#Because it's migraine day for me XD
phoenixcatch7 · 1 year
Lmao I'd love to see a fic where batman like. Doesn't talk at all. He just 'hn' and 'hrm's his way through the story like a Minecraft villager. All the bat kids understand him perfectly.
I actually know people irl who can do this, and I've done it myself during bad migraines, it's practically a second language, so I know it's totally possible to have full conversations between two speakers XD!
It'd be another degree of separation between Brucie Wayne, the ditzy, breathy playboy and batman, who used up all his vocal spoons for the day and now communicates solely through unintelligible grunts and sharp hand gestures when he doesn't need to talk to strangers.
Unfortunately, the best way to learn grunt speak is the same way most languages are learned, and there's no written word (outside of emoji, of course): immersion. And the justice league are no longer considered strangers.
This leads to:
Hal: which way do we go, spooky? Where's the tracker pointing?
B: *grunt*
Hal: what?
B: *insistent grunt*
Hal:..... Can we point?
B: *dour look* *slowly raises arm to point left down the street* *sharp, insistent grunt*
Hal, dryly: don't strain yourself.
Damian: greyson. I am calling because father has had an injury and is bed bound for tonight, however Alfred is downstairs and the rest are still on patrol. I am still in the early stages of learning father's intonations. Please translate.
Nightwing, eldest, regularly called for exactly this reason by just about everyone Bruce has ever spoken with since he was a kid, ranging from arkham guards to jl members: *heavy sigh* put him on.
Bruce: hrng...
Nightwing: He's telling you to close the curtains and keep the noise down, he's got a headache.
Damian, over the sound of footsteps and fabric rustling: it truly is just like another language.
N: nah, it's a lot of probability. I've known b for years, I can guess pretty well. There's a lot we can say. For example, that grunt actually carried a lot more meaning, I just trimmed it down.
Damian: truly?
N: yup! If I had to be pedantic, it actually meant 'I am in quite a lot of discomfort, the cause of which is my head, and I am struggling to manage it on my own. Please aid in my cause, my darling sons whom I love dearly -'
Damian: *muffled noise through the phone*
N: that'll be him telling us to shut up. But you can see why I asked you to close the curtains.
Damian: fascinating. I shall take this under advisement.
B, exhausted after a long day of board meetings as Brucie: *moody silence*
Gordon: Batman, how's it going?
B: *glower* *drawn out grunt*
Gordon: that bad, huh?
Supes, during a briefing: I believe it would be best if we attacked from the north, we've enough flying members to crest the mountains and ambush then that way - Batman?
B: *quiet grumble, with pointer fingers moving in semicircles*
Supes: ah, I see. You're right, we'd be too visible if the sun rose behind them*turns to see the other members standing behind him* what?
Flash, bowing at the waist, palms together over his head: teach me your ways, oh mighty bat-speaker.
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sharkboywrites · 11 months
HIII If you're accepting requests rn I'd love to ask for something done! Floyd leech x autistic (preferably trans, but it's okay if not as well!) male reader! basically I'd love for my fave character to comfort me lol,,, Like... bodily affirmations, squeezes, lots of sweet kisses... maybe some crying... Idk!! just go with whatever comes to mind! (sorry if too vauge, I feel sooo braindead rn XD)
yah ty if you get around to this!!! it'd make my days so much better, I've already read all the stuff in the floyd x male reader tags so I'm feeling so deprived of good n' comforting content aughhh....
Bad Days
Floyd x autistic trans male reader
A/N: So funny thing I wrote like half of this and then my app reset so I have to rewrite almost I’ll of it :,) but anyways this is also kinda a comfort fic for me because I’ve been dealing with a lot of sensory issues and transphobia lately , along with being borderline denied an autism assessment so this is a fic for both of us anon
Trans male reader, autistic reader, dysphoria, sensory issues, autism meltdown, non sexual nudity
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Days like these are tough. From the moment you woke up you could tell that something was wrong. It starts with the clothes. The shirt and jacket just feel wrong.
But there’s nothing else to wear so… you wear it. Then it gets worse in class. The temperature is just too much, and it makes your clothes feel so much worse, like you want to just scratch at your skin until the feeling stopped.
The noises the people make around you are unbearable. The gum chewing, the lip smacking, all of it is just to much. It makes you want to tear your hair out and rip your ears off.
The lights are too bright and everyone is just so loud, it’s starting to feel like your getting a migraine, like you just can’t take it anymore and start screaming at any moment.
And of course somehow these feelings just make you more aware of your body. You’re suddenly hyper aware of your chest, your waist, your face, even your voice. It’s all too much.
Luckily, when you first came to Night Raven Colege, you thought ahead about this. It was important for your teachers to understand your situation, diagnosis or not.
Crewel was aware of your situation, and with one look you’re able to slip out of class. You rush back to your dorm as quickly as possible, suddenly grateful that classes were going on so nobody could see you. You can’t help the whines that slip from your throat as you desperately try to hold yourself back from completely breaking down into a mess of screams and cries.
You’re able to quickly make it back to your dorm, locking yourself in your room and throwing off your uniform. Sure, being completely naked almost in tears in your dorm room isn’t the most flattering thing, but you just had to get that stupid uniform off.
Rubbing down the worst feeling parts of your body, you’re able to calm down enough to dig out your favorite clothes and throw them back on, even if they not be in the best state. You just need them right now.
Being able to use any type of noise cancelling headphones or earbuds helps calm you down a little bit more. Just having them in, even if you’re not playing anything, it helps get all of the noises from the day out of your head.
A drink of water also helps. In very few gulps you’re able to swallow almost an entire bottle of water. You lay down in your bed, breathing heavily as you start to calms down in a safer environment.
As you lay in bed, you can feel your soft blanket in your feet, rubbing them back in forth to get a nicer sensation than what you were feeling for most of the day.
Taking a few more sips of water, completely finishing off the water bottle, you take your stim toy of choice. You have all of your favorite options thanks to everyone at NRC giving them to you. As you fidget and play one of your favorite videos, you start to think. You managed to slip out of class, and you didn’t even hurt yourself or make a complete mess of your room. At least that’s some progress.
You’re cut off by your thinking by a knock on the door. Not able to form words at the moments, you pull yourself out of bed and peek out of the door.
Standing there is your tall, rather intimating boyfriend.
“Eh? Shirmpy what happened? You just left class so suddenly…”
He has his usual playful drone to his voice, but you can tell the slight hint of concern, a difference you’re sure only you and his brother can notice.
You stay silent, just giving him a pained look and hoping he understand. He does.
“Not talkin’? Alright… you want me to stay?”
You’re able to give him a small nod, and he walks right in and practically jumps onto your bed, making grabby hands at you, his mood doing almost a 180, as he usually does.
You could always depend on Floyd to understand what you’re going through. He also has his fair share of his own mood swings and tantrums, he’s never judge you for your own.
You walk back to bed and slowly slink into his arms, leaning against his chest comfortably. Floyd was somehow never too hot or too cold to cuddle with. He was somehow always the perfect temperature no matter what you were feeling. It almost feels like he knows how to control his own body temperature on purpose.
He squeezes you tight, not as hard as he does when he’s mad at someone or intentionally trying to hurt them, but a real, genuine hug. And it’s perfect. Others would complain that his squeezes are way to tight, but to you it’s perfect. He’s almost like a weighted blanket. You’re glad you make him feel safe enough to hug you as hard as he wants with genuine love.
He snuggle close to you, leaving soft kisses on his he top of your head and cheek, but not anywhere that may be uncomfortable in your overstimulated time. He’s mindful of where exactly he’s touching you, he knows what parts don’t want to be touched in these moments, even the most obscure ones.
As the two of you snuggle and watch whatever you chose to put on, he mutters sweet things to you.
“I love yooou.” “My boyfriend….” “My boy.” “So handsome”
It seems like he’s in a lovey mood now. Even with his sudden switches, he always seems to know the right things that you need to hear. He also checks up on how you’re feeling.
“Are ya comfortable?” “Feelin’ any better?” “Are you too warm?” “Do ya want your stuffed animal?” “Want me to move my arms?”
When you aren’t talking, the both of you are in a comfortable silence. It starts to become hard to keep your eyes open after the day you’ve had combined with the cozy environment with your boyfriend holding you tight.
Eventually, you can’t fight the exhaustion anymore and feel yourself starting to drift. Before you fully fall asleep, you feel a soft kiss on the top of your head and the arms around you squeeze just a bit tighter.
“G’night Shirmpy, sweet dreams…”
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Aaah I love writing comfort fics. Usually my head cannon style posts do better than my actual fics so I guess I’ll see how this goes. Also this is based on my own experience with autism, so if it doesn’t fit you I’m sorry, Ty for reading and have a nice day
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lionlena · 1 year
1. New job, new problems... (PedroPascalxreader) - one shot
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Ok, so here's the first one shot of: one shots week. As I wrote, I was inspired by my problems, but don't take everything literally, because of course I changed some things, but generally yes, my new co-workers are mean bitches. But I've come to terms with it. At least instead of talking to them, I write ff xD
Summary: co-workers at your new job treat you badly. You try to hide it from your boyfriend, but even from a distance Pedro senses that something is wrong.
Warnings: little sad but later fluff and loving, caring Pedro
This can be considered as a continuation: ♡Just let it go…
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You were happy when you got a new job where you made more money. No matter how many times Pedro told that you could have his money. You felt bad about it and wanted to prove to him that you weren't with him for the money.
However, you soon found out that your new job was a nightmare. And it wasn't the job itself, because it was easy and fun for you. Your co-workers were the problem. You ended up in a three-person team consisting of all women, and you felt their hostility from the very beginning. They had trouble giving you the simplest of information, like where the bathroom is. They responded with annoyance to your every question. But you thought they'd get used to you over time. You were polite and tried to have little chats with them, but it was not effective because they ignored you. With each passing day, you felt worse and worse, and as if your misfortune wasn't enough, Pedro flew to the set in Morocco.
You sighed heavily as you sat alone at a table during your lunch break. You've been scrolling through the photos fans have taken of your boyfriend. It always made you feel a little better and made you forget everything for a moment. Your boyfriend looked pleased, though you could see he was tired. You wanted so much to hug him and make sure he was taking care of himself.
Of course, Pedro wanted you to go with him. At least for a few days, but you couldn't take free time from your new job so quickly. Another minus.
And of course, every time you spoke to him, you said everything was fine. You didn't want to worry him. You knew he should be focused on a movie set.
You were just looking at a photo of Pedro wearing a white t-shirt that was visibly wet at the bottom. You smiled and started to wonder what your beloved had done. Knowing him, he probably spilled something on himself. Pedro was so clumsy sometimes. But you loved it about him. You were so lost in your thoughts that you didn't even notice your co-workers walking past you. Their sudden giggles made you jump and almost drop your phone.
"Seriously Y/N," Jane said. "You'd better focus on your job, not on dreaming about some actor who doesn't even know you exist."
You had to bite your tongue not to say that unlike her, you work instead of filing your nails half the day.
"I don't know what these girls see in him," Michele said.
You perfectly saw how a few days earlier she was drooling at the monitor when she was reading an article about your boyfriend.
Before you could answer anything, they walked away laughing like crazy.
When you talked to Pedro in the evening, you could hardly keep your composure. He asked you several times if you were okay.
"Honey, you really do sound kind of weird," he said sadly.
"I'm really fine... I've had a busy day today and I think I'm having a migraine."
"My poor baby," he cooed. "Maybe you should lie down."
"That's what I'll do."
"Do you want me to talk to you on the phone until you fall asleep?"
You wanted to cry. Your boyfriend was so sweet and caring.
"Yes," you whispered.
You only felt worse for the next few days. Even during lunch, you didn't look at pictures with Pedro because your co-workers always sat at the table next to you. You were sure those bitches did it on purpose. It was ridiculous and you felt like you were in high school.
You started wondering if you should just start going out to some restaurant for lunch. You would have less time then, but you would gain peace of mind. Suddenly you heard some commotion behind you.
"Is that him? It's impossible," Michele murmured.
You turned around and your heart leaped. You couldn't believe your eyes. A smiling Pedro was walking towards you with a small bouquet of your favorite flowers. You couldn't take it any longer and ran over to him. He welcomed you with open arms and hugged you tightly. You pulled away from him after a while, to look into his eyes. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw the silly faces of these three bitches.
"What are you doing here?" you choked out.
"Did you really think I wouldn't sense something was wrong?" He stroked your cheek gently. "I'm back only for two days, but I hope it's enough."
You nodded and murmured, "I still have a few hours left at work."
"I know, but I couldn't wait to see you. I'll pick you up in the car so you don't have to take the subway back and we'll spend a wonderful evening together."
You blushed involuntarily, and he chuckled and whispered in your ear, "Yeah, I'm thinking about that too."
You shook your head and groaned as you realized you had to get back to work. You kissed Pedro on goodbye.
Suddenly your co-workers wanted to talk to you, but this time you ignored them. It was really sweet revenge.
Pedro has come for you as promised. On the way, he picked up food from your favorite restaurant. At home, he lit the candles and asked, "Dinner first, or bath first?"
You looked at him lovingly. "Dinner."
After you ate, he prepared an aromatic, warm bath for you. The tub was big enough for both of you to fit comfortably. You sat between his legs and rested your head on his chest. His big hands traced patterns on your breasts and belly. You finally felt relaxed. You closed your eyes and sighed heavily. You felt Pedro kiss you on the head. "My love, can you tell me what's been making you so sad lately?"
You nodded and squeezed his hand tightly. Though you tried to be calm, your voice trembled a few times as you told him about your job and how your co-workers treated you.
Pedro listened to you carefully, and at the end of your story, he hugged you tightly and kissed your shoulder.
"I'm so sorry babe. These stupid women should be glad to be working with someone as great as you." He placed a kiss on your shoulder again. "I know we've talked about this before, but you don't have to work. You know that. Why do I need money if I can't make the people I love happy?"
You smiled and squeezed his arm. "I know baby. But I want to go back there and watch those bitches die of jealousy because I have the most amazing and handsome boyfriend in the world."
Pedro chuckled and hugged you tighter. "Can this most amazing and handsome boy take you to bed and enjoy your body?"
"Yes!" you squeaked.
A week later, your boss appreciated your work and decided to transfer you to a new, more experienced team. Your new co-workers turned out to be very friendly and communicative. Enjoyed your job again. Though it was nice knowing you had a great boyfriend thanks to whom you don't have to work. And you don't have to worry about money.
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Taglist: @creedslove
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jamneuromain · 2 years
No Use Running
Andy Barber x You / Reader
Warning: NON-CON/DUB-CON, Dark Content, Smut, Angst and Smut, Alternate Universe - College / University, Teacher-Student Relationship, Professor!Andy Barber, Student!Reader, Student!You, Clit Stimulation, Pet Names (Angel), Explicit Sexual Content, Explicit Language, Overstimulation, Angst, Angst With A Happy Ending, Dark!Andy Barber, sex toys, vibrator, bondage element
Word count: ~4k
Summary: What are you going to do when Andy is mad at you?
A/N: Big shout out to vera @rogerswifesblog and her amazing moodboard, both help me tremendously with the conversation in bold, also help me spiral a thought into a 4k smut. Fair warning, lots of angst, which surprises me, really, because I was mostly thinking of the smut when talking to vera (sorry not sorry XD).
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Dancing in the Daydream M. List
A year into your relationship, Andy has only one rule for you.
One rule, and one rule only.
Don’t get drunk when you are partying with your friends. If you are partying, tell him beforehand in case he gets worried about you not coming home.
Just this one rule. Don’t get drunk, call him first.
Simple as that.
In your defense… face it, you have no defense. You screwed up. Big time.
You were so excited about the little getaway your friends planned (and told you about it the minute your last class of the semester ended “we’re partying tonight guuuuuuurl”) that you completely forgot about the rule of “calling Andy”, and happily got yourself more than tipsy.
“More than tipsy”. That’s an understatement. Your very last memory about the night was you doing shots with your friends. You find yourself in the shared home of you and Andy in the next morning, lying comfortably in bed with a minor migraine and fresh PJs, trying to remember what had happened.
Tipsy? You were wasted.
Knowing Andy? If he was home last night, he’d be so mad.
You search for your phone around your pillow, finally locating it on the other side of the bed, linked to the charger.
Your gut sinks to the bottom of your stomach. You’d charge your phone on your side. Your phone is now on Andy’s side.
Oh no.
Oh nonononono.
This is bad.
This is very bad.
This is Godzilla versus King Kong bad.
You can honestly hear every ounce of your luck shatters when you turn on your phone and a dozen missed calls from Andy pop up, dating back to last night and this early morning.
Holy fucking shit.
You are doomed.
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Andy has already left because he has a full schedule today.
You frown as your phone gone cold. There was no message asking whether you have woken up. No sticky notes on your forehead as usual if you are sleeping late, telling you that he left a sandwich for you in the fridge. No nothing.
He’s really mad.
You frown more when you find excessive food in the fridge. Some leftover beef stew, chicken kabab, and a whole lemon cheesecake. That’s strange. Andy’s not the type to cook excessively.
And no sandwich.
You make yourself some food to eat and clean the house for a bit.
Your memory pieces some fragments together. You remember stumbling into Andy on the porch. You remember dancing in the club, raising your shot glass, and giggling with your friends.
Your memory is still incoherent and you don’t know what happened exactly.
You vacuum the living room, read for your upcoming assignment, and finally, you decide to cook dinner to show that you are sorry.
Leaping up when you hear his car pull up in the front, rushing to the door to welcome him home: “Hey Andy. How’s your day?”
Andy has a large box under his arm, which you pipe up to help him carry it and put it anywhere he wants.
“Just an average day.” He pecks you on your lips, insisting he carries this on his own. You are nervous as hell when he doesn’t smile, not even after kissing you.
You peek at the box, can’t help but ask as you see the black tape circling the cardboard box: “Amazon? What did you buy?”
“Nothing important.” He shrugs, heading up the stairs with the big box.
Maybe he’s not that mad?
You cross your fingers, hoping that everything works out with luck on your side.
Dinner is as uneventful. However, you can feel that he is distracted and uncharacteristically quiet. Andy used to say what he doesn’t want or what he doesn’t like. He’s vocal about your relationship, but this new Andy is so lukewarm that it is scary to you.
You choose to cuddle on the couch after dinner, playing a Netflix show as background noise on TV.
“I’m sorry about last night, Andy. I should’ve called you. I’m sorry.” You loop his arm around your shoulders, looking up at him apologetically, “and I shouldn’t get caught up partying either. I wouldn’t do that ever after.”
Something flickers in his eyes that you cannot catch. In the end, he says nothing, only tightening his grip on your arm, leaning for a kiss.
You rather wish he spanked you or edge you, just like what he did with your previous few wrong-doings. It wasn’t fun but you know he wouldn’t hurt you. You’d rather have him cuddling you after rough sex than to have him ... distant?
You deserve it, to be honest, you know he’d be angry with you.
You only are aware of how angry he is the second you step into the bedroom.
He is fixing the four cuffs tied to the bed, black leather with shiny metal chains. The now-empty Amazon delivery box lies wide open on the floor, giving you the slightest clue of what could have been inside.
Spoiler alert, you didn’t have cuffs in this house. He used to tie you up with his ties.
“Oh good, you’re here.” Andy smiles, for the first time today. He unbuttoned his cuff link and his collar to adjust the length of the metal chains. This normally looks extra hot to you, but knowing what could be waiting for you, you just want to run.
You carefully take a sneaky step back, “umm, Andy, I know you are mad. And I’m so very sorry.” Another step back. “But we can talk this out.” Another step. “Pl-Please don’t be mad?”
Andy rests his hands on his hips, his blue eyes icy cold.
“Sit on the bed, Angel.”
“Andy-” You visibly gulp, tensing all the muscles in your body so that you can dash to the stairs the second he drops down his guard.
“Don’t make me fuckin’ repeat that.” He shoots back at you.
You are going to die on the bed for all you know. You are going to be edged to the brink of your life. A chill runs down your spine, every sense in your body warning you of the menacing danger you are faced with.
“Please, Andy, we can talk this out, I’m begging you.” You plead to him, slowly dragging your feet to the door instead of the bed, “please, Andy.”
Your fight or flight response kicks in the second he prances on you. Of course, you choose to run from him.
You barely make it to the stairs when he grabs your wrist and halts you by your waist, clutching your body so tight like you are a prey struggling for its life. Your heart nearly leaps out of your throat. Your body, although unwillingly, clings to him for dear life, fearing that he slips and drops you on the floor.
“Andy, please! I’m so sorry! I won’t do it again!” You yelp when he throws you onto the bed. You try to sit up when he clasps your ankle with one cuff, you are forced to lie down when he clasps your wrist with another cuff.
“Can’t believe you even tried to run - save it, Angel. You’re in for a long night.” He huffs disapprovingly.
Clasp. Clasp. All your limbs are secured and tied up. He didn’t even bother to take off your nightdress, only pulls your panties to your ankles.
You think it couldn’t be worse.
Oh but it did.
He takes the vibrating wand from the bedside drawer and loosens his belt.
You watch in horror as he fastens his black leather belt around your thighs, squeezing the wand between your legs, where it nestles on your clit.
“See, Angel, I was planning to hold that wand myself,” he kisses your forehead. The darkness seeps back into his eyes. With a flick of the remote on his phone, the wand buzzes to life. A warm grin on his face, he retreats to the corner of the room, where he sits on a chair and opens his laptop, “too bad I need to work first.”
The vibration is low yet brutal. It triggers your body into moving your hips to avoid it, not that there is much space to move. Without his kisses and skilled fingers working your body, your pleasure builds up high and dry, your skin heats up reluctantly, seeking the attention it deserves.
“Andy-” You choke when your squirming accidentally has the wand brush your clit again, “please, I’m sorry.”
He glances at your frame briefly; his eyes soon return to his laptop. Crispy strokes from the keypad seem to be mocking your fruitless begging.
Your core twists in agony. It doesn’t take much to force an orgasm out of you.
“Pleaaase, Andy, please don’t edge me.” You whisper, moaning when the stimulation to your clit brings a fresh wave of arousal pooling down your pussy. Your channel expects his shaft, but you get nothing. Tide riding higher in your veins, rushing to your core, you are on the verge of cumming any second.
He raises his head from the laptop, a smirk curls his lips when he dials the vibration up a notch.
The buzzing grows louder, no longer a soft vibration, but a stronger torture to your clit.
“I didn’t say you couldn’t cum.” He buries himself back into his “work”, his calm voice ghosts your ear, “you can cum as many times as you want. You’ve got all night, Angel.”
Your hips buck into the air, pressing your clit tightly on the wand, drawing the first orgasm out of you. Your body bounces on the bed as the orgasm hits you, doing all it can to run from the incessant stimulation on your clit. You wish you could run, but you are chained to the bed,
“Andy, please.” You cry out, tears rolling down from the corner of your eyes, “I-fuck-I said I’m sorry!”
The loud snap when he shuts his laptop makes you shiver.
“The thing is,” Andy sits perfectly still, he watches you writhing on the bed as the second orgasm builds up, "I don’t think you are." His tone barely contains his anger, “bet you totally forget about what yesterday was, huh?”
“It was supposed to be our one-year relationship anniversary.”
Your brain stops working altogether.
Oh no. It was.
You started dating around this time last year.
You didn’t think you were doing an anniversary this early. If you are counting from the day you became boyfriend and girlfriend, you are two months away from your anniverisary.
“I cooked for candle-lit dinner and bought roses and shit, and what did you repay me with?” He crosses his arm and scoffs, “no texts. No calls. Get fuckin’ drunk with boys.”
Your mind clears its fog, letting you remember you stumbling into Andy while waving goodbye to Mike (or Michael?), who volunteered to uber you home when you were all getting “tipsy”.
“It’s nothing-He just-oh fuck, he just came along to make sure I got home. I’m sorry.” You whimper, your sentence cut off as you feel arousal leak from your pussy, “I’m really sorry about-ah-what you planned. Please, please stop the wand and we can talk.”
His words drip with sarcasm, “and I’m just a poor old fool who thought I could capture a young girl’s heart.” Andy snorts, “that work out well.”
Even as pleasure gradually clouds your brain, you understood what he said and a pang of pain rips your heart to shreds. If you knew about his plan, no, if you remembered, or thought about your anniversary, it wouldn’t end up with both of you in agony.
This is all your fault.
“No, Andy,” you croak, trying to ignore the buzz between your legs, “don’t say that.” It’s not true. I love you.
Andy doesn’t reply to your pleading, his cold expression molded on his face again, “you asked me to be ‘thoroughly fucked’.”
You did, trying to peel him out of his black T-shirt, trying to have him kiss you, saying tons of things that you utterly regret now.
“You wanted it last night, no? Wish granted.” Andy growls, “now take it.”
He turns up the vibration again.
If the previous vibration was barely endurable, this time it is way beyond what you can handle.
You cum with a scream, tugging the chains with your tied-up legs. The rattling of the chains doesn’t stop when you finish cumming. You jolt and kick, as the buzz is incessant on your clit, and you are on your way to your third orgasm.
“Andy, I’m sorry.” You whimper, “it hurts.”
“I don’t give a shit.” Andy picks up a book on the table, glancing at you one last time before he shuts his mouth and starts reading.
Another orgasm hits. And another. You can’t tell what hurts more, your swollen clit or his indifference. You scream and plead, stammering between moans and words, some of them mumble into one. Your skin is coated by a sheen of sweat. Your body reacts to the wand with overruling pleasure above your mind, having you think of nothing but the sensation from your bundle of nerves. And then it starts to hurt. With every second of the wand between your thighs, your mind cannot decide if it wants more or to get away from the stimulation. Another orgasm punches all the air from your lungs. Your cry is silent, mouth agape, tears roll into streams, your body refuses for you to breathe in, running low in oxygen that your vision has spots.
The stimulation between your legs dials down to a full stop.
You draw in a lung full of air. Coughing as you feel your chest is about to explode.
Your body buzzes. Or your clit still feels the buzz ghosting your legs. Your pussy twitches, quivering as it feels cold, soaked with your arousal. Your chest rises and falls, your heart pounding by your ear, your vision blurry with tears.
You want to curl up to your side. Your body is stressing as if it has just run a marathon.
The tugging from your wrists and ankles reminds you, you can’t.
A pillow is stuffed under your head, helping you to breathe a little.
You blink a few times before you make out it’s Andy sitting by the edge of the bed.
He held your head, bringing a cup to your lips.
You swallow on instinct, nearly choking yourself when you are taking big gulps of water.     
His lips open and close, saying something that doesn’t make sense to you.
Or your ears are ringing so that you can’t hear.
“Still talking, I see.” He nods nonchalantly, “do you need more water?”
You shake your head.
He takes the cup, standing up to leave.
“Wa-ait!” You tug the chains desperately, trying to get a hold of him, “Sorr-sorry.” You sniff, “can’t. Can’t cum.” You realize how hoarse your voice is when you open your mouth to speak, like someone rubbed it on sandpaper. You feel sorry. You are sorry. You do. You just can’t do this anymore. Even if you are not screaming, your body is screaming bloody murder.
“Shhh, just a little bit more.” Andy coos, turning up the vibration again.
“No. No-!”
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Andy watches as you make a mess on your shared bed over and over again. Your mumbling pleas and begs melt into crying and screaming. Arching your hips as your body reflexes, even though it adds to your misery. Your orgasm hits stronger and slower every time, lasting longer, depriving you of your breathing. You lean your head to the side, panting, struggling. Not out of your will, but when your body instructs you to.
Your thighs flex instinctively when he sits down and caress your buzzing thighs, which are still bound together.
“Don’t think about anything.” He bends down to kiss your belly, coated in sweat. His beard scratching your sensitive skin, having your core tensing once again. “Talk to me, Angel.”
Your brain is clouded. Hearing his voice, you mumble something that you don’t recognize yourself.
“Do you want this to stop?” His voice sounds muffled. Blocked. Like speaking, but with cotton in your ears.
But you understand.
Your brain mushed. It hurts. You want more. Keep it going. Till the end of time.
Andy chuckles.
He dials the vibration down to a full stop. You, however, cry out again, one word slurring into another, “More. Want-more.”
He turns a deaf ear to your begging, unclasping his belt to reveal your thighs, having the belt digging into them so hard that leaves a red mark on both of them.
You burst into tears when he pulls the wand out between your legs. Your hips bucking for more pain and pleasure.
The wand is wet. From your arousal and your sweat.
Andy drops the wand to the side, unclasping the restraints on your ankles.
“More…” you whimper like a wounded animal, “more, Andy.”
Andy pries your legs open. Red marks from the wand between your thighs. A puddle of creamy arousal underneath you. Your legs shaking, trembling. Your pussy is red, swollen, covered in slick. Your clit puffy, peeking out from your pussy lips.
“More.” You mewl, as if that’s your whole vocabulary, “more.”
Andy kisses the red marks on your thighs gently, “you like that, huh?”
“Yes. More, Andy.”
Tears stain your cheek but you are about to cry again. Anything to have the wand back. To have something stimulate you to orgasm. Anything to stimulate you, burn your body with pleasure.
This is what he’s been waiting for. To overstimulate you until you are truly overwhelmed with pleasure. You will want more pleasure you can take until you pass out. You will agree to anything for it. Most importantly, you will want him again.
He unclasps your wrists too, prying your legs open more to touch your clit.
“Yesyesyes.” You grind your abused pussy to his hand eagerly, whimpering when he draws his hand back.
“My Angel…” He sighs, stripping himself out of his suit and trousers. His thick shaft straining in his boxers when you moaned and cried. He kneels on the bed, positioning himself between your thighs, hovering above you to kiss you, “my beautiful Angel. You’re mine.”
He sheathes himself in entirely at the last word, having you cry out. Having you moan his name. Having you digging your nails into his arm.
Your walls grip him. Sucking him in. Welcoming him with warm wet heat. Your walls crave his cock, craving to be filled to the brim again, craving the stretch and burn as you try to accommodate him.
The pain blends into your pleasure. You can’t tell them apart. His cock brushing your clit on his way out. Your walls convulse. Him slamming back in to rearrange your guts. Your walls clench down. He takes your long-ignored nipples into his mouth, sucking and tugging with his lips. You could only sob because of how good it feels.
You want more. You want him. You want his tip kissing your cervix.
“Say it.” He grits his teeth and spits out, “say it. Say you’re mine.”
“I’m yours. I’m yours.” You chant as he knocks the breath out of your lungs, his shaft thrusting deeper, harder.
“That’s right, Angel.” He snaps his hips into you, “you’re fuckin’ mine. I’m the only person who can make you feel this good.”
He interlaced his fingers with yours, pinning your arm next to your head.
You stutter his name when you cum, your vision blacks out, everything is slowed down to a halt. You feel a few more thrusts, and his hot spent flood your pussy.
Then you drift to a dreamless sleep.
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Your arms hurt. Your legs hurt. Your stomach hurts.
There’s not a fine muscle left on your body.
You curl yourself into a ball, facing the opposite direction of Andy, wincing as you hug your knee.
Your pussy hurts too. Sore and tired from the orgasms ripped out of your body.
Your eyes are dry as if the Sandman blinded you, but you still shed a couple tears onto the pillow. Some of them traveled across your nose bridge and blended into the tears from your other eye.
You can’t believe he overstimulated you. You can’t believe he punished you so hard for disobeying one rule. Most importantly, you can’t believe he had no faith in your relationship. After the class, after the drama with Laurie, after his participation and encouragement in your writing, he means everything to you.
The heartbreak from last night catches up to you, piercing your chest, so painful that you couldn’t breathe.
You open your mouth to ease the pressure of your puffy nose, but the pain just follows your breath like a knife, slashing everywhere it could reach.
You try to cry as subtly and quietly as you can, but your shaking body betrays you, having Andy push himself on his elbow to rub your arm.
“Hey. It’s okay. It’s just a bad dream.” He whispers softly.
He notices you are not responding, leaning closer to check on you: “Shit.”
He grabs the Kleenex box, places it in front of you, and moves to spoon your naked body, kissing your bare shoulder: “I’m sorry, Angel. I’m such an asshole.” Kiss. “I’m sorry. I pushed too far.” Kiss. “Please don’t cry, Angel.”
“I got too angry over the night before and…” he sighs, “I’m sorry I lashed out at you.”
“How can you say that?” You turn abruptly, staring at him with watery eyes, tears falling from your cheeks. You can almost hear your spine crack for turning so fast, “how can you say that like you mean nothing to me? Like I’m some gold-digging bitch exploiting you?”
“Angel, I-”
“You mean the world to me, Andy.” I love you. “You are everything I write, you are every reason I come home to, you are every piece of my heart.” I love you. “And I…”
Maybe it’s your insecurities. Maybe it’s the unsuccessful marriage of Andy and Laurie. Maybe it’s your stories that you are certain every hero and heroine would be the perfect match for each other, but you can’t be certain in real life.
You would return Andy’s excessive interpretation in class right back to his face. You would challenge him academically in his office. But you suddenly feel your tongue way too heavy to say the simple word, “love”.
Andy hears your silence.
Andy cups your chin, having you look him in the eye.
Andy, as a writer, knows there are a million ways of interpreting this silence, but choose not to.
He chooses to look at your bed hair, your puffy nose, your teary eyes, carving every detail into his memory.
He wipes the tears from your cheek.
“I love you, Andy.”
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cocogum · 3 months
I'm sad the great wave volume is over and eager for the next. But I think I enjoyed following through your commentary more than actually getting the story xD
So, thanks for that.
I’ve been giggling at ur comment for two minutes now 🥰🥰
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But in all seriousness, your lovely comment means more than you’ll ever know.
Every Thursday when a new chapter was uploaded, I found myself re-reading it repeatedly. I had to carefully organize my thoughts to articulate them clearly and in a logical order for others to easily follow. I also had to screenshot every panel I needed to reference in order to illustrate my points.
I often have to combine two or three panels into one using Picsart on my phone because Tumblr only allows 10 images and 30 images on the website. This way, I can avoid discarding or wasting any of the images I want to share. Additionally, I sometimes use ibisPaint X to cover up certain parts in images where I cropped them and it affected the appearance of the eyes.
But don’t get me wrong, despite going through this hell every Thursday night, the chapters were a joy to read, and I enjoyed reflecting on them while considering how to approach discussing them.
In short, it was hell but I enjoyed the full process 💖
But it’s obviously not over for the great wave series lol
Since the physical copy of the first volume featured 5 chapters (the 10 webtoon episodes got fused into 5 chapters), this means that we’re only at the very beginning of the Great Wave manga’s story. (I can’t believe we’re still at the beginning even though it feels like we’re already in deep shit 💀)
Tot pretty much confirmed on Twitter that there will be around 100 chapters to prepare for.
That means I’m aware we’ll see much more mature themes (*cough* chapter 1 *cough*) and much more graphic content (*cough* possible horrid assassination of the royal osamodas family *cough* no I am not delusional).
That means I’m aware I’ll have to keep this whole commentary thing going about a hundred times 😄🤭😁
But to know that you enjoyed my commentary more than the story is just-
Wow??? I am speechless???
What do I even say to that??
I get that the story gave us a huge weekly migraine cuz of the chicken and gorilla but omg???
I am genuinely happy that I made your migraine bearable throughout those weeks, thank you so so much for telling me 😭💖
Just the thought of knowing that you liked them makes me wanna bash some blue animals again 👹👹
I hope you’re having a wonderful day/evening/night imatekuani 💖💖💖
(I see you got a King pfp 👀 ur even more amazing for having good taste ✨💕💕 I’m also pissed disney had to end the owl house earlier than expected)
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gabessquishytum · 1 year
Damn, everytime I send a longer ask, I get worried all the typing was for nothing and it got swallowed by the internet wormhole. Hope you got my ask about 5 minutes ago. XD
Anyway, as another migraine haver, chronic migraine Hob is my second favourite right after bad knee Hob. And upset tummy Hob is there with them. 🥺 Imagine Hob who thought food was a necessity that made everyone sick, not just him, and it took him about 200 years on this Earth to figure out that better foods don't make him sick at all but then some of the best foods are a trap and will lead to an upset tummy anyway. Only in the 21st century does he get his answer as to what is making him sick. Bonus points if the answer is *shrug* it's usually random.
I think I did get your ask! I'm queuing a few posts up today so hopefully you'll see my answer later!! Totally understand the anxiety of stuff getting swallowed...... the Internet is a black hole.
Anyhow. TUMMY PROBLEMS HOB. This is Canon to me. I too am randomly intolerant to things for apparently no reason.
My fave headcanon to do with this is that Hob eats super bland/boring food BUT he secretly yearns for the rich and the spicy and the creamy. He has to physically restrain himself because he can just look at something and know that it'll fuck him up for days. Occasionally he allows himself a treat when he knows he has the time to spend lying in bed with tummy cramps. By god, the chocolate caramel cheesecake is worth it.
His only consolation is the humble potato, which is still a magical wonder to him. And it doesn't make him sick, yay!
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flamedraco · 2 months
hii! how are we lovely person?
for reasonable reasons I need to know:
fave time of the day
fave motifs/themes ( like poetry or indie or kindness, sparkles, alt, just like a vibe there is no wrong answer here! )
fave color palette ( feel free to use pics for all of these but PLEASE use pictures for this one)
have a lovely awesome amazing day! <333
( btw u can have multiple answers for these, for the color palette one btw I need like 2 colors minimum and 6 colors max)
I'm doing pretty good, taking a break from my Diaries AU BS at the moment because if I don't take frequent breaks this lore is going to give me a massive migraine :D
Favorite time of day is probably night. It's quieter and I'm less likely to be bothered if I'm working later into the day. Also I like sleep. Like a lot. If it's peaceful and nice I just like sleep.
Motifis and themes...well I like general royalty aesthetics and casino aesthetics with a pinch of the occasional steampunk, not to mention my favorite fallen hero trope and themes of corruption or temptation. I also practice witchcraft so I guess that can be a theme or motif.
Color pallet? My favorite colors are purple, black, and red. Kinda plays into my whole fallen hero/corruption type of deal. But I also really like mixes of red and blue with purple being mixed in between the two of them. Purple and gold as complimentary colors is also really really good. I don't really know how to upload pictures on these sorry-
Thank you for the random ask? XD
Have a good day Coffee.
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calextheneko · 4 months
Upcoming Birthday and Life Update
So first up, my birthday is coming up, and I've set up a Throne wish list for those who want to do presents. But also, I just appreciate the thought, so don't feel you're obligated. Just stopping by to say Happy Birthday on the day it comes is enough for me to get warm fuzzies. But for those who want to do presents, know I am exceptionally grateful and here is the link https://throne.com/calextheneko Now writing status. Headaches aren't as intense lately but they're still omnipresent and I've gotten a lot of really bad pain spikes. In addition I can't seem to take my ADD medicine without hurting my throat and risking higher pain spikes... So not doing well. I've been working on the current story for Switch City for over two months now and progress is slow. That one is a Patreon exclusive so will only be available on Patreon for $1 and up supporters when it does come out. After that will try to get some of the stories that are done edited so they can be uploaded to all galleries. Patreon is frozen again due to not making enough progress to justify having it open, especially since each month adds a bunch of things to my queue. I need to make sure I can get my queue reliably smaller each month before I open it back up. If anyone wants to provide general support for my writing while Patreon is paused you can use Ko-Fi. As well as could also use that for giving my birthday spending money too. Again, never required, and I will survive without it, but the option is there and I'm always very thankful. Here's the KoFi link https://ko-fi.com/calextheneko Anyway, you have all been more patient than I could ever have had the right to request. And I thank you. Health issues suck. Kids, don't get old. It's not great. Seeing neurologist this week and likely going on shots again. While no specific treatment has worked so far, a lot have caused improvements but not gotten rid of the daily migraines. So, we're hoping if we combine some things that address different causes it might finally do the job. There's some kind of pinched nerve in the back of my head, plus genetic disposition for frequent migraines (and had them all my life just didn't use to be every single day) and stress/anxiety cause of my dumb autistic traumatized brain and some other things I don't fully understand but yeah it seems like all of it just wound up being too much and exploded my two or three times a month migraines to every single zod danged day without exception. I really hope this new change in medications coming up later this week fixes it and lets me finally get back to doing what I love. Because a kitten who doesn't get to stretch his creative muscles is a very sad kitten. Anyway, thanks for taking the time to read this and check up on me. It's not all doom and gloom. My cats like to keep my company on days I'm stuck in bed hiding, and they're very sweet helping to keep my mood lifted... And steal my food... And defile my water glass. Cause... You know. Cats. XD
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robingurl · 5 months
What makes people love hurt/comfort FanFictions so much? What do you enjoy most when you write/read them?
I think for me personally, I wasn't allowed to be sick or hurt or upset. My parents meant well but I was always told to "suck it up" and move on. When I was sick, I was told to push through it and it would be better. Then they'd act shocked when I'd be at the doctor later.
Same with being tired. I'm in my late 30s and my mother FINALLY told me "Yeah, you should rest and chill for a day." Before that it was the whole "rest is for the weak."
I was going to school sick, going to work sick, etc. Just wearing myself off. Same with being hurt. Slap a bandaid on the scrape but don't you dare say it hurts, because then you're being dramatic. The bandaid "Fixes" it now move on.
Even today at 38, I'll push through a level 12 migraine where I can barely see because I'm not allowed to rest. I'm stronger than that.
So for me H/C just gives me that comfort that I wish I had. Someone loving me enough to be like "hey, you feel crappy... thats ok. Come on lets curl up and feel better."
I think there are a lot of readers like me. We just want a reminder that its ok to be sick/be hurt/be not ok and that someone will be there to remind you that its all ok and take care of you. Stay close enough to care and not push you to "Be better" when you're obviously not.
Also for Batman at least, having the dark knight drop what he's doing to take care of this 9 year old kid he adopted and make sure he's okay.
Update - I do have a best friend now who makes sure that I rest and she calls me out and how I was raised a lot and tells me to chill and rest. XD
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mapofthesoul20 · 2 years
TXT College AU Headcanons
Because TXT are officially in (Cyber) University, why not have some fun imagining the shenanigans they’d get into as average American college students? (All quotes are irl quotes by me and my friends btw XD) 
Yeonjun is the one who wakes up half of campus by screaming in the quad in the middle of the night. He is not drunk. 
Yeonjun accidentally becomes the poster child for the school and is in every ad because he is just that pretty and talented. The others never let him live it down
Yeonjun, two weeks of class left: “Is it too late to admit I don’t know what’s going on in this class?” 
Soobin was unanimously elected president of his fraternity. His frat is  actually like nice and chill, but they JUST NEVER LISTEN TO HIM. He leaves with a headache after every chapter meeting 
Soobin doesn’t understand how football works but shows up in full gear and face paint to every game 
Soobin: “If the teacher doesn’t show up in 15 minutes, we can leave”
Beomgyu is the one who burns the popcorn in the dorm at 3AM and triggers the fire alarm. Multiple times. Taehyun threatens to strangle him 
Beomgyu is on some obscure sports team, like archery or water polo, and Yeonjun is 100% convinced Beomgyu is making it up just to fuck with him
Beomgyu, crossing the street: “Go on, cars, hit me! Pay my tuition!” 
Taehyun is a lead in the a capella team (Sorry, I had to do it to someone XD). Takes them to Nationals with his rendition of Zayn Malik’s “Let Me”. (Soobin shows up in full gear to support) 
Taehyun is the friend who will always be there to help his friends move in/out, especially if there’s pizza offered. Be warned, he’s also the friend who will take a video of them when they drop something on their foot and are hopping in pain, posting it with a caption “Lol, what a loser <3″ 
Taehyun: “I should start carrying my knife around again.” 
Hueningkai’s family lives near by so he’s always hanging out with his sisters and doing laundry at home and at least once a week brings home a stray friend in need of a home-cooked meal
Hueningkai walks up to the ornamental piano gathering dust in the corner of the student lounge, plays the most hauntingly beautiful rendition of Mozart, says “I think aliens exist and we should be nice to them” and walks away never to be seen again
"Okay, what errors were made in this lab experiment?” Hueningkai: “Showing up to class.” 
Yeonjun gets drunk at frat parties and makes elaborate plans to kiss Soobin. Except he’s usually conspiring on said plans with a very drunk and very painfully oblivious Soobin
Taehyun and Hueningkai were roommates freshman year. First day of orientation, Taehyun claimed Kai as his and they’ve been bffs ever since.
Soobin: “This class is really similar to the one I took last year.” Beomgyu: “So you’re just taking the class again??” Soobin: “Well, if I wanted to change it, I would have to go talk to people...so yeah!”  
Hueningkai and Yeonjun sustain themselves off of cup noodles and whatever they can steal from the cafeteria (27 containers one time, but who’s counting). It’s not unusual to walk into the dorm kitchen in the middle of the night and see one or both of them standing in the dark slurping noodles with a dead look in their eyes
Beomgyu and Taehyun are each other’s go-to dates for Soobin’s frat’s parties because 1) It saves them the headache of having to figure out dates every time 2) they love to tease people who are jealous 3) who else is gonna turn up with them to “I’m a Barbie Girl” 4) It gives Soobin a migraine every time they clear the living room just to do a dance battle ending in Beomgyu dipping Taehyun, and really isn’t giving Soobin a headache one of the great simple pleasures of life? 
Soobin and Hueningkai one night were like, let’s get an ouija board. Immediate regret. Taehyun didn’t even bother trying to stop them, he just he hid in his room because he is a scaredy cat and smart enough to know not to mess with spirits 
Yeonjun and Beomgyu are straight A students which drives their professors crazy because they’re always talking loudly and goofing off together in class and taking up office hours trying to flirt with the professors 
Taehyun at the library: notebooks open, study guides neatly typed out, 10 highlighters and red pens at the ready, reading three books at once. Soobin next to him: gave up studying twenty minutes ago, downing a family-sized cheeto puffs bag 
Beomgyu and Hueningkai have movie nights in the dorm’s common room (often leading to said popcorn burning). They eventually get banned though because Beomgyu keeps screaming at the jump scares. And because they had reconstructed the entire common room into an elaborate fort 
When Taehyun gets really homesick he sleeps in Yeonjun’s dorm room, curled up on the beat-up bean bag and making that ‘Taehyun scream’ at anyone who tries to make him move. Yeonjun just feeds him snacks by hand and tries to convince the RA, No no, he swears, he really isn’t hiding a pet cat in his room 
Feel free to add more XD
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tonguetiedraven · 2 years
the tea or soup for a sore throat!
I wrote this one with the fantastically talented at @marble-wolf who has so kindly agreed to help me with my massive backlog of these xD
It's BonRin, hope that's okay ^^
Avoiding Trage-tea (and Stud-tea!)
Rating: T Pairing: Bon/Rin
Ryuuji loathed getting sick. Not that he supposed anyone actually enjoyed it. It was simply that he had too many things to be doing to take the time to rest, and there was really no other way to heal. 
(Everything he got also always seemed to lead to a migraine, and he loathed those so damn much and they completely immobilized him and there was nothing he could to do get through them more quickly.) 
Thanks to the rot that had plagued his temple and the circumstances around his own birth, he also frequently struggled with lingering coughs and sinuses that were almost as fucked up as his brain.
He wasn’t certain what was causing today’s problem(s). His throat felt like he’d swallowed acid, and he couldn’t quite believe it was just his sinuses draining. He wasn’t running a fever, and there weren’t any other real symptoms outside of some pressure in his head (hardly new) and a few muscle aches. He wore a mask through his classes anyway and avoided talking as much as he could, guzzling water like it could save his angry throat, and tried to just get through the day.
Until he was leaving his evening bazooka class and realized he’d promised Rin he’d tutor him on English. 
The sensible thing to do when it felt like you’d clawed your throat and swallowed salt to make it all worse would probably be to simply cancel the talking heavy plans. Just breathing and swallowing a small amount was currently agony, so tutoring Rin promised to be hell. 
But Ryuuji had been looking forward to it all week. He’d had to work for what felt like forever to get Rin comfortable with the idea of being tutored in English. Something about Ryuuji tutoring him seemed to make Rin uncomfortable and Ryuuji didn’t know if it was just that Rin didn’t want to look stupid (which seemed kind of strange when they all knew Rin regularly got zeroes which meant he couldn’t even sign his name correctly in English) or if it was just the idea of Ryuuji teaching him that had him worried (Ryuuji wasn’t unfair but he did expect effort.)
Whatever it was, Ryuuji had gotten Rin to agree and they’d had a few lessons, and Ryuuji didn’t want to lose their headway.
And sure, he didn’t want to lose the alone time with Rin either. It wasn’t a secret to anyone that he was crushing on the boy. Though, he was pretty sure Rin hadn’t realized it yet. (He really hoped that hadn’t been the reason for the hesitancy in accepting Ryuuji’s tutoring help. He was professional and wouldn’t do anything to risk their relationship. Plus, he didn’t think Rin would be like that at all…
But he still worried about it a little.)
Dying a little and trying to swallow some more of his too-cold water, Ryuuji headed towards the twins’ probably haunted dorm and trudged up the steps, letting himself just feel the miserable exhaustion for a moment longer before forcing a smile and knocking at the door. 
He’d just make today a worksheet day and try to avoid saying anything. Just a few hums of agreement. (And ugh, even that sounded like misery.)
Rin perked up when he heard the knock and gave himself one last moment to check that his hair wasn't too messy and that he looked decent (not that it mattered to Ryuuji. His friend had seen him in worse states. Ryuuji wouldn't care if his clothes were wrinkled or if his hair wasn't lying correctly) before hurrying for the door from where he had holed up in the bathroom. He tried to not be too quick. He didn't want to appear overly eager because then Ryuuji would think he was excited to learn. 
Rin wasn't excited to learn (learning was incredibly difficult but Ryuuji was endlessly patient with him now). He was excited to see Ryuuji. But Rin couldn't share that either. Because if Ryuuji caught on that Rin liked him… Rin didn't know what would happen. 
Rin adjusted himself one last time before opening the door with his typical wide grin and wagging tail. 
"Hey!" Rin greeted before he abruptly cut himself off to stare at the Aria. 
He smelled off and was a bit pale. But Ryuuji was still grinning even if it didn't completely light up his eyes like it typically did. (In an entirely distracting way that would eventually frustrate Ryuuji because Rin wouldn't be listening to what he said.)  
Ryuuji waved back, and after a moment of mildly awkward silence got out a slightly hoarse “Hi, Rin.” 
(The halfling was looking unfairly cute today with his worn jacket, dark shirt, tussled hair, and attractive eyes. The wagging tail just made him look all the happier, and it was unfair that Ryuuji could be in so much pain and still be falling all the more for Rin.) 
Rin stepped aside to let Ryuuji in, eyes narrowing. He was no stranger to human alignments since he grew up with Yukio who was incredibly prone to getting anything and everything. It was rare that his little brother didn't have at least a minor cold when they were very young. 
"Are you sick?" Rin asked as Ryuuji stepped inside.  
Ryuuji’s eyes went a bit wide as his head turned towards Rin. “What?” He croaked, trying not to wince at the pain in his throat. “I—no.” 
Probably not. Hopefully not. It wasn’t a lie. (It wasn’t.) 
Oh so Ryuuji was going to try that. (Rin would have audibly scoffed if Ryuuji had gone with Yukio's go to of, "I'm fine.") 
Rin put his hands on his hips and gave Ryuuji his best look of disapproval. "Okay, so you can help me read this cool book that's in English? Yukio says I'd like it." 
That wasn't a lie. Yukio loved to pass him random books and tell him to read.  
“Sure,” Ryuuji gruffed, marveling a little at just how much his voice sounded like sandpaper. He’d be able to kill any demon with his voice just from sounding awful. “Just show me the words.” He walked further in the building, shivering a little and feeling worse as he swallowed. 
“I’m not sick.” He said again. It didn’t sound any more believable than it had the first time. 
"Uhhuh." Rin acknowledged the attempt and moved to go upstairs. 
Rin really liked Ryuuji and part of that came from his endearing hardheaded stubbornness. His ability to stubborn his way through things was impressive. 
"It's a bigger book." Rin said and fell into a long description of what Yukio had said the book was about. (If Yukio exaggerated it to get Rin to actually read it, Rin would kill him.) 
Rin led the way up to the room, listening to Ryuuji breathe and tried to not let his worry show.  
Ryuuji was starting to shiver, and he wasn’t certain he could put it off as just the dorm. Still, he was ignoring that as well because he really could not afford to get sick. He just couldn’t. 
Rin seemed content to ramble about the book, and Ryuuji was more than content to let him. He had a feeling his throat was going to need the rest, and it really was getting worse as the day stretched on. It was going to be a miserable night.
Another drink of his water did nothing to help, and now they were at Rin’s room and Ryuuji had to figure out how to get words out of his uncooperative throat. 
Setting his bag on the desk and taking his time to riffle through the contents until he found the worksheet he’d designed for Rin. He held it up so Rin could see (hoping the little doodles of the questions helped him focus a bit more since Japanese words were almost as hard for Rin as English words) offering him a smile before setting it down and pulling out one of the two chairs to sit down in. 
He was already tired, and he really could not get sick.
Rin groaned at the sight of the paper and chose to ignore it, instead he was snatching up the book (the biggest one Yukio had handed him) and held it out. 
"This one!" He cheered with a happy wiggle of his tail. (He would follow Ryuuji's lead until Ryuuji admitted to what he felt. Even if Rin gave in and tried to pull it out directly, he had a feeling Ryuuji would get huffy and leave.)  
Ryuuji took the book in his hand and opened to the first page. The words weren’t too complex, and with some effort and a dictionary, Rin could probably figure it out.
But it was going to be hellish for Ryuuji to speak it. He always felt like he had to use a higher register for English, and the words were just… more complicated to form and it was going to hurt.
“In a hole in the ground,” Ryuuji started, and knew there was no way he could continue through this entire thing. “There lived a hobbit. Not a dirty, nasty, wet hole—” Ryuuji cut off with a harsh cough that he covered with his hand. It turned into a pained gag and him gasping for breath and struggling with getting the top off his water. 
He gulped as much as he could, feeling tears in his eyes from the force of his hacks and trying to blink them away as he braced himself for the pain of swallowing.
Rin took the book back, tossing it onto the table and turned his full attention on Ryuuji. He wasn't sure what to do to help besides wait it out then he could help. 
"Are you ready to quit being stubborn and admit you need to rest?" Rin asked gently. He hadn't wanted that amount of struggling. Maybe just a croaked sentence or two and he would have stopped Ryuuji so now he felt guilty for causing the coughing fit.  
Swallowing sucked every bit as much as Ryuuji had anticipated. His throat had to actively be on fire, and he wasn’t even entirely sure what Rin had just asked him. His ears were ringing, and this was all just grand.
He managed a ragged breath, and then another slightly less ragged one.
“Sorry,” Ryuuji choked. “It’s… I don’t know.” He spoke at a whisper, and it still hurt but it wasn’t agony. “I wasn’t running a fever, but I shouldn’t have come over.”
He pulled a mask from his pocket as he spoke, hoping it wasn’t too late, and covered his face.
"Hey, none of that. It's not a big deal!" Rin said with what he hoped was a comforting smile. "Besides, it's better to be sick here than anywhere else in this Academy!" 
Rin's temperature was naturally high but he still reached to set his wrist against Ryuuji's head like he had always seen Shirou do for Yukio. (The thought made his heart twist with longing.) Ryuuji was definitely warmer than Rin was sure humans were supposed to be but Rin couldn't remember where Yukio kept the basic medical supplies. (Yukio made certain Rin knew where the big stuff was but little things like thermometers just didn't come up.) 
"Right. Well. You're not leaving until Yukio gets back to check you over." Rin told him. "Come on, you can lay down on my… bed." (Now Rin was blushing and honestly, Ryuuji was sick and shouldn't have to deal with Rin's Rin-ness on top of everything else.)  
Ryuuji’s face went bright red at Rin’s hand against his head, and he could only hope Rin thought it was that he was sick. 
The lay down on my bed had Ryuuji hacking again. 
“That—that’s not— I can just go home. I don’t need to put you out—and you had a test coming up we were supposed to study for?” And agh. All his talking was hardly a whisper and it still hurt, and even his ears were red now. He was going to combust before he could get to the bed at this point.
(But the part of him that wasn’t flailing from Rin being so close and touching his face in that gentle way wasn’t at all surprised by the turn of things. Of course Rin saw he was sick and didn’t let it slide. That care for his friends was part of why Ryuuji had fallen for Rin. Rin didn’t let people hurt or suffer when he was around. He did whatever he could to make it better, even if it was something like offering his own bed.)
"I won't get sick." Rin said. He had yet to get sick from anything that was just typical colds. Now, if it was a demonic disease or bacterias, then he could. But he would risk it. 
Rin took a deep breath to steady himself and reached to grab Ryuuji's hands and tugged. 
"Come on, princess. You need to lay down. And I doubt you can make it across campus in your condition… so," Rin grinned mischievously, "I can carry you to your dorm. Or you can stay here!"  
Ryuuji discovered he could blush harder. He spluttered behind the mask and hugged the book to his chest. 
Rin carrying him across campus was entirely ridiculous, but that didn’t stop him from swallowing thickly (and painfully) at the thought of how easily Rin could do it. (Rin’s strength was something he’d found incredibly attractive from the beginning.)
“Fine,” he grumbled. “I’ll sit here until Yukio gets back.” 
(And Rin was holding his hands now, and he could only hope they weren’t clammy because Rin’s hands were warm and entirely nice to hold. Nicer than Ryuuji had ever imagined in the few times he’d let himself really imagine.) 
Another cough had him drinking more water and once again wincing as the icy water did nothing to help. 
Stubborn. So stubborn. 
"Lay down." Rin insisted, with a beckon to his bed. It was all rumpled and unmade with the blankets spilling to the floor but he thought his bed was comfortable. "I'm gonna go grab something. You better be in my bed when I get back." (Oh that came out awful.) 
Rin whipped around and ran from the room with a hot blush on his cheeks. He was going to get some water boiling and then hunt down their medicines. He'd call Yukio to ask if he had to but he didn't want to tip Yukio off that anything was amiss. Rin could take care of Ryuuji better than Ryuuji sitting in an infirmary or alone in his dorm room. 
He still hadn't recovered from his incredibly embarrassing words by the time he had set up water to boil and browsed the contents of the cabinets and refrigerator. Ukobach gave him suggestions and he chatted with the stove demon as he got his help in preparing soup for Ryuuji. 
Rin set to cooking the soup and preparing the tea as quickly as he could, glancing at the clock and hoping he wasn't taking too long.  
Ryuuji watched Rin flee the room with his eyes huge and his mouth open. You better be in my bed. 
Ugh. Ryuuji was going to die blushing at this rate. Rin couldn’t have realized how that sounded, could he?
But now Ryuuji was imagining Rin saying that in a different context, and he had to sit down (on Rin’s bed!) so he could get a breath. 
He was making rather a mess of this study session. At least the mask hid some of his flustered state, but Rin was going to notice soon (he might not be the most observant, but Rin wasn’t stupid) and there would be questions (because Rin always asked questions) and Ryuuji wasn’t sure how he could answer or explain. He’d have told any of the others that he wasn’t feeling well. He’d have told them they’d do the study session later or that they could do it, but it’d have to be with writing or something less painful than talking. But Rin…
But Rin was someone Ryuuji didn’t want to reschedule with Rin. He wanted to spend the time with Rin when he could.
He leaned back on the messy bed, a bit surprised how the disheveled blankets and covers and… sweaters? All seemed to make a nice area to lay. There were soft and warm things everywhere, and he found himself settling back into as he pulled the book closer and got a pencil and notebook out as well to do some work while he waited.
Downstairs, Rin had successfully found their supply of cold and flu medicines and even the thermometer but he didn't know what Ryuuji was able to take so he stuffed all of it into a bag that he had hooked on his arm. Then he set the cup of steaming green tea on the tray next to the bowl of also steaming miso soup. He wiped a splash of the soup off his hand onto his apron, and beamed at the tray. 
He left Kuro and Ukobach with their own bowls and hurried up the stairs as steadily as he could. It was slower than he'd like but he was still able to balance incredibly well with his tail out. 
But he slowed as he remembered his parting words. 
If Ryuuji mentioned it, Rin would turn to ash and float away. 
Rin forced himself to continue on and peeked into his room, his eyes softening at the sight of Ryuuji on his bed. (That sent a surge of ridiculous excitement running through him.) 
"Breakfast in bed for princess!" Rin whispered to try and not startle him.  
“Not a princess,” Ryuuji rasped, glaring even as the blush returned. He hadn’t expected Rin to come back with so much, and he was torn between insisting that it was all too much and he was fine, and basking in the attention from his crush.
But he could also smell tea and it promised to be soothing to his miserable throat. 
So he shifted up a little and tried to soften his expression. “Tea?”
"Green tea!" Rin cheered, moving to sit at the edge of his bed. "You don't need that mask, seriously. Unless you've been playing in Light's weird stuff again." 
"And miso soup!" Rin continued, tucking his legs up under himself and scooting closer. "You also got a bunch of medicine to pick through." 
Rin adjusted to dump the bag next to Ryuuji's leg. "And if none of that will work, I can go grab something else! I got some money, so I can buy something too. Or—" 
Rin realized he was rambling and cut himself off with a little laugh.  
“I’m sure this is fine, I’m… It’s mostly just my throat.” Ryuuji said as he reached for the pain killers. They’d be the safest to start with and might help the slight aches he was feeling. “Don’t think it’s Lightning,” he added and took the mask off. 
(Had Rin been rambling or was it just him? He was blushing a little too, but Ryuuji might be imagining that. Maybe he was sick.)
He popped the pills in his mouth and swallowed it down with the water before setting that aside and reaching for the tea. He cupped the warm mug in his hands and curled his entire body around it, breathing in the steam and relaxing a little at the scent of his favorite drink. (The miso smelled divine as well, and really…)
“Thank you. Sorry you had to go to all this trouble, but it smells fantastic.”
"Had to?" Rin shook his head. "But I wanted to. I would have brought you some soup even if you didn't come over!" 
His tail was wagging as Ryuuji visibly relaxed and the tension in his face lessened. Rin was relieved that he was able to help.  
Ryuuji took a sip of the tea, relaxing a little as the tea soothed some of the ache. Another sip had him able to swallow, and he set the mug aside on the desk while he accepted the soup and tried to think through what Rin had just said.
It was probably something Rin would do for any friend, but Ryuuji’s heart couldn’t help but hope a little. It was an endless sort of hope and it always ached a little. Still…
He spooned some up, eyeing Rin’s tail and smiling softly as he drank it down. (Warm, flavorful, and soothing. Everything he could want.) One spoonful quickly led to a second, and then a third before he forced himself to pause and reach for the notebook.
“Got some study stuff for you,” he rasped. “Might help with the test.”
Rin gave a long whiny mournful noise and flopped across his bed, stretching out and rolling to stuff his face in the thick blankets along the edge next to the wall. 
"Ryuuji!" He whined in a muffled voice. The test would probably not go well anyway and, "can't we take a break today? You gotta be tired and I don't want to."  
“Do you ever?” Ryuuji teased. He nudged Rin’s leg with his foot, blushing a little at how much he wanted to keep his foot pressed against Rin’s leg. (And not just because he was pleasantly warm.) “Promise you’ll practice the basics I taught ya?”
He’d written a recipe down for Rin in the notebook, and felt like that was his best bet for making it interesting for Rin, but Rin could see it later. Ryuuji couldn’t be much help if he couldn’t talk. (And being in Rin’s bed with a meal Rin had made specifically for him to help his sore throat wasn’t helping his own ability to think.)
“This is really good,” he added as he took a few more spoonfuls. It was getting a little easier to swallow and he was relaxing back more into Rin’s surprisingly comfortable bed.
"No, I don't. I promise I'll practice tomorrow." Rin mumbled before reaching down to return the nudge with a finger against Ryuuji's ankle. 
He lifted his head, hoping the redness to his face wasn't obvious as he looked over his shoulder at Ryuuji. 
"Is it helping? I tried to make sure it was perfect for you!" Rin told him. 
Ryuuji seemed more peaceful now than when he had arrived and that made Rin happy.  
“Yeah,” Ryuuji managed at a louder volume than he had yet. “It’s helping a lot.” Then, a bit more softly, “thank you.” 
(Was Rin blushing or was Ryuuji imagining it? He wasn’t imagining the fingers teasing at his ankle, and Rin had made this specifically for him.)
“And you should really practice them tonight, but I’ll take it.” 
He finished the rest of the soup, blushing a little himself as he played it all over in his mind and tried to decide if he was reading into any of this. 
Grabbing his tea back up, he found it had gone a little cool, but he still curled around it anyway, shivering a little, and that wasn’t a good sign for it just being a sore throat. Ugh. 
Rin's tail had begun to wag at Ryuuji's words and he had to catch himself from accidentally smacking Ryuuji. But then Ryuuji was shivering and Rin lifted himself to scoot closer to peek at him. 
His eyes definitely had that glassy feverish quality that Rin had seen on other people and that just made Rin frown. It looked like he was getting worse rather than better. 
Rin reached out, setting his hand against Ryuuji's head again and chuffed an unhappy noise, sitting back on his haunches. 
"You're really sick." Rin grumbled worriedly. 
The shivering wasn't welcome, so, steeling himself for it, Rin set his hand over one of Ryuuji's and sent a flare of warmth over his skin. He was quickly having any embarrassment and reluctance to touch Ryuuji disappear under the worry.  
“It’s fine,” Ryuuji assured, staring wide-eyed at the fantastically warm hand on his own. He’d never realized how warm and soft Rin’s hands were. They were entirely nice to touch.
“I’m not that bad. If I was I wouldn’t be lucid. I’d probably be trying to tell—” Ryuuji cut himself off with a startled cough, horrified at how much he’d almost pulled a Rin and rambled part of a confession. 
Rin lifted an eyebrow at that reaction, curious but more worried about getting the trembling to stop. He couldn't remember what Shirou had done so long ago. 
Rin scooted closer until he was perched with his legs pressed against Ryuuji's leg. 
"If you weren't lucid… you'd tell me all Shima's most embarrassing moments." Rin filled in though he was certain that wasn't even a little close. 
Rin slipped his other hand under the mug and heated his hand to past what would be comfortable to touch and warmed the mug and the liquid inside slowly.  
“Shima…” Ryuuji’s attention was torn between too many touches and his own ridiculousness. How had the study session turned into an almost cuddle on Rin’s bed?
“Shima doesn’t need me to embarrass him. He does a great job of it all by himself.”
“Thanks —” The tea was steaming again, and Ryuuji lifted his gaze to find Rin much too close. His face went warm at the nearness and he found whatever he was going to say had slipped right away from his mind. 
Rin's eyes met Ryuuji's and his cheeks grew even hotter and it was his turn to choke on air. He offered a lopsided grin, a fang slipping over his lips. But the silence was stretching but he couldn't think of what to say. 
"You… should take a nap." Rin whispered. His eyes were caught between Ryuuji's eyes and his lips and the dark hair hanging over his temple that Rin wanted to touch.  
Ryuuji could, in all honesty, probably not trust his mind right now. He was clearly coming down with something, and it was likely making him see more than was really there.
Still, Rin was looking at his lips, and even Ryuuji’s sick mind was pretty damn sure what that meant. It was enough to have his heart fluttering and his breath catching a little with so much yearning that he had to swallow (agh!) again. 
“Here?” He asked softly, trying not to lean closer before he got his answer. 
Rin could feel his hair shifting with flickers of fire and that was embarrassing and hopefully didn't startle Ryuuji. 
Rin's face was burning (literally) but he nodded. "Yeah… here."  
With a moment of possibly fever induced daring, Ryuuji shifted one of the hands he was holding the tea with around so he could grab Rin’s hand in his own.
If this failed, he’d blame it on delirium and apologize. 
“You gonna join me?” Ryuuji asked, raising his gaze to Rin’s and brushing his thumb over Rin’s knuckles. 
Rin squeezed Ryuuji's hand and blushed brighter as his flames crawled down his tail. 
"Of course. I have to guard my princess." Rin breathed, wondering if he had fallen asleep during the study session and he was dreaming.  
Ryuuji shook his head with a huff as he brought the rest of the tea up to finish what was left. 
“I had to go and fall for a dork,” he muttered, and then, realizing what he’d said, blushed and spluttered and spilled some of the tea on both of their hands.
“I’m not a princess!” He yelped like that would cover what he’d said.
Rin was laughing a soft chuckle that made him tingle with a shy sort of affection. 
"That's right. You're my princess. There's a difference. I'd be mad if anyone else called you that." No one else had heard Rin call Ryuuji that. 
"And that's okay. I fell for a dork too." Rin admitted, his tail shifted without his permission to shyly brush over Ryuuji's leg.  
“Yeah?” Ryuuji asked softly, spilled tea and princess all but forgotten at that admission. (He could handle being Rin’s princess. He’d already had to deal with it for a while, and there were much worse things to be. And he kind of liked the my in that.) 
Then, without waiting for an answer, he tugged on the hand he had captive to pull Rin to settle beside him.
Rin squeaked and landed in a pile of limbs against Ryuuji, rapidly coming to the realization that this wasn't a dream and Ryuuji was solid and comfortable. Rin stretched out, hesitantly stretching an arm out to sit over Ryuuji's chest. 
He held himself uncertainly, trying to figure out what to do with his other arm and his tail that wanted to touch Ryuuji and his legs. How did people cuddle? Was that what was happening?  
Ryuuji finished the tea so he would have his hands free (and to soothe his throat from the talking.) Then, satisfied with that, he let his tired body do what it wanted and shifted down a little on the bed. He kept himself a bit elevated on the pillows and released Rin’s hand to wrap his arm around Rin instead, tugging him a bit closer. Ryuuji slipped one of his leg around so Rin’s was draped over it, and traced along the arm Rin had thrown over his chest until he found Rin’s hand and intertwined their fingers. 
“Okay?” He asked softly as his head tilted towards Rin’s. 
Rin looked up with wide eyes, the hot ghost of Ryuuji's touch over his arm had nearly shut off all his thoughts and he couldn't help but admire Ryuuji so close. He was handsome even with the sheen of sickness in his eyes. His body was pressed close and Rin swallowed down his tempting reaction to pull away with embarrassment. 
"Yeah." Rin whispered, letting his tail reach and loop around Ryuuji's leg. 
He stroked Ryuuji's hand, and sank into the embrace. It was everything he had hoped it would be and more. He had always wanted Ryuuji to hold him like this.  
“You’re gonna study… tomorrow. Pass the test.” Ryuuji swallowed and found it hurt a bit less than it had as Rin’s weight settled against him. “Then maybe… Maybe we can go out?”  
He was tired and close to sleep, but he’d stay awake a little longer for this.
Rin fell to the temptation and lifted a hand to brush through Ryuuji's hair, finding it as soft as he had thought it would be. He was starting to purr and that was mildly embarrassing. 
"I guess I'll study…" Rin sighed dramatically, curling a finger through a lock of dark hair. "But yeah… we can go on a date!" 
The word was exciting and he was already thinking of different things they could do together. 
"And… you should know." Rin said with a soft laugh. "I don't think Yukio will be coming back anytime soon. He left on a mission."  
Ryuuji’s eyes — which had lulled shut at the soothing sensation of Rin’s hand in his hair — popped back open. He blinked and looked down at Rin before snorting. 
“Tricky monkey.” He closed his eyes again and settled down for the nap that was quickly coming on. “Sounds like ya just wanted me to hang around.” Then, with a bit of a yawn, he shifted the arm he had around Rin so he could thread his fingers through Rin’s soft hair. “Soon as I’m better… go on a date…” 
Ryuuji drifted off feeling warm, safe, and like his throat was going to let him live. Which was good, because he was absolutely going on that date with Rin.
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charmixpower · 2 years
Any Aisha/Layla headcannons?
Yeah yeah! Aisha is always hard for her because the timeline of events, and what Aisha would of realistically able to learn with the way her parents are don't match what we see she's capable of. Every day she makes my head spin XD
The comics fucked so hard with the idea that Aisha was on Magix when it was attacked helping the pixies. I imagine she helped redirect the army of decay to keep the Trix from actually paying attention to Pixie village
The idea that Aisha was there, fighting off the army of decay just like the Winx, and barely missed them sings to me. They missed eachother by a hair! It's fate that they're both there! Idk it's so much fun
Aisha isn't her birth name, when running away she used a new name so no one would connect her to the currently lost princess. Layla is her birth name. I thought it would be cute to add both of her names in there
Aisha will try just about anything once. She has the worst case of FOMO, and hates not experiencing things
Aisha is very close to Tressa, and would often run off into the ocean to talk to her as a child. Tressa doesn't understand any of Aisha's parents actions, and often encourage Aisha's to mischief and to follow her dreams a lot like Anne did. Aisha only started talking to her because of Anne, and they're pretty similar all things considered
Aisha gets pretty close to Francis, the fairy of laughter, during her first year. They have a lot of the same classes, and Francis's laid back joyful nature does wonders to chill the anxious and stressy Aisha during her adjustment period
Aisha hates worrying about her public image and what people think of her with a passion. I can't imagine her ever taking the throne, because just thinking about the pr would give her a migraine. Once she and the Winx become the new company of light, she shuts down all her socials and starts wearing more sunglasses and such to avoid the paparazzi
Aisha tries to come off as cool and confident but she has like zero interpersonal skills because she's had like two friends before the Winx. What I'm saying is that the early part of her and Nabu's relationship involved a lot of blushing and awkwardness. Neither of them had actually ever been on a real date before and anyone could tell from a mile away
On that note, no one can convince me that Aisha has had a male friend, or even had a real conversation with a guy she wasn't related to before s2. It simply never happened
Out of all of the Winx, Aisha takes her job as Guardian Fairy the most seriously. Everyone else has a second, primary job, on top of being a guardian (Stella with her fashion, Musa with her music, Tecna is making stuff, I like to imagine Bloom doin stuff that's art related, and Flora probably becomes a magicbio scientist) except for Aisha. She's the only one who treats being a guardian as a main job, and anything else as secondary. The Winx usually let the lower, weaker, guardian Faries handle most things that don't require someone as powerful as them, but Aisha handles just about everything on Andros. She really enjoys it too, be finds the work of helping people very fulling and understands why the boys wanted to become specialists
(unsurprisingly if Aisha wasn't a fairy she would of become a specialist, like Anne wanted to)
Due to this Aisha is one of the most active in the practicalities and day to day function of protection a planet and works the closest with her planet's military to deal with things like magical monsters. I can imagine her mentoring younger faries who want to do a job like hers
On that note Aisha is fiercely dedicated to Andros. Like, everyone else cares about their planets, but Aisha takes it to the highest level. The Andro's people took her in when she ran away and taught her wave spells, rain dances, and all sorts of things she couldn't even imagine at home. She loves her people and community so dearly she can't put it into words, so working to keep that community safe and happy as a public servant is the job I think would make Aisha the happiest. She'd be ecstatic to be able to give back
(I like the idea that Aisha was knighted after standing up against Valtor and doing everything she could to save Andros, and I wonder if that would be a proper position in anything? Like there's likely different classes of Guardian Fairy, Aisha is more of the deals with physical threats and natural disasters kind, but I wonder if that gives her rank in other institutions)
Aisha totally gets a squire at one point. Please. I think it would be really funny. They're just a younger fairy trying to get the hang of this whole Powerful Fairy thing, but Aisha takes her role so seriously. I think it would be even funnier if this was her later seasons love interest. Why is this guy apart of the friend group when Nabu is still alive, bc he's Aisha's baby. She's teaching him about fairy stuff. I don't know enough about this Nex guy or his plot lines to say anything except I think this would be really funny
Aisha is so competitive that she's terrible at group sports. She takes them way too seriously, constantly get upset at her teammates, and should not be allowed to play them. Based on the fact that my mother banned me from team sports as a child for the same reason...some people just aren't built for competing with other people. In my defense I was like 8
I think she'd ask all the guys to teach her a little bit about each of their weapons. She thinks Stella's focus weapon is really really cool and wants one for herself but doesn't know what style she wants to go for
I feel like Aisha would by the most down for sparring, along with Bloom. Idk, something about those two. I imagine they'd spar a good bit to keep their skills sharp, and a little for fun
She seems like the kind of person who loves horror but is beyond easily shaken up. Drags Riven or Tecna to see a horror movie with her and neither of them understand why she keeps doing this to herself. Piff is annoyed with her
Speaking of Piff, faries usually go to "get" a pixie when they're struggling with someone. For example, Roxy is gonna probably get a pixie to deal with the fact that her magic developed faster than her body could handle (one transformation per year is the fastest you can go without consequences, and Roxy did their two or three) so she went to see if there was a pixie that could help relegate her magic. Aisha's parents did the same for her, under advisement form Teboc. Piff has been with Aisha since Anne left, and they're really close. Most pixie fairy relationships are kinda friendly but not super close, ie they usually go their separate ways after they get what they want, but even if Aisha over comes her chronic night terrors Piff and Aisha wouldn't leave eachother
I think because Aisha is based off of Beyonce she should have an amazing singing voice. She'd never do anything with it, as the stage fright would actually kill her, but sometimes she provides backing vocals for Musa
It's a personal hc of mine that Aisha and Diaspro know eachother. I just think it would be a good influence in Diaspro to see someone who already broke away from the stifling requirements of royalty and decided to become her own person, while it would provide more motivation for Aisha to get away as she watches Diaspro lose all personality and hobbies outside of what is deemed acceptable
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Hi Koni!🤗💜As promised, I finally thought of an ask for your OCs😌hoping it's not too trivial, stupid or complicated🙈In any case-
We already know about Clover's feelings for Jamil, and in your last post, I read that Klee seems to have a soft spot for Jade, so a question arose: how did their crushes begin? Was there attraction at first sight, or did love blossom only after a particular event?🤔
I would like to know how Clover and Klee respectively lived their experiences☺Thanks in advance for your time!✨
Finally I got to answer this! Sorry for the long wait, I've been having a glorious streak of migraines and/or bad moods... But yeah, I'm feeling pretty good today, so here I am :>
It's kinda funny that you asked about this, because I can happily tease that the next story to drop will feature Klee's experience about falling in love with Jade! I hope I'm not spoiling too much, but the boy is... very quick to fall in love. And he falls HARD. For being as expressionless as he is, Klee sure feels love very intensely, and uh... Well, you will see for yourself xD
Since that is a bit short of an answer though, I'll take the liberty to switch fandoms and talk about his love life in obey me a bit.
Klee is way more introverted within the obey me Universe, much more fixated on being an author and he generally just does his own thing because again, no one takes any interest in him anyway.
That is until, one day at the RAD library, Klee is seeking comfort and reaches for a human world book, in fact one of his all-time favourites...
... Then his fingers touch those of Satan, avatar of Wrath, and Klee grows absolutely weak to this cliché happening. Yes, he has known the demon brothers for weeks, and yes, he has exchanged, like, nine words with Satan. But right there, right now, Klee saw before is inner eye how he'd grow old together with Satan, at least eight children at their side, a house turtle to accompany them as they-
Ahem. Sorry.
Well, when Satan then even was so kind and told Klee to not mind him and take the book...
... That ultimately sealed the start of Klee's heavy, heavy crush that shows lots of daydreaming, secret fanfic writing and hoping that all his sudden life plans with this weird cat loving dude come true eventually 💕
(also back to Twst)
As for Clover ... She had a similar experience, but fought against it at first.
Clover doesn't believe in love at first sight, because in her opinion, that would only involve a person's looks, which she absolutely doesn't want to judge people on.
And yet... When she first laid eyes on Jamil, she was charmed immediately. I imagine she was invited to have dinner at Scarabia dorm, being friends with Kalim already. Looking for Kalim in the kitchen, she instead encountered Jamil, who was skillfully cooking up several dishes at once while humming a little tune to himself. And, well, his name doesn't translate to "beautiful" for nothing - his athletic body, his dark locks, his V O I C E - Clover couldn't help but stare until Jamil noticed her presence, shooting her an amused little glance, maybe paired with a sassy little remark, and thereby killing her off completely.
But yeah, Clover HATES having crushes on highly attractive people, since those also make her act all stupid and blushy around the person. But you can't be friends with Kalim without being around Jamil, too, right?
That led Clover to see more and more of him, how hard he worked, how tired he looked. Jamil stroke her as a flawless, rather cold being - which she usually isn't attracted to at all. However when she started catching glimpses of his snarky side, his enormous fear of insects, and this blush that involuntarily crosses his cheeks when he's being complimented...
... Clover wanted to never miss any of those moments ever again. She needed to see this person behind the mask, needed to support him with all she got.
She couldn't deny her feelings any longer.
I'm still thinking of a nice moment of realisation for her, where she admits it's more than fancying Jamil for his attractive traits, but rather genuine care for whom he is. I might also write that out one day 💕
I hope that answers your question dear awkward noodle friend! Thanks again so much for asking about my OCs, I can't describe how happy your interest makes me ♥️
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dennydraws · 8 months
Good Morning and happy Mon- wait it's Tuesday!
Argh, I got lost in time again! It's another week and back to the grind! Why weekends can't be longer...
Whew, youtubing is getting slightly easier! But now I struggle with the phone camera. I keep trying different settings and at the end the weird wiggle still persists. But for now I just want to get more comfy with the drawing process while recording cause that alone can be a little uncomfy hehe I guess it's the whole selfconcious that you are being recorded XD but with that said, I ran out of energy to record a voice over last weekend while fighting a terrible migraine on Sunday. I thought to leave it for the next weekend instead of pushing myself but if I get burst of energy earlier, I will post it through the week :D
Comic work! Thank you for following "The Snake, The Firebrand and The King of All" !! ... that title sure is a mouthful, huh xD; The next chapter will be a bit late, likely next monday? I did outline it, I had to start sketching the pages on Sunday but I felt so incredibly tired, I spent most of the day just sleeping. I think work fatigue piled on me once more. We have a lot of holidays in February and of course a lot of graphics for those. I've been coming home with nothing but brain fog, static noise and desire to sleep forever. u_u;; But at least chapter 11 is fully sketched and I quite liked the flow of it! It is a bit more complex but maybe I can line art it little by little through the week rather than all at once in the weekend. I'll see! I'm pass the mid point and into the fluff now! +o+ I didn't think I'd go this far for something I didn't incredibly prepared for!
I've been playing Fire Emblem Heroes on the side... while waiting for other games to come out this year - looking at Eiyuden 👀! I will likely drop off the earth till I finish it, when it comes out, hehe ! :D But yes! FE! I'm long time fan though I hadn't played anything after Awakening, so more of a fan of the old ones? I couldn't invest the time and energy to pick 3 Houses purely because there was no golden ending of everyone lives and is happy - I'm too old for that sad shite, okay? u_u;;; Fates... we don't talk about Fates and Engage felt like the vtuber nation attacked. I couldn't get pass the character designs so I never touched it. The mobile game is fun and I just mainly picked it so I could grab some faves and pamper them! Lucky for me my faves have like no alts and were easy to pick :D;;; ...so I guess my taste is that bad, huh 8D;; It's ok Gangrel, I still think you are the best Trash King!
But yes~ I'm swamped at work, my hands are giving in, I can't wait for the weather to get warmer and I can't wait for Eiyuden to come out! \o/ Until then, I try to survive xD;; but don't we all? Apologies for not posting much...or anything lately. Work has just been soul crushing crunch as usual when several big holidays come in 1 month.
In any case ~ Thank you for stopping by and I hope you have great rest of the week! \o/!!
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dasloddl · 10 months
not sure which ones you've gotten already for the spotify wrapped ask game so here are some random numbers :)
13, 56, 72, 88, 100
spotify wrapped ask actually none of these numbers have been answered before :D
hmmm idk how it got here, I thought this song was featured on the ddf movie "Erbe des Drachen" but I don't think so anymore... but I do know that I heard it around the same time as "what you know" by two door cinema club, so maybe it was recommended to me after and I thought it slapped...
well I gotta be honest on here (Tumblr) (I actually don't, but I will be)... another song from [redacted] which was in our shared playlist... I didnt think it would actually show up on here since I didnt actually listen to it very much...
I probably accidentally found this again one day and it brought back childhood memories so I put it into my favourites, not much story here xD
I mean.... twenty one pilots... a classic... I had a vessel phase where I probably listened to it a lot but other than that its probably here because of tøp superiority
here I could basically give you the exact same answer as above haha
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ephemeral-darkness · 1 year
10, 16, and 25 for the ask game seem fun <3
10: Want any piercings?
So, I already have a few (nostril, septum, snakebites, middle labret, stretched ears) and I also want quite a few!! I am next getting the other side of my nose done, then probably an eyebrow piercing (maybe 2), and then I really want a bridge piercing. Because of my weird ears, I don't have the anatomy for a lot of those but I do want a few there too.
16: I’ll love you if…
And hmm, this is a tough one! I love all sorts of different people, but honestly just being authentic and don't treat me weirdly for my special interests/hyperfixations. The bar is THAT low lmao. I have dealt with too many horrible people in the past, people I thought loved me either platonically or romantically and turned out to be terrible, so as long as you are a cool person and we gel. (I also have terrible avoidance issues so oof)
25: My idea of a perfect date
I have many because I dream of this stuff a lot XD But the one that is closest to a reality currently is the day trip Byron and I are planning to Whitby! As a pair of gothic horror nerds, its necessary to go there at least once. My next one would be concerts, they are literally the perfect environment (even if the last triggered a migraine) and no one can tell me otherwise.
But to be honest, every date with my boyfriend. Just sharing that moment, that specific moment that will never be the same, ahhh its so perfect in of itself. I will stop before I begin simping lmao
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