. Can’t believe you thought you were gonna’ embarrass yourself.” Blushing at this, it was your turn to giggle as you pressed your hand against his face, feeling exhilarated that you managed to give him a good blowjob. 
“Well, thank you.” You responded, the smile evident in your voice. “You did amazing too.”
“Yeah well, they don’t call me BJ for nothin’.” The demon’s voice was muffled against your hand, and all you could do was groan at his stupid joke before pressing a kiss against his forehead. “Hey, could you order some takeout? All that’s got me starving.” 
You rolled your eyes with a grin as you rolled off the bed and got up to pick up your undergarment that Beetlejuice had thrown across the room. “Sure, just for you, bugboy.” You wouldn’t tell him of course, but you had deemed successfully sucking your boyfriend’s dick as a triumph worthy enough to elicit getting food delivered, so you weren’t adverse to the idea. You were happy as this day had proved that you had a partner you were comfortable in trying anything with, so you smirked as you recommended a place that neither of you had ever eaten at before, and Beej was more than happy to humor you. 
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hoodoo12 · 4 years
Associates with Benefits
Secret Santa on our discord server matched me with the fabulous @strange-n-unbluusual, which made me giddy.
NSFW. That’s all I’m gonna say.
Enjoy! `
“You? What’re you doing here?!”
Out of anyone, anywhere in the Nether- or upper world, Beetlejuice never thought he’d lay eyes on him again. 
“I’d ask the same of you, but I’m fairly sure I know the answer.”
From his seat on the trunk by the window, the specter scoffed and shook his head, although he didn’t take his eyes off the other man. 
“Jesus. You still scamming people? Life coach or crystal whisperer or whatever? Or are you back to trying to get your sex cult up and running again?” Otho--he never took the time to legally change his name, but like he told his clients, “if you believed in something enough, it can become your reality”--matched the scoff and straightened to an imposing height. He always was taller. “The sex cult only worked with your help,” he admitted begrudgingly, “and you know it, Beetlejuice.” A quick flash of pink rippled through the specter’s hair and he shivered. He couldn’t disguise either semi-pleased reaction to his name spoken aloud. More importantly, did he want to?
“So what’s the con this time, big guy?”
Otho rolled his eyes and opened his jacket enough to find a silver cigarette case tucked into the inside pocket. He took his time extracting a cigarette, paused, then offered one to the house’s uninvited guest he’d found in the attic. Beetlejuice took it, lit it with a flame that originated on his fingertip, and gestured Otho closer. 
The man agreed without a word, but instead of using flame to light his smoke, Beetlejuice leaned in close enough for the tips to meet. Amber eyes held more the humanly brown, and Otho sucked slightly on the cigarette between his lips to light it. Only once it caught did Beetlejuice move back. 
“I was hired to cleanse this house of some distinctive poltergeist activity,” he finally answered. Beetlejuice grinned. True to form, Otho never used the word ‘con.’ The man may be a shyster, but he was full of himself. Beetlejuice could respect that, being a confident hustler himself. 
“That wasn’t me.”
Otho lifted an eyebrow. “Oh no?” 
“Shit no. Moving chairs around? Knocking on walls? That’s haunting 101. Baby ghost antics, like that pansy white bread couple, what’s their name--”
“You know their names. The Maitlands.”
When he wasn’t overwhelmed by a demon raging beyond reason, Otho never hesitated to call him out. “Right. The Maitlands. How’re they doing? And the rest of the Scooby gang?” He took in a lungful of smoke then dropped his gaze as if he was suddenly very interested in the cigarette, examining it as if trying to read the brand on the paper in the pale moonlight filtering through the attic window. 
“I wouldn’t know. Someone strapped me to a Wheel of Death and kicked me into some weird limbo where I had to claw my way back to the upper world. I ended up in Iowa, for christ’s sake!”
Beetlejuice chuckled, but choked it back when he saw the angry expression on the other’s face. “Hey man, I’m sorry about that. I didn’t know you were going to end up in the midwest! I was angry, and you know that sometimes things get a little out of control when I’m angry.”
Otho gave him a dead-eyed stare in response. Taking a second to center himself, he decided to follow the advice from that one movie and let it go. He wished he could’ve laid claim to that phrase without sounding like he was parrotting a kid’s movie; it was a good one: simple and seemingly easy to follow. 
More calmly, he returned to an earlier part of the conversation. “So I have no clue how any of them are getting on. You spent more time with them, why don’t you tell me?” Automatically Beetlejuice’s free hand went to the center of his chest. It was a habit that he found hard to break, running his fingers over the knobby scar he’d gotten as a reminder of the whole bungled situation. It still physically pained him, and could be felt even through a layer of clothing. It still emotionally pained him, that betrayal that he didn’t want to admit he deserved. 
“I don’t know either,” he whispered, and yanked his hand away from his chest. 
The two of them stood in silence for a moment. Smoke drifted upwards in curlicues, looking bright white in the moonlight. 
Otho hadn’t missed the involuntary movements and cleared his throat quietly. “I heard she hurt you.” “Everybody hurts me.” He meant it say it snappy and full of wrath, but it came out weak.
The man’s reply was just as soft, and just was wounded. “I never did.” 
Beetlejuice looked up again. Otho held his lit cigarette at his side and was watching him with an unreadable expression. He tried to dredge up some righteous indignation. “You were going to put me in a soul box!”
“The soul box you gave me?” Otho replied drily. “The one that was particle board painted with some fancy iridescent paint you brought over from the Netherworld to look impressive? That soul box?”
He had no reply to that.
“Damn it. Beej--we almost had them! If we’d just stuck to the plan, it would have been free and clear, but--” “But it was my fault, is that what you were going to say?! That once again I screwed the pooch, just like so many other times in my fucking existence?!” “--but the girl threw a wretch in the works,” Otho continued firmly. 
Beetlejuice both hated and loved that Otho was rarely rattled by his outbursts. 
“She offered something you couldn’t pass up. I get it.” He wanted to stay angry at the man. At least he could feel anger; it was one of the strongest emotions, but it always burnt itself out and left him exhausted and remorseful. Suddenly he just couldn’t hold onto the rage. He dropped his head.
The floorboards creaked and the man’s cologne washed over him. Blenheim Bouquet. The light spicy floral scent always seemed too gossamery for a man, but wasn’t the faint aroma of roses that followed him occasionally out of place as well? The cologne was so synonymous with Otho the specter couldn’t imagine him without it. 
With his face still turned down, he watched a hand carefully curl into his striped lapel. “I don’t blame you, Beej,” Otho said quietly. He didn’t need to. He blamed himself. After a beat with no reply, Otho continued, even more quietly. “I’ve missed you.”
“I missed you too,” Beetlejuice admitted in such a whisper his voice would have been lost if they weren’t in a silent attic.
In a fluid movement Otho dropped his cigarette to the wooden floor and brought that hand to the specter’s jaw., He stepped forward to crush the smoldering smoke out and bring himself even closer, and as he lifted Beetlejuice’s face he pressed his open mouth against the ghost’s.
It felt like old times. 
Beetlejuice breathed in, taking the warm air from Otho’s lungs, like a thirsty man in a desert. Oh, he’d missed that--
Otho broke the kiss once he’d run out of oxygen. He stayed close though, hand now fisted in his jacket. Beetlejuice wasn’t sure if that was to keep him from disappearing from literally right under his nose, or just because the man had a propensity for wrinkling clothing. As dapper as he liked to present himself, he had a thing for mussed clothing up, like creases were evidence of passion.  
The only thing he could think to say was, “It feels different now that you have a beard.”
Jesus he was a dumbass. Luckily, Otho didn’t seem to share his opinion. “I decided to grow it out because of yours. Do you like it?”
“I don’t know. Let me feel it again.”
With that ham-fisted invitation, Otho kissed him again. It grew this time--more of the old give and take, more tongue, more suction--as they fell back into the familiarity of it. When Otho had to stop for air this time, he was panting. Beetlejuice was the one to hold him close, now, to luxuriate in the breath.
With fingers made crass from a flood of arousal, Beetlejuice cupped and dug at the pants and its closure in front of him. 
“My clients are downstairs,” Otho hissed, but didn’t make any move to step away or stop him. “Then don’t be loud,” Beetlejuice advised, unhelpfully. 
He’d managed to fight open Otho’s belt but the button was going to take two hands. He could just manipulate it free with a thought, but liked the tease of slightly frantic fumbling, and listening to Otho’s breath hitch as he did. He also liked finding that Otho still wore silk underwear. They felt nice, but provided no support against an erection. A wet spot, visible even in the frosty moonlight streaming through the window, marred the front of them. He had an urge to put his mouth there, to make that wet spot bigger, but Otho’s fingers under his jaw turned him up upward again. 
The man’s expression was unreadable once more. Beetlejuice didn’t know if he was going to be shoved away to end this or shoved to the dusty attic floor with Otho on top of him. What he got instead, was another kiss, this one harder, more desperate than the ones before it, a pull to an upright position, and a hand at his groin too, with equal floundering of his fly and a almost inaudible curse as Otho had to push the striped jacket back and suspenders off the specter’s shoulders to assist getting him undressed.
In very little time, however, both of them had their pants pushed hurriedly to mid-thigh, and Beetlejuice had been hauled to his feet. He should have known that there was no way Otho was going go to the floor and let dust and grime get on his tailored trousers. So now they were pressed torso to torso, groin to groin, mouth to mouth, and this time Otho only took sips of air when his lungs absolutely demanded it.
Bumping his hips forward, the specter was rewarded with a low groan. His bigger reward was the man’s large hand wrapping simultaneously around both their cocks. The heat and pressure made him gasp. 
A further rutting into that hand to determine how much movement he was granted made Otho gasp. “Clients. Downstairs,” he reminded him with a wicked grin. Otho retorted, “Then don’t be loud!” in a strained whisper, and gave them both a pull just to test him. That glorious warmth of his cock against another, of a hand stroking them both off--Beetlejuice moaned, checked himself, and buried his face in the other man’s neck to muffle himself. If he had his wits about him he’d make some comment about how moaning was going to be okay, this house was haunted after all, but the movement of Otho’s hand was shutting down his higher brain function. 
Not only was he losing the ability to keep the noises he made quiet, his hips moved of their own accord. The specter rolled his pelvis upward, chasing each stroke. He wasn’t alone in that; Otho pushed into his own hand, creating a beautiful counter friction as well. The man’s free hand held him in the small of his back, under his untucked shirt, searing his cold skin with the warmth of his palm. He missed that rough handling to keep him in position so much. He clung to Otho’s shoulders.
It’d been a long time since they’d been together, but Otho quickly fell into a practiced rhythm that suited them both: long pulls, an occasional twist for variety, a bit of a squeeze to stave off coming too quickly. Speaking of which--
Beetlejuice pried the fingers of one hand off Otho’s jacket and dropped it to the man’s fist. He meant to slow him down, meant to gasp in his ear to wait, give me a second baby, please--but the moment Otho loosened his grip to allow him to lace his tepid fingers between his, he wanted nothing more than to let pleasure take the bit between its teeth and have Otho follow quickly too. He wanted to be coated and smeared with the man’s come, and he wanted it now.
The combination of warm and chill, the doubling of pressure and friction pushed him higher and higher, closer to his end. A slight buckling of Otho’s knees made him hurriedly shift his other hand from his shoulder to his bare hip to help support him, and just as he wanted, Otho came in thick spurts over both their fists. The heat and additional bit of slick it provided was enough to send him over the edge as well. 
His cool release mingled with Otho’s, and for several moments they both simply leaned into one another. Beetlejuice would have stood there for an eon, soaking in as much warmth as he could. Otho was the one to gently start to move away. 
They both groaned as they carefully relaxed their hands from their cocks. Otho made up for the fact that he was the first to move by capturing the Beetlejuice’s mouth again, swallowing his groans. He also dipped his hand lower to pinch the specter’s ass, earning himself a surprised gasp and a chuckle, and a nip to his lower lip in return. 
Hobbled by his trousers, Otho had to dig for his handkerchief awkwardly. When he finally extracted it from a back pocket, he wiped his hand clean before offering it to Beetlejuice. He took it and cleaned himself as well, then stuck the square of cloth into his own pocket instead of handing it back. 
There was no sound for a moment but the rustling of clothing and re-fastening of zippers and other closures. Otho was done before Beetlejuice, and stepped against the ghost immediately after he’d resituated his suspenders.
Before he could kiss him again, Beetlejuice said, “I guess I like the beard.” Otho snorted in amusement--so un-guru like!--and kissed him. It was lingering and soft, and felt like they’d never been apart. 
It also felt like a good bye.
Beetlejuice steeled himself for another rejection as the man broke away again.
He shuddered at his name spoken aloud again. He couldn’t help it. But here it comes--
“--I’m glad to see you again. But--|
Oh fuck. Here it comes--
“--we haven’t seen each other for so long. I just . . .”
Fuck his fucking un-life. He should just slink back into the Netherworld while Otho was searching for words.
“ . . . I just don’t . . . this is hard to say . . . ”
Fuck fuck fuck fuck! Why was is so hard to leave? Why couldn’t he be the one to leave, instead of people leaving him?! 
“You want to come with me, when I go?”
The words were spoken in a hushed rush, as if Otho just needed to blurt them out. It took Beetlejuice several embarrassing moments to comprehend them. “Come with you?” “Yes. I’ve been looking for you, you know . . .” He didn’t know. He wouldn’t have thought! Suddenly, the future looked, well, maybe not bright per se, but at least not as dim. 
He nodded, as if he had to reply as quickly as possible and didn’t trust words to be fast enough. 
Otho smiled. “Good. You have to do something for me first, though.”
He didn’t even hesitate. “Anything, baby. You just name it.”
“You have to get rid of whatever is actually haunting this place. You know I’m garbage at all that stuff.” Beetlejuice broke into laughter that probably echoed through the house, scaring the owners, but he didn’t care and knew Otho wouldn’t either. It’d just lend more credence to the man being able to banish spirits, just like the cons they used to pull back in the old days.
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beetlebitchywitch · 5 years
Blease, may I have incubus!beej with maybe some choking involved and leaving bruises/marks (all consensual obviously)? You write him so well I'm dying.
Hi when did you sneak into my house and find out all my kinks, because you could’ve just knocked, I would’ve baked you some cookies or something
But still I’m gonna write this fic because how can I resist? Also, I’m so glad you like the way I write him, thank you so much!
Warning: slight daddy!kink because come on, he’s got one, extensive hickeys, dirty talk, etc etc 
When you woke up that morning, the first thing you felt was sore. Having an incubus for a partner meant this was a normal occurrence, of course, but this morning felt suspiciously different. The soreness, normally localized at your very center, was instead spread throughout your body, almost to your fingertips. Just pulling yourself out of bed made you wince, though not loud enough to wake the demon slumbering soundly beside you. Really, the only reason you were even awake was because somebody snored like they were attempting to wake the dead, and somehow only managed to wake the living. Grumbling, you made your way to the bathroom, feeling your body protest with each step. It was only when you stood in front of the bathroom mirror that you finally realized where your pain was coming from. 
Your normally unblemished skin was haphazardly littered with dark purple bruises, splotchy and misshapen. You gasped softly, unable to stop staring at the marks so clearly left their by your Beetlejuice. Nearly in a trance, you removed your tank top to expose even more bruised skin, the revealed bruises suspiciously fingerprint shaped on and around your hips. You dragged your fingers between your breasts and down to your stomach, your breathing quickening as your pressed your fingertips lightly over a particularly dark hickey. You dropped your shorts as well, not at all surprised to see full handprint-shaped bruises marring your skin, along with several bite marks. You looked like you’d gotten in a fist fight, except the fist fight had ended in a very rough bout of sex…and you weren’t complaining in the slightest. Especially when you looked up and finally noticed your throat.
There, wrapping so beautifully around the base of your neck, was the perfect imprint of Beej’s hand, splotchy and bruised and beautiful. 
If he hadn’t beaten you to it, you would’ve rushed into the bedroom to wake him up and see how many more marks he could give you. But as it stood, Beetlejuice had grown sentimental, and found it hard to sleep without you in his arms, so you slipping away to the bathroom was bound to wake him up eventually. He padded quietly into the bathroom, tail flicking slowly behind him as he rubbed the grogginess out of his eyes. When he finally saw you, he paused, widened eyes dragging up and down your body. Mm, this was gonna be good.
But in less than a second, Beetlejuice’s hair flashed a brilliant crimson, matching the burning of his eyes and the growing scowl on his lips. 
“Who the FUCK did this to you?!” he exclaimed, descending on you to check every inch of your body, his rage only multiplying with each bruise he saw. “Did you go out alone last night after I fell asleep or some shit? Because these weren’t fuckin’ here before that, and I swear to God whoever laid a hand on you is gonna pay, they’re gonna wish they were never fucking born-” 
His enraged ranting was quickly cut off by you, doubled over in hysterical laughter. Oh my God, you could not fucking believe this.
“How the fuck is this funny, Miss Shit-for-Brains?” he exclaimed, running his fingers through his hair that had gone purple at the roots. “Someone fucking assaulted you, why the fuck are you laughing?” 
“Because, Beej-ohmyGodmystomachfuckinghurts- you did!” you retorted, doubling over once more in belly-busting laughter. When you finally managed to collect yourself, Beetlejuice’s confused face only sent you into another uncontrollable peal of giggles. God, incubi could be so incredibly dense, couldn’t they?
“Me? But you know me, morsel, I’d never lay a finger on you! Unless you asked, of cour-…oh.” His voice trailed off, his eyes reexamining your body in light of his newfound insight. “Oh.”
“Who’s the shit-for-brains now, asshole?” you teased with a light giggle, covering your breasts with one arm when you realized how exposed you were. Of course, Beetlejuice was having none of that.
“Come here, snack cake, no need to be shy,” he drawled, magenta slowly crawling its way from root to tip in his hair. “Let Daddy get a good look at what he’s done to you.”
The mood in the room instantly changed, the air between you two dripping with desire. You averted your eyes as he dragged his clawed fingers up from your hips to your shoulders, pulling a whimper from your lips when he prodded at one particularly sensitive mark. His mouth stretched into a shit-eating grin, his attitude oozing self-satisfaction. 
“Do they hurt?” he asked, looking at you with both curiosity and lust. 
“Only a little,” you admitted softly, leaning into his touch. “And in the best way.”
He chuckled darkly as he pulled you into him, sealing his lips over yours in a deep kiss. He laved your lower lip with his tongue, making you groan against him. 
“That’s my girl, all roughed up and still so desperate. I can smell it, you know that? There’s lust pouring off you, smells so sweet. Whatdya say I take you back to our bed, hmm?”
You were about ten steps ahead of him, bolting from his arms and nearly leaping back onto the mattress, clad only in lacy black panties and yet simultaneously lacking shame. You didn’t need it, not when you had an insatiable demon at your beck and call. Speaking of, he strolled into the room behind you, staring down at you in amusement. 
“I was mostly messing with you about the whole ‘desperate’ thing, babes, but you’re provin’ me wrong,” he teased, his teeth glinting dangerously behind his lips as he grinned. “Feel like bein’ a little slut for me this morning, hmm? Well, Daddy can handle that. Question is, can you handle what I’ve got in store for you?”
“Yes,” you groaned, reaching up to grab his hand and pull him to the bed to hover above you. “Come on, Daddy, aren’t you hungry?”
“Ohhhh, sweetness,” he snarled, reaching down to rip your panties off you and toss them in the corner. “I’m always hungry.” 
You chuckled as your legs were spread roughly. He dove between them, dragging his tongue slowly between your folds. You whined, taking a firm hold of his hair with both hands, your fingers curling and uncurling as hot waves of pleasure rushed through you. Beej sucked on your clit while digging his fingers into the marks he’d left on your thighs barely half a day ago, the pain and pleasure intermingling beautifully inside you. He really knew exactly what you needed at any time, and he was more than excited to give it to you. 
“Fuck, Daddy, feels so good,” you moaned. “Come on, harder.”
You felt him smirk against you as he gripped your thighs harder, aggravating your bruises deliciously. 
“You’re doing so good for me, morsel. You want more? Come on, tell me what you want.”
“Gimme more, Beej,” you groaned, pulling him up by his hair to press his lips to your belly. “Wanna know I’m yours, please.”
As much as Beej always knew what you wanted, you were just as good at appealing to his desires, particularly his insatiable possessiveness. You wanted to know who you belonged to? Well, who was he to deny you? With a rough growl, he sunk his teeth into the soft flesh above your belly button, sucking your skin into his mouth and worrying it between his teeth. You nearly choked on a yelp, your hands scrambling to grip his shoulders. He let your skin loose with a pop, laving his tongue over the reddened flesh that was already starting to go purple before moving on to another open patch of skin. You couldn’t stop him now- he was dragging himself up your body, littering hickeys over your stomach and chest in his wake. If he could find empty space, he was leaving a mark there, his mark, because you were fucking his and no one could ever change that. 
When he finally reached your throat, he paused, smirking down at you as you caught your breath, your breasts heaving with each inhale. 
“Well well, what do we have here?” he drawled, tracing his fingertip around the handprint marring your throat. “Wanna tell me what this is doing here, sweetness?”
“Don’t act like you don’t know, asshole,” you panted defiantly. 
“Oh, so that’s how it’s gonna be, huh?” 
“Yes, that’s exactly how it’s gonna be.”
“Hmm. Well, alright then.”
In a flash you were flipped onto your stomach, two fingers probing at your entrance while his other hand wrapped firmly around your neck. Your moans were reduced to a soft croak as he slid his fingers into you, not giving you even a second to adjust as he began fingering you in earnest. 
“I remember now,” he said, entirely too casual for what he was currently doing to you. “You talked back to me last night. Strutted in here actin’ like you owned the place, determined to be a fuckin’ brat. Well, guess you deserved what you had comin’ to you, huh? Although, it doesn’t seem like the lesson stuck. Too bad I have to teach it to you again.”
His words might as well have been gibberish sloshing around in your melting brain as he assaulted it with pleasure, adding another finger inside you and insistently prodding at your g-spot. You couldn’t tell if your head was spinning from how good he was or the lack of oxygen, because you couldn’t care less when you could hear him snapping his fingers to juice his boxers off, his hard cock springing out and slapping against his stomach. He positioned himself behind you, not letting up on his grip on your throat for a second. 
“You want me to fuck you, snack? Come on, beg for it, be a good girl for me,” he groaned, teasing your clit with the head of his cock.
“Beej, plea-” you tried to beg him, but he tightened his grip on your airway, cutting it off nearly completely and leaving your voice a bare squeak. 
“Sorry, what was that? Can’t hear you, babes.”
“Please,” you mouthed, your voice no longer able to escape as he tightened his grip once more. Your mind was foggy, your chest burned, and your pussy ached to be filled, and it was so exquisite that you could’ve cum from the lightest touch to your clit, if he’d been willing to give it to you. But no, he was too busy laughing at your frustration as you tried again and again to beg him for what he already knew you wanted. Finally, he let up a bit, giving you enough slack to take a shallow breath. God, he was such a fucking prick, but you loved him for it. 
“Alright, alright, babycakes,” he chuckled, pretending to wipe away a tear. Asshole. “I’ll give you what you want.”
“Fuck, thankyouthankyouthankyou,” you called out hoarsely as he slid into you, pumping his hips with little thrusts as he eased his way into you. 
“Mm, I’m gonna need two hands for this one, baby girl,” he hissed, overcome by the way your pussy clenched around him. “You’ve got one, maybe two seconds tops.”
His hand quickly uncurled from your throat, and you took a true deep breath, feeling the burn in your chest dissipate for a moment before Beej’s slender tail took his hand’s place, pressing once more against your airway. The sound of your choked-off moans as he thrust into you only egged him on, of course, and soon he was pounding into you with abandon, dragging his nails down your back and leaving angry red lines in their wake. 
“Fuck, Daddy, you feel so good,” you murmured shakily, your voice a rough whisper. “Oh fuck, right there, yes-” 
“Yeah, does that feel good, snack? Come on, I know you can cum for me, gonna feed me so good, give me that cum, sweetness,” he commanded, letting one hand trail down between your legs, circling your clit with the tips of his clawed fingers. You couldn’t have kept yourself from cumming if you tried, not when his deep, commanding voice forced itself into your brain and dragged the pleasure from you. You clenched around him as you let out a rough scream, trembling beneath him as your orgasm washed over you. He fucked you through it, dragging every ounce of pleasure out of you as he could before finally spilling into you, roughly groping your breasts as he groaned into your neck. You both shook as you collapsed to the mattress, panting and utterly wrecked. 
After a solid minute of silence, you finally snuggled into Beej’s chest, chuckling and out of breath. 
“Did you really not realize how much you marked me up last night?” you teased, your voice more hoarse than expected. 
“Oh fuck off, snack,” he chuckled good-naturedly. “You fed me so well last night it was like I’d had a Thanksgiving feast. I nearly passed out with my dick still in you! Forgive me for being a little forgetful.”
“Well…” you drawled, leaning up plant a soft kiss to his lips. “Consider this dessert then.”
“Dessert for breakfast, hmm? How naughty of you.”
“Wanna have an early lunch?”
“Come here.”
I’m an actual literal slut for getting choked so forgive meeeeeee
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darkrimmedeyes · 5 years
So yeah I've been pretty down lately so this is very self insertish, as always no gender pronounce or physical descriptions.
The darkness was suffocating.
The silence deafening as the white noise buzzed in your ears.
You felt numb.
Starring at your wall, your body curled into itself under the blanket, everything felt so cold. You slowly contemplated calling for him, would he even be able to understand? He was never the type of person to show empathy beyond a simple hug when your day was particularly stressful. Beetlegeuse was more the type of person that offered a form of distraction, maybe you could get something out of it, usually the ghost wasn't one to shy down from sharing his alcohol or weed, at the very least he could give you a good, hard fuck. At least something to make you forget about the loneliness, if only temporarily but then what? Could you even ask that of him? Of course you longed for him to actually comfort you, you wanted him to care the way you cared about him, hell, you weren´t even sure what the two of you were. Friends with benefits? Lovers? Fuck buddies? Partners? Probably the first option, afterall he did seem to like your company most of the time. Realizing that gave you the final push you needed to call him.
His name fell from your chewed up lips three times and as expected he was already holding a bottle of what you assumed hard alcohol in his hand when he appeared in your bedroom, hopefully you hadn't pulled him out of some party or poker game again. He looked around for a moment but quickly realized where he was, he often ended up in your bedroom. He grinned at you until he sensed that something was wrong.
"Jeez babes, ya look like ya haven't slept in days, is something the matter?". He sat the alcohol down on your drawer to sit down on the bed with you, blocking your view from the wall.
You didn't answer but you hesitantly scooted closer to him until you could grasp his cold clawed hand, it was so big compared to yours. He let you, curling his fingers around yours with a surprising tenderness, he had never seen you like this before and he didn't like it.
"Baby, common what's wrong? Did someone hurt ya?". The way he said those words of care and protection gave you butterflies, it was so out of his usual behavior.
You shook your head, moving your thumb over his skin, he watched you, trying to figure out why you were so misserable. Gently he tilted your chin up, his pointy nails lightly pressed into your skin so you wouldn´t turn away from him. you tried to glare at him but you didn´t have the inner strenght to actually do so. 
“Do you wanna talk about why ya so upset? And don´t even think about givin´ me that “i´m fine” crap I can tell ya ain´t”. He held your chin a bit tighter to amplify the words.
You scoffed. As much as you would have loved to seek comfort in him you knew that Beetlegeuse rarely cared about the feelings of others, let alone when they were upset. Of course he wasn´t a monster, he was simply a selfish prick.
“Beej please...I know you don´t like it when people get emotional around you. You don´t need to act like this, just give me a swig of whatever alcohol you brought with you.”
Beetlejuice winced, now he was sure that something bad must be going on to make you sound this tired, strained and even cynical. One of his favorite things about you was your personality, he liked your cheerful enthusiasm, your joy and ecitment, something the neitherworld would never be able to offer the way a breather could.
“What the fuck do ya mean, what's gotcha acting like this?”. He looked almost offended once he realized what you were implying.  “Ya think i don´t give a shit about ya baby?”. The contrast between his crude choices of word, terms of affection and the concern on his face almost made you laugh. 
“Can you blame me for thinking you don´t? You´re always the one telling me that breather´s are so annoying with their problems, that we are pathetic and weak. I know you don´t mean to offend me, obviously you have to at least tollerate me but still, I´m a breather Beej, with stupid problems and issues and I thought that maybe you could indulge me in some distraction”. You felt tears burning in your eyes and tried to keep them at bay, not wanting to let him see how much you were hurting.
He of course noticed but instead of pressing further he layed down as well, pulling you to his broad frame until you were pressed against his side, he looked at the ceiling, a cigarette that you knew wouldn`t smell or make breathing for you harder appeared in his mouth. You felt a wave of warmth grow in you, usually he´d only hold you like this after you had sex with him or when he was feeling particulary jealous or possesive. It felt nice, it felt good.
“Look baby I know I´m a massive dick but ya can always talk ta me. I know that I might come across like I don´t care and usually I don´t but...I care about you, alright? I may not know what ta say or just whatcha goin´n through but I´m here for ya, I know what it feels like, to be alone”.
He pulled the collar of his suit down, exposing a fainted bruised ring around his neck, you had never noticed it before. You didn´t know what to say so you instead held him tighter to you, softly letting your tears trickle down your face and stain his jacket.
“Ya don´t have ta tell me what´s goin´ through your head if ya don´t want to. I just want ya to promise me that you´re gonna call me when ya feel like this again ok? I care about ya and..hell maybe I even love ya, you´re my babe and I don´t wanna find ya in the lost soul room.”
You looked at him. Did he just confess his love to you? You nodded against him and once again sought his hand out to entertwine his long cold fingers with yours. Softly you brought them to your face and ghosted your lips to his hand in a chaste kiss.
“I love you too...thank you...for caring”.
He squeezed your hand and layed them on his chest. A small smile pulled at your lips.
The loneliness was gone.
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slut-4-beetlejuice · 5 years
If I may ask for another request? More soft BJ! BJ being given his first birthday party (probably the next up and coming Friday the 13th.). Star gazing with BJ! Watching him kick ass at carnival/arcade games and always ones up the other couples by getting you the BEST prizes! Oh or BJ nervously about to confess that he’s in love with reader but everything goes straight to hell and the moment is ruined only for the reader to comfort Bj and confess. Idk I’m just spit balling here...
Ok I'm trying to bring my blog back from the dead, and before we get into this infeel I owe you guys an explanation.
I was going through a rough time emotionally and I didn't really have it in me to put any of my "emotional battery" into being creative. But, I'm doing better now. Much better. And, I'm going to try and start posting regularly again! And cleaning out my inbox. I hope I didn't let any of you down, and I hope you all like this! (Also, please bear with me while I try to get a grasp on this character again)
So, Beej never really had a birthday. He couldn't even tell you what it was if he tried, it had been so long and he never really celebrated it. When you asked how he kept track of how old he was, his only response was "bold of you to assume I keep track" so, that was really no help. So, you decided to take matters into your own hands.
You chose Noveber 13th. A friday. In most years it was a friday the 13th. It felt fitting for your bug man. On the 12th you stayed up late, putting up decorations and baking a cake. But, it didnt stop there. The "13 Festival" was going on, something your town did every Friday the 13th. And you bet your beautiful ass you were gonna take him. People would be dressed up as monsters, zombies, spooks and haunts anyways, so he would for right in.
Coming down the stairs that morning, Beetlejuice would be lying if he said he wasn't a little miffed that you weren't there when he woke up. He'd be lying even more if he said the sudden and jarring sound of noise makers and his entire found family yelling "SURPRISE!" didnt scare the shit out of him.
"GHOST ZOMBIE JESUS FUCKING CHRIST!" he jumped, "what the fuck is goin on?" He asked, the slept throughly shocked out of him.
"Its your brithday!" You laughed at him, blowing your kazoo at him, "were celebrating! Like the decor? I made it myself!" You beamed, proud of your work. He nodded, looking around, "I mean, it's great babes, but..its not my birthday." "How do you know that?" "....ya know, ya got me there." He smiled, coming down to kiss your forehead.
You played some old rock and roll and hung out with the family. The party was pretty lowkey, but beej like it that way. Everyone was there, Barbara, Adam, Lydia, De, hell even Charles, Charles fricking deets was there and he just wished him a happy birthday. Fucking wild. The cake had black and white stripes in it. Even more fucking wild. And his amazing SO made it, which was less wild but only because they were amazing and could literally do anything, including warm this cold dead heart.
After everyone left, beej was more than happy to call it a night. You on the other hand, were not. "I got one more surprise for you babe" you smiled, "is it vodka?" "No, what? No." "Oh..." "no silly, it's the 13th Festival." "Oh yea! Isnt it that thing where you breathers celebrate it being unlucky?" "Yes! And, I was wondering if you wanted to go?" "Will there be funnel cake?" "Yes." "Why are we still here? Let's GO!"
You laughed as you walked with him. He was getting more and more excited about this, about being among the breathers. It had been forever since he had last been to a festival. Literally.
He wasn't all that big into the rides. They were giant death machines and he was worried about you getting hurt. You tried to explain to him that that fear was irrational and you'd be fine, but he wasn't having that.
Now the games on the other hand...
Beetlejuice had a natural talent for those games. Darts? A natural. Hoop toss? Fucking nailed it. Basketball? A gosh dang pro. And, even if it was his birthday, the prizes went to you.
"Here ya go babes!" He said proudly, handing you a stuffed Cerberus, "one cutie pup for a cutie face" he grinned as you giggled with glee. Then, a squeal much louder than yours rung out next to you. You two turned to see another couple, the presumed boyfriend handing the presumed girlfriend a significantly larger Jason doll.
"Aww, that's so cute" you said with a smile. Beej on the other hand, narrowed his eyes. He would not be one upped on his birthday.
"Can I get 4 more darts please? Actually, 8" he said, handing over 2 dollars and getting the darts. "Beej?" "Yes babes?" He said, taking aim, "what are you doing?" He threw the dart and popped the first balloon. Then pointed at the giant Cthulu stuffie. "Winning you that."
"Darling, you dont have to-" "oh I know" another balloon popped, "I want too." 6 balloons later, you were trying to figure out how to get this giant cthulu into the car.
On the ride home, you couldn't help but notice how beautiful the sunset was. You couldn't help but take a detour. "Huh? Hey babes, where we goin?" He asked as he noticed the change in route. "Trust me" you smile.
By the time you reached your destination, the moon was up and the stars were bright. Beetlejuice got the idea quick. He smiled, reaching into the back seat and grabbing a blanket. "I like the way you think sexy" he grinned, laying it out. You grabbed your Cthulu for extra comfort, cuddling with him on the stuffed lovecraftian god.
He smiled as he looked at you looking at the stars. Is this what birthdays were all about? If he knew that he would have had one aged ago. He kissed your forehead. "Thanks babes." "For what?" "The best birthday ever." You blushed. "Any time Beej." "I love you Y/N" "I love you too Lawrance"
Ok, so, this was kinda rushed and a bit sloppy but listen...as the first thing I've written in like, a month I'm super happy with it, and I hope you guys are too. I hope you guys like it, and as always feedback is always welcome! I hope to get at least one of these out a night until my inbox is cleaned, and then hopefully more after that. Let me know what you think guys!
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Concept: Beej is a demon/ghost?. Lives for all that good gory evil. But how does he react if his s/o wakes up from a similarly disturbing nightmare. Any conflict of interest?
I really prefer the soft stuff, but I decided to try doing a thing for this. Beej has a dark side and we all love him regardless.
What Can Be Done About It?
You woke up in a cold sweat. It was just a dream. Beetlejuice would never do that to you. Where is he? As scared you are of what he did in your dream, you needed him right now.
You sat up and looked around. There he was, laying down next to you. He stirred slightly, making you jump a little.
"Baaabe. I love you…" He croaked out in his sleepy voice.
"I love you too…"
When you didn't flop back down next to him, he propped himself up on his elbow. "Something up, babe? Other than..."
You hugged him, cutting off what was likely a dick joke. "Beej…"
"Yeah babe?"
"I had a nightmare."
"Was I in it?" He was keeping up his flirtatious tone.
"Yes." You said, your voice carrying no emotion.
"Oh, babe." He sounded worried now.
"You were chasing me around some tunnels or something. It was like I didn't know you. After awhile you grabbed me and started doing… you hurt me. A lot. You kept slashing at me and hitting me and there was blood everywhere and… Then you left me there..."
Beetlejuice sat himself up properly, letting you continue to hang onto him. He held your face in his hands, trying to make sure that your eyes were on the same level.
"Babe. You know I'd never hurt you." He looked into your face, moving his hands away. "I have hurt people like that though. I'll probably do it again, not gonna lie."
You had to take a moment to process what he said. It might take longer than that, really. "That's… horrible, Beej."
"Yeah. It kind of is. I can't promise I won't do it altogether. I know how upset you get when I lie to you."
"I love you…" There wasn't much else you could think to say.
"I love you too babe." He lay back on the bed.
There was a lingering feeling that this wasn't a satisfying conclusion to the conversation. What could be done about it, really? You'd have to figure out how you felt about it.
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floral-on-main · 4 years
Back To My Roots
Lydia's blonde roots begin to show and of course Beetlejuice, the Ghost With The Most, jumps to conclusions. It's not his fault he actually kind of cares for this little asshole now. (Not ship!)
Also on ao3
Lydia being naturally blonde was a basic and unsurprising fact of life. Her dying her hair was also unsurprising. What better way for a girl in emotional turmoil to show just how shitty she was feeling than pitch black hair? Not to mention it fit her goth aesthetic much more than platinum blonde hair. This train of though was spurned on by her reflection starring back at her from the vanity mirror.
The golden roots seemed to mock Lydia with how they stood out against the black. With everything that had been happening she had no chance to touch up her roots. There wasn't a single box of dye in the house, not after Dad and Delia decided to go gray together. Yuck. With a little pleading, she might be able to get Delia to grab her a box of black dye.
With a heavy sigh Lydia flopped onto her bed and draped her left arm over her eyes. Even if no one was there she was going to stay true to her dramatic self.
Beetlejuice floated down the halls of the Deetz-Maitland household, semi-moist canvas clutched tightly to his chest. Delia had been trying to get him to 'paint his feelings'. Yuck. He mostly just used it as time to be a nuisance of hang out with the Maitlands, those nerds knew a lot about painting. It was hobby 69-something for Adam and 420-or-whatever for Barbra. For once he had actually sat down and painted a sandworm, which looked a lot more like a stripped sock than a sandworm.
Without knocking he phased through to door to Lydia's bedroom. He held back a snort as he saw Lydia being her normal dramatic self. They were best friends for a reason. A reason that didn't have to do with demon summoning and abandonment issues.
“How's it going, gremlin? Did Debra sit you down for a 'girls' talk' again?” He proudly held his painting out in front of him, ready for when Lydia turned to look. She was going to be blown away and super impressed.
With a groan Lydia sat up and let her arm fall lip at her side. “Nah, just teenage stuff and angst. You know how it is.” Her eyes locked onto the smudged painting of what looked like a pinstripe eel cracking open an egg with its mouth. Looks like Beej was getting in abstract art like Delia wanted. “What's that?”
Just as he was about to launch into his totally impromptu speech he noticed something pale in Lydia's sea of dark hair. He floated closer to get a better look. Beetlejuice was getting better about personal space, but it still wasn't one of his strong suits.
It was when he was hovering directly over her that he noticed a golden split in the hair right in the middle of her head. He may not understand breathers completely, but this couldn't have been normal. But it was nothing to worry about. It was probably normal and she was fine.
Who was he kidding? Something must of happened during her trip to the Netherworld and now her head was gonna spilt in half! Breather's hair didn't just change colors like that. Did she catch some supernatural malady?  If she died of broken head or half mind or whatever he would be there for her. Now, how was he going to break the news to her? Just the though of loosing his best buddy for eternity had blue bleed into his hair from the roots to the tips.
“Earth to Beetlejuice. You still in there, dummy?” Lydia waved her hand in front of his face. It wasn't uncommon for him to disappear into his own mental world, but this was concerning her. Somewhere in his train of thought the painting slipped from his fingers and fell to the shaggy carpet below. She had learned loosely what each color of Beej's hair meant and knew blue was bad news— or more accurately, sad news. As a last resort she tapped his shoulder. Physical contact usually brought him back to the world of the living.
“I'm so sorry, Lyds! I promise I'll be the best Guide ever when you bite it. And when we get to the Netherworld I'll rip apart whoever or whatever did this to you!” As he rambled his hair turned fully blue and tears threatened to fall.
“What the fu-” Her sentence was cut off by the near crushing hug the demon was giving her. Several tears made tracks through the light layer of dirt on his face. She thumped his side roughly with a closed fist. Once he loosed up a bit she took in a large, theatrical breath.
“What the hell are you talking about? I'm just dying at the normal rate.”
Beetlejuice pulled away briefly to blow his nose on his tie. He leaned back in to tighten the hug, but Lydia screamed bloody murder and managed to push him off. “If you even think about touching me with that petri dish of a tie I'll stab you again.”
“You can stab me as much as you want if it'll make you feel better.” He seemed completely unphased by her protests and just floated at the edge of her bed. Something clearly had Beej pretty worked up, and Lydia was going to get to the bottom of it. At some point the painting had been kicked under the bed, where it then lay forgotten and uncared for— never to be heard of or referenced again.
“Just take a deep breath and tell me what's wrong. Why do you think I'm gonna die now?”
He did as he was told and did his best to appear composed. This composure did nothing for the deep blue staining his hair.  “ I don't know how you haven't noticed, but there's a giant fucking split in your head. Isn't that painful? You were cursing up a storm after you stubbed your toe, but your fine with this? Wait, you need to cough. We need to see if your lungs have started to corrode yet.” Beetlejuice's voice raised a couple octaves as worry once again gripped his unbeating heart.
“Split in my head?” Lydia said the words slowly, as if they were some foreign demonic language. Then the answer hit her like a tombstone to the head. “Beej, look at me and listen carefully.”
With watery eyes he watched her as if this was the last time he would see her alive.
Lydia cleared her throat. “Listen, I'm dying, but at the rate most breathers do. Probably.” That dark thought was quickly pushed from her mind. “My hair isn't naturally black, it's blonde. I dye my hair this color and now the color is fading. It's totally normal and doesn't hurt. Just ask Dad if you don't believe me.”
A painfully silent moment passed between the two. In that moment, the blue faded to be replaced by the normal healthy green hue. The first to break the silence was the flustered demon.
“Pssh, I knew that. Did you really think I would get that worked up over you? It was just a prank and you fell for it hook, line, and sinker!” Beetlejuice was a master at lying, but even that sounded hollow to his ears. He nonchalantly waved his hand as if to dispel any doubts.
Lydia rolled her eyes and smirked. In her most sarcastic voice she said, “You got me, BJ. For a minute I totally believed your heart had grown to sizes and you cared for me.”
“Shut up, you gremlin. Are you doing to 'dye your hair' again?” The air quotes were unnecessary, but totally Beej.
“Of course. If I show up blonde Claire would tear into me without remorse. Probably claim I was trying to steal her styles. She needs to wake up and realize that not everything is about her.” Beetlejuice nodded sympathetically as if he knew the intricacies of teenage girl drama.
“Yeah, you really gotta dye it. I can't have you stealing my style. Color changing hair is practically my trademark. And let me tell you, Netherworld lawyers are ruthless.”
“Get me some dye and then we'll talk about me 'stealing your style', Beej.”
Beetlejuice was already mentally planning how to steal enough dye to keep Lydia sated, but not enough to get caught by either Charles or the Maitlands. He already had to sleep on the couch once this week and he wasn't looking for a repeat. If he was sneaky enough he might be able to even get some for himself. Would it even stick? Eh, he would just find out later.
“Now that we got that crisis out of the way, want to go collect spiders out back? Pretty sure I saw a brown recluse the other day.”
“There is nothing more I would rather do except the Maitlands.”
Lydia grimaced before responding. “I know.”
Lydia grabbed an old mason jar from her dresser and her polaroid from where it was hanging on the vanity. She was all ready to go. She looked over to Beej, who spat in his hands and used it to ineffectively slick back his hair. He caught her looking and gave a thumbs up. “Ready to go when you are.”
The two buddies then raced down the stairs— to Delia's surprise— to get to the backyard. They heard the sound of something heavy falling to the ground, but managed to miss Delia yelling at them to slow down. Turns out there wasn't a brown recluse in the garden, but Beetlejuice managed to conjure up a terrifying replacement. Once Charles got home they were both going to be on web clean up duty though.
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yankyo · 5 years
“You’re sure you have everything? Passport? ID? Extra currency? Are you going to be warm enough-?”
“YES. I’m sure, I’m fine, I’m ready!” You cut Adam off as you finished stuffing things into your backpack, the better part of the Maitland-Deetz household watching you silently while the last of your belongings disappeared into a suitcase and an, admittedly oversized, backpack. Barbara and Adam were worrying over you, while Charles and Delia were watching with amusement as you pressed and pressed to force your suitcase to close.
You had been planning for this for months. You couldn’t be more ready if you tried! Your University had a two week long excursion program to Japan, that happened every Autumn. You had to rearrange some classes, and drop some entirely, when a professor or two insisted that their individual, two credit hour, elective course was more important than what could be a life changing experience. Besides, beyond regular studies, you had your own agenda…
You were working on a book. A ghost book…which is what brought you into Lydia’s little circle to begin with. When she started going to your University, though by that point you were getting ready to start graduate school, the two of you would talk at length about the macabre and the strange. After around six months or so, she invited you to meet her family. Her whole family. And that included Adam, Barbara…and someone who soon grew very close to your heart…Which drove you to learn more. Everything you could! But, even with two ghosts and a demon at your questioning, you still found yourself wanting more. So you decided this was the perfect opportunity to expand those horizons. Beetlejuice, however, was not so enthused.
“I don’t get it, babes. Why go allll the way there, just to hear what you could hear from me, right here?” He had been asking, the night before, as you made your final selections regarding shoes, and jackets.
“Because if I’m writing a book, I can’t cite ‘My Demon boyfriend, bug soda, as a source.’” You tossed back, looking between a sweater or two, before giving up and tossing them both into the pile that you still needed to put into your bag.
“Aww, come on, I’m reliable!” He persisted, making you laugh a bit.
“Since when, and to whom? Cite your sources. APA? MLA?” You glanced back towards him, seeing him laying half off your bed, arms over his head, and hands reaching the floor.
“Ugh, stop speaking Greek, the blood is rushing to my head-“
“What blood?” You snarked back, making him go silent for a moment.
“…okay, fine, touche.” He sat up, and looked you intently now. “Look…I know you’re set on this, right? And nothin’ I’m gonna say is gonna talk you outta it, but…trust me when I say, those bitches don’t fuck around. And if you waltz yourself in there, looking for something…you might just find it, you know…?”
The serious tone to his voice gave you pause, and you came to sit on the edge of the bed, searching his face for…something, you weren’t sure. But there was a hard edge you weren’t used to seeing.
“Beej…baby…I’m gonna be just fine…! It’s only two weeks…you’ll blink, and it’ll be over! And not to mention, if I need anything, or…hell, even if I just wanna see you, I’ve got your number.” You promised, pulling him forward to kiss his forehead, as though that would ease his thoughts.
“…Isn’t international calling like- super-“
“Your name, baby. Your name.”
  Which brought you back to now, picking up your bag, and throwing hugs and promises to travel safely to each and every member of the family…except one. You opened your mouth to say something, only for Charles to look down at his watch, and give a start. “Ah, look at that! We need to get going, if you’re going to make your connections.” He started lifting your suitcase, and you shuffled your backpack on.
“Wait…!! Beej isn’t here, I haven’t had a chance to say bye…!” You insisted, before Adam and Barbara gave you a little push.
“No time!” He chimed.
“Nope! None! You need to get going!” She insisted.
That…was odd. Usually they were all about hugs, and kisses, and goodbyes, and…all that sappy stuff. You narrowed your eyes, and opened your mouth to ask what they were up to, only for the front door of the house to open, and Charles was already moving your things out, leaving you to hurry and catch up to your friend’s dad.
“Be safe!” Called Adam.
“Have fun!” Called Barbara
“Take Pictures!” Called Delia
“Bring me back something cool!” Called Lydia.
But there was a voice missing from the mix, and it made the rock of anxiety in your stomach just a little bit bigger. It didn’t matter how excited you were…this was a really big undertaking…and not getting to see Beetlejuice before you left…? Made it just a little bit harder.
But before you knew It, you were ushered into the car, watching as the four waved from the door step, and Charles pulled from the driveway.
As soon as you were there, everything else fell away. You took…what must have been thousands of photos! Nightlife, temples, Shrines, Castles, FOOD. And for each one you sent back to your little found family, a whole outpouring of love met you. Except for BJ. You could see that he was looking at every one of your pictures, sometimes as soon as you sent them, but he never replied. You sent a photo, saying “Nightlife in Shinsekai!!” or “Look at this cat I found!” But no matter the subject, he stayed quiet.
But being thirteen hours ahead, you didn’t exactly have the time to sit there and hound him for a reply. He might just be trying to take his mind off you being gone…the separation anxiety had been hard, you knew, but he was trying! And if not talking made it easier, then that was okay. Just another week, and you’d be back in his arms, with a lot more research, and couple cool gifts.
Speaking of your research, it was coming along well. You’d finally nailed down the specific spirits you were going to be talking about in your book, which was more than you had to begin with. You’d interviewed locals from multiple cities about their belief in the supernatural, and their encounters with ghosts. You’d visited multiple temples, and shrines, and other places where spirits were believed to lurk, but so far, you had seen hide nor hair of any of them…
You weren’t sure if that was good or bad, yet.
Either way, it wasn’t until the final stop on your trip that things took a little bit of a worse turn…
You were in Kyoto, which was very, very well known for it’s spirits. Hell, there was a huge shopping center, with a shrine, right in the middle. It was tied right into the identity, by this point.
“Ah…come on, come on….!” You grumbled, turning in circles as your maps decided exactly where it was trying to take you. It was starting to get late, and the last of the buses were starting to run. You had to hurry, or else you’d be walking back to your hotel…You were tired, your feet hurt, and you’d been having pronounced problems with your various tech items all day. All you wanted was to get home, shower, and sleep before you had to be up and at the airport the next day.
Finally, you found your way to the bus station…riiight as the last bus was pulling away.
“No! No no no, shit!!” You hissed, watching as the bus got further and further away, as though that would bring it back to you. Needless to say, it didn’t work.
Guess we’re walkin’, huh?
You whipped your head around. It was faint, but you could have sworn you heard something…familiar.
You brushed it off, rolled your shoulders, and steeled yourself. It wasn’t a far walk, but it was enough that your feet were aching just at the thought, after a whole day of walking. It was past ten, by this point. Most placed were closed, aside from the odd convenience store, who’s lights offered you a moment of respite from anxiety, before you re-emerged to continue your trek. You started dodging through neighborhoods…you were almost there..!!
Just a block or two away, you were stopped at a cross walk. Even with the foot traffic dying, and the late hour, there was still the occasional car. You were too tired to book it, and you’d rather just be safe, and wait, instead of forcing yourself. As you came to a stop, you came to the realization that a woman stood on the corner beside you. She was tall, and thin, With messy black hair that hung around her face like a shroud. From her profile, you couldn’t see her eyes, only he medical mask that covered her nose and mouth. They weren’t uncommon here. You’d actually worn one earlier in the week when you’d gotten a little cold. Either way, she didn’t appear at all threatening…maybe a little burnt out or high, but not threatening.
But you still felt a cold thread of dread climbing further and further up your spine.
…This light was running long. You glanced to either side of the road, not seeing any cars, or any other pedestrians. It was just you, and this woman, in the fluorescent light of a street lamp. You rocked back and forth on your feet.
“…Do you think…I’m pretty?” The words were so soft, you almost missed them.
“I’m sorry I don’t speak-…what was that?” You heard the words…you just wanted to be sure you heard her correctly. Not to mention, it took you an extra moment to register…she spoke English, to you.
“I asked….do you think I’m pretty?” The words were louder this time, and she turned her face to you. Her eyes were incredibly beautiful. Her skin was like porcelain, and they looked at you with such an honest intensity, that your heart skipped a few beats.
“I….yes, you’re very pretty…” You murmured, as you searched her face. You saw the corners of her eyes turn up in what you assumed was a grin, beneath the mask, and you smiled back, feeling good that you’d been nice.
You heard the sickening sound of something…fleshy, and wet as she reached for the straps of her mask. Squelching, and smacking…When she finally lifted her head to you, and her mask came off, You took two half steps back. She was starting to twitch, now.
Beneath her mask was a bloodied smile, slit ear to ear. You froze, taking another step back. You wanted to run! To scream! Do to…anything, anything at all, but your body was refusing to respond now. Everything turned to ice.
“Do you…still think…I’m pretty?” She demanded of you, mouth struggling to form the appropriate words through it’s injury. You remembered this story. The slit-mouth woman. You remembered this tale- Now how do you get out of it? How-
Something with…candy…? Ugh, no that couldn’t be right. Counting? No! Fuck…Her question…that had to be it, right? You had to answer…
“…I think…I think you’re still very beautiful…” You managed to get out, as she jerked her way towards you, hands outstretched. A shake tore it’s way up your spine as her hands, cold as ice, cupped either side of your cheeks. Despite the ice in your blood, you could feel the atmosphere crackle with…something…heat, or electricity, or…something.
You looked back to the woman finally to see that her once kind and gentle eyes were replaced with ones manic, and hungry. The hand on your left cheek grabbed you by your hair, making you cry out, and fall to your knees. From the side of her dress, she produced a pair of scissors, looking as though they were ancient, and caked in a maroon substance…you could only guess you would soon be adding to. You finally started to make noise. You were crying, and kicking, and screaming, but despite it all, she held your head steady.
“If you think I am pretty…then you would want to look like me, yes?” She said, drawing closer.
That had been the wrong answer.
Oh god. You were going to die here.
You were going to die on the other side of the world. Maybe you’d never be identified. Maybe you’d be kept in a morgue forever, no one knowing who you were. You’d never see Lydia again. Or the Maitlands. Or the Deetz’s. Maybe not even….You had already started to sob, and to your luck…this seemed to amuse her.
“Oooh, I know…! You’re going to be so lovely, aren’t you?” She cooed, as though she were comforting a newborn. Her hand stroked down your cheek, and you finally heard it.
That was the sound of air being displaced at high speeds.
And there was only one person you knew who could do that. Demon, really.
In a flurry of motion, you were released, falling to the pavement below as the Kuchisake Onna was very swiftly socked in the cheek. It made a disgusting squelching noise, and she shrieked, dropping her scissors which nearly hit your leg.
You looked up to see Beetlejuice, so red he nearly glowed, grabbing the woman by the front of her dress, and hauling her up to look her in the eye, despite her being a measure taller than him.
“You listen to me slit-mouth skank, and you listen damn good, understand? That is MY breather. MINE. You wanna fuck with them, you gotta fuck with me, and you do NOT wanna fuck with me. CLEAR?” There was a long, tense moment, before she finally nodded, clicking her tongue, and hissing something in another language. “Nah. I don’t wanna hear it. Get your shit. And go. You can find a meal somewhere else, I don’t care who, but this one is under protection.” He insisted, finally throwing her back.
Less than gracefully, she picked herself up, put her mask back on, sent you a scowling look, and grabbed her scissors.
“Tell your pet…that even my work…could not fix a face that…you could be attracted to.” With that, she finally shambled off, which left you, sitting on the pavement, in tears.
“Hey…hey, hey, there you are…” Beej finally closed in on you, kneeling beside you. His hair was finally fading now, into soft greens and blues… He picked up your head gently, and a choked sob left your throat, as you fell into his arms. “It’s okay…see? You’re fine…”
“You were r-right…I shouldn’t have c-come…” You cried, too caught up in him being back to really care what you were saying, who saw, or the fact that you were rubbing your face into his absolutely disgusting suit.
“Hey…no, no, you should have…! This was just a bad encounter, ya know? And to be honest, you’re lucky! She’s a bottom feeder. Most of ‘em wouldn’t even listen to me, but they also don’t go around fucking with randos on the street. You gotta really piss ‘em off.” Somehow, that didn’t make you feel better.
“I w-w-wanna go home now…” You hiccuped, and he helped you up, steering you towards your hotel.
Wait…how did he know where that was?
When you turned your head to ask the question, he already knew what you were thinking.
“I uhhh…I’ve kinda…uhhh…been followin’ you this whole time. Just to be safe!! You know? I wasn’t gonna interfere or nothin’, I just wanted to make sure something like…well…that, didn’t happen.”
In all honesty, you were grateful for it. It meant that you lived to see him, and your family again, so that was all that mattered. You leaned into him heavily, as the adrenaline left your body and you felt yourself crashing back down to earth, hard. You were so tired…
But finally, he maneuvered you into the hotel, and up to your room, ignoring the stares and scandalized whispers at his appearance, finally getting you into bed, all safe and sound. He was getting ready to pop out of existence again, when you reached your arms towards him, making little grabby hands.
“Ohh, nuh-uh, you left for two weeks, you gotta make it through two weeks-“
“Nooo, come on, I just had a traumatic experience!” You insisted, sticking out your lower lip, and turning the grabby hands up to 11.
Finally, he broke, heaving a sigh as though this was the hardest thing he’d ever had to do, and slipped from his coat, and pants. He was about to climb in when you stopped him.
“Shirt too. I refuse to pay for a new pair of sheets because it ruined them.”
He grumbled a little more, but soon, was finally snuggled to your side, the world right again. And…well…you rather liked being his breather, especially if it kept you safe from…whatever else lurked beyond the veil.
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hoodoo12 · 3 years
Festival (23/30)
@beejiesbitch @turtlepated @go-commander-kim @memedemonhours @monsterlovinghours @yankyo @edosunshine @saucymangos @clairjohnson @beetlebitchywitch
The light touch over her breast sent goosebumps racing across Pink's skin. She arched her back a little to press the soft, cool mound of flesh against his hands. Her eyes fluttered shut for a moment, though when she heard Kadus speak again she focused hard on his words.
"Mmm . . . maybe," she hummed softly as he mentioned that one of his elders may be more knowledgeable about those like her. When she opened her eyes to see his own fixated on her face, she blushed and smiled. Leaning forward, she kissed him lightly, lingering against his lips and enjoying the heat of him.
"Yeah, absolutely!" she answered suddenly after he'd asked his question. "I don't know . . . well, much of anything . . . don't know my dad . . . never met anyone else like me. Er . . . rather . . . we've never met anyone like us? Mmm . . . I can bring ya over, introduce you, maybe? Only if you were interested, 'course."
“An introduction may be nice. It would help me understand better,” Kadus murmured, reluctantly breaking the kiss she so sweetly offered. None of the other women who had approached him wanted to kiss him . . . perhaps what he’d heard was correct; human women were only interested in one thing, while this specter who he had very little knowledge of, was so attentive. “So long as you don’t think I would be too imposing? I’ve found that some are intimidated by centaurs, especially if they don’t approach first.” Despite his partial agreement, he pinched her nipples again because the arch of her back and the soft sound she made while he did was addictive. The females of his kind had much smaller breasts, and they tended not to be as sensitive. He wondered if she would be put off if he put his mouth on her--
Although dawn was approaching, this was a night to revel in pleasure. Without saying anything or asking permission, Kadus lowered his head and, cupping one of Pink’s tits, pulled her nipple into his mouth.
The sounds Carmen made, the words she spoke to him only stoked Beej's need. He didn't need to be reminded that he wasn't exactly welcomed at the celebration with open arms, and he had no illusions that losing control of himself would be frowned upon here. He had no intention of embarrassing Carmen that way, or Eve for that matter. It was difficult to hold himself together, but with concerted effort he managed to retain his typical shape, save for the thick cock that stretched his lover open so tightly.
He opened his mouth to speak when she gave her permission for him to fuck her, but only a low growl of pleasure escaped between his slightly pointed teeth . His hands gripped her with increasing pressure until he worried about bruising her. Relaxing his hands, he turned his focus to his hips, starting off at a slow pace to indulge in every sweet second of friction as his cock dragged along every inch of her pussy's tight walls.
"So good . . . " he panted, ragged and low beside her ear, " . . . don't know how long . . . I'll be able to hold it in . . . god/satan babes, yer so tight . . . gonna milk me dry with this pussy, babygirl."
His hips increased the speed of their bucking, slapping his pelvis against her ass with satisfying sharpness and volume. He held her hips tighter in place as he bucked into her, hilting his cock inside her with each inward thrust.
Precome seeped into her, slicking her walls and coating his cock as he continued to plunge himself as deep into her as he could, stretching the back of her pussy inward and rolling his hips. He swallowed hard enough to hear the click in his throat as he fought down the pressure winding in his guts, trying to stave off filling her until he'd at least brought her to the brink.
Oh god he was perfect--perfect-- Carmen wasn’t sure if she said those words out loud. Each pull out made her whine, each heavy thrust into her made her cry out; his grip on her hips was helpful, because the size of his cock stretching her pussy so much made her weak. As his pace increased, each slap of his hips against her rocked her forward on the grasses. She made the mistake of slipping one hand to her pussy, to both feel the girth of his cock splitting her open and to stroke her clit, but even the slightest touch to her overtaxed pussy made tears spring to her eyes due to overstimulation, and losing one of her arms to counterbalance made her topple downward onto her chest at his next thrust. She dragged her arm out from under her and stayed down, her fingers digging into the grass and loam underneath for some stability. Now that tears filled her eyes she couldn’t stop them. Each time Beej popped himself forward, sheathing himself fully in her cunt his balls nudged her clit, and that was stimulation enough. She wailed as she came at the brutal yet perfect fucking. She had no control over her response; she lifted her hips to buck back against him, she drooled, she wept. Every muscle tightened, including her pussy, although that didn’t seem like much being impaled on his cock. Vaguely she was thankful she hadn’t taken the offer to fuck the minotaur, because Beej was the only one who had enough control and understanding to do her exactly how she asked and how she needed, but wouldn’t push her too far.
He didn't mind? Jessie blinked a few times and swallowed hard. Her heart pounded in her throat as she pushed that daydream down though it tried to resurge at his admission that it hadn't bothered him. When his words turned to an offer to use his tongue on her again, she practically scrambled down from his shoulder toward his hand.
"Y-yes? Please? Gods, damnit babe I've missed you--I still miss you . . . fuck, I just want to take you inside me, I miss how good it feels to be full of your cock and soaked with your come . . . you can taste me any time you want, you know that baby, don't you?"
Her words were soft and breathy, her tone needy and shaking slightly. Once she'd managed to make her way into his hand, she opened herself to him again, looking up at him with pleading eyes.
BJ smiled. “So needy. That’s my girl,” he said as Jessie slipped and scrambled down to his hand.
She practically threw herself into the same position in his palm as earlier this evening: on her back, legs spread with her hands behind her knees. As teasing as he’d been about her neediness, he couldn’t deny his cock hardened fully because of her again.
“You’re a fucking work of art, baby.” he groaned, and just like before, lifted his hand to close to his face to slip his tongue against her.
She tasted of come, of course. He had no clue how many loads she’d taken while she had fun with Ollie and whoever else, but more than that, the flavor of her spread over his tongue. He moaned and used the tip of his tongue to lap at her pussy, wiggling it into her folds as best he could. He couldn’t suck at her clit like when she was a proper size, so he did his best--
--a sudden thought occurred to him.
As Jessie threw her head back and moaned at the attention, he paused for a moment as if catching his non-existent breath. Then, while she was still distracted, he focused on shifting just his tongue. It took some concentration, but the next time he licked her, it was with a whip-thin serpent’s tongue. It was small enough to tickle her clit properly, and even slip into her cunt, where he got another taste of fey come. He let his tongue delve deeply into her, and flicked it while it was there. It may not be as thick as a cock but he dragged it along her g-spot. Her reaction and the delicious sounds from her made his free hand drop to his cock and he stroked himself.
"Of course, I'd be glad to introduce ya--wouldn't hurt to sta-haahh . . . stay like this a bit longer though, would it?" Pink murmured in response, her words cut by the pinch to her nipples.
It was so strange, having someone so very focused on her . . . perhaps that wasn't right. It was strange to have made her own acquaintance. The feeling of autonomy was not something she was familiar with.
"'m sure if I bring you and introduce you, it'll be alright . . . " she breathed, stroking the back of his head with one hand as he cupped at her tit.
Her touch followed his head as he dropped it to take her nipple into his mouth. Unbothered by the lack of communication, Pink arched her back, pressing the soft flesh against his mouth more tightly as her hand tugged him closer. In reciprocation, she brought her other hand to his chest, rubbing light circles around one of his nipples to see what his response would be.
His warmth seeped into her nipple even as it tightened against his lips and tongue, the heat making the sensation all the more potent. She shivered in place, fingers lightly scratching over his scalp as she relished the suction, the attention and acknowledgement that she had never craved before.
Again, if Pink had been a less unearthly lover he’d have to contort himself into odd positions to do as he was to her. The fact that she floated made it easier, although it did make a bit of guilt wind through him. He’d never be able to hold her properly if they fucked again, but he could possibly make it up to her now. Her stuttered response in attempt to answer his question made Kadus smile. Her tight grip in his hair and the other exploring his chest said more than her words. “It’s entirely possible to stay like this a bit longer, όμορφο ροζ κορίτσι,” he agreed in a low voice.
Without invitation, he dropped a hand to her leg and brought it up, around his waist to lay at his back. He did the same with the other, so if he’d been human they’d be pressed groin to groin. It was the only time he’d ever envied human men; an easy push forward by them would fill her, and he had nothing like that to offer! Instead, he supported her back with one arm, having her lean back a little so he could see her entire front. Her nipples were still peaked, one still shiny in the firelight from his mouth. There was still a bulge at her stomach; she still held his seed deep inside her and realizing that made a light thrill course through him. Her pubic hair was still dusty pink, and he could feel that her pussy was still wet against him. Kadus took her in. He murmured, “I’ve seen master sculptors create effigies of the goddesses from marble, but none could capture your beauty.” He dropped his mouth to her nipple again, and used his free hand to slip between them to her pussy, fingers exploring to learn where she was most sensitive.
tbc . . .
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Boo lovelies,
Wrote some beetlejuice x reader fluff. The reader is mad at Beej because our demon stole all the chocolate. Fluff afterwards. Hope you enjoy 💕
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Chocolate war.
You were tense, your back hurt, you were grumpy as hell but also desperate for cuddles...
Long story short: you were on your period.
To be more specific: you were on your period and the quest to find some much needed chocolate was failing miserably.
Weird... you would bet your ass that you bought some yesterday.
Then it hit you. That goddamn demon was gonna get it... you were already starting to call his name: "Beetlejuice...."
You pinched the bridge of your nose in annoyance. That floating pancake better stayed off your chocolate.
You swore that if he touched your green m&m's you would be capable to kill a deamon that was already dead.
You stood in the middle of the kitchen with your arms crossed and an irritated frown on your face, as you waited untill the green smoke dissapeared from your view. You rolled your eyes as you heard an overly happy: "Babes!! Are you home already?"
You replied with a grumpy growl: "Zip it Beej. Have you, by any chance, seen my green m&m's? Couldnt find them anywhere."
There was still too much smoke to get a clear look on his face but you heard his voice pitch to a higher frequency as he replied: "Nope. Noperdenope. No dollface. Haven't seen it. Haven't touched it. Haven't smelled it. Im a demon from hell.... how would i know what chocolate even looks like?"
Sure... he was capable of a lot, but lying to you wasnt his speciality.
You heared him snap his fingers and then heard some shuffling around.
As the green smoke dissapeared you predicted to catch Beetlejuice right in the act with his hands full of chocolate. You were slightly suprised as you saw your favorite demon with an actual book in his hands. The book was held upside down and covered his face as he attempted to read 'the book of the recently deceased'. You couldn't help but chuckle a bit at the sight before you. What a dork. His hands gave him away immediately, full with brown smears of chocolate.
You stepped forward, laying a hand on his book while you slowly lowered it. Your eyes landed on his hair first, the colour a mixture of green with purple strands in it. That lowered your angry mood a bit. At least he was sorry. You spoke again, your voice in a more kind way now: "Beetlejuice, sweetheart... Did you by any chance ate my chocolate?" As you went to lower the book even more you couldnt help but chuckle at the pouting ghost-with-the-most before you. His face was even worse then his hands, a bit of the chocolate was smeared on his left cheek, and there was a stain below his lower lip.
As you smirked at him, his eyes betrayed that he indeed felt very sorry about what he did.
"Hey babes..." he sheepishly blurted out. ".... i.... might have come across it todaaayyy.... and i am verrrrry sorry. And yes, before you can ask: I ate the other 3 bars as well."
You sighed deeply. A part of you was still annoyed, but you also knew that your hormones werent helping.
As you sighed in annoyance, you saw that Beetlejuice cringed a little at the sound. You couldnt help but find the whole situation kind of adorable as well. Seeing his face all child-like covered in chocolate made you smile again. That bouncy oddball always managed to make you smile, no matter how pissed you had been before.
"Babes!! I have the BEST idea.... give me a sec while i let my awesomess work!" Beetlejuice shouted after he saw your changing mood. He was clearly relieved you weren't that mad at him, the purple in his hair was being replaced by a few strings of pink. Beetlejuice was bouncing up and down in excitement as he nodded his head towards were you were standing. A steaming cup of hot chocolate was placed in your hands, with a slight smell of cinnamon. Just how you liked it. He did a few more finger points and snaps and before you could blink the fridge was stuffed with chocolate. Even some green-matcha ones you liked.
Beetlejuice took a gleefull turn around, bowed dramatically and smiled a lopsided smile your way: "There you go sweetcheeks. Not nearly as sweet as you are, but it comes close. You happy again now, babes?"
You looked at the demon as you took a step closer to him, grabbed him by his tie and pressed a soft kiss against his lips. You felt Beetlejuice smile as his green stubble prickled your face while he eagerly kissed you back. As you pulled back you looked him in the eye seductively. You licked just below his lower lip, where the smudge of chocolate had been and heard Beej growl as you did so.
You kissed all the chocolade stains on his face away and Beetlejuice hummed happily as he pulled you in for one more kiss.
Just before his lips touched yours he stopped moving, and snapped his head a bit to the side, towards your neck. You frowned a bit at the sudden movement and you heard your ghost sniffle your neck carefully. Feeling his nose and stubble move upwards towards your ear as he sniffed again, deeply this time. He let out a low animalistic growl and he purred into your ear: "oh babes.... is it that time of the month again? You smell so good. Good enough to eat." For emphasis he trailed his teeth slowly against your neck, and you yelped in suprise as he did so.
He smirked against your cheeckbone and you pulled away from his preditory grasp to properly kiss him on the lips again. "Maybe later champ. But first... i got some chocolate to eat." you murmered against his lips.
You winked at beetlejuice and turned around to stuff some green-matcha-chocolate in your mouth. You sighed happily and smirked at him: "Now i am happy, mister Juice.... Cuddle-marathon on the couch?"
He smiled wickedly at you as he sprinted off, like a puppy goes to chace a ball: "Beat you to it!!" he cheered happily as he ran off towards the living room. You couldn't help but smile. You were blessed that the cutest demon ever was choosing to annoy you everyday. And night. And every second in between.
As you were lost in your happy thoughts you heard a whiny growl coming from the living room: "Baaaaaabessssss.... im cold and alone and someone promised me cuddles!!!!"
You rolled your eyes, but happily went to cuddle your needy, pouty, loving Beetlejuice anyway.
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Tagging: @paxenera @hoodoo12 @large-unit @little-miss-shy-goth @thats-specific @vicunaburger @ironmansuucks @h1de-s0urce @go-commander-kim @stranger-strings @heknowshisherbs
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beetlebitchywitch · 5 years
Oh god yes please more possesive!bej with an s/o who doesn't realize they're unintentionally flirty as hell with other people
Oh ho HO don’t even get me started y’all
(also I got like three asks regarding possessive!beej so consider this a response to all of you! Also, cw, name-calling (slut, whore) and other dirty things)
So here’s the thing. Even people living under the biggest rock in the fucking universe are aware of Beetlejuice’s abandonment issues. His possessiveness for sure stems from that- he wants you, he needs you, and he’ll make damn sure nothing and no one can take you from him. He made this clear to you when you first expressed your feelings towards him- if you said for absolute certain that you wanted him, you’re his forever. He will shred the Netherworld into pieces for you, will fight God if he must, if it means you stay in his arms. He pities any deity that might dare to take you from him. 
This, of course, turns you on like nothing else. His hair turns this deep, crimson red when he expresses his need for you, his eyes aflame and his gaze locked on yours, like just looking away might cause you to fade from existence. You’ve never felt so wanted, and far be it from you to not wrench that kind of reaction out of him now and again. 
At first, this cuts our friendly neighborhood rat man to the fucking core. Watching you with your hand on some other guy’s shoulder at your father’s dinner party, giggling like a fucking school girl, looking at him with these baby-doll eyes…he wonders if you even meant what you told him, if you thought his love for you was some kind of joke, if he was a joke. He avoided you for two days after that- no use hanging around when you’ve made it quite clear you don’t want him. 
Of course, you realize your big ol’ fuck up and call for him immediately. His hair is a deep blue, almost black, and his eyes are locked onto the floor, as if he is ashamed. You reach out to him, but he shuns your touch.
“I get it, OK? You don’t have to let me down easy, babes. Just send me back, and I’ll be gone,” he mumbles, completely unable to look at you. And Jesus Christ does that hurt you. 
“Beej, please, you don’t understand,” you plead. “I wasn’t…I was just trying to get a rise out of you.” He looks up, eyes swimming with confusion and…hope?
“What do you mean, what kind of rise?” he asks, genuinely unsure. 
“I just…when you want me, like really want me, you get all…intense. You hold me so close, and your hair turns red and your eyes, Beej, I just…I like it.”
Despite the debauchery you’ve been fantasizing about for the past few weeks, you’re suddenly too shy to meet Beetlejuice’s eyes. But he doesn’t seem to care- not when he’s wrapping his hands around your arms, turning you around and shoving you against the wall, pressing himself behind you and clutching your hair in his fist to expose your neck as he speaks.
“Ohhhhh babes, you really should not have told me that. Tell me, did you think throwing yourself at that gangly breather was a smart idea? No, probably not, because dirty little sluts don’t tend to think very much, do they?”
Oh. Oh. Your whole body shudders, pressing back involuntarily against his hardening cock as he grinds it into your ass. This is what you’ve been waiting for.
“Trust me, doll, you’ve royally pissed me off, and if you think you can get away with that, you are sorely fuckin’ mistaken. But I’ll tell you what, sweetness. I’m gonna let you make it up to me. You’re gonna pay me back for that little display the other night, and you wanna know how?” he snarls into your ear. “You’re gonna get on your knees and get that pretty little mouth on my cock. Better hope you do a good job, too- it’s the only lube you’re getting tonight. That, plus however wet your pussy gets from having a dick down your throat. And when you’ve gotten me nice and wet, I’m going to press your face into the bed and fuck you exactly how you deserve. It’ll be a miracle if you can walk when I’m done with you. And right before you’re about to cum, I’m gonna sink my teeth into that beautiful neck of yours so everyone can see that you are mine. See if that guy from the party touches you again when he sees my claim on you, see if anyone dares to lay a finger on you. You belong to me, little girl, and I’m about to remind you.”
Just as his hand dips under your waistband, you scream and shake against the wall. In all his pent-up rage, he didn’t realize you’d been touching yourself the whole time. Your hand trembles against your clit as you let his words drive you into oblivion, the breath against your ear and his cock pressed against your ass the only thing holding you to the ground. As you come down from that high, you let your head turn to see him- and somehow, it sends another shock of pleasure to your core.
He is fuming. His hair is flashing red, pulsing orange at the tips as if on fire, and his eyes burn holes into your flesh. Cold fear shoots from your head to your toes, and you press yourself back into the wall as if to escape what is inevitably coming to you. He lets out a dark, foreboding chuckle, his sharp teeth bared in warning.
“Oh, my beautiful fuckin’ whore, you should not have done that. Coming without my permission? Boy, you really just enjoy getting me angry, don’t you? On your knees. Now. Let’s see if we can figure out a way for you to make it up to me.”
G U Y S I love you so much for requesting this. Please, give me more, I love it as much as you do. Also I know I made his s/o intentionally flirty, it just kinda came out and I rolled with it 😂
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deetz-n-beej · 5 years
The Surprise
((Here, have a smutty drabble based on something @xxx-theartofsuicide-xxx said. You’re welcome!))
Son of a bitch. 
Summer vacation had started hours ago and Beetlejuice had yet to be called into the land of the living to start on the Beej and Lyds Super Summer Power Hour that they’d been planning for months. In fact, he hadn’t heard from his girl in a couple of days. Usually, they were inseparable, but with school ending and her parents fucking off on another vacation she wasn’t invited on, he’d wanted to let his wife have some space. Being seventeen is a hell of a thing. 
He sighed softly as he leaned against the back side of her mirror, waiting to see if today was the day he’d be let out. He could hear Delia’s shrill voice from downstairs, going on and on about whether or not Charles had packed appropriately for the Virgin Islands, and he rolled his eyes. Was his girl really having to deal with this shit?
Several minutes after the slamming of the car door that announced the Deetz’s departure, he finally heard the bedroom door open and sprang up to press his face against the glass, trying to see Lydia from his limited vantage point. “Babes? Ya there? Lemme out already! We gotta get started on our summer vacay!”
She smiled weakly as she came into view, dressed in a black day dress that covered her from ankle to neck. There were thick tights underneath and a sweater over the whole mess. How rude… it was summer! She should be traipsing around in bikini tops and short shorts. He looked forward to the eye candy every year. “Yeesh, babes. Who died?” 
Lydia rolled her eyes and turned her back on him. “No death, just something I didn’t want you or my parents seeing… yet…” Yet? Seeing? What happened? He immediately took the defensive, standing up straight against the glass. “What? What happened, kitten? You get hurt or somthin’? Point me in the right direction, I’ll kill who I gotta…”
She scoffed and shook her head. “That won’t be necessary… I’m fine. It’s just a surprise....” 
He lifted an eyebrow, squishing his face to the mirror. “A surprise? For me? Can’t wait babes… lemme out and I’ll unwrap it myself…” He waggled his eyebrows teasingly, making her laugh from where she watched him over her shoulder. 
She shook her head, humming as though deep in thought. “You know… I think I’ll leave you there for a while. That way you can’t interrupt me.” 
He growled softly, glaring at her playfully. “So ya finally admit to bein’ a tease?” She giggled. “I never said I wasn’t…” As if proving her point, she started to shed her layers, the sweater coming off first and being tossed carelessly to the side. He saw then that the high neckline belonged to a sleeveless dress, his first glimpse of her snowy skin making him smile. He could almost feel the soft, warm flesh under his fingers. 
The tights went next, her skirt hiked up teasingly until it just covered her ass, her long legs revealed inch by inch. Despite her petite nature, she was nearly all legs, her torso short in comparison. He loved those legs… liked watching them move. Really liked having them wrapped around him. 
He groaned from his place pressed up against the barrier keeping him from her. “Fuck, baby… if I’d known I was gonna get a peep show I’d have brought some ones.” She snorted and turned to look at him as she reached behind herself to undo her zipper. “You know you don’t have to pay me… I like showing off for you once in a while.” He smiled and leaned on an elbow, his bottom half slowly floating up until he was reclined in mid-air. “Well, I love watchin’ ya show off, so I guess that works out.” 
She continued her little show, letting the top of the dress fall away and immediately turning away again, wrapping her arms around her waist. “Are you ready for your surprise?” He raised an eyebrow. “The show ain’t my surprise? Well, hell… hit me, Lyds.” 
She took a deep steadying breath. “I… Should I let you out first?” He chuckled. “This is yer circus, babes. I’m just yer favorite clown.” She let out a breathy laugh and braced herself before turning to face him. 
It took him a long moment to find the supposed gift. His eyes raked over her hungrily before finally settling on her right hip, where a newly-done tattoo stood in stark, black contrast to her alabaster skin. Whoever had done it had real skill. This wasn’t some back alley stick and poke job. She must have actually gone to a shop to have it done… 
In scrolling black font, it stated the facts quite plainly: Property of BJ. A red rose bloomed behind the words, the veins of the leaves so realistic that it seemed to grow directly from her body. Property of BJ. 
He was on his feet in an instant and pounding on the glass. “Let me out. Lemme out right now, Lydia… god damn. COME ON!” She blushed, taking a step back. “Do… so you like it?” He growled, a hungry sound that went straight to Lydia’s core. “Lemme out and I’ll show ya, kitten…” She squirmed, rubbing her thighs together to fight off the surge of arousal that his words caused. She’d put a lot of thought into this… She was going to college soon, and she didn’t want her husband doubting even a little bit how she felt. 
She licked her lips. “Beetlejuice…” He grinned. “Yeeaaah?” “Beetlejuice…” He rubbed his hands together, ready to get them on that soft, embellished skin. 
Three things happened all at the same time. There was a crack of lighting overhead as Lydia was thrown backward onto the bed. Beetle cackled as he appeared above her, and the last shreds of Lydia’s clothing disappearing. 
She gasped and instinctively put her arms over her head, ready for the ravishing that was sure to come from her little stunt. His hands raked down her sides, the fingers of one trailing over the tattoo curiously. It was raised slightly, scabbed over and still healing. The skin beneath the ink was still as soft as the rest of her, the words breaking up the pale pink expanse of her in an intoxicating way. 
“Did it hurt?” She lifted her head to look at him and shrugged. “A little… not bad. The.. the machine buzzes.” She blushed, suddenly embarrassed by her answer. He smirked. “Oh? Ya get a little excited on the table, baby?” He slid the other hand between her legs and over her already-damp core hungrily. 
Lydia’s back arched, her hips lifting up toward him deliciously at the first brush of his rough calluses over her. “Oh.. I… M-maybe.” It was adorable how quickly her confidence had left her. Once again, she was pliant and wanting beneath him, a soft whine leaving her throat.
“Naughty… my nasty, tattooed little punk.” He dropped his mouth onto her collarbone, groaning at the warm, delicate taste under his tongue. The serpentine appendage slid from his mouth and curled around her nipple, flicking over the end in a teasing motion. She gasped and moaned loudly, her hands coming up to grip his shoulders. “B-Beej!” His finger quested deeper into her soft cunt, slipping down to brush over her entrance before coming back up to pull gently at her clit. “Yes, love? You need somethin’?” She whined and shoved at him. “Stop teasing and fuck me already…” 
He chuckled. “Is that why ya did this? Ya know you don’t need stunts like this to make me fuck ya… you can just...ask…” Her eyes met his with an intensity that he wasn’t prepared for. He shirked back under the emotional gaze. “What?” 
“BJ, I… I did it because I wanted a piece of you with me… when I have to leave Peaceful Pines…” He frowned softly. He didn’t like thinking about how little time they had left. “Babes… Ya know I’m gonna come with ya… we’re gonna figure it out.” She ran her hands up his neck and through his tangled blond hair, nodding.. “I… I know, but… if we can’t…” 
He’d had enough of this conversation. He slid a thick digit into her, curling it against the place just behind her clit that he knew drove her wild. Like taking a cue, a choked gasp left her and her hips jerked against his hand, her eyes going wide. He chuckled. “Enough, baby… we’re gonna make it work. I promise.” 
He snapped and his suit vanished, leaving them both completely bare. His sweet bride reached for him again easily, pulling him into her to press their lips together in a firm kiss. He leaned into it gladly, his finger rocking in and out of her gently, just to keep her on edge. 
She could feel him hard against her hip, his cock pressed straight against the brand she’d put onto herself. The cold of his skin was a comfort to the burning itch that had set in as the tattoo healed, making her press further into the soothing sensation. He, of course, took this as an invitation and hauled her up halfway into his lap, her shoulder blades still pressed into the mattress. 
“God, yer so beautiful… I’m a lucky bastard…” She giggled under him, lifting her hips so his erection was forced to slide over her heat gently. “You really are… wonder what you did to deserve me…” He snorted and landed a firm slap to her thigh. “Little brat…” 
“Your little brat.” 
He grinned and pushed her legs open, rising on his knees as he bent her upside down to rock more firmly against her. “Says so right there.” The head of his cock fumbled against her and pressed against her entrance, making her jump. “Oops. Guess that’s a sign, huh?”
She grinned and nodded, reaching over her head to brace her fingers against the headboard. If sex with Beetlejuice had taught her anything, it was how to prepare herself for an attack. 
He pushed into her in a single thrust, grunting like the old man he was as his balls pressed into her ass, the tight- warm-wet of her knocking his consciousness aside for a moment as he adjusted. His wife was panting under him, her chest rising and falling in that enchanting way that it did. He could remember when she was younger, laying on the other side of the mirror just to watch her breathe in her sleep. 
He bent over her to kiss her tenderly. “I love ya, baby… so much. I promise we can make it work.” Tears came to her eyes as he started to thrust into her, the looming doubt of the future making her heart ache in her chest. She nodded, not trusting her voice to speak the words aloud in return. 
The romp was doomed to be a short one, the tensions both emotional and sexual looming too close over their heads. Minutes after it began, it was ending. Beetlejuice pulled himself free of her, stroking his cock with one large hand while the other rubbed furiously over her clit. “Come on... Come on, baby… come for me.” She whimpered and arched against him, her hip bumping against his hand making her moan both in pleasure and pain. In moments she was tensing, her back leaving the bed as she sat up, her hands gripping his wrist tightly as she rode out the orgasm he’d forced her into. 
He was moments behind her, his release spattering onto her skin and over the tattoo, marking her in more ways than one. He huffed and puffed as he came down, taking deep and unnecessary breaths. “Fuck…”
She laughed breathlessly and nodded. “Agreed… Love you, Beej.” He kissed her soundly, lowering her back into the bed. “I love ya too, Lyds. More’n anything.”
She smiled and made to roll out of bed, stopped by his heavy weight behind her and one large arm slung across her waist. “B… I need to clean up…My tattoo could get infected, you know.” He pressed his lips behind her ear, his fingers trailing through his cum against her hip. 
“Oh, Lyds...Ya didn’t think we were done… did ya?”
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gcthamqueen · 4 years
Title: she’s like the den mother of hell.
Summary: “If Perse is here in the ass crack of nowhere Connecticut in the middle of winter, what does that tell you about what’s happening in the Netherworld right about now?”
A year after the events of the musical, a freak day of scorching sun in the middle of a Connecticut winter lands the queen of the Netherworld in the middle of the Deetz-Maitland household.And they thought letting Beetlejuice stay with them would put an end to the majority of their supernatural weirdness.
Link: [ao3]
chapter one: winter’s nigh and summer’s o’er.
A freak weather phenomenon sweeps through Winter River, as Lydia and Beetlejuice make a discovery on a trip to the local graveyard.
It takes a moment, when Beetlejuice suddenly finds himself awake in the early hours of the morning, for him to realise what had dragged him back to awareness.
The last time he can recall feeling something even a little bit similar to the distinctive thrum of the supernatural currently making the hair on his arms stand on end had been a year ago when his mother had emerged from the Netherworld intent on claiming Lydia, her fury practically rolling off her in waves. But this is something he barely recognises, especially after the last year spent mostly outside of the Netherworld, and nothing he can recall coming into contact with previously had been potent enough to wake him up like this.
Throwing back the covers and climbing out of bed, he yawned widely and raked a hand through his eternally messy hair as he phased through the door to head downstairs and raid the fridge. It had been an admittedly bizarre year in the wake of his first encounter with the Deetz family and the Maitlands. Despite his initial return to a Juno-less Netherworld, Beetlejuice had ended up returning to the living world because somewhere very deep down - not that he’d ever actually admit it - he’d missed the breathers and newly-deads too much. So it had been months of Lydia wearing away at her living and ghostly parents to allow him to move in and earning his way into the family’s good graces. Somewhere along the way, he’d even become Lydia’s big brother to explain his presence to anyone in Winter River who might ask, which had warmed his cold dead heart more than he’d care to admit.
Padding down the stairs, he wasn’t particularly surprised to find Adam and Barbara in the kitchen, working on preparing the beginnings of a breakfast for when the resident breathers woke up.
“Woke you dorks up too, huh?” He asked, opening the fridge to rifle through it for the leftover Chinese food from the previous night.
“That energy spike?” Barbara replied, “Yeah. It’s the strangest thing. Everything feels all...heavy, I guess. Like the air right before a storm.”
“It is way too early in the morning to be gettin’ all poetic like that, Babs,” Beetlejuice grinned as he scooped a handful of fried rice into his mouth with his fingers.
“What was it anyway?” Adam asked, moving to drop a fork into the takeout carton in response to him eating with his hands.
“Hell if I know, A-Dog,” Beetlejuice shrugged as he continued with the food, albeit now with the fork, “Something supernatural’s all screwy. Couldn’t tell you why though. Sometimes it just happens.”
Eventually, he found his way into the living room to pass out on the couch for another few hours, only to be woken up by Lydia practically throwing herself on his back.
“Morning Beej!”
“You’re chipper this mornin’, Scarecrow,” he grinned, squirming around to get her in a headlock and give her an affectionate noogie, making her shriek with laughter and wriggle out of his grasp.
“It’s the first proper day of my holidays and it’s actually nice out,” she replied, “We can head down to the graveyard and start on those photos I’ve been wanting to take.”
“Nice out? I thought it was snowing.”
“Geez, when you sleep, you really sleep, huh?” Lydia mused, gesturing to the living room window, “It’s been super sunny since I woke up.”
Sure enough, despite the snow, the sky seemed as blue and clear as the middle of summer, the sun beating down across the barren trees at the edge of the garden and the existing layer of snow.
“Huh,” he mused, tilting his head to one side like a dog, “Sure is. Well, might as well make the most of it, Lyds. Kick your holidays off in style.”
As the teenager clattered her way upstairs to change and gather her camera gear together, Beetlejuice found himself gravitating to the back porch, stepping out into the unseasonal weather. Maybe this strange weather had been what had woken him and the Maitlands earlier? Though the same strange supernatural itch seemed to continue as though telling him he was yet to find the source.
“Let’s go!”
Allowing Lydia to loop an arm into his and drag him out of the house as they shouted their goodbyes, they began the walk down to the graveyard. It was a strange combination of the summer sun and the slowly melting snow, and the continued pull of something beyond typical small town life that had been driving him insane all morning.
Once they reached the graveyard, he was quickly distracted by posing for Lydia, even though more often than not he never appeared in photos beyond the faintest blur. It still didn’t stop him from striking ridiculous poses against some of the gravestones or sneaking into frame on others and pulling stupid faces in an attempt to make Lydia laugh.
After a while, Lydia had moved over into an older area of the graveyard to photograph some of the more interesting statues, while he had perched cross legged on top of one of the tombs to keep an eye on things. As she stepped around one side of a mausoleum, she suddenly stopped in place before leaning back to call out to him, attention still focussed ahead of her.
“...hey Beej?”
“There’s...someone here.”
The unease in her voice finally refocusses his attention, and he hopped down from his perch to jog over to her. Sure enough, as he stepped around the edge of the mausoleum, he saw the figure pressed up against the wall, almost unmoving. Almost as soon as his eyes fell on her, that same energy that had dragged him out of bed last night sparked something familiar in the recesses of his mind, and the sudden recognition of the woman hit him with the force of a rampaging sandworm.
Juno had roped him into the annual meeting for Persephone’s return to the Netherworld once before his banishment, part of the welcoming committee for the queen. (He also hadn’t been allowed to attend again after the incident with the spiders). At that point of the year, her hair had been vibrant red and orange curls like autumn leaves, and her eyes a bright gold. He’d never seen her quite so deathly pale or with her hair this shade of icy blonde, though he supposed this was more to do with the seasons than the way his hair changed with his mood.
Now he actually understood what had caused the day’s freak summer sun.
Moving past Lydia to crouch down beside her, he carefully reached out to gently shake her shoulder, noticing the ring of scratches and bruises at her throat that had the distinct shape of clawed hands and letting out a string of curses. Who in their right mind had attacked her?
When she didn’t respond, he couldn’t help but swear again. The longer he looked, the more injuries were apparent; more cuts and bruises, and what looked like a set of claws gashed deeply into the side of her hip to stain her dress and the hand she’d attempted to use to place pressure on it in golden ichor.
“Is she okay?”
Glancing behind him, Lydia had moved closer, clearly concerned at what was happening. Sighing through his nose, he looked between her and Persephone again before making a decision.
“She will be, if we get her back to the house.”
He bent down to carefully pick Persephone up bridal style, making sure he wasn’t about to hurt her any further.
“Sorry we’re cutting this short, Lyds.”
“The graveyard’s always gonna be here,” she replied, “This is more important.”
Clearly she’d managed to pick up on just how worried he was about this giant bombshell that had been dropped in their lap. God-slash-Satan only knew what colour his hair was right about now.
“Grab on, kid,” he said, waiting for Lydia to link her arm in his before focussing and transporting all three of them back to the house. Making a beeline for the back door, he practically kicked the door open as he headed for the living room.
“You two are back soo-,” Adam said as he stepped out of the kitchen before he took in the unconscious woman Beetlejuice was carefully setting down on the sofa, “What on earth happened?!”
Stepping back from the sofa, the explanation Lydia was giving to Adam as Barbara and Delia made their way down the stairs at the sound of raised voices almost seemed to be drowned out by his own racing thoughts as he sank his hands into his hair trying not to panic. How the hell was he supposed to explain a badly injured Persephone if anyone had followed her here? He’d been in enough trouble in the Netherworld before that he was certain they’d jump to the wrong conclusion that he had been responsible and find some heinous punishment to fit the crime of attacking the queen. And what would her husband do about this whole mess?
Fighting back a distinct sense of nausea at the prospect, he was brought back to the present as Barbara gently eased his arms back down, taking his hands in hers to give him something to focus on so he could try and calm down.
“It’s alright Beetlejuice,” she reassured him, giving his hands a soft squeeze, “We just need to know what happened. Who is she?”
Swallowing thickly as he glanced back to the sofa where Adam and Delia were already fussing around to figure out how to dress the wound in her side
“Persephone,” he managed to croak out, “Queen of the Netherworld. And she is so not supposed to be here.”
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