#Beast Wars - Second Chances
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Transformers: Beast Wars - Second Chances - Page 2
Originally posted on February 2nd, 2011
Story - Curt Lunsford Pencils - Ryan Miller Inks - Jake Isenberg Colours - Ray Fromme Letters - HdE
wada sez: Starscream’s ghost returned in the Beast Wars episode “Possession”; here, he’s back again, and he finds the dead body of Terrorsaur, who was last seen turning into a Transmetal as he fell into lava inside the Darksyde in “Aftermath”. Terrosaur’s actual toyline-only Transmetal toy is used for the character’s design. In case you didn’t know, Ryan Miller is prominent fanartist TGPing, who achieved popularity in recent years with his stunning watercolors of Beast Wars characters and toy-accurate G1 characters, and managed to sneak in a couple of covers for IDW before they closed up shop. His work here reflects his toy-accurate approach, as Starscream has been drawn specifically as his Masterpiece body for some reason. This was originally going to be Page 7 of the comic, but was bumped up earlier; according to a later comment by Shaun Flaherty: “Starscream's Page 2 originally occurred much later, but as we assembled the pages, it seemed to interrupt the natural flow of the "Beast Wars" characters' stories, so we sort of squeezed it in near the beginning. I feel comfortable with the idea that he's watching the events unfold along with the audience until an opportunity presents itself for him to intervene on his own behalf, but it is a long time between when the seed is planted and its payoff.” See the original script below, as well as Curt’s “Writer Spotlight”.
Second Chances Page 7
Panel One
(Shot of a twinkle in space.  This doesn‘t have to be very large)
TEXT BOX:  Maximals…
TEXT BOX:  Predacons…
Panel Two
(Shot of a grey and red blur flying toward the Predacons ruined base/ship.  This also doesn‘t need to be that large)
TEXT BOX:  Tremble in fear…
Panel Three
(Reveal of Ghost Starscream, screaming out loud above the ruined Predacon base/ship in a triumphant pose.  Starscream‘s spark is pulsating and clearly visible inside of his chest)
Starscream:  Starscream has returned!!!!
TEXT BOX(Lower right hand corner):  …
TEXT BOX(Lower right hand corner):  Where is everyone?!
Panel Fopr
(Shot of Transmetal Terrorsaur‘s arm, “encased“ in cooled lava.  It’s grasping toward the air, very similar to what we saw when Terrosaur was going into the lava during the episode “Aftermath”.  Starscream can be seen hovering in the air above)
TEXT BOX:  Hmm, what’s that?
Panel Five
(Shot of Ghost Starscream entering into the ground around the arm.)
TEXT BOX:  Looks like someone forgot one of their toys.
Panel Six
(Shot of Transmetal Terrorsaur “clawing” out of the ground.  It should be done in a way that the reader doesn’t quite know exactly what it is yet)
TEXT BOX:  Huh, seems a little broken…
Panel Seven
(Reveal of Trasnmetal Terrorsaur,   He’s in a “cool” pose, but is very heavily damaged, maybe even blackened somewhat.  Somewhere near his feet we can see the remains of McDonald’s Transmetal Scorponok if the artist wishes)
Starscream:  …but that doesn’t mean it won’t be fun to play with!
Beast Wars.  I think for me, it’s the series that sort of kept the Transformer spark in me alive.  However, it’s also kind of a weird series, as I keep it segregated in my mind from the rest of my Transformers.  Allow me to explain: Being born in ‘85, by the time I was old enough to remember, Transformers was off the air.  But there was the semi-local video store, hand-me-down and a few new Transformer toys, some G1 episodes of my own, various “Action Cards”, and a very cool big brother to help fill in my imagination.  So even though I didn’t get to see G1 firsthand, I can honestly say that Transformers was definitely a part of my early childhood. But, in hindsight, I’d say Beast Wars played a very integral part in keeping me with Transformers.  Ya see, I didn’t have cable/satellite until I was 12.  Therefore, my knowledge of G2 was sketchy at best, and I only got a whole nine figures from the line when I was a kid, all Decepticons oddly enough.  However, my awesome big brother was in college at this time, and he came home on the weekends, and he usually brought me home a tape of cartoons I couldn’t see otherwise.  It was through this method that I saw that unforgettable commercial... “In the beginning, there was the beast.  But it’s more than meets the eye, it’s a robot in disguise!”  I saw it, and said to myself “Hey, Transformers, cool!”  So I watched the commercial a few times, and immediately wanted Dinobot.  However, he wasn’t first Beastformer, that honor goes to McDonald’s Manta Ray.  It took a little while for my brother to find out when Beast Wars was airing and start taping me episodes, but in the meantime I again took up renting G1 episodes from the library and getting a few Beast Wars figures in the process.  Because of this, I was mystified the first time I laid eyes on Gorilla Optimus Primal and T-Rex Megatron.  “That doesn’t make sense, they’re supposed to be a bat and a crocodile!” When I finally did get to see some select, mostly first season episodes of Beast Wars, I immediately recognized it as a good show.  As I learned the characters, I collected a few more figures, though not too many.  Years later I realized that, barring Snapper and the McBeasts, all the characters I got when I was “a  kid” were from the show!  Of course, oddly enough, I always kept my Beast Wars in a box by themselves.  Once in awhile they’d have adventures with my other Transformers, Super Heroes, G.I. Joes, etc., but for the most part they stayed separate. Anyway, even though I got satellite in ‘97, it wasn’t until around ‘99 that I finally got to see Beast Wars in it’s entirety when FOX re-aired the series.  If I recall correctly, I watched it every day it was on, and loved every episode. Time went by.  I watched the first season of Beast Machines, but wasn’t really impressed at the time.  The DreamWave comics came out, Rhino released certain episodes of G1.  This, and a very cool bootleg lot containing all G1 and CG Beast Wars/Machines episodes my brother bought, firmly cemented me into the realm of the Transformers.  I was here to stay. But what does that have to do with Beast Wars?  Well, in that lot there was a “commercial” tape that had various commercials and U.S./Japanese intros to nearly every Transformers series at the time (up to Car Robots).  It was through this that I learned about Beast Wars II and Neo.  I was intrigued.  Suddenly I wanted to know more about those characters and that Universe.  Well, for a long time that was my only knowledge.  When I finally got the Internet, I looked into Beast Wars II and Neo, though I’ve yet to see either of those series with the exception of a couple fan-dubbed episodes and the BWII Movie on YouTube.  But I did learn about all these cool non-show Beast Wars characters, and I wanted more. So for the longest time, I kinda ignored the Beast Wars CG series.  In my mind, it was done, and everything about those characters had been told.  I eagerly awaited the DreamWave Beast Wars series once I saw it would star non-show characters (though we all know what happened there), and I loved IDW’s “The Gathering”.  But I still had little interest in the original Mainframe Beast Wars cast.  I’d seen the show through a few times by this time, and the show had lost some of it’s original luster.  The Beast Era was over, it was all about G1 homages.  Therefore, when new Beast Wars material surfaced, I was more interested in new Beast Wars exploits, with new non-show characters. Then I received the invite to join what would become BEAST WARS: Second Chances.  I, of course, wanted in on writing the story because, heck, Mosaic is a really fun project and I’d been itching to co-write something.  So I took another look at the series.  When we got into the nuts and bolts of things, I started to realize again why I liked those characters to begin with and I looked at the Beast Wars show in a new light.  It was still good, but I started to see things I hadn’t seen before.  There were aspects of characters that could still be explored and stories yet to be told.  The magic is back and now I look forward to hunting down figures from the show I never got.  Surprisingly, Dinobot II is among them (you’ll all find out why soon enough). So all in all, I’d say Beast Wars is kind of a weird area for me.  I don’t know if I’ll ever be as enamored with it as much as G1 or Animated, but Second Chances has certainly rekindled my love for the series as a whole. -- Curt Lunsford
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Hello Child of Man! I have a request if it interests you.
What would the TWST boys (Riddle, Leona, Lilia, and Jade or Azul) give to reader to show their affection is honest? Like, it's their prized possession.
You write so well! Please continue. ♡ Thank youuuuu.
A Gift can speak a thousand words
Heyy, Thank you so much for the request, and I'm so sorry it took so long to write,, school has been a pain :') Thank you so much for the kind words and i hope you enjoy!!
What they would give reader to prove their affection is honest
Characters: Riddle, Leona, Lilia, Azul
Format: Headcanons
Warnings: None that i can think off
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Red roses from Heartslabyul's Rose Garden
-This might seem rather basic and almost thoughtless at first, but these roses truly hold his entire heart
-There is the factor that his mother most likely raised him very traditional and conservative, so he was taught to gift his lover flowers
-Also, this is probably his first relationship, and the people around him, as well as the internet, will have told him that red roses, the flowers of love, is a good gift.
-but there is so much more to it than just that
-Both heartslabyul and especially the red roses are very dear to him, after all, the red roses are a, if not the, symbol of the queen of hearts and her kingdom. He himself tries to be as similar to the queen of hearts as possible, heartslabyul practically his kingdom
-By gifting you these Hand picked roses, from the Heartslabyul garden, he, as the so-to-say queen of heartslabyul, is gifting you a part of the most important part of his kingdom, and by extension, a part of him
-the roses are, of course, hand picked with extreme care, it's to ensure that you will truly only get the best of the best, because in his eyes, you deserve even more than just perfection.
His dorm uniform jacket
-Another one that might seem basic and meaningless at first
-But once again, there's more to it!
-Kings are most easily recognised by their crowns. Since he isn't the firstborn, and therefor not king, he doesn't have a crown.. But at NRC, the Housewardens are recognized by their unique dorm uniform, it's his version of a crown, so to say. 
-Also, most beast men, including lions, mark their territory through scent, similar to their animal counter parts.
-And since he usually skips classes and spends a majority of his time in his dorm, he's usually wearing it!.. well, was, until he gave it to you. It's his way to mark you without outright admitting it 
-Being second in line, most of his kingdoms treasures and similar things, have always been given to his older brother, so with the few things that are his, that he considers precious, he's very territorial about. and that includes you, the love of his live.
-The beastmen will smell his scent, and almost all other students will most likely recognize the jacket, both resulting in them leaving you be. An absolute win in his book.
-Also, when a king marries his lover, he gifts them the crown of his kingdom, but he is no king and therefore has no crown, so instead he'll gift you his housewarden jacket as a sign that you rule alongside him
a precious fae gem
-No matter how young Lilia try's to act, in the end he's still an old man
-He'd give a thousand year old gem, that still somehow looks perfect. Maybe it's embedded into a necklace, maybe a ring. 
-If you can take it out of it's original casing, he'll definitely put it into your favorite type of jewelry! 
-chances are, it has been in his family for generation, or it was a gift from someone dear to him during the war, like Baul or Meleanor. Either way, this gem is very dear to him, although not nearly as dear as you!
-Him giving you this gem, is his way of telling you how serious your relationship is to him, that he definitely plans to marry you one day, and, most importantly, that in his eyes, you're already a part of the little family he has build himself
-In fact, chances are, that he gave you this gem after he saw you acting particularly like a parent caring towards silver, it just proofed how perfectly you fit in!
-He would have used it as part of your engagement ring, but he wants that to perfectly suit your taste. Also, that means it'll eventually be replaced by a marriage band, and he wants you to be able to wear the gem even after marriage, till the rest of your days.
Master key
-Azul values his privacy. A lot.
-As a child, he could seemingly never get away from his bullies, and even now, when he gets overwhelmed or reminded of his trauma, he sometimes feels helpless. So, chances are he secured a small room where he could get away, somewhere even the twins don't have access to.
-But you? you're the only exception. It seems that no matter what, you always manage to calm him down, he doesn't understand why or how, but you do. It almost scares him.
-For him to give you this, you'd also have to be in a relationship for quite a while, at least around a year. Bullying causes insecurities, and insecurities can cause quite the trust issues.
-He'd be so nervous about giving you it. What if it's a mistake? What if you think it's weird? But he loves you enough to pull through. He try's to play it cool. He Fails.
-Now you often surprise him at work, or specifically seek him out when you know he's upset. It flusters him every time, but he has yet to regret his decision :) He never will, he is heels over head in love with you
A piece of his moms jewlery
-This was more of a side thought, but i found it cute and wanted to expand a bit on it.
-Azul is an absolute mamas boy in my eyes, she made sure he grew up to be a gentleman once he grows up
-So, when he visits home, he most likely tells her about you!
-And she, in true motherly nature, is just like "How sweet, my baby is in love! Oh, how about you bring them back a gift! Do they like jewelry?" 
-And suddenly he comes back with a piece of her jewelry, soon to be yours. He's just happy she seems to approve of you :)
-A  blushing, nervous wreck, as he gives it to you and explains the reason for it
-Every time he sees you wearing it after that, he just starts stuttering while turning red. The other members of the board game club are very confused, they know you two are dating, but that doesn't explain why he turned into a tomato..oh hey, is that some new jewelry, prefect?
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Fried my brain trying to find the perfect things haha, Lilia was definitely the hardest, but very fun to write nonetheless!
Feedback is welcomed, just be kind! Hope you all have an amazing day!
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dcxdpdabbles · 20 days
Hello, I love all your aus. I selfishly want to ask for more of Danny's Grill. Pretty please.
Danny added cilantro to the tacos before closing the lid on the carryout box. He glances behind him to see Alvin handing out toys to the kids at the window.
Alvin smiles sweetly at a little girl who stands on her tiptoes to point at the red truck inside Alvin's toy chest. His crush hands her some stickers to build her race track, and Danny's heart leaps at the sweet image.
Little toy cars, dolls, or fidget toys were a real hit with the crime alley children—most didn't have a chance for new toys—and Alvin seemed to glow whenever he gave a new child a toy.
It was his idea on the second night of them going around. Usually, people don't get small gifts when getting food from a food truck, but a few nights ago, Alvin had asked if he could go with Danny on his rounds.
He wanted to tell him no at first since Red Hood had yet to find his pimp, but one look at those sea watercolor eyes had him folding faster than wet paper. He had placed Alvin as the cashier, a grin never leaving his face as Danny listened to the other charm all the customers that wandered over.
It was an oddly domestic setup they had going on.
Danny, with his random menu of food, and Alvin, with his bright smile and charming deposition. After a full day and a bit of night selling food, the two would head home to relax in the oversized baths and spend a lazy afternoon.
All of Danny's chores were done by ghosts who occasionally came by to support them. Other times, they were there to serve Danny. He didn't feel comfortable with having someone waiting on him hand and foot, but he did like treating Alvin with the best service he could offer.
Since Alvin moved in, Danny has been proud to notice his eye bags had decreased, his skin had cleared, and the tension always resting on his shoulders had vanished. He also put on some weight, which upset Alvin a little, but Danny thought it was nice to see him healing.
He worried he was getting attached to Alvin. Danny knew he had fallen in love with Alvin, as much as he wished he hadn't, but he couldn't help it.
Alvin was everything he ever wanted in a partner and more. It was complicated to remind himself that eventually, Alivn would be safe enough to leave his home. It was shameful to admit he was glad that Red Hood was taking a while to find the assholes who hurt his friend.
"Here you are." He tells the teenager with them. "Three orders of tacos de barbacoa."
The teen's nose wrinkles. "Your Spanish sucks."
"I tell him the same thing all the time. But at least he can make really great tacos." Alvin winks as the teenager's smirk grows. The little kids with him laugh happily, and the group of five wanders away.
One little boy is showing off his new car while the little girl grabs the hand the teenager offers her. Alvin watches them until they retreat back into the apartment building from which they came.
Alvin leans back with a loving sigh. "Adorable little beasts"
"What made them beastly?" Danny asks, amused, as the other points to the little tray of cookie bags sitting on the window table.
"The little girl stole two bags. The older one definitely saw but he acted like he didn't."
"That's why you gave them more cookies?" Danny asked, remembering that Alvin had grabbed the to-go bag and sneakily placed the treats inside while Danny cooked.
"Sure. You don't mind if I give out free food, and it would be mean to have them all share two bags when there are five of them." Alvin leans back cracking his neck. "I come from a big family too. Trust me when I say that causes living room wars"
Danny hastily looks away, trying to cover up his reaction to Alvin's crooked grin. While trying to hide his blushing face, Danny catches a glimpse of a figure on the rooftop watching them.
He waves at the vigilante. He noticed the other following him a few nights ago, and despite the bat-themed hero never recognizing him, Danny still picked up a bottle of soda and a box of food to gesture at him.
He doesn't think he has time for a dinner break, but it would be rude not to offer a meal when he can.
Batman's white lenses narrow for a fraction of a second before he steps back into the shadows disappearing from sight.
He's not hungry then. Okay.
"Danny," Alvin calls from further inside the food truck. "We are almost out of food. Want to call it a night?"
"Sure, I don't mind. Do you want to do anything later?"
Alvin thinks it over before announcing, "I want to go into the pool later. Will you join me?"
I would do anything for you. Danny thinks but only says "Of course. I need a good spa day too. I'm thinking of doing a pedicure."
Alvin smiles at him, and it's brighter than any sun could ever be. With practice, the two dance around each other, doing the clean-up and closing duties to get the truck ready for travel.
Alvin falls into the places that Danny steps out of, giving Danny warm looks that make Danny slightly hot under the collar, but it makes him wish he could keep Alvin forever.
In ten minutes, they are closed up and driving out of Crime Alley on their way back to their mansion. Danny is making the last turn out of Gotham, with Alvin sitting in the passenger seat scrolling on his phone when he feels someone land on his roof.
Seeing that his food truck has become an extension of his haunt, Danny can tell who it is the second they touch his vehicle.
When he remembers his early offer, he wonders what the man could want going for a ride. Was the hero finally going to take him up on it? That's wonderful!
"Hey Alvin, I need to do a quick stop," he tells the other while pulling into a 24-hour gas station. Alvin waves his hand, not once glancing up from his phone. Danny suddenly feels the urge to press a kiss against his cheek, but that would be creepy.
So he settles for a quick pat on his shoulders before he slips out of his seat and grabs the leftover pre-prepared meals. He also holds a water bottle just in case the bat is parched. He swiftly steps outside, tilting back to lock his gaze on Batman.
"Here you go," Danny says, holding up the food. "It's still warm."
Batman's eyes widen, then narrow. "No."
"Are you not here for food?"
Danny waits a moment, but no explanation on why he was riding on his truck comes he clears his throat. "Is there anything I can help you with then?"
"What are your intentions with Tim?"
Who the hell is Tim?
Oh! Wait, he meant Tim from Second Street. Danny had sold him some food and realized the old man couldn't get back on his porch, so he built him a ramp.
Danny spoke to him only during that interaction, but if Old Man Tim was involved in a crime, it was better to act like he wasn't aware.
"Just trying to make him happy is all sir." He says carefully watching for any reaction. The best lies are ones built on truths.
Batman's face stays the same, but in one quick motion, he leaps from the truck and shoots off his grabbing hook. He's gone in seconds, rushing off into the night as Danny watches him go.
He doesn't know why but he gets the strange sense he just passed a test of some kind.
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equalseleventhirds · 1 year
"I don't understand how I'm losing," Reigen said, his hands flying over his keyboard. It was so late now—too late, maybe—if only he'd used the same technique as with the Player Killer from the beginning, he might have stood a chance, but he hadn't seriously thought he'd lose—
"Shishou," Mob said, "why is this so important? You already have second place from Twitter."
Reigen laughed, not at all nervously, and splayed a hand across his forehead. "You don't understand, Mob. The publicity from something like this, even a rematch, would do wonders for Spirits and Such. This is about business."
(He would never admit to his pride being on the line.)
"And anyway, who is this guy? A radio host? I've been on TV, you know."
Mob carefully did not bring up what had actually happened when Reigen made his television debut.
Ritsu had no such qualms. "When they exposed you as a fraud? That was publicity too, right?"
Serizawa leaned over Reigen's shoulder to see the computer screen, careful not to spill the tea he placed on the desk. "Oh, Cecil from Welcome to Night Vale? It's been a while since I listened to that, maybe I should catch up."
Reigen stared at him. "You? What? Serizawa?"
"Ah... yeah." He rubbed the back of his neck. "Back when I was... well, when I didn't leave my room much, the podcast was popular. I guess it gave a sense of... community? Feeling less alone, even when you are." He shrugged. "Plus, hearing another gay man in a show like that was comforting."
"He's gay? Canonically?" Why can't I be gay canonically?
"Sure, he got married in episode 100. It was very emotional."
"I nearly died in our chapter 100—"
-- -- -- -- --
Well, listeners, there's still a few hours left on the poll, but I'm now leading at 56%! I must say, I did not expect this, especially after Twitter users so clearly forgot—or perhaps never knew—about my Tumblr Sexyman Origins.
But, that's neither here nor there. I certainly am grateful, if a bit bemused, about all of this, but let us not forget that this is all a friendly competition. Unlike the annual War On Christmas—and let us all take a moment to remember our fallen allies against that terrible holiday foe—this is a battle of kindness. Love, even. The love we feel for Tumblr, for our favorite sexy men, for pressing a button on a meaningless internet poll. The love we feel, listeners, for each other.
And in the spirit of that love and friendliness, I figured I'd get to know my opponent a little better! A bit of googling, which of course you know means searching via every search engine but Google, what with the Town Council imposing the Google Search Tax and getting all Night Vale IP addresses shadowbanned, has led me to... oh my, listeners. I do not know who made this, but Reigen Arataka has the single most beautiful professional web page I have ever encountered. It's... words do not do it justice. I am tearing up. This... I could not make anything better myself.
A-hem. Listeners, now that I've wiped away the tears such beauty inspired in me, I can now see that Reigen's website advertises his business, one Spirits and Such Consulting. Well! We may be rivals in this moment, but I am overjoyed to learn that Reigen runs such an innovative and important business! I am nearly ashamed that, while my opponent works to make the world a better place, I, a mere community radio host, am winning the sexyman contest.
Nevertheless, we must respect the polls. Not respecting polls could get us in hot water with the Town Council, or with the demigods of numbers who lurk in the sharp edges of percentages. So since I can't hand my victory over to him, I think I'll do what I can as a community radio host, and promote Reigen Arataka's important business!
So if you're a spirit in need of counseling, a ghost in need of therapy, or an eldritch beast in need of a shoulder to cry on, head on over to Seasoning City and pay our good friend Reigen a visit! I'm sure he'll be pleased as anything to see you.
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belovedyandere · 5 months
Ooh, could we see more of Yandere Empire x Prince reader? I feel like there's so much potential there
Imagine reader, a Prince visiting to discuss the prosperity and needs of the particular section of the nation that their family rules, only for the emperor to grow infatuated by them. By the time it's all over, the Prince continues to as if they didn't catch on to Yan Empire's moves, hoping to return back without any trouble. Only to be told that if they didn't cooperate, the emperor wouldn't hesitate to slaughter his family and destroy the section of the kingdom his family ruled.
Prince reader being in an arranged marriage, only for the emperor to rearrange so that the reader would marry him.
A not so smart prince reader rejecting the emperor's advances, thinking that this would end the emperor's infatuation with him.
cw. angst, aphrodisiac, dubcon, imprisonment, sexual themes, yandere themes
It felt strange entering a land that was not your own, perhaps it was the contrast in scenery, or the culture, maybe even the regulations that were imposed. Though something in you said it was the instinct of a young zebra entering a hungry lions den. The emperor had more years in his reign, you were regarded as new to the public eye in your kingdom. though that did not stop you from pursuing tasks that would bring great opportunities to your people. this was one of them.
It was surprising that your royal family had even been accepted to enter the large land, what not for his isolated ideals that were fuelled by the prospect of war and claiming new land. Nevertheless you seized the chance without question. You were given a day to idle in the chambers gifted to you as an important guest of the Emperor. You took notice of the people, the servants, the buildings and areas that you passed through. The people of the empire seemed to prosper greatly, but there seemed to be a dreaded silence upon them. How come? The prince didn’t know. The second day arrived, and the lovely prince was continuously fixing his royal attire before the guards came to lead him to the emperor. Confidence and security was key. He could not show weakness or desperation, his people counted on him. Once the doors opened, there was the dreaded silence in the room. Across the prince, stretched to the back of the room sat a figure, covered by a curtain of linen that weren’t transparent enough to see the face of a person but enough to see the shape of them.
No one spoke a word. But my you were very determined to make an impression, clearing your throat, you introduced yourself— from your title, to the name of your kingdom and the honour you felt being in the presence of the infamous emperor. The silence followed after had dampened the confidence you once had. You attempted to continue but was cut off by a voice that resonated through the room.
“Come closer.”
To which you did the opposite. The sudden demand had you frozen in place before being slightly pushed by the guard behind you. So much for oozing confidence and security. Your legs moved on their own, stopping only a few feet away from the curtain. The figure stood up, spreading the curtain from the middle. Your wide eyes finally witnessed the famed emperor. If his face did not scream warlord, he was quite handsome. But the aura emitting from him felt thick, it was hard to formulate into words, it was as though coming face to face to a beast from another world and you knew it was feeble to fight. However, the prince that you are, stood tall and noble.
And that same beast cracked a smile but it lacked the warmth that you were accustomed to at home, this whole region lacked warmth. You were terribly homesick already. He repeated your name, bringing you back to your surroundings. His call felt as though how one would repeat an instruction they had to follow correctly. After the initial meeting, days passed, not once being called upon the emperor during that week. You weren’t sure if this was how consulting with a neighbouring country was meant to go, but you weren’t going to complain. The scenery, the room, the service, the food— new discoveries in this foreign land was enough to pass the time.
But at last, you were summoned. You gathered yourself once more before you entered the room, reciting topics to discuss in your mind as you walked through the palace. When you entered the room– there were no sight of guards, servants, or counsellors. Only him. Odd but not enough to warrant concern. You were beckoned to sit across from him, and you had almost tripped on your way over. Though you felt embarrassed, the emperor's chuckle lightened the mood. Servants had rushed in with dishes before leaving quietly. The chats were light and amicable. He inquired about your enjoyment of your stay thus far, and you said that you had definitely enjoyed your stay, for the most part.
“I am pleased to hear this. It would be troubling if you did not enjoy your new home.” He brought his glass to his mouth, a smirk curling at the edge of his lips. “But nevertheless, it wouldn’t matter to me. Just as long as you are here beside me.”
“Oh yes, I— Excuse me?” You asked confused, your brows furrowed in bewilderment and heart beating strangely fast, did you hear that right? “I don’t understand what you quite mean, esteemed emperor.” You tried to keep a steady tone, not wanting to anger the war lord of the west. But you could already feel your fingers begin to tremble, as though your body knew what was to come before you even knew.
He chuckled once more at your confusion, finding it so simple and childlike, it was adorable. A sharp contrast to the meddling lords who would attempt to snake their way through to him. “What don’t you understand? I would assume you were taught proper English as a prince?” He teased, grinning at your shocked and embarrassed expression. “This is your new home, my husband to be.” He paused before saying the last few words, to make certain that you would comprehend your new situation.
You stood up from your seat, the sounds of screeching from the chair ignored as you stared at him in disbelief, “I can’t, I-I have a family, a duty and a kingdom to rule someday, I cannot stay here.” You said through a trembling voice, “I will soon have candidates to be married to and create a famil-“
“Sit down.” The emperor’s voice cut you off, his eyes piercing your thoughts, his stare felt overwhelmingly intense. You wanted to run, you wanted to run as far as you could until you could see the gates of your kingdom that you dreamed of ruling. This was not supposed to happen, there was no mention permanent residency nor marriage. You felt defeat, you knew you could not fight against the emperor nor would you want your men to lose their lives for you. Your legs gave out, you sat back down, slumped. “Why…why me..esteemed emperor?” You hoped this was a joke, a cruel one but a joke. And if it wasn’t, maybe you could reason with him. Or at least try.
The emperor stared at you, his indifferent expression slowly falling to a relaxed and almost imitating a warm expression, but not quite. “You charmed me.” He said a matter of factly. How could have charmed him? This was your only second meeting, the last barely had any word exchange. “Yes, that’s it,” he spoke again, prompting you to look up at him, “Your face, your expressions, they reveal your inner thoughts and emotions. It’s refreshing. But there’s more to it.” He added, standing up and making his way to you, his eyes never leaving your own. And you couldn’t look away, his eyes demanded your attention and gaze.
He stood beside you, his fingers tracing your neck, lifting your chin to face him as he leaned in. “Accompany me to my chambers tonight, dear husband. You will need to understand what needs must be fulfilled before our matrimony.” He said in a silly voice, holding onto your shared eye contact a moment longer, his eyes tracing to your lips and back to your eyes before walking to the door. “Don’t keep me waiting, I am not a man of patience.”
It had felt as though your whole body experienced being strangled with every step you reluctantly took. Each moment you realised how close you were to reaching his chambers. Bile started to reach your throat, nauseousness and anxiety pooling together to make an unpleasant dump of fear filled thoughts swirling. Your mind raced sporadically. From the dinner, to the upcoming visit you dreaded. But through all of this, you felt pain. Sadness. Reality had hit you very swiftly– you may never see your family again. Your home. The gardens, your fathers office, your mothers greenhouse, the stables…it felt as though a piece that was firmly stitched to you had been cruelly ripped from you. And now you were bleeding as you walked to the person who had done this.
The guards who escorted you announced your presence, and your body ran cold when you heard his voice on the other side to enter. You tried your best to keep your body from shaking, to show strength that was a representation of your homeland. But you weren’t sure if your body stayed still as you were pushed to enter in a matter of seconds after the doors opened.
The moment you had entered, a foreign smell hit your nostrils. Invading your body and mind. It smelt…nice, calming, almost enough to relax your anxious heart. Through lidded eyes, you saw smoke, it was incense, multiple littered around the room. Enough to fill the whole room with the smell but not enough to leave you choking on the smoke. It was strange, moments after inhaling the smell, you feel as though you’re back home in your mothers arms. Such serenity a smell invokes.
“We don’t have that back home…” You muttered to yourself, earning a heartily chuckle across the room. You had only noticed the full design of the room, and where the owner of that room stood.
“What don’t you have back home, my prince?” There on the bed sat the emperor, his leg crossed over the other, watching you with amused, curious eyes. A smile that seemed innocent enough but only a fool could not sense deeper intent behind it.
“The..incense…we don’t have them. We just have candles.” Your speech had grown slow, mellowed, something that internally surprised you but you weren’t able to dwell on it for long. You couldn’t. Not with the focused gaze of the emperor across you, it was consuming, so much so it would be difficult for you to retreat to your thoughts.
He beckoned you to come, you hadn’t noticed that you were getting closer to where he sat. Your thoughts were too preoccupied with his the emperor. The way he sat with all knowing eyes, filled with an aura of might power that could challenge God himself. It filled you with envy, especially when you were at his bidding. You stood before him, closer than you would have imagined. Close enough for the emperor to reach you and pull you towards him. Your breath caught in your throat as his arms snaked around your hips. His forehead resting against your abdomen. He stayed still for what felt like eternity until his arms began to unwrap and travel down to your thighs. He turned his head, his eyes glaring into yours while he kept his head still resting over your abdomen. “Of all the women and men, you are by far the most ethereal. Perhaps, it’s because of the light environment you were born in.” He stated calmly, watching your gazed expression with a delighted expression. His large hands that bore deep scars began to slowly make their way up from your thighs. Reaching bellow your buttocks, squeezing and pinching the fat of your thighs before doing the same to your cheeks.
He moved his face from your abdomen, settling his nose to where your crotch laid, “My cock will conquer you. It will reach from here,” as he spoke, his nose began to travel back up to your abdomen, “aalll the way to here.” He stopped just inches below your belly button. Your glassy eyes that turned your vision blurry finally took in the expression of the emperor, his cheeks had a shade of red that an angry drunk would have, and his eyes pooled with lust and desire. “I’m quite excited.“ Your clouded mind was not prepared to be flipped so suddenly, your whole perception of reality and your surroundings felt slow and wonky. The only thing that your mind could process was his voice. “Strip. Slowly.” His commanding voice that felt as though were denying God. You didn’t know why you were doing this, but your body felt so hot and itchy, and you just wanted out of these clothes now! You began to clumsily fumble with your attire, your pouty lips and pink stained cheeks enticing the emperor as he watched.
He liked watching your cloudy, teary eyes furrow when struggling to get out of those cheap fabrics. The sight of your red blush covering the tip of your ears urged him to nip at them while thrusting into you like a wild man. He just knew how weak those ears were. Your whole body felt new yet familiar to him. You belonged to him. Your slutty body, your eyes, mouth, ear, nose, everything. And soon, your heart. It didn’t matter if he had to force his way. He will get his birthright. You.
He watched you as you laid, in all your glory, on top of the red silk sheets that complimented you. You couldn’t look at him, ashamed and fearful of what was going to happen. You couldn’t even wrap your mind around what was going on right now.
You could hear clothes dropping to the floor, your looked over to see him hovering over you, naked. Your head sinking further into the bed when his hands placed themselves on either side of you. His whole weight plunged you deeper onto the bed. If you weren’t feeling strangely light headed, it still would’ve been difficult to find your foothold and escape from the bed. “We are not supposed to be intimate until after our wedding ceremony, but who am I to deny my prince’s urges? It’s very difficult for me to hold back when your future husband sees your lustful face innocently begging for my cock.” He smiled warmly, similar to how one would look at their pet who begged for treats. You originally thought this man was calculating, but now you believed that as well as him being delusional. However, the more you took notice of the incense and inhaled it, it became too hard to deny what he said. Your whole body felt disorientated. You needed to prod your whole body with your fingers. You needed to wrap yourself in skin to feel grounded. You needed something to stop this frightful sensation that you weren’t human anymore.
Your breathing began to become unstable at the incessant thoughts, and your emperor took notice of it quite quickly. It would be strange if he didn’t, as he was inches from your face ever since he had gotten onto the bed. He watched over your face, taking in your expressions and the way they revealed your thoughts. It was amusing. “Shhh, little prince, just focus on me. I’ll make you bound to me and my cock.” His strange way of comforting had at the very least kept your thoughts at bay. Especially when you watched him grab your hips and pull your bottom to his face, wrapping his arms around your thighs to keep them spread. A warm, squishy texture suddenly invaded your hole. You released a surprised mewl, your eyes looking to see his own. His eyes are always on you, has been since the beginning. It left you unsettled but the unfamiliar prodding sensation in your ass left you unfocused. Your thighs shaking, in shock at the pleasure. You weren’t aware of how two men were like when intimate. Is this normal?
You were to weak to keep your lips shut, releasing moans and sighs that were like music to his ears. Before the screams of agony from men in war would excite him. Who knew a prince mewling beneath him could do much more than excite him. Feeling your hole relax, he figured since you have been lubed and stretched, it was time. He moved your hips as he pleased, already feeling bliss from the control he had over your body.
His enraged cock-head pressed against your hole, causing your thighs to quiver, and you tightened up even more firmly than before, pulsing on his shaft and gasping under your him, your hole gripping his cock as though you would never desire him to pull out again. It didn’t take long before he came in you, huge thick ropes coating your insides. It seemed to surprise him as well. But he regained his posture, slamming into your hole over and over without break. You choked on your drool, tears and snot streaming down your face. You felt unsightly and disgusting.
“Even covered in sweat, tears and snot. You look divine.” He muttered between groans, his hand wrapping around your cock cruelly, wanting to see you cry out more and become more messier than before. The emperor’s face was a testament to the total pleasure swallowing his cock. It was the look of a man who was completely lost to bliss and ecstasy. He sighed moments after, lazily rocking his cock in and out, making sure to push as much of his semen into the deepest parts of you so you would be leaking for days.
“Conquering you has been my greatest victory. And conquering you tomorrow, the day after that and the day after that, and so one will be my reward.” He bent down, licking up your snot before giving a peck to the tip of your nose. He did the same with your tear stained cheeks, licking up from your cheeks to your eyes, giving each one a peck.
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ichatake · 2 months
Hii! Can I request a Kakashixreaderxobito fic where the reader is helping Obito “re enter” society and they basically become best friends( but Kakashi starts to feel weird about it because he actually fell for the reader too (but refuses to accept love because duh) ya know, some angst to get through the week 🕺 I hope that makes sense hahaha thank youuu so much! 🫶
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Requests are open! (Request rules)
Part. 1, Part. 2
A/N: This is one of my longest works I’ve ever made tee hee. I really hope you enjoy!! (Sorry it seems a little rushed :( )
Summary: Obito, after surviving the war was allowed back into the village. You made it your mission to make sure he gets completely rehabilitated. However, a certain someone gets jealous at the loss of attention.
Pairing: Obito x reader x kakashi
⋅───⊱༺ ♰ ༻⊰───⋅
It was a process. Everything that came after the war was a process. Great ninjas were lost, and some were found. Heartbreaks and heartwarmths were felt by all the people who were affected by this dreadful event. However, they sought to move forward, and push the formidable thoughts away. Because there was no time for regret, but only determination to bring back the villages—the families that were caught in the hellfire.
You had thankfully survived the war right along with some of your comrades. You had lost some to the Ten Tailed beast, but you knew the only way to honor their lives was to remember them for the outstanding ninjas they were. They had fought their final battle alongside you, and it was time for them to rest as the brave heroes they were. Your heart had been shattered by everything that had occurred—the deaths and the revelations. The revelation of the man who seemed like the spitting image of a boy you once knew. A kind, sweet boy that strived to become the Hokage. A boy with dreams so big, he’d do anything to achieve them. Obito Uchiha.
It shattered you to see who he had become, and why he had become this new person. It hurt how he didn’t think of himself as Obito Uchiha, but as someone else. He lived as someone else. It broke you a little, because you couldn’t wrap your head around this. How could this man—the boy you once admired when you were both at the academy—become so heartless. You couldn’t understand it. However, as if the universe was trying to put the pieces back in place, Obito had a change of heart. You thank Naruto for this—you didn’t know how the boy did it, but he always managed to get into people’s hearts. And just like Sasuke, Obito was welcomed—with very hesitant open arms, back into the leaf village.
Of course, this wasn’t an easy process. There were still people who didn’t trust him, and wanted nothing to do with him. It was a hard decision to make, but everyone deserves a second chance. So, the decision was made. He would be welcomed back to the village on the conditions of having someone watch him at all times—or as they called it—being under supervision. This was, to Obito, reasonable. He had been one of the main causes of the war, so the least he could do was accept this with a good heart. The difficult part was searching for someone who would actually agree to watch him. They needed a strong ninja. One that could put Obito in his place if he ever did anything remotely threatening. They thought Kakashi would’ve been the perfect candidate, but he was now the Hokage.
However, they never expected you to volunteer. You were a great ninja. Strong, smart, truthful. You were fit for the job, sure, but they were hesitant to just let you supervise him. But, after some convincing, you were allowed to take Obito under your wing, and trust me, it was a hard process. This man had been socially secluded. He was hated by most of the villagers, and he could see it. Anytime he walked down the roads of Konoha, the people would glare and snarl at him. He was a monster to them, and he knew that. He was difficult to crack open. I mean, did you really expect him to be just like he was when he was a kid? Of course not, you knew better than that.
You would always notice how his eyes landed on the ground, and he walked with his head low. You also knew he was slightly embarrassed of his scars. They were permanent proof of everything that had happened since the beginning. How could you get him used to society again? Had you volunteered to do this with blind eyes?
⋅───⊱༺ ♰ ༻⊰───⋅
“Are you hungry?” You asked as you searched around in the kitchen. You didn’t think the ‘have him under your supervision at all times’ rule was going to be this strict. I mean, he was living with you now. It’s been about two weeks since he’s been in your house, and he’s still tense. The unfamiliar atmosphere was just… not easy to get used to. At least for him. He wasn’t used to people, or kindness, or just… this.
“No,” he mumbled while he sat tensely on the dining chair. He looked like a black dot on a white sheet of paper. He didn’t quite fit in anywhere. You’ve tried to get him to speak more, but the most you get out of him a day is a few polite sentences. That’s it.
You frown, looking back at him as he looks out the window, “well you have to eat something. You can’t just go without eating for long hours,” you say as you lean on the counter, “how about we get some ramen, I bet you’d—,”
“I don’t want to go out,” he quickly cut you off, his head snapping towards you. Although the action might’ve seemed rude, his tone was soft, and… tired. He genuinely didn’t want to go out. Not that it surprises you. This isn’t the first time he’s refused to leave the house.
You sigh and rub your face, not out of frustration, but because you were thinking of a way to convince him, “I know that you don’t like going out—I understand, but you’ll make no progress being stuck in here with me,” you look at him to see a reaction, but his face still held that frown you hated to see. “I mean, sure, you can stay here if you want to, but you already know I’m not good at conversation. I’m pretty boring,” you chuckle, your attempts to lighten the mood were pretty bad.
You walk over to the dining table and sit across from him, crossing your legs and looking out the window, “you’ll have more fun outside than in here. Unless you want me to bore you with some of my life stories,”
His brow was raised with curiosity, his interest being peeked, “Maybe not,” he says and sits a little straight, his body turning to face you. You were surprised at this, just a little. He had never made an effort to keep the conversation going. He usually just stayed quiet or gave dry responses.
“Oh come on, you definitely don’t want to hear that,” you chuckle nervously, but his eye never left yours. “We don’t know that,”
“Okay then…,” you pause for a moment before continuing what you were going to say, “I’ll tell you about a few things, and if you're not bored out of your mind, we can stay here for the rest of the day. If you are, however, we’re taking a walk,” you say, although you knew that even if he was fed up with your blabbering, he’d still prefer that over going out. With a nod, he agreed to your offer and listened attentively.
⋅───⊱༺ ♰ ༻⊰───⋅
Hours had passed since the offer. It turns out, you weren’t really bored at all. At least, in his eyes. You two hadn’t spoken since his ‘death’ so he had missed out on a lot of things. It was interesting to hear all of the stories you had. You were… cool. He thought. Yeah, you weren’t half as bad as he thought you were, no offense. He caught himself wanting to know more, nodding and interrupting you sometimes to just ask about certain things. To you, this was a massive win! He seemed to be getting used to you, and he was warming up a little.
“So you teach?” He asks, amusement laced his voice, “what? Is that really absurd?” You raise a brow, crossing your arms slightly while he gently waved his hand over his face, “No, no, I just remember you as a bad teacher,”
“A bad—excuse me?” You gasp with fake offense, which made him crack a smile. Your heart almost stopped because this was the first time he smiled since he got here. “I’m just saying, remember that time I asked you to teach me about a specific Jutsu?” He asks and you nod your head, “well, I have great memories of you shaking your head in disappointment and telling me I was doing it all wrong,” he looks at you and almost cracks a chuckle,
“Okay, I was young alright? I didn’t have the patience I have now,” you chuckle and shake your head, “so, for your information, I’m a very good teacher,”
He made an expression that screamed ‘suuuure’, which made you laugh, “oh, come on, don’t look at me like that,”
He shrugs, “I’ll believe that when I hear it from your students,” he says, not expecting anything to come from it, but a lightbulb had just been lit in your mind, “Alright, then let’s go talk to them,”
His eye suddenly widens as you say this, “what?” He watches you as you stand up and grab your keys. “Lets go talk to them so you see what a good teacher I am,” you say with your hands on your hip.
“I— I didn’t really mean it like that. It was just a joke—,”
“Joke or not, you deserve to meet them. Come on, they’ll love you,”
⋅───⊱༺ ♰ ༻⊰───⋅
With a lot of convincing, you had gotten Obito to go outside. He was once again going into shut off mode. He didn’t speak and his eyes were glued to the ground. However, you wanted him to look forward to going out, so you tried your best to make him comfortable. “You see, they’re the best thing that ever happened to me,” you say to catch his attention. He slightly looks up from the ground, to look at you. You were a few feet ahead of him, guiding him though the village. “This one boy, he really reminds me of you,” you look back at him, only for him to look back at the ground. “How so?” He asks quietly.
“Well, he’s very stubborn. Always having a rivalry with his teammate and—,” you stop yourself and clear your throat, “he’s just like you in different ways,” she says and stops in front of Ichiraku. Two silhouettes sat inside. “Ah, here they are,” you say as you enter, looking back at Obito with a reassuring smile. He looks at you and hesitantly enters the shop, looking at the two boys who were sitting on the other side.
They look back at you and one of them grins, greeting you loudly while the other sits calm and politely says hello. The loud one had thick black hair, round dark eyes and a contagious smile, while the quiet one was quite the opposite. It made Obito… uncomfortable. No, not because he didn’t know them or anything, but the similarities between them and Obito and Kakashi were unsettling.
“I thought you weren’t showing up,” Toko, the loud one, whines, “I’m not surprised, she’s always late,” Kenji, the quiet one says. His nose was buried in his book while his friend rolled his eyes.
“Well I’m here, aren’t I?” You chuckle and stand aside, “I’m here with a guest,”
Kenji lowers his book in curiosity, his pale eyes falling onto Obito with a monotone expression. It reminded him so much of Kakashi. “A guest? Where?” Toko asked, before he looked at the obvious answer right in front of him. “Oh—Oh!” He exclaims, his eyes slightly wide. “You’re—youre,”
“Obito,” you say, “Obito, this is Toko and Kenji,” you introduce them, earning an awkward ‘hey’ from Obito, and the same with Kenji. However, Toko immediately stood up in his seat, “I have so many questions,” he says with bright eyes, “I never thought I’d see you in person so soon,”
Obito was taken slightly aback, he wasn’t expecting such a reaction, and to be honest, the boy kind of reminded him of himself. “Sit down Toko,” Kenji scoffs, but it was obvious the boy had some questions of his own.
“Now, now boys, I don’t think Obito feels comfortable answering questions just yet. He’s still getting used to things and—,”
“It’s okay,” he cuts you off before you continue. He sat down beside Toko, who seemed like he was shaking out of excitement. For the first time since Obito got here, he felt… visible. Like he wasn’t being judged by anyone. On the contrary, the boys looked at him not with disgust, but interest.
“Are you sure? You don’t have to,” you reassure, worried that he might be doing this because he felt forced to, “I’m sure,”
⋅───⊱༺ ♰ ༻⊰───⋅
The night went on smoothly. You were surprised at how much Obito talked—heck, he talked more with your students than with you! The conversation ranged from different types of Jutsus, to the sharingan, to the Uchihas. You had been worried all night that Toko might ask something too personal that would make Obito uncomfortable, but to your surprise, he seemed to be very at ease. Even Kenji had begun to ask some questions, to your surprise.
Of course, the night was coming to an end, and the boys needed to leave. They said their goodbyes and left, making you sit there with Obito. You were silent for a few minutes before you looked at him, “Are you okay?” You asked, concerned that one of the boys asked him something offensive.
“Yeah,” he says and looks at you, his eyes wandering your face and his lips moving as if to say something. You wait patiently for him to speak, tilting your head to the side, “what is it?”
His lips press against each other, turning them into a flat line before he finally speaks, “there’s two of them, aren’t there supposed to be three?” He asks, his eye staring deep into yours.
“Oh..,” you say and look down for a moment, “yeah, there’s supposed to be three,” you look at your nails, trying to find them interesting as the topic makes you a little saddened.
“Then what happened?” He asks curiously, not catching the glimpse of your smile fading slowly. Now it was your turn to bite your lips. You didn’t know how to bring this up because you never liked bringing it up. No one ever asked before either, because the whole village knew what happened.
“We uh… we lost her,” you say with grief, “on a mission,”
“Oh… I’m sorry,” he says and shook his head, “I shouldn’t have asked—,”
“You didn’t know. It’s okay,” you smile reassuringly and pay for the meals. “I’m okay. And so are the boys. They’re strong,” you stand up and look outside, “it’s getting dark, we should probably head back home,”
⋅───⊱༺ ♰ ༻⊰───⋅
“So, you haven’t made any progress?” The silver haired man you know as Kakashi asks from in front of you. Considering he had become Hokage almost immediately after the war, you two barely got to see each other. Obito was currently getting tested at the infirmary for… who knows what. Kakashi didn’t give details about it.
“No, that’s not what I said,” you furrow your brows, “he’s having a hard time getting around. He doesn’t like going outside because people treat him nasty—,”
“And rightfully so. (Y/N), you might not get it, but this is the man who almost wiped the earth clean,” he says in a serious tone, “I know you keep thinking he’s like he used to be—the Obito from the past, but he’s not,”
“He’s trying—,”
“He’s a criminal,” you were slightly taken aback by his tone. You had never heard Kakashi speak about someone so roughly, and you’ve known him for years. You had become good friends since he became a teacher—so it really did surprise you. “You can’t be treating him like some old friend. You must take this seriously,”
“Everyone deserves a chance. He was your friend. You know him better than anyone here,” you say as you sat uncomfortably, “Even Sasuke isn’t being shunned to this extreme,”
“Because Sasuke didn’t start a war,” he refutes, “Then what are you suggesting I do?” You ask as you cross your arms, “I don’t get why you're being so.. so,” you look at him and sigh, “I’m sorry, I’ve just been really out of it. You know I hate mistreatment,” you rub your temples.
“It’s okay,” he sighs, “I just want to make sure you're not doing this because you feel forced to—,”
“I would never. I volunteer to supervise him, and I intend to make this an easy process for every party,” you say confidently, “after all, Obito and I are getting along just fine. He’s even met my students. I’ve seen good progress in him, even if it takes a little time,” you smile, “it’s like I’m slowly bringing him back,”
Kakashi stares at you for a few seconds—it was impossible to read his expression or what he was thinking, but his brows were furrowed together. You might've thought he had an expression of distaste if it weren’t for his mask, “I see… then that’s all for today. I wanted to check up on your progress, but I see that you are doing fine by yourself,”
You frown slightly at his words. You would’ve felt praised if it weren’t for his tone of voice. It seemed a little cold. You didn’t understand why—maybe it was because he was still bitter about everything that happened in the war, just like everyone else, but he out of all people should understand Obito, or at least, try to. “Right, then I’ll get going,”
⋅───⊱༺ ♰ ༻⊰───⋅
It seemed the time that you used to spend with Kakashi was replaced by Obito. You two seemed to get closer to each other with each day, and you were glad. He woke up early in the morning now, telling you good morning, and asking what you would do today. If you had to go out, he’d go with you. If you stayed inside, he’d stay with you—Although you mostly thought it was because he literally had no choice but to do so.
You saw him smile more often, and the village seemed to be accepting him more and more. All of your hard work was starting to pay off. Your students seemed to love him, and so did Naruto. Obito loved to speak with your students as well. They reminded him so much of himself when he was younger. Your friendship grew so much, he even insisted on going to watch you train your students. You were glad—no, not glad. You were happy to hear this, immediately agreeing to his request.
Currently, you were sitting down on the grass while your two students sparred, Obito sitting right beside you. “You know, they remind me a lot of how things used to be,” he says while looking at the two boys, “you really weren’t kidding when you said Toko was my twin,” he chuckles, leaning back against a tree.
“I told you,” you smile at him gently before looking back at your students. “So, have you spoken to Kakashi yet?” you ask curiously, considering the last time you spoke to Kakashi about Obito he was a little… bitter about it. You understood why, but it didn’t mean you wanted that to happen.
“No, not since after… everything,” He says with a straight face, "I don't think he’d want to talk to me ever. Not that I care much anyways, I also carry resentment,” he says, not meeting your eyes as he’s focused on the two figures in front of him. They fought hand to hand, and their friendly rivalness was giving him nostalgia. The sound of their weapons clanking made him remember just how much he and Kakashi would always fight. Rin would always watch. His face drops at the memories.
“I see,” you frown, “I just wanted to know because you two deserve to flip the page and start anew,” you look at him, “I certainly forgive you. And I don’t blame you—,”
“(Y/N), I’m not a good person,” he cuts you off with furrowed brows, “And I don’t expect anyone to forgive me. Especially not kakashi. After everything that’s happened, the best thing we can do is forget we even exist,”
“I don’t think that way,” you say sternly, “I believe everyone deserves a chance, and that doesn’t exclude you. You had your reasons—heck, you were a kid when you were manipulated—”
“Manipulated?” his head snaps towards you, “it was my decision,”
“You were a kid,” you refute, but he shakes his head, “It doesn't matter,”
“It does! You were a kid, you were vulnerable—”
“And what do you know?” he asks, a little agitated. He didn’t know why he was feeling this way, but his chest was slightly burning up. “You weren't there when it happened. You didn’t know Kakashi, Rin or me that well. So how could you possibly know what I feel? How could you understand?”
“Because I have a heart. You were a vulnerable kid who was grieving the death of someone you loved. You were filled with rage, and Madara took advantage of that,” you spoke calmly, because the last thing you wanted to do was make him feel even worse than he already was, “You didn’t speak to the people you held closest to your heart. You were ripped away from the village in hopes of false promises,” everything you said, you knew because of him. He had talked about this with you shortly after becoming more comfortable with you. You did know, you weren’t exactly there, but you did understand him.
“Please don’t live your life regretting what you did, or hanging onto hatred,” you frown and put a hand on his shoulder, “This is a new beginning for you. One that you were given even after thinking you didn’t deserve it,” you smile, “take advantage of that and work on yourself. If you’re having a hard time doing so, then I’ll help you. I will always be here for you,”
Your words left him speechless. Honestly, he didn’t know what to say. He was at a loss for words. You made him feel… different. A good difference. It was like you were the thing he most longed for. You were pure kindness… It almost reminded him of Rin. No, it did remind him of Rin. His eye never left yours as he tried to think of something to say. Your hand on his shoulder felt so tender and gentle, something he hadn't experienced in a long time. “I care for you Obito,”
He stares at you for what felt like ages, but finally, he worked up the courage to say something, “thank you,”
⋅───⊱༺ ♰ ༻⊰───⋅
“I want a rematch!,” Toko whines, looking at the other teenager who stood crossed arms, “I already won, I don’t think you want me to beat you again,” he says and rolls his eyes.
“Okay boys, that’s all for today. Go home and rest,” you say and chuckle, seeing how Kenji helps Toko up from the ground. The boys packed their things before saying goodbye to both you and Obito. After they left, it was silent. Obito was still deep in thought after your conversation.
“Well, I need you to help me get some things. We’re kind of out of groceries and I need to restock,” you say before turning to him, “Unless you want to go home. That’s okay, I’ll do the grocer—”
“No, I’ll come with,” you were once again surprised by this, but immediately smile, “Okay then,”
It’s safe to assume that you and Obito were starting to become closer than what anyone imagined. Some might say it's too close. He seemed to smile more around you, and since some time had passed, he was now allowed to roam freely without having to be under your supervision. However, he refused to leave your side, and you didn’t mind at all. You were glad, because the bubbling feeling in your stomach everytime he laughed or made you laugh was amazing.
However, you were conflicted. For the longest time, you had always liked a certain silver haired Jonin. Kakashi was always your crush—kind of. You weren’t obsessed with him, but there was an obvious interest. You spent a lot of time together, and were set out on a lot of missions together as well. It’s safe to say that you were always together at all times. You weren’t sure if he had actually reciprocated your feelings, because he never showed any sign of interest in you. I guess that’s kind of why you started losing feelings for him as soon as he became Hokage. He was always busy, and you were too. He never seemed to be interested in you the way you were of him, so it didn’t matter.
Obito seemed to be replacing Kakashi in every sense of the matter. He was now the person you’d spend your time with 24/7. You laughed and joked with him, ate with him, lived in the same house as him. Everything you did, he was right by your side. And the best thing about all of this was that Obito seemed to be interested in you too. You didn’t want to jump to conclusions, but the way compliments would slip out of his mouth from time to time would make your stomach flip. The way he now sits right beside you instead of across you everytime you eat just to be closer to you made you feel amazing. He was trying to be as subtle as possible, but he failed miserably. To him, you had become someone he truly cared for. You were so kind to him, even after everything. You trusted him, because you knew who he was. You understood him in every sense of his being, and he was glad. He was just so glad he had you. Because it was as if the universe reunited you two. It was meant to happen.
It seemed the tables had been severely flipped, much to someone’s distaste. Kakashi, although always busy, heard the talk of the town. He heard the rumors, he heard the stories. He heard about how you and Obito were supposedly going out. Or how you were supposedly spotted at a restaurant together. All of this, Kakahsi could handle, because he knew they were just rumors of the town. Of course the people would start to assume things like that. Obito had to be with you at all times, so of course it would stir up a few rumors here and there. But, it made him wonder if it was actually true.
What exactly were you to Kakashi? Why did he find himself caring so much about these stupid rumors going around? He never admitted this before, but you were special to him. Ever since you were kids, he had an interest in you. At the academy and even after joining the Anbu. You always had a special place in Kakashi’s heart. To him, you were priceless. You cared too much about silly things, and too little of yourself. He hated that about you, but he also loved it. Because it left room for him to love you. He always found himself thinking about you, both when he was a kid, and still to this day. He cursed himself for never telling you how he truly felt, but to him, his romantic feelings would subside with time. They didn’t, of course, he was just lying to himself.
Why exactly did he refuse to believe his feelings towards you? Well, he’s always been alone, and when he’s not, he ends up losing those closest to him. He didn’t want to lose you. He couldn’t afford to love you when he knew that you might leave him. He couldn’t afford another heartbreak, so he treated you as a friend. He was sure you liked him, he wasn’t stupid, and he was glad. He bathed in your sweetness, and he loved it. He loved knowing that you felt the same. However, his biggest mistake was never saying anything. Because now, he was worried that you didn’t want him anymore. Now that you didn’t want him, he wanted you the most. You barely come visit him at his office anymore, and when you do, it's strictly professional. He had never expected things to go this way. Sure, he was now the Hokage, but out of all the people to treat him with such ‘respect’, he didn’t expect it from you. He thought you’d stay the same as you were. Heck, you didn’t even call him by his name anymore. It was either Hatake or Sir, and neither of them left a good taste in his mouth.
That’s why he made sure that tonight, he’d make up for all the time he wasted just pushing you away.
“You called me here for something, Sir?” you ask as you enter his office,
“You know you don’t have to use formalities when we’re alone, right?” he asks with a chuckle, earning and chuckle from you, “I mean, you’re the Hokage, it’s disrespectful to talk to you as if you’re a normal person,”
He shakes his head before sitting down, “How have you been?” he asks, waiting for you to sit down, which you did.
“Um… Well, i’ve been good,” you say hesitantly, “It’s been peaceful,”
“Is that so? I would’ve assumed you’d be stressed thanks to Obito,” he says and rests his chin on the palm of his hand. You quickly look at him and smile, shaking your head with a chuckle. You instantly melt into the conversation, as if you two had never stopped hanging out, “Oh no, he’s an angel,” you cover your mouth with a giggle, “He’s already getting used to everything. You should’ve seen him helping the seniors. They love him,”
The more you spoke about Obito, the more his expression seemed to change, “i see,” he clears his throat, “I’m glad you’re getting along,” he says a little bitterly, but you didn’t quite catch that.
“I was meaning to ask,” you look at him with a smile, “Have you gotten to speak to him? I think it would be a good idea to talk things out. He told me he hasn’t spoken to you since he got here, so…,” you look at your hands, “maybe it wouldn’t be a bother if you two got to speak. I know things are tense right now, so I wanted to—,”
“I don’t think he’d want to agree with that. We’ve parted ways. It’s better to leave things as they are right now. Let things smooth as they go,” he says, earning a small ‘oh’ from you. He noticed how your smile slightly dropped.
“But, I do have tonight free. I was meaning to ask you— well, if you wanted to go out and eat. You know, so we can catch up,” he was hopeful. There was a big chance you’d say no, but to his surprise, your eyes lit up and your smile came back to your pretty face. “Of course, around what time were you planning? Not that I’ll be busy anytime today, I’m free all day,” you smile excitedly.
“How does six sound?”
⋅───⊱༺ ♰ ༻⊰───⋅
“You’re going out?” Obito asks as he lays on your bed. He had a habit of laying on it whenever he could. He would always say it was much more comfortable than his.
“yeah, I thought I told you?” you say as you look through your closet, “No, not really. Where are you going?” he asks curiously, sitting up to look at what clothes you were pulling out.
“I’m going out to meet the Hokage,” you say with a smile, slightly excited that you would get to catch up with him again. This made Obito raise a brow, “So, you’re going out to meet Kakashi,” he states with a ‘matter of fact’ tone “Yes,” you affirm and turn to him. He lays back down, but still looks at you, “Why? Is it like, some weird date or something?”
“No! We’re just going to catch up since we barely spent any time together since he became Hokage,” you say and hold up a dress, “Do you think this is nice?” you smile and show off your dress. A hand comes and pushes the dress aside gently, “It sounds like a date to me,” he looks at your face, kneeling on the bed now.
“Obito, it’s not a date,” you put the dress down, “Even if it was, what's the big deal?”
“Nothing, I’m just saying,” he stands up and walks towards the closet, pulling out another dress, This one was a navy colored one, nothing fancy, but it was still pretty “This one would look way better,” he grins “It’s my favorite color too,”
You smile and take the dress, “Alright,”
After getting dressed and ready, you say goodbye to Obito, who is still on your bed. You heard him ask for some sweets when you got back—but you didn’t really hear him well.
You were both excited and nervous. You didn’t know what to expect. I mean, you knew Kakashi wanted to catch up, sure, but you didn’t know what to expect from yourself. One day you thought you were completely over Kakashi, and now you’re questioning your feelings again. To some extent, your feelings for Kakashi were still very much strong and alive. You were dumb for thinking that you could just forget about him. However, you also felt a little something for Obito. Your mind was reeling with many thoughts. You honestly didn’t know what to do anymore. It was like Kakashi controlled what you felt, and when you could feel it without even trying. You didn’t blame him of course, but it frustrated you a lot.
After a while of walking, you finally saw Kakashi waiting for you at the bridge. You smile and walk towards him, his head turning towards you once he hears your shoes. You assume he smiled at you at the way his eyes turn into crescent moons, “hey,” he greets, turning to face you. “You look wonderful,”
“Thank you,” you reply, your smile never leaving your face as your cheeks are dusted pink. You give him a compliment in return as well, “So, where are we going to eat?” You ask, standing besides him as he begins to lead the way, “I reserved a spot at the new restaurant that just opened recently. I’ve heard real good things about it, and I wanted to bring someone special with me,”
Your heart skipped a beat at his words, but you didn’t want to think much of it, “I see,” your cheeks were dusted pink, your lips forming a small smile as you looked down. He noticed this, and smiled to himself. After all this time, he still had that effect on you.
The restaurant was pretty different from all the others in Konoha. It was a little more modern than any other restaurant, and it just screamed expensive. “Wow, this place looks amazing,” you say as you look around, already sitting across from Kakashi, “I’m not sure I can afford to come here more than two times. It looks really expensive,” you laugh, earning a chuckle from him, “Maybe you won’t have to pay. If you come with me, I’ll definitely make sure to pay for everything. Just like tonight,” he tilts his head with a smile, his eyes closed.
“Oh no, don’t bother, I brought money—,”
“I said I’ll pay (Y/N), don’t worry about it,” he put a hand over yours when you went to reach for your pouch. You look at his hand and then at him, “Are you sure?” He nods and leans back, pulling his hand away from yours, “of course, I was the one who invited you. I’m not letting you pay,” he chuckles. He was so handsome.
The afternoon was going really well. Both were having a nice conversation during your meal—although, you had no idea how he was eating since not once did you see him pull down his mask—and were just enjoying yourselves. You felt euphoric. It was nice being with him again. You had forgotten exactly why you had fallen for him all those years ago, and today you were being reminded. He was so nice, so funny, so perfect to you. He read you like a book and listened to everything you had to say. It was just nice.
“You know, I missed this,” you say, taking the last bite of your food and smiling, “I forgot when was the last time that we actually spoke like this. For hours,” you rest your chin on your palm, “I thought we wouldn’t get to do this anymore”
“I thought so too,” he says and looks into your eyes. He fell quiet as he stared at you. This had to be the moment. He needed to tell you now, because he wouldn’t get another chance if he didn’t.
“(Y/N), I have something really important I want to say,” he says, suddenly a little more serious than before, “I want you to be honest with me,”
You furrow your brows, sitting upright and nodding, “yeah, of course. What is it?”
“How do you really feel about me?” You were taken aback by his question, “I thought you wanted to say something important, not ask me something,” you chuckle a little nervously, trying to avoid answering, but he shook his head, “I’ll tell you when you answer me,”
“Well, I think…,” you stop for a moment, trying to form the words you so badly wanted to utter. ‘I’ve been in love with you for the past fifteen years,’ is all you wanted to say, but you couldn’t. Not when you were torn between telling him and forgetting Obito, or just never telling him at all. “You’re a wonderful person,” you say, and look at him. However, it seemed like that wasn’t the answer he wanted. “And I appreciate you a lot, for always being there for me for as long as I remember,”
The table was now quiet. He seemed to be thinking of what to say, and you were nervously waiting for his answer.
“Do you like me? Romantically,” he asks again, now going straight to the point, making your heart beat faster, “what?” You ask, gulping down the lump in your throat.
“Because I like you. I’ve liked you for as long as I can remember,” he declares, making your heart almost stop. You didn’t expect this. You never would’ve expected this. He had never treated you romantically in his life, so what was the occasion?
“I… Kakashi, I don’t understand,” you furrow your brows, “If that is really true, how come you never told me before—or at least dropped hints,”
“I didn’t want to give you false hopes. I wasn’t sure before, mostly because I was afraid to get hurt,” he admits, “but now I’m sure,”
“But why now? Why now all of a sudden?” You ask, the timing seemed weird. How come now, that you weren’t speaking as much as before, he wanted to confess. Why now?
“I.. don’t know,” he blinks, “but what matters is that I told you,”
“I.. Are you being genuine?” You frown, “because the timing seems a little strange. I don’t understand why you suddenly seem interested in me. I mean, we haven’t hung out, we haven’t spoken—you never showed interest in me before this moment. Why is it that now you suddenly want to say this to me,” you didn’t understand why you weren’t happy. I mean, you liked him, of course, but it felt strange.
The puzzle pieces didn’t fit, and the only reason as to why he was seemingly starting to take an interest now, was because you were spending more time with Obito. You didn’t want to jump to conclusions, but come on, it was plausible. It made sense if you thought about it. They technically hated each other, and it was no secret they were rivals and will always be rivals. It looked as if now that Obito was winning your attention, Kakashi wanted it back.
“Of course I’m being genuine. I’ve always liked you,” he frowns, “Do you not like me?”
“It’s… it’s not that. I just, I don’t think I want anything right now. The timing seems off and I— I just don’t know if I’m sure of what I’m feeling,”
The air seemed to get tense the more you spoke. You seemed conflicted, and Kakashi knew why. He knew why you were conflicted. “This is about Obito, isn’t it?” He suddenly asks, making your head snap towards him. “I…,” you didn’t know how to answer, because to some extent, yes, it was about Obito,
“I knew it,” he leans back, “you like him,”
“It’s not like that,”
“Then why is it that you suddenly changed your mind? I mean, I know you like me. Or at least liked. So why else would you not accept me?”
Now that makes you uncomfortable. He was speaking the truth, but the way he said it sounded wrong.
“Kakashi, things change,” you begin to explain, but you never expected what he said next.
“(Y/N), you can’t just fall for him. I’m not sure if he likes you, but if he does, it’s not genuine. It’s not fair to take advantage of someone who obviously has never been treated nicely before. Of course he’d fall for the first person to show him an ounce of respect,”
Your jaw dropped at his words. You couldn’t believe what you just heard. You had to process everything twice just to make sure you weren’t making things up. Kakashi had to admit he was talking out of frustration—since he wasn’t getting you easily. But this reached a whole different level.
“Unbelievable,” you finally say, reaching for your pouch and pulling out money. You slam it onto the table and stand up.
“(Y/N), wait—,”
“I want you to know that Obito deserves to be loved too, you know. Don’t you ever tell me I’m taking advantage of someone just because I love them,” you scoff and take your things, starting to storm your way out of there. Before you could leave, Kakashi caught your wrist, “I didn’t mean it like that,” he tries to convince, but you pull your arm away, “I know what you meant,” you snarl and finally exit, leaving a guilty Kakashi behind.
The walk home was hot. You felt hot all around. You were angry. Angry and hurt. His words kept swirling in your head.
‘It’s not fair to take advantage of someone who obviously has never been treated nicely before,’
Who did he think he was? How could he even say that? It hurts you. It hurt you because you liked him so much, but this? This made you think about what you felt. It made you question things.
Maybe you were overreacting. You didn’t know. Right now, you didn’t want to know. You got home and quickly stormed towards your bedroom after locking the door. You looked disheveled—and once you reached your bedroom, Obito quickly sat up from your bed, “you’re here early,” he says, but quickly stopped when he saw your red face. Concern washes over him as he stands up, “hey, what’s wrong?”
You stay silent, taking off your shoes while shaking slightly, “(Y/N), what’s going on?” he asks again, coming closer to you and placing his gentle hands on your shoulders, “Hey, look at me,”
You finally look up at him, eyes glossy with tears. You were so mad, so frustrated, that you couldn’t hold back your tears, “what’s wrong?” His voice was so gentle, so soothing. It was exactly what you needed right now. You had possibly ruined your relationship with Kakashi—no, you didn’t ruin it. He did.
“I just,” you choked as your tears finally fell. You hated crying. You hated that you cried when you just wanted to yell.
Instead of pushing you to speak, Obito pulled you into a hug. His arms wrapped around your waist as his hand held your head and pushed it towards his chest. It was so warm. “It’s okay, I’m here,” he whispers, his fingers gently tangling themselves into your hair. Your arms found themselves wrapping around him as well, holding onto him for what seemed like hours. Yet he never moved. He never uttered a word to hurt you. On the contrary, he let you know he was there for you. This is what you needed…
“Thank you, Obito,”
⋅───⊱༺ ♰ ༻⊰───⋅
Days passed by since what happened at the restaurant, and today was the first time since the incident that you were called to the Hokage’s office. You felt dread wash over you when you received the message, you didn’t want to go, not after what happened. Oh, had I mentioned how Obito and you now seemed to be inseparable? That interaction had built a strong bond between the two of you. No words were spoken that night, but they didn’t have to be. Both of you created a connection no other person could achieve.
With every step you took, your body felt heavier. Dread consumed you and you couldn’t seem to open the door to his office. You didn’t know what to expect… however, you managed to build the courage to enter his office, straightening yourself and walking towards his desk, “you called for me, sir?”
His head tilts upwards to look at you, “Yes,” he answers dryly and pulls a scroll from his desk, “a mission for you, out in Kirigakure,” he waits for you to take the scroll, watching you intently. You felt as if his eyes were burning holes onto your skin. You reached for the scroll and took it.
“Take both your students with you,” he adds, and looks down at some papers, “that’s all,”
You weren’t expecting this attitude, but then again, what were you expecting? You felt weird. “Right, thank you,” you say, bowing respectfully before turning towards the exit. As you were about to open the door, he called for you. You turn your head towards him, and wait for him to speak.
“Just know that I’m sorry,” he says, which you simply nodded and left. Once you were out of sight, your heart dropped to your stomach. ‘You should’ve said something’ you thought, mentally facepalming. ‘He was trying to apologize and you just left? You’re so stupid’ you insult yourself as you walk out of the building. You wondered what this mission was about, but you didn’t check until you were back home.
⋅───⊱༺ ♰ ༻⊰───⋅
The mission was simple. There were some ninja terrorizing the village and they needed some help catching them. It wasn’t an S rank mission, but it was still pretty high up there. You assumed the ninja were pretty darn strong if you had to be sent out.
“A mission in the mist village?” Asked Obito as he peeked over your shoulder to see what the scroll said. “Apparently. It’ll take a few days I guess,” you sigh and place the scroll on the desk of your room, going to grab a bag to pack some things. Obito read the scroll with furrowed brows, “why couldn’t he send Naruto and his gang? I mean, they could handle it themselves,” he asks and watches you pack, “because they’re busy with their own missions,” you say, throwing some clothes and tools into your bag, “I have to leave in a few hours, so please keep the place tidy,” you say, turning towards him.
“Of course,” he shrugs and sits down on the bed, “and make sure to eat well—and don’t drool on my pillows this time,” you laugh as he blushed slightly, “that was one time,” he argued
“I know, I’m just messing with you,”
Once it was time to leave, you took your bag and wore your headband. Obito followed behind you as you walked towards the door. “Hey,” he called before you opened the door. You turn to him and raise a brow, “what is it?”
“Please be careful,” he says, obviously worried, “I mean, I know you’ll kick ass, but please be careful,” he smiles at you worriedly, but you grinned reassuringly, “don’t worry Obito, I’ll come back in one piece,” you chuckle and open your arms. He immediately leaned in to give you a strong hug, and for a moment it seemed like he didn’t want to let go. However, you needed to leave and he let go. He smiled gently and pinched your cheek, “alright, I’ll see you soon then,” he says and you nod, leaving him behind. You wondered what he’d do while you were gone, but decided it was better to keep your mind focused on your mission.
⋅───⊱༺ ♰ ༻⊰───⋅
Now while you were gone, a surprise arrived at your doorstep. When Obito answered the door, it was two of Kakashi’s secretaries. “Obito Uchiha, you have been summoned to the Hokage’s office on urgent request,”
Him? What for? Although Obito wanted to ask these exact questions, he only nodded and followed them to the building. He hadn’t been called there for about two months, what could he possibly be called over there for.
Once they arrived, he was left alone in front of the office doors. Everything seemed different. The village itself had changed too much since the last time he was there—well, when he was a kid. He shook the thoughts away and entered the office. Finally, after two long months, Kakashi and Obito were back face to face.
“You called me,” Obito states, his arms crossing in front of his chest as he waits for Kakashi to speak. The silver haired man looks up from his paperwork, his dark eyes burning into Obito’s.
“Yes, we need to talk,”
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calisources · 4 months
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All sentences has been taken from different media and soruces about life in the royal court, involving the introgue of succession, war, marriage, kings and queens and tournaments. Most of this are acceptable for all audience except one with some foul language. Chance names, pronouns, locations as you see fit.
Ten years of shadows, but no longer. Light up the darkness, Majesty.
You don't know a woman until you've met her in court.
A queen keeps a court that is spoken about. A goddess keeps a court that is never forgotten.
And you, lady? Are you a woman of conscience or of ambition?
That's a question rarely asked here at court.
Court games aren't fair. They don't judge men by their worth, and they aren't about what's just.
We know all men are not created equal in the sense some people would make us believe .
Either you break the law, or the law breaks you.
There is no playacting in this court. If you stay your hand, they will cut it off.
Power does not pardon, power punishes.
Listen! The court jester's cap and bells. The King is coming!
He was a man with a vision- and an extraordinary vision it was.
The cat who lived in the Palace had been awarded the head-dress of nobility and was called Lady Myobu.
In every reign there comes one night of greatest blackness, when a King must send away his court of flatterers and servants, and sit alone in the dark with the beast called truth.
It is important to refuse to be intimidated.
They all come innocent in court.
Is that how you get propositioned at the court? 'Mylady, would you be so kind as to allow me to put my manhood in your vagina'?
They used to say that, in a battle between the lion and the tiger, the winner was the monkey, who watched from a distance.
Men love those creatures that need to be taken care of.
 If you want to tame a lioness you need to become a lion, not a goat. 
 A doe is easier to keep.
The woman did not care for empty compliments; to get such a woman, one needed to put forth effort.
I’m a terrible prince. I should put my kingdom first and everything else second, but your first. I want you by my side every second . . .
Once a King in Narnia, always a King in Narnia.
She calls herself the Queen of Narnia thought she has no right to be queen at all.
Plenty of people have told me you are not my father.
It is necessary for a prince to have the people friendly.”
Royalty is not a right, Captain. The willingness of the people to follow a ruler is what gives her power.
Here, in this place, by this people, I have been chosen. 
These men are tired of being told whom to follow. Now they have a choice, and they use that choice to call me Princess.
I am a princess. All girls are. Even if they live in tiny old attics. 
A prince ought also to show himself a patron of ability, and to honour the proficient in every art.
You should never have been only a little girl, you should have always been a crown princess.
You knew you would be sending me away?
A born king is a very rare being.
The world will need to know that I’m the last royal left. Their queen.
There’s royalty in me, but stronger than that there is adventure.
My life is the Crown and yours is politics, and I will not trade one prison for another.
Dignity is trained into royal children before they can toddle.
The first year of marriage is not always easy, especially within the Royal Family.
The real intelligence in the royal family comes through my parents .
The interpretation of dreams is the royal road to a knowledge of the unconscious activities of the mind.
The royal road to a man's heart is to talk to him about the things he treasures most.
The hands of the king are the hands of a healer, and so shall the rightful king be known.
The winner will marry the prince.
You want to marry my daughter? Prove yourself worthy.
That is acceptable. A king is a martyr to their ideals.
f I rule the nation as king, I cannot ask to live as a person.
A wise king never seeks out war, but... he must always be ready for it.
All men need something greater than themselves to look up to and worship. They must be able to touch the divine here on earth
I am the First Imperial Princess of the Misurugi Empire! 
You can tell she's a princess, she doesn't need a crown.
You, sir, are the most uncharming prince I have ever met! In fact, the only thing royal about you is that you are a royal pain.
No one ever told her "no." 
 In no time at flat, she'll get herself established as his official mistress, with her own rooms at the palace.
These men are my bodyguards, their lives forfeit to the guarantee of my physical safety. Of their loyalty to me, there shall be no question nor doubt.
Some balls are held for charity And some for fancy dress, But when they're held for pleasure They're the balls that I like best.
Be careful of what women with gowns plan, specially in a ballroom. 
The art of husband seeking is something every woman has been trained since birth.
Many wives and consorts, of course.
Who is to rule when I am gone? You are a princess. I have no son.
Men would sooner put the realm to the torch than see a woman ascend the Iron Throne.
Did I not mention there was another?
A king must always have an heir and a spare.
He was born to be a king... He rules men just by breathing. When he walks into a room, he commands it. People love him.
Two knights off to rescue a princess. Sounds like a great song.
As the king's brother, you should've been first in line!
 I was first in line. Until the little hairball was born.
That "hairball" is my son, and your future king.
My parents were... rather traditional. They wanted the heir and the spare, and I was left in the cold.
It cannot be easy being the youngest prince. To have others expect nothing from you, yet still shake their heads in disapproval.
 If my uncle attacks King's Landing I'll ride out to meet him.
You are in need of serious princess lessons.
 You're the new ruler of Mechanicsburg. You need to act like it.
Every princess needs a battle axe. Here. Use this one until we find you something more impressive.
You know what they used to write on cannons? The last argument of kings. I guess you could say magic is the last argument of queens.
A tournament has been arranged in your name, so you must attend and make yourself presentable.
They hope to find me a husband here. They said I am already a woman bled.
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dracobrooklyn · 6 months
Call of Duty Recommending Writing.
These are my recommendations on these amazing COD x Reader or Oc x Cannon Writing. These are the best of the best :D Light on by @peachesofteal
Simon has a new neighbor. His new neighbor has a baby.
|| MDNI|| 18+
This anthology is just so damn beautiful, when I jumped into the COD x reader train this one was the first one, and I LOVE IT! the writing is so in character of Mister Simon Riley and by god, he still his grumpy self but still minds his manners towards the single mom reader with her baby <3. The relationship between Simon and the neighbor is a slow burn romance and by god it's so good, the way he is soft towards her. Fighting his feelings but letting them go. How he treats the little baby, as if he was father the whole time, god damn it, it's so sweet. There is very much Smut in this, the kinks are just fabulous. I will not spoil much but please read read!! Worth the love and the time spent onto this!!
FATUM NOS IUNGEBIT by @kneelingshadowsalome || MDNI || 18+
{Historical AU. Roman Auxilia soldier!König with his spoils of war gf. Slow burn, romance, violence, fluff, eventual smut, 18+}
König x F!Reader | The soldiers behind him shift with lust – their gear clinks as they devour you with unbridled hunger. The Titan is the only one who looks at you like you’re simply a cute little squirrel who happened to fall from a tree right there at his feet. Then his eyes drop to your breasts, and the familiar hunger that lives in men gives the ocean of his eyes a clouded look. When his stare finds yours again, he's a different man: the treacherous beast of your dreams.
Man on Man... where do I start with this. This is a four Part Story so there is more slow burn romance to eat. Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, and Dessert. The writing in this is so good! It's the right amount of character development, the way they use the language barrier in this is so creative and fun! Konig in this is just a treat, brash but loving, he's a man, course he's not gonna be a total prince charming. His interactions with the reader is very spicy and also sweet. The detail into the interactions *chef kiss*. Give me more! The Kinks are real good in this, reading this while curled up in my burrito blanket oof. Please do give this a chance, well worth it!
mafia!John Price x fem!wife!Reader by @cordeliawhohung || MDNI || 18+
All you wanted was to be able to see your husband after a long week at work, but when he stands you up at dinner, that's the last straw. You hunt him down and find him at a club that he owns, where you very quickly learn why he told you to stay very far away from the place. - Or, mafia!Price defends his wife's honor then fucks her in the VIP room <3
you want a fun horny but sweet/steamy Price x Reader one shot. Here have this wonderful snack, it's a big one :3. Just the way the reader was concerned for good ol Mr. Price with being a mafia boss. But then then smut goes in, yis :3. It's dirty but a good dirty! you want a man like John to treat you like a gentleman, this is it! <3
Price x Young Reader by @luvit || MDNI || 18+
This is short but sweet! Just a fun headcannon that the reader who is in their mid/late 20's so this is an age gap headcannon. It's not off portions with the age gap. The description talking about the reader having more energy than him onto their second or third round and he is milked dry oof, and then the reader becomes bratty and he takes the reigns despite his low energy <3 it's good :D.
Fae!Price x Witch!reader by @ghouljams || MDNI || 18+
Hear me out hear me out... fae!price... cool? Cool! The writing in this is so good! Price teasing the reader when the fae try to give you a gift and you know better to. Not giving out their name, or even your name. The Fae know how to be tricksters. And the smut in this, oh it's so spicy! I love it! I'm a slut for magic based writing. especially AU's like these!! Please give them a shot! I know I LOVED.
WICKER PYRE | Dragon!Price x Reader by @yeyinde || MDNI || 18+
All things considered, you should have expected it. You know better than to make deals with dragons.
Ah Ha, you see if you know me (or don't) I LOVE dragons!! Dragons are my favorite creature! I love them, and what's better when you can romance a dragon! I mean come on! Good shit my guy! And I love and accept the headcannon that Price would be a dragon 100% not because of the smoking of a cigar that's the 5%, it's the personality, the vibe, and the voice fits so perfectly. The writing in this is so damn spicy!! How rough and hot it is (no pun intended). The way he teases the reader, ah. Very nice~ please give his a read!
woe to the deer who is courted by the wolf . . . by @toshidou Vampire!Konig x reader || MDNI || 18+
You want Vampire!Konig in your pallet, say no more. Here have this damn meal! The beginning is very silly in a good way! But when you finally come across the man himself, it get's good. I love it when Writers use his German language in the writing, it's adds the mystery where I have to look it up and I go "OH!?". It's so good! I love it! It got that size difference and the a little blood play cause of the vampire thing but please read this! indulge thyself!!
Faint Jingling Brass by @cowyolks || MDNI || 18+
Prompt: There was something about you, something that urged the beast to enter your cottage. It was intrigued, sniffing the anguish of your very soul- and it wanted you.
Krampus!Konig... yeah uh give me the eggnog with the cookies please, this was a joy to read. Totally wouldn't bang Krampus, I don't know what you are talking about. The fact that the reader was totally willing to get punished, you know it's good. Spanking? Predator/Prey dynamic? Yes Yes!! Please read this!!
Your Grace by @cowyolks Prompt: As a loyal soldier to your King, you follow orders without question. So when the King asks you to kneel— you do as told. || MDNI || 18+
Fun fact, if I am correct Konig means king in German. Why not have an AU where Knoig is the king and you are def his favorite. The writing is so damn hot oof! It is in two parts though! And the reading is so worth it. Made me blush and curl up in my blanket as well! Please please read!!
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achaotichuman · 4 months
Hello!!! I was wondering if you have recs for pro-Tamlin fics, fics where he gets a happy ending in general? Or where the Night Court get called out on their bullshit with a side of pro Tamlin bc I’d devour them but have a hard time finding them (I love your fics btw)
Sure do!
Pro Tam fics can be difficult to find. I found all of these scrolling through either the Tamlin redemption tag, or the different relationship tags on AO3.
I'll link all the fics here. I'll put all the summaries and the relationship that goes with them, if there is a relationship. This is a list of all my personal favorite Tamlin fics, but these creators make other amazing Tamlin fics, and scrolling the pro Tamlin tag can take you to some really cool fanfiction.
A Court of Threads and Daises by @shi-daisy. Tamlin/Lucien.
Tragedy almost struck the Spring Court when Tamlin Evergreen tried to take his own life. Lucien Vanserra manages to save his former Lord, but not his power.
Now that the Spring Court has a new High Lord and the horrors of war are behind them, both Tamlin and Lucien agree to help the new heir navigate court life and attempt to rebuild the broken Spring Court, along with healing themselves.
They weren't expecting to fall back in love in the process.
A Second Chance by @goforth-ladymidnight. Tamlin/Lucien Vanserra. Modern ACOTAR AU – There is a reason that Tamlin disappeared from Lucien's life seven years ago. Lucien just doesn't know what it is. They were more than college roommates; they were best friends. Now, a chance encounter in a bookstore leaves both of them wondering if they can pick up where they left off. A new year is right around the corner, but there is no wiping Tamlin's slate clean. Featuring Jurian and Vassa in supporting roles, this is not a story of redemption, but of finding love—and forgiveness—in the most unlikely of places.
Lovely and Lonely by @praetorqueenreyna. Tamlin/Lucien Vanserra.
"In hindsight, Lucien thinks he fell in love with Tamlin the moment he first laid eyes on him."
Lucien Vanserra must come to terms with his sexuality, and his complicated feelings for High Lord Tamlin.
Wildflower by @mathiwrites. Tamlin/Rhysand.
Five hundred years before Feyre’s arrival in Prythian, the humans fought against Faeries, led by the King of Hybern, for their Freedom. Tamlin is only seven years old when the war begins, but his family’s involvement and a fated friendship with a handsome young Lord from the Night Court will change his life forever. This is the story of how he becomes the High Lord you know and love, and the redemption story nobody asked for.
TL;DR - before they were enemies, they touched butts.
A Court of Beasts and Chances by M4r0u_Mar. Tamlin/Tarquin.
About a Beast who must be prince and a Prince who wants to be beast. About a Prince who learns of second chances and a Beast who learns of redemption. About looking for love and finding it in the journey rather than the destination.
Or the one where I rewrite ACOTAR to make Tamlin and Tarquin mates.
A Court of Choices Made by Anonymous. Tamlin/Lucien Vanserra. Lucien decides to go after Tamlin to pick a fight after his first Winter Solstice with the Night Court.
I see red, I see nothing by AngryRamen. Tamlin/Lucien Vanserra. Lucien travels to Amarantha’s domain to try and bid for peace between her and the courts of Prythian. It doesn’t go well.
Still Beautiful, Still Mine by @goforth-ladymidnight. Tamlin/Lucien Vanserra. ACOTAR AU - In the weeks following his visit to Amarantha’s Court Under the Mountain, Lucien is still recovering from the loss of his eye. Nuan has made him a replacement out of gold, but the scars on his face are there to stay. When Tamlin comes to see him, Lucien cannot help but relive the events that brought them to this point, if only he could focus on what's standing right in front of him...
A Sunbeam Shining Bright Into the Night by @nocasdatsgay. Tamlin/Lucien Vanserra.
After the Great Rite ritual is completed, Tamlin always goes back to the Manor to see if Lucien is waiting for him. This year he is.
Forbidden by @nocasdatsgay. Tamlin/Lucien Vanserra. Calanmai has come once again, but Tamlin isn’t focused on the females waiting for him.
Breezing on by Sprighnt (SliPuP_Slit). Tamlin/Lucien Vanserra.
His focus was shattered when Feyre dropped onto the bench next to him with a dramatic sigh, “You won’t even say hi after you ditched us last week?”
Lucien rolled his eyes at her antics, “I didn’t ditch you, I was studying for math. The exam of a subject that I need days to prepare for, remember? I didn’t think you’d even notice me gone, what with all the ogling that takes up your time in our practices.”
“Shut up!” She shushed him, glancing around wildly for any eavesdroppers, “what if he heard you?”
——— Lucien has settled into a routine now. He’s finally able to go back to competing after an accident that had him wondering if he’d ever be able to skate competitively again, he’s out of his hellish childhood home, and has friends that make him happy.
By the Fountain by Sprighnt_(SliPuP_Slit). Tamlin/Lucien Vanserra.
Tamlin is tired of stuffy dinner parties, luckily, he has his best friend, Lucien, to make things more interesting.
Tamlin took the time to look at Lucien, who was staring at an elegant fountain nearby. He examined the dip of his nose, the scrunch of his brows, the slight part of his lips that indicated he was contemplating something. Then Lucien’s mouth set in a firm line, meaning he’d made up his mind on whatever the issue was.
Lucien glanced back at him and Tamlin startled at being caught watching. He placed his hand gently on Tamlin’s arm, “I don’t think my father will plan one for me either.”
New Springs by Sprighnt_(SliPuP_Slit). Tamlin/Lucien Vanserra.
“I can’t be here for as long as you,” she clarifies, gesturing to the forest around them.
“You’re leaving?”
She shrugs, “It’s nice here, but my sisters, my father, they’re my only family. Even if they’re, a little difficult at times, and I don’t want to hurt Tam. I was really in love with him, but, to put it plainly, I’m not like you.”
“Like me,” Lucien repeats, confused, “what do you mean?”
In another universe, an alternate timeline, Feyre says “I love you”, before she’s sent off and therefore breaks the curse the way it was supposed to be broken. Things are different.
absolution by @praetorqueenreyna. Feyre/Mercenary Lady, Tamlin/Lucien Vanserra.
Things didn't work out between Feyre and Tamlin. Years later, they both find love in unexpected places
Beauteous Evening, Calm and Free by franklinarchive. Tamlin/Lucien Vanserra.
Tamlin heals and then he moves on.
Or, what if Sarah J. Maas hadn’t committed ‘character assassination’ against Tamlin?
When The Sun Came Up (I Was Looking At You) by pansexual_intellectual . Jesminda/Tamlin/Lucien Vanserra.
There was a slight choking sound from the Night Court side of the room, but when you looked, Lucien was expressionless, adjusting his doublet.
It was the worst idea you had ever had. In the shreds of your manor you dropped to your knees. He was gone in the morning, as you knew he would be.
Burning Batter by Sprighnt_(SliPuP_Slit). Tamlin/Rhysand. Rhysand comes over to make cupcakes with Tamlin for Feyre’s upcoming New Year’s party.
A strange thing happened the night of the High Lord meeting by @umthisistheonlyusernamenottaken. Tamlin/Rhysand.
Tamlin shook his head, a small smile on his full lips. “You forget that we were closer than friends once. I know your face. Even when you think you’re being so clever, hiding behind that mask of impassivity, I see you.”
He snarled, even as his heart began to beat faster as the other male approached him.
“You think I didn’t see you? You couldn’t stop looking at me during that meeting.” He took another step closer, and his next words were tinged with playfulness, a hint of the Tamlin he’d used to know.
“Were you thinking of that night too?”
He froze. “What?”
In the Eyes of My Beloved by Alynaw66. Tamlin/Rhysand.
I promise, Rhysand sighs into his mouth; Then down onto the slight curve between his neck and shoulder. Tamlin shivers, feeling dazed. Overwhelmed.
“Another offer,” he begins, one hand sliding down to grip Tamlin’s narrow waist.
(Also fun fact about this fic, I was brought to Tumblr because of a link in the notes, so without this fiction I wouldn't be here)
Stay or Go? by SoulOfStars. Tamlin/Rhysand. Both of their families are dead. Rhysand decides to stay. They fuck in the second chapter.
heaven sent a hurricane by @praetorqueenreyna. Tamlin/Eris Vanserra. After his family is killed and he is crowned High Lord, Tamlin struggles to keep his Court under his control. (Un)Luckily for him, Eris Vanserra steps in to help.
A House of Flame and Flower by Mellowenglishgal. Nesta Archeron/Tamlin, Nesta Archeron/Azriel.
“Spare me the self-righteous lecturing, Feyre. You and your new family believe yourselves superior: that anyone who is not deemed worthy by you must bow or be eliminated. I refuse to bow to those I do not respect: and I owe none of you any such obligation. Nor am I obligated to remain where my autonomy is threatened,” Nesta sighed, gentle yet commanding, her voice low and steady and unyielding. “I renounce all ties to the Night Court. From now on, you are no longer my sister.”
“Where will you go?” Feyre snapped, but Nesta saw it: the sudden realisation that Nesta meant every word.
“That is no longer your business. Goodbye, Feyre,” Nesta said softly. She rose to her feet, elegant as an empress despite her unkempt clothing. As she stared down her youngest sister, Nesta caressed the delicious power shimmering like slumbering embers deep in her heart, until her veins sang with silver fire, pure light, blistering heat, deadly yet silent.
Flame was silent: everything it met shattered and snapped, disintegrating, unable to withstand it.
She was flame. She was undiluted, unrefined, unapologetic power.
She told Feyre, “You will not hear from me again.”
(Side note, I just started reading this fic and it looks FREAKIN amazing) Edit- Anyone who saw that I changed the name of the author to a tag, ignore it, I was wrong.
A Court of Lies and Resurrection by @ashintheairlikesnow. Tamlin/Rhysand. AU: Feyre is dead, torn apart by Amarantha when Tamlin did not send her away in time. Tamlin, forced to submit to Amarantha's terms, finds himself looking for help (and finding affection) in places he never expected, while Lucien allies with an ancient enemy (and one of Rhys's closest friends) to save him. WARNING Extensive explicit adult content, sexual situations, violence, MA
In This Peace Series by @trshtffc, the first fiction in the series is completed The Sorceress . Tamlin/Original Female Character.
Seven years after ACOWAR, Spring Court is struggling to keep from falling apart completely. A mother tries to move on and keep her daughter safe in this chaotic world, but when the young female most needs a friend, she'll give the disgraced High Lord a chance to attone for the pain he has caused, and, perhaps, to finally heal.
TW for - mentions of suicidal thoughts - mentions of loss of a pregnancy - mentions of sexual abuse - mentions of emotional abuse (toxic relationships and toxic family dinamics) - colourism - LGBT+phobia
(This one was recommended to me in the replies of this post, and it looks so good)
A Ballad of Thorns & Roses: How the High Lord of Spring told his tale by @positivelyruined. Tamlin/Feyre Archeron
When Tamlin, the High Lord of the Spring Court of Prythian, finds the clock counting down to his final battle with Amarantha — two things push him into action: the sudden death and bloody sacrifice of his friend Andras and the fierce vexation of his close friend Lucien. With no more time to waste, he offers shelter to the one person that he should despise the most — the girl who murdered Andras. His heart has been bleeding for a decade. Will their connection be enough to break the bond that holds the Spring Court captive, or will this burning love only spurn Tamlin’s heart? In this tale as old as time, only time will tell.
And finally, (shameless self-ad) A Court of Song and Desolation by me. Tamlin/Lucien Vanserra.
She had eyes like starlight and a grin that could outshine the moon, "We'll rule the world."
"What if we fail?"
"Then we'll burn it all down."
In hindsight maybe it could only have ever ended like this. Making a man who was never made to rule, High lord. This was all inevitable.
With his Court in ruins and everyone gone, Tamlin lives amongst the broken pieces of his Court and has no intentions of changing that. Lucien, however, will not stand to leave his oldest friend alone.
When Lucien takes Tamlin back to the human lands, they discover a darkness coming for Prythian. If something does not stop it, it will completely rewrite the way Faeries and humans alike live as they know it
I hope you like these amazing fics as much as I do, anon!
Edit- If anyone has any recommendations for pro Tamlin fics, or anti IC fics, please let me know and I will add them to the list!
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So I was re-reading Nona. And. Have we talked about this yet? Have we gone through the implications of this section?
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NtN John 5:4. Analysis under the cut.
I always assumed the tower was a part of the Ninth because right after this chapter Nona sees the tower in the River and after that drives the truck everyone is in to the Ninth. But nowhere does it say that the tower is the Ninth.
I mean, looking at the description it certainly sounds like it - all grey and death, which is why I assumed it was. The Ninth is tall even if embedded inside of a planet, one could argue shafts are towers. But why would a tower of the Ninth be in the River?
First things first; the tower in Tarot stands for sudden change, confusion and awakening - I don't feel this needs further explanation on why it's relevant (I might, however, someday do a Tarot Locked Tomb analysis because there is A LOT there). It also refers to the Tower of Babel, which was destroyed by God along with the uniform language of Earth so that people would not come so close to Him again, so that they stayed vincible. Sound familiar?
John did make a uniform language technically, but he also separated the population to different planets, rendering them unable to unite and overcome him not only due to instilled nationalism but also due to the faults in the Houses. We know that the Sixth is struggling to keep up their lineages and population number - we know the Fourth die too young to really leave anything behind - we know the Second is too busy fighting wars.
This leads me to believe that whatever the tower represents will be the end of the world as they know it - maybe through a new God and an end to the Houses, maybe the end of Godhood and Lyctorhood in general. Either way, something is piercing through the River - something that has the power to change it all.
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NtN Chapter 30. Nona's mind knew what it was "above" and "below". Does this refer to Harrow and Alecto?
Now let's go back to that first passage from John 5:4. The parts that stand out to me are 'speared-through and mute', 'a tower that soared, impossible and deadly grey', and 'lurching out of the River as though gasping for air.' All of this sounds like Gideon.
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GtN Chapter 37. Very much speared-through and mute.
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NtN Chapter 16. Ramrod posture? Soaring, impossible and deadly grey.
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NtN Chapter 25. And Gideon knows what's in the River. Chances are that the tower is a construct created by John for whatever purposes. Gideon is also a construct created by John - at least Kiriona is.
I obviously don't know how accurate this connection my brain jumped on is, but it honestly makes a lot of sense to me. There is something below the River, just like how 'reality' is above the river. Especially when considering Nona referred to a thought above and below that knew what the tower was, it appears to me like the below is a plane much like reality and the River where things exist and can continue to exist. I have not yet sat with or developed an opinion on what exactly might be there, but there is something there. I think it might be the cavaliers.
So what if Gideon ended up there? What if, when she ended up in the River at the end of HtN, Gideon ended up in the below once Alecto was forced into Harrow's body? What if John knew all along how to reach there and he finally decided this was the time to bring something - no - someone back?
But you can't really reach the other plane without the River, can you? We have seen it with the Resurrection Beasts - they travel through the River and exist in it while simultaneously being above it. And, if we look at Palamedes, one who has passed and is part of the River needs a container of sorts to be above. Perhaps, then, one can sink while tethered higher in the three layers, but one cannot soar from below without a container to carry them up. An integrated cavalier is forced down, not reaching up - they are buried in the below.
So let's say John brought Gideon back. Her corpse would obviously be the container for her above. The tower, then, could be her container for the River. Ianthe could be using Gideon's aberration in the River as a means to anchor herself as well. That could be why they are the Tower Princes.
Alecto would know the tower was a gateway of sorts. She would understand, like presumably any other Resurrection Beast would understand. But Harrow. Harrow.
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GtN Chapter 36. I cannot let go of this passage in relation to the tower. "Instead, she was Drearburh." "She took the whole putrid, quiet, filth-strewn madness of the place, and she opened her doors to it."
Cavaliers' tethers are shown through the eyes, through altering the look of that which binds them to above - so, maybe through being Gideon the tower became Drearburh. Maybe Harrow saw it, and felt it, and she saw Gideon, and she saw home. So she walked, and she walked, and she knew that it would lead back to her.
The tower - Gideon, then, will be the changer of things in the end. Maybe Gideon and Harrow, but definitely Gideon.
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amber-laughs · 7 months
Jon and Catelyn: The Accidental Progeny
Catelyn saw the shadow slip through the open door behind him. There was a low rumble, less than a snarl, the merest whisper of a threat, but he must have heard something, because he started to turn just as the wolf made its leap. They went down together, half sprawled over Catelyn where she'd fallen. The wolf had him under the jaw. The man's shriek lasted less than a second before the beast wrenched back its head, taking out half his throat. A Game of Thrones - Catelyn III
And suddenly the corpse's weight was gone, its fingers ripped from his throat. It was all Jon could do to roll over, retching and shaking. Ghost had it again. He watched as the direwolf buried his teeth in the wight's gut and began to rip and tear.  A Game of Thrones - Jon VII
Her hand groped beneath her cloak, her fingers stiff and fumbling. The dagger was still at her side. She found she had to touch it now and then, to reassure herself. A Game of Thrones - Catelyn IV
He flexed the burned fingers of his sword hand. Longclaw was slung to his saddle, the carved stone wolf's-head pommel and soft leather grip of the great bastard sword within easy reach. A Storm of Swords - Jon II
His mouth tightened. "And you see fit to loose the Kingslayer. You had no right." "I had a mother's right." A Storm of Swords - Catelyn I
“You wanted a way to save your little sister and still hold fast to the honor that means so much to you, to the vows you swore before your wooden god." She pointed with a pale finger. "There he stands, Lord Snow. Arya's deliverance.” A Dance with Dragons - Melisandre I
"Give me Cersei Lannister, Lord Karstark, and you would see how gentle a woman can be," Catelyn replied. A Game of Thrones - Catelyn XI
"It's death and destruction I want to bring down upon House Lannister, not scorn." A Dance with Dragons - Jon II
When Loras Tyrell unhorsed him, many of us became a trifle poorer. Ser Jaime lost a hundred golden dragons, the queen lost an emerald pendant, and I lost my knife. Her Grace got the emerald back, but the winner kept the rest." "Who?" Catelyn demanded, her mouth dry with fear. Her fingers ached with remembered pain. A Clash of Kings - Catelyn IV
Ser Barristan had been the Old Bear's best hope, Jon remembered; if he had fallen, what chance was there that Mormont's letter would be heeded? He curled his hand into a fist. Pain shot through his burned fingers. "What of my sisters?" A Game of Thrones - Jon VIII
"Robb." She stopped and held his arm. "I told you once to keep Theon Greyjoy close, and you did not listen. Listen now. Send this man away. I am not saying you must banish him. Find some task that requires a man of courage, some honorable duty, what it is matters not… but do not keep him near you."  A Storm of Swords - Catelyn II
All of a man's crimes were wiped away when he took the black, and all of his allegiances as well, yet he found it hard to think of Janos Slynt as a brother. There is blood between us. This man helped slay my father and did his best to have me killed as well. "Lord Janos." Jon sheathed his sword. "I am giving you command of Greyguard." A Dance with Dragons - Jon II
"That is as cruel as it is unfair. Jon is no Theon." "So you pray. Have you considered your sisters? What of their rights? I agree that the north must not be permitted to pass to the Imp, but what of Arya? By law, she comes after Sansa... your own sister, trueborn… " A Storm of Swords - Catelyn V
I had hoped to bestow Winterfell on a northman, you may recall. A son of Eddard Stark. He threw my offer in my face." Stannis Baratheon with a grievance was like a mastiff with a bone; he gnawed it down to splinters. "By right Winterfell should go to my sister Sansa." A Dance with Dragons - Jon I
"Wars need not be fought until the last drop of blood." Even she could hear the desperation in her voice. "You would not be the first king to bend the knee, nor even the first Stark." […] Robb's face was cold. "Is that why you freed the Kingslayer? To make a peace with the Lannisters?" "I freed Jaime for Sansa's sake . . . and Arya's, if she still lives. You know that. But if I nurtured some hope of buying peace as well, was that so ill?" A Storm of Swords - Catelyn IV
"If it please m'lord, the lads were wondering. Will it be peace, m'lord? Or blood and iron?" "Peace," Jon Snow replied. "Three days hence, Tormund Giantsbane will lead his people through the Wall. As friends, not foes. Some may even swell our ranks, as brothers. Now back to your duties." A Dance with Dragons - Jon XI
In the midst of slaughter, the Lord of the Crossing sat on his carved oaken throne, watching greedily. There was a dagger on the floor a few feet away. Perhaps it had skittered there when the Smalljon knocked the table off its trestles, or perhaps it had fallen from the hand of some dying man. Catelyn crawled toward it. Her limbs were leaden, and the taste of blood was in her mouth. A Storm of Swords - Catelyn VII
Men were screaming. Jon reached for Longclaw, but his fingers had grown stiff and clumsy. Somehow he could not seem to get the sword free of its scabbard. A Dance with Dragons - Jon XIII
"Make an end," and a hand grabbed her scalp just as she'd done with Jinglebell, and she thought, No, don't, don't cut my hair, Ned loves my hair. Then the steel was at her throat, and its bite was red and cold. A Storm of Swords - Catelyn VII
Pain washed over him. Stick them with the pointy end. When the third dagger took him between the shoulder blades, he gave a grunt and fell face-first into the snow. He never felt the fourth knife. Only the cold… A Dance with Dragons - Jon XIII
“Sometimes she felt as though her heart had turned to stone.” A Game of Thrones - Catelyn VI
“Instead, he blamed Jon Snow and wondered when Jon's heart had turned to stone.” A Feast for Crows - Samwell III
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Beast Wars: Second Chances - The Covers
Originally posted on February 2nd, 2011
Cover A - Daniel Olsén Covers B & C - Seb Quickstrike - Ed Pirrie Depth Charge - Loke Mei Yin Snarl vs Terrorsaur - James Ferrand Waspinator - Jeremy Tiongson Dinobot sketch - Matt Frank
wada sez: Okay, this one was as much a surprise to me as it is to you. Prolific Mosaic contributor Mike Priest asked me if I had any plans to archive Beast Wars: Second Chances, a full-length comic he originally pitched in a similar vein to War Journal and Spotlight: Stunticons. As nearly all the writers and artists who worked on this one were also Mosaic contributors, and I’ve always felt like there weren’t enough Beast Wars strips in Mosaic, and because Mike asked nicely, I couldn’t say no! Thanks to Mike’s involvement, I’ve got the original scripts and his original story treatment, titled Beast Wars: Beyond, which you can read below—although the final story ended up wildly different, if you want to read along without any spoilers whatsoever, I’d recommend coming back to this post later! It seems that Matt Frank was originally tapped for the project, as he produced a sketch of Dinobot which you can see below, but no further contributions from him ever surfaced.
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Okay, this is my initial rough pitch for the story.
Again, anything and everything here is mutable and subject to tweaking and whatever, or downright ignoring and trashing.  I won’t cry.
We start roughly a month or two Earth-time after Primal’s crew left.  The first page should explain this and whatever, and then something akin to “BUT SOMETHING STILL STIRS on this planet!”  Cut to Depthcharge dragging himself out of the surf.
(I’m trying to work AROUND the Mosaic “Eternal”, making it more retroactively tied-in.)
We establish Waspinator as leader of the proto-human tribe, out on a hunt or something with some other humans.  Perhaps some brief proto-human comedy before we hit the nitty-gritty.
We establish Depthcharge wandering around, arguing with himself, totally nuts, screaming at no one in-particular (He’s arguing with Rampage, who only responds through text boxes, so to anyone else, DC looks like a nut).
Waspinator encounters Depthcharge, is initially scared and confused, but decides, what the hey, see what’s up with fishie-bot.  Waspinator honestly is curious/wants to help.
Depthcharge, in a confused, blind rage, grabs Waspinator and viciously beats him near to death.  And not in a funny, usual-Waspinator way.  He’s pleading, BEGGING for Depthcharge to stop.  I’m talking the reader needs to actually feel really bad for Waspinator; he is an endearing character and kind of our “hero” for this story.
Only when some of Waspinator’s human tribe start hitting Depthcharge with rocks and spears does he snap out of it, and is literally horrified at what’s he done to poor Waspinator. (Rampage is in ecstasy though; this is exactly what he wants to turn Depthcharge into; a killer like Rampage himself).
Depthcharge retreats, transforms to jet mode and flies off, horrified at what he’s become.
The proto-humans can’t do anything to help the dying, whimpering Waspinator.  So they make a stretcher and begin carrying him home.
Only they don’t make it.  Something attacks and kills them; Waspinator is too weak to help them.  And it takes Waspinator’s remains.  (Hints of a giant metal spider, perhaps in this sequence)
We establish Tarantulas.  Or rather an AI program that approximates Tarantulas’ personality and goals.  It is housed in a sub-level of Tarantulas’ former lair.  He “lives” through his Steel Tech proxy body, the (black and grey Transmetal Tarantulas), but he cannot particularly control it too well/or it really is just a poor substitute for a sparked body.
Tarantulas has a blank stasis pod that was affected by the Quantum Surge.  He plugs Waspinator’s spark into it.  And Transmetal Waspinator is born.  Waspinator comes back online strapped to a table, with the Steel Tech drone working on him (And Tarantulas’ face on a computer screen, establishing that he really is housed in his lair’s “hard drive”)
Tarantulas explains that he still has to accomplish the Tripredacus Council’s goals, even after death, and Waspinator is one of his new tools.
Faux-Tarantulas ALSO reveals that he has the bodies of Scorponok and Terrorsaur (both Transmetalized), which he recovered from the lava pit.  (TM Terrorsaur’s fine, but a new design for Transmetal Scorponok is essential.  NOT the McDonald’s toy design.  Make him larger and bulkier and his third mode should have flight capability- this is important for later)  
Fitting all three with “neural implants” that ensure obedience, Tarantulas explains he will use them to breach the Ark and carry out its destruction (His Steel Tech drone isn’t dexterous or durable enough to fight through the Ark’s automated defenses).
And Waspinator is a test subject.  Tarantulas releases him from his bonds and orders him to obey.  The neural implant holds, and Tarantulas decides to send Waspinator for a test-drive.  Waspinator speeds out of the lair in his new jet mode.
As he travels over the landscape, he is watched by someone new on the ground.  We don’t find out who it is YET.  Just a close up of a wide, toothy grin and an “Interesting”.
Meanwhile Depthcharge is having a nervous breakdown.  Rampage is slowly driving him insane, and Depthcharge starts repeatedly trying to kill himself.  It is MESSED UP, including Depthcharge throwing himself on his own sword, tearing bits off, and such.  But all the damage heals.  Exhausted and pained, Depthcharge suddenly becomes aware of a visitor watching him.
Cue DINOBOT II, standing arrogantly and grinning down on Depthcharge, telling him it won’t work.
Both Depthcharge and Rampage are surprised to see him.  Rampage particularly.
Meanwhile, Waspinator’s test-drive includes going back to his proto-human village and is ordered to raze it to the ground by Tarantulas.  But Waspy surprises Tarantulas (and the audience) by fighting the neural implant and eventually succeeding in burning it out, overcoming Tarantulas’ will by plumbing that can-do never-give-up Waspinator spirit and his genuine affection for the proto-humans.   Tarantulas is surprised by this, but notes he has back-ups anyway, activating Scorponok and Terrorsaur.
Back with Depthcharge and Dinobot, who, of note, acts somewhat uncharacteristically, giving half-answers and grinning a lot.  Rampage begins to suspect something is different or wrong with Dinobot.
Meanwhile, Scorponok and Terrorsaur are both activated and forced into line by the neural implants.  Terrorsaur is still his arrogant self, but Scorponok is more quiet and almost more professional (It’ll be seen/developed that he’s a bit disillusioned that Megatron never saw fit to recover him from the lava pit).  Anyway, as neither of them have any particular strong will to oppose the neural implant, they go to carry out Tarantulas’ orders to attack the Ark.
We establish the VOK, who realize the danger to the time stream is not yet over.  The two that “killed” Tarantulas decide to intervene.  They go to where Tigerhawk died and begin pulling his shattered pieces together with their powers.  (Tigerhawk would be dead, just a zombie shell animated by these Vok and while his body is whole, it is in horrendous shape, missing an optic, generally looking like a terrifying zombie).
Meanwhile Waspinator is speeding along, knowing somehow he has to go back and stop Tarantulas, when he sees Scorponok and Terrorsaur in their new Transmetal vehicle modes, headed in the Ark’s direction, along with Tarantulas‘ Steel Tech proxy body.  Waspinator isn’t particularly positive he can take both of them, even with his new body, so he decides to go look for “crazy fishie-bot” and hopes Depthcharge is somewhat more lucid now.
Back with Depthcharge and Dinobot, Rampage suddenly senses a familiarity between his own spark and Dinobot and realizes Dinobot’s shell is now possessed by STARSCREAM!
Guilty as charged, Dino-Scream shrugs.  He’s been stuck in this time zone for a while and returned to the planet, but everyone’s left now.  So he looked for the Nemesis (Hoping to find something there he can possess without damaging history) and found Dinobot II’s ravaged, sparkless shell.  Possessing that and healing its injuries, Starscream set out for the Ark next.
Before anything can be done, Waspinator finds them, telling them (as best as he can) about Tarantulas’ plan to destroy the Ark and what not.
Depthcharge and Starscream don’t want to be erased from history, so they agree to help (Rampage even finds it interesting).
Faux-Tarantulas, Scorponok and Terrorsaur arrive at the Ark, and the latter two fight their way through Teletraan-1’s automated defenses (which come out of “sleep mode”).  Faux-Tarantulas hangs back.
But by the time they make it through, Waspinator, Dino-Scream, and Depthcharge/Rampage arrive.
We have a three-on-three battle.  Scorponok fights Depthcharge/Rampage (Scorpy’s new Transmetal body is bigger than his old one and almost a match for Depthcharge, even with the new ferocity that Rampage’s presence in his mind gives him).  Scorponok angsts over his abandonment by Megatron while they fight.  Terrorsaur fights the groundbound Starscream/Dinobot II (Starscream grumbles that this body sucks cuz it can’t fly) and manages to actually hold it off, as Starscream is unaccustomed to fighting like this.
Waspinator faces off against the Steel Tech Drone, and despite some initial trepidation, realizes he’s far more powerful now than any drone and takes the faux-Tarantulas down easily once his confidence is up.
Meanwhile, the zombie Vok-possessed Tigerhawk arrives at Tarantulas’s lair, runs roughshod over the meager defenses, and destroys the Tarantulas’ hard drive/AI for good.
This causes the neural implants in Scorponok and Terrorsaur to fail, and they stop fighting now that they are no longer under Tarantulas’ will.
Confused at what is going on, everyone leaves the Ark.  The Vok-possessed zombie Tigerhawk arrives.
First order of business is noticing Dinobot II.  The Vok declare (The Transmetal II clone body) an “abomination” and perversion of their technology. (Starscream’s like “Whoa, wait a minute!”)
The Vok incinerate Dinobot II’s shell in a blast of lightning from Tigerhawk.  We don’t see what happens to Starscream’s spark.
The Vok explain that the constant interference with the timeline has TO STOP, and tells everyone to get the hell off the planet.
Of course, everyone is like “uh, HOW?”
The Vok tells everyone to go into Earth orbit.  They will self-destruct Tigerhawk’s remains, with the release of alien energies ripping a Transwarp wormhole that’ll send everyone back to the right era.
Everyone of course is like “But…how do we get home from the middle of space?”
And the Vok of course are like “We don’t care, you’re going back to your rightful place in history or we’ll just kill you here and dump you there”
So everyone engages flight modes and follows Zombie-Tigerhawk up into space.  They stand back and the Vok do as they promised, detonating Tigerhawk’s shell and making a wormhole.  Everyone flies through in a flash, the Vok take their leave with some end dialogue about cleaning up some more small glitches or whatever.
Everyone arrives in the middle of space, nowheresville.  Depthcharge isn’t hanging with these “Preds” anymore and “Besides, I’ve got enough company as it is”.  He flies off into the nothingness of space, deciding to either find a way to deal with living with Rampage…or destroying them both.
Waspinator and Scorponok get into an argument about which direction Cybertron is, which ends in Waspinator engaging his jet mode and flying off alone.  Scorponok sighs and goes in the opposite direction, asking if Terrorsaur is coming.
Terrorsaur (who hasn’t said a word since they left Earth) just widely grins and unseen to Scorponok, we see the ghost of Starscream possessing Terrorsaur’s frame.  “Sure thing, pal.”  He follows Scorponok.
*Inferno and Quickstrike…well, seeing as Quickstrike’s head was hollowed out and made into a mask, I think they’re a little harder to swallow as still alive.
*I kinda tried to do the exact opposite of what the Botcon comics did…bring Tigerhawk back (albeit a Vok-possessed zombie) instead of Tigatron and Airazor.
*When the zombie Tigerhawk destroys the Tarantulas AI core, depending on preference, we can have him say “You last bit of Unicron” or some such, depending if everyone agrees on Tarantulas’s origins.
*I have Starscream possessing Dinobot’s shell and later Terrorsaur, trying to avoid the clichéd possessing of Transmetal Waspinator.
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stealingpotatoes · 9 months
Invitation to talk about Sayuri and Nymie?
:D CAN OF WORMS: OPENED!! i'll tell u abt how they got found as Jedi
ok so Sayuri is one of the students that doesn't rlly go home bc there isn't much to go back to. Basically her parents were Rebellion pilots (or one was a pilot the other a mechanic. kinda unsure) but were both killed in action against the Empire abt 3-4ABY ish. obvs the Rebellion couldn't look after a 7-8yo while fighting the Empire
so the remainder of the squad manage to get her back to her parents' home village/ where she was born. so having like Everything change all at once leaves her pretty ?? and gives her some serious trusting-her-environment issues. her coolgirl "i dont care" persona is very much a result of this bc she's worried abt getting too comfy in smthn. (which is at odds w the OTHER issue she got from this event which is "deathly afraid of flying" an issue not helped if Master "traffic laws are just guidelines" Skywalker is piloting. but she tries 2 act like shes fine)
this is gonna get kinda long so im gonna smack some unposted art here and then go into a readmore
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anyway fast forwarding to when Sayuri's abt 13 (roughly 9aby) she's visiting her parent's old squadron on a New Republic bc they'd all come visit whenever she could and after the Empire's fall they did a lot more pick her up and fly her to a base to ALL see her. and they're like omg Sayuri you came at the PERFECT time bc this rlly amazing pilot war hero who's also some like. mystical whatever is here!! he's on his way to some magic place we heard. maybe u can meet him!! which sayuri meets w her usual whatever bc she's not that gassed abt war heroes.
very worth noting that the squad's probably all seen her move shit with her mind, but theyre like oh you know how it is with teenage girls. the "nobody knows what a jedi is" + "the empire existed for a decent bit of her childhood" thing has kept anyone from being like yeahh sayuri should like. talk to someone abt this.
anyway she goes along when the squad are like c'mon let's see if we can see him. ok the only way i can describe this is you know the spiderverse like... spidey-sense recognition thing? that's basically what happens LOL Luke and Sayuri both have a FORCE USER RECOGNISED?? moment and Luke then makes a beeline for her then realises oh shit tiny teenager not jedi. would you LIKE to be a jedi?? and sayuri who hates her village and is feeling the strongest emotional connection she's felt in forever w this stranger she met 2 seconds ago is like okay fuckin sure yeah. and woo jedi!!
i posted my unposted nymie art yesterday but likkeeee pretend theres some here <3
So Sayuri falls into the "one of the Jedi found them thru the force or by chance" category of students who get found. However Nymie very much falls into the second category, which is "CAN SOMEONE DEAL WITH THIS WEIRD SUPERPOWERED CHILD FOR US????"
So 2 things about Nymie: 1. like i've said before, she's from a very rich high class pantoran family. super stuck up, mostly raised by nannies & tutors, but somehow Nymie just didn't get the stuck-up genes like all her (4!!) siblings who are just obsessed w their social standing etc and is instead just :D all the time. 2. her proficiency ig is the living force esp in the 'good at connecting to animals' way (which I think means I legally need to draw her w Ezra).
so the former often led her to escaping her family's stuffy parties and galas or whatever (usually to whoever's house it is' garden or somewhere she wasnt meant to be) to find something interesting. usually a pet <3 one particular time when she was 9 she was following her Pet Sense but couldnt find anything in the house. so she kinda just reached out more and long story short thats how Nymie managed to call this hugemassive beast (i'd tell u what it was if i knew pantoran animals LOL) out of the nearby countryside to her. massively distressing for everyone, all these rich ppl were like "OH MY GOD I NEARLY DIED" (it didnt attack anyone). very funny exciting time for Nymie who was enjoying this new beastie friend til animal control showed up. saddening. everyone is confused bc HOW did that happen
a dude old (and cool) enough to have seen more than one jedi in their heyday (+ idk uni researcher knows his shit) noticed what happened w it going straight to Nymie and overheard her account and realised what happened and was like hi nymie's parents. i think u need to get into contact w the new republic bc thats a jedi right there (which they take and go oo social climbing. we have a jedi child people will think we're cooler. bc theyre assholes)
and yeah im losing steam now but luke shows up and she joins the academyyay!
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mlmxreader · 4 months
At The Top of The Mountain | Simon Ghost Riley x gn!reader
↳ ❝ "You hit him and I will knock your head from your shoulders'' w Ith ghost please ❞
: ̗̀➛ War is not merciful, it is not kind. Even one justifiable death is not enough to warrant it.
: ̗̀➛ blood, knife violence, gun violence, bombing, swearing, smoking, physical fighting, graphic depictions of dead bodies, graphic depictions of war
The dead were piling high at the bottom of the mountain, soldiers crying as they were crushed by armoured vehicles and tanks alike; swallowed by the seemingly endless pits created by the heavy shells and grenades and mortars. A symphony of the worst kind of destruction.
Soldiers cried out for their mothers, but they would never come to collect their babies; not as the rats feasted on the fresh corpses and the wounded without discrimination. The enemy might have bled heavily, but it was not going to end there.
Stormclouds formed above, a heavy rain of pelting bombs that smashed into the already scarred lands and threw up great scabs to make the wounds larger and deeper.
A thin mist of greenish yellow was cast upon the fields, and the soldiers cried even more as they fell to their knees and coughed up foam and blood; their lungs on fire and their eyes melting slowly.
Even water was dangerous. In desperation, soldiers tried to hide and seek shelter, but where the bombs and bullets could not reach, the gas sought them out with ease. Making them spit venom that burned their insides and expelled them through chapped and blistered lips.
What mercy could ever be given?
A bullet in the skull was better than the gas, but it was somehow worse to survive. To see men turn to piles of ashes.
To see their torsos scattered up in branches whilst their limbs littered the dead trunks. Their legs and arms torn to shreds, exposing bone and frayed and torn uniform pieces; soldiers scrambled and fought over dead men's boots, tugging and pushing one another like starved wolves over a sheep carcass.
It was never going to be a place of mercy, a place of kindness; war was never going to give anyone the chance to die with dignity. It was either die for propaganda, or allow yourself to live with the guilt of knowing that you could not take anyone away from its powerful and all-consuming jaws.
Its gnashing teeth that shook chunks away from men's bodies and left them tossed carelessly across the land. At the bottom of the mountain, the bodies continued to pile up.
At the top of the mountain, however, it was far worse.
The rocks were slick and shaky, it was easy to slip and fall over the edge; you had seen it happen already. The rain was heavy, pulling your weight down as your uniforms grew heavier and heavier with every passing second; you were struggling to even pick up your rifle, hands slick and slippery from the rain and the mud coating your skin.
When you looked over to Ghost, though, your heart sank.
He was pinned down by a towering, hulking beast of a man screaming in Austrian German; he held a knife above his head, and you couldn't help it.
Dropping your rifle and launching yourself at him. He landed on his back, and you quickly sunk your knife into his shoulder.
You pulled the knife out, not caring that the blood dripped thin and orange as the blade grew wet. "Shut the fuck up! You hit him and I will knock your head from your shoulders!"
"I will kill you!" He howled in a thick Tyrol accent.
You sunk the knife into his chest, then pulled it out. You didn't even blink as you did it; your stare growing distant and hazy the more that you plunged it into his body. Blood spattering across your face and running down your cheeks in a thick orange haze.
You couldn't stop, not until Ghost grabbed you by the back of your shirt collar and violently pulled you away. You stumbled back, falling onto your backside as you held the knife tightly in your hands. He knelt between your knees, shaking his head.
Your voice was broken and raw as you quietly responded, "Albert."
Ghost shook his head, unconvinced as he swallowed thickly. "You're not alright... wipe the blood off your face."
You didn't move as he got up, walking over the body you had left behind; he crouched down, finding a wallet and scoffing as he shook his head.
"König?" He grumbled. "Bit of an ego on this cunt... oi! C'mere!"
Steadily, you stood up, and walked over to him in a daze; you were shaking, and your gaze was still unfocused and hazy.
"Look at it," Ghost scoffed with disgust. "Piece of filth."
You didn't look down. "Uh-huh."
Slowly, he stood, and swallowed thickly. "I'm sorry I brought you here, y'know. This ain't... except for that cunt, this ain't war - just senseless fucking death."
"He attacked you..."
Ghost glared at you for a moment. "Yeah, and you risked everything to save me."
"He attacked you..." you repeated.
"You did good, soldier," he sighed. "I'd kiss you, but not until you've got that blood off your face."
He knew that he never should have allowed it; he knew that when you signed up to the mission with him, he never should have let Price agree to it.
Ghost never wanted you, his significant other, to be as scarred by war as he was.
But you were still a soldier, and he knew that. He knew that soldiers could never escape it no matter how hard they tried to.
All that needless and senseless death. All that pain and misery.
Was it really worth it?
Was there really any glory?
Was there any point?
"C'mon," Ghost said quietly, putting your arm around his shoulders. "I'm taking you back to the trenches. We'll get you cleaned up, yeah?"
You still didn't answer.
"Tell you what," he mused. "How's a packet of crisps and a sarnie sound? Price got some jam stored away, and I know he's got some cheese, too... make your favourite - cheese and jam, yeah?"
No answer.
Ghost didn't know what else to sigh as he sighed heavily, all but tugging you along with him.
War was never going to be kind.
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in1-nutshell · 3 months
Ratchet's daughter with opposite personality (Lithia) taking Synth-En
SFW, Platonic, Mention of injuries, Slight angst, Cybertronain reader
Lithia, like Ratchet feels guilty of not doing anymore for her team than being a medic. Angry on some occasions when the battering and denting’s were much more pronounced.
She is incredibly invested in the search for the Synth-En; especially with the recent Cons attacks.
Arcee limping a bit into the base.
Lithia looks at her.
She quickly goes to the two-wheeler and carefully guides her to the med berth.
“I’m fine kid.”--Arcee
Lithia was already looking over her wounds with a little flashlight.
“I’ll be the judge of that… Who’s the sorry Con who got the end of this? Starscream?”--Lithia
Lithia gets the tools ready.
Lithia pauses a bit before going back to work.
“I’m sorry…”--Lithia
“It not your fault, it’s no one’s fault but hers.”--Arcee
Arcee winces a bit when Lithia starts the patch work.
Lithia looks away a second before venting and getting back to work.
Normally she is much more levelheaded and chooses the facts over hope.
… but after overhearing how low their energon rations where at an all-time low, it shocks her a bit.
She was already rationing her rations even more than usual, even more than her father knew.
Maybe this new Synth-En really was the team’s only chance in getting an upper hand in the war. But there was no way she was going to makes the team become guinea pigs to this experiment.
Herself on the other hand, had no problem.
So, when Lithia saw the chance of trying the experimental energon, she didn’t think twice before injecting it into her arm.
Lithia groans and backs into the med slab leaning half of her frame on it.
Her digits digging on the helm feeling the helmache of a lifetime happening.
One servo clenches the side of the med slab catching Raf’s attention.
Lithia groans in response.
“Lithia are you okay? I can go get—”--Raf
“Don’t—don’t get him… huh?”--Lithia
Lithia now blinks her now green optics and stands upright.
Raf walks to the med slab holding one of her digits worriedly as he sees the green.
“Lithia? Lithia—Woah!”--Raf
Lithia playfully holds Raf and puts him back on the balcony.
“This… feels… Amazing!”--Lithia
She looks at all of her scans and notices the increase in all levels of her frame.
And it feels good.
Really good.
Ratchet comes back and notices the green in her optics.
Before he can put two and two together, Arcee’s signal goes off.
Lithia is off into that groundbrigde with her med kit.
Ratchet stays still for a couple seconds before realizing what just happened and scurries to the groundbrigde.
Lithia appears from above and lets out a fierce battle cry as she demolishes the Vechicons around her and Arcee.
She was taking them all out as if she spent her entire time taking out Con’s.
Once all of them are gone Ratchet comes through and checks on Arcee and Lithia.
Lithia pumps her servos up in the air in triumph.
“Beep? boop bop bep (Lithy? What was—)"--Bumblebee
Lithia picks Bee up and spins him around in excitement.
Bee whirls in confusion by the sudden action.
“That felt amazing! So—Oh Primus Arcee! Did you see that!?”--Lithia
Lithia races over helping Arcee up smiling and slightly jumpy.
“Yeah… Primus where did you learn that?”--Arcee
Lithia stands straighter in a bit of a cockier fashion.
“Learned from the best.”--Lithia
She winks at Bee.
Bee shyly rubs the back of his helm as the others come closer.
“…We are heading back to base right now.”--Ratchet
At the base…
“And then I went BAM! BOOM! PEDE IN THE TAILPIPE!”--Lithia
Lithia begins to mimic some of the actions in emphasis.
The kids watch in curiosity with the bots.
Ratchet has his servo crossed.
“You know what you did was foolish Lithia. You could have gotten killed and you put in an experimental—”--Ratchet
“Not entirely experimental now, is it? This thing can be the key to finishing the war! Dad this can be it!”--Lithia
Ratchet shakes his helm.
“You and I both know that it needed more testing Lithia. How could you—are you rolling your optics at me?”--Ratchet
Lithia does it again and beings to walk off.
“I’m not finished talking!”--Ratchet
Lithia stops for a second to take a glance at him.
“I am. Bee with me.”--Lithia
She grabs the back of his spoiler and beings to drag him with her to the training room.
Bumblebee just walks with her not really sure what to do.
Everyone looks stunned by what just happened.
“Did she just…”--Arcee
“Primus this is like Bumblebee all over again.”--Bulkhead
A few seconds later there is a crashing sound.
Arcee and Bulkhead go to check on what the noise was and find Bee in the hallway groaning with a rather hyperactive Lithia in the training room egging him to continue the fight.
She even goes to Bulkhead to fight.
Arcee tries to get everything in order.
“Hey, remember when I got back from Arachnid?”--Arcee
Lithia grows quiet.
“I got a bit too cocky and that’s why I got those extra dents.”--Arcee
Lithia looks down with her servos clenched to her sides.
Bulkhead puts a servo on her shoulder.
“Don’t be like me and get all cocky with those ideas, okay? The last thing we need is you getting hurt.”--Arcee
Lithia vents a bit and leaves to the opposite side of the hall.
Bee goes to follow her, but Arcee stops him.
“She needs some space. Let her be.”--Arcee
Bee whirrs worriedly but leaves with the others.
They don’t realize that she took a sharp turn into the weapons room.
Lithia had secretly stashed a bit of the Synth-En left in the canister she had injected into herself earlier.
She put the rest of it into her system.
She was going to need it for what she was about to do.
The young medic hides any evidence in her subspace as well as her new blasters and knives.
Lithia walks back into the room with so much confidence the kids don’t really believe it was their shy sweet friend.
“Wow… it almost like looking at another bot. Kind of like this new Lithia.”--Miko
Lithia smirks at Miko.
“You better believe it. How about a quick spar in that Apex Armor?”--Lithia
Miko looks like she is about to agree when Bulkhead moves in.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea.”--Bulkhead
Lithia puts her servos on her hips.
“You don’t get to decide for her Bulkhead. That’s Miko’s decision.”--Lithia
“As her guardian—”--Bulkhead
“aS hEr GuArDiAn—She doesn’t need you to answer for her.”--Lithia
Bulkhead looks a bit miffed by this.
“Lithia! What has gotten into you—”--Ratchet
Lithia scoffs.
“Lithia do this! Lithia do that! Tell me a sentence that doesn’t start with those words or imply them.”--Lithia
Ratchet’s optics widen.
Optimus decides to intervene.
“Lithia, I believe it is best if you let Ratchet take a look at your frame. I fear the effects of the Synth-En may have taken a toll on you psychic.”--Optimus
Lithia gives the older Prime a look.
“Yeah, no. This stuff gives me a better role on the team than being your ‘favorite naïve little medic.’ And what goes on in my mind in MY business.”--Lithia
“Though your prowess in battle was impressive, that does not mean that it is the best for the team—”--Optimus
“For the team?! Arcee would have been kidnapped or worse if I hadn’t interfered Optimus. Me having this is one of the best things this team has right now. And I don’t think you really know most of the time what is best for the team. Explain the—”--Lithia
“THAT’S ENOUGH!”--Ratchet
Lithia looks at him a bit surprised before glaring.
“Look at that you finally decided to talk. How nice.”—Lithia
“You have gone too far Lithia. Apologize.”--Ratchet
She sends him another glare taking a step forward.
Lithia glares at him quietly before shoulder shoving him and heading straight to her room.
“I take it back I want the old Lithia back.”--Miko
What the team didn’t know was that she managed to slip a tracking data pad into her sub space.
Her plan was coming together.
She waited until everyone was asleep when she finally got the signal of the one she was looking for.
Lithia carefully leaves her habsuite and places a data slug in the back of the monitor. The slug would hide any evidence of her travels until she came back. Once the coordinates were in, she leaped in.
No one woke up to the sound of the groundbrigde being used.
She walks into a dark and foggy forest where she spotted her enemy.
Lithia gaze hardens as she slips her blades catching the Cons attention.
“Hello Arachnid. Funny seeing you here.”--Lithia
Arachnid angrily looks at the bot who interrupted her previous plan.
“Well, isn’t it the little medic. Where’s your—”--Arachnid
Arachnid pulls back and looks at her bleeding servo.
“I hope you have all your arrangements settled Arachnid. You meet your end today.”--Lithia
Arachnid hisses.
Lithia dodges the lunge and proceeds to perform the high kick Cliffjumper once taught her.
 “AND FOR ARCEE!”--Lithia
Lithia defiantly gets cuts and dents, but Arachnid was getting the worse brunt of it having severely underestimated her opponent.
The clashes of green and purple bio lights were seen throughout the woods.
Lithia finally has Arachnid pinned and reading the final blow when something pierces her armor sending harsh electrical waves through her system.
Screaming, she falls down shriveling in pain as she sees a red paintjob and blue on before going to black.
Lithia wakes up feeling drained completely and dangling from someone’s shoulder.
She looks quickly at her levels and sees them back to the same levels before the synth-en.
Yep, she did not want to take that thing again.
She is gently put on the ground and groggily lifts her helm.
Her vision is a bit blurry but does recognize the figures as Breakdown and Knockout.
Lithia tries to move but Knockout stops her.
“Don’t move Autobot. It’ll make the patch work quicker.”--Knockout
“Patch work?”--Lithia
“Well, it is the least I can do for the ‘friendly fire’ and the extra dents on that finish of yours. Have you considered waxing it every now and then?”--Knockout
Lithia looks at him with half closed optics strangely looking for answers.
Breakdown kneels in front of her.
“Arachnid was going to ambush me tonight. And she would have if you hadn’t distracted her.”--Breakdown
Lithia blinks a bit suddenly remembering the fight.
“And when Knockout came, he tried to pierce Arachnid with the electro spear, but it kind of hit you instead.”--Breakdown
“And Arachnid?”--Lithia
Lithia looks over a bit seeing a strangely familiar frame on the ground.
Breakdown moves in front of her blocking her view.
“We took care of it kid. You don’t have to worry about her anymore.”--Breakdown
Knockout finishes his work.
“Not my finest but it’ll due until your team shows up. We’ll call this an even Autobot.”--Knockout
Knockout begins to walk to their groundbridge.
Breakdown slings the limp frame over his shoulder and gives her a friendly wave.
Both Cons look back curiously.
“Thank you.”--Lithia
They smile a bit before disappearing into the portal.
A few minutes later another groundbrigde opens not too far where she was.
She shakingly slides out her knives just in case.
To her relief a familiar blue and pink paint job and a yellow and black paint job came out.
Lithia retracts her knives and winces a bit at the transformation.
“Cee! Bee!”--Lithia
Bumblebee hears her and runs to her.
“BEEP! (LITHIA!)”--Bumblebee
Arcee follows behind.
Bee slides his arm around Lithia helping her stand.
She smiles weakly at the two of them.
“What were you thinking kid!”—Arcee
Lithia winces a bit at the loud sound.
“I kind of wasn’t… do you mind not screaming too loud? It feels like Bulkhead’s wrecking ball is pounding my helm.”--Lithia
Arcee looks at the wounds and dents and decides that the scolding would have to wait till later.
“Bulkhead. Groundbrigde now.”--Arcee
Lithia slowly opens her optics seeing Ratchet looking over the patch work.
“You were lucky to find her in time… but that doesn’t explain the patch work. In this state she wouldn’t have been able to—”--Ratchet
“That was Knockout and Breakdown.”--Lithia
Ratchet looks over at her gently taking his servo in hers.
She looks at him with so much regret and sadness.
“I-I’m so sorry—”--Lithia
“Shhhh… It was the Synth-En talking I know.”--Ratchet
She starts shaking as the tears start falling faster.
“I’m sorry! I’m so sorry!”--Lithia
Ratchet reaches over and gives a half hug trying not to aggravate any of the wounds.
She looks over at the team gives a small smile.
Lithia would tell them later, for now, she just wanted to bury her helm into her dad’s shoulder.
Safe and sound…
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🌈 Queer Books Out December 2023 🌈
🌈 Good afternoon, my bookish bats! Struggling to keep up with all the amazing queer books coming out this month? Here are a FEW of the stunning, diverse queer books you can add to your TBR before the year is over. Remember to #readqueerallyear! Happy reading!
❤️ Caught in a Bad Fauxmance by Elle Gonzalez Rose 🧡 Heartstopper #5 by Alice Oseman 💛 This Cursed Light by Emily Thiede 💚 All The Hidden Paths by Foz Meadows 💙 Vampires of Eden: Book One by Karla Nikole 💜 Not My Type by Joe Satoria ❤️ Storm in Her Heart by KC Luck 🧡 Eternal Embrace by Luna Lawson 💛 A River of Golden Bones by A.K. Mulford 💙 Tomb of Heart and Shadow by Cara N. Delaney 💜 Through the Embers Volume 2 by Adriana Sargent 🌈 Lucero by Maya Motayne
❤️ The Poison Paradox by Hadley Field & Felix Green 🧡 Second Chances in New Port Stephen: A Novel by TJ Alexander 💛 Matrimonial Merriment by Nicky James 💚 Under the Christmas Tree by Jacqueline Ramsden 💙 Every Beat of Her Heart by KC Richardson 💜 The Memories of Marlie Rose by Morgan Lee Miller ❤️ Playing with Matches by Georgia Beers 🧡 Always Only You by Chloe Liese 💛 Fire in the Sky by Radclyffe and Julie Cannon 💙 Nuclear Sunrise by Jo Carthage 💜 The Naked Dancer by Emme C. Taylor 🌈 Resurrections by Ada Hoffmann
❤️ Destiny’s Women by Morgan Elliott 🧡 Framed by Kate Merrill 💛 The Spoil of Beasts by Gregory Ashe 💚 Catered All the Way by Annabeth Albert 💙 A Cynic’s Christmas Conundrum by L.M. Bennett 💜 Yours for the Taking by Gabrielle Korn ❤️ One Swipe Away by Nicole Higginbotham-Hogue 🧡 The Gentlemen’s Club by A.V. Shener 💛 A Death at the Dionysus Club by Melissa Scott and Amy Griswold 💙 Secrets of the Soul by Holly Oliver 💜 Like They Do in the Movies by Nan Campbell 🌈 Limelight by Gun Brooke
❤️ Heart First by S.B. Barnes 🧡 Grave Consequences by Sandra Barret 💛 Haunted by Myth by Barbara Ann Wright 💚 Invisible by Anna Larner 💙 The Murders at Sugar Mill Farm by Ronica Black 💜 Coasting and Crashing by Ana Hartnett ❤️ Fairest by K.S. Trenten 🧡 A City of Abundant Opportunity by Howard Leonard 💛 The Dark Side of MIdnight by Erin Wade 💙 Mending Bones by Merlina Garance 💜 Transform by Connal Braginsky & Sean Ian O’Meidhir 🌈 The Apple Diary by Gerri Hill
❤️ TruLove by Nicole Pyland 🧡 Structural Support by Sloan Spencer 💛 Whiskey War by Stacy Lynn Miller 💚 Overkill by Lou Wilham 💙 Heart of Outcasts by Nicole Silver 💜 In the Shadow of Victory by J. E. Leak ❤️ Just Like Her by Fiona Zedde 🧡 Gingerbread: Claus For Christmas by Miski Harris 💛 Lies are Forever by C. Jean Downer 💙 The Boys in the Club by M.T. Pope 💜 Lasting Light (Metal & Magic) by Michelle Frost 🌈 Tell No Tales by Edie Montreux
❤️ Radio Silence by Alice Oseman 🧡 Even Though We're Adults Vol. 7 by Takako Shimura 💛 The Accidental Bite by Michelle St. Wolf 💚 Mated to the Demons by Taylor Schafer 💙 Someday Away by Sara Elisabeth 💜 Gatherdawn Luminia Duet Volume 1 by Lee Colgin ❤️ Curse of Dawn by Richard Amos 🧡 Healing the Twin by Nora Phoenix 💛 Ride Me by KD Ellis 💙 How to Bang a Vampire by Joe Satoria 💜 Cthulhu for Christmas by Meghan Maslow 🌈 Prestige by Toni Reeb
❤️ Don't Look Down by Jessica Ann 🧡 Winter and the Wolves by Chris Storm and Kinkaid Knight 💛 Hat Trick by Ajay Daniel 💚 Starborn Husbands: Return to the Pleiades by S. Legend 💙 Dead Serious Case #4 Professor Prometheus Plume by Vawn Cassidy 💜 Practice for Toby by Amy Bellows ❤️ The Siren's Song by Crista Crown 🧡 Hers to Hunt K.J. Devoir
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