#Beatrix and Stella are off doing their own thing
mxdragonsdoodles · 2 years
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There in one of the liminal space rooms in Mallory’s house
I refuse to add any kind of lighting to this
Calliope the one with the smiley face shirt is another one of the people who live with Mallory I just never draw her
[Don’t trace, repost or edit]
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winxwannabe · 2 years
why do you hate the netflix show? i'm genuinely curious, as my wife adores it and was also a huge fan of the animated series growing up.
I mean the TL:DR of it is I just think it's a bad show. I found the pacing strange, I didn't like half the characters so it was hard to root for them, Season 1's plot was so awkwardly paced it was boring, but in Season 2 there were like 3 different plot points per episode and I found them hard to get invested in. The LONG answer: my 3 biggest problems with the show were (!):
The blatant racism/whitewashing
This is pretty self-explanatory and I've gone over it before , so I'll keep it brief; the show's whitewashing was the biggest turnoff for me. Musa and the fake out Flora (because Eliot Sal WAS originally Flora, hope whoever made that change got a bonus) were awful, and then the treatment of Dane and Aisha's characters sucked (being taken advantage of by Riven and turning into a huge asshole, and Aisha being turned into Bloom's life coach). We got a little more diversity in Season 2, but by then it read more as a response to backlash than anything else. Same with Dane and Aisha; Aisha gives a little speech in Season 2's first episode where she says she's done being Bloom's life coach, and then proceeds to get a boyfriend who's secretly evil and lies to her all season. And Dane acts like an asshole for 2 scenes before he's shoved to the side as a supporting character.
2. Homophobia
Again, recap from my last rant; Season 1 was very straight. The Bloom/Sky/Stella love triangle took center stage, the only non-straight character was Dane, who I'm 90% sure was bisexual but we'll never know because not once in Fate: The Winx Saga does anyone say the word 'bisexual.' The closest we get is Dane saying he finds both Riven and Stormy Beatrix hot. But Dane, Riven, and Beatrix turn into this awful polyamory thing that goes on for like an episode and a half before it breaks up, and it's never spoken of again. Season 2 gives up an openly lesbian character, Terra, but her love interest (a female specialist whose name I don't remember) is in her own on-again-off-again relationship. Terra and the girl do get together, but last the audience knew the relationship was on! So Terra gets a girlfriend, but said girlfriend is a cheater. Gay rights? oh, and #JusticeforFrancesa
Those are the serious reasons, and with those out of the way I would argue the other really big reason I didn't like Fate was
At the end of the day you can take away magic, the Specialists, and a lot of supporting characters from the show because the core of it - the reason Winx Club works so well - is because these six girls are best friends. The show is about them going through school and breakups and universe-saving together, and kicking ass at it because they have each others back. It is the show's central theme, it's where the best writing is, and where some of its best moments come from (for me at least).
Fate...does not do that. They started the series out making Sky the one to show Bloom around Alfea and introduce her to things instead of Stella, sidelining one of the strongest friendships in the series for the sake of a love triangle. And it only goes downhill from there! I get the whole 'take an episode or two to figure out where we stand as friends' but by the end of the 1st season these bitches are still fighting over the dumbest shit! We start out Season 2 with Stella using invisibility spells again so she's not seen with the other girls - I don't even think Stella likes any of them by the end of the series! Sure everyone goes to classes and plans dangerous missions to save the world together, but outside of that it doesn't seem like they even like each other. There are moments sprinkled throughout where they're supposed to be genuine friends, and they're easily some of fate's best stuff (the car scene in 2x01 is an example). But they're also awkward, because 20 minutes ago they were sulking in their rooms and yelling at each other about their lack of communication. They aren't deserved is the point I'm trying to get at here, and the only way they do feel deserved is if you a) already know their friendship dynamic because you watched the animated series, or b) you follow the actors on social media, where they actually talk and hang out like best friends.
The strongest friendship in this entire series isn't any of the girls - it's fucking Sky and Riven. Because they were pre-established best friends, had arguments throughout season 1, but by the end of season 2 had come back together because the world was in danger, and they both knew despite everything, that they would have each other's backs. Do you know how badly you have to fuck up, where one half of your best friendship is the queerphobic, predatory asshole character, and the other half is a slice of untoasted Wonder Bread?
Do you know how mad Riven would have been if Sky went to not-Omega with Bloom in the season 2 finale? He would have been fucking pissed and ordering everyone to a classroom to give his 30-slide power point on how to get them back within 3 days. Meanwhile Bloom doesn't actually say goodbye to the Winx girls, she just writes them letters and says goodbye to Sky in person (because it is well established that Bloom and Sky's romance is more important than the girl's friendship, let's be honest). And then girls are all hugging and Stella's crying that Bloom's gone and I just thought 'you spent more time with Beatrix than Bloom this season Stella, why the fuck are you sad.'
This is all a longwinded way to say the central theme of friendship was pushed aside for CW-style romance, which made the core cast of girls unable to connect, which made the show bad.
Fate had the same overall runtime as a single season of Winx Club. Later seasons are bad, don't get me wrong, but those original 2004-2007 seasons had twice the character moments, more concise plots, and felt way more fun than anything I saw Brian Young put out these last few years. I would watch an original season (and even season 4! sue me!) any day over Fate the W inx Saga.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk, and probably don't show your wife this.
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queen-of-the-queers · 2 years
Come out (wherever you are)
Stella has had feelings for Beatrix for a while, and she's finally certain about her crush. But who should she tell?
For all of Beatrix’s flaws, she at least made for an easy online stalk. Not one of her accounts were private, leaving her hundreds of pictures, endless reels and frequent stories free for the world (or more specifically perhaps, a certain light fairy) to see.
It was unusual for Stella to have a crush. For her entire life, her every move had been overshadowed with the all-consuming pressure of being the heir to the Solarian throne. Whenever she felt herself catching feelings, she not only had to think about her own attraction but also the small matter of the entire otherworld’s future. No pressure.
That’s why this new flirtation had her tied up in knots. Beatrix was unlike anyone she’d ever met before; bold, blunt and brash, massively stubborn and perpetually sure of herself. She’d dated rebels before, but nobody quite like her.
There was also the obvious fact that Beatrix was.. well.. a woman. Never before had a same-sex couple ruled over Solaria- What would her mother think? 
Anxious thoughts swirled around inside her mind as she scrolled mindlessly through the air fairy’s instagram page, trying to ignore the flutter in her chest she felt upon seeing Beatrix’s pouting, red lips and frequently exposed midriff.
It was getting harder to ignore her feelings and Stella knew it. Every interaction with her friend was now consumed by her relentless desire to be close to her, to hold her in her arms and feel the gentle intimacy of their skin against each other’s.
With every lingering gaze and secret smile exchanged along the corridors, she had come to realise that she knew exactly what she wanted. Stella just had to decide what she was willing to do to get it, and the pressure was eating her up inside.
She groaned, throwing herself backwards against her pillows and covering her face in her hands, abandoning her phone by her side.
A few moments later, she heard a knock on the bedroom door, followed by the sound of it swinging open.
“Is everything ok Stella? I thought I heard some noises.”
Terra peered into the room, squinting through the hand she held over her eyes.
“Yeah, I’m fine, just couldn’t get the best angle for a selfie,” she responded, “You can drop the hand.”
The earth fairy nodded in response, starting to leave the room before Stella spoke.
“Wait! Actually, erm, can we talk.. Please?” the blonde said quietly, looking down at her lap and trying to swallow back her suddenly overwhelming nerves.
Terra looked taken aback for a split second but quickly shook it off, closing the door behind her and cautiously edging towards the bed as though she half expected Stella to change her mind and yell at her to get out.
“You can sit down.”
Terra sunk down onto the end of the mattress as Stella shuffled over, turning to face her friend with a sombre expression.
She sat silently for a moment, nervously running her hands through her hair and across her face.
“Stella… You know you can talk to me about anything,” Terra said slowly, her eyes searching the blonde’s expression in concern.
Against her will, Stella felt tears starting to sting in her eyes, and she hastily brushed them away with a pink, cotton sleeve.
She opened her mouth to speak, before immediately closing it again, struggling to find the right words for what she wanted to say.
“Terra-“ she started before cutting herself off, squeezing her eyes firmly shut.
Her friend reached over, taking her hand.
She squeezed it, feeling the warmth of the gesture flood through her body.
“I think… I think that I… ” She inhaled deeply, trying to prevent her voice from wavering, “like girls?”
Even as she said it, she felt as though a weight lifted off her shoulders. 
This was Terra she was talking to. Somebody who had been through the exact same thing, and had probably felt many of the feelings she was feeling. Someone who could help.
She opened her eyes just in time to be met with a crushing hug and a grinning friend.
“Thank you so much for telling me. I’m really proud of you Stella, I know this must be huge.”
Stella allowed herself to lean into the embrace, burying her head into the crook of her friend’s neck.
Suddenly, Terra pulled away.
“Wait, is there a girl?” the earth fairy gushed, unable to keep a grin from her face, “Do I know her?”
Stella blushed bright red, averting her gaze.
“There’s no girl.”
Terra seemed unconvinced.
“Well I’m happy to be your wingwoman whenever you decide to admit it.”
Suddenly, a text lit up Stella’s discarded phone and both women looked over.
Beatrix: Tonight at the library? I have whiskey.
Terra looked up from the screen, meeting her friend’s eyes with a playful look. The blonde looked away, snatching it up and hugging it to her chest.
“That’s nothin-“ Stella started, just as Terra said.
“I guess that’s another mystery solved. How long have you been in love with Beatrix?”
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halcyon-girls · 2 years
Hello there! I adore your writing! For the Stellatrix prompt: since winter season is approaching, what about Stella and Beatrix finding themselves snowed in? They have feelings for each other but haven't express them yet. Maybe this could be the perfect chance for them to do so... :)
I went for the angle of Beatrix and Stella being pushed to be roommates in a cabin on a training trip to the snow. It seems to be going well until they're informed they'll be snowed in the next morning. With feelings growing between them, there's only one thing to do. -----------------------
A perfect bonding activity, their teachers had said as they handed out small slips of paper, assigning two students to a cabin each. Stella had felt her eyes widen as she read Beatrix’s name on hers.
It was to be a week-long camping trip. The goal was to expose the students to harsh conditions in order to strengthen their resolve and their magic. Or so Stella had been told.
The wooden cabin with minimal furnishings she’d be assigned to was certainly selling that idea.
She pulls on the handle of her luggage and struggles to keep it behind her as it drags on the dirt path with rocks and twigs frequently rocking the wheels from side to side.
When she arrives at the cabin, she finds Beatrix already at the steps with a black duffle bag swung over her shoulders and an unimpressed expression sitting on her face. ‘So you’re my roommate for this hellish trip, princess?’
Stella huffs as she drags her luggage up the steps. It thumps against each of them as she climbs. ‘That seems to be the case, yes.’
Beatrix rolls her eyes and pulls out the cabin key, turning it in the lock. She places her hand on the handle, looking back at Stella. ‘You could at least try to be enthusiastic about it.’
Stella swallows sharply and follows Beatrix inside. If she were to be perfectly honest, she is very enthused about this arrangement. In the time she’d been spending with Beatrix at Alfea, their friendship had grown as equally as their teasing.
For Stella, however, friendship wasn’t quite the right word anymore. Not that she could say that. She’d survive the week with Beatrix, spend most of her time not in this cabin, and eventually return back to Alfea with her feelings still locked securely away.
Beatrix immediately chooses her own bed on the right of the room, throwing her duffle bag at the end of it. She unzips her bag and pulls out a bottle of whiskey, half empty, and places it between them. ‘You know, I was planning to drink my roommate choice sorrows away with this for the week. It seems I’ve gotten lucky and can share it instead.’
Stella wets her lips. With how nervous she was, she was sure she could drink that entire bottle by herself and still be unable to look Beatrix in the eyes. What a mess. She wheels her luggage to the end of her bed. ‘Well, with such good company, we’ll hardly need that liquid courage.’
Beatrix walks across the room and sits on the edge of Stella’s bed. ‘The princess refusing a good drink? Who are you and where’s the real Stella?’
Stella smiles awkwardly. ‘Still very much here, just, um, trying to have a clean training week.’ 
She mentally groans. A clean training week? Could she really think of nothing better?
Beatrix laughs and hops off Stella’s bed. She walks back to her duffle bag and rifles through it, pulling out a shot glass. ‘Right, now we definitely need a little for you.’
Beatrix hands her the glass and Stella can’t deny that refusing Beatrix when she laughed and smiled at her like that was almost impossible. She lets Beatrix pour her a shot and downs it in one quick motion.
Beatrix smirks and plucks the glass out of Stella’s hand, pouring herself a shot into the same glass. She drinks it in the same way Stella had and places it down on the nightstand next to her bed. ‘Seems like you needed that.’
Stella nods. ‘Perhaps a little.’
An announcement echoes through the room. ‘All students to the main grounds of the camp. All students!’
Stella sighs, ‘Time to face reality.’
Beatrix pats the small of Stella’s back, guiding her out of the cabin. ‘It’s not so bad with you.’
Stella feels a smile form on her face. ‘Same to you.’ 
She’s not sure whether Beatrix has the same thoughts on their friendship that she did, but in moments like this, she’s given a little bit more hope than she’d previously had.
She locks the cabin behind her and places the key in her pocket, following Beatrix to the main grounds.
They start their first lesson with a mix of determined students and students who definitely had no intention of training at all.
Bloom was one of the latter students. She grins widely as she and Aisha play a game of building snowmen then dramatically melting them with an unnecessary amount of fire.
Stella can’t help but laugh along with Bloom as she starts cackling wildly much to the chagrin of their teachers.
Stella practices a few basic light magic spells, idly trying to recreate the aurora in the sky in her hands with varying success. 
Beatrix slides up to her side, a thick scarf wrapped around her neck, covering her face up to her nose. She glares at the snow as if it were attacking her personally.
‘Nice scarf,’ Stella comments, an amused smile on her face.
Beatrix huffs and crosses her arms. ‘I stole Riven’s. No one informed me it would be an ice camp.’
Aisha piques up next to them, ‘Well technically snow and ice and very similar, did you know-’
Beatrix waves her hand. ‘No, and again, no, I don’t want to learn more.’
Aisha flicks some cold snow at Beatrix’s chest as she walks away. She returns to their fire-loving suitemate that Terra, Flora, and Musa, were doing a terrible job of attempting to placate.
Stella snorts when Beatrix kicks the snow then groans dramatically when it soaks her pants legs, promptly making her that much colder.
When she starts shivering, Stella nudges closer and reaches for one of Beatrix’s hands. She knows this definitely is not a typical friendship thing to do, but she can’t bring herself to care.
‘What are you doing?’ Beatrix huffs, tugging her hand back to her body.
Stella rolls her eyes and tugs Beatrix’s hand back to herself. ‘Stop being so stubborn.’
Beatrix tilts her head back, ‘I’m not stubborn, I am simply being cursed by conditions that would only please those two monsters.’ She gestures towards Aisha and Bloom who had begun to laugh loudly, throwing snowballs at each other, all the while ignoring the teacher’s commands to do anything but that.
Stella shakes her head and calls on her light magic, using it to warm Beatrix’s hands. She hadn’t exactly worked out how to use it to melt the snow, so she figured this could suffice.
When Beatrix frowns at their joined hands, Stella answers the unspoken question. ‘I’m using my magic to warm your hands.’
Beatrix doesn’t pull away, though her hands slacken in Stella’s grip. ‘Why?’
Stella rubs her thumb against the back of Beatrix’s hand. ‘Maybe I just like seeing you happy.’
Beatrix makes a popping sound with her lips but squeezes Stella’s hands, accepting the warmth. ‘A poor decision on your part, really.’
Stella rolls her eyes again, it seemed to be a frequent occurrence today. ‘As it always seems to be.’
Stella ducks as Aisha throws a snowball Bloom’s way that she slides to avoid. ‘This training is starting to feel like a safety hazard.’
Beatrix smirks as she wiggles closer to Stella, claiming some of her warmth. ‘We can’t let that pretty face get ruined, huh?’
Stella’s cheeks flush and if Beatrix asks, she’ll blame it on the cold. ‘Careful, that almost sounded like a compliment.’
Beatrix shrugs, ‘Consider it your lucky day, I don’t throw them out often.’
Stella wets her lips and draws on more of her magic to warm their joined hands. ‘I don’t often deliberately catch them either.’
Beatrix raises a brow. ‘Good to know.’
They sit next to each other for a while, and Beatrix slowly pushes her face further into her stolen scarf, glaring when a strong breeze blows their way.
Eventually, the teachers realise that they all had no intention of training in the snow and call it a day, allowing them to head back into their cabins. Beatrix stands quicker than Stella can blink, rushing towards their shared cabin.
Stella laughs and follows behind her, watching as Beatrix immediately taps her foot against the ground, realising that Stella had the cabin key and she couldn’t get inside.
Stella pulls the key out of her pocket. ‘I have the key.’
Beatrix narrows her eyes and points at the door. ‘Open it.’
Stella laughs and slides the key into the lock and twists it, opening the door. She waves her hand inside, ‘The cabin awaits us.’
Beatrix stomps her way inside and promptly falls onto her bed. She grips the edge of her blanket and rolls in her bed, wrapping herself up in it.
Stella smiles and walks over to the bed, sitting on the edge of it. ‘Are you warm now?’
Beatrix huffs and pops her head out from under the blanket. ‘Tell anyone and I’ll kill you.’
Stella shakes her head and stands up from the bed. ‘I’m certain you will.’ She shuffles over to the kitchenette where a kettle and some hot cocoa supplies were located, seemingly complimentary as part of their visit. ‘Would you tolerate a hot cocoa?’ 
Beatrix makes a small grumbling sound from her position in bed and Stella takes that as a yes.
She makes two cups and once she’s done, she walks over to Beatrix’s bed and nudges her with her leg. ‘You can’t drink the cocoa from there.’
Beatrix sighs and sits up in the bed, letting the blanket fall around her. ‘I suppose you have some logic there.’ She reaches out and takes the cocoa from Stella’s hands.
Stella returns to her position on the bed and takes a sip of her own cocoa. ‘So, you really hate the cold?’
Beatrix takes another sip. ‘I find it both confining and unpleasant.’
Stella blows the steam off the top of her cup. It was something she could relate to. She was not so bothered by the cold but rather by the feeling of confinement the palace offered, even on the sunniest of days. ‘If you get too cold, just let me know. It will not take much to use my magic.’
Beatrix rubs her hands against her cup. ‘If there ends up being such a situation where I need your help, princess, perhaps I’ll let you know.’
Stella rolls her eyes and continues drinking her cocoa. It would be far too painful for Beatrix to say something as simple as thank you. Though, it was something that made Stella fond of her. It was rather amusing to watch her fumble around the words and say everything but them.
When they finish their cocoa, they decide to separate. Stella unpacks her luggage and pulls out a book, settling on reading it in bed.
Beatrix pulls out her phone and disappears under her blanket. 
They spend the rest of the day like this, the only sounds being the occasional video Beatrix watches and a page-turning from Stella’s book. 
Beatrix reluctantly removes herself from her warm bed to walk with Stella when the dinner bell rings. They lock the cabin behind them and head to the dining area where they’d be having their meals for the duration of the camp.
Stella grabs the most appetising-looking food from herself, a rather bland-looking pasta. She narrowed her eyes and the other items, finding them to look distinctly nothing like what the little card situated in front of them claimed.
As she eats, one of the water fairy teachers speaks. ‘We are glad to have you all on this camp.’ She walks to the centre of the room. ‘However, we have heard the news of a large snowstorm heading this way at around 2 am. We suggest you each gather some supplies from this dining hall in preparation.’
Preparation? Was she really implying they were going to be snowed in?
Stella shifts her gaze to look at Beatrix and notices that she’s gripping her fork that little bit too tight, it seems to almost bend.
Stella places her hand on Beatrix’s forearm. ‘We have both fire and water fairies, if we get snowed in, it’ll probably only be for an hour.’
Beatrix purses her lips. ‘You are beautifully naïve, princess. They wouldn’t be asking us to gather supplies if they thought it was to only be for an hour.’
Stella’s cheeks flush. Beautiful? Well, beautifully naïve… but, Stella would take the almost compliment. In some way, Beatrix had just called her beautiful. 
The teacher continues to speak. ‘Dinner will end in thirty minutes so I suggest you start gathering your supplies now.’
Stella sighs. ‘It can’t be that bad, can it?’
Beatrix pats Stella’s arm and gathers her plate. ‘If I’ve learnt anything from studying at Alfea it’s that it’s always worse.’
Stella gulps. She’s not wrong. Stella remembers so many incidents where her teachers and even Ms Dowling had told them all that everything was fine. Then Saul was attacked by a Burned One.
She supposes the camp is a distraction from those things, a few moments of relaxation before the next terrible thing occurs.
She tries to shake off that thought but when she watches a large pack of supplies be placed in Beatrix’s arms, she finds she has several doubts.
Stella takes her plate up to be washed and joins the line, watching as Beatrix leans against the wall with her supplies in hand, likely having realised that Stella again was the one holding their cabin key.
The line moves quickly and Stella is handed the same package Beatrix received. A few cans of soup, some tea, various snacks and not a lot of real meals. She hopes it’s for a worst-case scenario and she won’t have to actually eat it. 
Beatrix’s lips are turned down and she glares at the teachers. It seems she’s set on the idea that they will need to.
Stella walks to her side and they make quick work of getting back to their cabin and out of the cold.
They talk for a few hours about anything that pops into their minds before agreeing that it was better to sleep instead of listening to the way the cabin creaked under the pressure of the wind and snow.
When Stella wakes, Beatrix is sitting up in her bed glaring at the door.
She hops out of her bed. ‘Are we snowed in?’
Beatrix shrugs. ‘I haven’t checked.’
Stella laughs and rolls her eyes. ‘Then why are you glaring and the door like that?’
Beatrix pulls her blanket around her shoulders. ‘Because I’m certain we are.’
Well, there’s only one way to find out. Stella pulls on her lined crocs, which Beatrix equally glares at, and walks to the door. She places her hand on the freezing door handle and pulls.
She jumps back in panic as the snow starts falling through the door, giving her a glimpse of it sitting above the doorframe with no sign of sunlight. 
She pushes against the door, securely closing it once more. She spins around with her back pressed to the door. ‘Perhaps we are a little snowed in.’
Beatrix buries herself further into her blankets. ‘A little.’
Stella looks down at the snow now sitting around her ankles. ‘A lot.’
Beatrix nods and waves towards herself with her hand. ‘Now come over here, you’re making me feel cold watching you stand in that.’
Stella starts walking over to her. ‘You’re not saying that because you don’t want me to be cold?’
For the first time on the trip, Stella watches as Beatrix’s cheeks turn slightly pink. ‘I wouldn’t go that far.’
Stella hops back into her bed, ‘Uh-huh, sure.’
She watches as Beatrix fidgets in her bed. ‘You don’t have to stay over there.’
Stella bites her lip. It sounds like Beatrix is asking her to join her in bed.
Beatrix seems to read her confused expression and elaborates. ‘Come over here.’
Stella feels her cheeks flush in the same way Beatrix’s are and reaches for her blanket, tugging it over to Beatrix’s bed. She sits on the edge of the bed with the blanket around her, unsure of what to do.
Beatrix wraps an arm around Stella’s waist and pulls her into the bed. ‘Join me in here.’
Stella leans into Beatrix’s side, smiling when Beatrix doesn’t pull away.
Perhaps what she’s feeling isn’t so one-sided.
She looks at the door and sighs. ‘What are we to do?’
She receives no answer and frowns, turning to look at Beatrix. 
Beatrix’s eyes are narrowed and her body is stiff. ‘Beatrix? Are you alright?’
Beatrix swallows sharply. ‘I don’t like being locked in here.’
She knows she’ll likely be foolish for saying it, but it falls from her mouth, ‘With me?’
Beatrix shakes her head. ‘You may be the only thing keeping me from shouting about this.’
Stella shuffles closer. ‘I could say the same about you.’
Beatrix rests her head against Stella’s shoulder and reaches for her hand. 
Stella tries to process the actions. Everything Beatrix was doing and saying made her heart beat that little bit faster and her cheeks flush. Her crush was becoming far more difficult to hide.
Still, she tries to keep it to herself. She hardly wanted to ruin their relationship. She climbs out of the bed and looks around, finding a few card games at the bottom of the package she’d collected.
Beatrix cranes her head from her position on the bed to see what Stella was holding. ‘What is it?’ 
‘A card game,’ Stella answers, flipping over the package and reading the rules. ‘It seems we are to place cards down and if a matching card type is placed on top of the previous, we hit our hand down on it.’
Beatrix smirks. ‘Well then, princess, prepare to lose.’
Stella rejoins Beatrix on the bed and places the first card, having split the deck in half between them. 
Beatrix follows her action. No match.
They continue to game, both growing quicker and more intense as the game goes on. Beatrix places her card down and smacks her hand down, sending a few cards flying when she realises it’s a match. ‘Looks like that’s a point to me,’ she smirks and waits for Stella to place down the next card. ‘Prepare to lose.’
Stella narrows her eyes. ‘I don’t lose.’
Beatrix shrugs and drops her card. ‘There’s a first for everything.’
They continue the game and finally, Stella sees her chance, she places her matching card down and smacks her hand on it. Beatrix tries to beat her, smacking her hand on top of Stella’s.
Stella flushes at the touch. ‘Looks like a point to me.’
They pull apart and play a few more rounds. Eventually, Beatrix is in the lead with a score of 4-3 and they both agree that the fifth match will declare the winner.
They’re practically throwing cards onto the bed at this point, and their once neat pile is now a scattered mess. Beatrix places down the next card and Stella’s eyes widen as she smacks her hand down just a second too slow, and it lands on top of Beatrix’s.
Beatrix turns to look at Stella, a playful smile on her face. ‘We’ve got to stop meeting like this.’
Stella wets her lips. She couldn’t contain it any longer. ‘What if I want to keep meeting like this?’
Beatrix pulls her hand away and Stella wonders if she’s screwed up.
Beatrix is quick to answer that for her, and her hands slide up to Stella’s neck. ‘How else would you like to meet?’
A shaky breath falls from Stella’s lips. ‘I think you know the answer.’
Beatrix gently pulls Stella down, until their faces are inches apart. ‘Perhaps, but I’d like to hear you say it.’
Stella swallows sharply and looks down at Beatrix’s lips. ‘Kiss me.’
Beatrix’s cheeks flush and a smile takes over her face. ‘I can do that.’ She leans in and closes the distance.
Stella lifts up her hands and places them on Beatrix’s cheeks, rubbing her thumb against them. She sighs into the kiss and presses back, taking the lead.
Beatrix’s lips follow her’s and Beatrix places a hand on the small of Stella’s back, pulling her in closer. When they pull apart, Beatrix hums, ‘This was certainly warming.’
Stella moves one of her hands down to Beatrix’s neck. ‘I’m still cold.’
Beatrix smirks and leans in again. ‘How needy of you princess.’
They kiss until Stella is certain that every part of her body was warmed by the feeling of Beatrix’s touch. ‘I think I love you,’ she blurts.
Beatrix pulls back slightly and smiles. ‘Took you long enough.’
Stella blinks, ‘Wha- What?’
Beatrix presses a kiss to Stella’s forehead. ‘I love you too.’
Oh. Oh. Stella’s hands shake and a wide smile forms on her face. ‘I love you so much.’
Beatrix laughs and kisses her again.
They spend the rest of the day in each other’s arms and eat dinner of heated canned soup, which could have been far worse.
Eventually, the door swings open and the rest of their friends rush into the room, the snow finally having been melted by the fire and water fairies.
They laugh and assure them all that they’re okay.
When they leave the camp, it’s hand-in-hand with a different term to describe their relationship.
Girlfriend seemed to be far more fitting.
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skloomdumpster · 2 years
How do you imagine Isobel and Darcy Daniels? Who do you imagine them interacting with the most? Apart from Beatrix.
I had time to think of this, like truly.
I want them to be triplets. Yes, it'll make the casting people's life harder yeah, but idc. Triplets, but not identical.
I imagine that if Bea was from Aster Dell and Rosalind did indeed save her and place her in Andreas' arms, it wouldn't make sense for Isobel and Darcy to be not have been saved in the same manner. So to me that implies they were not in Aster Dell when the explosion happened.
Whatever reason it may be (and if there's any ftws writer out there, I do think the simplest explanation would be best, they were simply out of town with one of the parents, Bea stayed bc her powers were acting up maybe?) I think them being out of the town implies a living parent/guardian too.
As far as they're concerned, Beatrix died in the blast. I'd like for it to be the mom who survived, simply because Beatrix grew up with just a dad, so to me it's a nice symmetry if the other two grew up with just a mom.
Isobel's got a light brown hair, but she dyes it platinum blonde. She's got Beatrix round eyes that can read into your soul. She's quiet and she's rational. Often too cold, Isobel (or Icy, i guess they're gonna call her. I don't like it) comes across as the mean twin, but she is not.
Darcy is the talkative one, she's got dark brown hair and Beatrix's round delicate face and a big, bright smile. She talks a lot and she's charming. Where Icy gives off all the wrong vibes, Darcy is warm and inviting and she lures you in and in.
Isobel, Darcy and Beatrix are the children of a blood witch and an air fairy. Beatrix and Isobel were born with "normal" powers, Bea is air and Icy is water. Darcy is a blood witch.
And Darcy is evil. She's got Beatrix's thirst for blood, but unlike Beatrix who got her own version of love - hand me down and a little twisted, passed down by a traumatized veteran with a bad moral compass, but love nonetheless - Icy and Darcy didn't. Their mom, the blood witch, spiraled badly right after Aster Dell and the supposed loss of her husband and third daughter. She's an extremist, she sided with Sebastian's quest for a while, but she's so extremist that her little group ended up detaching themselves from Sebastian Jr, because he simply wasn't as insane as his father. He wasn't willing to kill all fairies or to torture and murder at whim, just enough to achieve his goal.
Momma Trix wasn't there for that lukewarm garbage and she raised Icy and Darcy in the same mindset.
Icy's water powers, fairy powers, made for a fairy who had to hide her powers a lot in the middle of extremist people. Either they got weaponized (frequently) or just shunned and submitted to bigotry, sometimes from their own mother. Darcy was viciously protective of Icy, but as children who grow up in abuse, they both thought of each other having it easy. Darcy shouldered most of the expectations from Momma Trix and Icy most of the neglect.
One the introvert with the water powers and who learns really soon how to use it to harm targets her extremist people deems necessary, the other a blood witch with a thirst for cruelty that's unquenchable.
Icy sighing "Darcy... Again?" as she's got yet another doe eyed human standing in their living room, frozen in place as Darcy plays. Darcy's got a thing for figuring out what hurts, "tell me how much it hurts," she tells her victim, who can't move.
Icy cleaning up after Darcy, getting most of the bad reputation herself and don't think for a second her lack of excitement for murder makes her less deadly. She simply has different motivations, her sister being the central one.
And then in steps Stella, the princess of fucking Solaria. Stella, letter in hand with Isobel and Darcy Daniels written in it, who says she knew their sister, who's a fairy, who's the princess of Solaria, the crown that's blaming blood witches for Rosalind's murder.
Darcy widens her eyes, tearful and filled with hope (and hunger, but Stella doesn't see that), "you knew... You knew our sister? But how...? Beatrix died in Aster Dell when we were babies", Darcy who invites her in the house. Darcy, offering Stella tea and eagerly wanting to see pictures of Beatrix. Darcy who likes to play with her food.
Icy, leaning against the fridge, arms crossed to her chest, who not for a second wants Stella in their house, because she's the princess of bloody Solaria. She's bad news, wherever the princess goes, guards are surely to follow and they have skeletons in the closet. Icy, who makes the whole kitchen freezing cold and who's saying "You should leave, I don't believe you. You have some fucking nerve showing up here to use our dead sister to get to us," Icy who's a bad minute away from drowning Stella in her own tea, all the while Darcy glares at her sister.
"Icy, but she's got pictures, come look. Look at how Bea looks like us," she sounds so hopeful, she's got a hand open on Stella's back.
These are the Isobel and Darcy I want.
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lamaaniosaetze · 2 years
Midnights Like This
Rain, he wanted it comfortable                       
I wanted that pain
He wanted a bride
I was making my own name
Chasing that fame
He stayed the same
All of me changed like midnight
Beatrix was handling her usual work for the headmasters, a bit lost in thoughts, she started thinking about Stella and her.
She knows how Stella feels about her, and she feels the same, but she can't let the thought of what could be get in her way. Getting a name for herself. It is something she needs to do on her own, not by her relation to the princess of Solaria. 
My town was a wasteland
Full of cages, full of fences
Pageant queens and big pretender
But for some, it was paradise
Beatrix was born somewhere she no longer knows, a place scorched to the ground, in a time of war. She has no place to call home. She can only think of that place for what it could have been for her, maybe it used to be a beautiful place, even if some of the people there were sinners in the eyes of the ruling kingdom. 
My boy was a montage
A slow-motion, love potion
Jumping off things in the ocean
I broke his heart 'cause he was nice
It's hard not to think about Stella.
She is beautifully mesmerizing, so much so that Beatrix gets distracted by her often. She makes it extremely hard for Beatrix to focus on her goal godemit. Even if it would come to a point where Stella would outright ask her out she wouldn't have any choice but decline.
And besides, Stella can find someone much better for her, she shouldn't settle for someone like Beatrix. 
He was sunshine, I was midnight rain
He wanted it comfortable
I wanted that pain
He wanted a bride
I was making my own name
Chasing that fame
He stayed the same
All of me changed like midnight
Stella has her own goals, her own ambitions.
She search to prove herself worthy, not only to her mother, but to the people around her as well. She would need someone who could support her and be there for her.
Beatrix can't possibly see herself filling that role, without letting her own goals get in the way, there's just no way for the to be together and be fulfilled at the same time. 
It came like a postcard
Picture perfect, shiny family
Holiday, peppermint candy
But for him it's every day
She sometimes like to indulge in the thought of having a home with Stella tho, but she knows she won't fit in that kind of place. Stella was born to royalty, grew up with a loving family. Beatrix wouldn't know how to be a part of that life. 
So I peered through a window
A deep portal, time travel
All the love we unravel
And the life I gave away
So all there is left to do was to think.
About what they could've had, if only they didn't have such complicated pasts, and maybe if they would try hard enough they could, but none of them was brave enough to take the first step. 
'Cause he was sunshine
I was midnight rain
He wanted it comfortable
I wanted that pain
He wanted a bride
I was making my own name
Chasing that fame
He stayed the same
All of me changed
Like midnight
Maybe in another world, under better circumstances, maybe it could've happened, maybe if it didn't feel so painful, ir maybe if it was more painful, they would have given it a chance
I guess sometimes we all get
Just what we wanted, just what we wanted
And he never thinks of me
Except when I'm on TV
Beatrix one day may be as great as she ever wanted to be. And she might forget all about that teenage crush she had.
But when she will see her taking the throne, she wouldn't be able to help thinking about her and what they could have had.
I guess sometimes we all get
Some kind of haunted, some kind of haunted
And I never think of him
Except on midnights like this (midnights like this)
Stella will move on, become queen, and won't think of Beatrix.
But sometime she'll still get some zaps, and she'll remember that one girl she used to crush on in back in the days .
But thats all in days past. 
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vicontheinternet · 2 years
Thing that f*te the winx saga could've used to make it more ✨mature✨. I got this idea from two ppl but I literally can not find their post update: found one found the other one. If you want to take any of these ideas feel free just credit me and send a link over this way when its ready to get published.
Season 1
Have stormy take the identity of princess varanda of Callisto as a nod to the cartoon instead of Beatrix which was easy to guess
make them college age (in multiple different dubs alfea is a college)
Have the Brandon/sky switch but have it effect Brandon more because sky is closer to his father then he is because he can't be himself and have stella be in on it.
Have the love triangle be between aisha sky and bloom. Where Aisha and sky are in a arranged marriage they love each other in a platonic way but there is no love loss between them.
Split Aisha into two people aisha and layla twins/Irish twins with one having the standard mahogany brown/cinnamon brown hair and the other having the reddish brown pink highlight hair one being the fairy of oceans and tides and the other being the fairy of fluids
Have the switch be between aisha and layla who are swapping to see how each other life’s are
Give the parent plotlines that gave to Stella back to aisha (Stella’s plot with her mom is very close to Aisha’s in the cartoon at least to me.)
Introduce diaspro you know the girl who is blonde mean and in a love triangle with sky and bloom. fate!stella is practically diaspro
Do away with fate's magic system because winx club already had their own with more categories
Make Aisha a teacher assistant/student teacher instead of Farah suck up (My reasoning on this is that yes she is still the same age as the other girls namely stella but she created her own subcategory of how to use magic. She is really advanced and using advanced spell and skills to the point where some adult trouble with. I also feel like its another way for her parents to keep control over her.)
Make Aisha a specialist in a act of rebellion
Make tecna a specialist who is a gamer girl/hacker
Have diaspro and bloom be long lost sisters
Have stella and diaspro be sisters
stella, aisha and diaspro where roommate the previous year since both stella and Aisha were 17 when they debuted and have the be ra’s
instead of stella accidentally blinding her former roommate she preformed a convergence spell that was above her skill level and blinded her roommate or herself along with blewing up the dorm (which would come full circle in the way that her and her former roommate was out of balance, but when she does it with the girls it goes over smoothly. "When your hand is holding mine" they transform thanks to the power of friendship love and a Successful convergence spell and they gain transformation magic)
have stella blind herself on accident because of the bad way she was taught magic.
Have stella and Aisha be from rival kingdoms
make queen luna into countess cassandra
I like the idea of every time stella uses her power it bleaches her hair with the raw power of sun she is able to harness because the uv waves until it slowly becomes a pale blonde 
Have Aisha cling to every authority figure to fill the void that was left by her parents being so closed off towards her
Have Aisha be borderline clingy or even a little jealous towards her friends because she doesn’t understand how friendship works. Not understanding how boundaries works because her parents were not hands on parents. And just generally not understanding her emotions how to proceed them and how to express them for that reason too.
Have Aisha have a different view on love and how you should love someone and be loved by someone because of her parental trauma.
Show Aisha cracking under the pressure and expectation to be the perfect princess for her realm. Instead of the toilet incident then randomly being bad at her magic that went no where.
Instead of bloom setting the fire in her parents house out of anger have it be in her sleep have it be a throwback to the show when she was transforming in her sleep
Have mike and vanessa know about her powers and have her practice her powers safely with the help of her firefighter father
Have Vanessa be a Italian immigrant
Instead of Rosalind being trapped down there it would be Argulus a former classmate of farah’s who went to shadow haunt and got corrupted
Instead of rosalind being trapped have it be icy in alfea and Darcy in cloud tower with beatrix stormy in disguise trying to break them out
Instead of rosalind being trapped have it be the last ancestral witch
Fully comment to mixing musa with darcy
Utilize the dragon flame water star and starlight having designated host
Have daphne successfully escaped and go into hiding with bloom on earth
Say that the reason why fairies don’t transform anymore is because they wings keep getting plucked off as a throw back to the trix and galatea subsequently leaving them powerless so they evolved from it and it happened so long ago that nobody ever taught the new generation how to transform and with each generation they lost that part of them and bury it deep and deep inside of them.
Season 2
Introduce Brandon as stella's personal guard one of the solarian royal guard place there by queen luna due to Stella’s antics last season.
Introduce Brandon as relative of silva like nephew or giving Stella’s divorce parents plotlines to him saying that he grew up with both parents but after the divorce they feel out of touch because his mom took him home to her realm. Double point if he used to be friends with sky then moved to solaria as a child.
Introduce flora as the botany/earth and tecna as the air teacher
Introduce the wizards to teach a red fountain and introduce nabu that way since it was a school for wizards in s1 of the cartoon
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unknowntoyou2205 · 3 years
Scared and alone (4/12)
Info: Silva Carrys y/n to the greenhouse and Musa and Aisha see her. The girls go check on her before leaving to lunch. Sky finds out via Blook andhim and Riven havent seen y/n for long before they are called away by Stella and Beatrix.
Relationships: Sky x Riven x Reader (Platonic)
Warnings: Mentions of death, loss of parents, harmful acts.
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Musa and Aisha walked through the canteen to there next class when they seen Dowling and Harvey rushing past followed by Silva with a young girl in his arms. Watching them they recognized it as y/n.
"Is that............" "Y/n yeah." Aisha nodded, interrupting Musa.
The two girls looked at each other before rushing in the direction the teachers left, bumping into Terra on the way.
"What's going on?" Terra asked in confusion. "Y/n's collapsed or something. Headmistress Dowling, Professor Harvey and Headmaster Silva went by carrying her." Aisha said in a hurry before Terra followed them, texting Bloom.
"Place her on the bed." Harvey told Silva before leaving to his office. "How long does the dosage last?" Dowling asked, looking at Harvey who was working away in his office. "Half hour, maybe more, no more than an hour." Harvey spoke before the door opened in a hurry.
The teachers turned to see Aisha, Bloom, Musa and Terra looking in concern. The four girls stopped as they seen y/n lying on a bed close by.
"What happened?" Terra asked. "Stress." Dowling replied curtly. "Will she be okay?" Aisha asked. "Yes she will be fine, why don't you girls go get lunch and you can see her when she wakes up." Silva nodded at the girls.
The four girls nodded before leaving the greenhouse once again. Dowling sighed and turned to Silva with a look of concern.
"I'm surprised Sky and Riven aren't here yet." she stated. "There in training, probably haven't heard yet. I can almost bet that they will be here at some stage if she doesn't wake up before hand." Silva stated. "Do they know about her parents?" "No, I don't think so. She told me not to tell Sky and I doubt that she has told them." Silva shook his head. "She's a strong girl, but she could do with the support of those close to her. Especially with the frozen ones." Dowling stated causing Silva to nod before Harvey came back in.
"I'm going to give her an antidote to help with her control of magic. Once she has achieved it we will slowly decrease that strength before she is on her own. However, as magic is linked to emotion I am not certain that it will work for her." Harvey explained, showing Dowling and Silva ten vials in a box. "So she still needs to be able to control her emotions." Dowling asked. "In a way. This antidote can slightly decrease her feelings, though she will not be emotionless." "When do you start administering them to her." Silva asked. "Once she wakes up." Harvey stated before the door opened with a bang.
Bloom walked out of the cafeteria and started walking through the gardens. Hearing her name, she stopped and looked back to see Sky coming towards her.
"You know you don't have to go along with everything Stella wants. There are other options. Don't do it just cause she's got a strong personality." Sky stated, walking with Bloom. "I lost the ring. I'm going to help her get it back. It's the right thing to do, end of story." Bloom stated, shrugging her shoulder slightly. "Two strong personalities. Got it." "Clearly you have a type." Bloom joked before looking ahead. "Hey, umm, how's y/n." Bloom asked causing Sky to look at her in confusion. "She's fine, why?" Sky replied causing Bloom to stop and turn in front of him. "Wait, you don't know?" "Know what?" "Musa and Aisha seen Headmaster Silva carrying her to the greenhouse. They say she collapsed due to stress." Bloom explained causing Skys eyes to widen. "I've to go." Sky stated before rushing off.
Sky ran through the halls, ignoring the students he bumped into along the way. Reaching his room, he burst through the door to see Riven and Beatrix lying on the bed. They both looked up as he burst through.
"Someone's in a rush." Beatrix commented. "Keep the door on it's hinges please, don't want Silva to blame me for something else I didn't do." Riven stated. "Y/n's in the greenhouse. Silva brought her there, Bloom says she collapsed due to stress, I don't know but she's not awake yet." Sky said in one breath causing Riven to push away from the head board he was leaning against. "Shit." Riven cursed under his breath as Beatrix got off the bed. "I heard she lost control in her class, almost frosted Headmistress Dowling. People say she ran out of the class after, nobody seen where she went, my guess is the forest." Beatrix stated before kissing Riven and leaving.
"I don't need to tell you why that is such a bad idea." Sky commented, pointing Beatrix's direction. "YOur seriously going to comment on that when y/n is in the greenhouse after collapsing from stress." Riven stated before leaving the room.
Both boys didn't speak as they pushed past students to get to the greenhouse. Both were worried about their closest friend and where very confused onto why she lost control and passed out.
Reaching the greenhouse Riven pushed the door open with a bang, startling the teachers standing around the bed where y/n lay. Sky rushed in after him and skidded, nearly falling over.
"Y/n! Is she okay?" Riven asked, pushing through Dowling and Silva, not caring that he had forced them back. "What happened?" Sky asked, looking mainly at Harvey as he walked towards the group. "She passed out due to stress." Harvey explained, half lying. "SO she didn't lose control in class." Riven snapped, caressing y/ns cheek softly. "Due to stress yes. But she is okay." Dowling lied, looking at the two boys.
Sky looked at Silva who nodded before he moved beside y/n, opposite Riven, taking a hold of her hand. He rubbed her hand with his thumb as he watched y/n breathing softly.
Riven looked at Sky briefly as a phone was heard throughout the green house. Sky looked down and got his phone before sighing, seeing who it was.
"Stella I'm kinda busy right now." He started before being interrupted, "Yeah I get that but y/n needs me right now." He sighed after a long pause." Is it really important?" "Okay, I'm on my way."
Sky hung up and let go of y/n's hand before stepping back while rubbing his head. Riven looked down as his phone went off from a text. Reading it, he also stepped back and moved to the door.
"Beatrix needs me/ Stella needs me." They spoke in unison, looking at each other before leaving, unaware of their friend hearing and seeing them leave with tears in her eyes.
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lynnsxx · 2 years
Okay, I gotta say that season 2 was not that bad.
First things first: SKY FINALLY GOT A DECENT HAIRCUT! It was about time.
They totally invested most of their budget on the first two songs (Halsey + Taylor Swift). On the other hand, I think we can all agree that they certainly did not invest on the wings.......
I still think it had nothing to do with Winx Club other than some of the names/places/mentions, but I found it more enjoyable than S1 if considered on its own and not as an adult representation of the cartoon.
Stella was more in character, even though her outfits were still not it. I've already posted her iconic moments, and I'm glad she finally stood her ground with her mother.
Bloom was slightly less annoying (I only checked-off two out of my three "Bloom plays victim" squares!) and Aisha too, even though the fact that they featured Tecna's traits into her is...meh.
Nothing against Sam but, FINALLY, NO MORE MUSAxSAM (someone would've preferred if he had died instead of just leaving lol) and some little interactions between Musa and Riven! Those were probably my fav scenes, I'm soft for them even though they're not their real selves🫶🏼
Terra was...well, very similar to S1 so I don't really have much to say about her. On the other hand, Flora was super not Flora and poor girl was basically introduced only to be traumatized for the rest of her life; however, if we don't compare it to the original, it was a great character.
Beatrix: we spent the whole seven episodes switching between why are you trusting her?! She's evil and omg, she has a heart and is not that bad. I did grow fond of her though, and I'm very much against her ending - even though I don't think it's going to be definitive. I also think they're going to add Icy and Darcy in the next season.
Farah's appearance was...wtf was that?! I still don't understand why and how. I don't know if it's because it was 5am and I was not in my most intuitive moment but the whole thing just did not make sense to me. Also, all the girls went to the woods just to say their final goodbyes and she straight up ignored them and only hugged Bloom💀
I'm glad most of them got to transform even though, again, the investments were clearly not very high on that.
I think that's mostly it, and I'm 1000% sure there's going to be a third season WHERE I DEMAND THEY ADD BRANDON AND GIVE HIM AND STELLA THE AMAZING RELATIONSHIP THEY DESERVE.
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What's a s2 scene you NEED to see from:
Also sorry I am aswering like two days late, but I had to let this sit for a bit.
You know how much I ADORE Stella, she is the love of my life. I would protect my baby AT ALL COST. And also I have the hots for her (and Hanna as well, cuz amazing girl).
What I want to see is Stella taking back her own narrative. It has been suggested by Stella herself, that her mom always was the one to control her and the things she did. People she talked to and had relationships with. Coming back to Alfea, realizing her mom has her again, I want her to stand up for herself. Because now she isn't alone, has the girls.
I believe, Stella is hurt by the constant rejection of her mother, to take her as she is. Human, with feelings and ideas, someone who want to thrive with her own personality (which has been to this day overshadowed by her mother. On one had - I wanna see Stella trying to resolve her problem with her mom, to get closer to her (or at least try, cuz I know that won't happen, based on those promo pics we got). Then failing and realizing the Winx are the answer to her long not answered question, lingering in her mind. Then the realization hits, which might be hurtful for Stella - knowing her mother will never fully accept her and her feelings, choices and ideas. From that will spring the doubt and maybe anger, which eventually grows to her taking her own narrative and just saying fuck it , and doing something her mother wouldn't expect. Join the side her mom isn't on - so not Rosalind's side. This would strain their relationship even more, but now Stella won't feel much of a regret and just stand by her word. So in conclusion, I want Stella to come out of her shell and be Stella. Not what her mom wants, the society or Rosalind expect. Because I know my girl - she has a good heart, just didn't have the chance to show it.
Also maybe some resolving with Sky? Like I know they talked in S1 but still, I feel there is much what is left to say. Sky was her best friend for a long time, the ONLY person who knows the real her. And brushing that all off with a two minute convo, isn't enough. These two deserve their time together. Sky loves and adores Stella, it's obvious. I just want him to tell her, her tell him. Just give them scenes togehter, please. (No I don't want them to get back together, even tho Stella x Sky are my hearts close favourite).
Give her a stolyine that doesn't resolve only around that she is plus-sized. Terra is beautiful on her own (Eilot is just... oh god, lovely, beautiful), and I don't want her to linger another season about her being "not good enough". Terra has a lot of room to grow, and I believe we will see some resentnemnt against her father in connection to Rosalind. Tho I understand where Ben is coming from - he wants to keep his children safe so he goes with the flow. Terra on the other hand - seemed always the most independed of all from the Harveys. So make Terra independend, I want to see her amazing things. Maybe find love, but this isn't necessary.
WHAT I DON'T WANT TO SEE ON THE OTHER HAND is her and Flora being rivals. Doesn't make sense, because in S1 se sounded that she adored Flora, and it would be super weird if there was a tention betweetn them. Like... because Flora in her eyes would be considered more beautiful? They better not pull this narrative, or I will be throwing hands.
Fave dilf in town. I have a love-hate relationship with Andreas honestly. What I wanna see? Him trying to bond with Sky but being very unsucessful, therefore angry at Beatrix for no reason. He wants his son to respect him, love him but Sky doesn't want anything to do with him if necessary. Beatrix being the victim in all of this (honestly, she is the victim all this time, but we are not ready for this convo). So Andreas would be on edge all the time, which would make his work a bit tacky. Sky being the thing that makes him angry the most but also makes him hurt the most. I want to also know his backstory SO MUCH!!! Where does his personality come from? Why choose Rosalind over his child and wife (??)? How did he survive? How about Beatrix - what is their backstory?
I don't see him getting a redemption arch and I don't even want it. I want to see him even more corrupt, because his son is rejecting him and Beatrix isn't doing it for him. Even if he brought her up from a babe, she will never be his blood. This making him angry and Beatrix hurt (oh no, I cannot babble about Beatrix too much). Eventually I want to see him die - but maybe not this season (Brian, I am looking right at you, S3 comfirmation, now). I just want him to lose his shit by every episode that comes :)
This was super messy, maybe not enought but hopefully enough for now. Thanks Skye being the only one to actually as something, so I can talk forever.
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mynameisnowwyrm · 4 years
Spoiler warning
TL;DR horrible adaptation, but very enjoyable on it’s own
(Also just wanted to say I was so sure I was going to hate this bc of what’s different but they changed so much the cartoon and the live action are barely connected in my head)
Okay my review will be split up into two parts: fate: the winx saga as an adaptation and as a standalone work
As an adaptation:
0/10. Maybe 0.5 if I’m being generous.
The things that were unchanged from winx club:
There are characters named Bloom, Stella, Musa, Aisha, Sky and Riven
Aisha, Bloom, Stella and Sky resemble their cartoon counterparts
Riven is an asshole
Bloom is a dumbass
Magic exists
The specialists exist
Main characters go to schools for magic and specialists respectively
The dragon flame is a thing
Witches exist
Other than that it’s a completely different show. The plot vaguely resembles season 1 of winx club only in that Bloom is trying to discover her true heritage. Musa, who is supposed to of East Asian descent is not, Flora was not included and in her place is a different character with similar powers, Tecna was excluded entirely ( I believe this was to distance the show from the futuristic elements of winx club and focus only on fantasy, which doesn’t make sense since they changed Musa’s powers ).
The magic system was changed. Fairies don’t on the regular transform since in the show the know-how to do so was lost, though Bloom does unlock the ability in the finale. Instead of each being a fairy of an individual concept, everyone’s powers ale element based, with Musa’s powers being changed to her being an empath. While this does feel more generic, it makes more sense from a world building perspective and I can see why they changed it.
The fashion is horrible. You will never be able to convince me teenagers dress like that. One of the reasons the original cartoon was enjoyable was all the colourful, fun clothing. The clothes feel dated and too mature for the characters, like I can see a twenty-something person in 2013 wear some of those outfits. It especially feels like a missed opportunity since 2000’s fashion is coming back into style.
The characterization of some of the characters compared to winx club was hit and miss. Riven was an ass and Bloom was impulsive and naive, which is accurate, but Stella, oh Stella was a disappointment. Stella was a jealous, manipulative bitch, which in context of her character backstory makes sense, but is so far from her original portrayal. Cartoon Stella was spoiled and at times self centered, but she was also genuinely kind, helpful and bubbly. To see her character take a 180 and become the all too familiar jealous ex archetype was upsetting.
Now, aaaaall that being said, I don’t believe we should judge this as an adaptation. They changed so much that it is quite literally a new story. So let’s see how it stands up on it’s own.
Summary, taken from the wiki
The series tells the story of Alfea, a fictional boarding school where teenagers study. The world inside this universe is not only magical and full of monsters, but it is also a world of real teenagers who do the most common things: make friends and enemies, go out and of course... fall in love. They are eager to find their place in this world. This universe is different from the one we have all known for a long time.
The attention is focused on a group of proud teens, also well-designed female characters. Sometimes they are heroines, sometimes weak girls. Sometimes they are friends, sometimes rivals. Of course, they are not perfect, but they are real. A group of girls who did not know each other until they are included in the same team inside a school that is strange to them. They will meet forces that are beyond their control and things they do not understand. But, throughout the series, they will find themselves, form an indestructible bond, and transform into powerful and strong girls, ready to change not only the supernatural world, but also ours.
Character summary:
Bloom is a newly discovered fairy from the human world who is attending Alfea college in the otherworld. There she meets her new roommates: chatty Terra, athletic Aisha, uptight Stella and stand-offish Musa. She also meets Sky, Stella’s ex, who is training as a specialist.Shortly before coming to Alfea, Bloom discovers she has magic powers by almost burning her house down and killing her parents. She is distraught over this and it is why she is eager to gain control of her powers.It is discovered that Bloom is a changeling, a barbaric practice where a fairy baby is exchanged with a human one. This leads Bloom on a quest to discover her true heritage.
Musa is an empath, she can feel the feelings of everyone around her. To shut them out and escape she listens to music through her headphones. This leads to her initially coming off as uncaring when Terra tries to get to know her better.
Terra is an earth fairy with a particular talent for making plants grow. She is very nice and chatty, eager to make friends, but not afraid to stand up for herself. She struggles with finding someone to like her and compares herself to “cool girl” Beatrix who has boys following after her.
Aisha is a water fairy who swims twice a day every day. She comes off a a good person who wants to make friends and do the right thing. She also tries to do everything in her power to protect her friends.
Stella is a light fairy and princess of Solaria, the realm in which Alfea resides. She is repeating her first year due to an event prior to season one where she lost control of her powers and blinded her best friend. She is very uptight due to her perfectionist mother and tries to exert control in every other area of her life, when this doesn’t work, e.g. when someone flirts with her on-again-off-again boyfriend she gets jealous and causes trouble. She is also generally rude to the people around her.
Sky is a specialist legacy and Stella’s on-again-off-again boyfriend who has an interest in Bloom. His father was a famous specialist and he was raised by his father’s best friend.
Riven is Sky’s roommate, best friend and a genuine asshole. He insults and antagonizes everyone around him and gets involved with Beatrix. He seems dissatisfied with the life of a specialist.
Beatrix is an air fairy with a lightning powers. She seems mysterious and looks to be the villain of the season. She has enlisted the help of Riven and Dane.
Dane is a first year specialist who first seems to be friendly with Terra but gets sidetracked after spending time with Riven and Beatrix.
What I didn’t like:
The world building is sparse and the magic system is generic. I feel like things could have been better expanded upon. Throughout the show they bring up archaic fairy magic but it’s never really explained how that’s different from current fairy magic.
The interactions between Riven and Dane come off as a bit queerbait-y although they could be setting things up for a second season.
Everyone is constantly so rude towards Terra. Even her supposed friends are mean to her. What gives?
Stella was constantly rude to everyone but by the end they are all the best of friends when she really hasn’t changed much. Also Stella being the jealous controlling ex archetype and not enough people calling her out on her bullshit.
What I did like:
For a Netflix teen drama there is surprisingly little sex between the teenagers. This might be subjective but it was refreshing for me.
Again subjective but I could definitely relate to Bloom’s antisocial teen flashbacks
Beatrix was a fun villain
Though the story might be a little generic, I felt it was compelling throughout. I genuinely wanted to know what happened next.
The story was well paced. It never felt like anything was dragging along
The show was definitely enjoyable to watch. There is a lot of room for improvement. It sometimes felt like different plot lines were unconnected and the costume choices leave a lot to be desired. Aside from that they set up a solid story and likable characters (some of whom I love love and love to hate) which I very much want to see further developed in the future. As a stand-alone work 6/10
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high-lady-of-earth · 4 years
Warrior Heart
Chapter 1
Riven x Light Fairy Reader
Plot: After the ending of Winx Saga season 1, the reader must navigate the rest of her second year in the shifting school environment. She wants to learn how to fight and defend herself.
Chapter 2
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It had been a month since Alfea had been taken over by Rosalind. Headmistress Dowling was still missing and Headmaster Silva had been arrested. Professor Harvey was still teaching, but you could tell that he was on thin ice with Rosalind. Andreas of Eraklyon, Sky’s father, had taken over Silva’s role of training the specialists.
You were an air fairy in your second year. Your powers, which allowed you to manipulate the density of air particles, were firmly within your control and you had been one of Headmistress Dowling’s prodigies.
In your first year, you had roomed with Stella and Rikki. You were there when Stella had lost control of her powers and accidentally blinded Rikki, who was sent away by Queen Luna. After that incident, you had lost one of your best friends and the other began to pull away from you. You watched from afar as Stella’s life at Alfea began to fall apart. Her magic was irreparably damaged. You knew Stella felt incompetent next to you, who had been labeled by Dowling to be the “most talented fairy of your generation”. You tried not to use your powers near Stella, but you still could still feel her resentment, even though you weren’t a mind fairy.
Now, Stella was rooming with first years and you were alone. You had mended your friendship over the summer, especially after she had broken up with Sky. Her new roommates became your friends, even though you lived alone. If you were being honest, it was actually kinda nice to have a room all to yourself.
But now, things were taking a darker turn. Stella’s mother was currently residing in the school, and no one liked her. Queen Luna was cruel, especially to Stella. She doted on you because you were a powerful fairy, but you wished she didn’t. It made Stella feel even more inadequate when she didn’t receive the same attention from her own mother.
Bloom was Rosalind’s protege. She did everything Rosalind ordered, without asking any questions. Bloom and the other girls felt like Aisha had betrayed the rest of them and you honestly just wanted to graduate without anymore drama after your fourth year.
Sky was more of a mystery. You couldn’t tell how he felt about his father’s return. You knew that even though Sky might be happy to see his father, he would never forgive Andreas for Silva’s arrest and subsequent absence. Sky seemed to be dating Bloom though, after another breakup with Stella. He mostly kept to himself, only really hanging out with Bloom. Sky also wasn’t talking to Riven.
Riven and Dane turned out to be Beatrix’s lackeys. They followed her every step and worshipped the ground she walked on. You were disgusted by how much Riven had changed. Before this year, he had been arrogant, but now he was just a straight up asshole.
The specialist presence on campus has increased immensely. Rosalind cited the burned ones as the reason for more security. You couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable whenever you walked to class, the stares of the guards like needles in your skin. You also hated how vulnerable they made you feel. The older specialists were a constant reminder that you were defenseless and you hated that feeling. That was why you were currently at the specialists training field at ten pm, trying to smash a dummy.
You had seen the specialists do it when they were training. They would punch the dummy and it would fall. It couldn’t be that difficult. Ok well, unfortunately it was. You had tried to punch the dummy at least six times already, and it seemed like it was doing more damage to you based on the state of your knuckles.
You put your arms back into position and struck out, this time pushing more strength into your blow. Your fist collided with the center of the target on the dummy and it fell backwards a little bit. You let out a small squeal of excitement at the first amount of progress you had made.
“Why are you so excited? You only made the dummy move a fraction of an inch and it took you eight tries.” Said a voice behind you.
You whirled around to see a person standing behind you, their identity obscured by the darkness. It didn’t matter that it was dark. You knew by the cocky voice exactly who it was.
“It was six tries and no one asked your opinion, Riven.” You replied.
“Well, I wanted to give it anyway. And here’s another one: you’re punches are shit.” He said. You rolled your eyes. It didn’t matter that your punches were shit, you didn’t like being told by him.
“What are you doing out here? Running from your homicidal bitch of a girlfriend?” You said tauntingly.
“1) she’s not my girlfriend. 2) I could ask you the same question, Y/n.”
“So, you were running from Beatrix.”
“No, I was talking a walk, but your pathetic excuse for a punch ruined it.”
“You could just leave then. The dorms are back that way.” You said, pointing to the specialist hall.
“I’m just leaving now. Here’s a free tip: widen your stance and use your core.” Riven said as he walked off. You turned around and did as he suggested, widening the distance between your two feet. Then, you brought your arm back and swung while tightening your core. Your fist hit the dummy and it sailed backwards and hit the ground. You let out a triumphant cry of joy and walked back to your room.
When you woke up the next morning, the first thing you noticed was your knuckles. They were red and raw. If any of your friends saw your hands, they wouldn’t stop asking questions. You put on a sweater which was just a hint too big and pulled the sleeves over your hands.
You walked to your first class, which was taught by Rosalind. Her teaching style was way different from Headmistress Dowling’s. Instead of sitting at desks, you were told to stand around the edge of the room. All of the desks had been removed from the classroom and a table small table had been set up in the middle of the open space. On it were three bowls that contained water, dirt, and sticks.
“Good morning, class. Today, we will be learning how to use our magic without the guidance of our hands.” Rosalind said. The class chittered with excitement. This was the most exciting lesson for second years.
“We’re going to be doing things a little differently. Headmistress Dowling taught you useless magic. I will be teaching you how to use it offensively and we will practice on each other.” Rosalind continued. Someone spoke up.
“I thought we weren’t supposed to use our magic on other students!” Your classmate said.
“Using your magic on each other is the only way to hone your skills. This new rule will be put into place effective immediately.” Rosalind replied.
You watched as Rosalind called up two of your classmates. One was an earth fairy and the other was a water fairy. Rosalind proceeded to teach them how to draw on their magic without using their hands. Headmistress Dowling and already taught you this, so you zoned out. Instead of watching the two fairies in the center try to battle it out, you thought about last night.
You were surprised that Riven had helped you. A part of his first year self had come through and you were pleasantly happy about it. It was good to know that he wasn’t just Beatrix’s lap dog.
“Y/n and Fiora, you’re up next.” Rosalind said. You rolled your eyes. Fairy parents were so unoriginal with names for their children. Of course Fiora was a fire fairy.
You stepped into the center of the room. You reached out with your mind and the air around you condensed, becoming a thick shield. It was invisible, so no one could tell that you had already armed yourself.
“Y/n, are you ready?” Fiora said. She was holding a bunch of the sticks you had seen in one of the bowls. Well, it seemed like her plan was to torch the stick and throw it at you, just like the three other fire fairies had done in the last few rounds. How unoriginal, you thought. You were honestly bored of this already.
You nodded and reached out with your mind once again. Fiora’s eyes lit up as she used her powers and stared at the sticks, but nothing happened. She knit her eyebrows in concentration. The concentration turned to confusion when the sticks turned black.
“What are you doing?” Fiora said to you. Everyone was now staring at you intensely. Honestly, it was really simple. Fire needed oxygen to light, so you had removed the oxygen in the air from around your the sticks, creating a little bubble around them. Fiora was just heating them up to the point where they charred. You tell she was growing frustrated and angry so you drew your powers back from her.
What you didn’t expect, thought, was for her to launch two fireballs at you. You had still kept the shield of air up around you, so they hit the barrier and fizzled out. Fiora launched fireball after fireball at you and she began sweating. She was wearing herself out, but you weren’t even fazed. You wanted to end this, so you reached out with your power and formed a hand with the air in front of Fiora. You used the hand to push her towards the edge of the room.
Rosalind began clapping while the other students stared at you in awe.
“Now that is a perfect example of offensive mental magic!” Rosalind exclaimed.
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Hi!! I hope you liked the first chapter of this:) I will be posting the next chapter in a couple of days.
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halcyon-girls · 2 years
Stellatrix - Our Texting Turned into Something More
I watched the new season like wow I swear I'm still not going to be that fond of Beatrix and what do I know? Stellatrix now owns me. So here's a fic.
She understood her friend's doubts about Beatrix. Who wouldn’t? She was selfish, self-absorbed, and driven by her own desires. She was that to everyone but Stella. She supposes it’s a cliche to say or believe that she was Beatrix’s exception.
Stella chooses to keep it to herself. Her friends didn’t need to know of the texts the two send each other or the way she places her phone over her lips to stifle a laugh or a smile at the most recent observation Beatrix has made about Rosalind’s followers.
‘He’s rather daft, Stella. He leans on the desk and attempts terrible flirts until my mind starts to melt and I wish for the return of my magic to make him feel the same,’ Beatrix texts.
Well, yes, Beatrix still had some rather violent thoughts. But who wouldn’t? Stella had experienced much of the foolishness of stumbling men at Alfea, she isn’t surprised someone as pretty as Beatrix struggles with it.
‘I’m sure a flicker of light magic directly in his eyes each time he tries will dissuade him,’ she texts back instead.
She can read the laughter in Beatrix’s response. ‘Who knew the princess had such a side to her?’
Stella smiles, tapping her fingers against her screen to write a response. It’s held off by Beatrix sending another text.
‘I wouldn’t need that magic if it were you leaning on the desk delivering those lines.’
Stella pauses, processing the words as Beatrix continues to type.
‘I might even respond to them,’ Beatrix adds on.
Stella waits a few minutes and realises that’s it. There wasn’t a just kidding in there. Beatrix meant that.
She taps her fingers against her screen, just a random assortment of numbers and letters as she tries to bring her thoughts and feelings together.
She hits backspace until it's blank once more. Would she like to do that? To lean against Beatrix’s desk, flirting with her as she works?
The answer is dreadfully apparent to her. She certainly wouldn’t mind it.
She types her answer. ‘Are you working right now?’
Beatrix is quick to respond. ‘Yes.’
With little thought, she rises from her chair, waving her suitemates goodbye as she hurries down the hall to her destination. Some things just couldn’t be said over a text message. With a few sharp turns down each hall, she arrives at Beatrix’s office, tapping her knuckle against the door twice until she hears a faint, ‘Enter,’ come from within.
Beatrix looks painfully amused, tapping her pen against the desk. ‘I didn’t know princesses ran.’
Stella huffs. ‘It was a brisk walk.’
‘Sure,’ Beatrix drawls, resting her pen on the desk. A smirk forms on her face. ‘So what brings you to my office? Need a favour or something?’
Stella bites her lip. She shouldn’t be doubtful now. She’s the Princess of Solaria, what’s one girl in the face of something like that? She was perfectly rational and walked at an ordinary pace to this office, as a princess should.
Stella moves to Beatrix’s side and offers out her hand. ‘Walk with me?’
Beatrix’s smirk falls at Stella’s question, her face softer, her smile kinder. ‘Where to?’ She asks, indulging the request as she places her hand in Stella’s, letting Stella her pull her out of her chair.
When Beatrix doesn’t let go of her hand, Stella takes it as a good sign and offers no answer. ‘Shall we?’
Beatrix squeezes her hand. ‘Lead the way, princess.’
It’s perhaps the shortest and longest walk Stella has ever taken to get to her destination. She finds herself very aware of Beatrix’s presence, especially of the way her arm seems to brush against Stella’s own with each turn they take.
Eventually, they arrive at the greenhouse. Stella tugs at Beatrix’s arm and shuts the door behind them, surprised but infinitely grateful to find it empty. Perhaps it was the time of day. She hadn’t even checked the time before making her decision.
Beatrix lets go of Stella’s hand. She walks around the greenhouse, grazing her fingertips across the top of a few of the plants. ‘The greenhouse? A bit on the nose don’t you think?’
Stella huffs. Why is this so hard? She rubs her thumb as she looks for words. ‘We can go somewhere else if you’re not fond of here.’
Beatrix’s teasing seems to stop when she hears those words. She’s at Stella’s side in an instant, reaching for her hands and stopping her nervous fidgeting. ‘Are you, ah,’ she rubs Stella’s hand, a faint pink on her cheeks, ‘Are you alright?’
Is she alright? Absolutely not. This girl, her supposed enemy was hardly her enemy at all. Her mind was filled with their texts, their shared laughter, and their teasing as they discussed the most recent man’s attempt to enter their lives.
That wasn’t all of it. There was another part to this that had her feeling more than the kinship of joint experience and friendship with Beatrix. She keeps her eyes on Beatrix as she lifts their joined hands, placing a kiss on top of them.
‘I’m far from it,’ she whispers.
Beatrix flushes but doesn’t pull away, ‘What’s got the princesses’ panties all tied up?’
Stella rolls her eyes at the jab. It seems words weren’t going to answer this. She pulls Beatrix’s hands to her chest and leans down. She watches as Beatrix’s eyes drift shut when she gets closer. It was more than enough of an answer for her.
She bridges the distance, pressing her lips against Beatrix’s.
Beatrix doesn’t pull away but doesn’t move her lips either. For a moment Stella wonders if just like Sky, she had started to terribly misread their relationship. She doesn’t have to dwell on those thoughts for long. Soon enough, Beatrix is returning the kiss.
Their lips melt against each other and Stella can’t help the sigh that escapes her as Beatrix pushes a little harder against her.
She releases Beatrix’s hands and wraps her own around Beatrix’s waist, keeping her in place. Each press she gives and receives in turn has her yearning for more. She only pulls away with a heavy breath when she hears her name slip from Beatrix’s lips.
‘Yes?’ she questions, opening her eyes to meet Beatrix’s
‘I’m going to need you to do that again and again for the foreseeable future.’ Beatrix runs her hand down Stella’s cheek in a way that has her mouth opening slightly. ‘I really don’t think my text prepared me for this.’
Stella matches Beatrix’s action, relishing in the way her eyes closed briefly. ‘Nor did I.’
Beatrix groans before schooling her features. ‘This does not mean I will join your little club, nor be friends with any of them.’
‘How dare I consider the possibility?’ Stella teases, tilting up Beatrix’s chin. ‘Would I be wrong to invoke my princess powers for such a cause?’
Beatrix rolls her eyes, a fond smile on her lips, ‘Positively dreadful.’
‘Very well,’ Stella hums, running a finger down Beatrix’s cheek, pausing her path when the tip of it rests against Beatrix’s lower lip. ‘Could I persuade you to reconsider?’
Beatrix glares at her. It’s anything but threatening when her cheeks are matching the colour of her hair. ‘Enlighten me.’
Now that was something that Stella was more than happy to oblige.
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spicyicymeloncat · 2 years
My thoughts on the Netflix winx (am I late to the complain train?) part 4 and final post!…
…part 4a because this post was too long haha
This isn’t actually me complaining… this is me offering my ideas for things they could’ve done differently.
Take this with a grain of salt, this will probably just be glorified fanfiction, and I’m not saying that my opinions are better than the professionals, I’m just someone who really liked the idea of a winx remake through a more modern lens.
I have many different ideas on which direction we could go in but I’ll start with my favourite:
1) Fate: drop the winx
It can be argued that one of Fate’s biggest flaws is that it’s so different to the original source material whilst not adding anything new or interesting. It’s more comparable to riverdale or even Harry Potter than it is to winx. Everything from the aesthetic, the characters, their ethnicities, the plot, you name it, has changed. The only things that stay the same are the names (like Bloom or Musa) and general concepts (Like Stella being a princess), as well as some very specific details (like Bloom cauterising Sky’s face probably being a reference to her healing powers when she saved Sky in season 2 (i think)). Heck they don’t even have wings (which is what the name winx comes from). Even if some of these things will be introduced in Fate s2, we really should not be waiting a season before we treat the show like the remake it’s supposed to be. It just feels like Fate is using the name to market to a pre existing audience. Fate would be much better off as it’s own thing.
“But how?” You might ask. Well if you read my post on how I feel about Fate’s writing, I mentioned I like Beatrix. So Fate as a show is trying to be an edgy, gritty show about teens struggling to survive in the world they live in, with political conspiracies and monstrous dangers thrown in left, right, centre. Here’s my pitch.
Beatrix is a girl who was raised all alone by her father, and now she’s going to attend the school she’s always dreamed of attending. Meet the people she always dreamed of meeting. Kill the fairies she always dreamed of killing. A morally grey survivor of the crimes her society kept secret, Beatrix becomes ensnared in tricky political conflicts as she seeks to understand the words of a mysterious voice she only hears in her sleep. Do the teachers who swore to protect her actually want what’s best for her? Is her loving father really all that he seems? Will Beatrix find herself alone in this world, or will she form bonds that just might stick? This is her Fate.
Okay that probably sounded cringe but hear me out. You want gritty protagonists? Here’s Beatrix who is not afraid to kill to get what she wants. And yet she’s still just a teenager and a puppet to people like Rosalind, and the queen, who did lose her family in a genocide that the school is trying to cover up. Fara Dowling is also seen as a morally grey, who feels forced to keep the secret of the genocide, and was also a powerful being manipulated by Rosalind. The plot follows Beatrix scavenging for answers, following commands from her father and being tormented by the voice of Rosalind, and she’s good at what she does, she gets a lot of wins, which would make it more effective when she’s told she’s being used (I’d imagine, she and Fara would confront each other at some point and Fara tells her that she doesn’t know as much as she thinks, which will serve as the theme of her character, who is unknowingly actually vulnerable). AND! Riven and Dane, whilst a little rough around the edges, actually form genuine bonds Beatrix and they face they’re own struggles too (I’m not making Riven homophobic/fatphobic though, and Dane’s going to have more of a character motivation that isn’t just “no one understands me”). And the three form a polycule that is the only wholesome and nice thing in the show, and their relationship is always put at risk as the students delve deeper into the mysteries of the school. The school doesn’t even need to be about fairies so they don’t need to have wings and stuff. I think this idea is pretty balanced and it would give the writers a lot more room to work with as it wouldn’t be a remake.
2) Fate the winx saga but I changed SOME the bits I don’t like
This idea isn’t really an original concept, it’s just me taking the baseline of Fate and changing some character arcs, outfits, and returning to the original cast. These are just a bunch of concepts that I think could work in the episodes Fate gave us.
Everyone is their original race. Although I love the actresses, white washing is never a fun thing to do! I think Flora should still be played by someone plus sized and honestly so should some of the other characters too! Also it would be nice to see some diverse teaching staff as well. Also Terra is once again Flora and her whole family is Hispanic please and thank you. Also characters who are in some way implied to be lgbtq+ so it’s not just the villains. Maybe Flora chats up a girl after the whole Dane things goes sideways. Also then Dane’s motivation can’t be that he’s a minority. Maybe Dane secretly craves carnage idk
Flora and Musa still have their conflict in the beginning and now I will explain to you how to resolve it with flare!
——— episode one has so far seen Musa being cold to Flora, and Flora continuously tries to talk to her. This is a rewrite of the last scene with Flora and Musa in ep 1. Flora is rambling about this speaker she took from her brother and Musa is very tired of listening to her and eventually snaps telling her that she knows Flora is insecure and that she’s an empath and just wants a break. This angry outburst definitely hurt Flora’s feeling and she tries to deny that she feels insecure before running away (eyyy just like in the original show where Flora ran away from the group after feeling unwanted). Musa realises it’s not actually anyone’s fault for having emotions and Flora did get her a speaker so she ends up running after her. Cinematic shot time! As Flora runs, her emotions cause her magic to go out of control, and vines and wallflowers start to rapidly climb the walls and pillars of the school scattering petals and leaves everywhere. Musa follows the plants (it’s incredibly obvious where Flora went) but we get to see her eyes glow too because she’s using her powers to search for Flora. We also get some lame song about being rejected playing in the background to add some dramatic atmosphere. Eventually Musa makes it to the school’s indoor greenhouse, which we were told earlier in the episode is where Flora runs off too when she feels alone. Flora is on a pale painted bench surrounded by roses of an unusual colour, like bright purple or something. Musa realises that the secret garden is indeed very beautiful and she sits down and talks to Flora. Musa talks about how she never knew a place like this existed, but for once, Flora’s determined to shut up. Musa then tells her that she’s sorry she snapped and that she knows people can’t just turn off their emotions, and Flora then actually talks and says she does understands it must be hard to feel everything all the time. AND WOW LOOK CHARACTERS ACTUALLY TALKING ABOUT THEIR FEELINGS AND SORTING OUT THEIR ISSUES!! And then Musa notes that maybe painful emotions are beautiful too, and that Flora shouldn’t be made to hide away just for being herself, and how Flora’s outburst in magic actually caused really beautiful flowers to grow (aesthetically pleasing metaphors yea please). And then Flora gets an idea, and essentially she comes up with a magical plant related solution to like dampen Musa’s powers or something (like improving the noise dampening aspect to her headphones or something) idk. And they help each other out, set boundaries and they become friends! I just want girls talking about their feelings in pretty gothic gardens okay. Can you tell I thought about that for a really long time? Here’s a pic of what kinda look I want for the setting of this scene. Ik that this is a drawing and obviously not a photo of something, but I just wanted to visualise the colours and stuff. My style isn’t very realistic but I tried •^•
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Next thing is I wanna change Stella and Aisha’s arcs. Mainly I want Aisha to be a princess again. So Stella is going to have her original backstory of having neglectful parents, whilst Aisha is going to have helicopter parents. Stella’s loud, a show off despite not actually being that good at magic, and social. With her parents divorce, and rulership, they basically neglected her and now she’s an attention seeker as a result. She teases the group a fair bit and maybe doesn’t realise she crosses the line but honestly she gets really attached. Aisha on the other hand, gets her helicopter parents back, and because of it she’s rebellious, tries to go against what’s expected of her, and has trouble in social situations. She’s also really good at magic but doesn’t like to show it because it reminds her of her parents expectations. Both of the princesses form a kind of rivalry due to both being princesses of very different natures. At some point in the show they realise that the reason they fight is because they wish they had what the other has and they learn to support each other and stuff. Also this is like that one ep in the original series.
I also wanna bring back sci fi and bring back Tecna. The school is now once again a part scifi part fantasy school. We’re getting our air craft back, our weirdly shaped buildings, holographic phone calls. On top of freezing traps and guards, the school prisons are going to have passcodes because why don’t they already? And Tecna. She’s here. She’d probably help Bloom break into the newly established technological security. Maybe she has a reverse arc to Bloom where she gets too popular and doesn’t want to be. Like she’s feels like she’s only seen as the tech girl and hasn’t made any true friends. Yeahhhh. So Bloom kinda treats her like how she treated Aisha in Fate (but this time there’s ✨consequences ✨), in that she’s just a tool to help Bloom investigate the school, and Beatrix tries to use Tecna the same way but Tecna knows Beatrix is a murderer or something and refuses to help her. So then Beatrix bullies her and tells her she’s only good for her technology powers and everyone is just using her. It leads to drama with Bloom, and potentially everyone, but Tecna stands up to bullying or something and she sorts it out with Bloom and idk maybe Timmy’s also here idk. I just think it would be easy to have Tecna here, and she deserves to be cast in a live action.
Faragonda (I have no idea why she’s called Dowling can someone explain it to me). Is fcuking op now. We see a lot more of her fighting zombies, we see fairies fight in general, and whenever she’s on screen something magical is happening to remind us that SHES the headmistress for a reason. Maybe she’s got magic mirrors which act as security cams. Maybe she dresses for literal war when the zombies show up. When Rosalind shows up to kill her we finally see her magic up close. Rosalind tries to zap her when her backs turned, but she whips around and blocks it. They fight for a bit and the clips are spliced in between the winx going back to Alfea. The girls arrive to face the new school staff and suddening they hear an explosion. Cut back to Faragonda looking singed and suspended and then we see Rosalind snap her neck. She drops to the floor and is consumed by the leaves. (However I really want this to be a fake out death because THAT would be a power move). The show ends on Rosalind.
Honestly I’m not gonna change too much about Sky, I liked him as a concept. However the whole thing he has with Bloom and Stella is weird. Ooh!! What if Bloom and Sky are rivals! Little funky but I think it could work. They have a rivalry friendship when they meet and honestly their entire relationship can just be the same but now we frame it as rivalry. Sky’s not entirely cheating on anyone, he and bloom can develop something before we all know they’re an item, when Bloom’s sneaking out he follows her because he’s a goody two shoes and wants to stop her from breaking rules, whilst she’s a rebellious child who is going to break all of them. They develop a genuine friendship. Bloom doesn’t kiss him because whilst I know I can’t fully comprehend sexual attraction, someone tell me why someone on the verge of tears talking about their daddy issues makes you wanna kiss them. What? Maybe a hug and comfort but nothing worth as grim of kiss as that was. Something sweet and gentle and nice and not mmMM YOUR SO EDGY THATS HOT. Anyways the drugging in the woods happens but like she at least gives him her coat because she actually feels bad. Also maybe they’ve done something dumb like that to each other before because rivalry making it less awful. And after that he’s reasonably upset and like doesn’t let her kiss him because what? Kisses should be earned, not treated like bribery to forget about awful things people do. But they patch it when she comforts him whilst he’s going to an existential crisis about his dad being awful. Yeah
I like Beatrix, I like her story and I actually found her and Riven’s relationship funny. Also Dane is now secretly into dark magic and honestly he and Beatrix DO actually get closer as a result. And Riven’s just there like “wait wtf is happening”
Bloom. Okay firstly, Bloom’s parents are really nice and have a healthy relationship. She does accidentally nearly burn her parents down because reasons (maybe it was just a stupid fight, maybe she had a nightmare (like her daphne dreams but probably with Rosalind) and she accidentally activated murder mode), and her parents are like, okay so you’re adopted we found you in a burning building and we’re pretty sure you’re not human lol. Idk how Faragonda then gets in contact but she does (or we could go og route and maybe Stella’s running away from monsters and makes it into the human world idk) but either way fate starts the same just that Bloom already knows that she’s adopted and the first episode focuses on how she has to keep her earth origins a secret (to tie into other themes like Faragonda keeping the burned ones secret). I just realised there’s a lot of secrets in fate. Anyways, Bloom realises she actually wants to find out more about who she is and that plotline still exists BUT, she still interacts with the others outside of it. Like she’ll be in the room when Stella and Aisha interact, Musa’s just as pissed at her for being an emotional wreck in the beginning etc etc. Also Bloom can be a bit hot tempered, impatient and anxious but she’s not completely horrible like she is in fate. She probably does have a “I lost control of my powers scene” but she’s not awful to Aisha afterwards. Also I have no idea why she’s ring her parents behind a bush like why do you need to hop dimensions to do that. Like if she’s going to meet her parents then just do it? Anyways she finds things like the secret war room, we get foreshadowing to ancient texts of fairies with wings and she’s like “I thought Faragonda said that these didn’t exist” and basically how fairy wings work is that only these ancient fairies had them, but they can also be obtained if that fairy shares their power out to others. AS WELL AS THIS, basically, there was like a cult that wanted to find an artificial way of obtaining these powerful wings, like a freak of nature experiment to get the power through evil means. That’s what Beatrix and maybe even Sky’s dad is. Maybe Faragonda used to be part of it and that’s why she’s so powerful, but doesn’t show it. They all have burn scar/tattoos shaped like wings on their backs and we see it on Faragonda before she “dies”. And yeah this cult is lead by Rosalind. Although I think Rosalind should be an ancient fairy who’s like, lost her full power or something (I feel like she takes inspiration from Daphne, the ancestral witches and valtor as well). Either way you don’t get this back and forth between whether that genociding of a village was justified or not. Just no. Idc what we put there instead I just don’t need bloom to make Faragonda late to zombie watching, so that they can talk about ethics. Beatrix and Bloom take their joyride. Beatrix gets imprisoned, preferably not in school because why (maybe the school has a magical fortress nearby and that’s also where Rosalind is idk). Bloom doesn’t break Beatrix out, either Riven and Dane do or Beatrix black magics her way out. Maybe Faragonda is a little morally grey and instead of coming clean to Bloom about the village, she gets mad and I want her to have battle scars and I want this scene to highlight it. Idk how Rosalind breaks out. I kinda don’t want Bloom to break her out because I don’t want to justify Bloom basically causing all the problems in the finale. Idk maybe the zombies are already breaking the barrier because they’re fuelled by ancient magic, and Bloom’s like the only way to be powerful enough to kill the zombies is to use Rosalind’s magic. So they open Rosalinds seal a little bit and Bloom and the girls yoink some genocide magic.
I’ve officially reached word limit on tumblr I’ll continue this thought on another post
Part 1 - Social issues
Part 2 - Writing
Part 3 - Designs
Part 4b - rewrites continued
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Silva Lining (Saul Silva x Reader) Chapter 14
Warnings: Swearing, angst
Word count: 1.2k
-Sauls POV-
Hearing his girl scream would always send shivers down his spine and this time, not in a good way. Saul burst into the clearing where Y/N was crouched down on the floor. Rips and slashes were visible on her clothes, blood stains too.
He ran towards her, fearing the worst but what he saw next was something he would never expect. The burning, black, searing marks made by the creatures claws… were healing.
Slowly each wound closed up, black fog seeping from the wounds and disappeared in the air. From the gasps heard close by the girls and Farah had just managed to catch up in time to see it all unfold.
As Saul looked at his girl, he noticed the black was slowly disappearing from her eyes too. Without a word she stood, walking further into the woods. Hand raised she pointed a finger, leading the team to the unconscious but alive body of Specialist Laura.
As if her body sensed it had been through the wringer, Saul watched as her demeanour quickly changed. Her body slacked, eyes rolled and she crumpled to the ground, the run in with danger too much for the young fairy to handle.
-A couple of days later-
Farah had brought in a mind fairy. Someone from outside of the school.
It had been a few days since the run in with dear old deadly dad and everyone in Alfea had learnt the truth about your parents. The scared looks in your direction didn’t go unnoticed and people who would once have been friendly to you seemed to run whenever you were close by.
This mind fairy your mother was bringing in was supposed to help with the whole “taken over by a blood witch” voodoo shit. Apparently your mind was too open and susceptible to more persuasion if you didn’t get a handle on your powers and fast. Apparently there were still parts of your magic you hadn’t tapped into, which surprised you because surely there couldn’t be more power than you already had? You had enough with what you had at the moment and truthfully didn’t know if you could handle more.
The lessons hadn’t been going too bad. At first you had been against the idea that you needed more help but clearly the events that had unfolded stated otherwise. Your mother still tutored you daily as well. Before you know it you’d be a walking spell book.
You were starting to lose the feeling of being that normal teenager again. It was there for a moment. A fleeting moment. Just when you thought the threat of the burned ones were gone, Beatrix was locked up and you were finally getting to have a semi normal relationship with Saul, the universe came crashing down around you again.
Even Mr Harvey had a special interest in you now. After all.. no one had ever heard of a fairy slash blood witch. After seeing that you weren’t affected by the venom of a burned one, it lead him to wonder if you were immune to anything else and if you were maybe the answer to a future antidote.
You were fed up. One thing weighed heavily on your mind. Saul. He didn’t sign up for any of this. He knew you were slightly damaged from the day he found you, but no doubt he didn’t expect it to this extent. Was it selfish to be with him? To be leading him down the same unpredictable journey you were on? He shouldn’t have to be going through any of it.
You sighed as you climbed the stairs to your shared suite. Part of you hoped Saul was out so you didn’t have to talk about how fucked up you were. It was draining, going over and over things, there was so much drama surrounding you. You felt embarrassed sometimes.
You weren’t having the best luck. When you pushed open the doors there he was laying back on the sofa, watching some training video on the plasma screen. His head popped up when he heard you come in and he gave you a lazy smile.
“There she is. I was wondering where you’d got to.” He held his arms open. You dumped your bag near the front door and kicked your shoes off, padding over to him. You slumped down, curling yourself into his chest, laying half on top of him. He didn’t miss the large sigh you let out.
“Do you want to talk about it?” You shook your head and his your face further in his chest. The smell of his aftershave, the outdoors and his natural manly scent always calmed you. Made you feel safe.
You felt his chest move and knew he was about to talk again. This time you beat him too it.
“Saul, do you ever regret saving me that day in the wood.” He stilled and you looked up at him. His eyes bore into yours, he seemed…. angry? His jaw was clenched. Yup definitely angry. You mumbled. “Forget that I said anything.”
About to dive your head back into the comfort of his chest you were stopped. He sat up abruptly and stood up, plopping you down on the sofa.
“Why would you say that.” He was pacing. Jeez looks like you’d hit a nerve. “Really Y/N? Still after all this time, after all we’ve been through you still don’t realise how much I fucking love you. How much I fucking worship the ground you walk on. I would bloody die for you and you’re asking me if I regret saving you that day in the woods?”
“I-i’m sorry! Sometimes I just have thoughts, sometimes I just think maybe you would have been better off never finding me. You could have a normal drama free life, with someone your own age, someone you don’t have to hide about with. I’ve ruined that chance for you, at a normal life, a normal relationship.” Your knees came up to your chest.
He was pissed. His hands ran through his hair. Then he looked straight at you.
“Do you know what. As much as this might be difficult for you, yes it’s difficult for me too. You don’t choose who you fall in love with. But I’m glad I fell in love with you. I just wish you would see that. Stop being so selfish. Yes you’re having a shit time, but it’s not all shit. For god sake Y/N, you found your mother, you found your father, granted he’s the king of the blood witches. Stella’s your cousin and you finally have a home and friends… and what about me? Am I not good enough for you. You’ve been looking at everything as a negative and never even stopped to consider that actually, maybe this is positive.”
Your eyes were full of tears and your mouth was open slightly. What a slap in the face. The thing that stung the most though was he was completely right. Your heart skipped when you watched him walk over to the door and grab his jacket.
“Saul where are you going?” You were off the sofa now, walking towards him. He turned and kissed your forehead.
“I need some space to think. I’m going for a drink. Don’t wait up okay, i’ll be back soon.”
Then he left, closing the door behind him.
Soooo. Sorry for not updating sooner. I've had a lot of stuff going on and just haven't had the time to write, I apologise for the short chapter. Sorry for the angst tooooo but I felt like the reader needed a little bit of a reality check? Let me know what you think.
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fandomtrxsh19 · 4 years
I just finished Fate and.......... boy do I have thoughts about it. It wasn’t TERRIBLE, just meh. There were somethings I liked, somethings I didn’t like, and somethings I hated. This will contain SPOILERS.
Things I liked:
The sets. Some of the locations were really pretty such as the Greenhouse and outside of the school.
The performances of some of the cast were passable at best. Precious Mustapha’s Aisha and Danny Griffin’s Sky are among the standouts for me.
Bloom vs The Burned Ones: The transformation was a nice callout to the transformations of the original. The fire surrounding her and the fire wings were are really nice and cool touch.
Beatrix was an interesting villain to say the least. I like how she’s a bit of a mystery. I’ve noticed that she’s mostly like Darcy with some powers of Stormy.
The cast interactions: Watching behind the scenes videos and seeing their Instagrams, you can tell that the main girls are really close. You can tell in the Netflix interview that the cast really loved and cares for each other.
The music: I like how they used lesser known songs and others in the scenes, especially in the party scene.
The special effects: How they did the effects for the magic is pretty cool.
Things I didn’t like(strap in):
The Whitewashing: Of course this can’t be ignored or swept under the rug. The is a major issue on the directors and the creative team’s part. One of the things that makes the original so amazingly brilliant is in its diversity, having 3 of the main characters being WOC. This was and still is a bit step in representation on every shows. Winx Club is one of the first shows that I’ve seen where half of the main characters and lots of other characters didn’t look like me, and I LOVED that. The way they casted a white woman in the roles of both Musa and Flora is extremely shocking l and disappointing. Both Elisha and Elliot definitely tried their best with these characters, but this is still a huge issue. Netflix and the creators KNEW about this. The only reason why Flora’s name got changed to Terra is because of the backlash and the fandom calling them out on their bullshit. The way that Aisha’s role has been changed to a stereotype is simply disappointing but not surprising
The Characters: Not going to lie, lots of characters have been messed with and changed in many ways, none are really on a positive way. Bloom is extremely clueless and annoying. She only thinks of herself and whenever she’s on screen, it’s always like she’s internally saying “Everything’s about me. Let’s focus on me.” It just left a bad taste in my mouth. Stella’s just a bitch in this version. She just goes along acting like she’s above it all. This Stella acts like she doesn’t care about the rest of the girls and it’s really infuriating. She just insults these girls that are supposed to be her friends. She just fills the cliche of “ the bitchy blonde” and thanks, I hate it.
The Writing: Where do I start with this? It isn’t later seasons Riverdale bad, but, it’s still terrible. It’s like the writers haven’t even seen or heard of the source material. Just, the lines must’ve felt so awkward for the actors to say. The actors defientley tied their best with what they were given, but that didn’t really make it better in my opinion. They get old fast, especially the way how Bloom kept on saying “mansplaning” whenever she was taking to Sky was just so cringy. They referenced Harry Potter, Earth culture, and movies so many times and I didn’t like it. In the original, the Specilists, Winx, and Trix don’t know a lot about earth culture such as social media, and Harry Potter. I think this helps separate Earth with Magix. The Netflix adaptation decided to yeet that out the window and was like “Lets make this world like our own.” Part of the charm of the original is the even fusion between futuristic and fantasy aesthetics. Guess, they messed up....wow
The fashion: This is obvious. There’s no transformations, no cute and iconic outfits, just clothes that make the cast look bulky. The cast literally look like soccer moms omg. Stella? Wearing black? I don’t know her. Bloom? Wearing red? I don’t know her. Bloom is only shown wearing red ONCE. The whole reason why she mainly wears blue is to contrast her red head, and fire powers. Stella is APPALED, good sir, HOW DARE YOU!!
The character erasures: There’s no Winx Club without Tecna. Our tecnomagic icon is one of the pillars of the group. She makes sure descisons are thought through logically and comes up with amazing plans. Her powers are extremely powerful and useful in lots of situations. Also, the lack of Helia, Brandon, and Timmy disappointed me. Those guys are amazing characters and Brandon has an amazing personality and character growth that he goes through. Smh Netflix
The pace: The way scenes and storylines would progress was just awkward. The show starts off with Bloom at Alfea, then meeting Sky and I was just like......”What?” Scenes that are more “down to earth” and “chill went by kinda quickly to get to the “darker” and “edgier” scenes. It just weird and boring sometimes
Miscellaneous: The biphobia in Riven’s character and the fat phobia in the first 20 minutes. Seeing Elliot’s character constantly being bullied, not only broke my heart, but left a really bad taste in my mouth.
Now, these are just my opinions and scratch the surface of my feelings about this. As an adaptation of a preexisting property, I give it a 4/10 and as an independent show, I give it a 5/10. There were some good points and character growth, like the whole thing with Stella and her mom, but it was mostly disappointing.
According to Ignio, he and Brian Young think that animation is only for kids. He has literally said in an interview that this is “for the older fans who grew up with Winx” and “ They would like the darker and edgier version.” This makes me mad since I prefer animation to live action. These showrunners, creators, etc are in the wrong here. There are still lots of other cartoons that have a bright and colorful aesthetic and tell dark stories(I.e Madoka Magica). We don’t want another Vampire Diaries or Riverdale. We’ve already seen enough teens shows that are dark and edgy. What we need/want is a show that tells a story and honors the source material in an appropriate and special way. What we wanted and needed is a Winx Club adaptation that respects the source material, and keeps its fun, bright, and colorful aesthetic. Not, whatever Netwinx gave us. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ll go rewatch the Nick/4kids/Cinelume dubs and WoW so I can cleanse my palette from what I just watched.
PSA: PLEASE don’t bully or harass any of the actors. They clearly tried their best with what they were given. It isn’t their fault at all.
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