#Because of your powerful voices and commitment
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navpike · 21 hours ago
i think quite a few people saying that exu divergence is a bad look after c3 are missing the point a little bit.
first of all: if c3 just wasn’t the type of story you like, that is so fine! it was very high stakes for my tastes, even if i did enjoy it! you can not like something without it being bad! that is how media works. the rest of this goes under the cut for those avoiding discourse
second: yes, c3 was messy, but that was the point! there’s no good answer to “an evil wizard wants to unleash a godeater, and now that he’s opened that door there is no closing it, and if he dies, eventually, now or in a hundred years, someone will replace him, so how are you going to fix it?”
the gang found an answer to the problem that maybe wasn’t the best, definitely wasn’t “””right””” because this isn’t black and white, but that got rid of the predathos problem, took the evil wizard’s control of the situation away, and let the people of faith keep their gods instead of removing them from the world entirely, which is a very cool answer to the issue! maybe its not what everyone wanted to happen, but it is a very creative solution, which is fun and which dnd games lend themselves to.
the point of c3, as i see it, is examining the consequences of a world that the gods have left. it’s been a THOUSAND years since divergence at this point. the gods, while they do act through their people and talk to people, are largely inaccessible to the common folk. and that’s what c3 is all about. the consequences of the gods being gone, shown through a largely non-religious party.
divergence is all about the consequences of the gods being right there, too present and too big and causing trouble and enacting miracles.
of COURSE we see the moonweaver be soft and sisterly and loving in such an overt way in divergence. she’s spent the last couple decades being loved as a mortal sister, loved just for living and loving in return.
and of course in c3 we see them vaguely disconnected and unawares of some suffering on exandria and people committing horrors in their names, primes and betrayers alike. if you got ripped away from your children for a thousand years and could only watch through a looking glass and occasionally talk to a few of them in dreams and visions and cryptic messages? you’d have to stop caring a little too, just to keep going!
the gods were so withdrawn for so long, that has to have consequences. it did. that was all of c3.
bells hells DID speak for the people. people who hadn’t had gods around for a millennia, who get overlooked as collateral in a war about gods, again. they’re not heroes. they’re a bunch of idiots all desperate for a family, who mostly cared if they could save each other, in the end, but who wanted to save others on the way if they could. they’re the people that the divergence gang would grow to be, with power and a smidge of a voice, just minus the real attachment to any gods.
there are so many parallels i could draw between garen and chetney, between the roaches and ashton, nia and fcg. divergence isn’t highlighting a failure on c3’s part. it’s showing the opposite end of the spectrum. distant gods vs overly present gods.
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wasteful-sam · 2 days ago
A debt paid in lust [18+]
Rolan/Dark Urge (female tiefling), F/M, shameless smut, enemies to lovers (more like haters to fuckers), hate sex, mutual masturbation, biting, choking, tail play.
Yep, it's all your fault, @chubsono. You planted the seed of writing the hatefucking Rolan into my head. When will you learn that your actions have consequences?! (ง︡'-'︠)ง
On a serious note, I'm glad to take a break from the ongoing "Worthy" and just chill a little with this smõl, one-chapter adventure. :)
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[AO3 Link]
Tiefling Dark Urge Vexis has her murderous plans rudely interrupted by Rolan, the ever-irritating wizard prodigy. He insists on repaying her for saving his siblings, though his growing frustration with the draconic bloodline sorcerer makes the exchange anything but simple. Amused by his resistance, Vex offers an alternative form of payment - one that feeds both their urges, whether he likes it or not.
A debt paid in lust
Vexis' night was not going as smoothly as she would have hoped. Another burst of murderous urge had driven her out of camp, and she was now pacing frantically close to the Last Light Inn. One thought occupied the tiefling's mind entirely - Kill Isobel. Strangle her. Cut her open. Burn her. Anything.
So far, the sorcerer has managed to keep her twisted desires under control, showing remarkable restraint when it came to killing the innocents. Not because Vex didn't want to. Rather, she was wary of getting caught by her companions. They were her only means of survival in this gods-forsaken crusade, and trust was already thin after the little "incident" with a dragonborn bard at camp.
Besides, Vexis indulged in slaughtering countless enemies thrown at their party every day. But tonight, the urge was too powerful to ignore.
And so, she finally succumbed. Standing before the inn's entrance, Vex was preparing to sneak in. No one would even notice, as most of the inn's residents were soundly asleep by now.
But, of course, just moments before committing one of her greatest atrocities, Vexis' luck ran out. The sound of footsteps right behind her made the sorcerer turn. Of all people, it was that fiery-red prick.
Rolan was just as startled by the night rendezvous as she was. It was quite a sight - Vexis, standing in an unnatural dazed state, tail wagging wildly from one side to the other, face distorted in an unhinged grin. There was something very unsettling about her. The woman's azure-colored skin matched this gloomy night perfectly. It was almost as if she was a ghost - no, an evil spirit - roaming the lands, her greenish-red eyes devouring everything on her way.
Rolan's stomach twisted. But annoyance quickly overpowered the unease. Of course, he'd meet this arrogant do-gooder tonight after he'd spent almost all day thinking about her. Just yesterday, she and her party had saved his siblings. They waltzed through Moonrise Towers like it was nothing, effortlessly tearing through the horrors inside. And Rolan? He did nothing��to help.
The shame burned in his chest. He hated them for doing what he could not. And he was grateful. That was the worst part.
So, he had spent the day drowning in self-loathing, searching for a way to make it right. After hours of brooding (and an ill-advised night swim in the freezing river), he had come to a solution. He would pay the party for the rescue.
And, what do you know - here's a perfect opportunity. If only the wizard had met someone - anyone else from the party rather than Vexis.
To tell the truth, everything about her set him on edge. The way she moved, the way she spoke, the way she wielded magic as if it had been made just for her. That unshakable confidence. That unbothered smirk.
And the way her presence dug under his skin and stayed there. She was everything Rolan wanted for himself.
"Should I even ask what you're doing here?" his voice cut through the night.
Vexis barely spared him a glance, her tail flicking impatiently, "Oh, wonderful. Just what I needed," she gurgled, realizing she could kiss her murderous plans goodbye, "I was just about to leave, so."
"Wait," a muscle in Rolan's jaw twitched, but he forced himself to continue, "Since you're here, I need to talk to you. First of...," he paused, then exhaled, "I didn't have a chance to thank you for saving Cal and Lia... And I want to pay you for it."
For a second, Vexis just stared. Then she let out a dry sigh, "I don't have time for this, I'm leaving."
The wizard narrowed his eyes, hating that he had to plead with her, "It will only take a moment. Let me get the gold from my room."
The sorcerer rolled her eyes, "I'm not in the mood for a chat. I don't need your gold."
Frustration burned in his chest, "So what, you expect me to stand around, feeling indebted to you?"
"Oh, sorry," Vex sneered, her fangs glinting in the dim light, "I didn't realize it was all about your bleeding pride, wizard. It just can't catch a break, can it?"
Rolan snapped, "My pride? You're the one to talk! I'm doing what's right..."
Vexis frowned. This wasn't good. They were slipping into another of their endless arguments - fiery, volatile, and far too loud. She didn't need any more attention tonight.
With an irritated sigh, she grabbed his shoulder. Before he could react, the world twisted. A split second later, they landed outside a door on the second floor of the forge. Vex unceremoniously pushed Rolan inside, closing the door behind them.
The room was dim and hollow, the air thick with dust and the lingering scent of smoke. Below them, the faint crackle of embers drifted up from the forge.
Rolan whirled on her, eyes blazing, "What in the hells did you do that for?"
Vexis found his confusion rather amusing, "What, never used a dimension door before? Why am I not surprised," she said mockingly, studying her sharp nails in complete disregard to what Rolan had to say.
"Of course I have!" Rolan lied, his tail flicking sharply. "But you - you're audacious! You think just because you know a few fancy spells, you can yank me around like a bloody puppet?"
"Pretty much," she replied nonchalantly, "Gods, are you always this loud? I'm very tempted to cast silence next."
Rolan scoffed, his annoyance ramping up, "Of course, a sorcerer who's arrogant and disrespectful. You all have the same problem: you lack the comprehension of what hard work is…"
The wizard's ongoing tirade fell on deaf ears. Still focused on her slender, long fingers, Vex considered her options. The slaughter of Isobel was out of the question now that her murderous urge was so rudely interrupted.
Yet, the hunger inside her hadn't faded, only shifted. The sorcerer's mind wandered, picturing battles to come and the divine sight of bloodshed to inevitably follow. The visions only made it worse, as her body started trembling slightly, begging for something, anything that could bring her release.
Her gaze flicked to Rolan. He was still ranting, still indignant. It was rather comical, considering his usual hairdo was now a mess and an extravagant robe switched to lowly, simple clothes. But for once, Vexis actually studied him - his sharp features kissed by dim moonlight, eyes burning with fury, that tail lashing so temptingly behind him.
Interesting. Maybe she wouldn't need blood tonight. Maybe something else could be just as satisfying.
Just when Vex' desperate hunger needed to be clenched, all she needed was to reach and take a bite.
"Aren't you a little obsessed with me?" Vexis interrupted, her voice now silky-smooth, gaze set on him entirely.
Such a jarring change in the woman's tone stopped Rolan mid-sentence. Vex was shamelessly looking him up and down, lips parted. A single claw traced the column of her throat, slow and deliberate as if lost in thought. The sight made Rolan's heart stutter, though his irritation still burned hot.
"Obsessed?" the wizard asked, furrowing his brows, "What are you talking about?"
Even with his tone being stern, Vex caught it – a flicker of something wild in his eyes, how his mouth twitched nervously before replying. She knew he was already under her spell. The sorcerer just needs to push Rolan a little further.
"How else should I call it?" she moved closer, "You've been going on and on about repaying me instead of sleeping soundly in the middle of the night."
Rolan rolled his eyes, arms crossed in defiance, "I've told you already – I hate being indebted to people."
"Oh, that's unfortunate," Vex came even closer, now standing an arm's reach away from the wizard, "The problem is, I have no use for your coins. Maybe you can repay me in another way?"
Confused and annoyed by her blatant refusal to accept his coins, the tiefling sighed, "What do you want then?"
"How about you answer one question? I only ask that you're honest."
The look on Vexis' face - an odd mixture of something seductive yet sinister – made Rolan's fists clench. Or maybe it was just the late hour messing with his mind.
Then Vex murmured, "Do you want me?"
Surely, he must have misheard. There was no way those words had left her mouth. Just like that? Completely unprovoked? No. It must be a mistake or a trick. A manipulation. Anything.
Yet, Vexis' challenging gaze was running Rolan up and down, studying him, waiting for a response. The wizard's confused expression made her smirk. His slow unraveling was delicious.
Noticing it, Rolan scoffed, trying his hardest to regain control. He wouldn't let anyone play him. Especially someone this annoyingly arrogant, "You must be joking."
"Hm?" Vex made another step towards him, "Why aren't you laughing then?" She reached out, claws barely grazing his shirt, teasing, testing.
Rolan's breath hitched, but he couldn't give in. His pride was a fragile thing, and she was hell-bent on shattering it. "Because you're asking lunatic questions," he said irritably. He meant to pull away from her touch, but his body betrayed him - traitorous, instinct-bound. Unlike its master, it couldn't lie about its desires.
The sorcerer shrugged dismissively, "You could've said "no" ten times by now. Yet, here you stand, trying and failing miserably to figure me out, aren't you?"
Rolan inhaled slowly, forcing a veneer of confidence, "There is nothing to figure out. You are as simple as they come, except for the impressive sense of self-importance."
But his words were of no consequence to Vexis. She sighed, feigning irritation, "It's still not an answer. I'm starting to lose my patience," Vex paused as another devious grin graced her face, "Why don't we speed things up a little?"
Before the wizard could say anything, she pulled her tunic up and over her head. The fabric landed on the floor next to her with a hushed swish. But to Rolan, it sounded like the loudest thud in the realm. Or maybe that was just the deafening hammer of his own pulse, rattling through his skull, distorting everything around him.
Vex stood before him, utterly nonchalant, her upper body bare, shameless. The knowing, smug smile tugged at her lips as she read his reaction like an open book.
"You're so bad at this," Vexis murmured playfully, undoing her belt at a torturously slow pace, "Your answer was obvious from the very start. Still," she took off her trousers with one swift move, revealing her toned legs and a complete lack of undergarments, "I want to hear you say it."
She stepped forward. The space between them shrank to nothing.
Rolan wrenched his head to the side, as if not looking would somehow keep him from breaking. But it wasn't enough. Her heat enveloped him, making the wizard's own body burn ten times hotter, suffocating him. Every subtle rise and fall of her chest shifted the air between them, brushing against him. Worse still was her natural, intoxicating scent. It was as if Vex was drenched in a mixture of wildflowers, amber, and… lust. Rolan couldn't stand it. He hated how desperately he wanted her.
Yet, he made himself talk again, clinging to the miniscule remanence of pride. Rolan's voice was low and rough as he muttered, "You really think yourself so irresistible that…"
Vex didn’t let him finish. She seized his mouth with an open palm, fingers pressing firm, silencing him in an instant. Her grip was tight, although Rolan wouldn’t bother to struggle out of it – he was too startled to move, rattled by the sheer audacity of her touch.
The sorcerer tsked, her index and middle fingers gliding over his lips in slow, teasing circles, “Have you considered that you can do far more pleasurable things with your mouth than yap?”
To her delight, it seemed that Rolan finally succumbed to her cruel teasing: his eyes narrowed, a glint of challenge and rage burning in them. Just a couple more pushes, and he would be thrown into a lustful delirium.
Vexis pressed harder, prying his lips apart. The two clawed fingers made their way inside Rolan’s mouth, met by his eager tongue. His mouth closed around her digits, sucking them in deep, his tongue moving in slow, deliberate strokes. He never broke eye contact, eviscerating Vex with his stare, hiding the pleasure her taste brought behind it.
“See?” her lips curved in wicked amusement, “If only you were more decisive, you’d been tasting my tongue instead.”
With a languid pull, she withdrew her fingers - only to bring them to her own lips. She parted them, slipping her fingers into the warmth of her mouth, moaning softly as she savored their mingled taste. Watching her, Rolan went rigid, breath seizing in his throat.
Suddenly, she stopped, moving away from him, “A shame, really, that you are a coward,” Vexis drawled, her voice laced with mock pity, “For such a loudmouth, answering a simple question was too difficult,” the sorcerer turned away, setting her final strike into motion, “The first time I saw you, I thought you were a virgin. Maybe my suspicion was right. Or maybe you just can’t -”
Rolan wouldn’t let Vex finish. His hand landed on her shoulder, turning her around with force. His other hand grabbed her hip, slamming her thighs into his. Vexis immediately felt his hardened length pressing against her lower stomach, twitching in anticipation.
“Does this answer your question?” Rolan’s voice was rough, nearly a growl, as he grounded against her.
Although Vexis’ face remained indifferent, a victorious heat pervaded her stomach: she finally broke him.
Shifting her hips just enough to make space, her hand slipped between them, fingers gliding against his core, teasing.
“Mm,” she murmured, mock-thoughtful, her touch growing more insistent, “I’m not sure. Maybe you should elaborate.”
Rolan had enough of her circus. His hand shot up, gripping her throat with just enough force to make her bite back a gasp. Their horns brushed as he leaned in, foreheads pressed together, breath hot and unsteady, “You are such a little slithery snake,” the wizard hissed slowly, his irises sharpening in a dangerous agony, “Do you always have to play dirty to get what you want?”
The tight grip around her throat made Vexis’ pulse stutter - excited, hungry. She smirked, arrogant as ever, her fingers hooking into his waistband, tugging demandingly, “Only if I know the opponent will act a sore loser about it.”
Rolan’s hand was quick as he grabbed his pants and pulled them down, freeing his throbbing flesh. His palm returned to Vex’ hip, gripping hard, claws digging into her skin.
“Sore loser?” Rolan’s voice faltered as he tried desperately to cover his groans. Vex didn’t lose any time, stroking his cock with deliberate slowness. It felt so good already, and they barely even started.
“Sore loser?” He muttered again, tone laced with frustration, “I’m not the one begging for it,” Rolan’s gaze now roamed her body shamelessly. Freckled azure skin. Razor-sharp ridges. Perfect, delicious curves. He drank her in, his arousal coiling hot and tight in his core.
She could play all the games she wanted. But Rolan knew - he would claim all of her before the night was over.
“Begging?” Vex whispered. She lifted a finger to her lips, sliding it between them. Slowly. Rolan watched, entranced, as she pulled it free and trailed it down. Her fingertip pressed against his burning tip, spreading the wetness over him.
Unable to hold it, the wizard bit into her shoulder, failing to cover his lustful huffs. Vexis repeated the circular motion, taunting him. Her own center started pulsating, making the sorcerer’s strokes grow faster.
She wanted him just as badly. And Rolan knew it.
He took off his shirt - the need to feel her bare against him was unbearable. Breathing heavily, Rolan pressed his forehead to hers, whispering against her lips, "You will get what's owed to you - every last bit of it."
He moved in to kiss Vex, but she tilted her head at the last minute, "You missed your chance to taste my lips. Now - earn it," she teased, her grip around his length tightened.
A growl rumbled from his chest. Next second - Rolan's lips were on her neck, licking and sucking in the skin, bruising it mercilessly. Hearing her whimper in pleasure made him lose all control.
"Spread it," he rasped against her skin, barely able to breeze between kisses. His hand already trailed down, seeking the heat between her legs.
Vexis shuddered but still had the nerve to taunt, "Make me."
She didn't have to ask him twice. Rolan's tail slid between her thighs from behind, brushing against her drenched folds. A wicked grin curled his lips as he felt just how ready she was.
"You are begging for it, little liar," he hissed, dragging his tail back and forth, making her squirm.
Driven mad by the friction, Vexis felt the hunger coil tighter in her core, demanding to be filled. She reached down, gripping Rolan’s tail and pushing it aside, replacing it with something far hotter, far harder - his throbbing length. A shudder ran through her as she pressed him against her soaked folds, gliding back and forth, holding him between her thighs.
Rolan's breath hitched. The sight of her stroking herself against him so shamelessly, spreading her wetness all over his length, nearly undid him.
He growled low in his throat before crashing his lips against hers at last, claiming his reward as their tongues tangled in molten heat. Rolan's hands were all over her body, unable to miss every inch, every curve.
And Vex couldn't help but melt into him, moaning in pleasure as Rolan held her tight. Her arms rose and curved around his neck as she slowed her grinding to a more intimate pace. For a moment, they both felt sane again.
But for Vexis, those never lasted. The sorcerer sucked in his lower lip, biting on the skin hard enough to draw blood. Its intoxicating taste made her feral for violence once more. Vex broke their kiss, licking the crimson remnants.
"Don't get all soft with me," she murmured in warning, digging her claws into the man's sides.
The dazed, dangerous look in her eyes said it all to Rolan. She was so infuriating, leading him toward the edge of madness.
"My bad," he whispered, voice low, laced with knowing and want, "I forgot who I'm dealing with."
Rolan grabbed her waist, spun her around, and bent her over, forcing her hands to catch onto the nearest wooden pole for support. Vex' breath hitched while he took a moment to admire her lustful, trembling core.
The way she craved him yet had the nerve to mock and push him around reignited the wizard's fury. Just like Vexis wanted.
Rolan slapped the curve of her hips, dragging her closer to him. His free hand slid between her thighs, caressing her pulsating bud. Vex whimpered, her thighs shifting, seeking more friction.
Watching her squirm for his hot, red flesh brought a grin to his face, "You can still take my gold instead," Rolan teased, bending and pressing against her, his hands kneading her breasts.
Vexis groaned, exasperated, "You have some nerve, you petulant, annoying wiz-"
Her words shattered into a strangled scream as Rolan thrust into her in one swift, claiming motion, filling her completely. The sensation made him freeze for a second - her core was so tight, so pulsating and eager, that Rolan couldn't hold his own brazen moans.
He moved, slow at first, dragging along her slick, clenching walls before slamming back in. Vexis needed a reminder that she was his now, and her uncontrolled whimpers confirmed it.
Rolan's pace quickened, hands moving uncontrollably between her breasts and waist. Her every moan, every touch, every contraction intoxicated him beyond any other known drug.
Vex' breath hitched, her body arching in response. Breathless, she begged, "Deeper."
Rolan's breath came out in ragged pants, "On your knees," he rasped.
They descended to the dust-covered floor together, their cores still intertwined in a lustful union. Watching Vex bending and arching her back and thighs into such an undignified position made his hot member twitch violently.
He gripped her hips and drove into her with ruthless precision, filling her to the hilt. A savage groan left both their mouths in unison. There was no stopping now, not when the pleasure was so divine. He hammered into Vexis mercilessly, moving her hips with quick, possessive force.
The racket of lewd noises, rampant moans, and rhythmic slaps of skin on skin filled the room. They now looked like feral animals, free of shame and concepts of decency.
Keeping his punishing pace, Rolan bent forward, fisting a hand in Vexis' hair and pulling her up just enough to make her meet his gaze, "Close," was all he could master, struggling to breeze.
The motion finally undid Vex. She let out a broken moan, enveloping his length in her sweet release. Unable to hold any longer, Rolan followed, locking his arms around Vexis as he spilled into her.
Bone-tired, they fell flat on the floor, trying to regain their breath.
Vexis shifted beneath him, turning onto her back, her sharp gaze studying the wizard's face. Red as a burning flame now, he did the same, his golden eyes traveling slowly across her face. Even now, covered in dust and marked by their violent passion, she was no less striking than the day he first saw her.
"You know," she muttered, lazily dragging her palm along his cheek to wipe away a smudge of dust, "You still owe me for saving your lot at the grove."
Rolan blinked back at her, certainly not expecting such a response. Then he scoffed, rolling his eyes to hide the way his heart hammered anew.
"Do you expect every other tiefling to pay you this sort of commission?" the wizard asked.
Vexis chuckled, "Only a sore loser like you."
"Good," Rolan replied, crushing his lips to hers, rolling his hips against her with a newfound confidence.
Vexis only left their little hiding spot at dawn, body covered in his love bites and claw marks. Giving Rolan her final, arrogance-filled look, she said, "If you make it to Baldur's Gate, I might find some use for you there."
Rolan watched her leaving in silence, his body even more battered and bruised after their night rendezvous. Even twenty years later, the memory of their first violent, intoxicating union would burn just as vividly.
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shegatsby · 21 hours ago
Hey! Hope you are doing okay! I just had this big angsty idea that I wanted to share if ur interested. So you know how in the show when Hannibal was with Alana, he'd use her as an alibi whenever she'd sleep over?
Ya, so what if Hannibal and the reader (preferably a lady but it doesn't explicitly matter) are in a romantic relationship, and he does that. One night, he comes home in the dead of the night and finds her in his living room either super angry or absolutely devastated because she thinks Hannibal is cheating on her. Like she has no idea he's a murderer at all. Does Hannibal confess? Does he somehow smooth talk himself out of this situation? I have to know!
A/N: Hey! I am back baby!! I hope you’ll like this one, i really loved the idea. Bye 😘
Hannibal slowly opened the entrance door and walked in, his took off his boots so that they won’t make a sound and wake you up. Little did he know that you were already awake, waiting for him with weary expression and damp cheeks, your eyes were red from crying. He saw the fireplace lit, decided to go to the living room to pour himself a drink, tonight wasn’t an easy one, he had to get rid of someone that had clues about his murders, if they lived Will and Jack would solve the murder and he would end up in jail. For life, and he didn’t want that, not just because of his lavish lifestyle, now that you were engaged to him he had responsibility towards you. He had made a commitment and he intended to keep it. Leaving you all alone didn’t sit right with him at all. He pushed the ajar door and found you sitting by the fire, your back turned, “Y/N?” He didn’t expect you to be awake, it was almost dawn.
You bolted to your feet, you were in your short lingerie dress, black, hair loose, face puffy, why were you crying?
“Where were you?!” Your voice sharp like a whip, and Hannibal understood your accusation immediately.
“Darling I-“ he began calmly but he was startled because he was cut in the middle of his speech, “How could you?!” Her voice getting louder, you walked up to him in anger, “I trusted you,” you pushed him with all of your strength, “After years I finally trusted someone,” you started to slap his chest, he was like a statue, unmoving. “How could you?!” You screamed this time.
Hannibal kept his calm, you were assuming things and as you should because to be honest if you were the one who would disappear in the middle of the night and come back like nothing happened he would stalk you and find out what you were up to and if it was a cheating situation… he knew very well that he would torture and kill the man, however, when it came to you… he wouldn’t be able to lift a finger. It was funny to him, you had no idea the effect you had on him.
He held your hands, “Darling, shh, listen, listen to me.” He got you to stop screaming but you were crying.
He looked at you, to see if you could handle the truth or not…
In this emotional state you would probably have a heart attack so he had to come up with a solid lie.
“My patient, Margot Verger was hospitalized.” He began, you had met Margot before when you brought lunch to his office and you had a nice chat with her.
You stopped for a second, “Since they’re a powerful family you can’t find it in the news. They asked for my input about her mental state so I had to go.”
He was very calculated, you exhaled the breath you held, his calm manner made you observe his face, he was determined. “I would never do that you. Can’t even bring myself to say the word, Y/N,” he held your damp cheeks, hating the fact that he caused this on you. “I love you. I know it wasn’t easy to gain your trust and do you believe I would treat it lightly?”
You were much more calmer now, “Hannibal,” you began but he leaned in for a passionate kiss, every time he came back from a kill all he wanted to do was to have you, in a raw way. He even sometimes woke you up in the middle of the night with a hard on.
You kissed him back, letting him guide you to the table near, his plump lips ravishing yours.
As he broke the kiss he made you bend over with a swift move, it made you yelp, he grabbed your hair and pulled your head back, “After your disgusting accusation did you really believe that I would let you go, little one?”
You shivered with anticipation, he lifted the skirts f your lingerie dress, a harsh spank landed on your bare ass. You screamed in pain, “Oh darling, when I’m done with you I guess I have to carry you in my arms anywhere.” He whispered in your ear.
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churchofgladtidingsyubacity · 4 months ago
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tonycries · 6 months ago
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Synopsis. Scream it! While he’s still asking nicely, that is…
Pairings. [SEPARATE] Gojo x Reader, Sukuna x Reader, Choso x Reader, Geto x Reader, Nanami x Reader, Toji x Reader
Content. MDNI, fem! reader, creampíes, getting reader to not be quiet in béd, CÚMPLAY, spítting, Sukuna’s second tongue, oraI (fem rec), pússydrunk boys, squírting, six eyes, face-sítting, pússy-slappíng, true form Sukuna, chokíng, markíng, exhíbitionism (Nanami), víbrators, dp, slight voice kínks, pet names, swearing.
Word count. 5.9k
A/N. Love y’all, have a good leak day <3
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♡ TOJI FUSHIGURO - Let it all out!
“Doll…” he drawls out, that tiny scar at the end of his smirk dragging roughly against your glossy pout. And when Toji’s given nothing more than a few of your muffled, bit-back whimpers, he’s insisting - begging, “My stubborn girl-”
Five thick fingers wrap delicately around your neck - jostling your fucked-out expression up to his greedy gaze, “Cat got yer tongue?” As if to fuck the answer out of you, his hips are ramming angrily, knocking rawly into your bruised g-spot. “Don’t tell me you’ve been hah- fucked dumb already? Wha’s the problem, ma?”
It’s been hours now, and Toji’s absolutely wrecked - blood thumping in his ears, broad chest heaving with short rasps, stars bursting behind his half-lidded eyes after each sloppy thrust. And, yet, he still has enough sanity left to notice when you’re biting down brattily on your knuckles, throat tight with all those sweet moans being held back. 
See, that’s when Toji gets impatient. 
“Fine- be as quiet as your pretty lil’ heart desires, then.” Your eyes are widening at the mushy twitch of his rotund tip - still leaky, still angry. “We’ll see how long that lasts, anyway.”
Just that dark little promise is enough to make you keen - and he’s chuckling, “Now now- what did I say-” Those soft pads of his fingers glide up in a gentle curve towards your lips - but the way he just shoves them inside is anything but. Rounded tips constricting into the very back of your throat, “Ya wanna be quiet? Then, commit to it like the big girl you are.”
Big fat tears spring up to your eyes when he’s hiking a powerful thigh up, pressurizing the ruthless pace of his achy cock even more. Bullying into your velvety walls like he was angry, knocking all the air in your lungs with every glide of his swelteringly hot head along your cervix. 
“Hngh-” you gurgle past his swirling fingers. Your nails piercing ravaged red lines where you’re gripping helplessly onto his wrist, “T-To-ah!”
There’s such a deafening squelch gushing out of your messy cunt when the mean digits on his free hand push down about halfway at your stomach, feeling for the branding little nudge of his fat cock. Toji’s mouth drops in awe at the milky white coating of his cum. Dredge after dredge soiling your inner thighs, forming a creamy little ring where he was pushing his thick hilt into you over and over-
“Shit-” his Adam’s apple bobs with a heavy gulp. Mindlessly, he’s falling down onto his elbows in exhaustion, bending you in half like a little ragdoll underneath him. “N’ suddenly I’m the one speechless, doll- Hahah-”
The heavy thwack! thwack! thwack! of his still painfully-full balls make your head spin, and Toji’s drinking in your little gasps like a starved man. Slow, languid, eyes drooping shut. “S’this why- hngh- s’this why my girl’s bein’ so quiet all of a sudden?” Hips stuttering forwards like he was losing control, just filthy, lusted-up little half-thrusts and drags of his length down your gummy channel. Even that was too much for his poor, overworked cock - painting your insides full with his thick, translucent precum with every swallowed-up inch. “Too cockdrunk? Too hah- full of my cum t’speak?”
You were so close - so overstimulated - you could barely string together a sentence. And you couldn’t have answered even if you wanted to - because your lovely boyfriend only rummaged his fingers deeper inside your mouth. Fuck- it felt so dirty having him fuck you like this - spitting against your lips, twitchy cock mashing deep into all your sensitive spots. Like he was reaching into your lungs - into your barely-lucid mind until you couldn’t do anything but nod. 
“Mmmpf- I-” you’re managing out, the words coming out in a thick, garbled mess that makes his cock throb. “Hngh- yes yes yes-”
“Awww, fuckin’ knew it.” he coos, and it’s all the warning you’re getting before two big strong arms of his haul you up. Falling back onto his muscled thighs in a sitting position - with you all speared like a slut down his unforgiving cockhead. Being bounced up, up, up your limp body nothing against his inhuman strength. “Shit- fuckin’ knew it- My poor girl got fucked so good she couldn’t even speak, huh?” Toji just throws his head back at the answering clench of your elastic walls, molding around each one of his ridges and veins. “How cute–” 
You cower under his weighty gaze, unable to escape. To do anything other than take it when his bicep bulges around your waist, tightening like a vice. “How so very-” Abs clenching when they ram- up- “cute-” He’s gritting his teeth, baring you with such a sweet, sultry smile, one that ghosts the very shell of your ear, “But why don’t you jus’ cum f’me now, ma.”
You don’t know whether his own words have Toji reaching his high - or maybe the sight of you does. Because all you see is black tinging your vision - then white, seeping out of the corners of your puffed-up folds, sopping a wet puddle into the non-existent space between you two.
He’s so vocal when he fucks you through your orgasm, raspy baritone wrenching out little praises like a mantra- “Yeah- yeah there we go. Louder f’me- scream it all out. I know you can do it.”
“P-please, Toji.” You don’t know what you’re begging for - and Toji doesn’t mind. Only pinning your body to his hulking one, holding you so close that your whimpered out moans are almost inaudible over his cushiony pecs. Babbling out, “Please- f-fuck it feels too good hah- m’cumming- m’cumming m’cumming-”
“Such a chatty girl, moanin’ so fuckin’ loud.” he titters. “Don’t you dare hold back that pretty voice from me, m’kay?” 
But only when your orgasm bates into tiny tingles, only when your syrupy sweet moans turn quieten down - only then does Toji pull away. Shuffling onto his knees until his hot breath was fanning your eagerly quivering cunt, soft tongue dragging up your painted white slit, “So let’s see if you scream twice as loud for this, my girl.”
“My love…” Nanami breathes out in a ragged pant, his hot breath breezing down your spine. Arching up so sultrily when the pistons of his hips slow down, aching for more more more- “Is something hah- wrong?”
It takes you a second to raise your bleary head up from where it rested amongst all the papers on the desk, the satin of your office skirt hiking up even further when you’re rutting your hips back in a quiet tandem. “N-nothing, Ken–” your words come out hushed - hurried. 
And oh your husband looked so unfairly attractive when he was concerned, blond brows furrowing in the middle, running one hand through his disarrayed hair, the other pulling your teary eyes up to his. “You’re just being so-” There’s an experimental mash of his fat, rounded tip into your mapped-out g-spot, as if to confirm his suspicions. And Nanami grunts at the sight of you biting down on your lower lip, “-quiet…Now now-” His thumb comes to gently pry away your worried lip from under your teeth, “-what’s wrong?”
“S’jus’-” you hiccup, eyes flitting to the closed storage room door. “-m’ so close n’ someone might hear. I know Higuruma also has overtime-”
Shit - you’re so far into your little rant that you don’t notice the way his entire body stiffens, jaw clenching at the mention of your - and his - coworker. You can only gasp when Nanami’s towering figure just shoves you deeper into the cool mahogany desk. One hand on your head, the other wrapped nicely around your blabbering mouth.
“You’re right-” Nanami breathes, words tinted with a slow, dangerous purr. And it makes your velvety walls just seep a fresh gloss of your sweet sweet juices down all his long, hard inches. “-better not make a noise unless you want to get caught then, because m’not going easy on you today, darling.”
And fuck, Nanami likes to think himself a practical man - a sensible man, even. But right now all he could see was red - nothing past the way that other man had been eying you a little too closely these days, laughing at your jokes a little too loud. 
Don’t get him twisted, he knows you’d never do anything - you were his pretty lil’ wife after all, the love of his absolute soul. But sometimes, he just wanted to make you scream it out. 
Your pretty eyes bat hypnotically over your shoulder, “K-Ken- oh!”
Only to be shut up by the furious pummeling of all his rock-hard shaft, the sheer girth of it already making you keen. It’s enough for honeyed moans to bubble up in your throat, ticking in time with that angry pulsing of his thick tip massaging your plushy walls. 
“Shh shhh-” Nanami coos, and you feel his abs ripple from behind you when he leans his weight down, down, down to pin you even more helplessly against the desk. Those thick fingers of his cover your mouth even firmer, “We hafta be quiet, remember?”
If he was looking for an answer, then Nanami fully and thoroughly fucks it out of you. 
Those important documents are shuffling around everywhere, flying off the desk when you’re scrambling towards absolutely anything to keep just an ounce of your sanity. Because Nanami was hammering into you in such powerful, pressurized thrusts. Hard enough that you could feel the line of his hip bones along the fat of your ass, the circular smacks of his heavy balls along your thighs. Sure to leave marks that that sinfully short skirt of yours wouldn’t cover. 
“Ken! Ken- oh my god-” 
All you get in response is the sudden slowing of his mean pace, until your heady moans are softening down to mere whimpers. 
It still feels so dizzyingly good this way, having your snug hole stretch limitlessly around his girthy shaft. Knocking so deeply and thoroughly against your womb, clenching your saturated walls down with every graze of the neat tufts of blond at his hilt. 
“What did I say?” His mouth comes down onto yours in a heated clash of teeth and tongue and moans. So many rasping grunts furling from out of Nanami’s throat, spitting into your mouth, “Hafta- be hah- quiet. Or else Higuruma is- gonna- hear-” 
And that hypnotizing push and pull is punctuated by the greedy drag of Nanami’s thumb down your clit, spelling out little patterns. Over and over-
“Hah- I don’t-” you’re startling when he hikes up a leg onto the desk, the change in angle making you all but scream out into his ravenous mouth. “Don’t think I even- care anymore ah!” Every one of those syrupy sweet moans falling from your lips have Nanami hammering in even deeper, rattling the desk with his strength. “Just wanna- just want you to-”
You’re gasping at the familiar work of his fingers on your sensitive nub - a flurry of letters all over. K-E-N-T-O-K-E-N-T-O-K-E-
“Say it.” he bites down on your earlobe. “Spell it out f’me.”
“Scream it out, no need to be embarrassed.”
“Cum!” you’re sobbing. Heaving for air when he doesn’t take even a second to slow down, “M’gonna cum, Ken. M’so f-fuckin’ close.”
His next words are murmured at the crook of your neck, dangerously above your racing pulse. Making you flinch at the sharp teeth indenting over your skin, “Then cum.”
Oh and when you do it’s like something snaps. Because all you know next is that you’re being fucked through such a delicious high. White-hot pleasure having you quivering deeper into Nanami’s hold, dragging out each one of your peaks. Your throat feels raw, head swimming so much that you almost don’t hear-
“Just the way I like you.” Leaving a lingering peck at your collarbone, “All gorgeous and-” At the sensitive underside of your jaw, “-blissed out and-” Before you’re jumping at sharp canines sinking down into the side of your neck. Hard. Possessive. 
It hurts - but it hurts so good that you don’t even register the way Nanami’s eyes flit to the door - slightly ajar now. Voice rising in volume when he finishes, “-mine.”
♡ GETO SUGURU - We’ll piss off the neighbors
“Mmpf- S-Sugu…”
“S-S-Sugu-” your beloved boyfriend is just leering, his velvety voice pitched dramatically high. Shoving apart your dangling legs so burningly wide to bully that furiously shuddering hot-pink vibrator even deeper inside your insatiable cunt. 
He’s grinning such a dangerous grin down at you, “Now, why don’t you lemme hear those pretty moans of yours like usual, gorgeous- instead of holding back?”
And all you can do is squirm around mindlessly when he’s feeding your sloppy cunt inch after smooth inch of more of the thin vibrator. Rummaging around your clingy walls so much, “Come on now-” A taunting thumb of his glides along the intensity meter - Setting 1, Setting 2. Before finally resting smugly on Setting 3. Long, dark lashes bat at you, “You’re breaking my heart here!”
“P-please!” you sob out, before immediately worrying your lower lip shut. And Geto notices - of course, he does. The determined smirk on his face turning into something a little colder, a little more predatory. 
“Aww, my poor baby doesn’t wanna speak with me.” he’s goading, leaving your plushy walls stretched full with the blissful girth of the vibrator. Letting you all but cockwarm it while he’s running a rigorous thumb over your puffed-up clit, “Tha’s fine. Whatever my girl wants, she’s gonna- get.” 
Geto’s sharp tongue is running lewd stripes up and down the crook of your neck, kissing and sucking on the corners of your lips as if he isn’t driving you insane. As if he isn’t driving himself insane. The achy, fat tip of his reddened cock kissing wetly at your glossy folds, weeping hot precum that sticks to your slit, trickling down the buried hilt of the vibrator. Oh, how he knew - had planned out - exactly how he was going to make you scream. 
But for now, he’s only pursing his lips together, letting you babble and whine unfairly to yourself. 
“S’not- not that I hngh!” your entire body jolts when he’s wordlessly increasing the intensity - Setting 4. Nervous eyes flitting down to where Geto’s lengthy cock was sitting prettily across your open legs, throbbing. Waiting. “Jus’ the neighbors- hah- we got another noise complaint, Sugu–”
He still doesn’t budge, still doesn’t say a word. This time his fingers are toying your finger even sloppier. Tweaking and circles lazily along the sensitive nub, making you all but scream-
“Please- I promise-” you’re bucking your hips up for more more more. Feeling the sopping smack! of his hefty shaft come down on your skin, splattering translucent dredges of his syrupy precum all over your skin. “Promise s’jus’ that Sugu.” Shaky fingers of yours wrap around his long, inky hair - hauling him close to meet your lips, and you could feel the ridges of Geto’s toothy grin when you crack, “Feels so good- too good. N’- jus’ want your cock- hngh! Promise was jus’ trynna be quiet because the walls are th-thin and the-”
And then it feels like you’re being split apart, such a thick intrusion to your already filled-up cunt. Soft, supple walls being contorted around the vibrating toy - and Geto’s addition of his thick, weepy tip. 
“Say please, then.”
You’re so completely and utterly fucked out that you barely even hear him at first - body moving before your mind when your lips sag open. Jumbling out a mess of, “P-please.”
“Hmmm…” Geto pretends to think, but he’s still circling open your elastic entrance to fit his needy cock inside. Taking it slow, sensual - making sure your silky sweet walls are rubbing against each and every one of the prominent veins down his middle, the rotund end of his head shoving its way inside. “S’not ‘nough - how about ‘please, Sugu’?”
“Please, Sugu!” Your nails claw their way down his broad, milky shoulders - leaving red, red marks that make him groan. That make his hips jut forward in a solid, thorough thrust, “Please- d-don’t care about the n-noise complaints hah- jus’ wanna be full of all of you.”
Geto doesn’t know if he can move, fuck, he doesn’t even know if he’s breathing. Eyes widening, head thrown back at the slightest feeble clench of your velvety walls desperately trying to accommodate around his cock and the vibrator. 
It takes beat - two, of him grinding in filthy gyrating motions, abs flexing when his slender waist surges forward. All the way until that divot at his tip was branding into your spongy cervix, painful, cum-filled balls sticking thoroughly against your ass. Somehow, he’s managing to roll his eyes, “D-didn’t hafta hah- say that much, gorgeous.”
There’s a sharp flick! 
Setting 5. 
The heady room is instantly filled by both of your moans - so loud. Yours higher-pitched and cracking pathetically at the end, Geto’s throaty, like they were being dragged from his throat against his will. 
Immediately, he bores down at you with a bit lower lip, eyes half-lidded, the corners of his mouth curled up in what almost seems like a smile. “Guess I better quiet down myself- hngh- huh?” he gasps - heaves - tremors of the vibrator rubbing up so deliciously at the underside of his throbbing shaft, jostling with each hastening ram into your gushing cunt. “B-because now that I finally got you to scream out f’me-” 
You’re mewling when his thumb comes up uncharacteristically gently to swipe away your own lips from underneath your teeth - a habit, almost, at this point after you’d gotten a very huffy email about being too disruptive at night. Like right now. “-I don’t wan’ ta hear anythin’ else. And that includes noise complaints - because soon m’gonna move ya to our own house, pretty, don’t ya worry. And there-” Your forehead is branded with a soft kiss, your g-spot with a rough ram. “-you can scream as much as ya want.”
♡ CHOSO KAMO - “Please please please.”
Choso couldn’t stop even if he tried - he couldn’t hold back even one of those broken, whiny pleas wrenching from his rosy pink lips. So loud, deep voice pitching up highly at the end every time the weepy divot at the very end of his fat tip reached into the spongy bottom of your pussy. 
“Baby- please, baby–” he drags out your sweet little nickname, two of his sizeable palms coming to splay out on the curve of your hips. Just dragging your gummy cunt down like a cocksleeve, helping you ride him in easy, relentless grinds. “Does it feel good? Tell me- does it- hah-”
His breath hitches with a sudden shudder when your fingernails dig into the side of his pale neck, using the leverage to just ram your cunt down in thorough, hypnotic gyrations.
“Please!” Choso’s gasping, eyes rolling to the back of his head. You’re jostling slightly precariously on his slender hips when he’s planting two feet flat on the silky sheets to buck up, up up- “Tell me- tell me how it feels, baby.”
Your fingers tighten involuntarily at the sound of his greedy beg, making him let out such a guttural groan. The sound sends shivers running along your spine, all the way down to where he was jackhammering into your ravaged cunt. Thumbing apart your swollen folds to keep them spread enough for him to bully his girthy hilt into. So depraved. Needy. “S-so good, Cho-”
It was an accident - really - you didn’t even mean to let the little compliment slip. But it’s enough for Choso’s eager cock to expand even girthier inside you, all the blood in his body rushing to stretch your elastic walls to their limits. You could feel him everywhere, molding you to the very shape of his cock. 
“Yeah? Oh yeah?” he’s hissing, craning his neck up to mesh your lips together sloppily. Languid, delirious - kiss-bitten lips smacking when they’re sucking on your lolled-out tongue. Fuck, how he missed your voice. “Tell me- ngh! Tell me more, please.”
Oh, but really - your sweet sweet boyfriend was so pretty like this underneath you. Milky skin damp with sweat, his dark eyes dewy with tears and locked on you, mouth parting open in ragged grunts. Your favorite little melody - it made the way you bite your lip stubbornly all the more sweeter. 
There’s another glissading stream of his sweltering hot precum coating your inner walls, sloshing around in a syrupy slow rhythm inside you. “Please-” He’s crying out again after a few more branding smashes into your bulging g-spot  - lips wobbly as if he was on the verge of bawling without your voice. “Wanna hear your sweet moans, y’know? S’my f-favorite song-”
And you swear your hulking boyfriend’s mouth was upturned into such a pretty pout at that very second, soft planes of his hands caressing up and down your bent thighs. You can’t help but hum, making his head feel so lightheaded with that teasing quirk of your lips.
Or maybe it was the way your fingers clamped down tighter around his neck, sure to leave a perfect array of bruises from your splayed-out fingers. Jerking him even closer- “Fine- open that mouth if you love my voice so much.” 
You’re barely even finishing the sentence before his jaw slacks open, tongue darting out - just in time to catch the steady glob of syrupy saliva you spit out. Right onto the middle of his tastebuds, Choso’s immediately slotting his mouth against yours in an even greedier mess of a kiss. 
“Didn’t think you- hngh! like my voice that much, baby.” you’re humming, letting him hurl into a frenzy of powerful mashes into your g-spot. Some missing - drawing long, eager glides of his rounded, thick head along your cervix. “I like yours too, y’know. So much.” Leaving a lingering drag of his jutted-out bottom lip between your teeth, “S’why I ah- hngh- held back- love hearin’ you.”
And oh, every honeyed word of yours goes straight into twitchy cock, pulsing painfully into your mushy walls. Curving upwards so deliciously, Choso’s hold on you tightens - enough to draw blood, you might think, had he not cut his nails just earlier. 
He’s fucking upwards into you so solidly hard - feverish drags of you down his massive length only getting rougher and rougher until he couldn’t-
“Don’t do that, silly girl- mm- can’t live without hearing those cute moans of yours, m’kay?” Big fat tears gloss down his sharp cheeks with how stimulated he was right now, and you could feel the weighty shifting of his balls. So tight they almost felt like they could burst. “So be loud. Be as loud as possible f’me- tell me how it feels, how you ah- want more- a-and-” His fingers now cup your face, leaving all the laborious duty down to his frantic hips. Yet, Choso didn’t mind - anything that let him glide a thumb along your spit-glossed mouth, tugging out your bottom lip from where you were trapping it between your teeth, “-and say my name.”
You do - and it’s just about all you can manage out when you’re leering down to bite on Choso’s sensitive earlobe. Exactly where you knew would make him shiver the most, rutting up animalistically to bounce you up even deeper, “Then cum f’me, Cho.”
And he thinks he will - fuck, at the sound of his name rolling off your saccharine sweet tongue he couldn’t hold back even if he tried. But not before teasing a hard roll of his thumb along your clit, “F-fuck you little- ah! You first, since you’ve been hah- holdin’ out on me. N’ this time-” His glinting eyes narrow, sharp canines bared in such a viciously fucked-out grin that it makes you clamp down - hard, “-you’re gonna be the one hngh- crying out, baby–”
Now, usually when Sukuna had you all splayed out like this - your trembly thighs balanced on either side of his head, puffy pussy lips so sopping wet it made his mouth water - he knew you’d let out a few pretty noises. 
A mewl when his hot tongue laps up the syrupy juices sopping from either side of your slit, a moan of his name when all he does is card the very edge of his soft muscle between them. And finally - finally - his favorite, a whiny beg for, “P-please, Kuna- no more teasing!”
How cute. 
When you miss the first - he doesn’t think much of it, instead too engrossed in thumbing apart your swollen folds, admiring the way your greedy cunt was already glistening and winking down at him so sweetly. Spitting a fat wad of his saliva right on the bullseye of your entrance. When you miss the second, he’s concerned, humming a raspy growl at the back of his throat while wrapping two plump lips around your throbbing clit. 
And when you miss that last one - oh, now you’re gonna get it. 
All give digits of his thick fingers come down hard on your hovering pussy, sliding a glistening syrupy wet sheen down to his wrist. 
“S’this boring to you, woman?” the famed king of cures spits his words with a low, threatening rumble of his sculpted chest. And it’s all you can do to throb, whirling your glassy eyes down at his half-lidded, darkened gaze, “Anything else you’d rather be doing right now?” 
You’re shaking your head deliriously - but that’s not enough for him, of course. 
There’s another oozing little throb from your cunt - rewarded with another branding smack! across your sensitive clit. “Don’ wanna use your big girl words, hm?” Sukuna raises a brow, still holding such dangerous eye contact with you when he hollows out his cheeks, long tongue lolling out to make out with your pussy. “Fine then- let’s let this cute pussy speak for herself, hm?”
There’s only a drawn-out, sloppy squelch ringing through the heady air when he lays his tongue flat across your glossy lips. Just teasing around the very edge of your gushy entrance before the very tip of him dances up, up, up.
“Hngh!” you’re gasping at the feeling of him grazing over your clit in a sultry push and pull - and the sudden wetness of something else swirling around your syrupy sweet hole. “Wh- is that-”
“Shhh, didn’t ya wanna stay quiet, brat?” Sukuna cuts through your words, velvety coo making you just arch down harder to drag your slobbering cunt all across his eager face. And where that mean mouth of his was teasing you, his other - larger - tongue on his stomach was picking up wherever left off. More, even. “So shut up and let this pussy talk, why don’t ya?”
Ah, it was impossible to escape him. Two big beefy hands were steadied firmly around your quaking thighs, hauling you right onto his swallowing mouth, grinding you against his jaw like his favorite meal. You’re being bounced, almost on top of him - his other tongue driving you insane. 
Reaching all the spots you could’ve never even imagined. Arching into you almost as deftly as his cocks, bullying past your puffy lips and into every bulbous areas of your sensitive spots. Fucking you so thoroughly-
“Hey-” There’s another reminder - one of Sukuna’s free hands planting a solid smack onto the very bulge of your elastic walls around his tongue. “Think she said she’s getting close- Almost didn’t hngh- catch it ‘cause you’re being a bit too hah-” He’s craning his thick neck back in for a messy kiss against your clit. “-loud-” Again. And again and again- plump smirk glittered with all your sweet sweet juices. “-dontcha think?” Smack! You’re whining in response, drunken hips pushing down as if to shut him up, “S’like you want to hngh- moan f’me. If you wanna then why are ya being so- fuckin’- stubborn.”
And fuck, you were so far gone that Sukuna almost didn’t expect a response. Half-lidded gaze locked on the trickle of drool slobbering down your slack mouth, eyes bleary, soft whimpers barely even audible over the sinful squelches! from down below. You were so loud, so drippingly wet in each one of your noises that it has him running his free palm over the outline of his aching cocks. 
“B-because-” your wobbly voice makes his fat tips just gush out in thick ribbons of precum, seeping through the fabric of his decadent yukata and onto his fondling palm. “Felt embarrassing- the position a-and hah! got nervous I’d be too whiny or somethin’, Kuna…”
“That so?” Sukuna simpers, voice a little more silky soft than before. And the gentle smack! on your cunt reads as more fond than punishing, “Stupid brat- ya think I’d be like this if I didn’t like your pretty noises?” As if to prove his point, the two hands on your body ride you harder down his mouth. Sloppier. More depraved. “Nervous for what- s’jus’ me, y’know?” Tonguing back teasingly over your glossy clit, his eyes just bore into yours. Baritone vibrato pulsing down your achy pussy, “And I love every lil’ thing you do, my girl.”
His guttural moans are still echoing from the very base of your cunt when you cum - so hard. Violent, even, that Sukuna has to wrap his strong arms around you to keep you from escaping. It’s all your poor pussy can take. Waves of pleasure taking you away. Gushing and gushing so hard-
“Sh-shiiiit-” Sukuna utters - and it’s only then that you realize just how much you’d cum, quivering hole letting out bursts of your syrupy sweet slick. Just coating the entire lower half of his face, his cheekbones, down to his pecs in everything you’d squirted.
And while his lower tongue still laps at your honeyed juices, letting each bead slide down the muscle. He licks his lips with a sigh, “Let’s ask this gorgeous cunt if she can do that on my cocks now, too, hm? N’ this time- ya better scream f’me.”
♡ GOJO SATORU - Shut up.
Maybe it was the way your sorry boyfriend was just aching to hear your sweet sweet voice moan around his name, maybe it was the way he’d been spending hours already groveling and worshiping your body. Or maybe it was the way your clingy walls just pulsed all around his weepy cock, squelching in a way that makes him salivate. 
“I told you, my girl–” he soothes out in an almost-whiny tone. Pressing an overly-wet peck at your forehead, your nose, on either side of that scolding pout on your glossed-up lips. “I’m- sorry- I’ll listen to whatever hah- gossip about your favorite show next time just please-”
Two rough hands rest at the globes of your ass, purposefully jostling your fucked-out body to face him - he wasn’t letting you escape any time soon. 
There’s the slow, lingering squelch of Gojo rolling his hips forwards in such a dizzying tandem. Shoving you further and further up those expensive silken sheets at the hotel suite he’d booked for tonight - all for his little apology. 
“I s-see that lil’ smile-” he’s grunting, forcing two fingers around your face to look right into his greedy gaze. “Aww, come on- wontcha forgive me? M’begging here- begging.” And when you’re still keeping your mouth stubbornly shut, he’s throwing your limp legs over his broad shoulders. Running a syrupy slow circle over your neglected clit, “-promise I won’t fall asleep next time ya hah- t-talk my ear off.”
You have to admit that every saturated glide of his throbbingly fat tip has your jaw slacking further and further. Honeyed moans just bursting behind your lips, he’s stretching you out so sinfully. 
And, yet, it was so fun to see the strongest all broken down like this - eyes drooping almost closed, pouty lips with a glistening sheen of spit, little whimpers sounding at the back of Gojo’s throat every time he’s knocking right into your bulged-out g-spot. It drove him absolutely insane to see you purposefully hold back your pretty moans. 
“No no no no no-” he’s frantically prying away the knuckles you’re biting down deliriously on, trying to ease out those soft little whimpers and mewls. “My stubborn girl.” Pecking lingeringly at your lips, “Won’t you just scream- f’me-”
With a singular, jutting slam! of his hard hips against yours, you’re just keening - because Gojo was just crashing angrily against your poor g-spot. No longer teasing grazes and glides along your soppingly wet walls, just daring you to beg for more as you always did. 
No, he was pressing into your g-spot with ferocious power, muscles rippling across his hulking body when he’s sliding his fat cock back, back, back- Only to reel all the way forwards, the very curve of his globular head curving thoroughly against your sweetly sensitive spots. Again. and again. And again and again-
“Ah!” you’re scrambling up onto your elbows, connecting your forehead with his own. “S’too-”
You didn’t know what you were going to say - to have him beg more- to have yourself beg for more? But whatever it was clings to your heavy tongue when you’re raising your head up to meet your boyfriend’s. 
Because oh you knew that flushed, blank expression on his face, the slight crinkle of lightning at his eyes. This fucker-
“Whoops.” Gojo’s grinning, not a drop of regret in his words. “Guess I must’ve hngh- accidentally used six eyes when I-” Another nudge of his rotund head against your g-spot, only picking up in pace. Only plugging you full of his deep, grinding inches - fucking you so thoroughly into the mattress that you could hear the bedframe creaking in protest, your own cunt squelching ravagedly. “-hah- fuck this cute pussy. But hey…” He leans his face even closer, that infuriating curl of his lips only growing, “-I don’t hear ya complainin’ now, do I, sweetheart?” 
“Especially when m’ruining you right-” Splaying out all five of his long, pale fingers across your stomach - drawing an invisible line where he was branding the imprint of the very top of his length into the bottom of your pussy. “-here?”
Fuck, he had you exactly where he wanted you. 
“Y-you’re so-” you’re managing to gasp, eyes narrowing as he leans in even mockingly closer. But you can’t hide the slutty bliss in your tone, the way you tug and tease his soft, snow strands. “-so infuriating, y’know. I shouldn’t even hah- be lettin’ you off the hook this easily.” 
He’s moaning twofold, like the sound of your voice electrifies him. Hefty shaft twitching with each piston, painfully tight balls just clenching so painfully. “Yeah- hahah- yeah, isn’t it because you love me?”
The entirety of his body shivers when you lock your legs tightly, bowing his body even closer to stick to yours. “It’s because-” you purr, batting your lashes so sultry. Spitting against his lips, “-you’re such a pain in the ass, Toru.”
And then he’s cumming - and cumming and cumming so hard that Gojo doesn’t have the time to be embarrassed. All he can really think about is the syrupy slow slosh of his seed painting inside your gummy walls, shooting out in thick dredges. 
You giggle, eyeing down at the puddle of cum and saturated slick oozing down your thighs. Leaking out of your weepy slit, “Heh…for someone that wanted me to hngh- s-speak up so much, you sure are weak, Toru.”
The second roll of his nickname on your tongue is enough for Gojo to be gushing out another wave of potent cum into your snug channel. Hissing, he’s swiping at the creamy ring forming around his hilt, pooling the mess on the large pads of his fingers before-
“Maybe s’better when you-” Bullying them between the seam of your mouth, he’s swirling around your hot tongue. “-don’t speak.” Your answering glare is enough, “J-just kidding!”
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A/N. If y’all need me I’ll be in my prayer circle manifesting for a Gojo comeback…
Plagiarism not authorized.
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transformativeworks · 4 months ago
To the people in the OTW Tumblr Inbox asking about how the OTW is responding to the American Election.
This is a separate post (and not a response to a specific message) because we all need to see it.
Folks have been asking Support (through the form) as well as the other social media mods, and we have now been given the following to tell you.
We are continuing to closely monitor political developments that may affect AO3 and the OTW as a whole. First, we want to assure you that there are several factors that tend to protect AO3 and its users from legal risks and challenges. These include that we are a non-profit, do not host images, do not use algorithms to promote or advertise content to users, are not aimed at children, and collect very little user data. The results of the 2024 U.S. election are deeply concerning, but the OTW remains committed to providing an inclusive space for fannish expression and will continue to fight for fans' free expression, both in court and through legislative efforts, in the U.S. and worldwide. We have seen that fans are a powerful force for promoting free expression, and we will continue to inform people about opportunities for their voices to be heard. If a bill is likely to be passed in the future that could impact our ability to provide services, our legal team will be prepared to offer updates, guidance, and legal support to our users. Fans are not alone in this fight. Both the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) (https://www.aclu.org/news/civil-liberties/the-aclu-is-fighting-back-against-trump ) and the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) (https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2024/11/2024-us-election-over-eff-ready-whats-next ) made preparations for this outcome and have developed strategies to combat anticipated efforts to curtail online freedoms. We urge our users to support these organizations and others as they fight for your rights and ours.
<3 Mod Remi
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pyaasa · 7 months ago
Cardi B saying “I will only vote for Kamala if she commits to a ceasefire in Gaza” shows that she has more political understanding than like 99% of you on here
“I meannn I DO support Palestinians but 👉🏽👈🏽 I’m going to vote for and uncritically support Kamala anyway and put zero pressure on her to stop the genocide ✌🏽”
Not only are you guys unbelievably callous, but you’re also just not smart. At the very least, withhold your support for Kamala UNTIL she commits to a ceasefire. Make your intentions to her clear that you will vote for her IF she withdraws support from Israel. By uncritically supporting her, by loudly voicing the fact across every social media platform that you’re going to vote for her, and even straight up saying with your whole chest that you’re putting your interests first before the Palestinians (seriously you guys have no shame. Like it is actually shocking to me how unbelievably cruel some of you are), and most especially by DONATING to her lmfaoo….you are letting her know, you are literally EXPLICITLY telling her, that the Palestinians are fair game. You are telling her she can kill as many Palestinians as she wants, drop as many bombs on the Middle East as she wants, and it’s ok because you will still vote for her anyway.
For the love of God, if you are in the USA, PLEASE try to understand the power of your vote. Your vote decides if someone in another part of the world dies. Please at least try to feel the gravity of that. Please at least TRY to put pressure on your politicians. This uncritical and loud support is the worst thing you can do. You are signing a death sentence for the people of Gaza with your actions.
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cursingtoji · 4 months ago
cw: band au, rockstar!geto x groupie!gf, slight manipulation?, car sex, oral. a/n: geto deserves a loser gf too. gojo version nanami version toji version
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geto who has a rock band and though they’re quite small they already have a #1 fan: you.
the band is all you talk about, going to the point of making your own shirts and posters, you doodle the bands logo everywhere and, most importantly you don't miss a single concert.
by the end of it you're waiting next to the back door of the pub when the band comes out, as soon as you see suguru you call his name extending your little gift bag.
"woah for me? thanks, doll." he takes your chin and gives your glossy lips a peck that makes your heartbeat spike up and your face warm up. geto fucking suguru just kissed you!
during all that week you were on cloud nine, so distracted and giggly.
of course geto notices you, always in the front row and ready to give the band some gifts, he sees how you try to dress up as one of them before they even realize they have a visual identity.
geto likes having fangirls, if anything that’s the best sign that the band is doing well. till that point he never considered engaging to one in a more intimate level. after all, women were never a problem for him, fans or not.
the problem is when they think more of the relationship than it really is. geto has always made sure they knew that sleeping together and treating them well was not synonymous to committed relationship.
because he already is committed. to his music. so after spending the whole day trying to come up with a new song so the band may finally have a complete album to present to a record, he takes a frustrated break picking up his phone and to his dismay only finding a long message about how he hurt someone’s feelings.
“oh for fucks sake” he lets his phone fall on the couch and take his keys, this is not a good week to quit smoking.
“geto?” he hears a small voice calling him after he leaves the convenience store with a very much needed cigarette on his lips and nicotine in his system.
“oh hey” he recognizes you by name and face.
“you’re using the lighter” you point out enthusiastically, that was a limited edition you bought and gifted him.
“that’s right, you bought me this, did i say thank you?” he’s genuinely wondering, your face heats remembering the kiss.
“i-its no big deal” you brush it off, since he doesn’t seem to be in a rush you start to babble about one specific song and everything you loved about it, knowing he was the composer.
“do wanna go to my place?” he says after quietly listening to your passionate thoughts. you think steam is about to come out of your ears at how hot your face got.
geto throws away what’s left of his cigarette and takes your hand, not really waiting for a response since the heart in your eyes is pretty obvious.
“you’re so cute” he says with his face mushed into your breasts as he guides your movements on his lap. you never guessed when you came out this morning you would be riding your favorite guitarist’s dick a few hours later, if you knew you probably would’ve put a sexier lingerie. not that he would care, by the way he pushed your bottoms down all at once he probably didn’t even know what color your underwear was.
geto pulled your hair tilting your head to meet his mouth, he devoured you so intensely, so overwhelming… you came not even needing your clit to be touched, just by having him inside you and breathing into your mouth like that was enough.
for suguru it was all a power trip, when he saw you after a concert he knew it wouldn’t take you much sweet talking to get you in his car.
he quickly mumbled an excuse to meet the band at the bar later and in just a few minutes he had you bobbing your head down his cock, “just like that, gorgeous, so good” his head is thrown back as he moans softly.
and as the band grew more popular and they had to travel to other cities to perform he would always count on you to meet him at his hotel room.
“geto~” you mewl his name as he eats your pussy from behind so lewdly.
from the very first time you knew it was over for every other guy the moment he touched you. no matter what anyone said about geto, that he was using you, he would never marry you, you didn’t care. you would be his devotee as long as he wanted.
and geto got all he wanted, a pretty little thing that didn’t complain or asked too many questions and best of all: that loved his music and understood his work.
“i know, you have to practice” you kiss him one last time before gathering your clothing from the floor, the hints of him not wanting to stay over were all memorized at this point, so you turn your back at him and make your way to the bathroom to brush your teeth.
but the usual sound of the door opening and closing never came, instead you saw him coming from behind to lace strong arms around your waist, “well maybe just tonight” he smells your hair and through the mirror he sees the tattoo bellow your belly button, just above the hem of your underwear. your prof of love: the logo of the band.
geto touches it and you giggle at the feathery feeling, like a tickle, he likes that sound. he likes you.
“i was thinking you should get another, right here” a finger caress your right ass cheek.
“the same one?” you ask confused.
“no, silly, something else” he gets down hands caressing your hips and kissing the extension of your butt, “my name.”
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chaosroid · 2 months ago
Trying to explain Warframe to new people is impossible without sounding absolutely insane. It's like, if a game had an identity crisis...but in a good way. An identity buffet, if you will. There's so much in this game it's sensory overload.
You like space dogfights? Rogue-lites? Fishing, mining, player housing? How about Guitar Hero, space shanties, and Tony Hawk's Pro Skater? Let's not forget the dating sim. Oh yeah, you can add a birthing QTE rhythm minigame too, because why not. I'm waiting for the inevitable sex update, cause y'know, we've gotten this far without imploding, so it might as well happen. Like what the fuck even is this game anymore. Nobody knows! Not even the devs themselves. It's all held together by dreams, duct tape and vibes at this point, but somehow it works.
Hop on Warframe, we have:
Bionicle meets Neon Genesis Evangelion
12 yr olds turning the geneva conventions into a checklist
your trans robot mom who has DID
old man yaoi
a traumatized group of bisexuals fighting the Y2K bug
an autistic child and his fidget spinner solos god
a fish voiced by Astarion
workers' union committing terrorism against capitalists
incel who tries to destroy the sun because he fumbled a bad bitch (she took the kids)
a boyband that you have to slay for weapons
and an eldritch entity beyond human comprehension that can only be defeated by the power of love
And if you think all that sounds unhinged out of context, don't worry, It's just as unhinged with context.
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madamechrissy · 4 months ago
✞ Forgive me For I have Sinned ✞
✞ Pairings: Priest Gojo x Fem Reader
✞ Word count - 5.7k
✞ Content/Warnings- You keep having dreams about Father Gojo, and he decides to try to save your slutty soul <3 NSFW, sacrilegious, confessional fucking, rosaries as bondage, lots of filling you w/love and light, oral (both receiving) fingering, explicit church sex, reader is a lil bimbo and innocent fr, Gojo has a HELL of a God complex (canon tbh) overall kinky asf
A/N- Booking the tix to hell-who's coming with!? I based off this drabble of mine: Priest! Gojo (you can read it first if you want!) Reader and Gojo are in their mid 20s. Enjoy!
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It was hot outside, a scorching summer day, the type that made you want to jump in an icy cool lake naked, but in the sanctuary of this pristine church which is kept rather cool, you still have a drip of sweat beading down your collarbone. You’re wearing a pretty red summer dress, your little hat right next to you in the pew, as you watch him with avid attention.
Father Satoru Gojo.
The entire church is in love with him, enamored by him, there are admiring whispers even amongst the most vigilant catholics, the ones who would judge you for coming not in your Sunday best. They hid it well enough, acting as if they only cared so much because his sermons were so powerful, because he was so young and profound already.
But you know better, and they know better deep down, that Father Gojo was just gorgeous, a face chiseled to perfection, tall and broad shouldered, swoon worthy by all accounts. His husky voice and insane presence that shines brilliantly like a million diamonds certainly helps, but his face itself is so pretty it’s angelic.
When he looks at you with those brilliant blue eyes, swirling like a moody storm, all glittery behind those snowy white lashes? Well you feel…
You’re going to hell.
Last night you’d had this insane dream of him, where he has asked you to serve him on your knees, just as he would offer that eucharist and wine to you, but instead it’s his cum you’re swallowing. And you’re a good, God fearing girl, so, you certainly should not do or think of such things! And worst of all, with your priest, Father Gojo. He has vows too, yet you’d committed much sin already.
Just last night you’d awakened throbbing, having dreamt of pleasuring him, on your knees before him, and you’d been soaking wet and dripping down your shorts, even the sheet had a wet spot. You’d rubbed your swollen little clit in circles, gasping and arching your back, feeling fevered as you committed such sins, as picturing Father Gojo had you climaxing all over your own fingers.
You’d been so ashamed this morning! You’d splashed cold water on your face, staring at yourself in your mirror, shivering as the cool water dripped down your skin, knowing you should stay home, find some new church. You are full of impure thoughts and sin, and it’s all because of him, how could you confide in him that you feel this way, think this way?
What would he do if he knew? Cast you out or…
Stop it.
But as you’re crossing your legs, shifting your hips, you see Satoru Gojo’s full, pouty lips part, his eyes directly on you. You pause then, eyes wide, you must be imagining it, your sin surely is carrying over too far… but you test it, crossing your legs once more, and sure enough, his eyes follow your legs up, between your thighs, surely seeing your panties.
That gives you a fucking thrill you can’t describe, as does him licking his thumb, going to another page as he continues his sermon, women all over are fanning themselves, enamored by him. But perhaps none so much as you, picturing what’s under that cassock, under those white robes he wears, what that long, lithe body would feel like against yours.
You imagine your dream vividly later when he’s giving you the eucharist, placing the biscuit on your tongue as you hold your mouth open on your knees, then you see it, the hunger mirrored in his eyes. You tremble when he brushes a thumb over your lower lip, and your eyes drift to his lap, where you clearly see he’s hard. You gulp it down, looking up at him and taking the wine now.
Father Gojo looks down at you, white hair falling over a brow, finding your beautiful eyes are affecting him as much as your stance on your knees, his thumb finds your chin now, imagining shoving his cock between perfect lips. Surely, you are here to tempt him, to ruin him, you are sin itself, haunting his dreams, making him hard in the middle of church, right in his own service.
You look at it then, his cock under the cassock that’s becoming too tight, before licking your lip, eyes back up to his hungrily. You look like such a good girl, but your eyes tell another story, a story of wanting to get fucked hard, to be filled by him, wanting to have his cum all over your pretty face. He imagines that as the wine drips down your lips now.
Fuck he’s going to hell if he stays around you, surely even he has rules to uphold even if he certainly is God’s chosen. But… perhaps since he is God's chosen, it’s his duty to help a little sinful girl like you. And as you rise, holding his hand, and your breasts brush against his chest, you’re far too close, he vividly pictures yanking them out of that dress, tempting him to no end.
Of course you ask for confessional, and he’s dying at the thought of being so close to you, when all he thinks of is how good you look, how good you smell, and he is left to wonder, do you taste that good? Your pretty neck, your delicate collarbone, your pussy? Surely he should not think such things, but as he looks at you through the lattice of the confessional separating you both, he cannot stop his mind.
“Father Gojo… I fear my confession is most wicked.” Comes your breathy little voice, only serving to make Father Gojo’s thick length harden, picturing what your little moans must sound like when properly fucked.
“Go on, my pr- my child, you may tell me anything.” He says, coughing a bit, because he’d rather call you a pretty little slut, and he has no clue why the devil likes to try him so hard. It’s all your fault, truly. Pretty little thing.
“Okay… but…” You take a breath. “I have dreams of someone fucking me, someone I should not.” You say nervously, and watch him shift in his seat, you can smell his cologne so much in here, making you thirst more for him.
“It’s natural to have thoughts, my child.”
“No, Father Gojo… I’m playing with myself, thinking of him. Of… sucking him, or of him laying on top of me.” You hear Father Gojo making a choking sound, and you panic. “I’m so sorry! I…”
“Ahem, no, no… continue.” Father Gojo’s cock is straining, he can already feel precum sticking to his tip, picuring you touching your pussy, he bets it’s so pretty, bet it tastes so-
Sinful girl, aren’t you?
Surely that’s all this is, not… him wanting to sin! Father Satoru Gojo certainly is perfect, he’s God’s perfect creature, so if he wants this, it must be on you. Sin in a perfect little body with a perfect little face, and a voice that drives him to utter distraction. Surely, Father Gojo must try to save you.
“Father, I cannot stop thinking of him, he’s in all my dreams. What should my penance be, how many hail marys?”
Father Gojo has to stroke himself to adjust his huge, throbbing cock now, as he watches you through the lattice, biting your full lower lip, your head falling back, hair cascading. Hair he wants to pull as he fucks you from behind, making you arch your back to take more of his cock.
“I have to ask how you’re doing it… so that I can tell you your penance, so that I may try to save you.” He says, husky now, and you whimper softly, shifting on the bench, your pussy throbbing around nothing, picturing his cock filling you.
“How I do it, Father Gojo?”
“Yes, it’s… important to confess.”
“Well, I take my fingers, and I find my pussy with them, I roll them around my clit over and over, I get so wet that they slip- Father are you okay?” Satoru can’t stand it, he’s stroking his bare cock under his robes, resting his head against the wall, struggling not to cry out as he’s pumping.
“Ahem… indeed I am. So you finger your little pussy then?” At his words you’re a blushing mess, breaths coming more rapidly, your hands gripping the bench, dying for friction as you’re soaking your panties.
“Do you slip your fingers in?”
“I… no! Um… no.”
“And you cum?”
“I… yes. I do cum. Imagining him.” You’re watching those robes rise and fall, then you know it, Father Gojo is stroking his cock right next to you.
“I see… I think I can help alleviate some of this, perhaps give you some guidance so that you do not afflict yourself so.” You want to touch yourself now, when you hear those breathy pants, your fingers clinging to the lattice.
“Yes, father, I need your guidance.” Cock, fingers, mouth… fuck you’re a full sinner, aren’t you!?
“Then come here, let us have our first attempt at saving you.”
Now you’re standing in front of him in the itty bitty room, face to face with Satoru Gojo, your Priest, and fuck if your nipples don’t tighten up, if your tummy isn’t clenching with desire. You’re nervously fiddling with your hands as he leans back, spreading his long legs as wide as they can in the tight quarters, his glittering blue eyes dilated as he licks his lips, making them glossy.
“You must show me how, and do not fret, sweet girl, it’s through god’s will of course, through me.” Father Gojo says, your breaths come faster as you slip up your sundress, and his eyes hungrily drink the sight of your bare thighs in. He leans forward, sliding those panties down, eyeing your glistening cunt now, his breath almost hitting it, making you jerk.
“Father… I cannot show you…”
“You can, I am here to help, have no fear.” He notices you’ve drenched your panties, a wet spot formed, sticky little strands of your arousal apparent as he pulls them down, hands touching the smooth skin of your thighs.
You put your hand on your pussy now, the other nervously holding up your dress, and you run your fingers in circles on your clit, crying out softly, as he lets out a low, guttural moan. You’re getting wetter as you play, as his large, sexy hands clench, the veins popping up out of the thin skin, and you’re trembling, imagining his long fingers working you instead.
Satoru is close to cumming as he watches your pretty face, your brows drawing together, your lips parted, eyes so dilated your pupils are taking over, just a thin ring of your iris left. Your lashes are lowered, and his hand stops yours now, as it’s playing with your soppy little cunt, you tremble before him.
“I see, I must help you, guide you. To get this… affliction taken care of. Yes?” You nod eagerly, then Father Gojo pulls you to his lap, and you’re straddling him, your hands sliding up to feel his strong shoulders under his robe, and he is touching your pussy instead, making you whimper. “Need me to save you, pretty little sinner?”
“Please save me. Please. Ah!” Satoru sinks two long fingers deep inside your eager little entrance, you gasp at it as he slips into your gummy walls, drippy and so tight. He’s paused, moaning and looking right into your eyes, you drown in his blue gaze, as your cunt drools down his hand. “Father Gojo… please…”
“Begging for it, are you? So tight, it’s so… have you had anything inside this perfect little pussy?” He huffs, feeling how you’re squeezing his fingers, then he hits some spot that makes you see stars, pumping up and down over and over. You cling to him, eyes fluttering shut. “Answer me, be a good girl for once, would you?”
Good girl for once.
There’s no hope for you.
“Nothing… no one… just you, Father Gojo. Mmm!” You’re covering your mouth as he keeps pumping, and he moans, dreaming of breaking you in all the ways he could, taking your innocence for himself. It’s surely what god is wanting, and who is he but god’s disciple himself? He thrusts those fingers knuckles deep, watching you fall apart over him.
“There, you’re loving this, fingers stretching your pussy, don’t you?” You nod weakly, gushing down his hand, you can hear the squishing wetness of your pussy as he now slides a thumb, rolling it over your clit.
“F-father Gojo!”
“Sinful girl.” He huffs, as you’ve buried your face against his neck, rocking against his hand, those long fingers fucking you so good it’s painful, moaning.
“Mmm! Father Gojo, I will… be good… for you…”
“Will you?” You nod weakly, as Satoru rolls your clit expertly, and you feel the pressure building, you’re panting, ready to combust. “I feel it, you’re so close, aren’t you?”
You’re nodding, hips grinding, now you’re soaking his robes, he’s picturing sliding his cock inside you, breaking you, until your sins are cleansed, and you’re picturing him taking you, defiling you in every way your hectic mind can picture. Both of you are about to cum, you’re not even touching Satoru though, you want to, fuck you want to.
“Close, m’close… p-please…” You’re begging for release, seeing stars as he works your now sloppy cunt.
“I've got you, you can let go, you're safe with me, let me see your sins so I can cleanse them.” He urges you on, bringing you higher and higher with those long, slick fingers.
“Father, it's... I'm gonna... mmm!” You're so close, soaking the sleeve of his robe now. And he's so ready to slide into your eager cunt, looking up at you behind snowy lashes.
“Show me how you sin, let me watch you cum, so I can... help you.” He whispers, and you fall apart then, pulsing around his fingers, and he groans as he watches you, pressing up so deep. You’re gushing so much arousal, he can smell your sweet scent, as you scream out into your little hand, shaking.
Satoru is now sliding his fingers out, you whine, wanting more, especially when he is sucking your juices off his fingers, making you gasp. His cheeks hollow, his eyes fluttering shut as he tastes you, your mouth drops open, breaths making you quicken, your heart pounding in your ears as you try to come down.
Your thighs are trembling over him, entire body lit up from cumming so hard, his snowy lashes cast shadows on his cheeks, before fluttering up, looking at you, your arousal coating his lips. “Oh my God.”
More sinning.
“You’re not being a very good girl.” He admonishes, but then his lips quirk up. “But, you taste too sweet to be bad. Or perhaps you yourself are sin.” Father Gojo whispers to you now, and you’re leaning closer, rolling your hips, making him groan, his hands gripping your little waist as your heat brushes against his cock. “Has it alleviated some of your… need, my child?”
He’s smirking at you, in a way no priest should! You sigh then, shaking your head. “No, Father, it’s only made it worse! You must help me more, I’m afraid now I’m thinking of sinning even more, and who I’ve been dreaming of.” You say then, it’s a whisper, as the room is hot from your breaths, smelling like sweet arousal.
Satoru blinks then, thin white brows going together, jaw clenching. “You’re thinking of fucking your own priest? That is a sin.”
“I know! It’s a terrible affliction. Oh Father, I’m going to hell.” You whisper, blinking back tears, still reeling from the aftershocks of cumming. Satoru arches his hips now, brushing his cock against your pussy, and you nearly scream out, head falling back, exposing your throat to him, and he pictures his hand wrapping a rosary around your neck, pulling tight.
You’ve dreamt of him too!? Surely this must be a sign.
A temptation.
But does he want to fight it? Your taste is all over his mouth now, as he feels your sexy little body against him, his hands brushing against your breasts, watching your nipples perk up. You look at him with intoxicated eyes, lips parted, your tiny hands clinging to his robes as you grind again, and he shudders at how fucking good it feels, your heat on him.
“I see… Well you must come to me tomorrow, and we will have to try harder, to save your soul.” He says huskily, you nod eagerly, as he helps you off him, his cock close to cumming, already twitching, he slides your soaked, ruined panties into his robes, you surely do not need them anymore.
“What if I have another dream father!”
“Do not touch yourself, I will help you when you come in, that’s so we can try to save you, yes?” You nod then, leaning close to his lips.
“Father, is it a sin to kiss your lips?”
“Not if you feel a calling, surely God wishes you to.” He murmurs, and you peck a sweet kiss on his lips, tasting yourself on him, before forcing yourself out of the cramped quarters, body on fire, leaving Satoru to finish stroking his cock, cumming as he shoves your panties against his face.
You’re dreaming of him again, of Father Gojo, this time his snowy white hair is brushing against your thighs, his tongue is lapping up all the dripping wetness, his big hands pressing into the plush of your thighs. You wake up throbbing, crying out, seeing how wet you are, as the ceiling fan whirls, failing to cool your overheated flesh. Father Gojo’s fingers made it worse, your affliction!
The next day you’re painfully turned on, pussy aching for more, you followed his instructions and did not touch yourself, instead you forced yourself to go back to sleep, now you’re in the nearly empty church, knocking at the door of Father Gojo’s office. You hear his deep voice speak.
“Come in.” You nervously walk in, you are wearing a shorter blue sundress today, and no panties. You know Father Gojo will see how sinful you are, but when you see his perfect face, and him wearing a thinner, lighter white robe, your pussy is already making your thighs sticky. “My child, lock that door, so we can have privacy… we would not want your confessions judged.”
“Yes, thank you Father.” You lock the door with a click, stepping to him, your heels clicking on the wooden floor of his room. He’s sitting in his chair, fingers steepled, studying your body carefully.
“Do you have any updates on your affliction, pretty girl?”
“Pretty girl…” You’re blushing worse now.
“I feel I must call you what the lord is telling me. Is that alright with you?” You nod nervously, standing before him, the desk separating you. “So how were your dreams last night?”
“They were of you again, Father Gojo. I’m so sorry!”
You cover your face in embarrassment, hearing the soft thumps of his shoes as he comes to you, taking you by your wrists, big hands enveloping the delicate wrists entirely. Your head tilts back to look at him, he’s so tall and big… you’re drinking in the sight of him, his black rosaries hanging across his broad chest.
“You must tell me these dreams, so I may help you. Perhaps they’re some sign that we must see.”
“You… you were licking me, between my thighs.” His nostrils flare slightly, those swirling blue eyes thirsty as he studies you, your thighs shift, his hands still tight on your wrists.
“Your slutty little pussy, I was licking it?” Your pussy is clenching, tummy coiling, at his nasty, sinful words, from such a pure man. You nod then. “I see, there’s no choice, we must see what enacting your dreams does. To try to save you.”
“Y-yes, father, I think so too.” You whisper, hands sliding up and down his chest, watching his Adam's apple bob under that white collar. “Does it ever get uncomfortable, Father Gojo?”
“At times. Take it off for me.” He turns and you undo the collar, when he turns back you see it, his strong neck, the muscles corded, you bite your lower lip, earning him pulling it from your teeth. “This dream, describe it, so I can help you.”
You’re a flustered mess, especially after his fingers yesterday, and all the dreams you’ve been having. You take several breaths now. “You were licking me.”
“More descriptive.” He murmurs now, sitting you up on his desk, shocking you, then he slides up your skirt and smirks, wicked priest that he is, blue eyes darting back up to yours. “No panties, your soul is so slutty.”
“I… well… Father Gojo!” Satoru’s rubbing your clit with his thumb, watching you writhe on his desk now, as he sits back in his black chair, scooting up, his breath right against you.
“You wanted this, to be bare in front of me, didn’t you pretty little sinner?”
“Y-yes, I told you, I’m going to hell, mmm!”
He’s kissing your thighs, your hands enwrap in his silky white hair now, his breaths higher and higher, eying your perfect, glistening pussy. He’s dying to feel you dripping down his tongue, dying to drink your sweet nectar flowing when he’s opening up the lips of your pussy, and you’re making those pretty sounds, you’re so pathetic already, he thinks.
“No, I will save you, don’t you believe in me, pretty? I alone speak for God, I’m the honored one.” His words along with his eyes, those glittery blue storms that see right through you, as if they know your every sin, wreck you now. He surely must be the honored one.
“You’ll save me, I know you will.” You whisper, caressing his cheek now, and he moans softly, just urging you on more.
“That’s a good girl. Now tell me, what did I do in this dream?”
“You licked me, here.” You touch your slit, and he slides his tongue up it now, making you gasp, his tongue is so hot and wet, you’re gushing just from that. Satoru moans, kissing right over your clit before swiping his tongue again. “Father!”
“Shh, lest they hear your sinful mouth.” He whispers, and you clench your teeth, nodding as you watch him, he is placing your feet on either arm of his chair. “And you did not play with yourself?”
“I swear I did not, Father Gojo! I listened. Please…” You arch your hips up, full pussy in his face, and Satoru begins to devour you now, spreading your lips and flicking his tongue on your little swollen clit over and over. You have to slap a hand over your mouth, his rosary is cool against your inner thigh as he works your pussy, just like your dream.
Satoru’s tongue is wicked, for such a holy man you think, and it does the most wicked things to you, no dream could prepare you, even his fingers had not. He sucks your clit into his hot open mouth, moaning as your juices coat his tongue, looking up at you as you cling to his hair with one hand, the other muffling your cry as you feel yourself begin to cum.
Soon you are cumming right on Father Gojo’s face, your thighs shaking on either side of his head, pussy pulsing around nothing, and he’s drinking you up, so lewd in the quiet church office. You’re jerking now, as he leans up, half his pretty face shining with your slick, making you flush at how much there was. Your hand eases down, now just gasping for breath as you look at him.
“And now, my child, how is this affliction?” He whispers, leaning up and laying atop you, pressing you into the wooden desk. You lean up, kissing him once more, earning his moan, tasting yourself all over him, he grabs you by the throat then, long fingers wrapping as he pulls back. “How hard do I have to work to save your slutty little soul, hmm?”
“I’m sorry, Father Gojo. It was so amazing… but I just want more, I fear I’m having more lustful thoughts of you now.” Your hand slides down now, cupping him where he’s thick and hard, and he squeezes your throat harder now, his thumb on your racing pulse.
“And what else is in that little brain of yours? What lewd fantasies of your priest, hmm?”
“Sucking your cock, that’s what.” He groans now, pulling you down and putting you to your knees. You look up eagerly, now Satoru is undressing, and you finally get glimpses of his body, of hard muscles and planes as he’s taking off his robes, now opening his pants for you, revealing a huge, thick cock. You gulp as you drink in the sight of it.
“And do you know what to do, how to serve me, my child?” He asks, you shake your head. “Yet you’ve dreamt it?”
“Yes, Father.”
“Then it’s surely meant to be, hmm? First, slide down your top.” You do as he says, and he moans as he sits back in his chair, gripping your bare breasts. “My God,  you’re made to ruin me. Come here, open your mouth.”
You do as he says, and Father Gojo now guides you by your hair, hair he wraps around his fist, guiding you down on his cock. His curved pink tip is leaking white pearly substance, which you tongue out, earning his grown, his head falling back. You suck him eagerly, swirling your tongue, as his eyes watch you, lidded and dazed, tasting his saltiness and sweetness eagerly.
“You’re far too good at this, are you sure you haven’t been sucking cock, like a sinful brat?” You pull back with a pop, saliva dripping down your lips.
“No, I only want to serve you, Father.”
“Mmm, you’re so precious.” He whispers, before shoving your mouth back on him, and you’re bobbing up and down as he pulls your hair, using it to glide you up and down his length. Your eyes water, your nose starts running as his cock is choking you, your pussy throbbing even more. “Fuck…”
“Father, did you cuss?” You ask, pulling back, with a shy little grin, earning Father Gojo’s smirk.
“I’m allowed to, it’s all God’s words. Now are you finally satisfied, or do we need to go further? Do I need to break your pretty little pussy?” He murmurs, his words like a drug, running his thumb across your lower lip. You nod then, weakly, and his lips part, eyes studying you. “Then ask me, on your knees so pretty, like you’re praying.” He puts your hands in prayer position, blue eyes lighting up.
“Please, break me, Father Gojo.” He pulls you up now, kissing you deeply, tongues so unpracticed and messy, you’ve never really even kissed, but now you feel him, filling you once more with those two fingers as he bends low.
“Turn around and bend over, sweet sinner.” You turn, and now Father Gojo has slid your dress down, leaving you in just your heels, his big hands gliding down every line and curve of your bare body. “I said bend over.”
He smacks you sharply on your backside, making you gasp then whine out, as he presses your upper back between your shoulder blades, your face against his desk. He then takes your hands, putting them behind your back and wrapping them with his black beaded rosary. You whine out at the sensation, he pulls it so tightly it’s digging in, shoving the cross in your palms.
“Hold on to that cross while I fuck your innocent little pussy. Feel it against your skin as I do.” He says, whispering in your ear. You nod, feeling the sharp cool silver digging in, as the beads dig into your bound wrists. “Good girl, spread those thighs.”
You do as he says, and then his tip is in, stretching you, and you’re shivering, breaths coming faster and faster. Satoru shoves his cock inside you, tearing at your little barrier. You cry out at the pain, and he pauses for a moment, moaning, letting you adjust. “H-hurts…”
“Just a moment of pain to fill you with my light.” He murmurs, sinking deeper, and your walls are fluttering around his cock, earning his groan. “You’re so wet for me, aren’t you? Did you want me to take it, your innocence?”
“I’ve w-wanted you, so long… played with… a long ah- time.” He moans now, sliding back out and in, you’re so wet and ready the pain eases quickly, as he takes you from behind now, pulling on your neck, pressing your bound hands firmer against your back, whispering in your ear.
“You sinned so long, playing with this pussy thinking of me?” You nod weakly, hiccuping on a cry as he’s pumping now, taking you over, stretching your tight cunt out so much, your skin burns, but you crave it.
You’re going to hell, surely.
But it seems worth it to be stretched by his cock so well.
“Y-yes… a long time. S-sorry Father…”
“Just Satoru when you cum all over my cock, hmm?” You nod weakly, then he fucks you harder now, thighs smacking your skin, his pelvis smacking your now sore ass cheeks, balls smacking your clit. “Ah, and you’re close already and your first time? You were made for this, weren’t you?”
“Yes, yes, yes, Satoru!” You scream out so loud he’s palming your mouth with his huge hand, taking over your face, shoving his cock in and rolling his hips, making you climax so hard you cannot see. You weakly drool out of your lips onto his hand, as he feels your velvety walls fluttering around him.
You are made for this, for his cock, to take him. Your sweet virgin pussy is getting so filled by Father Gojo’s huge cock, but you’re already taking him so well. Father Gojo knows then that your dreams and his must be for a better purpose, to fuck you and fill you with all of his light, surely. You’re taking him more and more, cumming so hard your cunt is drooling everywhere.
He lets your face go, looking at your fucked out expression, your mouth is wide open, that drool dangling out the corner, your eyes are rolled back, lashes fluttering, your ass arching up for more. You’re such a sinful creature, but he knows your innocence was made for just him, clearly. You would not have anyone else, he would surely see to it.
It’s God's calling.
You’re pounded and stuffed by his huge cock, your breasts bouncing with each thrust, ass jiggling with the force, then Satoru pulls your chin to face him, he’s so fuzzy, you keep shutting your eyes.
“Look at me, my child, now.” He whispers, and you open your eyes, staring into his weakly as his thrusts slow.
“Y-yes, Satoru…” He moans at the use of his name from your pretty lips.
“I’m saving you, through… mmm… God’s wisdom.”
“Thank you, thank you!” You’re trembling, he’s rolling his hips and that tip is dragging on your spot, you struggle to focus on his pretty face, the sun from the blinds filtering in behind his head, and then he looks like an angel. The cross is digging in so much your hand is bleeding just a bit, but you truly couldn’t care, his cock feels too good inside you.
“Do you want me to… fill you…” He’s crying out then, grabbing you so tightly you can’t breathe. “With God’s love… and light?”
“Please, fill me Father- ah!” Satoru starts pumping faster and faster, yanking on your rosary so hard it breaks as he begins to cum, the beads flinging and clattering all over the wooden floor, the cross still digging into your broken palm.
“Going to put… so much… light in you… fill you-” He moans loudly then, and you feel hot liquid pumping inside, bringing you to cum with him, as it coats your walls, hot and sticky. “Feel it? Feel me filling you with it?”
“I do! I do… Father Gojo… feel it.” You whine out, rolling your hips to milk him for every bit of his hot white ropes.
“Oh… Mmm…” He’s pumping more cum inside you now, but you’re so wet and still convulsing, so it’s dripping down his cock with your arousal. Satoru exhales, pulling out and then wiping you up, turning you gently, gulping as he kisses you once more. “You were sent here to destroy me.”
“Father, I’m afraid… I only want to do it more.” You whisper, he groans, cupping your face, as you bring up your hand to him, where the cross has left red marks on your palm, he traces it, the perfect symbol of the cross, with little blood drops streaking. You wince in pain.
“I see, it’s a sign we must continue.” He says, and you nod eagerly, as he holds your hand in his.
“We must, Father Gojo.”
The next Sunday, you’re sitting in the very front for the sermon, watching as Father Gojo is licking a thumb and turning a page, his blue eyes darting to your thighs, today you’re wearing a pink summer dress. Father Gojo has stolen a pair of your panties, he thinks you don’t notice, but you do, so you decide not to wear any again, opening your legs for a moment.
Father Gojo gets a glimpse of your bare, glistening pussy right in that church, making his cock hard in front of a room full of hundreds of his followers. Luckily the brown stand in front of him covers up such evidence, as he looks over at your face when you cross your sexy legs, you smile up at him, blinking innocently.
But you’re not innocent, not anymore, are you? No, you’re the worst sinner he’s tried to save, and he thinks he’ll have to work harder to save you. And when you’re riding his cock in the confessional later that evening, and he’s biting on your breasts, you’re riding him so well, moans muffled in the tiny room, he’s not sure he can save you truly, you’re too full of sin.
Father Gojo enjoys your slutty soul and your soaking wet pussy on him far, far too much, especially filling you with his cum light.
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Serving Father Gojo is perfectly fine, it's God's will after all 🙏 Nanami and Geto drabbles coming some time too <3 Reblog if you're a sinner <3
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/60569476
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harmoonix · 2 months ago
🩵𝗧𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 𝘁𝗼 𝗹𝗼𝗼𝗸 𝗮𝗳𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗶𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗶𝗿 𝗯𝗶𝗿𝘁𝗵 𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗿𝘁
☆ Birthday Edition ☆
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It is said that moon in water natives are born with psychic abilities. They also possess a good amount of spiritual knowledge
Planets at 29° are heavily karmic. They talk about ending something in your current lifetime. I love to call these 29° planets, the 'bloodline enders' xx
Moon x Mercury aspects. These aspects are good at communication and expression, especially if they're in good aspects like trine or sextile
Jupiter x Moon aspects, these aspects are known to make people's day feel better. They are a joy in your life, and they bring so much optimism with it, too
Moon in earth signs, they may hold a tight affection with the material world. They may have valuable things that can satisfy them or make them happy
Vesta asteroid in the 5th/7th house can make them very committed/devoted to their relationships and partner
Juno in aspects with Venus, can bring harmonious relationships between the couple and lots of affection/sensuality
Juno in the 1st house can experience marriage or relationships way younger in life. It can happen unexpectedly
Jupiter x Neptune aspects, these aspects bring a hypnotic energy to the energy. Making you tied to them and their vibe, almost refreshing
7th house lord in the 10th house would prefer to make their relationships more public, or this is a chance multiple people will know about your relationship
5th house lord in the 7th house can indicate dating when young, dating since shcool( higher school lovers), dating
Jupiter in Cancer is often found in charts whose native has a step mom/dad and even siblings (of course, it won't apply to everyone)
Moon in the 5th, 9th, 11th houses, Moon here tends to be very active and loved to interact/socialize, can be so great to hang out with them
Pluto x Mercury aspects can be very appreciated for their dark humor and personality. Showing to the world that not everything is that serious
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Jupiter in the 11th house, in this house Jupiter can grant you with beautiful friendships
Jupiter x Ascendant aspects their energy is so special, natives with these aspects can often bring so much positivity in others life
Uranus x North Node aspects, you never know what to expect from life. Everything can be unpredictable and indecisive
North Node in the 7th house, their destiny can be marriage. They will definitely evolve and learn a lot from that
Moon/Neptune/Mercury in the 1st house, they can be the shy type native until you get to know them better
Venus in the 10th house, they can be known for something ex; their beauty, their personality, their appreciation, etc
Venus in Air signs, they may hang out with large groups of people, loyal to their friends, and love to meet new people
Sagittarius over their 1st/3rd/6th or 10th house can indicate they loveee to try new things because they can get bored quite fast/having multiple hobbies
A water/earth sign over their 2nd house can indicate they have a gentle/soft spoken, calm voice. Really chill natives
North Node in their 1st house can be a big indicator in finding themselves. This native needs to find his power in himself
Pluto in their 3rd house can indicate the person may have tendencies to talk dirty, loves to joke, dark humor vibe
Lilith in the 2nd or 10th house can indicate the native doesn't have much confidence in them. They need empowerment
Libra/Taurus/Pisces Moon natives, these are artisan placements. They like to create and invent things, passion for romance
Earth Risings, I know this can vary from person to person, but they have beautiful skin colors. Their skin color might be their beauty mark (all skin colors)
Saturn in water signs have issues with opening up with themselves. They love intense but they also fear to love
People with Mars x Ascendant aspects can often have marks on their body. (Can be birthmarks) but also random scratches and signs on it
Saturn at 0° degrees is born with no karmic debt from a previous life. This is because they create their own karmic life in the current one
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We are in 2025!!☆ I'm so happy a new year finally started!! I hope we are all gonna have a good year! ☆☆☆ + Is my b-day today so special post ��
Love all 💖💖💖
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hwnglx · 2 months ago
pick a pile - your ideal type vs. your future spouse
hi dear reader! i thought of an idea where i could look into how you guys' ideal types compare to your future lovers. note that this is a general reading, so not everything will resonate with everyone! breathe slowly, take your time and use your intuition to go with the pile that speaks to you the most. remember to take what resonates, and let the rest flow. 𓆩♡𓆪
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⋆˚࿔ pile 1 𝜗𝜚˚⋆
your ideal type
in your romantic partners, you're looking for a best friend.
someone you can cheerfully celebrate the highs in your life with. a person who will be able to bring you a sense of joy and happiness in life.
it's likely you want someone who's like your good luck charm. they brighten up your life in the most pleasant ways, and are able to provide you with the feeling of positivity and bliss.
you know when these special people enter your life, and all of a sudden everything becomes more enjoyable. because of their presence in your life, things are fun again.
you want someone who will be a source of inspiration, and support for you. a person who can uplift and motivate you in the most rewarding manner.
i keep getting this feeling, you'd want your person to be someone who has this profound impact, where just talking to them can ease your mind and light up your day.
you'd want to have a lover whose voice brings you comfort, whose encouraging words become your source of confidence, whose presence gives you the feeling of enjoying to be alive.
i can sense you seeking to find this comfortable feeling of home in your lovers. someone whose warmth can make you feel safe, and secure.
i believe you're a person who's very introspective, someone who's constantly on this journey of self-discovery.
therefore you'd like a partner who will be supportive, and accompany you on that journey; someone who will be your companion in life, and help you understand yourself better.
you'd like an individual who will help you heal, grow, discover and proudly embrace your best, most confident self. someone whose positive energy is contagious and helps you thrive.
you want your lover to be reliable and resilient. someone you can lean on with no second thoughts. who will be there for you no matter what. a person who will take you with everything that you come with, and still remain loyal and devoted to you.
a person who, although they're passionate, knows how to control their temper, won't be discouraged by tough times, and remain committed and persevering, regardless of struggles you might go through together. you want your lover to be a like a rock in your life.
you do want someone who is fiery, powerful, charismatic, self-assured, knows what they want. you're likely to be drawn to people who have fire energy; a strong presence. people who are aware of their worth, and whose attendance can't be missed once they step into a room. but you don't want your partner to be too full of themselves, overbearing, or too intense.
you want them to be mature, trustworthy and responsible. a person you can build a stable, comfortable and secure, but also playful and joyous relationship with.
your future spouse
so, one aspect which you'll probably like to hear; your fs is likely to be quite mature, possibly older than you in age.
they're pretty powerful, disciplined and steady. the first impression they have on people, is likely to be quite strong.
they aren't a person who's overly emotional at first glance, and moreso carry themselves in an emotionally reserved and controlled manner.
your fs for sure has strong leadership qualities to them. they're good at commanding attention and demanding respect from the people around them. it's the type of energy that makes everyone in the room shut up, once they speak up. to note, they could also be quite stubborn, and opinionated at times.
another significant aspect though, is that they're immensely supportive and generous towards their loved ones.
this is a person who's likely to have a heart that is much more compassionate than what meets the eye. someone who, although they aren't always immensely expressive when it comes to their feelings, has a true heart for people in need.
your future lover is someone who's giving and generous. i can see their love languages leaning towards the acts of service and giving gifts side.
this person has a strong sense of justice, they're likely to be very fairminded. they don't like disharmony, and will be there to help out the underdog if they feel like they're being treated in an unjust manner.
i can see this person surprising people with how nice they can actually be, because they usually seem so serious, more stern and intimidating on the outside.
this is also a person, who values harmony and stability in their relationships, especially in their family-life. a person who fosters an atmosphere, that's secure and comfortable. i can sense them possibly being closely tied to their families.
if you get to know this person in a deeper manner, you'll take note of how they exude warmth, and a vibe that's very inviting and comforting, when they're around the people they love. someone vibrant who can easily be the center of attention.
it's kinda giving the family's favorite son (note; their energy is quite masculine) who everyone runs to greet, once they enter the room. a popular, charming and well-liked person whose energy can light the atmosphere up in a lively manner.
what's interesting, is that i did get the four of wands for both your ideal type, and your future spouse.
so, it's highly likely for them to be able to fulfill this wish you have, of finding a person who not only makes you feel comfortable and at ease, but also genuinely happy. like you've finally arrived at home once you're in their arms.
⋆˚࿔ pile 2 𝜗𝜚˚⋆
your ideal type
you're giving me wise, mindful and cautious energy. it does seem like you are someone who prefers testing the waters before jumping into relationships.
you're likely to collect information on people first, before fully giving in.. as in getting to know them thoroughly. by doing that, you're trying to get a good understanding of their character, and whether you can see them being a valuable addition to your life.
there's this observant energy to you, where you can take note of the smallest details in people. you probably like it when others are also able to compliment you on the small things not everyone would notice, like e.g. the perfume you're wearing that day.
you value mental compatibility. you want a person who's smart, fun, quick-witted, clever. someone you can have interesting, thought-provoking and intriguing conversations with. discussions that range from complex and profound ones that make you reflect, to playful ones that make you laugh.
you like honesty, and transparency. you don't want someone who will beat around the bush, walk on eggshells, or give you any mixed and confusing signals. you desire a trustworthy person who can be straightforward, and open with you.
a big focus here, is on expansion and transformation.
you'd like a person who will help you explore, as well as expand. especially mind-wise, by talking about subjects that make you introspect.
i don't think you mind your lover being very different to you, whether that's culturally, ethnically, language-wise or opinion-wise. on the contrary, you seem to believe that views, beliefs or mindsets that are different to yours to a degree, can have significant impact on your life, and help you evolve, which is why you're likely to welcome it.
there just needs to be compatibility when it comes to the path you're aiming to go down in the future. in your eyes, there does need to be a certain alignment in values, objectives and intentions, in order for the connection to work out.
you want a partner whose existence, rather than becoming a presence that distracts you from the important things in life, will help you be more self-aware.
you want someone who can help you transform and thrive into your best self. a presence that finally makes things seem clearer, and helps you feel whole, happy, warm and complete.
it's this feeling of “being with this person feels right. this is who i'm supposed to be with. their presence is healthy for me and my journey. instead of sidetracking me from my life-path, this is a person who will be supportive of me, and willingly hold my hand while i'm trying to heal from the past and understand what's right for my own life.”
again, i don't see you rushing into your relationships.
you're someone who looks at healthy connections developing in a slow pace, but steadily.
you want a person who will be patient, conscious and consistent in the effort they invest into the maintaining the security of the relationship, and taking things step by step.
some of you might've gone through some negative experiences in regards to relationships; not just romantic ones, but human connections in general. this might've caused you to become more wary and careful about how to proceed.
at this point, you've become adamant on making sure you don't let anyone into your life, who will bring any unwanted and unwelcomed negativity, that only drags you down.
a lot of focus on true happiness and fulfillment here too. you desire a person who can enrich and brighten your life, and keep your spirits high. someone who brings you a sense of joy.
you want to make sure you're with someone mature, righteous and self-aware, who makes healthy choices in life, is sure of what they want, and doesn't play games.
what it boils down to, is you liking someone who takes the relationship as seriously as you do.
this pile is giving scorpio/virgo/gemini/mercury energy
your future spouse
so first of all, i can see your future spouse being air-dominant. they're definitely big thinkers; someone who mostly functions with their mind, and bases a lot of their decisions on logic and rationality, instead of their emotions.
this is a person who's likely to match your desire for intellectual stimulation. they're funny and clever, very witty. likely to usually be quite blunt, and at times a little playfully snarky in the way they express themselves.
this pile definitely gave me the biggest “bickering” vibes. i feel like both you and your fs, are people who showcase their affection by teasing and provoking. it's giving this couple who bickers over trivial and little things. to others it might look like you're arguing all the time, but for you, it's the way you express fondness towards each other.
this person has such a continuously running and active mind, that they can be prone to overthinking and at times, diving into some problems way too deeply.
this is someone who's quite charismatic and attractive, i feel like they're physically good-looking. luscious hair, nice skin. perhaps more tan. great and blinding smile. good figure as well, they might be athletic, or at least look that way.
this person seems to have been through some impactful break-ups or separations before, which have messed their confidence up to a degree and transformed them. there were certain things they needed to let go of, and move on from.
one insight i keep getting, is your fs being someone who's much more dedicated, devoted and loyal to their romantic partners, than one would think at first impression.
i kept getting so many swords, but i couldn't shake this feeling there's a different side to them deep down. it just moreso seems buried down right now; i don't see it having many opportunities to come out, since i believe they're on more of an independent streak right now. and focused on healing before getting into another commitment.
so when i asked if they're out for longterm and committed relationships, i got the king of pentacles. this card represents a masculine and solid person who's stable, reliable, patient, faithful. they might not be the most extravagant and lovey dovey affectionate partner out there, but their devotion lies deep.
it's quite likely for their venus to be in an earth sign, perhaps taurus, or fall into the seventh house.
they do have a strong sense of responsibility, and are more self-aware than one would imagine. this person might come off differently, than they actually are deep inside. many people might misjudge or misunderstand them.
the type of person who everyone would look at as a player, when they're not. they might have a fire rising, actually. their energy kinda reminds me of jimin from bts, who's a libra sun and mercury, gemini moon, and sagittarius rising.
your fs isn't someone who just recklessly acts on a whim with no consideration for others and blindly lives according to their selfish instincts; but a person who does reflect about the impact their actions have on people, and can easily feel guilty for saying or doing the wrong thing at the wrong time.
again, there is something which gives them this harsh honesty in their communication. it's likely they aren't good at sugarcoating or attuning their words to anyone's emotions, so they might unintentionally rub some people wrong at times.
they're probably not very emotional themselves, so they could have trouble empathising with overly emotional individuals.
they mostly try to rationalize their feelings, because it can just.. get too overwhelming. your fs can have issues truly understanding what's going on inside of them.
they also give me the vibe of someone who might have the tendency to care a little too much about what people think, and get overly attached to people's opinions of them, though they probably wouldn't really like admitting this.
because of this, they're likely to moreso deal with their inner insecurities on their own, and putting on a “happier” facade than what actually goes on inside.
your future lover definitely seems like a person who's out for marriage. it's likely that it's one of their main objectives when it comes to their love life. finally finding a person they can make that everlasting promise to, and swear their eternal love to.
both, your fs and you, seem to be on journeys of healing past wounds right now. you have the potential to offer each other a lot of understanding and acceptance, since you do seem to share certain similarities, which can make for a deep bond.
just a gentle encouragement for you to not lose sight of your track and keep standing strong and tall, on your own two feet.
i feel that the universe is lying out the path for you two to meet, when divine timing deems you as ready.
note for this pile: i literally had a dream the night after reading about a guy who matches the energy i got here so so well, they were very charming and craaazy handsome.. they were speaking on the phone about something while laughing and sitting on a couch lol this is for sure someone talkative
⋆˚࿔ pile 3 𝜗𝜚˚⋆
your ideal type
worthy to note that this pile immediately, even before reading, gave me water energy.
i also kept feeling like i have my head in the clouds and am in a daze, i couldn't concentrate and focus as well while reading. a lot of you might have strong water placements, or significant neptune aspects. perhaps neptune in the first house?
i also got a lot of pentacles here, so you might feel yourself being drawn to earth placements. (thought of jay from enhypen who's a taurus stellium with a taurus venus and cancer moon, could see his energy matching you guys well)
anyhow, what you're looking for, is a partner who's fully focused on only you. someone who's gonna make you their world.. spoil you with thoughtful gifts, shower you with attention, turn you into the center of their universe.
you might even enjoy some possessiveness, and like the thought of your lover becoming jealous and territorial of you. you like the type of person who protectively keeps you at their side at all times, e.g. doesn't let go of your hand in public. you desire this feeling of security; like you're in the safest hands.
you want someone who will help you realize your true worth. a person who will strengthen your self-esteem.
you know this thing when you're dating someone, and there's this feeling of.. “wow, how does this person love me so much? guess i really must be something special”
you want someone to love you in such wonderful and profound ways, that it makes you become more aware of your value. someone whose perspective on you, makes you adjust yours as well. someone who looks at you as beautiful, which makes you feel beautiful.
you like people who are willing to fight for you. someone who's courageous, and not afraid of arguing or getting their hands dirty for you. you desire a lover who will place themselves in front of you in order to protect you fiercely. it is kinda giving this k-drama boyfriend who beats up other men once someone looks into the direction of their girl, lmao.
you're likely to enjoy the thought of having an older and more mature partner. perhaps someone taller than you in height, and broader than you in their build as well.
you want someone emotionally intelligent, who's empathetic. a person who's a calming and gentle listener. a lover who's more in control of their emotions and can therefore be a reliable figure in your life, that you can comfortably lean on.
you're a person who enjoys daydreaming, idealizing, fantasizing. it's likely you've already pictured and imagined what you'd want your perfect partner to be like several times and enjoy dreaming of your romantic 🥰✨ love story.
another insight i got, is that you're probably someone who enjoys the idea of taking pictures of your lovers, or getting your picture taken. making precious memories, taking these cute “pov” boyfriend/girlfriend material photos of each other, and both of you making it your lockscreen. sweet little signs of affection like that are likely to melt your heart.
you probably enjoy the thought of walking through the streets of beautiful and idyllic places together, maybe paris or tokyo with all the cherry blossoms, and feeling like you're on cloud nine together with your lover. i got reminded of how hyunjin and felix from skz used to walk around paris together with their cameras in their hands, and take pretty pictures of each other, like this.
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you likely just love gently descending into this dream, of how lovely it could be if only you could spend enjoyable days like this together with your prince or princess charming.
the current transit of venus in pisces is definitely heightening this pile's energy
one thing i will say though, is that i do believe you wouldn't want your partner to completely sacrifice and drop everything for you. you'd like to have a lover who's good at juggling multiple priorities. someone who has good time management skills, and knows how to take care of several different areas of their lives. though of course, you'd like to be a big priority, and have them all to yourself once you're able to with them. you desire an endlessly devoted person, who will absolutely reserve a special time of the day for you two only.
i can see you liking your lover's love language to be physical touch, giving gifts and quality time. you probably love the idea of getting these dazzling and fancy gifts, like couple rings.
your future spouse
this person is very well put-together. they definitely carry themselves in quite a self-satisfied manner. likely to even give off a slightly arrogant vibe to people. a little bit like a person who sees themselves as very important and special.
your future lover is likely to be someone who's pretty good at handling heartbreaks. they have a lot of inner strength and resilience. contrary to what it might seem like, i don't think this person has always had the perfect and flawless life full of sunshine and rainbows; they've just developed thick skin over time. they're quite immune to pain now, because they've been able to grow and transform from their heartache.
people on the outside are likely to see them as someone who always has their shit together, and is very blessed. but again, that's just because your fs is good at dealing with their problems in a graceful manner. they aren't the type to make their inner struggles very obvious.
they also seem like a person who's pretty perfectionistic, which is a quiet but heavy burden they might carry on their back a lot.
feeling this constant need to display themselves in the best light only, not being sure if they can ever live up to anyone's expectations. they're likely to be quite hard on themselves.
the type of person to obsessively check every picture that was taken of them, out of worry they came out looking bad.
they are giving me “golden child” energy. i keep thinking of family somehow. they might feel a lot of pressure from their families, or their closer environment, to be perfect.
however, they also do give me slightly spoiled energy here. they might've grown up in a very protected environment, and have therefore been more shielded from certain “real world” problems the “normal” person has to deal with.
they could either come from a privileged family, be in a privileged position, perhaps through fame or wealth, or have grown up with overly protective and smothering parents. some of them could also just be spoiled only children.
this is likely to have led to them being rather inexperienced in some areas in life. i don't seem them as very narrow-minded though, on the contrary; they do seem curious and interested, as well as open and eager to exploring new things.
this is likely to be a person who isn't from your typical circle. there's a high likelihood for them to be a foreigner. you could either meet them online, like a dating app or social media, or while you're on a trip overseas of some sort.
very central theme for you two; being immensely interested in getting to know each other, considering you're so different.
it's this thing when you meet someone from a completely different background or with a very different lifestyle to yours, and naturally get curious about a variety of different things.
it can get quite fascinating, i can especially see your fs getting excited to hear about your everyday-stories. there is a childlike innocence to them. like this cute and youthful glow in their eyes when they're listening to something that intrigues them.
they're someone who's quite excitable and energetic, especially when they get to do fun and adventurous activities.
very likely for this person to have strong fire placements. i'm getting a sagittarius or aries moon or mars, perhaps.
the two of you are likely to hit it off quite fast, the chemistry is amazing. though i don't see the energy being romantic right away, there's this vibe of you two just clicking very well. beautiful harmony between you and your fs.
you could text a lot, or regularly meet up at café's together.
i also get this snowy and cozy fall and winter atmosphere with warm coffee vibes for some reason. this could be a significant factor for some of you. you're welcome to take whatever resonates with you personally, and leave the rest.
meeting up with this person is likely to uplift you in a beautiful way. this warm, cozy and fuzzy feeling i'm getting, is likely to relate to how you guys will feel when around your fs as well. it will be so comfortable, the conversation will flow naturally.
the existence of this person is likely to make you feel renewed. life will just seem brighter, more beautiful and pleasant.
you could feel this inner contentment, that makes many of your problems seem less dramatic, now that you have this special source of light by your side.
your fs is likely to find the same warmth in you guys as well.
the sun in the end is such a beautiful way to end the spread; think of how the sun makes you feel. warm, comfortable. it's also very vital in energy and healthy for you. that's how the dynamic between you and your fs is likely to play out.
thank you for reading ᰔᩚ i'd love to hear you guys' feedback on what resonated for you
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frailsituation · 3 months ago
Tips for writing internal conflict
1. Define the Core Dilemma
• Internal conflict occurs when a character faces a choice or emotional struggle within themselves. This dilemma should challenge their values or identity.
• How? The struggle should feel deeply personal and tied to the character’s motivations.
• Example: A character who values independence but must rely on others in a life-or-death situation.
2. Make it tied to their core values
• The conflict should challenge what the character holds dear—whether it’s their morals, desires, or goals.
• How? The inner conflict should push the character to re-evaluate their beliefs and priorities.
• Example: A soldier torn between duty and personal ethics, forced to choose between following orders and doing what’s right.
3. Amplify with external consequences
• Link internal conflict to external consequences that impact the character and those around them. The choices they face should have significant repercussions.
• How? Show how the character’s internal conflict influences their decisions in the real world.
• Example: A character haunted by guilt must choose whether to admit their past mistakes, risking their career and relationships.
4. Show the pressure building over time
• Internal conflict intensifies when it’s compounded by time, increasing stakes, or mounting external pressure.
• How? Create scenes where the character feels the weight of their choices growing heavier with every passing moment.
• Example: A character whose addiction threatens to ruin their life, struggling to break free but tempted by old habits every day.
5. Conflict arises from competing desires
• Internal conflict often stems from having two equally strong desires that cannot coexist.
• How? Put your character in situations where they must choose between these desires, both of which seem vital.
• Example: A character torn between pursuing their dream job across the country or staying to care for a dying parent.
6. Explore their fears and insecurities
• Internal conflict can also be driven by the character’s deepest fears or insecurities, which affect their actions and decisions.
• How? Fear of failure, rejection, or loss can prevent them from acting, making every decision feel like a battle.
• Example: A character who has been hurt before refuses to let anyone in, even though they deeply crave connection.
7. The power of self-sabotage
• Let the character’s internal conflict lead to self-sabotage. They may avoid decisions or create obstacles to protect themselves from facing their own feelings.
• How? Show how the character's fear or internal resistance undermines their progress.
• Example: A character constantly pushes away someone they care about because they fear their own vulnerability.
8. Use internal dialogue to show the battle
• Let readers hear the character’s internal struggle through thoughts, doubts, or justifications. Internal dialogue can make the conflict feel more immediate and real.
• How? Keep the internal dialogue sharp, reflective, and in line with the character’s voice.
• Example: “I want to tell them the truth, but what if they leave? Can I really risk that?”
9. Drive change through resolution
• The internal conflict should lead to growth or change in the character. They should evolve, learn, or make peace with their internal struggle.
• How? The resolution should feel earned and reflect the character’s journey.
• Example: A character who fears commitment learns to trust and embrace vulnerability in the face of love.
10. Let it affect the bigger picture
• The resolution of internal conflict should impact the story’s larger arc, showing how the character’s inner change leads to progress or a new direction.
• How? The resolution should tie back to the theme and forward momentum of the plot.
• Example: A character who learns to forgive themselves is able to take the final step in reconciling with a loved one, mending broken relationships.
Follow for more!
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vhstown · 1 year ago
please stop scrolling and take the time to read this.
i don't think people understand the extent of the horror happening in palestine right now. "death" means nothing to people because of desensitisation so let me just tell you what white phosphorus is. it's being used in israeli munitions and has been and will continue to be fired across gaza and the palestinian borders.
white phosphorus burns when it comes into contact with oxygen (at nearly 800°C or 1500°F. the human body can withstand ~50°C for reference.) the air you breathe in ignites and it is near impossible extinguish. it sticks to clothing and skin and is very difficult to remove because it will continue to ignite in air. it burns flesh up to the bone and even past the bone because it penetrates tissue and is absorbed VERY easily. if you inhale it it'll destroy your respiratory tract and lungs. it can cause failure in multiple organs including the liver, kidneys and heart. it is being released in one of the most densely populated places on earth.
the only way to treat someone exposed to white phosphorus is to submerge them in saline or water and to pick out the substance with forceps, and when you undress a wound the substance can re-ignite. this is just ONE weapon that is being used to kill palestinian people right now. palestine does not have access to medical care, humanitarian aid, power, or internet. their hospitals are being bombed. gaza is one of the most densely populated places in the world with over 50% of the population being children. many children are the sole survivors of their families. there are videos of children experiencing panic attacks and symptoms of ptsd. the fact that israel has committed war crimes in plain sight means that we can only imagine what will happen to the palestinians in complete darkness.
israel has and will continue to deny this. your interests and fandom will still be here, you will wake up tomorrow morning and see your friends and family, but an entire nation of people are being wiped off the map. being silent is being complacent. reblog, spread information, tell people in real life, attend protests, sign petitions, call your government offices, at the very least be angry and upset and horrified because once you become numb and indifferent and hopeless the oppressors will have already won.
what's happening right now is more than a genocide and once it becomes a part of history we'll wonder how the world let this happen. genocides have been part of all nations. just because it is far away does not mean you don't have to be concerned. the fact that YOUR governments and YOUR idols and the people around YOU are supporting the mass eradication of an entire group of people should scare you. it shouldn't make you feel anything less than sick and angry and disgusted. DO something about it, no matter how small you feel your voice is, because palestinians no longer have one.
[edit] links to some helpful reblogs: one & two
post on how you can help palestine
learn about palestine with this masterlist of info
+ a further reblog of mine
[edit 2] about palestinians "not having a voice" at the time i wrote this post internet connection was cut off entirely and even journalists weren't able to report for a period of time — that is all i meant by that. they of course have a voice and i never meant to undermine how people are risking their lives in gaza to get information out there and i apologise if thats what people took from it, it was not my intention but it is entirely my bad. please continue to spread information and updates from gaza as they come.
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fear-is-truth · 5 months ago
— charlie mayhew x f!reader. | mdni
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tags: mentions of religion・allusions to sex・fem!reader・english is not author’s first language・not proofread
⟡ a/n: i wrote this while i was half asleep so…
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you weren’t religious. not really. not in the way others were—those who bowed their heads and whispered their prayers like they meant it, like they believed they could be saved. you came to church every sunday, but it wasn’t to find redemption.
he must have known.
from the first time you stepped through those old, heavy doors, you’d felt his eyes on you. father charlie mayhew was a man with quiet power, a young man with eyes that saw too much, and you—well, you were the girl who was already damned.
“i’m going to hell,” you’d say, as you sat in the confessional, separated from him by a thin grate. “even if i confessed every sin i’ve ever committed, tomorrow would be the same. worse, maybe.”
it never failed to shake him, the conviction in your voice. you could feel it, even when you couldn’t see him—his quiet intake of breath, the pause before he spoke, the way his hands gripped the rosary a little tighter.
“you mustn’t say such things,” he’d murmur in response, his voice layered with something that went deeper than priestly concern. “god’s mercy—”
“doesn’t apply to me,” you’d cut him off, not harshly, but with the ease of someone who’s accepted their fate. you didn’t want mercy. you didn’t want saving.
and that, perhaps, was what drew him to you. slowly, quietly, you became his obsession. the girl who didn’t believe. the girl who begged for damnation, the girl who was convinced she was beyond salvation.
more than often, you found yourself thinking of him when you lay awake at night, staring at the ceiling. body warm and restless under the sheets. fingers brushed your cunt as you moaned out his name like a prayer, and you imagined his hands instead—steady, calloused, but gentle. he’d never touch you. not like that.
but god, you wanted him to.
that thought alone should have filled you with shame, should have made you tremble at the audacity of it. a priest. a man sworn to celibacy, to god. but you weren’t the type to be shamed. you weren’t afraid of hell, after all.
“what if i’m already lost?” you asked him. “what if nothing i do can change where i’m going?”
“no one is beyond saving.”
“but what if they don’t want to be saved?”
there was another long silence. you could hear his breathing, slightly uneven now, and for the first time, you felt like you’d pushed him too far. like you’d finally broken something sacred.
“why are you here?”
“because i wanted to see you.”
another pause. you imagined him on the other side, eyes closed, hands shaking just slightly.
“you’re playing with fire.”
you leaned closer to the divider, breath ghosting over the wooden grate.
“maybe i want to burn.”
the words slipped out before you could stop them, and in the silence that followed, you wondered if he would tell you to leave. if he would end it all right there.
but he didn’t.
“then may god forgive us both.”
it wasn’t a confession. it wasn’t a promise. it was something in between, something that wrapped around your heart and pulled tight, binding you to him.
clothes half-buttoned, your hair a mess from his hands, you sat at the edge of the bench, fixing your skirt. he stood across from you, hastily adjusting his collar, his hands trembling slightly as he fumbled with the white tab at his throat.
“we’re going to hell,” you said softly, pulling your conservative skirt over your hips, the absurdity of the statement falling between you. there was a flicker of something in his eyes—guilt, maybe—but it didn’t stop him from stepping closer, fingers grazing your jawline before he leaned down and pressed a kiss to your skin. slow and sweet, like molasses.
“we already are.”
“you know this can’t continue,” he said one evening as you lay sprawled across the pews, fingers tracing patterns into the wood as he stood above you, his face tight with something between anger and lust. you didn’t look at him, only smiled lazily, hand trailing down the edge of the bench.
“that wasn’t what you were saying ten minutes ago, charlie.”
you watched as he sighed, turning his back to you as he tried to gather himself, but when you stood and stepped up behind him, pressing your lips to the base of his neck, you felt him tremble.
“stop,” his voice lacked conviction.
“do you want me to?” you asked, fingers tugging at the collar he had hastily buttoned only minutes before.
no reply. his resolve slipped away as you kissed along his jaw, hands sliding up the front of his shirt. when he finally turned to face you, his eyes were darker, filled with something you had only seen glimpses of before.
“god help us,” he muttered under his breath as his lips crashed into yours, hands tugging at you with a desperation that had nothing to do with salvation.
the next time, after you had tangled yourselves in the sheets again, you stood in front of the mirror, tying up your hair. the quiet hum of the rotating fan was the only sound that filled the room, broken only by his heavy breathing.
“how long can we keep pretending?” you glanced at him in the reflection, adjusting the collar of your blouse, smoothing down the wrinkles. he stood by the bed, buttoning up his shirt, eyes lingering on you in a way that was both regretful and wistful. you felt his fingers brushed the back of your neck.
“we’ll stop when you do,” but you both knew that wasn’t true.
you turned, meeting his gaze head-on. his lips were parted, collar still askew, and without thinking, you reached up to fix it. as you did, your fingers lingered, brushing against the hollow of his throat, feeling his pulse quicken.
“we’re going to hell,”
he said nothing this time, only kissed you back.
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 fear-is-truth 2024 — all rights reserved. do not modify, repost, translate, or plagiarise my content.
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cinnamorollcrybaby · 5 months ago
Say “Thank You”
Tags: Sukuna x Fem!Reader, nsfw, mdni, spanking, degradation, humiliation, a hint of cockwarming as a treat
An: guys… he was supposed to be a mean ruthless king who is a little obsessed with you, but i accidentally made him fall in love with you 😭
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Sukuna loves the way your ass recoils with each firm slap he gives. It was a shame that you were so obedient and good for him because good god, he loved seeing you bent across his lap all whiny and ruined as your fleshy bottom started to grow red from the repeated punishment.
“Say it.” His low, gravely voice demanded.
“Thank you-!” You forced yourself to reply. You knew that if you said it too quietly, he’d spank you twice as hard.
“Mmm..” He hums in satisfaction from your obedience. His hand lightly caresses the skin as it was starting to sting. He realistically knew this punishment was overboard for the “crime” you committed.
You and Uraume were in the kitchen together, and you two were cooking Sukuna one of his favorite lunches. Anytime you two cooked together, you used it as a time to gossip and vent about Sukuna since he’d rather drop dead than walk into a kitchen.
Unfortunately for you, this time Sukuna was looking for you. He had checked everywhere in his domain. You were nowhere to be found, and you were so caught up in your gossip that you didn’t hear his calls of your name.
He’d rather drop dead than walk into a kitchen, but he did it to find you. It was fucking worth it too.
If he wasn’t so clouded with worry anger, then he would’ve taken his time to admire your facial expression.. the way your eyes got all big and puppy-like. Your eyebrows were knitted together, your lip trembled when he found you in that kitchen.
“I’ve been calling.” He huffed out as his lips twitched into a snarl.
“I am so sor-“ You start to apologize, but he grabbed your wrist and tugged you to the throne room so abruptly that you didn’t finish your worthless apology.
He sat down on his throne, and he yanked you over his lap with your bottom high up in the air. He then tugged your annoying skirt and panties down, exposing your ass for all of those who dared to look.
“Suku-“ You start to try to plead with him, but he was quick to cut you off.
“After each spank, you are to tell me thank you, got it?” He instructs lowly as his hand cups and massages your pillowy cheeks. His mouth involuntarily waters at the sight. He rarely ever got to punish you. This was like a treat for him.
“I got it.” You whimper out as you hide your face in his thigh, trying not to think about how every curse can see you in such a vulnerable position.
Sukuna was barely using a fraction of his power to spank you, but it was enough for your body to jolt forward from the impact.
“Thank you.” You say lowly as your hands grasp onto his thighs. You silently hope to yourself that the king is feeling generous today.
After each loud blow, you thanked him for punishing you. Your body was trembling as your cheeks were now burning red and slightly swollen from his hand. His hand prints decorated your bottom, and it was making him feel feral.
What was even worse was the way your body trembled in his lap… how your words of gratitude slowly grew whinier and breathier. Oh, and don’t you think he didn’t notice the way you were squirming and trying to grind against his lap and hand.
You were getting needy, and he knew it.
“Fuck. Such a naughty girl.” He coos as he rubs on your ass, kneading into your skin.
“N-no, I’m good-!” You plead in such a whiny tone.
“Thank you.” Your voice was so weak. You were now thanking him out of habit. He had truly conditioned you to he grateful for his punishment.
“How can you be good when you’re all exposed on my lap for everyone to look at you? You look like such a slut right now.”
His hand wooshes down and connects with your bottom once more, eliciting a cry from you. “Thank y-you!”
His cock was rock hard, pressed against your body as you were bent over.
“You like this, don’t you?” He lowly growls as his hands rub the irritated skin on your bottom. He had been so mean to you today. You likely didn’t deserve half of the spankings you received, but he was so intoxicated by the sight of you taking the punishment so well.
Swallowing harshly, you meekly nod your head. You crane your neck up and over your shoulder to look at the king of curses. As soon as his eyes met yours, he actually looked… off kilter.
His eyebrows were knitted together, and his eyes were slightly wider than usual. His lips were somewhat agape. He looked enamored by you.
There was something about seeing your face, your watery eyes and blushed cheeks.. the way your lips were bruised, and you had such a needy look in your eye.
Humans would describe Sukuna is feeling as love, but the king of curses knew that he didn’t feel anything of the sort. He couldn’t. Curses don’t feel that way. Love is useless. This isn’t love.
No. This is limerence.
He slips his hand between your thighs, and he drags his fingers between your slippery folds as he gathered your slick onto his fingers, making you shudder. He then popped his fingers into his mouth and let out a satisfied hum as he sucked your juices off of his digits.
You always taste so sweet, like a forbidden fruit. He wanted to corrupt you from the inside out.
He delved his wet fingers back between your thighs. "Is this what you wanted, slut? You wanted my fingers inside you, didn't you?" He taunts as he shoves his pointer and middle finger into your wet heat forcefully.
Your eyes widen, but you can't help but to arch your back for him. A pleased smirk curls on his lips as his entire arm and hand starts to move, repeatedly filling you with his fingers right there on his throne where anyone could see you.
"Su-kuna.." You quietly whimper as you bite your bottom lip, trying to mask any noise that dared to bubble up.
"That's not my title, brat." He reprimands as his other hand reaches over and plants a firm smack right on your plush cheek.
"M-my lord! B-bedroom." You tried to cry out, but you could feel yourself growing addicted to his fingers. He could see it too.
"Nah. I'm fine right here. It seems like you are too." He denies as his fingers curl inside of you, searching for that special spot.
He knew he had found it when you tried to bite back a moan. "There. Got you." He brazenly declared, and he began roughly finger fucking you, hitting that spot each and every time.
You weren't seeing stars. No, you were practically begging god not to take you then. You could see heaven, and it was the only heaven you'll ever see after letting the King of Curses ravage you like this on his throne.
Sukuna gently spread his fingers, prepping you for what's to come. You're already dizzy in the head just thinking about it.
Undoing his robes, he pulls you up so you’re no longer bent over his lap, and he turns your body facing away from him.
Your warm juices of arousal were already leaking all over his lap. “Messy girl.” He casually comments with a laugh as his hands wrap around your hips. His sharp nails just barely digging into your flesh as he lifted you up.
You can feel his tip prodding near your entrance, and you can’t help but whimper and whine. Curses and servants are just walking past you two and working around you two as if nothing was happening.
“S’kuna- w-wait..” You try, but he’s already got a taste of your wet heat. He can’t stop right when he’s getting to the good part.
“You’re wearing my patience thin. I didn’t ask for you to speak.” He grumbles from behind you in a warning tone.
Your poor little cunt was clenching around nothing, so desperately begging to be fucked by him. He pushes his tip past the ring of muscle, and he lets out a deep groan. Meanwhile, you’re practically clawing at the arms of his throne.
“Fuuuuck, what are you so tight for?” He muses as he brings one of his hands around the front of you. He’s careful to rub your delicate clit without scratching you with one of his nails.
Your body is such a traitorous thing. You’re so embarrassed to be taken so blatantly in front of others, but your hips can’t help but try to move, fucking yourself on his tip for christ’s sake.
“Impatient, needy little human, aren’t ya?” He taunts before applying a bit more pressure to the sensitive bundle of nerves. “Oh well, it can’t be helped.” He smirks as he uses his other hand to force you all the way down his massive length until your warm sticky walls were gripping all of him.
“F-fuck-!” Your nails dig into the side of the throne, and tears spring into your eyes involuntarily. It hurts so good, leaving you fluttering around him.
“Language, pretty thing.” He smirks as he hugs your body from behind, pulling your back to be flush with his chest. “Just be still for me. I’ll give you what you need soon enough.” He coos in your ear before his tongue gently licks the shell of your ear.
“T-too much.. can’t take it-!” You whine as your body is trying to adjust to the intense pressure inside you. You swear you can feel him in your stomach.
“Shhh, your whining helps nothing. You can and will take it.” He hums as he just holds you to him. Sukuna is a patient man. He waited a thousand years to conduct a plan. He can patiently sit inside your drooling cunt for as long as you need him to.
His hands gently pull up your shirt, revealing your breasts for everyone to see. Your nipples were hard from all the stimulation going on, causing him to just chuckle in response. Your body was truly his little play thing.
He’s gently when he cups the soft pillowy flesh, and he gropes you gently. His mouth connects with your sensitive neck, and he sucks pretty blue and purple marks into your skin, loving how easy it is to mark you as his.
His thumbs just barely brush against your nipples, causing you to clench around him tightly.
“M-my lord.. please.” You gasp, needing him to fix the aching deep inside you. You couldn’t even be bothered to care about the audience.
“Oh? That sounds more like it, princess.” He praises as he carefully grinds his hips back and forth. His cock is barely moving inside you, but his tip is deliciously rubbing against your g-spot.
Your legs are almost an immediate trembling mess. It’s almost too easy for him. His hands slowly trail to your thighs, and he holds them open for anyone to come and watch your pretty cunt and tummy bulge from his cock.
His movements were so small but precise. You could barely hold your eyes open as you leaned your head back against his shoulder. Your hands were propped against the arms of his throne. You were completely succumbing to the pleasure he was providing.
“Thereee we go.” He drawls in your ear. “Not so mouthy and disobedient now, aren’t ya? I just gotta remind you of whose pussy this is every once in a while, hm?” He taunts in your ear, and you nod your head shamelessly. He’s truly molded you just the way he wants you: a pretty little fuck toy.
Your cunt was practically creating a puddle from the constant stimulation from his cock. Your dripping all over his cock and thighs, but Sukuna doesn’t seem to mind at all. He fills the throne room with soft squelching noises with each shallow thrust as he kisses all along your neck and shoulder.
“I love you.” The words — even while slurred - fall from your mouth clear as day. You’re so hopelessly devoted to him, seeing him as a true deity rather than a king. How could you not feel full of love for him while he’s being so caring with your body?
Sukuna’s hips stutter for a moment, completely caught off guard from your declaration of love. Usually, this wouldn’t bother him because he never felt anything in return, but right now…
He clenches his jaw, and for the first time in a long time, he can feel his heart thump madly in his chest. His arms wrap around tightly, and he fucks himself into you deeper.
He’s been giving you lazy thrusts for long enough. You deserve more. Small grunts escape his throat with each time his hips snap upward, filling you up completely.
“Ohh~ fuck.. r-right there-!” You whine, tilting your head back against his shoulder even more, exposing your throat.
Sukuna thrusts harder, desperate to please his plaything. His eyes are watching your face — so beautifully twisted in pleasure. He immediately feels himself getting close just from looking at you.
“I’d go to the depths of hell and break into heaven for you. It- ngh fuck.. terrifies me just what I’d do for you.” He clumsily grunts into your ear. A love confession.
It’s so raw and full of emotion paired with his deep passionate thrusts — you’re immediately spasming on him, milking his cock with each clench.
With a low growl, he’s spilling into you, shooting thick white ropes of cum deep inside you.
His arms carefully snake around you, hugging you to his body as you both come down from your highs. Your hearts beat as one. Maybe… maybe he could learn how to love.
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