teddybeartoji ยท 9 days
THIS MIGHT BE A LONG SHOT (considering who he is) BUT HERE ME OUT professor toji IT ST OUNDS SO GOOD I MIGHT THROW UP. AND AND sir instead of daddy RAHHHH
anon who forgot their anon ๐Ÿ˜”
THIS IS NOT A LONG SHOT BY ANY MEANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i think any character can be everything and anything no matter how they're like in the canon. the circumstances change when you switch the world so i think toji could very easily be a professor!!!!!!!!!!!! and i think he'd be such a hot one hello........ his tie is always a bit too loose and his glasses keep sliding down his nose and he looks kind of .. rugged ??? and it's so fucking hot lmao
oh my god........... i was trying to think of what major he'd be teaching right.... and look this idea is SOOO self-indulgent but i fucking love movie buff toji okay.. please bear with me (i don't have a bear please calm down) him as your film theory prof.................... MMMMHMMHMHMMMMHMMMHMMMMMMMMMM spends an entire lecture talking about Alien and does it with a slight little smirk on his face too. he paces around a lot i think but it's not like a nervous walk by any means right it's quite the opposite he feels very in his element there. he really likes talking about films and all of the little details in them
and whenever he is sitting down and idk listening the students talk or smth, he's got his feet up on the desk while he chews on a pencil nonnie this is killing me actually oh my god i'm in love with him AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA this is so good holy fuck
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