#logan amos
leoandbeholdclark · 7 months
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"(...) I would have really liked just doing laundry and taxes with you."
/Everything Everywhere All At Once
Credits to all cc creators!
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shirleyy15 · 10 days
Hesh dump
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This Is how Elias viewed His sons when they joined ghosts
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logan-the-artist · 5 months
Vc pode fazer analogical platônico por favor? :3
com certeza!!!! eu amo tanto tanto tanto eles
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shield-o-futuro · 1 year
Algum super herói já foi clonado?
Logan: Só temos conhecimento sobre o caso do Wolverine. Ele tem um clone, que é a Laura. Fora ele, não sabemos mais nada sobre isso.
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Abby: Clones…. Isso seria estranho.
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Scarlett: Bom, não quero assustar ninguém, mas eu já ouvi uns rumores e histórias por aí na SHIELD….de que já existiram clones dos vingadores…. Mas acho que não são verdadeiros.
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ssolessurvivor · 10 months
“...Can I?”
memes - always accepting! - @goldenboybarracuda
It was another early morning, even though the frost outside painted the world in a near frozen quiet, Logan and Alex are standing in the kitchen sipping mugs of coffee gazing out past the lake, where a heard of elk are wandering through. "They come through almost every year." Logan muses with a smile, feeling calm and peaceful even if a little exhausted. This cold does that to him. "I was hoping you'd get to see them." Leaning their shoulders together for the comfort of the touch, Logan's eyes close briefly for another sip of coffee in the stillness. Something he hopes Alex is getting used to: he knows it's not easy, and hopes desperately that it's not unsettling.
However, a hand combs through blonde locks and Logan hums easily, further turning to face Alex when the other cups his cheek and gently guides him. He's gazing into those eyes so dark like melted chocolate when he hears those two little words, and a smile comes to his lips instantly. Mismatched irises flick down to that necklace, so comfortable on that clavicle that Logan has kissed so many times before. Such a beautiful symbol of all they'd been through.
"You don't have to ask, love." His voice is soft in the stillness as he leans up but notices he's also gently pulled in, and his smiling lips meet Alex's in a soft yet deep kiss, something to last. They still smell like the bedspread, their skin warm and welcoming, or at least his lover's is: Logan is careful not to leech that heat from the other. The scent of coffee has since combed through their hair and settled on their lips, the hint of taste there as they break away, but foreheads nestle together, noses brush in the quiet. "Te amo."
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lunaverrse · 1 year
“ just fuck me already” kisses: hands in their hair, tugging slightly, heated and breathless, grabbing their clothing to pull them closer, but it’s still not close enough, ending up on the bed, hovering on top of them and kissing their jaw, going down to their neck and their whimpers are so cute [ frederico e logan ]
Logan & Frederico : feat. @iksuikebaj 🖤
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Não havia o menor sinal de cuidado nos gestos de Logan quando ele empurrou o namorado contra a parede do apartamento, assim que a porta foi fechada atrás deles. O som das costas dele batendo na superfície gelada e o gemido arrastado de Frederico indicavam que ele poderia ter sentido dor ali, mas o mais velho simplesmente não conseguia suavizar as coisas. Estava tão irritado em ter presenciado mais uma daquelas cenas em que o namorado precisava fingir com aquela garota, o sangue subia até a cabeça e corria nas veias até que Logan ficasse zonzo e cego de raiva. Por toda a noite, seus olhos estiveram fincados em Frederico e na menina que ele arrastava para todos os lados. Ela sequer deveria imaginar quem ele encontraria depois de deixá-la em casa, mas não importava a realidade no fim das contas, porque o Shim era possessivo demais para não sentir a ebulição do ciúme.
Era por isso que agora mostrava, por meio dos gestos, o quanto faria ele pagar por cada minuto daquele circo armado bem na sua frente e na frente de seus amigos. Seus dedos escorregaram até o rosto dele e pressionaram a mandíbula marcada com força, o virando até que o namorado estivesse olhando em seus olhos. Ele parecia febril e, embora não estivesse nem perto de tratar o rapaz com gentileza, tinha aquele mesmo brilho de desejo no olhar, algo que os dois compartilhavam, o que apenas atiçava o mais velho a continuar. E ele o fez, segurando o corpo do namorado com força e o trazendo para o colo.
A parada dos dois era muito clara, iria diretamente para o quarto, para a cama. Ali, deitou Frederico e apoiou o corpo sobre o dele, pressionando o suficiente para que o namorado não pudesse escapar. Naquela afobação, as mãos dos dois se enroscavam ao tentarem puxar o outro para mais perto, porque nunca era suficiente, eles precisavam se fundir, sentir que ocupavam o mesmo espaço. Logan percorria qualquer pedaço da pele exposta dele com a boca, perdendo o que restava o juízo quando fazia uma ou outra marca nos ombros dele. Conhecia o mais novo o suficiente para saber que ele estava no limite, mas antes de continuar qualquer coisa, voltou a se afastar para encarar o Na. — Você é meu, Frederico. Mais ninguém vai te tocar assim. — As mãos percorreram o caminho para baixo das roupas dele, apertando cada pequeno pedaço de pele com força. — Nem te beijar assim. — Apertou os lábios aos dele, em um beijo rápido, mas cheio de lascívia, exatamente como estavam acostumados. — Entendeu? — Esperava que sim, mas, caso ele não tivesse entendido, ainda tinham a noite inteira para isso.
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zouisexo · 9 months
🌈💖✨Send this to the twelve nicest people you know or seem to have a good heart and if you get one back you must be pretty awesome 😎💜💚💙🩷
gracias mi logaaaaan <333 sos un amor te amo te amo <3333
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brandonraykirk · 2 years
Civil War Horse Theft Case: George Scaggs v. Amos Williamson (1866)
Civil War Horse Theft Case in #WV (1866) #Appalachia #CivilWar #history
Circuit Court Logan County George Scaggs et al v. Amos Williamson And the said defendant George Scaggs by Ferguson _ Samuels his attorney for plea says that at the time of the committing of the said supposed grievances in the said plaintiff’s declaration mentioned a state of actual war existed between the United States of America and the so called Confederate States of America, and that the…
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sunrizef1 · 2 months
What happens in Vegas pt 15
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Fem!Driver!Reader
Warnings: Cursing “kys”
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yourusername added to their story
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yourusername added to their story
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yourusername added to their story
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I don't think that's in your meal plans
Shut up Logan 😐
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yourusername added to their story
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yourusername added to their close friends story
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liked by charles_leclerc logansargeant and 6,888,009 others
yourusername te amo
load comments…
user2 her first insta post since Vegas we cheered 😭
user3 LMAO dating Charles leclerc and only posting the top of his head I love her sm
user4 that's where they went 😭
user5 viva la españa
user6 🇪🇸🇪🇸🇪🇸
user7 awww I love them
carlossainz you come to Spain and don't see me?
yourusername I don't like you
carlossainz 😔
user8 wait I love that this is her only post and its Charles 🥹
user9 can we see the rest of that photo??? 😭
user11 🐱🐱🐱
user12 WAIT ✋ “TE AMO”?????
user14 I adore them
user15 my fav championship leaders
landonorris Im still mad you abandoned me
liked by yourusername
user16 te amo???? 😭
lilymhe my fav girl 🫶 (and her bf or whatever)
yourusername 🫶🥹
porscheracing dont have too much fun 🤓☝️
liked by yourusername
user17 I love them sm its not even funny
logansargeant whats that Taylor swift song??? Come back… be here????
yourusername I don't even live in London
logansargeant well actually, you have a London house 🤓☝️
logansargeant (i know that because I have broken in multiple times)
yourusername oh so its your rat-looking-ass that's been triggering my ring doorbell
landonorris oh so you'll ring doorbell the London home but not Monaco 🙄
user18 wait her brother is lowk in the likes…
user19 oh to be on a Spanish vacation with Charles leclerc
charles_leclerc te amo 🤍
yourusername 🤍
user20 alright now, its been two weeks, lets get to imola
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yourusername added to their story
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I’m not a fan of you as a person
And if I said that made me sad then what
That’s not nice
Blame Lando for knocking my drink over
But I didn’t do anything 😔
You watched it happen and that’s bad enough
What did I do?
I’m so sorry you’ve been caught in the crossfire of Landos actions 😔✊
But nope
You don’t
So sorry unc 🙏
I don’t even get a tag?
yourusername added to their story
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Lmfao that’s my boyfriend
Ur my annoying little brother
Why would I tag you 🫶
I will not forget this
Love u ☺️🫶
I hate u ☺️🫶
Oh I see how it is
“How it is” is me posting my bf
Whats ur problem
We don't need a reminder of your happy relationship pls die
Not all of us have found our soulmates
Oh okay
I don't want to hear it grandpa
Woah now
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leclercsredhelmet · 14 days
Enchanted ✧ Franco Colapinto
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A/N: Hello! Back with another blurb for you all, this time it’s Franco themed because I’m just so happy that one of my f2 faves is on the f1 grid! (I’m still so sad about Logan) anyways here’s Enchanted with a Hispanic reader! I hope you all enjoy reading this one <3
“These are the words I held back as I was leaving too soon, I was enchanted to meet you”
Being back in Italy has you buzzing with happiness, it’s been quite a few years since you’ve been back in the country. Yesterday you’d spent the day sightseeing and doing light shopping in Milan. This is your first big job opportunity fresh out of university and you’re extremely excited for what lies ahead. Once your alarm rang you leapt out of bed and opened the curtains. Music plays from the phone that sits atop the dresser, as you pass by the window you smile at the crowd of Tifosi chanting and you notice Charles signing their things. Smiling, you walk towards your suitcase and take out the outfit you had laid out last night.
Heading to the bathroom you change into a pair of jeans, a white tee, and a white and blue embroidered vest paired with your usual gold jewelry and white sneakers. Applying the last touch-ups to your makeup you grab your brown Longchamp bag and check that all the contents are there before grabbing your passes and the room key from the dresser. Locking the door you head towards the elevator. Looking around the hotel lobby you notice the flurry of staff getting ready to head out. You spot some drivers heading out and want to ask for pictures but you’re nervous and want to remain professional.
Briefly, you catch a glance of Franco Colapinto as he passes by in front of you and he offers a small smile once you lock eyes. Shyly you smile and tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. Noticing your phone is starting to ring when you pick it up, your mother’s face greets you on the other line with a proud smile.
“Hola mi amor, ¿qué tal te va el primer día de trabajo?” she asks and you smile.
(Hi my love, how is your first day of work going?) “Hola ma, muy bien hasta ahora, estoy esperando a mis compañeros para tomar la guagua al circuito” you reply.
(Hi mom, very good so far, I’m waiting for my coworkers to take the car to the circuit)
“Bueno espero que todo te vaya muy bien y voy a estar al pendiente de las redes a ver si te veo entrevistando a alguien!” she beams and you giggle.
(I hope it goes very well and I’ll be tuning into social media to see if you interview someone!)
“Oye y no has visto al chico de Argentina que sustituye a Sargeant? (Oh, have you seen the young man from Argentina that’s substituting Sargeant?)
“Acabo de ver a Franco hace algunos segundos, no hablamos pero me sonrió ,” you reply. (I just saw Franco a few seconds ago, we didn’t talk but he smiled at me)
“Esperemos que te toque entrevistar a Franco, se ve como un chico adorable y se que es de tus favoritos,” she says. (Let’s hope that you get to interview him, he seems like a charming young man and I know he’s one of your favorites)
Smiling you reply, “Eso espero mamá bueno te voy a dejar porque ya vienen los compañeros de trabajo, hablamos luego. Te amo!” you say. (I hope so, mom. I’ll have to leave you because my coworkers are arriving, we’ll talk later. I love you!) “Yo tambien amor, exito hoy!” (I love you too, good luck today!)
Putting your phone away you stand up and introduce yourself to the rest of the crew that hasn’t met you yet. Smiling, they start chatting with you as you walk towards the van that’s already waiting for everyone. Climbing in you take a seat by the window and adjust the passes around your neck, you run your thumb over the black and purple media pass supplied by Formula One and look at your picture and credentials before smiling. “The first day on the job is a little overwhelming but you’ll be fine,” one of your coworkers says. You smile, “Yeah it’s starting to feel like it,” you say with a little chuckle. Everyone smiles, “Lucky for you, we’re not leaving you to your own devices on the first day so the nerves will ease,” someone else reassures.
“It’s more like anxiety but thank you. I just want to be great at the job and have fun. It’s a little hard to believe this is happening and it’s not a dream,” you add with a little chuckle. “It’s pretty surreal but you’re going to enjoy it,” the woman says. “I’m Christine by the way,” she says, outstretching her hand for you to shake. Smiling, you shake it, “Y/N it’s a pleasure to meet you, I’ve seen you race in Dakar,” you reply. Quickly you fall into conversation with everyone and get to know them. Fans line the sides with merch and excitedly wave to every car that passes, there’s a lot of Tifosi and you smile.
“Are you hoping to meet any specific driver?” Roldán asks you. “Honestly mostly everyone but especially Charles, Lewis, and Franco,” you answer. “You should ask them for a signature or picture once you can, they’ll be happy to do it,” he says and you smile. Once the car parks you gather your things and leave the car. Adjusting your passes you walk with them and greet the workers in Italian.
Deciding to film such an important moment for you, you put an Airpod on and open Tiktok. Filming your feet heading towards the paddock, you pan up, show the entrance, and film the moment you scan your pass and walk in before capturing your reaction. Quickly you save the video and press play on one of your playlists. There’s press so of course some pictures of you are taken and you smile at the cameras. The nerves have eased significantly and now you’re just happy to be here. Picking up your pace you join Christine and Melissa and resume the previous conversation.
The paddock is quite busy but it’s all team staff, drivers, media, and other personnel. Given the news that broke earlier this week about Franco replacing Logan in Williams, everyone wants a shot at interviewing the young driver from Argentina. Making it into the media room you sit next to your coworkers and immediately begin to work. Sipping some water from your bottle you review your notes and wait for the assignments to be handed out. “And this next one is for Y/N, you have Franco in the media pen,” Melissa says. Feeling your cheeks flush, you smile and nod, “My very first interview with and it’s with one of my favorites this is crazy,” you comment and everyone chuckles.
Quickly you start to prepare by jotting down a few questions and getting into the work mode headspace. When it’s time to start heading to the paddock everyone filters out towards the media pen. At the media pen, you get settled with the in-ear monitors and microphone. Christine decides to film the moment which makes you chuckle and wave at the camera. “You got this, you look great” she encourages and you thank her. The drivers start to come out and you ask questions to a few such as Max Verstappen, Alex Albon, and George Russell. You spot Franco approaching you and you discreetly adjust your shirt.
“¡Hola, ¿qué tal Franco?” ”Soy Y/N y estoy con DAZN!” you say in your native language and he smiles. (Hi Franco, how are you? I’m Y/N and I'm with DAZN) “Hola, muy bien ¿y vos?” he replies smiling. (Hi, I’m very good and you?) You smile back, “Todo bien,” you reply. “Es un gusto conocerte, tenés un acento bonito, ¿de donde sos?” he asks. (It’s a pleasure to meet you, you have a pretty accent, where are you from?)
The question makes you blush a little and you chuckle, Franco smiles. “¡Puerto Rico!” you reply. “Ah! Muero por visitar, es un país muy bonito,” he replies. (I'm dying to visit, its' a pretty country)
“Lo es, bueno primero que nada ¿cómo te sientes al debutar en la fórmula uno?” you ask. (It is, first of all, how do you feel about your formula one debut?) “Gracias por la pregunta, estoy en una nube todavía, es una gran oportunidad y estoy muy feliz y emocionado” you smile at him and continue to ask questions. (Thank you for the question, I’m still on a cloud, it’s a great opportunity and I’m very happy and excited)
He’s been a little flirty but you chalk it up to be the Argentinian charm and once the interview ends you thank him again and he chats with you off-camera before going off. Being busy with work makes the day roll by and when it’s time to get some lunch you decide to go off on your own and join everyone else later. Heading out of the media room you walk around and pass the Ferrari motorhome, smiling you decide to take a picture of it and marvel at how amazing and fulfilling it feels to finally see all your hard work pay off.
The years away from home, while you studied to chase your dream, are finally paying off. It happens to be your lucky day because you spot Charles and Lewis walking. Politely you go over to them and ask for pictures and signatures, “You must be new, I haven’t seen you before,” Lewis comments. Smiling you nod, “Actually, I’m fresh out of university!” You beam and they smile kindly. “In that case welcome to the paddock Y/N,” Charles says. “Hopefully we see more of you in the media pen,” Lewis adds and you smile and nod. “Thank you both for the pictures, I can’t wait to see you both in red next year,” you say. Grinning, they bid goodbye to you and you head in search of food.
Spotting a stand making pasta you stand in line and once it’s your turn you order and pay. With your food in one hand and phone in the other you reply to some messages from friends. As you reply to the messages you lose sense of direction and collide against someone’s chest. Your phone, bag, and sadly your food all fall to the ground, and embarrassment floods over you since a few passersby witness the incident.
“Disculpame, no me di cuenta,” a familiar voice says. (Sorry, I wasn't aware) You lock eyes with Franco, “No, discúlpame tú, fue culpa mía. Estaba en el celular y no estaba al pendiente” you apologetically say. (No, I’m sorry, it was my fault. I was using my cellphone and wasn’t aware)
The young driver chuckles and bends down to help you pick up your things. His fingers brush yours as he hands you back your phone, “Escuchás a Taylor Swift?” he asks. (Do you listen to Taylor Swift?)
Smiling you nod, “Si, soy swiftie,” you say. (Yes, I’m a swiftie!)“¡Yo también! ¿Pudiste ir a algún recital?” he asks you. (Me too! Did you manage to go to a concert?)
“¡Si, fui a la última noche de Londres!” you reply. (Yes, I went to the last London show!) ¿Cómo te sentiste sin tener el anuncio de Reputation?” he asks with a laugh. (How did you feel about not getting the Reputation announcement?) Giggling, you adjust your bag, “Me sentí como toda una payasa,” you reply and he laughs. (I felt like a total clown)
Fran walks with you to a nearby bin and you toss the pasta and napkins. “Me siento re mal que perdiste toda tu comida por mi culpa, dejame comprarte otra,” he offers. (I feel so bad that you lost all your food because of me) “No, está bien no te preocupes,” you reply. (No it’s fine don’t worry)
“Por favor déjame hacerlo, me siento mal que ya en mi primer día acá accidentalmente le he tirado la comida a alguien al suelo,” he says. (Please let me do it, I feel bad that on my first day, I already dropped someone’s food by accident) You giggle, “Ay no te sientas mal, son los nervios del primer día,” you say. (Oh no, don’t feel bad, it’s the first-day jitters)
Franco chuckles in agreement, “Es tu primer día también?” he asks. (Is it your first day too?)“Ajá, me gradué hace unos meses,” you reply. (Mhm, I graduated a few months ago) “Felicitaciones, con más razón tengo que pagarte la comida,” he says and you laugh. (Congratulations, with all the more reason I should pay for your food)
Franco looks over at you and smiles, you smile back and tuck a rogue curl behind your ear. As you stand in line you chat and your stomach flutters every time you catch him looking at you. Both of you order food and he pays for your meals, walking back you’re careful to not drop it or bump into each other again. “Gracias por la comida pero probablemente debo ir a sala de medios,” you say as you start to walk away. (Thanks for the food, but I should probably head towards the media room)
Franco reaches for your hand and stops you, “Quizás esto es muy atrevido pero podés conmigo acá en el motorhome de Williams,” he pauses and looks at you. (Maybe this is a little too bold but you can eat with me at the Williams motorhome)
“Solo si quieres, si no pues esta bien,” he quickly adds. (But only if you want to) You smile at his sweet demeanor and he nods, “Okay, acepto la invitacion Colapinto,” you say and he laughs. (Okay, I accept the invitation Colapinto) “Franco por favor,” he sweetly says. (Franco, please) “Acepto la invitación, Franco,” you add and he laughs. (I accept the invitation, Franco)
Franco leads the way and you go up to the floor in the motorhome reserved for the staff and into his driver's room. “Bueno, almuerzo de primerizos entonces,” he says and you laugh. (Well then this is the lunch of first-timers) “Primerizos que se tropezaron en el paddock,” you joke and he laughs. (First-timers that stumbled upon each other in the paddock) You eat in comfortable silence and after you finish you talk and joke around. He’s made you laugh so much you started to cry and your stomach hurts.
“Me di cuenta de que tenés buen italiano, ¿viviste en Italia?” he asks. (I noticed that you have great Italian, did you live in Italy?) “Solo unos meses, hice un internado en Italia y regresé a España,” you say. (Just for a few months, I did an internship in Italy and returned to Spain) “También lo estudié un poco en secundaria y seguí practicando por mi propia cuenta,” you answer. (I also studied it in high school and kept practicing it)
“¿Cómo es que ambos somos tan parecidos ya?” he comments and you nod in agreement. (How is it that we already have so many similarities?) “Lastima que España es tan grande, si te hubiera conociera antes, habríamos salido o algo,” he adds and you blush. (It’s a shame that it’s so big, if we had met before we would’ve gone out or something) “Quizás hubiese sido una probabilidad,” you say with a little laugh. (Perhaps it could’ve been a probability)
You continue talking and decide to exchange numbers, Franco insists on walking you to the media room. Once you reach it he stops and turns to you, “Fue un placer Y/N, espero no volver a tirarte la comida,” he comments and you laugh. (It was a pleasure Y/N, I hope to not be the cause of you losing your food again)
“Bueno, pero si no pasaba entonces no hubiésemos tenido el almuerzo de primerizos juntos,” you reply attempting your best to flirt back. (But if it hadn’t happened we wouldn’t have eaten lunch together) He smiles, “Tenés razón, esperemos que no sea la última,” he says. (You’re right, let’s hope that it’s not our last time) “Hagamos algo, yo pago el almuerzo en la próxima semana de carrera,” you propose while stretching out your hand. (Let’s do something, I’ll pay for our lunch on the next race week)
Franco shakes it and little jolts run up your body, “Trato hecho, nos vemos pronto Y/N” he says. (It’s a deal, we’ll see each other soon Y/N) Hearing him say your name delicately makes you smile and blush, “Buena suerte mañana, se que vas a demostrar lo bueno que eres en pista,” you say. Franco blushes and gives you a friendly wink and hug before walking away. (Good luck tomorrow, I know you’re gonna prove just how good you are on track)
Blushing, you head inside and greet your coworkers, they notice your blush but don’t ask anything until Melissa points it out. You tell them a little about the encounter and continue to work until it’s time to go.
Once in the hotel room, you call your mom to debrief before showering and after you come out you find a text from Franco and decide to reply. This leads to you two talking for a few hours until you have to call it a night and get some much-needed rest for the hectic weekend that awaits you both.
You were absolutely enchanted to have met him after a slight mishap but it proved to be quite a turnaround.
(all photo credits go to the respective owners)
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starkwlkr · 1 year
f1 masterlist ✨
— here are all my f1 related works, thanks for reading!
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platonic (all drivers)
annoying little brothers
bitch, I’m a mother!
mother (no, literally)
mini series
through the decades
charles leclerc
baby leclerc series
baby leclerc: teen edition
princess of monaco series
kiss with a fist
i love my wife
if he wanted to
i’ve got my eye on you
safety first
good for her
monaco does that to you
love hurts
go sports
ti amo
breakup with your boyfriend
off to the races
friends don’t kiss friends
mick schumacher
senna!reader series
who would’ve thought?
god is a woman
lewis hamilton
take care of you
george russell
and i love her
prince george?
dad approved
max verstappen
would’ve been
nothings going to hurt you baby
daniel ricciardo
still into you
it’s ricciardo actually
you are in love
lando norris
you’re stuck with me
passenger princess
part time royal
royal baby
no rizz
crafting table
my favorite nepo baby
logan sargeant
my best friend’s girl
you’re my love
guanyu zhou
is your gf single?
carlos sainz jr.
black swan
pierre gasly
uncle duties
sebastian vettel
proud husband
me and my husband
cherry flavoured
fever dream
i wait for you series
she’s the boss
m & s
mark webber
boys on the radio
silver springs
that’s my type
james vowles
happy anniversary
kimi raikkonen
little lies
toto wolff
divorce babe divorce
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gardensofbabilon · 15 days
Good graces - Pipe otaño x Fem! Ex x Franco Colapinto
a/n: vou começar alguns posts totalmente inspirados pelo short 'n sweet, eu tava com saudade de escrever sobre f1 e lsdln entãooo
summary ★: seu ex namorado era um argentino fevoroso, o que deixaria ele ainda mais irritado depois de um término?
warnings: palavrões etcc
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curtido por lsdlnupdates, pipedetails e 8.920 mais
snupdates chegou ao fim o casal mais amado por todos nós latinos! Felipe Otaño e S/N não estão mais juntos de acordo com a revista 'People'.
ver todos 647 comentários
pipescrew que deus una minha família pela misericórdia
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curtido por user98, matiasrecalt, vogrincicenzo e 245.637 mais.
pipegonotano quando sua namorada é tão linda mas consegue perder pro cachorro de vocês no truco 💔
ver todos 2.192 comentários
blaspolidorii você esta tentando diminuir o talento da minha parceira e eu não aceito!!!
vogrincicenzo tenho a impressão de que quem tava perdendo era você
↳ pipegonotano os de verdade eu sei quem são (não é você)
user98 quando a letra de 'drivers license' se torna real... nossa menina estava passando por coisas
user44 não sei o motivo, mas acho que eles terminaram muito antes de junho....
lsdlnupdates a melhor amiga da sua ex, pqp felipe você já foi melhor! ↳ user827 pois fale, dupla traição com ela
suaamiga acho um ultraje você me difamar assim! era óbvio que eu estava fingindo pra não chatear nosso filho
↳ user8 ela chamando o cachorro da sn e do pipe de FILHO, girl..
kukupdates quando o fodido da vez é o fandom vizinho a gente ri, boa sorte pipeotanoupdates
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curtido por seuuser, oscarpiastri, pipegonotano e 1.459.182 mais
francolapinto SIN PALABRAS MUY MUY MUY FELIZ williamsracing f1
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pipegonotano dale franco!!
oscarpiastri bem vindo!
williamsracing que empeze la franco mania!
user não acredito que estou animada pra ver um boludo correr
snupdates seuuser nos likes pq?
user34 nada me preparava pra isso, RIP logan
carlossainz55 nada de roubar meu assento ano que vem!
↳ francolapinto as ordens!!
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curtido por pipeslover, pipescrew e 3.188 mais
lsdlnupdates problemas no paraíso?? Felipe Otaño e S/A foram vistos discutindo no parque em Buenos Aires! Ao que parece o amor não está mais no ar entre o casal de pombinhos..
ver todos 320 comentários
pipeslover pronto agora so falta nossa mãe aceitar ele de volta
user827 esse homem vai ter que fazer uma peripécia pra conquistar a SN de volta, não quero saber! snupdates eles terminando no dia do aniversário da SN kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk eu amo o KARMA
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curtido por pipegonotano, pedri, francolapinto e 2.745.637 mais.
seuuser what a coincidence!!! enfim, comemorando meu aniversário na minha segunda casa (e trabalhando, obvio). Muito obrigada por todas as felicitações sempre, a vida tem um jeito engraçado de te entregar as coisas boas!! obrigada matias por juntar a gangue e todo mundo que veio de lugares distantes para me ver! vocês são muito especiais.
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carlossainz55 Feliz aniversário, chica!
georgerussell63 não vamos comentar as horas de voô.. o que importa é que a carmen ficou feliz!
landonorris ainda chateado que eu não ganhei o primeiro pedaço
↳ matiasrecalt não existe competição comigo 🙏
matiasrecalt te amo coisa linda! você merece.. a argentina te ama muito!
pipeslover o fato de que ela tava na argentina so torna o termino daqueles dois ainda mais engraçado kkkkkkk
francolapinto foi ótimo te conhecer! feliz aniversário!!
↳ seuuser muito obrigada, foi ótimo te ver também!
user34 tira esse like pipe, aqui você não vai conseguir nadaaa
recaltsgirl e volta o cão arrependido com o rabo entre as pernas
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curtido por pipescrew, recaltdreams e 5.307 mais
snupdates linda! SN faz seu debut no paddock de fórmula 1 a convite da williamsracing. o que acharam do look?
ver todos 435 comentários
sngirl nossa menina vai virar wag... que orgulho
driversslcense enquanto isso o pipe jamais levava elas pros conversatórios..
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curtido por pipegonotano, landonorris, francolapinto e 2.293.192 mais.
seuuser primeira vez em um gp de fórmula 1!! obrigada williamsracing por toda a emoção, cowboys, pilotos!! para amanhã: estamos preparados para muita música?
ver todos 689.952 comentários
williamsracing sn na corrida: os dois pilotos pontuam!! acho que você é nosso amuleto..
francolapinto agora posso dizer que fiz meus primeiros pontos da carreira com a maior superstar do mundo torcendo por mim
↳ seuuser me leva para todas as corridas e assim se constroi um campeão mundial! driversslcense pipe pode sair dos likes!! user827 ela ta assumindo alguém e eu acho que vou chorar... queria tanto ela o pipe de volta
landonorris na garagem da mclaren da próxima, por favor!! to precisando
pipescrew mãe saiba que vamos amar nosso padrasto muito!
pardellaagustin o meu caralho, só você ganha convite pras coisas legais
snsongs queria ter nascido assim!!
simonhempe queria ser você
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curtido por driversslcense, snsongs e 7.307 mais
snupdates fazendo compras antes do show? SN foi vista com um ''homem misterioso'' nas ruas de dallas antes do seu primeiro show na cidade! ver todos 345 comentários
snsongs todo mundo sabendo que é o franco
user827 vivendo a melhor vida pq é isso que ela merece!
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curtido por f1gossip, snsongs e 5.677 mais
colapintonews franco postou alguns stories no show da SN em dallas!!! as teorias estavam certas será?
ver todos 445 comentários
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curtido por driversslcense, snsongs e 17.307 mais
snupdates É OFICIAL!! O piloto Franco Colapinto foi visto com nossa princesa hoje dando uma volta pelas ruas de são paulo!!!!
ver todos 945 comentários
snsongs SE ELE SUBIR NO PÓDIO ESSE FINAL DE SEMANA É O MAIOR ROMÂNTICO DO MUNDO!!!!!! colapintonews eu como mulher que chora com deja vu queria dizer que O GUTS SPILLED PRECISA TER UMA MÚSICA SO DELE
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curtido por francolapinto, oscarpiastri, vogrincicenzo e 3.293.192 mais.
seuuser MEU NAMORADO!!!! FEZ SEU PRIMEIRO PÓDIO NA F1!!!! NO MEU HOME GP!!!!! e pra comemorar isso eu resolvi lançar o deluxe do GUTS (spilled)! Good graces, so american, bed chem e the alchemy estão disponíveis no spotify.
franco, é um prazer compartilhar essa conquista com você, minha vida com você é cada dia melhor, eu amo viajar o mundo ao seu lado, comer sushi em singapura, sofrer jetlag semana sim semana não.. todas as coisas que fazem nosso relacionamento ser nosso. espero estar ao seu lado por todos os outros dias da minha vida e todas as coisas boas da sua carreira. te amo!
ver todos 345.192 comentários
georgerussell63 Lindos!! vocês me enchem de alegria!
pipescrew sorrindo em meio a dor 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 lindos
francolapinto Eu te amo muito, cariño! por toda minha vida procurei alguém como você, nada nesse mundo é mais lindo do que te ver sorrir, chorar e te ter ao meu lado durante momentos importantes como esses significam muito. tenho certeza que é apenas o começo da nossa looonga história de amor. PS: As músicas conseguem superar a emoção desse pódio, você sabe como tornar tudo mais especial! :)
↳ user827 talvez ele tenha direitos.... talvez eles sejam fofos.... (limpando as lágrimas)
vogrincicenzo Saudades SN!! apareça por aqui, quero aprovar esse namorado
williamsracing Nosso casal preferido! 
lsdlnupdates ainda escolhendo a minha preferida!!
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curtido por seuuser, williamsracing, georgerussell63 e 1.754.853 mais.
francolapinto Meu primeiro pódio na fórmulal 1 não poderia ser comemorado de outra forma, obrigada duplo por tudo que você faz Brasil!
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seuuser a argentina acerta as vezes, né?
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curtido por lsdlnupdates, snsongs e 9.307 mais
snupdates ''Break my heart and I swear I'm movin' on with your favorite athlete'' ELA É UMA GÊNIA!!! FODASE
ver todos 895 comentários
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mariclerc · 21 days
Summer gateway | ls2
Summary: you and logan decide to do an eurotrip on summer.
Warnings: none, just fluff and Hispanic!reader.
a/n: a little blurb, because i think we're all going to miss logan🥺😭🤍 @bananaleclerc
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When the famous "summer break" finally arrived, you and Logan were very clear about what you wanted to do in that almost month-long vacation... Being able to take a Eurotrip through some European cities, maybe not all of them, but it was enough for both of you to be able to say that you two had such a great summer.
Right now you and Logan are at one of the last stops of your Eurotrip... Barcelona, you always wanted to visit the city for its architecture and so on... You and Logan are at a cute cafe enjoying a sunny afternoon.
”¡What a good coffee! Oh god, I really needed one!” you say smiling while sipping a cortado.
“I know, right? The coffee and the place are so amazing.” he chuckled.
“I know, but not as much as you.” you say while blushing a little bit.
You and Logan have been dating for a couple of years, since he was racing in F2, you both met in a cafe near the Williams factory, you both started talking until you told him you were a latina from Miami and he got really excited to meet a fellow countryman on the other side of the world... Little by little things started to happen and so on, it was a wonderful thing for you to have met him in such an inopportune way.
“Aw, stop it baby. You're too sweet.” he says while grinning.
You giggle. “No, seriously, I love traveling with you! It's so much fun bebé!” (baby)
He takes your hand. “Me too, mi amor. It's been so nice to just relax and enjoy each other's company.” (my love)
You look at him fondly. “Yeah, with no worries about bad bosses.”
“And without any racing to worry about. It's the perfect break.” he leans closer towards you.
You nudge him playfully. “Bueno, eso es cierto! But don't worry, when we get back on track, I'll be there supporting you, whether you do well or not.” (well, that's true!)
He giggled as he heard you speaking spanish. “I know you will, love. You're always my biggest fan!”
You smile softly at him. “I will always be, mi amor. And you, mine, even if I don't do something as interesting as yours.” you say in a whisper. (my love)
You two sit in comfortable silence for a moment, enjoying the atmosphere. Logan takes out his phone and shows you a picture.
“Look at this view from the Sagrada Família! It's incredible!” he says excitedly.
“Principe that's incredible! Can we go there tomorrow? Please?” you say with excitement in your voice and wide eyes as you look at the picture. (prince)
He laughs a little. “Of course we can honey! Anything for you!”
You two continue talking, laughing, and planning your next summer adventure together.
You sighed. “Oh, te amo mucho Logie!” you said softly to him. (oh, i love you so much logie!)
He smiled and blushed. “I know you do my sweet love.” he kissed your cheek. “How about we go back to the hotel and get some rest, little doll?”
You blushed. “Oh yup! Today has been a little tiring.” you nodded at his words.
You two get up from the table and start walking, you love the vibe of the city and the atmosphere so much, but more than that, you love being able to be in that place with your ideal person in the whole world.
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shield-o-futuro · 2 years
Enquanto isso, na base dos JV...
Scarlett, encontrando Logan com um olho roxo: Meu deus, Logan, o que foi que aconteceu?!
Logan: Nada de mais. Uma pequena briga. Agora, se você acha isso ruim, devia só ter visto o outro cara.
Logan: ...ele tá ótimo. Saiu sem nenhum arranhão.
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toxicanonymity · 6 months
boyd-a-thon fic drive.
In this event, I donate $10/fic to Palestine Children's Relief Fund for smutty Boyd Holbrook character fics. You write a fic, 500-3k words. To participate, please tag #boyd-a-thon, me, and @lustaffairs.
Event Masterlist (ongoing). Optional Prompts
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Done: 20 | Remaining: 10
I went ahead and made all the donations, but would love for people to keep participating and be added to the masterlist until it reaches 30 fics.
BACKGROUND: In thanks for these fics, I donated $10/fic to palestine children's relief fund, which is a top rated organization on charity navigator. I decided to continue this for more fics.
It can be any character on Boyd's IMDB, including - Donald Pierce (Logan), Clement Mansell (Justified City Primeval), Billy (Skeleton Twins), Amos Jenkins (Little Accidents) Mo Lundy (The Free World), Steve Murphy (Narcos), Ty Shaw (Vengeance 2022), and more. . .There's not always a steady flow of Boyd character fics, the fandom deserves to feast (including the amazing gifmakers), and this is what I crave.
I don't care if I've never heard of you, or if it's your first fic. It can be porn without plot. It can be an AU like mafia, stepcest, etc. it can be out of character. 500-3k words? Brownie points from me for vaginal sex or jacking off. But this isn't limited to F/M, you can do a reader or character pairing of your choice.
Target - April 30 but no hard deadline.
PLEASE USE A READMORE text divider🙏 so I can reblog, and please include approximate word count if you don't mind. There will also be a masterlist. If I don't interact within a day, please DM. I will donate at the end of each week.
current gif by @boydholbrook-fan <33 always amazing
I made a pcrf acct for this purpose but have also donated multiple times without an account, and it was very easy. I didn't even have to give my phone number. You can choose any amount to give. You don't have to use their pre-set amounts.
Your donation allows PCRF to deliver on its humanitarian mission and send international volunteer medical missions to treat sick and injured patients while training local doctors. It also enables PCRF to send wounded and sick children abroad for free medical care they cannot get locally. As a 4-star rated charity for the past 11 years, you can be sure that your donation will have the biggest impact on the lives of children in the Middle East, regardless of politics or religion.
$10 is comparable to ~15,000 clicks (on arab.org).
Last donation: May 25
IMG: PCRF dashboard says good afternoon, toxi! and shows I've given $300 through the acct I made for this event.
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sqebu · 5 months
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21 notes · View notes