#film prof!toji
teddybeartoji · 4 days
18+ mdni; fem!reader
thinking abt film prof!toji eating you out in his little office... you had been on his mind for the whole entire day, the hunger inside him so irritating that he had no other chance to break your little rule of not doing anything in public.
now down on his knees and between your thighs, he’s messy being and he’s being sloppy – he’s got your slick running down his chin as he fucks you with his tongue, and his glasses keep fogging up from the way he keeps burying his face into your warm cunt. he’s like a starved beast, devouring you as if you’re the last meal he’ll ever get to eat. 
his nose bumps against your swollen clit and you throw your head back and bite at your own fingers to keep your moans at bay and toji tightens his grip on your legs to keep you from squirming away from him. 
with your free hand, you tug at his roots and it only makes things worse for you because the action makes toji groan into you and the vibrations that sends all over your body are so intense that your eyes go cross. 
voices coming from the hallway fall deaf to your ears, your mind solely set on your sweet professor’s tongue. he moves his whole head, not just the muscle, and soon enough you’re guiding him just the way you like with the hand in his hair. you can’t keep your hips still either, grinding into him every time you push him against you. and he lets you do it. 
he lets you do it all. 
toji isn’t ashamed to get on his knees, nor is he ashamed to let you use him for your own pleasure – despite the fact that it was his aching cock that got the two of you into his situation, he’s more than willing to forget about his own needs as long as he knows that you’re feeling good. 
he loves the way your brows furrow and he loves the way your chest rises and falls. he loves to watch beads of sweat form on your forehead and he loves to watch you try and muffle your moans. he loves the way your body keeps on twitching and he loves the way you keep clenching around him. 
and he fucking loves the way you taste. 
his cock throbs under the layers of clothing, just begging to be set free but toji refuses to take his hands off of you. he’d rather suffer from actual blue balls than to give you any less attention than you deserve. his boxers are ruined with his pre-cum, his balls full and heavy, as he gets off on the mere sight of you. he reckons he’s never been this fucking hard before, better yet this close to cumming untouched, and he’s sure you’ve actually bewitched him. not that he’s complaining though. 
you make him feel alive. 
hell, he’d go to fucking war for your pretty little smile. 
when you give his roots a particularly rough tug, he knows you’re close. so, he lets go of one of your thighs and brings it to your pussy instead; latching his lips around your sensitive clit, he sucks on the nub while lining up his two digits with your weeping hole. the face you make when he pushes them in is fucking priceless – your lips part in a silent moan, your eyes screwing themselves shut as you approach your high.
using his middle and ring finger, the professor makes a wave-like motion inside you and suddenly there's a weird type of pressure building inside you, making your eyes shoot wide open again.
“ah! fuck– wait!” your broken whines are like music to his ears. “gonna– gonna make a mess!”
you paw at his head in a weak attempt of making him back away but to no avail, if anything he presses himself even closer – his fingers are so deep that they’re touching places you didn’t even know about and his lips are so soft and his tongue so warm and skilled and the band in your tummy gets tighter and tighter with every passing second. 
toji takes his mouth off of you for only a fraction of a second. “make a mess then, doll, c’mon.” 
your glassy eyes meet his dark, lust-filled green ones and the determination pooling in them is the last push you need to finally unravel. your back arches off the chair and you can’t hold back the loud moan that forces its way out from the depths of your lungs. toji’s shirt gets completely soaked when you squirt all over him but he doesn’t stop. the liquid seeps through the flimsy material and he can feel it on his skin, and fuck, is it hot. 
a tear runs over the apple of your cheek and toji itches to kiss it away. your lip wobbles as you writhe in utter bliss, mind all hazy from the overstimulation. as the wave of pleasure flows through you, the exhaustion finally settles in, making you drop your hand from his hair. but before it can go any further, toji takes it into his. with his arm still under your thigh, he just presses it into your side and just keeps it there.
he helps you ride out your orgasm and the thought of not stopping, of going further, floods his brain – he wants to make you do that again, he wants you to make an even bigger mess but the clock on the wall behind you is clicking awfully close to his next class and he can’t put either of you at any more risk.
hesitantly, he pulls his fingers out of you and tears his eyes from you to look at your abused hole. he groans at the sight of it and then he’s already leaning forward to get one final taste. swallowing a whimper, you do your utmost best to stay still and to let him have his little reward. 
he pushes himself off the ground, grinning from ear-to-ear with pride blooming in his chest as he looks at your disheveled form. biting your lip, you reach for him but are barely able to ghost your fingers over his bulge when he’s stopping you.
“no, but… ?” 
toji’s scarred lips smash against yours in a sloppy, haste kiss. and then he’s pulling away again. 
“y’gonna suck me off while i give class, hm?” he teases while brushing some damp stray hairs from your forehead.  
“i would.”
toji’s heart stutters – no, it fucking stops working for a few good seconds. he stares at you with his lips parted and you get to watch in real time how the tips of his ears grow red again. 
“don’t– don’t fuckin’ say that.” he grumbles at you, averting his gaze. “shit.”
you laugh at his reaction but don’t let him go away too far, tugging on his belt loops to bring him back. “yours or mine, professor?”
“mine, hm? i’ll make ya something to eat.”
cocking a brow you tease him a bit more, unable to let any of the opportunities go to waste. “like real food or… ?”
he gives you a real professor-like look and you boop his nose. he lets you do as you wish but then he’s wrapping his fingers around your wrist. “real food.”
there’s a moment of silence between you. the most comfortable kind. neither of you look away from each other’s eyes, smitten and a bit giddy. excited. 
“go change your shirt now, mister.” 
you poke a finger at his chest and almost cringe at the big wet stain you’ve given him. “wait, do you just have a change of clothes here with you?”
you cock a brow. “no?”
“sukuna– i mean, mr. sukuna, will bring me something.”
“what the hell will you even tell him?”
“spilled my water.” toji’s voice is calm as ever, deep and raspy, and all you want to do now after he’s been so good to you, is to cuddle with him. “don’t worry about it, doll, yeah?” with a nod and a quiet hum, you comply. he leans to give you another kiss and an ass squeeze and then he’s bidding you goodbye with a smug grin as you straighten out your clothes and collect your belongings before making your way out of his office. you give him one last wave and disappear into the hallway, leaving toji standing there with a raging boner and a squirt-stained shirt. he is not complaining.
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sanjisprincesss · 9 months
It’s a date part.2
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*ೃ༄ Content: what kind of dates the jjk men would take you on. Teeth rotting fluff<3 nicknames include: baby, love. Not prof read.
Characters: kamo choso, Fushiguro toji, Ryomen sukuna.
An: I had to add my pookie bear sukuna🥰. N e ways enjoy!
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*ೃ༄ Choso
Choso would take you to an aquarium. After he asked you on a date. Before asking you. Choso decided to ask his younger brother what a date was. Yuji explained to him what it is and what it means. Yuji gave him some suggestions on where you two should go. And choso decided on the aquarium.
You and Choso met up at the aquarium. Choso showed up in a plain white t-shirt with green cargo pants and his raven colored hair down ahh.
The first thing you two do is go penguin viewing. This is an exciting experience for Choso. Watching the Interesting sea creatures while standing next to his crush. This man is a smiling and blushing mess.
Every once in a while you’ll catch him staring or admiring you while you walk around with him. Who could blame him, when his date looks so gorgeous.
The last thing you do after eating a the restaurant there is go to the gift shop. You see a cute shark plushie. After examining why you want one, you two decided to adopt the shark stuffed animal and claim it as you guys child.
“What should we name it, love?” Choso asked you while examining the shark plush. “How about yuji?” You suggested as you smiled softly at him. Instantly his face lit up as he realized you were named the plushie after his younger brother. He turned to you and said “yeah that’s the one” before he gave the stuffed animal back to you.
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ೃ༄ Toji
Toji would take you to his place. After a medium sized conversation about where you two should go you decide to go to his apartment boxe and watch a movie. You decide to buy the snacks while he decided on the movie.
You showed up at his crib with the snacks. Dressed up in his usual baggy sweats and black compression shirt he moved out of the way and let you in.
You two sit on the couch. His arm around you as you laid your head on his shoulder. Getting a sweet whiff of his cologne. As you snacked on your sweets. As the horror film begins on the tv screen.
“What’s this movie about, Toji?” You asked, looking away from the screen and up at him. Turn his head to you before smirking. “Something about some ghost chick and a video tape, what ya scared or something?” He raised an eyebrow at your curious expression.
You tilt your head at his remark. Giggling as you turned your head to not face him “no, just curious about what’s happening that’s all.” He chuckled at that. Before turning your head back to face him by your chin before saying. “No need to be scared baby, you’re safe with me.” He said calmly as he turned his head back to the television letting go of your chin.
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ೃ༄ sukuna
Sukuna would take you to a dinner date, but expect your the actual meal urame is waiting for you☺️.
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teddybeartoji · 9 days
film professor!toji, who always wears dark colored slacks and a button-up shirt, alongside with a tie loosely hanging around his neck and a pair of glasses that keep sliding down his nose. the watch on his wrist is always the same one, a relatively chunky silver one that surely can only look normal on a man his size. 
sometimes he rolls up his sleeves, sometimes he unbuttons a few buttons of his shirt; sometimes he ditches the tie entirely and goes for a less sophisticated look. the material wrapped around his biceps looks like it’s about to tear open whenever he folds his arms over his chest and his pants aren’t doing any better, his thick thighs are just bulging out whenever he decides to lean his ass against his desk. and he’s confident, he’s cocky. he looks tired as fuck and his hair is more often than not a complete mess, but needless to say, he always looks very, very good. 
film professor!toji, who’s got a habit of fidgeting with his pens. he’s either simply toying with them in his hands as he introduces the next film you’ll be watching or he’s got one between his teeth as he watches you guys do your presentations. and he usually tucks the thing behind his ear when he’s done playing with it. 
film professor!toji, who’s constantly throwing his legs on top of his desk when he’s listening to the class or when he’s showing you something from the projector. with his hands behind his head, he leans so far back in his chair that it has all of you placing bets on how long he’ll manage to hold that pose before he falls. he never does. 
film professor!toji, who’s an absolute sucker for films from the 80’s. indiana jones, alien, blade runner, scarface, evil dead etc etc – you name it, he’s seen it. has multiple big posters of said films in his classroom too btw. he’s not actually picky though, he’ll watch just about anything because well, why not. he’s not really pretentious either, though he will tease you if you claim a ‘silly’ film as your favourite but he won’t put you down for it. he’ll push you a bit, asking questions to test how sure you are of your answer and then just proceeds to watch you defend yourself with a long ramble with a sly little grin on his lips. that’s what he wants to see after all – that his students love films, no matter what kind. 
film professor!toji, who knows a lot of random facts about the most random films and is not afraid to very casually blurt them out during his classes. some of them are very informative and then some of them are rather questionable, leaning more towards a piece of gossip if anything else. but it’s not like anybody’s complaining.
film professor!toji, who asks what you guys have watched since your last class with him at the beginning of every single class. doesn’t spend an entire hour on this topic but it’s always a certified fifteen minute break from the actual studying because he thinks it’s important for his students to talk about films. to talk about what you saw – if you noticed any peculiarities or mistakes, whether you liked the thing or not. and he always listens; he sips his coffee with his pencil stuck behind his ear, and then proceeds to ask very specific questions. he seems to have seen, or at least to know, every single film ever made and it’s kind of ridiculous(ly hot).
film professor!toji, who's still somehow not entirely used to people calling him 'sir'. mr. fushiguro is what he usually prefers but the 'sir' still pops up every so often and it always catches him so off-guard that it takes him a second to realize that he's the sir.
film professor!toji, who rants in front of the whole class about how much it sucks to watch movies from your teeny tiny laptops. he’s a cinema guy, through and through. and of course, he understands if it’s like a money thing because well, it’s not the least expensive thing to do on a weekly basis but he just tries to emphasize how much better it is to watch things on the big screen. he urges all of you to always take the opportunity when it comes along. 
film professor!toji, who fucking hates grading any sort of papers. he just despises it. he huffs and puffs behind his desk with his head in his hands, contemplating whether this is the right job for him or not (he will never quit). 
film professor!toji, who mostly hangs out with his buddy down the hall, the loud-mouthed history teacher with pink hair. they go on smoke breaks together, laughing together over some stupid answer they saw on a test. 
film professor!toji, who throws his head back with an exasperated sigh every time he spots the white-haired physics professor staring into the hall from the small window on the door with a stupidly big grin on his face.
film professor!toji, who’s schedule falls just in line with the sly literature professor and his brother, the freaky philosophy professor. toji refuses to sit next to the latter, he finds him too off-putting. but with mr. geto – they like to drink their morning coffees together in silence in their own little corner, and it’s surprisingly comfortable. sometimes they talk about films as well, but they almost always end up bickering like some old people because their tastes do not align at all.
film professor!toji, who doesn’t miss the way some of the students seem to swoon over him – he finds it very amusing. he doesn’t really see the appeal, he thinks he’s way too old anyway.
film professor!toji, who’s eyes do seem to linger on you just a little longer than they do on others though. who does a very subtle double-take whenever you enter the room and who steals glances at you when he sees you in the halls. it’s not like he’d ever try anything, of course – that’d be incredibly inappropriate. you’ but he sure does think you’re pretty, there’s no denying of that… 
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teddybeartoji · 4 days
btw none of the people in toji's film class knew about the fact that he has a kitten at home until one day mr satoru gojo the physics prof invaded his lecture and started talking about the little beast. and toji was about to tell him off very Politely but then realized that all of you were very like ?? about it, like none of you believed that he would have a cat and that pissed him off so fucking bad bc what the fuck do you mean he doesn't look like a cat person . and so he did end up showing you all a picture of his cat (it was a pic of it sleeping on his chest btw), and though he did do it in front of the class, meaning none of you got to see it up close, it still mattered. it made you all love him even more<33333333
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teddybeartoji · 9 days
film prof!toji isn't a big fan of people calling him 'sir' because it just doesn't feel right but if it's you who's doing it... oh, he just might re-evaluate his thoughts on that............
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teddybeartoji · 9 days
btw film prof!toji also has a kitten .
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teddybeartoji · 9 days
film prof!toji.... guys are you seeing my vision yes or yes...........
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teddybeartoji · 8 days
mickey your film prof toji got me thinking about the craziest film professor i ever had (said with affection).
thick german accent, wildest hair you’ve ever seen. showed up to class in adidas sports wear and band t-shirts to teach us french critical theorists of film. made bad puns while hopping up and down brandishing chalk. was a dj on the side and his cat gave birth during the semester so he showed up with pictures of kittens. interrupted a right wing rally on his bike and made jokes about them being both fascist and idiotic before coming to class and telling us about it. used to be a journalist and interviewed hip hop artists and film directors in the 90s.
great guy, got me genuinely excited for experimental silent films.
xoxo sunnie (@sunnie-angel)
HAHAHAHAHAHAAH PLEASEEE HE SEEMS LIKE SO MUCH FUN HELLO😭😭😭😭 WAS A DJ ON THE SIDE??!??! I LOVE HIM!"?!?!? AND PLS THE KITTEN PICSS SHGDGSAHDHGSAHGDA goddd i love when teachers and professors are like this lmao it makes going to class sooooo much more exciting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this guy is my inspiration fr hasdgashdgsadhah
ngl this reminded me of my math teacher who was a taxi driver on the side???😭😭and mind you she was like old old okay... and then she always told stories about the rides too she was super talkative we all loved it so much
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teddybeartoji · 4 days
i made that post abt calling film prof!toji 'sir' but i think i've now reached the realization that calling him 'professor' is bit tastier actually....
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teddybeartoji · 8 days
WAITTT YES I SEE ITT film prof!toji making movies 😏 with you OMG AND THEYD LOOK SO NICE BECAUSE OF THE ANGLES HED GO FOR AND KNG the lighting i feel like OMG GOLDHOUR it'd be a very very beautiful thing to watch and very aesthetically pleasing (like the fucking aside 😭 it would be so beautiful) PLUS ING THE ANGLES OF HIS MUSCLES and his voiceee SAVE US PROF TOJI
THEY WOULD TURN OUT SO FUCKING BEAUTIFUL YOU'RE SO RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!! godddd his muscles... 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 he always figures out the best angles to show the both of you and it's genuinely like so . fucking hot. he does it with so much ease too he just sets up the camera and the lights and he has a proper fucking microphone ????? you want to tease him for nerding out like that but then he just rasps back that he doesn't want to miss any of the sounds you might make and you just go😳😳😳 HE'S SOOOOFUCKING HOT NONNIE I AM SO INTO HIM FFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKKKKKKK
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teddybeartoji · 9 days
THIS MIGHT BE A LONG SHOT (considering who he is) BUT HERE ME OUT professor toji IT ST OUNDS SO GOOD I MIGHT THROW UP. AND AND sir instead of daddy RAHHHH
anon who forgot their anon 😔
THIS IS NOT A LONG SHOT BY ANY MEANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i think any character can be everything and anything no matter how they're like in the canon. the circumstances change when you switch the world so i think toji could very easily be a professor!!!!!!!!!!!! and i think he'd be such a hot one hello........ his tie is always a bit too loose and his glasses keep sliding down his nose and he looks kind of .. rugged ??? and it's so fucking hot lmao
oh my god........... i was trying to think of what major he'd be teaching right.... and look this idea is SOOO self-indulgent but i fucking love movie buff toji okay.. please bear with me (i don't have a bear please calm down) him as your film theory prof.................... MMMMHMMHMHMMMMHMMMHMMMMMMMMMM spends an entire lecture talking about Alien and does it with a slight little smirk on his face too. he paces around a lot i think but it's not like a nervous walk by any means right it's quite the opposite he feels very in his element there. he really likes talking about films and all of the little details in them
and whenever he is sitting down and idk listening the students talk or smth, he's got his feet up on the desk while he chews on a pencil nonnie this is killing me actually oh my god i'm in love with him AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA this is so good holy fuck
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teddybeartoji · 1 day
mickey its all ur fault😔
i cannot stop thinking about film prof! toji ever since u wrote about it
>:3333333333333 i have a thing in the works for him idk how smutty smutty it's gonna be buuut it's very fun i'm liking it a lot hehehehhee
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teddybeartoji · 4 days
Dr Ratio is so sexy, I’ve impregnated him btw
He’s my little housewife :3
He does his stupid math and I just sit and watch him while he rambles >< he’s such a cutie
Also film prof! Toji?? Yes please 😩😩
🃏 xx💋
AND YEESSSSS FILM PROF!TOJI!!!!!! I AM IN LOVE WITH HIMMM!!!!!!!! it's a veeeery very very self-indulgent concept i won't even lie but it seems that everybody else is into it too so i'm very happy abt that lmao
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