#Beau sinclair
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fanaticloser · 2 years ago
Finding a good character Spotify playlist is hard cause I want THEIR playlist not a playlist of their vibes.
Like no I don’t think they listen to this artist. Does the song apply to them? Yes. Do I love this song? Yes, but they wouldn’t play it themselves.
Like I want a playlist they created themselves.
Yeah, we can joke and say they’d listen to this or that, but they actually wouldn’t and it so weird when a one of those songs pop up.
It’ll still be a great playlist. But not THAT characters playlist.
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leoandbeholdclark · 1 year ago
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"(...) I would have really liked just doing laundry and taxes with you."
/Everything Everywhere All At Once
Credits to all cc creators!
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brainddeadd · 6 months ago
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choicesmc · 2 months ago
LoA Book 1, Chapter 3
No, I didn’t give up on these. I just got really bad paralysis about having to be mean to a character until I remembered that I could just… restart the chapter 🤦
Anyhow, this chapter was Beau-centric so he’ll be the focus of today’s post!! This chapter also included the coworker relationship system so I have 2 playthrough screenshots: 1 where you’re mean/dismissive of Beau and another where you're nice/supportive of Beau ^^
As always, all under the read more <33
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banner by: @/roseschoices [the post]
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First up is Beau’s reaction to the settlement Mrs Redwing was offered. The thing that struck me about these is how Beau is simultaneously grounded and out-there in his reaction.
On one hand, this is a very real, humorous way of remarking on the settlement amount. It’s clear Beau is sympathizing with Mrs Redwing here, or at least attempting to. Even more, it’s not hard to envision this reaction working with a different client!
In that vein, Beau’s mistake is forgetting the real medical costs Mrs Redwing was hoping to tackle with the settlement money. Mrs. Redwing says as much here:
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screenshot credit: Lokim23’s playthrough on YouTube [here]
Beau is a naturally sympathetic person. I think, out of everyone on the team (with MC as an exception depending on how you play them), Beau is the most sympathetic to a client’s feelings. Does he fumble? Yes, an example being here. But when compared to the rest of the lawyers, he is the only one to make an effort at consoling Mrs Redwing.
If you argue that Koenig was illegally surprising evidence, Martin will agree with you but Beau says this:
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screenshot credit: Lokim23’s playthrough on YouTube [here]
For me, this is telling. Both MC and Martin argue for conspiracy, but that’ll only make the acceptance harder on Mrs Redwing. Beau reminding us and Mrs Redwing that bad luck is an option, would allow Mrs Redwing to come to terms more quickly.
Next up, Beau’s reaction to you either telling him not to get in your way or thinking it’d be a great idea for y’all to team up.
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This is his reaction to you dismissing him. Which. Fair. You did essentially tell him you don’t think highly of him. So, warranted reaction. What’s more exciting is if you react positively to working with Beau:
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He’s genuinely surprised. He did not think you’d want to. He thinks you’re lying to him. Even he didn’t know what he could bring to the table. The right-hand screenshot makes that clear: Beau didn’t actually know what to bring to the table.
This raises an interesting question: how well does Beau know himself/his skills? While chapter 3 is a little to early to call, Beau does show a pattern of undervaluing himself. Despite his charisma, among other skills, he doesn’t seem to be aware that he has them.
Continuing in this angle, this scene (if you tell Beau it’s a dumb idea to go over the deposition recording) is also given new light:
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Simply put, Beau is pretty good at reading between the lines. If you did accept this help, MC notes this later in the chapter (assuming you took the premium scene to talk to Martha, the housekeeper, during lunch):
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There’s only two options here. 1) Without being aware of MC’s theory, Beau simply picked that up from the scant deposition <- which is insane work or 2) based off the ONE SINGULAR question MC asks:
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screenshot credit: Lokim23’s playthrough on YouTube [here]
Beau deduced what we were thinking which is also insane.
In summary, Beau shows another case of undervaluing himself and proves to be more sympathetic than is originally assumed. Pretty solid for a chapter.
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banner by: @/roseschoices [the post]
Gigi’s Corner
Now, there isn’t much to say on Gigi this chapter. She rarely showed up 😢 But where she did did give me a couple thoughts so:
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Gigi comes off as a little vengeful here. To be clear, so would I. I would also be vengeful. I would pay for a picture of Willow’s face when we nail her with wage theft. This is something I am NOT faulting Gigi for.
What I am bringing up, however, is this is the first time we’ve seen Gigi be vengeful. She is a rather chill person, she’s not even in this competition to win, but don’t let that fool you into thinking that she holds no strong opinions. To me, it seems pretty clear that she will search for Petty Revenge if you have an opinion she thinks is stupid (like thinking vaccines are poisons 😒)
Additionally, this scene:
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Gigi may be just speaking in anger but, clearly, she knows how risky that is? Hoping that the jury just… ignores evidence counter to yours isn’t a winning legal strategy. Considering her choice of Adrian for the center of the lawsuit in chapter 2 which was based of this reasoning:
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She’s… not great at legal strategy. Her initial instinct was Adrian because he’s mediagenic, then she swapped back to Adrian because her girlfriend was familiar with him despite not being online much. Both of these scenes show that Gigi values personal anecdotes very highly.
She’s projecting her personal experience onto how she thinks others will behave. She’s convinced by Adrian’s video that there’s something in the water, so a jury will too. Her chronically offline girlfriend knows about Adrian’s video so he’s going he perfect choice for the lawsuit.
Maybe the reason Gigi finds the people part of being a law so engaging is because she isn’t good at separating her experiences from other people’s realities. So, unlike the more systemic parts of lawyering, people can consistently surprise her.
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banner by: @/roseschoices [the post]
Fiona’s Corner
If you came for Gigi/Beau analysis, feel free to stop reading here <33 Everything in this section pertains to personal headcannons I have about my MC.
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oh?? This made me wonder how fiona would react to a case that’s simply impossible to win. Like, there’s no second shot. There’s no collusion, it’s just a case he can’t win.
I think it’d eat at him. In all honestly, he wouldn’t let it go. It’d be something he keeps checking up on on the off-hope something he can work with comes up…
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I think Fiona hides behind logic a lot. Like, he’s super prone to tidying his feelings by presenting them as logical. I think it’s a holdover from how he was raised where he was encouraged to be logic-minded and heavily pushed away from emotional responses.
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Honestly this case hits close to home. Fiona kinda hates how he left off? Like, yes, he made the win. But Serenity is still suffering. It’s not like he set a precedent that children’s safety supersedes parental autonomy. All he did was stop the opposite from becoming true.
Genuinely, Willow isn’t a good mom. Need I remind y’all of this scene:
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screenshot credit: Lokim23’s playthrough on YouTube [here]
Against an adult, that is a crime. And Fiona witnesses that. And knows it’s going to keep happening.
This whole case is just icky for him on a personal level. I don’t think he likes it very much.
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banner by: @/roseschoices [the post]
I didn’t want to end the post on such a sour note so here’s a line I thought was funny ^^
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Beau’s real problem is that they all sound gross given that, for lunch, he orders a smoothie later in the chapter xD
(okay, this was supposed to be a COLLECTION of lines but I ran out of space 😞 also it’s my first time hitting the image limit :0)
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nelliedecker · 11 months ago
who: @beauaustinsinclair where: SOS clubhouse
She was drunk. It didn't happen much anymore, drinking such an everyday part of her life that her liver could give Arnold Schwarzenegger a run for his money. But some nights, like tonight, she made it earn it's keep, that was for damn sure. Eyes drifted around the clubhouse, taking in faces both familiar and unknown, or a few who were somewhere in between. Like Beau, he was Devon's nephew, secretary of the Tonopah chapter of the Sons, and yet, she felt like she barely knew anything about him. Normally, that shit wouldn't bother her, nor would she take any actions to rectify it. But the liquor in her system made her think otherwise. "So tell me, Beau, Beaufort, Beauson, what exactly does a secretary do?" she asked as she sidled up to the bar, "Like, do you schedule stuff, make sure everyone gets to church? Coordinate everyone to make sure you're all rippin' off the same bank or some such?"
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gabyharrisonx · 1 year ago
@beauaustinsinclair Where: Stopshop
"Guess who I ran into the other day." Beau was hard to miss in any crown, but she could always spot him at the grocery store. Call it a gift, call it sixth sense - it just was as it was. Though as they were there, she was definitely going to persuade him to have dinner with her later, if he didn't have plans, of course. "You know, sometimes I feel that Tonopah is actually really small. Definitely probably should have realised it before, but there are times."
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flissxsloane · 8 months ago
Sixteen Handles with Beau Sinclair @beauaustinsinclair
With the heat on the rise she'd swung in for an ice cream on a whim, waiting patiently in the queue and absentmindedly scrolling to kill time. A voice near the front of the line loudly declared someone else to be a liar and her attention switched from her phone to the scene unfolding in front of her, eyes widening as the argument grew in pitch and intensity. Brows raised she shared a glance with the man next to her, expression turning incredulous as the woman smashed her newly purchased ice cream into the mans face before storming out, the man running after her still shouting. The blonde brought a hand up to her mouth to help stifle a laugh at the ridiculousness of it all. "I guess that's what you get for trying to cone your girlfriend - she'll return the favour." Voice was hushed, not quite knowing how her poor puns would go down and she worked to keep a smile from her face though it was undoubtedly a losing battle. "Do you think it'll be a rocky road to reconciliation? Personally I think they should take inspiration from a banana and split."
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sugarysketches · 9 months ago
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.:Originally made May 28th, 2024:.
The Polycule webs... I need more of them.
The big 'cule is Sebastian, Teddy, Brook, Fafnir, Korrin, Lucien, and Laverne. Bottom left is Osiris, Chester, Beau, and Toby. Lastly, bottom right is Zacky, Jun-Seo, Tomino, and Momo. Maybe I should make names for the Polycules, to make things easier, but I have no ideas OTL
[ uuuh just assume they all use he or they or xem]
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toxic-ship-tournament · 2 years ago
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Dorian x Beau ( @monoma-neitoblog-blog )vs Deputy Dean Sinclaire x Jacob Seed ( @derelictheretic )
who makes up your ship?:
Dorian x Beau
why does your ship deserve to be considered the most toxic?:
Beau and Dorian were childhood best friends. They've known each other since they were little and they became even closer as they grew up. They dated for a little while, and had an unofficial third in their other best friend, Orias. But Beau moved away to seek better opportunity (because he desperately wants to be famous) and broke up with Dorian before leaving. Fairly healthy so far right? But Dorian is a MESS. He's super reserved and never deals with his emotions, but he just WILL NOT leave Beau alone. It's bad, like every night he calls him and leaves him some heart-wrenching and VERY manipulative voice-mail, he sits there crying all the time, admits he would do ANYTHING to see him again. Beau just ignores him the whole time. Eventually, they're brought back together in a VERY public setting, with Orias there too (who has been watching Dorian crumble this whole time) and they all hook up. Beau wants to keep it hush-hush and not get back together with Dorian but Dorian is so glad to have Beau back. Orias wants to stay with both of them but doesn't do anything about their relationship either. Eventually Beau and Dorian kind of get back together? But it's still a mutually destructive relationship because of their inherently conflicting priorities and incompatible personalities. It's bad Tl;dr Beau left because he wanted to be famous and Dorian won't leave him alone so them and another friend are all brought back together and get back together even though they're all worse off for it.
ship tags/playlists/pinterest boards?:
I don't have any art of all of them together but feel free to contact me and I'll find a way to whip something up!
who makes up your ship?:
Deputy Dean Sinclaire x Jacob Seed
why does your ship deserve to be considered the most toxic?:
It all starts with Jacob kidnapping Dean, or having his chosen kidnap him for him technically. You know, how most loving relationships start. Then it goes into Jacob starving Dean for weeks, mentally conditioning him, psychologically torturing him and chipping away at his mental resolve until he breaks and becomes the perfect murder machine; which is when Jacob tricks him into killing one of his closest allies. (Not to mention his initial goal was to make someone deserving of killing him, romance in self destruction via outward force and so on and so forth). After all of this you'd think they hate each other and honestly a part of Dean does hate him but another part of him craves his praise and attention and he knows he's too far gone at this point and the only person who could love a monster is another monster. He's everything he ever feared he'd become and Jacob is the now steady force holding all his broken peices together. Congrats to Jacob for literally making him worse! And congrats to Dean for making Jacob unhealthily obsessed with him and making him feel something for the first time in years! Even if it was possessiveness and a twisted version of love! They beat the shit out of each other on multiple occasions, sometimes before or during sex. They threaten to kill the other's families and almost go through with it a few times. By the end Dean is willing to kill anyone who tries to hurt Jacob and Jacob is willing to do the same, they're tragic, they're toxic, they're the worst, they make everyone uncomfortable and they'll probably die covered in each other's blood. But at least they'll be holding hands <3
ship tags/playlists/pinterest boards?:
Tag: #ship: Only Us Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4GDAKjOCyUKxWqw7acgzgi Pinterest: https://pin.it/2WOuuEp
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avalynnowens · 1 year ago
WITH: @beauaustinsinclair WHERE: The Outpost
Ava didn't often venture out to bars by herself — at least not since having Gracie. Her days of wild nights out were long behind her, but The Outpost was the one exception. She was guaranteed to know at least one person in there at any given time, and so she always felt perfectly safe to enjoy herself. "So, are you actually working tonight, or are you just a lingering boss man presence?" she asked Beau from her seat at the bar with a raised brow. Taking a sip of her drink, she glanced around the room for a moment, it was a little busier than she'd expected, and there was a group of people she'd not seen before sat at a table in the corner. Ava turned back to Beau with a knowing smirk. "Big boss man Beau, for sure. You know those guys? They don't look very friendly."
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Gabe I don't give a single shit about you and your Phoenix Wright suit bitch. Pass.
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Oh I missed you Laws Of Attraction
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evesyoung · 6 months ago
where: the outpost who: @beauaustinsinclair & eve young
"I know that I smell like shit, okay? So no need to rub it in my face, I know you want to." Eve remarked as she slid into the bar stool across from Beau, still clad in that day's work clothes. Were they sweaty and smudged with dirt in certain areas? Sure, but after such a long day, she was not about to make a pit stop at home to shower. No -- now was time for a drink and a chat with an old friend to kick of the weekend. "I call it Eau de Decker Ranch. Now, beer me please, and catch me up on your life."
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avaxbests · 7 months ago
The Outpost with Beau Sinclair @beauaustinsinclair
Family dinner had become a staple since she'd moved back to town, never able to say no to her father or siblings when it came to spending time together. She had years of making up to do, after all. But despite the enjoyable evening, after a few drinks the last thing she wanted to do was return to her home to sit in silence. Her own company was something she'd grown more at ease with but there were nights she felt her mind would wander into dangerous territory. There was one person who'd sprung to mind and Ava headed to The Outpost in search of a light-hearted atmosphere and company that would be the perfect distraction. Little wave was given to Beau as she hopped up onto a seat at the bar to wait her turn. When it finally rolled around she didn't place an order but instead reached for a bad joke on the off-chance it would make him laugh. "So, do you come here often?" But for all the playful tone and the smile that briefly rested on her lips, her nose wrinkled almost immediately after she'd finished speaking, regretting her choice of words. "Ugh." Head shook in distaste of her own lack of originality, her way with words seemingly deserting her, before doe eyes looked at her friend pleadingly. "Can we pretend I said something wittier? Please? Or at least less of a cliché?"
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choicesmc · 2 months ago
LoA Book 1, Chapter 5
Welcome to the fifth installment of this series! Thank you to everyone who’s read this far!! Mad impressed that y’all are still listening to my rambles <33
As always, post under the cut!
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banner by: @/roseschoices [the post]
Gigi + Beau’s Corner
As I said, there weren’t a lot of scenes with Gigi and Beau in this chapter but the earliest one relating to either one of them was this line below:
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Immediately, I’m pretty surprised that Gigi and Martin are (what seems to be) the preferred choice for the people in the firm. For this run, Fiona’s been #1 in ranking since from the beginning so I would’ve thought the firm would lean to whoever’s been first in the rankings. Moreover, isnt it a little weird that the firm choices Martin and Gigi, two relative outsiders, over Aislinn? Given that Aislinn is the only person whose skill level they have a clear understanding of, wouldn’t it be natural to default to her over, again, two relative strangers?
Additionally, Beau isn’t mentioned is the lineup. Out of everyone on that team, Beau isn’t mentioned! The firm doesn’t consider Beau a part of the firepower for his own team. It’s clear that the firm reads Gigi and Martin as the real “talent” between the five senior associates and Beau’s place is… not among them in kindly terms.
Yet during the actual proceedings, it’s really Beau who gets to shine.
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My first time playing through I’d thought that Gigi and Martin gave Beau the opening for reasons similar to why Aislinn took it… it’s a relatively straightforward task that’s hard to mess up. But, in light of my reading from [Chapter 3] of Beau as someone whose talents lie in interpersonal communication, I think Beau does the opening statement because it is exactly within his forte. It’s his prime chance to show how good he is at working a jury and, well, he’s good. Or, at least, Aislinn certainly thinks so! And so does Sadie.
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Now Beau could just be starved for praise but it clearly means a whole lot to him that Sadie, in specific, thinks that he’s grown. At this moment what Beau is hearing is not “you have done a good job” but “you’re becoming more like me.” For Beau, living up to Sadie’s legacy, becoming Sadie, is the only way to be a good lawyer. With that in mind, it holds that the only way to be a better lawyer is to be more like Sadie. When Sadie congratulates the team on improving, Beau hears her happiness that he’s becoming her.
Heading back to the moot court, Gigi might’ve taken the direct examination specifically because it is the one role that doesn’t really require the lawyer to connect with the jury. Additionally, Gigi’s courtroom decorum is… something.
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Now, I’m not a lawyer by any means but I’d be willing to bet that’s not how you’re supposed to end a direct examination. Given everything Aislinn told us about McGraw Bryne’s moot court being taken incredibly serious by the firm (Sadie literally chastises Gabe for working on a real case instead of getting to moot court on time!), it’s almost ludicrous that Gigi would end her direct examination with “Your witness, MC.”
It feels so casual for an otherwise serious event! For me, this blatant disregard of courtroom protocol raises a really interesting question: Is Gigi a lawyer purely for the interesting cases she that might come across?
There’s no arguing that interesting cases is her primary reason for pursuing the profession, but Gigi shows a surprising lack of aptitude in pretty much every other area of legal practice. Given that she has been an attorney for some time already, it is strange that she seems less prepared for any aspect of being a lawyer outside of research and writing.
Due to this, I think Gigi primarily worked in contract law before coming to McGraw Byrne. It would explain her exceptional ability in the “paper work” part of being a lawyer and her lack of experience elsewhere.
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Here, we see a very delightful truth: Beau can be a conceited mf. Whenever I point out his low self-esteem, it is specifically with regard to the top-tier environment he is in. Outside of the S-tier lawyers he works with, Beau understands that he is a cut above your average lawyer. (And, for the record, so does Gigi.)
At the end of this chapter, we get to (kind of) meet Philip Rothswell and this is how Gigi reacts:
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This actually ties into a headcannon I have about Gigi’s backgrounds. [Here] I laid the bare bones of my headcannon but, simply put, Gigi’s family is a socialite one. Here, Gigi is the only one to react to Philip Rothswell’s name. Given that Beau and Martin don’t, we can reasonably assume that they either aren’t aware of who Rothswell is or don’t care.
Either way, the fact that Gigi both knows and cares about Philip is notable. Using the way Gigi describes him as “heir to the Rothswell railroad fortune… has stakes in restaurants, real estate, tech…” it is fair to reasonably assume that Rothswell isn’t a well known man, he’s just a wealthy one. So Gigi’s knowledge of him can’t be simply an ‘online’ thing —she has to be extremely in the know to know who Philip is.
Under my headcannon, Gigi’s mother, Leanne’s, extensive social network would explain why Gigi both knows and is shocked by meeting Philip in person!
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banner by: @/roseschoices [the post]
Fiona’s Corner
By now y’all know the usual disclaimer but still: if you’re here only for Gigi and Beau stuff, you won’t want anything from this point on <3
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Do. Not. Get. Between. Fiona. And. His. Ethics.
It’s not something that gets to come up often but Fiona does his damn best to follow ethical codes to the letter. He would go as far as to avoid the appearance of impropriety, in all honesty.
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Given that Fiona is being cautious around Gabe by this point in the story, this reaction from Gabe does please Fiona. Like, it’s not going to make him run back to chasing Gabe by any means but it is good to know that, despite the mixed signals, Gabe does want Fiona is some way.
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One of the reasons Fiona likes trial is that it almost feels like being a teacher again. At its very base, all trial lawyers do is lead the jury towards a particular conclusion using submitted evidence and testimonies —like guiding a classroom towards a particular concept using theorems and real life applications. It’s all very sentimental to him.
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banner by: @/roseschoices [the post]
misc. thoughts
these are just some thoughts I couldn’t place anywhere else xD
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mad props to Martin. Literally the scariest sentence in this chapter. How high do you think billable shave to be before they become “unignorable”. That’s insane work.
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This is from the scene where Tyler and MC get splashed with water and it’s a weird line, right? Like the narrative has been transparent about Tyler being attracted to MC so this line reads oddly, especially considering that the literally next line is MC getting splashed w/water and offering Tyler the chance to propose a hookup w/MC —it almost reframes the water splashing as perhaps purposeful rather than purely accidental. It might be just me but it’s an odd line.
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Ryan is a real one <3 wish we saw more of you 💕 In general, he’s been an absolutely delightful side character and I’m pretty glad they gave him just a tiny bit of character detail! That being said, I’m honestly unimpressed at the writers finding enough time to give Ryan a goal/fleshing out rather than doing that for Gigi.
We know Ryan:
Wants to go to law school
Is working at McGraw Byrne to pay off undergrad debts
Dislikes how the partners disregard/disrespect the paralegals and other non-lawyer staff
just from the things he has said to MC despite being (at best) a tertiary character!
But Gigi does not get the same consideration at all. The writers just needed a smart party girl and left it at that and I am pretty pissed about it. Throughout this little thing I’m doing, it becomes frustratingly obvious to see how little care was given to the female characters in relation to their male counterparts and that fucking sucks.
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dcrkcrwns · 1 year ago
character tags pt 1.
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cassiehendriks · 1 year ago
FOR: @beauaustinsinclair LOCATION: The Outpost
Cassie's shift on the bar didn't start until later that afternoon and yet somehow she had found herself helping Beau haul in a delivery. It was hard work but she was happy to help because there was a part of her that knew she didn't want to be alone right now. Keeping busy was good, keeping busy meant her racing thoughts didn't ruminate for too long.
She released a heavy sigh as she loaded the last box into the backroom, knowing all they needed to do now was organise it all. "So I saw Isla the other day, which surprised me entirely." Cassie hesitantly planted the seed, trying to act nonchalant about his sister's silent return. "I didn't know she was coming home. Is she back for good, or?"
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